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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
I dont Understand...
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My potpie Vegan dishes🥔🥕🍆#eatvegan #myweightlossjourney #nutritious #health2017 #vegan2017 #veganscook #eatinggood #healthiswealth #healthinspo #instamagandroid #instafit #eatgreen #veganism
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vegastro · 7 years ago
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Wonderful 😍😍😍😍
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letshyacinth · 7 years ago
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planthealingcrystal · 7 years ago
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There’s a new short film available to watch online for free and it’s a must see!!! 💫🎥✨ If you’ve got 47 minutes and are curious about why so many compassionate people are going vegan right now then search “Vegan 2017” on YouTube right now and educate yourself today!!! ✨🐮💕 I just watched this last night and it was FANTASTIC!!! There are so many reasons why eating plant-based whole foods is the way to go, and I am so honored to be a part of this movement. Will you join us? 💖💖💖 @plantpoweredsoul • • • #vegan #veganfood #vegansofig #whatveganseat #raw #rawvegan #rawtill4 #juicing #organic #hclf #hclfvegan #wfpb #wholefoods #plantbased #medicalmedium #fruitarian #fruit #veggies #spoonie #healing #selflove #love #lifechangingfoods #veganhealing #plantsheal #planthealing #youcanheal #vegan2017 #vegan2017thefilm #documentary (at Hayward, California)
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girltopic · 7 years ago
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Christmas is coming. Vegan Hot Chocolate and Cookies.
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addresschic · 8 years ago
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We asked three #vegan professionals their #2017resolutions and advice for newbie and transitioning #vegans. More on www.addresschic.com . . #veganlife #vegan2017 #veganquotes #veganadvice
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bushwickvegan-blog · 8 years ago
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Soy to the world & happy New Year! I took the last week off-line to reflect, rejuvenate, and indulge with family over the holidays, but there's some good stuff coming to put this project into high gear. And some resolutions too, like exploring tempeh and other fermented & complete proteins. I'll be researching and sharing favorite recipes and discussing some of the hidden benefits in this power food. 📷 @barrys_tempeh & @thugkitchen's All Season Tempeh Crumble #vegan #vegansofig #easy #vegan2017 #whatveganseat (at Bushwick)
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veganmyway · 8 years ago
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#vegan bacon cheeseburger. So what if all I eat are burritos, burgers, and falafel. #idonthaveaproblem #eatinginthepark #portlandsummer #lunch #veganburger #vegansofig #vegan2017 #portlandvegan (at DC Vegetarian)
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jamescoopz · 7 years ago
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got this #vegan chocolate selection box from @tescofood on offer for £1 - really good value and taste delicious too 💖 #christmas #veganchristmas #veganchocolate #vegan #vegans #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfoodshare #food #foodporn #foodphotography #vegetarian #vegetarianfood #vegetarianrecipes #veganrecipes #veganlife #veganuk #govegan #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #christmas2017 #vegan2017 #freefrom #dairyfree #eggfree #crueltyfree (I know I keep posting stuff from @tescofood but it’s cuz they have a great selection there and usually cheap so yhh... brand deal maybe??? 😂😊) (at Highgate)
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yellowchyna · 8 years ago
My vegan curry for my baked potpie. #myweightlossjourney #vegancurry #veganlifestyle #veganfood #vegan2017 #health2017 #nutritious #myweightlossjourney #eatvegan
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nourished4health · 8 years ago
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I’m still looking for mine….😎
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idequitrotte · 7 years ago
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Devenus végétaliens, oui mais pourquoi? 🤔 J'ai passé mes vacances dans une ferme durant mon enfance, je me cuisinais trois fois par semaine des steaks du boucher puis j'ai commencé des entrainements sportifs assez exigeants et j'ai vu naturellement ma consommation de proteines animales baisser ce qui m'a invité à me renseigner sur le régime végétarien. De plus en plus curieuse et informée sur le sujet, j'ai pris la décision de supprimer toute consommation alimentaire animale en ce d��but d'année. Mon copain, Tanguy a dit adieu à son cher et tendre bacon 😭 et a décidé de me suivre 😉👏 Depuis bientôt trois mois, je prends plaisir à cuisiner, à decouvrir de nouvelle saveurs, à consommer intelligemment au rythme des saisons et le plus important, à démolir des annees de bourrage de crane que les puissants industriels nous font depuis notre plus jeune age. Plus je me documente et plus je me rend bien compte que mes raisons d'avoir choisi ce mode de vie s'elargissent. Le végatalisme est clairement devenu une mode à l'heure d'aujourd'hui mais je m'en vois ravie. Je militerais en silence par mes actes quotidiens à cette solution que j'ai trouvé la plus realiste et vitale pour soustraire aux problemes sanitaires et environnementaux actuels. Les produits laitiers sont nos amis pour la vie🎵 beau tissu de mensonges... Ils ne sont pas nécessaire à notre alimentation et lui sont meme délétèrent. Un panel de laits vegetaux est disponible (riz, avoine, soja, amande, millet, orge, coco, épeautre) pour remplacer le lait animale et gouteux à souhait. Pour remplacer les oeufs, pas de panique, existe le chia, la banane, le beurre de cacaouete, la compote de pomme... adieu salmonelle, cholesterol et cancer du colon ! J'aurais tellement à dire et redire sur le sujet et c'est avec plaisir que je répondrais aux questions interessees. Ce qui est le moins evident pour moi dans ce tournant vegan c'est la gestion des quantites dans ma cuisine, l'idee de penser au pain-beurre-fromage-vin francais🇫🇷 et quand tu te rends compte au restaurant que les mets vegan representent 1/8 du menu.. En passant, je vous conseille "vegan2017", un documentaire que vous pourrez retrouver sur netflix et qui vous invitera à reflechir sur tout ça. 🐺🐕🐎🐷🐮🐏🐭🐇🌱🌿🌼🌾🤔🤔 : 🤓
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mytreetv · 7 years ago
Some treetastic Plant Based News: #VEGAN2017 - The Film - Watch it!
Some treetastic Plant Based News: #VEGAN2017 - The Film - Watch it! @plantbasednews #Sustainability
Plant Based News’ end of year film Vegan 2017 is here. The film, which has been created by PBN Founder Klaus Mitchell, looks at how the movement has progressed over the last 12 months. ‘Evolution’ Mitchell says: “I’m trying to trace the evolution of the vegan movement. Events come and go. Some positive. Some negative. But this film is an attempt to zoom out, connect the dots and showcase a major…
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jamescoopz · 7 years ago
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Repost from @tofu_vegan - If you're not already active, please make it your new year's resolution to start, because if it was you in that vivisection lab, or you in that factory farm, you being skinned alive for a fur trim or you being dragged away from your mother so someone else can drink her milk, you would want someone speaking up for you too. It's not enough to order veggie burgers and go to vegan food festivals, animals need a voice and in 2018 they'll need one more than ever because veganism is growing rapidly which means the animal agriculture industries will be pushing their propaganda like never before. 📢✊🌱 I personally cannot wait to become more active next year and for influential vegans go check out the original post #getactive #veganart #veganartist #veganism #veganactivism #activism #govegan #veganuary #art #activist #veganactivist #vegans #bevegan #fight #fightforwhatyoubelievein #animals #animalliberation #animalrights #2018 #happynewyear #happynewyear2017 #vegan2018 #vegan2017 #veganuary2018 #protest #demonstration #vegansofinstagram #vegansofig #veganuk #veganlife (at Highgate)
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yellowchyna · 8 years ago
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Went to the dollar store and food loin and got a few things. New and old staples! I got the following: Gardein meatballs and chick'n, (first time buying the meatballs), skinny pop, dark chocolate 🍫, fruit 🍉 drinks ( fortified with B12). (First time trying the drinks. I usually just drink water). #naturesfury #vegangroceries #gardein #vegan #vegangirl #veganfood #vegangoodies #veganfoodshare #veagnfoodie #vegansnacks #veganeats #b12juice #healthiswealth #eatgood #snacking #gardeinmeatballs #vegan2017
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flamingtabby · 8 years ago
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Make 2017 a year to remember! 101 Reasons to Go Vegan: https://youtu.be/vjdL6ZldCLc. #GoVegan #Vegan2017 http://thndr.me/le56uR
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