#very toxic old men yaoi
hua-liansimp · 29 days
Gravity Falls canon divergence AU where Bill does send someone to steal Ford's eyes and then possesses Fiddleford to approach blind Ford. Fiddleford/Bill nurses Ford back to health, and then pretends to be sorry for leaving Ford, he sticks around to help him adjust to losing his sight. Eventually, an extremely exhausted and broken Ford breaks down and confesses everything that truly happened during their partnership, and Fiddleford/Bill "comforts" him. He promises to never leave him, saying that he won't let that "monster" hurt Ford ever again.
Bill thinks it would be too risky to convince Ford to continue with the portal so soon, afraid of arousing his suspicion, so he just ends up moving in and caring for blind Ford, gaining his trust everyday a little more. What Bill doesn't expect is that he enjoys their current situation way more than he thought he would (Ford is dependent on him once again, he doesn't even know he's being tricked, the fool, but also Bill can be close to him again, they can play and banter and it's like nothing ever changed), and years pass without any work being done on the portal as they grow closer and closer.
It's only decades later that Bill slips up and leaves for some business in the middle of the night. Ford wakes up for a cup of water to find mind broken Fiddleford wandering around his kitchen muttering about a demon living in his head and keeping him trapped.
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passwordispassword · 9 months
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things i have been. crafting.
more to come.
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Devastating news for those who like my art blog, I am so into gravity falls rn and I'm so embarrassed over my silly little oc that I can't post anything other than the art fights I did (which I forgot all about when work+school started, whoopsies!)
I am sorry, my sillies - maybe I will make other designs and share those, I do not know
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invader-reggie · 1 month
Honestly, I find the idea that BillFord has always been One-sided kinda boring. I respect people who like that but personally it's not as angsty for me.
Currently one sided? Totally.
But in the book it was definitely implied that they were both into each other, I mean, Ford had all these portraits and statues of Bill in his lil secret room in the show. He was lowkey obsessed with his muse.
Makes things more tragic. Maybe Ford desperately loved Bill, desperately wanted to meet him. He thought Bill felt just as deeply for him and the realization of what Bill really wanted with that portal devastated him and he grew to hate Bill Cipher. The God he worshipped who ripped apart his mind for his own selfish motive. Who probably saw him as just another toy to help him with his plan.
Maybe Bill loved Ford as well in his own twisted way, was fond of him and it grew into something more, perhaps he planned to have Ford at his side like a beloved pet when he destroyed everything, not realizing that Ford would obviously not want that. Maybe losing Ford made him realize how attached he was to his Sixer and it grew into an unhealthy obsession to have him. He turned Ford into gold while he turned the others into stone. That whole thing where he still offered for Ford to join him in the chaos, showing him in the centre of the universe and shit like damn Bill stop being a clingy ex, Ford does NOT want you anymore and you literally attempted to kill his family.
Ik it's a silly little ship between a triangle demon and a human but I am very passionate about toxic old men yaoi.
Ford fell first and Bill fell too late. Bill fell in love just as Ford grew to hate him. They were both definitely obsessed with each other. Just at different points in time.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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This is for all of my fellow Two-Face and Gilda lovers out there! Personally I think that BruHarvey as a ship is underrated because of how much more popular other Rogues are (especially the Joker and the Riddler), and the prominence of ships between Bruce and various members of the Justice League (and of course the various comp het ships DC keeps trying to force Bruce into).
In comparison Harvey just doesn't really capture the fandom's imagination as much. Therefore BruHarvey isn't super popular because they don't consider it as an option a lot of the time. But that being said, I also find that a lot of people when presented with BruHarvey as a possible ship will be pretty amenable to it! It's just a fantastic ship if you want some old man/toxic/tragic yaoi! The ship has so much going for it! Childhood friends to lovers. Enemies to lovers. Friends in their civilian identities, as they try to pursue justice for Gotham together, and even friends after Harvey becomes a villain too! It's SO juicy and has SO much unexplored potential if DC weren't COWARDS and would just let Brucie kiss men already! Each of their themes of justice, duality, and redemptive love mirror one another in such an exceedingly tantalizing way that I could write a whole college thesis on it! But I'm not just here about them. I'm also here for my girl Gilda too!
Now BruHarvey may be an underrated ship... And Two-Face as a character is just about rated as a character (not underrated. Not overrated. Just rated). But Gilda...? My poor, poor girl Gilda! Writers never know what to do with her and refuse to give her the justice she deserves!!! Gilda is a big part of the reason why Two-Face was able to work so well as a character and concept all the way back in the 40's in the first place! I don't think that Harvey would have been as iconic of a character with as much staying power as he does with just... SO MANY imitators if it weren't for Gilda's presence and ability to help Harvey redeem himself! The whole point of Harvey as a character is that while he might be a villain, he is never too far gone as to not deserve a chance at redemption. He genuinely cannot help himself when it comes to the compulsion of doing crime. And in his original stories, he was able to redeem himself and reach a happy ending with Gilda helping him, supporting him, and loving him through that journey.
The reason that Batman doesn't kill is largely because of Harvey himself! His childhood friend that he deeply cares about, and who, no matter how much society at large, and even Harvey himself tells Bruce that he is beyond saving, that he still cares about nevertheless and will NEVER give up on! And Gilda was the first person to never give up on Harvey and was the one to lead him back to the light! In a time where Batman might still occasionally use a gun and where the punishment most criminals would recieve in the comics was death or a lifetime of jail, never to be seen again, Two-Face stood out because of his redemption! A redemption that the writers of the comics stuck to for decades in spite of a clear demand to have Two-Face back as a threat! (Hence the many, many imitators.) And sure, the helpless damsel who saves the bad guy through the power of love may be a tired trope these days, but it's still one that can work very well, and as a woman first written in the 40's Gilda actually has a surprising amount to her that later writers would forget or just outright ignore! Gilda clearly was a female character who had more going on in her life other than her boyfriend at the time she was first written. She was actually a sculptor!
A woman with her own well-respected career entirely divorced from her DA boyfriend's! And while Harvey was her primary muse, I have doubts that her career just stopped when he turned to crime! After all, she seems to have been a woman who owned a house and lived on her own and had enough wealth to spend her free time going to the movies (and apparently buying herself mysterious cloaks). In the 1940's! We love a woman who can get everything on her own without needing a man (though it is a nice bonus) in this household! And she was doing it as an artist when that stuff was less common! And her other biggest trait is her unshaking love and loyalty for Harvey. I think that it's genuinely interesting how the crime and murder matters very little to Gilda (and similar characters that fill her role in stories). What she doesn't like is how he lies and tries to decieve her specifically. She would die for Harvey. She would kill for Harvey. She will stay with and help him through thick and thin. No matter what.
And very few pieces of media do her character justice! The Long Halloween may ostensibly be about her, but they gave her nothing in her life other than the men she associates with, a desire for children, and murder. Not even a hint that she was a sculptor, barely a hint that she studied law or anything that other iterations offered! She's my girl! And she could honestly offer a number of very interesting story posibilities, if only writers saw her potential! But clearly they don't given that for the last several decades, they've been writing her out of stories, or killing her off in brutal fashion so that they don't have to deal with the question of what she's up to while Harvey is doing his crime stuff. Hell. Gilda was the catalyst for the Long Halloween, so why isn't Dark Victory about nor even include her in person!??? Why not explore her being Duela Dent's mother!? Why not show her standing by Bruce's side while the both of them try to help Harvey recover!??? Why do the writers try to make Harvey NOT a wife guy!? Why can't they let Gilda be around and Harvey's wife that's cooler and more chill than him!? Why must Harvey be single!? By far he has the best romantic chemistry with (out of anyone who isn't Gilda) Bruce and no other major character! But if you stick Harvey and Bruce together for that sweet, sweet tragic yaoi and angst... Well... First of all DC are COWARDS who refuse to let Bruce be into dudes. And second of all, why not just let Bruce, Harvey, and Gilda be together and poly!!!? But I'm no coward! Double the partners means double the chances for tragedy and angst! (Or comedy if you'd like!) And double the possibilities for love, recovery, and redemption! Gilda wouldn't and shouldn't give up on Harvey!
And Bruce and Gilda cheating on Harvey without his blessing!??? BROKE! Them being in a polycule? Excellent! And if you need any proof that Bruce, Harvey, and Gilda could be a functional polycule, you should read the daily newspaper Batman comics as archived on @daily-batman! Because they make a GREAT case for it there, and seeing their relationship develop in that story is just delightful! Harvey watches Batman (that he's half figured out is Bruce) kiss his wife (named Alice but like... She's CLEARLY just Gilda with a different name!) and isn't bothered by it AT ALL other than it giving her hope that he can get better! Kissing his wife? That he understands and is perfectly fine with. But giving her HOPE!!!??? Now THAT'S a line too far! Sounds like something someone poly might do! And also... That series finale!!! Lol. Harvey getting jealous of and trying to kill Bruce for thinking that he's stealing his girl? Nah. Broke. Harvey being a-okay with Bruce smooching his wife because he's already in love with Bruce too...? HELL YEAH! Let's do it! Who needs love triangles when you can have power throuples instead!??? Join the few of us that enjoy the ship! And give Gilda and BruHarvey the love they deserve!!!!
Also just LOOK at the image I sent and tell me that it DOESN'T look like Bruce, Harvey, and Gilda are getting poly-married! BruHarvey is juicy and even more juicy with the added DLC of Gilda in the mix! And Gilda deserves the whole world! Give them the world!
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veetowervaporwave · 6 months
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Man I am so vanilla when it comes to ships in Hazbin...
Staticmoth: The epitome of toxic old men yaoi. They're just the worst. They push each other's buttons. They both have obsessions on the side but both want to be each other's center of attention. Other people's suffering gets them horny. They got married three times and divorced five times. They know exactly how horrible the other one is but it only makes them more attracted to each other. They're so toxic it's a health hazard for everyone around them. I wish nothing more than for them to die horribly while holding hands.
Chaggie: I've been shipping them since the pilot and I'll be real they were everything I wanted and even more. I always knew that their relationship would be mostly background stuff since they're an established couple, and I was excited to have something where the main character is in a stable and affectionate relationship. I didn't expect them to get a whole little storyarc with the whole angel drama... I'm just. So happy. Seeing them, knowing how much they supported each other over the years when they had no one else on their side, openly working out their issues... They're just everything that's good in the world.
Huskerdust: I feel about it a bit more differently compared to the previous two. I'm happy to see them just do whatever, but Huskerdust stands out because its development is kind of... part of the plot of the show, rather than just being an extra layer to their characters. I'm not even interested in fanfiction for them because I'm too excited to see how it progresses in the actual show.
Radiorose: QPR goals. Alastor having someone he's so comfortable with honestly elevated his character for me. I don't have a lot to say but I enjoy seeing them together immensely.
Appledust: guilty pleasure comfort ship, refer to this post for more context.
Ships I like less under the cut, I try not to be too mean but still, be careful.
Radiostatic (Or, I guess, Onewaybroadcast, rather): I like it a lot but only when it caters to my superspecific tastes. First of all it needs to be one-sided. The second Alastor reciprocates I'm like *Lucifer voice* "Who is this? Who is this man?" Second of all the "hate" part of the "hateboner" is essential (unless we're talking before their falling out). Vox both wants Alastor and wants him dead. It's been swirling inside him for years and had poisoned whatever relationship they had beforehand. There's no turning back from this.
RoyalHalo: I don't know how to explain it, but when I personally ship something "platonically", it's different from just regular shipping and different from having a brotp. Nothing much to say on the ship itself, they're cute.
Cherrisnake: I wish I could like it more but "Meh" is right. I think it has potential, unfortunately 8 episodes a season didn't allow it to develop. I wish we could have had Cherri before ep6 to establish her relationships with Angel and Pentious and I wish they had at least one genuine conversation before the end of the season.
Alastor x Charlie & Alastor x Angel: actually it's not about the ships themselves, just some bad experiences in the early fandom. Ik not all the shippers are like that, especially now when those ships are less popular and a lot of people are vocal about not liking them, but unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy them.
Lute x Vaggie: Nothing to say I just don't like it.
Val x Angel: I put a black line because my knee jerk reflex was to think of people like. Ignoring the abuse, but thinking about it, I do enjoy the exploration of their relationship if it's in-character. It's just not something I personally would consider "shipping". (But then what makes it different from onewaybroadcast? Guess I'm just a hypocrite or something)
"Found family" is a term that's used very differently by different people in the fandom, which is a little confusing to me, so I changed this category to "maybe".
Alastor x Husk: Much like the previous one, except I trust people with it even less after all the victimblaming Husk got after ep5.
Velvette x Vox and/or Velvette x Valentino: I don't ship those personally just for the reason that Vel genuinely seems uninterested, but I support the people who do. Especially the polyvees shipping. There's also additional element to this for me personally is that if Val and Vox were an item, there's a fear that Vel would come off as a third wheel or be pushed to the side, and if they were all together this wouldn't happen. So I have no choice but to support, even if I myself can't get into it.
Guitarspear: Lute ripping off her arm to go help Adam... The last thing Adam does before death is smile at her... God. They were also very fun hypemen for each other during songs, and just the general dynamic was really funny. I would say I like this ship when I see it, but I won't go out of my way to look for it?
Carmilla x Zestial: They're friends... The fanart is nice to look at. It's fine.
Radioapple: I'm conflicted. I guess I am kinda interested in what their relationship would be like in the show, but in fanworks I mostly enjoy the "they aren't actually attracted to each other but everyone thinks they are" dynamic. It's funny.
Pentious x Emily: Ok, one (1) crackship. My friend ships them and I kinda see the vision? Could be cute.
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mgarmagedon · 5 days
I wanna see Wheeljack and U.Magnus kiss
Hm... Yes, yes, indeed very taste old men toxic yaoi 🤭
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That is literally them:
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When I realized I couldn't be popular because I don't do THAT old men toxic yaoi ship that I hate (because I prefer healthy yaoi ships).
Personal confession below :
That's so sad my drawings aren't so noticed (except scarecrow but I'm mentioning about Hatter content especially) and when I see people creating new accounts and drawing the same character I'm themed with just get more fame is very frustrating for all the hours and work I give to my BTAS Jervis in "reality" or even the concept arts.
The only time I can get more famous things is about shitposts I make for 2 minutes and as it's funny, it's more noticeable
Like all my long work with a good look (I guess) are just good for some people who're always here (thank you so much, really I love you) but it's rare it catches new people.
But to be clear, it hurts me so hard my talents, in drawings or singing, are so underrated generally (art class never helped me and I still have colour theory difficulties, some anatomy I can learn about. There's also a time I was about to pass in the radio or in a singing competition but my fate decided otherwise. Also the musical comedy group I was in never let me take a character that interacts with others, like a background character that is just a plus and brings nothing to the plot). I learned art by myself and it's been like this since my 10 thanks to my mom's books and all. The only time I got some acknowledgement about my art was with a comic painting with a dragon that can't fly. Maybe that's the first time I got what I wanted, maybe only humour or bluntness is what I'm good for? I'm confusing
I'm soon 16, it sucks to say it I know, and I often feel like i would never have the chance to let people impressed enough
I feel like it's never never enough for anyone
I'm literally crying...
I will continue to be on Tumblr, maybe I should look impatient, paranoid or whatever some can call me. I just wanted to get it out. Maybe I'm just blind? Or also, Tumblr doesn't get as many users as the great media like Facebook or Instagram. That may explain why
-Back to the topic-
Anyway, the thing that really makes me frustrated is when some get fame because of a toxic ship, I should mention my blog won't get that kind of thing because I'm not the type that follows trends and when I love a character, I don't put them in a toxic relationship, I made things easier for them. When I say I LOVE a character, I mean I adore them despite their flaws, I'm AWARE of what Jervis did, don't worry I slapped him and told him about consent and boundaries!
Well, maybe that text is so long to be read but I needed to let it out, that's maybe a chaos of confusion because my brain is just a mess.
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morguemann · 12 days
There's a lot of redemption arc fics going about but I can't seem to find anything where Bill & Ford literally decide to have a deathmatch fight upon seeing each other. If anyone has any Recs I'd be very appreciative :)
IDK maybe I'll write my own toxic old men Yaoi where they fight like wild cats at rando intervals.
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verdemoun · 3 months
Does Bill ever get a boyfriend/partner in the timewarp au like Molly does?
yes!! bill absolutely gets a boyfriend i'm just torn between it being alden curruthers or mac callander
on one hand alden: confident flamboyant gay man who was so gay he was useless at hiding it in 1899 let alone timewarping to an era where homosexuality didn't rely entirely on codewords like discouraged men? bill getting to meet this proud gay man who understands the intense 19th century social values bill has to unlearn before he can be that comfortable with himself and his sexuality? bill being in love with alden while constantly awestruck by how confident he is in spite of the time period and homophobia and very realistic chance of being hate crimed they both experienced? sharing that experience of not having the vocabulary to express what their sexuality was or even the concept of sexuality but alden still being so confident and comfortable in who he is and trying to help bill find that level of pride too?
on the other, mac callander. the way bill talks and asks about mac with that trembling optimism of maybe he's okay? bill mourning mac callander? like maybe they were both heartless men living as outlaws because that was the only way 'they' had to survive but also seeing that in each other? maybe it was a thing in canon era? the angst of mac feeling like he's choosing between bill and davey when davey refuses to even acknowledge his brother is homosexual? davey still trying to cling onto an era that is so obviously past and constantly ending up in jail then not wanting mac's help as mac becomes more comfortable admitting there's a word for what he 'is' now? bill and mac both unpacking internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity while also feeling so validated by ongoing modern era protests and progress in queer rights? toxic yaoi with a happy ending where they're both still chain smoking hard drinking ranch hands who ride horses and carry guns in modern era and don't have a tidy domestic life but unmistakably love each other?
someone teach pa moss how to make a poll or just aggressively argue which should be endgame for bill the bear king deserves happiness in timewarp
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howlsmovinglibrary · 3 months
Hello, I hope you are having wonderful day! Do you have an romantic sideplot book recommendations of any genre? Thank you so much!!
hey anon! I'm having a sleepy day bc I had to get up early for a work thing, otherwise doing ok!
books w. good romantic sideplots but where romance isn't the 'focus'
The biggest one for me is the Daevabad trilogy by SA Chakraborty. This is an epic fantasy trilogy and romance is a large part of the plot, but the ENDGAME romance is a slowburn of frankly epic proportions. These books are amazing but I can't usually recommend them in good conscience as 'romance' bc of the slowburn. BUT WHAT IF THE SLOWBURN WAS EVERYTHING ACTUALLY. WHAT IF THEY INVENTED ROMANCE.
The Unspoken Name and The Thousand Eyes by AK Larkwood - this fantasy book series has several romances (including some very fun and cool toxic old man yaoi) but the duology as a whole focused more on the dynamic of the found family unit.
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman is a regency era urban fantasy about demon hunters, with a heavy romantic sideplot but again, one that takes several books to develop. so worth it though, the bit where she removes his coat in book 2 is seared on my brain forever more.
Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron is a self-published urban fantasy series about a dragon who is a nice guy when all of his family are court intrigue experts. There are several romances but honestly I'm mostly in it for the 'sunshine with a heart of gold wins' plotline of watching someone kind succeed.
The Winter Duke by Claire Eliza Bartlett is another court intrigue story, similar to the Goblin Emperor, where simply a nice person who wasn't expecting the throne suddenly gets the throne. But she also gets a hot girlfriend. 10 out of 10 content.
Nettle and Bone by T Kingfisher - most Kingfisher books have some degree of romance and if you like stoic men/himbos this is the author for you! but Nettle and Bone is my favourite book of hers for plot before romance (Swordheart is romance before plot)
Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series is a YA sci-fi series but the shenanigans that are happening would today be read as the polycule blueprint. Everyone is in love with everyone that's why it's so messy.
Among Others by Jo Walton is one of my favourite books, it's essentially a coming of age fantasy novel in which you read a girl's diary and that girl also happens to be magic. but she also... goes to a bookclub. And meets a guy. It's just a really good book honestly.
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia is a YA romance-ish book about a webtoon artist and the boy who is her biggest fan on her fandom server. He moves to her school and they become pals, before her identity as the webtoon author is revealed!
Oh! and literally anything by Tamora Pierce!!!
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xxchromies · 5 months
Toxic Tumblr Communities
Tumblr is a very interesting place. I feel like women have always dominated this website. While it's a great place for women to express themselves, it's obviously created a lot of really toxic communities that in all honestly could probably only be created by women. You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You've got communities that normalize harmful behavior (self-harm, anorexia, drug taking) and communities that normalize harmful relationship dynamics (the teacher crush and true crime communities, the ddlg community, the kink community in general, etc.), all kinds of different shit. I won't deny that these are all really harmful in their own ways. BUT I can't stand the way many people talk about them.
It's not uncommon for people to make YouTube videos talking about these communities, and totally eviscerating the posters without showing a single shred of empathy, despite most of the posters being depressed, isolated, and traumatized teen girls.
When it comes to the communities that revolve around toxic behavior, I kind of hate how the posters are treated as if it is their fault and their fault alone for other people picking up on the behaviors. If someone looks at thinspo or a SH picture and is like "YES I want that!" did the post directly create those feelings? Or maybe JUST MAYBE the person viewing the post was already mentally ill and now they just become encouraged to be a part of a community with people they relate to? Also I kinda hate how people accuse these posters of "romanticizing" the things that they do, I really don't think it's true most of the time. I think what happens is that women are conditioned into always wanting to appear beautiful, and so they want even their pain to be beautiful. Which is why they then write "sadgirl" poetry about cutting or whatever. I also think it's a coping mechanism. If you're going through something difficult, the least you can do is be poetic about it. I also think that a lot of the times it's a cry for help. It's common to make fun of the emo girl who cuts for attention but even if it's for attention she's still hurting herself.
There are also communities that "romanticize" bad relationship dynamics. When it comes to the teacher crush community, I honestly don't think it deserves the hatred it gets. 99% of the posters have no plans to actually get with their teachers. In YouTube videos about this community, they often respond to the rare posts where underage girls gush about how their high school teacher reciprocates their love. The YouTubers blame the girl for posting about the situation and "romanticizing" it, rather than blaming the fucking adult male for taking advantage of a high schooler. It's abhorrent and I can't stand it.
The true crime community is less defensible, but even then, most of the girls do not support violence, it's more so a fantasy of being able to fix a evil man. And I honestly think it's reflective of the way society tells women and girls that they are responsible for men's feelings and actions, even the very worst of them. And pretty much all the posters are either depressed and isolated teen girls or 30-something year old women who have a history of dating violent and abusive men. When people criticize this community, there's something about the way they do it that's almost victim-blamey, idk. I won't act like what they're doing isn't harmful to the victims, but people act as if drawing the Columbine dudes being yaoi boyfriends or whatever is just as bad as the fucking shooting itself.
And the ddlg community on here mainly seems to be fronted by "littles" who roleplay as underage children having sex with their parents. Again, this is a baddd thing to be encouraging, even if it's through role-play. But I HATE how people act like pretending to be the little is the same as pretending to be the adult. All these girls are fantasizing about roleplaying sexual abuse and idk about you but they really do seem like victims to me. This is not a pass for them to promote harmful behavior but again I just hate the double standards. These people are turned on by being victimized and people somehow don't feel any sympathy for them. They act as if it's the EXACT SAME as being turned on by victimizing others.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I HATE how the standards for women are so much higher than they are for men. Women will post about the pain they are causing themselves, and society gets angry with them for daring to be upfront about it and/or trying to make it seem "beautiful". Women will post about how they want to be victimized, and society gets angry at them for promoting toxic relationships, while not offering them a shred of empathy and asking WHY they want that.
Idk I have a lot of thoughts on this. I'm not saying these girls are completely blameless and I really don't want it to be interpreted that way, but it's crazy to me the way people act like they are heinous and evil (and not like, victims of patriarchal conditioning) for romanticizing situations where they would be victimized.
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(reblogging from the toxic yaoi tournament poll) @rabbityshen I've noticed your tags and I'd like to share my thoughts on this, just because you raised a good argument and not to make you change your mind! I hope it's fine!
My point is, while on a first look it could seem that Suzaku and Lelouch started as a sweet and functional friendship, I don't quite agree looking more in depth at their relationship since the very beginning.
They've met as 10 years old when Lelouch was sent as an hostage to the Kururugi shrine. They were sons of the leaders of two nations at the opposite sides of an impending war, so bounded to be enemies by birth.
Now, Lelouch was an already traumatised child, he had seen his mother die and his sister becoming blind and crippled after the attack, then was abandoned and strumentalised by his father. Japanese were no kind to him to say the least—I mean, being secluded in a, what was it, an old shed, with really poor care for the children wellbeing except for the basic needs to make them stay alive because they were useful pawns? He was beaten on a daily basis, insulted and stepped on. He was followed by men who stood by and watched as he was being battered since their job was not to be his bodyguards but only to prevent him from killing himself, damn!, as if it were a perfectly reasonable and contemplated eventuality that no one cared to avoid by providing a bit of support, but just by blocking him from committing suicide if he ever tried! A 10 years old kid.
In a word, he was miserable. And at the very start was Suzaku any different than all the other Japanese? No. He bullied, beated and insulted him. He called him a weakling, he also said to him that he didn't even have the right to address him and speak to him, because he was the son of the Prime Minister and Lelouch a nobody. Sign that he was somewhat aware of the disparity between them and that he was taking advantage of that power unbalancement rooted to those racial differences and political issues that would soon escalate into war. Obviously as a kid he couldn't really understand all of this, he was just mimicking the adults, and let me stress that I don't want to condemn him, I LOVE his character, and if I don't go into a more detailed analysis here it's just because it's not the point of my argument.
What I intend to say is that not only they didn't start "on the right foot", but the premise of their future friendship was already bitter. That rivalry had more serious roots than that of the two usual kids that at the beginning don't get along well. Yes, Suzaku soon regrets being cruel to him, take pity on him and decides instead that he "must protect him". But the fact itself that a child as broken as Lelouch was immediately grew attached to whom until the day before was his BULLY speaks of emotional issues. It's because of Suzaku that he realises that since his mother died he too wasn't laughing anymore, not just Nunnally. He needed that friendship as you need water (pun intended, if you've watched the OVAs :D).
Then the war broke out. They even spent a short time surviving together in the middle of a war-torn country covered in ashes, blood and corpses, a traumatising experience that can really bond two (three, in this case) people in an extremely strong, visceral way. What makes so important the shared memory of that "summer of joy" is that it's been the last glimpse of their innocent childhood before it was brutally stripped from them. If it wasn't for that, it would be almost laughable the level of mutual obsession they have for each other only on the basis of– what, a few months spent playing together and having fun as if they were two normal kids that briefly met on a summer camp 7 years before?
To Lelouch, Suzaku has been his last chance at being still a child when he was already miserable, a light in the dark. To Suzaku, though, Lelouch has been probably a sunset before nightfall, since everything started to collapse for him the moment they met (in this regard, I find it "funny" how Lelouch has been the unintentional cause of it, since him and Nunnally presence was just a trap, a false sign of submission and guarantee of peace on Britannia's part to make Japan lower their defenses. Which is why the sudden attack was so effective. Japan was no weak, actually it was an economically powerful nation (the most) with strong alliances, they've been just caught by surprise).
Then they meet again as 17 years old, they even become schoolmates, but by then they're already denied the chance to truly be just normal, functional friends, since they're unknownly enemies.
To quote Suzaku own thoughts, a pov that takes place BEFORE the SAZ massacre and Euphemia's death, and which proves that deep inside he already knew Zero's true identity (for how long?),
An accident of birth tied you to me as my first enemy, and now… you have become the worst friend I’ve ever had.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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moregraceful · 2 months
PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT COLD WAR KIDS OLD MAN YAOI ERA i love them but know very little about them as a band!!! (the all caps are excited not aggressive i swear)
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basically it's like. ok sorry you have unfortunately unlocked what is basically 20 years of being a fan of this band + a conspiracy theory born from being a bored teenager in suburbs and never really leaving the suburbs + having a crush on Nathan Willett as a 20yo and never growing out of it. Also absolutely nothing I am saying I have receipts for bc I simply did not think I would ever have a captive audience for Cold War Kids old man yaoi and thus did not save receipts. Also I might have hallucinated some of it.
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Like u truly do not have to open your self-titled album with a song called "Double Life" written by Nathan from the perspective of Nathan but framing Nathan as a mother while he struggles with the concept of multi-faceted identity....fellas (male), is it gay to contain multitudes??
When you live a double life, it’s dangerous Oh, not to fear love, not to fear Keep it calm, calm, calm, it's dangerous Oh, not to fear love, not to fear
In conclusion they saw me from across the bar and they hate my vibe (I was 16 I should not have been in the bar in the first place but the bouncer was looking the other way when I ducked inside). WHY WAS ALL THEIR PROMO FOR THIS ALBUM RELEASE LIKE THIS
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stop. somewhere i am seventeen punching the air in my bedroom at 2am because i'm gonna make it.
And if you are thinking to yourself damn I know some stone butches who look like they hate me like that, let me tell you!!! They are unfortunately men who are still shedding their identity as "alt rockers constantly on the precipice" which has unfortunately been embedded in them for the past 20 years.
I been trying to get a grip for all eternity I know we don't know a man who acts maternally And I'm on the brink of civil war, need a gender-fluid Jesus morе I'm dancing right here, but my heart is always torn
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we saw you from across the bar and we have to go IMMEDIATELY.
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