#v de vendetta
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V de Vendetta (Alan Moore & David Lloyd, 1982-1988)
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Alan Moore es un icono en el mundo del cómic y la narrativa gráfica. Nacido en Northampton, Inglaterra, en 1953, Moore es conocido por su genialidad creativa y su enfoque en la exploración de temas complejos y provocativos en sus obras.
Una de las contribuciones más destacadas de Moore al cómic es su serie "Watchmen", publicada por primera vez en 1986-1987. Esta obra maestra revolucionó el género de los superhéroes al abordar temas como la moralidad, la política y la psicología de los personajes en un mundo distópico. "Watchmen" se ha convertido en una obra fundamental y un referente en la industria del cómic.
Otra creación emblemática de Moore es "V for Vendetta", que también ha dejado una huella imborrable en la cultura popular. La historia de un luchador enmascarado contra un gobierno totalitario ha inspirado películas, novelas gráficas y debates sobre la resistencia política y la lucha por la libertad.
Moore es conocido por su enfoque meticuloso en la narrativa y su atención al detalle, lo que ha llevado a una serie de obras innovadoras que desafían las convenciones del cómic tradicional. Sus obras a menudo abordan temas complejos y filosóficos, lo que ha contribuido a elevar el cómic a un medio respetado y apreciado en la literatura y la cultura en general.
A lo largo de su carrera, Moore ha influido en una generación de escritores, artistas y lectores, y su legado perdurará en el mundo del cómic y más allá. Su estilo distintivo y su valiente exploración de la condición humana han dejado una huella imborrable en la narrativa gráfica y continúan inspirando a nuevos talentos a desafiar los límites de lo que el cómic puede lograr.
#alan moore#adaptaciones#comic#novela grafica#graphic novel#narrativa gráfica#watchmen#desde el infierno#la liga de los hombres extraordinarios#v de vendetta#talento#guionista#escritor#dibujante#cultura#curiosidades#Youtube
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The Big Brother is Watching You! 👁️
Desde sua publicação, "1984" tem sido amplamente adaptado em diversas formas de mídia, incluindo cinema, televisão, teatro e rádio. Uma das adaptações mais famosas é o filme de 1984 dirigido por Michael Radford e estrelado por John Hurt. A obra também inspirou inúmeras referências na cultura popular, incluindo a popular série de TV "Big Brother", que se tornou sinônimo de vigilância em massa e a invasão da privacidade. Além disso, a obra de Orwell também inspirou a criação de outras obras literárias, como "Jogos Vorazes" de Suzanne Collins e "Admirável Mundo Novo" de Aldous Huxley. Seu retrato sombrio de um futuro distopico continua a inspirar discussões sobre questões como vigilância em massa, autoritarismo e privacidade, e sua influência é sentida em muitas formas diferentes de arte e mídia. Algumas obras famosas que foram inspiradas em "1984": 1. V for Vendetta - O quadrinho é amplamente considerado como uma homenagem a "1984" e compartilha temas semelhantes de resistência contra governos opressivos. 2. The Matrix - Embora não seja explicitamente baseado em "1984", o filme compartilha muitos temas semelhantes, incluindo a noção de que a realidade pode ser manipulada e controlada por uma força poderosa e desconhecida. 3. Black Mirror - Muitos episódios compartilham temas com "1984", incluindo a noção de que a tecnologia pode ser usada para controlar a população e minar a privacidade.
#1984#black mirror#jogos vorazes#george orwell#the matrix#v de vendetta#adaptação#livro#livro classico#ficção#distopia#totalitarianism#stalinism#big brother
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Hello Bee! First I want to say that I really love your writing and your characterization of the characters. I've read so much of your stuff over and over again, it's so good! Thank you so much for writing it all!
Secondly, I wanted to make a request. Sorry if this sounds dumb, but could you please make a crazy ass husbands with an artisitic s/o? Like someone who may not necessarily create art, but is really passionate about like painting, and music, and just all the types of art? I saw you added Vincent Sinclair and thought of this 😄.
If not its fine, I still want you to know that I adore and enjoy your writing! Well wishes! 🩷🩷
Qimir (the acolyte) - Qimir likes the way you get carried away by music. The way you close your eyes when you walk into a cantina and musicians are playing. The little songs you hum to yourself when you’re piloting the ship, or fixing something. Music awakens something in your soul. You feel it deeply. Love songs and tragic laments alike light a fire in you. Every now and again he’ll have the two of you go to planets known for their music, their unique sounds, and singing styles. It’s always under a false pretense. The training or mission he sends you on are usually extra grueling before you’re given your “reward”. Otherwise, he feels like a slave to the whims of your joy. What wouldn’t he do to see you smile? To relish your little gasp the first time you hear a new instrument or song? He likes to reach out, using the connection you two share, and feel what you feel. He’s so glad he freed you from your shackles of repression. The way you indulge your passion is beautiful.
Norman Bates - You’ve always loved flowers. The first thought you had about the motel was that it needed some nice flowers outside. You’ve traveled the country, visiting all sorts of gardens. It’s an odd hobby, but one you chased relentlessly. Until you met Norman, and settled into the hotel with him. But eventually you start to crave those gardens again, so you decide for the first time not to just admire gardens, but to cultivate one. There are a few false starts. Miserable failures. Mixed successes. But Norman is encouraging every step of the way, and eventually your little motel begins to shine. Ivy creeping up trellises you place against the house. Roses, peonies, lavender, poppies. All in ranges of colors and sizes. You repaint the motel when it begins to look shabby in comparison to the garden blooming around it. For the first time the motel starts to look… welcoming. Like a true home. People in town begin to stop by and spend the night just so they can have breakfast in the garden the next morning. People propose to each other at the Bates Motel. Get married there. Honeymoon. Have the celebrations for their baby’s christening among all your flowers and saplings. Norman doesn’t have a green thumb, but he brings you lemonade and kisses your cheek and thanks you earnestly for bringing color and life into his world.
Hannibal Lecter - This is one of the ways you and Hannibal bond. You could talk about art for hours together. He’s a wonderful conversationalist, and your raw passion for the topic makes it so that you always have something new to say to one another. Date nights consist of going to art galleries for big and small artists. Something about being in one another’s presence sweetens the art itself. Hannibal often surprises you with trips to other countries just so you can go to their art museums and partake in new art scenes. Money is a small thing to Hannibal. The conversations you have about art? Those are priceless.
Shane Walsh - He’s never been too interested in the arts. Not before the end of the world and certainly not after it. The only art that matters now is the art of survival. He tells you this often. Tells you to look to the future. Focus on surviving the day. On perfecting the skills he tries to teach you, day in and day out, so even if he’s gone, you’ll be okay. But you make him soft. For all that he bitches, he’s always giving in. Always looking to keep you alive, yes. But he wants you to be happy too. So he takes detours, and looks for libraries and bookstores that are beginning to cave in on themselves and smell of rotten pages and wood. He’s risked entire hoards of walkers to retrieve a book he knew was your favorite. He doesn’t mind when precious bag space is taken up by whatever paperbacks you can get your hands on. One day he might find a town that he likes enough and decide to go through the trouble of turning a library into a home for you. It will be well fortified, and he won’t like how many entry and exit points it might have. But he’d love to see you in your element, surrounded by what you love.
V (from V for Vendetta) - So much art has been ruthlessly crushed beneath the boot of the fascist government you live under. Admiring the arts, any form of it, is like trying to hold sand in your hands. Your grip grows ever more desperate to hold onto anything. But there is no rhyme or reason to what is outlawed or taken away. Little bits of your soul are chipped away, with each new restriction, with each new burning or banning. Until V whisks you away to his hideout, and suddenly the world is made anew again. You are surrounded by art, art you didn’t even know existed. Things you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams. You inhale everything the gallery has to offer. You feel nearly gluttonous. In each room there is something new to see, hear, read. A feast for your senses anywhere you turn. You feel alive for the first time in years, maybe ever. V, in turn, feels his own form of gluttony. He cherishes every bit of delight he brings to your world. He feels like the worst kind of miser. The lowest of villains. What could be more precious than your smile? Or your laughter? Nothing. And by keeping you here, with him, he deprives the world of you and all you have to offer. But the world isn’t kind to precious things. So he keeps you like all the other treasures of this world. Hidden. Safe. Loved.
Candyman - You collect book nook shelf inserts. Your home is covered in shelves, just to fit them. You have more book nooks than you do books separating them. Daniel is charmed to death by the collection. By the tender, diligent way you take care of them all. You spend hours of your week dusting. Fiddling. Making tiny adjustments. There must be something meditative about it, because you never complain. The joy he felt whenever he held a paintbrush is the same joy that flashes across your face when you open a new kit. He watches you assemble your precious, miniature worlds and ask you quiet questions, every now and again. He doesn’t want to break you from the beautiful trance you fall into, but he loves to peek into your mind. “What drew you to this scene, my love?” / “This one has an enchanting gloom to it. You have such an eye for art.” / “This one looks especially fragile, you might have to be more gentle, love.” He enjoys watching you lose yourself in your hobby. He loves the way you are unashamed in your joy. How you take pride in this work. You curl up into his side, after you’ve spent hours assembling one of your nooks, and the two of you will stare at it in all its completed glory.
Robert Neville (I Am Legend) - At first he thought you were a hallucination. He’d been hearing things more often. Seeing things too. The human mind wasn’t built for isolation, as a scientist he was well aware of that. He tries to compensate as best he can. With his mannequins. With entertainment. By focusing on his research. He only has to stay sane long enough to fix the world he couldn’t save. That’s all. But then he sees you, while he’s hunting. The sun is still high in the sky, and you don’t move like a dark seeker. You’re cautious, slow. You also don’t move like a hallucination. You don’t really look like one either. He almost doesn’t approach you, afraid he’ll discover you were a mirage. He follows you all day long, until the sun is getting too low for comfort. Then Robert approaches you, fumbling through the obvious (it isn’t safe out here), barely remembering to introduce himself because people have names. Hoping desperately that you’ll trust a strange man instead of taking your chances with the dark. But the entire time he talks to you his eyes keep drifting to all the jewelry you’re wearing. Earrings. Bracelets. Necklaces. Rings. They glint in the light. Hypnotizing in their imperfections and intricacies. You move into his home, but you two drift around each other like ghosts. You’ve been alone so long, the both of you. You dreamed of meeting another living person. But faced with the reality of it, you’re overwhelmed. Until one night after dinner he finds you in the living room, making more of your jewelry. Slow and careful. He asks you about it, and you tell him it kept you sane while you were alone. Made you feel human. Then you look up at him, and he freezes under your gaze. (It’s been so long since he’s looked into someone’s eyes. It almost hurts. He can’t imagine ever looking away.) You ask him what kept him human. He’s not sure he still is. But he moves to sit beside you on the floor, hands you beads, and tells you he's been pretty fond of movies lately.
Lestat De Lioncourt - You were a tailor in life, before he turned you. In death, in this eternity he’s given you, fabric is nearly your religion. With your vampiric eyes, you see even the tiniest flaw in stitching. All colors look more vibrant. The world looks more alive. Even though you can never see the way certain fabrics and colors catch the light of the sun, moonlight and starlight can be just as beautiful. You drag him to fashion shows in order to soak in the new styles, and cuts of clothing. You are as endeared by couture as you are the various counter cultures that arise throughout the decades you spend together. You spend exorbitant amounts of money on the finest bolts of cloth and thread. Sewing and tailoring and designing can be done entirely on your own. In fact, you’d probably be done quicker if you were just left to your work. But Lestat gets lonely when you lock yourself up in your work room for days on end. He likes to drape himself against your back, push himself into your side. Trail teasing fingers up your arm, to see if he can get your ever steady hands to falter (he cannot.) Looking over your shoulders and seeing what latest fashion has caught your eye is his hobby. You don’t mind the company of your muse. Sometimes you even sit him in front of you as you sew, and let the sound of him talking guide your needle and thread. He hardly wears anything you don’t make. Not only is your work superior, but every piece is made of love.
Abe Sapien - You love everything about movies. How they’re made. Sound design. Light design. Set design. The difference between digital and film cameras. Abe was caught in your orbit the minute you were recruited. Talking to you, trying to form a connection, however, did not come as easy. Awkward nods as you passed one another in the hall. Stilted, dry conversation as you ate lunch at the same tables. It was enough to drive him mad. He didn’t know why he alone was unable to form any sort of acquaintanceship with you (especially when he wanted far more than that). This all changed during movie night. You were watching the voted on film play out on screen, entranced by every individual frame, it seemed. He’d never seen anyone smile so fetchingly, or blink so little. He bravely, and quietly, asked if you were enjoying the film. You began to eagerly whisper to him all sorts of details about how the film was made, the difference between the final product and script. Apparently, it was one of your favorites. With one conversation, the bridge between you two was crossed. Abe had been so caught up in enjoying literature, he hadn't explored much of the diverse realm of cinema. Happily, you appointed yourself the esteemed position as his guide. Somewhere between sharing your tastes, late night discussions, and dry eyes from sleepless nights, you leaned over to kiss him. He kissed you back, and you both forgot all about movies for a little while.
Vincent Sinclair - You were an avid admirer of sculptures. You went to museums, and had to curl your hands into fists to resist the urge to reach out and touch the statues. There was something so beautiful about someone taking the time to carve human shapes out of stone and earth. To make marble resemble fabric as delicate as silk. It was breathtaking to you, really. Until you came across the House of Wax, you hadn’t really thought of wax as a means to make sculptures. Instantly, you are captivated. You forget that your car is being “repaired”, so closely do you look at every sculpture. You admire each one from several angles, for long periods of time, face giving away nothing. Vincent watches you, wanting to know what you’re thinking about his art so desperately he feels as if he’ll die. He interrupts Bo from the preparations to kill you and makes him ask you questions. Bo asks each one through gritted teeth, irritated to be playing a game of telephone, but even he is a little charmed by your thoughtful answers. When Vincent insists on not killing you Bo just shakes his head and washes his hands of the situation. You fall asleep in the town’s only motel, but when you wake up you’re in Vincent’s workshop. You’ll be able to admire his art for as long as you like now.
Joel Miller - You tell him stories. You’re an avid collector of them. Wherever you go, you collect a story from someone. Sometimes they’re fantastical. Some myth or aesop fables that will be lost to the sands of time and the chaos of the apocalypse within just one more generation (if humanity makes it that long.) Other times they’re heartbreakingly real. The taste of an apple pie someone’s grandmother used to make for them. The memory of someone trying on their wedding dress for the first time. You have a way about you. It’s your eyes. The warmth in them. The understanding. Even after so many years of survival and fighting, you possess an empathy that should have gotten you killed by now. Instead you’re the keeper of people’s stories. You’ll be riding side by side on your horses, and Joel won’t sense any danger nearby, so he’ll say the magic words: You got a story for me today, L/N? And you always do. The sound of your voice keeps his head quiet.
A/N: i blushed bugs bunny curled ears style. thank you for the compliments, made my day! i think yours is the first crazy ass husbands gang request i’ve written! if you enjoyed these headcanons consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writer's fuel is engagement. Xoxoxo
#my characterization?? thank you im insane abt these people#qimir x reader#norman bates x reader#hannibal lecter x reader#joel miller x reader#vincent sinclair x reader#abe sapien x reader#lestat de lioncourt x reader#robert neville x reader#candyman x reader#shane walsh x reader#v for vendetta x reader#v for vendetta imagine#crazy ass husbands gang#im going the fuck to sleep now lmao#if you see a grammar error im so sorry sleepy
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The queer urge to be more than what people think of you and use slurs and horrible terms like they were made for you to use them to describe yourself because that is what you are and there is no shame in being that
#batman#dc comics#bruce wayne#detective comics#batfamily#damian wayne#jason todd#louis de pointe du lac#interview with the vampire#interview with the vampire 2022#queerness#byler#v for vendetta#happy pride everyone#i have issues and that is tour problem now
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Remember, remember...
#mrsomewhere#spotify#v for vendetta#alan moore#Tchaikovsky#1812 overture#INBM#Instituto nacional de Bellos Memes#art parody
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Movie tag game !
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favourite films, then tag ten people to do the same!
I've been tagged by @starpains, thank you dear, your collection of movies is interesting 👀 (there's a common point if you look closely)
It was hard to find 10 but here we are !
You NEED to watch it once

(Okay I'm cheating on this one but I couldn't find a gif for the life of me and I really like this movie)
Featuring my very first love, the original babygirl, the first one I wrote fanfictions about
I mean, of course duh
I didn't know at the time but this was my bi awakening
Lucy Liu, one chance please
My whole childhood, 100000/10, makes me cry every time, love it endlessly
This fucking masterpiece !!!
Look, I know this is a controversial take but this was high peak fantasy at the time and I was in love with Murtagh (still am)
100% crazy, I could watch it endlessly
I don't know who to tag so if you want to participate please do !! 🫶🏻
#movie tag game#movie game#cam watches movies#v for vendetta#les enfants de la pluie#the lord of the rings#star wars#pirates of the caribbean#kill bill#spirit the stallion of the cimarron#tron#eragon#mad max
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Literally the funniest thing about right-wing, “red-pill” troglodytes is their ability to fundamentally misunderstand any iconic piece of left-wing media/any left-wing group. Like “The Matrix”? “V for vendetta” “rage against the machine”?
They’ve misunderstood all that (and more!!!) at such a fundamental level that it’s the profoundest tragedy that we are forced to take them as a serious threat at all.
#mod des#left wing#politics#the matrix#v for vendetta#rage agains the machine#the fundamental idiocy of the right wing
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V de Vingança (V for Vendetta - Alan Moore & David Lloyd)
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#The Matrix#Blade Runner#The Road#The Hunger Games#V for Vendetta#farenheit 451#a clockwork orange#Black Mirror#1984#El cuento de la criada
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With mist on a sunny day you are able to capture amazing sunrays in the forest. In the misty mornings about an hour after sunrise you can find the sunbeams.
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My father, the first time I talk to him of The Phantom of the Opera: I'd love to know why you always end up holding the sides of the masked character at war with the law...
Me, who grew up with Milord from Sailor Moon, The Black Tulip, The purple mask, V for Vendetta and Zorro: I haven't the faintest idea...
#I mean... could it be otherwise?#sailor moon#erik#the phantom#the black tulip#The purple mask#diego de la vega#zorro#v#v for vendetta#le fantome de l'opera#my family
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V de Vingança

Uma poderosa e aterradora história sobre a perda da liberdade e cidadania em um mundo totalitário bem possível, V DE VINGANÇA permanece como uma das maiores obras dos quadrinhos e o trabalho que revelou ao mundo seus criadores, Alan Moore e David Lloyd. Encenada em uma Inglaterra de um futuro imaginário que se entregou ao fascismo, esta arrebatadora história captura a natureza sufocante da vida em um estado policial autoritário e a força redentora do espírito humano que se rebela contra esta situação. Obra de surpreendente clareza e inteligência, V DE VINGANÇA traz inigualável profundidade de caracterizações e verossimilhança, em um audacioso conto de opressão e resistência.
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