#or someone may despise tomatoes
smilesrobotlover · 29 days
If you were going to rate the dads on 'how likely are they to complain about eating their vegetables' how would you rate them?
I don’t think any of them would really complain about eating their vegetables tbh. They just eat whatever’s given to them. I say Linebeck May struggle the most cuz he doesn’t eat a lot of veggies. Mostly fruit and fish 🤷‍♀️ but idk, some veggies are darn good so I doubt they complain much about it
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writeyouin · 8 months
Greetings, can I request some V x very easily flustered (or just very shy) and very small (I mean in height) reader?. I just like the scenario were V will be all the time complementing the reader, and they will be very flustered (To the point that they can be as red as a tomato, ur just have fun reactions, like panicking or covering their faces with their hands). I think V will enjoy (or just find it cute) the reader's reaction. (Thanks for Bless us with such beautiful content) Thank you! 💞
V X Reader – Sincerity
A/N – As always, Happy Bonfire Night everyone, and may this small fic fill in the parched desert that is the V for Vendetta fandom.
Warnings – None.
Raring – T
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You stood among the suits of armour, an underdressed member of their guard as you leaned against the wall and caught your breath, clutching your hands tightly against your chest. You knew you were probably acting silly, having hurriedly left V after he had paid you several compliments, but you simply couldn’t handle that kind of attention.
When you had been in the heart of London, working every day and doing everything you could to remain invisible, you had always hated it when anyone saw through you. There were men who enjoyed abusing their power over someone as small as you. They did things that made you shudder, like backing you into small spaces, forcing you to pay them attention as they proceeded to cat-call you, or try and take you to a secondary location. Granted, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence, but it happened often enough to frighten you. Worst of all, when such things happened, you couldn’t rely on anyone else to help you, as everyone else just wanted to be invisible as well.
Don’t get noticed and you won’t disappear. If you were invisible, there would be no black bag to take you away to a place none ever returned from. This was the price of safety in the Chancellor’s London, and it worked… until it didn’t.
Or rather, you had bought into the lie that it worked in the people’s favour, until you met V and he showed you that the system had never worked. It was a broken, cruel thing, and anybody who had fought against it had been murdered or made an example of.
There was no getting around it.
People of colour shouldn’t be despised. The only ones allowed to remain alive were test subjects or the rare pass holders, who had been given exceptions for reasons as of yet unknown to even them, though V speculated they were only there as a future scapegoat if the Chancellor ever needed a new terrorist threat. There were multiple sexualities, and they shouldn’t have to be hidden for fear of execution. Other religions could have made the country stronger, with multiple opinions that could make it more accepting instead of being persecuted, their followers tortured and murdered.
After becoming something of a pupil to V, you learned all this and more. At first, you felt his rage seethe through every sentence he said, his words choking you, challenging you, forcing you to fight through the hazy smog of lies you had been fed every day in your old life. Yet, given time, as the two of you got to know one another, V’s sharp tone dulled a little, he calmed, and he was gentler with you. Granted, his venomous verbosity still broke through when he spoke about the things that infuriated him, but he seemed to accept that you were with him entirely, and so he made sure you knew that his hatred wasn’t directed your way.
With that change in your dynamic, he became suave, charming, and genteel. V had always been well-spoken, but he seemed to pay you more attention, and although you had never enjoyed any attention from anyone in the past, it seemed now that you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Other men’s attention had been dangerous, and terrifying as they chased their pleasure by ensuring that they were in charge, feeding off your fear and weakness. V, however, looked for your strengths, and the things that made you, you.
If you were reading, he would praise you for opening your mind, especially when you read his collection of contraband books that taught you such concepts as Marxism, the abolition of governments, and other countries around the world which your pitiful island had cut itself off from.
When you took time to help V by maintaining his weaponry, cleaning it, or removing any damaged daggers from his arsenal, he took the time to thank you, bowing with a flourish of his cape so you would feel as appreciated as you had made him feel.
If you were idling in the hallways, admiring some art pieces, or questioning others, he would appear quietly behind you, his velvet tread never giving away his position until he wished to make himself known. Then, he would challenge you to reveal your thoughts and praise you for your appreciation of that which had been forbidden, and your bravery for speaking your truth.
He said that, ‘When a person has only their opinions with no fact laid before them, their opinion becomes truth which, if said aloud, is the real bravery of the mind.’
That, like everything else he said left you breathless. It wasn’t so much the fact that he was complimenting you, but rather that his words held no trace of a lie. When he bowed before you, he was humble, when he praised you, he was kind. His words, unlike the lies of those above, were sincere, and frankly, that sincerity frightened you a little. You hadn’t been trained to react to sincerity since there was so little of it left in the world.
How ironic it was that the people above, used lies to mask themselves, but V used his mask to help him speak the truth.
“(Y/N), are you quite alright?” V’s voice broke through your thoughts.
“I-” You froze, uncertain of what to say. It was clear that after leaving so brusquely, V had come to check on you.
He raised a gloved hand to your cheek, his thumb brushing over it. You flushed red at the unexpected action. You shouldn’t have been surprised; V was always much more forward than you.
“I-” You tried again. “I think I just needed a minute,” You finally managed, your eyes downcast.
“How very wonderful of you, taking the time to compose yourself in such a manner, though I must admit,” V closed in on you, towering over you and making you feel so very small as you craned your neck to look up into the black eyes that hid those beneath. You never wondered what was beneath the mask, for those black eyes, pale face, and rosy cheeks, though worn for the theatrics of his chosen role, were indeed V.
“Admit what?” You asked at his pause, craving his answer, yet terrified all the same. How terrible it was to wish for intimacy but feel too shy to receive it simultaneously.
“You are most breathtaking when you blush so, like the red of a rose, blooming in full to shame the other flowers in the garden.”
You felt your cheeks burn further and moved to look away, but V gently held your chin up between his index finger and thumb.
“Yes, there it is. My vivacious blushing rose. A sight to behold.”
You held your breath. You had no idea what had brought on such attention from V, only that you were sure it wasn’t good. He was acting differently as if it might be the last time that you would see him, and that was why he was making such bold announcements.
You knew he had no plans to die since he hadn’t gotten to his targets, and wouldn’t for some years to come since he still had much to learn about the security systems of the locations he planned to attack, but you were now certain that he had at least one or two dangerous activities planned. It was likely he was planning to steal some valuable equipment, or something better guarded than his usual trips to the contraband vaults that the Chancellor kept hidden from the public.
All the same, you knew that if you voiced your concerns or asked V what he was planning, he would likely close off and try to keep you out of it, in the safety of the Shadow Gallery where you now belonged, one of his many treasures.
“V, may I ask something of you?” You said, instead of voicing your true thoughts.
“Always,” V replied sincerely.
“Please will you play something for me?”
“Music?” V sounded amused by the unexpected request. “Of course. It would be my greatest pleasure to have your audience.”
He stepped back and offered his arm, “Shall we?”
You grasped his arm, allowing him to escort you to the music hall where his piano awaited him. If he had chosen to play only for himself, you knew he would have sung his favourite tune, The Violent Cabaret; it was a song of his own composition and it always riled him up, ready for a reckless adventure.
However, since he was going to play for you, you knew that he would pick something thoughtful and mellisonant. Perhaps, in taking a minute to think of what you would like to hear, he would be forced to remember that he had you to come back to, and he wouldn’t take so many unnecessary risks. You hoped that was true. It had to be true. V would always come back. He had to since fate was cruel and Cupid a joker.
If he didn’t return you would die, since you were unfortunately falling in love with him. It was like Romeo and Juliet, if Juliet had known from the start that Romeo planned on dying, and was still doomed to love him.
Nothing good would come of this, and you had his Doomsday burned into your mind. One year, in the near future, it would be the fifth of November, and you would be alone, broken by V’s death.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I am one of those people who did not want to call Miss Medrano a terrible person. Yes, we have a bunch of different material in our hands about her attitude towards others, how she constantly sees herself as a victim, what a narcissist she is, but I WANTED to believe that things were taken out of context, that in real life she might not actually an angel in the flesh, but at least a pleasant person to talk to (and still a terrible creator. For me personally, she has become an image of the WORST things I can see in modern animation). However, everything has a limit. And the situation with Salem and Viv's recent tweet has already pissed me off.
We need to listen to victims of violence, but if they talk about Viv or someone from her team, like that fucking pervert Raph, then everything they say is a lie, provocation and hate? And if you also support victims of violence or simply do not throw rotten tomatoes at them, then you are also a hater and a bastard who DARE to think badly of Medrano? And, of course, we should just close our eyes to the bunch of screenshots, rumors and stories that have been accumulating around Vivienne for YEARS. And I may say something stupid, but there cannot be so many scandals surrounding an innocent person. I can still believe that some stories are embellished or exaggerated, but once is an accident, two times is a coincidence, and the third time is a pattern.
And I have a question for Viv and her team. They, of course, won’t see this or will simply not care, but still: aren’t you ashamed of your behavior? You constantly make excuses, engage in outright self-admiration (Viv's recent like about the success of TADC, for example), outright lie, shit on others and allow your crazy fan base to harass, insult and threaten ANYONE who even slightly disagrees with you . Do you really like that the Hellaverse fanbase is despised and hated by everyone around you? And no, I'm not exaggerating. In many other fandoms, it is Vivienne's fandom that is considered crap and the most glaring example of what the audience is a mirror of their favorite artists.
And these people are followed by millions? Are they an example for someone? These pathetic narcissists who just happened to be popular? I really don't want to belittle other people's achievements (especially poor animators), but after all these behind-the-scenes stories, I no longer have any sympathy or respect for them.
That's one of the crazy, awful things about it, isn't it? So many people really did do everything in their power to give Vivzie the benefit of the doubt -- hell, I even did it for a long time -- and then there comes a moment when you realize no, she really is that bad. She's worse.
She's got her nutcase fanbase, but she also hijacks something fundamentally good in people, the part that wants to believe in underdog success stories (also a lie on Vivzie's part, she was always rich as hell) and defend those who are being kicked around. And that's so fucked up.
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foggynitefic · 6 months
Drop Them Bones Chapter 8: Devil to Pay
Devil to Pay
Today the expression "devil to pay" is used primarily as a means of conveying an unpleasant and impending happening. Originally, this expression denoted a specific task aboard the ship such as caulking the ship's longest seam.
The "devil" was the longest seam on the wooden ship and caulking was done with "pay" or pitch. This grueling task of paying the devil was despised by every seaman and the expression came to denote any unpleasant task.
OOF. This chapter took a minute to write. It also just kept growing and comes in at a whopping 10,587 words. Most of the other chapters are between 5k and 7k words. If you're worried about this ending anytime soon, let me reassure you that I have bitten off enough to keep me chewing for quite some time. But I already have another 15k written, including the ending, so as these chapters grow like fungus, there is a road map, I promise.
1. Not gonna lie, I made myself so hungry writing this, that I ordered sushi, takoyaki, and hamachi kama at 2200 two nights in a row on a holiday weekend. Pretty sure that restaurant either loves or hates me now, dudes.
2. How to fillet a tuna for sashimi:
3. I debated having Usopp's net catch go into a barrel of seawater, but I couldn’t find a lot of reliable research (quickly) as I was writing on the actual employment of that practice, just nostalgic tinged references to "oh yeah they did that in Ye Olden Days" without corroboration (yes, I know OP is about fantasy pirates on another planet). I did learn that Roman sailors may have used tanks to transport live fish over long distances.
4. The etymology of the terms “starboard” and “port”.
5. Applegators = alligators. Bananagators = crocodiles.
Recipes distressed in the making of this chapter:
Maguro no Zuke-Don: If you're working with raw sushi-grade fish, use it the day you get it, or cook it if you use it later. It will not taste the same once frozen and thawed. If you don't want to put too much effort in, there's multiple brands that do microwave sticky rice, and you can just buy a good furikake instead of cutting roasted seaweed (although that's pretty easy with cooking scissors) and sprinkling sesame seeds. Scallions make everything better. The marinade takes the most time - but I also cheat and use Otafuku okonomiyaki sauce from the Weee! app. Go lazy!
Seaweed sheets: You can do this. This is a life choice you can make. I haven't made it because ref. above paragraph on being lazy and outsourcing.
Roasted seaweed: If you want to try experimenting with different flavors, this is a good basic recipe to start.
Spanish Tuna Steaks: I'm not sure what noise my partner and Alton Brown would make at the instructions to press down on the tuna steaks to get a good sear, but otherwise this recipe is pretty standard and easy. Sanji embellished/supplemented with a bell pepper - you can probably put in any veggies that are about the same consistency of tomatoes' liquid/flesh and have it work.
Sauteed Green Beans: Usopp's reaction is mine. Green beans are a punishment. Just roast the clove of garlic in the oven and I'll eat that instead, don't waste it trying to flavor inedible grass. I included these to show their supply status and what would happen if someone didn't want to eat in Sanji's kitchen.
Mugicha: Much like making your own seaweed sheets, roasting your own barley is a life decision you can make. Itoen makes a highly convenient teabag version, if you're more inclined to outsource...
Sensing a theme this chapter??
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dakotafinely · 2 years
heyyy !! i saw ur reqs were open and im literally about to binge everything youve written- and i hope whatever happened you’re okay now !!
im so sorry if you dont take x readers but may i request the rise turtles (separately ofc) with a reader who says the corniest, cheesiest, mind numbingly stupid pick up lines
like they think they’re safe until the reader starts spewing pick up lines at the most random moments
thank you if u decide to write this !!
Poiuhgfghjkjhnbghui hello! Thanks, the thing happened months ago I'm just super slow at responding to things oiujhjolkjh but still thanks! I hope you enjoy your reading binge!
I don't really do a lot of X Reader requests (mostly because I don't get that many) but I assure you I'm never opposed to them! Plus how can I resist such an idea, as a corny cheesy dork myself I must represent all the corny cheesy dorks out there!
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Say what you wish but this man is already a corny cheesy pun master
I mean have you HEARD his puns? He is a man of the corn(y lines)
So he's actually very good at matching your energy most of the time
Heck sometimes he can even guess what you're gonna say before you get to even say it
Tho sometimes, in the moments where he truly doesn't expect it, you can get him red as a tomato
Honestly, why do you think he likes to use cheesy and corny pick up lines? Because he's a romantic little sap who wants someone to match his energy and romance him that's why
He'll cover his face and smile wide when he blushes hard
"Ya can't just catch me off guard like that you know?" He jokes
Bc truly, he adores it that you can keep him on his toes and guessing sometimes
Complete opposite of Leo, but are we surprised by this?
Either it goes over his head by taking whatever you said literally (which you find adorkable let's be real)
Or he rolls his eyes and tells you you're a sap
But if you stop? If you stop bc you believe your annoying him or you've had a bad day and don't wanna deal with his reactions?
"Are you okay? What's wrong, you haven't made a pun and you've been here for at least ten minutes."
Worried, he won't show it, but he will pry and make sure your okay
Bc yeah, he doesn't really care for puns or cheesy pick up lines, as their not his thing in the slightest
He still likes that you do them, their your thing, and it's what makes him love you, even if he doesn't admit it
And trust me, he'd probably rather die then admit it
Mikey either giggles from them or smiles and rolls his eyes depending on the level of cheesiness
He loves you! And he loves that you love him! And he loves that you express it in a adorkable way!
What more can he say? He'll try and reciprocate it but he's not quite the pun master the way Leo is
Still, if he does and you two get the ball rolling back and forth his heart flutters with joy and that's the thing to keep him smiling for months alone
His favorites are your arty based puns, as they often come with a little doodle or are a left behind sticky note he can keep as a little token of you in his room
Plus their the easiest for him to reciprocate too as an art nerd
Just a lil cheesy doodle with a pun based pick up line and boom! You two are giggling like dorks in love
Tho he's most frequent response is often just a string of giggles and hugging you tightly
Raph is a very big pun lover as well as pun despiser
While he may laugh and rolls his eyes at everyone else's puns, if he makes one without thinking he just goes :| (contemplates life choices)
Tho in truth if he does get a laugh or giggle out of you with a pun, he'll smile wide
And he loves your puns and cheesy pick up lines so deeply
He is a blushy boy I refuse criticism
While he may roll his eyes and scoff lightly
It's SO obvious that he truly enjoys it from the blush on his face and smile spreading on his beak
He doesn't really ever return the energy you throw at him but he does always accept it and embrace it
He honestly enjoys clever puzzle based pick up lines
Or any pick up line or pun that makes him think for a minute
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This was cute! Thanks for the ask, I always enjoy 'em! Hope you have a lovely day, afternoon, and goodnight!
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2nd Part of PFJ
Aiden Fox
FVLE, Goethe
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The Nobility - 2nd Volition
Guys, I'm cooking something with this. Fox has never been a character who ever cared about what people thought. He was always chilling with himself and others. Yes, even with the Nightmares, whom he was going to beat in the face for Bonnie. Fox never really has enemies and treats everyone as equals. If someone violates this principle, then he interferes with it. The guy openly despises those who take advantage of weak people. Fox strives to protect the people around him. His problem with will is that he can give a lot and take responsibility for others. This is characteristic of 2V. He has a savior complex that is hard for him to get rid of and dreams about being a hero to people he knows. The subjectivity of his function is expressed in the fact that he likes to influence others. He is even capable of frightening people with his will, but in the most adequate measures. Fox has a natural sense of responsibility. Since the start of the show, he doesn't have his highlighted ambitions and works for his group with responsibility. He chooses even to obey Chica's orders. Despite his often gentle demeanor, he still has a strong core within him. These are reasons that make Fox a person who will easily become someone's friend. The one who motivates Meg to pursue her dreams no matter what and doesn’t believe that there are stupid dreams with helping her to qualify her team too.
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The Holder - 1st Physics
What kind of person looks at this character and doesn’t say to himself: “Yes, this is just the spitting image of the 1F”? Laziness is a character trait that we immediately recognize when Fox first appears. But this laziness does not come from the fact that he doesn’t care about physics, but from introverted performance. He enjoys physical comfort, playing the simplest instrument, and eating in general. Fox is also lazy to do a lot for people and likes minimum effort choosing triangle. He couldn’t even resist taking a bite of the donut with which he wanted to negotiate with Towntrap. Don't get me started on his constant love for pudding. He is very confident in his physics and is always ready to throw his fists at someone. Often has uncontrollable greed in physics what is shown in him nonchalantly taking tomato from Spring or Bonnie's questionable food.
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The Skeptic - 3rd Logic
Fox's problem is his extreme skepticism. He absolutely does not accept information that will seem like a lie to him. This is a person who will not be penetrated by any argument, but inside himself will also be unsure of his judgments. Likes to argue from time to time what happened on his conflict with Golden. Has problems trusting new people.
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The Onlooker - 4th Emotion
Emotions are of minor importance to Fox. He is completely dependent on his surroundings to express his emotions. He does not have deep problems with expressing emotions, and if he has them, the guy, due to the effectiveness of the function, easily gets rid of them. Has a simple interest in this function. It could be his 4th emotion that make feel attraction to Chica.
Ann Chica
EFVL, Pushkin
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The Middle Class - 3rd Volition
Ann Chica's will can easily be revealed after watching episode 19. The episode "Chica's Dream" easily reveals the essence of her will. She strives to realize her ambitions, but her core personality is also fragile. Chica may doubt the actions she took to achieve her goal. By combining 3V with her first emotion, Ann's "mental breakdowns" become huge drama, as they did after Toddy's decisive humiliation. The girl immediately broke down from a deep emotional cut and was already preparing to completely give up on her dream. Once she was supported by her mother, her will rose again to the top of Everest. In her song, Chica wants a lot and more, if you read the song's lyrics. She wants to be beautiful and ideal, to be accepted by everyone, to be recognized and respected. Wants to be “different from everyone else.” Dreams of finding perseverance in himself, which is also what 3Vs usually desire. She is ready to fight with the whole world. Just an incredible amount of desire, which emphasizes the overly fantasizing 3V. Although only recently, one humiliating shot made her want to quit all activities and plunge into complete whining. Her 3rd will can also be seen in the rest of the series. Ann Chica treats people with sharp aggression who seem to her to not respect her. She has a deep hatred for her rivals (Meg is the most obvious). To realize her own dream in the process, she usually uses connections with her friends, which emphasizes the objectivity of the function.
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The Romantic - 1st Emotion
The already mentioned first emotion makes Chica scary with the 3V combination, which is why her classmates most likely try to avoid her. She does not adjust her emotional behavior with others. Pure rage, deep sadness or extreme joy are not filtered at all. Throughout the series there are overly dramatic moments of her. She behaves truly with everyone and usually wears his soul open. Chica expresses her emotions vividly.
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The Toiler - 2nd Physics
Ann Chica can be called the true hard worker of the group, because she constantly uses physics for its sake. The girl confidently takes on the role of a designer and wants to improve her professional skills. Sewing is also pretty processing physical activitiy. She is always busy making costumes for her friends. Chica is also the band's guitarist, highlighting her desire for a variety of physical activities. She strongly cares about people's physical condition. The is girl is confident in her physics.
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The Scholar - 4th Logic
Logic is the most unimportant function for Chica. She is not interested in long discussions or mastering her speech, but just has an idle curiosity. The girl asily believes any information and starts to thinks only in tense moments. She usually uses its logic to operate other functions in real world.
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Things You Cannot Tell By Looking At Her; Hard Truths About My Chronically Ill Life
With an invisible illness like my fibromyalgia, it's a whole lot harder to live a somewhat normal life. Things than no one suspects take energy can wipe me out with little regard for plans, or even my body's own needs sometimes. Here's some things you'll never suspect about how my condition affects my daily life.
When I go out to eat with my guy, we often opt for drive through. It's draining for me to be around large amounts of people for long, plus... I tend to feel like people judge me for how little I eat compared to him. My pain levels tend to make me too tired to even eat "a full meal" in one sitting, to the point I've had fast food workers swear I'm anorexic. Nope, just too tired for both a small fry and 4 piece chicken nugget.
There are times I just cannot do the thing, either due to pain levels at 9000 or brain fog. Pushing me to do the thing doesn't work. Plus, embarrasses the hell out of me. I remember going dress shopping with my stepmother, being forced to model dress after ugly dress, on my feet for hours in bad shoes, and by the end of it I was hiding in a rack of dresses and screaming for someone to just take me home, I don't even want to go to this stupid event anyway, the salepeople thought I was a freak, and one called my stepmother a monster. Surprised no one thought to arrest my stepmother for domestic abuse she treated me so awfully.
I can be having the worst flare ever, but if I'm forced out into the world while it's happening, unless I'm legit past my limits, you'll never know. I'm not the pajamas in public type, if I'm in public I'm in a dress, hair combed, face clean. While pajamas in public are fine, it's just not my jam. Truthfully, the dresses tend to be more comfortable for me anyway. Less waist pressure from the waistband.
I have a set(ish) amount of time I have before I just get too damn tired to be out in public, usually 3 hours. So, if said task (shopping) cannot be completed by that time in one trip... it gets postponed until I can focus on that one side mission. Or I shop online.
There is nothing more disheartening than making plans, feeling well enough to do the thing, and... the person I am doing the thing with just bails for no reason. Dude, bad enough my defective meatsuit is unreliable, what's your deal? At least explain why!
Explaining my condition and the way I have to adapt to it multiple times is more exhausting than to have the damn thing in the first place. The condition itself can be hell, if you don't believe me the first time I'm not explaining it again and again.
I may look like I'm not paying attention, but due to trauma and ptsd from it, I am never fully unaware of my surroundings. This is both impressive to some, but annoying to me. I'm still so amped from my shit parents it takes me hours to relax enough to fall asleep. And... the least little thing WILL wake me up.
I may not look tired, but I am. All. The. Time. I never fully recover. I've tried all manner of things to correct it, no results.
There are foods I cannot eat. It's not a true allergy, usually. Dairy and some starches don't like me back, I despise tomatoes raw but like tomato sauce, and macadamia nuts give me hives. So, I have to be a little more careful when eating out. Servers who do not take food allergies or sensitivities seriously get me angry. Sure, my issues aren't lethal, but they might kill though negligence or indifference.
I'm not faking being sick, if anything I should win an award for faking wellness.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
Are you looking for a gorgeous, friendly, impossible mess of a void cat and have a home where you have no other pets? Boy have I got the guy for you!
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Meet Etrigan, a 10yo DSH and one of the sweetest, goofiest voids I've ever met.
We are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area and can drive 3 hours one way to place him, or arrange transport south as far as San Antonio!
Right now, in-person meetings at our home aren't possible, unfortunately, but if you are nearby we could let him visit your place.
He needs a new home because he doesn't get along with his brothers and is desperately unhappy here, and this has manifested in recent aggressive behavior. In a home without other pets, he would be fine.
He also has some tummy issues and is on prescription food to try to help control it.
He comes with all his shots, a clean bloodwork panel and bill of health, and exhaustive vet records going back to his adoption at a few months old. His tummy issues and a kittenhood respiratory infection aside, he has and always has had excellent health.
First, the good:
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He will cuddle you in bed or lay in your lap as long as you will let him. His favorite snuggle is the Leg Hole. If you sit down and you put your feet together or loosely cross your legs, he will plunge awkwardly into your crotch with an enthusiasm that you have probably never experienced. It's actually quite charming, although sometimes he burps.
He fetches eagerly, although not always well. He's extremely playful and energetic and loves puzzle toys and activity trays and feather wands.
If you give him a window in the bedroom, he will sit so that the sun strikes him. Then he will carry all the light and all the hope of the morning to you in his fur, without you even having to get out of bed.
He loves to be sung to. His favorite songs are Asleep at Last by the Wailin' Jennies, and Forever Young. Not the Rod Stewart one, the other one.
He has one naked heel, in the back, where the gods dipped him in the River of A**holes. There is usually one white hair on his forehead.
The downsides:
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He is aggressive with other cats and is not cut out for a rowdy household with kids. He must be an indoor cat, no exceptions.
He is a food thief and trash bandit. Just be prepared for his EXTREME food-seeking behavior. He will go after food you wouldn't expect. Like grape stems or tomatoes or lettuce. You will need to store things in the fridge or a latched pantry. He can open drawers.
And he's a pooper. At least twice a day, every day, he considerately lets you know very stinkily and with many loud farts, that he is not constipated. Isn't that nice?
He requires an enormous litter box, possibly with a Popemobile splash guard. Sometimes he poops outside the box, but that may be related to the considerable amount of stress that he is under having to share the house with four other cats he absolutely despises.
He's been checked by our vet, who can find no reason for him to be the worst pooper ever. He needs a specialist, which we can't afford.
Then there's his hair-trigger anal glands. If you put pressure on the backs of his thighs, he sometimes releases something that smells like Satan's Taco Bell shits. The vet thinks if his tummy issues could be improved, more solid poops would help him stop violating the Geneva Convention's policy against chemical warfare. I'm not sure. I think it's just who he is as a person. You learn to work around it.
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So that's our guy. A guy I love so much I can't stand it. And because I love him, I need to rehome him
Reaching the decision to re-home him has been agonizing. We have tried meds. We have worked with the three-vet team at our clinic, and with two feline behavior specialists, and they all agree, as do we, that the best thing for him is to put him with someone new who can look after his needs better. He is so desperately unhappy right now. And we are desperate to help him.
So please, if you could spread the word so we can find him a good home? And if you think you can handle his issues and be that good home, please message me.
All I ask is that you care for him, sing to him, give him a good window and a lot of play, and keep him by your side. What any cat deserves, even a blasphemous food-stealing shit-cannon like him.
PM me here or email at [email protected], and we can discuss getting you hooked up with your very own...whatever this is.
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Thank you, and spread the word.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
I don't know if you've done this before.... 🙈we all know Ruki is probs a great cook and he enjoys it. 🔪🍽Could you please make headcanons of him in the kitchen?🙏🙏🙏 Like how he cooks, what he thinks, problems he can't figure out or dishes he won't admit at failing at, strong points and specialties, proudest culinary achivements, quirky cooking habits, generally what he's like...👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳
Mukami Ruki: Cooking Headcanons
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How Ruki Cooks
As someone whose favorite pastime, aside from the blank jigsaw puzzle and avid reading, is cooking, Ruki has spent countless decades cooking for his brothers and prepares in a way conducive for producing the least to most messy dishes, aiming for the least amount of culinary instruments needed to be cleaned.
For instance, whilst making his favorite food, soup, Ruki might cut the least messy vegetables such as carrots and celery before moving onto ripe and succulent ingredients such as tomatoes. He also tends to mince the meat towards the end so that he does not need to bring out another cutting board and knife.
Oftentimes, he cleans the utensils while he cooks, especially during the boiling and baking stages. Though that doesn’t mean Ruki won’t task his livestock with taking upon the chore of scrubbing the dishes clean in the sink by hand until each silverware is spotless. The idea is he wants the meal to be a reward so that he may tend to other housework after the dining has concluded.
Needless to say, he only uses the most premium ingredients. Always natural and organic, nothing cheap and detrimental to one’s health in the long run.
The Vampire refuses to use strong spices or flavorful ingredients that would create something too overly saturated for his taste buds since he despises foods too overwhelmingly savory.
What He Thinks While Cooking
While working with the ingredients at hand, Ruki always keeps the core flavors at the forefront of his mind: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. The most prioritized goal for him is how well-balanced a meal is.
When cooking, the Vampire simplifies and sometimes compromises his creations rather than prepping for a meal too complex to the point in which the abundant spices spoil the whole broth, which he would never allow to happen under any circumstances in the kitchen.
Price and value are other aspects for consideration. For example, Ruki is always looking for the best bargain on the market, as he hates wasting his precious benefactor’s finances. As much as he prides himself on premium ingredients, he also won’t pay more than what they’re worth, only buying them once they reach a new-time low before all the other strategic caregivers and their respective families take advantage of the deal.
Honestly, it may sound unrealistically arrogant but this man doesn't encounter too many problems in his culinary journey.
Sometimes he may experience boredom with the same dishes, but his brothers definitely keep him on his toes with their outrageous suggestions and dinner requests.
Because of Kou and Yuma, he finds himself cooking ridiculous gourmet meals as seen on television just to sate their curiosity.
Struggles & Difficulties
Anything fried discourages him at first due to the inevitable messiness of it all. It's for this reason that he prefers methods such as baking, grilling, and even flambéing.
However, that doesn't mean he won't cook fried foods. To mitigate this struggle, he invested in a splatter guard, although usually there is just no getting around the mess.
Rarely ever does the Vampire bake desserts or pastries, so dishes such as layered birthday cakes or freshly filled icings may pose a challenge in the beginning.
Given his European origin, when the Mukami family moved to Japan he admittedly found certain ethnic dishes specific to Asia difficult to master. He finds the cultural nuance rather complicated, however, over time, he slowly got the hang of it with experience over his long vampiric years.
Strong Points & Specialties
Needless to say, his obvious specialties are soups of all varieties as it is his favorite dish of all time. Like he often asserts, it comes in so many flavors and forms that he will never tire of it. Whether it's clam chowder or a savory chicken rice soup, not only does Ruki effortlessly prepare the dish, but also he enjoys every step along the way.
Thanks to Kou's insistent fixation on the dish, Ruki prides himself on his Vongole Bianco, though he is not afraid to threaten the blonde with a complete absence of the meal should he misbehave.
As a chef who stresses the importance of balanced meals and their healthiness, despite being a Vampire, he's esteemed in working with vegetable-loaded meals, partially thanks to Yuma's garden and his connection to his human roots.
Due to living a long life spanning diverse developments of mankind, Ruki has acquired a repertoire of recipes all memorized by heart. He mostly only holds onto his cookbooks as this is how he first learned culinary practices in the first place.
When Karlheinz took the Mukami brothers in, there was plenty of time in Eden to try his hand at various recipes and read them step-by-step without worrying about supply and time management.
It's thanks to these decades of practice that now he is one of, if not the most efficient and innovative chefs one will ever encounter.
Quirky Cooking Habits
Commonly done by many masterful chefs, Ruki finds he no longer needs to resort to precise measurements whilst cooking and instead bases the portions on pure instinct and basic eyeballing without ever suffering the repercussions of forgoing proper units of measurement. Instead, his dishes composed without the assistance of a cookbook result far more scrumptious and delectable than that of those he follows the directions for to a T.
For a seemingly inexplicable reason, he defaults to the front left burner on the stove, most likely because this is the spot that allows him to clean up more easily in the kitchen without having to overextend himself or carry the ingredients and tableware farther than necessary over the tiled floor.
Ruki prefers to hand-wash his cookware considering the risks of automated dishwashers potentially wearing down the finish of the utensils, therefore he enjoys washing them as he can control the amount of water being used to clean them, the temperature, and so on.
Proudest Culinary Achievement
One time his brothers watched a TV program featuring exotic ingredients and dishes which led to them begging their eldest sibling to preparing the very same gourmet meal for them, much to his initial reluctance, but eventually Ruki found the culinary adventure quite enlightening.
Another time is whenever the other three celebrated their birthdays and requested a cake for the commemoration long before they adapted the "Vampires don't celebrate their birthday" mindset.
In all those instances, these were the proudest culinary achievements for Ruki because of the rewarding smiles his brothers wore the moment they took their first bites of his cooking.
For a chef like himself, nothing is more gratifying than seeing the sheer satisfaction upon their faces as they relish in his own accomplishments, dishes and desserts he spent hours prepping for, overcame unforeseen culinary obstacles with such fearlessness, and endeavored towards despite any shortage or simplifications of the recipes in question.
Don’t be fooled by his look of accomplishment, however. More often than not, he cooks a gourmet meal for his prey to feed them just the right ingredients to season their blood into something beyond ambrosial nectar and into the territory of celestial ascendance that one’s taste buds can detect. This is why he puts forth his utmost effort in feeding you only the highest quality of foods: to later help himself to your delectable blood.
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Well if You Really Don’t Like Him...
AN: Here’s that fic about Godot flirting with Phoenix just to get at Edgeworth. This was seriously SO much fun to write! Ugh I love all these dorky ass lawyers, I need more content. So here you go, have some jealous Edgeworth, flustered Wright, & a very flirty Godot, all served to you on a silver platter!
Godot sat in the prosecutions office, reading over some old case transcripts. Detective Gumshoe was mulling about the room, browsing some of the books on the shelf. Godot snickered to himself, drawing Dick's attention.
"Something funny Prosecutor?" he asked with a curious smile. It was rare that he heard the other man laugh, so it warmed his heart to hear the sound.
"Yeah, actually. I can't help but notice... Is something going on between Edgeworth and Trite?" he asked, holding a page closer as he inspected the words. "I mean, it's hard to pick up a person's tone just from text, but I can't imagine another way to interpret this," he mused.
"Who? Oh you mean Wright! Yeah, we've all been wondering the same thing. He and Prosecutor Edgeworth have more chemistry than a chemical reaction!"
Godot smiled and shook his head. "Your analogy is weaker than decaf, but your point still stands."
"Hey!" Gumshoe shouted defensively, pouting at the other man's words.
"So I'm not crazy? Do they actually like each other? Because I can't possibly find any other meaning behind, "Court is no place for such fanciful stories. But if you drop by my office, I'd be more than willing to... indulge you?" Did Miles actually say this shit?" he asked, barely containing his laughter. One hand pressed against his forehead, fingers curling in the white locks as his shoulders shook with his chuckles.
"Heh, yeah I remember that. Poor Nick blushed redder than a ripe tomato!" he exclaimed, smiling at the memory.
"Hm, so Trite embarrasses easily? That's interesting," he hummed.
Detective Gumshoe shrugged. "Yeah, but he seems to get flustered a lot more when Edgeworth's involved," he explained. He found the book he'd been searching for, and bid him ado with a nod and quick wave. Diego was left pondering the new information, a sly smirk forming on his face.
The next day he strode into Edgeworth's office with even more swagger than usual. He sat on the corner of his desk, crossing one leg over the other. He slurped his coffee loudly to gain the other's attention. Miles sighed and glanced up at him.
"May I help you?"
"Who me? Nah, I just came in here to chat," he said, but the grin on his face told of an underlying motive.
"Please, you of all people are the last to want to chat while working. What's really going on?" he asked, cutting to the chase. Godot shrugged.
"A little birdie told me you might have feelings for Trite."
Miles stiffened, but other than that showed no outward emotions. "His name is Wright, and that's preposterous. I merely admire his skill in court and respect him as a peer. You would be wise to do the same."
"Really? 'Cause Dick sure thinks there's something more to it," Diego said. Edgeworth snorted out a puff of air in lieu of a laugh.
"And you believed him? Gumshoe is a well intentioned man, but he can let his imagination get the better of him."
"Transcripts don't lie bud. And I can smell the truth like a fresh pot of coffee." Miles rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can," he said sarcastically. "Now if you're done reciting your little fairytales, I'd love to get back to work," he said, opening a thick binder and smacking Godot's leg with the front half as he opened it. He stood, getting the hint.
"You know, that reminds me of something you said to Trite in court," he spoke as he began to pace the room. He piqued his interest, so he continued. "Something about fanciful stories, and him stopping by your office to "indulge" you," he said using air quotes.
Miles abruptly stood, slamming his hand on the desk. "That's out of context!"
Godot shrugged, swirling the coffee in his cup. "Trust me, the context doesn't make it sound any better. I'm surprised the two of you ever manage to reach a verdict, what with all the flirting going on."
"It's not flirting! It's merely playful bickering between childhood friends, nothing more," he reasoned.
"Is that what you call it?" he asked, cocking his head to the side and stuffing his free hand in his pocket. Edgeworth practically growled at him, shooting a harsh glare his way.
"What exactly are getting at Godot?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"So you really don't like Trite?"
"For the last time, his name is Phoenix Wright. The fact that you don't refer to him as such is wildly immature and petty."
Godot smirked in triumph. "You sure are defensive of him."
"Of course I am; he's my friend and a talented attorney who, might I remind you, proved my innocence and convicted my father's true murderer. So I won't stand idly by while you blatantly disrespect him," he snapped. He turned his back to him, busying himself with straightening stacks of paperwork.
"You misinterpret my intentions," he said, holding up his hand placatingly. Edgeworth looked over his shoulder, watching as he sipped his coffee.
"Then enlighten me."
"I admit I've been giving him a hard time. But most guys do that when they have a crush," he bluffed. Miles whipped around to face him.
"Ha! You're lying through your teeth, I know how much you despise him," he said, seeing right through the lie.
"Do you? Or was that just a front I put up to hide my feelings?" Edgeworth paused, considering the possibility.
"I don't know what your angle is, but you should stop while you're ahead. If you're only doing this to get at me, then I'm telling you right now it will all be in vein. But please, don't bring Phoenix into this if it's only a farce. He's had his heart broken before, and I won't allow you to needlessly toy with his emotions."
"Aw, how noble. Truly a knight in shining armor. But if you aren't in love with him, why should you care?"
Edgeworth recoiled, a pink tint coloring his cheeks at the L-word. "B-because he's my friend!"
Godot smiled softly, staring at his reflection in the dark liquid inside his cup. "I wondered what had happened to the hard ass prosecutor I knew. What made you go soft. But then I met Mr. Wright," he said, complying with his wishes and using his actual name.
"Don't act like I was someone to admire. I had lost myself and forgot what justice really meant. He merely opened my eyes," he explained.
"Now that's sounds like a love confession if I've ever heard one. You two go together like coffee and cream: he sweetened the dark bitterness you're known for and made you more palatable."
Edgeworth straightened to his full height, hair falling in front of his face. "Excuse me? I refuse to be insulted in my own office!"
"Well that was hardly an insult."
"You just called me bitter an insinuated that I was intolerable," he deadpanned.
"Heh, I did, didn't I? Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"Whatever. I request that you leave my office so that I may get back to work," he said, sitting back down at his desk.
Godot snorted in amusement. "That's the kindest way I've ever been told to get the hell out."
"Alright, alright." He turned to leave, but paused at the door. Miles sighed deeply.
"What now?"
"If you really don't like him, then you shouldn't mind if I flirt with him, right?" he asked smugly. Edgeworth's head snapped up with a gasp. He made to stand, a protest already on the tip of his tongue, but Diego shut the door before he could say anything.
Miles was left in his office, seething with a quiet rage. He couldn't go after him, that would only prove his point. So he did the only thing he could think to do. He pulled out his phone and texted Franziska.
be mean to Godot
A few minutes later, his phone dinged with her reply.
lol ok. Why?
because we're mad at him >:(
what did that fool do now?
He thought about his answer carefully before sending it.
he's going to break Wright's heart
No, he couldn't send that.
he accused me of being in love with Wright
He shook his head, deleting the message and starting over.
nothing. Just let him know you're angry
haha got it. I'll whip his mask clean off his face! >:)
He chuckled softly at his sister's antics.
maybe not that mean
By the next day, Miles had mostly forgotten about his conversation with Godot. That was until he walked into the courthouse and was greeted by his stupid smug face.
"There you are Edgey boy!" he greeted enthusiastically, coffee sloshing in its mug.
"Don't call me that."
"Right, only Phoenix can call you that," he teased. Miles allowed a smirk to grace his features.
"Or Larry. He was the one who came up with the nickname after all." Godot hummed as he walked beside him. For a moment, the only sound was their shoes clacking in unison on the linoleum tiles. Then they spotted Phoenix and Maya come out of a debriefing room. Miles shot Godot a glare.
"Don't you dare," he threatened.
"Oh I dare," he said, trotting away and over to his target. Phoenix spotted him coming his way and quickly turned around, grabbing Maya's arm and speed walking away. He kept his head down and eyes focused on the ground. Maya let out a small "ope" sound as he dragged her along. She looked over her shoulder to see what made Nick turn so abruptly down the hall.
"Uuuh Nick? Godot's jogging right towards us," she whispered.
"I know," he said, keeping his voice down.
"Well what did you do?" she asked before plastering on a wide smile to hide her confusion when the man approached suddenly. "Heeeey!" she waved, coming off as overly friendly in an attempt to hide the fact they were just talking about him.
"Hey Trite, whatcha been up to?" he asked, sidling up next to him. He slung his arm around his shoulders and pressed into his side. Phoenix made a small noise of shock, body going rigid.
"Umm, I was in a briefing," he said, casting a glance towards Maya. She merely shrugged.
"That's nice. So what's this case about?" he asked, letting genuine curiosity seep into his voice. Edgeworth was grumbling to himself as he stormed after him. He needed to intervene somehow.
Phoenix was slightly taken aback by the question. "Oh! It's nothing too exciting, just an assault charge."
Godot clicked his tongue, tipping his mug in his direction. "That's a real shame, your best work is on murder cases."
Wright blinked in surprise. "Really?" he asked skeptically. "I thought you said that I was a sloppy rookie who didn't deserve to be where I am today," he sassed, crossing his arms and looking him up and down.
He winced slightly, hearing his own words said back to him. He needed to try to smooth this over to seem sincere.
"Oooooo," Maya said in typical childish fashion, like when another student is called to the principal's office. She shut herself up when Godot shot her a look. A small, guilty smile was still on her face however.
Edgeworth had been able to hear most of the conversation and was eager to hear the prosecutor dig himself out of that one.
"My opinion of you is starting to change amigo," he said smoothly, taking a sip. Phoenix's eyes widened in surprise.
"I'm truly shocked to hear you admit that you've changed your mind," Miles spoke snidely. He purposefully stood closer to Phoenix, subtly separating the two. Godot noticed and smirked.
"What can I say? It's called growing as a person," he snarked back. Godot reached out and grabbed Edgeworth by the shoulder, then had the gall to shove him out of the way. He leaned into Wright's personal space, posture lax with one hand in his pocket. Phoenix had a nervous grin on his face, cheeks growing pink.
"Aaah I'm- glad for the personal development," he said, arching his back a bit to lean away. He gave a quick and confused glance towards Miles, as if to say "what the hell's going on?"
"Didn't anyone ever teach you about personal space? I'm sure he would prefer not to have to smell your coffee breath," he scolded, and this time it was Godot's turn to blush from embarrassment.
Maya snorted and giggled softly, and Phoenix had to plaster his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. His cheeks were puffed up with air as he struggled not to chuckle along. The sight was utterly adorable, and Miles felt pride in the fact that he made him laugh.
Godot's lip twitched in an angry sneer as he straightened his tie. "For your information, my breath is perfectly fine. I make sure to always have gum on me," he explained. Maya and Phoenix shared a look somewhere between amusement and annoyance at their exchange.
Godot looked over at Phoenix and flashed his most dazzling smile. "After all, you never know when you'll need fresh breath."
He let out a quiet gasp, eyes shifting down to his mouth for a split second. Godot pulled out his pack of gum, flicking it open with his thumb. "Care for a piece?"
"Oh! I-um- sure," he stuttered, reaching out and taking one.
"Sweet! Can I have some?" Maya asked, batting her eyes. Godot looked down at her, deflating slightly as he remembered she was there. "Oh, yeah I guess," his voice didn't have near the same tone as when he was addressing Phoenix. She either didn't notice or didn't care, snatching two pieces of gum. She offered one to Edgeworth, which he accepted with a soft smile.
"Thank you Maya. I think I'll save mine for later. Like you said, I never know when I'll need a fresh mouth," he said, looking at Phoenix as he finished the sentence.
He smiled and looked down at the floor as his cheeks got redder.
Maya didn't know what was going on exactly, but she could definitely sense the awkward tension between Edgeworth and Godot. And it was clear that Phoenix was caught in the middle of their exchange.
"Um, I'm just gonna pick Pearl up from the play room," she excused herself, heading to the courthouse's daycare.
"Oh good. Maybe Edgey would like to go with you," he volunteered the other to leave. Phoenix quirked a brow hearing the nickname leave Godot's mouth. "Since when did you start calling him that?" He only received a shrug and a crooked grin in return.
"No offense Maya but I would not. Wright and I have plans for lunch," he bluffed, making said plans up on the spot.
"We do?" Phoenix asked, brows furrowing. Then his eyes widened as he caught on. "Oh yeah we do!" He stood next to Edgeworth, his shoulders releasing visible tension as he did so.
"Oh really? Where are you eating?"
They responded in unison, but with different answers.
"Jack's Burger Shack."
"Sashimi Temple."
Godot smirked, catching them in their lie. "Well? Which is it?"
"We haven't decided," Wright said, looking at Miles for "confirmation."
"Right. I'm good with whatever you want," he said, smiling at Phoenix.
"How can you tell when he's agreeing with you and when he's just saying your name?" Godot teased. He couldn't help but giggle at the question.
"Heh, I don't know, I guess I've just learned how to tell the difference," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a half smile on his face and eyes squinted shut. Godot couldn't help but notice the strain on the fabric of his suit as he stretched his arm.
"Whoa, you been workin' out Trite?" he asked and before he could answer, he reached out and squeezed his bicep. His face flushed at the contact.
"Oh y-yeah, you noticed? Glad to see it's starting to pay off," he said, admiring his own arms. He flexed again, striking a new pose.
"Mind if I start calling you espresso? 'Cause you sure can pack a punch," Godot all but purred. Edgeworth couldn't believe that Phoenix was falling victim to his sleazy charm. Who was he kidding, if someone as attractive as Godot hit on him, he'd cave just as quickly. He had to refrain from sneering.
"Ha! If you want I guess you could. But don't start calling me short," he said pointedly, but with just enough playfulness to still be considered flirty. Miles's eyes were still transfixed on Wright's admittedly large biceps. Godot saw the opening and took the shot.
He snapped his fingers right in his face to gain his attention. H blinked and flinched, attention drawn to his smug face. "Earth to Edgeworth. You copy?" He scoffed and shoved the hand out of his face. Phoenix nudged him gently.
"If you wanted to feel them too you could've just said so," he teased.
"That's not-" but his denial died on his tongue when he was met with both of their knowing looks. He turned his head away but still reached out to feel his arm. There was no way he was passing up that opportunity.
"Hard as a rock, huh?" Phoenix asked and yes, he was totally fishing for compliments.
"I was going to say like sculpted marble," he said smoothly. Miles couldn't let Godot be the only one flirting with him. Said man only smirked wider, seeing as he was proven right. Regardless what Edgeworth said after this, it would be undeniable that he had feelings for the defense attorney.
"So, you got room for one more or are you dining at a table for two?" he questioned, subtly inviting himself. Edgeworth was ready to shoot down the request, but Wright beat him to it.
"Uh, sure you can join." Curse his kind nature.
"Sweet. Not as sweet as you, coffee creamer," he let his voice drop an octave, flashing another dazzling smile. Phoenix giggled and hid his face in one hand.
"Oho man, that was like, really stupid."
"Made you laugh, didn't I?" he teased, propping his elbow on his shoulder as they walked. Miles walked behind them and watched the prosecutor like a hawk, gritting his teeth all the while. He was relieved when they got to the parking lot.
"Wright, would you be a dear and ride with me? I'd like your opinion on this case I'm working on," he requested. He immediately perked up and walked over, leaving Diego's side.
"Sure, I'd love to! It'll be nice to give my legs a break from all the pedaling," he joked, walking over to his car and pulled the door handle. When it didn't open he frowned and tried again. And again. He kept pulling, making the annoying clicking noise each time it failed to open the door. "Miiiiiles," he whined.
He shook his head with a fond smile, chuckling softly. He unlocked the car just as Phoenix tugged again. He wasn't expecting that and stumbled a few steps backwards. Godot, never one to miss an opportunity, purposefully knocked his foot out from under him, just so he could catch him in a dip.
Edgeworth gasped as he saw him fall, clenching his fist as he watched Godot swiftly catch him like some kind of techno prince charming. Phoenix let out a small yelp as he fell, gripping onto his vest as he was caught.
His mouth was slightly agape as he stared up at Godot. He wore a sly yet heart-melting grin. Phoenix stuttered out a quiet thank you.
"It was no problem. Be sure to watch your footing next time though," he said, clicking his tongue. The ace attorney felt his heartbeat quicken and butterflies fluttered inside his stomach. Edgeworth's eye twitched in anger and he cleared his throat.
"If my eyes serve me well, which they do, it was you who tripped him," Miles called him out. Godot shrugged guiltily and helped steady him on his feet.
"What can I say? It was just too tempting, just like how you look in that suit," he went on to compliment him. Phoenix's eyes widen, cheeks flushed. He ran a hand through his hair nervously.
"M-me?" Godot nodded.
"Mhmm. It really brings out your eyes. Not to mention how nicely tailored it is." He bit his lip, looking him up and down. "You're about as enticing as a hot steaming cub o' joe," he flirted, laying it on thick. Wright's face turned beat red and he looked at the ground, flattered giggles leaving his lips. He tugged on the collar of his shirt. Edgeworth was by his side in an instant, ushering him closer to the car.
"Where you off to in such a hurry?" he taunted.
"Jack's Burgers," he practically growled, walking around the front of his car. He plopped in the driver's seat as Phoenix closed his door, waving at Godot as they drove off.
Edgeworth's jaw was set and he gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. Phoenix placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he relaxed slightly.
"Miles what's wrong? You've been in a bad mood since I've seen you. Is it the case? Is that why you've been so grumpy?" he asked, concern clearly written on his face.
He sighed deeply. He should probably be honest with him- or rather halfway honest. He couldn't possibly tell him the whole truth.
"Actually I lied about that. I simply wanted to get away from him." Phoenix snorted in amusement.
"What's this? The great Miles Edgeworth lying? This must be serious," he chuckled, bumping their shoulders together.
He seemed to relax now that it was just the two of them. "He was really starting to get on my nerves."
"Yeah I noticed. He seemed to be in a lot better mood today, especially towards me. I don't know, but I can't help but think he's after something," he pondered aloud. Miles glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
"He's a top prosecutor, he's always after something."
"You're not," Phoenix said gently. Edgeworth took a breath to steady himself.
"How do you know we're not after the same thing?" They reached a red light and he turned to look at him.
"I'd ask what it is, but I have a feeling you won't tell me," he smirked.
"You're right, as usual."
"Well it is my name after all," he joked. Miles chuckled and shook his head.
"That was awful. Why did I laugh?"
"Because you love me," he teased. Oh if only he knew how accurate that statement was.
"Heh, I suppose I do somewhat."
"Nah you adore me. Admit it, I'm your favorite person," he goaded, leaning into his personal space. He even went as far as to lay his head on his shoulder.
"You're tied with Franziska," he admits.
"Wow, that's high praise." He hummed in agreement.
When they arrived at the diner, Godot was already waiting for them. Miles rolled his eyes as  he spotted him leaning against the wall near the entrance. And where the hell did he find a toothpick? One leg was propped against the brick, arms folded across his chest and fuck he looked cool. If Edgeworth were a lesser man, he'd want to slap him.
"There you are! For a hot second there I thought you might've changed your mind and tried to ditch me," he taunted.
Miles wore a bored expression. "Don't tempt me."
"Hey, what happened to the Edgeworth that was in the car? All relaxed and smiley?" Phoenix asked, even poking his cheek to try and break the stern facade. He couldn't help but grin at the playful gesture.
"Ah, probably 'cause I'm here," Godot waved him off.
"Yes, that's precisely it," he answered with a rude smirk. Phoenix gasped.
"Miles!" he scolded.
"No no, it's completely my fault. I barged into his office and gave him a rude awakening of sorts. Please, allow me to make it up to you. Edgey."
He scoffed and Godot wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. "Lunch, my treat." When Miles turned to look at him, they were practically nose to nose. And Godot was so smug, it was infuriatingly amusing. He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"I'd be a fool to pass up a free lunch."
"Atta boy!" he cheered, pulling Phoenix closer in the same manner.
They were seated at a booth in a corner. Godot motioned with a bow for Phoenix to sit first. He chuckled and slid into the seat. Before Miles could make it to the seat next to him, Godot sat down in the empty spot in one fluid movement. He shot Edgeworth a victorious smirk.
Wright picked up on the tension, drumming a rhythm on the table and whistling quietly. He tried to make small talk.
"Sooo Godot. Saying you like coffee would be an understatement. I'm curious, if you could make your own coffee, what would you call it?"
He perked up at the question, scratching the stubble on his chin. "I couldn't just make one coffee, I'd have a whole brand. It would be an assortment of the darkest roasts and combination blends out there. I think our signature brew would be called Laser Beans. Ya get it? Like laser beams but it's coffee beans," he rambled on about his imaginary coffee business.
"Please, you do not have to explain the elementary concept of your pun," Miles quipped. Just for that, Godot scooted closer to Wright.
"Another popular blend: number 162, the Phoenix. Strong and sweet, with an unexpected fiery kick that rises from the grounds. Just what you need on those long, rough days." Phoenix gulped, staring at the red lines of his mask. Godot cocked his head, looking over at a furious Edgeworth.
"Wouldn't you agree Miles?"
"Yes- I mean no- I mean- I'm not much of a coffee person," he fumbled over his words. He jerked his head to the side, focusing on a crack in the wall.
"I think he's just too embarrassed to admit it," he whispered loudly, making eye contact with Miles as he said it.
"Heh, yeah you got him good with that one," Phoenix agreed.
"Ngh- who's side are you on anyways?" he asked defensively.
"My side," he said, clearly proud of himself. Miles softened at those words, unable to stay annoyed at him.
"Of course you are."
The waiter came and took their drink orders before leaving them be.
"I'm surprised you got water. I was expecting coffee," Phoenix mused.
"It's important to stay adequately hydrated," he explained, browsing through the menu.
"With how much you drink it, I would've thought you'd drop dead asleep without it," Edgeworth teased, looking at his own menu.
"Nah, I could drink eight cups and go to sleep right after. I'm used to the caffeine," he said casually.
"Wait, then what do you do when you need to stay up? Drink a whole pot?" Phoenix asked, bumping their shoulders together. He turned to him with his most charming smile.
"Well, instead of coffee keeping me awake, I could just have you," he said in a sultry voice. Phoenix flushed a dark crimson with an embarrassed, lopsided grin on his face as his eyes shifted between Godot and Miles. He was rendered speechless, the only sound he was able to make was a drawn out "uuh."
Godot grunted in pain when Edgeworth swiftly kicked his shin.
"Quite forward, aren't we?" he growled.
"You know I am," he said, snapping his fingers at him.
"And has your vulgar cockiness ever gotten you far?" he countered.
"Sure it does. I always make it to home base," he teased. Miles was relieved when the waiter came to set their drinks down, disrupting the conversation. They asked if they were ready to order yet, but Godot had spent so much time flirting with Phoenix, that he'd barely looked at the menu. And Miles was so busy keeping him in line that he didn't know what to order either. So they asked for a few extra minutes.
"You should really consider using your time wisely," Edgeworth advised. Godot snorted and mumbled something about him doing the same.
"I think I'm gonna have the Jack classic, what about you?" Phoenix asked, looking across the table at Miles.
"I think I'll have the same," he said, offering a warm smile.
Godot's smirk grew. "I'm leaning more towards the thhhick patty," he said, drawing out the word. Phoenix arched a brow and chuckled.
"You really put a lot of emphasis on the word thick there," he teased.
"What can I say? I like a lot of meat on my buns," he leaned closer, placing a hand on Wright's knee and squeezed gently. Phoenix giggled and scooted away in the seat.
"Hey, watch it. I'm ticklish," he admitted. Godot grinned like a shark.
"Oh Trite, don't you know that's not something you admit?" he teased, repeating the motion. Phoenix barked out a laugh, pushing the hand away playfully. Miles was glaring daggers at them and grit his teeth. He was the picture of jealousy.
When Wright moved his hand away, Godot purposefully interlocked their fingers so that they were holding hands. Edgeworth let out an angry huff and held the menu up to block his view. Or maybe to prevent them from seeing the sneer on his face. The world is cruel however, and Godot is even crueler. Which is exactly why he grabbed the top of the menu and pulled it down to meet his eyes directly.
"Thought you said you knew what to order. Why're you hiding from us?" he asked, elbows propped on the table as he leaned forward.
"I... I'm not! I simply thought I saw someone I don't particularly like and didn't want them to see me. But looking at them now I realize my mistake," he easily lied.
"Yeah, you and I have made a lot of enemies," Godot agreed. He looked between Wright and Edgeworth. "At first I thought you two were. But now that I've gotten to know you both a little more, I realize that couldn't be farther from the truth." As much as he loved riling Miles up, his ultimate goal was to make him admit his feelings for the other.
They both flushed a pale pink, looking away. After the waiter took their orders, Phoenix excused himself to the bathroom. Godot was smiling smugly as he watched him leave.
"It's times like these that I'm grateful for my visor. It would be a real shame if I wasn't able to watch that ass leave, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, looking at him with a shit eating grin. Miles slammed a fist on the table in anger.
He spoke low so as to not cause a scene, but his jaw was still clenched. "I order you to stop this at once."
"What, the flirting? You said you didn't like him, so why should it bother you?" he asked innocently.
"You speak out of your ass, you use crude and childish humor, you're completely insincere, your pick up lines are cheesy and all coffee related, and you're invading his personal space constantly!" he scolded quietly. Godot shrugged.
"He sure doesn't seem to mind. Maybe he likes the attention. People tend to enjoy my company," he bragged.
"You have no intentions other than making me angry," he pointed out.
"And it's working," he boasted. Miles's mouth gaped open as he thought of a response.
"So what if it is? I could just as easily be angry due to the fact that he's my friend, and you're nothing more than some- some playboy who's trying to prove a point!"
"Aww you think I'm a playboy? That's my new favorite compliment," he said, resting his chin on his hands.
Edgeworth raised an unamused brow. "It really shouldn't be. You're classier than that, Diego."
He snorted in amusement. "Even after all those things you said about me?" Miles rolled his eyes fondly.
"Yes, even after all that. So be the bigger man and put an end to this," he reasoned.
"Depends. You got a crush on Wright?"
"I still don't see how that's any of your business."
He shrugged, halfway triumphant. "Hey, that's better than the harsh no I got earlier. You'll admit it sooner or later."
"Not to you I won't," he growled. Edgeworth fiddled with his napkin and laid it across his lap neatly.
"To be honest, I don't care if you admit it to me."
He cocked his head, looking at him skeptically. "You don't?"
Godot shook his head. "No. I just want you to admit it to Trite."
Edgeworth's eyes widened and he recoiled slightly at those words. "Are you insane? I can't possibly tell him that!"
"Tell me what?" Phoenix asked as he walked up. Miles stuttered out an answer.
"Oh! Um, I-I'll tell you later. Now isn't... a good time."
Phoenix gave him a look as he sat down next to him. "You sure you're okay? You're acting, I don't know, weird."
Edgeworth was going to come up with something to say to that, but Godot beat him to it. He held his hands up in surrender. "You got us. There's no reason to lie to him any more Edgey. Truth is, he's planning you a surprise party."
Phoenix's brows shot up. "Wow really? But it's not for another two months or so."
"Yeah well, you know him. Always so organized, and he thinks three steps ahead. Sorry about ruining the surprise," Godot apologized for wrecking the fake party.
Wright rubbed the back of his neck and offered a shy smile. "Don't be! Knowing me, I'll probably forget about it by then. So-"
He was cut off by Godot's phone ringing. "Sorry, one sec." He checked the caller ID, brows furrowing. "That's weird, it's Gumshoe. Hope everything's okay." He answered the call with a flick of his wrist, holding the phone up to his ear. "Hey Dick, everything cool?"
"IT MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT COOL!" Gumshoe screamed into the speaker. Godot winced and held the phone away from his ear. Edgeworth and Wright shared a look of slight concern.
"Is everything okay?" Phoenix asked quietly. Godot nodded and waved a hand as if to say "all good."
"Hey keep your voice down will you? You're about to burst my eardrum," he said with a small chuckle.
"NO I WILL NOT! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GETTING BETWEEN PHOENIX AND EDGEWORTH LIKE THAT?" Both men in question went stiff as a board, faces turning red.
Godot paled as he was chewed out. "Uuh hey this really isn't the time-"
Godot offered them an embarrassed grin. "Uh, can you excuse me?" They both refused to meet his gaze and just hummed in agreement. The prosecutor slid out of the booth, holding the phone up to his ear, speaking in a hushed yet firm tone.
"Listen Dick, you got it all wrong. I was just-"
"No you listen to me pal! Maya told me the whole thing!"
Godot walked into the bathroom of the restaurant to have a more private conversation. "Look, it's not like that. I'm not trying to hook up with Trite or whatever you think is going on."
"... You're not?" Gumshoe asked, sounding skeptical.
"No. In fact, I'm trying to get them together." Gumshoe snorted.
"You sure got a funny way of showing it."
"I'm making Edgeworth jealous so that he'll admit his feelings," he explained, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Ooooh, that's smart!"
"Yeah, so don't go blabbering to Phoenix. I know you can't keep a secret."
"Hey I can totally keep secrets! I just don't want to very often!" he defended himself.
"Alright, are we done here? 'Cause we're out at lunch, and our food should be getting here soon."
"Okay yeah, sorry about the mix up. I'll let you get back to lunch," Dick said, hanging up. Godot heaved a sigh of relief, wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead.
Meanwhile, Phoenix and Miles sat in an awkward silence as they watched Godot leave. Miles was sitting rigidly, staring at the napkin in his lap. Phoenix twirled the straw around in his glass.
"C-can you believe him? Heh, Gumshoe sure does have an active imagination," Wright said nervously, desperate to break the silence. Miles was quick to agree.
"Yes, he does," he allowed a soft smile to grace his features. "I suppose he's a romantic at heart," he reasoned.
"Uh, yeah. I guess he is," he agreed. The expression on his face was a mixture of nervousness, confusion, and a touch of sadness. Edgeworth took a deep breath. It was either now or never.
"But is he wrong?"
Phoenix whipped his head over to look at him. "What?" He tried to mask the hopefulness in his voice.
"While what he says may seem odd or far fetched at times, he's usually right." He spared a glance at Wright, trying to read him.
"Miles, a-are you saying-"
"I like you Phoenix. As a friend, yes, but... also more," he finally admitted.
Phoenix practically lit up. "Really? Wow that's- I mean- I've liked you since the third grade!" he blurted out, relieved to finally get this off his chest.
"I... also had a bit of a crush. And when we met in court that first time, all those feelings I thought I'd left behind came flooding back." Wright reached out, holding his hand. They stared at each other, warm smiles lighting up the room.
Miles started chuckling softly, and Phoenix cocked his head, an amused smirk on his face. "What's so funny?"
"Godot was doing all this to make me jealous, so that I'd admit my feelings. And it worked."
He nudged him with his elbow teasingly. "Well then, I guess a thank you's in order." Edgeworth groaned, though it was just for show.
"If I thank him then I'll never hear the end of it," he complained lightheartedly.
"Maybe that's not the worst thing. You're cute when you're annoyed and embarrassed," Phoenix cooed, propping his arm on the table to rest his chin in his hand. Miles blushed softly.
"S-stop it, that's supposed to be my line," he grumbled playfully, looking away. Phoenix smirked and pecked his cheek, relishing in the way his blush darkened considerably.
Godot was watching from around the corner of the hall, letting them have their moment. He wore a satisfied smirk as he walked up to their table. Both Wright and Edgeworth scooted away, acting as though nothing had happened.
"Don't play coy you two. I knew my plan would work. You're welcome by the way." They were both rendered flustered and speechless, even as the waiter set down their food.
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artzychic27 · 3 years
An akuma with reality powers, The Artist Family and the canon Art kids (maybe the other classmates too) meet each other
Their reaction? Chaos?
Another day, another Akuma for the Malevolent Miraculous team
This one is named Alterna, and they’re a scientist who got Akumatized because their alternate universe theory was rejected
They have the power to open portals to other dimensions
While fighting, Alterna grabbed Black Widower’s whip and used it to ensnare the team before flinging them into a portal
Once they land, they find themselves... In Paris? Only, something feels off, very off...
Since there doesn’t seem to be any danger, they detransform
They look around while getting weird looks from people. (Imagine the ‘Going into town’ scene form the Addams Family 2019 movie)
Nathaniel Artist: Everyone’s dressed so... Conformist. *Sees a magazine with Adrien on the cover* And what happened to Adrien’s new look?
Rose Artist: Is this one of the universes where his dad is a jerk?
Alix Artist scares off a few people by throwing a brick through a few car windows.
Marc Artist: Alix, don’t be rude. Let the others have their turns.
Manon approaches Marinette Artist and asks why she’s wearing dark colors
Marinette Artist: Manon, you know I despise all colors.
A few more minutes of walking, and they see Marinette Dupain-Cheng running to school
Marinette Artist: *Checks her watch* School has begun three minutes ago. She’s not very punctual, is she?
The Artist Family follow her to the alternate DuPont to see what’s going on, then they bump into Mme. Bustier, who was making her way to the teachers lounge.
Mme. Bustier: Marinette? But I just... I saw you, all of you in the classroom. And Marc, shouldn’t you also be in class?
The Artists rush to their respective classrooms and find their alternate sleeves, much to their shock
Nathaniel Kurtzberg: ... What the fuck?!
Nathaniel Artist: I could ask the same about your outfit. Must you insult my eyes with such a color combination?
Chloé: Ha! You just got burned by yourself, tomato head!
Marinette Artist: At least he doesn’t go out looking like a clown gave him a makeover.
Chloé: I’m telling daddy!
Marinette Artist: Yes, let your father get involved with petty teenage drama. That will get him more votes in the upcoming election. Now silence.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: ... Thank you, me?
They explain what happened, (Leaving out the part about them being superheroes because this universe’s Lila will no doubt run her big mouth to Hawkmoth who they’re sure she’s working for), and the art club is not sure how to react
Alix Kudbel: So we’re basically the Addams Family?
Lila: Oh! You know, my great great grandfather actually inspired Chauncey Addams to create the Addams Family!
While the class eats it up, the art club and Artists just glare at her
Marinette Addams: It’s Charles Addams, idiot.
Lila: Oh, you guys hate me too? *Cue bitch crying*
Juleka Artist: *Waves a skull in front of Lila* Luxor, nexor, burst and burn!
Lila: What’s she doing?
Juleka Artist: Just a curse that will make your pants burst into flames every time you lie.
Lili: *Whining* Why are you all trying to hurt me?! I never lie! *Her pants bursts into flames and she runs out of the school before she’s left in only her underwear*
Alya: *To her Marinette* My sincerest apologies.
Suddenly, screams are heard, followed by Mme. Mendelive and her students running past the classroom. Marc Anciel and Artist walk into the classroom while being trailed by a clutter of spiders
Marc Artist: Well that was quite rude, wouldn’t you say?
Marc Anciel: In their defense, spiders are a little... Horripilante.
Nathaniel Artist just stands there, trying very hard not to kiss the alternate version of his boyfriend and wondering why his alternate self isn’t going kissing his Marc madly with passion
The Artists explain to the Art Club during lunch about their situation and tell them that they’re Miraculous holders in their world, much to Marinette’s shock since she’s never heard of the Malevolent Miraculous
The art club let their alternate selves stay with them until they can figure out a way to get back, but Nathaniel and Marc Artist insist that they stay together
Alix Kudbel and Artist volunteer to let them stay with them. (Cuz they ship ‘em!)
Marinette A is stunned to see her alternate parents, and when they welcome her with open arms since her own parents were always so distant.
Even when she shows her dark nature, they still treat her like family. She tries very hard not to show any emotion
When they’re alone, Tikki and Screech reveal themselves. Tikki explains that there are alternate realities with different Kwamis with similar powers to the Kwamis they’ve alternate versions of. Screech is her alternate self
Marinette A questions why Marinette DC’s Ladybug suit is so skintight and insists that she change her suit which Marinette DC doesn’t mind doing
Marinette A tells Marinette DC about her boyfriend, Damian, confusing DC a bit. What about Adrien?
Marinette A: Adrien wasn’t able to satisfy my needs. Yes, he’s quite attractive, but I needed someone who could keep up with me, worship me, be my love servant and follow me into the underworld.
Marinette DC: ... So who’s this Damian?
Nathaniel K insists that Nathaniel A spend some time away from his Marc so they can talk without them making out every five minutes
Nathaniel A: How is it that you have not gouged out your own eyes?! Your Marc is miles away from you, and you believe you have the right to live?!
Nathaniel K: ... We call each other.
Nathaniel K is starting to regret letting his alternate self live with him since he keeps starting fires! He had to hide all of the matches and anything flammable. And if that’s not bad, Chompp keep chewing on his sketchbooks
Once all of the fire causes were hidden, they bonded over their love for painting and sketching
Nathaniel K: So, your paintings are actually cursed?
Nathaniel A: Very much. One caused the mayor to stumble down the stairs and stay in intensive care.
Nathaniel K: *Thinking of all the ways he could torture Chloé and Lila with his art* ... Teach me.
Marc Anciel is trying not to scream every time one of Marc Artist’s spiders crawl on him, not wanting to seem rude
Marc Anciel: *Shudders* Oh, and that’s a black widow in my hair.
Marc Artist: They’re my favorite. It’s why I chose the name Black Widower.
To release some of the tension, Marc Anciel suggests they read each other’s writing... He will not be sleeping for a while after reading Marc’s Artist’s stories. He asks why his alternate self wrote eulogies for his Nathaniel
Marc Artist: I want others to know of the love we shared together before he’s put to rest. And who better to write my love’s eulogy than the one who knows him best? The one who has loved him, tangoed with him, stabbed his heart.
Marc Andiel ignores the last part and actually considers writing Nathaniel’s eulogy.
Alix K and Alix A are having an awesome time together
Alix A and Duuo throw grenades which Alix K dodges while skating until Alim tells them to do this away from the museum
They outrun the police, prank Kim by putting itching powder in the pool, and watch their Marcs and Nathaniels make out
It’s all fun and well until Alix A meets this universe’ Jalil. Her Jalil sold her out since there was a reward to turn her in, forcing her to run from the authorities and she’s never forgiven him
Jalil K assures her that he’d never do that and reminds her that family always comes first. Alix A is resisting the urge to cry and instead lights a firecracker in his jacket
Juleka A CANNOT stop staring at her alternate self’s Luka. She can actually see his face and body. And he can talk!
Luka: Hey, are Marinette and I a... Thing where you’re from?
Juleka A: She has two hands. Soon to be three when she takes Damian’s in marriage when they’re of age.
Juleka C and A bond over their love for the macabre and witch culture. She even teaches her a few spells to use against Chloé and Lila if she ever shows her face again
They work! Chloé broke out into a terrible rash, and all of Lila’s pants are on fire
Rabbid also may or may not have chewed up the rest of Lila’s clothes, forcing her to spend all of her money on new clothes
Rose A tries to get used to her alternate self’s love of bright colors and Disney movies, but it’s a struggle. So, she exposes her to the darker side of Disney.
Rose L is horrified but also a little excited.
They do a dark Disney marathon and watch all of the movies Disney tried to hide from audiences.
Rose A even changes up Rose L’s look so she looks like a badass punk Princess, which gives Juleka C a slight nosebleed
Rose L is still her bubbly self, but now also has a love for the darker things in life
The Artists stay in this universe for three more days, starting another goth trend in the alternate Paris by giving Adrien a makeover, introducing Marinette to Damian via pen pal program, teaching Nathaniel and Juleka how to curse their enemies, setting Lila’s clothes on fire a couple more times, introducing Marc to a more gothic style of or writing & Rose to a punk style of clothing, and teaching Alix all of the stunts she’s never even thought of doing that involve explosives
They also have a little fun with Nino and help him pursue his dream of traumatizing Gabriel Agreste
This involves chloroform, a coffin, and a walkee talkee. Gabriel is forced to listen to Nino’s voice for 12 whole hours, telling him to be a better dad to Adrien, fire Lila, and to give him $1000 dollars
Gabriel gives Adrien more freedom, fires Lila and burns all of the magazines with her face and name in them, and gives Nino $1000 dollars. Then he passes out
Nino: *Hugging the Artists* I... I love you guys so much. I don’t ever want you to leave. You have made me the happiest man alive!
Then Alterna shows up
Adrien: Hey!
Nino: I’m just kidding... Not.
The Artists and Marinette transform. The Malevolent Miraculous team are shocked to see Chat Noir but are even more shocked when they immediately recognize him as Adrien
They’re able to defeat the Akuma even though Lila (Who’s being a brat because she got fired) keeps interfering by whining about her broken leg, this time in a skirt. (Loophole) And she keeps trying to snatch their Miraculous whenever she gets close to them
Jaws: *Uses power to make his teeth sharper* Keep crying and I’ll give you a real broken leg. *Lila shuts up and lets them work*
They defeat Alterna, and Ladybug and Nocturna use the Miracle/Malevolent cure to remove all of the portals opened by the Akuma and put people back in their respective dimensions
They start to disappear and head back to their dimension as the Bats and Ladybugs swarm around them
Nino: NO! TAKE ME WITH YOU! *They disappear* DAMNIT!
Alya: You have them. *Points to the Art Club*
Nino: Can they murder Gabriel or frame him for a crime?
Juleka: We can try. There’s six of us, one of him. Nathaniel and I now know how to curse people.
Nino: I’m in!
Alya: And while you go ruin Gabriel’s life, I’m gonna go kill Lila.
Back in the Artist’s Dimension!
Juleka Artist: Are we back? Is this our dimension?
Nino: Oh, thank God you’re back! Gabriel was starting to gain consciousness again and Adrien is becoming suspicious. I think he knows I’m keeping him in my basement.
Marinette Artist: *Sighs* Yep. This is our place.
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henneysee · 3 years
Lending a helping hand;
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Not even once in your life you thought about dating an idol, moreover the one you were producing, but fate is a funny thing. So now looking at your boyfriend’s smiling face you really did wonder, how it end up like that?
Surely, it was hard to ignore Hinata’s presence even if he didn’t talk to you directly; too cheerful and loud, you couldn’t stop yourself from stealing glances at him every now and then, and it’s confused you even more. ‘Impossible’ you mentally answer ‘I couldn't fall in love with him, that’s crazy’. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple - you despise the idea of relationship altogether.
Everyone in relationships who you knew always end up heartbroken afterwards or even when they still were a couple, but the most impact upon your view of love had your father. The way he treated your mother, the way she cried every night that he spent away in someone else's bed… It was terrible and you were scared to experience something like that too, so you made yourself a promise to never ever have a relationship.
And everything was going well until that very moment. In past you received a few confessions, but was quick to refuse without thinking twice and here you are now, laughing internally at the mess you got yourself into. Falling in love and with one of Aoi’s twins of all people? ‘I’m helpless’ you laughed ‘He’ll surely break my heart, if not when I confess, then when we’ll become a couple’.
It’s not like you think of him as a bad guy or anything, quite the opposite actually, but you knew it always end up like that, no matter how nice the partner was at the beginning. He always wear a smile on his face, pulling harmless pranks at you and everyone around, brightening your world with a simple wave of his hand. It was hard to not become friends with him at some point and you wasn’t strong against him at all.
The thought of spending more time with him and to know him better crossed your mind once, only for you to shake it off immediately, trying to distant yourself instead, but the certain idol decided otherwise. No matter how hard you tried to avoid him or bury yourself at producer’s work to have an excuse of “being busy”, somehow he always found a way to get your attention even against your own will. On the other hand, when the oldest of Aoi can’t seem to catch you, there was the youngest to lend a helping hand. After all, you can’t outran both of them at the same time.
That one particular time you were forced to go and buy tomato juice for a self-proclaimed vampire and Hinata insisted on going together, much to your dismay, but any reason why you should go alone that you gave him were met with a “I’m just gonna keep you company, it would be so boring all by yourself” and a smile. Of course in the end you gave up, saying something along the lines of “let’s make it quick”, before making your way out of school with Aoi by your side.
Surprisingly, you easily found something to talk about, despite the fact how nervous and vulnerable you felt alone with him. No matter what he said or asked, you referred to them as a unit, never once as a Hinata alone and he wondered do you really see him as someone special, not just a member of a band you producing. Surely he wasn’t going to stay silent and wait until someone else take you away. ‘Better try and get hurt then regret not doing anything at all’ he told himself.
“Producer-chan, mind telling me something?”
“And what exactly you mean by ‘something’?” You looked at him, only to abruptly turn your gaze away when you noticed that he was looking directly in your eyes, but you still noticed the usual carefree smile plastered on his face.
“Who am I to you?” He didn’t beat around the bush for sure.
“U-um, w-where this came from?” For some reason you feel your face heat up a little. “I mean, you’re a great idol and you–“
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He interjected, looking slightly disappointed when he saw your confused reaction. “Don’t you feel anything for me aside from work stuff~?” He teased.
You were caught off guard, your face even more flashed then before and you can’t find it in yourself to say something in response. Yes, you were scared of telling him that you like him, moreover you were scared to admit it to yourself. What if he left you heartbroken? What if he would start avoiding you after hearing that? His true feelings always was a mystery to you, he seemed like an open book at first, but the more you talk to him, the more you don’t understand. Was he messing with you or was he telling the truth, you never knew for sure. ‘But Hinata-kun is not the one to joke about someone’s feelings, right? Maybe I should t–’
“Producer-chan~, are you okay?” He waved his hand in front of your face and you finally break out of your daze.
“I–… Yeah, sorry, seems like I was lost in my thought, ha-ha” He was clearly going to say something, but you shyly took his hand in yours resulting in him shutting his mouth before even opening it. “To answer your previous question… I may have–, no, that’s not it… I do have some feelings for you aside from work, but it seems so complicated to me, you know? I don’t think you would enjoy it and I don’t want to get hurt in the end, so…” you gulped when his other hand found a way to turn your face to him; too embarrassed to look directly at him, you find it interesting to stare at his jacket instead, though his next words forced you to look him in the eyes. “Even so, don’t you think it’s better to get hurt and knew that you tried then just leave it be like that? You’re really gonna lose all those fun experiences, even when you clearly have a chance to enjoy yourself?” His lighthearted smile seems strange with the words he just said, but you still find it somehow comforting. “M-maybe you’re right”.
Sudden warmth shakes you out of your dreamland and only a few seconds later you can register that you spaced out the whole time and the warmth you felt was nothing other than two hands wrapped around you in a tight hug. Honestly, you were glad you listened to him back then.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
PLEASE i need more of your among us concept, it was so good!
Hi!! How are you doing? I saw a lot of people want more of these, so I wanted to gain some time to be able to come up with more stuff about Yandere Among Us.
So, I hope you didn't wait too long. How about we continue where we left off?
But this time with an proper begining.
TW/Tags: Everyone is fighting // more characters because I hate myself! // Shy boy is a really suspicious boy // not as much as yandere tendencies, but maybe the start of them?? // All characters have real names, but calling each other by colors is a formal military way in this universe, ya know? // Mentions of blood and possibly (just maybe) scent kink 👀 // It may low-key not be like the original game but I tried ;-;
"- You're pretty sus, not gonna lie." Ch - 1 [Yandere!Among Us x Reader - Short Fanfiction]:
(Ch - 2)
"- And then I told her:' Yo, your chicken is dry as hell!' And then she beat me with a stick." You were currently talking with your best pal, Cyan! You two were in the cafeteria taking a snack-break, while everyone was trying to repair the ship by doing their own assigned tasks.
"- H-Heh, that's so you [Y/N]." Cyan said, although their tone was extremely off, like they didn't know what to say. They haven't eaten anything since the day began, and you were starting to worry if they were okay or not.
"- Buddy, are you okay? You haven't touched any of the snacks I brought you, you haven't even eaten a single marshmallow yet, and I thought these were your favorites!" You told them while shoving more potato chips down your mouth.
To you, the situation was mildly confusing, but to "Cyan" it was an absolute nightmare! How are they supposed to keep this up?? You're going to end up blowing their cover, they just know it!
They started to consider making you their next meal, yet if they did it right now everyone would be suspicious of them, since "they" have been with you ever since you two went to do tasks.
Stars help them, because things can go wrong any minute now! They were sweating under the suit out of nervousness and because of how hot and wet the suit was.
They didn't have time to clean the blood inside of the suit, so it was basically really, really sticky inside it.
They were disassociating until you've put your hand on top of theirs.
"- Cyan, what's wrong?!" You sound so worried, so loud yet concerned. For someone that was floating through space using asteroids to move around, your voice is so- Different, from the empty void out there. They aren't accustomed to this feeling yet.
"- I-I am! Don't worry about it, I, I think I just had a really long day, that's all." They lied through their teeth hoping that you would fall for it. But of course, you're way too stubborn to fall for that.
"- Are you sure tho? I- I could call White to see if you're sick, or maybe-" You were interrupted by the Cyan's scream while they suddenly stood up.
"- No! No, please- You-" Stars, they're terrible at this, aren't they?? They just need to shush you for now, they can't let you call someone else! The more people around them the more anxious they'll be and they will obviously be exposed to-
"- Look, [Y/N]-" -They tried to calm themselves, everything is fine, they just need to think of a way to make your worries go away- "- I'm fine, I promise, okay?" They said while putting their hands on your cheeks forcing you to look at their space suit's helmet.
You feel flustered by the sudden movement. Not only were you caught off guard by their sudden reaction, but-
This- this little thing that they did? Was starting to blossom a lot of unwanted flowers inside your heart.
' God, take a grip [Y/N]! You can't be all flustered in a time like this!' You think to yourself while shaking your head to wipe the lovey-dovey thoughts out of your mind.
You just can't help it though! You guess that ever since your team has been stuck in space- No, ever since you first met Cyan in the facility on Earth and were introduced to your team as their new crewmate, you have found yourself having a crush on Cyan. You hate to admit this, but yeah, they were always kinda… Cute, to you.
Ah well, Cyan was always the rascal, the flirty over the top one. The one that was always playing around yet also keeping their head strong when facing a conflict. Always so radiant yet so down to earth. Oh well, here you go, simping again, oh geez...
You try to wake yourself from your fantasy world, this is not the time [Y/N]!
"- Okay-y then! I-I'm really sorry if I was bothering you!" You try to speak up yet you stutter all the way, making you feel embarrassed at how silly you're acting right now.
And while you're dealing with your inner struggles, Cyan is looking at you really confused (not that you would be able to see it because of their helmet). There is something really strange about the way you talk to them that is making them wonder what your previous relationship with this "Cyan" human was all about, and wondering if they can keep it up with this charade if they observe you and learn more about, well, "how to be themselves" around everyone else.
Actually, this may work perfectly! By getting small clues out of you, they'll be able to decipher how to properly imitate humans!
But, they're still oblivious to human emotions, so this may take more time than expected, luckily you two can spend a lot of time alone-
"- Yooooo, look over there y'all!" You two heard someone shouting while coming into the cafeteria. Oh God, really?-
Of course it was Red, who else would be making fun of you two?
Well, he is not mean, he is just- ARGH!! He keeps picking on you for liking them, and it frustrates you so much when he comes looking all smug-
If your face could, it would turn itself into a tomato and probably pop off of your body and roll away from the embarrassment.
Wow… Okay, that was a little exaggerated, but still!-
"- How is my favorite couple doing on this pleasant evening?" He said while coming forward. His words making you turn on your defensive mode instantly:
"- We're not dating you know! I told you this nineteen times, Geez, stop being an ass…" Yep, really subtle how your cheeks lighten up at the idea of being a couple with Cyan.
And while the rest of the crew is now appearing into vision and coming forward to the cafeteria, Cyan is losing their grip ever so slightly- They can't handle this! It's- It's literally too many of you!
They can't take out every single one of you at once! This is terrible!
They need- They need to calm down and take this suit off. The heat is starting to take over their head.
"- So, how's it been for you two? Ya know, beside all the smooching-" Red says as he looks directly at you awaiting your delicious response, which was a little pouty face, so it meant that his job was done for today "- Have you guys finished your tasks?"
"- Oh! Well, we didn't manage to complete everything, the lights turned off out of nowhere and we couldn't see anything!" You tell him honestly. You're still kinda sad about it, it sucks to finish the day without completing everything you needed to.
Everyone's gathering around and sitting at the main table, it's time for a dinner meeting and assignment of tasks for tomorrow before everyone goes to sleep. God, you already miss your bed so much!
"- Ha! I knew it wasn't just in one room!... But yeah honestly me too, I couldn't finish my task because of the blackout. All that I needed to do was to swipe the card though!" Red said, while stealing one of your snacks, which earned a little "hey" coming from you, he was only joking though, as he returns the snack back to you before he can eat any.
"- Well, don't worry, tomorrow we can finish it!" Said Yellow, trying to lighten up the mood by being positive.
"- I sure do hope so-" Orange was about to say when Blue came in and interrupted all of you.
"- But what if we can't do any of them tomorrow?" Their voice echoed through the cafeteria. Everyone was silent as Blue's words caused a new feeling to arise inside the crew's hearts. Despair.
As no one was saying anything, they continued-
"- You guys seriously haven't noticed our situation yet, have you? We're floating through space because or engines have been broken by the asteroids outside, we can't even navigate this spaceship-"
"- We're trying to fix this-" Pink started, but failed to continue.
"- And while we keep "trying" and not actually doing anything, we are all in danger! Even the facility has stopped communicating with us-"
"- Blue! That 's enough!" White had interrupted his rant. His yelling was starting to get hold of Yellow's feelings, she was always sensitive to yelling and loud noises in general. Truth is, that the most positive person in your group was truly the most negative one in this scenario, yet she wanted to keep everyone together, to keep bringing hope inside everyone, even though she herself didn't truly believed in that hope.
"- W-We-" Yellow tried to speak through her sobbing, trying to hold enough strength to control her bottled up emotions from spitting out.
"- Come on, take deep breaths, I know you can do this-" Black tried to comfort her, like he would to everyone aboard.
"- We-We are all going to die here-e." She whispered in between sobs. Her breathing became more frantic and more desperate for air.
It's the eight time this week someone had a breakdown while everyone was present.
"- Blue, seat down." White asked, yet her normally stern voice made it sounded more like a command, which Blue absolutely despised.
"- I'm-" Blue started, yet, stopped themselves. Wanting to say something towards their distressed crewmate yet deciding to go away and miss tonight's meeting. Again.
"- This is stupid." They said before leaving.
"- Blue come back this instant-" White tried to call them, they didn't even look back.
"- … Didn't even apologise…" Brown said, trying to keep his cool even though he couldn't stand Blue's antics ever since the ship was stuck in space.
"- D-Damnit!" Orange punched the table with her wrists. God, she hated every single second spent in this hellish place. She only retracted her anger when she noticed Yellow flinching from the sound.
"- I'm- I'm so sorry Yellow-"
"- It's fine! D-Don't worry about it!" She said while trying to keep her own little charade going on. But after a month, no one believes her at this point.
"- Yellow I can lead you back to your room! Do you want to company?" Said Pink, their voice sounding just as sweet and cute as their personality. The only one helping everyone stay sane by simply being there and saying "Hi!" every "morning".
"- I would like it." Yellow had calmed herself down enough so she could at least say a couple of words. She said her good nights and followed Pink back into her room.
"- It's another meeting wasted." Green said while packing their things.
"- Well, it could be worse, right? Good night everyone!" Said Purple not really caring about anything at this point.
"- Oh, come on everyone! Shouldn't we discuss our tasks for tomorrow?" Red asked, if not begged for them to come back. How has this happened? How has all your crew started to fall apart so easily?
"- Don't worry Red, we can do that tomorrow morning." Black said while comforting White who was having a headache because of the endless fights inside the spaceship.
This was the third time just this week that your meetings were interrupted by arguing. This is only the second time Blue has actually been the cause of it though.
"- Maybe they miss their family?" Lime asked while referring to Blue.
"- We all do." Brown said while standing up and going to his own bedroom. Muttering something through his teeth that no one could understand.
The whole situation happened so fast, you couldn't even understand what just happened!
"- Are, are we-"
"- Yes [Y/N], you're all dismissed." White answered already knowing what you were going to ask.
"- Oh…. Do you want some?" You asked motioning the snacks up to her, which surprised her yet she appreciated the gesture.
"- Thank you…." She whispered. You nod your head and decide to give her some space. You knew that you didn't need to worry too much about it, as Black was there to help her feel better.
If Black wasn't in this ship, she would have already fallen apart. All of you would.
"- Well, I guess dinner has ended sooner than expected!" Red tried to joke to lighten up your mood, to which you give a little chuckle. God, today is a really terrible day isn't it?
"- Uhn, hey, you're okay? You have been quiet throughout the whole meeting." Red asked Cyan.
Oh. Oh no, please no.
"- Uhn? Yeah? I… did?" They're so dead.
"- Yeah, it was… Pretty odd. Last time Blue yelled you had put them in their place, and it was pretty cool of you to stand for Yellow like that". Red said remembering that day. He didn't have anything against Blue, as he knew Blue is trying their best like everyone else. Yet he didn't like how Blue started to act like an ass lately, especially not even apologising towards Yellow or even the whole crew for that matter.
Cyan was sweating like crazy. They were panicking at the beginning of the meeting because of the amount of humans surrounding them, but when they noticed how easily humans let their distrust control them, they decided to let them speak and see what would happen. Seeing them argue with each other made them feel calmer and safer.
' I won't die!' They thought.
But now? They're raising suspicion again, by literally not doing anything??! How is this possible-
"- Well, it is true but, I don't know Red, Cyan has been pretty tired all day, and besides, Blue doesn't listen to us anymore, so it wouldn't matter anyway." You tried to reason. Yes, Cyan was acting a little different, being a little more shy than their normal self but come on now, everyone has their bad days! Maybe today they are not feeling really well….
You looked up at them, trying to show sympathy to your friend who you still thought was having some personal issues of their own.
"- Yeah! Exactly… Today has been pretty crazy! I think I just need some sleep.". Yeah, really crazy! Their body had hit an spaceship filled with free food, and then they had to disguise themselves as one of the humans inside so they could easily take one by one. But now? They're regretting each second of it! Stars, the anxiety eating them from inside is worse than being all alone in space.
Well, if they ever get out alive, they'll at least have some cool story to tell their own kind about…. If there is anyone waiting for them to return, that is.
"- Oh… That sucks buddy, but you got an point, I guess we all need to relax, and hey! Tomorrow is a new day right?" Red smiled at you two, offering a little bit of positive before you two went inside your rooms. Well, he offered a little bit of positive and a hug, to which you had gladly taken.
Although, Cyan was at first really confused about this gesture, so they stayed a little further away from the sign of affection.
"- Oh come on! Stop being a dork, come over here already!" Red said as he pulled Cyan into the tight hug. It was comforting but you couldn't lie that you felt sandwiched between the two, you tried to warn Red that you couldn't breathe, and Cyan was still panicking but now for a different reason.
Because of the helmet, their sense of smell has been limited considerably, yet by being so near to your bodies, they realized they could still take in your scent. Or maybe it was all the blood inside the suit? Who knows, they just knew that the idea of a next meal was absolutely mouthwatering, and they weren't even hungry! Maybe the idea of having a whole place filled with eleven people was starting to make them salivate uncontrollably, as a child having to wait until they can pick their next candy from the jar.
Maybe they could basket in your scent until they actually feel the need to consume another crewmate.
Red was the first to break the hug, but not before fussing your hair.
"- Well, that's my goodbye for today! I need to restore some energy before I can give you two more hugs!" He entered the door behind him, which lead to his room. An oddly well organized bedroom which was only a couple of steps before your own bedroom.
And after your bedroom, there was Cyan's bedroom.
He gave his last goodbyes before closing the door. You can't help but appreciate that dork, the endless bickering between you two was pretty fun in your opinion.
While turning your back you noticed that was Cyan looking straight at you this whole time, which caused you to squeak in surprise. God, they were way too close! And your hair is a mess!
"- Sooooo… I guess we're alone now, right?" You asked timidly, trying your best to make small talk which still came off pretty awkwardly. You avoided their gaze while trying to come up with what else to say.
"- Yes. Yes we are." Cyan said, their tone was unnaturally dark for their nature, yet when you noticed them approaching you closer, you realized what you said.
"- Oh! No, I didn't mean it like-" You tried to explain the the misunderstanding, thinking that Cyan was about to flirt back with you, even though your comment was purely without malice! You swear it!
"- No making out in the halls, ya love birds!" Red opened his door and screamed, with his smug little face.
"- Geez get a room you two!" Said Pink from the other side of the corridor, their voice being really faint because of the distance between you.
"- We were not, okay?!" You yelled hoping Pink would hear it.
"- Shhhh! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Orange banged on her door while scolding all of you. Even though she herself was making a lot of noise.
"- S-Sorry!" You responded.
Cyan distanced themselves from you, fuck, every single one of them was hearing you two. Were they all listening to your whole conversation? How were they supposed to kill anyone if everyone is this spaceship is an gossip addict? Always listening for the next tea to be spilled.
While looking at your face they recognized that same hue popping off of your cheeks. Are you perhaps sick? Actually, now they have mentioned it- What would happen if they ate a sick human?
"- Your face is red." They mentioned nonchalantly.
"- Sigh… Yeah." You sigh defeated. What's the point of hiding something that is in your face?! Even if it's fainted, everyone can tell at this point. The only person you aren't sure if they know it yet is, well, Cyan themselves.
"- …"
"- …" An awkward silent start emerging from you two, until they ask:
"- Is it because of me?" Did they, I don't know, brought some sort of sickness aboard with them? Are you passing out? Should they be concerned that your meat could be possibly damaged because of this sickness?
Although their tone is really vague, you still interpreted the question as one of their flirtatious jokes. Truth is that Cyan loves going around flirting with everyone, even with you! And they know that this makes you flustered, so you can't tell if they do it because it's fun for them or if-
Or if they like you….. A little bit.
"- Oh no! You won't fool me this time, I know what you're up to!" You say dramatically, trying to change the conversation to have a more silly tone, yet your whole attempt was dismissed, because as soon as you said that, Cyan started shaking anxiously.
You knew? You knew?! Oh stars, they're done for! They're so dead now!
"- W-What?!" They scream, please don't hurt them, they were only hungry and trying to survive!
"- … Uhn, Cyan? I'm joking." You tell your really skittish friend. Geez they really were acting weird! Normally they would have returned your joke but they are acting so easily terrified!
Did something happen in electrical while you were away?
"- Cyan… Are you hurt? You never told me what happened when the blackout happened." You once again ask them if they were okay. What if… They are scared because of something that happened in electrical? What if… They saw something?
"- What? Oh, I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out like that." They laugh realizing that you were only "joking" with them. Honestly, your jokes are going to be the death of them.
"- Are you okay tho-"
"- Yes, for the fifth time, I'm doing fine [Y/N]." They… Growled? What? Their sudden anger made you take some steps back, what just happened??
They didn't realize how their tone had come off, they needed to be more careful if they wanted to keep your trust. You… You look so distressed! Did they scared you that bad? If not, than why are you distancing yourself? Why are your eyes so… Watery?
"- I-I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to…." And why were they apologising? Why does your frightened face cause such an intense feeling inside them? They were supposed to harvest your fear as an way to easily control the situation, but instead they can't help but pity your current state.
"- I've been, really stressed out, I didn't mean to yell." They say, half true, half lie. I mean, their first day is already being so strange and stressful, anyone would've expected them to end up blowing up at some point.
"- No! No, don't worry about it, I, sigh… Honestly I'm pretty stressed out myself. I guess I was so worried about you that I ended up bothering you with my questions." You say while guilt starts to form inside you. You haven't given them enough space, maybe you been pestering them too much.
To be honest, everyone was so on edge that you should have expected something like this happening, even from someone as chill as Cyan. Before you even considered finding a way to comfort them so you two could talk about it, Cyan was faster than you and had managed to trap you in their arms.
"- Hey, it's fine. Don't worry too much, I'm glad you're worried but I can reassure you, everything is okay."
It's an little awkward long hug, but you don't really mind, it's not as suffocating as Red's was. Oddly enough, Cyan wasn't being dishonest, but that fact only brought more confusion inside their mind.
"- Well… Goodnight Cyan, I'll see you tomorrow, kay?"
"- Yeah, sure…"
After some time spent looking at the ceiling waiting to see if everyone else had gone to sleep, Cyan had gotten out of their bed and started to unzip the space suit frantically.
Putting it on wasn't so hard, but getting out of it feels ten times worse now that they're sweating and tainted with the blood from the suit's previous owner. They don't need oxygen, but the feeling of suffocation inside that thing was starting to get over their heads. They needed something to cool down, anything!
So that's when the ventilation came into mind. The cold air coming from it was pleasant but not nearly enough for them, so they opened the top and got inside.
The cold air mixed with the cool metal touching their skin felt amazing compared to the heat and blood inside the suit. They need to remember to not only clean the suit, but to clean themselves very soon.
Without the helmet, their senses are so much better. They can hear and smell better, the vibrations passing through the ship helping them understand where they are and where they're going, as technically, they're kinda blind.
But who needs a great sight when they can easily smell and hear their prey from kilometers away? Speaking of which, the vents sure do help them a lot in that regard, as they can hear the soft breathing of all of your crewmates sleeping.
The smell of flesh is absolutely incredible! Just the thought makes their mouth water, maybe they deserve a little "midnight snack".
"- Eeny. meeny. miney. You!" They were deciding which one of your group should be the next, and the answer seemed pretty obvious, why not go to the nearest person?
It could lead to some issues with the other crewmates, but when they smelled your scent the need to enter your bedroom was way more important than considering the dangers of acting without thinking.
While entering your room as quietly as possible, they took a look around until they found your sleeping body almost falling from the bed. This is their chance!
Coming near you, savoring in your heavenly smell and dreaming what your taste is like, they-!... They stopped themselves from doing anything.
Your face is going to hit the floor if you continue to slowly slip from your bed.
You speak in your sleep sometimes. Not actual phrases, just occasional words. It's funny actually.
They poked your face multiple times out of curiosity. Were you awake or just dreaming? It seems like it's the latter.
You're still falling in slow motion. There is both the need to see what will happen next, and help you get back into bed.
They could just watch and see what happens. Besides, it is too dark for you to see them anyway.
Hmm… What should they do? Maybe they're wasting too much time by being here. They need to make a decision, it's to either kill you or to go back to their room.
After a couple of minutes of observing, another option has appeared, and they chose that one over the other options. They helped you get back into bed, hopefully you won't slip out again.
Maybe they should stay, just to guarantee you don't fall.
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atinybitofau · 4 years
[PART 7] S A N royal series au
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RECAP: san is king of eden, you’re queen of elos under one nation along side 7 other lone kings. upon being invited to San’s kingdom, he asks for your help and you find some answers to your own questions.
• series masterlist •
⇩ PART SEVEN ⇩ , click me to read part six.
“Looking like fine wine, this afternoon, princess.” King San teases your choice of color. “I didn’t know you liked to couple match.”
You scoff your exasperation away and part your lips. “My choice of wardrobe is a mere coincidence. You flatter yourself too often.”
He licks at his lips. “On par.”
“What am I doing here, San?”
“Uh uh.” His eyebrow soars up on his forehead. “That’s King San to you. Must I remind you every time?”
Glancing at the curious eyes around you, you let image overpower and you’re forced to correct yourself. “Forgive me, your grace— King San, thou most noble, most sovereign, the mightiest monarch under the lord’s blessed eyes. I concede you’d be any more of that, oh mighty imperial prince.”
San grins at you again and it’s because of plain amusement. Where his kingdoms finest men watch you gloat for their king, he knows you’re only trying to press his buttons. Annoyed at most that he’s making you do the unspeakable.
“That’s more like it.”
You refrain an eye roll. “So what is so dire that I needed to travel 4 tiresome hours for?”
He nervously plays with the cuffs of his dress shirt, his own image changed in a second. “I have nothing to wear.”
His eyes shift between you and his men uncertain of his reasons and how they might come across.
“What is it you need, San, I don’t have all day. I have a coronation to plan, my own dress as well— if you’re just wasting my time-“
“I want your advice on what to wear at your coronation.”
You glare into his honey eyes and realize he was being genuine. For once. It was quite amusing to see him this vulnerable. He pushes back at his tussled moussed hair before turning away in such shame of his request. You can’t help but giggle, hands behind your back peering over his shoulder on tip toes. He turns his chin out, your faces now inches apart and you decide to tease him despite your racing heart.
“Does almighty San need my help? From a helpless future Queen that he oh-so despises?”
“I never said I despise you.” He retaliates inching closer making you stumble back. “I simply detest your opinions. That’s all.”
“Well you killed my father so—“
“I did not! And soon you’ll find the reason. One day you’ll regret accusing me of such.”
You jut your lips at that. “For your sake, I hope I do.”
You stare into each other eyes with different notions. Both speaking of war but for now you see much different. In fact, you see the world in his eyes; Bright and bold while he stares at you with an unmoving twitch. He blinks once. Then twice till you finally realize you’re caught in each other’s gaze for long enough.
He pulls at his vest promptly before looking away and clearing his throat. “Will you help me or not?”
“Do you really think you’ll make a fool out of yourself at my coronation choosing your own attire?” You scoff unconvinced. “San, you do realize how out of the blue this sounds, right? And you understand my hesitation.”
He pricks at his teeth in clear frustration. “The men attending your party fit the criteria of social exposure. If it’s not already obvious enough, Princess, I lack in social settings. I, at least, deserve a well put together suit.”
It’s nothing but the truth. Because no one invites the royal family of Eden to their events. It’s just not practical. With all the broken treaties, uncertainties his ancestors gathered in the past, San was far from the luxury of being invited. It’s not that they weren’t interested. They were too afraid of what Choi San could do.
An image for an image.
Weird how you want to change that of all people. Even if circumstances prove to be different, you want San to feel welcome. You want San... particularly in close proximity to you..
“They bother you that much?” You dare to ask even if it seems like it’s a sensitive thing to him. His ego not as real as people like to think. “The things people say about you. How they look at you?”
He looks at you again and there’s fire in them you’ve never seen before. Dim and barely causing a singe. “I don’t want my kingdom to suffer the way I do. And if I have to make an image of myself granted the opportunity given, I will.”
Your lip nudges to the side, soft blush forming on your cheeks for no reason at all. “Asking me of my opinion on a suit and tie wont help that, I promise.”
He pouts almost. “Better than what I can concoct. I can’t even tell the difference between velour and velvet.”
“Yet you can tell the difference between a pretty face and an ugly one.” You roll your eyes, arms crossed over you chest.
“I can tell you we’ve both got pretty one’s. If that’s any consolation.”
“Both are not. Don’t kid yourself, San.” You joke bravely taking his arm to escort you forward— a gesture in tradition.
Your relationship with Eden’s King was not strong. It was not positive and it was not given a sturdy foundation. But the way you see him versus the way you feel are two different things set on two different platforms. Issues aside, you would’ve fell face first for San’s odd charms. His perpetual personality besides his dashing good looks— you’d only think of falling for a man like that. And if it’s a King you need, it’d most likely be San you do pursue. That’s no argument. However, that’s not how things were handed to you.
No, when San entered your life, he was nothing but a nuisance. The killer of your terminally ill father. The man who held the key to saving your dying kingdom’s future? Choi San was in full responsibility and he threw that right back at your face. You should hate him. You should loathe him and with every time you see him, you should be livid. You should be off the walls ready to hang him for what it’s worth.
With what time has given you, it’s in fact far from the case. The times you feel like you should throw San in a ditch, you think of hugging him instead. You wish for a smile to form on his face that you shouldn’t want. No, you actually like hearing him taunt you with that forbidden smile of his. You think it’s fun having him tease you. The bothersome choices in words the King of Eden has in effect keens you. King San reels you in like a river fish; aware of it’s death but chooses hunger first. You dove straight for the bait.
Playing coy, like a damsel in distress wanting nothing but his undivided attention.
Fuck you were falling in love with him, you fool.
You two enter a grand room. Grander than your own dressing room, ironically studded in velvet. No extravagant rocks to show and determine wealth but only fabrics of modesty. For someone who couldn’t tell the difference between velour and velvet, he wore the latter very often.
“Good evening, Princess y/n.” His maiden’s greet you kindly as you enter the room in arms link to their King.
You hold a scoff because even his seamstresses were beautiful. He really can tell the difference between an ugly face and a pretty one.
You curtly bow before shooing San away short distance. “Please tell me. How is your King to you? Unwell, rude, obscenely obnoxious?”
Eager to hear a response from that, you jitter. The women seeming taken aback at most but slightly disapproving too.
“Far from it, your grace.” They defend with urgency. “King San is anything but! He’s too kind to us. We forget sometimes we even serve the kingdom.”
Impressed by their sincerity for their King, you glance to San who seemed restless gazing at random materials. He was obviously too dumb to think otherwise. He was still thinking about what he was going to wear to your coronation. Which was, if you think about it, kind of genuine of him.
“We hope to serve you well too, your grace.” They share a quick glance before innocently batting their eyes at you. “What color was your dress, your majesty?”
“M-my dress?” Your quick to receive.
“King San has been refusing any suggestions to a color. He’s insisted we wait for you.” They whisper as if attempting to keep shame for their king.
You whip around to look at an empty-minded San who was roaming around the room, gawking at random textiles like he’s never even seen them before. Obviously still disregarding you.
“He has?”
“It’s beyond our judgement but we’re forced to believe he quite fancies you, your royal highness.”
You nearly choke on air before San’s attention span finally gets recharged. “Oh that’s right, Princess. I was meaning to ask you about the color of your dress.”
Oh my god they were being serious.
You chuckle awkwardly, the girls snickering at the sudden question. “Why is that important right now?”
His lips curl, red and moist from frowning this whole time. “Because I want to know. Is that forbidden?”
“O-of course not.” You stutter back. “I’m just taken aback, that’s all.”
He sulks in his chair, leg bouncing on the floor anxiously. He‘s throwing a temper tantrum right now. He can’t be serious.
You laugh sardonically again bewildered at his action. “San. What on earth are you doing?”
“I’m waiting.”
“For what?”
“For an honest answer.”
Oh my god, he was being fucking serious.
His maidens giggle under their breaths and San was too oblivious to notice the hidden truth to their reaction. At this point you were. And your face was as red as the tomato’s that’s grew in Mingi’s gardens.
Maybe you two were getting too comfortable..
“San, I can’t tell you what color my—“
“I don’t like any of the colors then. They’re not pretty to me.”
You puff in disbelief. “Choi San, you’re not a child. Just because—“
“A child? Who’s acting like a child? I don’t see anyone acting like that here.” His eyes hood when he glares at you. “But the woman in front of me whining and throwing a fit like one may prove otherwise.”
“You have gotta be kidding— oh for fucksake, the color of my dress is gold.”
Almost immediately, San’s eyes scan the table in front of you and instead chooses a fabric hiding in the breasts of his vest. He was faster than the eye can blink and you don’t even get to see the color before he hides it in the hands of his seamstresses. You gasp showing betrayal at his actions.
“Now I want it to be a surprise.”
Perpetual indeed.
“I hate you.” It was your turn to sulk. “I can’t believe you not only disrespect the honors of a woman but her time.”
San scoffs. “So dramatic, princess.”
The maidens gasp in the pause you two make. “Would you look at the time your highness’. We must ready for supper.”
The women now showing shy smiles, giggle on their way out. Finally being free from the public eye, you slap at his thigh obviously annoyed by him acting up all day.
“You are refutable, Choi San, absolutely refutable.” You resist the temptation to punch him till he bleeds. “For someone who claims to detest me, you really take making my life miserable to unspeakable lengths.
“Something I’d want to do often, now that I think about it.”
“How can you think this would be a good time to be cheeky?!”
“Because you always have impeccable reactions, Princess. How could I refuse?” He smirks, his smile definitely going to be the death of you.
p.s rough edit lol
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kl-writes · 3 years
One thousand words a day is too much!
How many times do you have to tell a story before it consumes you and becomes redemption? 1001.
There’s nothing funnier than being told the twentieth “only right way to do something.” Particularly when the only difference is a step there or shifting your weight here. It teaches you things about the world you never had to think about in school, where there really was only one right answer. Supposedly. At least, you could count on there being only one right way to advance. Even the more open-ended arts and literature gave way to easily-graded grammar, symbolism, setting, spelling.
At the same time, there’s nothing worse than someone who is always responsible for when the right thing happens and never responsible for when the wrong thing happens. Even if it’s subjective who’s right or wrong, a three year old can spot that pattern.
When I was eight, I caught a basketball wrong and broke my finger. When I went into the living room of my grandparents’ house to show my parents, my mom asked my dad to set it back in place. I didn’t trust him to do it in a way that wouldn’t hurt, so in my arrogance I set it back myself. So my pinky finger will always be a little bent. Maybe I should wax poetic about how I’d rather hurt myself than trust someone else and get hurt. Or maybe I was a dumb eight year old who knew it would hurt either way, but would rather risk doing it wrong than have an adult do it. I’m almost twenty-five and I still don’t trust the notion of “adults.” “Adults” are awful people.
In middle school, my friend R- and I talked about keeping our middle names secret so that we couldn’t be True Name’d or impersonated. We shared our middle names readily. We worried about our parents, who already knew our middle names. It wasn’t a very good secret.
I would get frustrated with myself in middle school for not having the drive to finish knitting a simple scarf. I made a few bookmarks and coasters. I never considered that maybe the problem was that knitting was boring. These days, I have no issue finishing scarves, so long as the knitting is accompanied by a particularly long and dry class.
I used to plan conversations, sentence by sentence, before I had them. It avoids any freezing-up you might do on the phone, and helps you make it through the conversation. Nowadays, I still hold useless conversations in my head and in my dreams, but I no longer need them. The army’s made me almost too brash.
I hated creative writing lessons in middle school because the teachers always wanted you to write about real life. Nothing was less interesting or more stale and putrid than my life. I think I made up what happened and exaggerated for the assignment. I still dislike that I had to do it, since it bothers me to no end when my mother lies for the sake of a good story. I never had any issue writing or reading fiction, when people knew it was escapism.
I forget the names of second cousins and neglect to ask the names of people I sit across from at lunch for months. I don’t call anyone, and my facebook messages to my sisters are more to show my own excitement for whatever video game or image I’ve found engaging or funny. I dread getting calls, but I don’t despise calls from my Grandma Z- like my mother claims to. I don’t know if she does anymore, my mom isn’t the same person who raised me anymore. That’s a good thing.
I want to connect to people, to scream when I’m mad, to cry when I’m sad, and to spread my joy to those I care about. But I don’t like dealing with problems or obligations that arise from relationships, and I prefer that everything fades away and that I am forgotten. People wouldn’t like “me,” But “I” have a very judgy and spiteful personality. I know better than to sling barbs at others, so I hold my tongue and bury myself ever deeper. Till we’re nothing but pins in a sewing tomato of needles.
They say that Terry Pratchet wrote 400 words a day! Less than what most writing blogs and advice says (1k words, 1.6k if you’re on nanowrimo), but I bet that Pratchett was more prolific than all of them combined! Writing’s a marathon, not a sprint. So that’s why I’m following his sage wisdom, and writing 400 words a month. Absolutely nothing to do with my own lack of discipline, self-imposed sleep deprivation, or general flakiness.
Maybe it’s a problem when things that bring you joy turn into products. There’s a number attached to everything on the internet these days, and I scrutinize even what little heuristics I can squeeze from my AO3 fics. I used to delete unfinished fics all the time, back in middle school, since I only managed a chapter or two and then got bored and moved on. I shamed myself. I’m better now- I no longer delete fics, since I no longer risk writing anything that long and publishing it. My record word count on any work is 18k, and that one was encyclopedic in nature. Pretty much useless, too, but at least the journey was fun.
It’s far easier to spend money on fancy writing books and fancier typewriters than it is to actually write. That’s why I love my AlphaSmart 3000! It was cheap, so it doesn’t hurt as much that I don’t write on it often! (Plus, I bet it’d survive a nuclear fallout)
I gotta be careful not to send to computer too often, though. Then I start psychoanalyzing the word count, pitifully smaller than all my estimates. Writing may be one task where you want to train to time, not to task. But that’s just the pessimism and lack of ambition speaking! Battery life’s pretty Gucci tho…
The strangest thing of all is that the stories I want to read aren’t the ones I enjoy writing, when everything’s said and done. I love the prep, I love the planning, but actually sitting down and going for it after all that work? That’s a no-go. And seat-of-the-pants writing for me leads to incoherent-to-semicoherent blobs of nothing. Word count ain’t anything. So if I like twists, and mysteries, and all sorts of odds and ends, should I break all conventional wisdom and seek to surprise myself with the ending? Should I produce a murder victim with no murderer? I still think the goose was behind everything in Hot Fuzz, so maybe everything’s reasonable if you do it with style.
I like weighty stories, too, but I loathe to write my own weight.
The best fancy writing book out there is Elements of Style, no shot. Stephen King’s “On Writing” is the worst since 12 year old me was irritated that there was no writing advice, and 12 year old  me skipped the intro where he talked about how the book wasn’t really about how to write. Intros and prologues annoyed me, since I read a lot of pulp fantasy with useless introductions. Eragon got me into the habit of skimming large blocks of text (My apologies to Paolini), so when I read denser stuff I would miss things and have to go back and reread, lest I frustrate myself with the text. Back then, useless introductions and unimportant blocks of text were just things that books had, they weren’t the subject of critique or judgement. So I wonder why I treat my own works with a judgement I never extend to others? It’s all or nothing with me. Either a sentence is perfect, or the entire passage is barely decipherable but free of spelling errors.
Did you know that you could do warm-ups for writing? Just write nonsense, and then when you run out of nonsense the rest of what you write that day will be fine. I don’t know a better way to hit daily wordcount goals and still feel like you’re doing something meaningful.
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salt-warrior · 3 years
Chapter Seven: Loner Loser
"And how did you get locked into that classroom, Miss Linh?" Principal Strom stared down at Selene, his eyes empathetic and kind. Selene wished to tell him, but it hurt too much to admit the betrayal of her best friend.
"I, uh- I accidentally locked it." Selene glanced down at her shoes, her stomach churning with guilt. "I don't really know how. Someone might have locked it earlier and I just got shut it."
Shrugging her shoulders, Selene continued the lie. "I passed out because it just had this horrible stench of smoke. I think some kids were smoking in there before me because it was awful." Selene wrinkled her nose at the memory of the real smoke and how it had made her feel. "I have these really bad allergies and don't do well with smoke. Or cotton, for that matter." Selene coughed for special effect. She was a master liar.
Principal Strom remained skeptical, his too big shoulders hunching as he analyzed her. "And you're sure that there was no... sabotage? Are there any students who may be out to get you? Have you been bullied at all in the past or at the present?" He was on to her, but there was no way that Selene was going to let him get her.
"Nope, I'm fine." Selene smiled her most brilliant smile. She was good at pretending. She was excellent at deception. She was clever and sharp as a knife; but that had never made anyone want to be her friend. She had a brain, but no one to share her witty jokes with.
"Well," Principal Strom sighed. He looked worn and tired, and Selene felt bad for the man. He tried so hard to do his job and help kids; but at the end of the day, he was still getting lied to. "I hope that you will report any behavior that is against school policies, especially bullying. We have no tolerance for it here at OHS. Have an excellent day, Miss Linh."
Selene stood from her stiff seat, paying a brief goodbye. She knew that what Pearl and her cohorts were doing was wrong. They were terrible people— monsters even. She hated them all, but some small part of her couldn't tell the Principal; because she couldn't bring herself to believe it had actually happened.
Cress Darnel was supposed to have been her friend. She had been the only person to stand by Selene after Peony's death, but times change. She must have been the one to tell Pearl and her friends her fear of fire.
No, Selene wasn't scared of what Pearl and her cronies would do to her. She was used to pain and heartbreak— but betrayal was something entirely new to her. Selene had never opened up enough to a person to allow such a tragedy, and admitting it would hurt her more than any physical wound.
Selene had lost too much in life, but losing her friend to betrayal was the ultimate tragedy.
The buzz of a telephone over one thousand miles away tickled at Kai's ear. It had taken him only a few hours to locate the Linh's phone number and only a few more to figure out what he was going to say. By now, it was nine in the morning.
He had checked everything, making sure that it would all be perfect. The time zones had only an hour difference and it was a Friday morning. No one should yet have left for work. It would all be perfect.
"Hello?" Said a voice from the other end. It sounded young and feminine.
"Hello," Kai said in his chipper voice. He had only slept for an hour and a half, but he felt more awake than ever. "My name is Kaito Crown, and I was hoping to speak with Garan Linh."
Silence followed, and Kai wondered if the girl had hung up on him. "Hello?"
"You can't speak with my father." The girl's voice was angry— defensive. "What kind of sick prank is this?" The girl sounded upset now, and Kai felt bad even though he didn't know what he had done wrong.
"I'm sorry," Kai cut in quickly, before she could call him out for anything else he hadn't done. "Who is this?"
"Pearl Linh." The girl—Pearl— huffed.
"Well, Pearl, like I said, I would like to talk to your father on behalf of his ward, Selene." Kai stated patiently. He couldn't quite understand why Pearl sounded so annoyed at him, or why she wouldn't let him talk to her father. It wasn't as if he were trying to scam them or anything.
An agitated snarl sounded from the other end. The animal-like sound scared Kai into nearly dropping the phone. "What is your problem? Do you like causing people emotional pain, or are you just insensitive?" Kai flinched at her words. He had not expected such a retaliation to such a simple and easy question.
"I-I'm sorry." Kai stuttered the apology, a chink in his armor.  "I don't mean to bring up anything upsetting. It's just that Selene has been in a terrible car accident and has suffered major injuries. I know that she's been estranged from the family, but I thought that you may still want to–"
"We don't want anything to do with that monster." Pearl's voice dripped with malice. She was furious. "Not after everything she did to our family. She took away not one, but two members of this family. She's a menace to society."
Kai felt his breath hitch. He knew that many children in Foster Homes struggled and often rebelled, but this sounded serious. Maybe the girl he had saved was mentally insane, or had done something terrible to this family.
"If you don't mind me asking," Kai said, "What did Selene do to you?" Kai hurriedly explained himself, "I'm the person who pulled her out of the car. I never met her before the accident, and she's been in a medically induced coma for about a week."
Pearl sighed from the other end. She seemed to be more relaxed knowing that Kai was just a random citizen. "I'll tell you what happened only if you promise to leave my mother and I alone. She hates talking about these kinds of things. Her mental state is already terrible and I don't need it getting worse."
"I promise." Kai said, his stomach jittering with butterflies. He almost didn't want to know whatever Pearl was about to tell him, but he couldn't help himself. He was a curious person.
"My dad took Selene in when she was sixteen. He knew what it was like to have bad parents, though he had never been in a Foster Home. He really liked her and decided to adopt her into the family. My mother was against the entire thing, and I agreed with her. The only person besides my father who wanted Selene was my younger sister, Peony. Funnily enough, they're the two who got the worst of it from Selene.
"Peony worshipped Selene. She thought that the sun shone from everything that she did. I despised her. Call it psychic abilities, but I knew that she was a rotten one. I did not expect her to murder my sister, however. I knew she was bad, but I didn't think she was so horrible as to murder a child. My sister was only fourteen.
"There was no proof that Selene did it, but everyone knew. It only took her a less than two months before she realized that no one wanted her anymore, and so she left.
"My parents had mixed emotions about her leaving. My mother was thrilled, and while my dad wasn't too fond of the thing anymore, he still wanted to help. My mom told him not to tell anyone that she'd run away. After all, Selene was almost eighteen. When Social Services found out that she'd run away and my dad hadn't told anyone, they were furious.
"My father was charged with child neglect for not reporting Selene's disappearance and being her legal guardian. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for not wanting to keep a monster in our house anymore.
"I hope that accident hurt Selene, because she ruined my life. My mother is destroyed because of what that fiend did, and left me all alone to pick up the broken pieces of my family. Don't call again." A dull buzz filled Kai's ears, and he knew that he would never speak to Pearl Linh ever again.
Kai smeared ketchup onto his french fry, lathering it up until it was fifty-fifty ketchup to fry ratio. He hated eating naked french fries. Thorne, on the other hand barely tapped his three fries into his BBQ sauce. Kai didn't quite understand the sauce choice, but Thorne had something against tomatoes.
"So how did Selene murder the little sister again?" Thorne asked around a mouth of french fries. Kai squirmed at spotting the specks of food in his friend's mouth. He hated when people talked while chewing food.
Kai swallowed his single fry, taking time to answer by swigging his water. "Pearl didn't say. She just said that Selene killed her and then ran away."
Right after Kai's conversation with Pearl, he had called Thorne. The phone call had drained him and set his mind into panic mode. Kai had dished out the entire story to Thorne, who seemed to think of the entire thing as one fat joke.
"Great," Thorne deadpanned, picking up his burger. "You rescued a murderer from death. Maybe she'll kill you next." Thorne tilted his head downward in a teasing way, pointing a fry dramatically at Kai.
Rolling his eyes, Kai began to dip another fry. "The thing is, I have a hard time believing it. I don't just want to condemn her for something another person thought about her. For all we know, maybe Pearl murdered the little sister and used Selene as a cover story."
"Too cliché." Thorne said. "But I do agree with hearing Selene out before judging her. This Pearl character sounds a tad bit biased."
Kai nodded his head absently, biting his lower lip. The phone call with Pearl Linh had upset him more than he thought a phone call could. He didn't want to believe that Selene was a bad person, but something inside him yearned to learn more about the angel.
"I think I want to go to Olympia." Kai said, looking at Thorne to gage his reaction.
Thorne munched on another fry. "You must be getting overconfident with your looks then." Thorne said, his words mushed by food. "Because I'm pretty sure that girl would be more than happy to punch you in your perfect nose."
"I don't mean to visit the Linh's." Kai corrected himself. "I want to talk to the school, or maybe even some friends of Selene." Kai had been thinking about doing this even before his phone call with Pearl. He wanted to understand the person he was now connected to.
"How do you know if she even has friends? The girl sounds like a loner loser to me." Thorne wiped his mouth with a scratchy brown napkin. Kai threw him a glare. "I mean," Thorne continued. "If she doesn't have any friends here after two years of living here, why would she have any up there?"
Kai had never thought about that before. He always assumed that there must have been somebody that cared about Selene, but maybe there wasn't. Perhaps she was more alone than Kai could ever imagine.
"Everybody makes acquaintances in high school whether they like it or not." Kai rubbed his eyes. He may have been energized during his call with Pearl, but getting no sleep the night before was finally wearing on him. He needed a nap.
"Alright then, Mr. Superhero. Fight valiantly, die bravely. Go figure out your girlfriend's backstory. I'll stay here... doing nothing." Thorne sipped on his Coke, pinky up.
"Like you're getting away that easily." Kai smirked. "I need you to look out for Selene while I'm gone."
Thorne choked, spitting brown bubbles onto the tabletop. "No way. Aces and spades, I am not going to watch over your murderer girlfriend. I've sworn off all women, especially those who may want to hurt or kill me." Thorne shook his head adamantly. "You can go to Olympia and do whatever you want, Crown, but I have my own stuff."
"Come on," Kai pleaded, knowing exactly how to win this kind of battle. "I'll only be gone for a day or two, and all you have to do is talk to her for ten minutes. I just don't want her to be alone again."
"I'm pretty sure she's used to it by now." Thorne muttered under his breath, earning a blazing glare from Kai. "But alright, I'll visit her."
Kai grinned at his friend. "Thanks, mate."
"Anything for my lovestruck idiot best friend." Thorne reached across the table, beginning on Kai's fries.
Kai swatted at Thorne's hand, but he had already stolen five of his fries. "I am doing you a favor though," Kai said.
"How so? I thought that I was the one visiting your murdering angel." Thorne guffawed, shoving all five fries in his mouth at once.
"Because, my dear friend," Kai simpered. "I think your lady-charming skills needs some touching up. If anything, you're the loner loser, not Selene." Kai laughed, and Thorne glared.
Thorne stared at Kai's fries, a mischievous grin crossing his features. Kai yawned, stretching out his back and closing his eyes for a split second. By the time he looked back at the table, all of his fries were gone, and Thorne was laughing.
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