#vent post????????? i guess????????
static-scribblez · 4 months
oh my god. oh my fucking god. i'm so fucking grateful i'm currently reading radio silence in the safety of my bedroom and not at school rn because i just got through pages 295 - 306 and i'm actually fucking crying, like sobbing, what the fuck, literally no book has ever made me do that before, is this what a panic attack feels like, my god i just dodged a massive bullet by not reading that section in school i would be an emotional wreck the entire day
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vanglaggle-two · 6 days
too scared to post on main .
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ignore this maybe
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miikpal · 1 month
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for consumption
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magichroma · 3 months
Being asexual (maybe asexual maybe demisexual maybe some secret third thing I don't fucking know) is such a mindfuck. I've lived my life a certain way my whole life only to realize more and more that I am just near incapable of feeling something practically everyone else can, and in a society where sex is constantly used to sell things, it gets pretty weird. Triply so when what you assume to be sexual attraction is basically only felt within the bounds of narratives (role play, stories, kink) making you constantly try to convince yourself that you can find the one thing to fix you.
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kuuttituutti · 4 months
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makes you think
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gothwineaunts · 6 months
Oofh. The hate in the comments. It's starting to get to me. I've been trying to ignore it for a long time now, but like they literally want one of the romantic leads to disappear. So many people. They just hate her. Like not even "love to hate her." Just despise her enough to call her slurs and pray for her death. In a wlw.
I must have really fucked this up, I think.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Political ads: My opponent has jacked up taxes every year since he was elected!
Me: Which taxes? Income? Sales? Property? Business?
Political ads: I promise to hold the line on taxes!
Me: Which taxes? What government programs do those taxes contribute to? What gets cut if the lack of taxation causes a deficit?
Political ads: Think about the taxes!
Reminder to always ask what it is that people aren't saying in these ads.
A lot of them want you to think that it is your personal taxes as a working-class person that they're talking about. But if it's taxes on the rich that they're "holding the line on," then they're using your desire to survive with a greater portion of your own income as fuel to keep the upper classes from paying their fair share.
I keep getting the same three or four political ads (half aren't even for the district I live in) and I'm frustrated that they use these transparent tactics and that there are probably people that don't have the time or background to take that moment to go 'what are they hoping I hear in this? What are they actually going to do?'
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
"We need more diverse queer representation!"
You cannot even handle queer jews.
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darci-tbh · 5 months
crazy when people are just so blissfully and self righteously unaware of how much it is not sunshine and roses being a trans man. absolutely insane when people say "when has a trans man ever been shunned from a space" "when has a trans man ever had to walk on eggshells for fear of being made an example of" "when has a trans man ever been/had to fear being raped/abused/abandoned/belittled/denied personhood for their transness" ME! me RIGHT HERE in my fucking real life. many many many others too. just because we're constantly silenced and infantalized and erased from the public eye doesn't mean we're not out here suffering. I'm sure it's not the same as the transfem experience. I know for a fact there's a unique kind of suffering in being in the bigots' spotlight. but you can talk loudly and angrily and righteously and exclusively about the mtf experience without slipping in a sly disgusted comment at other trans people or implying that the abuse we go through completely undetected and unacknowledged cannot exist. genuinely. stop fucking generalizing us as all little uwu discord teens with no problems in sight
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superemeralds · 6 months
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get submerged, loser
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inkly-heart · 4 months
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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akanemnon · 3 months
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better! It can be SO exhausting when you have a large following! (I wouldn't know, but I can imagine)
Even when you have a small amount of people following you, it can feel like you have to constantly try to impress them to make sure they stay.
It's your page, and it's up to you to post when and what you want. If people don't like it, thats their problem, and you don't need their follow anyways.
I hope this catches you well! I hope your break has been refreshing and helpful for your creative mind!
I'm really not used to having a big following and sometimes it can feel pretty suffocating ngl
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate every single one of you, but as someone who's extremely shy and easily overwhelmed, having so many eyes on you is frightening. Especially when you're a chronic people pleaser like me. Different camps start to form that throw opposing opinions at you on how certain story and lore aspects are supposed to be like, while you're trying to tell your story but still want to make the audience happy. But you can't make everyone happy. And that messes with me.
So yeah. That's the main reason why I needed that break.
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fun-k-boards · 8 months
I've never understood the excitement around marriage. I've never understood the 'rush' around the idea of a relationship. I've never understood the heartbreak or annoyance people feel when they're alone for valentine's day, or when their partner doesn't give them a gift for it. I've never understood why someone would like kissing with their tongues or on the lips. I've never understood why naked bodies are sexual. I've never understood why I should feel my world shatter when someone rejects me. I've never understood why I should be expected to 'just give the relationship a try' when someone confesses to me. I've never understood why friends will demean someone by implying they just 'aren't good enough' because their friend got rejected by that person, no matter how gentle or respectful the rejection was.
I've never understood why sex and romance need to be brought up and hyper focused on in every conversation imaginable.
I'll probably never understand.
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mormonforgetmenot · 12 days
I love being queer and I love being a mormon, but there are times when I'm just so tired.
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spiralhigh · 2 years
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this is like a year old and super out of character bc i only drew it to blow off steam but i still like how it came out so
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arkiwii · 10 months
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"Painful things, sad things, and scary things all go away when you least expect them to. But it's not okay to forget them. I need to remember them, because those emotions are still there inside me. I don't want to end up crying without knowing why. Memories are a burden, and I have to carry my own burden."
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