#this au is gonne be huge
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Twenty Questions for a Fic Writer
Stolen from @augustmourn! Thanks for posting, this was fun!
How many works do you have on ao3?
52 connected to my account/pseuds, several anon'd
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I bounce around fandoms a lot AND write for exchanges pretty frequently, so i'm not as much of a steady fandom person. You can go to my user page and expand fandoms to see just how true that is. Old standbys are probably Star Wars and Naruto, as insane as that sounds.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo - 1,411 kudos. Venom movies Venom/Eddie/Reader cross-country roadtrip with some mild plot and lots of porn. I wrote this with my partner and a close friend and it may have taken us 5 years to finish but we had an immense amount of fun along the way.
General Organa's List of Things You May No Longer Do - 750 kudos. Short humor fill for a SW kinkmeme prompt from back in 2016. Writing-wise I don't think it's anything special but it was my first fic posted to AO3.
Artemisia in Snow - 402 kudos. Reylo hypothermia fic, simple as. Did a lot of research on hypothermia for this one. I think it ranks so highly in kudos simply because it's one of my few T-rated fics.
Vestal - 394 kudos. Short short short Kylo Ren character study. I wrote this one night and posted it immediately, but I'm still very fond of it. Lots of gender going on. I feel proud that it was so well-received and kicked off a long-term fandom friendship of mine.
Take a Slice - 310 kudos. Kirikacchako threesome fic, what more is there to say? Also written with two close friends in a round-robin format during an in-person visit. Very fun, if not all that complex.
These fics are all fun and great but ultimately overall they don't represent my best writing or my personal favorite fics that I've written.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Deep sigh I wish I was better about this. I almost always respond to exceptionally long comments because they're SO important to me, but otherwise it can be hard. I have a huge backlog that I'll likely never get to if for no other reason than some of them are SO OLD.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Maybe Hard Cover. Obi-Wan/Qui-Gonn Bad Guys Made Them Do It noncon where they walk away with their relationship is kind of in tatters and, worse, we know that the river of canon will flow on. I find the idea of them not getting to resolve what happened before Qui-Gonn's death way more devastating than the death alone.
Caw, Caw, Koodle-Yah is also pretty angsty.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I can't lie I'm a sucker for happy endings, so I think a lot of the fics I write have them? (Outside of all the noncon that makes up about 1/3 of my output.) Maybe the happiest to me is Come Calling in that it involves a nice getting together with the promise of a future. The ending is very rosy, but it came from the heart (and the hole).
Do you get hate on fics?
Once or twice. I had someone get MASSIVELY upset at me for choosing not to spoil a surprise in one of my fics in the tags. We had a short interaction in the comments that didn't satisfy them so they sent me an EMAIL complaining about it further and demanding that I "admit" I did it out of spite, which I definitely didn't.
Do you write smut?
HAHAHAHAHA. Yes. Prodigiously.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not. I don't want to knock anyone who does but they've always seemed vaguely silly to me? I prefer canon-swap AUs to straight-up crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think once or twice I've had someone request to translate a fic into Russian, but I'm not sure if they ever went through with it.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't speak another language, so I probably wouldn't go there unless I was close enough to someone who did that they could help. I sometimes find it a bit cheesy when people do this but ultimately it won't stop me from reading a fic.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, many! I love co-writing. Having someone to cheerlead you through the tough sections and share the load of writing is really nice. I enjoy the creative process of bouncing ideas off of each other and most of the time this outweighs the difficulty of making compromises.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Most of my favorite ships are ones that I don't write for, or even read for. Often they're ones where the text has everything I want. That said, it's probably Ashitaka/San from Princess Mononoke or Cam/Pal.
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably the unpublished Arcane fic that's about Cait/Vi failing as a relationship and slowly breaking up disastrously because of their experiential differences. The idea of them just crumbling apart fascinates me but I haven't been able to find much momentum to really write the damn thing.
What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue! I really like writing it, the process of tweaking it, AND it's my favorite part of a fic to read.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Eurgh....plot. Plot is so hard for me. I'm not a gardener or a pantser, but an architect with aphantasia. I'll have an idea but how to get there just makes me draw a blank. It takes a lot of effort to structure themes, ideas, and theses into actual stories, which is a bit embarrassing to admit. I still love to write, though.
First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto! I was about 12 I think and wrote an unfinished Sakura/Gaara fic based loosely on an existing fic that I really loved.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably either Fires That Fence the World In or Steal the Blush.
Fires is my first Locked Tomb fic and a true labor of love. I put a lot of work, some actual research, and a great deal of elbow grease into that fic and feel a great, tender affection for it in my heart.
Steal the Blush was a gift for my partner where I had free reign to play with the Hannibal dolls in an omegaverse setting however I wanted, and I did exactly that. Omegaverse isn't a trope I'd ever write for myself (and squicks me out in many cases), but it was a fun challenge to make it work for myself. I also think I got the character voices JUST right.
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, feel free to tag me in your response!
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Rogue One Fix-it AU concept:
In which being Guardians of the Whills actually means something...
Jyn keeps seeing ghosts
Andor reverts to some old habits. Very Old Habits...
and Bodhi has had it with these mother-fucking snakes on this mother-fucking (hydro-)plane--whatthehellcaptaindon'teatit!
I've got zero time in my life and three in-limbo fanfics plus one fan-essay, so this is definitely a Sir-Never-Appearing-on-my-Works-Page. But the concept is there and demanded to be documented.
Basically, my take goes like this:
Remember that old thing about Qui-Gonn learning to manifest as a force spirit from a Shaman of the Whills? Now, in the Clone Wars series, that's explained as five Force Priestesses. But let's say for a moment that they're the same thing. Force Priestesses, Shamans of the Whills. Same difference, from a certain point of view.
So then what does that make Chirrut and Baze when they die? Not strongly Force-sensitive, but definitely Guardians of the Whills. And in a place where kyber is being experimented on, with a big-ass chunk of it looming overhead! It would make sense then that something...glitched. In this AU, I'd posit that Chirrut and Baze became manifest as Force Entities jumping between kyber crystals. Starting with the huge collection on the Death Star.
So these two wake up dead and haunting the Death Star's main weapon's most critical part. So they... interfere with the laser. Somehow. Or rather, Chirrut is; Baze provides color commentary. Ergo, Death Star needs more tweaking. Great? Great. Except, all that unfocused energy needs to go somewhere, and a good jot still runs through the transmitter and hits something flammable, blowing the facility up. Big dust cloud interfering with sensors. It's great news for surviving Rebels, but bad news at the same time: because now you have a bunch of seriously to critically injured individuals trying to survive an unwilling Beach Episode with no supplies (base destroyed) while both sides capable of rescue are scratching their heads thinking "Nobody could survive that."
Then you have Bodhi. Desert boy, fast runner. This fic posits that before the grenade blew, he managed to escape the blast by the skin of his teeth. Wouldn't do him any good whatsoever in canon, but in this case, he's just got to get out of the way of the battleground. Which he does by the time the facility goes boom.
Meanwhile, Jyn and Cassian are on the beach, expecting to die, and it goes...well, not as planned. So they're limping into the jungle, and Jyn sees Baze and Chirrut wander up and start talking. They point them in Bodhi's direction, they're the ones who suggest a useful localized painkiller (some sort of fish-like alien, just stab the afflicted area with some of those spines on it's back, don't worry the biochemistry is too different to affect you), they're the ones who discover that Krennic had left a hydrofoil further down the beach. Cassian's half-dead to comment on Jyn talking to no-one, and Jyn's too drained to notice they're blue. Eventually they run into Bodhi, find their way to the hydrofoil, Cassian collapses, and Bodhi asks Jyn who the hell she's talking to.
"Chirrut and Baze are here." "No, they're not."
What they don't realize is that their ghostly visitors are now haunting Jyn's mother's kyber crystal.
Whatever else, they're now stuck. And yes, there are snake-like eel things nesting in the hydrofoil. Good news? They biosynthesize bacta. No one realizes it until Cassian wakes up and, defaulting to dietary habits from Kenari, starts eating it raw.
And that's when the stormtrooper deserters enter the picture.
Other titles:
In which being Guardians of the Whills actually means something...
Jyn Sees Dead People...
Cassian is way too happy to play Dances With Wolves...
and Bodhi is quite reasonably done with this shit.
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Cross stood silent for a moment, and when a thought came to his skull, he put Scott's photo on his pocket and destroyed the petal he was going to give Peter.
"You know what Pete? I think you're staying for a while more here, guards!" On a moment, Cross guards came back and grabbed Peter this time.
"No, what are you doing!" Peter yelled, trying to escape
"I can't let you reveal my secret Peter" Cross toyed around on the stairs
"But we're family!" Peter almost cried
"And Scott was my best friend. Sometimes things are not easy Peter. Sometimes we have to seize the moment, i know you understand" he smiled at Peter before the guards took him off and threw him into a huge cenote.
When Peter recovered from the fall, he looked at his hands, they were full bone by now. He sobbed softly by the realization that he would die very soon. He heard a sound behind him, it was Scott. He seemed weaker.
"Scott?" Peter whimpered
"Kid?" Scott raised his head to look up at the poor kid, and stood up
"Oh Scott, you were right! I shouldn't have gonne from home!" Peter stuttered
"Calm down chamaco..." Scott softly said
"And i shouldn't have yelled to them and say i didn't want to be in their stupid ofrenda!" Peter continued
"Hey chamaco, it's okay it's okay..." Scott pulled Peter to his arms, hugging him softly
"I told them that i didn't care" Peter sobbed. Suddenly, Scott winced when his bones glowed.
"Scott?" Peter whined
"She's forgetting me..." Scott whispered
"W-who?" Peter asked
"My daughter... I wish i never left. I wish i could tell her that her father tried to come back. That he loved her..." Scott stood silent for some seconds "my Cassie..."
"Cassie?" Peter asked, and picked the photo he accidentally threw. He put it next to Scott, and when he opened his eyes, he stood confused
"W-where did you get this?" He asked
Peter put his finger on every person to explain
"That's my mama Cassie, my mama Hope and that's..." he stopped when he pointed at the ant-man's chest "you?..."
"W-we're...?" Peter paused
"Family?" Scott continued for him.
They stared at each other, softly smiling at the revelation.
"I always thought i'll see her again at least one day. I would give her a giant hug" Scott smiled, but it quickly fade away "but she's the only one alive who hasn't forgotten me. In the moment she leaves the land of the living..."
"You'll be forgotten..." Peter continued "there won't be anyone who remembers you..."
"That's right" Scott said saddened "you know, when she was little i used to sing her a song. We sang it every night..."
Scott then gently began singing the song
"Remember me"
(the scene cuts to the past, Scott is singing to a little Cassie)
"Though i have to say goodbye"
"Papa!" Cassie giggles
"Remember me
Don't let it make you cry
For even if i'm far away i hold you in my heart
(Cassie joins the song)
I'll sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though i have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
(Scott slowly approaches to Cassie, closing his eyes. Her little hands holding his face. He smiles softly and slowly opens his eyes to gaze at his precious peanut)
Know that i'm with you the only way that i can be
Until you're in my arms again,
(Cut out to present Scott and Peter)
"He stole your songs, it's Cross' fault you're forgotten. It's you who the world has to remember! Not Cross!" Peter claimed
"I didn't write it for the world, i wrote it for Cassie. I'm a horrible try of great-great-grandfather" Scott sighed
"Are you kidding me? A while ago i thought i had a murderer as a relative! You're a total upgrade"
Scott just smirked, still sitting on his spot
"I'm proud we're family!" Peter suddenly shouted, and did a grito like Scott teached him hours before. Then suddenly a laugh was heard.
"Im proud to be his family!" Scott shouted. They were snapped back to reality when they realized they were still on the cenote, but Peter heard howlings, and when he looked, from the top, Cosmo appeared...
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The Foreigner in Wonderland
(First text post. I just needed to infodump some stuff. I love reading other’s AUs, HCs and what-ifs/Imagines/Scenarios of X and Y series etc. Tried fanfic. My job and life can’t so this IS gonne BE hectic. Hope anyone reading find it as interesting as I did.)
[💟 🦁] / 🐙 🐍 /
The first thing you notice upon being conscious is being on fire. Next to the torrent of information you’re remembering. Or acquiring.
You are a servant. You’re name is... ███ That is your name right? Even so it feels alien to you.
Back at hand, the cat-like beast shouts about you suddenly appearing, and for you to give him your robes. You can review the information given to you along the way.
It was easy, getting Grim to settle down, though unwillingly. You meet the Headmage, to his surprise. He ignores you when you tell him Grim isn’t your familiar. Seemingly, more than happy to continue on, and so, the other coffins open up, with no fire this time.
Each student that weren’t a student at NRC already. You’re in timeout, seemingly for bringing a “rowdy familiar” with you, so you go up to the sorting hat last. Huh, another old memory. Your vessel’s chock full of refences.
“My name is ███.”
“... There is more than one soul with this one. They’re full of magic but of unclear origins. Therefore no Dorm truly suits this one.”
Grim saw this as an opportunity to show his stuff. Saying how he should take your place in this school. You weren’t meant to be here anyway. You were summoned here, but by who? Who indeed. Whatever the reason, you know one thing. The will of this land wishes to be saved. So why not?
Headmage Dire Crowley, just as he was about to spout some other nonsense again you speak over him.
“This is a school for those with potential in magic, no? If you’re so gracious, would you allow me to choose my own dorm?”
For some reason, other than the history and facts of this world you also gained knowledge of some people of this land. Mainly The Great Seven and the Headmage. Disney! Somewhere inside you you can’t help feeling nostalgic.
You thought it’d be a long process to get sorted into your choice of dorm. Apparently not, maybe cause you weren’t a student yet.
Feeling half sorry and half endeared by Grim, you Gracioused your way into getting him accepted into NRC. Much to your Housewarden’s anger.
Riddle doesn’t know what to make of you. He knows what to do if a student get put into Heartslabyul or chooses to transfer here. Not you though. So he pays extra attention and is slightly more strict towards you.
Ace taunts Grim, he disregards you when you showed to be more knowledgeable than him about the Seven. You defend Grim and it starts a one-sided fight.
Because of your superhuman speed, Ace, You and Grim get to cleaning the cafeteria. Ace does something he isn’t supposed to which brings Deuce to speak up about being good students. A Fight starts and property damage ensues.
By the end of the week though, you four become well acquainted. Because friends is a no no word for the bickering Adeuce duo.
Cater becomes acquainted with you guys easily, even being the one to mentioned the Ramshackle Dorm. Which becomes your hangout spot and where Ace decides to hunker down when he gets collared.
Since your abilities/”magic” or magecraft is different from theirs you speedrun painting the roses instead with just a brush. Cater is intrigued and wants to take more pics with you.
Trey as usual is brotherly to all, and you. He’s extra worried when you decide to challenge Riddle along with Adeuce and Grim.
You easily could have become Housewarden but you just want to prove a point, and it’s just a huge responsibilty. So Riddle Overblots early but no worries, your abilites were practically made to stop this!
In the end, Heartslabyul is just kinda family like to you and you enjoy their companionship fully
Leona could care less as long as you don’t interfere. He does know a strong opponent when he sees one. And not smell one, your smell is magic but also not. It also encompasses your entire being so- a headache for tomorrow.
Ruggie’s tasked to get you to join their team and to go to practice.
It also acts as a way to keep an eye on you. Thanks! He doesn’t have to baby Leona as much! Now he’s just tailing you. You let him, as he’s no threat to you. Which is also what gets you to eat more and act more human.
You invite him to join you after a while, to which you become buddy-ish. Even if you hangout with Adeuce or just Grim more. Yeah, Grim is in Savanaclaw with you, so enjoy the catfights over food from Grim and Ruggie.
Jack is distant, he does his own thing. He’s intrigued by you but it’s none of his business. Up until you and Heartslabyul asks him about the potential foul plays. To which he gets roped into our investigation.
He admires your strength, tactical prowess and just overall and actual sense of Justice? He thinks? You say it’s just because you want to but... And as he makes a big deal of calling you an idiot, it’s no less admirable. Unlike the Adeuce group.
In the end you foul Leona’s plans, you still play magift with Savanaclaw which even things out a lot.
Though you do let the other dorms take their out on some of your members a little. Ha! Oh and this one Horned guy that nearly overpowered you during magift. Not that you were paying attention to him. You tried your best and both your houses tied. Phew! that was more of a mental workout remembering all the positions!
You meet Cheka when you “wake up” in the infirmary. Diasomnia might have won if you didn’t block the last disk shot with your head. to which you “faint” afterwards.
You also take jabs at teasing Leona about being “Unca!” during this, while petting Grim as he got to participate in the matches. He got a little beat afterwards.
So Savanaclaw is just a group of housecats to you, and you enjoy as much of their time as they let you.
#twisted wonderland#twst#twst yuu#twst imagines#twst scenarios#heartslabyul#savanaclaw#what else to tag if you think i should tell me#because i'm a fandom hopper i also uhhh#yeahhh if you see some info amiss tell me#if you see me not posting. don't tell me lol!#i might be obsessing over a new fanfom as stress relief from my odd schedule#Fate related MC#since it's more twst related to i not tag Fate...?#fate crossover#(write it yourself. and i just did)#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#twst x fate#hm
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*Random ATLA AU Idea*
1. Aang wanted to run.
The Elders wanted to send him away, to take Gyatso away. His mentor (the closest he had to a father, the only friend - except Appa - he still had, the only childhood left) would listen, would have to and when the morning comes (soon, too soon, so soon) he would abandon Aang just like everyone else. And Aang would be alone soalonenoonelefteveryonegonenotachildjustAvataralonealonealone.
So he wanted to run, to abandon Gyatsu first. Thinking somehow it would hurt less (it wouldn't or how it wouldn't).
0nly he did not.
Not in this world.
And it changed everything and nothing at all.
Instead he walked, walked though the nigth, walked to the familiar door, walked too his master room and cried. "I don't want to go".
Gyatso didn't ask how Aang knew about the Elders orders, didn't tell the kid that it was for the best. No, he huged his meente (his son, his friend, his baby, how could no one else see that this was just a child? Not the master of elements, not yet, just a kid) and said "You won't." It was a vow, a promise he had no idea how to keep. But he would.
They talked though the nigth. And when the morning came somehow Gyatso was able to convice the Elders to give Aang one more year. "Them he will be thirteen, mature enougth to truly understand his call".
But destiny is destiny and Aang's was a hundred years too soon.
So before the end of the year the Fire Nation attacked. And this time Aang didn't want to run, he wanted to figth and to protect. But he was the only hope and he was a kid and he was scared and Gyatso screamed "RUN" and he did.
He would regret running just as he would (he did) in a world where he runned that nigth almost a year ago.
And he and Appa somehow fled. Maybe it was destiny or the Avatar State or just dumb luck (or missfortune). And just as it should be they falled. And the water around them froze.
And so did they.
For a hundred years.
Until two siblings from the water tribe found an iceberg.
2. "I'm the last waterbender."
Katara froze. In all universes, in all possible words, Katara always froze on that moment. She wanted to figth, to tell the soldier her mom was lying, to do anything. But she always froze.
And her mother always died.
So she runned.
Too little, too late, but she did.
Runned, trying to get away from the body of her mom, trying to escape the ashes.
With a broken toy sword, and I useless toy boomerang, Sokka saw the ashes, and he wanted to figth. He always would want to figth. He was a protector and his people were dying. But he was a kid and in no reality he would ever be able to win.
And in ever reality Hakoda would send his kid alway, not too much, but enougth, away from the figth, away from his mother corpse and the burnt smell.
So Sokka runned. He followed his sister to the snow. They runned non-stop trying to fend the memories away, but they were never able to.
They runned so far that Hakoda only found his kids two days after the invasion, half-frozen, scared and starved but alive ohalivetheywerealivehedidn'tlosttheytoo.
Running didn't change much for them. Katara would still mature too early and Sokka would still be a warrior and everything would be almost exactaly the same.
And they would still meet a misterius kid in an iceberg and go save the world with him even if it was hard.
They running had nothing to do with the fact that it was Zhao chasing them instead of a certain prince.
3. Lu Ten was nine and he was running in a metaphorical sense. His father would be Fire Lord one day and soo would he. He needed to hurry.
So he talked his grandfather into letting him go to a war meeting. He did not understand war or death but Iroh did and he was terrifield of seem his son in a war room. His father didn't care, he discussed civilian sacrifice in front of his grandson and didn't noticed Lu Ten terrified face or heared any of the kids pleas, Ozai found it funny, making japes of what he called his "nephew weakness", Iroh quickly found a way to win without this move and convinced his father of it with everything he had.
For the rest of the day his child told everyone of how his dad was smart and a hero and the best. And Iroh almost forgot, almost belived his son had not lost a once of his inocence in the whole ordeal.
But on the night, where the darkest thoughts came, Lu Ten asked about death and sacrifices and if they were doing the rigth thing. Iroh said they were. But sudently he didn't belive it.
Lu Ten runned on the sense where he wanted to know too much too fast. And as the year passed, as his son turned ten, an his nephew turned two and his niece came to this world, Iroh realized he needed to make a better world for them. He could not keep this war, this conquer, he could not keep doing the wrong thing.
So he found a group of people and he joined them. He sabotaged his own country, his own family for the White Lotus, for his children. He would make a better world for them.
History would tell about how The Great General Iroh had gonne mad in his son sixteth birthday. How in a fit of madness he attacked his brother, how he killed his own child and not much after his nephew and niece. And them realizing what he done himself. How Ursa disappered soon after. The poor Fire Lady lost in grief.
The truth layed in a confy and somewhat famous small tea shop on the Earth Kigdom. On the old man who runned it and on his three kids. It layed on Prince's Zuko's (or Lee) nigthmares and his soft smiles and lack of scar. It layed on Lu Ten's (it was a fairly Earth Kigndom name and no one discussed how a painter could be the one in the group who lacked creativity for a fake name) hard training and darkened looks (exclusive to fire nation soldiers and wasn't ironic that he almost became one of them) and in his art and his laugther and his LIFE. It layed on Azula's (and honestly the fact she had insisted on ZuLa as here fake name was completly insane and soo stupid but they just stopped trying convice he otherwise) maniacal smile and uncontrolabe rage fits (diferent of Lu Ten's hers didn't had a specific target, but at least were mostly resulted in burned trees and rocks) and on her friends and her few, small apologies and her compassion (it didn't came easy for her empathy, but she tried, she truly did and sometimes she was cold and cruel, but still was enought). It layed on Iroh's (Mushi) conteplative (sad) stares (on his regret of not being able to take Ursa with them), on the strange people with a white lotus emblem that sometimes appeared on the tea shop (sometimes needing healing, sometimes delivering mensages, most planing), on his tea and his stories and on his hope.
And when the news of the Avatar traveling with two water tribe kids came to them. It layed on the decision of finding them before Ozai. Helping them. Making the hope grow.
4. Toph was a runner.
This never changed. She still runned away from her parents overprotectivines again and again. She still runned into the badgermoles and became the best earthbender on history. She still runned into competicions and still became the Blind Bandit. She still runned into Twinkle Toes and his gaang and his adventures (and became his earthbend teacher of course). The only diference was that there were even more places to run into, and so Toph runned into a dumb good humored painter (a soldier in other life, a corpse), into cozy Tea Shop, into a nice old man who was more a father to her than hers ever would, into a akward turtleduck of a teenager and into a angry cool fiery girl (who she never had a crush on, shut up, Sokka).
She runned into the Avatar family and into the Tea Shop one and somehow this was enougth to unite them. To make them just one family. Hers.
#Avatar#ATLA#prince zuko#azula#aang#katara#sokka#lu ten atla#lu ten lives#artist lu ten#toph#iroh#Iroh is great uncle#and a even better dad#Hadoka is also a great dad#found family#atla au#fanfic
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(little streamer au)
I looked at a dandelion at the same time you said the box was open-
So could you imagine for a second the absolute chaos that would be if Tommy found out that you could make alcohol out of dandelions and had access to a huge dandelion-
This is the closest I’ll get to a little streamer au shit post thank you for this blessing of a prompt Roman, you’re wonderful
Little Streamer au- Don’t Let Tinies Drink
cw//language, underage drinking (kinda?)
It was something that Tubbo had mentioned once that currently spurred Tommy’s chaotic ideas. The tiny sat on Wilbur’s kitchen counter with a dandelion in his hand and a small bottle as he frantically looked up information.
“How to make alcohol?”
“Dandelion alcohol”
“Making wine out of dandelions”
“Flower drunk?”
He scrolled on and on trying to figure out how to actually go through with his plan while Wilbur slept on the couch across from him, blissfully unaware of the tiny’s idiotic plan.
When Tommy finally found a decent video tutorial he quickly pressed play and copied the simple steps the woman on the screen gave him. After only 45 minutes he had a small jar of yellowish liquid.
He sloshed it around in the bottle before taking a sip, it burned his throat a little and made him squint but it didn’t really taste alcoholic. Tommy was actually pretty surprised though since most of his ideas weren’t this successful.
It was that moment that Wilbur shifted on the couch and let out a loud yawn. Tommy panicked and quickly downed the rest of the gross liquid before Wilbur could find it. He tossed the bottle in his bag and tried to get rid of any extra dandelion seeds on the table before the man’s footsteps made there way to the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Toms,” Wilbur muttered at the boy as he sat down on a chair to be eye-level with the boy.
“It’s the afternoon but hey big man,” Tommy stuttered out but his throat fought against him desperately.
After a second Wilbur’s eyes become studying before he glared at the boy in front of him.
“Why the fuck do you smell like alcohol Tommy?”
Immediately Tommy sputtered, “I uh I fell in your wine yaknow in the fridge I was uh- I was hungry and I-“
Wilbur raised a questioning eyebrow at the tiny and laughed, “I’m not mad Tommy, but where the fuck did you get it from?”
Tommy paused before laughing nervously.
“I uh...I made it big man.”
Wilbur glared at the tiny questioningly, “You what?”
“I made it with uh...a dandelion,” Tommy admitted.
Immediately Wilbur scoffed and frowned at the kid.
“Jesus Christ Tommy your gonna die one day and it’s gonne be your own fault,” he laughed, “If you poisoned yourself I hope you know you’re walking to the hospital.”
Tommy whined and leaned against Wilbur’s hand.
“You would never make me walk big man,” he said before he coughed loudly into his fist. His throat still ached from the drink he’d downed.
“Uhuh,” Wilbur rolled his eyes, “You’re a fucking dumbass.”
The rest of the night Wilbur kept a careful eye on the tiny, and thankfully for them both, the drink he had made was barely alcoholic.
(it just tasted awful).
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between the shelves ⇾ knj. [M]
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ slytherin!namjoon x reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒/𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ e2l, hogwarts au, pwp, smut, 18+
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ after catching the school’s know-it-all doing his thing in the library, you’re generously offered a chance for some fun too... if you beg that is.
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 1.7k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ dom!namjoon, sub!reader, trying to stay quiet sex, corruption kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, degradtion, a lil humiliation, a lil overstimulation, dirty talk, implied oral (m. receiving), panty eating? (joon shoves your ruined panties in his mouth), panty gagging? (joon uses your panties to keep you quiet), fingering (green nail polish + emerald rings), a lil pussy slapping, squirting, begging, teasing, lowkey filth
@moonmintrails ordered: sooo for drinks and drabbles, since my thirst has to be quenched i would like to order: joon + cocktail + do ya thing !!! 😉
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ order up, my luff! hope this quenches yo thirst lol
◖ collab. for @bangtan-dreamland’s drinks and drabbles event◗
⟶ please note that, despite still attending Hogwarts, all characters are of consenting age
The cartography section is rarely used, thus rarely visited. Hidden in the far right corner of the library, all the scrolls of maps and books on how to chart ocean trails remain unused, unseen by the rest of the school. You thought it was a smart choice to use cartography for your final project since the section is more or less forgotten. You should’ve known that if the idea had come to you, then it also came to the cockiest, smartest student in all of Hogwarts. Many students believe that if he hadn’t been so prideful, so arrogant, he would’ve been a Ravenclaw. Instead, Ravenclaws despise him and his tendency to always, always, be right.
Kim Namjoon stands between the shelves, veiny cock in hand, stroking himself with his dark green polished fingers. He seems to have no regard for being caught, pants around his ankles as he indulges in his horny desires. Why he’s doing this kind of thing in the library is lost on you. Does he want to get caught? Sure, the cartography section is scarcely visited, but it’s a public place nonetheless.
At first, you thought that you may have mistaken someone else for him, but the moment you saw the glint of his emerald rings, you knew it was him. You didn’t exactly want to watch, but once you saw him it was hard to look away. His cock’s huge, tip thick enough to stretch you well all on it’s own, and quiet sounds sinful enough to get you to pull up your own skirt and push your green panties aside. Your trembling fingers hover over your parted lips as you watch him over the gap between the books and the shelf.
You should stop. You should tell him you’re watching, but he looks so satisfied and rubbing your clit feels all too good to stop him now. You whimper into your fingers, eyes slightly fluttering shut as you get lost in the pleasure, fingers moving your wetness all over your clit in sloppy, quick motions. You hate to admit this to yourself, but just the thought of having Namjoon’s massive dick rub between your folds might be enough to throw you over the edge.
“Stuff me,” you whisper to yourself. Eyes closed, all you can think about is getting shoved against these shelves and fucked until they all fall.
“Well, well, well,” he hums to your right.
Your eyes snap open, hands immediately pulling away from your body as you turn to face him. Fixing your skirt, you stumble back and look between where Namjoon once was and where he stands now. His pants are back up, hard cock hidden from view still staining under his pants. “Um…” you mumble, swallowing thickly. This is ridiculous. He should be the one looking red and humiliated. You caught him first, not the other way around. Yet, here is his, stalking towards you, scanning your shrinking frame.
“What’s wrong, kitty?”
You glare at him, earning a dark chuckle. Every part of you loathes that nickname… well, almost every part of you. Even before catching him in such a damning state, your pussy would always clench every time he’d use that nickname. You once asked him why he insisted on calling you that. He simply told you that you remind him of a kitten; innocent and cute. Looking into his eyes now, you can finally see the use of the name for what it really is: a way to exert his dominance over you.
“I saw you first,” you blurt out as your back meets the stone wall.
Namjoon smirks. “Oh?” he hums. “And that was enough for your skirt to go up?”
He holds your chin, grinning enough to just display his dimples. He brushes his nose against yours, your eyes instantly fluttering shut as if preparing yourself for a kiss. “Are you lying to me, kitty?” he asks, hovering his lips over yours. He’s so close, chest against yours, warm breath fanning your face.
Quietly whining against him, you shake your head.
Namjoon sighs, tightening his grip on your chin. “You’re usually a good girl, so I’ll give you another chance to tell me the truth,” he whispers, pecking the corner of your mouth.
That act alone is enough to coax you into telling him the truth. “Yes, Joon,” you mutter, meeting his gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to watch.”
“What about touching yourself? Did you mean to do that?”
He tuts, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t want to answer that? Fine.” Letting go of your chin, his hands find their new place on your hips. He pressed himself flush against you, pecking your chin to tease a kiss. “Answer me this instead. How badly do you want me to stuff you?”
You gasp, eyes widening as he chuckles. He heard? “Namjoon, I’m really sorry,” you repeat, shifty eyes looking for a way out of this. You squirm in his hold, lost between wanting his cock to further press against you and to get out of his grasp.
“There’s no need to apologize, kitty,” he reassures. You cease your movements as he continues. “You can get stuffed all you want. Just gotta ask.”
Your breath hitches as his hands shift down to your ass, grabbing handfuls of each cheek like they belong to him. Biting your lip, you swallow your moans and grip onto his shoulders. He massages your cheeks, drawing quiet mewls out of you. “Stuff me?” you ask in a whisper, closing your eyes to save yourself the humiliation.
Namjoon tsks, digging his nails into your skin. “Where are your manners, kitty? You saw me jack off once and suddenly you're a selfish little slut? You can’t demand things from me, kitty. Ask nicely.”
“Please,” you begrudgingly add.
He chuckles darkly, sliding his hands to your thighs and lifting your skirt. After pulling your panties down and taking them, he shoves the wettest part into his mouth, quietly moaning at how desperate you taste.
The action has you pressing your thighs together, mewling for some sort of friction already. Namjoon seems to be having too much fun teasing you, his thumbs pulling your thighs apart only to spread your folds. The cool air of the library hits your throbbing clit. You shudder in your place between Namjoon’s hold and the wall. As his fingers begin to finally rub your bundle of nerves, spreading your pooled juices all over your pussy, you moan loudly.
He hisses and takes out your panties from his mouth, shoving them into yours instead to silence your moans. “You want the whole school to find us?” he questions, voice dripping with authority. Noticing your eyes darken, Namjoon rasps a dark moan, dragging his fingers to your entrance instead. “Mm, so you want everyone to know how much of a fucking whore you are? Want’em all to see me ruin you with just my fingers, kitty?”
You nod quickly, whining around your panties as he continues to tease your tight hole. Hoping to finally get him to shove his fingers in, you buckle your hips into his hand. It only earns you a sharp slap against your pussy. Your eyes roll back, body jolting against his.
Namjoon rubs the sensitive flesh, resting his lips by your ear to whisper, “you’re going to learn to ask for things, from now on.”
The rasp of his voice makes you melt into his body, knees weakening as you start to find it increasingly hard to stand. “Let’s try that, again, hmm?” he questions, taking the panties out of your mouth momentarily.
“Please, please, Joon. Won’t you just please stuff me? I don’t kn-”
He shoves the panties back into your mouth, silencing the rest of your pleads. Slowly, he stuffs his long fingers, rings and all, into your pussy. The cold jewels of his rings instantly have your back arching, breasts pushing against his chest. He scissors his fingers in you, watching your furrow your brows and angrily moan into the wet, silk fabric.
Namjoon bites his lip, holding back his chuckles. “You said to stuff you, kitty. Never specified with what.”
You can’t believe he spotted a loophole, but should’ve seen it coming. Namjoon is a know-it-all through and through. No matter how big his dick is, how hot he looks, or how fucking good his fingers feel, thrusting in and out of you in speeds you’ve never experienced before, you’ll never forget that you hate him and his sexy face.
Hooking one of your legs around his waist, Namjoon reaches new depths with his fingers. His pace gets brutal, shoving his fingers in and out of you harshly. Your body spasms uncontrollably and your eyes rolling back as you feel yourself get closer and closer to the edge. He hesitates one of his motions as if about to pull out of you but deciding against it. You’re extremely grateful for whatever it was that changed his mind.
Trailing the edge of your oragsm, wrap your arms around his neck and lean your head against his broad shoulders. Namjoon wraps his free hand around your waist, holding onto you tightly like he knows you’re about to lose all your strength from the orgasm that’s creeping up on you.
“You gonn-”
Your high pitched squeal cuts him off, pussy gushing all over his fingers. He curses under his breath, pulling his fingers out to rub your clit the moment he feels the rush of your juices. Squirting all you have to offer him, you almost fall to your knees. Namjoon quickly moves his hand to your ass to hold you back up, not missing a beat on your pussy. Wave after wave of your juices splatters all over his pants and shoes, staining him with your horny scent.
“What a fucking mess,” he hisses against the shell of your ear. “You’re such a fucking mess.”
Tremors run through your body as he slowly drags his middle finger between your folds. Whining, you push his hand away from you, holding it to keep him from continuing to overstimulate you. “I just need a minute,” you mutter after pulling your panties out of your mouth.
He raises a brow, tilting your chin up to meet his impressed gaze. “Mmm, you haven’t had enough yet?”
You shake your head, offering a shy smile.
“Good,” he hisses. “On your knees.”
Between the shelves, you fall to your knees. The floor is wet with your orgasm, but you couldn’t care less, fingers fumbling with his zipper.
“Open up, kitty.”
note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
#bhqdrabbles#bangtanhq#bangtanfairygarden#btswritingcafe#btsgoldnet#kim namjoon smut#namjoon smut#namjoon x reader#bts fanfic#bts kim namjoon#bts smut#bts drabble
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seven deadly sins au but they’re in our world. what do they do for a living / how did they meet
The normal NnT world is supposed to be our world already but in the way way past (you know what I mean) but I'm gonne assume this means our world as in modern times
Meliodas would keep trying different shit and keep himself afloat with minimum wage jobs until he got enough funds to open up a bar in a not that good part of town because that's where he lives and where he can afford rent.
Ban would live off of stealing and the occasional odd job that's probably illegal. Since he loves drinking, he frequents Meliodas bar and one made the mistake of asking for a dish. Inevitably, it tastes awful and him and Mel squabble a bit until Ban goes something like "fine, I'll do it then!" And cooks. Meliodas tries one bite and offers him the job of cook in his bar. It pays better than stealing so Ban takes it.
King lives in an apartment complex with Elaine and would probably manage to get a mediocre desk job with good pay but ultimately not that fulfilling. One day, he had to work late and decided to go drinking for once, and somehow wandered into Meliodas bar. Alternatively, he could've also met Ban and followed him there because they got into a fight, either screaming match or an actual fist fight and Ban knocked him out. Not knowing what to do with the tiny man, Ban brought him to Meliodas.
Diane would be a vlogger or instagram model, or she would just straight up do weird youtube videos. Her and King are good friends and she often invites him for videos, not knowing that King has a huge crush on her.
Merlin is a prestigious scientist and Meliodas was a volunteer for some tests. Intrigued by his physique (not sexual) she kept in touch with him and often asks him to be a test subject.
Merlin often attends different conferences where Escanor is working and of course he developed a crush on her. She always asks for Escanor specifically to assist her, saying that he's just so good at it, though no one is sure about the real reason.
Gowther was more or less picked up by Merlin as a test subject as well and helps her with her research in her lab since he's not busy with anything else. Him and Meliodas occasionally meet for tests and the like.
As Meliodas keeps running the bar with Ban, he makes some serious profit and upgrades. The bar becomes more and more popular and Diane drags King there to hang out one night.
Escanor, troubled with more than a few things, goes out there one night as well and as he's drunk tells Meliodas all about Merlin and they get to talking and bonding about her.
I hope you like it^^
#nnt#nnt headcanon#meliodas#nanatsu no taizai#seven deadly sins#ban#diane#king#gowther#merlin#escanor#nnt au#nnt modern au
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Thoughts On Being A Jedi
Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: insinuated smut
Author’s Note: DUDE!!! I had wayyyy to much fun writing this lol. So much fun. I love writing for obi-wan thanks my love for requesting it
Requested: by @ateliefloresdaprimavera aaaand now I can't stop thinking on an AU where,instead of Anakin being his padawan, YN is. She's not much younger than him,but because of her age,Qui Gon Jinn sees something in her as well, and (he lives this time) goes to train Anankin,and Obi goes to train yn, and the rest is romantic history!
Summary: the request!!
Genre: flufffyyy
(not my gif)
You never planned on being a Jedi. You never thought you were good enough, living on a planet that nobody ever gave a second thought about. It wasn’t until Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master, Qui Gon Jinn came to your planet. You were friends with a young boy named Anakin and when they seemed to take a liking to him, you had jumped along for the ride. You were only about two years younger than Obi-Wan but you were fascinated by him. The Jedi ways.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to him. You knew enough about the Jedi to know he was never allowed to marry. That didn’t stop you from liking him. He was handsome and brave and a good man. You looked up to him and you loved him. For better or worse.
“Y/N have you ever wanted to be a Jedi?” Anakin asked you one day as you sat on the stairs of his home. There was discussion of bringing Anakin back with the Jedi, way far away. You thought about his question and looked at Obi-Wan who was talking with the woman they had come with. Padme you think was her name. You leaned back to ignore whatever conversation they were having, attempting to ignore the creeping jealousy in your chest.
“I’ve never thought I could. Looks like you might get a shot though,” you said with a smile. He nodded, his face flushed.
“I want you and my mom to come though. It’d be so lonely without you,” he explained. You shrugged. There was nothing special about you. Your idea was that you would never see your little friend again but you didn’t tell him that. He should be excited about his new found talent, not worried about you.
“Well I guess you can ask Obi-Wan,” you teased and stood up. You brushed dust off your clothes and put your hands on your hips. Your eyes caught Anakin as he watched you.
“You like him don’t you?” he inquired. You shook your head but there was no denying the flustered look on your face.
“He's a Jedi Ani. It would never happen anyway,” you said brushing him off. As if on cue, the padawan approached you and Anakin, a smile gracing his face. You returned it, leaning against the dusty brick wall beside you.
“We were just talking about you!” Anakin exclaimed. You shot him a glare. Obi-Wan only chuckled.
“All good things I hope?”
“There’s not a bad thing she can say about you,” Anakin pointed out and you swatted his hair. It caused a good laugh from the both of them.
“You’ll make a wonderful Jedi one day is all,” you explained. He nodded but Anakin was still giving him a mischievous eye.
“Have you ever thought about being a Jedi Y/N?” he inquired. You smiled at the strikingly similar question as the one you had just been asked.
“Thought about it sure. But only because I like the color,” you teased grabbing his lightsaber from his side. He gave you a stern look but you just moved it around without opening it, making the sound affect.
Anakin laughed as you mimicked cutting off Obi-Wan's head dramatically. He smiled, a big toothy grin. At the time, you didn’t know him that well but a grin like that was pretty rare. You smiled back at him and handed the lightsaber over.
“That wasn’t bad form you know,” he pointed out. You shrugged.
“Your form is pretty good too,” you said. You both blushed and only Anakin saw it.
It was just before the fight with Maul that anyone brought up the fact that you had tagged along. As Obi-Wan defeated the villain with the help of his Master, you were amazed that they made it out alive. You ran over to them, flanked by Anakin. The two of you checked the Jedis over for injury, exclaiming your amazement and wonder about their feat. You clinged to Obi-Wan, your worry for his life not quite gone.
It was after his near death experience that Qui Gonn voiced his opinion on you and your tiny friend.
“Y/N have you ever thought about being a Jedi?” You peeled away from Obi-Wan and you, him and Anakin chuckled. You had been asked that question many times now. Only then did you give a serious answer.
“Yeah. I have.” Obi-Wan's touch lingered on your shoulder and you were all to aware of it.
“Would you like to train to be one?” That was a question you hadn’t been expecting. You wanted desperately to leave your little home and get out there. This seemed like a perfect escape.
You’d be lying if you said that the fact you would get to see Obi-Wan every once in a while didn’t influence your answer.
“I’d love too,” you exlaimed with a grin. Qui Gonn smiled, glancing between Obi-Wan and you. He was all too aware of his padawans crush on you. While that wasn’t ideal in a situation like this, he knew that if he were to offer you a position it would have to be with Obi. There was no keeping you apart once you realized the feelings were mutual.
“Obi-Wan will train you. I will train Anakin,” he stated. Your mouth opened a little in surprise and your eyes found Obi-Wans. He gave you a grin and raised his hands to your cheeks. For a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. He did it out of sheer autopilot. Qui Gonn was distracted by Anakin and chose to ignore the situation behind him.
Obi pulled away and stepped back.
“I’m glad you’re my master,” you breathed. The rush of his lips almost being on yours was too much to handle.
“Yes me too. We’ll have a lot of fun,” he stated. You turned away from each other.
It took precisely two training sessions before you kissed for real.
You were being taught Jedi history, lore. You wouldn’t quite call it a training session but you were having plenty of fun listening to Obi-Wan speak. You sat across from each other on your new bed. It had all been provided from you when you arrived. Such a stark difference from the home you had had only a week prior.
“There was this huge fight. Everyone still talks about. It’s the stuff of legend Y/N,” he explained. You nodded, chin resting on your palm.
“I’m sure they do. Everyone I’ve met here is very boring,” you joked. He rolled his eyes and you leaned back on the bed. It was quite an informal practice, being there. But it seemed to build up to something and you were far from complaining.
“Do you like your new room?” he asked, leaning above you. He looked out your large window at the small balcony and stars above the city. You sat up and nodded.
“I love it. Everything about it. Except that it’s attached to your room. Who let that happen!?” You got up and walked to the balcony.
“I’m your master!” The word still felt odd to say to him. He was getting used to being on the other side of the training and lessons.
You placed your elbows on the balcony awning, looking at the stars above you. He followed close beside you.
“My master,” you said a smile dancing on your lips. “You’re just Obi-Wan,” you promised. He looked at you, eyes catching yours. It was a perfect moment. He would have had to have been a special kind of man not to kiss you in that moment.
He was not that kind of man.
Your heart skipped a beat and you let him touch you, a hand on the small of your back and the other on your face. There was no denying this. There was no denying your feelings.
You pulled away, breathless. You looked at his beautiful eyes and smiled.
“Do you remember when you told me my form was good?” he asked. You squinted at him, recalling the memory with a find gaze.
“You didn’t mean my fighting form did you.” You chuckled and shook your head, breaking his gaze but then regaining it.
“Obviously not.”
He hummed a smile and kissed you again. You grabbed him by the robes and dragged him back to your room.
“I picked out the sheets,” he muttered against your lips and in between hasty kisses. You smiled, your figure against his as close as they could get as you stumbled around.
“With this in mind?” He shrugged, both calloused hands cupping your face now.
“It may have been in the back of my mind.”
The next day you walked beside Anakin, Qui Gonn and your new lover.
“How are Y/N’s studies going?” Qui Gonn asked. You brushed the hidden marks left on your stomach. Obi-Wan stumbled on his words.
“She’s doing very good,” he finally managed.
“Is she pleasing you?” he asked. You choked on your saliva and Obi-Wan pushed you forward with a hand on your back.
“She is pleasing my standards for her training.” You rolled your eyes and continues forward. As you reached a sparring room, Qui Gonn and Anakin stopped, said their goodbyes and let the two of you move to the next one.
You jumped together, his arm on your back still and your head leaning back, laughing.
Qui Gonn let out a sigh and looked at his new padawan.
“I told you he loved her too,” he voiced. Anakin nodded.
“I apologize master. I never should have doubted you.”
#obi-wan kenobi x reader#obi wan kenobi imagines#obi wan kenobi x reader#obi-wan kenobi imagines#star wars#star wars imagines
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"Break the jar, and do it again." The slow construction of Canon Destiel
Ok people the hiatus is gone and the new chapter aired so we have now time for interesting thoughts…
This is another Destiel meta, sorry again if anyone already talked about this ideas, you can share your opinions here!
We want Destiel become canon. That's law. But how you get together two characters with such defectives inner issues? Like Cas and Dean? Are they ready to be together? I know we are just NEAR to... But we need just a little big step for that...
Before we start to break things here... I want to discuss about one of the most important tool used by Supernatural writers... And bc I like symbolic titles... I'm gonna title it like this...
Supernatural and the Phoenix Complex
Spn must be the most mortal series, and we have memes of our beloved characters's taste for dying over and over again throughout the entire series and reliving in the same season or in the next.
Like the Phoenix, they reborn from their ashes renewed. And that's the meaning from this.: "I'm giving you this so many chances to change your point of view, so you can see with new eyes."
Is the same concept with the breaking point trough lost, pain and tragedy.
Moving this idea to the slow construction of Canon Destiel, we had witnessed how they broke Cas and Dean over and over again, just to develop their characters into a renewed and healthy ones, only in this way, they'd be able to love each other in a plenty way.
So .. let's keep the concept about "breaking the defective jar, to make the jar again." A new one, a better one...
We need new Cas and new Dean, loving themselves, growing in self acceptance and learning about communication.
Ok .. now we're ready for the jam here...
... Let's brake some jars ...
1) Breaking Castiel
Well... We have this millennial Supernatural been with a very hard to break settings. A program that every angel have: Obedience, castity, submission and complete the mission. How do you break a program like that? We need a really good hacker... Maybe one with green eyes? 😹
Godstiel was the result from a desperate decisions coming from Cas to protect Dean from another Apocalypse. Cas couldn't manage the immensely of having thousands of souls and the hug power corrupted him.
But this traumatic experience didn't help Cas to improve. This experience gave us a depressing Castiel for the following two seasons. So this... Just depressed him deeply.
Human!Cas was the breaking point for the character. This was the improvement he needed. Being human guide him to a brand new Cas. Changing his perspective about humanity and make him fell more in love with it 😉 if you know what I mean. This was the remarkable, tragic, but blessed situation that brought him to the bottom of himself. Yes. He was broken but still learning and growing. This was good for the character.
Empty!Cas and AUCastiel
Empty!Cas was another very important impulse for the character, at the beginning of the s13, where Cas talking with the Empty, was like "looking himself in the mirror" but not really, was more the meaning of it. Cas faces himself, his fears and feelings, he embraced all of that, and knowing he already was saved, he came back with his family. Closing this meaning by the end of the same season when he faces now AUCastiel, another "looking himself in the mirror" and he embraces his family, the Winchesters. Knowing AUCastiel helped Cas to reconciling with himself. And the meaning of killing that part of him, big development of the character. Cas killed all that lack of emotion, lack of fee will. Now he knows he don't regret chose Dean, humanity, and fell for it. That was huge for him, and prepared us to close his character issues. Now that he can love himself, he could freely love Dean.
But... We still have that miscommunication factor that is the last step. Aaaand the little, tiny big detail that he already confessed his love to Dean and he felt rejected? Well yes... That's bad...
Mourning!Cas, the actual arc, came to sell the character giving him the last lesson trough pain and loose. How this Cas, whom tasted corruption, depression, redemption, humanity, reacts now facing AUMichael!Dean. Facing lost. Facing this "bond in pause" as I mentioned in my other meta, as Dean faced it in s13 with Castiel's death. Well I'm not very sure about if he is into a soldier mode? Or depressing mode? I'm gonna choose the second one... When he talks with Jack and said WE ARE GONNS FIGHT AND GET DEAN BACK AND KILL AU MICHAEL and etc, etc... He is talking with himself, and he is almost in tears... Emotional... He looks more human in his facial expressions. So yes .. Cas is being very human... He miss Dean... The bond is in pause.... Sigh... I hope he become more determined and aggressive to get Dean back... Let's wait and see... But this episode 1 Cas sounded me like... "I just wait here, then" please come back Dean. 🤷 I'm clueless...
2) Breaking Dean
Dean had always the height from being the first born, the obedient son, carrying on his shoulders with the oppressive idea of a toxic masculinity, the responsibility for being the older brother, toxic codependency and last, but not less important, fighting against his repressed feelings and desires. This whole defective jar needs a lot of breaking.
His years in Hell
Well, we have a very heavy past here, Dean have been trough so many traumatic experiences, he had suffer the lost from his father and Sam. The pressure of being responsible of his father death and not being able to save his brother, consumed him I'm despair, and that led him to make that deal with the cross road demon.
Once in hell he breaks... And when he come back, he just talked about it once with Sam. And that's it. Bc Dean .. and here is the big growing up impediment of the character... He's the Master of Disguise.
(And we have symbolism here again, bc Dean loves disguise, we had seen him in many chapters playing with it... He use disguise as an scape for fun... And for self protection. We could said he disguise his body and his feelings... And that's it)
So he pushes all those feelings again deep down his soul. This feelings and trauma doesn't' exist if I don't look at them. I'll be just fine!
So Hell was a traumatic experience, but it didn't improve the character for good. He remains as constipated emotionally as when he started. So... Not good.
I had already talked about how Dean facing his pure and true feelings in this place. This traumatic experience was positive for the character, bc how I said before, in Purgatory Dean realizes that he is in love with Cas when in his soul remains just what was pure in him (without others humans necessities). Maybe he wouldn't use the 'L' word here, he used the "Need" word as a love confession, then he felt rejected by Cas and decided locking his feelings again, but yes... Now he knows.
Yes... Season 8 was good... 😏
The mark of Cain and Demon!Dean
This was very traumatic for Dean and for us! Dean become a monster. Literally. He hit bottom here... A very good breaking point! But again... He continued doing the same "put down the feelings, and everything will be just fine".
The only good thing here was this inner realization...
This is what Dean learns going through that traumatic experience.
Cas showed him that he knew him very well, and even so, he accepted him. That was scary for Dean. That's a feeling he wasn't used to manage.
Something is growing up slowly in his mind, the idea of sharing his life with someone else...
Gif from @veryamooseing blog
I like that seed that was planted and become to release a little bud...
And this idea is settled when Dean felt he was about to change and die. He was a monster that was about to kill his own brother. When he become in what he hated and hunted all his life, he breaks again and in that huge situation, he become to reorder his priorities. Love, family, retirement? Settled down with a hunter? Building Dean' cave and watch movies with Cas?
Dabb's era brought us a recurring fact: Dean goes crazy when Cas isn't in the bunker or don't answer the phone.
We thought wen Cas come back Dean would be able to recognize his feelings for him and maybe... Tell him??? Or change a little about it? But no. What we get after all this mourning was again, the pushing down emotions and more fear. Yes... A disaster! Dean keeps locked into this emotional prison and he can't get out himself for it. He doesn't advance. He is stuck. And now that he's afraid of loosing people he loves (Castiel) and now that he realizes he's in love with Cas... Well more and more fear... Sigh...
Well this is so interesting plot and opportunity for Dean's character development. We have AUMichael talking with two people about LOVE, PEACE, PURITY AND SAVE THE WORLD. If this isn not a mirror for Empty!Cas then idk what it is... And yes .. this is AUMichael talking indirectly to Dean...
"You think you want peace? But you bring war all the time with your actions... You think you want Love? But you lock it down and ignore it. You think you have purity in your heart? But you are just lies. You think you save the world? But you can't even save you from your own hate for yourself.
Yes, this is a huge opportunity for Dean to begin once for all to grow up in self acceptance and in love for himself, facing as it was in Purgatory, the purity that remains in his heart and soul. He can reach peace enjoying retirement with Cas and Sam. He can love Cas romantically and he can love his family in a healthy way.
This is the new Dean we are expecting to find through S14. This is the kind of breaking point, phoenix complex, new and improved jar, we were waiting for Dean. Let's see what happens.
So slow, slow, slowly but with sure steps we hope the construction of Destiel Canon wait for us at the end of this journey.
Sorry... This is so large!! Did you really read this mess? I really sorry... But if you did, please feel free to discuss.
I'm tagging for debate...
@magnificent-winged-beast @sactownbrowns3 @lovemesomecas94 @naruhearts @thedogsled @dimples-of-discontent @lykanyouko @mrsaquaman187 @evvvissticante @agusvedder @navajolovesdestiel @destielhoneybee @castiellover20
And everyone who want to discuss!
#my meta#break point#repetitive death#phoenix complex#characters's development#destiel canon#canon destiel#destiel meta#castiel#dean winchester#dabb's circular narrative#dabb's era#mirrors#emotional prison#slow construction of destiel canon
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Princess Charming and Kaynderella // AU
Pairing: Zoe/Kayn (Zoyn)
Rated: PG13 (Following content contains profanity)
Source of Characters: League of Legends
Alternative Link: ao3
|Note: His name is just “Kayn” not Kaynderella in case you’re confused, it’s just the title.|
The party’s opening ceremony ended just when the sun is entirely set, now it’s time for the real party to begin.
The princess yawned in boredom, “finally! The introduction, and speech are all done. That was hella boring, no one even caught my eye. I guess I’ll observe for now.” Zoe said and relaxed her back. She might just jump around and trample all over everybody’s business but it’s too crowded for her to do so. Almost half of the night, all she did was sit down on her throne, while guests will invite her for a dance.
On the other hand, no one noticed that a scheming thief has entered the palace. He is dressed in a formal suit after all, makes him a non-suspicous looking guy in that attire. He blends in the crowd perfectly, he looks like someone who comes from one of the royalties. Splendid hair, charming—yet not-so-charming to the point everyone will eye on him—you can just say he’s not that perfect looking although he doesn’t look like a bad guy at all. Though he wasn’t even invited! His name wasn’t on the guest’s list, he couldn’t also enter without being called out from the lists, now how did he even enter the palace? Such a strategic guy.
The thief acts like he’s nobody’s business, trying to be lowkey as he keeps peeping on a certain someone. Nonchalantly observing, without anyone noticing his doings; except for the princess who is also observing no one but the crowd.
The princess will gladly dance from time to time— if not she’ll just look at the crowd, though this time she politely declined. Because someone caught her eye in the mere flock of people, and she’d rather watch him subtly for a moment. She waited no more, deciding to make an approach.
“Hello there! Name is Zoe, a.k.a. Princess Charming,” The princess sneaked behind and poked the guy’s shoulder as he flinched and looked at the girl’s way, then looking back at the princess’ throne.
“Wait... what? You were just...” His voice turned the volume down on its own, “sitting there.”
“Yes, I know. I was like a ninja huh? Just like you.” She said and winked.
“How much do you know?” He said and stepped back, he had his guard down but putting it back up.
“How much you asked? As much that you want to steal something?” She answered with a bit of a tone that puts it into a question, fixing her crown on her head. Which is what the thief was eyeing on for a while now. “But not that much I guess, I don’t even know your name! Do you mind if you tell me?”
“Yes, I mind. You’re gonne tell on me and get me locked up, I’m not that dumb.”
“I guess you are that dumb...” she laughed, “because I won’t tell anyone about you sneaking in here and trying to steal something. I was paying attention to everyone who gets their name called. I didn’t see you walk down the aisle.”
“How can I be sure that you won’t tell anyone? You are funny, thinking you are that smart. I shall flee-”
“And name your mission as failed? Your dad will be so disappointed at you.” Zoe sighed as a sign of mockery.
The thief took a deep breath to keep himself composed and speaks, “why do you care?”
“Aren’t you even honored to be talking to the princess herself? Try to be... I don’t know? Polite, even a little bit? Oh well, but I have an offer for you! How about we play a little game?” She started walking backwards, “I’ll let you get what you want—and I won’t tell anyone that’s a promise—but you have to chase and get it from me.”
Ah, she started running.
Though no one even noticed, no one even cared.
The thief sighed, “how did she even know about my father? Just how much did she know? How did she figure out that I was after that? Was I that obvious? Can I even take her promise seriously? Why should I play her stupid game?” He rained himself with questions, knowing that they won’t be answered by themselves. “It’s a do or die I guess, rather than my father being disappointed at me.”
He started sprinting through the terrace, as he jumped off landing on the lower ground hall, “perfect.” He commented and smirked, his pace began to get faster, from a sprint to a run, he noticed that the hall is empty and no one would see him. Therefore, he started running after the uncanny princess, who he just saw walking aimlessly in that specific hall. “Now let’s get this over with, and get that damn thing off her.”
“Not so fast cutie!” She said and dodged as she looked back at him. “I never thought you would really take that offer, I’m surprised!”
“Urgh!” He wasn’t that enraged, but that surprised him, she was able to dodge him.
“You’re as fleet-footed as your father, I see. I better level up my game then.” Zoe giggled, running away from him as she entered rooms.
“Cutie? Was that a fucking compliment? Ew.” He shook his head in disgust, going back to his target; chasing after her. “This damn palace sure is huge, a lot of doors like a goddamn puzzle.”
“Having a trouble finding me?” Zoe giggled teasingly as she showed up behind from one of the doors.
“You little-”
“Ehem,” she fake coughed, “manners pretty boy.”
“Pretty boy? Are you insulting me?! I’m not up to your annoying little game.”
“Then why are you still chasing me?” They started running again.
“Just give me the goddamn thing if you are aware of what it is.” He hissed.
“Aw, there’s no fun in that if I just give you what you want in an instant! Are you out of your mind?” Zoe asked without even turning her face back to look at the thief who is still chasing after her.
“Are you?” He returned the question.
“No, just bored! The party is lame, eugh!”
“Aren’t you the princess? Why don’t you do something to make it less boring?” He asked as he jumped through the fence following the princess, leading them outside to the garden.
“Because it will be improper of me, duh?” She rolled her eyes even though he won’t be able to see it.
“What kind of fun are you even thinking of?”
“Well... this maybe? I don’t know but anything with competitions, challenges and... explosion!” Zoe laughed menacingly, “it’s a joke... the explosion part.”
“How about I make your head explode instead? And see if it’s anything fun? Because this? This thing, chasing you or whatever is nowhere near fun.”
“For you, it might not be fun. This is fun for me though!-- Heh, as expected of you, make my head explode huh?” She laughed it off, no trace of fear in her voice.
“That doesn’t scare you? And as expected of me? What do you even know about me?”
She stopped from running and finally looked at his way, saying “That—doesn’t concern you,” with her tongue out and eyes winked.
“Finally, gonna be in my grasp-” His speech was cut off as the princess just smiled at him. “Wait... is this some trap or some sort?”
“What? Of course not! I made a promise, didn’t I?”
“Then why did you stop from running? Oh, perhaps you’re finally at your limit and giving up now.” He guessed.
“Wrong!” She grinned innocently, “I just wanted to see how you look up close once more.”
“W-wha--” Heat rising up at the thief’s face as he stood still in front of her, body froze from the sudden turn of events, “n-no, you’re trying to remember my face so you can get me caught the next day— that’s right!”
“What crazy assumptions are you getting in your head? Your third hunch might be more accurate, plus you even blushed!” She teased, reading from his facial expressions, she thought that the flustered thief was thinking more and still has a third guess.
“S-shut up!”
“Your third hunch was... you think, that I was thinking your face is fairly attractive, right?”
“What? No?... No.”
“Well you’re right about that, that’s my reason.” The princess chuckled not minding his dishonest answer, as she examined his face once more, but now closely.
“Hah?! I just said no!” He said in denial, moving his face away from hers.
“That scar on your face, around your eyes... it actually looks good on you, as if it is something meaningful.” She grabbed his hand, “and your hand... it has some sort of burn, though your hand gives me some kind of... comfort—was it?”
The thief pulled his hand away, “w-what are you blabbering about? You’re insane!”
“And you’re funny, I’m just admiring you, you know? You should be honored. Cool braid by the way, braid me sometimes, 'kay?” She went off running again, going back inside the palace.
“Dammit! She was already in front of me, why didn’t I just grab it?” He talked to himself as he covered his cheeks with his palms, feeling the warmth of his face. He isn’t tired yet but he feels some kind-of fatigue, overwhelmed and all. So instead of running, he just walked slowly as a little rest. “She’s a little fast too, I can’t even pull her longass hair.”
He quietly peeked in each room to see where she’s hiding, but someone poked at his back again, making him flinched. “Hey!” He looked back, finally he found the princess, rather the princess found him.
“You got tired huh?” She asked.
“No, I still have full energy but... this is just lame. And even if my time is also up, I couldn’t care anymore less.”
“You must be faking...”
“Faking or not, there’s no much time and I have to be back before midnight.” He sighed, “I’ll be fleeing, see you never, princess.”
The thief started to walk out, but she called him, “wait! Was it really boring for you?”
“Not really, I guess you can just say I got tired of your shit.” He said without looking back.
“Please stop walking for a second!” And so he did, still not looking back, instead she walked around his fit body to face him.
“What now?” He said looking down at the princess, with dead eyes.
“Yeesh, lighten up will you?” Zoe grabbed his hand as she placed something on it, not allowing him to see, hence she closed his hand on her own. “Also, don’t ever say never.” She winked at him again, finally walking away but before she does, she gave his back a slight tap.
He glanced back to her direction, noticing that her crown isn’t on her head, but it’s hanging on her pocket without the gem in it. Thus, he opened his hand, only to see the missing gem that was on her crown, now laying on his own hand. His lips formed a little smile on its own accord. “So she did know I needed the gem and not just the crown huh? What a keen lady.”
He decided to walk back home, as he put the gem securely in his pocket. But he felt a piece of paper in his mere pocket, “what’s this? I don’t remember putting something in here.” He pulled out the paper, and uncrampled it.
Hi Kayn! Just a little letter from the dear princess! That gem you have in your hand is nothing but a replica, hehe. It completely doesn’t have any value. Sorry for tricking you but maybe you want to attend my next upcoming party and give you a little something? Something real this time of course! As a reward for keeping everything fun for me. Please don’t be mad at me! You’re absolutely invited to every party that I will be hosting in the future. You’re damn attractive by the way.
Sincerely yours,
Princess Charming, Zoe ♥
Kayn opened his hand once again, looking at the gem. “No value huh? You gave this to me— the princess did; ergo, replica or not, there’s a value- wait, what the fuck am I saying?” He shook the thought off his head, he decided to keep the gem though, putting it and the letter back to his pocket. “Might as well attend...”
“But wow, she was able to slip the letter in my pocket like thin air, that girl really doesn’t stop from surprising me... dammit here I am again talking to myself like crazy.” Kayn scratched his head trying to knock off those silly thoughts. “That trickster... how am I still not mad from getting tricked? Was it because she called me attractive? No, that doesn’t make sense, why did I even think of that as a possibility? Ugh!”
“Who called you what?” That deep voice made Kayn jump and throw all of the thoughts away. Not even aware that he’s already near his place.
“Z- Zed... father, haha! I- uh,” Kayn panicked.
“Hold that thought, I told you it’s not necessary to call me father, considering I am not even your real father. Anyway, did you get the gem?”
Kayn took a long pause, hesitant on answering. “No... I’m sorry.”
“Eh, whatever, you tried.” Zed let it pass, he didn’t show any sign of disappointed.
“I found an alternative way to seal the book while you were away, so it’s fine, I can just do that instead. Just go back inside and go to bed.” Zed ordered, “it’s already late.”
“Then why did I have to get it before midnight? Weren’t you in a hurry?”
“Eh? No, I am not in a hurry, boy. I just didn’t want you to stay up any more late. Now hurry up and go to bed.” Zed calmly answered, Kayn did as he says.
"Going back to that letter, it says Hi Kayn— weird, how did she know my name? Does she know all along?... She really was trying to fool me huh,” Kayn went back into talking to himself as soon as he entered his room. “Nevertheless,” he continued as he placed the letter and the semi-precious stone in his so-called treasure box, “she may have tricked me, but I’m not gonna lie, I did have fun for a moment.” He hid the box where no one else could’ve guessed.
“Heh. It was such a pleasure, Zoe.” That was Kayn’s last words as he entirely drifted off to sleep.
#kayn#zoe#zoe x kayn#kayn x zoe#zoyn#league of legends#my writing#soullessfeline#fluff#alternate universe#profanity#fan fiction#shieda kayn
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Hello, I've seen others state that the Star Wars sequel trilogy is just a redo of the original trilogy where they tear down the original characters just to build up the new characters so they can achieve the exact same things (which seems fairly accurate). If you were the head writer of the sequel trilogy what would you do for the main plot?
I’ve actually wrote out how I would do The Force Awakens a while back in this post
But basically I’d take a lot of the concepts from The Force Awakens and overhaul them. (though it’s been a while since I’ve written it so I don’t remember if I’ve changed anything since then). Under the cut is a lot of stuff about how I’d handle the trilogy.
The First Order still exists, but it’s a fairly small group that was pulled together from the remnants of the Empire post RotJ. The leader is an adaptation of Thrawn with a vendetta against Luke for being the reason the Emperor died and the Empire fell apart. While Thrawn is the Supreme Leader of the First Order he has to play political games with the New Republic Senate by pretending that the First Order isn’t a bad group and helped people out in a Post Empire galaxy. He’s super evil and has confrontations with Leia. The Senate is so wrapped up in bureaucracy and red tape and paranoid about another Clone War that no one can do anything decisive about the First Order, so the OT trio start doing things on their own by creating their own group outside of the New Republic to combat the First Order.
Luke is the Grand Master of his new Jedi Order, which is made with rules he felt made sense. There’s no limit on love and marriage (he married Mara Jade and had children who I’ll talk about in a bit), and he’s very much against forcing any student into a specific path, opting to tackle things personally and focuses on helping young Jedi learn how to resist the Dark Side without completely restricting them, drawing on his own experiences to teach them the best way to handle things. I’d bring in several expanded universe characters into Luke’s Jedi Order like Mara Jade (who if I had my way would be played by Sigourney Weaver), Ahsoka, Bariss, Kanan, and Kyle Katarn (who would eventually mentor Finn as someone who knows a thing or two about being a Stormtrooper). Obi Wan, Anakin, Yoda, and Qui Gonn assist Luke in helping avoid the mistakes of the past.
The Jedi Temple was attacked 12 years before The Force Awakens (which is 18 years after RotJ) by the First Order and the Knights of Ren led by Kylo Ren and to the public at large everyone except Luke was killed. But Luke got his students out and no one died and the other teachers went into hiding with at the ancient Jedi temple with Luke to keep the students safe. Rey, who is Luke’s daughter and second child, was taken because Thrawn wanted to manipulate her and turn her into a Knight of Ren. So he brainwashed her and was going to have Kylo train her in the Dark Side, except a First Order officer decided he didn’t sign up for brainwashing a child and fled with her. He was shot down on Jakku and died, leaving Rey there with no memory. Luke disappeared with Mara 5 years before the start of TFA, which you find out at the end of the movie is because he realized that the First Order were focused on him so in order to take the target away from Han, Leia, and the rest of his friends he went out on his own (though Mara refused to let him go alone) to combat the First Order and draw the attention of Thrawn to force him to search the galaxy instead of attacking. This way he’d buy Han and Leia more time to deal with the First Order.
Kylo Ren’s real name is Darnel Dameron, and he’s Poe’s brother. Poe has the storyline of trying to redeem his brother, who in this is far more sympathetic because of his relationship with Poe despite his internal conflicts about the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Finn is largely the same in concept but his brainwashing plays a huge role in his character development. You discover that he’s Force sensitive and the “Awakening” (which is the surge of Force sensitive people connecting into the Force) is what was responsible for helping him break from his brainwashing along with the shock of losing his friend in battle. He will struggle throughout the movies to truly break free from habits and things that were drilled into him since he was a child, to the point where he has to unlearn the idea that Luke Skywalker is evil and must die. He connects with Poe and Rey and they help him find his own humanity.
The Knights of Ren are basically Thrawn’s own Inquisitors. They started out with no Force users but over the years Thrawn added more and had them trained to be Jedi killers. Kylo was the first Force sensitive one and was put in charge of them. The only other important member I’ve come up with is Drulo Ren, who I imagined as being played by Nicholas Hoult. He’s a Force sensitive Knight of Ren who’s Kylo’s second in command and often handles diplomatic meetings in place of Thrawn (the opening for episode 8 would be him visiting Mandalore to get support for the First Order). Drulo acts calm and collected but he’s really a violent sociopath, and he’s pretty power hungry but he’s very loyal to Thrawn. He hates Kylo and has a significant issue with him being in charge of the Knights of Ren. They have a conflict during Ep 8 and 9 culminating in a fight between them.
In this Luke and Mara have three children.Ben, Rey, and Biggs Skywalker. @angelrin89 and I worked on the Skywalker and Solo kids. Ben is pretty hardcore jedi (but like Obi Wan hardcore where he talks smart but then leaps out a window) and spent a lot of time with Obi Wan’s Force Ghost and adores his father. He immediately joined Luke, Han, and Leia’s group to help fight the First Order. Rey was forced to survive on Jakku, and to make a living did a lot of different jobs. Aside from scavenging she also did repair work on ships (she did all the work on the Millennium Falcon), and even doing a taxi job to drive people to and from the main spaceport on the planet. Biggs ultimately wants to be a pilot, though he does Jedi training as well.
The first of the next generation that we’ll see in my version of TFA are Han and Leia’s kids. They have four kids, three biological and one adopted. Aya, Bail, and Anakin are their biological children, and they adopted a girl who was orphaned by the First Order and Han trained her to shoot. He loves that she’s not Force sensitive so he’s not the only one in the family who isn’t. Aya Solo is the eldest and she’ll be the main one in TFA. She shows up on Jakku with Chewie looking for the Millennium Falcon while Han is off looking for Luke. The Falcon was stolen and traded so while Han took another ship to find Luke (cause he cares more about finding Luke than the Falcon) Aya and Chewie went to look for that and have spent the last couple years looking for it. Aya has… quite a bit of her parents in her and uses blasters and her lightsaber equally. She’s got that trademark Han Solo confidence and is pretty quick to pull a blaster. Bail Solo is the next child and he’s much more of a diplomat than his sister, though he’ll still jump right into a fight without hesitation. He shows up at the end of TFA on Starkiller Base to fight Kylo Ren and save Rey and Finn. He’s definitely inherited his father’s piloting skills even if that means being as dramatic as possible (when you mix Han Solo with the Skywalker line you’re bound to end up with dramatics). His entrance is literally crashing a ship into Starkiller Base as he jumps out of it. Anakin Solo is the youngest and is arguably the most Jedi out of all the next gen kids. He is very reserved and thoughtful, mainly because he grew up terrified that he’d turn to the Dark Side because of his name, but after talking to Leia and Anakin’s Force Ghost he realized he didn’t have to worry but did a lot of training with Luke.
Poe, Finn, and Rey all stick together throughout TFA from the beginning on Jakku because Poe shows up at the trade outpost Rey works out of. He also takes the control of the Millennium Falcon after Rey nearly gets them killed. He’s the best darn pilot in the New Republic and he grew up on the Falcon. Since Poe’s parents were friends with Luke and Leia he grew up with the Skywalker and Solo children. He and Aya knew each other since they were kids.
Episode 8 would mostly focus on Rey training with Luke and the rest of Luke’s Jedi Order, and Finn starts realizing his Force sensitivity (and meeting Kyle Katarn). They’d have proper conflicts with the Knights of Ren, but I haven’t put much of the story together outside of general ideas. Importantly Rey meets her brother Ben Skywalker, who of course is introduced dressed as a Stormtrooper and comes to rescue her when she’s surrounded by First Order Stormtroopers. You’d also get things like Force Ghost Anakin/Obi Wan/Yoda/Qui Gonn appearing and talking, specifically Obi Wan and Anakin talking to Rey and Luke. We’ll see Ahsoka in the movie as another Grand Master in Luke’s Jedi Order. She’ll call Luke “Jedi Master Skyguy” and talks to Force Ghost Anakin and Obi Wan.
Episode 9 would be the finale where you get to see Luke show his stuff. It leads to an all out battle between Luke’s Jedi Order/Leia’s rebel group and the First Order ending with the death of Thrawn and the full destruction of the First Order. Rey, Finn, and Poe help fight alongside the rest of the Skywalker/Solo kids. I only have a few parts of that figured out but by the end the day is saved and peace returns to the galaxy.
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"Actually, can I ride you?"
YO sO I Wrote A FIc anD it’s SmuT Im GoINg StrAIght To HELL i HoPE to See u alL ThEre alONG wITh dan ANd PhIl excePT tHEY arE Not GOIng stRaiGHt to HelL cUz thEY Be NOt stRaighT oOps
Also I am a child what am I doing with my life and this is my first fic and i can’t write if my life depended on it so ignore the mistakes also I haven’t reread it so :c Tags?: SMUT (yes we r all sinners oops), masturbation, high school au I guess, riding and idk I kinda forgot what happens haha Anyway read it if u want here we go.
Dan and Phil were in school. They hated it. They were both bullied for being gay. They were both teased for their relationship. They hated everything about to school. It felt like them vs the world, like everyone was against them. It was lunch and dan and Phil were both sat outside on the bench under the tree which was their usual spot. “Do you still want to come over tonight?” Dan asked while cuddled up to Phil. “Ye.” Phil relied. “You might as well stay the night, I’ll ask my mum.” Dan said as he grabbed his phone and texted his mum. She replied within minutes. Phil had a really good relationship with dans parents. They were always polite and it felt like home, he could just walk in whenever he wanted and it wouldn’t be questioned. “She says sure.” Dan said with a smile. “I’ll go home first and then I’ll come over because I need to get my stuff.” They spent the rest of lunch enjoying being in each other company. The bell rang and they went off to their lessons.
Dan came home and slung his bag on his bed. He immediately got changed and made sure his room was presentable enough for Phil, not that Phil would care but it felt like the right thing to do. After he had finished tidying dan received a text from Phil saying “Hey, I’m just gonna do the dishes and wait for my mum to come home from work so she can drive me because i really can’t be bothered walking. I’ll be an hour max. Xx <3” Dan smiled and replied. Dan thought he would use the time he had left logically. Dan, after all is a teen, and Dan and Phil hadn’t had sex yet. Which is obviously understandable, they had made out(a lot) and on a few incidents they had come in their pants but haven’t had sex. He figured that because he didn’t want to make it awkward when he enviably got a boner while they were sleeping next to each other he would quickly sort himself before Phil got there. To try and prevent and awkward situations.
Dan rushed to his room where his laptop was, took off his super tight ripped jeans, with struggle. And he proceeded to remove the rest of his clothes and opened his laptop. He searched for some gay porn and propped his laptop at the perfect angle, throwing his head back. He was already hard, Gotta love being a teenager. He poured some lube onto his hand and slightly stroked his now extremely hard dick. Using whatever lube was left on his hand he began fingering himself with one finger. Lot long after he added another, and another.
Phil opened the door and walked in, surprised Dan wasn’t downstairs waiting for him like he usually is. He assumed dan was in his room and just hadn’t heard him so he sprinted up the stairs and turned left then stopped as he started hearing small whimpers almost moans coming from the room at the end of the hall, Dans room. He slowly walked to his door and pushed it open to reveal dan completely naked spread out on his bed, his fingers up his ass, laptop open and releasing moans. Dan somehow still hadn’t noticed the surprise visitor at the door, too busy pushing his fingers in and out of his ass quickly. Phil could feel himself harder than ever and pulsing inside his jeans. “Preparing for me, are we?” Phil said with a smirk, he didn’t really know what happened he just kind of blurted it out. Dans eyes shot open his cheeks burning red from the heat, hair sticking to his forehead. He yelped. Grabbed his quilt to cover himself and shut his laptop as quick as he could. Phil walked over to dan. It felt like it was in slow motion Phil removed his shoes and his pants, his t-shirt slowly following. Dan was still in complete shock and unable to tear his eyes away from the huge bulge in Phils boxers. Phil sat at the end of the bed and pulled of the quilt before getting on top of dan and locking their lips. At this point dan didn’t care anymore and devoted all his attention to the present. Kissing Phil felt amazing like every time they kissed sparks flew. Dan began tugging at the band of Phils boxers before pulling them off completely and tossing them to the side. “Lube?” Phil asked out of breath. “Top drawer.” Dan replied also out of breath. Phil broke apart their kiss to reach over and grab the lube. He poured onto his hand and spread all over his dick. “Are you ready?” Phil said still on top of dan. “Actually, can I ride you?” Dan asked shyly turning even brighter red which he didn’t think was possible. Phil nodded and rolled over so he was on his back laying next to dan. Dan sat up and looked at Phil who was smirking at him. Dan lifted one leg over him so his ass kinda lined up with phils dick. He put his hands either side of Phil to stabilise himself. “I’m ready, are you?” Dan asked. Phil moaned and nodded in response because even the thought of dan riding him was enough to send pulses straight to his throbbing dick. Dan lowered himself onto Phil slowly as soon as they made contact Phil whined in pleasure and couldn’t help to let a few moans escape his mouth. Dans eyes shut quickly as he pushed further and further down. Dan stopped when he reached the base of Phils cock. He lifted himself up an slowly building a rhythm. phil was completely gone, a moaning mess. Dan picked up the pace slowly but surly and making sure to keep trying to angle himself so that phil would hit his prostate. And there it was, dan moaned and screamed in absolute pleasure. Phil smiled because he knew he had just hit his prostate. Dan stayed at this angle moving even faster. Hitting his prostate every time. “Da…Dan I’m gonn….gonna come!” Phil groaned. “D…do yyyou want to stop?” Phil continued. “No phil, IIII don’t care please cum for me. In me.” Dan replied in absolute awe. “I think I’m clo…close too phil.” Phil took this as a sign to start stroking dans dick which was throbbing and leaking, this made dan scream once again. “DANNNN!” Phil yelled as he came into dan, dan still bouncing on Phil helping him ride out his orgasm. As Phil finished than couldn’t hold it any longer and he came hard onto Phils chest and hand. Dan finished and rolled of Phil to lay down next to him. “Sorry.” Dan replied looking at Phil covered in his cum. “Don’t be it’s fine. It was more than fine actually it was hot as hell if I’m being honest.” Phil replied making them both laugh.
They stood up and started to dress, Phil looked over at his incredibly hot boyfriend who was still flustered and he could already feel himself getting hard again. Dan spotted Phil looking at him and he smiled back and he looked down and saw his boyfriend was completely hard. “Round 2?” Dan asked giggling. “Fuck. I hate being a teen.” Was all phil could reply with as he locked their lips. “I’ve never been more happy about the fact that my parents work late.” Dan chuckled. “Shut up and take of your boxers.” Phil replied both of them laughing so much that it hurt.
***************** Okay so why r people actually reading this I'm so confused aha thanks I guess
#phan trash#phanfiction#phan smut#danhowell#danisnotonfire#amazingphil#phillester#dan and phil#phandom
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Freeze isn't a huge part of the story as the end of Arkham Knight he agrees to leave the town, give up on recreating the cure (as Nora asked him for) and life Nora's last days with her. He isn't happy over this new vigilante using fear toxin as a weapon for sure and even after Nora passing is reluctant to come back to Gotham.
That being said after Nora passing he is directionless and while he has a job opportunity on Star Labs he isn't sure if he wants it. He justnis grieving. I do belive he would met my wondering trio (Nyssa, Jason and Damian) as they need someone to help them with Jason being injected with some sort of poison while fighting one of the remaining Ra's Al Guhl loyalists. He does his best to help and in the process bonds with little Damian as they are both grieving the loss of loved ones. This makes so he acepts the job and also offers his contacts and aid as long as the group wants wich turns him into a very powerfull ally and sorta of uncle for two young adults and a little kid.
Yeah. Freeze got the nice end of the stick.
Arkham Knight does not ends well for Eddie at all. His factory (and where he was living) and robots were destroyed, Selina stoled all his money, his mental state hitted rock bottom, he is in jail and I think his last scene on the game as being tased.
The only thing Eddie has going for him is that this is my AU and I will die on the hill that more people should make him be frenimies with Duke Thomas. That means he is part of Duke's backstory.
Just like in the comics Duke is smart kid with a hesrth of gold who is inspired by Batman and Robin. His father (because I'm not using the whole his dad is actually a demon thing) used to work for WayneTech and died when Duke was young making so it was only he and his mom for a long time. Once before Edward really lost his mind completly thanks to Arkham being the worst, Riddler took a bank hostage and Duke was there. Duke was fearless and really good with puzzles and not taking Eddie's bulsshit and while AK Riddler would have gonne apopletic early days Riddler was just impressed. So impressed he let the hostages go. Since them little "weird" things happened. Like Duke's mom getting sudently promoted or he passing to a scholarship he never aplied to or some puzzles and books (specially riddle books) being mailed to them for a bunch of differnt Riddler pseudoms. Or even some debts being paid of misteriously when they were in a bad financial place or one of them was really sick. His mother believe it was Bruce Wayne as he used to support them a lot when her husband was still alive. But Duke. He knew. He also noticed that as Eddie got more derranged the little gifts started getting far and far between though never stopping and the riddle books and puzzles were half solved and hided weird non-sensical scribbles. Now Duke is curious and empathetic and after Arkham Asylum he really wants to understand what's going on and why all villans are getting worse when he knows they can be helped. That's when he startes his We Are Robin fórum to help people and dicuss hero activity and villan behavior. Loonie Matchin even tries to recruit him but Duke declines.
The events of Arkham Knight are what really does it from Duke. He has to do something. Specially when the news that the GCPD is just going to send the Rogues to Blackgate until Arkham is rebuld. At this point he does believe Batman is dead and the new fear toxin vigilante is someone different. Unsure what to do. Duke decides to go visit his benefactor. Edward is on a bad shape, he is heavily drugged and bruised and mostlty speaks non-sense and mutters that it isn't fair. Between that and the guard looking at Duke as if he is an evil fanboy who will soon be under bars unsettles the kid but his mother died from the Joker virus. Duke literally has no one else. And even with Riddler arrested and aparently delirious, Duke miraculously got to be amancipated early and recieved a random paycheck and a puzzle book by the guy who invented crosswords. He isn't dumb.
Eddie is completly out but he recognizes the kid for a second and says he is better not be thinking of becoming a Rogue it doesn't end pretly. The guard laughs and says it't the smartest thing Riddler ever said and Duke can't stop thinking that if that's how it ends for everyone than this isn't justice. This is vengeance. And even when he thinks of Harley Quinn and how she was responsable for the vírus spreading and therefor his morrerás death he doesn't want that for her. He wants the city to get better. Is it because Batman is gone or it was always like that? He leaves Blackgate in shock. It's how he decides to become the Signal.
Now I do want things to get better for Edward down the line specially since for the first time in his whole life (at least on the arkhamverse) he has someone who cares for him.
Please ask me about my pós-Arkham Knight AU please someone do it
#edward nygma#riddler#duke thomas#signal#mr freeze#victor fries#jason tood#nyssa al ghul#damain wayne#arkhaverse au
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