#usa is israel's puppet
belleandre-belle · 2 months
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bloghrexach · 4 months
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🤔 … Jeez!! About correct, right? — Puppeteer and puppets!! — not a good look!! … 🤔
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rebelwithacauze · 5 months
This is brilliantly narrated.
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omgellendean · 4 months
The post about Hillary Clinton asking why the USA haven't rigged the election that resulted in Hamas' win reminded me about this tweet:
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Many are rightly impressed by the staggering achievements of Al-Qassam over the past few months, but one of their all-time greatest W’s happened back in 2007. Hamas took full control of Gaza in order to preempt a coup plot hatched by the US State Dept (with the active participation of Fatah, Israel, the UK, Egypt, and Jordan). After having successfully seized control of Mahmoud Abbas’s HQ, in the middle of posing for a news photographer in Abbas’s office, one member of al-Qassam Brigades jokingly picked up the puppet President’s phone and said: “Hello Condoleeza Rice. You have to deal with me now. There is no [Abbas] anymore.”
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punkitt-is-here · 9 months
Okay, what the actual fuck. I saw your reblog featuring images of a burning USA flag and a burning Jewish flag.. are you a neo-nazi? By reblogging that vile shit, you're coming across as one.
incorrect, I reblogged because I hate America and I hate the Zionist colonial state of Israel. Jewish people are swag actually, I just hope the genocidal US puppet state enacting unimaginable acts of human cruelty stops existing. Anyway, fuck you, have a nice day ♥️
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser indicated that Israel could accept a U.S. plan for a revamped Palestinian Authority to govern the Gaza Strip after the war, a sign that the Israeli leader is easing his opposition to the idea.
Israel is aware of the desire of the international community and the countries of the region to integrate the Palestinian Authority the day after Hamas, and we make it clear that the matter will require a fundamental reform of the Palestinian Authority,” Tzachi Hanegbi, who heads Israel’s National Security Council, wrote in an opinion piece published Thursday on the Arabic-language news site Elaph.
"I'll agree to stop commiting genocide but only if you guys agree to my very specific conditions for the next leadership" is practically in the CIA handbook.
'destabilize a region then exploit the power vaccum and desperation it creates' is a play we've seen over and over again.
The question is why is Israel doing it?
Because it is a puppet state. It's serves the purpose of providing the USA someone to hide behind while they destabilize the region.
A puppet state, puppet régime, puppet government or dummy government is a state that is de jure independent but de facto completely dependent upon an outside power and subject to its orders.
Puppet states have nominal sovereignty, except that a foreign power effectively exercises control through economic or military support.
By leaving a local government in existence the outside power evades all responsibility, while at the same time successfully paralyzing the local government they tolerate.
"Why would the usa be using Israel to destabilize the middle east tho?"
An excellent question!
Short answer: using their own armies to carry out the plans is a surefire way to land themselves in a world war and so using Israel is an easy cop out.
The longer answer is very long.
So what "plans" are they trying to carry out, exactly, right?
Saving the Suez from "Islamist threats" "to secure freedom of navigation." You know, just like our Secretary of Defense said.
You know who else said that though? The plans outlined in Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. "The one that's gonna put queer people in detention centers?" Yeah that one. In fact our official are using a lot of the Same Exact Language and working found in Project2025.
Isn't that interesting?
Let's look at page 285, together.
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Well, we've certainly seen headlines of this right? "Israel has a right to defend itself" and to take what it deems appropriate measures is how the USA has been avoiding calling Netanyahu a war criminal isn't it? A Google search will show Biden also has tried to block/stop Iran's nuclear development.
Very reassuring that they see the need for that for precaution, isn't it?
And sure maybe you could say this is a conspiracy theory, except US representatives are using the same EXACT language and Islamophobia to justify what's happening. Exhibit #1 the link to secretary of state, but don't worry. We're just warming up and he's not the only one.
Let's continue, we're almost to the part where it all comes together.
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Translation: the Suez Canal brings Egypt billions of dollars a year and several parties (the countries listed) would prefer that money be funneled to them instead. The problem is that the aforementioned parties have been destabilizing the region for so long that establishing an alternate trade route through those territories would be seen as an act of aggression if not war.
The heritage foundation has always intended to call anyone who resists that plan a terrorist. Its their way of manufacturing consent to kill people.
And we can see Netanyahu and Biden both following that lead. "The terrorists are just such a giant threat, how could I possibly stop supporting Israel's fight against them?"
From Dec 10, 2023
So isn't it just so crazy that the countries and regions outlined there (US, Israel, India, Egypt, and Gulf States) are ALSO the countries who presented the IMEC at the G20 summit in September, just a month before Israel started it's genocide?
Oh, you don't know what the IMEC is or why it matters?
Well remember the Suez and how much income it brings in? Yeah well it's also regulated by the state, which means it can't be bought or bribed the same way that a canal owned privately could.
Which means that Egypt is the sole benefactor and controls who else gets to benefit. This often does not include the USA.
The USA does not like that.
Enter: the IMEC.
The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a rail and shipping corridor that aims to boost regional development and economic interconnectivity between India, the USA, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and the European Union. The project consists of two corridors: the eastern corridor will connect India to the Arabian Gulf, and the northern corridor will connect the Gulf to Europe.
[..]Hence, there are technical limitations that the IMEC may face, not least in the Middle East due to its vast desert regions. The construction of railway lines and subsequent transportation of goods would be a difficult task requiring everything from the standardisation of the railway track gauges to the engine configurations. What’s more, one of the main link ports of the IMEC, Haifa, is in Israel, a country which is unstable at the moment due to the Palestinian freedom struggle.
It's how they intend to circumvent the Suez Canal entirely.
Unfortunately for them, Palestine exists. And as such, this creates a huge problem for them in building the IMEC through Palestine to Haifa. Especially since the resistance fighters through the entire middle east violently oppose the west's imperialism.
So something must be done. Again, we refer back to calling Anyone who questions Israel as an antisemitic terrorist as justification for killing Palestinians en masse. And for the ones they can't justify killing? Moving them.
Meaning that yeah. They planned for that, too.
And not even in secret.
Dated October 13, 2023
From November 7, 2023
What this suggests, as more of Project2025 comes true is that not only is the USA aiding and abetting this war to happen.
But that they are intentionally instigating and provoking action in the middle east.
They WANT headlines like this ⬇️ Because it sets up further justification and manufactured consent to continue their genocide in the name of money.
project2025 ALSO outlines every single group the USA sees as terrorists in the USA and also outlines how each country who provides them shelter should be stripped of aid.
They have already found and written excuses for the USA to get away with collective punishment across the whole middle east.
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And finally.
The condition that I fully expect to be announced
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For it to be defunded. And for more of an idea we can look to this Netanyahu quote from TheGuardian
Netanyahu also made clear he wanted Israel to retain overall security control after any conflict “with the ability to go in whenever we want in order to kill terrorists”. “There will be no Hamas. There will be no civilian authority that educates their children to hate Israel, to kill Israelis, to destroy the state of Israel. There can’t be an authority there that pays the families of murderers. There needs to be something else there,” he said.
Another puppet government that'll agree to do whatever Israel (and the USA) says, perhaps?
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thelostdreamsthings · 25 days
{Why is Telegram a big headache for the Jews, USA and France?
Why did they decide to literally kidnap the owner Pavel Durov at the Paris Airport?
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Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested today in France, there are different charges against him.
Telegram is the main source of information about the Israeli genocide and massacre in Gaza.
Thousands of videos of Jews massacring children have been posted on Telegram channels by journalists living in Gaza.
Israel is trying to stop that flow of information and that is why it has killed over 100 journalists in Gaza alone.
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The most accurate information about the situation on the ground in Ukraine comes out on Telegram, and NATO can't control it.
Many people use Telegram as their source of information because the information comes directly from the field.
Many dead NATO soldiers appear on Telegram and the CIA and NATO command can no longer hide their direct involvement in the war broke out in Russia.
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Telegram did a lot of damage to the French army in Africa.
The Africans organized all their protests, resistance and everything else against the French occupation forces through Telegram.
Russian mercenaries, obviously, use different platforms, but Telegram played for them an important role in accelerating the deterioration of France's military posture, especially in Africa.
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This is a famous photo of Telegram founder Pavel Durov giving Putin his middle finger.
In 2011, Durov said that the Russian government had requested him to cancel the accounts of anti-government figures on his social media platform.
Durov not only did not follow, but also publicly released this photo of "raising the middle finger to Putin" in the media, which received cheers from the West.
After the 2014 Ukrainian coup, Durov refused to provide the Russian government with information on users involved in the Ukrainian colorful revolution.
In the same year, he left Russia, claiming that Russia was "unable to keep up with the information age". Shortly after, he acquired French and UAE citizenship and stated that he had no plans to return to Russia.
Today, Durov was arrested by France on charges of using the platform to "support terrorist activities" and "pedophilia" after refusing to provide user information to the United States and Israel, facing 20 years of imprisonment.
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Durov helped Ukrainians stage a coup d'état in 2014.
Then the whole West glorified him.
He also trolled the Russian FSB and sent them the “encryption keys” to telegram in 2017.
Back then the west cheered his fight on.
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The founder of Telegram has been detained by French intelligence services at Le Bourget Airport in Paris while exiting a private jet.
He is expected to be presented to a judge later this evening, facing multiple charges, according to TF1.
Potential charges include terrorism, drug-related offenses, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, and possession of child exploitation content.
The main concern of EU authorities regarding Telegram is its encrypted messaging, as reported by TF1}
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{And despite Durlov helped NATO in the 2014 coup in Ukraine, Russia is working to free Telegram founder Pavel Durov after he was arrested in France.}
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If Pavel Durov could be arrested on these charges, then any country can arrest the leaders of Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft… any tech company that helps people communicate!
France is a 🤡 puppet of USA and Israel, who are mad at not having backdoor to Telegram.
Regarding Pavel Durov, Julian Assange, TikTok, Scott Ritter etc. etc. ⬇️
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa
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levok · 11 months
Please sign every petition you come across. Please harass the politicians of your country.
USA is the puppet master of Israel. The western world is responsible for this genocide.
And please don’t hesitate to add links if you know any other international petitions. And sign every national petition that appeals to your government.
Thank you 🙏
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Posters and photographs from The War Remnants Museum (Bảo tàng chứng tích chiến tranh) in Saigon. When the museum first opened in 1975, it was known as the Exhibition House for US and Puppet Crimes.
In Vietnam, the war is referred to as the “American war.” The 60s pop art posters boldly demanded the US army to put an end to their violent imperialism, and came from a wide range of countries like France, Cuba, India, the Soviet Union, Australia, hippie conscientious objectors from the USA, and so on.
The photographs depict civilians attempting to continue their regular daily activities under heavy military bombardment. With the war crimes and horrific events going on in Palestine today at the hands of Israel and their ally USA, this museum is even more tragically relevant than ever.
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belleandre-belle · 2 months
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
by Phyllis Chesler
On Monday, a J Street and Democrat party operative posted a piece at her Substack. I am choosing not to name her or to link to the piece because I don’t want even more people to read it. The piece is titled in this way: “Elie Wiesel on indifference. A child killed in Gaza every 15 minutes. Two mothers every hour. Seven women every two hours. Are you OK with that?”
READ MORE: History Isn’t All Black and White. Just Look at Israel.
The piece then proceeds to trot out a series of mainly fake news talking points about the deaths of women and children in Gaza, hour by hour, day by day. How many J Streeters have expressed similar moral outrage about the much larger body counts in Ukraine (an estimated 30,457 civilians and 31,000 combatants, or 61,500 all together) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (an estimated 5 to 6 million civilian deaths thus far)? We cannot trust the estimates of civilian and/or combatant deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, China, North Korea, Sudan, Somalia, and so on.
To the best of my knowledge, few J Street–style journalists have presented the much larger body count in Ukraine and warned us against being indifferent to it — at least, not again and again, day after day.
The above-mentioned Substack piece is in gruesome lockstep with the New York Times, which, on the very same day, had five full pages of photos of murdered Gazans, all identified by age, name, and profession. In the paper’s pages, murdered Israelis rarely appear, nor do the many hundreds of thousands of displaced Israelis. They remain nameless and faceless, as do the Israeli hostages who’ve been hidden in Gaza for five months while they’ve been beaten, raped, tortured, starved, and murdered.
I sometimes wonder whether both the New York Times and J Street are on the Hamas/Iran payroll, whether they are simply funded by Soros — or whether they are true-believing Jew haters. One damning piece of evidence that they are Jew haters is their refusal to acknowledge Hamas’ complicity in civilian deaths. Hamas doesn’t just hide behind civilians when they are available; Hamas operates and maneuvers mostly in civilian areas, a clear violation of international law. Given this, and despite Israel’s almost suicidal efforts to prevent civilian deaths, J Street argues that Israel has no right to fight back against those trying to destroy them. (READ MORE from Phyllis Chesler: Silence of the Feminist Lambs: Not a Word on Hamas Horrors)
The piece up at Substack essentially dares to turn Elie Wiesel’s moral authority into a sock puppet in order to use his Holocaust-era perspective to condemn Israel and to warn us against our own “indifference” to Gazan civilian suffering. What Wiesel said, however, was far more relevant than the phrase quoted at Substack. Please allow me to quote from an interview given by him to Merle Hoffman in 1991, as reported in On the Issues magazine (full disclosure: I was the magazine’s editor at large at the time):
HOFFMAN: You have been severely criticized for not condemning Israel about the intifada. What is your current position on the Palestinian situation? WIESEL: I have been criticized for many things… Yes, I refuse to systematically condemn Israel. H: For anything? W: There are certain red lines that I will not cross. If I had known at the time that Israel was involved in torturing I would have spoken out, but it was too late. When I found out, a commission had already been formed and justice prevailed, but I don’t feel I have the right to apply public pressure on Israel. H: But you have the moral authority. W: But what if I’m wrong? H: Can’t you afford to be wrong? W: Yes, but only if I pay the price. What if I am wrong and they pay the price? What if I apply such pressure on a decision and that decision may bring disaster or at least tragedy to Israel? Do I have the right to do this? It is their children who will pay the price, not mine. I do go to Israel and speak to the leaders there[.] I can say what I feel. But here, especially here, I have no right to speak out publicly…. I am offended when I see Jewish intellectuals who all of a sudden remember their Jewishness only to use that Jewishness to attack Israel. These are men and women who have never done anything for Israel [and] all of a sudden they remember they are Jews.
I hope and pray that J Streeters and Democratic Party operatives pay attention to these words of Weisel as well as to those they manipulate in order to condemn Israel.
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shotofstress · 9 months
Is so fuck up that the most things say about the genocide in Palestine is "cease fire" like would stop them from been under colonization. The most thing say should and must be "elimination of Israel and colonization ". They have no right to be in Palestine, Congo or any other Global South territory, as USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, China, Russia, etc have zero right to be in Palestine or any other country that is not their countries. No colonies, no apartheid, no invasion, no imperialism. Remember when ppl was totally on board of go guerrilla mode to Ukraine to fight against Russia? Why u all so ok with go to fight to defend a racist xenophobic neo nazi state (which don't deserve colonization either, but hear this) and then u "remember" that Palestine and (Africa really) has been under invasion and colonialist for decades and centuries even, but hey, now rising in arms is bad and no a single person has speak about it?
We know that most of u will not have the knowledge to do a shit in Palestine territory, but where is the spirit? Where is all that which make dudes want to go to ukraine? Gone huh? So is only valid and important when is about fascist europeam white ppl, but not when is Global South ppl. Where are all the tankies huh? All the so called guerrilleros now? Ppl love to full their mouth with past or recent history of, for example, how ppl from all over the world went to fight in the Spanish civil war and how they were real leftists and all that. Now? Now u can't even boycott shit properly. Do u even know how many invasions, dictatorships and colonizations are right now?
So is not just cease fire, is get the fuck out of other ppls land. Is not just about Palestine, and at the same time everything's is about Palestine bc it has become more than clear that western countries have seen now that they can openly do whatever they want, plain sight, shown in every media, and ppl will not fight them, will not bomb their war companies and factories, will not fight the normality of daily life. The far right is openly taking the world, and ppl behave like is normal. We can't even join all the oppressed groups to demand fucking housing or having water, even less fight for other causes. The puppet of Europe and USA is killing Palestinians and neighbours countries. Congo, Sudan, Siria, Chad, Gabon, Burkina Faso, etc etc do u know what's going on in this places??? Did u know that USA has established 16 military bases invading South America this 2023? That is supporting the dictatorship in Argentina? (Yes, they are no longer under democracy). That Operacion Condor 2.0 is in process? That when in 2019 Chile dictatorships under Piñera the weapons, tactics and methods of mutilating where learn at hands of USA /israeli training and their intelligence apparatus? That every weapon has been "tested " on Palestine?
Every single bullet against Global South, every single tactic, every single technology of war, has been and is currently been used in Palestine.
Every attack made against Global South is has been and is an attack to Palestine, as every attack against Palestine is an attack that has reach or will gonna reach South America, Asia, Africa.
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hiswordsarekisses · 5 months
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Finally, all masks are off.
Last night Iran stopped hiding behind proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. And launched largest missile and drone attack in the history of humanity.
Israel's defense system executed flawlessly and repelled the attack. US, Britain, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia helped to intercept the massive barrage of drones.
So, "ceasefire now" people, stop your childish games and TikTok narratives and choose side in the historic situation.
You have 2 options:
1. Stand with USA, Europe, all the normal developed world, with countries that want peace, that form strong alliances. And yes this includes Israel (so you'll have to get rid of your antisemitism).
By the way it also includes Iranian people (not their regime), and the progressive Arab countries that want to get rid of of Islamic regimes once and for all.
2. Stand with Islamic Regime of Iran and other Radical Islamic regimes, Russia, China - all the most totalitarian, tyrannical, oppressive regimes that will take the world into dark ages if they win.
By the way, October 7th happened because Iran wanted to stop the peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
That's it, those are the options. Choose one.
And where is Palestine, you ask?
Where is the peaceful watermelon country that existed... in which years? And it was ruled... by who?
You can leave it in your children books, TikTok videos, mandala drawings.
In real world, Arabs (who call themselves "Palestinians" since the 60-ies) are going to have peace and independence and dignity, from the moment they'll want it.
All they have to do is stop m*rdering Jews and trying to occupy Israel.
And for that they have to get rid of Hamas and their puppet master - Islamic Regime of Iran.
You can help them by standing on the right side.
(lelemSLP on X)
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alexissara · 7 months
Free Palestine
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I realized that on this blog I have not talked about the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the continuing Genocide of the Palestine People. I want to make it abundantly clear that my art and my craft and my heart and my soul are all in stark opposition to the state of Israel and it's puppet masters in the USA and beyond. I don't have jokes or a bigger lesson at hand other than I've been worried about the day this would happen for a long time and when it started happening it was still shocking.
It is our duty to become more radical, to fight back for the Palestine people but also for those in the Congo, in Sudan, everywhere and to be aware as artists of what's happening in the world. We should not be waiting until things get to bad to care. We must learn about our present and our history, we must learn to see past the propaganda of these states and to advocate for a better and brighter tomorrow for all people in this world.
I have no room in my heart for anyone who supports this ongoing genocide and no artist should be silent about this, every artist should be speaking on this, even if it's just to say quickly that their on the right side of history, that they want a free Palestine. Any artist who isn't doing it is passively allowing their audience to reap the benefit of genocide in peace. We must pay attention to what's happening in the world and especially in Palestine. I fear not for the loss of my career, if that is the cost of support then so be it, it's not nearly the cost the people in Palestine face for being born, the family over seas take every day going to sleep wondering what will happen to their loved ones, it is nothing to declare our support for the people suffering and being murdered. If that kills my career or your career or whatever the fuck then that company should burn to the fucking ground.
From the River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free.
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1americanconservative · 7 months
Many of my aunts and uncles didn’t flee #Iran as quickly as my parents did. They were older. They had multiple children. And they had established lives with businesses and homes. In many ways, they were also hopeful. “Maybe it won’t be so bad,” they thought. They were wrong. Seemingly overnight, the #Jewish schools my cousins attended fell under a new administration. Jewish teachers were fired and replaced with radicals loyal to the Islamic Regime. Each day in class, my cousins - some as young as 5 - and all their Jewish classmates had to stand up and recite “Death to America!” “Death to Israel!” as part of their morning ritual. If a child didn’t scream these phrases loud enough to the satisfaction of their sadistic teachers, they were punished. Parents were interrogated. If their answers weren’t satisfactory, they were imprisoned as “Zionist spies.” So the Jewish children made sure to scream these calls for death as loud as they could, to save their parents the wrath of the goons of the IRGC. And then, right on the heels of the Islamic Revolution, came the Iran-Iraq War and with it, the indoctrination of child soldiers into martyrdom. The IRGC drafted young boys, some as young as 9 years old, for mine-sweeping and other suicide missions. The children were given plastic ‘keys to paradise’ and promised that they would go directly to heaven if they died as martyrs against the Iraqi enemy. 9 out of 10 Iranian child soldiers died. An estimated 95,000 child soldiers were sacrificed by the Iranian Regime. My oldest cousin was 14. My aunt and uncle, desperate to save their son, scraped together what money they had to hire smugglers to sneak him out of Iran. The journey would take 2 weeks, with zero communication, and fraught with danger. Thousands who sought to escape via the smugglers never made it to their destination: killed or captured along the way. Their bodies lost to the desert. But staying was certain death. And so they sent off my 14 year old cousin by himself, praying they would be one of the lucky ones who would receive a phone call from their son in two weeks time once he reached Pakistan. It would be years before my aunt and uncle would be reunited with my cousin again. Today, we see the same sickening disregard for human life being carried out by the Islamic Regime’s proxy: Hamas. Islam is distorted and perverted to indoctrinate children into martyrdom and terrorism. Islamic Jihad and murder for the sake of “Allah” is glorified. Democratic countries like the #USA and #Israel are vilified. Because Hamas doesn’t care for Palestinians. Hamas is no more than Iran’s puppet. And Iran’s end goal is not Palestinian statehood, but the spread of radical Islam via the destruction of democracy. Israel, the only bastion of democracy in the Middle East, is just the Islamic Regime’s first target. This was NEVER about land. This was ALWAYS about the destruction of western values. And the war is already on our shores, in our schools, and in every violent Pro-Hamas protest we see in the streets.
So WAKE UP AMERICA, It’s time to smell the Jihad. Before it’s too late.
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abigail-pent · 9 months
achhh i want to scream i just saw this commercial run in the usa by the netanyahu government and it's boggled my mind
featuring a letter to santa from the perspective of a child survivor of the 10/7 pogrom???????? who makes santa cry by wishing for their father to be released by hamas?
like truly what the actual fuck
it could not be more clearly targeted at christian zionists in a gross af way. also like obviously i know why we will never get a similar ad from the perspective of a palestinian child who's lost their family and home in the violence since the pogrom, but there's something so skin crawling about the insinuation that only SOME children matter.
but on a different/probably less important note - santa???? SANTA??? your sock puppet protagonist only makes sense if it's an Israeli child, so you've basically decided that either this Jewish or Muslim child in *Israel* writes to LITERAL CHRISTIAN SANTA for LITERAL CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS about wanting their dad back, or.... you've decided that the only child that could sway US Americans to care about you is a Christian child, following US American Christian "writing to Santa" traditions. which, uh, probably true if your target audience is Christian Zionists and... probably nobody else. to my eyes it is bizarre, terrifying, blatant propaganda in the grossest possible way.
tbh between the JewBelong ads, the StopAntisemitism ads, and THIS FUCKING AD.... everyone just stop buying airtime challenge! you're not helping!
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