avillanappears · 4 months
the sinister sleeper
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
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[ID: Gifs of four Champion evolutions from Digimon Survive. All the gifs start on white, fade in to show the back and then the head or front arms of the digimon, before showing the whole digimon from a further distance, all from the left side view, and then fades to white again.
Gif 1 shows Dobermon against an orange sunset. Dobermon is a giant doberman dog with their tongue sticking out, red vertical eyes on their arms, and blades behind their legs.
Gif 2 shows Veggiemon against an orange sunset. Veggiemon is a giant yellow gourd with red leaves on their head and two tentacles for arms.
Gif 3 shows Diatrymon against a blue forest with Minoru (their human partner) watching in the foreground. Diatrymon is a giant multi-colored bird with a dinosaur-like head.
Gif 4 shows Shellmon against an orange sunset. Shellmon is a giant pink dinosaur-like creature with two front arms and the rest of its body inside a grey turban shell.
End ID]
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon au the owl house au: Willow park and vegiemon
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Fresh: nyokimon
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Fresh: Yokomon
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Rookie: Floramon
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Champion: veggiemon
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Ultimate: blossomon
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Mega: hydramon
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angiejonesart · 1 year
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Painting by @veggiemon Autum Wallace was one of my favs last night from @joshlilleylondon at the @felixartfair opening night called Allow Me. That shadow is EVERYTHING! #felixartfair #felix #autumnwallace #HollywoodRoosevelt #losangelesart #veggiemon (at Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouxauDJhFo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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I got bored at work and thought of something stupid
Is Veggiemon actually able to talk with Cactriffany? Are they just doing it to screw with everyone? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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smackins · 2 years
💖✨💩This is a POOP DIGIMON Positivity Zone 💩✨💖
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digi-lov · 4 months
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ExTyrannomon EX3-060 by koki from EX-03 Theme Booster Draconic Roar
This card shows ExTyrannomon along with all the other "Trash-Evolutions" from the original v-pet line. Ver.1 had Numemon evolving into Monzaemon, Ver.2 had Veggiemon into Vademon, Ver.3 had Sukamon into Etemon, Ver.4 had Nanimon into Digitamamon and finally Ver.5 had Raremon into ExTyrannomon.
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[Evolution graph from humulos.com]
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digimoninteractions · 5 months
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Sam & Flarizamon (02x40)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 40 showing Sam, an african american chosen child. (1) Sam walking beside Flarizamon as they lead two Veggiemon and a Cherrymon through new york. (2) Sam smiling as he, Flarizamon, and a Veggiemon look upwards. (3) The same but Sam extends his arms out nervously. (4) Sam and three Veggiemon all looking upwards nervously. (5) Sam with a nervous expression. End ID]
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our9ball · 8 months
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In the words of my sweetheart, "This veggiemon needs to be put down."
He's too dangerous. The world and digi world aren't ready for its mighty—and appetite!
Thumbnail work for my favorite pumpkin!
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digifandom · 10 months
Okay this might be a hot take but, I don't think the Crest of Sincerity shouldn't exist. I like the dub crest of reliability for Joe and the sub crest of purity for Mimi. At least to me they seem to fit the characters better. Like compare the meanings and-
Let's use the whole situation with Takeru and his Mom. With the Crest of Sincerity the meaning of that scene is that he keeps his promise to protect Takeru to Ms. Takashi, therfore showing he is sincere in his promise. (Which is great, it does read) Yet when you watch it in the context of the Crest of Reliability then the scene isn't just a promise being fulfilled (simplifying ofc). Joe's character gimic is literally being a constantly anxious person (again simplifying) so the scene has more impact (imo) to Joe as a character due to it showing that nature of "this person that I care for is in trouble, I have to help him" and therefore showing that someone who has a lot of anxiety/fears is still a reliable person. Someone who despite of himself will still do everything he can when it comes down to it, to me that has a bigger impact. Feel free to give your own opinions I'm also open to different interpretations.
There is a counter arguement to be made with the example of Joe and Yamato fighting together at the restaurant and that episode showing how "sincere" Jyou is by telling Yamato the whole truth of him not messing up on purpose, but 1 that episode is supposed to showcase Yamato's trait of friendship more so than Jyou's trait of sincerity (don't get me wrong it does do both but still), and 2 that episode read with the Crest of Reliability still reads really well, especially as a set up for who Jyou is. The episode shows things going wrong time and time again, Joe messing up (even tho it's not his fault) it shows that side of him that counter acts his giving trait of reliability but still shows the effort he puts into be reliable and once again shows his resolve to do everything he can for those he cares for via being squished by veggiemon for Yamato. The episode shows peaks of him being reliable while still keeping the trait buried in other things as it's not his and Gomamon's time.
For our pink loving queen let's use the episode of her princess Era (ya know the one where she needs to sing but Taichi has to slap some sense into her before she does). It makes sense that this scene reads better, or more deep, with the perspective of Purity rather than Sincerity (the og is showcasing Purity afterall) In the Dub the Crest of Sincerity is used as Mimi (just as in the Joe sub) keeping true to her promise, and it admittedly (again imo) works much better than Joe keeping his promise. It works better only due to the build up of Mimi not aligning with her trait, but the Purity (imo) is still better. The Purity crest in this scene is used to represent that Mimi is a caring person that wishes the best for others but also incredibly (albeit unintentionally) selfish. Mimi is a character who wants to be treated like royalty and she can be very unaware of what her actions bring to others or that they are morally wrong in any slight way, but it makes sense for her character as she is like 10 and when she does realize the harmfulnes of her own actions she stops and tries to be better. Purity in this sense is a trait of betterment, Purity is NOT supposed to represent Mimi as a character with an unwavering moral compass that's perfectly aligned to good, instead it's meant to showcase her trait of Purity is the sense that she has a heavily wavering moral compass, one that leads her to make bad decisions at times but she then improves herself from her mistakes. Purity is (self)betterment rather than perfectly clear/good.
Counter argument: Mimi saving the people when she first get palesmon to digivolve into lillymon. It's easy to say this doesn't showcase either, or that it showcases her sincere want save people, or that it shows how pure she is by wanting to save everyone (especially her parents). So let me just justify my interpretation of the Crest of Purity representing betterment rather than being pure of heart (aka my explanation that's not the 3rd option I just gave). To keep this short, this scene is pay off of past (self)betterment and the gateway to more (self)betterment. The payoff comes from Mimi holding her ground rather than just encouraging everyone to run and get out, it's her acting (something that she's grown to do). The gateway of this scene is the fact that she is still doing this still protecting these people because of her family, she still hesitates to fight (until the very end of the series she hesitates to fight) but everytime she gets better she reacts faster she gains more confidence to do what she has come to believe is right, protecting others.
Okay I won't go into as much detail with Yolei/Miyako and Iori/Cody. But Cody is a bit difficult to really define but I still wanna say the Crest of Reliability fits him best. When Cody has to lie when he gets his digitama and is choosen to be Joe susesor it's easy to see how it's supposed to represent the in-between of the Crest of Sincerity, how it's okay to lie if necessary and that you can still be an honest (sincere) person. But read it withthe Crest of Reliability and that message is still there but another layer get added to it, Iori at that moment is doing what he can to save his friends and he pulls through despite his own hesitations it shows that responsibility within in that also helps his character as someone who always does what their told by their elders, he was taught to be honest and goes against those teachings for those he cares for. To me that developed who Iori is as a character a lot more.
I feel as if the execution of both crest was well down with her, to the point that if it weren't for her being the successor of Mimi I would probably be more on the Sincerity Crest side. The episode that stands out to me is surprisingly not when she gets her digitama of Sincerity/Purity it's when she gets dragged with Ken and Hikari to the dark ocean. Specifically when she slaps Hikari, that slap and the speech she gives to Hikari read so well with the Crest of Sincerity in mind, Yolei is being honest with Hikari, she's talking about her feelings she's unbashfully being herself and admitting what she wishes for, admits her jealous of Hikari. She's sincere and in ture she brings out Hikari's genuine emotions. I think this is the best use of the Crest of Sincerity and that the scene doesn't read as good when read with the trait of Purity in mind. It still reads well which is why I still think Yolei should have the Crest of Purity because it reads well with either and therefore dependent on what work for Mimi (as again she's suppose to be Mimi's successor) But just bc I like Sincerity better in this case doesn't mean I won't give my arguement for Purity.
The Crest of Purity in this same scene is weaker (imo) but it does still work, my point with Mimi is that Purity is suppose to represent (self)betterment and this scene can be argued to show that. The first step at fixing a problem is acknowledging it, this scene is Miyako out right admitting to everything that she sees wrong with herself and wants to change, it's her not necessarily asking for help from Hikari but telling Hikari "Hey I wish I wasn't as stubborn as I am and knew how to listen to others like you do" and in response Hikari points out that their is a good side to Yolei not being able to do that. This scene in this context is about (self)betterment but specifically the steps to it such as accepting the problem and understanding the positives that should stay but the negatives that do need work.
Now some of the scenes I talked about weren't scenes the characters crest were a big deal in. So ...
Why Think about the Crest in a situation that the character isn't actively using it?
The Crest that the digidestined have are meant to represent a trait they have (an arguable exception is made with Hikari's Crest of Light and Daisuke's Crest of Miracles but I have theories on that for another time) meaning in every scene you should be able to see the trait in each character or the character struggling with their trait. It shouldn't matter when if it's a trait that their suppose to represent at all times,
Taichi being scared because Courage is overcoming fear
Yamato pushing people away because he struggles with receiving the friendship of others (but giving it as much)
Mimi being selfish because it's something she needs to better
Takeru putting on a brave face because even if he doesn't have hope he refuses to let those around him lose hope
Sora holding someone back because she loves the so much and doesn't want them to be hurt
The whole point of the digidestined's crest is that they have these traits so deeply ingrained in their actions, yes their human and don't always adbid by them but even that is still present in their actions.
Lol sorry for the rant, feel free to drop your own opinions, at the end of the day it's just personal preference and interpretation, pls reblog so others can vote!
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dats-hq · 11 months
Saki, 2/12/16/20
2. When I truly started to like this character
So I was already primed to like Saki a lot just because I loved her character design and thought she seemed neat from the 2018 trailers, but obviously that didn't make me as normal about Saki as I am now.
I wish I had a text dump of the game so I could pull up the exact lines, but basically the part where I started to truly like Saki was in the first Free Action section of Part 6 where you can talk to her in the waterway about how she's feeling after seeing Wendimon kill Shuuji. Up until this point, it was clear that Saki put a lot of effort into masking her true feelings from the group, and we had even seen her try to distance herself from her own emotions in Part 3 and 4 with regards to losing Professor and Ryo.
In Part 6, though, it suddenly seemed very clear to me that Saki actually didn't know her own emotions herself. She'd worn masks for too long. Seeing this only a few minutes after watching Shuuji unravel from a similar internal conflict, and less than an hour after the revelation of Saki's chronic illness, made a lot of things click into place for me. I'm actually not sure if it was written with any specific intention that you have this realization here, but hey! I did, and it created a compelling narrative to me!
By this point, I had enough trust in Survive's writing that Saki's illness wasn't some irrelevant, edgy detail. It had to be connected in some way to her larger character. More than that, this was clearly a part of a larger theme of internal vs external self that extended beyond just one of two subplots.
(Side note, I actually do have some quibbles with how Survive depicts disability with the whole game in mind, but that's a different conversation.)
12. Sexuality headcanon
If the question is just what her sexuality is, I'd guess bi, though lesbian isn't out of the question. What I headcanon much more strongly, however, is that Saki herself is not sure yet. She doesn't exactly struggle with it or anything, she just doesn't give it a lot of thought. She likes who she likes, and she figures the details will just work themselves out.
16. Childhood headcanon
I think I've alluded to this a few times before, but I think Saki was diagnosed at a very young age. In the Wrathful Part 10 flashback, we see her doctor mention that her illness isn't affecting her too badly at this time, which to me implies that there have been at least a few extensive periods of time where she was either doing better or worse. Moreover, in Saki's prequel story, we see that Saki is well aware of how to emotionally manipulate her mother by playing up her illness. She had to have been living with this for quite a while in order to get a sense for which approach would work when with her mom. She probably even has a different strategy for her dad.
I think this provides an interesting foundation for why she is so distant from her true feelings.
(And yes, I know that Saki was partially expressing authentic anxiety to her mom in that phone call, but consider how much avoidant behavior with her doctor got her into that position in the first place. The distance from her own emotions is often layered in ways Saki refuses to acknowledge.)
20. Weird headcanon
Damn, I have a lot of these.
I think one of her (extremely tertiary) concerns about surgery was visible scarring and that was partially reflected in how she felt toward Veggiemon and Blossomon at first. Though, by the end of the game, she's full-throatedly announcing her love for Blossomon in Talk convos, which I like to think implies that in the routes she survives to get surgery in, she embraces the scars.
In the hypothetical multiversal Digimon tamer conference I half-jokingly think about a lot, she ends up in the Plant Girl room since there's not actually that many repeats of Palmon, Floramon, or Lalamon. Anyway she'd get into an argument with Mimi about if Palmon or Floramon were cuter, but lowkey get mad when she saw how cute Yoshino and Mimi's evolutions are compared to hers lol. Gets along well with Catherine though.
If she tried hanging out with Miu and Minoru outside the context of Kemonogami business, it would be very awkward at first but eventually they'd go to a zoo or something and have a good time talking about random shit while looking at animals.
She is NOT a natural blonde.
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pipchirisu · 2 years
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This is still so fucked up to me in the funniest way. You know Saki is feeling real insecure hearing her "heart" turned Floramon into freaking poop throwing Veggiemon
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Man, the evolution requirements for Digimon Color are kind of tough if you're going for anything other than a good care Digimon. Especially if you're raising two of them that have similar but not identical conditions.
I wanted Numemon and Frigimon on version 1 and 2 respectively... ended up with Airdramon and Veggiemon. I think next time I'm gonna power down my Ver 1 to focus on getting that Cres Gurumon so I can finally get Omnimon out of the way.
On that note, I wonder if there will be any other Jogresses besides Rust Tyrannamon if they do more of these things, given ver 3 on the DM20th doesn't have any jogress forms.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Little doodle of Veggiemon making this stupid face
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Ghostmon evolved into Raremon before DNA Digivolving with FlareLizamon into Eosmon (ultimate) and Mummymon respectively!
Veggiemon continues to panic at the probability that she'll die before reaching Mega level.
BlitzGreymon found a treasure (pronounced "tray-jure") map that turned out to be a misleading promotion for a Hummer dealership that has since been converted into the headquarters that one guy who really likes Sayaka Maizono from Trigger Happy Havoc: Danganronpa.
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In other, sadder news, Miliquin Muthlissborgar has passed away 😭
Their advanced Tamagotchi age contributed to persistent sickness that resulted in their passing. They had garnered a fair amount of controversy for their off-Broadway production of Hamilton from Aaron Burr's perspective for neglecting to depict Burr's later attempt to help three southern states secede, but but all in all they were a dedicated entertainer who was beloved by all who knew them.
In terms of hot takes, there were worse they could've had TBH
May they rest in peace 😔
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digimonirl · 9 months
Quick question? Can red veggiemon use fire or not, might save a life(mine)
Generally speaking, no. Do you want to take that risk though? Try climbing a tree, they don't have a lot of upper body strength
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