#v: A Little Bit? Little Bit
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strongerthanaman · 2 years ago
@broken-weapon continued from x.
Melinda had already ordered several agents to go after the people responsible. As well as to make sure they brought the individual who specifically hurt him to her for her own sense of justice. “Good. Don’t you dare think of dying on me Phil,” she growled at him. 
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rottiens · 8 months ago
I want to be in a threesome with both bi men talking about me as if I'm not present, "Look how wet she is." "How bad do you want to fuck her?" "What position do you want her in?" "She's got you so hard, look at you, you're throbbing."
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kabukiaku · 1 day ago
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I think they would be good friends actually. 🖤💜👍
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uncharted-constellations · 1 year ago
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It’s been a minute, (both post wise and design wise) so decided to update the fam + a couple additions compared to last time
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tzarrz · 9 months ago
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i listen to fog lake too much
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gammasquad · 1 month ago
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Been sick as a dog for the past few days so it’s just been a lot of comfort media and tea. And dreaming about Dick Grayson’s middle part.
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bootlicker42069 · 2 months ago
Epic gta 5 art dump while I’m feeling motivated,,, all of it is Trevor because of course it is (ignore pou)
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edorazzi · 2 months ago
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Page 47 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix takes the risk of opening up to his uncle and dragging old wounds to the surface... 💔🩹
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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palskippah · 1 year ago
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*gives them babies*
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hitwiththefandomz · 10 months ago
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Will the turts take a wish from totally reliable wish dragon Dai?
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They will, once they can get them back (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) @sweeneydino
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junosmindpalace · 8 months ago
May I request Senku developing a crush on his childhood friend after the petrification? fem!reader if possible (if not gn!reader is completely fine)
hope you have a good day :)
Something is different. 
Senku isn’t referring to his environment, which is so far removed from everything he used to know and love. Instead of brick buildings and concrete pavements, there is seemingly never ending forestry, green and gravel beneath the heels of his makeshift shoes. 
It isn’t Senku’s clothing, which is only some thin tattered animals skins that he had spent days working to hunt down the material for, then skin, then tan, and then stitch together with whatever he could to make the haphazard, ugly garment he wears on the regular to provide him with whatever kind of protection from the elements he can with the resources available to him. It’s a stark contrast to the color he used to wear long ago. 
It isn’t even the new friends (and enemies) he’s made since freeing himself from his petrified state. A whole village of people, now, who look toward him for guidance and instruction, upon him with admiration and reverence. People who help him against the newfound stakes, newfound work, newfound responsibilities that haven’t in the slightest been easy to take on. 
Something is different, and amongst nearly everything in his life becoming dirt and dust nearly overnight, Senku is referring to something different about you. 
But he isn’t referring to the environment he’s used to seeing you in, a school setting, perhaps a park, maybe his own room. There’s no new observation to make about a change in your room or a decoration in your locker, because like him, those things are long gone. 
It isn’t your appearance, a similar reflection of your new environments and state of the world. Random pieces of tanned skin poorly stitched into something that resembled clothing, a Frankenstien’s monster of a garment. More simple and plain assuming compared to the various designs and fabrics you wore way back when you’d spend time on an experiment with Senku. He watched you mature from one phase of your life into the next, and this was no different.
It wasn’t even the new people you surround yourself with, found comfort within. It wasn’t listening to their stories, the things that made these people, so far removed from your time, human. It wasn’t the small, pleasant things that he knew grounded you when you got too caught up in your head, the new habits you made out of retrieving materials, crafting things to keep your hands (and mind) busy, new skills you learned (or were forced to learn) and previous skills you learned to develop.
But for the life of him, Senku cannot figure out what it is that’s different. He drives himself a little further mad each time he looks on at you. There’s something in his mind, almost like an itch, that intrusively takes hold on the rest of his senses when there’s a moment between the two of you, whether it’s a quiet one, whether it’s one of shared excitement or mutual understanding. There’s a warmth and a chill that wash over him at the same time when your gaze settles on him a little too intensely, or when you say something wise and agreeable. There is something he’s missing, and he can’t figure out what. 
Maybe it’s your laugh that’s different, though Senku doesn’t know why that would be a thing of prominent notice, or notice at all. It’s a little rougher, and at times with a little less heart than he’s accustomed to after so many years of hearing it bright and enthusiastic. But it’s still kind, and most of all, genuine. Perhaps something about that makes it distinguishable from another. 
Or perhaps it was your new approach to, your new outlook on, life. No, perhaps it was the way you applied your already existing approaches and outlooks to your new, unique circumstances. To help cope, to help others, to help him. 
It was something different, Senku was sure of it. However, he hasn’t had much time to linger on what could possibly be the source of such…irritation, for very long. 
Perhaps a more irritating point was the fact that Senku could hardly place a time when he first observed this difference. 
At the very least, he could estimate it to be sometime after the both of you emerged from the stone. 
The simplest solution, perhaps, could be for him to just ask you directly. It’s the easiest way to confirm or deny hypotheses’. He would ask if you had gotten haircuts in the past, ask if you had gotten any sleep after noticing prominent circles under your eyes and sluggish movements. This was no different.
But when Senku finds himself hesitating on an evening when the two of you are working in the lab together, Senku thinks that maybe this is the different thing. For some reason, he’s slower to communicating such personal things, despite it being nothing more than simple, casual and menial conversation. 
You’ve had hundreds of conversations about a million different things over the years, from careers you aspire to pursue in earnest to the more daunting topics about love and loss. He’s seen every side of you, good and ugly, he’s heard every side of you. Every insecurity, every point of pride, about every friend who’s come and gone and stayed behind; and in a more Senku like fashion, you’ve heard the same from him, in that straightforward and logical way of communicating that you��ve always been able to see through from the wavers in his voice to the passionate glints in his eyes. 
But something is different. Something has been different. 
Yet the two of you work away in the lab as if it were any other evening, the twinkling stars in the sky he admires so much hidden away by the walls and bamboo roof. It’s what you’ve been doing since you’ve established some sort of lab to work out of ever since the petrification. Senku has felt quite disturbed by this difference of yours, but at the very least, he finds it comforting that it doesn’t affect this routine that the two of you established early on in your relationship. The content, collaborative efforts the two of you put in to create something satisfying, worthwhile; exciting. 
It’s what he’s always felt with you in your relationship. Thrill to indulge in something he’s passionate about together, thrill to create something with you, thrill to be with you--
Senku pauses his work for a moment. He shifts his gaze from the notes in front of him to where you stand just down the opposite end of the table, completely enamored with the tests you were performing. 
Something is different. He thinks, at that moment, that he’s almost figured out what. 
But the realization he was about to reach disappears from him suddenly, and he can’t seem to become conscious of the conclusion when he stares at you. He tries desperately to recall it, reach for it in his mind, through a frantic look at your features. The warm light against your skin, the gentle movement of your hands, the concentrated furrow of your brows. 
His heart feels like it might burst out of frustration the more he looks at you, and he forces himself to turn away. It’s there, it was there!
(And it still was.)
He’ll figure it out eventually.
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sstvar · 2 months ago
so who was going to tell me that the guitar riff you hear in the theme “johnny’s grave” (during the chat in the oil fields) is also the opening to the theme that plays when you visit V’s grave in the temperance ending.
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ookamihanta · 1 year ago
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sorry one more but make them a little bit older bc apparently thats what the comics be doing lol
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westruun · 2 years ago
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Let's do it your way then. As long as it's with you.
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crrows · 7 months ago
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new dress <3 it feels straight out a btssb mook
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evilrwbyfan · 2 months ago
does anyone else think vizzy was supposed to be the other canon ship of murder drones?
lizzy is implied to be sapphic whether it was intentional or not as well, she has called V hot twice and they are obviously very close. basically any and all of lizzys on screen moments include v in some way and if they dont it was BEFORE they met, not to mention lizzy was the only one who knew v was still alive and that v made sure to keep in contact with. interesting that out of everyone v knows, she contacted lizzy first after surviving
also the very obvious fact that v has a soft spot for lizzy, when lizzy calls her a diva she doesnt get defensive like she probably would if it was uzi or someone else she just smiles and playfully scoffs to herself. also the fact v has gone out of her way to keep lizzy alive, even if she acted like it wasnt for her sake (while it would be a normal thing to keep someone alive, for these drones its not. they are very desenitized to death and they kill drones REGULARLY, there would be no reason to worry about lizzys safety unless she was attached)
lizzy was also very quick to "betray" doll, who was supposedly her best friend before v, which makes me wonder what exactly they got up to in the time that lizzy was befriending v for the plan at prom? we know they obviously got close and lizzy actually felt bad for v, which isnt something that is common for the drones. when lizzy and her friends were literally being hunted by uzi, she still took the time to be judgemental and joke and she didnt even care that her friend group were all murdered... but she was concerned enough about v to try to save her from doll, i think they developed feelings for each other very early on and its sort of like a nuzi situation where they started dating off screen but instead of getting confirmation like nuzi did its kind of up to interpretation
another thing to add to them worrying about one another, both lizzy and v are very chill and laidback whenever someone dies on screen, regardless if they know them or not. when v killed someone, lizzy immediately searched through them to steal their belongings and then continued on casually, she definitely knew that drone considering it was her classmate... its incredibly obvious that they mean something to each other and that it goes deeper than the same friendships they have with others, otherwise they wouldnt try so hard to keep each other alive. Also to note, they are physically affectionate with each other to a degree which we do not see either v or lizzy being like that with anyone else ESPECIALLY v
we also know for sure that they hangout all the time off screen and that lizzy has sort of migrated her way into the friendgroup of v, uzi, and n Just for v. that is not something lizzy wouldve done if not for v, she clearly means a lot to her and she wants to spend time with her even if both of them have a hard time being honest like that
i can imagine after the events of the series, lizzy and v live together even if they arent romantically involved. they make me feel very deeply, when i see them or think about them i get a very specific feeling in my chest i cant describe but they mean a lot to me and i would love a spinoff episode/series about what these two get up to together
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