#verse gamma
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I just made a bunch of text posts but this one to me is so fucking funny I needed her to have a solo post
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omegai · 1 year
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Gamma Flag
pt: Gamma Flag
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anyone who identifies as a gamma may use this flag. as this dynamic has many definitions across many verses, there is no one definition for it.
this blog is about identity, not kink
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@radiomogai @abochive
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cxptainthree · 8 months
Mancando Doloroso
It was his fifth, maybe sixth attempt at climbing the Spire.
The shooter in his hands felt weighty and unwieldy; he knew his way around a splattershot, sure, but this one was hard to manage. Every shot left him feeling drained.
"It's a part of their soul," Marina had supplied so helpfully when Sen confided the heaviness the weapon provided.
He didn't think Delta had had so much to weigh on them to make this sleek white shooter feel like lead in his hands. It made him feel...actually, he wasn't sure how to feel. So, he doubled down and didn't let himself dwell on it.
The floor ahead loomed, cast in harsh flourescent light; even from behind the bars of a silver cage, Sen could see his opponent waited on the opposite side of the room.
There were two to start, this time. The twentieth floor was never kind, the fragmentation more severe. It made Sen's chest ache. The cage dropped out from under him, and Pearl caught him without hesitation.
She rambled off something he wasn't listening to and must have realized his attention lie elsewhere because she fell silent halfway through her sentence. The unusual stop almost jerked Sen back to the present, but he was determined.
The first of the masked inklings dropped in, wielding a brush. Its shiny metal face flashed as it swung at Sen, red eyes faulting for a moment as they searched for where he'd dropped into his own ink.
Swiftly, Sen lunged up from the muted orange ink, grappling one-handedly with the opposing inkling. He stuck his foot out; they tripped over it, stumbling, and it gave Sen purchase to wrench the brush out of their hands.
"Delta," he said firmly, pulling the inkling out of the sickly black ink they were standing in and into his own. The masked inkling tilted their head, trying to shove him away.
"Stop," Sen pleaded, low voice insistent. "Delta, I want to help you."
The inkling shook their head, voice warped by the smooth metal mask on their face. The heavy ink coating their body wavered, damaged by Sen's own. The octoling squeezed their wrist, mouth ajar to say something else, when they fell apart into a puddle of ink that stuck to his palm and oozed between his fingers, into the white of his shoes.
Sen jolted back, returning his grip to the shooter in his hands. The weight of it made him want to cringe, as the second of his opponents finally caught up to him. The ex-agent didn't hesitate to strike the roller down; the expression on his face easily read as disturbed.
Pearl whizzed close to his ear, making Sen tilt his head to avoid the blades of the drone's propeller.
"Hey!" She bumped into his shoulder purposefully. "Eight, c'mon. Get your head in the game!"
Sen opened his mouth and shut it again, widening his stand. The next wave was starting. He had to get through to at least one of them.
A blaster-wielding copy of the inklings from before rushed him, it's shots popping in the space between them and spattering slick black ink across the empty ground. Sen had neglected to claim any turf between waves; he was paying for it now.
The blaster gave him no room to get in close, and Sen shot them down without a second thought. It didn't get any easier to watch them succumb to the onslaught and their body liquefy into an unrecognizable stain on the floor.
Sen peppered off a few shots, hiding the evidence of the kill. He rounded on the next - a slosher insistent on trying to cover as much ground as possible. The octoling gritted his beak, grinding his fangs together. He threw caution to the wind and rushed the slosher.
The cloying black ink sprayed over him, seeping through his armor and shattering some pieces of the holographic tech. Regardless, Sen got what he wanted; he raised his knee quickly, jostling the slosher out of his adversary's hands. It clattered uselessly to the ground.
The inkling paused and drew their hands to their chest. They ran.
"No!" Sen lunged after them, giving chase, but the inkling pitched over the side of the platform and into the endless abyss below. Sen went off the side after them.
His hand caught in the deployed handle Pearl had to offer, and with some difficulty, she righted him on the platform of the room again. The drone deployed a bomb, which bounced to the feet of an approaching brella. It got caught in the brella's shield and exploded, spraying orange ink into the face of another masked inkling.
That one pitched backward, sinking unceremoniously into a puddle of ink.
"Eight," Pearl's projected eyes narrowed. "What's going on? Come on, take care of this!"
Sen waved the drone off. He was running out of chances.
"I have to get one of them alone," he looked up at Pearl, who wavered in midair; she was unsure of where he was going with this.
Pearl tilted up in the direction of the enemy cage, already bringing along another brush. "You got it."
Sen nodded. The octoling was glad to have her support.
The brush was another bust; this one never even made it to him, caught in his ink. Briefly, Sen wished he hadn't invested in those poison ink chips, wanting to tear them right out of the palette if it meant he could get his hands on one of these masked inklings.
The roller gave him more trouble than he'd admit, tracking wide swaths of black ink across the floor that had Sen frustrated. He gunned them down out of impulse and moved on.
Pearl, to her credit, tried to get the blaster in a corner. Unfortunately, she lost track of them under a swarm of jelletons that the enemy drone deployed. Occupying herself as a sprinkler to try and cover ground, Pearl didn't notice the blaster until it had already fallen prey under a poorly-placed bomb. Sen watched the altercation out of the corner of his eye and resolved to forgive her botched effort.
He was down to the dualies and the shooter; the latter seemed to have perched at the top platform, watching Sen's desperate display from the safety of its ledge. He had no doubt they'd come down and face him when they were good and ready.
The dualies certainly were eager to take a shot at him, and their mobility gave Sen a real run for his money. He struggled to keep up.
The octoling frowned to himself, sidestepping as the inkling came rolling right past him. He lunged at them, knocking one dualie out of their hand and pushing them down on uninked ground.
Pearl hovered nearby, spinning nervous circles. The shooter-wielding inkling watched from above.
Sen pinned his target's chest under his hips, knee dug painfully into their wrist.
"Delta," he pleaded for what felt the dozenth time since he started this endeavor. "Please, I don't want to fight you."
He dropped his shooter aside. The absence of weight as it left his hands had Sen feeling more confident. His fingertips traced the edge of the inkling's mask, and they stopped struggling.
Sen's hearts sank in his chest. The seam of the mask was completely smooth, as if the shiny metal had been fused into their face.
"No," he mumbled, trying to dig his claws down. The inkling under him writhed as thin beads of black ink pushed up around his sharp nails. "No, no, no. Delta, please."
The inkling tried to kick him off, and Sen nearly let them. He tried again to pry up the mask, and it was starting to give. The octoling slid his fingertips under the edge as it rose. His mouth watered unpleasantly as more black ink oozed out from under the mask, frighteningly warm. It stuck to the inside of the mask as he pried it off.
There was nothing underneath. The inkling splattered into a puddle under his knees.
"Eight!" Pearl warned, deploying a suction bomb.
Instantly, Sen grabbed his shooter and rolled to the side. The enemy shooter had joined the fight with a massive splashdown.
Sen's vision blurred. He wanted to be sick. He didn't have time.
"Looking for me?" The inkling's voice warbled.
Sen got to his feet. The shooter was approaching casually; unsure, Sen's body tensed as he waited for the inevitable attack. It didn't come. Pearl puttered nervously nearby.
"Sen," the voice went on, as the inkling toed the line of Sen's orange ink. "Come here."
He shook his head and gripped tight on his shooter so much that he nearly squeezed the trigger on accident. A part of him wasn't sure if he was refusing the order or warning them not to step into his ink in its poisoned state.
The inkling pressed on, beginning to struggle through the ink towards Sen. It was clear they were taking damage.
"Delta," he breathed as the inkling adversary suddenly dropped their weapon. This had never happened before. Why now? "Please, let me - let me help you."
"Sen," Delta's voice skipped and pitched in weird ways, "Sen it hurts, please - make it stop - where's Gamma?"
Then sharp static cut through their voice, and Delta's head rolled to the side limply. They fell to their knees, silvery mask beginning to slide off their face. Tarlike ink oozed against it as the metal clattered to the floor, still connected by thick ropes of viscous ink.
Delta's body dropped limply to the floor. Sen sank to their side, weapon discarded; his hands pulled fistfuls of their blackened jacket into his grasp.
He begged, quietly, for them not to disappear; even if he knew that they'd fight again. He wouldn't be able to explain it to Gamma: that he'd failed, that he was going to fail again and again and again.
Over, and over, and over and over again.
Delta's body was quickly liquefying under his touch, a thin veneer of semi-transparent ink floating atop the thick black. Sen's stomach churned as he recognized it as blood.
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Omegaverse Socio-Sexual Heirarchy
The dominant, charismatic leaders. They are strong and assertive and oftentimes aggressive and territorial. These individuals excel at most things and use their time and resources wisely. Determination and tenacity are their main attributes.
The silent, socially subdued Alphas. Although they share most of their characteristics with the upper rank (i.e. psychological & physical), they are not easily swayed. These people are "lone wolves" and usually prefer to achieve their goals in the dark.
The neutral, amicable lieutenants. They are modest and steadfast workers. These individuals tend to stay out of tense situations and are very competitive. They are eager to prove themselves and are dependable and reliable allies.
The mellow, easygoing Betas. Much like Sigmas are to Alphas, Deltas share most of their characteristics with their immediate upper rank. Unlike Betas, these people lack initiative and rarely seek attention for their work, but they don't really mind.
The mysterious, cunning hybrids. Their reproductive system, scent and semi-serene behavior are on par with the upper and lower ranks. This group isn't typically aggressive but are known for being clever tricksters, at times even manipulative.
The submissive, empathetic peacemakers. They are typically loving and gentle, and will provide support in any way they can. Although nearly easily subdued, they are intelligent and patient thinkers who value a strong sense of justice.
The stubborn, decisive Omegas. These unique individuals share some of their psychology and behavior with Alphas or Sigmas, but are biologically similar to Omegas. Although inferior, they can be fierce and tough and won't back down without a fight.
CAN Carry but CANNOT Impregnate (including queer individuals)
• epsilon males/females
• omega males/females
• gamma females
• delta females
CAN Carry and CAN Impregnate
• gamma males
• beta females
• sigma females
• alpha femmales
CANNOT Carry but CAN Impregnate
• delta males
• beta males
• sigma males
• alpha males
I thank @sparkysxi and @abodynamicslife for this inspiration (lol more like direct copy) Below are the links to their posts
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drawingwiffmoochi · 1 year
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Hey I’ve been stressing over college and I’ve been in the biggest art block of my life
so take some Oc drawings and our favorite Anarchist because I finally saw the movie a few weeks back✨
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moonysomegaverse · 7 months
Okay so, here's the thing, this society isn't a walk in the park.
In this universe, there's not a social hierarchy, so to speak, but rather a linear thing when it comes to subgenders, there is the normal social hierarchy based on money, but that's not what we're here for.
How does the society works with the subgenders? Alphas, Gammas, Betas, Sigmas and Omegas have all the same rights, there is no lesser subgender by the law. All jobs are available for all genders, though of course some jobs are better suited for a gender or other, or some gender won't apply for said job because they deem it a lesser job because there are many from certain subgender (in most cases, this is something Alphas do)
The fact that by law there is no discrimination, that doesn't mean there is no discrimination. Alphas tend to believe they're better than others, since they see themselves as the best subgender. They see both Gammas and Sigmas as undesirables, as Gammas are weaker and “softer” while Sigmas are generally frown upon because they aren't as “submissive” as Omegas (though this is a misconception since Omegas don't just submit to everyone and they don't do it easily either. Maybe some do, but that's a thing they decide).
However, Gammas are seen as more desirable than alphas by Sigmas, and Omegas also prefer them too, since they are less aggressive, and society usually prefers them too, since they usually make up for most elite positions, such as politicians, CEOs, and all jobs that require leading people.
Now, there is an obvious lack of talking about Enigmas, people seem to generally have a nice life if they don't get around an alpha with outdated ideas, but this is not the rule for Enigmas, as there is a reason why they try to hide.
Enigmas are the most powerful subgender, and the ones there's less info on them, which makes them perfect test subjects. An enigma who's known to be so makes them a target of the government, turning them into lab rats for a variety of reasons. It's said that they can help with Omegas' and Sigmas' heats, plus to examine them. Once an enigma is caught by the government, there is no escape from them, and no one knows what happens there.
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scentedflowersong · 2 years
A Swen's Guide to the Into the Story-Verse Alternate Realities
Ladies and, in a broader sense, gentlemen, as December begins, we’re back with another entry to our humble guide, where we go through the alternate realities presented in the Into the Story-Verse fic - the last (for the time being) part of the Swan-Mills saga by the brilliant @swanqueeneverafter​
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And our regular readers will know which reality are we gonna discuss this week...
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Code name: Gamma Reality
First entered: by Will Scarlet in chapter 11
Set: Wonderland (with flashes of Victorian England, the Enchanted Forest, and Agrabah), past till present-ish (it’s complicated this time, okay?)
Fixed by: true love’s kisses - first between Will and Anastasia, second between Alice and Cyrus - both in chapter 47
Unfinished business: for Will - not giving up on Anastasia, for Alice - saving her brother (partly from himself)
Gamma reality is the longest-running alternate reality of all of the six realities portrayed in ITSV. Much like Beta Reality, Gamma influences our reality greatly, and even intertwines with it.
We follow the story of the Scarlet siblings from Alice’s pitiful childhood spent in an asylum where her own father puts her after she returns from Wonderland. That’s where Will finds Alice when he enters this reality and with the help of the White Rabbit rescues her.
The driving force behind Gamma Reality is Jafar, who chooses this reality because it’s where Cyrus - the genie he needs the most hides. Cyrus, who as it turns out, Gamma Realty’s Alice fell in love with in the past. Cyrus, who at the same time he’s in Jafar’s cell in Wonderland’s past is kept locked in Hengist’s fortress and being searched for by his mother in our reality. Toldya, it’s... complicated.
As Jafar seeks to force Alice into using her three wishes so he could become Cyrus’s new master, Anastasia, or rather the Red Queen, works with him, because she wants to break the laws of magic and return back in time to change her fate as every other ‘evil queen’.
 The ‘problem’ is, Anastasia may be a heartless bitch, but she still loves Will, and so the two love stories run next to one another, one almost naive - Alice and Cyrus, the other heartbreakingly bittersweet - Will and Anastasia. All the time Jafar tries to become Cyrus’s master and everyone else tries to stop Jafar for good.
Alice’s wishes are actually when the twisty turny timey wimey business comes in, because Alice wishes Cyrus, his mother, and the White Rabbit into our reality, and since they’re not human, the change of reality doesn’t affect their sense of self, they can use being in the ‘future’ to their advantage.
Jafar ultimately ends up being turned into a genie himself after Amara returns the magical water to the Well of Wonders. However, before that, he managed to kill Anastasia - nothing a true love’s kiss wouldn’t fix though.
Let’s also not forget the powerful parallels of the father/son relationships of Jafar and Sultan and Will and Edwin.
And so, we leave the reality after Alice and Cyrus’ wedding, beautifully paralleled in our reality’s long-awaited wedding of Robyn and Alice.
SQ storyline
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Like the Alpha Reality, Gamma Reality gave us a glimpse of Emma and Regina’s story in this reality in the Epilogue, since the main storyline followed the Scarlet Siblings. Since this storyline hasn’t been commented on before (well, by me), let’s briefly go over it...
Princess Emma asks her father whether the rumours of the Evil Queen returning are true, Charming tells her not to worry - oh, Charming, fear was the latest thing on your daughter’s mind...
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...instead of staying in the safety of the castle, the Princess follows the Evil Queen’s tracks to a village to hear the truth about how Snow defeated the Queen and also to not so subtly ogle her mother’s nemesis...
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...and because lust-filled stares weren’t the only thing the two women exchanged, not long afterwards the Charmings find the Princess taking care of the Evil Queen, just not in the ‘killing’ sort of a way (even though it’s not called la petite mort for nothing, I suppose)...
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...which they do in the last moment we see them - the Evil Queen and her Warrior Princess laying waste to Snow’s kingdom and happy ending...
...Emma also informs them that she’s joining Regina and they’ll soon take the kingdom back...
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talon-dragonbeast · 1 month
misceanimalis identities and alterhumanity
(also called: ✨misceverse propaganda✨)
a few days ago i promised to write a post about the misceverse and how it applies to myself/my identity. so, here it is!
[as a disclaimer, im still very much aroace so rest assured this post will be completely sfw. however, im aware that some people can be uncomfortable with this stuff so ill be putting the post under a read more]
so, omegaverse. a few of you may remember my post/essay on how i view gender through draconic lenses, and how my species classifies ourselves not with sex but with how we contribute to society, our Role. well, last week i saw some of my mutuals (shout-out to @/were-bastard and @/professional-jaywalker, the birds ever /pos) reblog stuff about something called the misceverse, which was inspired by omegaverse fanfic tropes, and... well. it piqued my interest. i had read a few of these stories myself when i was younger, so i knew more or less about what it was all about, but i didnt know there was an entire community centered around it!
what struck me the most about these communities was the normalization and celebration of animalistic behaviours, specifically as they relate to relationships, something that, as a nonhuman, is obviously very appealing to me. i struggle a lot to express affection in the expected/"human" way, as my instincts tell me to act more like the creature i am. things like nesting, scenting, giving gifts or having a special language of animal noises to communicate with your loved ones are things i do naturally, and that i fight to suppress every day. upon seeing all this in the misce community, plus the classifications that match so perfectly with my dragon Roles, i was sold.
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so, what even is misceanimalis?
also called miscecanis, its a community centered around the omegaverse, that is, a universe where people have secondary sexes as well as the normal ones: alpha, beta or omega. (they were inspired by that one study on wolf behaviour and pack dynamics, which i find really funny bc its considered incredibly inaccurate nowadays). people on this verse exhibit animal behaviours like nesting, forming packs, making animal noises or "subvocals", and, of course, experiencing mating cycles (i will not get into that last part, but basically omegas have heats and can get pregnant while alphas have ruts and can get people pregnant; betas are usually the "normal" ones, but this may vary between verses). also! a very important thing in omegaverse is scenting. everyone has a unique scent, so people can identify your dynamic right away; its used as a way to mark your territory and your mate and to express emotions.
about me!
dynamic: i am bidynamic; both an omega and a beta, also called a gamma or oeta.
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for me, this means that im socially neutral (but leaning submissive), i exhibit protective and nurturing behaviours like an omega, and give a calming effect to people like a beta. my presentation though is fully omega: i am very timid, uncertain and introverted, though if im feeling confident enough i can come off as more casual/laid-back.
scent: my scent is vanilla, very sweet as is typical of omegas (funnily, i found that this scent is almost unbearable for most people, but i adore it).
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i use vanilla body lotion and perfume for myself, and a soft vanilla air freshener for my den.
behaviours: i am misceavian, which means my behaviours are mostly based on birds (nesting, gift-giving, mating dances, all that stuff). my subvocals are both avian and draconic: purring, chirping, etc. i also experience heats but they are very mild, and are less frequent than for monodynamic omegas.
anyway, i think thats enough for today! wow i rambled a lot, didnt i? i hope you enjoyed reading this, and maybe even fell for my propaganda i mean, considered a misceanimalis identity for yourself! i found that the community is very nice and open-minded, and i think more alterhumans could benefit from joining it!
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 1 year
Band Ghoul Names and Element Guide (For this blog)
I’ve been meaning to make this guide for a while. Recently I received a request which will REALLY need this for better context.
(Note: some of the elements and names Are just ones I personally use for my world building, so they aren’t official or fan wide!! This is just how I’ll be regarding them and how they work in my writing.)
All ghouls in the list are written in chronological order of appearance!
*ghouls with multiple instruments positions
**Mixed Element ghouls
Non Band Ghouls: 
Special (“Phil”): interview and behind the scenes ghoul. Quintessence Element. Also the Sigma Ghoul. 
**Cowbell: Plays the Cowbell. Earth and Quintessence mix.
Miasma: “syringe ghoul” - Ghoul who had the syringe during chapter three. Presumably quintessence/unconfirmed element. Rumored to also have a 'darkness' to their element...
Luna: Kia Forum Vocalist - Quintessence
Breeze: Kia Forum Pianist - Air
Aqua: Kia Forum Cellist - Water (Freshwater/Lake)
Marina: Kia Forum Cellist - Water (Oceanic)
Fire Ghouls (Guitar players):
Alpha: eras I - III
Ifrit: era III
*Ember (Sodo): era III bassist, Era iv + current guitarist. Fire ghoul but born of mixed element parents (one water and one fire.)
**Swiss: Era IV - Current. Technically a multiple element ghoul but primarily shows fire element talents. Guitar, tambourine, vocals. Mixed Fire, Air, and Quintessence element power. 
Quintessence Ghouls (Rhythm guitar):
Omega: Era I - III
*/** Tide: (originally bassist) era III. Mixed ghoul of water and quintessence. 
Aether: era III - current.
Chaos: Goes by the nickname Phantom. Era V. Powers manifest in both matter manipulation and communicating with the dead.
Air Ghouls (Keyboard):
Air: (Formally known as Beta in my verse) Era I - III
Stratus (ChAir): Era III
Cumulus: Era Iv - Current , taller ghoulette and keyboardist 
Cirrus: Era IV - Current, shorter ghoulette and also backing vocals. 
**Sunshine: Era V - tambourine, vocals, keys. mixed element of Air and Fire. She/They pronouns equally. Their element actually manifests as LIGHT, which helped them get their nickname!
**Aurora: Era V - Vocals and tambourine. Air ghoulette with mixed elemental parents of air and quintessence . Standard Air elemental powers but shows auras and aura reading abilities.
Earth Ghouls (Drums):
Gamma: Era I - II. Mixed Forrest and Stone ghoyl.
Earth: (small earth) Era II - III. Plains Ghoul.
Ivy: VERY BRIEFLY end of Era III before Mountain took over. Forrest ghoul.
Mountain: Era III - Current. Stone Ghoul.
Water Ghouls (Bassists):
Delta (Chain Ghoul): Era I. Oceanic ghoul/borderline deep sea.
River: Era I - II. Freshwater river ghoul.
Water: Era II. Freshwater ghoul with oceanic parent.
(Tide was fourth Bassist before being the second Quintessence Ghoul) (era III)
Mist: Era III. Oceanic ghoul.
(Ember was the sixth before he went fire )
Rain: Era IV - Current . Freshwater/Lake ghoul.
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simo0n · 6 months
Love the omega verse art, can I ask what everyone’s secondaries (a/b/o/etc) are?
Sure ✨
I have two versions , cause it depends on ship
If its GazPriceNik :
Gaz is a Gamma
Price is an Omega
Nik is an Alpha
If its 141:
Soap Price and Ghost are Alphas
Gaz is a Gamma
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misceverchive · 2 months
not really a coining question so i hope this is alright, but ive recently started to get into the misceverse. and I was wondering what theta, gamma, and delta mean? or well how the dynamics work? I've seen them around but am failing to find definitions. sorry again if I shouldn't ask this here! i personally don't feel connect to the typical abo but still feel connected to the concept on the abo universe in some compacity so I'm hoping one of those meanings could help me out.
the trinary dynamics don't have concrete/popular definitions like alpha, omega, & beta do! people usually come up with their own definitions for the others!
since they don't have definitions, we can't really tell you what theta, gamma, or delta mean "^^ however we can list some definitions from other people's personal verses!
our definitions (link):
theta: physically average, socially dominant, & have a caree temperament. they are considered a subtype of beta.
gamma: physically weak, socially moderate, & have a carer temperament.
delta: physically average, socially submissive, & have a caree temperament. they are considered a subtype of beta.
abodynamics carrd (link):
theta: hyper-aggressive Betas, with above-average strength. Thetas are most likely to challenge Alphas and pick fights. Some verses make thetas dangerous due to a genetic mutation (that assumedly is a mutated Beta gene) that causes their “calming scent” to knock people out entirely
gamma: socially submissive Alphas, they’re not as stubborn as their counterparts and are usually on the gentler side, but that doesn’t mean sweet Alphas are automatically Gammas. Gammas usually refrain from fighting and other shows of dominance, but don’t hesitate to smother Omegas with love.
delta: socially submissive Betas. Betas tend to be the right-hand man, and Deltas are the assistants to Betas. They don’t provide calming qualities like Betas do, but they are almost hyper-keen to things like attraction between two people, when a heat will occur, and what EXACTLY an Alpha/Gamma should do to win over a Omega/Sigma. They are also hyper-empathetic.
alpha-zeta-lambda-xi-tau-omega's definitions (link):
theta: alpha males with no rut
gamma: alpha mates with only triggered ruts
delta: alpha females with only triggered ruts
ceescedasticity's definitions (link):
theta: physiologically similar to betas, but their pheromones put everyone else on reproductive standby. Tend to be dominant in an implacable way, rather than an aggressive one.
gamma: physiologically similar to betas, but pheromone chameleons; can smell like anything depending on what their subconscious thinks is the most useful.
delta: can transition between effectively-alpha and effectively-omega based on pheromone exposure, but it’s mostly involuntary, it takes about six months to finish, and it’s about as dangerous as a beta pregnancy.
omegai's definitions (link):
theta: an umbrella term for any individual with both of or are in-between the dynamics of alpha and omega.
gamma: an umbrella term for any individual with both of or who is in-between the dynamics of beta and omega.
delta: an umbrella term for any individual with both of or who is in-between the dynamics of alpha and beta.
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
Going to go with DS9 for your "5 things you'd change" ask meme. Curious to hear your thoughts :з
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
So, I'm biased and I'm tumblr user ezrisdax which means I need Ezri to exist but that said I'd change how Jadzia died. I've personally never been a fan of that, the ending and how she said her goodbye to Worf and Sisko was fine but Dukat killing her like that just...did not appeal to me at all, I hated that. Now how I'd have her die I don't know. Maybe while she was stuck in the Changeling mind trap place they gave her a drug and it's been slowly tearing down her ability to host the symbiont. (maybe that also means it can be removed but Jadzia has to be rushed to Trill and in a coma and thus gone for a time and Ezri is there still, I can still come up with Jadzia lives AUs right?). Or have her die defending the station just not...turning around and hey Dukat is there. At least let her get one punch in to him please.
Ezri and Julian and I don't have to expand on that, dear god, no.
Worf and Jadzia's wedding, not the wedding itself but the lack of the TNG characters. Like yeah I get not wanting to pay them etc etc but also listen, I need Jadzia and Deanna meeting properly and teasing Worf. It has always bothered me they weren't there for his wedding.
Jadzia's lack of interaction with other characters after Worf's arrival. I do feel starting season five it gets really bad; she doesn't have a lot of interactions with the others that don't also involve Worf in some capacity after that and while I do enjoy that ship I wanted more weird Trill adventures as it's own thing.
Alexander's whole thing in DS9, I didn't think it fit him at all and I absolutely hated it. Like first of all he should have just been with Worf anyway I thought we went through this in TNG and second of all he's never been interested in the Klingon stuff and he shouldn't have to and then why did they make him an idiot at it? He was a smart kid, c'mon.
Did I say top five? Just kidding here's more because I can't decide. Everything about Profit and Lace. I tend to skip over that episode during rewatches and it's bad. I think they should have brought Pel back instead and have another episode with her where it shows how much she's flourished and profited in the Gamma Quadrant.
I minute thing that's also always bothered me, Mirror Jadzia dies for....???? reasons? Like Ezri in the Mirror verse is Ezri Tigan, she doesn't have or need the symbiont and they just drop that Jadzia is dead that episode for zero reasons, like why couldn't she be away on a mission or something. I'm sorry but that stuck in my head and ate away at me for the longest time.
Sisko and Ezri and the lack of a relationship in any way after the third episode of season seven. Like she Dax and she pulls him back in and I think them navigating a new relationship again where this time Sisko is the mentor figure would be way way way more interesting then the Ezri/Julian storyline they stuck in instead.
VIC FONTAINE. I hate that fucking holoprogram. Too many episodes were about him and why the fuck is there an alive mirror verse version of him?????
Screw SNW I want a DS9 musical episode.
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crimeboys · 6 months
what type of gender (omega verse) is the most suicidal
most people think it's gammas but more experienced omegaverse fans such as myself know that alphas actually have the worst self-esteem and mental health issues in the worldbuilding. thanks for the question! <3
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tj-dragonblade · 6 months
oooh Star Trek AU and cruise verse part 3 for the wip game! xo @hardly-an-escape
Hello hello! Yes! The Star Trek 'AU' was more idea than WIP until this-here round of WIP-ask gaming. Now it's got a bunch of drily-expository introduction to the scene, which is progress I'm delighted to have made. The first bit can be found here; this snippet follows on directly from that:
They meet yearly at the least, now, every 7th of June by Earth calendar reckoning, and Dream often drops by once or twice in between as well. It's been a wonderful change the last four centuries from the six that came before; their friendship is genuine, solid, lasting. Hob makes the journey back to earth every year that ends in 89, always returns to the cradle of London and the New Inn, still standing all these centuries later, to mark the turning of another century in their relationship. But in between the centennial tradition, Dream will meet him where he happens to roam, and the age of space travel means he can roam farther than he'd ever imagined. Currently he's been crewing cargo freighters out in the wormhole sector, where new and exciting things have been happening for the last few years. He's been to the Gamma Quadrant a couple of times, the entire other side of the galaxy! Sometimes he still can't quite believe it but it's absolutely brilliant; he loves just mucking around out here, experiencing things that his peasant brain could never have fathomed in his natural mortal lifetime. Then the last freighter he'd signed onto had started smuggling for the Maquis, and when her captain inevitably went to Federation prison for it, he'd cut loose from the rest of the crew and drifted back to Deep Space 9. He'll find his next berth soon, he's in no hurry, and in the meantime. Dream is here for their annual visit. "My dear friend," he greets, standing as Dream reaches the table. "It is good to see you." He clasps Dream's hand, settles a firm grip to his shoulder with the other, the sorts of physical greeting he never would have dared a few centuries back. But Dream has grown, their friendship has grown, and pulling him into a light one-armed embrace is now not only allowable, but reciprocated. "Hello, Hob," Dream murmurs, as they draw apart, and the warmth in his crystal blue eyes is unmistakable.
Cruise-verse Part 3 is not officially committed to wip status, but the unavoidable reality is that I keep scribbling down bits of conversations they could have if I decide I'm going to go ahead and write the third installment. Of this series, I suppose I should specify. Here's a bit of one of those conversations, which you'll see is still in the almost-entirely-dialogue stage:
"Holy shit…you're Morpheus Ateleíotes, head of the Oneiros branch of InfinityCorp??" "I would much prefer you continue to call me Dream; indeed, to think of me as your 'just Dream' from the cruise." "Alright alright, I can wrap my head around that. Just Dream it is, between you and me. Just. Gimme a minute to process." "That you have fucked a high-society recluse?" "I mean you were in the priciest suite on that ship; obviously you were loaded but I never—oh, hold on a tick, didn't I just see something in the newsfeed about a divorce being finalized?" "Yes, that is one of the things I wished to talk about with you today." "So you were still married when we hooked up at sea?" "…Yes. Technically." "Oh my god, I'm an adulterer??" The glittering of his eyes seems more amused than affronted. Dream tilts an eyebrow. "You were not married, so strictly speaking—" "I am party to adultery, gorgeous, don't argue semantics." "I apologize for not being forthcoming about my marital status on the cruise." "Mmyeah, might've been nice to know?" The warmth of his smile keeps the words light, free of any real sting of recrimination. "Would it have made any difference?" Hob looks him up and down, gaze sweeping over him, appraisal with a backing of very fond heat. "Absolutely not. Still would've fucked you senseless for the asking. And I do get why you wouldn't want to haul your messy baggage into your fun tropical fling." "Truly, you are the most beautiful and understanding party to adultery I could have hoped to find."
I've also posted a bit of later (and more fleshed out) conversation on a last-line-tag-meme previously.
(@hardly-an-escape just in case your tag in the original ask doesn't ping you)
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moonysomegaverse · 7 months
About packs
What about packs in my universe? Packs can be small ones, but it could have up to 12 people. Could be more? Yes, but I prefer not to, as packs in my view are close people who are in the pack by choice.
Do pups automatically become part of the same pack their parents? Yes, since pups in the beginning need to be as close as possible from their parents, it's logical they are part of it, however they're not obligated to stay in the same pack forever, it's their choice. Packs also help raise the pup despite the pup's parents, or the pup's secondary gender.
Do all people belong to packs? No, there are people who are “lone wolves” who don't belong to any pack, and that's okay, nothing might happen to those who are not in a pack.
There are no set roles in the pack, the ones with more strength protect the weaker, the leader of a pack is often a Gamma or an Enigma, if there are any in the pack, otherwise it's mostly an alpha, but can change if the rest of the pack decides so.
Packs are usually made by close knit people, friends if you'd like, their mates, and sometimes even family members.
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soupsandstars · 2 years
Firstly, I wanted to say your art is absolutely GORGEOUS
In terms of art prompts, if you’re familiar with moon knight comics, hulk and moon knight just vibing could be nice. System solidarity :D
Second, Those Gamma Boys Just. . . getting a rest day. Just a day to themselves. Chill. Rest. Relax (ish.)
Thank you!!
I'm not super well versed with Moon Knight but I've been interested in reading! So if anyone has any reading recs you can send 'em my way!
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And here's the gamma boys having a day to themselves!
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