#upliftment hashtag
seemabhatnagar · 1 month
Redefining masculinity: Choosing kindness, empathy, and respect
Can we rise above our physical traits to embrace a deeper responsibility in a world where biology defines us? A man is not merely a biological entity defined by physical traits; he embodies much more—values, morals, and the capacity for empathy, compassion, integrity, and respect. Yet, the disturbing increase in sexual assaults by men on females, from the most vulnerable toddlers to the elderly, raises urgent questions about the misuse of this inherent potential. Men are not confined to their biological existence; they are meant to be protectors, allies, and contributors to a just society. It's time to challenge and transcend harmful stereotypes, embracing a masculinity that values compassion over dominance, respect over aggression, and humanity over base instincts. Being a man is about rising above mere biology to embody principles that uplift and protect all members of society. A man should be a pillar of strength, not through physical dominance, but through his character, integrity, and compassion. He should embody respect for all, recognizing the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of gender, age, or background. A true man is guided by empathy, understanding that his actions have profound impacts on others, and he chooses kindness over cruelty, protection over harm. He should be a leader, not by imposing power, but by inspiring others through his example—standing up against injustice, supporting those in need, and fostering a culture of respect and equality. A man should take responsibility for his actions, continually striving to improve himself and contribute positively to society. In essence, a man is someone who honors his humanity by uplifting others, acting with integrity, and demonstrating that true strength lies in character and the capacity to love and respect others. He is not defined by dominance or control but by his commitment to nurturing positive change in himself and the society around him.
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owl-liberation-now · 3 months
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throwback birthday comic from last year because I forgot to do one this year --- I love growing older and getting closer to the dilf ideal yet I do not love failing complete projects and lacking a publication strategy or general career tragectory, so I guess it's a bit of an even balance. nice to look back though and realise that while I am slipping dangerously away from writing the next Earthsea at the point in life Ursula Le Guin did, I AM finally living independently alongside husbundo and my bro, so that's real neat. anyway happy my birthday to you all chaps, pls enjoy it while it's here uwu xoxo
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g4rchomp · 8 months
Feb 1st don't forget to pay rent today
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pinkprettycure · 1 year
the person who was like vote for syaoran cuz he's asian is like..l you're not wrong? like? liam is a white guy? but the nature of magigirl genre means that the overwealming majority of characters here are asian lmao? 😭
also y'all voted out alex last round against him :/
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caruliaa · 2 years
you're on your own, kid is going to kill me btw. if you even care.
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Hi! I'm a white queer person who has decided to vote 3rd Party unless Kamala demands ceasefire, but am nervous that it might allow Trump to win and enact Project 2025... What should I do if he does?
The same things you were gonna do if Kamala won.
Honestly? The same stuff you should be doing now anyway.
Protest, mutual aid, getting in touch with your community since it's them you'll be fighting alongside, direct action (like housing and feeding people or derailing trains and military cargo ships), advocate for 3rd parties & for human rights to be codified, and don't get distracted by performative progress.
Before Biden leaves office:
Demand Biden & Kamala ratify with the ICC again and call for a ceasefire.
Demand a re-election & demand trump be removed from the ballot.
And I do mean demand since Trump is pledging to commit genocide and overturn US government; Biden would be absolutely in his right to do remove him and is hypocritical enough to do so imo.
The Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. United States (2024) that all presidents have absolute criminal immunity for official acts under core constitutional powers. Have him remove Trump.
You want it to work?
Start calling trump a terrorist. Think of shitty hashtag names like genocide Joe and make it go viral.
Demand that he be removed the race and barred from serving in any public office forever. Make it impossible for democrats not to concede to such a rational demand. Put on pressure like they've never seen. They need to think the entire country feels that way.
If Joe is stepping down for Kamala anyway what does he have to lose in the last 3 months by pissing off his entire voter base?
A re-election when he's 100?
They're already contented with Kamala replacing him.
And if Trump wins:
go back to the 1st paragraph. Because he will be targeting political opponents which means it might as well be 1984 in this bitch already since the internet is forever :)
Protest, mutual aid, getting in touch with your community since it's them you'll be fighting alongside, direct action (like housing and feeding people or derailing trains and military cargo ships), advocate for 3rd parties & for human rights to be codified, and don't get distracted by performative progress.
You need to be building community offline and speaking to Real people about your concerns and learning how a rebellion happens and how far the people in Your community would go to protect you or anyone else.
You need to find out who you can trust and who has your back and you need to work together to find a way to fight back against the bigotry and fascism growing in your community.
Reminders from last time:
Learn how to spot a cop or learn how to Be Quiet until you can confirm a cop is not present especially at protests
Bring back White Silence is Violence
NOW is the time to find local protest orgs, their sites, and their bail funds
Figure out what lawyer represents protesters near you and start spreading the word immediately.
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Street Medic Handbook because even basic street medic skills are good to have
Listen to women of color, start looking towards the organizers of color in your area. If they are uplifting Palestine and learning how to decolonize it or themselves then so are you, etc.
If you cannot take direct action then learn where to donate, what names to spread, what orgs you need to support, how to help with supplies, or if you can help with rides, babysitting, escape routes, etc.
Now is the time to find out how protest laws near you have changed so you don't catch a bogus charge
New tips:
Agree as a gen z/millenial collective to fight Trump on the basis anti-white supremacy rather than anti-republican/anti-trump rhetoric as that's too divisive and doesn't name the actual oppressor we want gone which is white supremacist fascism (because Trump is but a figurehead and removing him alone will do nothing)
Learn about intersectionality. NO not what you think it is what Kimberlé Crenshaw said it actually is. Then apply it this and work on whatever privilege you have so everyone can work together instead of prioritizing their own struggle
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Learn the 14 characteristics of fascism
If you're athletic and fast: learn to de-arrest, but watch out
Go thru the MADR zines! Read 'Accomplices not Allies',
Get used to the idea of broken windows, looting, and burning police departments now. Understand they are just stuff. If the USA can commit genocide then it can take a a few broken buildings. Like if liberals can let genocide happen to stop project2025, then why not let Americans break windows to stop Trump AND project2025? There are lives at stake. A window shouldn't stop you from saving them.
Start a fun themed book club night with your friends if you have to. idc. But the work needs to be happening yesterday if you haven't started anon 💗💗💗
You got this.
You don't have to do all of those things but you can do something, so figure out which one it is.
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transform4u · 3 months
Under the influence
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The early morning sunlight filtered through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Chris Olsen's downtown loft, casting a warm glow over the eclectic mix of vintage furniture and modern art. In the heart of Los Angeles, where dreams were both forged and shattered daily, gay TikTok influencer Chris sat perched on a plush velvet couch, scrolling through messages on his phone with a steaming mug of coffee in hand.
Dressed casually in a open button up shirt, exposing his tight six pack abs and pecs and faded jeans, Chris embodied a relaxed charm that contrasted with the high-energy performances seen on his TikTok feed. His tousled hair, a mix of natural waves and streaks of vibrant color, framed his expressive face—a canvas that wore its emotions proudly. With over a million followers, Chris had become a beacon of positivity in the often turbulent sea of social media. His journey to self-acceptance had been a public one, documented in raw, uplifting posts that spoke to the struggles and triumphs of being true to oneself. His loft, a reflection of his eclectic tastes and creative spirit, served as both sanctuary and studio—a place where he could recharge and create.
Chris chuckled to himself as he scrolled through TikTok, contemplating his next move. He toyed with the idea of showcasing a new dance routine that had been trending, imagining the upbeat music and his own fluid movements captivating his audience. Then, his eyes caught a new hashtag trending: #SlidIntoStraightStereotypeFlitter. The irony of it tickled his sense of humor—what better way to playfully poke fun at heteronormativity than with a silly flitter video?
The thought of dressing up in exaggerated, stereotypical straight attire crossed his mind, complete with a comically serious expression as he performed the flitter. He could already envision the comments and likes pouring in, his followers appreciating the satire and the playful jab at societal norms. With a mischievous grin, Chris began brainstorming how he could turn this idea into his next viral TikTok sensation, eager to share a laugh with his community while spreading a message of acceptance and lightheartedness.
As Chris snapped the photo of himself, ready to embark on his playful journey into straight stereotype satire, he couldn't suppress a chuckle at the loading screen's progress bar humorously declaring "10% Straightness loaded." His eyes twinkled mischievously, his mind already brimming with ideas for the upcoming transformation.
Then, as if a surreal wave washed over him, he felt a strange sensation ripple through his body. A subtle yet distinct change began to unfold. He felt himself growing taller, stretching upward until he stood at an imposing 6 foot 3 inches. It was as if someone had gently tugged at his frame, elongating him just enough to be noticeably taller than before.
Amused yet slightly bewildered by this unexpected physical alteration, Chris took in his surroundings. The morning sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to cast a different glow around him, emphasizing the transformation. He glanced down at his hands, noticing a shift in his skin tone. What was once his natural complexion now appeared paler, almost ghostly, under the bright light.
Curious and increasingly fascinated by the bizarre but intriguing changes, Chris lifted his gaze to the mirror hanging on the wall. There, staring back at him, was a reflection that both amused and surprised him. Dark, dramatic circles of eyeliner now framed his eyes, contrasting starkly with his newly pale complexion. His tousled hair seemed to have taken on a more angular, styled look, adding to the overall transformation.
A smirk played on Chris's lips as he took it all in. The loading screen, now progressing to "15% Straightness loaded," seemed to perfectly capture the absurdity and fun of the moment. He couldn't help but admire the playful exaggeration of the stereotypical "straight" appearance he had adopted. It was all in good humor, a satirical nod to societal norms and expectations.
As he prepared to document this transformation for his TikTok audience, Chris felt a surge of excitement. This wasn't just about creating content; it was about sparking conversations, challenging perceptions, and spreading joy through his unique brand of humor and authenticity. With a newfound confidence in his exaggerated guise, Chris began to plan his next moves, eager to share this journey with his followers and continue celebrating the beauty of self-expression, no matter how unconventional it may be.
As Chris continued to playfully embrace the unfolding transformation, the loading screen progressed to 20% Straightness Loaded with a subtle chime. He felt a sudden shift deep within him, a sensation that was distinctly uncomfortable. It began as a subtle ache, barely noticeable, but quickly intensified into a sharp, throbbing pain that coursed through his muscles.
His abs, once defined and prominently displayed, seemed to soften and lose their chiseled form. The tightness in his pecs and biceps began to dissipate, replaced by a gradual shrinking sensation. Each muscle group seemed to deflate, the contours that had defined his physique gradually fading away. It was as though his body was reverting, shedding the muscularity he had worked so hard to maintain.
Chris grimaced, his brows furrowing with concern as he instinctively touched his abdomen, feeling the diminished outlines of what used to be his six-pack. The pain was unsettling, not just physically but emotionally too. He had embraced his body, celebrated its strength and athleticism, and now it was slipping away in a surreal twist of fate.
Fear crept into his mind. He didn't want to become someone he wasn't—a stereotypical "twink" with a slighter build. But the changes didn't stop there. As he stood in front of the mirror, trying to make sense of what was happening, he noticed something even more unexpected.
Intricate tattoos began to emerge across his skin, appearing as if inked by an unseen hand. They snaked their way up his arms, adorned his chest, and even crept along his neck and shoulders. The designs were mesmerizing yet bewildering, adding another layer to the transformation that was unfolding before his eyes.
Panic surged within Chris as he stared at his reflection, now bearing tattoos he had never imagined. Each line, each swirl seemed to tell a story of its own, marking his skin in a way that felt simultaneously foreign and oddly familiar. The pain of his muscles shrinking was now overshadowed by the overwhelming realization that his appearance was changing in ways he couldn't control.
As the loading screen crept to 30% Straightness Loaded, a tingling sensation spread through Chris's scalp, accompanied by an eerie sensation as if invisible hands were gently pulling at his hair. He watched in astonishment as his tousled locks lengthened swiftly, cascading down over his forehead and obscuring his vision. The vibrant colors of his hair seemed to intensify, transforming into an unholy mix of neon pink and electric blue, a stark contrast to the natural waves and streaks he had embraced moments ago.
Chris's hands instinctively reached up to touch the unfamiliar strands now covering his face. He felt the weight of the hair, its texture alien yet strangely alluring. The mirror reflected a person he almost didn't recognize—his eyes wide with disbelief, partially hidden behind this wild mane of dyed hair that screamed rebellion and nonconformity.
As the loading screen progressed to 40% Straightness Loaded, another wave of disorientation swept over Chris. Memories that were once vivid and cherished—attending a Lady Gaga concert, participating in those insufferable TikTok challenges with Meghan Trainor—began to blur and fade like a dream upon waking. In their place, new memories began to form, memories of raucous rock concerts, late-night jam sessions with friends, and hours spent learning chords on a guitar.
Chris staggered backward, clutching at his head as conflicting memories clashed within his mind. The sensation was dizzying, as if pieces of his identity were being rearranged without his consent. He struggled to reconcile the person he had been moments ago with the person he was becoming, all at the whim of this inexplicable transformation.
At 50% Straightness Loaded, with half of the "Straightness" now supposedly loaded, Chris felt an unsettling shift deep within his psyche. A cocky grin spread across his face, replacing his previous kind and liberal demeanor with something altogether different. Confidence bordered on arrogance, and a sense of entitlement crept into his thoughts.
Gone was the empathy and understanding that had defined his interactions. In its place surged a new attitude—an almost abrasive cockiness that felt foreign yet oddly familiar. Chris felt himself embracing notions he had once scoffed at—asserting his opinions with unwavering conviction, taking what he wanted without consideration for others, and exuding a self-assuredness that bordered on arrogance.
It was as if a switch had been flipped, rewiring his entire outlook on life. The transformation wasn't just physical or even just about memories—it was reshaping his very essence. Chris struggled against this newfound persona, the conflict evident in his furrowed brow and the tension that gripped his jaw.
As the loading screen reached 55% Straightness Loaded, a sharp, searing pain pierced through Chris's lips. He instinctively brought his hand up to his mouth, feeling the unmistakable sensation of two piercings etching themselves into his flesh—snake bite piercings, a hallmark of edgy, rebellious youth culture. The metallic taste of blood lingered as Chris gingerly touched the newly formed piercings, his heart sinking as he realized the transformation was far from over.
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The cocky grin that had started to form on his face widened, a mirror of the growing arrogance and vanity that seemed to accompany each step of the loading progress. Chris felt a surge of confidence wash over him, mingled with an unsettling sense of entitlement. It was as though a new persona was emerging—one that reveled in attention, thrived on controversy, and exuded an aura of aloofness that bordered on disdain.
At 65% Straightness loaded, the transformation took a more sinister turn. Memories began to shift and morph before his eyes. Scenes of joyous moments at gay pride parades and heartfelt conversations with past dates faded into obscurity. In their place emerged memories of a different life—one where Chris was the "coolest guy in school," charming girls on campus with his guitar and cheesy pickup lines.
The disorientation was overwhelming. Chris felt himself aging backward, memories rewinding like scenes from a movie played in reverse. His sense of identity fractured further as he struggled to reconcile the conflicting realities now battling for dominance in his mind. The warm embraces and tender kisses he had shared with past boyfriends faded into obscurity, replaced by a series of failed attempts at hooking up with girls.
He recalled the nights spent at bars, trying to impress women with his charm and wit. But no matter how hard he tried, something always seemed to be missing—a spark that could never ignite between him and these strangers. He found himself resorting to desperate measures, using cheesy pickup lines and even making out with girls in public just for attention.
Chris found himself drawn to girls with big tits and fat asses, the type who knew how to work their curves and flaunt their assets. He admired the confidence they exuded, often feeling intimidated by their boldness in comparison. His eyes would linger on women wearing tight clothing that accentuated every curve, leaving little to the imagination.
As he approached these girls at bars or parties, a sneer would fall across his face as he became even more entitled than before. His arrogance grew along with his newfound desire for attention from anyone willing to give it—even if it meant objectifying women for personal gain. He'd make comments about how "hot" they looked or ask if they wanted him "to take care of them," playing into societal norms that demeaned women while boosting his own ego at the same time.
The person staring back at him wore the snake bite piercings with swagger, exuding a confidence that masked a deeper turmoil. His eyes, once bright with empathy and understanding, now glinted with a cold indifference that sent a chill down his spine.
At 75% Straightness loaded, Chris was filled with a deep sense of homophobia. Anything remotely gay or queer now seemed awful to him. He found himself rolling his eyes at jokes about "the gays" and even went as far as making derogatory comments about friends who were openly gay.
A rage began to build inside him, fueled by the anger and venom that came along with this newfound hatred for anything related to his former self. He'd lash out at anyone who dared question his straightness or challenge the norms he now held so dearly.
Chris's newfound homophobia was all-consuming. He found himself getting angry at the sight of two men holding hands or a woman wearing anything that could be perceived as "too feminine." His once open mind had closed itself off completely, leaving no room for empathy or understanding towards those who didn't fit into his narrow view of what was "normal."
One memory that stood out to him involved an encounter with an old friend from high school. They had run into each other at a local coffee shop and engaged in small talk until the topic turned to their respective love lives. When Chris mentioned his recent string of failed attempts with girls, his friend casually mentioned they were seeing someone special—a man. Chris's face flushed red with rage as he stormed out without another word, unable to contain the hatred bubbling up inside him.
As the loading screen ticked relentlessly towards 90% Straightness Loaded, Chris felt a surge of overwhelming confidence. He stood tall, shoulders squared with a swagger that exuded an air of self-assuredness bordering on arrogance. The transformation was nearing completion, and with each passing moment, Chris's identity slipped further away, replaced by the persona of Sebastian—the perfect, hot, sexy emo rocker whiny douchebag.
In this new state of being, Sebastian believed he was God's gift to women. His every move dripped with entitlement and vanity. Memories of genuine connections and meaningful conversations dissolved into a haze of superficial encounters and self-aggrandizing moments.
One vivid memory surfaced—a date with a girl named Sarah, whom Sebastian had taken to a trendy bar downtown. They sat at a dimly lit table, the clinking of glasses and distant chatter forming a backdrop to their conversation.
Sarah questioned "So, Sebastian, tell me more about yourself. What do you do?"
Sebastian, with a smug grin: "Oh, you know, I'm into music. I play guitar. I'm basically a rockstar in the making."
Sarah chuckled nervously, unsure how to respond to Sebastian's blatant self-promotion.
Sebastian continued, leaning back with a cocky tilt to his head: "I mean, girls are always falling for me. Can't blame them, right? I've got that whole mysterious, brooding artist thing going on."
Sarah shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her initial interest waning as Sebastian's arrogance became increasingly evident.
Sebastian asked "Anyway, enough about me. Tell me, Sarah, what's it like being around someone as irresistible as me?"
Sarah's polite smile faltered, replaced by a hesitant expression. She struggled to find common ground with this douchebag Sebastian, who seemed more interested in boasting about himself than getting to know her.
As the loading screen finally reached 100% Straight Whiney Emo Rocker Douchebag Stereotype Achieved, Chris Olsen ceased to exist in this reality. In his place stood Sebastian—a perpetually whiny emo douchebag, now residing in a cramped dorm room on a bustling city campus. Posters of rock bands adorned the walls, alongside flags emblazoned with symbols of alpha male pride. Sebastian spent his days studying music theory, mocking liberals, and singing songs that glorified his conservative alpha male values.
One evening in dorm, Sebastian strummed his guitar with practiced ease. His voice, a mix of raw emotion and calculated swagger, echoed through the room as he sang " ♪ They call me the alpha, the king of this town, ♪ I'm not here to play, I wear the crown. ♪ My voice is my weapon, my guitar's my sword, ♪ I'll break down the weak with a single chord."
As he played, Sebastian's dorm room began to fill with the pungent smell of weed. He had become a total stoner, spending most of his days and nights high as a kite. Empty beer cans littered every surface, evidence of his constant state of intoxication.
His once-tidy space was now cluttered with fast food wrappers, dirty clothes strewn about carelessly, and various other signs that indicated he had completely given up on maintaining any semblance of order or hygiene in his life. It was as if this new persona didn't care about anything beyond satisfying its own immediate desires—whether that meant getting high or finding someone willing to hook up for the night.
Sebastian whined on " ♪ I don't bow to no one, I stand tall and proud, ♪ Ain't afraid to speak my mind, say it loud. ♪ So listen up, all you weak and meek, ♪ I'm the alpha male, the one you seek." As the song ended, Sebastian's dorm room was a testament to his newfound lack of concern for anything beyond instant gratification. The once-clean walls were now covered in stickers and posters, most of them featuring scantily clad women or drug-related paraphernalia. His bed was unmade, with sheets tangled up in a messy heap on the floor. Empty pizza boxes and Chinese food containers littered every surface, along with empty beer cans and bongs that had been left out for all to see.
The stench of weed hung heavy in the air, mingling with the odor of sweat and unwashed clothes. It was clear that Sebastian had given up on maintaining any semblance of order or hygiene; instead choosing to immerse himself fully into this new persona characterized by excessive partying, casual sex, and constant intoxication.
His voice echoed with conviction, each word punctuated by the strum of his guitar strings. Sebastian reveled in the attention, basking in the belief that he had found his place in this new reality—a reality where Chris Olsen and his journey of self-acceptance had faded into obscurity, replaced by a persona that glorified everything he had once feared becoming.
Sebastian, the womanizing emo douchebag rockstar, had crafted a persona that screamed rebellion and arrogance in equal measure. Physically, he embodied a blend of edgy and stereotypical rockstar aesthetics. His hair, dyed in shades of unnatural brilliance—neon pink streaks intermingled with electric blue—fell in disheveled waves around his face, often obscuring his sharp, calculating eyes. Two snake bite piercings adorned his lips, a constant reminder of his defiance against conventional norms.
He dressed in a uniform of black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees for dramatic effect, paired with band t-shirts featuring obscure rock groups or provocative slogans. His arms were adorned with tattoos, a collage of symbols and lyrics that spoke to his self-proclaimed identity as a tortured artist and misunderstood rebel. Silver rings adorned his fingers, clinking against his guitar strings as he played with a practiced ease that bordered on showmanship.
Sebastian's demeanor exuded a cocky confidence that bordered on arrogance. He moved with a deliberate swagger, shoulders back and chin held high, as if the world revolved around his mere presence. In social settings, he commanded attention effortlessly, weaving through conversations with a blend of charm and calculated detachment. His voice, deep and melodious when he chose to speak, carried a husky undertone that hinted at deeper emotions masked by layers of bravado.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/15/2024 Crew Recap
Hey all, today has been a very very very long day. I’m typing this with my eyeballs glazed over and half open. However, so much has happened in such a little amount of time I wanted share a few things before I pass out I know a lot of you are in different timezones, are busy with life, and taking a break, so maybe this will help with parsing through some of the crazy stuff the crew has been up to.
The petition hit 50K, and is at 52.5K at the moment
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Fundraisers: I didn’t even realize there were two different fundraisers for Palestine/Gaza going on but we blew both out of the water. (Note: the second picture is from a November campaign but I think its just as important to highlight— ty for the correction anon!)
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The Emmys hashtag turn out was great tonight. There was some pretty amazing and creative stuff going on across all the platforms. Some can be seen on IG, but if you wanna see the majority of it, check out twitter #SaveOFMD #75thEmmys
---We have new ways of protesting and advocating for our show, see here for the thread on tumblr (from twitter):---
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And to support that @saltpepperbeard was kind enough to put together a wonderful guide on how to Call It Through as a Crew: Alleviating Some Phone Anxiety which as someone who is socially anxious and sometimes verbally vomits on people when on the phone, is AMAZING and thank you so much for doing that to help.
-- > There is also this new thread on some new places to call into. Don't quote me on that being an official thing we should do, I'm sure @renewasacrew and others will have more in the AM, I just wanted to share it so people could follow if they wanted to.
New Articles!
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Our Flag Means Death: Here’s why season three deserves to be aired
Petition to save BBC show with rare Rotten Tomatoes score gets 50,000 signatures
There's so much more that's happened today-- but I can't write it all down because my brain is couscous.
<---So instead, I'm going to use this last part to gush over you all and your amazing contributions in all your unique ways. The community support the last few days has been SO INCREDIBLY UPLIFTING.-->
I saw (and experienced) people reblogging asks where random followers, anons, and mutuals just reached out and sent love because they could tell people were struggling.
I've seen comments all over the place on Tumblr, IG, Twitter, and Facebook where each and every person is encouraging each other to speak their mind, or complimenting their artwork, encouraging them if they were feeling uncomfortable with things outside their comfort zones, coming up with new and exciting ways to fight back, people reaching out to the cast/crew just to say hi and remind them we love them.
I've seen Self-Care checkpoints all over, reminding people to drink water, take a break, block your notifications for a while, not engaging in negative behavior.
I've seen people being so nice on instagram posts that the people who were being dicks about all our comments turned around and decided to watch OFMD!
I saw so many people doing new analysis of scenes and characters, and having really deep and friendly discussions that make everyone think in new ways.
I saw people digging through old tumblrs to bring life back to old posts and artwork.
I saw so much NEW artwork, new FICS! New GIFS! So much new art and love!
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I could literally go on and on, but I've just...I had to dump this out of my brain otherwise I'd explode. I've just seen so much today that continues to make me so proud of our little safe space ship and so happy to be apart of this community.
You all continue to be the best of the best of humans, and I am so very grateful to get to witness and be apart of it. Rest up lovelies and have a good day / night, wherever you may be. May you dream of sexy middle-aged gay men kissing, or hugging, or whatever else you want them to be getting into.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 8 months
Social Media headcanons
Has an official Instagram and Facebook accounts as a head of state. He also has a private account that his friends follow him on: strideranger alternatively strangerranger or rangerdanger on tiktok. His insta consists solely of pictures of his horse, Arwen and occasionally videos of cool plants or wildlife. He captions thing like an old man. His Tiktok is tracking tutorials and again nature videos. He hates twitter and isn’t on it.
All the social medias his names include princeofmirkwood, andmybow, and legolocks. Has over a million followers in insta, tiktok and twitter. He posts lots of glammy photos of himself in the woods and tutorials of how to keep your hair and makeup intact in the battlefield. He also edits slow mows of himself shooting orcs. Doesn’t have Facebook because he claims its “for old people” despite being the second oldest member of the fellowship Posts his random thoughts in twitter and gets like thousands of retweets every time
anmyaxe, lordofglitteringcaves, gimlet, are some of his names. Posts angry rants on twitter and faceboo. Regularly gets into internet fights with trolls. Posts videos on tiktok of his various stone projects and his workout routine (the latter gets a lot of views) Everyone loses it when he and Legolas team up for a “elf braid vs dwarf braid” youtube video. Oh yes he also has a very popular youtube channel where he explains how to of various craft trades.
Has made foolofatook his name for everything and also a hashtag. Huge on twitter and twitch, he also has insta and tiktok and a youtube channel with Merry. Said Youtube is very popular and involves pranks, media reviews, and him and Merry doing stupid shit
Does a lot of work on the channel with Pippin. Also has a twitch and twitter. Insta king people think he’s really cool. He is the kind of person who shares his progress on candy crush and duolingo. Tried to make merrychristmas his username but it was taken and so went with theweedprofessor. His tiktok is more popular than Pippin’s but Pippin’s twitter is more popular
Not huge on social media mostly got it because his friends peer pressured him into it. Has facebook and always says happy birthday to people on it but gets annoyed by all the politics. His instagram is samnotsowise alternatively gardeningamgee. Its super wholesome, lots of pictures of his plants and pets and him and Frodo. Sometimes he’ll post a poem
Frodo would be on tumblr tho. Username is bagginit on insta and frodoninefingers on twitter which he never uses. His tumblr is ringringhello. He also has insta but rarely posts anything except occasionally a picture of Sam. He has a linguistics Youtube channel where he talks about elvish history and language. Actually the most political on social media this is because Frodo has a very strong moral compass and wants to get the word out about important issues.
He’s a twitch streamer I’m sorry. He also has twitter at hornofgondor. Likes everyone of Merry and Pippin’s videos and posts and reposts them with captions like “love these guys!!!” Mostly shares memes on twitter and facebook very much dad vibes
Posts weird shit that no one understands on facebook and instagram at thegreywizard
He has facebook and likes to tag his relatives in things that he knows will annoy them. Other than that he just posts memories of Frodo like the proud parent he is Like every birthday he’ll post something really sweet and sappy like “so proud of the young man he’s become”
He gets in trouble on twitter sometimes but not nearly as much as Thranduil
Insta and tiktok at stewardstew. Mostly posts pics of his cats. Reposts everything Eowyn posts. Likes to uplift his friends. Answers citizen questions on official gondor accounts very warmly. Also shares memes
She has a podcast and everyone has been a guest at some point. She highlights inequalities in middle earth. Lots of reposts of feminist events and programs. Badass pics of her with her sword on her insta and tiktok. She does lots of tiktok challenges. Her username is iamnoman on tiktok and eowinner on instagram
Like legolas is all over insta posts lots of glammy photos in the woods as well. But she also shares a lot of Eowyn’s posts. Posts lots of inspirational quotes and stuff. Is really into yoga and posts about that as well. Her name on all social medias is evenstarwen
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savethegrishaverse · 3 months
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For our next twitter party, we want to pay proper respect to Junteenth and uplift all the #BlackProtagonists of the Grishaverse! Come prepared with your best tweets, questions, comments, gifs, memes, and more. Let's make some noise! 🗣️
#SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff TWEETING PARTY 6/19 at 12PM! Come check it out here!
Remember to:
Only use three hashtags.
Enjoy and be engaging with your tweets! Keep sharing! Timezones under read more.
If you cannot attend, you can always schedule tweets ahead of time on desktop in order to help out still!
ALL TIMEZONES: Wednesday, Jun 19: 9am PST 10am MST 11am CST 12pm EST 2pm -03 5pm GMT 6pm CET 8pm MSK 9pm +04 10:30pm IST
Thursday, Jun 20: 1am CST 2am JST 4am AEST 6am NZST
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
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Callout post for @a-kind-of-merry-war and the Mills & Boon marketing team for trying to make me choose between Raff and Penn in Emma/Merry's debut novel, One Night in Hartswood, a queer medieval romance, when my ADHD, bisexual ass has never committed to making a decision in my life, and I'm sure as shit not about to start now because I love them both, your honor.
I love them both so much.
More coherent words to follow when I've actually sat down and processed this because I'm currently in that stage when you've just finished a book, and you don't know what to do with your life anymore.
This was so much fun. Really gorgeous prose. Reads like comfort fanfic even while you're screaming at the pages. I am absolutely going to order myself a hardcover copy from the UK, as us plebians in the US don't seem to be getting one. (Yet.) UK release date Jan 19th, 20223. The US release seems to be in November (according to Amazon, at least). All the pre-order links are up above, along with some more info and tropes, but I'll link them again here.
I am going to lie down. Maybe scream into my pillow for a bit.
Additional image ID under the tags due to length and post accessibility.
Image ID: A series of three images collected into a collage. In the top image, we are shown the purple spine of a book that reads "One Night in Hartswood" by Emma Denny in a sunset gradient of colors.
The bottom images showcase the two sides of the book cover, which is rendered with a watercolor texture background in yellow, orange, and pink, bordered by lilac and dark purple trees with leaves falling to the ground.
This arc copy of the book depicts the main character, Penn, on the back of the book, cast in the same dark purple silhouette as the trees. He is sitting on the ground under a tree, head bowed with one arm resting on his knee. Above his head, the name “Penn” is written in a purple gilded font. Underneath is the hashtag #PennHasMyHeart.
The right side image depicts the front cover where the other main character, Raff, is rendered similarly but with his head uplifted and a dandelion flower blowing away in his fingers. Above him is his name in the same gilded font, and beneath him is the hashtag #RaffHasMyHeart.
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
As the war ramped up, it was clear that this issue was not going away. Not only was I struggling to process Oct. 7 with friends, family, and my community, I was also navigating the conflict every day at work. As the only Jewish voice in the organization, I was repeatedly put in the position to speak for all Jewish people—an impossible task—or to defend my perspective and why it did not align with that of Jewish Voices for Peace, a group that purports to represent Jews but rejects the basic premise of a Jewish homeland, or similar entities. At the same time, if I advocated for DCAF staying out of this discussion, I was told I was silencing the organization and its staff. I shared my heartbreak about the violence against both Israelis and Palestinians and how, though complex, these feelings could coexist. In return, it was explained to me, often by people with no direct connection to the land or its people, that I needed to understand “context.”
At the same time, other abortion funds and reproductive health organizations began issuing statements about what was happening in Gaza. These statements contained much of the same offensive nomenclature as DCAF’s draft and some, like ARC-Southeast’s letter, went further, calling Zionism—the belief that Israel simply has a right to exist—“a contradiction to Reproductive Justice.” Every member of the DCAF staff except me signed on to a letter to the board advising them that they would be participating in a walkout in support of Palestine. The letter noted, “We are using our collective power as DCAF workers to show up for Gazans and call for an immediate ceasefire, as well as liberation for Palestinians ... we cannot ignore the mass violations to human rights and sexual and reproductive health outcomes that we’re seeing out of Gaza.” Remarkably, the letter neglected any mention of health outcomes for the Israeli survivors of rape or assault, or for the hostages.
In an effort to work collaboratively and keep focused on our primary objectives, we agreed that establishing social media procedures was a critical next step. On Nov. 14, I and the communications team sat down to decide what, if anything, DCAF would be posting about the war and to ensure there were not more situations like that which occurred around the “Gaza Carousel.” I recognized that my colleagues felt strongly that DCAF should weigh in on this discussion, and in an effort to compromise, I agreed to a process that would allow DCAF to uplift existing content from trusted partners in the field, but not create original content, as this would be beyond our expertise. We agreed to abstain from using nomenclature that could be distracting or divisive to our community, such as the “Free Palestine” hashtag or calling Israel’s actions “genocide.” We developed a system to review and discuss potentially controversial content related to the war before posting, starting with a small group of reviewers, including me, and escalating to a vote by a mix of board and staff.
The following morning, I circulated the notes from that meeting to DCAF leadership and members of the Board. At 3 p.m. that day, I was alerted by a Jewish DCAF volunteer that the DCAF Instagram feed featured graphics from The Washington Post about deaths in Gaza with commentary overlaid, specifically that “collective punishment is the tool of fascists” and that what was happening in Gaza was “a prime and top-of-mind example of said collective punishment.” I immediately flagged this for the communications team and asked if perhaps the content was posted inadvertently since it violated the norms we had established in the meeting the previous day. Surely, equating the actions of the entire State of Israel with fascism was a perspective that needed to be discussed as potentially controversial. They assured me the post was intentional (they later stealthily removed it).
Immediately, DCAF received angry messages from Jewish members of their community. The messages criticized DCAF for being so one-sided on the issue. They were furious that DCAF, who claimed to deeply value reproductive justice, had remained silent on the rapes of Israeli women. They stated that as Jews, they felt abandoned by and isolated from the organization.
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My take on what’s been going on with the fandom regarding Melissa McBride. This will get me blocks I’m sure but you have to be careful who you trust. Listen to people but don’t think they are god. Even actors and showrunners have been known to embellish the truth. I do not believe for a second Melissa is being overrun and underminded. She already left the spinoff once and a lot was put in to getting her back on board. That’s not something AMC or Norman/Scott is going to jeopardize again. A lot of talk is going around about a pro Caryl showrunner and rumors of how the men are trying to block that from happening. For one if AMC wanted them they’ll sign them. They have the power over Scott. Another thing is they are not going to refuse to hire someone over their taste in ships. These are professional people who have done this job before.
Keep in mind about who you are getting the information from. If they use the line “you don’t have to believe me” chances are they aren’t being forthcoming. If they become aggressive when you don’t believe them chances are they aren’t being honest. This seems more about a fandom power play then it does as warning to Carylers to make a movement to AMC.
I’ve seen so much division in the Caryl fandom throughout several platforms. And it’s to much competition that often times makes it unbearable. There’s a few “leaders” who are constantly at odds with each other and fight for their place at fandom Queen. It’s childish and mean girl behavior.
FYI a true leader is someone who uplifts everyone regardless of how they feel about you. Not a dictatorship which some of you are guilty of. I’ve seen you guys shut down people and try to push them out of the fandom for having the same opinion earlier that you have now. So maybe think on that before you judge next time. None of us are ever 100 percent right all the time.
Some of you really need to let that high school mantra go. I don’t believe the ones being the loudest have any true connection to higher ups at AMC or the DD/BOC show. And I don’t believe Melissa is being strongholded. She is an EP and has a say in Carol’s story. AMC official accounts are using the Caryl hashtag. There’s a lot to look forward to. She’s been a part of the show from day one giving input and helping on and off screen even before she was an EP. Melissa was a huge part of season one even without the title. Actors have always raved about how she’s made them better and the same holds true with this show. So you all need to relax. Melissa is valued.
I can tell you this with certainty the one claiming to have this insider information is the same person who would dm a wide range of accounts that seemed to have information and beg them for whatever information they could. And when she got information she refused to share any. Which is what they are doing now. Talking about a female show runner but will not name names. Put your money where your mouth is if you think you have accurate information. And I will tell you this stalking and dming crew members or production members for a tid bit of information is not a source. It’s borderline harassment. You know who you are.
Now in closing this person also claimed that if Carylers were loud enough to AMC that the spinoff would not happen. Yes they were going to waste all that money or sets and contracts. Melissa was also already there when they were trying to make this movement lol. Stop acting like they are the Buddha to the Caryl fandom like you have no common sense and can’t function without them. There are many strong Caryl fans who don’t spread misery on a daily basis you can talk to. To calm your fears or just to talk about happier things to look forward to. These so called leaders seek out emotional people that they can control who are looking for guidance. This was once the greatest fandom in the land and could be again if we would break ties with the ones holding us down. So just think about that before being sucked down with the rest. Great things are coming. I promise you that.
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mickmundy · 1 year
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thursday, august 31st is when TF comic "old wounds" came out in 2015! a very exciting day for bushmedicine fans! i thought it would be nice to have a little fun that day, where bushmedicine shippers could share their shitposts, hcs, art, fics, etc under #bushmedbday! ^_^ there aren't any "rules", just be nice and have fun! uplift fellow medic/sniper enjoyers' stuff and express your love for the ship! you're obviously also welcome to repost old works as well! i am also hosting this on twitter, so if you post over there, the hashtag is still good there too! ^v^ hope to see you there!! 🕊♥️🐊
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Join me for Wandor Wednesday 2: Electric Boogaloo!!!
Who says Wandor Wednesday has to end? Starting tomorrow, let’s rewatch one episode of Andor every Wednesday for the next 12 weeks, and slowly make our way though the series! 
Andor is a phenomenal show, and I’ve been meaning to rewatch it, and I’d love to share that journey with all of you.
Additionally, it’s so important to highlight, uplift, and support meaningful mainstream shows lead  and told by People of Color. 
Though it’s not always perfect, Andor makes a great effort to discuss complex themes in a nuanced way, and I think it’s important to show Disney and Star Wars that this effort is valued by streaming and supporting Andor whenever possible!
If you’d like to join me, make sure to use the hashtags: ‘#Andor Rewatch’ and ‘#Wandor Wednesday 2: Electric Boogaloo’. I’d love to see your posts, edits, jokes, and observations!! Don’t forget to also tag your posts as ‘#star wars’ because I’d love to see tons of Andor in the Star Wars tag every Wednesday.
People of Color deserve to lead Star Wars media. 
People of Color deserve to see representation in media we love.
People of Color deserve to feel included in Star Wars. 
Let’s remind people of that every Wednesday.
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cosmiconix · 9 months
🎊Happy New Year Everyone!!!🎊
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WOW! What a year, a lot of good things happened to me here on Tumblr, & I know I have said it a billion times already but this is how I genuinely feel, there just aren't enough words in the English language to describe how thankful I am to all of you amazing stars out there for your endless kindness, creativity & generosity. The comments you leave me, the reblogs with hilarious & uplifting hashtags, the special fan arts that I hold dear to my heart, the random & fun filled questions I've received, & the many many crossovers with fellow moots have all given me so much happiness & strength throughout the bumps I've had to go through this year. If I could give you all a physical friendship hug through the screen, I would, but since I can't, then I will use this very post to enter into the next chapter of my life with you all. May the future hold more joy & beautiful memories for us all to share! And let it bless us with peace & everlasting love & good spirits, Happy New Year Everyone!!! 🥳🎉
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