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pomgore · 2 months ago
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various pookies i might color later
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gretchensinister · 1 year ago
@purplebloodedmajesty also gave me the word "brick," and this time I was able to keep it short like I intended.
UrSu calls UrMa the Peacemaker. UrMa is glad to wear the name, though sometimes he thinks something less grand might be more true. He is more often simply a Maker, a maker and repairer of things among the urRu. What furniture they have, he joins. What metals they use, he forges. What walls they have, he builds. Every object in urRu life, from the largest table to the finest needle, has passed under his hands.
He is perfectly willing to say that this work is less significant than his moderation of disagreements—holes in companionship are more difficult to repair than holes in pots—but what he keeps to himself is that he thinks that both kinds of work might grow from the same root.
Mystics will always need things—objects, that is, to keep a focus on UrMa’s everyday concerns. UrMa accepts that there may come a time when they do not need objects, but on that day, they will not be mystics as they are now. So. Mystics need things. And UrMa has noticed that they are easier with each other when they have all the things they need, when they do not need to wait for tools, when they do not have to make do with broken things.
A rake with missing teeth, say, should have no effect on the patience of an urRu. Very well. But it does. And so UrMa makes sure that there is no bad rake for anyone to be stuck with, even if they were the last to arrive to help with the gardens.
Mystics need enough things, in fact, that all the things they need for all the tasks of necessity and beauty do not fit easily or comfortably in their cells. It distresses many of them; UrMa knows this well. UrYod is baffled by the space taken up by his notes and mathematical tools, even if their volume is easy to calculate. UrAc was always aware his records would grow as the trine passed, but how can truth and chronicle fill so large a space, even when so carefully composed? Are they not trying to live simply? Have they become bound by the material? On another hand, UrUtt is embarrassed by his overflowing cell, though UrMa has told him he doesn’t see anything improper or excessive for the Weaver to have. And UrMa himself—there are so many things involved in the making and fixing of other things.
And so today he makes bricks. He makes them with care, as if each one is precious, but he still makes many, many bricks. And when these bricks are baked he will use them to build structures upon Thra’s soil, as if he had as much right as any gelfling, and the urRu will be able to have space in their cells but also all the things they need, kept dry and easy to find and in good repair.
It will be easier for urRu patience and forbearance to be sustained, with such structures.
UrMa knows that this will not seem quite right to some—UrZah will not like it; it does not seem like the urRu way. So UrMa already has plans to ease the shock of the brick, pressing spirals and grooves into it that vines will be happy to hold. UrNol’s tending will veil UrMa’s work, make it so lovely and green that there need be no grumbling about it.
And if ever he needs to account for himself, UrMa knows he has seen and done enough to argue well that peace is often made with things.
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onedismay · 2 years ago
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Fun thing in The Dark Crystal movie's credits: one of the Mystics is referred to as the Hunter. Assuming the other character titles in this list are correct, I'm pretty sure this title can only refer to urNol, skekNa's counterpart. In other source materials his title is the Herbalist.
Anyone know why he's called the Hunter in the movie credits? Does he live a double life? Does he tend to his herbs all day and then slink away at night to slaughter and terrorize animals in the woods? Does he crave bLOOD
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fenth-eiria · 2 years ago
Some UrSkek designs I came up with.
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tdc-incorrect-quotes · 3 years ago
UrTih: The moons are really beautiful tonight.
UrIm: They sure are.
UrAmaj, whispering to urNol: Should we tell them that it's just tortillas you threw on the window?
UrNol: Shhhhh.
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holic-user · 4 years ago
Dark Crystal Exhibit pics - c. 1982/83
Comment attached: "I took these photos at an exhibit for The Dark Crystal, the great Jim Henson puppet film, at the Astoria Motion Picture Studios in 1982 or '83."
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skekheck · 3 years ago
How about UrAmaj & UrNol? Is there a headcanon about their relationship? (I have always found it fascinating that the Mystic Cook and the Herbalist's strong relationship was always mention in the lore...)
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I love that they're such close bros that they even share the same page and graphic on the main website! Also because you're asking for relationship headcanons I'm just going to combine that for both characters instead of keeping it separate.
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First impression
Impression now
I like that in contrast to skekAyuk who enjoyed consuming food, urAmaj enjoyed preparing and making it. I can vibe with that.
Favorite moment
That urAmaj tried to replicate Gelfling food for Jen so he'd feel more at home, even if he didn't make it correctly. That's the sweetest thing.
Idea for a story
Kind of a small story, but I want to know how urAmaj learned Gelfling recipes to cook for Jen. Maybe he didn't spend his entire life in the Valley and might have picked up some recipes from Gelfling he met? Perhaps it's ancient Gelfling foods from the very early Age of Division, or perhaps from before that?
Unpopular opinion
Favorite headcanon
He likes preparing food himself, but he loves it more when the other Mystics help him out. Sometimes he'd ask them to help him out. Usually it's urNol or urUtt, but all of the Mystics in the Valley have been in urAmaj's kitchen at some point helping out.
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First impression
Impression now
It's interesting that it's implied he is the one responsible for creating the seeds that would eventually grow into the Great or Patron Trees.
Favorite moment
Did he even do anything in the movie? Or novelization? I don't remember.
Idea for a story
If he was the one responsible for making the Great/Patron Trees, how'd he do it? Why did he do it? Did he see a vision telling him Thra will need them to combat the Darkening? Did he get help from the other Mystics to plant them? Or perhaps have Thra's native creatures do it themselves (like Jarra-Jen and Aughra).
Unpopular opinion
Favorite headcanon
UrNol is immune to a lot of the side effects or toxins that come from the plants and herbs he collects. And, by extension, skekNa shares the same immunity.
Relationship Headcanons
UrAmaj and urNol were always super close, right from the very beginning of the Age of Division.
For a brief time they traveled Thra together, learning about Gelfling food recipes and all the native herbs on Thra. But they stayed close to the rest of their kind and settled in the Valley together.
Although urIm was the Mystics' healer, urAmaj and urNol were the most responsible in keeping the other Urru healthy, both physically and mentally. They both keep tabs on each Mystic and make sure they provide them with whatever they needed.
But they check on each other as well. UrNol makes sure urAmaj doesn't get too lost in his work.
They have a herb garden that they tend to together.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 4 years ago
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Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Rating: T
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: urTih, urZah, urIm, urNol
Warnings: Torture, eye gore
Description: As the ritual began in the Castle of the Crystal, the Scientist at least knew what was coming. But miles away, in the calm of the Valley, the Alchemist had little warning.
Beta Readers: @jaywings, @kiwi-strawberry-banana​
Notes: Basically what happened with urTih during skekTek’s punishment. Was originally going to do it as an illustration, but then I realized that would require drawing four creatures with six limbs each and I nope’d the heck out of that idea. Soooo... here it is as a fic!
His tools lay out before him in a meticulous array. Whenever one had completed its purpose, he would set it in the exact spot it had been before, and thus not one tool could be lost.
Yet urTih found himself staring over them as though unfamiliar with his own layout. He was familiar with it, of course—he'd only been using the same tools for the past three hundred trine or so—and yet something felt off. He had gathered together a handful of feathers from the nest of a rare bird (it would not miss them, surely), fully intent on studying them to determine their properties, and yet his mind had gone blank upon entering his cave. He should be able to do this easily, and yet... he could not concentrate.
The realization stirred up uneasiness within him, but he shut it down with a soft hum. If something would happen today, he would go through it as usual. There was also a chance that nothing at all would happen—he'd had false alarms before.
Sure enough, the feeling passed, and he calmly began to arrange the feathers across his work table, trying to determine which would be the best subject to study. Some he'd had to clean of dirt and droppings, but... leaning in and tipping his head to the left to view them more closely, he found the process left them somewhat frayed. So perhaps these were not the best subjects. But if he could take the others, he could... he could take the others, and... and...
Oh, he was losing his train of thought again.
UrTih sighed, and sent the feathers scattering across the table as he did so. One smaller feather drifted off to the floor and blew toward the mouth of his cave. His eyes followed its path, then blinked, for something was blocking the entrance.
The Ritual Guardian, urZah, stood before him. He opened his mouth, and spoke, his voice solemn:
"I have seen my shadow fall over you."
It hadn't been a false alarm, then.
Feeling his stomach clench, urTih slipped away from his table. The Ritual Guardian nodded to him slowly and stepped away from the cave, heading out into the Valley and up the wooden path that wound through it. After pausing for a moment to pin the feathers he'd collected beneath a few instruments, urTih followed his fellow Mystic, following the familiar path up to urIm's cave, his mind on nothing but his own footsteps.
It would be best to leave the more important thoughts for when his mind needed distracting.
The Healer was the only urRu that kept two beds in his cavern, and he was currently resting upon one of them. But hearing urTih and urZah approach, he lifted his head and the rest of his body followed immediately. "Ritual Guardian," he greeted with a slow nod. "Who is it today?"
UrZah only stepped aside, allowing urTih to come closer. Wordlessly, urIm waved him over to the second bed, which urTih numbly sat upon, curling in on himself. He kept one hand resting on his tail; last time, he recalled, it had been tugged at terribly for some time, as though the weight of an entire urRu were pulling against it. The memory of it still made his tail ache... but he had borne the pain, as he had all the times prior. The burns on his feet left scars, and he'd wound up with many bruises and cuts to his face and body. But all of these he'd endured.
His gaze went from urZah to urIm, before lowering back to his tail. The Healer received wounds intermittently, which he could treat on his own, but rarely the kind inflicted by a shadow. The Ritual Guardian, meanwhile, seemed to never receive them at all. UrAc, urAmaj, urNol—all of the other Mystics had gone through their own painful trials, all enacted upon their counterparts for reasons they still did not understand.
Yet urTih felt like it happened to his... more frequently.
The Scientist is a cruel being, he would tell himself. Surely if something happens to him... it is deserved. Surely if something happens... to me...
And yet his gaze turned to urZah again, staring at the deep spirals that wound throughout his face, his hands, his body, and not a trace of scars upon them.
"I cannot see what lies ahead," the Ritual Guardian said, drawing him out of his thoughts. "Shadows are often indistinct. But we will prepare for whatever the future holds."
"We will," came urIm's soft voice. Already he was gathering clean cloths together, and pouring water from a pitcher into a bowl.
"I can only hope... it is not my tail... again," urTih muttered, pulling his tail closer to himself with two of his arms.
"The pain will pass," urIm said gently.
UrTih shut his eyes, the familiar chant running through his mind. "The pain will pass, it will pass..." he hummed to himself, meditating on those words until they became a rhythm that wound through his mind and soul. After a moment, urZah joined him, and urIm followed shortly after, taking a spot next to him and wrapping his tail around his body. It was a chant that every urRu spoke from time to time, whenever they bore the pain endured by their other halves. Whenever distracting thoughts failed them, the chant was always something that pulled their mind from—
Something was pinching at his eyelids—
The next thing he knew his head was laying on its side and gently pressed into the bed beneath him, and he could not see. The right side of his face was sticky and wet, and someone—urIm probably—was skillfully mopping it while holding his hands away from his face.
And urTih was screaming.
The pain lanced all throughout his head, greater even than the burns had been on his feet, the wounds on his body, the pain in his tail. It seemed to stab straight into his mind, relentlessly, endlessly, but most of the pain was concentrated in his right eye. He suddenly greatly, greatly missed when his tail was pulled. He missed when his head was struck at, when he wound up with cuts and burns on his hands. Why could it have not been his tail?
Why could he not see?
"It will all be over soon," came urZah's voice nearby, and before urTih could stop himself, three of his arms lashed out in the voice's direction, the fourth pinned by his own body.
Something caught each hand, one by one, but it was not the gnarled hands of the Ritual Guardian. Three other skilled hands held his three free ones, and gripped them tightly in a comforting squeeze. "Keep still as you're able," urNol the Herbalist said, a firmness and urgency to his tone not normally heard in Mystic voices.
UrTih tried to do as he suggested, squeezing the Herbalist's hands in his own, but he could not stop his tail from lashing. Another tail wrapped around his own, but whose he could not tell.
Meanwhile, the pain in his eye went from stabbing to gnawing. Subsequently his own voice went from screaming to straining, and he snapped his muzzle shut, teeth grinding together. "I... c-cannot... see..." he whimpered into the blankets beneath him. Frantic thoughts suddenly filled his head: Was he going blind? Were they blinding him? Would he be able to navigate the Valley after this? Would he be able to walk at all? What of his experiments? Had he been wrong to do them from the start?
This is because of the work of the Scientist, he told himself. The work of one who inflicts harm upon others... who tries to change the nature of Thra, who... steals from other creatures to perform worthless experiments—
His mouth was forcibly pried open, and something bitter shoved inside. His initial reaction was to push out the offending substance with his tongue, but another gnawing pain sent his jaw snapping shut, teeth grinding against the thick plant matter.
"These herbs numb pain," urNol said. His hands still gripped urTih's own. "Please chew them."
UrTih did this already, the overwhelmingly bitter taste drawing his mind away from the pain. He wasn't sure whether the herbs were working, or whether the torture was nearing its end, for the active pain was slowing down. "No more..." he moaned around the plants in his mouth. "No more, no more."
Yet he felt the Herbalist's hands squeezing his again. "Brace yourself."
Now what were they going to do? He didn't want to, he didn't... "No, no... no—"
There was a sharp, painful pulling at his eye socket, and his voice broke off into a scream. And just like that, the pain lessened in intensity, leaving an agonizing, gnawing emptiness in his right eye.
"It is over," urNol announced, and urTih moaned into the blankets beneath him. The words should have relieved him, but everything felt wrong.
"Be still." UrIm continued to wipe at his face for a moment longer, then applied something sticky over his right eye... or where, he suspected, it had once been. He then removed the much-chewed herbs from urTih's mouth, and held something cold to it. "You must drink."
"I-I cannot... see..." he stammered. Had he gone blind? Had his other half truly...?
But urIm gently lifted his head, and a blurry, flat vision of the Healer's cave appeared to his left eye. The Healer tipped his head back, and urged him to drink water. He did so eagerly, until urIm took the bowl away and gently set his head back down.
For a moment urTih thought he may be able to relax, only for something damp to gently cover the left side of his face, blocking his vision. Immediately he shrieked, tossing his head back.
"Enough, Healer," urNol snapped, and the cloth was removed.
His vision restored, albeit partially, urTih rested his head upon the bed once again. However, he did not feel calm—only exhausted.
"The shadow has passed,'' urZah stated, and urTih flicked his tail. "I am sorry for his doing. May the Crystal call us soon."
That was the Ritual Guardian's signal to leave, and he stepped out of the cave. UrIm remained, of course, saying softly that urTih could stay as long as needed. Yet... urNol stayed as well, no longer holding urTih's hands (he had rested them gently upon the bed), but settling himself next to him.
"Have... you... more herbs... t-to apply...?" urTih managed to stammer, shutting his eyes.
Then why had the Herbalist remained?
Curiosity overtaking him, urTih raised his head, turning it toward urNol... and blinked, noting the eye patch over the Herbalist's right eye.
"It will hurt... for some time," urNol said. "Distances will be unknown to you, and travel will be hard. But these you will learn."
This would have brought him some relief, but another worry plagued him, though he nearly feared to ask about it. "M-my... experiments?"
A small smile crossed the Herbalist's face. "Herbs have become no more harder for me to use. The same should be for pebbles, feathers, and string."
Relief filled him, and his body rose and fell in a great sigh.
"Our halves can be maimed..." urIm said, and the others raised their heads. "But we may yet live to see them joined with us again... and become whole."
The Healer's words should have brought comfort, but one of urTih's hands raised themselves to touch the bandage over his eye socket.
Perhaps he would be able to walk, and travel, and experiment once again... but to become whole...
No, he thought, lowering his hand.
I shall never be truly whole again.
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troutpopulation · 5 years ago
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more young urNol and skekNa being the original GraGoh :Y
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polarwooly · 5 years ago
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Oh hey, it’s a bunch of old lizards.
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fanfarescribe · 4 years ago
Things start heating up for SkekGra and UrGoh. But not in the way that you think. Not yet. 
Wayfarers Chapter 5 is up now!
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kiwi-strawberry-banana · 5 years ago
Because there is not nearly enough content on them, here is a list of headcanons for all of the Mystics.
UrSu the Master.
Biggest Mystic.
Perpetually tired.
Someone please get this man a coffee.
Despite his role as leader, he constantly second guesses himself to the point of doing nothing.
Can only see one path moving forward and rarely entertains any other ideas.
Will say he doesn't play favorites. Big lie, UrMa is his favorite.
Every Mystic knows it, but none of them will say so.
Gets sad very easily.
Like, the wind could blow wrong and boom, sad lad.
Cries very easily, though will try to do so only when alone.
(Or around UrMa)
Tends to be intimidating upon first meeting him.
Genuinely cares for and loves all of the Urru.
Doesn't think he is a good enough leader.
UrSol the Chanter.
Is the Chamberlain of the Mystics. (Not nearly as bad as Chamberlain.)
Never lies.
Will occasionally use his voice to play pranks on the other Mystics.
Once had UrMa believe that he had a bird following him around for an unum (a month).
UrLii thought it was hilarious. UrSu, not so much.
The most honest of the Mystics and least likely to speak in riddles.
His honesty can come across as rude sometimes.
"UrAmaj, the food is not very good today."
When alone, will sing songs that only he can hear. They are sad songs, ones that display the true emotions that he keeps hidden.
Close friends with both UrZah and UrIm.
UrMa the Peacemaker.
Like SkekVar, has exactly one (1) braincell.
An absolute softie. The sweetest of the Mystics.
Is one of the Urru sad? Prepare for many kind words and hugs.
You don't want a hug? That is okay, UrMa doesn't mind. But he has a hug to offer in case you need it.
That one braincell takes him on many adventures.
If UrSu is out and about in the Valley, UrMa is not far behind.
Will often stare into space for hours. Usually trying to figure out one of UrZahs riddles.
There is not a mean bone in his body.
You could insult him right to his face and he would still love you. (Don't insult the lad please)
Even if a rare argument happens between some Mystics or if one is particularly depressed, those feelings don't last long so long as UrMa is around.
UrSu didn't talk to anyone for nearly a full trine when UrMa passed.
The Valley was much bleaker without him.
UrZah the Ritual Guardian.
So many riddles.
His riddles have riddles.
Will make a ceremony out of anything and everything.
Which is usually fine.
Some Mystics have had to put their foot down though.
No, UrZah, there doesn't need to be a ritual for when that particular rock has a shadow.
Will have conversations with UrSol for hours.
Those that listen in will become lost within seconds.
Even UrSu, for all his wisdom, will sometimes have no clue what they are talking about.
UrMa will just smile and nod.
Has a sand painting for just the occassion.
UrIm the Healer.
About done with the Skeksis' bullshit.
On housecall 24/7.
Daily check ups to make sure everyone is doing okay.
Visits UrTih. A lot.
Like, a lot a lot.
Always has bandages on hand in case someone is spontaneously injured.
Someone is usually spontaneously injured.
Grew close to UrTih over the visits and became good friends.
Worries most about UrTih, knowing how often he gets injured.
Like UrSu, just needs a break and a coffee.
Are his chants actually chants or is he just groaning in frustration? Whose to say.
UrTih the Alchemist.
My favorite.
I love him so much.
Enjoys his experiments.
Gets as lost in them as much as UrAc gets lost in his reading.
Will often forget to eat or sleep for the sake of completing an experiment.
Has caused an explosion on more than one occassion.
Was more social in his youth, began to seclude himself more as he aged.
Was closest to UrGoh and was hurt when the Wanderer left for good.
Was distressed at how often he got injured at the beginning.
Grew too used to it.
Scared UrIm half to death when he lost his eye.
One of the only times a Mystic actually cried out in pain.
Due to all the injuries, he developed Haphophobia (fear of touching/being touched)
That fear made UrIms job much harder.
UrMa found a solution.
UrTih. LOVES. Animals.
He especially had a soft spot for birds.
Has had many, many pets over the trine.
Named all of them.
Didn't cage them, he let them come and go as they pleased.
Only animals could touch UrTih without making him flinch and cower.
Was the most excited for reunification, hoping that perhaps that would make his pain and suffering end.
UrSen the Monk.
What is "a bath"?
Something completly foreign to UrSen.
Yet something so desperately needed.
Due to SkekLach, they are sick. A lot.
Like UrTih, they get visited by UrIm. A LOT.
A stinky Mystic.
The stinkiest.
Even so, is always polite in all they do.
Almost as sweet as UrMa. Almost.
Left nothing behind except for memories when they passed.
UrAc the Scribe.
Please sleep.
Insomniac to the point where the other Mystics worry.
"When did you last sleep?" "What year is it?"
Will read and write from sunrise to sundown.
Keeps all papers mere inches away from his face.
Cannot see far away at all.
Has grown used to recognizing all Mystics merely by their voices and how they walk.
Has a book filled with nothing but the pranks that UrSol has done.
Is the most easily amused. (Probably from the insomnia)
UrAmaj the Cook.
Always with UrNol.
Is the chubbiest Mystic.
Will often sneak bites of food in the middle of cooking.
Enjoys eatting in general.
Loves to visit gardens where the food is grown.
(With UrNol, of course)
Kinda sweaty honestly.
Has to take baths a lot because of it.
Will exchange dirty jokes with UrSol and UrNol.
Loves jokes.
Does not pee on walls.
UrNol the Herbalist.
Always with UrAmaj.
Has named every single one of his plants.
All of them.
No two names are the same.
Will mourn if a plant somehow dies under his care.
Will be genuinely sad for days.
Tends to be clumsy from lack of depth perception (missing an eye).
UrAmaj is there to help and guide him.
Besides running the gardens, his room is also filled with plants.
Has many that are extremely poisonous.
Also has some that move around a lot.
Had to be told he couldn't have a plant that spits burning acid.
Was sad about that too.
UrYod the Numerologist.
Is a quiet Mystic doesn't say much....
... Unless you get him talking, in which case sit down, this will be a while.
Even UrSol gets intimidated by how much UrYod can talk.
His speech tends to be broken up and stuttery, making it difficult to understand.
Knows the exact number of everything in the Valley.
Like, everything.
One of UrSols most common pranks is asking UrYod to start listing off the numbers of various things.
Such pranks have come back to bite him on the rear on more than one occassion.
A bit of an airhead.
If he talks for long enough, he will just become lost in his thoughts and his speech will drift off until he stops talking altogether.
Always knows the time, down to the millisecond.
Gets headaches a lot. Will count down the seconds until they end.
UrUtt the Weaver.
Knows the exact measurements of all the Urru.
Also knows exactly when robes need adjusting.
Is meticulous in their designing and outfits can sometimes take many trine before they are finished.
So meticulous that they never make a mistake in their work, despite how long it takes.
Can be intimidating if another Mystic tries altering their outfits on their own.
Just don't do it.
Honestly a bit of a drama queen.
One of the only Mystics to ever care about how they look (even by Mystic standards)
Likes to change their hair every now and then.
Will put it in braids/ponytails or puts little feathers or beads in it.
UrSan the Swimmer. (Note: haven't read the books)
Chill with a hint of sass.
Has definitely eaten fish before, much to the dismay of other Urru.
Initially wasn't a fan of SkekSa having random piercings. Grew used to it and made some for herself.
Will occassionally swim around in Drenchen waters.
Partly because she likes the swamp, partly because she feels like messing with the Drenchen.
Stays away from the Sifa due to SkekSa.
Will occassionally go to land and meet up with UrVa or UrGoh.
Despite knowing it is their ultimate fate, isn't 100% subscribed to reunification.
Kinda enjoys being a Mystic.
UrLii the Storyteller.
Chose to leave the Valley on his own.
Really only liked UrSol, and even then it was merely out of enjoyment for his pranks and jokes.
Is a hoarder. A bad one.
Likely has a piece of lint from back when he was still an Urskek.
Likes the Grottans, but only in small doses.
And by small doses, he means only one at a time.
When completly alone, he will talk to himself.
To the point where he has gotten into arguments with himself.
Has also gotten to the point where he ignores himself due to the arguments.
Loves gifts and keeps every single one (hoarder)
Maudra Argot is amongst his favorite Maudra to come around during his times in the Caves.
Fairly intelligent. Doesn't share it.
Knows all of the stories of Thra, even the ones only known to the Skeksis.
Tells himself a bedtime story every night.
UrVa the Archer.
Like UrSan, has also eaten meat.
Not as often, only when he has to.
Used to visit the Valley on occassion even after he left.
Will meet up with SkekMal and sit by a fire.
Can and will have actual conversations with his Skeksis half (even if they don't always last long)
An odd truce between the two.
Likes a nice cup of tea and a leaf roll.
Is absolutely shredded by Mystic standards.
By Aughra standards, he is the hottest Mystic.
Through his travels, he began to question reunification.
Also enjoys just being a Mystic.
When bored, will do arrow tricks.
Meets up often with UrGoh.
Would still sneak visits even after UrGoh went to live at the Circle of the Suns with SkekGra.
A part of him knew that he would never become one with his other half and did his best to live life to the fullest.
UrGoh still kept one of his old teacups.
UrGoh the Wanderer.
Cares for SkekGra even past their bond.
Knows where to go, no idea how to get there.
Will visit the same place many times just to see what changed.
Would visit the Valley and bring gifts and stories of his travels.
Had the most gifts for UrTih, knowing the Alchemist would find the most value in what he had to give.
Speaks slowly as his thoughts tend to wander, leaving him already moving onto the next thing while in the middle of a sentence.
Began to move and speak slower after SkekGra got a nail to the head.
It was his idea to make the puppet shows.
If his clothes ripped during his travels, he would be the one to sew them up, much to UrUtts dismay.
Likes physical affection and cuddles.
Loves to sing for the sake of singing rather than always singing for chants.
Has made up many of his own songs over the trine.
Might do a headcanons list with the Skeksis too, I dunno yet.
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reikiajakoiranruohoja · 4 years ago
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Omg, urNol is a Hunter!?
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urskekyagvi · 5 years ago
Headcanon Time!
UrNol is incredibly shy, so much so that he at first appears standoffish. UrAmaj was the only urru to see past this and get UrNol to open up to the others. He's also extremely sweet, but will often spend the day in his gardens, singing and talking to his plants or hiding away in UrAmaj's kitchen, where he's the Cook's number one taste-tester.
Also he has a "splintered finger" because that limb is made of wood. He's highly insecure about his missing eye and hand, amongst other scars he has, because he fears they make him look scary, though UrAmaj assures him that he's quite handsome enough the way he is.
Despite being the herbalist, he's very fond of small, teensy succulents and pretty flowers, taking pride in growing new, gorgeous varieties that fill the air with pleasant scents.
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liaswritesrobots · 5 years ago
Have some urru headcanons cause I'm in a very soft mood for them right now!
urVa loves tea, especially herbal and fruity ones! He often bugged urNol for herbs before leaving the valley.
Of all the urru in the valley urSol is the most likely of the urru to say a "curse word" such as "darn".
Since urZah is the hardest urru to befriend he's only really close to urSu and urSen
urNol's knowledge of herbs means he also knows which ones are poisonous, he makes sure to dispose of them properly so that no other creature can be harmed by them.
urTih is so caught up in his experiments that he sometimes forgets to eat, urNol and urAmaj often have to bring him his meals and insists on staying until they're sure he has eaten.
(bonus with urskek) MalVa and VarMa were, in a sense, kind of like lovers. This almost carried onto their urru halves, as urVa and urMa were very close until urVa left the valley.
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tdc-incorrect-quotes · 3 years ago
UrNol: Behold, the field of which I grow my fucks.
UrNol: You will notice it is barren.
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