#vee’s discussions
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velvet-games · 9 months ago
I think I've said a couple times that seeing too much radiosilence angst made me want a fluffier qpr version, but tbh I still want all of the angst; it just needs to be framed as eventually leading to a happy ending.
alastor and vox hating each other is thematically inevitable. I am in love with the fake enemies trope; I tried playing around with that, but there is no universe where these characters are remotely close to canon and actually like each other lmao. I think it needs to be more "vox pretends he only hates alastor and alastor pretends he doesn't care about vox but they actually both understand that they really had something and destroyed it because of mutual differences." like, symbolically, it's old vs. new, right? and alastor is good because he values what worked in the past and cares about artistic integrity but bad because he refuses to see progress or accept change; vox is good because he's innovative and ambitious but bad because he's tacky and too profit-driven. that dynamic has way too much potential for us to skip the part where they grow to see the good side of each other's perspectives while keeping their own identities intact.
AUGH the angst would just be too good; vox and alastor kind of being on the same wavelength at first when they weren't too far apart era-wise, alastor not really taking his ambitions seriously and finding them entertaining, vox actually caring at first about making TV as a legitimate creative endeavor and them connecting over a love for entertainment ... but eventually vox gains power, he starts getting distracted by money and takes shortcuts, he stops creating almost completely because it's easier to make contracted souls do it instead. alastor's cute plaything (that maybe was actually interesting to talk to and had good ideas ...) becomes this tacky capitalist that he can't manipulate as easily, so he gets bored of him. vox is so happy when he finally becomes an overlord; alastor is gonna be so proud! only for him to realize that alastor never saw him that way. alastor never actually liked him, did he?
cue them getting mad at each other and starting a feud that is much more comical on the outside than it is privately. vox is still a little confused and very much in pain ... he knows his own flaws but his greed has too much of a hold on him to make him actually change for alastor (vox: I'll do anything! just tell me what to do, what to change, and I will. please just stay. alastor: would you give up your company? power? money? would you stay with *me*? vox: ...). alastor is disappointed and tries to make it seem like he really had no affection for vox, but those memories of drinking together on sunday nights, listening to how excited vox was about a new invention ... maybe, in the very back of his mind, he realizes he misses that. that he feels left behind.
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clairedaring · 10 months ago
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MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.02
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redvexillum · 8 months ago
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This is a VoxTek themed server where we talk about everything related to Hazbin Hotel
All pairings are welcomed, cherished, and will be equally gushed at
A cozy place for writers, artists, and readers to share the joy of this series and create the found family tropes
Join a community where we are a...community! We have great festivals and events planned to celebrate the awesomeness that is Hazbin Hotel
Join us today!
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averytirednerd · 1 year ago
About Episodes 7 and 8...MASSIVE SPOILERS!!
Initial thoughts (because if I talk about EVERYTHING right now you'll be here for at least half an hour)...
I mean I loved getting to watch the season finale, don't get me wrong. But I have just as many grievances as things I loved about it and also SO MUCH happened?!?!?!
Charlie: Loved getting to see her be all demon-y, I've been waiting all season. Also loved her and the cannibals (especially Rosie!!!). So glad she got to work w/ Luci to protect the hotel <333 She and Vaggie are adorable too.
Vaggie: I really enjoyed watching her and Carmilla's song, that was cool. Protecting her girlfriend, very cute. I liked seeing her and Lute have that little face-off.
Husk: Sad that we didn't get to see much of him, but I get it. His interactions with the others were sweet (especially Angel). I loved the one line he got to sing on his own in that last song of episode 8. 😍
Angel: Ngl I am very glad he wasn't the one to die. It would've been a fun little "oh crap" moment but I really didn't want to be right. He's still got business down there. His interactions with the others here are everything to me, and he's just grown so much and aaaaaa. It's lovely to see! I love him more and more with every episode.
Niffty: YOU GO, GIRL!!!! Love to see the stabbing. I also really loved the...one line Nifty got. Kimiko Glenn's voice is a gift, I freaked out over getting to hear one line. Anyway. not much else to say other than I definitely thought it was Alastor doing a big "oh look, I'm alive!" thing when Adam got stabbed, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Cherri Bomb/Sir P: I was surprised, to say the least, when Cherri and Sir P had that little moment. Glad they got it before he went and DIED. Cherri is such a good friend to Angel and she's great. Now, onto Sir P...WOW, OKAY. Glad we know Charlie's plan isn't completely stupid. Wonder how Sera's gonna react to him being there now, lol.
The Vees: FIRST OFF, VOX?????? "This is better than sex!" 💀💀💀 Truly was not expecting to see as much of the Vees as we did. Not complaining though. It was...interesting...to say the least, watching Vox get as excited as he did over the prospect of Al dying (still as obsessed as ever, fr). Not at all surprised to see Val and Vox have a thing going, I figured from the interactions we've seen so far. Them dancing together was silly, them practically making out was less so 😃. Also, gotta continue the love for Velvette--putting up with these two idiots must take a lot. Also also, her HAIR! HER HAIR!! EEEEE
Lucifer: I reallllyyyyyy enjoyed seeing Luci make a return to help Charlie, even if it was in one of those "last-minute saves" that I usually hate. Idk, makes sense here I guess because he's probably always watching over Charlie some way. ALSO LUCI AND CHARLIE GOING ALL DEMON-Y TOGETHER WAS <33333333 I really loved him starting off that last song in episode 8, and telling Charlie that he believes in her. It was so sweet. I love Luci sm, hoping he becomes a more integral part of the crew in s2.
Adam/Lute/Lilith: HAHA HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LOSE??? Lute got what she deserved with the whole...arm thing. ALSO WHAT--JUST GONNA CASUALLY DROP LILITH IN HERE NOW? Sure, fine, whatever, totally cool. Not sure how to feel about Lilith atm so moving on. I dunno why I was so shocked upon seeing Adam's face. I guess I expected him to...not look as good as he does? Also so upset that he broke Al's staff. How rude. He sucks.
Rosie: Not how I expected her to sound, but I'm most certainly not disappointed. I don't have much to say other than I loved literally everything about her. No complaints--at least not yet ig, need to go back and rewatch the episodes critically. Her and Alastor is everything to me, and seeing them dance was <333333 I cannot express my excitement over it enough.
Alastor: Saved him for last because yes. If I wasn't limiting myself to a short paragraph for each, I'd be writing a whole essay just about Al, I swear....CANNOT believe what just happened omg. Not only did we get to see silly Al in episode 7, but we got to see scary (and scared) Al in episode 8. He's really freaking out, it's so entertaining! I'm so glad it wasn't him who died, I started getting a bit worried for a minute there....His relationship with Rosie is aaaaa, best of besties fr. Fighting Adam scene was glorious. Making Vox act like an idiot even when not trying was funny to watch (Vox's obsession with this guy is so silly). Him retreating sure was a move, but I'm glad he didn't get all stubborn and end up dying. Him ranting a bit in his section of the final song was so...AAAAAAA. Man is so scared, he looks stressed as can be. I need to see Alastor just have an external breakdown because he honestly feels like he's on the verge of one. 💀
Stopping for now before I go on a bigger rant than I already have. To those who read all this, I'm so sorry pfft. Feel free to leave a comment if there's something you wanna discuss (or, better yet, send one of those ask thingies. I do not have comments figured out yet...)
Anyway, have a good one <3
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 5 months ago
Hazbin Hotel Characters that I think would be really mad about Pluto's planet status being removed in no specific order with no context
Hazbin Hotel characters I think would agree that Pluto isn't a planet in no specific order with no context
Sir Pentious
Hazbin Hotel characters that literally do not care but would start discourse for fun in no specific order with no context
Hazbin Hotel characters that have no opinion on the subject and are just SO tired of this discussion in no specific order with no context
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 year ago
Adam posts this about Lilith.
Lucifer shares it with Lilith to laugh but after the divorce/seven year absence he reposts it sadly/sincerely.
Vox drunk reposts it on his private with a caption like “:( thinking about #him”
Velvette and Valentino make sock puppet accounts to bully him in the comments -even tho they’re the only ones who know his private account.
Lilith blocks everyone.
yeah sure.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 11 months ago
Love how Vox and Velvette seem to alternate between portraying themselves as the ‘head’ of their little trio, with Velvette referring to herself as “the backbone of the Vees” and Vox plastering his logo over everything and vehemently denying Alastor's insinuation that he couldn't go on without the other two.
And meanwhile, like… Hells entire cinematic industry seems to mostly centre around porn.
Like, I'm sure there are other films out there (Blitzø has apparently seen Shrek) but the “cinephiles” are all off watching “award winning demon bukkake shows”. And I'd be very surprised if the internet porn industry wasn't also pretty big.
Outside the main three Vees, Angel Dust appears to be the figure most associated with their brand. Not any of Velvette's models or Vox's stars. And posters of Angel appear in the Lust Ring in Ozzies, implying that Val's influence extends outside Pride, something that doesn't seem to be the case for the other Vees.
And the whole reason Vox had to hire Sir Pentious to spy on the hotel is because Val hires so many people that all the randos on the street who might be looking for a quick buck were already working for him. Given how sex-obsessed the culture is generally (and considering that for every pornstar Val hires, he's also going to need several camera people, sound people, set designers, editors, etc.) Val could easily qualify as the biggest employer in Pride.
And if he owns even a fraction of those souls, he'd probably be one of the most powerful Overlords with or without the other two backing him up.
And that's not even getting into the age thing!
All the Media Demons seem to be loosely associated with the era when their chosen form of media got popular.
Vel is the social media demon, and one of the youngest Overlords, seeming to have died in the '10s. Vox is the TV demon and supposedly died in the 1950s. Alastor is the Radio Demon and died in the 1930s.
Photographic porn first became a big thing in the late 1800s. Val's style of dress to me loosely indicates 1910s or 1920s. If we're sticking with the established pattern then Valentino could well be older than Alastor.
What I'm saying is: the reason Valentino seems so much less concerned with the image and branding of the Vees compared to the other two might not just be him being dumb and impulsive.
From his perspective, the whole Vee thing might just be something his boyfriend and best friend are invested in, that he just kinda puts up with (and, heck, probably finances) because it makes them happy and gets him out of Overlord meetings.
Out of the three of them, Val may actually be the one who would be most able to go it alone, and the one who is the main source of their power. Possibly the only reason Vox and Vel even get to argue over who is the top dog in the group is because the actual top dog is too busy with his real business to give much of a shit about their fun side project.
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patchworks-in-progress · 1 year ago
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Fucking wet weasel of a man
(click for quality)
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 2 years ago
Please everyone remember this:
The show may be ending, we may be about the watch the last piece of animated media that takes places in the wonderful universe of The Owl House...
But we still have the characters, we still have their world, we still have our headcanons, we still have the ships, we still have the fanart and fanfiction, and possibly the most important thing of all of them... We still have one another.
Thia community was born thanks to The Owl House's existence, it remained united and strong and evergrowing since its first announcement 3 and a half years ago. Just because the show is ending doesn't mean that those characters, fanarts, headcanons, fanfictions, ships and community will cease to exist once the last episode ends.
We are all still here, a few may leave, many more could come and take their place. In the end, everyone will remember something from the show, whatever be a particularly touching episode or scene, a character's personality and/or story, or the themes that envelope and define the show as a whole...
So, once last time, Let's WATCH this last episode and DREAM!
for everything...
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anachronistic-falsehood · 1 year ago
i do not understand anyone who says "omg velvette is like val and vox's daughter!!" "velvette is their bestie who is tired of their pda lol" girl velvette was recording them dancing and she took a selfie while they made out behind her those mfs are in a throuple
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akkivee · 5 months ago
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hrtbrkrz · 5 months ago
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ ... ❤️ // KRUSH'S SIGNATURES ... !
by @seolarzone ... !
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hooleidoscope · 5 months ago
Ramblings ahead:
Being a Hazbin fan with deep religious trauma and a love for philosophy is a wild ride. I keep seeing a lot of fan discourse deciding who is redeemable and who is not among the cast. One prime example is Alastor. As much as I like him as a character, he is evil, and was a terrible, twisted person when he was alive. A large amount of discourse says he is irredeemable (Vaggie even says this in the pilot) and even IF he does gain redemption, he will never be deserving of it. I also think of characters like the Vees or even Husk when this take is brought up.
But then I think back to the soup litmus test made by Rev. Oliver Snow and how it not only applies to the whole concept of Hazbin Hotel, but to real life.
The test is one simple question: Does every person in the world deserve to have their favorite soup? (i.e. Does every person deserve to be fed and comforted whenever they want?)
If your answer is “Everyone but X person or X group,” or flat out “No,” you’ve failed the test and cannot move onto more nuanced questions about said soup, and you are stuck at step 1. If you answer “Yes” just so you can deny people soup in step 2, you move back to the initial question because you haven’t moved past your prejudices and biases.
I am someone who recognizes that they were not the best person for a large amount of their adolescent and young adult years. This test has helped me realize that even though I have issues seeing myself as a person deserving of redemption or forgiveness, I do deserve mercy and basic human rights, no matter the opinions of others. But that’s because every human deserves it.
The whole point of Hazbin lines up with the Soup Test. Yes, all of the characters (save for Charlie, Lucifer, and Vaggie) are in Hell for a reason, meaning they all did terrible things. But they, and by extension, we, deserve second chances and the chance to have our needs met so we can hopefully become better humans.
Everyone deserves to be treated like human beings. Everyone deserves redemption. Yes, they have to want it, but inherently, everyone deserves a second chance. That’s entirely what the hotel is there for…and it’s the initial jumping off point of the Soup Test. Because if everyone is shown the humanity they deserve, then we actually have a chance at real, actionable change and helping those who may need it most. It is step one of humanizing everyone in our communities and in our activism in real life.
A final question I ask, even to myself: if you don’t think fictional characters (that don’t actually exist) deserve rehabilitative or restorative justice, how are you treating real people?
The original Soup Test video for those who want more context:
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vv-ispy · 6 months ago
Zhongvenxiao but as a polyamourous V instead of a throuple
Venti as the hinge because he has so much love for everyone! He lives and he loves and he falls in love. Zhongli who's always known that about Venti and they go way back, have been together for hundreds of years while Venti watches humans come and go falling in love with everyone he meets and pours all that love for life and humanity back into his relationship with Zhongli. Venti who one day while playing his dizi in Liyue, sees this Yaksha fighting with everything he's got for humanity, and falls in love once again. Zhongli who knows how much love Venti holds and while it's a big change to their relationship of hundreds of years, their mutual trust is solid as stone and Venti continues to shows just as much love to Zhongli as he always did when he and Xiao start dating too (and Zhongli cannot be happier for them, he knows them both well and knows they're good for each other the way he and Venti are good for each other. He and Xiao remain close friends but they both have their own separate relationship with their mutal partner) and Venti can't be happier he has so much love for both of his boyfriends
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shallowcoffin · 1 year ago
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Hellish morning at the V’s are always filled with more questions than answers.
This is my first post of Mouse, but i’m certain i’ll share more because my Hazbin Horel obsession is slowly creeping over my star wars obsession at the moment.
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poisonousfreek · 11 months ago
too lazy to completely rewrite the vee worship post so here:
Valentino represents Lust;
Vox represents Control;
Velvette represents Narcissism
and worship of them (whether it's prayers, rituals, offerings etc) should include elements of those they represent
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