#ummm so i can explain
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I umm... so I painted a picture of Uncle Klunk in Ark Survival Evolved with my Xbox controller..? I KNOW IT SUCKS IT'S THE BEST I COULD DO WITH MY STINKY CONTROLLER PLEASE HAVE MERCY😭😭😭

Atleast I now have a somewhat recognizable art of my beloved Klunk in my base?? Umm anyways below is WIP?? (help why am I so cringe?!)😭

#uncle klunk#the uncle klunk abomination#rock afire explosion#klunklr#dont smoke crayolas#i def smoked crayolas to think this was a good idea#why am i like this#help#kind of art?!?!?#ark survival evolved#ark painting#ummm...#i cant find any other ark paintings#literally why am i so cringe like this#i fed my character twice during this and made 1 water trip#this is singleplayer my xbox cant do wifi btw#so no nobody else can see this in game#i need mental help#i listened to country Klunk while making this#dhfudhfoufhsof#crayola#ok i just remembered the 2 kayboards in the pic umm#i can explain#1 is for my pc other for xbox#as i said i play ark on xbox#just wanted to say that#hhhhhhhh
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Stars Realigning
what's GOOD! happy mcyt au fest day(s)! this is my contribution to 2024's mcyt au fest, based on the art of my fantastic artist in crime @eyesandbees. super shoutout to tetris (GO LOOK AT THE ART RN), this au really did something fantastic for my brain :3 and kudos to all the @mcytblraufest mods, contributors, and my mutuals new and old who joined in. mwah!
Xisuma and Exonia were explorers by nature—and how could they not be, when the world rested right outside their fingertips. When Xisuma pulls himself and their brother into an unfamiliar End dimension, their only chance of escape is with a player they've hardly met, to a space station they've never even heard of. Built on the foundations of exploration and discovery, HC might be all the opportunity the siblings need to start a new life—or ruin their only shots at understanding themselves.
(12,765 words) (Read the whole fic here!)
Every player knows two facts about the End: one of those is that it is very large. The other is that it is very dangerous. The islands stretch onwards as far as they eye can see, tipping over a black horizon line invisible to the naked eye. The static particles of void—ink black and speckled grey—fill the spaces that stone and cities and blocky fruit trees do not. No players make their home here—none dare to spend more time than they must. The End is a utility, more than it is a dimension of its own. Hostile conditions make it unlivable to those other than the ones that know it best: endernians, endermen, the dragon, and her egg.
The third, most often overlooked fact, that meshes with the others in vastness and hostility, is that the End is no place for strangers to combat.
Xisuma is one of those strangers—was one of those strangers. World hopping was dangerous, unpredictable, dimension hopping even more so, especially for them—for the untrained. He hadn’t meant for either of them to tumble into the End dimension, prepared or otherwise, with its thin air and itchy end dust and large, very large, very angry dragon. It's the first thing his eyes catch—the movement of large wings and a massive, black snout as the world tilts and settles around them.
Xisuma gasps as they finish settling into the world and Exonia follows suit, shoving them both behind the pillar beside them. The air feels charged with energy, thick with the beat of air from the dragon’s wings. Xisuma swallows as the two of them drop behind the pillar, and as they manage to catch their breath from the initial shock, he stirs up the courage in his chest to peek out behind the pillar. He steps out into the ring around him, eyes searching for the dragon above him. He can hear her cry even from on the ground. The crystals that bolster her strength glow brightly as she passes. It only takes a moment for her to swoop down as she circles, and it’s in this moment that Xisuma realizes he’s been seen.
They freeze.
The dragon crashes to the ground, the heavy footfalls of her landing shaking the dirt around them.
Xisuma stares into the creature’s face, purple eyes unblinking.
Something grabs his hand. It takes him a startlingly long moment to realize it’s Exonia, their eyes wide behind their tinted glasses. He’s still too busy staring up into the maw of the black dragon, her eyes trained on his every movement, the betraying flick of their tail. His heart beats fast in the base of their throat. A voice jumps to life in his mind—surely if he stays put, if he doesn’t move, the great dragon will turn her head away from him, and spare him, and spare his twin, and the world will be right again. Xisuma shuts their eyes. The beat between his first and second breath feels like a millenia.
The dragon snuffs a great breath that catches into a screech, its heavy head whipping back and around as Ex tugs on his arm. His eyes snap open.
He’s not dead.
The dragon roars.
If he squints, Xisuma thinks he can see a shape, blurred by the scent and fog of the dragon’s breath, barely visible against the dark black obsidian pillars. It draws back its glittering weapon and fires, arrows flying high above the dragon’s head and to the peak of the pillars above. The peak explodes; obsidian chips and dust rain down from the blast.
He jerks his head to look at Ex. Their face is pulled tight in confusion and fear, a mask of anger flickering over it instead as they tug his hand again. He stumbles forward, feet catching pocks in the stone before he regains his footing. The dragon’s focus stays trained on the newcomer. She slashes with her claws, jaws chomping on thin air as the figure darts around with the effort of someone trained to deal with monsters her size.
An adventurer. Another player.
He turns back to look at Exonia—the back of their head, the tip of a pointed ear they can see. They’re practically pulling him along into further darkness toward something he can’t yet see, weaving between obsidian pillars as the island stretches out in front of them, all the way to a noticeable drop into void. As they cut through a section of chorus trees, a craft makes itself known on the next ridge.
A way out.
Xisuma pales, the oxygen in his lungs suddenly feeling very thin.
“What is that thing?” he manages as they start to slow. Ex shoots him a look over their shoulder, eyebrows tightly furrowed.
“A ship!” they say. “Don’t be foolish!”
“We don’t even—” X starts, but Exonia pulls them further forward. They dip their head, avoiding the endermen that roam around them, sinking in on themselves to appear smaller. They scramble up the next hill. In the short distance they’ve put between the dragon and themselves, they can still hear the screech of her anger and the beat of her wings. X’s heart still slams away in his throat.
“D’you want to be eaten, you derp?” Ex hisses, dropping into a crouch as they shimmy over the crest of the hill. X scrambles after them, finding their footing on the steep slope and up onto the ridge.
“No!” They blanch at the thought of the dragon finding them again, with her huge, yellow-white teeth and debilitating breath. “Why would I want that?”
Ex shoots them a pointed glance, taking a few quick steps around the edge of the “ship”—if it was a ship at all—as they do.
“Then start lookin’ for a way in!” they bark. Xisuma sets his jaw. Sighing through his nose, he picks himself up from his crouch, and follows suit. The ship is bright white and grey-black, hidden carefully by the dark sky around them and by shimmering enchantments that Xisuma can only guess at as he travels around its side and toward the back. It’s not a large craft—certainly different than anything he’d ever seen.
Ex investigates with the unshakable confidence of someone who’s read far too much about this exact situation, or craft, or biome, or what have you. Xisuma tries to siphon that energy for himself, watching as they track the side of the metal with eyes partially obscured. They reach the back together, the ship’s large bay door shut against the End and void around them. X watches Ex’s face, their tail flicking agitatedly. Their hands find a depression near the fins of the ship. As they press into it, the door hisses, starts to lower onto the dusty stone below. Exonia scrambles back, catching Xisuma as they do, their hands clasping together again. Xisuma watches as the dark inside floods with the End’s pale glow, illuminating the sparse space within.
It’s a holding bay—a handful of boxes are scattered around, their heavy plastic lids strapped tight. Bolted storage units line one wall, and a short staircase leads upward, into the space Xisuma can only assume is the main cabin of whoever that figure was.
Xisuma blinks.
Exonia enters.
Enters is a loose term, because as his foot steps onto the metal-ribbed platform, Xisuma feels something crawl it’s way up his spine and turns, much too fast, Ex’s name already jumping from his throat.
There’s a crackle, like the sound of fireworks in the distance, as the sky fills with soft purple light. Xisuma alone watches the figure turn, a large, dark object cradled in their arms, and feels them stare back. Distance and the helm obscuring most of their face doesn’t do their features justice—it looks like a man, a human, staring back at him, eyes wide and bright, expression unreadable from here. All Xisuma knows is that the chill starts at the base of his neck and pulls through him, catching his lungs and heart and spine all the way down, hooking him in place.
“Xisuma—” Exonia starts, tone bordering on impatient, but as they turn, they see exactly what they did. And they say again, their voice taking a fine, fearful edge:
The figure starts toward them, and X can feel the immediate betrayal of all his senses, all at once, as his hackles raise, body recoiling until his feet hit the cold metal of the ship behind him. Exonia grabs his arm as he stumbles from the platform, tugging him away from the ship as the figure starts to close the distance between them. The man is carrying the dragon egg, much too large for his arms as he calls out to them.
“Hey! Wait! Wait!” The man calls. Xisuma stutters as he tries to scramble away, skittering to a stop at the man’s plea. As he turns to look over his shoulder, against all better judgment, he realizes the man has crouched by the entry door, egg still in his arms. The beat between the man stopping, dropping to a crouch to make himself small, and his next words is a rift Xisuma considers just jumping into. He wills a small, shaky breath into his lungs. The man sets the egg at his feet, hands spread.
“Are you okay?” he asks, breath evening as he stills for a moment. “I didn’t mean to scare you away. The dragon looked pretty dangerous!”
Xisuma blinks, breathing hard. Exonia manages to summon the courage he can’t seem to even taste, voice coming small from beside him.
“Who are you?” they muster. The man dips his head.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he says slowly. “I’m Keralis. Are you two from here?”
Xisuma shakes his head. The man, Keralis, nods.
“Are you lost? Do you need help going home?”
Xisuma offers a nod this time.
“Do you… know where home is?”
There’s a beat. The silence stretches on in the absence of anyone’s voice or actions, until Ex finally says:
“Not anymore. ‘S too far.”
Keralis doesn’t say anything for a moment. He stares instead down at the egg in his arms, the only expression on his face evident by his eyes through his visor. Xisuma watches him, trying to read that expression and coming up blank. It doesn’t look malicious, though. He’s begun to settle from the razor’s edge of nervousness and back down into a sense of normalcy.
“I don’t want to leave you here. I…” Keralis hums. “I can take you back with me. And then maybe there will be someone who can help you get home, how about that?”
“Where’re you from?” Exonia asks. Keralis smiles—Xisuma can tell by the squint of his eyes.
“I’m from a ship. A spaceship in the sky.”
#xisumavoid#xisuma#evil xisuma#evil x#minecraft space exploration au#mse au#hermitcraft#hermitcraft au#hermitcraft fic#mcyt#mcyt fic#mcytblr aufest 2024#mcyt au fest 2024#mcyt au#text#fics#woah rare tuna w actually posting what's GOOD. WE BAAAALL#gosh HUGE shoutout to tetris guys. they're such a sweet person#i dmed him the day i got the pinch hit like hiii heyy ummm. how can i help :>#and since then they've been so awesome about explaining the au and walking me through ideas for the fic#and it really spawned into something i'm so proud of#it was such a fun au to explore#especially considering i'm writing an xisuma space au LOL#i saw the hit and immediately dmed like four people like. i need to pick this up. this is my chance#KJHSKFJGH seriously though#SUCH a blast this year#so excited to see what my other mutuals have done! i know y'all have things in the works pspspsp
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@spectrien // cont.
shepard has nothing in particular against aliens. he was far too young for the first contact war — his childhood memories are vague and few, but he thinks he remembers the anxiety that tensed his caretakers from head to toe until they were wound tight enough to snap, and until they did; perhaps some of that had been the war, and the burden of knowing that humanity was not alone in the far expanses of space, after all — and still too young for the grudges built after and upon it. though that hardly stopped many of his brothers in the reds from fostering hatreds of their own, there was little they could do about it... little time to think of worlds beyond when it was trouble enough to survive their own. and, now that shepard thinks about it, his contact with the galaxy at large has been somewhat limited considering the decade he's now spent with the alliance. ( in his defence, he had other concerns of his own to manage. )
his recruiters had pulled enough strings getting his AFQT scores waived once they had seen biotic potential and a willingness to do whatever it took so long as he could enlist and get off of earth. there was nothing that could've been done for him if the alliance had an intergalactic history class prerequisite; but, luckily for shepard, his interests didn't lie in turian-human relations. relations that, from the spectre's sudden ( unwanted. but it doesn't appear that what shepard wants matters very much ) interest, appear to be on the up-and-up.
still, shepard would have to be an idiot to not have questions.
his lack of knowledge on both turians and spectres aside, it doesn't take a studied mind to know that nihlus kryik doesn't exactly fall within the boundaries of one definition or the other. nihlus likely defies the former, from what shepard knows of turian society; and from what he has heard recently of what it means to be a spectre, he suspects that nihlus exceeds the latter.
" what's your stake in all this? " thinly-veiled distrust colours his curtly-spoken enquiry. no point in masking his wariness. nihlus is an unknown variable on the normandy, on anderson's ship. ( never mind that captain anderson himself authorised this. he had authorised shepard as his XO, too ... so it's shepard's prerogative to exercise however much caution he deems necessary, until he determines the spectre is neither a threat nor risk. )
so the alliance wants more say in council matters ... that makes enough sense. but one of the council's own — a species already nestled quite comfortably within the status quo — taking such an unlikely and proactive interest? he doesn't buy it. not unless nihlus has something to gain from this.
... the one thing that does give him pause is nihlus' declaration of respect. shepard doesn't know enough about turian behaviour to discern honesty from flattery from placation. without adequate data, his first instinct should be healthy scepticism. nihlus seems clever and well-spoken: a perfect combination for deception, and make it pretty and pleasant to the ears. ' capable of caring? ' and what did that have to do with anything? shepard might have laughed in his face if he wasn't certain that that would surely be crossing the line.
but, for whatever reason, nihlus' words — ‘ i respect you. ’ — ring true just enough to soften the coldness of shepard's stare. ( only slightly. but that alone is an impressive feat. )
#spectrien#eye strain cw#verse ›�� ˋhere's another saying; go to hell!ˊ 〈 mass effect 1 〉#just like old times. \` * file: IN CHARACTER.#shepard as they're approaching eden prime: you have sub30 min to explain yourself and your every intention to me if u want to earn my trust#honestly. just respecting shepard does a lot already. thank u nihlus for just being like 'torfan. a grim affair' and keeping it at that#everyone else is like ohhhh shepard you did WAR CRIMES and EVIL and BAD and MURDER shut up. shut up. shut u- /jk#ummm i meant to keep this short but. its ok u can keep yr reply short and maybe i will be able to manage that next time around. LOL#but also. yeah shepard never went to school. no ged. just BARELY got his shit together reading/arithmetic wise to even take the asvab#or whatever the alliance/future equivalent is. but dont worry. even though this guy can't read big words he can do So much k***ing slavers
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#okay first of all THEY DEBUTED WITH A MOVIE !!!! that's so crazy every time i think about it im like woooow#jongseob and intak acting debut when ???? they were sooo good omg unlike kyo i didn't remember how bad he was 😭😭 but his#character is hilarious so it's fine <3 ALSO i completely forgot yoo jaesuk and jung haein are in it like guysss what are u doing here hihi#anyways absolutely oscar worthy real cinema if u ask me#now after taking notes and watching the new trailer a few times i think that p1epi is actually chaeyoons weird talking plushie#but since it's away from her it can't talk so that's why jongseob create that thingy to translate from#dog language to human language and i think it's there because maybe the members got like lost in time and#it wants to remind them that they have to save the entire world from the apocalypse#also p1epi came down from the sky just like the alcot meteor like ummm yes we love symbolism 🙂↕️#i saw someone saying the dog it's actually intak because the dog came through the window and intak wakes up next to one but it doesn't make#any sense to me so we're throwing that idea in the trash can#talking about intak hes now has blue eyes so that means he got infected but honestly when did that happen while he was fighting#some zombie? idk i think i have to watch all their mvs again for clues but what that means he's one of the bad guy now??#also i may be insane but what if the shop represents the world and seeing it in flames means the members couldn't save it and their lore#ends with the saddest ending ever like yeah sorry the apocalypse won#OR WHAT IF !!!!! they aren't the ones who can save the world they actually are the reason why it's ending like the masked ghost#actually created them to spread the virus and that would also explain them at the end of the trailer looking#at the burning shop without doing anything like they ARE alcot the meteor thats gonna destroy the world#but that would be too dark i know they're the heroes so it will have a happy ending#i have many theories but im starting to scare myself so ill shut up#pt
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i realized i can do light workouts at home while watching tv instead of doing them at night with all the lights off and noise canceling headphones so i cant see or hear. i also learned its normal to hear yourself breathing during activity. anyway it turns out im still alone even if the lights are on and im not actually being watched by invisible people who hate me for being fat and having dishes in my room. well im not 100% on that one yet but im choosing to believe it
#the invisible eyes that ruin my life#anyone else w OCD constantly feel like someones watching#like specific ppl. anyone in my life that i really admire or have feelings for ummm yeah they can see me at all times eating and burping#pissing in the toilet etc#ive tried the logic game of ‘andi if other ppl could somehow separate their consciousness and watch you like a spectre of sorts#when youre alone then you should be able to as well. like it wouldve happened at least once’#but that doesn’t work#esp bc i believe in psychic connections n i have proof that ive been able to experience 1 of the 5 senses happening to someone elses body#from a great distance simply bc i love them so much.#not explaining that rn but it happened to me 3 times#anyway. yeah when i realized i have OCD it made a lot of sense
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Hi! Any props on drawing chest hairs?
put this together very quickly but i included both ways that i do it ! i do typically just use a body hair brush to save time [ here are some free alternatives on the csp asset store , other programs i have no idea, but it is pretty simple to make your own brushes as well :) ] but i still manually draw it on paper or if i draw chibis !
#i'm not good at explaining things </3 i've honestly just stared at a lot of other artists stuff where body hair is very present and mentally#ingest it . so between art + actual reference images i just kind of do whatever#something i neglected to outright explain on the image but is important: chest hair will generally follow the curve of the chest#so on the left booba the hair will go left + out and on the right it goes right + out .#i have no idea if that makes sense either. basically just follow the general idea of curvatures LMFAO#also it can go up and over the collar bones :)#my realest advice truly is acquire a brush for it somehow. it's fun manually doing it the first few times and then you get really sick of#doing it very fast . source: me .#anyway . sorry that all of my actual advice is in the tags . i realize now i could've just written this all on the picture#ummm . Hope this helps somehow ❤️ thank you for asking this it gave me an excuse to draw hairy booba again
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i have this unconscious need to make the genetics of the characters somewhat realistic but at times i also am... not strict on it...
take for example: ross and his parents (or specifically jaune)!
if aaron is a brown tabby and ross has black fur (which as a human is most likely brown hair that is dyed black but uhh i have one idea how that may work in this au)... that leaves a few possible options:
jaune is a tortoiseshell/calico which makes it possible for ross to be fully black male
jaune is a golden female cat which can result in ross being brown male OR a tortoiseshell
jaune is a golden male cat which can result in ross being black male (and wooo transgender/t4t win for the parents!)
so yeah if i ever give a character "alternative" design's, its because of this reason; if you draw either version, it's still canon! and maybe i shouldn't really care (because again, transgender win !!!!)... but i do like putting in effort about pattern genetics snifssougugu
i mean there's lila, who is coloured purple BUT technically she is part of the lilac colour gene (which looks like a warm grey) lmfao
eye colours are an exceptions; they can have rainbow eyes for all i care
#mod speaks#technically tortoiseshells/calicos can be male but that's considerably rare#then again. we are in the land of cats chewing on irl poisonous plants to heal themselves#I AM DEEP IN THE TRENCHES AND I SHOULDNT BE#or maybe im dead wrong#cat genetics are finicky and even this is very simplified#ok but lowkey i want to make punnet squares of this#but im being so fr its going to be MASSIVE so ummm nvm#“i do like putting in effort” i say... and in one second later i dont#this was only to explain alt designs btw#your local yapper... signing OUT
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naruto but it's my modern fantasy world au
#moon posts#naruto au#the “world” is called nexus b/c rly its an interconnecting set of pocket dimensions that intertwine with earth#setting is like fantasy new york and they all attend one of the elite magic schools#its actually a rival school to the college my ocs attend#one of the arcs is them being invited back to the winter ball tradition that the legacy colleges host#DISGRACED in the magical academia society b/c of orochimaru and danzo omg#during his first run hiruzen had a little bit of sway and respect but then shit hit the fan in his second run and they got blacklisted#minato was working on bringing them back into the elite magical academia scene but ofc he died#fastforwarding tsunade is the one who gets the back into the good graces again and this is when the story takes place#its my au so sasuke parents are alive ummm little bit of an estranged relationship#akatsuki is an underground activist group mostly made of criminals and often dabbling in the black market saurrrr#also as for hire mercenaries and bodyguards#the sand sibs are transfer students and temari is in a master's program#kinda using this au as a way to flesh out my magical academia program lol#oh! and everyone has an affinity to certain magic but there are Restrictions#easy way to explain: overuse of magic that you are affiliated to can cause loss of self (there are exceptions to this rule)#the exceptions are those who are basically already their affinity (elementals).#i also have my own set of gods and divinity but im including the bijuu as like....reminders of the past??? they're still around tho#oh!!!!! and Rin is alive (came back wrong)#instead of being the children of..whatever his name is they're the children of Order and Chaos (who are divorced)#Order and Chaos are some of thee oldest divine beings and are largely responsible for the creation and destruction of the universe#in canon they don't rly have children together
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btw similar to the whole "if you try adderall at a party and it calms you down, get an adhd test" thing, if at some point in your life you try microdosing shrooms with a friend and end up feeling like a functional person for the first time in your life, get tested for depression. like yeah hallucinogens come with elation so youre probably gonna have some "this is the best ive ever felt in my life" vibes regardless, but like. if that in and of itself feels like finally breathing in for the first time in years, thats for sure a sign that something is up with your ability to process serotonin most of the time. feeling better than ever before should be a nice bonus, not a crushing weight off your chest
#fun fact there are currently multiple ongoing studies vis a vis the effectiveness of psilocybin on depression#both on its own and as a companion to ssris#psylocybin targets the 5ht2a serotonin receptors which wikipedia tells me are more numerous in the brains of those with depression#so like. if you spend most of your life feeling like your brain is an aquarium with a leak in it and serotonin is the water and your default#state is 'slightly damp gravel grinding painfully against itself' thats ummm not normal 👍#and on the flipside of that if you have depression that no other med has worked for and know a guy. its 1000% worth it#origibberish#also i say 'wikipedia tells me' as if i just looked it up but that all comes from a long night of spite filled research after i asked my#psychiatrist if we could use the fact that psylocybin worked for me as a basis to like. narrow down which legal antidepressant#might work instead of basically just throwing darts at a board every time#and after several minutes explaining to her that i was not just asking her to prescribe me shrooms but in a legal way she went#'ohhhh yeah no unfortunately theres been no research into that‚ yeah.... sorry......:)'#which. as far as 'lies you come up with on the spot to avoid having to say i dont know' go‚ that is. maybe the worst one to pick#like. 'no‚ thats not an option'? alright fine maybe theres some internal rules or something who knows#'theres no research' though just. immediately tanks any and all credibility 100% even on its own but considering the subject matter?#youre telling me. that humans. the famously curious species that researches fucking Everything. and also Loves playing with drugs. when#trying to figure out how to make drugs that make brains feel good. would not start with the drugs they already knew made brains feel good.#youre telling me that not one (1) singular scientist tried shrooms and went 'oh my god wait. i dont feel like im dying for the first time#ever. holy fuck i need to study this'#complete misplay. absolutely legendary fumble. there were so many ways to fuck it up and somehow you found the worst. congratulations#om the other hand though. really was an excellent setup for the punchline that is the voicemail i have from them saying she'd been fired LOL#they didnt say what for specifically but yknow. based on my own experiences i certainly have theories jebfksbfk#it was annoying in the moment but at the end of the day i have shrooms and she doesnt have the job so. whos laughing now emily KSBFKSBFKDN#this is what i mean though like. rn i feel fine. not on top of the world‚ not like a god#just. fine. i just dont feel like shit. i feel like i can do stuff if i want to‚ or chill peacefully and have it actually be. relaxing.#i dont feel like gravel right now‚ i feel like a person.#and god what a fucking relief it is#really i guess the moral overall is that if at any point you react to trying a new drug the same way an addict craving a hit for days would#then there maybe is something up with your brain chemistry because that means your default state of existence is comparable to that#of withdrawal. a famously shit experience
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i think one of the weirdest things for me about being trans is like. u know theres this like. expectation of afab trans people to Look a certain way, at least early on in transition, right. the whole like... "feminine" body shape, no facial hair, little body hair (compared to like, "average" amab ppl anyway). like you know what im talking about. & it always kind of fucked me up bc honestly that was kind of The Goal for me, but it was also a goal that was. never possible. bc i was past that point from the start. i already had a more masculine shape. i already had facial hair. seeing all these guides of like, how to pass better, & none of it applied to me bc everything assumed you were already starting out as a Normal Average Woman™. hoping that maybe, possibly going on e might give me a more feminine shape, even though i already had estrogen in my system. never looking into whether or not it would work because i knew i wouldnt be able to do it anyway. knowing that insurance would never cover any kind of hair removal bc they only consider it gender affirming if youre amab & transfem. and like i know that starting point isnt even universal Anyway. but theres just something that fucks me up about like. almost feeling trans Backwards. not feeling cis even when i was (for lack of a better description). feeling like i had a "head start" that i didnt want. its just... a weird experience. idk.
#''are you still thinking about the 'is pcos intersex' thing'' yeah maybe. shut up#its hard to talk abt this stuff bc i dont really know how to explain a lot of it#or like phrase it in a way thats The Most Acceptable Language™#& u know how ppl on the internet can be .#so im just like. hoping no one tries to start shit over like ''ummm why did u say this like that'' bc i am human. ok
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sitting here literally typing up diagrams for the dynamics in hadys and. realizing my grasp on the canon characters are too flimsy for the fic im trying to write. like im gna have to comb through three (3) whole seasons and pick them all apart properly to feel satisfied in my development with them
#kijorambles#hadys#hit with the sudden realization as i try to explain noahs opinion on heather#that despite how much i love her i dont have#the strongest grasp on her. as a character??#i know what her arc is in simple terms and how she interacts with the cast#but i cant. fully delve into it?? beyond surface level observation#this probably has something to do with ummm not actually watching the show. completely#i watched island and action out of order skipping eps etc#wt was the only season i watched in full and even then i-#-binge watched it so hard that i missed key details to the Characters#but its looking like im going to actually sit down and rewatch these three#and like. mark down characterization#no fucking way am i actually going to take notes on Total Drama Circa 2009 for the sake of one (1) fanfiction#but unfortunately i am so Willing#sorry everyone hadys update postponed so i can write notes about the show like some kind of deranged lecture hall attendee
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/ paradise lost is so funny like what do u mean angels blush?!?!
#a.dam: so like we do this thing with eve (love making) do u guys do that too or???#r.aphael: :blush emoji:#JFNJKSDFD WHAAAT#lit described as visibly blushing that's so funny#so the context is that a.dam is sitting with the angel r.aphael and he's asking him questions about everything#and r.aphael is like; oh yeah ask me anything!#and at one point a.dam starts telling r.aphael about how great e.ve is!! + some foreshadowing for later and about the stuff they do#and he's asking r.aphael about how the stars were made and creation and then blabbers about e.ve and asks him if angels do stuff like they#*do#i dunno i found it funny ok#r.aphael explains that they do express love but like; differently-#aka something like they dont need to be physical to do it#LIKE I IMAGINE R.APHAEL LISTENING TO ADAM LIKE: :)#UMMM ANYWAYS CHILE-#GOTTA GO PAL; GREAT TIME TALKING WITH U !#im sorry but this is like a new can of worms to me im like; this is very interesting; very long too but#before leaving he tells him that love is great and all but it should not justify evil#;ooc#ooc
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*Softly* Learn to read, by the love of all the gods, learn to read
#i won't say WHICH post of mine keeps getting rebloggued with people not processing what I said but#it's so damn annoying#i don't want to simply say 'it's a joke' even though it is bc that doesn't explain anything but#it's as if I were making a joke directed to chocolate icecream lovers#and people kept coming to my post like 'ummm. actually. fuck you. i can like chocolate and vanilla'#i didn't say you couldn't??? learn to read. i'm begging#every time this happens i lose a year of lifespan#personal
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i think ive merged my "natural" i.e. unbridled and left to grow in random directions voice with rain as a character since i almost always write his pov. however i dont really know if ive ever sounded different when writing other characters. i dont want to check because ill hate myself. i think the only variable is time/experience/practice
#to me....... rain is thoughtful but hes also usually listening to his instincts which means his observations follow his actions#and so i can get away with him just doing things without explaining why. youre supposed to just get it i think#its sort of a lazy way of writing but idk i tend towards it because i enjoy it. at least i enjoy writing it. idk if i would like to read it#i hope it comes across as intuitive and not as random or insane#anyway dew is more logical and thinks out his actions more#theres no way the only dew pov ive written is him having schizo issues is that true? thats not a representative moment for him#anyway now im doing phantom pov (yes ive done puppy hiccup fic no im not going to see how i wrote him there)#and i want him to be.. a little naive + curious + observant#hes young but not immature. he picks things up quickly when given the right opportunity#ummm idk what im talking about
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i just had the most painful conversation with some narcissistic fuck in my hostel i am ENRAGED
#he’s being trying to talk to me for 2 nights and I’ve heard him talking to everyone else and I’m like nah mate NOT fucking happening#but I accidentally made the contact with him as he came back tonight and he caught me#anyway it was like he was intentionally miscontruining what i was saying#or he’d bait me and then switch up when i agreed with him and then he’d go off on a tangent#i swear he just loves the sound of his own voice#but then he asked me what i do for work and i explain i’m a teacher and then he starts telling ME#the actual teacher who went to uni and everything#how I should teach my students and i was like ummm haha….. actually no#and would explain how that’s against all the research we know about child development#and he’d start spouting off some bullshit#and then somewhere along the way#diff topic#he was like oh yeah I listen to Joe Rogan#and I just go ‘yeah i can tell’ and he thought it was hilarious and laughed and then goes what does that mean#and i’m#like what do YOU think it means#and for the first time all night he was at a loss for words i was STUNNED#and then he lurched into another tangent#i was OVER ITTTTTT#and he asked me to go on a in crawl with him and 2 other guys and I straight up said no thanks I don’t really#pub crawl#feel comfortable going out with 3 men I don’t know in a city I’m not familiar with lol#and he was like oh ok that’s weird but ok and I’m like yeah whatever it’s a no sooooo#american men really are the worst imm#so mad
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