#Andor Rewatch
queen-breha-organa · 2 years
So last month Diego Luna was nominated for a Golden Globe in the category “Best Actor in a Television Series – Drama”
It turns out that Diego is the first actor to be nominated for a Golden Globe for a Star Wars TV series, and the second Star Wars actor EVER to be nominated for a Golden Globe because of a Star Wars production since 1970. (Source)
The Golden Globes are on January 10th, and no matter what happens, it’s so amazing to see him break records and lead an incredible franchise!!!
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beskad · 9 months
god, I know I'm not saying anything new, BUT. The use of repetition in "how many guards on each level?" And the way we as the audience are shown the individual emotional progression with each instance? Cassian growing more insistent, more desperate, Kino being unwilling to even entertain the question, reprimanding him for asking?? Culminating in them finding out someone was sent back to a different prison level after "release" and Cassian calmly, resolutely - basically not even a question anymore, just a statement - saying "how many guards on each level." Kino, visibly disturbed but with equal resolve,
"Never more than twelve."
It's such a simple formula, but it's so well executed that I get chills every single time.
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ermakeys · 2 years
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clonehub · 6 months
The first thing that stands out to me about this scene is that there are no adults around. the oldest person there must be in their late teens.
I feel like there might be something in the Kenarian children's main clothing color being yellow and one of Ferrix's main colors also being yellow.
Not maarva ripping into Cassian and she's not even in the room. Be relying all of this information though shows the fact that Cassian is a very central part of their community because this is three different people who have come to him and his mother's home specifically to look after/take care of them.
Bee needing a lot of power to lie is an interesting character quirk for him. I wonder where be source the bandages from and what the reaction would have been if he walked into the town and people saw the wounds on his fists.
"I can't come with you?" Precious
Just serious also has a good balance of background music because there haven't been any times where silence would have conveyed more than music would have and vice versa. Not every scene needs to be supported by an orchestra.
Yet another amazing environment in Andor. Ask Cassie and walks through his home we see how lived in it is, how many people are part of building the community, how populated the general area is, etc. Visually it's very grounded.
I wonder why one set of gloves was missing.
Yet another good display of dialogue here because rather than simply have cassian say "you need to lie for me, here's the story" he simply dives right in, and Brasso understands. But Cassian missed a spot; he's accounting for his alibi, but he's not accounting for the wound on his face, so Brasso feels that in by lying and saying Cassian fell.
Maarva might be too sick to notice how cold it is :(
Now that I think about it syril karn's fashion choices are constantly made a point throughout the series. What he tries to appear as versus what he actually is I think is Central to his character as a burgeoning fascist. He subtly went against regulation by modifying his uniform, but he'll go out of his way to follow regulation by pursuing Cassian even though he was explicitly told not to.
"a human with dark features" it's racial!
"let's make sure it's on the far side of the plaza. Let's get it out of the leisure zone." I guess it would have been difficult to garner sympathy for or support for a murder case of two cops if it looks like the two cops were killed over sex lol. This man that Karn is speaking too shows that he already has a lot more experience than Karn does and the fact that he was able to pull three pieces out of information out of a detailed but still lacking report (illegal brothel, illegal booze, neither of which they were meant to have there). Something something cop cover-ups (not that I'm upset about this one). I loved that scene.
Cassian and Bix find it so difficult to have a conversation.
EDIT: whoops this was from the start of my andor rewatch AGES ago
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elwenyere · 2 years
One thing I love about the “5 BBY” title card in “Kassa” is its doubleness, emphasized by the way it will bookend the season with the post-credits scene. 
It’s a countdown to Cassian’s death, and it’s also a countdown to the Death Star’s destruction. We’re watching Cassian’s final days and the Empire’s - in the same way that the title music is both Ferrix’s funeral march and its battle cry of resistance - and they’re inseparable, as this season will show us, because the Empire manufactures its own undoing, creates its own cracks, radicalizes - through its brittle, unnatural cruelty - the same beings who will break its siege. 
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verpine95 · 2 years
just another wandor wednesday (to the tune of manic monday)
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milfmisspiggy · 2 years
brasso on screen!!!!! wake up big burly guy lovers!!!!!!!
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something about the way that Cassian says "that would be me" it has been living in my head for months
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jadowdra · 2 years
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Brasso in Andor (2022) | Episode 3: Reckoning
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cleopatrachampagne · 2 years
i absolutely hate dedra for being a sadistic, imperialist fascist but that sure isn’t gonna stop me from audibly shouting, “no, girl, don’t u dare kiss that creep it’s just the adrenaline u owe him nothing!” every damned time i watch that tense moment in the season finale between her and syril. it’s called the girl code, look it up.
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Join me for Wandor Wednesday 2: Electric Boogaloo!!!
Who says Wandor Wednesday has to end? Starting tomorrow, let’s rewatch one episode of Andor every Wednesday for the next 12 weeks, and slowly make our way though the series! 
Andor is a phenomenal show, and I’ve been meaning to rewatch it, and I’d love to share that journey with all of you.
Additionally, it’s so important to highlight, uplift, and support meaningful mainstream shows lead  and told by People of Color. 
Though it’s not always perfect, Andor makes a great effort to discuss complex themes in a nuanced way, and I think it’s important to show Disney and Star Wars that this effort is valued by streaming and supporting Andor whenever possible!
If you’d like to join me, make sure to use the hashtags: ‘#Andor Rewatch’ and ‘#Wandor Wednesday 2: Electric Boogaloo’. I’d love to see your posts, edits, jokes, and observations!! Don’t forget to also tag your posts as ‘#star wars’ because I’d love to see tons of Andor in the Star Wars tag every Wednesday.
People of Color deserve to lead Star Wars media. 
People of Color deserve to see representation in media we love.
People of Color deserve to feel included in Star Wars. 
Let’s remind people of that every Wednesday.
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beskad · 9 months
I love when characters treat droids in star wars with kindness, empathy, and respect 😭
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ermakeys · 2 years
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Wandor Wednesday
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clonehub · 2 years
you know what makes andor's dialogue so great? its information dense, and they balance what has to be said with showing the audience the appropriate context. when cassian walks into that bar place it's not like someone has to say what kind of worker she is and its not like the cops immediately start questioning him about where he's from
it reminds me of how languages irl have varying levels of information density because of how much information each morpheme (?) can convey, so like thats why japanese and spanish sound so fast--they need more syllables to say the same thing that a denser language can get across in less words. english having 's for posession versus spanish using "de (owner)", for example, or japanese sentence structure being subject article noun article verb versus igbo's tonality and verb suffixes meaning we don't have to say things like "formerly" or "initially", we just add one morpheme
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quarantineddreamer · 2 years
whatever you do don’t think about how in episode 9 of Andor, titled “Nobody’s Listening”, prisoners in Narkina 5 are being killed (or learning they will likely be killed) and at the same time Bix is tortured with the literal sound of death...
(oh and then they play here theme during the credits)
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rt-d00-t · 2 years
Bee's power reserves go down faster when he lies. I love when the topic of droids morality is brought up. Like, is it a reflection of their ownership? of their programming? Is Bee a symbol of the childhood Cassian didn't get because of the Empire? Bee is good because Cassian is good. Bee grieves Maarva when Cassian isn't there to. The first strike at Maarva's funeral is against Bee- then and only then does the rest of Ferrix retaliate. Bee is one of them- he is central to his community. and not because he is valuable or can do something essential! They hold him and they are good, so he is a reflection of that.
I don't know i just think that's a beautiful thing.
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