#ve rambles
nyttvera · 6 months
finished my last master exam yesterday i am so proud of myself <3
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nottheve · 6 months
should i post my tsp art on here or nahh
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nosleepo · 1 year
do you guys ever just, y’know, exist and then the most delicious, deliriously intricate non-existent culture and society pops into your mind and you’re just placed in this rabbit hole of confusion to either keep writing a world with no plot or be stuck with the idea haunting your cranium for decades to come?
or am i just fucked and end up looking like this?
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 10 months
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“ hey.”
“ hey.”
katsuki is in trouble.
he knew he was in trouble when he playfully poked at your cheek and you kept ignoring him, not even offering him a side glance as you kept scrolling on your phone.
earlier, you had caught him committing the irreparable sin of eating the last piece of cake you had bought from a bakery near school which you had specifically saved for today. you would’ve been nice enough to share it with him if you hadn’t caught the bastard red handed stuffing his face with your cake.
after that you hadn’t talked or looked at him since. and it’s been driving him fucking nuts.
he needs you to talk to him, to touch him, to at least look at him again or he’ll lose it. this was basically torture for him, and you knew that.
he tried acting like he didn’t care, he really did. but that lasted about five minutes before he started getting antsy. he kept clicking his tongue and grunting and sighing every minute or so. he rested his head against his hand where he laid on your bed and he’s been staring—scratch that, glaring at you for what seemed like forever.
katsuki knows he’s in trouble, but he doesn’t like it when you ignore him. you know he hates it, so it’s all your fault he’s acting like this. he wants you to look at him now, and when he wants something katsuki makes sure he fuckin’ gets it.
“yer bein’ dumb, was one slice of cake, you’re really gonna ignore me for that ?” he poked at your side making you jump slightly, but your eyes remained fixed on your phone like you hadn’t even heard him. like he wasn’t even there !
katsuki’s eye twitched.
he sighed, scooting himself closer to you so he could grab the phone you were tightly clutching onto. after wrestling you for it and ripping it out of your hands, you tried crossing your arms against your chest, but he was faster, grabbing both your wrists. you tried getting out of his iron grip but it was futile. screw him, being so strong. it was honestly kind of insulting he wasn’t even struggling that badly, only grunting a bit as he told you to “quit that” and grabbing both your wrists in one hand.
you dont know how he ended up on top of you, but he did and you were suddenly trapped. you wouldn’t go down without a fight though, turning your ahead away from him to glare at the wall.
you heard him huff above you. “ m’sorry okay ? shouldn’t have eaten yer’ stupid cake.” he mumbled begrudgingly. you glanced at him and saw how red his cheeks were as he tried to keep eye contact but simply couldn’t, his eyes darting around the room then landing back on yours.
fuck, he’s cute.
as endearing as he was, you were still a little pissed off. “that was my last slice.” you muttered grumpily.
“i know.”
“that was my last slice.”
“i know.” he lowers himself until he’s laying on top of you and he noses at your neck. “ i’ll get ya another one." he muttered into your shoulder.
you stayed silent for a bit, willing yourself not to smile “really ?”
he shoved his head deeper in your neck, you squirmed at the ticklish sensation of his hair against your cheek. “ yeah.” he grumbles, pressing a sloppy kiss onto your skin. “so quit ignorin’ me, pisses me off.” read : “it makes me upset.”
you can practically hear the pout in his voice as he presses more of his weight onto you like he’s trying to trap you which he probably is. he lets go of your wrists in favor of wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. you feel him sigh against you as he waits for your response.
you smile slightly to yourself as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. he lets out a sigh of relief and his hold on you tightens. “don’t ignore me like that again, got it? mean it.” he practically whines into your shoulder. his attempt at scaring you is completely useless when he’s basically trying to hibernate in your neck.
you chuckle “ i won’t if you keep your paws off my food.” obviously he’s unhappy with your answer because he bites you, hard.
“ ow ! katsuki !”
he growls in response “don’t do it at all, dumbass. don’t like it.”
“ well, i don’t like it when you eat my food !” you quipped.
“ didn’t know it was yours.” he answers simply, cozying himself up in your neck. the asshole.
“you could’ve asked me.” you complain, but you’ve got a hand running through his hair and you’re rubbing his back soothingly. he groans.
“ i’ll get you a new one tomorrow, so quit bitchin’ at me an’ lemme fuckin’ hold you.”
you sigh “you’re unbelievable.” you feel him smirk against your neck and he bites it again, softly this time, and looks up at you. a smirk on his lips and you hate how it makes your heart skip a beat or two. screw him and his stupidly pretty face.
“you love me though.” and he knows he’s right with that stupid little self assured grin he has and you’re suddenly tempted to smack it right off his face. with your mouth. lovingly.
you pretend to be deep in thought and he huffs out a laugh, pinching your stomach. you squeal and tug lightly at his hair as payback. he retaliates by shoving his head into your neck again, mouthing and chewing on it like a dog.
“katsuki !” you try to scold him but you’re laughing. you weakly push at his shoulders but it’s useless.
“you love me.” he says again.
he’s insufferable.
“ i do, i do !” you gasp.
“ say it.”
he’s insufferable.
but you wouldn’t have it in any other way, unfortunately.
“ okay, okay !” you grab his shoulders to get him to look at you and when he does his eyes are bright and playful and he’s smiling wide and you mirror his expression, because you do love him.
“ i love you, katsuki.” he smiles wider. his cheeks are pink but he’s still got that stupidly handsome smirk on his face as he speaks “ of course you do.” he leans forward and plants his lips onto yours. you place your hand against his warm cheek and he grips your wrist. when you pull away you’re both breathing a little heavy. he presses his forehead against yours and smiles softly at you. you smile back.
of course you do.
“ you’re still getting me my cake tomorrow.”
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nolife-sin · 2 months
Don’t report just block
Tips and tricks to pũrg1ng
Foreword- only do it when it’s the last resort ( consistent vomiting can be very detrimental to your health).
Foreword 2- I don’t encourage anyone to do this, but this will make sure if you have to, it can be less painful, tiring, and quick. It’s not a pleasurable experience and I don’t want anyone to do it all the time.
1. You have a 30 min window to insure all food comes up after eating
The longer you wait, the more acidic it will. Ofcit will be acidic still bcus it was in your stomach at some point, but less is better .
2. Chew food thoroughly! The mushier (gross word) it is the easier it’ll come up.
For dry foods, take a small sip of water during bites to help.
3. Take sips between chews, if you drink w/e all at the end, that’ll be all that comes up- and only a little bit of food
4. Sometimes your finger doesn’t do shit, so use the end of your toothbrush (nothing else or you could hurt your throat more)
5. Once you find that sweet spot, keep going at it until you start to gag, that’s when you know you got it all ( or at least most of it)
6. Be gentle! You’re already doing damage to your health, you don’t want to cause damage to your mouth/ throat.
7. DO NOT FORCE IT! It is OK if you can’t do it or slim to none comes up. Forcing it can do more damage than the actual act
8. REPLENISH! When pũrg1ng you are dehydrating yourself. Drink an electrolyte beverage (most are 0-10 cals). It will replenish and hydrate you more than plain water
9. Rest. You will feel tired afterwords, so be lazy for awhile
10. Take care of yourself ❤️
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bloodycorpz3 · 2 months
The anorexia leaving my body because someone told me to "just eat"
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horni-fox-girl · 3 months
As an attention whore I can definitely say, you don't know how it feels to come on this app and not see a single notification >д<
Like godddd, I need to see those >~<
Also asks always open for any girl who wants to talk >^<
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notafckingsidekick · 10 months
Victor Vale is really important to me as asexual rep.
The only person he ever had a crush on was the girl that fit his specific definitions of perfect. Smart, likeable, nice to him. In order to stay within that “top of the class” role he’d been thrown into, she was a naturally obvious choice.
But she was taken by someone better.
Taken by Eli. Unwaveringly full of a million defensive layers yet still Victor finds common ground, a kindred spirit. In his friendship and eventual obsession with Eli lies something far deeper than simply desire- it’s the corrupting need to understand.
There’s no big reveal about Victors sexuality, it isn’t really discussed. Yet as an ace person, something resonates. Indifference to physical action doesn’t mean a complete lack of feeling. A meaningless action can be rendered priceless for the moments in between. Glances, whispered words, the sensation of touch.
It all comes back to that soul crushing yearning for mutual understanding. To find someone just like him, that’s what Victor wants. Someone to know his faults and his desires, to share in them.
This is an extremely nuanced reading but as someone that struggles to find media representation of my emotional processing, it’s a comfort to see a kindred want expressed. I yearn for more ace rep with individual depth. To love deeply is not always so straightforward.
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pentacass · 4 months
so when is lana beniko gonna write us a poem huh. look me in the eyes. tell me lana isn't the type to write about her love, her muse. tell me she doesn't have notes filled with random lines about you hidden deep in her files. tell me she didn't pour her agony into words when she lost you for five years. tell me she doesn't gaze at you and recite the most romantic lines that roll so easily off the tip of her tongue. look me in the eyes. tell me.
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nyttvera · 6 months
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nottheve · 9 months
I don't understand why when I talk about cosplaying an indian character (pavitr prabhakar) I get an abnormal amount of comments from my discord server saying
"But aren't you bengali?"
White people cosplay japanese characters all the time, why does it matter now? And the only one to blame is the british empire.
anyways im gonna lose my pav privileges bc i'm gonna pixie cut my hair :skull:
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excelsior9173 · 5 months
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obsessed with the fact that they all look like they could be playing completely different songs (x)
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shkika · 1 month
W1 wombo combo Gabriel.
But on a more serious note, do V1 and V2 have differing opinions on anything? And if so, when interacting with someone, would they express both opinions equally?
They do have different opinions on some things yes! As long as they agree on how to act they are fine.
If you were to interact with W1 it’d be a terribly confusing experience. Which I love so much. They do not really care or try to make the way they work accessable to anyone outside their own head.
Inside of which VV1 constantly talks to itself. So you’d be met with mostly silence as it discussed you in detail in there. It’s very aloof and expresses contradicting opinions sometimes.
That’s because they are both quite lenient with what the other can do or say. So if V1 wants to say that rodents are fucking awesome. It will.
But then 10 minutes later you asked it what it’s favorite animal is, V2 could say that they don’t particularly care for any of them. Like at all.
And that’s fine. Both are correct.
If V1 wanted them to watch a rodent run around for 2 hours we’ll do that anyway.
VV1 can say it hates sitting still, but then you could observe it scanning books for a while.
If you had no idea it has 2 brain, W1 makes very little sense.
And W1 doesn’t care about making sense to anyone, because it’s simply happy to be itself.
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nolife-sin · 2 months
My mom noticed I lost weight and said “looking good”
there’s no way I’m stopping now
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bloodycorpz3 · 3 months
The stigma around ana - a shit post
"How can you not like food?-"
"Just eat-"
"Food can't hurt you-"
I love food.
I'll never stop.
I can.
There is this common misconception that people who have disordered eating hate food, and, well, this may not be the case for others, I personally love it. That's why I need to restrict. That's why I crave the control. I am terrified that once I start eating, I will not stop.
I am a creature, a starved, hungry, drooling leech that clings onto crumbs and cigarettes. I am a disgraceful entity trapped in flesh that yearns for more, and once I get my greedy hands and crooked fingers on that one sweet desire- there is no stopping it. I eat and eat and eat, and I am miserable. There is no freedom in giving in, yet I know that in the end, I fall to my knees nonetheless to the one thing I hate and love - food.
I am bound by human nature and my body's will to live. And I fucking despise it.
So I adapt, and I change, and I starve - and that is my freedom. Food cannot hurt me, yes, but my lack of control will.
People with ana don't hate food. We obsess over it.
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xiomeebo · 1 month
new cover drops tomorrow...... 'm very nervous
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