#digisnax au
lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Cinder likes to pester the Grumps whenever it’s bored
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Alegander’s gotta be careful when the imp can through fireballs
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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not me revamping my digisnax au again
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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“I call the big one Bitey”
While stuck as a little Yaamon, Gramble finds them on the beach picking a fight with a crapple. He ends up taking them in and Yaamon uses the opportunity for an easier time recovering. Yaamon plays along with Gramble’s assumption that they’re just some new bugsnak and keep quiet.
While with Gramble, Yaamon is like a little asshole cat and nips at him a lot. They also spit ink at anything they find annoying and eat all the chocolate sauce they can sink their teeth into
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
Floofty, Snorpy, or Chandlo hanging out with Nibble in any of their forms? OR YOURSELF AS A CAPPUCCEETLE
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Who let this little gremlin be able to fly? that's just a disaster waiting to happen.
and bonus
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the only difference is the hat. that's really it.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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As much of a selfish jerk Yaamon can be, they do occasionally let the facade slip some and show Gramble a bit of appreciation for his kindness. And over a week or so it was enough to have them second guess running away in the night when they managed to reach rookie level again. But they still did.
That's why when Impmon met back up with Gramble, he surprised/confused them by being thrilled to see them again.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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I want to work more on this later, and maybe write up a drabble for the scene. But anyway, here’s a quick-ish picture for something I thought of for the Digisnax AU
Basically Impmon can only digivolve into Veggiemon now and is struggling to understand why. They end up talking to Shelda for advice since they think the Digimental of Purity might have cursed them
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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I got bored at work and thought of something stupid
Is Veggiemon actually able to talk with Cactriffany? Are they just doing it to screw with everyone? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Some doodles from lunch of the loose ideas I have for a revamped Digisnax AU
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
whats the artifact the guy stole in that au?
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The artifact is the Digimental of Purity (Digiegg of Sincerity in the Dub). The crest on it is linked to Palmon's evolution line so it gives the user a plant-themed armor evolution. I was going to tweak how it gets used for the AU
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After Wizardmon gets the Digimental back from Gramble (and scaring him in the process) Wizardmon casts a spell to absorb it's power, only it doesn't go as expected and Wizardmon gets hit so hard that it de-digivolves to In-Training level: Yaamon (Yarmon?)
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Then way later when back up to Rookie level and ready to digivolve up to Champion again, instead of becoming Wizardmon, it finds out that it can now only become Vegiemon, which is very upsetting to it.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
How've you been lately? Sending nothing but good wishes and vibes your way!
thank you very much, that's very kind of you
I've been doing well, mostly drawing when not busy with work. And when I am at work I've been thinking up story and lore stuff for my ocs
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
Also, to use the Misc. Ask Meme: 💀 for Budelyn, 💝 for Nibble, and/or 💓 for the Time Loop Journalist? :D
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Budelyn tends to prefer Horror Comedies but will watch the occasional horror movie. They aren't a fan of excessive gore, cringe inducing injuries, or jump scares so they'd rather watch more psychological horor with someone.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
A few kind words go a long way with Nibble. While it won't completely save someone from being messed with/pranked, Nibble will scale back and even off set the pranks with the odd gift. It's still a little tsundere though and never outright admits it got a gift on purpose.
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
I'm leaning towards having the Time Loop AU Journalist be Aromantic, but being stuck in a time loop spending time with someone is their main way of showing someone they care.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
How would Budelyn specifically get along with Nibble? How would the Journalist from the Time Loop AU get along with Nibble? And how would Budelyn and the Time Loop Journalist get along with each other?
Budelyn and Nibble
The two would get along decently enough. Budelyn helping out with Nibble's sidequests would make the imp appreciate them, but Nibble can still be a little shit. Nibble would have fun scaring off the odd Bugsnax Budelyn would be trying to catch.
Time Loop Journalist (Looper) and Nibble
These two's interactions would be a bit variable from one cycle to the next, but over all they'd be cautious of one another. Any time Looper tried to get Gramble to eat a Bugsnax while he was sleepwalking would earn them Nibble's disdain and make them the imp's new target. The Journalist would also be able to see Nibble Dark Digivolve if a particular cycle went especially wrong. Nibble would become Fangmon, a ravenous "Big Bad Wolf" of a digimon that they would only digivolve into if in extreme emotional distress.
Although, Nibble wouldn't be aware of the time loops, it would be rather quick to believe Looper's story, or at least not rule it out.
Budelyn and Looper
Budelyn and Looper are a bit hard to pin down. Since the two have the same job, they'd have an alright professional relationship, but Looper stays closed off for a fair few time loops and focuses on getting everyone off the island in one piece. So it'd take Looper a few cycles to warm up to the idea of opening up more to Budelyn.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Got a few more doodles for my revamped Digisnax AU
The basic set up I have is Wizardmon here stole a powerful artifact, but when making a get away a stray magic bolt threw off the destination of the teleport. Wizardmon winds up in the Triplicate Space and while looking around, Joey Quickbeans wakes up and snags the artifact from Wizardmon. And after chasing it over the beach, the Cappucceetle got startled by Gramble and Wiggle and dropped the artifact in front of the two, to Wizardmon's chagrin. Now Wizardmon has to figure out how to get back the artifact.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
I'm in the mood to answer some asks, they could be general stuff or about my bugsnax OCs and headcanons, or the digisnax AU if anyone is interested
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