#miraculous ladybug video game
arjengelly · 1 month
Crumbs 😭
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luchicm04 · 3 months
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lk / rb + credit if using
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enthusiasmize · 7 months
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Words cannot express how much I absolutely adore this game. Today, I redrew the beautiful box art of the game. If you look real close, you will notice that Sonic's hands are really messed up on the box art. I tried my best to keep them the same while making them less messed up. I also tried a heck ton of things. Like the chromatic abberation, textures, making Sonic cel-shaded but the background soft shaded.
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wisteriasymphony · 1 month
aw man I still have ideas for SAMAU. (hope you don't mind @dreamer-in-a-far-away-land hehe)
It was one of the few nights Marinette was sure she wasn't being watched. Whoever-Was-Up-There's eyes must've all been closed, or maybe (and more likely) tonight was just a different target. Either way, she slipped out through the trapdoor leading to the roof, and let herself fall all the way down to the street, disturbing nothing more than a few smooth pebbles when she hit the ground.
Cerise's hideout wasn't far, if she remembered correctly.
Getting around to it the "odd way", as Adrien had started to put it, carried a subtle, yet rational sense of danger to it. Clipping the walls was less risky and something Marinette hoped she was starting to get the hang of, but when it came to gaps through the ground she needed to be a little more careful. Falling at just the right angle and just the right speed could mean death.
...Well, not 'death' in the way that people made up, where you stop being the second you get too hurt. Death, real death, where you wake up in your bed with freshly pressed clothes and no memory of what you were doing. Sometimes no memories at all. Marinette didn't want to think about what would happen if she forgot everything her and Adrien were working towards.
As the solid blue of the night sky shone both from above and below, Marinette kept throwing and recalling her yo-yo (difficult to use outside of costume, but not impossible), grappling down to the misshapen boxes that made up the Parisian sewers.
"Cerise? ...Cerise..... Lila?"
Marinette's footsteps sound the same against the wet stone of the sewers. While this used to be something she thought was normal, Marinette stops to play with it now—A lighter step here, tiptoe there, two heavy steps one after the other. All the same sound. Something tells her it shouldn't be, though.
In the darkest corner, Marinette sees a figure curled up against the wall. Cerise breaths heavily, shaking, as she raises a spoon to her eye.
The two girls stop to stare at each other when their presence is mutually known.
Cerise looks away—with one brown eye, one green—and mutters aloud to Marinette:
"S-sorry, I... They messed up my eye. I've been trying to get it out forever."
Cerise's green eye is red and bloodshot, which only seems to corroborate this. Despite the darkness surrounding them, the spoon carries the same reflections it had from whenever it was stolen, the glint of a kitchen cabinet on its handle. Cerise keeps it inches away from her lower eyelid, panicked but still determined.
Marinette sits down next to Cerise, and the feeling makes her gut do backflips. Weeks ago, she would've sworn Lila was her biggest enemy, even more so than Hawkmoth. How stupid was she to be giving sympathy to someone so evil? ...That was what the Whoever-Was-Up-There wanted her to think, though. Marinette wasn't keen on trusting her gut anymore.
"If you do it with one hand, Cerise, I can hold the other one."
"...I think I need both," she confesses sheepishly. "You have the other miraculouses with you, right? Can any of them dull pain?"
"Oh! Yeah, the rooster. I can use that." Marinette stood up, shaking out her yo-yo until the thumb ring fell into her open hand. "...You're fine with waiting, right? I haven't found a way around the sequence yet."
"it's fine. ...I like watching it. Yours has always been pretty."
Marinette smiled, fitting the thumb ring onto her left hand.
"Tikki, Orikko, unify!"
Nothing happened. ...Marinette tried again. Still, nothing happened. Darn it—That wasn't written yet either. She probably didn't even have a costume for Roosterbug yet.
Cerise slowly lowered the spoon from her eye, instead dragging the edge of its bowl against her forearm. It was useless to get her hopes up over something so simple anyways.
"...It's fine, I can just keep trying myself."
"No, Cerise..."
Marinette took in a breath, holding it behind her teeth.
"Give me the spoon," she suggests. "I'll get it out for you."
Cerise did what she was asked, and Marinette let her fingers close around the handle of the spoon. Cerise was still up against the wall and floor, and Marinette was still standing. She thought for a moment about what to do, her thumb rubbing the handle as she went through every possible course of action in her mind.
She'd start from below the eye, and dig up.
Cerise was surprisingly calm when Marinette planted her foot right on the girl's chest. With one hand holding the weapon, Marinette used the other to press on Cerise's forehead, pinning it back against the wall. For what felt like hours, the two waited, silently, breathlessly...
Marinette worked in the bowl of the spoon to sit between Cerise's eyelid and eyeball—Cerise thrashed a bit, only on instinct. That was the easy part.
The hardest part came later, as Marinette had to ignore Cerise's cries of pain as she slowly forced the green eye out.
It was a blessing that Paris rarely had casualties during the day, that the world would work around preventing injury and death. To hear screams like this on a daily basis would break Marinette, and she knew it. The metal of the spoon continued to tear at the dry flesh, nothing spraying out of the eye sockets or dripping down Cerise's face—not even a glimmer of tears. And all the while Cerise was howling.
"Cerise, I don't know if I should—"
Cerise latched onto Marinette's wrist with both hands, keeping her from pulling the spoon away. Her deep brown, liquid eye stared up at Marinette with a look of horror—Where their bodies met, they could feel eachothers' heartbeat—and yet she begged her attacker to "just keep going".
Frazzled, Marinette fought herself to continue digging, feeling the weight of the eyeball as it rested in her bowl of the spoon, and as the blunt edge kept cutting up and up and up, the green eye was eventually pried from its socket.
It fell on the floor with a dull, wet slap. It made no sense that Cerise could still see through it, that she could look one way and the eye would still turn.
Cerise kicked it away and let the eye roll, slow and lazy as it fell off the ledge and into the river of sewage. Gone forever, if she had the will to hope such a thing could happen.
Marinette bent down to Cerise's level, dragging a hand across her bone-dry cheek. Her head was completely hollow, and Marinette grimaced as she realized hers was likely the same. Marinette poked her thumb into Cerise's empty socket, and the air inside Cerise felt no different than the air around them.
"A.... Are you okay?"
Cerise couldn't find her words at first, dizzy from the pain.
"Thank you."
"...I'm going to try and hold off on using Lucky Charm as long as I can tomorrow, okay?" Marinette confides. "Just so you're in the know."
Cerise nods, keeping her one-eyed gaze stuck to the floor. Marinette couldn't keep her own off the hollow in Cerise's head, noticing the beginnings of hair strands clipping through the thin dome of skin. It was terrifying, the idea that inside of everyone... was just nothing.
"Do you know who they're going to have you akumatize?"
Cerise shakes her head guiltily. "I won't know until morning."
Marinette takes in another breath, before acquiescing with a "That's fine. Like Adrien always says... We'll know when we know."
She instantly regretted bringing him up. Adrien was a sore topic with the both of them, and always had been.
"...I'm sorry."
"It wasn't something any of us could choose, Cerise." Marinette bites her lip—To admit it disturbs a weight she's kept for some time now, but she does anyways. "It feels wrong to blame you now. For anything."
"I still don't know how I'll make it up to you."
"Just keep playing your part, like all of us have."
When Marinette left, Cerise was still crawled up against the wall, still waiting out the pain. If there was anything consistent about Whatever-Was-Up-There, it was that every morning began the same. She'd have her eye back when she woke up.
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jadenerd · 2 years
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This suit slayed
#jeremy let him have this suit he needs to shine
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hellonpluto · 2 months
Sometimes i get the urge to rewatch ALL of miraculous bc
1) marinette is insane(fun to watch)
2) Alya
3) adrienette interactions(marinette is insane pt 2)
4) MARICHAT 🎉🎉🎉🎉
5) Luka
6) thinking abt how awesome it wouldve been if they had made adrien be more snarky like how chat is
7) drawing characters while im watching bc re-designing is soooo fun when u know what ur doing
8) second-hand embarassment is actually super fun when it's not real people
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thethiefinwhite · 6 months
Can you do a fun doodle of Marinette and Blue Toad playing games in GameCube?
Thank you~!
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It would be my pleasure, Anon! Thanks for the request! :)
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artzychic27 · 4 months
What if Giffany!Marc being friends with Rumble!Zoé?
Marc: …
Zoé: …
Marc: 💖Bestie-chan!💖
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Zoé: A new challenger!
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Zoé was brought to life after Cosette discovered her game’s cheat code while aggressively trying to beat her jerk brother’s high score
Of course, Zoé’s driven by her code, and naturally, she’ll want to destroy anyone who has dishonored Cosette
Fortunately, after Zoé punched Jordyn a few times, Cosette managed to get them back in the game, City Brawlers, and that’s the last she’s ever seen of Zoé
And you all know Marc’s origin, so let’s skip
Marc and Zoé meet after Nathaniel “defeated” Marc. He managed to transfer himself into an arcade game, which just so happened to be City Brawlers, and he had a LOT of anger to work out
After their fight totally destroyed the graphics, Marc and Zoé gained a mutual respect for each other and gushed about their past users
Marc: He’s such a cutie with the prettiest eyes!… THEN HE PAUSED ME TO BE WITH THOSE TRAITORS HE CALLS FRIENDS!… But I forgive him!
Zoé: All I want to do is destroy anyone who has dishonored her and killed her father!… And maybe kiss her a bit.
Marc: *Kawaii gasp* Yandere friend!
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drglungus · 10 days
Hello this is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
Imagine having everything and suddenly you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams,
memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
Tags are for engagement
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kasienda · 1 year
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Just Ladrien hanging out playing video games!!
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belovedblossoms · 4 months
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   They’ll SHAME you, BLAME you, pretend to even HATE you                                  Take away your rights, pacify you with their LIES                         Whatever you GIVE life, you are gonna get back                      Why be a wallflower when you can be a VENUS FLY TRAP?
          {  indie selective & private multi-fandom multi-muse roleplay. loved by mira.  }               est. 9/2/2022-revived 4/30/2024. credit to concinnitytm.
                                     【  Muses // Rules // Ask  】
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eu0n1a · 3 months
crochet bag [06.15.24-06.16.24] made by Sol
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cartoonfan21 · 7 months
Princess Peach and Stella kinda remind me of...
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These two.
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jauneilles · 1 year
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#𝐉𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒 is an independent and private roleplay blog for 𝘾𝙃𝙇𝙊𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀𝙊𝙄𝙎 of zagtoon's miraculous ladybug franchise. written by fae. if you could give this post a ♡ or ↺ to help me find people to interact with, i'd really appreciate it!
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simplemothcrochets · 2 years
Hey all!
I am in need of a service dog. Unfortunately, those buggers cost money (and a lot of it). Even if I can get a grant, it’ll still cost more pennies than I have in the piggy bank.
So! In an effort to raise some money for this necessary cost, I'm opening crochet commissions. I've put together this pricing sheet for your reference and perusal.
If you're interested, please send me a DM! Also, please do me the favor of sharing to spread the word :)
Thank you so much darlings!
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Just a bit about my crochet stuff -
I love doing stuffed animals, specifically Pokemon and other nerdy stuff. I've also done a few custom character dolls, like D&D characters or OCs.
I have also done custom blankets (see the surfing Piplup blanket). Shoot me an idea, I'll design it, and boom! Finished product.
Then there's also the life size Pokemon bit >:) Oversized plushies are so much fun, especially when you want to add beads to make it like a weighted blanket but, like, an octopus or an Onix.
Anyway, if you have questions, please let me know!
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ninadove · 8 months
fold your hands and close your eyes 👀
It’s been a while since I’ve made progress on this one — not because I’m not invested in it anymore, I’m just even more invested in a plethora of other WIPs (as you know). I think I will end up making this a series of shorter fics, so they are easier to write and read. Also to artificially boost the number of works in a certain tag, which is barren.
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Anyway. Fold your hands and close your eyes started as a Transmasc Felix Propaganda fic, but has since turned into an in-depth exploration of his relationship with Amelie from the moment she learnt she was expecting. The title was taken from Church Bells, by Carrie Underwood, which tells you everything you need to know about where the story is headed.
And since I know you, Noctie, I shall give you the Graham de Vanily twins:
Emilie, as always, did not understand.
“This is wonderful news,” she exclaimed, arms clasped uncomfortably tight around her sister’s stomach. “Oh, Lilie, I’m so happy for you.”
The corners of Amelie’s lips twitched. Her brother-in-law, at least, had the decency to stand a few steps behind; she was grateful for his emotional incompetence.
This was, by far, the most pathetic baby shower in the history of baby showers. But it was nice to have company over without supervision — as unpleasant as said company might be.
“Isn’t it wonderful? Our little ones will be born within a few months of each other,” Emilie smiled, rubbing her bump with childlike excitement. “They will practically be twins, too!”
Evidently, she looked back on their childhood with more fondness than Amelie ever could.
“We need to get them matching bonnets,” the older twin chirped. “Oh, wouldn’t it be so cute if we got one of each?”
“One of each…?”
“A boy and a girl, silly!”
There was something unsettling about the way Emilie talked about their unborn children; a stranger passing by might have believed she was carrying them both.
Ask game here!
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