#vein surgery
thenjvvc · 1 year
Vein Removal Surgery NJ
Vein removal surgery is a surgical procedure performed to remove damaged or diseased veins from the body. At NJVVC, our team of highly skilled and experienced vascular specialists utilizes the latest advancements in vein removal to deliver exceptional results. Contact for free consultation.
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hoshizoralone · 3 months
HI! Hope you're having a great day! I love all your Samus art! She's the best. Quick question,with the comic you just posted,I recognize most of it but where is the Samus with the big scar on her face from? I don't recognize that one though I've probably missed it somewhere else.
it’s just how i imagine samus looking after fusion/after she’s taken in metroid dna:
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i draw the scarring a little bit differently every time but the general idea is having a fucked up face .
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atomicraft · 27 days
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[slaps everett] this guy can hold so much—oh dear god what is HAPPENING TO THAT GUY
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waltzedintherain · 2 years
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wolfstar in the common room <3
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skunkes · 1 month
thje really good thing about this year is ive gotten poked with a needle for drawing blood or other reasons like 20 times so that part of Fearing Going On T has been lessened a bit
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contentment-of-cats · 2 months
Self-advocacy is exhausting
So, got a call and was asked about my stay after surgery and readmission for the incision infection. Surgery great. Surgeon great. Nurses awesome.
It's noted in my record that I have small, deep veins. Brittle from chemo and radiation, they are prone to collapse. The ER nurse had to use ultrasound to find a capable one. They collapsed when I was on the table which is why I went into surgery with one IV site and came out with three. They were considering a site in my neck. I have begged people to use the power port. It's used for blood draws, it's used for fluids, it's carried my chemo - it's there for a reason.
And the reasons they won't access it are numerous. It doesn't have the flow rate we need. We have to keep it in reserve. It can't handle certain medicines. Finally, one nurse said, "We can't access it without your oncologist's permission."
It was Sunday night and I shot my onco an email detailing my problems - by now five sites collapsed. He spoke to someone about it and next thing I knew it was discharge time Monday afternoon. Why does a patient need to advocate to the point where they're worn down? I look like I've been slamming heroin.
The interviewer seemed perturbed, and referred me to the patient advocate's office. I'll make the call. Just not now. My self-advocacy is on fumes. I need to regroup.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
anyway. the uk sucks ass and living here sucks ass too! NHS is sooo amazing until its soooo not!
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by: @1morefix
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emmaspolaroid · 2 months
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medical malpractice barbie
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pekodayz · 1 year
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if i ever made smth like this again i would actually need to dunk my head in cold water for 7 seconds
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wryn-redacted-thrives · 3 months
it’s been over 2 weeks since i was discharged from the hospital and the vein that had the bigger of my two IVs still fucking hurts. like it occasionally just starts stinging and aching the way it did when one of the painful meds was being pushed. the bruise isn’t really visible anymore, but i definitely still feel it 🫠
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Day 297 - I hate anxiety but I don't want surgery again and so I'm anxious
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cowardlycowboys · 4 months
always so evil for most sensitive girl to get ivs
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jewishdainix · 4 months
They should let me do morphine every night in theat time in the middle of the night when i wake up and cant fall asleep again
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pintsizeginger · 1 year
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Yesterday was my birthday!
In the past I typically love celebrating my birthday! That normally involves either game nights with friends or a fun trip. Last year and now this year due to health issues those things have been difficult to do.. Last year I was fresh out of surgery and this year I'm just a few days away from a major surgery. Because I can't do much to celebrate I figured I would share my wishlist for surgery recovery items. Since I have fibromyalgia I need all the recovery help I can get! I'm so ready for the surgery but I also know that recovery is going to be rough!
The wishlist link is here
And if you don't want to use Amazon, my PayPal and Venmo are both @SelinaMariaA and CashApp is $SelinaMAngotti
The reason for the surgery is that after having reoccurring blood clots we discovered that I have Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (vTOS). So to allow my veins to work properly I'm having decompression surgery, which will be removing my first rib on the problem side and possibly removing muscle, and I will probably need vein repair too. It's been hard dealing with this, my arm and shoulder has been just getting worse and worse. I'm so thankful that my hematologist recognized it for what it is!
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I don’t know what to do
I feel drunk but I promise I’m sober. I can feel my heartbeat everywhere, in my chest, in my throat,I’m my sinuses, in my eyeballs, I’m dizzy even when I’m sitting. I feel nauseous. My stitches are itchy, my stomach hurts
I just want to relapse. I know it’ll fix this. Please I just want it to stop.
It’s telling me ‘come on, just a little one, you know you’ll like it, it’ll be fun. Your chest won’t feel so tight. I’ll make the dizziness stop. Come on, just cut a little deeper, you’ll be okay then. You’ve healed wounds before, you’re good at it. The stitches are itchy because they’re healing, you did a good job. You can do more. Let’s make these ones neater. Come on it’ll be fun”
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