#unleash the lore
reubenyeoart · 19 days
Okay so I sent the obligatory Bloomburrow ask around, asking what woodland creature your oc would turn into on the plane. This time I want to try something more esoteric. Let's say something went wrong with the magic of Bloomburrow and instead of turning into a critter, your oc became a calamity beast! What large woodland creature/predator and force of nature/disaster would you combined to represent your oc's calamity beast?
Well, Kanerva would be too easy (he's already an animal) so let's go with hapless Tormund!
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Naturally, with his animal motifs he'd be a sheep, with a hedge for a fleece, and the branches within covered with wooden thorns.
Tormund would represent nature growing in inhospitable conditions, his hooves smashing everything into dust with every footfall, and scrabbly vines growing from the dirt.
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molinaskies · 1 year
What We Get Wrong About Dark Sonic
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I find Dark Sonic incredibly interesting.
I’ve said this before, but Dark Sonic represents an overflow of Sonic’s negative emotions, the ones he usually suppresses: anger, sadness, and fear.
However, many people believe that Dark Sonic is somehow a betrayal of Sonic as a character (even Ian Flynn, reportedly, but I’ve yet to see an official source). Sonic is meant to be a beacon of optimism. Sonic is meant to be the pillar of hope when all else fails. Sonic is meant to be the last one standing, no matter what.
In this sense, sure, Dark Sonic contradicts the notion that Sonic is “uncorruptable,” but I think that depends on how we define corruption.
I see it two ways:
1) Corruption by way of losing faith, through dishonesty and fraud. 2) Corruption by way of a forceful shift from one state of being to another.
In the first sense, corruption occurs when someone’s paradigm is shifted through lies, cheating, or manipulation. It’s a conscious mental shift. In the second sense, corruption occurs when something (or someone) is co-opted and changed without its will or influence, like data corruption, or a shift in the meaning of a word or image. It’s a literal, physical and/or metaphysical shift.
There’s a saying that floats around the fandom that says, “Shadow is just ‘Sonic, if Sonic had one really bad day’,” and I think that makes sense. Shadow is jaded and cynical because of how the world has hurt him, but he still wants to do right by people—just like Sonic. What separates Sonic from Shadow, however, is Sonic’s tenant optimism and positive paradigm. Without those differences, Sonic has endless reasons to be as cynical as Shadow, or even more so.
So, Sonic doesn’t let himself feel those feelings for very long, and especially not when other people are around. He pours everything into a clean, neat bottle, with a tight screw-on cap, right?
What happens when something tampers with that bottle?
Dark Sonic is a forceful corruption of body but not of mind. Let’s talk about it.
How Dark Sonic Works
What I think people misunderstand most about Dark Sonic is that it’s not an intentional state of being. It never was.
Dark Sonic is the polar opposite to Super Sonic, which is achieved when Sonic harnesses the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds. If Sonic wanted to harness the power of the emeralds for the wrong reasons and his heart accessed the negative energy rather than the positive, he could possibly bring about Dark Sonic willingly. This, however, would likely never happen because that is the betrayal of Sonic’s character that everyone worries about.
That said, the only reason Dark Sonic ever appears is because of a mix of Sonic’s pure rage over Black Narcissist physically assaulting Chris and Cosmo and the presence of hundreds of the Metarex’s fake Chaos Emeralds, which possess an aura clearly shown to impact Sonic and make him ill.
Sonic’s first interaction with negative Chaos energy from the fake emeralds is filled with discomfort and even disgust. Sonic reacting to the negative Chaos energy poorly is critical, as it showcases that it’s seeking him out, not vice versa.
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When Sonic was as triggered as he was, the negative energy from the fakes harnessed his emotions and corrupted him. It was a complete, freak accident.
This situation is very similar to Darkspine Sonic, the in-game equivalent to Dark Sonic from Sonic and the Secret Rings. Darkspine Sonic only surfaces when Sonic is severely triggered after Shahra starts to betray him, Erazor Djinn murders her (she sacrifices herself for Sonic), and he sees Erazor Djinn’s final form about to destroy the storybook world. In his shock and anger, the Secret Rings of Sadness, Rage, and Hate target him, painfully turning him into Darkspine Sonic. Once again, external energies corrupt him at the height of his emotional vulnerability.
Sonic never seeks out the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds because his heart is good. When the negative energy seeks him out in such overwhelming waves, it corrupts his abilities, alters them, and pulls them out to play.
If it’s simply a matter of fake Chaos Emeralds, then why can Sonic use Tails’ fake Chaos Emerald in Sonic Adventure 2 without any problems? I posit this to the fact that Tails might have a better understanding of the balanced nature of the Chaos Emeralds (in that they are powered by both good and evil), while Eggman and Dark Oak have only ever used (or desired to use) the Chaos Emeralds for evil.
Recall Eggman’s laser at the beginning of Sonic Unleashed and Perfect Chaos in Sonic Adventure. Both uses of the chaos emeralds drained them of their power—their negative power, that is. (Albeit through different means based on the lore of each game), Sonic is still able to restore and harness the emeralds’ power because he relies on the positive energy of the emeralds. As intelligent as he is, I imagine that Eggman (as well as the Metarex) has a hard time replicating the intricate nature and balance of the Chaos Emeralds because their hearts are filled with hatred and turmoil, so unwilling to heed the perspectives of others. The power is there, sure, but not the heart.
~Chaos is power. Power is enriched by the heart~
Tikal's Prayer
I think the difference between Tails’ fake emerald and every other fake emerald we’ve seen in canon is marked by the fact that both Eggman’s and the Metarex’s fakes disintegrate after excessive use (i.e., Chaos Control), but Tails’ fake remains intact.
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The Metarex's emerald disintegrates upon excessive use
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Eggman's fake emeralds can't hold their form upon excessive use
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Tails' fake emerald is intact and ultimately used to stop the Eclipse Canon from firing
In short, Tails’ emerald is simply a better fake, more accurate to the originals.
also, I refuse to talk about how dumb it is that Sonic was able to use a fake Chaos Emerald to do Chaos Control for the first time. However, it is canon, and therefore relevant to my point.
Another key problem cited in Sonic X is just how many fake emeralds there are. One emerald pales in comparison to hundreds. Sonic feels all the latent negative energy consume him because that energy is a corruption, itself.
It’s not that Sonic gets so angry that he just gives in to darkness, it’s that darkness captures him when he’s in extreme emotional distress and his guard is down. Dark Sonic is the result of negative, unstable, potent Chaos energy clinging to him, using his latent Chaos powers as a vessel when he least expects it and, thus, is powerless against it.
I think I can best prove this by contrasting Dark Sonic with Sonic’s other intimate encounter with darkness…
Sonic Unleashed, Dark Gaia, and the Werehog
I’ve spoken at length about this game and this specific scene, already, so kindly forgive my hyper-brief summary this time around!
When Dark Gaia’s “weight issues” cause its essence to disperse around the globe, many people fall influence to Dark Gaia’s despair, losing faith and hope in the world. Nothing like the influences of Chaos energy, but enough of an influence that much of the world feels it. A core aspect of the game’s plot is that Sonic, distinctly, does not. In the cutscene No Reason, Sonic asks Chip why he stays the same despite the darkness inside his heart while so many others change at night. Chip answers simply, saying that Sonic’s too strong to lose himself and that part of his good will is because he never doubts himself, even when he’s on his own.
The difference is that while Sonic undergoes a physical transformation, he never loses faith or gives up hope—made especially clear by the fact that Professor Pickle, once as hopeful as Sonic, eventually does lose hope.
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Also key to note that Amy also never loses hope.
Unleashed is just another fun, high-stakes adventure for Sonic; there’s never a moment where he’s aggressively triggered by something or when his personal morals are ever tainted. Irritated, maybe. Flustered, even. Never at a loss. The closest we see Sonic come to this is when he loses the werehog form to Dark Gaia before the final battle. He falls to his knees, worn and exhausted, and tells Chip to run because he doesn’t want him to get caught up in the mess. Yet even then he’s not giving up.
That’s why Sonic’s heightened emotional state is so important to the conversation. When Sonic’s will is intact, he’s much stronger, but when he’s triggered by something and his defences are down, it’s much easier for corrupting forces around him to take hold.
Mind over Matter
Even with the parameters for Dark Sonic’s appearance established, something that stands out to me about Sonic’s encounters with dark energies, and something I see as additional evidence that Dark Sonic is only a literal, physical corruption and not a corruption of his paradigm, is that Sonic is still in control of himself—to an extent.
Even as he seethes in his amplified rage, Dark Sonic never inflicts harm on the innocent. After Gold and Silver are destroyed, it’s not expressly clear if Sonic intends to stop or fight Black Narcissist, but Eggman implies that Sonic was fighting Gold and Silver until there was quite literally nothing left. Sonic was given a target to attack, and he kept his focus there, even when other enemies presented themselves.
This also goes for the Werehog and Darkspine Sonic.
He also has the mind to listen to reason—from Eggman, of all people—and stop when it’s clear that he’s finished what he set out to do. Sonic channels his anger to where it needs to be, and it’s clear that Sonic’s moral code and paradigm on life are thoroughly intact.
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The only thing that changes is that he’s no longer imposing his usual limits. Sonic is stupidly powerful, even without any power ups. If he ever wanted to kill Eggman, he would have by now. If he ever wanted to kill anyone, he would have by now (and technically, he has).
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Sonic throws Erazor Djinn's lamp into a pit, never to resurface, effectively trapping him and ending his livelihood indefinitely.
However, Sonic holds back because he doesn’t want to be an arbiter of justice—he doesn’t want to deprive someone’s chance to be good unless it’s been clear that they cannot be redeemed.
Why I Care About This
It is no secret that I believe that Sonic is a highly emotional character—far more emotional than many give him credit for. It bears repeating that Sonic’s emotions are very big and can be cataclysmic when left unchecked…
…but that’s just part of growing up—growing up as a hero and, damn it, even just a kid.
Dark Sonic isn’t a case of Sonic giving himself to darkness, nor is it a perversion of Sonic’s character. It’s an energetic, chaotically-charged version of Sonic when he is at his angriest—and even then it’s not enough to change his morals or make him lash out unjustly.
Dark Sonic is cathartic, in a way, and I definitely think it deserves its place in canon.
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lukasequalszero · 2 months
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Brotherly love.
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cartoonartistpng · 10 months
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“There, amongst all the foliage, was a mural Knuckles had never seen before. As he studied the stone, he realized it was older than echidna civilization, depicting multiple civilizations all worshiping figures unknown to him. On it, the cut gems gleamed in the sun… all but one. The scorch marks and cracks… it was as if the red gem itself erupted in a blaze and split the white figure into pieces.”
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pawbeanies · 6 months
actualy thank u all for being here and allowing me to say dumb shit. nowhere else can i talk abt my pet bugs and dinosaurs and say just the dumbest things in the world in the same breath as liek hornyposting and i think. that is so beautiful
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crispy0nion · 4 months
hello it is now time for me to inflict YOU with the explaining lore to a new player curse. Essentially, this is an invitation to infodump about your favorite guy.
I've been hearing/reading a lot about Cayde-6 throughout the game (and Ikora made me watch his death), but who is he? What's his deal?
Oh this is fantastic. Get ready for a full essay (under the cut so I don't clog up people's dashes). I tried to link some relevant lore tabs, but still i recommend reading at least The Man They Called Cayde, or to just skim through the Cayde-6 section of the Ishtar Collective website.
Cayde-6 was the sixth Hunter Vanguard, a position widely considered to be cursed as all previous Hunter Vanguards have either died or gone MIA (Tallulah Fairwind, killed by an Ahamkara; Caliban-8, MIA; Aparajita-4, MIA; Kauko Swiftriver, went MIA and was later declared dead; Andal Brask, killed by Taniks The Scarred; Cayde-6, killed by Uldren Sov). The position is currently empty, but it is heavily implied that Crow will step up as the new Hunter Vanguard soon.
Now, let's try to go in order of events. Like all Exos, Cayde used to be a human during the Golden Age. He was a soldier, and it is likely that he had a gambling problem (a habit he retained in his Guardian life): simply put, he had a big debt hanging over his head. That's when Clovis Bray, the creator of Exos, approached him with a job offer. The reason Clovis approached him is because people like Cayde were exactly what BrayTech needed for the Exo Project: disposable and with their backs to the wall. Cayde accepted to essentially give his body to the Project in exchange for his debts to be cleared. The job offer itself was never explicited, but Cayde recounts being kidnapped and brought to Europa. This was around the time the Collapse happened.
We don't know everything that happened in his lives from 1 to 6. We know that for most of his lives before becoming a Guardian, he worked for BrayTech, first as a generic worker and later as a guard. This is where he had his first (and only, probably) interaction with Micah Abram, who at the time was a chid. Micah is a lore-only Exo Hunter, now known as Micah-10, known for her role as the 'mother-hen of Ghosts' - she protects upaired Ghosts from the Ghost Hunter, Cyrell. But why is Micah relevant to Cayde's story? Well, Cayde-6 would often mention how he used to have a son when he was human, as well as a wife. He refers to the kid as 'Ace', and to the woman as simply the Queen of Hearts. He talks about her in a TTK mission to retrieve his stash, and some of his journal entries are written as letters for his son - he also worked with Banshee-44 to craft a gun inspired by him, his Ace of Spades.
The interaction that Cayde-1 had with Micah - who, being a trans woman, was at the time a little boy - caused him to retain fragmented memories of a child in his current Guardian life. I recommend reading the lore tabs about their encounter (both Micah's POV and Cayde's POV). The following letter from Micah's POV also mentions how immediately after Cayde picked her up, he was deactivated.
So, the fragmented memories he retained from this interaction where what he based off this delusion of having a son, because yes, both his wife and son never existed, and Cayde himself admits to making them up as a coping mechanism in the last entry of his journal.
But if Micah Abram was his Ace, who was his Queen? Easy: Maya Sundaresh.
Maya Sundaresh was a Golden Age scientist who worked for the Ishtar Collective on Venus, and collaborated with Clovis on an occasion. She's also the founder of Neomuna, on Neptune. Cayde (between 2 and 6) was part of the batch of Exos who Clovis assigned to work as guards for Dr. Sundaresh during their collaboration. That's when Cayde first met her, and to say he was down bad would be an understatement. Unfortunately for him, Dr. Sundaresh was not only a psycho, but also a married lesbian. She never even acknowledged him, but still he fell in love with her. The memory of this feeling stayed with him through the resets and his death, and he contructed the memory of the Queen of Hearts over that.
As far as I know, we don't have any information regarding Cayde's death, other that he was resurrected near a cliff. After freaking out, running off the cliff and being revived again, he found on his person a journal, potentially the same one he keeps using in his Guardian life. Cayde believes his past self (specifially, Cayde-5) wrote and left this journal to guide him, to prevent him from taking the wrong path and becoming Cayde-7 - something he seemed to be absolutely against. Side note, but I find that to be an extremely interesting detail since Bungie's own signature is the number 7.
Regarding his years before becoming Vanguard, we know Cayde has been around for at least 126 years, probably more. He used to run with a group of Hunters, his 'crew': Andal Brask, Shiro-4 and Tevis Larsen. A fifth member, Lush, would also join them sometimes, being Shiro's protégé. Of these five members of the Hunter crew, Shiro is the only one currently alive. Andal was killed by Taniks before the game events, Tevis died at the hands of the Vex during TTK, and Lush lost his Ghost the first time the crew ran into Taniks, then died on a solo mission later on.
Cayde was especially close with Andal, referring to him as his best friend and brother. If you recall, Andal was also the Hunter Vanguard before Cayde; this actually is something that happened because of the Exo. Hunters have this thing called 'The Dare'; every Hunter Vanguard needs to have their own, since the Dare is what estabilishes how the next Vanguard has to be chosen. The Vanguard that came before Andal, Kauko Swiftriver, went missing for two years, later being declared dead, and his Dare was never found. For this reason, The Speaker - who created the first Dare together with Tallulah Fairwind - told the Hunters to figure it out and find a new Vanguard.
One evening, after the crew had already had their first run in with Taniks - an Eliksni mercenary, who claimed many Guardian lives - Andal and Cayde got drinking, and in the heat of the moment they made a bet, their own Dare: if one of them found and killed Taniks, the other had to step up and become Vanguard. They didn't think much of it, until Cayde actually killed Taniks first (side note: 'killed' isn't completely right. Taniks keeps coming back, and even after we killed him in the DSC raid there is a chance he is still alive). Andal, being a man of his word, became Vanguard; and Cayde wasn't happy about it, because it's a time consuming job, so Andal now spent significantly less time with the crew.
Now Taniks, after somehow escaping death, finds and kills Andal. Because of this, Cayde feels obliged to take the role of Hunter Vanguard. He also goes on a rampage, and quite violently kills Taniks again. He begins wearing Andal's cloak, and officially becomes the Hunter Vanguard we all know and love.
Cayde had always been one to constantly crack jokes and use humor to cover up all the ugly things, and Andal's death, followed some time later by Tevis's, only reinforced that. In addition to that, the job of Vanguard comes with a price: you can rarely leave the Tower. This was especially true for Cayde, considering he was both a known troublemaker and potentially in danger for filling the Hunter Vanguard position (after five consecutive deaths, anyone would get a bit paranoid), and it was something that bothered him deeply.
During the events of D1 and D2 up to Forsaken, he does... many things. Like blowing up Eris's ship in order to get the Guardian on the Dreadnaught during TTK. Overall, none of these are worth mentioning, considering this post is already very long.
What I want to talk about next are the events of Forsaken, starting from about one in-game year before the game events. The comicbook 'Cayde's Six' is a good starting point: Cayde was tasked by Petra Venj with hunting the Fallen Barons, who under the command of a corrupted Uldren Sov had been causing chaos on The Reef. His task was to find them and bring them to the Prison of Elders. To do this he assembles a small team (Suraya Hawthorne, Banshee-44, Jin, Nadiya and Petra Venj); they eventually succeed in their goal, even imprisoning the Forsaken Prince himself. Fast-forward to a year later, the events of Forsaken unfold: Uldren Sov and his Barons, now Scorn, escape the Prison of Elders, leaving behind a dead Cayde, who only died because he happened to stand in their way (it's unlikely that Uldren held any resentment as he was... very out of it, probably too much to care about anything but Mara).
This later caused the Young Wolf to go on a rampage, finding and killing all the Barons and Uldren himself (a very nice parallel to the Taniks-Andal situation). Forsaken also brought a new exotic hand cannon: the Ace of Spades, Cayde's beloved weapon. The quest to obtain this weapon, Ace in the Hole, is quite interesting: the YW has to travel across the system to find Cayde's secret stashes, that he specifically left for when he would die. These chests, other than parts to repair Ace, also contain recorded messages, each adressed to a different character. Eris, Taniks, Drifter, Petra, 'the minds behind the DSC', Hawthorne, 'any hunter who kills him' (which he speculates could be Marcus Ren), Zavala, Ikora, and the Young Wolf. Ten messages for ten meaningful people, in all senses. He left them with the intention of having these people listen to them in case they were the ones to kill him. They are very interesting, I recommend looking them up (here's Byf's video, where he also does a bit of analysis).
Many things emerge from these messages, but there's only three that i wanna talk about: Petra's, the voices's and Ikora's messages.
Petra's message is highlighted by the presence of an encrypted message Cayde asks Petra to relay to someone called 'Paladin Oran'. This 'Paladin Oran' is actually an Awoken code to indicate that the next thing he will say is a secret message. The message essentially boils down to the sentence 'It's on Enceladus'. To this day, we still don't know what is on Enceladus. The most popular theory is that Cayde thought the DSC was there, since it was only rediscovered on Europa after his death.
The message he adresses to 'the minds behind the Deep Stone Crypt' introduces us to the Long Slow Whisper, something all Exos seem to be affected by as a side-effect of, well... being an Exo. Long story short, it's the voice of the Darkness: the reason Exos hear it almost constantly is because Clovis used Clarity, a power born from Darkness, to create them. We discover much more about Exos, the LSW, Clarity and the DSC during Beyond Light.
Lastly, Ikora's message. Not much to say, other than how heart shattering it is. In most messages, Cayde still maintained his humorous personality, however this one is the only one adressed to an ally in which Cayde unmasks. He knows Ikora sees through his facade anyways, and since he's dead, he might as well be honest. Here, he admits to thinking most people dislike him; he is convinced Ikora hates him, and makes sure to specify how 'it wasn't mutual'.
Once you find all 10 caches, you unlock the Ace of Spades, and Cayde's story ends there. He says in the message adressed to the YW that every story has it's end, and this is his. He instructs us to burn his journal and move on. And that's all. At least it was until a year ago, when Bungie released the TFS Teaser Trailer, officially bringing back Cayde for this last stand against Darkness.
As we recently discovered from the Unforseen Consequences Ship's lore tab, it is very likely that he was actually brought back because of a wish Crow accidentally made to an unnamed Ahamkara (likely Riven), disguised as Mara. This means that the chances of Cayde fading away at the end of the TFS campaign are very high, but I guess we'll find out on the 4th!
This is all I got. Anyone who reached the end, feel free to add to this if you noticed I missed something.
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Tech's Parents
I stand by my statement that we should have gotten to see all of the Loonatics' parents but since that isn't going to happen anytime soon-
Presenting Miles D Coyote and Dr. Jane Sweetfang! Ft. Nurse Rodger Beeper
Miles is a coyote of few words, content to let his actions speak for themselves. In charge of their towns mechanic and tools shop with his brother, he serves as a listening ear for the town, helping people work out their issues.
As accident prone as his ancestor, it's rare to see him with out some sort of injury, whether is be a sporting new cast or silver aluminum bandages over a burn. Though no one's really sure how he lost his hand, the running theory is that he crushed it.
He does not let this stop him from making his models tho.
Dr. Sweetfang runs the Cliffside Clinic, a nonprofit clinic that gets far more use then she'd like to see. In her youth, she was a microbiologist on the team that perfected the universal Stem Cell (a type of stem cell that can be safely injected into any species on Earth) as well as the Accelerant Bacteria (a bacteria that encourages said cells to work 4x faster). After passing the FDA aproval, the team sold the patent for $10 in order to get it to hit hospitals globally.
She met Nurse Rodger Beeper when she was training to be an EMT afterwords, and they eventually opened the Cliffside Clinic where she would meet Miles when he was brought in after breaking his tails getting an engine dropped on him.
(Unofficial uncle to the Coyote kids, Rodger was/is in charge of treating any serious injuries Tech, Jax, or eventually Kylee got after she married Miles.)
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qismet · 22 days
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holder of the curse manipulation technique during the heian period, direct ancestor of getō suguru. he/him. erased from jujutsu society’s history after his death.
originally born waseda kisen ⁽ 早稲田 輝千 ⁾, he is the only child of waseda sunao ⁽ 直生 ⁾ father, and chiemi ⁽ 千咲 ⁾ mother. chiemi passed moments after kisen's birth, leaving him in the care of his father. both were subsistence farmers (namely rice) and jujutsu sorcerers, and this continued in kisen's early life.
sunao held an obvious amount of resentment towards kisen in his grief within losing his wife to account for his existence. that being said, he doted on his son and made sure to teach him both values on jujutsu sorcery and swordsmanship. for the most part, kisen lived a moderately pleasant childhood, until age eight, when his technique awakened.
kisen shares the same cursed technique as his later descendant, getō suguru, curse manipulation through consumption of an exorcised cursed spirit.
the heian period in japan is notable in jujutsu society as having bred some of the most powerful curses and sorcerers of any age. in the modern day, uraume tells hakari that all should consider themselves lucky they weren't born one thousand years ago. it could be said, sorcerer's that existed within the heian period held more power in their little fingers than some modern day sorcerers do in their entire bodies.
as such, in this period it is entirely frowned upon and found near sacrilegious that kisen can not only consume curses, but can puppeteer them and weaponise them for his own gain. the fact that kisen exists alongside them, that they exist within him is something people find disgusting. because of this, once the technique has awakened, sorcerers and windows alike begin to turn their backs on a child that does not fully understand his own capabilities.
within their village, rumours spread. rumours that kisen must be half-curse and half-human, or perhaps a curse entirely, or that his mother lay with a curse, and bringing such a monster into the world inevitably cost her life as repentance. that he is a vengeful curse that intended to kill her. that he made a pact with a curse in order to gain such power. none of which are true, but that all hang a dark cloud over his head.
at age thirteen, one summer's night, sunao intends to kill his son, thinking that he will be sparing kisen a life of turned backs, harsh whispers, a life on the precarious edge of society, a life of being hunted for what he is. he gets as far as covering kisen's mouth and raising his blade, but he cannot go through with it and instead slashes his own throat, unable to live with himself for what he has tried to do.
out of his father's corpse rose a great and vengeful curse born from grief and resentment, both towards kisen and others who sought to make their lives a misery on account of kisen's technique. the mindless curse that it was, it would likely have killed kisen if not for the intervention of another sorcerer, ryū eijiro, who subdued sunao's curse. kisen asked for him not to exorcise it and instead completed the task himself, though still quite inexperienced. his father's curse was the fifteenth he consumed, and it remains one of his largest and most formidable.
eijiro was unable to ignore that kisen had ended up alone in the world, and found that he couldn't turn his back on him. he took kisen in and further trained him in the ways sunao should have done. he teaches him that should he want acceptance from the rest of their society, he would have to make himself smaller, present his manipulated curses as mere shikigami as opposed to what they truly are. despite this, he still bestows all wisdoms onto kisen and makes him strong, helps him to better his cursed technique and in kisen's younger years even helps him subdue curses to consume.
for a long time, kisen believes this is the only way in which he can exist peacefully within their society and he does so without much complaining, presents himself as a shikigami user, tries to slot himself into their society peacefully, wanting to be accepted. until eijiro is murdered when kisen is twenty. having already been outlawed, eijiro had been allowed to live on the assumption that he would try no further to harm jujutsu society. in training kisen, in making him stronger and in giving him the necessary tools and skills needed to cultivate his technique, this was seen as a direct attack. eijiro's death does not go unpunished, as kisen follows the assailants across four cities to enact his revenge, in the process shining a light on himself as he murders a lower-ranking noble sorcerer whose order it was to have eijiro killed.
it's here that he gives himself the surname hōrōsha, meaning wanderer. truly shedding the last of his ties to his old life, he intends to become someone new, and embraces the nature of society they present him with.
as an incredibly powerful sorcerer with an arsenal of highly overpowered curses, kisen is nearly untouchable. a skilled swordsman, light on his feet and highly intelligent and agile, he is a formidable opponent, as many later come to find out. jujutsu society still want him dead, still seek to erase his existence from their history and so he survives many attempts on his life. after enacting his revenge for eijiro's death, kisen turns his back on jujutsu society's lack of acceptance of him and instead turns to making a living doing what he does best, consuming curses and as a newly found skill, hunting.
as an outsider to jujutsu society, kisen uses bounty hunting as a way to get an inside look to how it all works and uses curse hunting to further expand his collection of manipulated curses. he takes jobs from those of high and low status (as long as he gets paid, he'll do almost anything) and it gives him a great insight of who he must look for to climb like a ladder until he gets to who he really wants to face, the ones who decided his life was forfeit, the ones who won't accept him, the ones that fear him.
much like getō suguru, kisen struggles with the taste of curses, thinks of it akin to eating a rotten corpse, he feels like a vulture feeding on the dead, despite the fact that curses were never truly alive. similar to getō's later character arc, kisen does find companionship in other sorcerers and is good-natured, he simply has been hardened by society and will not allow himself to be slighted, will raise his blade against the neck of any person who seeks to challenge him.
for kisen, his mind is never quiet, the curses never leave him as they exist within him, their mindless chatter gnaws at any silence he might be granted.
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lore-of-mobius · 8 months
Sonic Prime Inconsistencies Part 1
Okay so I wanted to make this post to ramble about the inconsistencies or just straight up lore problems of Sonic Prime. While I get it is supposed to be more oriented towards kids, such a thing is not an excuse for simplistic story telling. In addition with the recent focus on Lore in recent Sonic games with the addition of a lore master, I find the inclusion of Sonic Prime to the canon of the games to be the big problem.
The whole if it doesn't contradict the games and unified canon thing. It would be alright if it wasn't canon though still frustrating. But one Logan McPherson, Takashi Iizuka, alongside others has confirmed it is supposed to be canon.
So my first problem is Sonic and I am not going to talk about his blabber mouth, yet. You see there is a problem with his power level, he is way too underpowered for at this point in the timeline. This Sonic will inconsistently smash through Eggforcers like they are your basic Badnik but then also having struggling with them fighting forever like this was a DBZ fight. The Eggforcers I would best describe as slightly beefed up Badniks, but still Sonic should not be having such a hard time with them.
Using characters like Shadow, Orbot, and Cubot as a way to set down a placement in the timeline. This would mean this Sonic whose struggling with slightly beefed up Badniks is the same one whose faced off against the Death Egg Robot, the Great Egg Robo, Perfect Chaos even fighting him in his base form, the Black Arms, Dark Gaia, etc. among all the various mechs and bosses in up until this point. However, if the claim Prime takes place in the far future, that means he would have been through even more up until Frontiers!!
My next problem is a nitpick but why is Birdie not only hanging out with Amy now but why are they pink? Birdie was blue in Adventure so why are they suddenly pink? Imma ask is to match up with Amy the pink female hedgehog? Because if so that is pretty questionable.
Part 2
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reubenyeoart · 2 months
Speaking of your planeswalkers, how did you design them and theme them around their colors? If you haven't answered this before. I love the theory behind the colors and how planeswalkers are represented.
Ah; the colour connections my fanwalkers had are a bit looser than how the colour pie works, hahaha.
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For Kanerva, my first planeswalker; he's simply based on my W/B enchantments EDH deck, led by Daxos, the Returned. It's also an allusion to his fur colours (since he's a panda).
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For Tormund, he was designed for an idea I had for a piece I did for my Ko-Fi. I wanted to create a Kaldheim-based character and designed Tormund's outfit based on the Kannah, since I envisioned his magic being based on growing stronger the more he puts himself into danger (also the reason why he doesn't wear any topwear).
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This piece was to highlight Tormund's character, showing Tormund wanting to flex his abilities and planeswalking to Amonkhet to complete the Trial of Strength.
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hevexns-realm · 10 days
Came to talk about Iris from your previous ask and how she is lowkey relatable (father issues part) and been wondering about the lore with your versions of Nazo and Seekladoom (no really where do I start? I’m only more familiar with Nazo)-—
Sees your reblog with superscourge.
Oh ahaha, well it was flattering you thought it was me for a second, but that was not me unfortunately. If they manage to top Glaze’s and Frontier’s AUs though I will be in awe and very scared….
I think it’s safe to say we Scourge Fans tend to really hurt the poor hedgehog when we can I suppose. 😅
On the other hand, hope with whatever we’re going through that we’ll both heal from it. 
-squeals- I AM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED!! 🖤💙🩵
Okay, I have so much on these two in general, I’m going to try and shorten it to keep things from getting out of hand! Because I’ll be here until 9:00PM the next day if I do- (/hj)
Also, I appreciate you being able to relate to Iris. I try to make my characters at least a little relatable, as we’re all human at the base, no matter what we physically look like. We all share similar feelings, emotions, personalities, and blood colors. Why should we judge on one’s physical appearance when we don’t know their lives? That’s at least how I try to think, even if my intrusive thoughts make it difficult sometimes, I always try my best to make sure they don’t affect my morals and hurt others.
So here’s their physical look to describe them as of now.
Nazo is 21 in this AU. Considerably studious amongst everyone else in the group. (with the exception of mephiles and iblis, because they’ve been around much longer than him in this AU.) His fur and quills are slightly darker in color than how he’s seen in Nazo unleashed, and are arguably more soft and fluffy due to his care routine.
Nazo has this mixed style of Old money, Dark academia, and whimsigoth all in one. Lots of simple yet elegant pieces with lots of accessories. He tends to wear a lot of crystal jewelry when he can, and tends to lean towards gold jewelry rather than silver. As it makes the contrast all the more appealing. That doesn’t mean he does experiment with different styles and designs, as he doesn’t care much about societal standards all that much. He wears what he feels comfortable in, and doesn’t mind the stares.
Despite him being a literal being of negative energy, and still being regarded as a villain by most, he’s considered more empathetic out of him and seelka. We also see him have more morals than most of the other villains you see throughout the story, and that’s due to his ability to sense negative energy in general. (Also through Sonic multiverse mayhem, where Nazo shows genuine concern over seelka wanting to burn down an orphanage, so we know he’s got some sort of morals.) as negative chaos energy Isn’t the only thing he feels, it’s negative energy in general, which includes negative emotions.
This negative energy goes into creating his perfect form, which is still obtainable with or without the chaos emeralds now, he just uses them as a power boost.
He loves classic/dark academia literature and history of humans, the scent of rain and earth when a storm is about to hit, and also likes melancholy type of weather. He loves tea, particularly the more sweeter ones, as he does have a small sweet tooth, and prefers to either stay inside or go somewhere quiet. He prefers solleanna’s cathedral libraries, the ones that are open until the late evenings as he drowns out the world in the great minds of the past. The histories of the world as he sees them form in his head. He also loves classical music, as there’s usually no lyrics to them. If there are, they have no cuss words or slang, innapropriate themes of drugs, gangs, SA, etc. It feels timeless to him, and it helps him relax whenever he is angry, or when he’s in the artistry room in their home, either designing something that came from his head, or drawing something that he saw while out and about.
Seelkadoom is 22 in this au, and is almost the complete opposite of Nazo. While he is also quite intelligent in not only books, combat, and street smarts, he’s also quite loud and brash when in particular groups of people. He’s quite extroverted, and is much more physically active than most of the others!
He loves anything grungy or alternative, this goes for both clothing and music. He loves the smell of metal, roses, leather, and rain. He loves comfort foods like soups, cultural comforts like onigiri, shrimp Alfredo, and just anything that’s warm and soft, warm, and filling. Although he’s not afraid of trying all sorts of culinary tastes from all over the world! He particularly likes music artists like Troy, Johnathan young, etc!
Cozy games from independent developers like lost in random, subnautica, and cult of the lamb are some of his favorites to play. Although he isn’t afraid of loading up overwatch or COD if he’s up for it!
Seelka has less morals than nazo, but not so few he’s considered a borderline monster. Even he has his limits and boundaries, and it’s best to be wise and not purposefully cross them too much, less you wish for death.
Seelka is a night owl. You cannot get this man to sleep at night unless you shove melatonin down his throat, which is why he likes to sleep all day and participate in cool stuff at night!
The only real “family” either of them have outside of the gang is seelkadoom’s creator/father, Dr. Eggman. They actually have a good relationship of father and son, and they tend to still hang around him on holidays.
How do they meet? Well, given the context that Nazo doesn’t die and he isn’t immediately taken into G.U.N’s custody, he’s basically Eggman’s right hand man. He’s the one that’s in control while the doctor is gone doing villian shit as he rests and recovers from the huge fight between him, shadow, and Sonic.
Few days later, seelka comes out of his coma after his fight with hyper sonic. With an itch to fight, he starts heading towards the doctor’s chambers to either get a fight out of him, or figure out where Sonic and shadow are to give them a beating maybe.
That is until the two lock eyes, and then the confusion begins. Who is this guy? Why is he in the doctor’s lab? Is he a friend or a foe? And why does he look conviently attractive?
So after a lot of confusion of the two wondering what the hell was going on, Eggman introduces them to the other and makes them work together.
It’s a slow process, but it’s not like they actively hate each other’s guts. It’s the usual strangers to friends thing with a little bit of awkwardness from Nazo. Eventually he warms up to seelka, and they become good friends.
Then a world pandemic happens, and G.U.N requires not only Dr. Eggman’s assistance, but seelka and Nazo’s help as well.
Then after a lot of soft moments while under G.U.N’s care, seelka finally got the guts to confess to nazo, which leads to a very soft and sweet moment between the two of them!
Once the experiments are done, and the pandemic subsides, Nazo and seelka are both paid generously by the government for their contributions and cooperation.
They both expected to get maybe like, $10-$20k, at most $30k. What they didn’t expect was for Eggman to come out crying tears of joy, showing they have almost $20 million in the bank.
So then Eggman takes on the role of seelka’s dad figure and helps them with the adult stuff. Taxes, bills, credit, investments, etc. In return he ends up being gifted $2,500,000 by the two, allowing him to be able to retire and live his life abroad. Not needing to keep fighting Sonic, as they’re willing to be the ones who cause mayhem for him.
Does that stop egghead? Nope, if anything it helps him get started on his empire! But instead of trying to take over the world, he starts with becoming the leader of a small nation, and start from there. Then he uses the money to invest into the people, the country, everything. Plus, unlike in Sonic prime, he’s actually a good and genuine leader, not blinded by the greed of wealth. As he knows wealth builds in the long run, and if he does it right, the world will be his. He just needs to keep a level head!
However, seelka starts getting bored staying inside all night and sleeping all day in their new home. So he eventually decides to take a shot at a night shift job, and is lucky enough to be taken under the wing of solleanna’s most prominent employer in the entertainment industry, Mary Jane the Cat, or MMJ for short.
She teaches him everything he needs to know about being a bartender and a card dealer, and eventually hires him for the job.
And that’s where they are now in my AU! I’m so sorry it took me so long to make this, school has been wacky, so I hope it’s worth the wait anon!
Taglist for any mutuals who want the lore:
@thebreadmeower @hunniegl4zed
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Impress the press
*cracks knuckles* *blasts 1D* *ill be UP ALL NIGHT writing this*
Disclaimer: any and all similarities to anything boyband connected are absolutely intentional, and highly entertaining
@ziptiesnfries I will forever be grateful to you for the idea, and will start every chapter telling you this, and I hope you like it <<<3
Oli's first public appearance poor baby
previous masterlist
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, ‘it’ as a pronoun (only like once), past abuse mention, humiliation, public (TV) appearance
Oliver tried his best not to be too distraught by the boys’ general disregard for him. He had a home now and new owners, he repeated it in his head over and over like a mantra, but still couldn’t help but be a tad disappointed. His home was this tour bus now, that smelled like day old pizza, it was messy and suffocatingly crowded even though it was a lot more spacious than it looked from the outside. His new owners didn’t even care for him for the most part, and he couldn’t think of himself as Diana’s, which she made more than clear to him. Hell, all of them, but one seemed to be rather uncomfortable with his presence.
The one, who Diana passed his leash off to, sat him on the beat-up couch that seemed to serve as the communal space, taking up one side of the aisle. 
Oliver sat, visibly tense and timid, feeling like a deer in headlights. He had the cute-brown doe-eyes for it, at least that was what he was told and the irony wasn’t entirely lost on him. The boy with the leash followed, after tossing some magazines on the floor to make himself some space. He pulled Oliver closer to himself by the collar, not hurting the pet but definitely making him uncomfortable. He ran his knuckles over his cheeks, and fixing a strand of his hair that escaped the bun on his head, and he sighed adoringly.
“You’re really pretty” he stated, and then abruptly let go of him to look around the rest of the band, who stood there awkwardly, and rather reluctantly accepting the situation “Come on, I don’t believe that none of you find him at least a bit pretty” Oliver watched as the boy eyed two of the bandmates up in particular, who shrugged and mumbled something, he hoped in agreement. The third one, glared at him, then at Diana, who was not gracing them with her attention anymore, and then simply turned around and climbed into his bunk without a word. The pet’s stomach dropped with shame. His conditioning running as deep in his mind as it did, he had a thought form. He would do anything to please the third boy, whose name he didn’t even know yet, he had to because  he was nothing if he wasn’t wanted. 
They set off as soon as Diana dismissed them with a wave of her hand and joined the driver in the front of the vehicle.
“Do you have a name?” The first boy inquired, a curious pair of grey eyes searching Oliver’s own, so close to his face he could see the way his pupils moved with the change of the light as they rolled out of the parking garage. The absurdity of the situation didn’t escape him, as he introduced himself to the other, whose name probably the whole world knew. One of the other two bandmates, who still stood in the common area, groaned and pulled the other one back towards the bunks. 
“Oli! That’s such a lovely name!” he gushed. Oliver wanted to correct him that it’s actually Oliver, but he bit his tongue. His new owners can call him whatever they wanted, he reminded himself. His training from his old home was still deeply ingrained in his psyche, he had to fight it with all his might. He wasn’t Oliver anymore if they decided so “I’m James” he introduced himself as well “I play the drums” As he chatted away, mostly about himself and his role in the band, he managed to introduce the rest of the crew as well, which he was grateful for. The two joined at the hip were the singer and the guitarist, Eddie and Will respectively. Will also sang a lot, according to James his voice was a tenor and that complimented Eddie’s baritone, whatever that meant. The one, who Oliver felt outright disliked him was Khai. He played the bass, and wrote a lot of their lyrics, as much contribution Diana allowed them to have, he had the most contribution.
“It’s not like we write all of our songs” he explained “Actually, fuck that, we don’t write most of our music, but Khai usually has a word or two in the writing process. He’s great with words and rhymes.”
James spoke a lot, Oliver noticed he loved hearing his own voice. He offered to show him a few of their tracks, before they heard a disgruntled “Anything, but our songs” from Will’s bunk, to which James responded with a soft laugh and dismissed the idea. 
He had to face it rather quickly that he would never have a moment of relaxation in his life as they pulled up to a building, surrounded by a horde of people. He also learned that he has to be at heel no matter what, when Diana snaps her fingers otherwise she’d simply catch his leash and forcefully drag him after herself. 
As they exited the bus, the boys were immediately ushered away by a bunch of people dressed in black, talking into their headsets, looking each of them over, turning their faces to the side and touching their hair and clothes. They didn’t seem to pay much mind to it, in contrast with Oliver, who was terrified, getting suddenly lost in a sea of people. He felt suffocated, even before Diana yanked on his leash actually cutting off his airflow, but at least it snapped him out of the panic that started rising up in his chest. She dragged him over to a different area and pushed him to sit down on a wobbly looking chair, her perfectly manicured nails dug into his shoulder with an intensity that made him wonder if she painted them red, because she draws blood every time someone comes into contact with them.
“Stay” she instructed before she let go of him and turned around yelling “Make him presentable!” to the mob of people that immediately swarmed over to him like a hive of bees. He wished he could remember their faces, but there were so many people, wearing the same things, approaching him with different items, like makeup and accessories.
His hair was pulled from the bun he had hastily put it in earlier that day, they brushed and straightened it, he winced when one of them burnt his ear with a careless movement of the straightener, which only earned him a slap on the back of the head and even rougher treatment.
It didn’t hurt too bad, but the pain he felt just grew stronger by the second, threatening to spill from his eyes in the form of tears. He wanted to go home, or at least back to the shelter to be adopted into a different life. Ungrateful thoughts, and they made him even more miserable. There was someone staring at his face up close, who he couldn’t see properly over the cloud of tears.
“Someone bring the foundation over” they yelled, in his face, making him flinch even worse than before “I can’t have it crying on live TV” It was too late to will the tears away, as he started sobbing pitifully. He’s ruining their public appearance, the entire reason they got him is to improve just that. They snatched his hands and pushed it back into his lap to prevent him from wiping the makeup away.
“Hair’s done” “Fixed it, makeup’s done” “Get a jacket or something, we don’t have enough time to fix the clothes” 
They continued to yell things to each other, sometimes into the headsets. He was a gazelle in a circle of lions. At least this was what he imagined the gazelle to feel like on one of the shows he had watched with the kids at his first home. His lips quivered, threatening a new wave of cries to break through, but he bit down and took some breaths. He was afraid of what the lions would do, if he ruined his makeup again.
Diana appeared out of nowhere again, just as they pulled his arms through the sleeve of an expensive plaid shirt. They left the buttons undone, showing off his collar.
“Come on, it’s showtime” The crowd automatically opened for them, as she pulled him away. They walked through a labyrinth of corridors, before she opened an unlabelled door on the left and they entered an entertainment show set he recognised from one of those shows his owners liked to watch on lazy nights after dinner.
The band was already there, wearing an outrageous amount of makeup that made Oliver wonder what he ended up looking like. He hoped it’s something they do for the cameras. Will had a guitar hanging lazily across his torso held up by a colourful strap. Eddie’s hair was styled to show off the long natural curls he had, and Oliver suddenly felt very conscious about his hair having been straightened. James and Khai were in the middle of a conversation, when the latter noticed him and his face darkened. James looked around confused as he searched for the source of tension, before his eyes settled on Oliver and he lit up. He sauntered over to Diana and him with a cheerful grin, and attempted to take his collar out of her hand.
She snatched it away with a frustrated look “No” she shook her head “He sits with Eddie, you still haven’t lived the incident in China down, I don’t want to wind up in another scandal like that”
“Fine” James replied with a pout, like a child that had just been scolded. He ran a hand over Oliver’s arm almost apologetically and walked back to continue his conversation with Khai. 
“All you have to do now is keep quiet and smile nicely at the boys and the host” she finally turned to him, the words falling from her lips with the average speed of a race car “They won’t ask you anything, only the boys. Don’t make faces, don’t start crying and most importantly don’t squint your eyes from the lights, it looks stupid. Unlike you they have years of proper media training under their belts” As if that was his fault “so just agree with whatever they say, even if they make it up on the spot. Clear?”
“Yes, mi- Diana” he corrected himself quickly.
“Good. Eddie!” she called him over. 
“Yeah?” He ignored Oliver, as he walked up to them.
“Take him” She passed his leash over to the singer “You’re sitting on the right in the front. He sits next to you. James on your side and Khai behind you. Will sits as far away from you as possible” 
“I don’t want to hear it” She dismissed them. Eddie looked at him hesitantly. 
“Are you okay?” he asked nervously, which finally brought a smile on the singer’s face. He felt a hive of butterflies being unleashed in his stomach fluttering as he looked into Eddie’s eyes for the first time up close. His eyes were piercing, green and still radiated warmth.
“Yeah” he led him with a soft pull towards the middle of the set where their seats were already set up. Two armchairs in front and two tall bar stools behind them “Are you okay?” Oliver looked at his back surprised. Was he okay? He felt it’s his duty to answer that he was, but he wasn’t supposed to lie.
“I’ve been better” he replied cautiously. Eddie sat down on the one of the chairs and he kneeled next to him obediently. At least that was something he knew how to do right.
“This isn’t going to take long. Not really our target audience, but a good place to introduce you and go about our day” he explained in a soft hushed tone, as the others took their assigned places as well. 
“Eddie, don’t forget to pet him” Diana instructed, having to yell over the noise of the crew who were running around making sure all of the equipment was set up right, checking the cameras and lights. Oliver felt the boy’s hand tentatively find its way into his hair at the nape of his neck, and he immediately melted into his touch, letting the world soften around the edges as he concentrated on the warmth of his owner.
“We’re live in 10” he heard someone yell.
“2…1… Action!”
It was hard to keep up with the witty back and forth between the hosts, who sat at a table,  warming up the audience with some quips and jokes, to introduce the band. The cameras panned over to their side of the stage. 
“So boys,” the man clasped his hands in front of him shooting a wide toothy grin to the camera, before looking at them “Tell me about this new project of yours”
“Well,” James started, mimicking the host’s commercial smile “his name is Oliver”
“Oh right, the pet!” he started, as if he forgot “I meant the new album” the man’s booming laughter sent shivers down his spine. The boys chuckled politely as a response “I’m just kidding around, boys, so this Oliver, I hear he is a rescue”
“We adopted him from a shelter, yes” James answered “The rescue cause is really close to our hearts. Especially since we heard his story, we knew we had to save him” Oliver glanced over at him confused, before quickly correcting his expression. Nothing James said was even close to the truth “We also decided to take action and donate a considerable amount to the charity supporting rescue shelters all around the country”
The memory of Johannah asking for a donation as Diana dragged him through the door flashed in front of his eyes. Like hell did they donate.
“Can you share his story with the world?” The other host, a woman, asked solemnly with both her hands over her heart.
“We would prefer to keep it private” Will chimed in, and Oliver sighed with relief, he wasn’t sure he could have handled anything being said about his first owners and home. He wondered if they were watching, and his heart shattered at the thought of the kids recognising him through the screen “It’s a sensitive subject, you know? Like, bringing up bad memories, for example, when I was a child, you know…” Will averted the topic with practised ease.
“And what’s next for you together? Will you let him play the triangle on a new track?” Another round of raucous laughter made its way out of the host’s chest. What an unpleasant man, he thought. But he was just as curious to know the answer. What comes next?
“Actually, we did bring you a new song, if you wanted to hear” Khai chimed in from the back.
“What a wonderful surprise! Let’s hear it”
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is 2WayStreet, with and exclusive new single that they'll release in 2 weeks, but you will be the first to hear it!"
Oliver heard as Will struck the first few chords on the guitar, and carefully turned his head to the side to watch them perform. Eddie’s hand never left his hair, but he started rhythmically stroking the top of his head, as he joined the song. They harmonised perfectly with each other, seamlessly letting the notes melt into each other in a soft but catchy tune. 
The interview ended with a round of applause from the entire crew.
next masterlist
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triptychofvoids · 8 months
What flavor of popcorn does Medic like I'm getting him some
i hate to disappoint you anon, but he doesnt like popcorn! he hates how the kernels get stuck in his teeth and how loudly everyone else eats it and the smell of that overly salty artificial butter gives him a headache. if youre offering it to him, he miiiight eat just a few pieces of it to be polite if its sweet and/or the kind that has chocolate on it but dont expect him to take more than a few pieces
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glass-noodle · 1 year
Can merman connor speak? Like, is he unable to or is he just not interested in doing so?
Also what does he think of Hank? I picture him wondering what a broom and other cleaning tools even are, like: "he comes here and keeps wiping the room with that cloth every day? Wtf?"
1) This will come up in later updates 🥰
2) He definitely knows who the janitors are and what they do, having been in captivity for years. He’s been studying the humans just as much as they’ve been studying him. He knows the scientists, and he definitely knows Kamski. He’s seen janitors come and go; some have gawked, some have stayed as far away from him as possible, and some (like Gavin Reed) clearly think he’s a freak of nature. Hank is gruff and quiet and often grumpy, but he’s good at his job and surprisingly kind to his coworkers. When he sees Connor, he looks curious and awed (and maybe a little bit angry), but he never seems afraid.
One night, Connor unknowingly wanders a bit too close when Hank is in a bad mood, wondering why the human is slouched on the floor with his head buried in his hands. Hank snaps at him to fuck off, and then immediately looks like he regrets it when Connor shrinks back. (Connor thinks he wouldn’t have flinched if he were free in the ocean — his home. That familiar wave of bitterness rises within him once again when he thinks about how much the humans have changed him.)
A week after this incident, the human brings him a fish. He’s wary at first — he’s intrigued by Hank, but he still wouldn’t trust a human as far as he could throw them — but. Well. He’s hungry.
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dragoningachahell · 11 months
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Original source of the moon
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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random Loonatics Fam headcannons
Lexi's dad's a drag queen
Slam has an older brother who's a fashion designer
Dr. Sweetfang has some opinions on the Loonatic's medical faculty
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