arjengelly · 1 month
Crumbs 😭
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csavii · 3 months
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Have some deranged no good bots who'd like to do questionable experiments on insecticons
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lovesquarebrainrot · 2 years
Love Grid Chapter 6 is out!
Zoe has fallen in love with Luka, and Alya is eager to help her out! But one person isn't as excited: Chloe has been feeling especially lonesome, and hearing her half of a sister's love life go well sent her over the edge. She willingly sought out being akumatized, turning into Black Widow: a villain who can rewrite people's personalities with a bite! How will Ladybug and Cat Noir deal with this? Or, on second thought, how will Ladybug and Cat WALKER deal with this? She asked him to transform into his more butler-esque persona for a make-out sess, and it seems he forgot to turn back! Looks like people will have to deal with Cat Noir's understudy today!
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yourlocalabomination · 4 months
Me, trying to comprehend that I’m actually seeing Joey with my own eyeballs (Ted Spankoffski is the only thing that iv been able to think about for 5 months)
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vesperione · 11 months
Tri-Yearly reminder for any new fans that Robert Manion sexually harassed a member of The Hatchetfield Band and we know this because he confessed it on his instagram story in 2021 right before nightmare time 2. he's a TERRIBLE. PERSON and there is a LOT of evidence on the robert manion tag so if you want a quick read to educate yourself, here's your sign. If you still support him after learning this information then block me. My username used to be robertstanion. If anyone should be drilling this into the ground, then it should be me.
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macnamanderweek · 9 months
Would anyone be interested in this blog/event being revived for 2024?
It seems like Ship Weeks are having something of a renaissance in the Hatchetfield fandom as of late, especially since NPMD came out on Youtube.
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raspberrysmoon · 7 months
read one (1) steph/richie fic today and now i cant stip thinking aboht them. they.... theym. the them. guys please get on these two asap ill gladly talk about them for ever and ever and alwyas
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Rather A Lot of Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tags today: @martsonmars, @sailorblossoms, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @hushed-chorus, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @confused-bi-queer, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @erzbethluna @excalisbury and @forabeatofadrum
Yesterday I posted Chapter Twenty-Five of Fallen From the Sky with Grace! 🎉 (yay!!)
This snippet is from Dr. Wellbelove's POV. And it features Mitali Bunce talking politics.
“So, Mage. You’re avoiding the answer. What is your opinion of the dues?” [says a mushroom character]
“Firstly, don’t call me Mage. My name is Mitali or Headmistress Bunce. Secondly, this isn’t a decision that I can make without information.”
“You didn’t take the honorific? Is that due to your coloration? Or your successful germination of so many offspring?”
It’s a highly awkward question.
Vesperion Grimm scowls. “It’s more like the last one was so bad that no one wants to be called that anymore.”
Mitali doesn’t join in with the chuckles of agreement. “I'm not called the Mage because I don’t choose to be,” she says crisply.
Tags to wish you a very good week! Especially Americans who are gearing up for Thanksgiving!
@aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @basiltonbutliketheherb @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @creepyspice @cutestkilla @dragoneggos @diningpagentry @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @fight-surrender @foolofabookwyrm-activated @forabeatofadrum @ileadacharmedlife @pastoral-jedi @johnwgrey @moodandmist @nightimedreamersworld @onepintobean @otherworldsivelivedin @palimpsessed @prettylightsbigcity @raenestee @scone-lover @shemakesmeforget @starwarned @takitalks @tea-brigade @technetiumai @thehoneyedhufflepuff @wellbelesbian @whatevertheweather @whogaveyoupermission @kohatenz @orange-peony @yeonjunenby @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen
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omen-of-ice · 9 months
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The North has been all that you’ve known your whole life— residing within its icy landscape as part of House Eirlys; Wardens of the North. You’ve never thought you’d one day leave to head south to Vela’thian— the kingdom of the elvhen— much less that you’d head there due to your betrothal with the king himself.
What will await you once you arrive? Is everything as it seems? Or is there something more brewing beneath the surface of the seemingly pristine nation?
Will you find your way back home? Or will you find something, or someone, worth staying for?
Let’s see how your story unfolds…
❄️ Play as the youngest heir to House Eirlys that’s been arranged to be married to the Elven King. Explore the wondrous world of Arlatha and the great elven nation of Vela’thian and its capital Ilyransari! You’ll meet a variety of characters, uncover plots (varying levels of angst), and potentially find love along the way! This game is rated 18+ for depictions of explicit language, alcohol consumption, potential sexual content, violence/blood, and death.
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❄️ Customizable MC: name, gender, appearance, sexuality, hobbies, and some skills. (You can choose to not be attracted to men and tell Daeron, the king, this, don’t worry.)
❄️ Bond with your Lycana— a winged wolf that’ll stay with you until death. Customizable: name, gender, and fur color.
❄️ Explore Ilyransari and learn more about the fantastical world of Arlatha!
❄️ Meet a variety of characters— from reclusive dwarves to hotheaded goblins— that’ll bring unique experiences throughout your story.
❄️ Learn more about your own shrouded past and how you came to be where you are now. Will the truth finally set you free?
❄️ Keep in contact with your older brother— Kaladin. He’ll want to know how you’re doing.
❄️ Romance one of characters from your potential betrothed himself— the Elven King— to an orc commander that takes everything a bit too literally or a creature from the depths of the Vesperion Sea. Or maybe someone else will catch your eye.
❄️ Remember, above all else, to have fun!
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Daeron [M] — The King — High Elf
The Elven King himself, a man known far and wide for his prowess in battle and resilience in the face of almost insurmountable odds. You’re not sure why he chose you to be his betrothed— after all he must have received hundreds of requests over the years— but you were instructed to not look a gift horse in the mouth; not when an ally like him would help your family and people immeasurably. With a hardened exterior, from years of battle and sacrifice, Daeron isn’t someone that’s easily accessible in the emotional sense, but you can’t help but notice how his eyes begin to soften every time you enter the room. Will something real begin to grow between you?
Daeron stands at around 6’3” (190.5 cm) with a warm beige complexion. Raven black hair falls across his forehead in gentle curls, a delicately crafted crown always situated atop them. His golden eyes, that seem to rival the sun in brilliance, are filled with a cunning intelligence; he has a toned physique, still holding a lithe quality that all elvhen seem to possess.
Larak [M] — The Commander — Orc
Seeing an Orc within Vela’thian is like seeing a starless night; it happens, but it doesn’t make it any less of an odd occurrence. Not after centuries of war between the Elven Nation and the Infernal Plains. Larak, however, seems to have taken his position in stride, ignoring all the looks he receives without a backward glance. After all, what is an orc to do without his clan? Especially one that was well on his way to becoming a chieftain of his own? Will you give him a reason to stay?
Larak stands at around 7’2” (218.44 cm) with a green complexion. Dark auburn locks are shaved on either side of his head, while the rest is kept in a long ponytail that falls down his back. He’s a hulking mass of muscle and brute strength— his most prominent feature, barring his sharp canines, being the twin scars running down his chest that pairs well with the one through his left eyebrow.
Calypso [F] — The Wanderer — Siren
The Vesperion Sea is an anomaly to most within Arlatha; for a creature from its watery depths to appear means one of two things. 1.) Something bad is about to happen. or 2.) It’s a pilgrimage of sorts that a few depth-striders take up every other decade. Meeting Calypso it’s easy to tell which one she is; her general amazement at the world around her being something that’d warm even the most hardened of hearts. With a desire to learn, and an aptitude to do so, she tries to take everything in stride, observing Vela’thian, and it’s inhabitants, with an ardent fervor that would be quite off putting in any other circumstance. Will you uncover things together?
Calypso stands at around 5’1” (154.94 cm) with a dark brown complexion— iridescent blue scales intercepting the expanse of it across her forearms, collarbone, and sparsely across her legs. The sea green of her gaze complements the deep royal blue of her hair beautifully— the voluminous curls falling down to just beneath her shoulders. She has an hourglass figure.
Shanaera [F] — The Spymaster — Dark Fae
The Royal Spymaster within Vela’thian, Shanaera is the longtime friend, and closest advisor, to Daeron. There isn’t much information about the early life of Shanaera— something she’s gone to great lengths to keep that way— and she’s rarely seen enough by the general populace to get a concrete opinion on. Keeping to the shadows, only appearing in court once in a blue moon, and with walls of ice surrounding her, it’s unsurprising why she has the reputation she does. A woman that’s just as deadly with her words as she is with any blade or poison— getting on her bad side isn’t a smart idea… But is it even possible to get on her good one?
Shanaera stands at around 5’11” (180.34 cm) with a sun-kissed complexion. Locks reminiscent of woven sunlight falls down to her hips in a cascade of gentle waves and soft curls— the strands bringing out the luminescent quality of her amethyst colored gaze. Grand wings of iridescent black are situated on her back, giving her elegantly slender body a broader appearance.
Fáelán [M/F] — The Best Friend — Wildling
You met Fáelán when you were ten years old during a winter ride with your family— something you had done dozens of times before— coming across their slight form underneath a snow drift, after your horse almost trampled them, wasn’t something you had been anticipating, but they haven’t left your side ever since. Not even when they had been offered an escort back to the village deep within The Thaeg; an ancient forest that covers over half of The North. You were best friends from that day onward— one never seen without the other. After all of that, should you truly be all that surprised when your self-appointed guard decides to come along to Vela’thian?
Fáelán stands at around 5’8” (172.72 cm) with a light gray complexion. Strands of hair, the color of which reminds you of freshly fallen snow, fall down to just beneath their shoulders in messy waves— usually kept in a intricate braid— pairs well with the deep crimson of their gaze. Their toned body is a far-cry from the scrawny individual they had been when you first met them— an intricate tattoo making a home on their right arm.
Valerian [M/F] — The Exiled Heir — Draconian
Tales of the land across the Vesperion Sea tell of the grand opulence of Edras— home of the draconian; dragon-kin. Valerian isn’t exactly who you’re expecting when imagining the royal family of Edras, but at the same time they seem to fit right in. With a smile that never reaches their eyes fully, a voice that never has to raise to be heard, and a presence that could command a legion, they bring a slew of questions and very little answers. Why were they cast out? Why are they in Vela’thian? And why do they seem to always find themself in your company? Will you be able to uncover any of these answers?
Valerian stands at around 6’6” (198.12 cm) with a fair complexion. Crystalline blue eyes seemingly burn with a fiery intensity— despite their icy coldness— which brings out the argent quality of their silver locks; M!Valerian keeping them down to his shoulders and F!Valerian keeping hers to her mid-back.
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inkwell-illustrations · 6 months
Who should I do next?
Tell me in the notes!!
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Wiggly requested by: @vesperione
Mr. Davidson & Frank Pricely requested by: @pangothepangolin
part one & part two
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arjengelly · 1 year
I just want them to be happy…together 🥲
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deathbydran0 · 9 months
Now we've had the LIB on a reality TV show so get ready for...
(Inspired by some fanart I saw on Instagram)
Webby is obviously driving because the others would teleport into a fucking ditch near the M25 (no matter where they were before)
They'd also probably call her to pick them up anyway because they tried to fly it and then realised that cars don't fly and they'd accidentally set it on fire.
Pokey is in the front passenger seat because he wanted to pick the music
Wiggly and he had a scrap outside the car before they set off (for the seat.)
Pokey's music taste is shit and Wiggly isn't listening to FNAF Beatbox for six hours
Wiggly is now sitting in the middle because he wants to also have access to the dashboard (so he can turn the music off on purpose and so he can backseat drive)
His seatbelt isn't on. He's probably standing up or lying over everyone else because 'he's bored'
About an hour in Webby used her webs to keep him in his seat because he's a little bitch.
Nibbly is on Wiggly's right and has all the snacks
He refuses to share them and eats them really dramatically on purpose (with sound effects)
Blinky is on Wiggly's left and REALLY wants to play 'I Spy'
Tinky keeps answering said I Spy questions with 'Ted Spankoffski' (no matter the letter)
Blinky is fed up as shit with the Ted obsession so keeps pointing at random places and saying 'Oi, Ted's over there'
Tinky falls for it every time
Tinky has been thrown into the boot, just playing with his Rubik's Cube
He has also lobbed said Rubik's Cube at Nibbly's head several times out of sheer boredom (and because he wants the food)
Out of spite Nibbly then swallowed it, choked it back up and gave it back to him. Tinky started throwing it at Wiggly after that.
Wiggly then threatened to set the sniggles on him and Webby has threatened to throw them all out the car.
Oh, and where are they going you may ask?
Butlins. They're going to Butlins.
(Ty @vesperione for the location)
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lovesquarebrainrot · 2 years
Love Grid Chapter 7!!!
Vesperia is in a bind, and Viperion has just activated his Second Chance. What he doesn't know is he'll be spending well over a month of his life here, trying to free her. He'll lose his mind... and also maybe his heart. Just what will happen to these 2 heroes in this seemingly endless loop of failed rescue attempts?
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vesperione · 2 years
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Hi criminal case tumblr I’m new here
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StarCanWreckedPulp Awards Winners
Categories - Biggest Fans of Shows
Biggest A Very Potter Trilogy Fan:
Biggest Me and My Dick Fan:
Biggest Starship Fan:
Biggest Holy Musical B@man Fan:
Biggest Trail To Oregon Fan:
Biggest Ani: A Parody Fan:
Biggest Firebringer Fan:
Biggest The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Fan:
Biggest Black Friday Fan:
Biggest Nerdy Prudes Must Die Fan:
Biggest Nightmare Time Season 1 Fan:
Biggest Nightmare Time Season 2 Fan:
Biggest Hey Melissa Fan:
Biggest Hatchetfield Fan:
Biggest VHS Christmas Carol(s) Fan:
Biggest Spies Are Forever Fan:
Biggest Flop Stoppers Fan:
Biggest Solve It Squad Fan:
Biggest Wayward Guide Fan:
Biggest This Could Be On Broadway Fan:
Biggest Poe Party Fan:
Biggest Gilded Lily Fan:
Biggest American Whoopee Fan:
Biggest Headless Fan:
Biggest Greater Gatsby Fan:
Biggest The Great Moon Hoax Fan:
Biggest The Brick Satellite Fan:
Biggest The Ghosts of Antikythera Fan:
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raspberrysmoon · 8 months
a whole of two people said yes to oc posts so here you go
i made a flow chart :]
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ignore that tumblr SHOT my image quality shhhh its mostly legible
isnt she cute? info below :] these r cats btw. just btw
hehe ok hiiiiii
leaders are. leaders theyre not special really. they do all the big major decisions and hold ceremonies
deputies are the second in command and the primary communication between the leader and the rest of the group
seers are nuns, basically. they talk to God and Dead People and have advanced medical knowledge
medics are. well theyre doctors? like regular doctors with only a mild sense of spirituality
medical apprentices are just that. theyre in training to be a full medic
midwives are just what they are irl. they keep close with queens and medics to monitor pregnancies and kits
keepers are medical helpers. think of them as nurses. they get supplies and are generally trained in all medical fields (including midwifery) and can easily fill any position. also help with kits and apprentices as they figure out how life works; sorta like teachers
stewards are sort of like social workers. they deal with emotion-relationship focused conflict and take care of younger cats especially
elders are old
queens are cats with kits in the nursery. pregnant or not. can include permanent queens, and temporary bodies for warmth in the winter
kits are 0-6 months old. from 3-6 months they begin to transition to helping with camp chores.
- 0-3 months theyre like babies, taken care of and not expected to do much
- 3-6 months theyre in preschool/kindergarten. they do little things
- 6-12 months theyre expected to learn the territory and basics of hunting, fighting and medicine
- 12+ months theyre choosing their speciality and training in depth in it. this can last for 6 months, or three years. depends on position and mentor. by this point, theyre treated like adults. college.
organizers are the managers!! the deputy will tell them what needs to be done (hunting, patrols etc) and they delegate tasks around the camp
hunters are the biggest group- they do ALL of the hunting. their job is to keep the group fed
sentries are the second largest group- they keep borders stable and keep outsiders outside
constructors are the third largest group- they do all the building and camp keep up. den roof fell in? which constructor is nearby?
messengers are the speedy ones. they run messages to other groups, and bring information (+gossip) back each day
examples of these roles (all of them, levels included) coming soon i just need to draw em !!
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