Analyzing ecological threats, resilience and Peace. Ecological threat report 2023.
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The relationship between peacefulness, food insecurity, water scarcity and population growth is complex. If multiple ecological threats occur simultaneously, they can converge and mutually reinforce, causing a multiplier effect. For example, a country may be exposed to water stress and dedicate resources to addressing this threat. However, the combination of water stress and a rapidly growing population may exacerbate food insecurity, causing other effects, such as higher inflation, unplanned migration or increases in crime. Multiple stressors are also more likely to lead to negative societal outcomes such as political instability, social unrest and violent conflict. In turn, this may cause more damage to physical infrastructure and further deplete already scarce resources, thus creating further food insecurity and water stress. The interplay between ecological threats and socio-economic dynamics may lead a country into a vicious cycle of progressively greater adversity.
Ecological Threats Report 2023. Institute for Economics & Peace
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eyetcsuffolk · 1 year
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Eye Cemetery needs volunteers to join a working group recording names from the graves in the oldest part of the cemetery. Would you like to be involved in this exciting historic project in Eye Suffolk @greendoordecorative @fleurs_artisan_florist @eyehairandbeautysalon @eyehandyman @eyeprimarysuffolk @hartismere #endoflife #cemetery #greenburial #headstone #headstones #chaples #crematorium #graveyard #volunteer #tree #trees #vegatation #cemertaryview #morial #mayson #stonemayson #group #historic #localhistory #placeofrest #coffin #willowbasket #renovation #regenaration #reccords (at Eye Market Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFwwv8oNQC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1005words · 4 days
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Through my job, I have access to LinkedinLearning. I have been studying photography. I will be posting from oldest to newest. But chances are, you will see them backward. This series is called Village on a Stump originally taken on March 16, 2024
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png-magician · 2 years
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huariqueje · 8 days
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Archipelago motif with shore magpies - Mona Huss Walin 
Swedish, b. 1944  -
Colour lithograph, 59.5 x 46.5 cm. framed , Ed. 279/750.
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wendyverboom · 11 months
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Ready for the harvest
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dracoaday · 5 months
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Day 022 - A Professional Cook!
KoFi Link Here // I cooked dinner last night, yes the dragon has four eyes because it’s based on my personal persona.
[ID FROM ALT] A fullbody single colored drawing of a dragon sitting on their hind legs with a large pot that’s used for cooking soups (and broths) in front of them. They are holding what’s presumed to be a spoon to stir the soup that’s steaming out despite no fire under the pot. He has long fangs and four eyes that are closed. The background is orange and red with minimum patterns on it. [/END ID]
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magicfor3st · 8 months
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Some more scribbly sketches for au I might or might not finish eventually
Guppy ventures out into the forest to give Clover- a recluse survivor of the war- a proper thank you for giving him closure about the fate of his sons. The camp he finds is dilapidated and weathered from a recent storm, and his heart drops as his gaze meets the motionless form of the green teddybear in the raggedy tent. Pulling back the curtains he's relieved to find him alive, but in terrible condition; his breathing is shallow, beads of sweat drip from his brow and soak his threadbare clothes, and he's entirely skin and bones under his fluffy pelt. He was in rough shape the first time they'd met, but now he's barely distinguishable from the corpses that used to litter these enchanted woods
His legs and back aren't what they used to be, but he can't very well let his late son's only real friend die, can he?
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jax-cult · 1 month
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lambertcottage · 10 months
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A bountiful harvest
Source: burchacres on Instagram
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thevastnessof · 6 months
have recently found myself wearing a thick black denim coat and boots, walking into the living room and asking my roommates who are watching pokemon movies "have they caught them all yet?" That was actually my dad standing there for a second
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I'm still not over this one dungeon meshi comic so i'm gonna ask the people
please i need to know if this is normal
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strymes49 · 7 months
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It's Carrot! He's a miner and he's Broccoli's best friend :>
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smilesrobotlover · 27 days
If you were going to rate the dads on 'how likely are they to complain about eating their vegetables' how would you rate them?
I don’t think any of them would really complain about eating their vegetables tbh. They just eat whatever’s given to them. I say Linebeck May struggle the most cuz he doesn’t eat a lot of veggies. Mostly fruit and fish 🤷‍♀️ but idk, some veggies are darn good so I doubt they complain much about it
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missingsisterstill · 2 years
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See more at https://missingsisterstill.tumblr.com/
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ayaevolve · 1 month
Udon noodles with zucchini, mushrooms, peppers, onions & asparagus.
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