#use of nouns and pronouns
girl4music · 6 months
The person you’re dating doesn’t identify as a male or a female? Use gender neutral terms of endearment to refer to them by or as when talking about them and your relationship to them/their relationship to you so you can avoid ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ and ‘wife/husband’ or anything with a ‘man/male’ or ‘woman/female’ as part of it. (Note: This is a lot more difficult than you think if they’re in a job position where there is traditionally a role with those gendered terms in it. I work as a ward hostess in a hospital and that is the official name of the job role. So you can just imagine how they’d have to accommodate for just a male worker alone, never mind a worker that doesn’t identify as either male or female. They could use “host” I guess but that’s still not very inclusive, is it?)
Some of the most common ones are:
Significant other
It depends on the depth of the relationship between you and them I guess. If it’s just starting out but is established enough for many people to know about you and them: “My honey” is a good one to use.
Married to them? Spouse. Marital partner.
Just engaged to them? Fiancé. Betrothed. Intended.
Some personal favourites of mine but I never see anybody really use them because of how intimate they are. You can thank Xena for most of these terms: My person. My home. My love. My entire heart. My source. My soulmate. My everything. My whole life.
Both Xena and Gabrielle identified as female and yet not once did they refer to each other in binary terms. And the fanfiction follows this trend by using “warrior” and “bard” in replacement of their actual pronouns.
And honestly… the most often terms they used to refer to each other by or as? They just referred to each other by their names most of the time. It’s hard to explain what I mean by this but there is a real intimacy in them just calling each other by their names in a very specific way. No shorthands or terms of endearment like “babe/baby” or “sweetie”. Just Xena/Gabrielle.
There was also a lot of use of “friend” but everybody who watches Xena knows that Xena uses that term regardless whether the relationship she has with another character is platonic or romantic. ‘Best friend’ or “Only friend” is the way she refers to Gabrielle. That can certainly get confusing when they have many friends between them. I specifically remember that one time when Xena referred to both Gabrielle and Aphrodite as her “girlfriends” and that was…. A lot. I actually really don’t like it when actual platonic female friends call one another ‘girlfriend’. It’s too confusing.
But anyway, besides that one time, it might be a dated show but ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ was actually pretty good for gender neutrality: “may the best person win”.
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"chat is a pronoun" has officially joined my list of internet linguistics pet peeves. "emojis are hieroglyphs" is welcoming them to the club.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Guau, ella es bisexual, i didn’t know that!
Vico and Fátima being little disasters, as usual. In ENG and SPA of course, tho imho the dialogue is always a little funnier in Spanish B^]
Imagine Fatima’s surprise when seeing that the captain of the baseball team from her old high school, is now being cunty at the supermarket???? The nerve. The audacity.
In reverse, imagine the horror of being openly queer but NOT knowing if the girl you’re interested in is Aware or even remotely Okay with your
💖gender thing.💖 How to even begin to explain???
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kingoftheu · 9 months
love everything about the creature from before the time of labels in Hilda S3E6. The design. The voice. The little airsacks on the neck. The menacing hunt. The whole "if you are not food than you are friends" thing. Cryptic references, refusing all labels. iconic being
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neopronouns-list · 9 months
May I please have some constellation-related neopronouns?
of course, of course! these might drift slightly into general space-themed, but only slightly, hopefully! (: also i WOULD have made a list entirely out of the names of constellations, but those get long. so if anyone wants specifically constellation names pronouns,, shoot an ask!
they are under the cut ! ↓ change them as you wish o7
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Begging on my hands and knees for you all to recognize that communication is a two way street
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reblog for reach if you want i cant tell you what to do
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thestardustheadmates · 3 months
Anything is a pronoun if you try hard enough,,,
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sammydem0n64 · 8 months
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Felt like drawing Kartana’s expressions lol
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grubloved · 1 year
my #1 verbal expression of affection is calling people "my ____". im not sure how it started, it just kind of happens... my girl. my love. my (firstname). my favorite thing is that when i start doing this often people will respond in kind :) its true!!!! im ur birde!!!! u are my friend!!!! we are all each other's!!!!!
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marypsue · 8 months
Dammit, I started three paragraphs in a row with the exact same word but I'm not sure how to change any of them.
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peach-pot · 10 months
I genuinely am curious what the thought process behind “they/thems” as a noun is and who is meant to be included in that group, but I’m not sure if anyone following me uses they/them as a noun. and if anyone does I might’ve scared them off by being angry about it… sorry friends pspspsps come back I have a question
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mirmidones · 1 year
obsessed with the cultural implications that differently gendered nouns hold in gendered languages... for example in french the sea is feminine! how wild is that! what kind of person would i be if the sea was feminine to me? in arabic the sun is feminine and the moon is masculine! fascinating!!!! and what kind of effect does this have on a bilingual person who grows with 2 different gendered suns? TRANS RIGHTS wait where was i going with this
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
whats ya pronouns boneboy
its prounounced hee/heem. hee hee
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((Hidden in the Sand HM Headcanon list here we go-
((For the ghosts that aren’t the muses of the blog I might do something for Host later tho, we’ll see
Host is one of the most talkative skeletons you’ll ever interact with. Despite not having lungs, they can carry a conversation all by themselves
They do this to Egore frequently
Like all Ghost Hosts they adore puns. Especially the macabre
As stated previously, Host is a lemure fragment. A lemure is a ghost drawn to houses or estates more often than not and have an urge to keep things as if one were living there. Lemures are often befriended by magically gifted humans or mediums to keep their spaces clean in exchange for whatever a lemure wants. Host was tied to the Mansion before Leota got there, but they don't recall if they died there or was summoned there previously
Fragments are generally snapshots of individuals. It’s not the full soul, but rather fragmented bits of what remained after a reaper took the rest. Fragments are very common, however they vary in completion. Host is on the less complete side
Due to their condition as a fragment, Host doesn’t remember a lot of things before Leota and taking over as Host of the Mansion alongside her. They remember vague flickers of their mortal life, like their occupation as a butler and their cause of death but otherwise, not much else. Mostly, Host knows very general facts or extremely specific details, but nothing in between
Today, Host does struggle with their memory still. They use journals and notepads to keep track of the denizens of the Mansion and current going ons. Please don’t be too mad if they forget your name and needs to check their notes; they're trying their best
Host’s original form or avatar when they were first solidified by Leota was a disembodied butler’s suit. When more and more spirits started coming in and started mistaking them as an empty suit rather than a being, they started taking on the form of a skeleton in the suit instead. It probably helped that they remembered the cause of their death at this time and was able to become more unique with the addition of their noose necktie
Host will tuck the frayed end of their noose into their vest like they would a tie. Especially if they find it’s getting in the way of paperwork. Sometimes, if they're particularly annoyed, they’ll swipe it over their shoulder like a scarf
Host is 60% sure the corpse hanging from the rafters of the stretching room is theirs. They're not really sure tho, particularly because of the garb. But it gives them some relief to think it is. They named it Robert
Despite Host’s seemingly unending patience, they draw a line at Egore’s past absence from the Mansion. They're still frustrated at the demon about those 50 years
Host is good friends with Sinclair. Mostly because Host was one of the first individuals who interacted with him when he was released from the Staircase. They were the first ghost to actually touch Sin as well. Sinclair trusts Host a lot, less so as a friend, but more like a big brother
As stated several times, Constance is Egore’s ex-wife, murderer, and victim. Quite the resume
Constance was skewered on metal fence posts lining the edge of her home after she claims she was pushed off the roof by Egore. She shuts anyone down who suggests that she jumped on purpose instead
Constance is a phantasm, surprisingly. This means she often can’t interact with the physical world in any meaningful way. The Mansion is a different story for these ghosts, due to a spell Leota put down, but she can’t touch anything physical (without difficulty) outside of the Mansion’s grounds
Egore finds this hilarious. Constance is infuriated
As a phantasm, she can manipulate her ghostly avatar. She often depicts herself as she was when alive, however, if her energy wanes too much she will appear almost mummified with wounds corresponding with her death
Constance is generally rude to a majority of visitors to the attic and often argues with Egore. They get into screaming matches sometimes to see who can beat each other down the fastest. Host has to step in when that happens
The only reason Constance is still in the Mansion is because she has nowhere else to go. Her manor/haunting ground was mowed down for an apartment complex and she’s wandered until finding the Mansion. Leota hasn’t kicked her out because she technically hasn’t harmed anyone
Constance knows if she attacks Egore, she will likely be banished, or worst, trapped and bound within the catacombs under the Mansion
The same applies to Egore
She is terrified by Egore still because of what he did to her after she killed him and when she was still alive. She knows that Egore is capable of far worse than arguing and growling at her
Despite her fear, she is still a very proud woman. She refuses to indicate her terror and often brags to other ghosts about her wealth, accomplishments, or independence
Constance is capable of moving out of the attic if she wants to, but is too proud to do so. It's a constant dominance contest between E and her. Egore is winning most of the time
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
betaing fic sorta feels like lining someone else's sketch... usually when i draw, the line art stage is more of a mean to an ends; sometimes i do a bit i'm particularly proud of but mostly i just want something to color in. but if i'm doing a collab where the lines are my one job, i focus a lot more on specific lineart techniques like deliberately varying line weight. similarly, when i'm betaing a fic with fresh eyes, i think i get even further invested in crafting clear beautiful prose than i usually do, which is saying something!
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