#usa presidential election
batcavescolony · 9 days
Non-Americans please look away, this is private family matter.
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steelbluehome · 2 months
They have already tried to pull this "she slept her way to the top" bullshit on Kamala Harris. And it will only become worse and more prevalent.
Please remember, when someone says that about a woman, what they deeply believe, and have absolutely no problems with, is that men in power withheld promotions from women unless they were given sexual favors.
But they may not think that is what they believe. What they think they believe is that the woman they are insulting is some kind of sexual predator, who could use the act of intercourse as a magical way to enslave men. So that these poor men, even though they are grown ass adults, just become slobbering fools at the suggestion of sex. They cannot be blamed for anything because obviously they are just perpetual bags of hormones in heat, but without the morals. So a woman could ask for anything, blank checks, blank contracts, any position they want in an organization, and the man would have no choice but to give it to her, because SEX! The man can't be held responsible for taking advantage of a power dynamic, or betraying a possible spouse and children, because what else could they possibly do when they are offered sex?
Understand that when someone uses the insult of "she slept her way to the top" they believe one of the above to be absolutely true, and absolutely normal. That is the kind of person you are dealing with.
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chawsl · 27 days
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pactii · 3 months
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Save us.
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dabs-into-oblivion · 3 months
unfollowing anyone who puts stuff about the US presidential debate on my dash
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atfisty · 3 months
Firstly, if you are an American citizen who will be 18+ by November of 2024 REGISTER TO VOTE! If you aren’t sure double check but please please please make sure you are eligible to vote this fall.
Second: YOUR VOTE MATTERS! I know you’ll be hearing everyday about how voting doesn’t matter or people (many of who are probably not actually democrats or liberals) saying they’d rather not vote.
The Republican Party did not spend millions of dollars after the 2020 election to try and throw out results in Arizona and Georgia because your vote “doesn’t matter”
Georgia, a notoriously red state, did not suddenly become a key battle ground state because your vote “doesn’t matter”
Republican law makers didn’t draft countless new voter laws after the election making it harder to vote because your vote “doesn’t matter”
Republicans aren’t going to be screaming about Biden’s state of mind trying to make it seem like voting for him is throwing away your vote because your vote “doesn’t matter”
YOUR VOTE MATTERS!!! Republicans know this and are terrified of this and will do everything to try and stop you from voting. Whether by laws or by telling you “your vote doesn’t matter. That’s called voter suppression babes. And yeah if you think that voting doesn’t matter even though republicans are doing everything to keep you from voting, then guess what? The Republican’s plans worked.
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thepurplebones · 2 months
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ngdrb · 2 months
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i think kamala harris should get a big red buzzer that goes ‘ERR! WRONG!’ for the next debate so she can press it every time trump lies
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steelbluehome · 2 months
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chawsl · 9 months
Usa if trump gets elected.
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musicalcompanions · 3 months
To explain on tumblr terms: This USA presidential debate is worse than the Supernatural finale
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wetsocksinbed · 9 days
being a non-American waking up to see everyone talking about baby executions and illegal transgender alien surgery, and how maybe perchance there might be a concept of a plan
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dabs-into-oblivion · 4 months
re: last reblogged post
i don't even know if i have anything new to say about this
i kinda go back and forth between "i'll hold my nose and vote for biden in november" and "i'm not going to vote for the president, i only care about congress and local elections"
i do think it's interesting how the people who are going "vote for biden otherwise you're complicit in fascism!" don't seem to understand that there are people out there with similarly complicated thoughts to the above, and that "vote for biden otherwise you're complicit in fascism!" does nothing to shift those opinions (at least in my case) besides making me go "oh you just don't know how to talk to people"
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scarletcarmensmith · 5 months
Q: What's your message to Joe Biden?
Union Worker: “F*ck you.”
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thepurplebones · 4 months
Donald Trump found Guilty on all 34 Counts:
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