#unite the north
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mikeysketches · 11 months ago
Karkolak4Eva" - Another of the teams in my DnD battle Royale campaign, the Brightest Stars Tournament - Faerun Northern Regionals.
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thosemotivationalquotes · 4 months ago
Friendly reminder that almost half of the states in the U.S. have same day registration! This means you can go to the polling center for your location, register there, and cast your vote same day. So if you are over 18, are a U.S. citizen, and live in one of the states listed below, it is not too late to register and vote! I’m going to put notes for some of the states where voting is extra important due to the political climate of the state. *Please note that every state has its own rules and requirements for same day registration and voting, some are only for early voting, or have very specific ID requirements. Make sure to research your state specifically before showing up to the polls
Iowa - recent polls indicate state could flip from red to blue
Michigan - swing state! Could go red or blue!
Nevada - swing state! Could go red or blue!
New Hampshire
New Mexico
North Carolina - swing state! Could go red or blue - same day registration allowed only for early voting
North Dakota - voter registration not required
Wisconsin - swing state! Could go red or blue
You can go here for more info on voter registration
I also have a huge list of voting resources here
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reasonsforhope · 2 months ago
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As he peered over a secluded cove off the coast of San Francisco, Gerry McChesney couldn’t believe the scene that was unfolding in front of him. 
Fur seal pups — hundreds of them — had taken over the inlet at the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge and were bobbing on the surface of the water in a shiny, blubbery mass, likely hiding from great white sharks as they waited for their mothers to return from the sea to nurse. The sight wasn’t exactly unheard of — island biologists at Point Blue Conservation Science had first noticed the older seal pups using the cove as a covert hideout sometime last year, McChesney, a manager for the refuge, told SFGATE. But he was on the island one day in late October when biologist Jim Tietz delivered the news: The seals were back in full force, and in numbers they had never seen before. 
McChesney decided to go take a look for himself.
“I was amazed to see them all piled in there, getting tossed around like they were in a washing machine,” he told SFGATE in an email, adding that he counted 440 in all. “They looked pretty content and like they were having a good ol’ time.”
The video McChesney captured was shared by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on social media earlier this week, garnering thousands of comments on Instagram and Facebook, with users referring to the phenomenon as “seal pup daycare” and “nature’s mosh pit.” 
To the biologists, it’s a sign of “a truly remarkable recovery.” 
The rookery’s history
The Farallon Islands host one of just two fur seal rookeries south of Alaska (the other being San Miguel Island in Santa Barbara County) after the species was completely wiped out from the area in the early 19th century. There was extensive seal hunting between about 1810 and 1838... In the first few years of widespread hunting, he estimates that over 150,000 fur seals were slaughtered (“The rookery must have been huge,” he noted) and soon, no fur seals could be found at the islands at all.
But large-scale market hunting came to an end by the mid-19th century, he said. In 1911, the United States signed the Northern Fur Seal Treaty, banning the hunting of marine mammals at sea. The Marine Mammal Protection Act, which prohibits killing and disturbing animals including seals, was established in 1972, further aiding in the protection of the species. Two years later, 141 acres of the islands were designated the Farallon Wilderness and were closed to the public in an attempt to mitigate human disturbance so the seals could return and “breed unfettered,” McChesney said. Large breeding colonies still persisted on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and the Commander Islands off eastern Siberia, and in 1996, a female fur seal from a recovered colony on the Channel Islands made her way back to the Farallones, giving birth to the first fur seal pup there after more than 150 years of the species’ absence.
Since then, “the Farallon population has been growing rapidly,” McChesney said. Within 15 years, the local population had boomed to 476 individuals, Bay Nature reported in 2018. Initially, they clustered in one area on the west end of the islands — but now, they’re beginning to expand.
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Pictured: A photo of a northern fur seal in Alaska.
A seal surge
Pupping season runs from June to August, with most of the seals born in July and remaining in the breeding colony for a few months before they are weaned, usually by the end of November. Then, the newly independent animals go out to sea on their own. 
Farallon Island biologists from Point Blue Conservation Science have been documenting the population, and this year recorded 2,133 fur seals in total, including 1,276 pups, which McChesney called “the highest pup count yet.” 
“Given that the entire colony can’t be seen, this was a minimal count and there were certainly many more,” he noted.
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Pictured: The Farallon Islands off the coast of San Francisco.
Though Point Blue biologists have never documented white sharks feeding on fur seal pups (they typically go for juvenile northern elephant seals and sea lions) the “threat of shark attacks on the seal pups is certainly there and I’m sure the pups are aware of that,” McChesney said. “The cove where the video was taken provides a secluded spot to swim and play without worrying about the sharks.”
When the mothers return, they find their pups by using a distinctive call. But in the meantime, the pups seem not to mind the hours away in their secret hideout where they can splash and play to their hearts’ content.
“It was so much fun to watch,” McChesney said. “And knowing that the sight represents such an amazing comeback for their population made the sight mean so much more.”
-via SF Gate, December 23, 2024
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inatungulates · 2 months ago
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Collared peccary Dicotyles tajacu
Observed by liamhuber, CC BY-NC
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illustratus · 3 months ago
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Aurora Borealis by Frederic Edwin Church
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moved-to-slayfk · 5 months ago
When President Joe Biden was asked if there’s any more resources that the federal government could be providing hurricane victims, he said:
“No. We’ve given them … a significant amount even though they didn’t — hadn’t — asked for it.”
This is fucking bullshit. People are homeless. People are dying. The government doesn’t care about Appalachia. It never has and never will unless we make enough noise. They gave Israel $8.7 billion while saying hurricane victims have enough money that we didn’t even ask for even though we’ve been BEGGING for help. They need to STOP funneling money into the Israeli death regime while their own countrymen fucking suffer and die under the boot of capitalism!!!!!! This country is fucked!!! They value Israel’s continued destruction of Palestine over their own people!!!!!!!!!!!! The lives of murders will always be more valuable to other murderers than innocent lives, no matter the country. Free Palestine, support Appalachia. Fuck the United States government.
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aestum · 1 year ago
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(by Clay Banks)
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northameicanblog · 24 days ago
Grand Prismatic Spring, United States: The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the United States, and the third largest in the world, after Frying Pan Lake in New Zealand and Boiling Lake in Dominica. It is located in the Midway Geyser Basin... The bright, vivid colors in the spring are the result of microbial mats of thermophilic bacteria around the edges of the mineral-rich water. Wikipedia
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breathtakingdestinations · 2 months ago
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Empire State Building - New York City - New York - USA (by Diana Robinson)
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folkfashion · 4 months ago
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Diné (Navajo) women, United States of America, by BakerCollege
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life-spire · 1 year ago
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wgm-beautiful-world · 4 months ago
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Beautiful autumn landscape in New Hampshire, UNITED STATES
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the-first-man-is-a-cat · 2 months ago
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Alec Soth (American, b. 1969)
Mother and daughter, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1999
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reasonsforhope · 23 days ago
"Across the country, thousands of public schools face closures due to low enrollment. 
But Detroit, Michigan-based nonprofit Life Remodeled is welcoming vacant schools into a new era.
The organization, which has invested $51 million in revitalizing Detroit neighborhoods, primarily works to purchase vacant properties and work with dozens of area organizations to provide life-changing resources to community members.
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Its first remodel — the Durfee Innovation Society — opened in 2023. A former elementary and middle school, the building is now what the organization calls “an opportunity hub,” providing resources like after-school programs, career preparedness, and support in accessing healthcare, financial literacy, and more.
“The Durfee Innovation Society is an Opportunity Hub,” Brandy Haggins, the director of the project, told CBS News. “We call it that because we’ve taken an old school building that probably would have set back vacant, and we housed it with the best and brightest nonprofits in Detroit.”
She continued: “An Opportunity Hub is a place where individuals can come and get opportunities that they deserve, that they probably otherwise would not have access to.”
The building is home to over 35 organizations, including Nursing Detroit, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Starfish Family Services.
Since it opened, the Durfee Innovation Society has provided 3,400 Detroit students with after-school programming, 5,600 with job opportunities, and 13,400 children and families with resources and support. 
Ultimately, the organization says, 22,000 Detroiters take part in Durfee’s programs every year.
These numbers represent exciting milestones, but they are also in competition with what Life Remodeled is up against.
According to the organization, 88% of third graders in Detroit read below grade level. 30% of Detroiters can’t access the healthcare they need. And Detroit residents’ median household income is 50% less than suburban residents.
School closures impact low-income communities hardest, with low enrollment rates causing school districts to consolidate resources — and infrastructure.
In 2017, Durfee Elementary School merged with a local high school, and Life Remodeled swooped in to save the space.
“It’s not just community history; It’s personal history for a lot of people,”  Haggins told CBS News in 2024. “What better way to work with the community than to reopen their school building into something that still belongs to them?”
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The services available at the hub are free to anyone in the community. Nonprofits housed there pay for their space “at cost,” meaning they only pay what it takes to keep the building up and running.
It’s a model that seems to be working.
“The best part about being involved is seeing the actual change be made,” Charles Spears, the youth alliance president for Durfee Innovation Society, told CBS News. “You know, a lot of people talk about it. But when you get to see first hand, you actually see what is happening. It’s just like, wow, there is literally opportunity for all.”
Now, Life Remodeled is onto their next project: another “opportunity hub” on the east side of Detroit. The new property, formerly Winans Performing Arts Academy, is a 90,000-square-foot space that plans to open in December of 2025.
It’s called Anchor Detroit, and it’s located in the Denby community — an area in which residents “face significant poverty and lack access to opportunities related to educational attainment, job opportunities, and health and wellness resources,” according to a press release from Life Remodeled. 
More than 50,000 square feet of the space will be leased by nonprofit partners, who will bring more after-school youth programs, workforce development initiatives, and health resources to the area...
Anchor Detroit is currently being renovated to prepare for its reopening and will reportedly include a “significant presence” for arts and culture programs. 
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Once it opens, Life Remodeled estimates the new space will support 18,000 community members per year.
“This should be a nationwide model for other schools that have closed across the country,” Haggins told CBS News. “I think taking a school building, or any historical building that means something to a community, and repurposing it into something that’s for the community — that’s huge and necessary.”"
-via GoodGoodGood, February 5, 2025
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inatungulates · 4 months ago
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Kansas white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus macrourus
Observed by hmcook, CC BY-NC
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ancientsstudies · 2 years ago
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Gwrych Castle by wander_linaa.
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