#modern college!morbell au
miguel-owhora · 19 hours
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please do, come join us PLEASE. i love this au so much it's so fun like genuinely.
but!!!!!! idk how designs work but :3 For the most part, they all look like their game designs, obviously. im only gonna do Micah n Arthur for now, since they're the main characters of this AU, but i might do other characters later on.
Micah still looks the same, same hair and same facial hair, and same body shape. His hair only gets greasy when he forgets to shower, but otherwise it's pretty soft and healthy, and whenever he wears a cap, he pulls it into a short ponytail. He still has the same staring problem and same heavy bags under his eyes. I like to think he wears glasses, but sometimes he just doesn't, so it's 50/50 if he'll wear them. He will, however, wear them around Arthur because he once called him 'handsome' when he was wearing them and it did wonders to his ego.
He generally wears comfortable clothing, both online and in person. Sweatshirts, worn out and well used, often colored in a washed out red color, and sweats (off whites or grays) are also common. Half of the time he wears flip flops with white socks that are in desperate need of some throwing away. He has a couple of hair ties he has on his wrists at all time for either 1. his hair, or 2. to play around with. I think he'd be a big fan of energy drinks, or straight up alcohol whenever he needs a quick booster.
However, I do think Micah does know how to dress himself if he needs to go to some fancy event. Let's not forget he comes from a line of lawyers, and I imagine his daddy drilled into his sons on how to properly dress themselves because "no son of mine will dress like a slob." So he definitely knows where to get suits and has tailors phone numbers written down, so when he's needed at some event that requires proper clothes, he comes in looking well-groomed. He probably carries Arthur around like some arm candy.
Speaking of Arthur, he still pretty much looks the same as he does in the same. I think everyone in college looks a bit younger, but still the same appearance as they do in the game, if that makes sense. Anyways, he still has the same hair cut but his beard is more trimmed, more of a stubble really. He has an almost soft and quiet vibe to him, as in he's a chill guy who looks kinda grumpy lmao. Blue is still his favorite color, he probably also wears sweatshirts like Micah, but wears jeans instead of sweats. When he is at home, he definitely mostly wears shorts, and also wears sandals with socks, like Micah. Probably wears some sort of cap with either some stupid fish joke on it, or a little deer. He always has a tired look on him, because he's almost always tired of dealing with everyone's shenanigans when he just wants to sit down somewhere and draw something.
He probably has some hair ties on his wrists, too, because he happens to know a lot of people with long hair. Anyways, I don't think he's really that deep into his family's shady business. While his dads were a little confused when he chose to study art, they were actually pretty supportive and fund his tuition. Well, more so Hosea than Dutch, because Dutch had been expecting him to follow in their footsteps. Still, he does drill some law facts into Arthur's brain.
Anyways, that being said, since Arthur isn't that deep into the family business, he doesn't really attend any fancy events. That's more of John's job, who does end up following in the lawyer path. But, considering Micah eventually does work his way into Dutch's good graces - which leads to a semi-friendly rivalry between John n him (which could be a nod towards the events of RDR) - Micah gets a higher position and rank within the company, he's forced to attend several events, which he despises. But he does deal with it, and gets cocky and in a pleasant mood whenever Arthur joins him, mostly as his arm candy.
Whenever he does attend these events, Arthur wears a basic and simple suit. Of course, considering he comes from a wealthy family and his sweetheart does have money, it's simple but of high quality, tailored to fit him. And goodness gracious, does it really emphasize his beauty.
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miguel-owhora · 21 hours
Because Arthur is studying art in this AU, this means that his connection to Dutch isn't from work or something but maybe more like Dutch fostering him and John (mostly to look good in the public eye, but who knows?). Well, it's hard out there as a man who began his own law firm on his own with just his close 'friend' Hosea, his competitors being Colm, an Irish immigrant who came here for the 'American Dream', and the Bells, who are originally from California but also have business locations here and have been in the business since Granddaddy Bell created the firm in the 70s.
OG Anon
I like to think Dutch and Hosea were an established couple when they began their company. Adopting Arthur, and later on John, was a decision pushed by Hosea, who wanted a kid. And Dutch, wanting to make his sweetheart happy, agreed and so they adopted Arthur, which well, I suppose was an act of love for Hosea and also a way to boost their image. But I do think Dutch does genuinely love Arthur, and adopting John was actually Dutch's idea.
While Arthur is studying art, Dutch does make it a point to try and instill some of his law knowledge into him, which explains why Arthur vaguely knows some information about it.
The Bell law firm has been around longer than the other companies, and while they're not the biggest company, they currently do have power and a solid standing in the field, producing successful lawyers for several generations. Of course, after Micah eventually ends up abandoning his family, the Bell Inc. quietly writes him out (me thinks at least)
Then Dutch and Colm formed their own law firms around the same time, and while they were originally business partners, this partnership ended after a case went wrong, which sparked their rivalry. 
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miguel-owhora · 15 hours
Yeah I’m also making college AU art of micah and Arthur prepare you asshole.
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miguel-owhora · 18 hours
I think Micah grew out his stupid beard and got fat just to piss off people online lmao (I keep giving him shit related to Schlatt)
And to get back on when we talked about his haters/fans finding out that he has a boyfriend, and like you said, him including Arthur in his next video like the troll he is. Arthur definitely was just sitting there awkwardly, this being his first time on camera and all, while Micah just laughs like a manic at people's reactions to finding out he is gay on all platforms. It's like three minutes of that shit, and then he ends it with, "This is the end. We're going to have sex now off camera. Bye. You people can fucking leave now."
His father definitely has a professional Twitter account for Bell Inc. Amos just opens the app and gets bombarded with his brother getting canceled again, while their father is just praying that nobody notices that they are related. 
I also forgot Tilly when mentioning Dutch and Hosea's foster kids 😔😔😔
OG Anon
I was thinking of Tilly when I was writing my last post, and I think she'd definitely fit and become a lawyer as well, which could be how she meets her husband later on. She doesn't really mind Micah all too well, in this AU at least. Surprisingly, despite being a troll and not really caring about anyone other than Arthur, Micah can be respectful and polite if he wants to.
And I personally like how Micah looks with his usual mustache, but I can definitely see him growing out his side-whiskers. And I absolutely love if he gets fatter.
I think the next video he does with Arthur would be a mukbang, only because he likes to mock mukbangers and also because they're both foodies (and Micah's purposeful descent into getting fatter starts with this.) While I do think Arthur's a little awkward, he slowly gets comfortable around Micah in his videos, and becomes amused by Micah's exaggerated persona. I also think it'd be cute if there's some moments in the video where Micah's persona slips a little, so viewers get small glimpses of his genuine personality.
Anyways, Arthur doesn't really pop up in his videos, and Micah's good at ignoring things so he skirts around any topics of his sweetheart. Like I've mentioned several times, Micah cares about Arthur, and while he's fully aware that both are in positions of power (or at least connected to people with power), he's also well aware that people are crazy to refrains from sharing too much information.
On the topic of sharing too much info, Micah doesn't mention his family. Or maybe he does, but only a handful of times and never by name, so it goes undetected. Still, considering Amos and Micah keep low contact with each other, Amos every so often checks up on his brother's online presence and gets overwhelmed by everything. Daddy Bell doesn't talk to his name holder, so everything he learns about Micah is from Amos, and it's never good.
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miguel-owhora · 22 hours
Rip, I didn't see your post yesterday about the reaction YouTuber/College AU. Well, I think Micah wouldn't really go to college on his own; he is just there because, like in Canon, it's a tradition for the Bells. (The tradition of being shady criminal lawyers instead of outlaws is simply because I like Better Call Saul. Someone please give me better ideas.) So while Amos is actually doing it and working for his father's company, Micah is just at this college to half-heartedly study law so his father can't complain or something. 
Micah's channel definitely has some stupid rat machcott similar to Schlatt with goats because, why not? I'm half German, aka I grew up with JuliensBlog. Micah definitely has some decade-old video, which is a tutorial to hit women as insane ragebait, together with his early videos being shitting on news papers and news channels. I don't got a lot for you today 🙏
OG Anon
god i love this au so much
Micah studying to become a shady crim. lawyer is so true. He's actually very intelligent but pretends to act dumb, and I feel like his half-hearted effort only exists bc he doesn't really need to study all that much. Coming from a bloodline of shady lawyers means he more or less has a solid idea of procedures and terms and whatnot.
That being said, I don't think he ends up working for his father's company, which I imagine is probably located somewhere in Cali (following along the canon timeline of Amos moving to Cali, i think?) and stays wherever the hell the AU takes place to instead work for Dutch's shady law company; which, since we're on the topic of outlaws = shady crim. lawyers, most gangs are shady law companies. It fits so well, you're so right.
People still don't like Micah because he's still so crude and perverse, and just the biggest troll to walk the world. Dutch only hires him bc of his connections to Micah Bell Jr. (Micah's dad, idk how names work tbh 😭) and realizes he'd be good for their business + he's also Arthur's bf.
On another note, Micah doesn't really care for anyone else other than Arthur, and maybe, Amos, but just barely. He thinks Amos is a suck up for following in their dad's footsteps and for trying to earn his approval, so he looks down on him for that, but has very low contact with Amos bc at the end of the day, they're still brothers. But he truly does care about Arthur, and does love him. Like genuinely, wholeheartedly, does value Arthur.
Anyways, in the beginning Micah didn't really post, and if he did, it was shitposts and obscure, and insane ragebait as you put it. As he grew in popularity, this didn't change — well, if only to follow the YouTube guidelines. Just barely tho. Anyways, as he grew in popularity, so did his haters. They doxxed him and swatted him, sent him death threats, and Micah would just double down.
I imagine they'd try to get him kicked out of college or get him fire, but either they forget or don't know that 1. he has money, and not just from youtube, but from his lineage of being successful lawyers, even if that money is less than earned. and 2. Dutch won't fire him. Not because he's Arthur's sweetheart and he doesn't want his son to be angry at him, but also bc for all the wildcard that Micah is, he's actually good at his job. Like genuinely, bc c'mon now, we all can agree that Micah is a good ass criminal. He's a literal career criminal.
Anyways, I'm in love with this AU, i could talk about it for years
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miguel-owhora · 10 days
modern morbell college au but micah's a stinky little sleazy weed user n arthur's the guy he somehow bagged by being a sleazy dumb cat who's actually pretty smart when he wants to be.
i just want arthur to smoke weed for the first time n have a hot n very pleasant make out session w micah 😣
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