#van der linde gang college au
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year ago
Red Dead Redemption 2 College AU !
I'm ignoring reqs for a bit to indulge in my own thoughts and ideas and write some hcs for my college au on what i think their majors/lives as students/professors would be like, ahem... Long post ahead. Also this isn't too well thought out as of now, just wrote down some fun thoughts. Plz tell me your own headcannons
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Arthur Morgan - Fine Arts
THE MOST UNEXPECTED MAJOR FOR A GUY LIKE HIM. He's the guy who's seen around campus wearing leather jackets, riding his motorcycle, brooding over a cup of coffee while he stares off aimlessly into the sky. So imagine him walking into your visual arts class with some of the most beautiful drawings you've ever seen. Has his own apartment near campus and his roommate is Charles. Entire place is littered with sketches and art supplies and billions of projects. His hands are constantly stained with charcoal. Takes his major VERY seriously, he don't play about his drawings and paintings. Works at a college bar and constantly comes home with a new story. Frequently visits John and the others after joining the frat, especially when they have parties. Never misses out on those. Became friends with Lenny through these parties.
John Marston - Civil Engineering
Probably one of the most miserable engineering majors you'll ever see. And that's only because he doesn't stress out over his work and procrastinates like he hasn't a care in the world; seemingly forgets he's in college. That is until the deadline is 11:59 PM that night and he has to cram two weeks worth of assignments into one night. Complains about heart palpitations when the area surrounding his desk is littered with energy cans. Joined a fraternity as soon as possible and lives in the housing. Party animal, drinks on weekdays with Sean and Javier. Throws absolute ragers on the weekends. Is the guy to yell "IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THIS FRAT, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT" before turning to you and asking if you had fun. Has missed his 9 AM several times because he either slept in or is hung over. Was probably community dick for a while. Works at McDonald's part time, people genuinely don't know how he handles the stress. 60% of his paycheck goes to liquor/alcohol.
Javier Escuella - Music Theory
PASSIONATE about his major. HE DON'T PLAY ABOUT HIS MUSIC. But I can totally see him as the type of dude to sit around on the campus lawn with a guitar as a group of girls surrounds him and listens to him play. Is in the frat with John and lives in it as well. Also plays his guitar at parties with girls surrounding him, starkly contrasting the EDM and house music in the background. Shows up to class regardless of hangovers, he is very serious about his education. As serious as he is about partying. Shows up to class fitted every single time. Probably has outfit changes between classes. Type of guy to have his fits laid out next to his bed. He does the most. Was also probably community dick. Works as a cook at a restaurant, constantly flirts with you there. Gets all giddy in the kitchen with his coworkers when he manages to make you giggle.
Charles Smith - Anthropology
It's him and his laptop against the world. He's super neat, everything in one place. Any papers he gets are all neatly kept away and categorized per class. Is hard at work on writing an ethnography and is frequently out and about for observations. If he's not out then he's at home working on assignments. Also a frat member but like I said, rooms with Arthur. Has gained the quiet serious type reputation in class but once you start talking to him discover he's very friendly and nice. Probably works on campus as a student ambassador. Is very involved with school and activities; runs an enviornmental sciences club. Dedicates several hours a night to studying/working on assignments. Amazing student all around. The way he has his life together is enviable.
Kieran Duffy - Equine Studies
LITERALLY PERFECT MAJOR FOR HIM. Literally the happiest student around, his classroom is the stables. Works at the stables as well. Just spends 99% of his time at the stables so catching him outside of there is nearly impossible. Gossips to the horses and tells them about his day. I feel like he'd fall behind in his other studies though because he'd be way too focused on the horses. Typical, struggling student. Joined a frat out of pressure, got the WORST of the hazing. I don't even want to begin to imagine what the rituals were like. Probably gets black out drunk at frat parties, ends up on the front lawn and wakes up half naked every weekend somehow.
Sean Macguire - Business Administration
He's just insufferable like that. Whenever people shit on his major he just finds a thousand bullshit reasons as to why his major is better and more lucrative. Complains to John how hard his homework is and when John asks to see his screen it's addition with pictures. Probably went to college to party and realized "oh shit I actually gotta do school". Googled the highest paying and easiest majors and chose it like that. Puts more thought into what beer he's going to buy at the liquor store than his studies. Hotboxes his car 24/7. His room REEKS of weed and so does he. Attempts to disguise it with ax body spray. Will always ask you if you want to wake and bake; regardless of if you do or don't accept he's showing up to class high and with sunglasses. Goes nonverbal when he greens out. Works at McDonald's with John, is constantly late and is warned he might get fired but never does. Just fucks around in the back. I can imagine he and Karen are constantly on and off but when they're off he brings a new girl home to the frat every night.
Lenny Summers - Literature Major
Joined the frat because he thought he'd make good connections (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER). One of the youngest pledges, went easier on him with the hazing. He's incredibly focused on his studies. You'd be surprised to find out he's a party animal as well because he's constantly reading a book in his free time. Definitely joined a book club with Mary-Beth and is taking Dutch's English class. Works on campus as well as the library; prides himself on his work and education. I believe he'd dorm because there's no way he's living in that filthy frat. Super organized dorm. Became really good friends with Arthur during one of the parties, also became close with Sean. Frequently gets driven around by Sean and gets second hand high from being in his car.
Bill Williamson - Army
Out of everyone he went to the army instead of college. But he definitely still hangs with the frat when he can simply because he's friends with a few of them. Frequently buys them liquor and supplies it to the younger members. Asks them how their classes are going and ends up falling into a rabbit hole where he's learning about infrastructure planning or astrophysics and tries his hand at doing their homework for them. It goes terribly. Drives a beat up pickup truck and you can hear that mf coming down the road 3 blocks away. Subtly tries (and fails) at flirting with some of the frat members.
Micah Bell - Criminal Law Major
Insufferable. Need I say more. Very money centric. Definitely thinks he's better than you because he's a law student. Kisses the professors’ ass all the time. Joins study groups and acts as if he's the smartest one there, tries to lead conversations, and views it as a challenge if anyone says differently than him during said discussions. He probably has an internship at a firm. Oh my god I can just imagine how sleazy he is. Also part of the frat and several of the members do not like him. Harasses the girls that show up. I can see him cutting off people during class or talking over them. Type of guy to say "not to be devil's advocate, but..."
Pearson - Culinary Degree
Came back to school to get his culinary degree. Mostly keeps to himself but has become acquainted with a few people and is actually decent friends with some. Pretty serious about his studies but is also chill, you can just tell he's extremely passionate about what he does. Excuses himself from hangouts by saying "sorry I got a pie due at 3." Loves it when he's able to sell some of his products back to students/general public and see how people react. Dreams of opening his own restaurant so he takes the accounting/marketing aspects of his degree very seriously.
Abigail Roberts - Education Major
I CAN JUST SEE IT YK. I can totally see her being a teacher, and she's super hardworking. I feel like her schedule is jam packed so she hardly ever has time for fun. Studies, does homework, student teaching, and takes care of herself and her son. So yeah imagine how busy she is all the time. Occasionally leaves Jack with his grandparents for a night of fun but that is few and far in between. Joined a sorority for support but wouldn't live in the house. Lives in the same complex as Arthur and they get along, sometimes he offers to babysit Jack. Drops off food for her when she's real busy with her studies. NEVER late to class. And besides handling ALL THIS, she'd work as a waitress at a restaurant by campus. Talk about hard working.
Sadie Adler - Agricultural Sciences
Definitely moved to live on campus from a rural town to pursue her degree. Joined the sorority early on but dorms. Suffered a breakup and found solace in the community the girls provided. Works at a local supermarket and volunteers at a community garden nearby. Her dorm is full of potted plants. Became really good friends with Arthur through Abigail, who has her over at times. I feel like she'd be asked on dates frequently but she always turns em down because she's still struggling to accept her breakup. I'm not making it a death because this AU isn't that BRUTAL. Argues with the boys often. Pearson frequents the supermarket she works at and she always makes a comment on the strange ingredients he buys. Thus leading to a weird tense air between them that they never directly address. Enjoys her coursework and never falls behind. She's on top of that shit. Also very outspoken in class.
Karen Jones - Biological Sciences
PREMED BABYYYY. On the path to becoming a nurse. She procrastinates a lot, is often late to class, BEGS her professors for extensions. Truth is she's a party girl and she will NEVER give up that party life. Constantly at several different frat parties, gets black out drunk on Saturdays, and on Sundays she's studying for her bio exam on Monday. Complains to her sorority sisters about boys, particularly Sean, to the point where they all HATE any man she gets involved with. And the next time they see Sean in public they're all glaring DAGGERS at him. Parties aside she does her work even if she puts it off... Her grades are decent, definitely passing, but everyone tells her she's gonna need to do better if she wants to go to med school. I can see her working at a retail store like Walgreens. Most miserable cashier you'll ever see. Probably lets you walk out with your items for free if she's particularly pissed off at work that day.
Tilly Jackson - Physics Major
SHE IS A SMART GIRL. One of the most hardworking on this list. Her grades are top notch and she don't play about studying. I can see her offering tutoring for math and even getting paid for it. She is not one to be underestimated when it comes to her academic abilities. Occasionally parties (aka gets dragged along by Karen) and enjoys herself, but I can't see her being a major party animal. Offers Karen lots of advice as well as helping the girls with math assignments when they need it. Joins study groups as well as math clubs. Works at a cafe on campus where Mary-Beth and Lenny visit her occasionally. Generally well organized. Has her shit together.
Mary-Beth Gaskill - Literature Major
ALWAYS has her nose in a book. Becomes extremely engaged in class discussions and has probably read every single book required for the semester already. Works at a bookstore and frequents the campus library. Is on the chiller side of partying but still accompanies the girls. She's very reserved but can be quite friendly. Writes fanfiction in the back of class while her professors think she's just passionately writing a report. Always gets extensions from Dutch, always. Even when she doesn't need em. I can see her reading a lot of philosophy books. Also an Otessa Moshfegh fan. Colleen Hoover is her guilty pleasure. Runs a blog about the books she reads. I can also imagine her being part of the school paper. Real close with Lenny as well, often hangs out with him at the cafe Tilly works at.
Molly O'Shea - Cosmetology
Shows up to her 8 AM with a BEAT face. Full face of makeup, decked head to toe in designer: designer purse where she keeps her macbook, designer shoes, outfit, accessories, etc. Probably wears brands you've never even heard of. Has a crush on Dutch, only reason she has perfect attendance in his class. Has a grudge towards Mary-Beth. Dorms for sure, even though she'd be able to afford housing nearby. The only times she's at the dorm is in the morning getting ready for class or at night to sleep. Hardly talks to her roommate either, not even a hey. Gained the stuck up rich girl reputation from her peers. Seen at cafes in between classes and is always alone. Is out of town and has been struggling to make friends. Lots of guys ask her out on dates and she only accepts when she's bored and wants a free meal. WILL make y'all go to a steakhouse, WILL order the most expensive thing on the menu.
Dutch Van Der Linde - English/Philosophy Professor
This guy definitely speaks about philosophy with a PASSION. His class is very engaging, though I do believe he'd play favorites with a few female students... This goes for both classes. Constant open ended discussions. Type of professor to ask you "but what do the blue curtains mean...?" Hardass with assignments unless you're one of those favored female students. No late assignments with him ever. You either turn it in at the deadline or you don't ever. I feel like he'd forget to take attendance frequently despite being a hardass about that too. Probably the type of professor that tries to integrate himself with the student body and try to fit in. Mildly successful.
Hosea Matthews - Theatre Professor
THE SWEETEST, KINDEST, MOST COMPASSIONATE PROFESSOR. ALWAYS excuses late assignments and very lenient, will not deduce points. His class is very fun and engaging as well! Does what Dutch tries to do and makes genuine connections with his students while keeping it professional. Tells his students they can always talk to him and come for advice. Frequently has lunch with Dutch and Susan and talks up just how great his classes are. Frequents the library and local bookstores; also goes to the cafe Tilly works at. I also feel like a lot of his relationships would have a fatherly air around them, like he's a second dad for a few of the students (we know who...).
Leopold Strauss - Business Professor
YOU CANNOT TELL ME HE WOULDN'T UGH. Probably a super boring class I'm not gonna lie. His accent would probably make it hard for some students to understand what he's saying, not to mention he probably speaks super softly and not loud enough for everyone to hear. He should've retired by now but he refuses to. There is no syllabus week with him, you got homework on the first day. But it's probably not even hard c'mon. Sean is probably the most lively thing about his class, but he's definitely falling asleep in there frequently. Always late to his own class, doesn't even say why, just gets into lecturing. NEVER seen without a cup of coffee. Sometimes there will be long moments of silence between lectures as he tries to figure out the technology. Falls asleep in his car after class.
Orville Swanson - Theology Professor
Also a super chill professor. He's probably super open to his classes about his struggles. He's able to facilitate well structured discussions and keep things civilized amongst his students. I feel like it could get boring because it's mostly lectures and slide shows but he'd still find a way to keep his students engaged, especially on discussions. I feel like he'd also be lenient about assignments, but his assignments would be rather large. Back to back papers. Type of professor to say hi to you in the halls or outside of campus and ask about your day. 10/10 guy.
Uncle - Biology Professor
How is he still working here. HOW hasn't he retired. WHY hasn't he retired. SOMEONE PLEASE make him retire. There are pros and cons. You will learn NOTHING in his class, so if you're unfortunate enough to land his class you better drop that shit as soon as possible. If you for some reason stay, you must be some sort of masochist. Probably has the best stories. As soon as you think he's about to start lecturing he goes on a tangent about a story that happened to him the other day. He has weekly tests and you might as well teach yourself the material because his ass definitely isn't doing it. Also has plenty of labs so he can leave you all to your own devices amongst each other while he sits at his desk and does who knows what. You can probably find him sleeping in a student lounge at any time of the day. Also the frat guys have definitely run into him at the liquor store.
Susan Grimshaw - History Professor/Sorority Mother
She's hard on you but only because she cares. Isn't very lenient when it comes to assignments but she's involved with her students. If she sees you struggling she'll pull you aside and ask what's up and figure out a plan to help you out in her class. Likes to remind her students she isn't their mommy but has a very motherly air surrounding her. And she is VERY on top of her girls. As a sorority mother, she makes sure they eat well, stay on top of studies, and deals with parents. Encourages the girls to keep up the general cleanliness of the house and tells them to work as a unit. Extremely proud of each of them.
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miguel-owhora · 6 months ago
Based on what Meeks said, I now believe that Arthur and Charles met through hunting in this AU
I also think Hosea is lowkey rocking the Howard Hamlin fits/suits while Dutch has his RDR1 haircut because it is more modern ig + fancy black suits for the job.
Susan is definitely the secretary of Dutch for Vanders (Idk what to name the company yet). You also mentioned John and Tilly working on being lawyers, probably to replace Dutch and Hosea in the future, so I'm thinking John met Abigail through Arthur as she is also studying at that college. I can't think of her major, though. 
I also think it's funny how Arthur is just chilling at college, having a self-portrait due to 2pm or something while waiting for Micah, them having a date at some spot Charles told him about while his whole family is causing immense fraud at the moment, breaking regulations, and are faking statements/proof for some case that would get every single one of them in jail for decades if caught. 
OG Anon
I like to think Abigail studies education or nursing, or becomes an EMT of some sort, only because I think it'd be funny. That being said, I also don't know what she would study. It's up for interpretation me thinks. I think Arthur met her first, and then introduced her to Tilly and they became friends (Side info: I think Mary-Beth + Karen are both lawyers, like majority of the gang, and I think the two become Tilly's mentors while she studies and stuff.)
Maybe Tilly brought Abigail over for a playdate, or to do some studying - whatever the case, John just so happened to be there. I think the Vandermatthews' household has a dog or two, and John likes to roughhouse with them outside and always comes inside the house all dirty. So he didn't think much when he walked inside, covered in dirt and drool, and paused when he saw Tilly and her pretty friend.
He just goes red with embarrassment and all but flees, and Tilly's annoyed on his behalf and apologizes to Abigail about her "unruly and annoying, filthy mutt of a brother." Abigail, however, is just enamored.
I imagine they both reach out to Tilly about each other, and Tilly is disappointed that they like each other (jokingly, ofc. She's happy they're together but threatens John every time.)
And I love the idea of Charles and Arthur accidentally meeting each other whilst hunting. I'm not sure what Charles would study, probably something related to the environment/nature, but they immediately hit off and become BFFs. I think it'd be funny if Charles accidentally found out Arthur was dating Micah, because fr? He's dating Micah Bell, a man he's seen on the trending page on Twitter more times than he's seen his family in the past two weeks. So he's more than a little skeptical about Arthur's boyfriend.
...But I think it'd be even more funnier if they actually got along, like really good. Micah's abrasive and perverse humor with Charles' more reserved and deadpan humor? Arthur's just happy they're getting along.
It takes a lot of skill for Arthur to pretend his family and boyfriend aren't running a shady business. It's why he spends a lot of time in nature, to get away from everything and pretend he has nothing to do with it. It sounds angsty but it really isn't, he just does not want to deal with their shenanigans.
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08melancholie · 6 months ago
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(What's bold and crossed out like this is a WIP.)
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"You're my brother."
"Kieran Duffy."
"Guarma Micah."
"Micah's own taste." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Coated." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Untouched." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Light Banter." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Lessen your Stress." [Dutch Van der Linde/Micah Bell/Reader]
"Patch up, Cowboy." [Micah Bell/Arthur Morgan] CH 1
"Giddy up, Cowboy." [Micah Bell/Arthur Morgan] CH 2
"Honeysuckle and Whiskey." [Micah Bell/OC — MASTERLIST]
↳ "HaW related posts list."
Short Micah Imagine. [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Healing Hands." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Green Neckerchief; Red Blood." [Micah Bell/Reader.]
"Spurs and Leather." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Even lower honor Micah." [Short Imagine, Micah Bell/Reader]
"Stuck and Cuffed." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Ride a Cowboy." [Micah Bell/Reader]
""On this night..."" [Micah Bell/M!Reader]
"Loverboy." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Dance with me." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"The other woman." [John Marston/Reader]
"Why do I like Micah?"
"Clean-Shaven Micah."
"Micah and Dutch."
"John Marston."
"Amos and Micah's Relationship; The Letter."
"Micah in relationships."
"Micah as a father."
Ghost Micah + Nasty Dog Micah
Ghost Micah
Breathplay Micah
Casual; MLM Micah
Bounty Hunting Sadie + Roadtrip Modern Molly
I don't smoke Micah
Post-Guarma Micah
Colter Micah
College AU Micah
Cannibal Dutch
Caretaker Micah
Pinkerton!User/Micah + Bed Chem Micah
Colter Colm
Rat!User x Micah
helping Abigail
saving Colm
caring for Colm + 1x party Colm
undead Colm
Say no to this Colm + yapping user Colm
caught Colm + Blessed are the peacemakers Colm
freaky!user Micah
vamp Colm
past relationship, exes reuniting Micah
magic josiah
colm x both gangs member!reader
undead micah + undead arthur
strange man bot
micah x medic!user
micah x pregnant!user
micah interrogation
colm x rival gang leader!user
colm break up
"Micah comforting reader over the loss of a pet/Micah with cats. (ASK)"
"Micah with a younger love interest? (ASK)"
"Micah around a mute/deaf person? (ASK)"
"Writing Micah. (ASK)"
"Micah flirting what a POC? (ASK)"
"Micah during intimacy/dirty talk? (ASK)"
"Love-hate relationship and initiating things. (ASK)"
"Micah: Father?; Jealous type?; Feelings? (ASK)"
Date night with Kieran + Micah bonus
"Obsessive Micah."
"Micah playing UNO."
"NSFW Alphabet — Micah."
"Lose Some; Gain Some." [Micah Bell/Reader]
"Innocent Intimacy." — Micah/Reader HCs
"Micah Bell (ASK)"
"Colm as an animal? (ASK)"
"Which modern shows would the VDL gang like? (ASK)"
"Micah teaching you to shoot (ASK)"
"Drunk oral with Micah (ANON ASK)"
"Which Pokemon would Micah have? (ASK)"
"Micah, Cleet and Joe's Relations. (ANON ASK)"
"Coat HCs [Kieran, Bill, Arthur, Charles, Dutch.]
"My Old Micah Hate Arc On Twitter."
"Micah Scented Candle." + "Candle Unboxing."
"Missing Jovier."
"Art Collab."
'"Who did this?"'
"VanDerBells in DTI Roblox"
"Micah's Bells."
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wildwesternwoman · 5 years ago
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (Modern!Arthur Morgan x Reader) Part One
Author’s Note: This was originally just supposed to be a one shot imagine, but I think I’m going to end up doing three, if you guys are into it. Feedback is always appreciated. 
           You grew up fascinated with cowboys. John Wayne, Matt Dillon, Willie Nelson. No one in your family really knew what kickstarted that, it had been natural, like you were born with this infatuation. As a child, it was rather sweet. You’d watch old westerns with your grandparents and sit wide eyed as your great uncle told you about the cowboy stories he used to hear on the radio when he was your age. As a teenager, you devoured every Western book you could get your hands on. Louis L’Amour, Lucia St. Clare Robson, Elmer Kelton. You would’ve given your heart to any of those Texas Rangers he wrote about. And, God, did you adore a young Clint Eastwood. You were a polite, educated young lady, but you longed for the day your cowboy would arrive and you’d be highwaymen together.
But it wasn’t the old west anymore. This was the 21st Century and you were quite certain there weren’t any cowboys anymore. Not real cowboys. Sure, there were actors who played them in TV shows and movies and singers who really, truly, thought that wearing a cowboy hat and singing about a horse made him a cowboy. But what had happened to the Andy Pickards? The Doc Hollidays? Hell, even the Marlboro Man was more cowboy than modern day cowboys.
That’s what you truly believed.
Until you started college. You’d applied for every university within a reasonable tuition range in the West. Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, even California. Somewhere where you might find a kindred spirit. Someone with a cowboy soul, just like you. Even if there weren’t any real cowboys left in this world.
And that, that is where you met Arthur Morgan.
Arthur was a “non-traditional” student. He was a little bit older, but still incredibly handsome. He worked at the school’s ag farm, helping to tend to the animals. But you met him in an English class your sophomore year. He was generally quiet and kept to himself, but he had this unmistakable laugh. The first time you heard it, you were certain it was angels singing.
You had never whipped your head around so quick. You were just in time to see the way his eyes crinkle as he laughs. A smile spread across your face. God, what a beautiful man. He caught your stare and you thought your heart would thump out of your chest. He gave you a polite head nod and you had to consciously look away before he thought you were a weirdo. You could just picture him going home with you at Thanksgiving. Meeting your family, seeing your hometown, sweetly poking fun of your childhood bedroom. Your grandmother would just love him. Your mother would love him. Hell, your dog would love him. You could see yourself loving him. You knew that was a lot to gleam from just a laugh, but damn, what a laugh.
           You really did not mean to bump into him as your tried to exit the class a few moments later, honest you didn’t. You were just that distracted by your fantasy life with him. By the time your shoulder bumped his hands, you guys had already grown old together in your mind.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You said as he let out a soft oof.
“Nah, don’t you worry. I wasn’t paying much attention either.” He said as he stooped to pick up his books. He cast you a gorgeous smile as you stood there, somewhat awkwardly.
“Um, I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself, holding your hand out.
“Arthur Morgan,” he shook your hand. His hands were big. Big and rough. Calloused, like a cowboy’s. You wondered what all he could do with those hands. The pleasure he could bring you, but not just sexually, from holding your smaller, softer hand in his, from bringing you coffee in the mornings, from picking you wildflowers. God, those hands.
“It’s nice to meet you, Arthur.”
“You too, Miss Y/N.”
           After that chance encounter, Arthur often waved at your when he saw you on campus or said hello or goodbye in English class. You didn’t have any real substantial conversations, other than to maybe ask how one of you thought you did on the last test. But then, your science class took a field trip to the ag farm to learn about the science that goes into running a farm. A necessary topic since many of your classmates were ag majors themselves that would eventually return to running their family farms and ranches.
           You really shouldn’t have wondered off, but the sound a familiar voice called to you and you couldn’t ignore it. Besides, the professor would never notice. She was so scattered; she’d hardly miss a student or two. Many were starting to poke around on their own, anyway. And you had to find the source of the voice you could just barely place.
“Yer alright,” It spoke softly. “That’s a good girl.”
           You found Arthur in a pen with a large black horse trying his damnedest to calm it down. You seated yourself on the gate and watched as he approached the animal and it reared up over him. He only laughed and mumbled something about the horse being feisty and needing to calm down. It took him only three tries under your gaze to approach the horse and get his hands on her.
“That’s it, girl. You’re ok,” He spoke gently, then added, without missing a beat. “You just gonna sit there and grin or you gonna come over here and see her up close?”
You faltered. Was he talking to you? But there was no one else around, so he must’ve been talking to you. “Can I?”
“Sure. She won’t bite. Probably.” He laughed and you could’ve died and went to heaven with all those angels.
           You climbed over the gate and into the pen, incredibly grateful that you’d opted for your trusty cowboy boots today. You walked over to the horse, staying as close to Arthur as possible. He just smiled at your timidness.
“You ever been face to face with a horse before?” He asked.
“Yes,” You shot back defensively. As if you’d never touched a horse before. You had. But maybe not as often as you’d like.
“Alright then, cowgirl, saddle ‘er up and take her for a spin.”
“Oh, hell no!” He laughed. Again. You wanted to make him laugh forever. He took your hand and placed it gently against the horse’s neck.
And he looked at you with that sweet smile you’d been daydreaming about and those little lines around his beautiful blue eyes and you realized that, for the first time in your life you were face to face with a cowboy. Just like you’d always wanted. A real cowboy. The last of your heroes. And you don’t know what he felt, but you were certain you were in love.
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radawayghoul · 2 years ago
Hi Hi friends! :)
I'm not new here nor am I new to writing but I am new to writing on a public platform! Here are some people I will write for (please read my rules that are listed under this before requesting anything!):
The Last of Us (Part 1 & 2)
Joel Miller (fluff, smut, platonic)
Jesse (fluff, smut, platonic)
Ellie Williams (18+ only Ellie, don't be a weirdo) (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut but nothing graphic)
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan (fluff, smut, platonic)
Lenny Summers (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut)
John Marston (fluff, smut, platonic)
Dutch Van Der Linde (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut)
Charles Smith (fluff, smut, platonic)
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg (fluff, smut, platonic)
Chris Redfield (fluff, smut, platonic)
Moon Knight
Layla El-Faouly (fluff, smut, platonic)
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin (fluff, smut, platonic)
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When requesting smut, be 18 and over. I will not take smut requests from anyone who does not have their age in their bio. I will likely not do smut requests from anons either for this reason, sorry in advance <;3
As listed above, 18+ for smut requests. I will only be taking smut requests for a handful of the above characters as some of them are easier to write for than others. Fluff, however, is open to all characters listed above.
Please be specific when requesting. I don't want to write something you don't enjoy because I misinterpreted your request
Absolutely no dubcon, noncon/rape elements, incest, proshipping, etc. of any kind when requesting smut. No dark themes or affair requests of any kind. Everyone in these stories is assumed to be single at the time of interaction x
AU requests are welcome! Just no cross-overs.
I will only be communicating through asks so feel free to send anything there any time but please only like once or twice per day. I'm currently in college so it'll take me a while to get to requests! I will do my best to get things out when I can :)
Hate of any kind will not be tolerated on my page. You will be blocked and/or reported x. Also, please do not repost my stuff anywhere unless you ask first, thank you!
Characters I will write smut for:
Joel Miller
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
John Marston
Karl Heisenberg
Chris Redfield
Layla El-Faouly
Din Djarin
Characters I'm not writing smut for & why:
Ellie Williams - listen I get it, she's adorable in part 2! I'd just prefer not to write smut about her. It's hard to put myself in that mindset to even think about her in that way. (I will write things that allude to smut but absolutely nothing graphic. It's hard to put myself in that mindset for Ellie - sorry friends.)
Lenny Summers - I love Lenny, he's so cute! I actually can't picture Lenny being sexual in like any way. I know he's in a gang and literally kills/has killed people but like...I don't know I just can't lol. I will write LOADS of fluff and things that allude to smut but nothing graphic for him.
Dutch Van Der Linde - listen I KNOW! I know he's hot, okay?? I'd just rather not write smut about him, I'm sorry <;/3. He just feels too much like he'd be my father :|. Allusions to smut are fine though! Just nothing graphic for Dutch either.
Please feel free to request other people and ask if I am comfortable writing for them :) I forget sometimes. If you have any questions regarding the rules, feel free to ask those as well! And if you're still confused as to why I won't write smut for Ellie, Lenny, or Dutch, again feel free to ask! I will happily answer any questions anyone has!!! BUT, I want to make it abundantly clear that I will NOT be writing for Micah Bell under ANYYY circumstances. OR Bill.
Okay now that that's all out of the way, I look forward to your requests and I'm really sorry this is so long! I have an AO3 as well that I will be cross-posting on that I will link my masterlist once I make one!! Anyone that has any series ideas or requests are also welcome! Anyways, thanks for reading! :)
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crimsonredemption · 6 years ago
Hey! Love your modern!reader stuff! What would you say the gang would work as when they would live in this time? (sorry for my english 🙈, i hope you know what i mean)
Thank you so much! Don’t worry your English is perfect!
Modern!Au Headcanons    //    TW: None  The van der Linde gang and their jobs 
I see Arthur working as a curator in a museum, probably one displaying various art pieces. He loves the paintings, the history behind them and the many different ways to interpret their meaning. He’s shy about it though and rarely talks about his job to others; he also only works there maybe three days a week so many people don’t even know he’s in the field. Before giving his first tour through the museum he was a nervous wreck but he soon lost himself in it and there was no stopping him it’s just really cute ok? When he’s not at the museum gushing about artists and paintings, you can find him at his ranch living his best life with the animals he keeps there. 
Dutch is a lawyer! I can just perfectly imagine him swaying his way around the courtroom delivering the speech of his life to the judge and the jury. He’s bursting with charisma and has an easy time wrapping others around his finger. It doesn’t always work, of course. But he always has words of encouragement for those he defends. “Have a little faith, will you? We’ll turn this around” his catchphrase is getting on everyone’s nerves but he just won’t stop
Hosea would probably be a teacher, or at least an educator of some sort. That’s a fact and we all know it! I see him in a high school teaching older kids about history and geography? Maybe literature? He’s very interested in his students and makes sure to uplift and encourage them as often as possible. He can be strict and demanding, but not ever cruel which is why he is respected by everyone. Sometimes tells stories of his youth and people are convinced he’s been into some shady business but?? He’ll only ever tell enough to keep them guessing.
Charles runs a wildlife sanctuary! He’s big on the rights of those that can not defend themselves against mankind. He’s got a huge heart and while he’s not the most social person, it’s easy for him to find sponsors and donors. I can totally see him as a veterinary surgeon as well!
Javier works in an urban coffee shop as a barista. He knows his stuff and probably makes the best coffee around town. But in his free time, he likes to sing and perform his own songs, which soon made him somewhat Instagram famous his looks probably also helped and while he loves the many opportunities this brings, he’s the happiest when he can sing to his loved ones in private.
Sean, I said it before and I’ll say it again, is that guy working part-time at Subway while he’s in college. He’s the guy to take your order and tell you how goddamn awful your choice of meat toppings and sauce is “Oyy here we go again with the fuckin Tuna and honey mustard?? Are ya’ll even tryin’?? What kind of sick ole’ bastard only wants pickles on his salami sub???” But he’s a nice guy after all and gives away cookies for free if you’re nice to him, fuck company rules. 
It took John a long time to find his calling. After years of drifting from job to job he had to take a good long look at his life so far and he decided that what he really enjoyed most was helping people, sometimes complete strangers. He becomes a social worker, maybe even doing some street work. He may not be the most social person around but he’s kind and dedicated, and most importantly never judges a book by its cover. He knows that there is always more to someone than meets the eye. 
After working as a nurse for a few years, Abigail decides to go to med school to become a doctor. It demands a lot of time and dedication but fortunately, she can count on her family and friends to help her out. She hesitates at first knowing that she won’t have as much time for Jack as before, but her mind is put to rest when she sees how John and Jack are bonding more than ever now that he spends more time with his son. 
Pearson owns his own catering company. He started as a chef in a small restaurant located in his hometown when people started hiring the restaurant to cater to social happenings. He soon realized that being on the road, while also being a chef and getting to cook to his heart's content was the best of both worlds! 
Lenny, like Sean, is also still enrolled in college and works part-time as a lifeguard at the local public swimming pool or at the beach depending on where he lives. He’s fun but also enjoys being responsible, a perfect combination to teach little kids how to swim!
I can totally see Tilly as a real estate agent! She’s kind and opinionated and really knows her way about business and salesmanship. She’s an honest soul as well, there’s no way she would try to sell you a shit home for the price of a mansion by disguising its flaws! She’ll probably be like “Yeah it might be haunted but you and I both know your budget...sooo get used to it” 
Karen works in PR (Public Relations) for a major company. She’s very social and has an easy time making friends and new acquaintances, which comes in handy! She can also hold her liquor, a nice trait to have when you gotta be on a lot of company parties and outings.   
Mary-Beth works part-time in a Library surrounded by what she loves most - books! She plans and organizes book fairs and festivals especially aimed at kids to get them into reading, something she’s really passionate about. In her free-time, she tries herself as an author but yet still has to send a manuscript out.
I love the idea of Sadie as a firefighter. She’s a total badass who has a heart of gold, always ready to help in any way she can. It’s a tough and dangerous job but she’s more than willing to put herself in danger if it means saving the lives of innocent people. She can be rough, sure, but working in a field that’s predominantly male it’s a trait that has helped her more than once. She was met with the usual demeanor, but they soon found out that she’s not one to mess with.
Strauss works in a bank, a big one that is. It’s a well-paying job and he’s content with his life choices so far, but sometimes he thinks about all the people he met that have been at their absolute worst and while he sometimes really did want to help them, he couldn’t. It keeps him awake at night occasionally.
Kieran works with horses, you can’t convince me otherwise. Maybe he has a little ranch that doubles as a hotel, where he offers to teach people how to ride horses? The ranch would be way off in the middle of nowhere, but it’s perfect for those who want a fresh breath of air or to just get away from the city for a little while.
Micah earns his money with little acting gigs and voice acting. He makes more money with the voice acting though, which he doesn’t like all too much. He’d rather score a role in a big movie and become famous but for now, he’ll have to roll with the small parts he’s given.
Reverend Swanson would still be a Reverend I suppose? 
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reddeadwriting · 5 years ago
What I think everyone in the gang is in modern day AU!
Abigail Roberts (Marston) - Librarian
Arthur Morgan - Modern day cowboy
Bill Williamson - I cant think of anything for him
Charles Smith - Most likely a vet
Dutch Van Der Linde - In love with Hosea
Hosea Matthews - In love with Dutch
Jack Marston - In school
Javier Escuella - Either a hairstylist or owns a clothing store
John Marston - Also modern day cowboy
Josiah Trelawny - Office job
Karen Jones - Bartender
Kieran Duffy - Fisherman
Lenny Summers - College student
Leopold Strauss - Still deals with loans?? So a banker idk man
Mary-Beth Gaskill - Author
Micah Bell - In prison
Molly O'shea - She's from a rich family
Mr. Pearson - Chef
Reverend Swanson - A reverend! He helps recovering addicts
Sadie Adler - Also modern day cowboy
Sean MacGuire - Also a bartender
Susan Grimshaw - Retired but runs a stall at a farmers market, and fosters kids, mainly girls
Tilly Jackson - College student
Uncle - Uncle
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unpocowboys · 6 years ago
Van der Linde Gang Modern!AU Headcanons for College Majors
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While I'm still cranking out some long fics, I wanted to still contribute some short headcanons. Also feel free to suggest HC ideas through my ask box! It's very empty and it's lonely! Anyhow, the gang members' college majors (and some minors) should they have wanted to go to college:
Arthur: Would love to be in Agribusiness, so he pursues an Agricultural Sciences degree with a minor in nature studies. For electives, he takes a few still-life drawing classes.
Dutch: Public Relations with a minor in business.
Hosea: History major, 0 doubt, even as a young man.
John: The Racoon Arts Was never really the type for a four-year degree, so he went to trade school to get his HVAC certification as well as electrical work.
Javier: Music major with a concentration in performance arts. His main instrument is the guitar, but the best thing about being a music major is that you get to learn EVERYTHING.
Abigail: Was enrolled in an associate's degree program, but had to stop when she got pregnant with Jack. She went back to school later to get a degree in early childhood studies. She loves working with kids in the Headstart Program and schools in rougher neighborhoods.
Jack: English major with a minor in British studies (for his love of King Arthur and other stories)
Trelawney: Theater Arts and a minor in costume design.
Swanson: Goes to seminary, but after recovering from addiction, he pursues a counseling program specifically for recovery and rehabilitation.
Strauss: Accounting and Business double major
Mary-Beth: English with a minor in creative writing. She definitely has thought about pursuing a Master's in teaching or even counseling.
Grimshaw: Double majored in Criminal Justice and Gender and Women's Studies.
Tilly: Social Work with minors in African-American and gender and women's studies.
Karen: Human Resources and a minor in marketing. She is really, REALLY tempted to take the two-week intensive beer-making course.
Sean: Can't decide between advertising, marketing, or mass comm, so just goes to all kinds of classes he thinks sounds cool and hopes that it adds up to a major at some point.
Molly: Enrolls in a private nursing program, completely paid for by her family. She's honestly just in it for the money and steady job security.
Kieran: Started off at community college while he decided what he could do that involved taking care of horses without pursuing a veternary science degree. He discovers Agricultural Sciences is a thing and jumps at the opportunity. Also adds on an equine studies minor later on.
Pearson: Culinary Arts trade program and then a more advanced progran down the road to continue his education. Just let the sweet man cook forever.
Uncle: Undeclared for 7 years and his student loans are listed underneath various aliases.
Micah: Enrolls in college for a week before deciding the professors are stupid and leaves.
Lenny: Political Science with a minor in African-American studies. He would like to be a lawyer for the Innocence Project as well as helping those in low-income housing who are unfairly evicted or experience discrimination.
Sadie: Criminal Justice and Forensic Science no doubt at ALL.
Charles: Environmental Sciences, top in his class, gets a grant to study wildlife in Indigenous communities.
Bill: Trade school, but also enrolls in a beer-making program.
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Red Dead Modern AU 2: The Headcanoning
THAT���S RIGHT BITCH I’M MAKING MORE Head’s up: I got a feeling this one will be a little more angstier
- Kieran was lowkey kidnapped twice: once from a loving family by a crappy motorcycle gang, again by the Van der Lindes. He’s not happy about this and wished he could just stay in one spot for longer than 17 years (or 10 in the second case)
- He gets his wish. That’s all I’m saying.
- Lil Jack is too pure for this world. Older Jack is too pure for this world. College-bound Jack? Nasty POS due to a fight with his parents before leaving (of which they were killed almost straight after)
- Dutch and Hosea never officially married, mostly due to Dutch being unable to choose between him and Molly. He wound up never marrying either, delving into madness too quickly
- Arthur didn’t die so much as he just...Vanished. No one knows where in the Hell he went, and they couldn’t call the police to report him missing. Their best bet was to hope that he’d come back one day with a wild story to tell
- John took way too much onto his shoulders after Arthur left, raising suspicion that he was the one responsible
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missblissy · 6 years ago
Modern!Red Dead AU x Reader (Part 1/?)
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((Let's go friends, lets get this bread.))
It’s always the era of art, isn’t it? You’re a college student that has found yourself living in the Northcountry of New York. Living here was like taking a step back in time almost a 100 years ago. You’re going to college for art, but you aren’t sure if thats a major for you.
There was a large bustling town surrounding your college, and another one across town. It was to big to be called a town, honestly, but two small to be called a city so it was somewere in between. There was plent to do. Movies, coffee shops, video game lounges, vape shops, open parks with art in them. It was beautiful.
The first person you meet is a young man and his friends laughing in one of the smoking gazebos. You were also going to smoke anyways so you suppose it was time to meet some new friends.
This is when you met Arthur Morgan, John Marston, and Charles Smith. They went to the college on the otherside of town for music... Which was funny because none of them looked like the musical type.
“Why are you wasting the air here and not at your own school?” You asked. John, the one that looked half way between a drug dealer and a drug addict, said, “Well... My girlfriend goes to school here. And we can’t smoke on campus at our school,” 
Oh. If anyone out of this odd bunch was anything normal, it was Charles. He was cool and quiet and didn’t say much other than, “Were are you from?” You told them how you lived about seven to eight hour from home. Turned out so did he. 
Arthur and John were locals. They’d grown up in the wild North country. The mountains of New York were such an odd place. Arthur didn’t talk much but he did talk about this place called Java Barn. “It’s a live music venue. It’s not actually in a barn. It’s in a old autobody shop on our campus. There’s a show tonight. You should come,” He was so stern when he talked. What a weirdo. 
“What's it like?” Charles told you it was a place were local musicans, students, and very underground and unknown bands played. It was a mix between and indoor slash outdoor music club. 
The Java Barn opened at 9:00pm but they told you to show up at 10:00
That’s when you got to meet everyone else. You thought this was a local student thing, but it turned out to be a wild and open event that any body could go to.
Found on the college campus across town stuck in a alley way between two low buildings, you found it. There had to be more than 200 people there. Scattered around in the alley while loud music blasted out of the open garage doors. 
You found the three pretty boys that you met earlier that day sitting way off to the side on a set of stairs that went to nowhere. They waved you over, John smiling and Charles getting up to greet you. They introduced you to the rest of their friends. 
There was a kid named Sean from Ireland who was far to drunk already. He was a drop out and didn’t want to go back home. So he lived with John and John’s girlfriend, Abigal, in an apartment in town. Abigal went to school for nursing, she said.
Charle’s was roommates with Arthur, who also lived in town. They had a third roommate who was a girl named Karen. She went to your school for criminal justice and she was a bit of a partier. She was also very very drunk and seemed to be gravitating towards Sean.
To your surprise you met one of your own fucking professors, It was Professor Van der Linde who taught your modern philosophy class, and your english Professor too! Mr. Mattews. You knew the two of them were friends, because you saw them always walking together in the hallways of your school, you didn’t know how good of friends though or that they were friends with students.
Was this a little unethical? No... No it couldn’t be. Right?
This party at the Java Barn was actully.... a lot of fun! You met so many people, drunk, stoned, sober, and they were all very nice. This little gang of people around the stairs off in the distance seemed like a big friend group.
There were other people too, a kid named Lenny who was in your art major. There was his friends Tilly and Mary-beth, and their friend Sadie who was a very loud and drunk lesbian who had to let everyone know who she was. You found out Tilly was also in the criminal justice major, and Mary-beth was in the english studies major. Sadie was to drunk to even communicate properly but someone told you she went to other college for psycology.
You also met some dropouts who still slugged around, named Bill and Micah who were fans of Dutch’s class and that was about it. There was also someone named Javiar but he didn’t seem interested in being friends with anyone really. 
You noticed other professors you had also at the gathering, even older people well into their golden years. It was so amazing and forigen to you. What on earth was this place that you had found?
They got you to drink, and smoke, and enjoy yourself. They were all so nice and you found yourself making friends very quickly. The music was loud and funny, it made you want to dance.
The girls all gathered together and laughed and giggled and dance and barked at any of the men that tried to squeeze in. You were dragged away by them to gossip in the bathroom. You’ve never had many friends, definetly no friends that were like this. 
You added everyone on snapchat, facebook, twitter, anything they had. It felt a little weird when Dutch and Hosea insisted that you refer to them by their names, and they gladly gave you their contact information.  
That night you walked home with Tilly and Abigal, they lived in the same dorm as you and didn’t even know it. It was beautiful walk because your campus was littered with nature trails seeing as it was in the middle of a forest. 
You didn’t have a roommate (lucky, the said) so when you got back to your half decorated room, you flopped down on your bed. You closed your eyes for a second, feeling tired but glad you took the risk and went out. Your phone was buzzing alive already. Your new friends hadn’t wasted a second texting you.
Smiling, ready for bed, you rolled over, still in the clothes you wore out and sunk into your bed, sleeping and waiting for what the next day had to bring.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year ago
I'm gonna cook up a red dead redemption 2 college au and make a post guessing their majors and what their college lives r like . What do y'all think their majors/lives would be like
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miguel-owhora · 6 months ago
The AU probably takes place in Louisiana or Texas considering RDR2 was inspired by New Orleans (or we could just use the places in the game).
We could name the firms Van der Linde & Matthews (VDLM) and Colm O'Driscoll & Associates, tbh (This is stolen from BCS because I'm mentally ill about that show). I also keep thinking about how Hosea canonically initially pursued a career as a stage actor, which failed, and I think this kind of happens in the AU as well. Idk how I gave this college/reaction YouTuber AU an illegal lawyer drama side plot, but I did. 
I also want to talk about Arthur and Micah's first meeting; Arthur didn't recognize him, because I don't think this man is that active on social media, so when he found out about Micah's channel, he was like, "Damn Bitch, You Live Like This?". John, after finding out about them, probably had to infodump a decade worth of YouTube lore onto him.
OG Anon
I like the idea of the companies just being named after the OG gang founders as in the gang, so VDL and O'Driscoll would still be used. if that makes sense.
Anyways, I can see that happening. I think Arthur likes watching movies but only on VHS or on DVDs, so he has a pretty swagger collection that he definitely shows off to anyone who comes to his place. Micah definitely thinks it's nerdy but he's enamored by it, and pulls out a gun on anyone who tries to make fun of Arthur.
And as a side note, most people definitely do still carry 😭 Or at least the ones I think would be funny, for a bit. Micah definitely carries, so does Sadie and Hosea, and Bill, probably John. It's definitely illegal on campus, and none of them legally carry, so it's funny.
Anyways, because John is younger than Arthur (in this AU it's only a small age gap, maybe 3-5 yrs), he probably had semi-unrestricted access to the Internet and stumbled upon Micah's channel (who, like canon, is only a few years older than Arthur.) So John is pretty familiar with him and his persona, and his YouTube lore. Which is how, as you've mentioned, he drops Micah's lore to Arthur.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year ago
For the college au
I hc Sean as being drunk or high half the time and never showing up to class
Javier is a music major, maybe
Charles has got a environmental science/zoologist thing goin on
John is an engineer, maybe even a carpenter? He built that house pretty damn well, not to mention how sexy and strong he--
Dutch would probably be an english professor
Hosea maybe a theater/acting professor
YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT SEAN LMAOO. And YES I agree with Javier, he definitely owns a classical guitar and sits on the campus lawn playing guitar while a swarm of girls sit around him and watch.
Charles being a zoology major is so true because I myself am considering switching my major to zoology hehe. But yes it's very fitting. If not zoology I can imagine he'd major in anthropology.
And YOU ARE SOOOOO RIGHT ABOUT JOHN RAHHHH HE IS SO DAMN FINEEEE. Idgaf what he major in he can get it any day of the week. Also he definitely has an emo band on the side.
Dutch is either an English professor OR a business professor istg I can see either so well and he'd be INSUFFERABLE he'd have a 2.3 on rate my professor to which he brings up on the first day of classes and talks about all the ways in which he is not deserving of a 2.3
Hosea definitely theatre. Hands down it's perfect.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year ago
College au, for some characters that not everybody talks about
Bill would probably also be drunk the whole time just like sean and get kicked out of school and end up joining the military instead
If she's in it, abigail maybe had a one night stand and had jack as a result
Abigail goes to class with jack most of the time and works very hard alongside school. Probably in a sorority with the other girls.
Karen and Sean are probably dating, but they're off and on that they're most likely not. Karen is a party girl at heart and ends up showing up to class late most of the time. Lowkey feel as if she wants to join the army either before or after she graduates
Lenny is a lit major
Mary beth is a lit major hands down. Sits outside under a tree during her free time just writing. Will go to the store for a new notebook,and it will not be added to a collection of unwritten in notebooks (i do this...)... it will abeolutely be fully written in by the end of the week.
Tilly is unsure of what to do, so she's most likely just doing her general studies while she figures herself out. Got married to her hs sweetheart and lives off campus with them.
Molly 100% is a cosmetology major but took a minor in lit because she thought the teacher was hot
Micah high key doesn't even go to the school but i feel like he'd quite honestly try to shoot the place up for fun
Tbh I can see Bill going straight to the military after highschool, but definitely a drunk
AND YESSS PEARSON DEFINITELY GETTING THAT CULINARY DEGREE. I get so giddy thinking about him going back to school.
Abigail definitely such a hard working mother and student! Unmatched determination by anyone else. I ADMIRE HER SO MUCH.
Karen and Sean being on and off is so funny I can see it so well. One day Karen is sobbing to her sorority sisters about what a dumbass Sean is and the next she's inviting him over and dragging him to her room. AND EVERYTIME HE COMES OVER EVERYONE IN THE SORORITY JUST GLARES AT HIM HAHAHAH
Lenny W. And Mary Beth is me and I am Mary Beth. Except I prefer typing everything online to have it in one place. DEFINITELY A COLLEEN HOOVER AND HANNAH GRACE ENJOYER LMFAOOO
I can see Molly being a cosmetology major SOOO WELL SHE TOTALLY WOULD. She's the type to show up to her 8 AM with a full face of makeup dressed head to toe in designer. Also probably has student/professor fantasies about Dutch 😭
And Micah 💀💀💀
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