#usa biased
uma1ra · 9 months
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chaosallstar · 1 month
I’ve been closely following this Olympics Jordan Chiles medal debacle very closely. My main takeaway of this whole thing?
Holy shit the vast majority of American gymnastics fans are fucking stupid
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the-physicality · 2 months
All star game:
DT first points of the game (and only points for nearly 2 minutes)
Kah steal
DT finger twirling Kah’s foul iktr
A’ja miming flopping I’m gonna need that reaction gif
DT playing point i love it
i love cheryl miller
the uniform switch threw me
i love having a team that tries on rebounds [mostly]
there were a lot of in and outs
it's nice to see that the white shorts have a little more length [and more length options] than the red ones
DT finishing with the highest +/- [+5] and basically 15-5-5 [in 20 minutes]
Kah 7 points 1 reb 1 ast THREE steals in 11 minutes let's talk about it
10 points 7 reb from BG shooting 71.4%
that's a big mvp trophy
everybody finally appreciating phoenix we love to see it
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spiteful-aro · 6 months
Perhaps it's playing too much Vrising and thinking too much, but ya know what? Vampires are Aromanticism in metaphor.
It's the separation. The yawning gap of life vs. unlife. The Beating (allo) heart versus the Dead and Still (aro). It's cold hands that are harder to hold than warm ones, it's lips hiding fangs instead of inviting kisses, it's the frozen in undeath- staying single- versus the living and growing life- the societal markers of growing up being tied to marriage and starting families.
It fits like a circular block in a square hole.
It's the "Inherent romanticism of a bite" when it's really just a bite, it's the blood on the face revealing the so called monster being the revealing the Otherness the Differences of what looks 'normal' at first glance but they've always been different, it's the lone vampire in their castle, it's the dweller of the dark, it's the hidden at the edge of humanity it's the needing an invitation where Amatonormativity is the invisible barrier, it's the being warded off by symbols all over society (Cross my Heart is it Crosses or Hearts?) it's the tired old debate of monster or person, undeath as the shell of the life that was, the pretending of life versus the embracing of unlife.
Do you see it? Do you see the lack of reflection like looking at oneself for something that isn't there?
I see people say Vampires are very romantic, but nah, I see them a bit differently.
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nymfaia-archive · 6 months
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rini is back on my public roster. her page was never inaccessible but now it's more obvious. a few psa's regarding s.ailor moon as a whole and my portrayal of rini:
yes, the age gap between mamoru and usagi is weird thirty years later. a 14/15 year old with a 18/19 old is a bit much, but the manga was of it's time. i don't really care strictly because of my own bias and i'll own that. if i watched an anime today with a heroine falling for a college student, i'd be weirded out. but i've enjoyed sailor moon for over twenty years. it doesn't bother me. if it bothers you, please let me know and i'll tag appropriately.
that being said, as a kid watching sailor moon, all the characters felt old to me: as a result, i've always struggled to see chibi usa as young as she is meant to be. i've been consuming this media since i was literally five and i always saw rini as older than she was written to be, possibly due to the s.exualization in general that was done with the girls in the show. in addition, the characters were portrayed as growing up throughout the series. that being said, when not writing with someone else, my mini moon defaults to 16 or 18. i specifically have her listed as canon divergent for this reason. i'm more interested in exploring her character as a princess, as a shadow to her mother, and finding her own role in the universe than i am as a bratty child, lol.
i know her love interest is... an ageless pegasus. i don't care. if we're being technical, none of the sailor scouts are Human, so??? gestures???? i don't care.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
#First of all: sorry for vagueposting#Honestly I find it hard to consider bsd a stranger to quite directly referencing the world wars...#There's literally a character from an anglophone country who threatens and was fully willing to drop exactly two bombs–#of immense destructive power that would raze the city... There's no way that's a coincidence...#Also the Guild attitude is very much the one of the usa invader that greatly effected Japan post wwii...#It is particularly evident by chapter 15‚ not to mention the way Fitzgerald struggles (read: refuses)–#to pronounce Japanese names correctly...#Bsd overall just makes a very unflattering‚ stereotypical depiction of people from the usa#- shallow and apathetic and disrespectful of other countries' culture and attached to economic interests -#that like. if you ask me really really speaks of holding resentment for the post wwii occupation of Japan.#And bsd **is** an extremely nationalist manga‚ peoples. c'mon. every single foreign character is a villain. c'mon.#It heavily implies it's better being Japanese mafia than a foreigner. c'mon...#And just in case - though there shouldn't be any need for me to say that#- I'm not American‚ I have no personal interest in defending the portrayal of Americans - and I don't mean to.#I'm just saying bsd's portrayal of foreigners is a biased portrayal that most definitely was heavily influenced by the USA's occupation–#of Japan and overall looks with hostility to all other countries and is in that deeply nationalist because... It is.#Lastly it's not completely true bsd authors had little to do with war: maybe it was an exception in Op's mind‚ but let's not forget about–#Thou Shalt Not Die. Although that's not about wws so maybe it's because of that...#It's just... The way it's always a war of Japan vs. Americans‚ Japan vs. Slavics‚ Japan vs. Brits...#Where Japan always comes out as the winner... It *does* speak of a of a subtle not-so-subtle nationalism‚ doesn't it#I don't know‚ we don't know enough about bsd's great war™ to speak‚ but to me it just feels like a big “Japan engaged in a war–#(deeply reminiscent of wws) against everyone else where it spilled blood and suffered but came out winner despite fighting alone because–#we're amazing” or something like that aldvdjskdvks.#Don't quote me on this though‚ I should reread the manga to make a proper statement on this#Sorry for being insufferable political sciences student it will happen again 😔😔#random rambles
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tenderanarchist · 2 years
It’s deeply disturbing to me that my dad having Fox News on day in and day out, repeating the same lies, has made my otherwise reasonable, science believing, liberal mom genuinely believe some ridiculous things- that China is trying to take over the world, that climate change isn’t that bad and it’s only a natural cycle of the earth that we’ll survive just fine, that having anti-fossil-fuels arguments means you want the collapse of the United States. These are all factually untrue, exaggerations and false correlations. They sound fucking crazy! Yet having them pounded into your head by an assertive man who sounds like he knows what he’s talking about and scorns all alternate arguments as those of “sheeple” instead of providing an unbiased view, slowly starts making you see those claims as facts. Especially when Fox is framed as a factual source (rather than entertainment which it is actually classified as) and is the majority or only source of world news and political opinion. Do people not realize how apeshit crazy, anti-fact, leading, mean-spirited and ignorant these shows are? Do they not know how to judge a credible source and discern opinion from evidence-based facts? Or is it just easier to hear somebody say, everything you’re told to be afraid of is a lie, scapegoat it on the Evil Communists instead?
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victoriousscarf · 2 years
This article was from last October and thus does not take the most recent events into account but I often find myself going back to it lately... Excuse me while I also now quote excessively from it below:
And this helps us to understand the development of Palestinian resistance to this project. Today, this is characterized often as being based on irrational anti-Semitism. But as you point out, when we understand the history of the development of this resistance, we see it differently. There are even early Zionists on the record saying things like I don’t know how you expect the Palestinians to react, they’re going to react the same way every indigenous population reacts when there is a colonial project to impose minority rule. [Ben-Gurion himself said: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country.”]
There have been many attempts in the United States and Israel to make Palestinians completely unpalatable and impossible offers and then characterize Palestinians as unreasonable, uncompromising “rejectionists” when they won’t accept the offer.
That’s a trope that goes back to Abba Eban: “Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” There weren’t very many opportunities. There might have been one or two. I talk about the 1939 White Paper. It was a very limited opportunity. The Palestinians, in my view, were very foolish to fail to accept it. There might have been other opportunities. I was involved in the negotiations at Madrid and Washington [in the early 1990s] with an Israeli delegation in which we tried to achieve self-determination and statehood. And that was something that was systematically denied us by the ground rules laid down by the United States at the behest of Israel. The same ground rules ended up governing the Oslo process later on. So there was no opportunity there.
It turns out, I argue in the book, and I’ve argued elsewhere, that the maximum that would be offered, has ever been offered to the Palestinians, is some form of autonomy under Israeli sovereignty with complete and absolute Israeli security control. Israelis would have control of the borders, the airspace, the land, and the water under everything that Israel was willing to offer under every Israeli government. I go into Yitzhak Rabin’s shift in his willingness to accept the existence of a Palestinian people and his willingness to negotiate with the PLO. But even Rabin in his last speech made it very clear that there would never be a Palestinian state.
So self-determination, statehood, and independence are ruled out by the Americans and Israelis, then and now, I would argue. So what are we talking about? You can pick up your own garbage, but we’ll arrest anybody we want, any time we want, to torture them, beat them up, and drag them off to our jails. And we’ll do it to anybody who resists our dominance, and we make all the laws, and you obey our military rules. What kind of “state” is that? That’s not a very good deal.
Let me dwell on this because it seems critical. To the extent that there has been talk of a “two state solution,” what has actually been on the table consistently in every negotiation for the last 50 years has never involved a concession by the United States and Israel—they negotiate together—that Palestinians should have anything that we would consider to be equivalent to a state in the sense that other states are states.
The United States talks the talk, but it will not walk the walk. It will never say “this outcome has to include complete and absolute Palestinian independence.” It will never impose that in Israel. It will never lay that on the table as the outcome that has to be reached.
There are some Israeli governments that came closer to this than others. Rabin came closer. But none of them would have accepted the idea that Israel would give up its security control, that Israel would cease to control the borders, that Israel would cease to be the only sovereign power. I mean, if you don’t have your own army and your own borders, and your own economy, and your own ports and your own airports and your own airspace, you’re not sovereign. You’re not independent. You’re a dependent subunit of a larger sovereign state. And that’s all that Israel has so far been willing to offer. The United States has never pushed it to do anything more than what Israel was willing to do. The deference of the United States to Israel is limitless.
When you said the Palestinians are not engaging in terrorism, one important point is that various means of resistance are denied them. You’re very critical in the book of attacks on civilians. But at every stage, the available ways that Palestinians can fight back have been constricted, and those things that horrify us come out of that. 
I think there’s another point to be made. I argue in the book that various forms of armed action, including, especially, attacks on civilians, are horrific, immoral, and, very importantly, politically counterproductive. I go into this in some detail at one point in the book. But it has to be said that slaughtering civilians is slaughtering civilians. When Israel kills 16 children and five women in Gaza, using 2000-pound bombs and Hellfire missiles, if you don’t describe that as terrorism, and you describe the death of an Israeli child or an Israeli woman or another Israeli civilian as terrorism, this is Orwellian language. You are simply using the word “terrorism” as a bludgeon to demonize Palestinian resistance, whereas somehow the murder of children in Gaza … 16 kids were killed in these attacks, five women were killed in these attacks. Heaven knows how many other civilians were killed. Maybe a dozen militants were killed? I don’t know. But 30 or so civilians were murdered. If that’s not terrorism, then the word has no meaning. And this happens every single time. There were 240 civilians killed in one of these attacks a few years ago. Each time the toll is equally lopsided. Why are attacks on civilians not considered terrorism? If you use the same measure, I have no problem with the use of that term. But then you have to describe the use of Hellfire missiles and F-16s and heavy artillery in the same way. In the book I go into the kinds of weapons that are used by Israel— the artillery, the missiles, the aircraft, the helicopters—and the indiscriminate nature of the attacks on a population of a couple of million people in a tiny area. If that’s not terrorism, I don’t know what is. But of course, the term is only applied to the Palestinians. Somehow Ukrainian resistance is not terrorism yet Palestinian resistance is. I repeat, I think the killing of civilians is wrong and immoral. It’s a violation of international law. But if that’s true for the Palestinians, certainly it’s true for the Israelis as well and on a much larger scale.
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thedevilscarnival · 2 years
its not oftentimes i get a take on my dash that fills me with enough rage to unfollow someone but saying that “good” citizens of a country do not exist because they aren’t doing enough to protest a war (like military industrial complexes DONT EXIST) is some of the most xenophobic shit ive ever seen. you are letting the horrors of a real event warp you into red scare 2 and you’re PROUD of it.
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uma1ra · 11 months
This is genocide campaign from Israel, USA and the UK and their allies. They want to finish Palestinian, they want to finish Palestine, IDF killing, butchering Unarmed innocent civilians. This is preplanned campaign.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
yk i still haven't done ffxiv 6.3 n the curiosity n anticipation is still driving me. crazy. a bit. yes.
#🌙.rambles#dedicated to moonlight.. words cannot express just how much i look forward to finally listening to it#N THEN THE RAIDS. MENPHINA'S MY DEITY MY GODDESS MY BELOVED.#halone bb too hlfkdajlfksd women....... n then. SORRY I LOVE THE OTHERS TOO BUT LET ME BE BIASED FOR A MO#n then zero. my wife. she's. she's. AAAAAA SHE'S SO !!!!?/1/! >< sorry zero is like. My Type. she's so. she's so Yeah#bbg that hat n the purple color scheme n then the n then the n then the UHHH YK YK EVERYTHING#hflkasjfkd.. i miss ffxiv honestly. i haven't been able too play properly in so long#goddamn my mind rlly ain't it rn i'm sorry for a lot of things n then i'm still.. stressed bcs#arghh my memory returns at the worst time i have to write so much. i want to i need to i#time's going by so fast 😭 now that i've actually started writing here it's a bit dangerous bcs#i have smth due in 2 hours n i'm nearly done but. yeah. n i have a few more due tomorrow too n then#today was.. a lot. i'm sorry. i wish i cld say more rn but. fuck#n then the future too bcs prom's like the day before our family vacation somewhere n yh T_T#excited i miss my aunt from the usa a lot she was my inspo as a kid n now i. still do rlly look up to her. that diligence n dedication is#ahh no i'll cry wait#my aunts from my dad's side rlly influenced me a lot. n then. i'm prolly yeah rlly similar to ^^#hfdaskfjsdfhasld i'd say she was the person who like. idk along w my other aunt (my dad has just 2 sisters n that's it for his siblings) n#my love for astronomy. my love for science n earth n the universe as a whole#oh dear i still remember i still remember.. looking at those books. such a curious young child. my imagination n curiosity was rlly so. yh#thinking of those times reminds me of kh too n i'm really trying not to cry rn bcs i still remember sitting on the floor n#i can't rmb which ps model it was anymore n i'm too emotional to search it up rn#but i rmb the start so well.. n. i don't remember it very well in fact i barely remember it at best but#i must've heard dearly beloved right? kh1. n it. brings back a lot of memories#was never rlly exposed to kh2 sadly. but kh1 was.. yeah. i barely remember i was so young but. yeah. yeah.#kh3 i finished n it's still very special to me despite its faults yk? like ffxv too. i rlly.. rlly want to play the other kh one day#especially 1. it's just. too special to me. n then aha i rmb.. i rmb earlier first time listening to it properly bcs on spotify n all n#i was gna cry fr :^) it brings back so many memories. not just of kh1 n my childhood but.. other memories too n my youth in general#how i want to hold on so badly. sorry ik i keep on saying 1/2 but yh 1.5/2.5#AGHHH MY BRAIN IS NOT FUNCTIONING RN sorry if i like make any mistakes i'm not. thinking a lot rn but you get what i mean#'AT DUSK I WILL THINK OF YOU' IM NOT OKAY IM GNA CRY FUCK BYE
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sugar-and-spite · 6 months
this might be a weird question, but is there anywhere i can get reliable information on what's happening in palestine? like, i see a lot on here about the current situation and how to help, but i only know the absolute basics about how it started/why it escalated to this point. i could just google but seeing as i'm in america, i'm worried the results i find would be biased in the wrong direction, or just straight up false. i know i have some mutuals who are more informed than i am, so i'm hoping some of you can help me find some things to read so i understand more?
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kjzx · 10 months
I went on a bit of a Tumblr Search Journey (as one does) after writing the intro and got reminded of just how many classical art blog owners are covert fascists/terfs. I think the former are more common on twitter but I've heard quite a bit about the latter on here. Which is funny when you come to think about it.
All artists are shaped by their era. The "softly realistic women varying in size depending on artist and era" have always fit very precisely curated white beauty standards.
You can think they're cute or hot (I sure do. That's why I reblog all these paintings, aside from the admiration of the artist's skills) but if you don't consciously acknowledge the biases these people dealt with and their own share of racism and sexism just because this woman has a fat fold you have no consideration for historical context. Which never ends well in political movements, which feminism obviously is.
The reason these people didn't draw thin hourglass/skinny thick/BBL/whatever bodyshapes that are "in" today is because these body trends didn't exist, many of the body shapes weren't even physically possible.
This probably doesn't mean anything, but I do not consider you feminist for praising the male painter's art for painting women he thinks are hot just because the trends have changed. Lowkey, the same goes for lesbian/bi women artists too, at least to a degree.
These are faces and bodies of one race, a few ethnicities from said race, and a very lucky set of genetic makeup. All of that shown through someone else's specific vision. Someone, who might or might not have even seen women as fully human. If you look at these portrayals as the True Female Form maybe stop for a second and do some soul searching.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I don't think it'd be untrue to say Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater are practically saints compared to modern US politicians. The US has gone so far off the deep end since the 80s that any political figure after Ronald Reagan just gets worse and worse. The US is a country I legitimately think deserves to collapse at this point. Not to sound like a far right insane fool, but the US might as well have failed in every way. They separated from England, but I don't think that was ever the right decision. I mean, look where it ended up!
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mei-ly01 · 1 year
Just asking for a friend*, but how do some of y’all have jobs that support you through this shitty economy
*: literally just me
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violottie · 7 months
"This International Women’s Day we call on all who identify as feminists to engage in the lifelong unlearning of their biases and to be in solidarity with Palestinian women, Sudanese women, Congolese women who are experiencing an ongoing genocide." from The Slow Factory, 08/Mar/2024: caption cont. under images.
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In Palestine, more than 9,000 women have been brutally killed by the Israeli Occupation. 63 women killed per day.
In Sudan, 4 million Sudanese women & girls are at risk of sexual violence.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, more than 1 million women have been survivors of sexual violence.
In Turtle Island aka the so called USA, 94% of fatal violence committed again Trans people are committed against Trans women.
This isn’t about the stats, the poverty porn or the constant shock doctrine the West desperately needs in order to be inclusive. This is a call for solidarity and collective action.
Access to feminine hygiene products, bodily autonomy and the access to necessary safe and caring spaces as women are all human rights.
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