#va season 1 episode 7
danielslaw · 2 years
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broke-on-books · 1 year
The live action Scooby-Doo movies?
I did not see this ask until RIGHT now (first time on desktop since crab day, second time since Nov 5 2020 [which was DOUBLY experience since I got my phone taken the same day]) so I'm going to assume this ask got eaten on mobile because tumblr, HOWEVER you poked a bear with this ask anon (as I'm sure you knew when asking) SO without further ado: my Scooby Doo live action opinions
So when you say 'live action Scooby-Doo movies' I'm assuming you're talking about the James Gunn films, starting with Scooby-Doo (2002) followed by Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, just due to like, generally popularity and also the fact that I have actually seen those films. However shoot another ask if you wanted me to include Curse of the Lake Monster in this (because I will if anyone cares and turn this into a live-action scooby dissertation, i'd just need to like. watch the movie first) But anyways where I'm going with this is that this post is about the Gunn movies aka the ones with SMG, Freddie Prinze Jr., Linda Cardellini, and ofc our #1 man, Matthew Lilliard.
Okay so my take on these movies is... complicated. I wouldn't say it's as complicated as my feelings towards SDMI, because I watched the live actions way less as a kid and generally care less about them, but still no matter how much shit I throw at these two movies there are parts that I generally like (even love) that stops me from totally condemning them wholesale. Like the fact that these movies are FUNNY! There's so many moments from this duology that are just beyond iconic "like, that's one of my favorite names!" the whole thing with Scooby in the dress at the airport, ET. CETERA (like I can go on!)
The Gunn movies are genuinely SO fun and I can 100% see and understand how they've stood so well in the public view as a representation of Scooby. HOWEVER, this is where you start to see my problems with them. For the general American, (because that is the audience I'm familiar with) ESPECIALLY millennials and younger, who happen to make up the majority of both people on this site AND people I talk about Scooby with in real life, these movies, and the elements they introduced as "quintessential scooby tropes" are the base of their understanding of the Scooby franchise, along with likely some miscellaneous WAY episodes and maybe SDMI.
Which is where I get pissed off. In the pushing of the narrative of "breaking away" from the Scooby norm, Gunn basically invents (aka totally makes up) an idea of what classic era Scooby was like, cementing an idea of classic Scooby into the public mind that is totally disingenuous and just straight up false. For example, in attempting to portray Daphne as having taken strides to be seen more seriously in solving mysteries and defending herself, it pushes the narrative that in the classic era she WASN'T taken seriously, and only existed as a damsel-in-distress prop of a character, which is just not true??? Like yes, Daphne is clumsy, that's a part of her character, and her friends (because, fun fact, the gang ARE friends) joke about it sometimes because that's what friends DO. Framing that in some kind of sexist "that's all she does" lens is just total bull, especially as gang members fall into secret passageways/get lost etc. in WAY ALL THE DAMN TIME because that's how the plot functions! Like are we calling Velma ditzy for losing her glasses every other episode? Of course not, and Fred falls into passageways all the time, not to MENTION Shaggy and Scooby and all they get up to. Also one last thing on the topic of Daphne, like this idea of her mystery solving skills not being respected by the gang is just so supremely bullshit it amazes me sometimes, especially when she was the LEADER (or leader adjacent) through pretty much all of her appearances in the 1980s [Not that James Gunn could look at '80s era Scooby without spitting on it, but I digress]
AND THIS IS JUST DAPHNE! Like the perceptions pushed towards Fred (and Velma, but mostly Fred) through these movies are just as bad! Like okay, with Fred---In these movies Fred is just an asshole. I hate Gunn Movies!Fred. I mean yeah he can be funny but it's almost always so mean! Almost nothing makes me madder than a mean Fred by the way. If he's putting other gang members down (even halfway, like with his whole "dorky chicks like you turn me on too" line, which... ew) then to me something has gone very, very, VERY, wrong in your basic understanding of Frederick Herman Jones as a character. Like he's the cheerleader! He puts himself in between his friends and danger! He loves nets, and traps, and Elvis impressions, and wrestling, and the trapeze, and cars, and most of all he LOVES sharing the things he loves with his friends! (Sometimes to a bit of an extreme. No one wants to hear about your net facts, Fred) And the live action movies just don't understand that at all. And I know there's maybe something to say I suppose in that some of those aspects of his characterization hadn't been "established yet" by the time "Scooby-Doo" came out in 2002. But it's there if you look. For Fred Jones, being the leader means being the caretaker, (he's the Mom friend what can I say) and any version where he's cruel and arrogant and just DOESN'T CARE about his friends in the way he's shown to in the Gunn movies is just so far from Fred to me it's not even funny. And what makes it even worse for me is that this (or at least something similar) is the idea of Fred that has really spread to the popular culture. Just the "leader", the jock that makes the rules, the one that [insert X adaptation here] finally gave a personality and made interesting (something that has been said more times than I can count for pretty much every gang member, save Shaggy and Scooby).
And I haven't even touched on Velma, and how they gave her a bit of a early 2000s smart superiority girl complex against Daphne, plus the whole makeover thing and etc. etc. The Gunn Movies are pretty much what would happen if you took someone who hadn't seen Scooby since they were 7 years old (and honestly had a pretty negative outlook against it then) and tried to "fix" it, only his memory was so bad he just made up problems (and threw in a good helping of early 2000s style sexism with it) convincing pretty much the entirety of the popular culture that said problems exist and that Gunn was absolutely brilliant for fixing them (and then bringing up said "problems" whenever anyone wants to talk about Scooby) and this entire rant has been without even fucking MENTIONING what is probably the reason you, anonymous tumblr user sent this ask in the first place, to I, Swishy "Scrappy Doo Redemption Arc" Broke-on-books (dot tumblr dot com), which is his HIGHLY SUCESSFUL and utterly sadistic character assassination of my number one man, Scrappy Doo.
And I am going to try my damnedest here not to get totally into my highly passionate opinions over what James Gunn did to Scrappy in the first of his Scooby movies and how thoroughly it has pissed me the fuck off because I have been writing this post for over an hour now and if we start to really get into my feelings on this topic it will certainly be a couple of hours more but like. That Fucking Bitch. I give James Gunn personally a solid eighty-five percent of the blame for making my life as a Scrappy Doo fan UTTERLY unbearable with this stupid fucking movie alone, and just his Scrappy crimes would honestly be enough for me to say that I hate this movie, not even considering the numerous Scooby crimes I've been talking about here for the past million paragraphs, but the part about this movie that makes me the MOST mad the most pissed off is that it's actually a good fucking movie. James Gunn wrote two hilarious and entertaining movies that have become beloved in the popular culture for their successes in that arena, while at the same time pissing all over the core themes and messages of the franchise of which it was based, that of friendship.
TLDR; The Live Action Scooby Doo movies (written by James Gunn) are highly entertaining and fun pieces of media to watch, and are widely loved by the general public and looked at with fondness and nostalgia because of that. However, as a hardcore Scooby Doo fan (writing that phrase sounds so ridiculous but oh well) the existence of these movies and their impact on the popular culture can be extremely frustrating (despite any personal nostalgia said fan may have) due to their spreading of a misinformed picture of what "typical Scooby Doo" looks like. This picture is especially frustrating due to the fabrication or exaggeration of problems present in classic Scooby (such as sexism in regards to the girls), as well as giving more ammunition to other problems in Scooby fandom (such as oversexualization, and sexualization in general, which no one wants to see in regards to their children's cartoons, like HONESTLY.) Discussions of sexism and sexualization in Scooby (both of which ARE present and are issues, although not at their worst in WAY) can often lead to an overlooking of the issues that are very present and clear in WAY and have continued since then with far too little resistance (I'm 100% talking about the racism here) HOWEVER that topic deserves at least a dozen posts of its own that I am no way informed or qualified enough to even begin to think about writing. The Gunn Movies are frustrating to many longtime Scooby fans because of these reasons, but for me, and fellow Scrappy Doo fans there is also the added aspect of the demonization of Scrappy Doo in the live action movies and the affects that has had on the popular culture as well, making it uniquely inhospitable to like or enjoy the character of Scrappy. End post.
#that last sentence is such a weird tone jump btw but its because the topic flowed one way and i had to jump it back to a summary to actually#finish this monster of a post#SO anon i hope you're happy with this and this makes my opinion make some more sense. and you or anyone else is more than welcome to ask me#questions about anything i said here or my opinion on any and everything scooby related (and not) so if theres a specific aspect of this yo#would like expanded on i can definitely 100% do that for you or anyone who cares#also there are many complexities towards my feelings on these movies that i didnt get to hit on despite the monstrous size of this rant (il#check word count later but im not gonna fuck with it now because im terrified of deleting this post by accident) one of which is my lasting#fondness towards all of the actors in this movie. YES including freddie prinze jr. i may have major issues with his fred but hes also playe#characters i really really like. for example hes the va in this tv show i LOVE and havent watched in like 10 months despite the fact im on#the last season because freddie's character dies in like 7 episodes and i am NOT AT ALL emotionally prepared for that on any level because#that is my fictional father goddamnit!!!!!#also every buffy the vampire slayer gifset that crosses my dash gets me closer and closer to watching it because oh my god daphne!!!!! that#sarah michelle gellar thats daphne oh my god!!!! also i went and saw guardians of the galaxy 3 with my friend (despite not having seen a#marvel movie in 2+ years AND holding a grudge over james gunn's scooby doo crimes)[the things you do for {platonic} love amirite?]#and the title sequence SAID linda cardellini was in it and i got SO excited i was looking everywhere for her it was like wheres waldo in th#discount movie theatre FOR REAL and i just could NOT for the life of me find her (turns out she was VAing the ferret) so in a way linda mad#me cry with that role. whatever. istg i get so off topic i forget what i was even talking about but ANYWAYS <<<1 of my fave english words b#dubs (my favorite spanish word is el amanacer btw. it means sunrise. also burbujas because its bubbles and saying it sounds like bubbles#popping) BUT. AS I WAS SAYING. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANT SCOOBY DOO OPINIONS. DEAR GOD I GET SCATTERBRAINED SOMETIMES.#scooby doo#answered#anonymous#blah
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coraniaid · 3 months
It's true that the Buffy writers' answers to the closely related questions "is there a meaningful distinction between a vampire and the human being who was sired to create them?" and "when you get down to it, are vampires basically people?" clearly undergo something of a shift in the second half of the show.
This is a transformation that starts with Buffy's reluctance to stake Willow's vampire alter ego in Season 3's Doppelgangland and continues at pace with the gang's collective reaction to finding out that Harmony has "become" a vampire in Season 4. It's a process that continues as long as Harmony remains a recurring character on the show, until, by mid-Season 5, Buffy (and Buffy) has essentially undergone a complete switch in its view of vampirism. The later seasons handling of vampires are very hard to square with the speeches made by Buffy in Lie To Me ("you die, and a demon sets up a shop in your old house [...] but it's not you") or Giles to Xander [about the late and largely unlamented Jesse] in The Harvest ("you're not looking at your friend: you're looking at the thing that killed him"). Whether this is a change for the better or not is a matter for debate, but that it is a real change that happens is pretty hard to dispute.
It's also true that the writers are obviously increasingly reluctant to show their show's protagonist, the titular vampire slayer, actually going around killing vampires. At least any vampires who've had a chance to establish some sort of personality. How many of the dozen or so named, recurring vampire characters does Buffy actually kill over the course of the show? Not very many.
I make it two in Season 1 (if you're generous and count Luke as a recurring character), one in Season 2 (if you're similarly generous and count Buffy sending Angel to hell for almost three whole episodes as killing him) and ... that's it, right? Somebody other than Buffy kills Darla [=Angel], and Colin the Anointed One [=Spike], and Dalton [=the Judge], and Mr Trick [=Faith], and vamp!Willow [=wishverse!Oz, twice] and Sunday's only-named-in-the script henchvamp Tom [=the Initiative], and Sandy [=Riley], and Spike[=... well, Spike, ultimately, I guess]. Nobody ever kills Drusilla or Lyle Gorch or Harmony, all of whom make multiple appearances on the show and (un)live to the end of the series. And Angel and Spike (and even Darla, eventually and temporarily) all come back after apparently being killed.
Buffy might have a sacred calling to slay vampires, but the show is very uncomfortable about her killing non-human characters who've had a chance to establish themselves as people. Perhaps that's why the show stops having vampiric Big Bads completely after Season 2, and why Season 7 tries to introduce a whole new category of personality-free, definitely-not-people monsters to replace its existing vampires. (Perhaps not entirely succesfully, if we're being diplomatic.)
It's certainly true that the show does not have a consistent take to offer on vampire lore. Like everything supernatural in Buffy, vampires are essentially walking metaphors: and the things that they exist to represent and comment on change and evolve throughout the show's run. Buffy's worldbuilding is not very deep or rigorous.
But what's not true at all, and what I wish people would stop claiming, is the idea that Angel's awkward "well, actually..." when Buffy assures Willow in Doppelgangland that "a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was" represents some sort of big departure from the show's established or implied lore up to that point. It does not. At all.
In fact, it's Buffy's claim that is at odds with everything that the show has been saying up this point. A vampire's personality has always, always been something that the show wants us to believe is informed by the personality of the person who died to create them, This goes all the way back to Season 1.
In Angel, Giles does tell Buffy flat out that "a vampire isn't a person at all", but he also says that a vampire may have "the memories, even the personality of the person that it took over". In the part of her speech from Lie To Me that I elided earlier, Buffy admits that if you're turned the resulting vampire "walks, and it talks, and it remembers your life" [and the clear implication here is that the vampire walks and talks like the original person did, otherwise what is this supposed to be saying?].
If the show's original position was that a vampire's personality had nothing to do with who they were in life, why would Giles have felt the need to tell Buffy (in Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date) that Andrew Borba had been on the run for a suspected double murder the night he died and rose as a vampire? Why would he have told her in Season 2's Bad Eggs that the Gorch brothers "massacred a village" before they were vampires? Why would he warn her in Season 3's Helpess that Zachary Kralik was a "criminally insane" serial killer even before being sired as a vampire? If the show -- or even just Giles himself -- really did have the position that a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person they were before death, as Buffy claims in Doppelgangland (and some fans apparently believe), how would any of this make sense?
If we weren't supposed to think vampires inherited at least some part of their personality from their host then why, in The Harvest, would vampire!Jesse still be obsessed with pursuing Cordelia Chase? Why would Drusilla still be driven mad as a vampire as a result of the pyschological tortures that Angel inflicted on "her" when she was a mortal? In Halloween, why would Buffy be trying to find out more about the sort of person Angel was as a human? Why would Willow and Xander still be together in the world of The Wish?
The idea that a vampire inherits the personality of the person whose body they take over [or who they were before "becoming" a vampire, in the later seasons' parlance] isn't any kind of retcon. It's one of the few consistent takes on vampires the show had from beginning to end. Continuity of self; moral standing as a person; capacity for self-reflection and personal growth, whether or not vampires can breathe ... these are the things about vampires the show changes its stance on. But a vampire's personality was always informed by who they were in life, right from the very first pair of episodes.
(Spike and Drusilla being capable of at least some kind of romantic love and mutual jealousy in Season 2 is also not a retcon, incidentally. We saw that with Darla and Angel in Season 1 as well. And even the Master clearly felt emotions and had some sort of affection for his favorites among the vampires that worked for him. Spike and Dru do represent a significant -- and welcome! --change in the tone of the show, but they aren't somehow a walking refutation of what Giles has been telling Buffy (and through her, us) about vampires for the past year.)
I mean, I don't really have a big point to work to here, it's just that I keep seeing takes on my dash about how this particular scene represents a big change in the show's lore about vampires. And that .. just isn't true?
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mikeysagereblog · 1 month
⊗ superhero cartoons to watch when little!!! (or big, they're that good imo!!) ⊗
✧.* i've been wanting to make this list for a while now, mainly because i wanna talk about my fav cartoons/open up opportunities for other littles to find something awesome to watch!!! there's gonna be a lot of ranges in age ratings to add some variety for older/younger littles :)
✧.* also, i'd like to put a disclaimer here and say that a lot of these are on streaming services that i own, but other littles may not. i would also like to say that there are ways to get around a paywall if you can't afford certain streaming services!!! you can find full episodes on youtube/other sites for free!!! (just use an adblocker if you're on a site other than youtube if u can!!)
✧.* another disclaimer: any regressor of any age can watch any of these shows!! i just wanted to put the age ratings for those who want to stick to media that's more in their age range!! so, don't feel like you have to limit yourself from watching certain shows just because of how old you regress to!!
✧.* spectacular spider-man (2008-2009, 2 seasons): suitable for 7-8+, but i'd say it'd be okay for littles who regress younger to watch, too!! honestly, my all-time favorite spider-man cartoon!!! not only is it fun to watch while little, you can truly appreciate the show when you're big, too!!! josh keaton's voicework as spider-man is just- ahhhh it's so amazing imo!! the story is really good, the animation/style is just so iconic, and the colors are very easy on the eyes!!! (especially if you're sensitive to bright colors when little/in general) absolute banger of a theme song, too!!!
✧.* x-men: the animated series (1992-1997, 5 seasons): rated for around 7-8+, but i do admit that there can be some scary scenes for especially younger/more sensitive littles. honestly, this show is great!!! i loved all the different story arcs, how colorful the show is, the characters themselves- a lot of cool stuff about this show!!! be warned, there's a sudden drop in quality during season 5... i think they switched animation studios/va's or something because season 5 is NOT the best season of the show, i'll tell you that... 0_0
✧.* x-men '97 (2024-present, 1 season so far): rated for 14+, so this show is more suitable for teen regressors. it's a continuation of x-men:tas, and oh man... this is it. my favorite cartoon of all time!!! the animation is just oh so beautiful!!! the fight scenes are awesome!!! the soundtrack- oh golly the soundtrack!!! the remastered x-men:tas opening is just- wow!!! but, there's definitely reasons why it's rated 14+... not gonna spoil anything, but there's a lot of scenes in the show that can be upsetting for younger littles. trust me, watching some scenes when you're little is just- too much sometimes... (speaking from experience) it's an amazing show, but watch at ur own risk if you're a younger regressor!!!
✧.* batman: the animated series (1992-1995, 4 seasons): i'd say it's for around ages 9-10+, since it can be fairly dark at times. (same goes for a lot of batman related media!!) honestly, this show's pretty good!!! the style of the show is very dark visually, so it's easy on the eyes for those with bright color sensitivities!!! the artstyle itself is also very nice to look at!!! the voicework is amazing as well, especially kevin conroy's (rip) performance as batman himself!!! from what i can remember, the plotpoints were also pretty on-par!! i remember liking the show a lot when i was a kid!! :)
✧.* hulk vs. wolverine (not a show but an animated movie, 2009): this one's rated pg-13, since there's depictions of violence. but, i gotta say- this movie had me hyped up when i watched it as a kid!!! this was part of a straight to video two-movie collection, (the other being "hulk vs. thor") and i gotta say... this movie was awesome!!! the fight scenes were rad as heck, the animation was amazing, even deadpool was in the movie!!! (which, fun fact, was his first appearance in animation!!! other than the 2 second cameo in x-men:tas) very fun movie!!!
✧.* these are just some recommendations!!! i really liked these when i was a kid, and i hope you'll like them too, if you decide to watch them!!!
✧.* (also yay!! finally have a new banner!!! + i updated my blog's theme because nightcrawler is so awesome and he's literally my cg guys!!! he said it himself :3)
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theladyofrosewater · 3 months
Possible outcomes for Jess's Vidcon announcement that I came up with on a whim and should not be taken seriously
We get Mystreet season 7 and it's only like ten or so 20 minute episodes. It has an open ending in case it does well and Jess can bring in back if needed. half the voice cast is replaced but hey the cinematography is improved. however it's the new characterizations
We get a full 35 episodes of MYS season 7 and Jess got all of the VAs back. They give us references to what happened at the ending of Diaries just like they did in season 6. It has a closed ending and relatively good writing.
We get a Diaries book, hopefully a trilogy, from all of the notes and scripts Jess and the writers made. Jess hired a ghost writer to help so it's like a solid 6 out of 10.
My Inner Demons gets a comic for its season two on Webtoon or something. It's shorter but the art is really pretty and has a solid ending
A single Void Paradox episode that leaves more questions than answers
My street season 1 again, nothing has changed besides that everyone is voiced now
Dreams of Estora ( jess pls i need it)
Feel free to add onto it with any of your own ideas
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika; Samson Kayo; Kay Buchanan; Nathan Foad; Watch parties; GLAAD LAST DAYS; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika.
== David Jenkins ==
Okay so I apologize all-- somehow I missed that all the David Jenkins pics going around were NEW. I don't know why but I thought they were from a while back. My taxes brain really has me messed up. So these are from the past 2-4 days. Now it makes a lot of sense too as to why everyone's been honking louder! You can see him there at WB Studios, and yes that is him with OFMD fan-stickers on his laptop.
Source: Kinga Malisz' IG
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== Taika Waititi ==
A small glimpse of Taika and his ginormous doe eyes on the set of Klara and The Sun. Src: Vas J Morgan's IG
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== Samson Kayo ==
Samson was out in Abu Dhabi U.A.E sporting his Prada Sun Glasses! Chaos Dad and Samba happened to pop into his comments as well! Thanks @ashes-skye for pointing out these great photos! SRC: Samson's Instagram
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Our lovely leatherworker Kay Buchanan posted lots of cool things today on her instagram! Stede's Dagger Sheath
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Next up was the Gunpowder Pouches for OFMD
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== Nathan Foad ==
Some first shots of Nathan in his role in #LovesLabourLost! Src: Royal Shakespeare Company IG
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Season 1 is done! Season 2 starts tomorrow with Episodes 1 and 2! Join Save OFMD Crew, and @/ iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
Voting closes in two days, get your votes in while you can! Remember: you can vote more than once. 😉🏴‍☠️
IMG Src: @saveofmdcrewmates
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== Fan Spotlight ==
One of our crewmates @/RabinaryCode on youtube has put together this cute Queen Parody for Rhys! Give it a listen if you have some time :) Vocals: @ferventrabbitao3
Lyrics: @tanteclem
== Cast Cards ==
To quote @melvisik "Tonight is Ian Alda (yup, related to Alan Alda) playing the clerk... reads notes Clark Clerkwell... person who told Stede he's dead "
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you all are having a fresh start to your week. I've heard good news and rough news, so I truly hope if you have good news, it stays that way and if you have bad news, it looks up for you!
I really am so glad to see people clowning though. I know no one wants to get their hopes up, but it's nice to see that kind of energy flowing through the fandom again. We deserve a little treat of hope once in a while and it warms my heart how much people are running with it.
Hope is the dream lovelies. All things spring from hope. Don't give up on it. Even when things feel the worst, hope is what keeps us going. I have so much love for you friends. I know we have our bad days, but I hope you know that no matter what happens me and the crew will send you love. We love sharing this space with you. Rest well lovelies. Some quotes about hope tonight:
"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." - Emily Dickinson
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Sorry, tonight's theme is just... this interview because every time I see it it makes me smile so horrendously huge. I love them so much and certainly together like this. The goofy bastards. Gif Courtesy of @captain-flint
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psink · 3 days
Translation of the interview with Kamiya Hiroshi (Kusuo's VA) and Nojima Kenji (Kuusuke's VA)
The TV anime "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: The Final Chapter" will air as a year-end special program on the TV Tokyo network on (friday) December 28th from 7:35 to 8:30.
The January issue of PASH!, which is now on sale, features an interview with Kamiya Hiroshi-san, the voice actor of Saiki Kusuo, and Nojima Kenji-san, the voice actor of Kuusuke Saiki. We’re releasing a preview ahead of tomorrow’s broadcast. 
Amidst the busy end-of-year, good grief, a world-involving sibling fight…? We spoke to Nojima Kenji-san, who plays the older brother Kuusuke, and Kamiya Hiroshi-san, who plays the younger brother Kusuo, after they had just finished recording about the truth of the matter!
―― Please tell us how you felt when the decision to make the Final Chapter was made. Kamiya: I was very happy. Even if you want to adapt every episode from the original work, it’s not always possible to do so. But with this series, everything fell into place. I think the biggest reason we were able to adapt it all the way to the Final Chapter was because of the fans’ wishes, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
Nojima: I had heard that the Final Chapter would be made, but I was wondering about what form it would take, and it turned out to be a two-part year-end special. Could people really sit through an hour of this work?! What kind of focus would they need to watch it? I was a bit worried about that (laughs). But I’m sure that “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K” will deliver dense content that makes you lose track of time again, in the way only it can. 
―― Compared to other anime series, “Saiki” has about 2 or 3 times more dialogue per episode, right?
Kamiya: I had vaguely noticed that, but… Nojima: You didn’t want to know, did you? (laughs)
Kamiya: Certainly, for a 30-minute anime, it takes a lot of time to go over the script. Even when watching the DVD to check it, I thought “Hm? Is something wrong with the machine?”, because it felt like it was playing fast-forward (laughs).
Nojima:  I’ll be honest now, but on the day I first participated in the recording, I actually went into the recording without finishing all the checks.I checked the script at home and then immediately went to the studio. I was calculating in my mind the timing to start reading the script to record whilst still keeping my role preparation fresh. 
But, the amount of lines was beyond my imagination, so I couldn't finish the preparation… This was something that shouldn’t have happened, but honestly, I got through the latter half [of the recording] just with concentration (laughs). But, since I was able to maintain the momentum from the first half, I’m glad I was able to bring out a good sense of raw feelings. Kamiya-san, how was your first recording?
Kamiya: I already can’t remember, but when I re-watch Episode 1 now, I think the pace is still slow. It’s gotten gradually faster since entering season 2. In season 2, Director Sakurai was probably broken as the pacemaker (laughs). Nojima: Ahaha, I see. It's like a live band where the rhythm gradually speeds up, and you keep going without knowing the original pace.
Kamiya: Exactly. 
Nojima: Since you can’t keep up by just listening to the lines as words, you have to listen to the partner’s tone and match it. It might be similar to a music session.
―― In the Final Chapter, the relationship between Kusuo and Kuusuke seems to be a highlight. What do you both think about these brothers?
Nojima: The reason they can fight so much, do terrible things, and act recklessly is probably because, ultimately, they’re brothers. In a different case, it would have ended in a complete fallout, wouldn’t it?
Kamiya: That’s true. After all, what Kuusuke is doing is almost criminal. Nojima: Ahahahaha.
Kamiya: What I found especially dangerous about what Kuusuke did was the story of making the elderly villagers wear powered suits. The way he disguised it as caregiving while completely using them as his own puppets was seriously dangerous. Nojima: It’s surely his own sense of justice. I wonder if it’s an antithesis to how we should handle the aging society going forward (laughs).
―― Kuusuke’s obsession with Kusuo is also quite dangerous, isn’t it?
Nojima: Kuusuke has a very strong desire for approval, wanting to be recognized by Kusuo above all else. Challenging him to fights is, I think, a distorted expression of that. But I believe it is also an expression of his love and his desire to be loved back.
Kamiya: Kusuo probably thinks Kuusuke is a troublesome person, but Kusuo is also at fault. Although Kuusuke is a genius, he worked hard to create the control device for Kusuo to help him control his superpowers, didn’t he? Kusuo should be grateful, but he doesn’t express it. “Thanks, big brother. I can’t live without this” - it would’ve been nice if he could’ve said that, but Kusuo doesn’t understand the feelings of those without [superpowers], so that didn’t happen. There was also the sense of taking it for granted because they're family, but thinking how this resulted in that difficult brotherly relationship is quite sad.
―― That’s deep.
Kamiya: Although Kusuke knows he’ll lose, he keeps challenging Kusuo to fights and enjoys the process, which shows his malicious side. He’s also quite twisted. So they’re both equally to blame. From an outsider’s perspective, their relationship can be summed up with one phrase "they’re just just not honest with each other”.
Nojima: Despite that, there are also times when they rely on each other.
Kamiya: It’s complicated. That’s why even in the Final Chapter their relationship will likely be depicted. 
―― Finally, could you give a message to the readers who are waiting for the broadcast? Nojima: I was worried about how much Kuusuke would appear, but he ended up having a lot more screentime than I had expected, so I was satisfied. I have no doubts that the viewers will enjoy it as well!  Since the story’s pace is fast, please acquire the ability to not blink while watching (laughs), and surely, you will be moved to tears in the end. There are emotional parts, but more than anything, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for cherishing and enjoying this series for so long!
Kamiya: The TV anime is finally reaching its conclusion. For those who are watching for the first time, it might be difficult, as the story keeps quickly progressing whilst you’re wondering “what is this?”. But there is a scene at the beginning that reviews past episodes and introduces the characters, so I think you’ll understand what this series is about. That said, since it’s a gag anime, I hope you can enjoy it without thinking too much.
As for the highlights for the Final Chapter, Kusuo finally moves [his mouth] and speaks for the first time. You might be wondering “What is this person saying?”, but it’s exactly as it sounds (laughs). Please watch the main story to uncover the truth behind it. I’m sure you’ll be surprised.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #5
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They're so cute...
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OH, she set them up!! Here we go!
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Wanda making squeaky toy noises when Cosmo hugs her is all I've ever wanted.
"We're real, all right! ... Real fairies. Not real humans."
BUDAWHAAAAAAAA-? Thank you Cosmo for just confirming elastic skin, which has been one of the most important headcanons in my worldbuilding. I did not expect you to do that for me, but... thanks?
Pfft, Wanda changing her legs.
ERG??? Is that you?
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Okay, there's that "We've been retired for 10k years" implied time travel bit; I think I remember that from the story bible + early convos with my friends, so at least I came prepared to expect that.
This is either time travel - which plays perfectly into my established "Cosmo ate a time key during dinosaur times and has been running around through time unsupervised for ages" headcanon anyway, LOL - or they're flat-out lying to Hazel, seeing as the audience already knows Timmy is confirmed as a recent godkid, so... Hm.
SLDKFJSD I love how the guy who accidentally sent his baby stroller down a steep hill is wearing a #1 Dad hat. "My expensive stroller! ... I mean, my baby!" - Yeah, we're still in FOP. All the parents are terrible here.
Setting her up as loving french fries and then turning her into a fly who found french fries was clever.
Cosmo once again being so close and yet so far to his mark. Good to see him back!
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Me when I return my would-be murderer's daughter, who is a bug.
I AM SO GLAD that even in 10,000 years, Wanda's small talk skills have not improved far beyond "I'm Human McRealPerson" and "My husband is a grilled cheese sandwich" from back in the day, sdlkfj. That's my girl!
oh no, the Venus flytrap gift they brought over is about to go so wrong.
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Yep, she's still goin'. Talking about the carwash.
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GIRL check your fingers.
OH MY GOSSSSSSH, he's dressed for a classy party in Fairy culture. Cosmorella? We thought you were dead!!
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... That's an ant? I would've guessed tick.
It's a guy ant? Buddy, are you sure you're supposed to be foraging?
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Let's go!!
SDLKFJSDKLFJSLKJF noooo... No, no, no, no, no... Not the thing I use to symbolize memorials for the dead, c'mon!
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It IS an accurate item for a Fairy house- these were all over the place in Fairy World during the old show, AND in that color, though you usually see more than one "wand" per pot.
I'm super impressed the artists studied the old interior design customs. Huh.
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Cosmo lives here. Also, BABY!!
OOH, I'm excited that Cosmo and Wanda's window overlooks Fairy World because it's kind of a portal. I did something super similar with a rat cage in an upcoming Frayed Knots scene, where Anti-Cosmo and Wanda are godparenting together during school. Nifty!
He even confirmed it's a spell on the front door! Wow. Somehow, Past Me nailed that.
"We can choose which world we go out into!" -> /Me with my 'fic where Kevin Crocker is confused that Shirley's Pizza Parlor has an exit on the other side that goes to Retroville.
Cosmo: We lived in Timmy's fishbowl for 20 years. Wanda: It was 7.
You are both wrong- it was like 68 <3 But honestly, I forgive you for not wanting to tell Hazel time was frozen for 50 years. I don't think she'd like that. Actually, I don't think she was born yet, because my vision is time freezing at the end of Season 4, and Dale was rescued in Season 2, so... Yeah, she wasn't born. Still, you don't wanna just drop that on someone.
That's actually very funny that Cosmo and Wanda are struggling because they're out of practice during their retirement.
THERE'S THE SIGN!! Way to go.
Oh, and the credits are done in a similar style to the old ones? Even the colors? That's so cute! That's also nice that Hazel's VA was a story editor too- That probably helps with the passion and vision.
That was cute. I liked it. Huge relief to see something well-researched and made with love after "Fairly Odder" was a struggle for me.
I've got a little more time tonight, I might be able to get one more episode done before bedtime.
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moonsharky · 2 years
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comalandia ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° 911 fox + not so obvious nods to buck's memories
only the not really obvious ones, and i'm sure theres probably some i missed but oh well. image descriptions have explanations too. see the end for honourable mentions
[Image Description:
10 gifs of Evan "Buck" Buckley (and others) from 9-1-1, during his coma dream in season 6 episode 11, with older episodes too.
Gif 1: Buck - in his coma dream - sits on the couch between his brother and their father, beer in hand for all three of them. To the left of the couch is a shelf that holds a lamp, and in front of the lamp is a framed picture of the bar Buck tended in Peru. The picture contains the dark wood bar top encircled by a bunch of colourful barstools.
Gif 2: In Peru, season 4 episode 5, we see Connor talking to an off-screen Buck. Connor leans his elbows on the bar top. Next to him we can slightly see the same bright barstools as in the photo. In the background are tables and chairs that match the vibe. It's not a glaringly obvious nod, but it's definite.
Gif 3: In the lobby of the hospital within the coma dream Buck stands with Hen and Chimney as they try to figure out why it feels like Buck is dying and how he can get back to his life outside. Behind Buck walks two people in traditional South Asian attire; one in a dark blue and silver detailed sari, and the other wearing a head covering, but with an indiscernible outfit because Buck's body stands in the way of view.
Gif 4: In season 1 episode 5, a bride-to-be stands in front of a tall mirror, wearing a bright red sari with gold details, as her friend/bridesmaid helps her prepare for the wedding. We know the last gif is a nod to this specific moment (and not just people in the background) for two reasons; one, because it's an important part of Bobby's story in season 1, and two, because we have never seen Indian people in traditional clothing before or since.
Gif 5: The camera focus is mainly on Bobby, following him as his quickly rushes past Buck in the coma dream, so the background is a blink and miss it situation. A doctor tends to a patient with a high heel shoe embed in their left cheek.
Gif 6: Season 2 episode 6, has Chimney talking to one of the parents of the child beauty queens, who has a high heel shoe stabbed into the left cheek.
Gif 7: In the background of a few shots within Buck's coma journey throughout the hospital, you can see two people in khaki/beige ensembles. They stand as if they're guarding whatever is on the other side of the glass doors behind them. At first inspection, they could easily be passed off as nurses. But looking closer, it seems like no other nurses have worn this colour of scrubs before in the show. Mostly it's blue, sometimes maroon or even pink. But never khaki. This combined with the way they hold themselves, makes me think of the two prisoners that pretend to be guards.
Gif 8: In season 5 episode 6, two prisoners have taken the uniforms of guards in order to blend in and escape. They rummage through the personal belongings of said guards, seeing what they can take. The colour is the exact same as the two from the hospital in Buck's coma dream. And again, the way they stand brings me to think of these two.
Gif 9: Buck and Bobby walk through the hospital, past some open curtains where beds are. They pass a few pregnant people, all in varying degrees of athleisure wear. It appears that they may all be in labour.
Gif 10: Buck and Bobby respond to a call where pregnant parents begin to go into labour one after the other. All wearing clothing comfortable enough to do yoga in.
honourable mentions:
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When Buck first awakens within his coma, he looks up at Daniel as Daniel talks, giving the rundown of what happened. In the top left corner, the television is on, a news segment playing. The headline reads "VA HOSPITAL WAIT TIMES." The second line is hard to read, but this is going on the same time that Buck has his first memory, which just so happens to be of Eddie. Eddie, who is an Army Vet. Whom in comalandia fights to keep his son, but doesn't have the right support systems. It feels like this is somehow a little hint to that storyline.
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When Buck arrives home in his voma dream to his parents waiting for him, he wears a white shirt with wide spaced grey pinstripe. Much like the one he was wearing when Eddie got shot. It's not the same shirt I don't think, but hugely similar. Also there's a photo on his computer desk, but the image is too pixelated and far away for me to figure out what it is, though it may be another nod to something.
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In the hospital waiting room of comalandia, another TV is turned on to the news, black smoke billowing on the footage on screen. I can't make out what the headline says. But it can definitely hint at many different things in the show, as Buck is a firefighter after all.
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Christopher shows up in Buck's coma dream, and he wears a three toned horizontally striped tee under a hoodie. The stripes alternate between an almost green shade of blue, a dark blue, and white. Not sure where from, but I swear Chris has worn this shirt before, or even something similar.
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tgcfresources · 3 months
Audio Drama Master Post
Cause there are a couple different people who have snippets as well as full translations for them all, it was making the master master post VERY long. lol
Currently only available in Chinese, the second season is currently airing. Can be bought through Missevan, costs a total of 319 diamonds.
Guide on how to purchase the audio Drama here.
I find setting up Alipay on your phone is the easiest thing, as most Chinese sites use it. Link it to your phones wallet and done.
Chinese Audio Drama Guide here on how to: purchase, use fan subtitles, watch video's without subtitles, and watching offline videos.
Theme Songs:
Youtube link for HuaLian’s VAs (Chenzang Taikang & Su Shangqing) singing the S1 Theme Song 赐我 《Grant Me》 together with English Translations.
S2 EP3 Theme Song Unenlightened 《不悟》 – 张恩岱 Zhang EnDai - XyraRai Eng Subs | MsSunnyDisposish Eng Subs (cc) S2 EP11 Theme Song Gu 《主题》
English Translations for the AD: A couple people have snippets, as well as full translations available.
As always, you will need to show PROOF OF PURCHASE!
Twitter user XyraRei has a number of snippets of the Season 1 translated into English.
You'll have to join this discord server to access them all. Invite link here.
Nana also has subtitle files but is not currently taking any more invites to their discord server.
Twitter user Vana has a number of snippets of both the Chinese Revised Novel and Audio Drama Translations on their twitter account.
Season 1 Subs:
Thank you to whoever has put them in this one drive folder and shared with everyone! <3
Treasure Chest Subs has up to Episode 7 done. You will need to fill out a form to join their discord channel to gain access.
@necrochancellor has translated the entirety of Season 1 (main eps + mini theaters) which you can access on their discord. Link in this twitter post.
Season 2 Subs:
If you have PURCHASED Season 2 of the season you can fill out this form to gain access to the current subs.
Big thanks to Shieru for doing this!!
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
Transformers Earthspark theory - how Knockout could actually be Mr Smelt
....or ideas about it, anyway. Enjoy my observations!
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So uhh here's where the neurodivergent urge to consume media and hyperfixate on it has lead me! Please, feast your eyes on my flow chart/ mind map of madness™.
I know the text is really small, if you click and zoom it could be easier to read. I did try to split the original image into quarters, hope that makes it a little easier to read. However, if anyone needs a transcript I'll do my best to sort it out, my only concern is that I have no clue how to link ideas if they're just bullet points (the idea of having a way to link ideas is what lead me to make this in this format :) )
Perhaps a bit of an explanation as to what lead to this?
A few weeks ago, I saw the Earthspark season 1 part 2 trailer and hey... Who's that?? Breakdown?? Of course, I immediately wanted to watch what existed of the series so far, and imagine my pleasant surprise when I heard Knock Out's (tfp) VA voiced a side character!
Anyway, I started watching the series, finished it in 3 days, cried tears of happiness over Nightshade's pronouns (for those of you who say representation doesn't matter, it does. You probably just feel represented), fell in love with Megatron, etc etc. But imagine my absolute, brain-rotting madness when I couldn't find episode 7 on youtube!
Meh, like that would stop my theory brain. Using various episode summaries I found on youtube (first and foremost this one, as it was short and had good attention to detail! But if anyone has any recommendations for other good summaries feel free to let me know), I started to slowly make a mindmap. That evening I found @transformers-earthspark's blog and the where-to-watch resources... Firefly I cannot thank you enough!!! You're literally amazing!! You have no idea how happy I was to find ep 7!! You do so much, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice snack :))
Anyways, armed with my new access to ALL the earthspark episodes (1 - 10, anyway, as only they are available atm), I remade some of my mindmap, added to it, made more points. Over the last few weeks (aka less than two) I polished my mindmap, did some colour-coding, added images, links, details etc until it could apparently fit on an A3 sheet?? What??? So many ideas from silly old me??
Obviously, I don't think I'm completely right. As a matter of fact, I think I made many assumptions and links that were a very big stretch (blame this overactive imagination of mine. I keep thinking of potential plot lines and then forgetting that actually, I made them up and they're not canon). However, I hope I made a few points that will inspire someone to make their own theories, or just have fun thinking!
Apologies if this all sounds garbled or if it's difficult to understand, I am tired and I have two languages running around in my head (that I'm fluent in, I've also tried to learn 5 others. Lingual hell!!!)
Have a good day/ night and enjoy the theories!
Also a quick note and thing to add: I wrote this on Monday the 27th (I draft just about everything in my notes ok), before I woke up on Tuesday and saw the new images from the episodes, including the one with Breakdown!! AHHH!! /pos So I guess I was right about something? And I mean... Breakdown and a theme of racing in one episode? If this is a coincidence and Knockout is not chilling somewhere in the background then I don't know what to say.
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lyrarizi · 6 months
After rewatching sonic prime alot of times i can finally give my honest reveal:
Season 3 really dissapointing
S1 and S2 were really great tho!
S1: "2nd fav. season" (don't got much to say abt it 🙃)
- sonic his charactertisation felt kinda weird, he ignored his friends and is impulsive to the max
- sonic realising what he has done was kinda sad
- nine was AWESOME
S2: "fav. season"
- i liked the aspect of sonic going on a chase through the shatterverse to collect the shards
- the pirates were ASSHOLES!
- forest part never got me hooked so much
- good fights not too many and the pace went well (for me)
- i wanted more chaos sonic he was a dark mirror of sonic himself and it was really intersting
- Once again nine was a fucking badass
- the betrayel was executed well ig
Sonic was really ignorant to nine but nine got his own faults too
But the line: "like the real tails would, I am REAL!" was so raw and the pain i can only imagine nine felt in that moment...
S3: "least fav. season ofcourse"
- i enjoyed evil tails very much
- episode 1 was fantastic but shadow being pulled out of the picture was bullshit
I also wanted a longer reaction to the betrayel of nine, i saw a comic dub of sonic having a panic attack. Now i know that is far too many of emotions for sonic to be allowed, but atleast they could've showed some tears and panic
- the fight episodes got bland real fast.
Just fighting the same ol' robots again, they get defeated, nine repairs them, the same again
- i did like episode 6 tbh...
The fight of the iconic duo and later the iconic trio was my favo fight in the season
Beautifully crafted
- episode 7..... where to begin?
To begin with: nine his redemption was forced and executed garBAGE
Sonic just went from, this motherfucker needs to PAY for his action to, aw im sorry i saw 1 palmtree and i understand why you wanted to murder me.
Aside from that i almost liked the rest of ep7
The race against time with sonic to save him from certain death was really wholesome
The Amy's were fucking cute and knux carried my sonknux heart ❤️
Shadow rescuing sonic was beautiful and i LOVED it very much
BUT! sonic should've had more emotion to seeing his friend again.
That cliffhanger was totally unnecessary and we know now that is just a symbol for sonic and his friends running into a brand new adventure
Couple other notes:
- voice acting was fucking awesome!
@mactheactor killed it (i want him to be the main sonic tbh
he is up there in my top 3 VA for sonic with @snapscube sonic aka penny parker and jason griffith (1st: penny sonic, 2nd: devon sonic, 3d: jason sonic)
he got the cockiness and the teenager vibe of sonic like jason and ryan have for example
he has all the talent and passion, emotion for the voice and it felt like i actually heared sonic himself)
- animation was really good!
i am not trying to bring the series down!!
i am just saying my thoughts but the series is amazing and should definitely deserve a watch if you like sonic things or if you just like action or multiverse thingies
That was my review of sonic prime i love to hear yur opinions on my review and what you agree and dont with ❤️
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pepperpepi · 6 months
Couple things I found out whilst rewatching II:
2. Bot actually has the same colours as the Egg from S2
3. Silver Spoons green aura must’ve been because of his mood, (like green = jealously)
4. The first episode (before Taylor Grodin voiced PB) Paintbrush had a different voice actor, and nobody knows where they went, they just vanished.
5. In the original storyboard for Ep 14 of S2, (Cakebrunch) originally Suitcase was gonna have a lil aroace flag inside her, but it was scraped (THANKS ADAM)
6. Taco and (i think) MePad will no longer be around for the rest of season 2, because Taco teleported away after Microphone left
7. Suitcase and the The Floor have the same VA (Sam Thornberry)
8. Since MePhone was gone for over 4 years, the final Four must’ve had something to eat (Maybe LB cookie pizza or smth)
9. Adam’s whole family (his mum, sister, dad and possibly brother???) voiced in II, his mum voiced a phone and Tea Kettle, his dad voiced MePhone4, and I think his sister voiced Taco.
10. Pickle, Bomb, Taco and Paper have not competed since Season 1, and don’t say Taco was a contestant in season 2. She wasn’t, im talking about Season 1 characters who DEFINITELY competed and were eliminated in season 1.
Hope this shocked you <3
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these are interesting though omga
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whoovesnassistant · 3 months
Hello hello, we've had a bit of a lull but we're making enough progress now to give a report.
Episode 16:
We've got about 50% of the scenes edited together with vocals and we're hoping to start speeding up the process. 1 scene has SFX. Much of the artwork is done, with only a few major scenes left to be drawn and some minor moments that are optional.
Episode 17:
We've got all the lines in now, save for 1 minor extra which won't be an issue. Proper production can now start, which means we'll probably soon open up art claims for the artists. Voice audio needs clean up then we'll begin editing the scenes together.
Episode 18:
Might consider casting call soon for this episode, it will be within the crew first and if any voices are still needed we will open it up to fans.
Dalek Special:
We have a silly little dalek parody video releasing tomorrow, it was a time sensitive thing so we couldn't release it on the usual weekend time.
Remodeling Short:
We have the next episode short ready, audio is done and it just needs some art.
Stained Glass Short:
Being edited right now, it's being chipped away at as the editor has been quite busy.
Song remake with 2 variations:
We've remade one of the older songs from DWnA that we all felt really needed it. No one involved with the song felt good about it, so we're releasing 2 versions that should do it proper justice.
Trailer for season 2:
We have a trailer for season 2 on the way! The audio is done, it just needs some art!
Season 2 Intro animation:
Can't remember if we announced this but the season 2 intro animation is done and looks fantastic! We're going to let it premier with episode 16.
Plenty of tiktok shorts:
We've been throwing together a lot of videos to post on our tiktok, and we're excited to keep making more since yesterday a video we posted reached 100k views overnight!
Two scripts underway for special side content:
Can't really go into detail here because these are still in infant stages of development but they are coming along nicely and are both related to DWnA
Christmas Special 'First Snow':
We're aiming to have a christmas special ready this year, we're going to start casting characters soon so we can get a head start!
Doctor Whooves Adventures:
Bells of Fate pt 2 has an outline and a draft which can be salvaged to make the writing process easier. Most character VAs have agreed to come back and reprise their roles.
Aristotle's Apocalypse:
First episode is scripted, second episode is outlined. Recording will start when second episode is scripted.
Pocket Dice:
We've been slowly working on getting old Pocket Dice videos prepared for youtube, there's a lot of content so it's a lengthy process to go through it all for quality assurance.
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cheesecakeislazy · 16 days
Disventure Camp All Stars, Season 3 Episode 21. The final episode review…
Wow… I.. I cannot believe it’s over. Sure, we’ll be getting our season 4- but? This? Wow..
I’m actually… kinda glad that Riya won. It showed her that being a bitch will make her lose in any other situation. She got the money, but everything else and everyone else? Hates her. Wants nothing to do with her. Wow.
ONC- I might shit on you for being bad writers, because let’s be honest- a lot of Indie shows tend to have some issues. Season 3 was the best animated show, yet still had some writing problems. For example- within this last episode, Tom states that he has (canonically) been waterboarded. How many torture tactics has Tom suffered through? Why doesn’t he have any sort of mental illness from that? It doesn’t make sense to me at least.. but I digress.
1. Tom being Tom carried this episode, he made me laugh the most. Thanks Tom and his VA for being amazing.
2. Ally and Jake actually managed to become friends? Not really.. personally? I think that they both respect each other. I don’t want them to be friends, I enjoy their sibling rivalry dynamic. But it adds a layer of the dynamic to establish the fact that they respect each other.
3. Fiore and Alec found family? Thanks for making me want to cry ONC- you always knew how to pull my found family heart strings. I love their dynamic, Fiore being worried for Alec added years to my lifespan.
4. Wish I got to see more Jakeden moments- but at least I saw some Jakeden Fanart at the end lol (btw I am actually working on the rewrite, I just happen to be busy.)
5. Connor!!! YES!!! HE GOT TO BE HAPPY! I wish he slapped Riya- but oh well, they can’t all be winners. I really hope that we get to find out her name and how they met, please give me Connor’s new wife backstory.
6. TomJake is my 2nd favorite DCAS ship- so I’m actually okay with them getting back together. I won’t forgive them for making all of us suffer though- Odd Nations may suffer for making us go through hell.
7. Still think they should make HunTessAlly a poly couple- so let’s just pretend it happened off camera…
8. I might be wrong but was there nsfw art in the Fanart section of the episode…?
9. Riya is a bitch, I refuse to feel sorry for her. Suffer. You deserve it.
10. I really enjoyed this episode despite that possibly being a hot take..
I’m really glad that they decided to make Jake.. happy. I was so scared that the entire time he would act like “Noooo! I’m a failure!!” And completely disregard his growth. Thankfully, the writers aren’t that bad.
Surprisingly- I don’t have that much to say this time. Can’t wait to see everyone else’s reactions though..
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deltastra · 1 month
My Thoughts on Tower of God Season 2 Episode 6
Finally, FUG is here!! And I believe this is the episode where we meet a certain somebody? :3
Rating: 7/10
Summary: Music and tension was on point! However, Jinsung's face looked a bit wonky?? Maybe that's just me. I think the stiff movements while they talk is actually making the scenes feel more awkward. Either way, I really liked the pacing for this episode and I hope they COOK for the next!
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You know as crazy as Yihwa was for flat out insulting Viole in front of FUG (and insulting FUG to their faces), I feel like people often miss the fact that she was angry for the whole team. She genuinely thought Viole betrayed them. While of course, her assumptions come from the fact that she was always suspicious of him to begin with, I still feel like she was just looking out for the team.
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And now we are hearing Viole speak more (with emotion at least)!!! I love this older Bam voice!
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Haha I love how Miseng always breaks the ice by being herself! Despite her "crybaby" personality, she genuinely helps the team ease up. The way Jinseng gave her more apples makes me ;-;.
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Yea...maybe I'm just looking too deep into it? I don't know, but Jinsung's face looks a bit off??? He looks a bit too young here.
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THIS is why I love Team Sweet and Sour. Like Arkraptor said, they're all defective in their own way. They cover eachother's weaknesses and provide comfort when needed. They aren't from rich or well-off families and even if one of them is, she still struggles a lot. It's just the way they're all so casual with eachother that makes me love this team so much! Found family <3.
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This reveal is so well done to me. It's just told in a casual conversation. "Hey, you're very lucky. That guy who was overly friendly with you wanted to kill you all at first!". It shows how, yes, not all FUG members are insane killers. However, they cannot be trusted so easily either.
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I genuinely did not like the change season 1 did at the end where Bam stands up on his own. Because it gave the impression to anime-onlies that Bam WILLINGLY joined FUG. Now this scene feels awkward. Because all of a sudden he cannot decide? This is just a nitpick and I'm sure not many people will care. But I feel like it shows how you have to be careful what you choose to change in an adaptation because it may break the immersion later down the road.
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Hmm they didn't mention the memorial rings that were used to track down Bam's friends? Well it wasn't mentioned in the first season so it makes sense. I appreciate that they're still following the webtoon this time even if they have to correct some parts in order to make it flow better with season 1's changes.
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Hehe Hwaryun munching while Wangnan furious. I do wish they at least showed his face properly or make him stand up in order to show his anger over Viole's situation. Sitting stiff while yelling all that feels awkward at most.
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Aww I wish they showed that panel with the two of them and that glowing tower (I forgot its name whoopsie) between them! It was one of my favourite scenes :(
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BAHAHAHAH IM SO SORRY BUT THAT ZOOM IN ON KARAKA WAS GENUINELY SO FUNNY AND GOOFY LOOKING. I hope season 2 part 2 has improved camera movements/zoom-ins because these look too strange. It's like the animation cannot keep up with the music.
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Awww I wish they showed Miseng on Viole's shoulders like in the webtoon </3.
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I love everything about this. Hisoka's VA voicing Urek is so good!! I love the tone of his voice which gives off a threatening vibe.
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I always liked this introduction of Urek. He looks and sounds threatening, but the moment he found out that they are Regulars and not Rankers, he was willing to let them go. He isn't a "good guy" in this, but he can definitely be reasoned with. I always loved Tower of God antagonists because of how multi-layered they can be.
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And this is the best reason to why Viole is stubborn/ruthless in these tests. It's not cause he's "edgy" now. He literally cannot afford to fail a single test. It's a great motive that can keep the story constantly progressing in my opinion.
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AND WHEN THE BEAT OF THE OST "Guardian" BY KEVIN PENKIN DROPS...GOD THIS IS SO GOOD. THE ELECTRIFYING MUSIC IS PERFECT FOR THE UREK REVEAL! I will admit, I always pictured "Bubble in the Wine Glass" for Urek's reveal but this is better!
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Yea I really wished they showed us this shot, at least its in the ED!
Okay so this episode was slightly better but man, the stiffness during talking scenes was pretty obvious here... I really hope they try a bit harder for next cour. But that Urek reveal was so hype!!! I cannot wait! I hope it's episode 1 animation again!!! They have a lot of expectations given the Great Journey OP which had the fight animated for the first time. Hope for the best! P.S. I know my opinions have been very...wishy-washy. So I want to make my stance clear. I am enjoying the anime. But I also acknowledge that it's not a great adaptation. There are very obvious flaws.
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