theacyo · 5 years
First and Last
Steve Rogers x Super Soldier! Reader
requested by [ @witch-of-letters ]
word count [  3 k ]
Part 1 - Promises
            While on a solo mission you spot your old sweetheart Steve Rogers. After spending time with him you embark on a mission where you are pretending to date Steve. As you struggle to hide the fact that you still love him.
            Hugging Steve tightly, your head resting on your shoulder and his on yours. In a few minutes you would board a train that would take you far away for the next four years. Since another child is on the way and five would be impossible to take care of they decided the eldest would have to leave. And since you were born five minutes before Bucky that means you.
     “Doll you’re huggin’ him longer than me,” Bucky teases.
     “It’s because they are in loooove,” Rebecca stretches the word out like gum. Your cheeks burn as you give Steve one last squeeze.
     “We are just friends,” Steve says sheepishly.
     “We are only friends!” Just a man shouts for the last boarding passengers to hurry.
     “Oh goodbye!” Picking up your luggage and pulling your ticket out of your coat pocket rushing to board the train and find your seat. To which push down the window as the train starts to move. Waving and shouting goodbye at your family and Steve. Who runs after the train yelling,
     “I’ll wait for you, I promise,”
            Tony told you that Steve would be attending Arthur’s charity event. Which Arthur is hosting to get brownie points with the media and public. Something he is in desperate need of after rumors that spread like wildfire of his involvement with the trafficking of five year old Lisa Ann. It’s was the first time he was sloppy enough to show a lead and to draw the Fury’s attention.
     It’s purely for this case that you dolled up and have been bolding flirting with Arthur since you encountered him at one of his many popular nightclubs. Well maybe the case isn’t the only reason you out did yourself. But more so since Steve is going to be here, if it isn’t already.
     All night you have been preparing yourself mentally to see him for the first time since your goodbyes at the train station. Back when he still your sweetheart waiting for you to return from your Aunt Jodie’s. And now you barely know him.
     Jerking you out of your thoughts is Arthur purring, “I’ll be right back love.”
     Frowning, “Don’t take too long, I’ll miss you.”
     Arthur starts tapping his cheek impatiently. And you suppress the urge to punch him as you lean in, his attention dropping down to your chest while you press you lips to his cheek.
     “That’s more like it,” he croons before taking his leave with two other men.
     Once he is out of sight you head towards the bar. Freezing as you spot the back of a tall blonde. Your heart is hammering in your chest and your legs are wet spaghetti noodles as you approach him.
     “Forgive me for asking but I thought you couldn’t get drunk?”
     Turning around and without missing a beat, “I can’t but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a good drink.”
     “So what’s the Captain’s drink of choice?”
     “A fifth of whiskey, and call it a lucky guess but a Gin Ricky would be yours?” He glances down at the glass of pink champagne you have only take a few small sips from.
     Grinning, “Correct,” Gesturing to the empty seat beside him, “is anyone sitting next to you?”
     “Not at all, it looks like my friend was right when he said I would meet a beauty tonight.” Your breath hitches as he gives you that shy, soft and warm smile which after all this time makes your knees week.
     “Did he now? Have you met them yet?” Taking the seat next to him.
     Pressing his lips together and furrowing his eyebrows, “It doesn’t matter what I say unless she believes it herself.” Leaning down and tucking back that loose strand of hair. The pads of his fingers are rough and his once familiar smell has changed picking up the slightest hint of leather.
     “She would be a fool-“
     “Becoming familiar with the Captain are we?” Steve pulls away and takes a gulp of his drink. As you turn towards Arthur with a pout.
     “Can you blame me about being curious of a hero?” Turning towards the bar and giving him a cold shoulder.
     Arthur pressing himself against the back of the chair. Placing a large hand on the back of your neck and the other on your shoulder, “Of course not love, come on look at me darling.” Shrugging his hand off, and watching Steve out of the corner of your eye. His jaw clenching and his knuckles turning milk white from his thigh grip on his glass. But the lack of interference or questions means that he knows you’re on a mission.
     “Will you make it up to me by taking me upstairs?”
You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he purrs, “Yes my love.” Taking your leave with Arthur who is resting his hand on your lower back. You resist the urge to pull away.
            There is a guard standing outside his bedroom, big and burly with his arms crossed and his chest puffed out. His disadvantage in a fight would be underestimating his opponent, you could tell by the air of confidence around him.
     Commanding with a bit of a slur, “Open the door for the young lady and I!” And way too much enthusiasm.
     The guard did so without giving you a single glance. And the moment the door shuts behind you your black sandy tendrils materializes around you as. His eyes widen for a second as he opens his mouth to scream but before he can utter a single sound your sand is wrapping around his head looking for ideal places to penetrate his skull. The areas they inter point to him being weak of will, which points toward him not being the true mastermind.
      Your sand lifts him by his hand and carries shim over to the bed. Spreading from his head to wrap around his body, already implanting a memory to explain him passing out and you leaving early.
     Standing over the computer and discovering that he is either cocky or just plain stupid since there is no password to get it. Either way it makes your job easier. Making quick work of setting up a connection that will allow Tony to monitor his activity and look through his computer. While ensuring the connection is untraceable, and nearly impossible to detect. You finish quicker than you expect.
     You sand vanishes as you make your way towards the door. The rest is up to Tony and Fury.
     The guard acknowledges you with a simple, “Don’t feel bad it happens often. He won’t call you back.” Which you shrug off dismissively as you head back towards the party.
            Steve is still at the bar, but in your seat is a vibrate red-head with short curls and a complimentary black dress. He is talking with her with the same furrowed eyebrows as before.
     Upon approaching the two, the women turns around and you recognize her to be Natasha. She is wearing a playful smirk as Steve lets out a sigh, his eyes going wide as he finally notices your back. Instantly scanning you for any injuries.
     “Take good care of this one, he is delusional at best.”
     Rising the question, “Tell me how so?”
     Before she can speak Steve blurts out, “Please don’t Natasha!” In the same breath, “do you want to leave?”
     “I was going to ask you that. Are you in the mood for a late night milkshake?”
     “Vanilla strawberry swirl?”
     Natasha groans, “Steve do yourself a favor and tell her.” Then before Steve can say anything she makes a quick escape vanishing into the crowds of people who paid to attend.
     Steve shoulders slump with defeat as you chuckle, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
     “Thank you.” He stands up after tucking some cash underneath his glass.
     Steve and You catch a few stares as you leave together. With Steve picking up a leather jacket, it’s the one you bought for him back when you were just kids. You had gotten it with the idea in mind that he would grow into it. Only for it to end up sitting in his closet.
     “Your dress might be a problem,” Steve muses as a motorcycle is brought around the corner after some time.
     “I’m driving.” Approaching his bike and hitching up your dress. The slit in the side making it easier to do so as you gather the fabric in your fist and climb on top. Looking over at Steve and gesturing for him to get on.
     He doesn’t try to argue, already knowing you’re too stubborn, instead opting for asking, “Where should I put my hands?”
     “My thighs make sure my dress stays down.” His grip on your thighs is soft. Starting up the bike and letting her purr beneath you.
     “Don’t be afraid to squeeze me, I’m not going to break,” as soon as his fingers dig into your thigh you take off.
            Parking the bike in front of Shirley’s. The lot is mostly empty save for one other car. Which you know to belong to Shirley herself and her daughter Missy. Who has her own daughter enjoying her summer night in her personal booth with a coloring book and all the shakes she wants. You can see her bright yellow hat through the window as you remember that she is a Captain America fan.
     “See the little girl there, her name is Bell, she is a super fan, says it’s because you were sickly and small like her. She hopes to grow up tall someday
     “Then let’s go make Bell’s night!”
     Steve’s smile grows as he takes in the 40’s dinner upon entry. Meanwhile Bell’s eyes are the size of the moon as she stares at him. Missy smiles at her daughter who you walk over to with Steve in tow.
     “Remember how I said that I knew Steve Rogers and I would bring him to see you?”
     “Yes! Yes! As long as I told no one that Bucky and You like to come here! I’ve kept my promise! I won’t tell anyone about Captain America either! I promise!” She gushes in a single breath, bouncing in her seat as she kicks her legs in excitement.
     “You heard Bell, since she has been good I can do one better than meeting me.” Steve takes your place as you head over to Missy.
     “Thank you, the hospital visits have been getting harder on her lately,” her voice is low as to not disturb Bell.
     “How is the chemo?” You glance over at Bell and Steve who are talking happily while coloring. He pauses for a slit second before frowning and picking up another color which he holds out to her.
     “Ever since Bucky and You have been giving generous tips we have gotten her moved into a better hospital. They are saying that she might live through this.” Tears start forming in your eyes, which you are quick to blink away as Steve comes over carrying Bell on his hip. Her thin arms wrapped around his neck and her hat resting on the table behind her.
      “Go ahead and ask,” he encourages.
     “Mommy, Mommy Steve said he would come with us to the Summer Festival can he come with us? He already said he could!” The festival is in a town outside the city, and Shirley’s without fail is closed for the day to ensure that Bell can go with her Mom and Aunt. With last year being the first time Bucky and You went with them.
     “Of course love-bug, thank you so much, but really you don’t have to.”
     “Trust me, I don’t mind at all.” Steve left it at that, with no mentioning of her cancer and without pity for either Bell or Missy, which is something both of them dislike.
     “Are you still coming?” Bell asks you.
     “There is no mission that would keep me from going with you. After all who is going to win you all those toys?”
     “I would be?” Steve interjects.
     Scoffing, “As if, I’m the best at winning toys ask Bell.”
     Her face lights up, “I know you guys can have a competition! Whoever wins can have a drawing!” That seals it.
     “There is no way I will lose to you, not with one of Bell’s drawings on the line.” Steve warns as you grin,
     “Likewise sweetie-pie, I was the champ at wining gifts back then and still am.” The nickname slips out without you meaning to. But before Steve can acknowledge it Shirley walks out front.
     “Bell let the two eat, wherever that came form must be fancy and you know the food serving sizes there are itty bitty.” Shirley reaches over the counter and pinches Bell’s cheek. Making the small girl squirm as Steve sets her down.
     “We will be over there in a minute,” Steve calls to Bell who is already returning to her booth.
     Ordering your food and milkshakes which is finished between jokes and a shortly lived food fight.
            Telling Missy, Shirley and Bell goodbye, after promising to come by with Bucky to see her again. Steve and You stand by his bike unsure of what to do next but with the night young you invite him back to yours. Which is within walking distance of Shirley’s.
     The elevator ride is comfortably quiet. Going back the top floor and opening up to your apartment. Walking in and clapping your hands making the metal curtains rise to show the city lights below. It is no near modest like your brother’s house. But it’s suiting.
     Walking over to the raw rolling tray and picking up the pre-rolled blunt. Placing it between your lips and sparking up the end, taking in a long slow inhale of smoke. Then taking a breath to push it down into your lungs.
     Holding it for a moment, “Does Captain America want to smoke a blunt? It can be our secret?’ Steve arches his eyebrow as he shrugs his jacket off, not knowing what to say just yet. You can see the gears in his mind churning and a soft pink blush forming on his cheeks. Now that your alone with him the shy Stevie you knew is emerging.
     “That smell throws me back, Bucky and I would invite you to smoke and you would always turn us down.”
     “After all this time I think I will take you up on that offer.” Smiling and handing over the blunt which he takes between his fingers like a cig.
     “Follow me.” Leading him to the patio, he leans against the railing and stares down at the city.
     “How long have you lived here?”
     “A year and a half before that I spent some time having my brain rewired in Wakanda by Shuri,” might as well ask, “how much do you know?”
     “Only that you are a super soldier and were under Hydra’s control. Bucky said you would tell me everything else yourself when you are ready. Like you said earlier you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. We could talk about your mission tonight or not at all.” He offers the blunt to you as you take a few puffs gathering your thoughts.
     “I had been thinking about when I would see you again, at first I never thought I would. It started after-“ your hands are shaking as you quickly hand the blunt back to him so you don’t drop it.
     “Hey don’t worry about it, you don’t need to tell me-“
     “No! I can, I’m fine,” taking in a slow and shaky breath, “After you left I enlisted for a program called Liberty Prime. I was one of the few successful case.. They wanted me to be a terror above all else, someone who could end the seemingly endless war but then the end came. They weren’t going to let any of us go, even telling us that they had informed our families that there was an accident that killed us all. After the war they stopped getting funding and the leader of the program was eager to contain his research to create the perfect being he would call Gaara.” Between the puffs your nerves being to settle and it becomes easier and soon enough the words are flooding out in a ramble.
     “So he ended up coming to an agreement with Hydra. After they created Gaara they would be able to put them to use. Well me to use. After years they did it, they gave a power to their super solider and Gaara was born. I was sent on missions sometimes with Bucky, sometime without him. It depended on our stability, since they tried to erase my mind but seeing each other could trigger each other memories. After Bucky went free he came for me, I was a wreck of a person by the time they found me there was nothing left but Gaara and there was no triggering my memories this time. He spent so long trying to hunt me back down but I hid, just being near him was painful. It would take a lot of therapy before I was going to be able to even look at either one of you and Shuri freed Bucky from the Winter Soldier he wasted no time dragging me there and having them work on me. I waited so long to see you because I didn’t want to have a bad reaction, I’m sorry.”
     “I understand, Bucky told me you were alive and that you needed time all I had to do was wait a bit longer. I waited for you to get back from your Aunt Jodie’s and I could wait for you again.” Steve hands you the blunt, which is now a roach that you put out before heading back inside.
     “Thank you Steve.” Wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his chest. Not even a second passes and is hugging you closer.
     Resting his head on top of yours, “I’ll always wait for you, I promised didn’t I?” Tears splash onto the top of your head, your own tears soaking into his shirt.
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theacyo · 5 years
This list will be updated will be updated every time I post a new fic!
Steve Rogers
first and last
While on a solo mission you spot your old sweetheart Steve Rogers. After spending time with him you embark on a mission where you are pretending to date him. As you struggle to hide the fact that you still love him.
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Dean Winchester
baby it’s cold outside
[ zombie apocalypse au ] [ upcoming ]
A freak snow storm is rapidly blowing in forcing Dean and You to bunker down in an abandoned cabin that you see in the distance. Only to make matters worse, on the way there, Dean falls into a half frozen lake while fighting a horde. Which leaves you determined to warm him up anyway you can.
Sam Winchester
Connor [Rk 800] 
Nines [Rk 900]
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theacyo · 5 years
Hi! If it's something you'd be interested in writing, I'd like to read a Dean/Reader (or Dean/OFC, just Dean with a girl lmao) where he is cold and needs physical contact to warm up. Either something fluffy and light like "it's snowing outside and it's cold af in this motel, we better share a bed to keep warm", or something more angsty with higher stakes like "I fell into a frozen lake to save someone's ass and now I'm about to die of hypothermia" kind of scenario. That's my favourite trope ;)
You got it! I feel you, comfort fic are one of my weakness lol. 
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theacyo · 5 years
Hi there! 😀 Can I request a Steve one-shot (or mini-series) where he is in love with the Reader (who is Bucky's older twin sister) and vice versa? During WW2 she was chosen as a female candidate for super-soldier program (dubbed Liberty Prime), but unlike Steve, she ended up in Hydra's hands alongside Bucky, where they were made into lethal weapons + R was given additional powers. Some details: Besides being a super-soldier, Reader is a tech genius (like Shuri and Tony) and a top-notch pilot.
I defiantly can! Thank you for sending in a [really rather interesting] request. 
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