#um ok gonna cry about that for a while. but the upside here is that im crying on the clock
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jesus h motherfucking christ
#stalking cw#in the tags#parents cw#scared the living shit out of me#i never expected they would actually attempt this but now i’m like. really glad i’m moving soon#my fucking parents showed up at my building yesterday#i.#im so out of it i just absolutely did not need that#and i’m so fucking mad that my knee jerk reaction was ‘well guess i have to see them’#ofc i’m not mad at whoever said it but holy shit it was so scary to think that this is my conditioning#um ok gonna cry about that for a while. but the upside here is that im crying on the clock#abuse cw#thank god fucking a was moved out before this happened. oh my god.
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The Brother’s Reaction to MC having a Nightmare
this gif... holy SHIT
Whether you started the evening snuggled up under his chin or all alone in your room, he’s an extremely light sleeper since he’s got to keep an ear out for Mammon being stupid at 2 am
So when you start to move restlessly and/or whimper and cry, naturally he’ll awaken and see what the issue is
Lucifer will sit up and gently rest a tentative hand on your trembling shoulder, so as not to startle you
His presence only seemed to make it worse! Your tears got bigger and your cries got louder, your breathing became more uneven until you woke with a start, your own shrill scream scaring you into a frightened, crying ball in front of him
Boi is at a loss…
Was this his fault?
“MC, darling, what has gotten into you? Are you alright?”
“L-Lucifer?” You whimper, watery eyes roving aimlessly in the darkness “L-L-Lucifer?! Where are-”
Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, he reassures you: “I’m here, right here princess,” “I’ve got you, it was just a dream MC... nothing to worry about.”
Strokes your head, smoothing your rumpled hair and supporting your back while you hide your puffy, tearstained face in his collar and cling to him for dear life until you calm down
You’re still shaking when the usually stiff demon presses a kiss to the crown of your head and begins to rock from side to side, murmuring gentle, reassuring words in your ear
“Nothing can hurt you as long as you’re in my arms, MC.” “Deep breaths my love, deep breaths…”
Mammon’s vivid scary stories before bed had obviously been a bad decision, Lucifer decided as he dabbed your cheeks with a kleenex
his poor, sweet human having nightmares about silly campfire tales…
How endearing, yet upsetting
He’ll carry you to the kitchen bridal style and hold you close after getting you a glass of water, then carry you back to bed and tuck you safely against his broad chest for the rest of the night making a mental note to hang Mammon upside down from the banister the following morning
He woke up from his dream about goldie who had read “∞” on the ATM and opened his door in answer to the frantic knock to find his favorite human crying
You rushed into his arms, burying your face in his chest to hide your shuddering sobs, nearly sending the now blushing Avatar of Greed off balance in your haste
“Jeez, human! Wha… What happened? Why’re ya crying like that?”
No, like seriously, plz stop crying babie or he’s gonna cry too
Returns the hug, holding MC firmly as he regains his footing and manages to shut the door behind you
“MC, sssh, I’m right here! You don’t hafta worry, ok? Luckily you’ve got the best demon on the job to make ya feel better! Hug me as hard as ya need, ok?”
*forehead and cheek smooches*
Lets you curl up in his lap until you can talk to him without stuttering or choking on tears
Holds you the whole time, almost as if he’s afraid to let go for fear you’ll cry again
“Bad dream? What was it about?”
“Th-Those characters from Levi’s horror game w-were eating you alive and I c-couldn’t move!” You whimper tearfully, “You were begging me for help a-and I couldn’t do anything to save you from them because every time I moved th-these ropes got t-tighter around my neck a-an-”
First of all, he’s horrified that Levi showed you those games when he knew they gave you nightmares. Unfortunately, you had to if you didn’t want to be called a normie for the billionth time that week
Second, he, the great Mammon, begging a mere human for help? Yeah right
Even though he knew in his heart of hearts that that would definitely be the case
“They’re not real, remember that. And if you still think those freaks are lurking in the dark, come find me and the great Mammon will protect you!”
You can't help but giggle and hug him more tightly, knocking him back onto his pillow
Neither of you felt like moving, so Mammon pulls the sheets up over your shoulders and you snuggle together until the morning comes
At the breakfast table, Mammon doesn’t hesitate to screech at Levi for giving you nightmares while cradling your tired, sleep-deprived body against him
Doesn’t hear MC’s knock at first, he’s too absorbed in the 14th episode of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible
As the knocking gets louder and more frantic, the otaku finally notices and pauses the anime, goes to the door and opens it a tiny bit
Just enough to see the teary-eyed MC, hugging their waist in discomfort, shivering in fear, and looking left and right down the hall for danger
“... Yeah?”
“L-Levi? C-Can I come in? *sniff* I just had a really scary dream-”
“I-uh… Ummm I g-guess,”
He lets you in and on a whim, places a tentative hand on your back
He expected you to push him away, but when you choked and rushed into his half-open arms and buried your face in his chest, leviachan.exe has stopped working
What was he supposed to do with his hands?!?!??
MC was crying and he was just standing there like a normie? Wh… WhAt wOULd HenRy dO?
“MC, h-hey, it cant’ve been that bad… here, um let’s s-sit down a-and you can talk to me. Sound good?”
He feels you nod and leads you to his large gaming beanbag chair and you get squooshed against his side, shivering and sniveling, but warm and safe
Levi dries your face with the edge of his shirt and after a few moments of comfortable silence, you begin to explain your dream
The slimy creatures scaling the walls of the House of Lamentation with their slimy entrails dripping whitish goo in their wake. Eight spindly legs to each monster, sixteen sinister red eyes, and countless rows of gleaming fangs ready to take a chunk out of anyone who came too close
They managed to get into the house and they chased you and the brothers, but the otaku had tripped over a fallen suit of armor and a spider creature made its move before he could get away
At that point, you’d woken up absolutely terrified and rushed to see if Levi was ok
“But you’ve played horror games with me and we watched My Sister and I Found a Spider and Took It Home, Realizing Soon After it Was a Demon Who Eventually Escaped From the Glass Jar We Used for a House and Ate Our Toes, Transporting Us To Hell Where We Were F-”
“Yeah… I know… B-But it wasn’t that bad. I was reading one of the books Satan recommended. It was a really well-written horror story and it had very realistic pictures. I just can’t seem to get those gross monsters out of my head:(”
Your voice slowly trailed off and Levi realized what he had accomplished
You… You weren’t crying anymore!!
Also, you weren’t breathing really hard or shaking too much! Had… had this yucky otaku really calmed the human down?
*gasp* he was rubbing your back too!? And you hadn’t slapped his icky hands away?
You… you were ok with this? B-Being all snuggled up together on the beanbag chair?
“L-Levi, I-I’m ok now. I’ll leave you alone… I hope I didn’t wake you up…”
“Something wrong?”
“No… I-um,” (he couldn’t let you get away now! This was perfect! He had you all to himself!! No WAY was he gonna screw this up!!) “You c-can stay a little longer if you’d like… I-I was in the middle of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible… Do you maybe want to stay and watch?”
“You don’t mind? I don’t want to intrude-”
“No! It’s fine!”
And so he fumbled with the remote and hit the play button, but couldn’t focus on a single word the protagonists were saying
You. Fell. Asleep.
On. Him.
“Maybe… Maybe MC doesn’t think I’m a… ‘yucky otaku’ after all… But don’t get your hopes up, Levi.”
He fell asleep in his chair, book resting on his chest when he heard a short, quick (almost frantic) string of taps on his door
Being a light sleeper (just like his papa), he immediately woke up to hear your voice on the other side of the door
“Satan? Are… Are you awake? *sniffle*”
It was you
What could you possibly want at this hour?
Upon opening the door, your body crashed into his own, but not before impulsively throwing your arms around his neck and breaking down on his shoulder
“M-MC? Are you alright?”
No, you weren’t
Judging by your stormy sobs and trembling figure, something must have shaken you up horribly for you to act like this
The sweet MC he knew usually kept their cool
He leads you to his big armchair and sits you down, careful to keep a firm hand on your back for support, both emotional and physical
Your eyes were wide and glassy, pupils darting to each corner of the room looking for monsters, bad demons, giant bugs, etc.
Finding none, you finally make shy eye contact with the blonde demon who has kept his arms close about you and dabbed your endless tears away until you were calm enough to speak
“MC, did you have a night terror or something?”
“*sniffle* M-hm. I-I’m sorry S-Satan, I was just so scared I c-couldn’t stay in my room all alone and you were the first person I thought of. So… I ran here. Did I wake you?”
“I fell asleep in my chair again MC. So I would have awakened during the night anyway,” He replied, “Plus, I don’t mind at all. I’m… I’m happy you came. What was your dream about?”
“It was really twisted… are you sure you want to know?”
“You’ll feel better when you talk about it and I’m always up for a story.” He smiled.
He sat back in his chair tentatively resting your head on his chest as you began describing the terrors from only minutes before
“Asmodeus and I, we watched some of those cringey teen romance movies this afternoon and somehow they morphed into a really scary dream. You and I, the rest of your brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and even Barbatos were playing spin the bottle for some reason and I landed on you, but when I kissed you, you turned to dust! Th-Then when I landed on Mammon and Beel, the s-same thing happened again, but no one seemed to notice! Th-”
Noticing you were getting worked up again, Satan rubbed soothing circles into your back, hushing you gently and assuring you that everything was fine and ‘innocent’ kissing games weren’t actually deadly
Unless they were
But he didn’t mention that to you at that moment
Instead, he cradled you in his lap and read to you until your eyelids began to droop once more for some much-needed sleep
Being the good boy he is, he tucked you into his bed
Before he could walk back to his chair
“Satan, aren’t… aren’t you gonna lay with me?” You ask, tired, sweet voice ringing in his ears, “I-If you don’t mind that is. I mean it is your bed, after all, I didn’t mean t-”
He’s blushing up to his ears at your request, but nonetheless rolls onto the mattress next to you and you snuggle up close and fall asleep almost instantly
“As long as you’re here with me, you’ll be safe MC.”
Why… Why was he up so early? What was that noise? Wait… Where were you?
He could’ve sworn he fell asleep with you in his arms
Sitting up groggily he looked around after rubbing the crust of sleep from his eyes
Something was moving and whimpering next to him, caught in a snare of fluffy blankets
The fearful cries of “Asmodeus! Oh, Asmo please don’t die! No, no, no, NO!!” broke the sweet demon’s heart
Your ragged breathing turned to a blood-curdling scream and you shot upright, but the blankets blocking your vision increased your tearful unease tenfold and you began struggling even harder against them
Taking action, Asmo tugged at the sheets, doing everything he could to help you
When your face emerged from the heap, you took a great gasp of air and immediately began sobbing your heart out
Asmo paused, knowing it unwise to approach someone who’d just escaped the clutches of a nightmare, but he couldn’t just sit there and stare at you!
Luckily, you chose that moment to look around
Your eyes met his amber ones in the semi-darkness and you tackled him, wrapping him in an impossibly tight hug
“Darling, wh-”
“Oh my god! I thought I killed you! I r-ruined your pretty face! You just sh-shriveled up a-and-”
“Sweetheart, hey~” He murmured, closing his arms around your back and cradling the back of your head in his hand, “Don’t cry anymore, Asmo’s here…”
His gentle comforting coos as he rocked from side to side brought your tears to a halt and soon you were able to look him in the face
Your glassy, frightened eyes had almost a look of reverence when you ever so slightly cupped your palm over his cheek, afraid he would crumble away at your caress once more
When he didn’t, you let out a shaky sigh of relief and visibly relaxed; shoving your face in his shoulder and wrapping your legs and arms around him so he couldn’t escape
It was quiet for a moment
Asmodeus settled his forearms around your waist and said
“Dearest, are you alright?”
“I… I don’t know.” You fisted his shirt in your palms and looked at him, “That was a really vivid one.”
“Tell me what it was about!” He smiled sympathetically and stroked your cheek, “I have bad dreams sometimes too, MC. If you tell me yours I’ll tell you a few of mii-iiine!”
You couldn’t help but crack a small grin as his sweet tone and nod
“Yesterday Beel told me about the one time he touched Satan’s favorite plant. He’d seen Satan pet the stalk and petals before and he wanted to do it too. (Satan is a plant dad, fight me) But when he touched it, it shriveled up and died on the spot. I… I had a dream where I touched you and you shriveled up! I tried to help you, but every time I touched you, you screamed in pain! Then… Then you died in my arms and I woke up.”
You clung to the demon as he moved, lost in thought. Settling back into the abundant pillows and tugging a sheet over your shoulders, he began to speak
“That sounds absolutely terrifying! What would you do without me?”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He nuzzled your cheek and hugged you tighter, “Why don’t we find a way to help you forget about it? I have a couple of suggestions… if you’d like to hear them~”
He’d only been gone for a minute… or four… maybe five…? Right?
Why were you writhing around like that? You sounded like a lost little puppy and… were those tears?
“MC? Are you awake?”
No reply, just your continued whines of discontent and a steady stream of tears soaking the pillow
He dropped his snacks on the floor and carefully knelt on the edge of the mattress, putting a gentle hand on your forehead
Lucifer used to do that when he was sick, long ago when they still lived in the celestial realm. Maybe it would help you? Somehow? Hopefully?
The strangled sob that fell from your lips as you forced his hand away broke his big heart in two
Hold on, your eyes were closed! Wait, you were having a bad dream!
Throwing all caution to the wind (and not knowing the consequences of waking someone in this state) and began shaking you rather roughly, scaring you awake and making you bonk heads when you sat up too quickly
Now you were crying for more reasons than one
Your head hurt, two big scary hands had your shoulders in a tight grip, there was a large figure looming over you in the dark, your dream was still raging and replaying in your head, and it was really dark and uncomfortably warm
Even in the dim light, Beel witnessed the look of pure terror that crossed your face
You thought his heart was broken? Well it just fucking shattered
You were scared? Of him?
“MC, it’s just me! Don’t be afraid!”
He’d woken you up, but apparently he’d only made things worse…
Beel is vewy sowwy :(
Those lovely amethyst eyes…
“B… Beeley?”
“MC? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn-”
You silence the ginger demon by throwing yourself into his arms in unparalleled relief, afraid you hadn’t really woken up and the shadow of your favorite brother was just MC’s Nightmare, Continued
Happy you’re in his arms, he squeezes back with all his might and burying his face in your shoulder
“I just had the worst nightmare Beel. I’m so happy you’re here…” You murmur, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
“Is your head ok?”
The pair of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, Beel offers you a tissue to dry your face, but you can’t seem to stop crying
“MC, maybe if you told me about it, you’d feel better!”
His sweet, honest smile made you melt
But the contents of your dream… You looked guiltily toward the bed on the other side of the room where you knew the Avatar of Sloth was sleeping peacefully
“You… You promise not to tell Belphie?”
“What do you mean?”
“W-Well I dreamt about that time… you know… when he killed me? He gave me a hug before bed like he always does a-and I love Belphie’s hugs but I can’t help but think about... that. I feel bad, it’s the same as holding a grudge! I’m sorry Beel.”
*insert pikachu face meme* = beel
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault you had the dream.”
“I know… I feel bad though. Did I wake you up?” You ask, changing the subject.
“Nuh-uh. I was already up grabbing snacks.” He pointed to the untidy pile a few feet away. “Maybe some TSL and food will bring your smile back. Don’t worry about your dream MC, the secret is safe with me. Plus, you’re only human and I guess being killed would be really scary for you. I didn’t protect you that time, but if anyone ever tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there before you can say Burgers from Akuzon, ok?”
The smile lifts your lips before he finishes his sentence warms his heart and puts a happy smile on his own as you give him a final squeeze and whisper
“Thanks a lot, Beeley.”
It is said the Avatar of Sloth could sleep through anything, even the loudest storm and the echoes of 4th of July from the human world
But when the precious human cuddled up in his arms every night begins to move around and/or whimper in fear, Belphegor is awake in minutes only to find you squirming away from him and begging to some invisible entity “Just… Just d-don’t hurt them! I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please don’t hurt me I-”
The seventh born is squeezing your hand and whispering encouragement in your ear, telling you you’re safe and that it’s just a dream
Slowly opening your eyes you look around, still terrified and jumpy from your vision, but the warm hand intertwined with yours and the comforting arm around your back, plus the familiar scents of the twins’ room slowly bring you back to reality
“Belphie? I-Is that you?”
“Who else would it be, dummy.”
You ignore the half hearted insult and bury your face in his chest, allowing your heart to reach a normal pace and his natural scent and warmth to wash over you
“Tell me about it. Sounded pretty scary.”
“I’m sorry for waking you up Belphie, I know how you hate losing sleep…”
“Just… Be quiet and tell me your dream!”
“S-Sorry… Um, so I didn’t know you too well yet and an angel came and took the precious grimoire, but me and Beel were caught up in it and there was this whole thing with Purgatory Hall and Luke and-”
“Your stories can put me right to bed you know that? Anyway, so what happened? Did Lucifer tear the angel’s head off?” He looked rather hopeful…
“Of course not! Lucifer was gonna make me choose who I wanted to save, either Beel or Luke and I didn’t want either of them to get hurt so I said ‘both’ and Lucifer got really mad and scary and in my dream he ended up hurting Luke and Beel and he would’ve gotten me if you hadn’t woken me up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“... *sigh* Thanks for listening Belphie.”
With a sigh of his own, he pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder
“It was just a dream. You don’t have to be afraid, you know. I’m right here for you. Always.”
“Aww, than-”
“Forget I said that! Shut up and go to sleep!”
#obey me!#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me! shall we date?#obey me lucifer#lucifer obey me#lucifer x reader obey me#obey me mammon#mammon obey me#mammon x reader#mammon x reader obey me#obey me levi#obey me leviathan#levi obey me#leviathan obey me#leviathan x reader#leviathan x reader obey me#obey me satan#satan obey me#satan x reader#satan x reader obey me#obey me asmo#obey me asmodeus#asmodeus#obey me beel#obey me beelzebub#beel x reader#obey me belphie#obey me belphegor#belphegor
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Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream?
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened?
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting?
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader.
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
#star wars#stormtrooper#star wars a new hope#Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back#Princess Leia#Luke Skywalker#Darth Vader#I'm dumb#i don't know what i'm doing#i hope nobody sees this#I HOPE IT'S OKAY#i hope yall like it#disney#chewbacca#im a dumb fuck#i'm a dumb teen
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Looks like you’re gonna have to gush some more cuz I meant in general uwu🌸
🌺😌🤟 Always happy to! Okay here’s just some General bnha Thoughts ™ Mostly Lov centric. You asked for them, and you said GUSH about them, so here’s. A Lot! :)
This isn’t a lov one but it’s really funny so I thought I’d put it out there:
-when bnha was first gaining traction on tumblr, it was all art of Tsuyu. I have no idea why. People were talking about the funky frog lesbian superhero anime. Maybe it was just the people I was following, maybe it was a general trend, but I LOVED her design!!! my fav color and frogs r super cute!!! And I already loved superhero media, so I was like. I’ll watch it. For Her. SO. FROPPY IS THE REASON I WATCHED/READ BNHA. I went in thinking she was the protag and I was sooo confused when Izuku was... tbh I still think it’d be more interesting if she was lmaooo aus where? ...seriously if anyone has good aus where this is the case send them LOL
-I don’t actually feel that bad abt what Shigaraki’s doing. I still feel bad for him. I’m this post. yes im an apologist. its not my fault hes sexy and has been running around shirtless. hes a lesbian icon like thor is. I want to touch his hair. hes never done anything wrong in his life. he could kill all might, deku, bakugo, whatever, I’d still be sayin this. I don’t feel bad for gt. like. was anyone genuinely attached to him? lmao
-well u know how spinner’s quirk is just sticking to things? We haven’t seen him use it in canon except like, (1) time iirc?? I think this is probably bc he’s embarrassed about it even in front of the league... I loooove the idea that he gets more comfortable with it around them :”) and also how shigaraki. um. does that falling asleep thing while standing up with his eyes open, canonly? (which I still love lmfao) Imagine someone in the league walking in a dark room, turning on the light n just seeing. Spinner upside down, stuck to the ceiling asleep bc heat rises and its Warmer Up There. (cold blooded thing like tsuyu?? come ON give him a big fuzzy coat and scarf...) and Shigaraki in the center of the room, slouched but still standing, eyes open and motionless. Theyre both sleeping. Whomever sees it just...slowly walks out. LMAO
-Toga roller derby au. No deep thoughts I just think she’d be good at it.
-Toga 100% is a social butterfly and could befriend anyone if they didn’t just judge the fact she was trying to stab them smh :/ (ok but seriously anytime I see cute friendships with her n the other kids im like :) aw. I feel like her and Camie...would be good friends. Camie feels chill enough to be like ‘ok whatever thats totally fine I forgive you!!’ LMAO we love airheads here)
-HOW DID TOGA GET SO GOOD AT FIGHTING? We know she’s been on the run since middle school or so, but good enough to pin Deku down after he’s been formally trained at a ~hero school~ for a while? (she pinned him TWICE I think, once when his arms were messed up, but, the other time as Camie, so? AND THEN WAS ONE OF THE 100 PEOPLE TO GO THRU TO THE 2ND ROUND OF THAT? even tho she didn’t bc she had to leave) good enough to beat Aizawa in a fight and stab him? A professional hero and teacher for YEARS? Is that seriously just street training??? Can people acknowledge how amazing her combat skills and reflexes are??? More Toga appreciation when?? Also her backstory??? SO subversive and incredible, hate when people reduce her to just a ~typical anime yandere~ :/
-Tomura doing stuff with his hands/fingers to train his quirk!!! And to learn to be careful with it!! obv I’m a Big Fan of him playing piano to do this and video games are prob the canon answer, but like, guitar or any stringed instrument that requires Hands would work too. Or knitting/sewing? EMBROIDERING? ??? Please, let me give you the mental image of him knitting aggressively while mentally scheming, watching a twitch streamer or smth too while doing it. (Doing stuff with your hands is a great way to let your mind come up with creative stuff, that’s how I come up with writing/drawing ideas 70% of the time)
-Tomura actually PREFERS cutesty, relaxing games. I mean, he does fighting and bloody stuff irl, games are a way to relax...he’ll play shooters and gta type games with The Lads, but. on his own?? animal crossing. pokemon. kirby games. mario. zelda. BIG ZELDA FAN (not saying this bc I, personally, am biased, but,) slime rancher, stardew valley, funny simulator games... he really enjoys those :”) God forbid he has a kid bc they’re 100% getting named after a viddy game character unless someone can talk him out of it LOL. Toga and Tomura are that animal crossing /doom meme where she’d be asking for doom and him asking for animal crossing :”)
-Bits and pieces of Before are kinda stuck in Kurogiri’s brain, but like. mostly useless stuff the doctor didn’t care about removing. Like, types of clouds. So Tomura kinda picks up on stuff like that. He can just look at clouds and tell you what type they are because Kurogiri used to take him up to high places in the city and point them out to calm Tomura down from a panic attack when he was younger. He can tell you if the sky looks like it’ll rain with a 80% accuracy rate too.
-Kurogiri left food out for kitties in the alley beside the bar. They weren’t allowed in for Health Reasons (it IS a bar with sanitation standards!!) And Tomura really wouldn’t stop it or encourage it either way so long as Kurogiri did his job, but occasionally would stand outside with Kurogiri and just watch the kitties from a distance. If any approached he’d go back in (lowkey afraid he’d hurt them by touching them :( ) They kinda kept that between them tho, bc they both Know AFO is a big bag of dicks and no fun
-people have pointed out how similar aizawa and tomura look. this was 100% the intention. tomura has a hatecrush on him. THIS IS SO FUNNY AND HORRIBLY AWKWARD FOR KUROGIRI LMAO
-Sako??? Mr. Dramatic?? Opera fan. Drama kid. Like, obviously, but. Really. He is. I feel like he can speak a dozen languages. I also feel like he used to be an overachiever but got too ambitious. He was def some kind of leader at one point of a diff Group or something that fell apart. I LOVE how creative he is with his quirk and the magician theme??? incredible. I don’t show him enough love but I Love Clowns :o)
-I don’t care what their canon heights are. Spinner and Dabi? short kings. My height hcs are (tallest to shortest) Kurogiri, Twice, Sako (who also has heels on his boots and a tall hat, keep in mind), Tomura, Magne (Tomura and Magne are about the same height imo) Toga, Spinner, Dabi. LISTEN. Dabi has short energy. Sorry. it’s true tho
-This is a semi-popular hc I think bc I KNOW I’ve seen it before, but Dabi having Terrible Vision and needing glasses is so so good. (seriously, with burns THAT close to his eyeballs, how could he not?)
-he tries to be a tough loner coolguy. you’d think he’d smoke, but I hc his ‘weak constitution’ comes with weak lungs (esp from years of a flame quirk?? inhaling smoke over so much time is SO bad for you, most people who die in fires actually die of smoke inhalation...) so he’s got like, an inhaler, can’t smoke, actually gets carsick, needs glasses, overuses quirk to save friends constantly, likes napping, a little awkward and rude. Tomura put him in charge of the vanguard so he’s smart, and good with strategies too, like a nerd. this is the Dabi I wanna see, not the popular fandom version of him tbh also step on hawks one more time sir :”)
-I wish all the lov fics weren’t?? villain!deku like I said earlier, but also, chatfics? I have nothing against them but most of them are just a bombardment of Memes with NO PLOT!!! Listen. text/chatfics CAN have plot and be an interesting way to tell a story. I almost want to write one just to show what I mean...
I know I’ve said I like spinaraki and blackmagic, but I am a multishipper, so a few ships I don’t talk about that I like that involve the lov in some way:
-toga/any of the 1A girls??? or Camie??? super interesting. ALSO in the radio drama, bakugo’s voice actor said Toga was his favorite girl??? so?? bakugo/toga ?? I WANT TO SEE IT. but specifically my fav dynamic with her is when someone ELSE is the one to like her first, it’s what she deserves.
-Kurogiri/aizawa/mic?? any variety of that is also 👌🏻 I also kinda wanna see kurogiri/all might bc. Dads. COME ON. they bond over ‘well, I raised him, and you want to have a part in his life now?? ok. earn it. prove it. I’ll screen you first’ or something LMAO they’re both genuinely concerned for the boy, and SOOO biased. let them bond.
-giran/twice is cute. like he was hyping him up so much and so ready to go save him...
-dabi/magne where is the content. when. why not everywhere??? I’ve also seen magne/compress which was cute!! or twice/magne? they’re the big sibs of the lov...
-dabi/spinner?? come ON dabi could get over his learned biases and spend time with him and they could hold hands. I want them to.
-dabihawks. Obviously bc the Drama. yes even still, don’t @ me. (also, shigahawks, seen some REAL interesting fics with it tbh) or spinahawks?? adding hawks to a ship is like adding extra chili powder. makes it SPICY dramatic)
-nine/tomura don’t @ me once again. both kinda afo’s playthings, nine obviously was the test for tomura’s new upgrades...they both love their friends...That Scene in the Flower field </3 hmmm tragicships are fun.
-tomura/mirko. more enemies to lovers. big fan of her and bunnies. remember when he wore bunny ears in bnha smash. (ok its crack but. CUTE.)
-I’ve also seen shiganatsu and shigafuyu and I’m like. these are cute, but also Dabi’s reaction always makes me cry laugh. so good.
-MOST EVERYONE IN THE LOV IS LGBTQA+!!! heres my personal headcanons:
Toga: pan or bi (CANON BASICALLY)
Magne: transwoman (CANON BABEY) bi, leans towards men. (her crush on dabi in bnha smash... uwu content where)
Shuichi: gets sooooo flustered canonly, I think he’d go for the first person Who Hit On Him (I can see him being the target of those mean pranks where someone says ‘my friend likes you!!’ and the friend is like ‘eww!!’ :(((( ) he’s super hesitant for romance, lots of repressed stuff. gay but takes sooo long to realize it bc he thinks most women are conventionally pretty Aesthethically, feels obligated to Like Them, but has bad self esteem so never goes after them, then only likes (1) guy so hes like?? is this allowed?? is this allowed???? (HES LIKE. IN LOVE WITH SHIGARAKI)
Dabi: bi but rly hasn’t ever gotten to date anyone, so he’s actually more reserved about it and while he’ll tease, he absolutely is absent and kinda oblivious (again, I KNOWWWW bnha smash isnt canon, but. my god. when magne is hitting on him and he Just Doesnt Understand.) also hes ace
Tomura: doesn’t care. (just prob says ‘its whatever’) trans/nonbinary (i’M NOT PROJECTING, BUT. :’/) probably goes with like, the label queer if any but doesn’t care much for labels
Kurogiri: bi??? kind of??? I say kind of bc well, I hc U Know Whom as bi, I feel like thatd carry over but he’d be really avoidant to date anyone bc hes gotta Watch His Kid u know? this is gonna sound surprising but I think he’d be the type to be like ‘ok we can have a one night stand/fling BUT it cant get personal bc I have a Job to Do for my Son so don’t get up in your feelings’ and act a little coldly at first or very ..not personable... depending on who it was he’d prob turn around eventually, esp if that person valued his feelings/job :”)
Sako: that mans Not Straight. I hc him as gay and also trans :3c
Twice: Bi and HAS dated prob more than anyone else in the league imo, super comfortable with his sexuality and supportive of everyone else’s :)
ok that’s about all I can think of atm, come back in 5 minutes and my brain will refill with lov headcanons :3 thank you for asking!!
#bnha manga spoilers#bnha#sanchoyoanswersasks#league of villains#lov#i am NOt tagging all of them im so sorry its Too Much#but ask to tag#for triggers#if anyone needs them tagged#?#long post#word wall#bananaapplewaffle#im pretty amicable to most ships n stuff and love rare/crack ships lmao#also if anyone has their own headcanons#and wants to share#feel free!#love hearin them too
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I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 2
- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 3,699
The doors were right in front of you, an arms length away. All it took was for you to reach out and pull them open, that's all it would take for you to enter the volleyball gym. But god those doors were heavy. You tried to pull them open, you really did. But they weighed so much.
Maybe it wasn't the door now that you thought about it, maybe it was your heart that was heavy. You remembered the faces of your teammates when you told them you didn’t want to come back. How disappointed they all looked, how disappointed they were. You loved volleyball, you practiced every second you had, it was your outlet for all the frustrations you had but could never talk about.
But you were a burden to the team. All the missed practices you had accumulated from bad grades, from lack of motivation to do something about it. All of it started to affect your games.
You knew you shouldn't have been the main setter, they had three other girls just as good if not better on the bench. All of them glaring at you while you missed set after set. You knew you could make them, at least you knew you could have made them. But you lost sight of what it felt like to have your teammates trust. It was all gone, and so was your need to be on the team.
You were already turned around and walking away when the doors opened and a head popped out.
“L/N?....L/N get inside of here you ass.” The voice was stern, but familiar.
You turned around to see the smiling face of your best friend, Yua. She opened the door wider as you sondered inside, not having the heart to look at the faces of the teammates that watched as you passed by.
“What are you doing here L/N, didn’t you want to quit?” Semi question as she walked up to you.
“I'm really sorry, I shouldn’t be here after the fight we had but you were right. I want to work hard and make the team proud, I want to be a part of the team again.” You looked up at the new team captain, she deserved the title. She hadn’t left like you. She was devoted to the team.
Semi looked you up and down before taking a step back. She shook her head, a displeased looked creeping across her face.
Your heart sank at the sight.They really didn’t want you on the team, you had done your damage. Tears brimmed your eyes as you nodded, it wasn’t your choice after all. “I’m sorry guy, I should have…” but you were cut short as a ball connected with the back of your head. Turning around you watched as Yua crumpled over in tears, gasping for air as she rolled around the gym floor.
You looked around the gym, confusion thick on your brow as you fought to understand what just happened.
“Look at your ridiculous face, did you really think we wouldn’t let you come back?” Semi chuckled, pointing a finger at the face you were still making. “You really are an idiot you know, we were waiting for you to start the meeting”. She outstretched an arm your way, pulling you into her side as she guided you to the group of waiting students.
“Wait was Yua planning on doing that all along?” You wined, massaged the sore spot on your head. You could still hear her gasping laughs, turning more into cries the longer she held her sides.
“I don’t know, probably, she was standing there ready to serve the entire time.” Yami laughed. She was now vice captain, and most likely in on the entire joke. “We missed you all summer stupid, we can’t practice without a setter.” She moved to the side, leaving room for you to sit beside her in the semi circle.
“You all waited for me, even when you had other setters? And you call me stupid..” You trailed off, a soft smile pulling at the corners of your lips. You turned around at the sound of a loud slap, ducking out of the way of an incoming ball. You looked back up, glaring at a red faced Yua.
“Too much?” She teased, walking over to join you.
You sat down with your team and listened to them go over everything the club entailed to the new first years.You missed this, it had only been a few months, but that was long enough to make you realise how much you loved being here.
Semi put an arm around your neck, pulling you closer as she pointed. “...and if you think about ditching out on us, you can do digging drills all night, just like L/N is gonna do at practice tomorrow.” She laughed along with the rest of the first years, but you knew better. It wasn’t a joke, she was going to make an example out of you.
Your face fell, you lied, you hated it here.
Soon the club meeting was over and it was time to return to class. You walked out of the gym with Yua, the both of you making way for the remainder of your classes.
“You should probably take this so you don’t look like a loser at tournaments.” Yua grinned, pulling your club jacket from her backpack. She dropped it in your arms, happy to be rid of the added weight.
“You planned this, didn’t you? Did you know Sugawara-sensei would help me find a tutor for math?” You questioned, tucking the jacket into your own bag. The familiar nylon brushing your hand as you zipped it closed.
Yua looked at you weird before shaking her head, “No, but that's nice of him. I was just hoping you would show up and cry a little.”
”Huh, I guess he is just being nice. I should probably thank him for going out of his way for me.” You muttered, more to yourself. It wasn’t unheard of for teachers to care about their students. But it was the first day of school, and he had just met you.
You walked into the classroom behind her, most of the class already full with excited chatter.
“Yeah, probably. Just don’t pass out while you're talking to him.” Yua teased as you both walked to your seats.
Hiroto waved goodbye to his teammates as he walked over to his. “Guess who's team captain this year!” He beamed as he sat down, eyebrows raised in excitement.
“Toshi, I already heard.” Yua was monotone, smirking as Hiroto’s smile turned quite literally upside down.
“Man, I was at least hoping you would take the bait.” He pouted, sinking into his seat.
Soon after the bell rang and everyone settled into their seats. Sugawara walked out from the corner office closing the door behind him.“I hope your club meetings went well.” He smiled over at you, gazes lingering on one another as he sat down at his desk. “Go ahead and take out your biology books and go to the first chapter.” He forced his eyes from your own, making an effort to engage in the other students as he opened his own book.
Opening up your book you sifted through pages until you were on chapter one. “And here is the boring stuff, I remember when the first day of school was all fun, no learning.” You sighed as you listened to Sugawara read from the book. Watching as he drew the diagrams onto the chalkboard, each one mirroring the picture perfectly. You cursed the hands you had been given. “He has nice handwriting, he can draw well. He isn’t even looking at the book, he’s doing this from memory! I couldn’t even draw a cat … everyone thought it was a cucumber.” He labeled out the parts of the diagram, defining the words as he went on. Even in his beautiful voice the passages made you want to bang your head on the desk.
Before long the period was over and it was his turn to leave for his next lesson. He packed up his belongings before walking over to your desk. You looked up to meet his smile as he rested a hand on your text book. “I’ll meet you here after your last period so we can talk about the tutoring, ok?” He readjusted the loosely held books in his arms, his grip faltering when you returned the smile.
“Yes Sugawara-sensei.”You agreed, taken aback by how close he was. You had sat closer to him during your morning meeting, but it felt different looking up at him like this. You felt so small.
He nodded back to you, waving a hurried goodbye to the class before exiting the room.
That was the first time you felt it, a heated gaze burning into the back of your head. You turned around to see two girls towards the back of the classroom, they scoffed when you met their leer, turning back to each other.
“Oh no, F/N-chan, you better watch out for Sugawara’s fanclub.” Hiroto laughed, mocking the girls behind him.
“F-fanclub, since when did he have a fanclub?’’ There was no way he had a fanclub on his first day, that was just insane. You knew of a few teachers that had that kind of attention, but they had been with the school for years. Even in that time they had only a handful of students that you could even call “fans”.
“During the club meeting a bunch of girls stayed behind and followed him around the school asking him questions, they were like vultures. Teenage girls scare me…” Hiroto trailed off as he shuttered, he couldn’t imagine a worse hell.
“Gross pubescent girls.” you shivered as the next teacher walked in to start your lesson for the day. Maybe they would go away. Most of the time the infatuation died off, before long they would be on to someone new.
Class went by fast, it was easy to focus once Sugawara was gone. It didn’t mean you understood anything your teacher had said about the math problems written on the board. But at least now you could try. Soon the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Kids started to shuffle out the door to the cafeteria as you stood up, lunch in tow as they rushed towards the cafeteria.
You stood up, walking with your friends as the tail end of the group dispersed into the halls. Turning the corner you bumped into someone, taking a few steps back you looked up at the two girls in front of you.
“Hey, Sugawara-sensei was talking to you, why?” One girl titled her head, her question sitting heavy in the air between the two of you.
“Um, well he’s finding me a tutor for math. He was just telling me when to meet him so he could go over the details.” You gave her a soft smile in an attempt to ease the tension she had created.
“Cool, after he’s done you can leave him alone.” She smiled back, the plastic shine visible on her glossed lips.
You were caught off guard by her sudden rudeness, opening your mouth to protest.
“Do you have a crush on him? How pathetic, he’s your teacher.” Yua laughed as she pushed herself in between you and the girls. “Did you run out of boys to chase Hina? Did they see how much of a troll you really are?” She gave the girls a concerned look, pouting slightly.
Hina bit her lip, looking over at the approaching group of teachers as they made their way down the hall. She pulled her friends sleeve roughly, tugging her down the hallway behind her.
“Bye, bye!” Hiroto waved sweetly at the girls as he pulled you along with them to the cafeteria.
“You are a trouble magnet, but you never do anything about it! Grow a backbone Y/N.” Yua complained, glancing back at you. Her scowl turned soft as he looked at your sullen features.
“Ok.” You mumbled as you followed on their heels.
“You're so snappy with us, why can’t you say things like that to all the people who give you a hard time?” Hiroto questioned as he placed a hand on your back, not wanting to push your mood further.
“I don’t know.” You sighed as you entered the cafeteria. You just wanted your classmates to leave you alone. You never caused problems for them, but they all seemed to want to cause them for you. Your mother had told you early on it was because you were different, foreigners always had a hard time adjusting in different countries. It would be different if the teasing had stopped when you were a child, but it didn’t. Each year it was someone new, the teasing topics becoming repetitive. You had tried your hardest to blend in, just wanting to disappear into the numbers of students that walked the hallways. But someone had it out to get you, you just knew it. “So be it, only one more year of these private school shits.”
Lunch came and passed, just as the rest of your classes did. You didn’t feel like being present anymore, it was silly to be upset over something as dumb as girls getting on your case for talking to your teacher about school. I mean, you figured that was one of the reasons you would talk to a teacher, for help at school. But here you were in your own little self pity bubble. You hated when you did this, but you hated everything else around you more, so you stayed inside it. The final bell rang, pinging throughout your brain hitting every nerve on it's way out.
“Do you want us to wait for you to finish your talk with Sugawara-sensei?” Hiroto leaned over as he pushed his books into his bag. The concerned look had found it's way onto his face before lunch and had lingered around ever since.
“No, I'm fine. Go ahead and head home.” Smiling, you cleaned up your belongings and placed them inside your bag, you wanted the alone time anyways.
Your friends walked out of the classroom, waving a small goodbye as they disappeared from your view. The rest of the students finished up and left for the day as the classroom cleaning was over. Before long you were the last one in the room, sitting at your desk as the hallway noise died down. The minutes ticked by as you waited for Sugawara, your eyes shifting to the door every time you heard the soft sound off feet down the hall. Soon enough an hour had passed with no sign of him, and so did you hope of getting the math help you desperately wanted. Just one more thing to add to your shit things that happened today list.
You put on your coat slowly, pulling your bag over your head. You adjusted it on your shoulder before giving the clock one final look. It was time to go home.
No one was staying after school for clubs today so it was just you in the school, your feet sounding ungodly loud as they echoed off the empty hallway walls. You were close to the staircase when your ears perked at the sound of your name being shouted down the hall. Peaking your head out from behind the corner of the wall you caught sight of Sugawara running down the hallway towards you. He waved for you to stop, slowing down slightly.
You wondered how far he had ran, his plees airy and rushed as he approached you. “Sensei?” you stepped out from behind the wall, walking over to his hunched over frame.
He had his hands on his knees as he fought for each breath, after a few seconds he turned his head toward you flashing you a brilliant smile. “I’m sorry L/N-san, I was stuck in a meeting in the west building. When I saw the time I rushed over here. I’m glad I caught you before you left..” He looked over you apologetically, guilt building as you returned his smile. He shouldn’t have felt this way. You were just a student he hardly knew, he could have talked to you in the morning. His fellow teachers laughed at him for being so worried about making you wait, after all he was the sensei. But he couldn’t get that sad look he knew had adorned your face out of his mind. He hated the thought of letting you down.
“It’s ok sensei, you didn’t have to run all the way over here. If you are too busy we can just talk tomorrow!” You smiled, turning towards the stairs.
“Come on, let's go back to the room and talk” Sugawara stood up, shaking his head at the notion.
You turned around, confused why he was making so much time for you already.
Sugawara turned around, waving at you to hurry.
You jumped slightly, picking up your pace to catch up to his long strides.
“How was the rest of your day L/N-san?” Sugawara asked once you were beside him.
It was sweet hearing him concerned with your day, something you weren't used to hearing.“It was ok I guess.” You shrugged as you walked back into the classroom. It was sweet, but you didn’t need to elaborate on the shit day you had had.
You sat down at a desk near the front of the room and he followed sitting on the desk next to your own. He looked over you for a moment, chewing at his cheek. “So, I couldn’t find you an available school tutor.” He dragged out the sentence, his tone wavering as you looked down at your hands.“But I have a solution.”
You looked back up, nodding for him to go on.
“So, either I can give you some extra homework and we can go over it in class. Or I can tutor you twice a week?” It sounded more like a question then an additional option, his confidence fleeting at the thought of spending more time with you.
“Well I mean what if we did both? I mean the more help the better right?” You perked up at the extra opportunity, anything to ensure your spot on the volleyball team.
He chuckled, nodding in agreement.“So we can meet on Mondays and Fridays after school if that works for you?” He was honestly always free, but he knew those were the days you didn’t have practice. He wanted to make it as easy as possible for you.
You were elated, not only were you gonna play volleyball again with his help, but maybe even understand a lesson or two as well. “Thank you so much Sugawara-senpai” You gushed, standing up suddenly.
His cheek couldn’t help but heat up at the change of honorifics used. He knew it was silly to be caught off guard by you calling him senpai, it was just another term for his relationship with you as student and teacher. But you said it with so much endearment, he knew you would be the death of him. “Let me walk you out.” He smiled, standing up.
As you both walked to the door he put his hand on the small of your back, guiding you out the door and down the hallway to the staircases. You remained silent, too focused on the heat permeating your skin. His touch was hot even through your thick coat, the warmth comforting on your cold skin. He removed his hand as you stopped at the shoe lockers, the burn of his fingertips slowly receding from your back.
“How did your volleyball club meeting go today?” His velvet voice broke the silence, his eyes watched as you slipped on your shoes. Your small fingers fumbling with the laces of your shoes. He could have sworn he saw them shaking slightly as you pulled on the strings.
Despite your nerves, this felt nice being next to him. Talking casually, it almost felt normal. “It went good, they let me back on the team. But captain Semi was already writing up conditioning punishments when I left.” you laughed, tucking your slippers into the locker. He closed it slowly, trying to drag out the conversation.
“Sounds like you're in trouble.” He smiled as he held the school doors open for you.
“Thank you again Sugawara-senpai, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.” You walked past him, standing in the doorway. You turned around again to face him, the final look of the day upon you.
“It's no problem L/N-san, I'll always make time for you.“ Realisation set in as he saw the pink creep up your cheeks, before he could think of something to say you gave him a stiff bow.
“Goodbye Sugawara-senpai!” You shouted, turning to leave. You hurried towards the school gates, practically running for the train station.
He really did it now, if it wasn’t enough that he had developed an interest in his student on the first day of school, now he was actively flustering her. “Sugawara, what is wrong with you?”
You rushed home, your mind working just as fast as your little feet were caring you. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that right, he just meant that he would make time for you because you're a student and I'm a teacher and that's what teachers do. He definitely wasn’t going out of his way to help just you. He would do it for any student, because he's your teacher and that's it.”
You boarded the train home, mind racing at the day that had just unfolded for you. Before long you were at your front door, pushing it open and stepping inside. The living room was dark, silent as you took off your shoes. “I must be crazy, absolutely insane” You exhaled, finally in the safety of your own home. “There is no way I like my fucking teacher.”
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#haikyuu!!#haiky��!!#sugawara x you#sugawara x reader#hq sugawara#sugawara scenario#sugawara kōshi#sugawara imagine#sugawara#sugawara koushi#fanfiction#fanfic#teacher sugawara#student x teacher#teacher sugawara koshi#teacher sugawara koushi
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[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 39
Last time: The Blondes finally met back up with the Brunettes, Yoki was an idiot who tried to burgle the Leto-damned ARMSTRONGS, and Scar either kidnapped or “kidnapped” Winry. Onwards!
New Intro! We’ve got the two young brothers separated by wind, then the title drawn in sand before it’s white text with a glowing red TC and the brothers running in opposite directions. Are we going to have a Party Split? Nevermind, they just slowed down to the middle of the screen. Bright light, Ed should have brought a hat to this sunny bunch of rocks. Then he looks off all dramatic like as camera goes to Al trudging through a desert before he too does the Dramatic Protagonist Stare. Both brothers back to back against the Xerxes mural ok seriously betting on a Party Split here with all the opposite directions going on. Now the Elric Brothers are running at each other and yep just phased through to become Red (Ed) and Blue (Al). Looking around for each other? Whatever happens I guess Al is with May since he has Shao on his shoulder and her gripping his hand, Ed’s got Winry in unzippered gear on his side. Camera pans out to show Al with May, Scar, and Marcoh to the left, Al, Winry, and Granny Rockbell to the right. Then a bunch more people start popping up? Can’t tell who is on which team anymore. Short image of Al’s Body in the whitespace, becomes a Stone which shatters to show a smug-looking Pride. Now Ed’s running about striking shadow blades in a forest (Ed vs Pride fight?), Al’s in the rocky desert fighting more toothy Pride blades. Wrath in what looks like a basic longsleeve shirt and vest (no uniform?) fighting LING YES TURN AGAINST THE GOTHS MY GREEDY LITTLE PRINCE Envy’s in Titan form getting sliced up by YES BRING BACK BADASS NINJA BODYGUARDS. Now it’s Armstrong The Great looking serious, Sloth burst out from snow to be used as target practice by Sideburns and a bunch of tanks but Kimblee swoops in and blows the shells up. Beard’s walking along with his briefcase frowning towards Central in the distance. Ed and Al stand back to back in a TC in the desert (not as rocky as the one Ed was in, but not as sandy as the one Al was in), shot of the Door of Truth opening and shattering, ends on the Alchemist Watch covered by the title and silhouettes of the Elric Brothers. Back where we left off: It’s a cloudy and windy day in Baschool, where Scar is carrying Winry’s limp form and glaring down at Kimblee. The Ishvalan comments on how they’ve changed positions from the last time they met, the Alchemist says he shouldn’t be so confident. Episode 39 - “Daydream” Oh no Winry’s in trouble so Ed is grabbing Kimblee’s coat and yelling at him for letting his mechanic get captured, Kimblee tells him to move aside while pulling off his gloves (hey, he’s kinda Roy’s opposite in that regard), Ed blocks his arms so that he won’t hurt Winry by attacking Scar. The Ishvalan then shatters the building, creating a nice big dust cloud to walk away in. Kimblee’s about to chase after him but a mustached soldier says that it’s too dangerous to go close to the damaged building, they need to fall back. Oh, and there’s a snowstorm incoming so they have to find shelter! Man, it has just not been Kimblee’s day, has it? Ed, Sideburns, Al and some soldiers are walking along, Miles compliments Ed on his performance aha, called it! Ross Deception! Ed’s not happy about having to play along with the “stupid charade”, though. Flashback! Scar isn’t apologizing for the death of Winry’s parents. She has every right to pass judgement on him. Winry… walks away, reaches into a box, and pulls out some cloth. Oh, wow. It it wasn’t already clear, Winry is Best Girl. Bandaging an injury on her parent’s killer? Ed and Scar are equally shocked at her compassion and what. What is that face. I’m sorry, this is a sweet and touching moment and all, but Scar? What is going on with your face here?
That is quite possibly the best Does Not Compute face I’ve ever seen. Just, Scar has no idea how to process this. Winry’s saying that if her parents saved his life before, then there must have been a reason. But like Leto does this mean that she’s forgiven him for his murders. She’s not gonna cry though, she promised… wait, I thought it was Ed who promised that the next time she cried it would be tears of joy? Ah whatever. Ok, you’ve got Scar bound up. Angry boyfriend proclamations aside, time to make him decipher the book NO DON’T CALL HEADQUARTERS YOU IDIOTS. Aaaargh. Wait Scar’s asking Sideburns what he meant by “one of your people”, can’t understand how an Ishvalan could stomach being part of the Amestrian military. Sideburns responds that he’s working on the inside to change Amestrian views of Ishvalans, Scar is shocked at such an idea, and that it was an Amestrian that set Sideburns on the path. Scar can only look down. [Scar]: “Look at me. I am a festering wound of hatred born of the Ishvalan War. I am thankful that there is someone like you out there.” Aaargh but just as Scar is realizing that maybe wanton murder isn’t the way to go about things the call goes through, and Kimblee is on his way to “deal” with Scar. This drives Marcoh and May to reveal themselves. Finally! Oh, and now May can patch up Scar’s arm! Outside the Mustached Mook is noting the stormy clouds, Kimblee tells them to hurry up (gee, I wonder if he’ll get there in time?). Marcoh and May are yes thank you for Leto’s sake it took long enough they’re saying that they’ve got groundbreaking Alchemy/Alkahestry research but the only one who can read it is Scar. Sideburns notes that May is the Alkahestry girl they’ve been searching for as well, says that she needs to come back with them to Fort Briggs. Add in that Scar’s needed to read the notes and it’d be just as bad for Marcoh to be recaptured, looks like all three need to go back to the Fort. Ed’s just a mite unhappy with needing Scar’s help, Sideburns knocks him upside the head with the fact that the Goths are pulling some sort of giant TC shenanigans, they need all the info and help they can get right now. Ed stands down after the suggestion that with Scar’s help they can disgrace Kimblee and get Winry away from his clutches. One Ishvalan Oath later Scar’s judgement is postponed… and the Chimeras are waking up, uh oh. The kids balk at Sideburns’ orders to kill them, the Chimeras sadly agree with Sideburns, saying that they can never go back to their old lives. Al tries reasoning with them, appealing to their families but they’ve been told they’re dead. And it’s not like they can go back like this, we’d just be imitating the 2005 Fantastic Four, and nobody wants that.

But Al does get them to yell that “of course they want their old bodies back”, when they quite reasonably say that it can never happen Al does the helmet remove to show his Soul Armor state. [Al]: “Well I’m going back. No matter how long it takes. I’m not giving up.” Ooh, is Al getting some followers? Watch him form an army out of Chimeras tossed aside by the Goths, take them down with their own creations. Unfortunately the snowstorm’s coming in, meaning that they can’t reach the Fort until it passes. And Kimblee’s on his way, so they need a plan- [Yoki]: “This is a mining town, isn’t it? Why don’t we just go into the underground tunnels?” [Everyone]: *turns in surprise to the secret tactical genius in their midst* [Yoki]: “W-what’s wrong? I mean, this is a pretty large mine, right? So surely there’s a tunnel that can take us beyond the mountains, uh… I think?” [Everyone]: “That’s it!” [Yoki, Tactical Genius]: “H-hey, give me some credit; this is what I did for a living!” Ha! Way to finally pull your weight, you C-tier flashback antagonist! Confirming that the tunnels go past the mountains- wait. Wait wait wait. Isn’t the whole point of the mountains that they are between Amestris and Drachma? Ooh, do we finally get to see another country?! Please let my dream of missionary Drachma’s with Leto pamphlets be a reality! Sideburns gives Marcoh notes for any Briggs soldiers the meet after the tunnel (watch them run into Drachmans first and cause all sorts of problems: “These people have notes written in Amestrian! They must be spies from Fort Briggs!”). But what about Winry? If she just up and vanishes with them then Kimblee will suspect the Elrics of foul play! [Winry]: “Um, I hate to be the one to suggest this, but, uh… What do you think Kimblee would do if I was suddenly taken hostage by Scar?” Whoa, so kidnapped!Winry was Winry’s idea? Props to you, mechanic! Mid-ep pictures of Winry Rockbell and human Jerso/Toad and Zampano/Boar. Ed and Al are understandably uneasy with the plan, but Winry shouts them down about being able to at least choose her captor if she’s a hostage either way. Come on Protagonists, learn that you don’t have to or can do everything by yourselves! Scar again promises to protect Winry before Ed lets him loose, when the Chimeras as to be taken along as well. They’ve failed which means Kimblee’s going to kill them either way… [Boar]: “Besides, we don’t want to give up either.” Look at you go Alphonse, already with your two inhuman followers! Also, they’re just a little confused and upset about all this talk of this band of misfits trying to stop some catastrophe that threatens their families along with all of Amestris. Y’know, just a minor detail. Kimblee’s inbound, better hurry. Sideburns asks wait what they’re back to human? Uh ok, with all the talk about being monsters I was kinda assuming that their beast forms were permanent, not something that they could consciously deactivate. Kinda undercuts the whole “we want our human bodies back” if they can shapeshift back like this. The groups are splitting up (to my surprise it’s not the Elric Brothers who are going different ways, at least for now), a soldier remarks that Winry needs to remove her earrings ok what. Seriously, what? This just totally broke my immersion, you cannot tell me that now is the moment when having metal earrings in the frozen north would cause discomfort and haven’t been an issue yet, especially when she came up north specifically because her boyfriend’s metal arm was seizing up. But whatever, she gives them to Ed for safekeeping before promising to see him back at the Fort. Ed gazes up after her, clenching his fist and probably crushing those precious earrings that he was just trusted with. Nice going, kiddo. Explosion! Acting! Snowstorm! Those left in Baschool are sheltering in a building, alternately looking at girlfriend’s jewelry, wondering where their fellow Chimeras have gone, and arguing for planning the next leg of the search. Then Sideburns gets a call from the Fort? Ooooooooh, right. There was that whole “forces from Central showing up to look for Raven” thing going on last time. And our guys are walking right into that mess. Whoops. Down in the tunnel Marcoh’s going on and on about how the Rockbell Doctors were widely respected during the Ishvalan War, how they helped all without regard for themselves. Meanwhile Scar’s walking in the back having flashbacks to Winry’s “I don’t forgive your wanton murdering”, an Ishvalan Elder telling Scar that while he should never forgive the Military’s “wanton murder” that he must abide it-

-to break the chain of hatred, and his brother saying he studies Alchemy to replace hatred with understanding. And here is Scar, following the orders of an Ishvalan who willingly works in the Military to change it, representing the ideals of Scar’s brother and Elders. So what does that make him? Yoki’s having the group stop in an underground office, to pick up a more detailed map of the tunnels. Man, who’d have thought that freaking Yoki would be the most useful party member at this point. Or ever? Inspired by Al, Toad and Boar are pestering Marcoh about any clues in the journal (that he can’t read), they banter with each other about their families. Aw, they’re actually friends! Nice to show that even the Central forces have loved ones, hopefully for real this time after that infuriating Bradley & Selim fakeout. May? What’s wrong? Oh. Oh yeah. Her whole mission was to learn the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone, only to find out it’s based on suffering and the obtaining of immortality for one at the expense of so, so many others. And His Imperial Highness, aka her father, apparently would make one without a moment’s hesitation using any number of his people. So apparently he leans more towards Wrath’s philosophy of leadership than Ling’s. But if she doesn’t bring back the secret of immortality, her clan is in danger from all the others. Marcoh says that the notes might have the humane secret to immortality, they just need to hurry up get to the Fort so Scar can get a-translating. [Ed]: “What do you mean, ‘the Fort is no longer safe’?!” Welp. Just when we get Armstrong The Great as an ally, she’s been summoned back to Central and a Military Officer’s getting put in her place, along with a bunch of other Central forces. So now the Tunnel Team is walking into a hostile environment without knowing. They have to be warned, but how? Ed wants to go but he’ll freeze before he gets anywhere close… [Al]: “There is a way! Listen: send someone who doesn’t have a body. That storm won’t freeze me to death!” Uh, Al? Sure I guess you wouldn’t catch hypothermia, but you’re still a giant suit of steel armor. Remember how there was that whole “Ed’s arm freezing up” problem that was fixed by replacing his entire arm? You don’t have body heat like a living person, your limbs are just gonna ice up. Actually, how the Leto hasn’t that happened yet? Huh. I guess Souls act as armor heaters too, Al’s having more trouble just seeing where he’s walking in the blizzard than actually moving. He sees the path but the winds picks up and the screen whites out from the snow GAH ZOMBIE AL! Oh shit how did Al end up in the Whitespace? Uh, well you’ve found your body? Quick, grab it and let’s get wait no it was an illusion. What, you getting snow madness buddy? Oh. Oh shit. We’ve got a flashback to Barry musing that foreign bodies can’t hold souls for too long, Al’s freaking out about his body trapped in Whitespace, pulling on his soul as it’s rejected by his armor… he can’t think about that right now, he has to hurry. Without the map now, since he dropped it after that vision. Oh hell it’s this asshole. [Uncle]: “Alphonse Elric. Edward Elric. And also… there’s… Van Hohenheim. Izumi Curtis, she’s a possibility-” Aside from all the awfulness of listing off Potential Sacrifices, which is looking a lot more like ‘killing all of these people, not just one or the other’, did you just purposefully knock over Izumi’s piece? Rude, and I can’t wait to see her punch you. “That leaves one more.” New end credits! Rapid guitar music as we race through a 3D hallway/tunnel, outside looks like Ed’s standing in the ruins of the Elric house, Al’s somewhere else standing among some tall square rocks. Flashes of red-eyed Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Pride, and Uncle (what, no Lust, Greed or Sloth?) A look at Riza’s scarred back with that strange symbol before she turns and I am very sorry for walking in while you were changing ma’am, I’ll be going now. Roy’s still in his eveningwear outfit probably trying to get someone to take all those flowers off his hands, Beard is oh Leto what is happening with your face, are you actually smiling. That looks so weird, stoppit. Oh hey it’s Mama Elric, so sad that we lost you before we could fully appreciate your snark. Ah there’s the scowling Beard that we know, go kick Uncle’s ass. We’ve got Ed jumping and Al and LING YES BRING HIM BACK and a lion and monkey oh my Leto is Al actually going to build a Chimera Army this is the best thing of all time yeah there’s Toad and Boar we are totally getting Rebel General Al. Also there’s Alchemist-Slayer Scar on their side now but who cares CHIMERA ARMY ok fine we also get May and oh Marcoh’s getting in on the action looks like he lost a few teeth wait Yoki no we need you as the secret tactical genius get off the front lines. Selim’s there looking all cute and innocent in his little schoolkid guise until his shadow gets teethy and attacks Ed. Winry’s power walking through a hallway (can’t see if she got her earrings back). Then a bunch of hands reaching up, one larger one grasping a smaller one (which ship will sail?!) before we’re back in the tunnel, shots of Ed and Al and Beard before a final map of the country-sized TC.
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Blurred Lines Chapter 12 - Mistakes
Chapter 12 and we see what happened to Gacen after his encounter with the past
Gacen wakes up in a precarious position and proceeds to recount the night
Gacens head was pounding what was going on he could hear what sounded like heavy machinery being operated nearby, why was it so god damn loud. Gacen opened his eyes properly and was quickly startled by what he saw; he could see the sky below him what was going on. He must be upside down that explained the backwards sky and his pounding headache but why was he? He felt a sudden drop as he began to fall but then was caught by something, what the hell was going on. He looked up and saw a chain tied around his leg attached to a CRANE! oh no what did he do. He needed to get out of this fast he looked down and was met with the bright crackling of a furnace... WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED. He could work it out later for now he had to get out of this situation he began swinging with the chain until he was able to grab it with his hand. He felt incredibly dizzy and lightheaded he definitely had a hangover but adrenalin was powering him through as he began to climb the chain to the crane.
As he reached the top of the crane his ears were pierced by blaster shots he then saw fly by his head. Well shit he’d pissed people off while blackout drunk this day was going great. As he shimmied across the crane trying his best to avoid blaster bolts he tried to remember what happened last night. He went to a... bar after he finished up the job but why he didn’t... the realisation hit as he remembered what the robot had said, well that’s a whole other can of worms to open later. He didn’t have enough credits for more drinks so he... oh no Gacen remembered the sabacc game, the winning, then drinking and then nothing. “God dammit you stupid dumbass idiot what did you bet” he thought as he reached the edge of the crane.
He could now see with more context that he was in a scrapyard, he could see three individuals furiously shooting their blasters at him, poor quality blasters good he was dealing with amateurs. He made his way off the crane with all the grace of a Hutt trying to run a marathon quickly landing in some scrap with a crash. He popped up out of the scrap putting on his diplomacy gloves “fellas fellas why are you trying to kill me” this was a terrible idea but thugs love to hear themselves talk
A large weequay spoke up “you owe us a ship compadre now either you pay up or we shoot you here and now” yeesh he bet the ship nice going jackass bet your home why don’t you
“now now i’m afraid i can’t facilitate that but surely we can come to some arrangement” Gacen moved closer slowly he had a plan, granted a very stupid plan but still a plan
“no we have already talked enough we will not be swindled by you again” yeah that checks out why couldn’t you just go home and brood like normal people. He continued to move towards them
“i apologise for anything that happened before now i’m afraid i wasn’t myself” Gacen was now close enough he quickly reached into his pocket and let off a flash grenade. He was instanly blinded by a white light AHHHH SON OF A BITCH it hurt so bad Gacen had about 5 seconds less of flashbang than they did he had to act quick, he turned around despite his lack of vision and sprinted in the general direction of the exit as his vision returned he quickly activated his personal stealth field. They would be searching the compound for hours he had a good headstart.
Gacen began making his way back to town hopefully he could get away nice and quick. As he made his way back his mind began to wonder; god damn it why did he do any of this everything was going so well and his stupid idiot ass was pushed over the edge by just a name. What was Ash gonna say when she found out she already hated his drinking problem but she was trying so hard to help him and he was just being a shitty dumbass. Why couldn’t he have just gone home like a normal person would it have been that hard no he was just too much of a stupid idiot fuck to do anything remotely challenging. He continued to spiral as he made his way back to the spaceport.
By the time he got back it was night he was hoping he could just sneak in maybe she wouldn’t notice he could say he got caught up with a job opportunity it was technically kinda true. He unlocked the ship and began to head to his bunk as he did he heard a voice in the dark.
“where have you been” it was quiet and calm but he knew it wasn’t really
“oh... um... hey Ash sorry i uhhh got caught up with a potential new business opportunity” why was he lying to her this didn’t feel good
“ok well if that was the case you wouldn’t mind letting me smell your breath” no no no that wasn’t fair he couldn’t control his mouth. Her arms were folded and she looked very tired she was probably waiting all night
“uhh i uh don’t think that’s uh necessary” he couldn’t win this he was fucked he’d fucked it all up it was too late this was it
“really why not?” Ash looked so upset with him what was he supposed to do the truth was so bad
“ok FINE fine i got drunk and nearly died and nearly lost the ship and i hate myself for it there are you happy i’m a mess you’re not you were right i was wrong” what was he supposed to say he had no idea
“no i’m not happy i can’t believe you’d do this it’s not even been a week Gacen” oh she was mad at him she didn’t get mad easy
“look i’m sorry ok I got some news and I... I just didn’t know what to do i couldn’t deal with it all it was too much”
“so what you just got drunk like that is that seriously all it takes” hey cmon she didn’t even know the context that wasn’t fair
“look this isn’t easy for me you know it’s not really even a choice I’ve had so much shit constantly going on in my head and my past it’s really difficult for me to deal with this stuff all at once I need something to null it all”
“ I KNOW i know you’ve been through a lot you’re constantly telling me that you’re constantly telling me it’s so hard for you well newsflash Gacen you’re not the only person with problems” He knew that but it wasn’t the same right?
“yeah obviously i know that but it’s not the same. Why, are you hiding something some big dark secret, something that weighs down on your soul, something you can never forget the knowledge that no matter what you do you keep hurting people i don’t think so” yeah she doesn’t get it
“NO OF COURSE NOT but i still have trouble like everyone does, when we got captured i lost my team, the only ever family and yeah believe it or not it weighs on me and you have never ONCE asked me if i’m ok” oh i see how it is
“oh right ok so you weren’t doing this to ‘help me’ were you, you just wanted someone to talk to it’s got nothing to do with my pain, everything I lost, everything i have to deal with” Gacen wasn’t sure about that but he needed to win the argument
“WHAT no i just wanted my friend back i wanted you to be ok because you’re the only person who makes me feel better when the whole world feels foreign and excuse me for wanting you to get better” no no no this wasn’t right
“WELL little bit of a hard truth for you Ash this IS ME the sad depressed alcoholic fuck it’s ALWAYS BEEN ME but i hid it because i thought there was something worth living for but i was wrong ok so what’s the point in a brave face. This is who i am the asshole the guy who doesn’t remember how he got chained up to a crane and doesn’t care because at least he could live with himself for a few hours and you can either get used to it or you can leave” there beat that
Ash was staring at him fuming with tears in her eyes “fine” she walked out of the room. Hey he won Gacen stood there for a second in silence...god damn it you stupid fucking asshole what was that shit that wasn’t helpful all you did was drive away the only person who you hadn’t yet driven away, the only friend you had left. You stupid idiot asshole she could really leave this time why the fuck did you do any of that. It doesn’t matter any way your poison has already reached her even if she recovers from this and forgives you you’ve already ruined it. You’ll drive her away just like you drive everyone away with your poisonous toxic shit you should be surprised it took this long she should’ve been driven away already really why would anyone put up with your shit that’s why Risha never looked for you, that’s why your father abandoned you, why your mother died, that’s why your sister hates you, how are you going to drive Ash away huh how are you going to make her despise you huh you’re poison is already in HER IT’S NOT GOING TO BE LONG BEFORE SHE GIVES UP ON YOU WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO HUH WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WHAT AR-SHUT UP!!!!!!
Gacen stood sweating he should go talk to her at least salvage what he can. He made his way to the entrance to try and find her putting the bad thoughts behind him. He saw Ash was sitting on the ships stairs “um hey i’m sorry about all the shit i said i’m a big jerk” he sat down next to her why was she still here?
She turned to him she had clearly been crying “i’m sorry Gacen” what no that wasn’t right “i’m sorry if I don’t understand what you’ve been through i know I’m not the best at reading people I should be mor-”
“no no no stop Ash it’s ok if i’ve been shitty or acted shitty that’s because i’m a shitty person don’t blame yourself for my fucked up life it’s not your fault”
“i’m sorry i’ve been pushing you so hard i just miss you ya know the world gets hard without your whimsy” she leaned in to Gacens side he put her arm around her
“why didn’t you leave” Gacen didn’t understand why she’d stay with his well everything
“i tried to but i couldn’t because you shouldn’t give up on someone halfway that would be worse than not helping, i’d do irreparable damage to you and i couldn’t live with that” Gacen was surprised she was so willing to put up with his bullshit he couldn’t understand why no matter how hard he tried. “Gacen do you ever want to talk about your issues”
“what do you mean” Gacen didn’t like where this was going
“have you ever told anyone what’s going on in your head like you did while yelling” Gacen racked his brain
“i don’t think so no” was that bad had he been doing it wrong
“would you like to it could help” Gacen didn’t like discussing his past but Ash was right he had to deal with it at some point
“sure i guess but first i gotta ask you something”
“what” Ash looked up at him wiping the tears from her eyes
“are you ok”
“no” she let out weakly Gacen felt so bad how had he never asked her
“i’m sorry i was so selfish i should’ve asked if you were ok a long time ago”
“thanks Gacen”
“no problem Ash” he put his head on hers and they sat in silence for a few minutes more
“what do you mean about losing the ship” Ash spoke up
“oh shit we gotta go i pissed off some people big time” he completely forgot
Ash chuckled “alright i’ll start the engine”...
#swtor#my swtor#oc#ocs#swtor ocs#swtor oc#smuggler#gacen zandar#gacen#trooper#ash#ash'shen'tor#my fiction#fanfic#fanfiction#fiction#Fic#OC Fiction#OC fic#oc fanfiction#SWTOR Fic#swtor fiction#swtor fanfiction#blurred lines
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Chapter 2: The Ruins
Silveria stared at Asriel, quickly pushing him back as she heard a familiar but powerful flapping sound and felt a strong downdraft of air. When she turned to look behind her, Lucifer was settling into a defensive position, mouth open. And the inside of his maw had the signature glow of preparing to breathe fire.
“Whoa, Whoa!” Silveria shouted, running to her companion’s side. “Easy. Stand down. That one helped me!”
Lucifer sent a jet of flame straight up and grumbled to himself, using some magic or other to shrink to the size of a parrot. Once stable in that position, he flew over to Silveria, who outstretched an arm for her to perch on. A small sigh left her as her soul returned to her body.
“Are you ok, Asriel?” Silveria asked, running a knuckle over the dark scales of Lucifer’s back. “Sorry about Luci. He’s quite protective of me.”
“Hey, no hard feelings.” Asriel said, grinning.
Silveria took a moment to get a proper look at him. His fur was as pure white as her hair on a normal day—thanks, rock dust—and he had bright, gold eyes that spoke of an endless kindness. He wore something similar to the robe of a priest, which made Silveria a little uncomfortable. The robe was green, with golden accents. On the chest was what looked like the language the Intoners sang in in a fancy design and in pure white.
“Kot goa aino shuna viveil.” The design read.
“Peace and Love sure prevail.” Silveria translated. “Huh.”
Asriel blinked, a slight pink tinge along his cheeks. “I didn’t think anyone from above could translate it. Mom said it’s a dead language.”
“I’d believe it. I’m the last Intoner, and I’ve been asleep at least a thousand years. I think King.... Jeggred Dreemur had just been coronated around the time?” Silveria shrugged.
“That’s.... my great-great-grandfather... Man, that’s closer to five thousand years.” Asriel’s jaw dropped. “Hey, come on. Let’s get you somewhere you can rest. Heck, my mom might try to adopt you. Just don’t mention your age, ok?”
Silveria smiled slightly. “Of course. Lead the way.”
Lucifer grumbled something along the lines of Silveria being too trusting. She just laughed and began to follow the goat. As soon as they exited the garden, they came across an area with a gentle shade of violet. It was a jarring change for Silveria, and she couldn’t help but think of a certain wyrm.
Then Silveria noticed a wall of spikes. And Asriel approaching it. While she was inclined to trust him, a pang got her chest.
“Asriel!” She cried out.
“Relax. Come on. Follow me, it’s a maze.” Asriel turned and smiled.
Silveria sighed and began to approach closer to follow. Just as Asriel had promised, some of the spikes went down as they were approached. It was a relief to notice.
“There we go.” Asriel smiled, patting Silveria’s shoulder. “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“I guess you’re right. Sorry... I’ve.... seen a lot.” Silveria sighed, doing her best not to go to into detail.
“We do know a little of the Intoners. But given that information we do have, seeing a lot seems to be an understatement.”
Lucifer have a dark chuckle. “With luck, the world has changed since then. Saving the world from the end of time gets boring after a while.”
“You two must do that a lot then!” Asriel laughed. It took a lot of the weight from Silveria’s shoulder.
“.... Four times, I think!” Silveria giggled.
“It’s a bit soon to admit that much, Silver.” Lucifer sighed. “But you seem to have a knack for reading souls...”
Silveria mentally facepalmed as she realized that she had not read Asriel’s soul. She closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. And got exactly what she expected. The upside down heart of a monster soul, but in a deep green. A soul of kindness.
“So.... can I just call you Silver as well?” Asriel asked, snapping Silveria back to attention.
“Of course!” She chirped.
“Awesome. So, I’m gonna run and talk to my mother about this. Stay here ok? It’d be too easy for something to happen with some of the puzzles here.” Asriel was already leaving as he spoke.
“Sure, no problem!” Silveria chirped. But as soon as Asriel was gone, Silveria looked to the dragon with a smirk. “‘Splorin’ time?”
Lucifer shook his head and chuckled. “As if I could stop you.”
Silveria began to walk, practically vibrating in excitement. If there was one thing she loved, it was exploring new places. And it showed in the way she worked around the puzzles, grinning and giggling like a child the entire time.
The pair wandered the Ruins practically aimlessly, befriending each Monster they came across. From the small Froggits who gave advice for living in the Underground and were incredibly receptive to being pat on the head, to the tiny Whimsur who stopped shying away when Silveria sang to them, to the Moldsmals that let Silveria get a better view of life from lying down. Even the local Looxes—if that could be considered the plural—warmed up after Silveria showed a little kindness.
But the most curious Monster that Intoner and dragon came across by far was a little ghost lying on the ground and pretending to be asleep. Silveria couldn’t help but be curious and pick up a stitck to poke the creature. The ghost immediately got up and seemed anxious.
“O-oh. Am I... am I in your way? O-oh jeez... Hey, hey, I’m sorry. Oh, goodness.” The ghost said.
“Oh, sorry!” Silveria practically jumped back, startled. “You are there. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“I’m okay.” The ghost replied. “I’m surprised you seem to care.”
“Silveria here is too soft for her own good.” Lucifer laughed proudly.
“And Luci is an overprotective old fool.” Silveria pulled a face. “Oh—oh no. Don’t cry! It’s ok!”
Silveria approached the ghost carefully, gently resting her skeletal prosthetic hand on their head. They leaned into the touch, earning a giggle from Silveria.
“I’m Napstablook, by the way.” The ghost explained.
“Can I call you Blooky? You’re so freaking cute I can’t even!” The Intoner grinned.
“O-oh. Um.... sure!”
“Hey. Hey. If you’re a ghost, and this is the afterlife.... would making a friendnmake it heaven?” Silveria have the dumbest freaking smile imaginable. Oh she knew that was a stupid joke. She was well aware. But that didn’t stop her.
“This is starting a lot later than I expected. It’s still stupid though.” Lucifer sighed. “No more puns or you’re grounded for life!”
“But. But I spent five thousand years as stone. Wouldn’t you say I was grounded long enough?” Silveria started giggling.
Napstablook, however, seemed to be enjoying the exchange taking place before them. They were chuckling nonstop.
“Well, Blooky thinks it’s funny. So, I’d say it’s a win!” Silveria hummed.
“Hey. Silveria. Lucifer.” Napstablook called, seeming eager in a really laidback sort of way. The moment both were looking, the ghost began to cry, the tears falling upwards and forming a hat. They seemed really pleased with themself. “I call it Dapper Blook.”
“I love it!” Silveria squealed, getting all starry eyed.
“Looks good, kiddo.” Lucifer nodded.
Napstablook seemed incredibly pleased with themself. “Looks like I made a couple of friends when I normally come here to hide from the world. I should head back now.”
“Take care, Blooky!” Silveria chirped as the ghost faded away.
#intonertale#undertale au#undertale#silveria zerochild#lucifer#asriel#technically the intoners sing in japanese#and my proof of it being japanese is Corroscience#which does have a direct translation because both versions were used in other games#have harder to find translations outside of the first line#thank you drakengard for being so niche#monsters live a long ass time#mentions of wyrms#ezreal reference#it’s a long one this time#hey foreshadowing#asriel dreemurr#look he got to adult!#is that an undertale the musical reference?!#yes#thanks alex#some poor sap named alex is going to read this and be so comfused#i am not sorry#but silveria deemed the novel that leads into drakengard 1 not good enough#froggit#whismur#loox eyewalker#loox#moldsmal#napstablook
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Universe Falls Chapter 51
Damn its been almost a month since we’ve had a new UF chapter can ya’ll believe that? Well now we finally have one and its... ok. Kinda short and kinda lackluster but whatever. I need to get back into the swing of things now that I have no distractions holding be back anymore (aside from the ones i put upon myself) but anyway, here ya go. Enjoy!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/173015479819/universe-falls-chapter-51
Chapter 52: Cry for Help
With the metaphorical roller coaster ride of events and emotions they had been consistently on for the past several days, Steven, Dipper, and Mabel all readily welcomed a break from this torrent of essentially earth-shattering revelations and aftershocks. However, the “break” that Steven and Mabel had formulated was one that Dipper wasn’t exactly fond of, but was ultimately outnumbered on, which was how he ended up being sandwiched squarely in between the enthusiastic pair as they turned in for the ongoing Crying Breakfast Friends marathon.
All the same, two thirds of the trio were thoroughly enraptured in the depressing escapades of Sniffling Croissant, Sad Pear, and Bawling Bacon all weeping inconsolably over some sort of ‘shocking’ reveal concerning their mysterious family members. “Wow…” Steven mused in amazement in light of this turn in the show. “What a great plot twist! I can’t believe Sniffling Croissant’s dad was actually one of the Angry Lunch Enemies all this time!”
“I know, right?!” Mabel exclaimed, just as stunned. “And that they finally found Sad Pear and Bawling Bacon’s long-lost aunt! It’s like everything’s unraveling all at once and its so crazy! I wonder how everyone is gonna react to all these huge drama bombs!”
“You guys are kidding, right?” Dipper interjected dryly. “Those ‘plot twists’ were totally predictable. I’ve only seen a few episodes of this show and from what I’ve seen, they’ve foreshadowed all that stuff so much that just about anyone could have figured it out from basically the beginning.”
A beat of somewhat awkward silence passed at this callout, until Steven found a silver lining in it and quickly perked up. “Aw, Dipper! You really are invested in Crying Breakfast Friends after all, just like me and Mabel!”
“…Believe me, Steven, I’m really not,” Dipper deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the over the top cartoon on TV.
Not long after this exchange, the temple doors began to open and instantly, all three of the kids directed their attention away from the TV and in that direction instead. After all, none of them had really heard anything from any of the Gems since the return of their apparently tumultuous memories the other day. Suffice to say they were all immensely curious to know both how they were coping with what they had discovered, as well as whatever it was they had remembered in the first place. But given how sensitive of a subject it likely still was for the Gems, the kids knew they were in no position to pry about any of it; the last thing they wanted was to set Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl off again so soon after the solid ground they once stood on abruptly crumbled apart underneath them.
But still, that didn’t mean the trio didn’t want to know they answers they themselves were still missing even after it was all said and done.
So they watched in somewhat tense silence as Amethyst trudged out of the temple, silent and clearly sullen as she kept her rather embittered gaze downward on her way over to the fridge. She didn’t bother to spare a glance up to the kids on the loft, much less make an effort to speak to them as she dully searched for a snack. The purple Gem’s distracted distance continued only until Steven hesitantly spoke up with a small smile, one that was filled with plenty of concern for Amethyst in light of what had happened just a few days ago.
“Uh… hey, Amethyst,” he greeted with slight uncertainty, exchanging a brief glance with the twins before continuing. “You, uh… you wanna watch Crying Breakfast Friends with us? There’s an all-day marathon going on.”
The purple Gem’s shoulders hitched at the offer, but she didn’t turn to face the trio as she muttered out her response. “Nah… I’m… I’m good…”
“A-are you sure?” Mabel asked, trying to be just as encouraging as Steven. “We’re in the middle of a really good one right now!”
“Not really,” Dipper remarked, though he was quickly corrected by a sudden elbowing from his sister. “Ow! Uh, yeah, I-I mean, it’s really, um… great…”
Amethyst hesitated for another moment or two before finally glancing over her shoulder at the kids, briefly taking in their warm, hopeful expressions before letting out a relenting sigh. “Yeah, alright,” she complied, heading up towards the loft herself before plopping down on the floor in front of the TV. “But only for a little while. I’m sorta… busy dealing with some… stuff.”
None of the kids bothered to ask what that “stuff” might have been, largely since they already had a pretty good guess about it. Even so, another bout of tentative silence took over the room, filled in only by the overdramatic wails of the breakfast characters on screen. But when it was finally broken, Steven was the one to do it, interrupting the show somewhat apprehensively as he addressed the purple Gem on the ground below him.
“Um… Amethyst?” he began, unsure of how to really phrase what he really wanted to ask, so instead, he went in another direction instead. “H-how are you feeling after the whole, um… you know… memory thing that happened the other day?”
“W-what, that whole thing?” Amethyst quickly replied, flinching as she forced a scoff out. “Pfft, I don’t even care about that junk anymore. I-I mean, its really messed up stuff, yeah, but uh… its fine, its whatever. It happened a way long time ago anyway, so its not like it even matters anymore anyway.”
“Uh… no offense, Amethyst, but it sure didn’t seem like it doesn’t matter based on how you guys reacted to getting those memories back in the first place…” Dipper noted truthfully.
“Ugh, well it doesn’t!” the purple Gem snapped, frustrated. “I don’t know about Garnet or Pearl, but I’m over it, so we don’t need to talk about it anymore!”
The kids exchanged a glance, rather doubtful of this claim based on Amethyst’s heated reaction, but none of them were too keen on continuing much further when it came to asking her anything related to the formerly missing memories. After all, it didn’t seem like they’d be getting too far along with the purple Gem when it came to getting answers about them anyway. “Well then, i-if the memory thing isn’t what’s bothering you, then… what does have you so down?” Mabel asked, still wanting to cheer the obviously discouraged purple Gem up.
Amethyst started at this, her eyes growing wide before her cheeks flushed in dark purple embarrassment, which she was quick to play off with another harsh scoff. “N-nothing!” she barked defensively. “Nothing’s got me down, I’m fine! I don’t know why you guys are grilling me with so many questions anyway, I thought you guys just called me up here to watch your weird cartoon with you and-” The purple Gem cut herself off as she nodded towards the TV, only to notice that the program had cut out into loud, bizarre static largely out of nowhere.
“Aw, hey! What’s the big idea?” Mabel asked with a pout. “Steven, did you forget to pay your cable bill or something?”
“My dad’s usually the one who does that, and he’s always pretty on top of getting it paid on time…” Steven mused thoughtfully as he looked to the snowy screen. “But this is pretty weird. It was doing this yesterday too…”
“Well, then maybe its just something wrong with your TV,” Dipper guessed. “Still, its not like you really need to rush to fix it or anything. Its not like we were missing much anyway…” He finished his last statement in a sarcastic mutter, one that Steven and Mabel readily disagreed with.
“Are you kidding, bro-bro? The entire show could be turning itself upside down right now, and all we’re seeing is a bunch of static!” Mabel huffed impatiently. “We gotta figure out a way to fix this!”
“Ugh, hang on, I got it,” Amethyst said as she stood and stepped beside the TV. The purple Gem then proceeded to give it a few soft kicks, though they did little to change the ongoing flow of endless static. “How about now?” she asked, glancing to the TV herself. She jumped back in surprise, however, as the static suddenly shifted, the television itself vibrating wildly as an unintelligible bout of odd gibberish began bursting from it.
“I-it’s never done that before,” Steven remarked, keeping a close eye on the screen along with the twins to see what might happen next. Soon enough, the screen soon changed again as an image gradually began to take shape upon it along with a voice. And as soon as both of these things became clear and distinguishable, the entire group present let out a startled gasp upon seeing exactly what, or rather who was interrupting the scheduled programming.
“This is Peridot,” the green Gem began with her prerecorded message, her manner clearly aggravated and rather frantic as she continued. “Transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised; my escort and escapee informant are gone and I am now stranded! Please send help!” With this desperate plea, the message repeated itself, with Peridot once again making her anxious appeal to the mysterious Yellow Diamond. Based on this alone, it took almost no deliberation between Amethyst and the kids for them to reach the decision to call Garnet and Pearl out of the temple so they could this troubling transmission. And upon hearing it for themselves, both of the other Gems were quick to place their own lingering remorse from their recalled memories aside, just as Amethyst had, for the sake of the brand new problem at hand.
“I don’t get it…” Mabel remarked, aptly confused as they all watched Peridot’s message over again. “Why would anyone give Peridot her own weird commercial? It’s not like she really has the kind of personality meant for television.”
“She probably just took over the airwaves, Mabel,” Dipper remarked, rolling his eyes as he cast another disdainful glare at the Gem on TV. “Though who knows how she managed to do that. I guess she might be smarter than we give her credit for. Maybe.”
“Doubt it,” Garnet said, her manner stoic as she rose to properly stand.
“Ok, thanks,” Steven finished his conversation on the phone before hanging up and addressing the others. “Connie says its on her TV too.”
“But where could Peridot be broadcasting a signal that strong?” Pearl asked with a concerned frown.
“There’s only one place,” Garnet said, taking in a deep, resolved breath before looking to her uncertain teammates. “Amethyst, Pearl. I know a lot has happened these past few days. And even more has changed as a result of everything we’ve learned. But… despite it all, its time we pull ourselves together and get back to doing what we do best: protecting the Earth from anyone who wants to harm it, including Homeworld. Now,” the Gem leader paused her bold, reassuring, and inspiring speech as she gracefully hopped down from the loft, putting on a small, somewhat unreadable smile as she looked up to the group still gathered above and encouraging them to follow. “Let’s get going. We have a transmission to interrupt and certain green Gem’s plans to thwart.”
The warp pad to the Gem communication hub located far off in the distant desert had been destroyed near the beginning of the summer courtesy of Sugilite. This meant that the only way the Gems and the kids could get there was on Lion, which was a pretty cramped ride, even as the pink beast roared a temporal portal there from Gravity Falls. Still, the night air was cool and crisp as they all arrived, Lion quickly plopping down in exhaustion underneath them as they all disembarked from his back. “Lion, are you ok?” Steven asked with concern, giving his faithful pet a comforting pat on the head as he allowed him some rest.
At the same time, Dipper and Mabel let out a simultaneous gasp of awe as they got their first glimpse of the towering communication hub before them, a Gem locale neither of them had been to since they had not been present for the Gems’ previous venture there. “Whoa… this place is amazing!” Dipper exclaimed, already immensely curious about it as he took a step closer. “I can’t believe something like this just… exists in the middle of the desert like this! What’s it for?”
“Well, it used to be used to transmit messages between the Earth and Homeworld…” Pearl began her brief explanation before Amethyst interjected.
“Before we busted it up a few weeks ago, just like we do with all of Homeworld’s old junk they got lying around here,” she remarked, playfully punching her hand and ignoring the white Gem’s exasperated huff.
“Well… it doesn’t look so busted up now…” Mabel noted, glancing back towards the hub.
“No, it doesn’t…” Garnet agreed, looking up to the tall beam of light emitting from the top of the tower up into the clouds above. “It’s as I feared…”
“Peridot must have somehow repaired the communication hub…” Pearl ventured with a frown as she surveyed the haphazard job the green Gem had apparently done. “Well, at least some of it. I suppose we really did underestimate her…”
“So… we just gotta wreck it up again, right?” Steven asked before letting out an excited gasp of recollection as he looked between Garnet and Amethyst. “You guys should form Sugilite!”
At this suggestion, Dipper adamantly shook his head, remembering well the aforementioned fusion’s violent rampage several weeks ago. “Uh, Steven, that might not be the best-”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” Mabel interjected brightly. “I didn’t get to meet Sugilite the last time around and I’ve always wanted to see how super tough and strong she is! Can you guys form her? Please, please please?!”
While Garnet didn’t provide much of a reaction, especially when compared to Pearl’s expression of silent fear, Amethyst smiled awkwardly, stretching casually as she cast a glance over at the Gem leader hopefully. “Er, y-yeah, well… its up to Garnet, I guess…” she said, a hint of anxiousness in her tone, one that was mingled with a certain amount of eagerness as well. “W-what do you say, G? Shall we mash it up…?”
“No,” Garnet staunchly replied, instantly shutting the purple Gem’s already wavering hopes down before they could even try to grow.
“B-but… don’t we need to be huge like last time?” Amethyst asked, her expression falling as she thought of the practically countless reasons for such a rejection. Reasons that were all rooted in things she had done and mistakes she had made.
“Last time was a disaster,” Garnet said, her tone steady and calm. “Last time we fused, Sugilite went berserk. Its because of her that we can’t even warp here anymore, not to mention how we nearly took out all those manotaurs.” The Gem leader paused, sighing softly as she took her shades off and looked down to the disheartened purple Gem sympathetically. “I can be brash, and you can be reckless. And we can both get carried away. So for the time being,” Garnet put her shades back on, her authority on the matter clear as Amethyst saw her reflection in them. “Sugilite is benched.”
“O-oh… yeah… o-ok…” Amethyst let out a sad sigh of acceptance, averting Garnet’s gaze out of shame as she knew that certainly wasn’t all there was to it. Certainly, the Gem leader wouldn’t say it out loud while the wound was still so fresh, but the purple Gem believed that her foolish, senseless bout of rebellion against the team before that portal just a few short days ago had everything to do with this. A rebellion that she could feel nothing but regret for now that it had all but ruined whatever trust the Gem leader might have once held for her.
“What we need now…” Garnet continued, turning to Pearl, who up until that point, had been standing off to the side in silent observation. “Is to be careful.” While Steven and Mabel let out a shared gasp of excited realization at this, Pearl starkly froze, her eyes wide with surprise and wonder as Garnet placed a hand on her shoulder and offered her a bold grin. “It’s you and me, Pearl. Let’s fuse.”
Upon hearing this offer, tears immediately welled up in the white Gem’s eyes, a huge smile claiming her features, perhaps the first one she had worn since recovering her lost memories. Garnet’s smile faded upon watching Pearl let out a choked, joyous sob, her formerly calm manner completely compromised for happiness and elation she couldn’t hope to contain. “Don’t cry, Pearl,” the Gem leader advised and the white Gem complied, sucking her tears in as she nodded, her lip still quivering all the while. “Come on, let’s do this.”
“I-I’m right behind you!” Pearl readily exclaimed, hurrying after Garnet as she claimed a wide open space for them to preform their fusion dance in.
“Woo-hoo!” Steven cheered, rushing ahead as well to watch as Mabel quickly followed, joining in his excited chanting. “Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!”
“Huh. You know, its pretty weird that its taken us this long to see Pearl and Garnet fuse,” Dipper noted inquisitively. “What’s their fusion even like?”
“Oh believe me,” Amethyst huffed, crossing her arms as she begrudgingly joined the group. “You’re sure as heck about to find out…”
A bright glow sparked through Garnet’s gemstones as she smirked, putting aside all thoughts of painful memories or frightening revelations as she looked to Pearl with renewed confidence. “I’m ready.”
“H-hang on!” Pearl quipped, hurriedly stretching herself out as she continued buzzing with obvious excitement. “It’s been such a long time…” The white Gem’s smile deepened as he own gemstone began to glow, and with an elegant bow, their fusion dance began. The entire thing was slow and elegant, with both Gems slowly, smoothly strutting towards one another. The group on the sidelines watched as the pair met, Pearl linking her arms with Garnet as she stood in front of her, both of their expressions intimate, seductive almost. And then, in a movement so fluid that it barely even registered, the Gem leader suddenly lifted her partner up as though she weighed nothing at all, tossing her incredibly high up into the air in a daring, deft maneuver. The kids jaws’ collectively dropped as Pearl preformed a midair spin high above them, before spreading herself wide, a smile still bright on her face as gravity began to pull her back down towards Garnet’s outstretched arms. The moment she landed, the bright glow of an oncoming fusion enveloped them both, their combining forms steadily growing in size as they reshaped and united. The white light soon turned into a pale orange sheet, the silhouette of a new being appearing behind it until she broke that curtain of light herself.
“Gooooooooood evening, everybody!” the new fusion bombastically declared as she made her debut. Her appearance was surprising to say the least; like most of the Gems’ fusions, she was tall, roughly about 30 or so feet in height as she stood with an air of elegance and self-importance. Her attire and mannerisms carried an air of natural showmanship to them, with a stately black tailcoat and leotard, dark leggings, and a large, bright orange bowtie. Her skin was a deep shade of vermillion, her short, rounded, somewhat triangular hair pale orange, and the rounded shades covering both sets of her bright, expressive eyes dark pink and transparent in coloration. Aside from an extra pair of eyes, the fusion also sported two pairs of arms, one from her poofed sleeves and the other from her slender torso, each of them bearing a pair of long white gloves. The fusion’s effervescent, toothy grin widened even moreso as she caught sight of her captivated audience, which she didn’t hesitate to saunter forward to cheerfully greet. “This is the lovely Sardonyx, coming to you live from the soon-to-be-former communication hub! How are ya’ll doin’ tonight?”
“Greaaaat…” Amethyst deadpanned, far from fond of Garnet and Pearl’s rather over the top fusion.
The kids, on the other hand, were completely awestruck by her, Steven and Mabel in particular as they met her appearance with huge matching grins of excitement. “Giant woman!” the young Gem exclaimed, stars in his eyes as he craned his neck up to look at the massive fusion.
“Oh my stars!” Sardonyx exclaimed, putting three of her large hands down in front of the kids and silently beckoning them to hop on. While Mabel and Steven readily did so, Dipper was somewhat more hesitant, though even so, he climbed onto one of them before the fusion raised all three of the kids up to her level. “If it isn’t Steven Universe, Dipper Pines, and Mabel Pines, all in the flesh! We finally meet. So, what do you think?” Sardonyx smirked as she spun her torso completely around, the arms connected to it somehow remaining in place as she preformed this surprising illusion. “Was I worth the wait? What am I saying? Of course I was! Ohohohoh!”
The fusion’s excitable laughter echoed throughout the desert, eliciting similar chuckles from all three of the kids, though Amethyst refused to join in on the merriment from her spot on the ground. “Oh my gosh, Sardonyx, you’re so funny!” Mabel quipped, bouncing up and down on her heels on the fusion’s large palm. “And so stylish too! I love your bow tie!”
“Oh, why, thank you, Mabel darling!” Sardonyx beamed happily, using her free hand to adjust the aforementioned bow. “It really is quite the trendsetter, isn’t it? Then again, I’m really quite the trendsetter in general, so its not that surprising, is it?”
Mabel let out an amused chuckle at this, thoroughly charmed by the fusion’s apt sense of humor. “Nope! I guess its not!” she laughed, Sardonyx briefly joining in before Dipper interjected.
“Hey, so uh…” he began somewhat awkwardly as he caught the fusion’s attention. “Just a quick question: are you guys always so… theatrical when you’re fused?”
“Theatrical! Now there’s a million-dollar word!” Sardonyx exclaimed with a dramatic gasp of amazement. From there, the fusion suddenly caught Dipper off guard by pulling his hat off his head by the brim with just a single finger, playfully grinning back down at him as she spun it casually upon said finger. “And what an absolutely perfect one to refer to someone as showstopping as I am! Of course, I would expect nothing less from someone as well-read as you, Dipper. Excellent observation, as usual!”
“Oh, w-well, uh-” Dipper was interupted as Sardonyx suddenly returned his hat to him, and at this, he couldn’t really hold back something of a bashful grin as the fusion offered him a proud wink of approval. “Heh, thanks.”
“But of course,” Sardonyx chimed as warmly as ever.
“Wow, Sardonyx,” Steven mused, stars still in his eyes as the fusion looked over at him. “You’re so articulate!”
“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest little charmer!” Sardonyx gushed, playfully and gently pinching the young Gem between the fingers of her free hand as he laughed brightly. “I could literally squish you right now. It would not be hard!”
“Ah, n-no!” Steven chuckled, loosely wriggling out of her grip before the fusion pulled all three of the kids a bit closer to her face.
“Sorry,” she laughed herself with a zealous smile. “I’m just so excited to be here! You see, I haven’t exactly been myself lately. Ohohohoh!”
The kids were all quick to understand Sardonyx’s playful quip and join in on her laughter as she gently set them back down on the ground. “Ha! Fusion joke!” Steven chuckled, glancing back over at Amethyst, who simply groaned in aggravation as she averted the fusion’s attention.
Still, Sardonyx hardly payed her any mind anyway as she once again rose to her full, towering height, a coy grin still playing on her features. “And jokes aren’t the only thing I’ve got,” she began, the gem on her forehead flashing as Pearl’s spear emerged from it. The fusion caught it with one hand, though one of her lower ones tapped her on the shoulder, momentarily ‘distracting’ her. “Hm?” Sardonyx kept her act up as she tossed her spear high into the air, gasping in faux surprise at its disappearance until it came back down towards her. The fusion grinned daringly as Garnet’s gauntlets formed over both her hands, and as the spear approached her, Sardonyx punched her fists together on the lithe weapon, forming an entirely new one altogether: a massive, powerful hammer.
“Whoa…” Dipper mused in amazement at this display as Mabel let out a squeal of elated excitement. “That’s… so cool!”
“Cool is only the tip of the iceberg,” Sardonyx playfully remarked, spinning her hammer as she slung it over her shoulder. “An iceberg that, much like the troublesome hub that stands before us, is about to be completely raised, right along with your expectations.”
“Are you gonna smash stuff with your giant war hammer?” Steven asked the fusion in immense curiosity.
“Hm…” Sardonyx thoughtfully paused. “‘Smash’ is the word one would use to describe what… someone else might do.” Upon hearing this, Amethyst couldn’t help but let out another disgruntled sigh, knowing that this very pointed remark was clearly aimed at both her and the fusion she shared with Garnet. One that couldn’t have been any different from the one that was currently present. “Now,” Sardonyx continued, taking a high, graceful leap into the air, her hammer in tow as she pounced towards the communication hub. “The proper words to describe yours truly are… specific!” The fusion shouted boldly as her hammer swung down on one of the pillars, knocking it out of alignment as she plunged through the gap it had made to tackle another one. “Intelligent!” Her hammer landed once more, taking over several columns at once. “Accurate!” She proved this claim by hitting one of the pillars perfectly before launching herself over the hub. “Faultless!” Sardonyx continued as she took a high leap into the air, a beaming grin upon her face as she sailed through the air in front of the moon. “Elegant…” As more pieces of the hub fell, the fusion continued her list, each descriptive word punctuating another hit of her dependable hammer. “Controlled! Surgical! Graceful! Theatrical,” she flashed a bright grin down at the kids, who all cheered her on in light of this cordial shout-out. Even so, Sardonyx took a grand leap up to the very top of the hub, preforming an impressive flip as she claimed her upmost perch. “Aaaaaand…. Powerful!” She stopped her hammer right before it could land upon the most essential pillar, her manner turning thoughtful once more as she finished her ongoing proclamation. “But yes, occasionally, I am known… to smash.”
With a single, almost gentle tap from the end of the fusion’s hammer, the primary column came crashing down, the light emitting from the hub instantly going dark as Peridot’s message ceased its transmission. The kids’ unanimously applauded Sardonyx’s impressive preformance as the fusion easily landed before them once more, none of them noticing Amethyst’s bitter ongoing pout. “Now, just remember, everybody,” Sardonyx said, spinning her hammer out before it disappeared in a burst of glittering dragonflies. “If you ever have need of the lovely Sardonyx again, just let Pearl and Garnet know. I’ll be there in a flash,” the fusion grinned jokingly once more as she lowered herself down to her audience’s level before taking her leave. “Literally!”
In a burst of light and dragonflies, Sardonyx disappeared, leaving Garnet and Pearl intimately holding each other in her place. In the aftermath of their fusion, the pair of Gems took pause, looking to each other with wide eyes briefly before they both simultaneously exploded into a burst of absolute elation and cheer. Before they even exchanged any words at all, they burst out into a shared gale of warm laughter, especially as Garnet picked Pearl up and easily spun her around in a round of delighted victory. In that moment, after such a round of triumphant fusion and mission execution, thoughts of dark, disturbing, newly-remembered memories couldn’t have been the furthest thing from either of their minds. The pain and woe of the past several days seemed to have evaporated into nothingness, taken away by the uplifting, exciting experience they had just had the privilege of sharing together. And given that this was the happiest the kids had seen any of the Gems since the portal incident, they were all more than eager to join in on this celebration.
“Woo!” Steven cheered as him, Dipper, and Mabel ran up to the ecstatic pair. “You guys, that was great!”
“Yeah!” Mabel readily agreed. “I always hoped you guys’ fusion would be awesome, but Sardonyx was even more awesome than I could have imagined!”
“O-oh, really?” Pearl smiled with a warm, flustered blush. “Well, that’s good!”
“We were awesome!” Garnet proclaimed with a bold flair, eliciting shared laughter from the others.
“I’d say we were,” the white Gem’s grin widened upon hearing such adulation from the Gem leader herself. “Why don’t we do that more often?”
While the others continued happily praising Sardonyx’s most recent ‘preformance’, no one really noticed as Amethyst intentionally hung back from the group, her arms wrapped tightly around herself as she turned away with a disappointed sigh. She had never really been too fond of the bombastic, prideful fusion to begin with, but in light of recent events, she couldn’t help but feel even more disdain towards her than usual. But really, Amethyst knew that her bitterness didn’t completely lie with Sardonyx; a large portion of it was reserved for herself, for the foolish, reckless, borderline stupid decisions she had made. To go overboard with Garnet during Sugilite’s last appearance, to take Stan’s side over her teams’, to even go as far as to physically oppose them all because of a feeling and little else. A feeling that, in the aftermath of it all, had only brought her perhaps more shame than she had ever even known before.
Shame that seemed to tower over her, just like the showstopping fusion she always seemed to stand in the shadow of.
Given that Crying Breakfast Friends had an effective plethora of episodes, its marathon continued over the course of several days, and to avoid any further possible broadcast interruptions, Steven and Mabel had opted to continue watching it down at the Mystery Shack instead of the temple. In doing so, they managed to rope both Dipper and Stan into joining them, and while they weren’t too keen on watching the bizarrely depressing cartoon, but unfortunately neither of them were able to think of any good excuses to get out of it. So the group congregated in the den, which was still somewhat in shambles from the portal incident and the government invasion a few days prior, to watch the show with varying levels of interest.
“Why won’t you say thank you?!” Grumpy Pancake wailed somewhat angrily to Glum Glass, who answered in an expectantly mournful manner.
“B-because! I don’t know how!”
“Aww…” Mabel mused with a sympathetic frown. “Poor Pancake! He just wants to feel appreciated for all his hard work!”
“Yeah, but I can see Glass’ point too…” Steven said thoughtfully. “That’s just the thing with this show! All of its characters are so realistic and relatable!”
“You guys do realize you’re talking about a pancake and a cup here… right?” Dipper asked rather sardonically.
“Yeesh, I can’t believe you kids are actually into this sappy show,” Stan remarked just as dryly. “This thing is so far out there that it puts the cartoons that me and Ford used to watch when we were kids about animals beating each other over the heads with mallets to shame.”
“Oh yeah, how is Mr. Ford?” Steven asked, glancing away from the TV with newfound concern. “He seemed like he was really worried about the Gems the other day after they, uh… um… a-after they got their memories back and everything…”
“Pfft,” Stan scoffed, rolling his eyes at the mention of his brother. “Heck if I know. Sixer’s holed himself down in the basement for the past several days, probably working on some sort of nerd project or something. He’s barely even come up here at all and anytime he does he’s all mopey and depressed, acting like I didn’t just rescue him from some sort of nightmare dimension, the ungrateful jerk.”
“Aw, Grunkle Stan, you don’t mean that!” Mabel protested. “You and Grunkle Ford are brothers! You two love each other, just like me and Dipper do!” At this, she startled her brother by wrapping a playful arm around his shoulder, though unlike a few days ago, he didn’t push it away this time.
“…Kid, me and Ford aren’t as… uh… w-well, we used to be… um… ugh… never mind…” the conman let out a sigh of defeat, glancing away from the kids almost remorsefully. And, before any of them could pursue the unsavory manner any further, Stan quickly changed the topic to something a bit more manageable. “Uh, s-so anyway, how are the Gems doing? I heard that whole memory thing was… kinda rough for them.”
“Actually, they seemed mostly ok yesterday,” Dipper pointed out.
“Yeah, we went to the communication hub in the desert and Garnet and Pearl fused into Sardonyx and she took the entire thing out with her huge hammer!” Steven explained with a bright smile. “You should have seen it, Mr. Pines! It was incredible!”
“Sardonyx?” Stan questioned, raising an eyebrow before letting out a huff of a scoff. “That over the top broad? Yeesh, it’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about her.”
“Wait, Grunkle Stan, you’ve met Sardonyx before?” Dipper asked, rather surprised at this.
“No, but I’ve heard plenty about her from Amethyst,” Stan said, rolling his eyes. “Any time Garnet and Pearl turned into her, she would to vent to me about how pompous and annoying she was. Always seemed to be a sore subject for her if ya ask me, but what the heck do I know about all that Gem drama anyway? Seems like every other day those three are-” The conman suddenly stopped short upon noticing that all three of the kids were looking to him with concerned confusion, prompting him to realize he was treading on rather uncomfortable ground in light of recent events. So once again, Stan diverted away from the matter, even if he did want to discuss it further, just in a different way. “Hey, uh, I-I just remembered, I need to grab something from the kitchen,” he said casually enough as he rose from his chair. “One of you kids wanna lend me a hand?”
“Sure, Grunkle Stan,” Mabel volunteered with a smile. “I’ll-”
“No, not you,” Stan quickly rejected, much to his niece’s confusion. “You,” he snapped his fingers as he pointed at Steven instead. “Come on.”
“Oh, uh, ok,” Steven got up, somewhat confused, though he still followed Stan into the kitchen nonetheless. “So, what do you need help with, Mr. Pines?”
Stan paused, taking a beat to briefly glance back at the den, where the twins were still apparently distracted by the TV, before getting to the matter at hand. “I need you to tell me how Amethyst’s really doing,” he said, trying to act as disinterested as possible and coming across as anything but.
“Huh?” Steven frowned, caught off guard by this somewhat strange request.
“Ugh, listen, kid,” Stan began with an exasperated sigh. “Ever since the whole portal thing, Amethyst’s barely said a word to me. I know she’s pi—ticked off with me for keeping all of it a secret from her for all these years and I understand why, but whenever she gets mad at me, she’s usually pretty quick to get over it and move on. But this time is… different.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, she hasn’t even come down here to rant to me about this whole Sardonyx thing!” the conman exclaimed, somewhat frustrated as he began to pace. “I’m usually the first person she comes to to blow off steam with, especially about something like this, or heck, even that memory thing, but she hasn’t and it—it’s just… ugh, forget it!” Stan let out another aggravated groan as he slammed a hand down on the counter hard as he pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly upset.
Steven was silent for a moment upon seeing the conman’s outburst, concern filling his expression as he glanced down thoughtfully before tentatively speaking up. “You’re… worried about her… aren’t you?” Stan didn’t turn around or even offer a verbal response, but the way his shoulders hitched at this question was more than enough to give the young Gem his answer. “Mr. Pines, if you’re really worried about Amethyst, why don’t you just go up to the temple and talk to her yourself?”
“Because between you and me, kid, I’m probably just about the last person Amethyst wants to talk to right now,” Stan muttered, clear shame in his tone as he finally turned to face the young Gem. “B-but whatever, its fine. I’m sure everything will work out, j-just like it always does…” The conman’s already thin layer of confidence wavered as he turned to head back into the den, a small, defeated sigh escaping him as he spared not another word. After all, what could he really say to explain just how much guilt and regret he had felt ever since that confrontation in the portal room days ago?
However, before he could escape back into the den, Steven hesitantly stopped him. “M-Mr. Pines, wait, I-” The young Gem stopped short, part of him wanting to continue on this tangent concerning Amethyst, though he ended up acting on another part of himself instead. “Y-you… Did you know?”
“Uh… know what?” Stan turned, genuinely confused as he looked back at Steven.
The young Gem paused, faltering as he looked to his feet and remembered the glass tube resting so innocently inside of Lion’s mane, the Gems’ reactions to regaining every painful memory they had lost. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear the admittance of the bitter truth from yet another adult he genuinely trusted, but if that truth was there at all, then Steven had to know. “M-my… my mom took the Gems’ memories about Mr. Ford and the portal from them…” he said, his voice so quiet that it was practically a whisper. “I still don’t know why she did it, but… it hurt them. She hurt them… And I… I just was wondering if you ever… knew anything about that…”
Stan was quiet for a moment upon hearing this, his expression softening as he happened to notice the tears starting to well up in Steven’s eyes. For a brief moment, the conman didn’t really know what to say to help ease the young Gem’s obvious pain; so instead, he did the easiest thing he could: he told the truth. “I… No, I didn’t know,” he said, a hand placed against back of his neck as he glanced to the side. “But… to be honest, its… kinda not that surprising to hear. No offense to you, kid, but your mom… she was… shady, to say the least.”
“Tell me about it…” Steven muttered, rubbing his arm as he let out a wavering sigh. “Mr. Pines, I… I think I get it now. Why you never liked my mom that much, I mean. All you wanted to do was save your brother… You never wanted to hurt anyone. But my mom… she hurt so many people… Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Mr. Ford… and you.” The tears welling up in the young Gem’s eyes finally reached their tipping point as they finally fell, a tight, pained sob escaping him, one that he had been holding back ever since he had first come across that memory tube. “And… I’m so, so sorry about what she did, Mr. Pines. I know she thought she was doing the right thing, but she wasn’t and no one even knew and Mr. Ford could have died in there, but it was like she didn’t even care and she didn’t even see how much you missed him and wanted him back, and I’m so sorry that she-”
“Whoa, kid, hold on!” Stan interupted, unable to hide his concern as he unceremoniously knelt down to Steven’s level. “What the heck are you apologizing for?”
“F-for what my mom did…” Steven sniffled, weakly wiping a few tears from his cheek.
“For what your mom did…” Stan repeated with a knowing nod, his expression conveying that he understood, at least on some level, what the young Gem was feeling. “Not anything you did. You know, kid—I mean… Steven,” The conman let out a sympathetic sigh as he placed a hand on the morose young Gem’s shoulder. “Your mom was no saint. From what I’ve seen and from what I’ve heard, she screwed up a lot. But I’m not lying when I tell you that nothing that she did was your fault. I don’t blame you for any of this mess, I’m pretty sure the Gems don’t blame you for any of it, and Ford better not blame you for any of it, because if he does, I’ll knock him senseless. Same goes for anyone else who tries to pin any of the nonsense Rose caused on you.”
Steven paused, rather overwhelmed by everything the conman had just said as his tears continued silently falling. “B-but… but Mr. Pines, I-”
“But nothing,” Stan interjected, shaking his head as he tightened his secure, almost comforting grip on the young Gem’s shoulder. “I know what it feels like to carry that kinda blame around, but the difference between you and me when it comes to blame is that I deserve it. You don’t. And you better stop thinking that you do, otherwise I’ll sic Mabel and her aggressive positivity on you.”
Steven was unable to hold back a laugh at this, one that was filled with a type of relief that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. While he wasn’t sure if he was ready to hold onto what the conman had just assured him of, namely the idea that he held no guilt in the mistakes his mother had made, he still wanted to believe that nonetheless. And, perhaps with a little time and a little effort, it was something that he could come to believe. Eventually.
Even so, in light of his newfound happiness, Steven ended up startling Stan by launching himself towards the conman in a sudden, warm embrace. Stan flinched, caught off guard by the burst of affection, though he was even more surprised by what the young Gem said next. “Thanks, Mr. Pines,” Steven whispered, tears drying on his cheek amidst his genuine, gentle smile.
For a moment or two, Stan allowed this unexpected hug to continue, recognizing that the young Gem likely needed this and realizing that in a way, maybe he needed it too after the events of the past several days. Still, the conman had to keep up appearances, hence why he didn’t let this embrace linger for too long, regardless of admittedly how welcome it was. “Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Stan remarked with faux exasperation as he pulled away and stood. “I swear, kid, you’re about as schmaltzy as that soppy cartoon you’re so into.”
Steven let out another small chuckle at this, but before he could, they were interupted by Dipper and Mabel as they briefly stuck their heads into the kitchen. “Uh, Steven?” Mabel began with an anxious frown. “You might wanna see this.”
Everyone returned to the living room to find a sight that all three of the kids found to be disconcertingly familiar: the TV’s normal signal had cut out, replaced nothing but noisy, blank static. An all-too familiar echo of what had dominated the air waves the previous day. “It’s the signal again!” Steven exclaimed, aptly surprised.
“Peridot must still be trying to get in touch with Homeworld,” Dipper mused with a resolved scowl. “But how’d she manage to fix that communication tower so quickly?”
“Well, one thing’s for certain,” Mabel said with a grown smile. “No matter how many times she puts it back together again, there’s one fusion we can count on to smash it to pieces! Let’s go get the Gems!”
“Yeah!” the boys readily agreed, the three of them starting to head out to go to the temple. However, Steven stopped short near the door, even after the twins had already gone through it, pausing briefly to glance back at Stan. The conman didn’t say anything as he stood near the static-filled TV, his hands on his hips as he watched the kids go. He did, however, spare Steven a bit of a wry, yet reassuring smile and nod, almost as if to solidify the newfound solidarity between them. Solidarity the young Gem couldn’t help but deeply appreciate in light of how almost everything he thought he knew had been so harshly uprooted as of late. Which was why he returned the conman’s smile before going on his way, hoping to hold onto the thought that no real blame rested with him someday.
Even if that day wasn’t quite today.
As soon as the kids made it to the temple and reported the signal’s return to the Gems, they all collectively set out back to the communication hub, knowing that they had to put a stop to Peridot’s plans before they could ever hope to come to fruition. With the hub obviously repaired, there was little deliberation amongst the group (save for a small, relatively unnoticed sigh of disappointment from Amethyst) to bring Sardonyx back to break the tower apart once more.
“I hope you’re ready,” Garnet smirked as she stood apace from Pearl, beckoning her forward as the kids and Amethyst stood on the sidelines to watch once more.
“You know I am,” Pearl grinned as she finished stretching out before emerging into an elegant pirouette, dancing Garnet’s way before they met, just as they had the previous night. And, just like last night, the warm glow of fusion surrounded the pair and from that glow, Sardonyx rose to the occasion once more.
“What’s this?” the bombastic fusion asked with faux surprise upon breaking her curtain of light once again. “An encore performance? Just couldn’t get enough of me, could you?” She smirked down at the group below before breaking out into her iconic uproarious laughter. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let the show begin!” And with this proclamation, Sardonyx boldly leapt into action, her hammer materializing in her hands as she pounced for the tower and got to work tearing it apart. The kids were more than ready to cheer the showstopping fusion on once more, though their excitement was soon broken through as they heard Amethyst’s dejected sigh right behind them. The purple Gem didn’t notice as all three of the kids turned towards her in confusion, her back turned to them as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself. And then, as she looked back up towards the hub, or more specifically, towards the graceful fusion deftly breaking it to pieces, she did the only thing she really could think of to finally let some of her heavy, ever-accumulating emotions go: she sang.
“Maybe you’re better off with her,” Amethyst began, her melody and manner both sad as she hunched her shoulders away from the tower. “I think she’s better for you.”
This was a truth the purple Gem knew she couldn’t really deny as she looked towards Sardonyx once more, realizing just how level-headed, just how skillful, just how stable the fusion was compared to the wild, rowdy, out of control, Sugilite. Just another bitter reminder for Amethyst that when compared to Pearl or even Garnet, she was always, always the odd one out, the runt of the litter, the mistake.
“I forgot how great it felt to be us,” she continued, closing her eyes as she tried to recall that feeling. That strength, that power, that freedom she felt any time she fused with Garnet. They were all things that she cherished, things that she valued, more than the Gem leader likely even knew. But now, because she had taken them all for granted and had been reckless and foolish, she wasn’t sure when she’d ever get to experience those things again. “Guess I got… carried away…”
“I had to use you to make me feel strong, but I don’t care about that now,” And indeed, she didn’t. Because what had happened with Sugilite was already dead and buried in the past. What wasn’t buried, however, was a slight far worse than the unruly fusion’s outburst. A brash, dangerous choice she had made in the heat of the moment, an act of rebellion so momentous and so uncalled for that she doubted her teammates would ever really forgive her for it. And as far as she was concerned, maybe forgiveness wasn’t something she deserved for her actions before that wretched portal in the first place. “I see a tower built out of my mistakes,” she sang, fighting to hold back tears as she watched Sardonyx dismantle the physical tower rising high before her, wishing that she was strong enough to tear her own shadowy tower apart herself. “And it all comes crashing down…”
“Is there something I can do?” she asked, her hands in tight fists at her sides as she wished she could take it all back. She wished she could undo the past, that she could fix what she had broken, that she could rise above the faults she constantly seemed to be drowning in.
“Is there something I can do?” she sang again, practically begging for something she knew she’d never get. Because when it came right down to it, her actions in that portal room weren’t something she could blame on Stan or Ford or even Rose. They had been solely her own. And of course, that only made the sting of their consequences even worse.
“Is there something I can do?” she pined one more time, knowing that it was hopeless. There was nothing she could do. Nothing to undo her mistakes, nothing to regain her teammate’s trust, nothing to be any more than what she had always known herself to be: a failure.
“Can I make it up to you?” she finished with a solemn sigh of defeat as Sardonyx finished her work, landing before the dimmed tower triumphantly before disappearing in a flash. She turned her back on Garnet and Pearl as they shared a warm, harmonious laugh over their second victory together, a victory that she knew she’d never get to share. No, instead, the only thing she’d get to have was the heavy, suffocating weight of her mistakes, bearing down on her brutally and crushingly, just like they always did.
Or so she thought. For while Amethyst had poured her heart out through song, she failed to notice the trio that had served as her audience rather than Sardonyx’s. And despite how much they enjoyed the dramatic fusions’ theatrics, they all unanimously sympathized with the purple Gem. After all, it was clear from her song and her reactions to Sardonyx alone that she was feeling left out, excluded from her team to the point that it made her feel devalued and unimportant. In light of everything else that the Gems had gone through lately, that alone made all three of them want to do anything they could to help lift Amethyst’s lowered spirits in the hopes of returning some sense of much-needed normalcy once more. And so, almost as soon as they returned from the communication hub, the kids began to formulate a plan, one that would hopefully serve a twofold purpose: help Amethyst out of her funk and stop Peridot’s plans once and for all, all in one easy, fell swoop.
Night still presided over the vast desert sands as Lion emerged onto them, toting a smaller group of passengers than usual as he leapt out from the portal he had created with a mighty roar. The kids and Amethyst all dismounted the pink beast, the trio stepping forward first to find that the communication hub was still down, just as they had hoped, a sign that their newfound plan might just end up working after all.
“Uh… so are you three gonna tell me why we came here again, or not?” Amethyst asked, her arms crossed as she glared towards the downed tower.
“Well, the way we see it, Peridot seems pretty determined to get that message of hers to Homeworld,” Dipper explained. “After all, she’s already been here to fix the communication hub twice now.”
“Which means the odds are pretty good that she’ll come back a third time when she realizes its all busted up again,” Mabel added with a knowing grin.
“So all we gotta do is wait for her to show up and bam!” Steven slammed his fist into his palm. “That’s when we’ll get her.”
“Oh, yeah!” Amethyst perked up upon hearing this plan, a grin spreading across her face as she also playfully punched her palm. “Bam! She won’t know what hit her.”
“Garnet will be so impressed when she finds out that you caught Peridot all on your own,” Mabel winked to Amethyst, implying that they fully intended on giving the purple Gem all the credit for this group effort.
“And then she’ll think I’m cool again!” Amethyst surmised excitedly, fully understanding the kids’ intent here. “But, uh… are you guys sure you’re up for this? Peridot may be a nerd, but she’s kind of a tricky nerd, if ya haven’t noticed.”
“I think we’ll be just fine,” Dipper smirked as he nodded back to the sword strapped to his back. Likewise, Steven readily summoned his shield while Mabel took out her grappling hook and cocked it, proving to the purple Gem that the trio was more than prepared for anything Peridot threw their way.
“Heh, yeah, should have figured you dorks would come prepared,” Amethyst chuckled, genuinely glad for their help. “Now, let’s catch us a nerd.”
To remain discreet and unseen, the group tucked themselves away behind an outcropping of rock not too far away from the communication hub, one that gave them an ideal vantage point to keep a lookout for any signs of Peridot’s approach. Steven’s telescope made the task a bit easier as they sat and waited, taking shifts of looking out of the spyglass, hoping to catch a glimpse of the green Gem as she snuck through the open desert towards the tower in what would hopefully be a failed attempt at repairing it.
“Hm… nothing… more nothing…” Steven mused with a frown as he surveyed the desert surrounding the hub. Amethyst and the twins were sitting nearby, their backs against the rock as they waited for any new developments in slight boredom. They were all quick to perk up, however, as the young Gem let out a warning gasp upon finally spotting something through the telescope. “Oh! I think I see her!” he exclaimed, quickly zooming in to get a better look only to find that it was a false alarm. “No wait… that’s just a weird cactus.”
The others all groaned in exasperation at this, but even so, they maintained their vigil, even as the hours of the night seemed to drag on without any hint of an appearance from Peridot whatsoever. Most attempts at conversation had drifted off quite some time ago as they all grew collectively more weary and exhausted by the hour. Even so, at some point roughly after midnight, the ongoing round of sleepy quietness was broken by a loud, tired groan from Mabel.
“Ugh, this is so boooooring…” she huffed, crossing her arms as she slouched against the rock. “It feels like we’ve been waiting forever.”
“Its only been a few hours, Mabel,” Dipper remarked, glancing away from the telescope briefly. “Still, I guess this plan isn’t really working like we thought it would…”
“You can say that again,” Amethyst sighed in disappointment. “I don’t think she’s coming, you guys.” The purple Gem paused for a beat, her expression filling with confusion as she glanced over at Steven beside her, only to find that he was oddly focused on his fingers as he moved them close together, but never allowed them to touch. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“I just figured out something really cool,” Steven grinned as he continued his newfound trick. “If you make your eyes blurry, it looks like there’s a little magic sausage between your fingers.”
“Wow…” Mabel mused as she tried it out for herself. “You’re right, Steven! Man, I can’t believe I’ve never tried this before, its great!”
“Pfft, this is stupid,” Amethyst rolled her eyes as she positioned her fingers close together. “It doesn’t even work—whoa…” The purple Gem cut herself off in amazement as Steven pulled the hair covering her other eye away, allowing her to see the aforementioned imaginary “sausage”.
“Heh, well, even if we didn’t catch Peridot, at least I taught us all a fun way to pass the time,” Steven concluded with a satisfied grin.
“Well, maybe we’d have a better chance at finding Peridot if we tried something else,” Dipper said, nowhere near as bemused as Steven, Mabel, and Amethyst currently were. “Like, I don’t know, actually hunting her down and capturing her instead of waiting for her to come to us, which she might not even do?”
“But what if she comes while we’re out looking for her?” Mabel asked with a frown. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to see if she shows up here again?”
“Actually, for once, I’m with Dipper,” Amethyst remarked, flipping her hair back into its usual place over her eye. “The sooner we nab Peridot, the sooner she’ll stop fixing the hub, and the sooner I won’t have to deal with Sardonyx anymore.”
The kids paused for a brief beat at this, exchanging a worried glance as they remembered what Stan had told them concerning the purple Gem’s opinions on the theatrical fusion. Still though, the conman had never mentioned exactly why Amethyst felt that way, hence why Steven was prompted to figure that out firsthand. “Uh… Amethyst? Why… why don’t you like Sardonyx?”
“Yeah,” Mabel joined in just as curiously. “She’s a lot of fun, and she has a cool hammer, and she’s-”
“And she’s graceful, and smart, and controlled, and ugh!” Amethyst finished with a groan as she flopped down into the sand onto her back. “She’s basically everything Sugilite isn’t. Everything I’m not… No wonder Garnet wanted to fuse with her instead of me… She doesn’t even trust me anymore, and why would she? I’m nothing but a backstabbing screwup!”
At this, the purple Gem slammed her fist into the rock behind her, her eyes tightly shut in her remorseful frustration, startling all three of the kids. As Amethyst let out a bitter sigh and placed her head in her hands, none of them were really sure about what to say to reassure her, mostly since they were still somewhat confused by this heated outburst in the first place. “A screwup?” Steven questioned gently. “Amethyst, what are you-”
“I’m talking about what happened with that stupid portal!” Amethyst snapped before the young Gem could even finish. “How I tried to stop Garnet and Pearl from shutting it down! How I basically fought them away from it! My friends, my teammates, I just… turned against them all because I thought it was a good idea to listen to Stan, but it wasn’t! Because now we know, we remember what that machine was for, what it could have done, who it could have-” The purple Gem cut herself off sharply, sucking in painful tears before she continued. “I was stupid. Reckless and stupid, just like I was the last time me and Garnet formed Sugilite, only this time it was with something even worse. And that’s why she won’t fuse with me anymore… Because I nearly ruined everything…”
As Amethyst buried her head into her arms and pulled her knees to her chest, she let out a small, broken sob, one that wasn’t lost on any of the kids as they silently searched for some way to comfort her. The source of her ongoing bitterness and despair the past few days was now clear, and it was obvious that it had more to do with just the memories she had recently recalled. Those painful feelings came from a place of guilt, of remorse so deep and so profound that she obviously didn’t know how to really reconcile it for herself. Which was why perhaps she needed some help when it came to doing just that.
“A-Amethyst,” Steven began softly, ready to place a steadying hand on the distraught purple Gem’s shoulder. “What you did wasn’t-”
“Whoa! Hold on!” Dipper suddenly interjected as he looked through the telescope once more. “Guys! I think I saw something!”
“Huh?” the others all quickly questioned, rising to stand as they congregated around the telescope. Upon peering through it, they were able to see a small, distant light gliding across the far off horizon at an impressive speed as it readily approached the communication hub. And, as Steven took his turn and zoomed in on this light just a bit, he gasped in surprise upon seeing exactly what it was.
“P-Peridot’s escape pod?!” the young Gem exclaimed, allowing the others a chance to see. “She… fixed it somehow?”
“But I thought we had it!” Amethyst protested, knowing that they had apprehended the broken pod when it had been found by the kids and the teens in the abandoned field several weeks ago.
“You don’t think she could have stolen it from the temple, do you?” Mabel asked fretfully.
“I wouldn’t put it past her…” Dipper muttered scornfully, a hand already on the hilt of his sword as they watched the pod easily scale up the side of the tower.
“Whoa…” Steven whispered upon watching the pod’s tractor beams begin to piece the broken hub back together again. “She’s lifting the pillar guys and she’s fixing the hub.” The young Gem paused as the escape pod did, coming to a stop at the very tip of the hub as an indiscernible figure, presumably Peridot, emerged rom it to inspect her handywork. Steven zoomed in once more, trying to get a better look, only to notice that the silhouette standing high above them really didn’t look much like Peridot at all upon a second glance. “Hey, y-you know for some reason, Peridot kinda looks like-” He gasped, his jaw dropping in shock as the figure on top of the hub finally came into clear view, revealing something that sent him absolutely reeling as he relayed it to the others. “Pearl?!”
“What?!” Amethyst and the twins exclaimed in dumbfounded unison, none of them able to believe such an admittedly unbelievable claim.
“Let me see!” the purple Gem was quick to push Steven away from the telescope to look for herself, only to find that sure enough, Pearl herself was standing on top of the hub, a smile of satisfaction on her face from her successful repair of the formerly downed Gem tech. And despite how alarming this unexpected revelation was, Amethyst was very quick to put the pieces together as to exactly what had been going on all along, including the white Gem’s very impressive deception, as well as the no doubt incredibly heavy fall out that would result from it all in the end. “Oh no…”
Needless to say that in light of their discovery the previous evening, Steven, the twins, and Amethyst were all quite unnerved as they sat in front of the TV up at the temple the following morning. The television hadn’t even been turned on, mostly because they all already knew static would inevitably await them as a result of the communication hub’s repair. A repair so strangely yet so discreetly done by Pearl of all people, which was a mystery none of them, save for Amethyst, could really figure out.
“Why would Pearl rebuild the hub?” Steven wondered aloud, voicing what they were all thinking.
“Maybe she’s trying to study how it works?” Dipper theorized, hopeful for the white Gem’s innocence, even if it seemed like she really wasn’t. “T-that way we could come up with a plan to keep Peridot from fixing it again.”
“No…” Amethyst shook her head glumly. “I don’t think that’s it…”
“Maybe she just wanted to get everyone more TV channels,” Mabel suggested with a bit of a forced smile as she turned the TV on, only for, as expected, static to fill the screen once more.
“Oh my! This is no good!” The group gathered on the loft all jolted in surprise as Pearl joined them, putting on an apparent front of surprise as she noted the ongoing static.
“W-what’s wrong?” Steven asked nervously, exchanging an uneasy glance with the others as Pearl readily kept her act up.
“It’s Peridot,” the white Gem surmised instantly. “She must have fixed the communication hub again!” As much as the kids and Amethyst wanted to voice that they knew that this claim was, in fact, far from the truth, they didn’t get that chance as Garnet entered the house, and much to their dismay, Pearl didn’t hesitate to grab her attention. “Garnet, it’s the hub again,” she reported with faux worry. “We’ll have to hurry back to the desert and tear it down once more!”
“Hm, Peridot’s evading my future vision…” Garnet mused with a hint of frustration in her tone, clearly not suspecting anything. “No matter how many times I try, I can’t see us finding her. Oh well,” the Gem leader shook her head clear as she led the way back outside. “Come on, team.”
“Oh, yes! Let’s be on our way!” Pearl sang brightly, a wide, excited smile on her face as she followed Garnet out, more than ready to form Sardonyx with her once more. Amethyst and the kids however, were the last to leave, all four of them bearing the same exact secret that Pearl did. A secret that, they all knew, only had a matter of time before Garnet discovered it. And once she did, there was no telling what might happen.
“I can’t believe Peridot is causing us so much trouble!” Pearl huffed in showy annoyance, though she was quick to perk up once again as her and Garnet prepared to fuse. The communication hub stood tall and repaired once again, just as the white Gem had left it the previous night, and all the while Amethyst and the kids stood by, unsure of what needed to be done to put an end to the white Gem’s bizarre façade. “But it hardly matters, right, Garnet?” Pearl quipped, clasping her hands together happily as the Gem leader gave her a smile of confidence. “We can disable this tower as many times as we need to, together! Okay? Ok. I’m ready! Are you ready?”
As the white Gem continued to cheerfully ramble on, Amethyst wrapped her arms around herself tightly, wishing that Pearl hadn’t conceived this awful plan in the first place. But she had, and the purple Gem knew that remaining silent on the matter would only make her as guilty as her own teammate in all of this. “I know what she’s doing…” Amethyst muttered to the kids, hating that things had come to this even if she understood. Oh, did she ever understand. Because if she had been in the same place as Pearl was, she wasn’t entirely sure if she wouldn’t have done the exact same thing too.
“Y-you do?” Steven glanced over at her, the twins sharing his worry as Garnet and Pearl prepared to fuse behind them. That is, until Amethyst decided to finally put an end to this deceitful charade once and for all.
“Stop!” she shouted, taking a bold step forward and already regretting it the very moment she did.
Garnet and Pearl froze at this, clinging onto each other though their dance was stalled as they both looked to their teammate, startled. “I-Is something the matter, Amethyst?” the white Gem asked, clearly caught of guard.
“G-Garnet… I…” Amethyst bit her lip, averting the Gem leader’s gaze out of guilt, though even so, she knew this had to be done. “I know you might not trust me after… w-what happened the other day, but… y-you… you shouldn’t fuse… i-it… it’s not…”
As Amethyst trailed off, the kids quickly leapt in, hoping to explain the matter more than she was currently able to. “Uh… Pearl… we saw you…” Mabel admitted with a hesitant frown.
“W-what?” Pearl asked softly, her eyes wide as she began to follow, though she only really understood as Dipper elaborated.
“Last night,” he began, a bit more firmly than Mabel as he looked to his sword teacher with clear disappointment. “We were out here waiting to see if we could catch Peridot if she came by again but… she didn’t… And instead you did…”
Pearl sucked in a sharp gasp at this, her breathing short as she looked between the group before her and Garnet, who was still holding onto her, staring at her for answers she couldn’t possibly give. “Pearl,” Steven spoke up, his tone sad and imploring. “What you’ve been doing… i-it’s not right. You have to tell Garnet it was you!”
“I don’t understand,” Garnet finally spoke, her shades catching Pearl’s reflection in them as she stared back up at her nervously.
For what seemed like ages, the white Gem said nothing, her form trembling slightly at the horrific realization that she had been caught. That her nearly perfect plan had fallen to pieces right in front of her. Just like everything else as of late, so it seemed. “I… I’m sorry…” she began, her voice so soft it could barely even be heard as tears started to well up in her eyes. “It’s just… s-so much happened these past few days and… after what we learned, I… I felt like… I felt broken… A-and I needed… something to take that unbearable pain away… And when we fused it was like… it all just… disappeared… You don’t know how much I needed that, Garnet… It was… so much fun being Sardonyx with you…”
Garnet’s reaction to the truth was immediate. With a harsh gasp of shock, her hands quickly flew away from Pearl, almost as if touching her in light of her trickery had physically burned her. The white Gem quickly righted herself, her eyes still wide and tearful as she looked to the Gem leader standing over her, her eyes still covered by her shades, though her expression was filled with obvious surprise and hurt as she shook her head in disbelief. “That’s why I couldn’t see us finding Peridot…”
“W-wait! Let me explain!” Pearl pleaded, shakily rising to her feet.
“You’ve been fixing the hub!” Garnet snapped, her shock turning into rage as she took an aggressive step towards the startled white Gem.
“It really was Peridot! T-the first time…”
“You tricked me!”
“No, no, no! W-we just needed a reason to fuse!” Pearl tried to rationalize, though now that what she had done was out in the open for everyone to know, she couldn’t help but feel rather terrible for her actions now herself. “All I wanted was to feel… whole again! I just wanted to share a few more victories with you!”
“Those weren’t victories!” Garnet shouted, her hands in tight fists as she seemed to tower over Pearl, her anger fiery and fierce. “I can’t believe you’d lie to me like this, after everything we’ve just discovered! I thought you’d know what it’s like to be deceived like this, Pearl, but clearly you’ve learned nothing! Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re no better that he was!”
Pearl sucked in a shrill gasp at this, her hands flying over her mouth as her tears finally fell at such a vicious proclamation. Upon hearing it, Amethyst acted on a whim, knowing that even despite Garnet’s justifiable anger, even Pearl didn’t deserve to be part of such an awful, unfitting comparison. “W-wait, Garnet!” the purple Gem threw herself in between her quarreling teammates. “You know, we’re so much weaker than you! Fusing with you is like, our one chance to feel… stronger!”
“Don’t defend her!” Garnet yelled harshly, making the purple Gem flinch back in fear at the harshness of her tone. “Peridot is still out there somewhere and Pearl’s been distracting us with… nothing!”
“G-Garnet…” Pearl tearfully tried to interject, only for Garnet to instantly cut her off.
“That’s enough!” Garnet ordered, refusing to hear anymore of the white Gem’s desperate excuses. Despite how clearly furious she was, the Gem leader was still mindful of the task at hand, her outraged glare still apparent as she turned to Amethyst instead. “Amethyst, fuse with me!”
Amethyst balked at this, her eyes wide in surprise at this unexpected invitation—no, rather this demand to fuse with the Gem leader at a time like this. “W-wha… b-but I-”
“Let’s just get this over with…” Garnet hissed, her hands still in tight fists as she grabbed the purple Gem’s arm almost roughly. Pearl quickly scurried away from the pair as they preformed a rushed, inelegant fusion dance, one that the white Gem and the kids all watched in apt fear in light of the Gem leader’s still very prevalent fury. In fact, that fury was still incredibly present in Sugilite as she formed, her massive presence far more aggressive and abrasive than it had ever been before as she didn’t even bother summoning her weapon. Instead, the rowdy fusion took the hub down with a single two-fisted punch, one that slammed hard into the tower’s pillars, shattering them in a way that would ensure it would never be repaired by anyone ever again. As the glow from the hub faded and its remains came crashing to the ground, Pearl could only watch with wide eyes of terror as the last strand of comfort and stability she thought she had left in light of how much had already fallen apart come crashing down right in front of her yet again.
And just like the last time, she only had herself to blame.
A feeling of solemn sadness filled the temple the following day, to the point that the overdramatic wails of the characters of Crying Breakfast Friends only seemed to lower Amethyst and the kids’ spirits even more as they sat up in the loft to watch it. None of them were really that invested in the show, however, in light of what had happened the previous day and how rattled it had left them all. Though one scene in particular did seem to ring somewhat true to how things were going in reality as Crying Pear begged Sad Spoon for forgiveness over a wrongdoing.
“Oh please, forgive me!” the pear wailed tearfully.
“Of course, I forgive you!” Sad Spoon cried in response, both of them bawling as they warmly embraced over their repaired relationship.
Amethyst let out a small, sad sigh upon watching this exchange, hoping for something similar between Garnet and Pearl, though nothing of the sort had transpired yet. Because as things were now, the Gem leader was still simmering with unspoken anger towards her teammate, the betrayal clear to read on her face as she warped into the temple. Ironically enough, Pearl also stepped into the house, her expression remorseful, tired, and sad as she approached the temple gate. Her eyes were red from recently shed tears, tears that looked like they were on the verge of returning once more, especially as Garnet passed by her. Neither Gem made eye contact with each other, though Pearl did briefly stop in the middle of the room, almost as if she wanted to say something to Garnet. She didn’t get the chance, however, as the Gem leader walked out the door, not even willing to give her teammate even a single moment of repose. With a soft sigh of disappointment, Pearl’s shoulders drooped as she continued on to the temple gate, disappearing inside of it for what would surely be yet another round of mourning over things she couldn’t change now.
The purple Gem shook her head as she watched this entire exchange, or lack thereof, unfold before her, guilt weighing heavy upon her shoulders as she realized she had yet another regret to add to her ever growing list of them. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything to Garnet about Pearl’s deception at all. Maybe things would have been better off if she had just decided to grin and bear it and left it all well enough alone. True, Pearl had lied and tricked Garnet, and based on the memories they had just reclaimed, it was grave mistake on her part. But still, Amethyst knew that anything would be better than the rift that had torn her team apart at the very worst of times.
“Man, it sure would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons,” Steven spoke up quietly, the twins nodding their silent agreement as they had all noted the very same tension between Garnet and Pearl that Amethyst had.
“Yeah…” the purple Gem sighed morosely as the young Gem turned the TV off. “It would…”
And indeed, it would be better if things could so easily repair themselves like that, or if nothing else go back to the way they were before. Because at least before, amidst the portal opening, amidst Ford returning, amidst their memories being returned to them, the Gems could all lean on each other for some kind of support in their mutual confusion and eventual sorrow. At least they could find solace in the fact that they did not have to suffer alone, that they had solidarity in the unbearable pain they all shared. And perhaps if they had depended on that solidarity to heal them more than searching for their own ways of fixing the unfixable past, maybe none of this would have happened. But it had. Another storm, one just as big and powerful and destructive as the last one, swept through their lives once again, ripping apart some of the last few strands of support holding the Crystal Gems together.
Which meant that once those final strands were inevitably broken, it would only be a matter of time before they fell apart completely.
#universe falls#jen writes#crossover#gravity falls#steven universe#cry for help#fanfiction#au#steven#diper#mabel#amethyst#garnet#pearl#sardonyx#stan#peridot#keyword is sardonyx#of course it is#oy#im tired
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Yo, so let me preface this: I used to watch the 2003 4kids TMNT when I was a kiddo, and I've also been watching TMNT2012, and I'm also pretty hype about Rise tbh, but it got me thinking about the weird rabbit-holey SI/reader being in a relationship with one or more or all of the bros- and like, made me think back to the one I wrote a few years back when I was sick. It also made me think of Raphael having the Hebrew version of his name instead of the Latin/Italian version, Raffaello, and of course because Angelology is its own dark rabbit hole of research, yeah, I was thinking about the archangels, the Hamato brothers and a SI/OFC. Also a bible-thumping, born-again bus seat neighbour.
Then I decided, I have to write this glorious mess.
(It's for 2012, 'cause I'm most familiar with that incarnation atm)
There's something crappily unlucky about getting stuck in New York City after 10:30 in what many, if not most people consider the bad part of town.
It was a reprieve at first, honestly, but after the first 10 minutes, it just was such a drag.
Want to know what happened? Well, the Greyhound broke down, and the driver couldn't fix it, so he called another bus to pick his passengers up, which would be coming. Eventually. Some time after 11:30. Wonderful.
Great. Well, I wasn't beside a born-again Christian Evangelist Bible-thumper trying to shove her brand of religion down my throat, so plus.
On the flipside, minus: I don't know NYC, like at all, I was daytripping. So I wandered off because I was rather sick of my benchmate, the Bible-thumper, and, haha, of course, got lost.
Now I've heard some shit about the Big Apple recently, and like, it's wacky. Ninjas? Aliens? Oh get real. That's a movie publicity stunt.
But ho boy, was I wrong.
So while I was wandering, trying to find my way back to the bus shelter, I hear footsteps approaching me, and like these suited Pod-people clones with these gnarly laser rifles are following me. My eyes go wide, 'cause holy shit, this is either a ballsy as fuck publicity stunt or I'm about to get murdered or worse by these plug fugly clone rejects, and to be honest, either choice sounds kinda shitty.
So I'm there, speed walking the FUCK outta there, when I hear whooping, jeering and clanking metal, I turn, lo and behold: ... Uh turtles...?
I blinked a couple times, nope. Not a stress-induced hallucination, okay, that's good? Yeah, a quick pinch to the arm also verified it wasn't a dream, because oww... And uh, my stare was being returned, and I barely withheld a squeak of startlement, with a no-doubt awkward look I gave my rescuers a smile-and-wave combo. And immediately regretted it.
Between one blink and the next the turtly-shaped anomalies, there were four of them, all around 5-ish feet tall. All sorta staring- like what happens when you stare too long at the abyss, it stares back.
"Um, hi..?" Mouth engaged before brain rebooted, great start. "Thanks for saving me from those creeps..." I think I nervous blabber, that's gotta be the only reason I'm still talkin'. "My name's Daphne, you, uh, fine fellas see a bus shelter 'round here? Think I got a little turned around.." Finally, my mouth ran out of words to spew out, and I was left to get a closer look at my rescuers. I mean, outside of 5-ish foot tall turtles.
Decked out in domino mask-like bandanas, the quartet made for a fairly imposing image, weapons adorning them and blank eyes. Fairly imposing at least until the shortest one, in the orange, spoke, baby blue eyes glittering at me. My mental image of my knights in tortoiseshell armour tarnished a bit,. "Whoa, bros, she's kinda pretty."
She's also right here, I snorted, taken aback, god he sounded like a teen- oh shit, could he actually be a teen? Huh, that's not something ya see everyday, teenage ninja mutant turtles.
The one with the red bandana smacked the one that had spoken upside the head. "Why don't you think before you speak?!" ... Okaay, that's, uh, new.
He spoke again, absolutely unfazed by the whimpering, teary-eyed stare he was receiving, "Bus shelters about five blocks that way." And he pointed in the direction I'd come from, ah nuts, I'm probably getting more lost in the seedy part of an already dangerous city, great. I smile at them a bit wanly, "NYC's got my internal compass a little on the buggered side, but eh, thanks for the directions." I move to push past them, when a blast of pink energy from a nearby alley slams into the pavement in front of me, and I leap back with a choked off curse.
The one in blue grimaces, and barks out, "Let's take care of these pests first, Mikey, Don, can you cover for..?" I'm assuming he's the leader, but it still startles me a bit when he looks at me amidst the blaster fire. Holy shit, my day's just become an episode of a comedy sci-fi anime.
So Blue told Orange, 'Mikey', and Purple, 'Don', to cover me, the civilian liability, yeah, fair, but I was planning on booking it back in the ensuing chaos, nuts. Right, he asked my name again, "Daphne."
"Sure thing Leo!" Next thing I know after Orange chirps that is the sound of a facepalm, ah, that sweet sound of exasperation. I see Blue grit his teeth, and Red poorly hold back a bark of laughter. Ah, I assume they were going for subtle and mysterious. They failed. Oh well.
I fished my phone from my hoodie pocket, 11 pm, oh good. I had time. I put my phone back and sat crosslegged on the ground, and propped my head up. Makes both less and more of a target, I'd wager, plus with all this cloak and dagger, haha, ninja b/s maybe I'll make my bus before they drive off and I have to find a hostel or something.
Again I find my mouth running off before my brain can process, "So... Come here often?" Of course I had to imbue as much sarcasm as I could, raising my voice so all four could hear me- probably not my best call, but I was tired and getting quite cranky. All but Blue were at least amused, Blue, eh, ya can't win 'em all. "So, eh, what are these pod people supposed to be anyway? Rejected robot clone Men In Black?"
I flinch as a silver robot with a smirking brain goes to reach for me, but man am I glad I took a a few years of various martial arts. With a spot of grace, and it beint close enough to use it's brain as a spring board, I do a back roll, and end up knocking into Purple on the get up. "Sorry man, didn't mean to, ugly over there caught me by surprise." He turns to see where I rolled from, and spots a KO'd 'droidy bastard. "That'd be ugly then?" Giving him a cheeky smirk, I humm, "Mmhm, that's him, warts and all!" I stretch, mutterjng to myself as I do, "Ah man, it's been a bit since I've done that..." The four of them by this point have have taken care of the robo-menaces, and Blue still looks extraordinarily unimpressed. Almost like what happened was my fault.
"What are you even doing out here so late? Most people aren't." My eye twitched, yeah, that was equal parts tiredness and irritation, "Like I said, New York buggers with my internal compass and I got turned around. I don't want to be a target for less-than-savoury people, so I learned a helpful tip, called look like you know what you're doing. I'm pretty fucking lost right know, so some help would be much appreciated. If you want incentive, I've got some artisan dark chocolate, and some low-sweetness white chocolate, that ok?"
Eventually, after 10 minutes of bickering, a bar of white chocolate lighter, I was able to get an 'escort'. Red who I found out was properly called Raphael, who was equal parts volunteered and voluntold to make sure I was able to see the bus shelter before buggering off. As I walked the last couple of blocks, an errant thought popped into my head. Raphael was classically an Archangel. There were classically, at least in bare-bones Christianity, four of them. Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. That- oh boy, did that give me an idea if that lady was gonna try and make me change my beliefs and spirituality.
Plot twist, or maybe not, my favourite person in the world decided to sit rihht beside me. Again. For the long ride homewards. I think she took my silence as license to gab. Oh joy.
Putting on my most awed, touched by God face, from the shadows of my hood, and the most dreamy voice I can manage I put my plan into being.
I flip my hood down, and turn to face her a little bit more, "You know," I cut her off mid-I'll-be-damned-if-I-don't-convert speech, "I think I was visited by the Archangels, you see, I got a little turned around, and I think they guided me back safely." She was gaping like a fish, "One of them even spoke to me," I continued blithely, "He introduced himself as Raphael. That's after they scared off a group of muggers." She looked like I slapped her with a particularly slimy fish, "I-I, bwuh?" Eloquent, lady, very eloquent. "They were so kind and helpful, I can't believe they appeared to this sinful daughter..." After a beat or two, "Miss are you okay?" The fanatical lady was still a bit BSoD, which was a-ok by me, so I flipped my hood back up, and went back to trying to sleep.
I didn't think much of the whole incident for a while, until my friend flipped me a vid of a radical upstate New York lady losing her shit upon being interviewed by a televangelist. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry. She was talking about me.
Not quite in so many words, of course, since she wasn't there for what actually happened, but she flipped out when the 'pastor' questioned the validity of her, by extension, my story, through my phone speakers I could hear the question being asked, 'how do you know she was sober?' and the lady just loosing it. I wheezed. What?
#lilac writes#tmnt 2012#angelology#ofc - centric#humour#goofy#it's kinda funny#it's kinda weird#i kinda like it#all the shenanigans
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Damian x Reader sole mate
For as long as I knew I had these markings on my arm. My mother told me that it will glow when I find my beloved and so will his. We will have a tendency to be with one another and not even know that that our beloved. The tattoo will glow when 'I'm ready' to find out who my truck beloved is. But the thing is I'm 14 I kinda wanna know now only time will tell.
I heard the bussing from my phone. I got up before my alarm clock went off and went to my phone. I had received a text from my best friend Damian Wayne I had known him since he came to Gotham at the age of 10. He told me about the Batman and Robin thing when we were 12. I understood why he did tell me. Our friendship grew even closer that day. I all honesty I might have developed feelings for him. But I know he won't feel the same so I'll just keep it as friends and anyway I already have a beloved somewhere in the world.
My face lit up when I saw the text from Damian.
Damian: D
Y/n: Y/N/N
D: hay morning princess sorry I'm texting you so early you might not even be up but just wanted to tell u Alfred is still picking u up by ur house and if you wanna come over after school.
Y/n/N: hay Dami. YOU WOKE ME UP! but I'm okay with it and sure when do I ever say no to coming over.
D: sorry didn't mean to wake you up.
Damian always calls me princess it's funny honestly because he only does it because I call him Dami.
Y/n/N: it's ok so I'll see you in a hour and if I don't answer the door us the key a gave you I'm probably sleeping.
D: OK GOOD Luck getting back to sleep.
Y/n/n: Night Damian.
After that I went back to bed a fell asleep. My parents are rich but not as rich a Damians Dad but today was our butlers day off and mum and Dad left for a trip. So it was up to me to wake up but instead of being responsible I left it for Damian to do it. I mean he usually does it when no one else can. My parents gave him a key because he usually comes over when he gets in fights with his brothers so we made a room for him to sleep in when it's one of those nights but we end up sleeping in my room because we watched to much Netflix.
I woke up to the feeling of ice cold water in my bed.
"Are you fucking mental!" I screamed at Damian.
"No just doing my job as a best friend." He said smirking.
"I can get hypothermia." I said in a Duh tone.
" No you can't now get in the bathroom bath and change." He said while giving me my clothes.
"I go if you make breakfast." I said hopping he does.
"Fine now go." He said pushing me into the bathroom.
After getting out of the bathroom and changing I ran down stairs to see Damian cooking.
"Yes!" I shouted get a weird look from him.
"Never actually thought you would do it." I said sitting down while Damian dished out two plates of food.
"So how was patrol." I asked him
"It was boring we did absolutely nothing and I got into a fight with Todd." He said while eating.
"Why didn't you come over then Damian." I said getting serious. I heard saw it two I never actually call him by his name unless it's serious.
"I didn't want to disturb your sleep." He said.
"Who gives a flying fuck about sleep if you weren't comfortable there you come over immediately I don't care if I'm asleep or if the president is here. I care about if your gonna cry your self asleep again." I said remembering when I went to Damians house for a sleep over and walked in on him crying himself to sleep it hurt me.
"You know what I'm gonna talk to your brothers." I said. You can see the anger in my face.
" No please don't." Damian said trying to calm you down.
"Why shouldn't I you shouldn't have to be leaving your own house because of them."
"Y/n it's ok I'll be ok I promise as long as I have you I'll be ok." Damian said sending shivers down my spine and butterfly's in my stomach.
"Ok let's go to school." He said getting my now empty plate and I grabbed our book bags we headed for the car.
"Hay Alfred."
"Hello miss y/n "
" so will I be seeing you this afternoon miss y/n" Alfred asked .
"Yes Alfred you will." I said he just nodded and we drove of to hell.
When we got there Damian was instantly surrounded by girls and I got surrounded by boys they kept trying to ask me out and saying I can do better than Damian. I kept saying we're not even together. After a solid five minutes of pushing through crowds we finally saw each other and walked down the hallway together leaving a crowd of boys and girls shocked and each of them saying what do they see in each other?
In all honesty I don't even know ether.
"Hay Dami what you reading." I said hanging upside down from the willow Tree we eat at every day at lunch.
"A book about ruins and what they mean." when he said that my eyes great wide at the page he was on it was mine.
"What does that one say." I said pointing at the page hopping he would read for me.
"It says it's a ruin of love, a person is born with it and it let's them find there beloved. They know when they find it when the ruin glows. Males ruins glow the female name so he knows who Its. The females glow the males name 7 hours after." Why was he looking this up. All I told him was on got a tattoo I didn't tell him the meaning of this. I almost fell of the branch in disbelief.
"Hay y/n don't you have a tattoo like this." Damian asked and I was starting to get nervous so I shook my head no.
"Damian why are you looking this up." I asked Damian.
"Um... no reason" He said nervously.
"Your an terrible lire Wayne now tell me." I said sternly
" Fine fine so I had this ruin since I was born and this morning it was glowing." He said. My face was in shock I didn't even know he had one and he also found a beloved and I wasn't me. I couldn't take it so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom and cries my eyes out. After I cleaned my face is just sat on the bathroom floor until the door opened. I kinda felt dissy.
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The Pains In My Heart
Another piece of writing because I got bored! And Jung Jaehyun is the epitome of my life. Something a little heavier because watching a movie that makes you cry is the best method of healing ever :D Promise it’ll be a happy ending though!~ It’s a pretty long one, and I’m sorry it moves pretty slow. But I hope you enjoy! - Fay <3
(Photo not mine. Credits to NyLon Magazine)
Genre: Slight Angst, Romance, Neighbor!AU, HighSchool!AU
Word Count: 3,605+
POV: First Person
“Ms. (Y/L/N), this matter is very serious if it goes on any longer. I advise you that you stop with your activities and move somewhere better for your health.”
“I’m sure my daughter understands, Doctor.”
“Good. Now her next appointments are…”
So here am I now in this new part of the city where it’s considered ‘safe for my health.’ No matter where I go, it’ll all be the same in the end. Nowhere is safe for my health. As long as I try to survive and get through the day without breaking a bone. That’s all that mattered to me for the sake of my parents.
The first day we got to the new house was chaos. You know the deal, bringing out the boxes and unpacking all the dishes, clothes, toiletries, accessories. I wasn’t allowed to carry the things that were ‘too heavy’ for obvious reasons. As usual, dad would always crack jokes and even play around while mom unpacked and messily set the random articles of clothing and the accessories into the various rooms in the house. And for me? To just do as I was told. And the first night I slept, I barely got any. The city sights of our old home gave me comfort, where the loud noises on the streets numbed out the negativity in my head and gave me something to focus on as I slept instead of contemplating my existence.
I saw no point into moving out here. I already missed the other side of town where my friends were probably missing me. If I even had any. The new high school didn’t exactly make it easier on me either. Kinda like the one back where I used to live. Always kids picking on me and complaining when I had an excuse to sit out on activities that included intense physical activity. Oh yeah, it felt like home now. Everyday for the next two weeks was the same. I woke up, went to school, went home, did my homework, eat, then sleep. The same cycle over and over again with no change.
Until one day, everything seemed to change. As usual, I got up and sat on my bed for awhile staring out my window. The blinds of the opposite window were open, which never happened. I always believed that that house was never occupied. And then, this handsome man appeared, woken up and ready for the day. He was dressed in only a wifebeater and some grey sweatpants with his hair a fluffed up mess, and… Woah. Who was he? Was it possible for someone to wake up as flawless as him? That was until he closed his blinds. I froze on my bed, the image replaying in my head of when he walked into his room, seemingly done with his morning routine.
Eventually, I had to get out of bed. I did my morning routine, got dressed, ate breakfast, and headed out to walk to school. It was slightly chilly that morning on the way, I wished I brought a jacket. Why did I wear such a short sleeve shirt? Luckily, I was there in twenty minutes with ten left to spare. The building could be colder than outside, I swear.
After the first three classes of the morning, it was finally time for lunch. I mainly was by myself, sitting in the corner where no one ever goes to. It was all fine and dandy, until I met the eyes of the same guy I saw next door. This time, in actual clothes and socializing. He was less mysterious in this sense. He seemed to have fun. He stared at me as if he wanted to do so on purpose, until something else caught his attention. What was this feeling in my heart?
The school day began to end, finally. And it was time to walk back home. Just as I was about to head out, I heard a ‘hey you!’ being called out. I normally would ignore it. It was probably someone else being called to. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around to meet the same eyes of the boy next door. I was numb.
“Hey you, I was calling for you~”
“Do I know you?” I questioned him. Well, duh of course I knew him, what a dumb question…
“Well, I am your next door neighbor. Perhaps I didn’t introduce myself. Ahem, Jung Jaehyun. Junior class,” he said as he held out his hand, a small smile appeared on his lips. So he was a year above me. I hesitantly took his hand with a shy grin.
“(Y/N), sophomore class.”
“Year younger, eh? Well, I suppose I can walk you home,” he said as his smile got wider.
The walk home was pretty pleasant. Jaehyun was an interesting person. Pretty popular among the crowd and had friends who were just a popular. He was pretty intelligent as well, which made the girl swoon. He sounded so perfect, and why was someone so perfect talking to someone who had nothing to offer? I guess you could say I’m a prude. I was nothing compared to what his life was like.
“I mean, there could be some upsides in your life right?”
“If taking meds and constantly protecting yourself from almost everything was fun, I would consider my life an amusement park.”
“C’mon Negative Nancy, don’t get like that.”
“I’m not that pessimistic, I swear!” We could both laugh at my misery and how silly it was. He made my spirits lifted somehow. Like the world was off my shoulders finally. It was a fun time until we both stopped by my house.
“Well, I guess tomorrow is a new day, huh?”
“Yep. And no worries, (Y/N). It’ll always be a better day tomorrow. Don’t get too negative on me, eh?”
“Yeah yeah~ No time for lectures right now, ok? Well, see you at school, Jae!”
“You too, little miss sunshine~”
The little nickname he gave me made me chuckle and feel warm on the inside. Maybe I finally found a friend who’ll stick out for me. How wonderful. Until my mood swing hit and said, ‘He only pitied you. Don’t think it won’t happen again.’ It was fun while it lasted, as I always say.
For the next few months, it was like this. Me and Jaehyun walking to school together, meeting up at lunch with his friends to hang out, coming home afterschool and spending more time together in his house. And then go to bed to do the same thing all over again. Our moms would even tease us for going on ‘dates.’ Ridiculous, right? I’ll admit, it was kinda cute to be teased that we were a couple.
We couldn’t keep secrets from each other. We were the best of friends. Why would I lie to him? But thruthfully, I already broke that rule since Day One. I wouldn’t dare tell him what was wrong with me. Why I couldn’t do certain activities and why I was suddenly negative at random times. I couldn't even tell him why I was on so many medications at once. We were supposed to tell each other everything right?.
Until that fateful night. That’s when he finally found out everything.
On a Saturday afternoon, Jaehyun sent a text even if he was in the next window of the house.
[3:50] (Y/N)! I wanted to tell you something!
[3:50] What haven’t you told me? lol
[3:51] Hurtful, hahah
[3:51] Anyway, Taeyong’s picking me up to head over to Taeil’s house in about 20 minutes. The guys will be there. You wanna come?
[3:52] Um, heck yeah! Casual?
[3:52] No, we’re going to prom. Of course dress casual, silly~
[3:52] lol, you meanie. I’ll be at the house in about 15.
[3:53] sounds good~ I’ll let them know you’re coming with.
And as usual, I dressed into a jacket and some leggings with a random band shirt thrown in my closet. Surely I didn’t look like I tried to fit in, did I? After a few minutes of laying around in my bed, I got up and headed for next door, just about five minutes before we were supposed to leave. I rang the doorbell about three times before a hoodie-clad Jaehyun stood at the door.
“You’re here a bit early~”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t miss me.”
“I’m not saying I didn’t,” he said as we both chuckled. I stepped back as he went to lock up his door. And at that moment, I heard Taeyong pull up on the driveway of the house. I turned to look around and gave a wave to the car. Well actually it was a seven-seater SUV, suiting his ‘father-like’ image. But it managed to fit the whole group regardless.
Jaehyun and I squeezed into the van, which had enough room for the both of us. And the ten minute drive to the house wasn’t too quiet either. Boys were normally loud, regardless of age or whoever was in the car.
“So (Y/N), finally joining in one of our parties, eh?”
“It’s not exactly a party if we’re just drinking and playing video games, Yuta,” Doyoung said, making the whole car burst into laughter.
“Well, actually I can’t drink too much.”
“Why not? Age is nothing but a number, (Y/N). We won’t tell the cops.”
“Unless you want me to die Johnny, then I’ll take nine tequila shots.” The car was filled with more chuckles and laughs as more conversation went on. Soon, we arrived to Taeil’s house, getting out the car and piling up in his living room.
This went on for a couple of hours. The smell of alcohol in the air made me feel a bit heavy, but I went on. Jaehyun kept me by his side at all times in case something happened to me, but truthfully wherever he was, I couldn’t even breathe.
“It’s just us, Jae. I don’t need to be babysitted. I’m just gonna sit on the couch.”
“Nuh-uh. You’re like my baby sister. No way in heck I’m letting you out my sight.”
Being called baby sister made a pang of hurt run through my heart. Why did I hate being called that? I wasn’t ever like that to him. But instead of saying it outloud, I just kept quiet and stood next to him the whole time. Damn you mood swings. It was like that for the night, I stayed by him because well, I was told to and that I couldn’t sit anywhere else because of the smell of alcohol everywhere. They didn’t even drink that much, why was it so strong?
Even the smell of it coming from their cups made me gag a bit. My brain was swirling until Doyoung proposed we take a road trip up the hills on the outskirts of town. I could barely handle the smell of alcohol in the house, so I was relieved when he mentioned something about going outdoors. It was that moment that we headed into the car, piling in one by one. Then we realized that we didn’t have any space for me in the SUV.
“Damn, do we have to leave her here?”
“Shut up, no we don’t. Um… (Y/N)…” Jaehyun said as he patted his lap. Suddenly, my cheeks turned red. Why was my heart suddenly beating so fast? Why did it suddenly hurt? The car erupted in little cheers and ‘whoops’ as I took a seat on his lap, closing the door before it was locked by a pretty sober Taeyong.
As conversation went on in the car, I looked out the window to calm myself from my surroundings. And then I was tapped on the shoulder.
“Hey (Y/N), you don’t look too well. Do you wanted to be taken home?”
“Mmm, no.. I’m… I’m fine. Really. Just out of it for the night.”
“Are you sure? You’re really pale and slightly out of breath. Do you need the window opened a little?” Upon his words, the window opened just a bit to let in fresh cool air into the car, which made the breathing a bit easier on my part.
“That’s better…Thank you, Jae.”
“Of course, whatever little miss sunshine so desires,” he said with a cheesy smile, patting my belly gently as another blush crept on my cheeks. Before anymore teasing or crude jokes could be thrown at us, we finally arrive on top a high hill. As we got out of the van, the air hit my senses. It relieved the my cloudy mind and my heavy heart, giving myself time to breath before I went over to what the boys were marveling about. And that’s when I spotted the most gorgeous view of the city. The different colors of light covered the area in dots, lines of neon decorated the night, and the beautiful dark blue sky complimented those random bursts of colors that changed every second.
And then I felt a pair of arms encircle around my waist, making me squeal and I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
“Ey, relax. It’s just me.”
“Dear god, why did you scare me like that?”
“Because it’s kinda cute~” His smile could make me faint at any moment. He was legit making my heart beat so fast that I could actually die. But why should I care if I pass out? Was this what it’s like to be in love? To the point where feelings were so strong, nothing else even mattered but the person who was holding you? It made my brain swirl again, to the point where I’m shaking in his arms.
This kind-hearted boy next door stole my heart. I wouldn’t be afraid to admit that. And if anything could cure my heart from my sickness, it would be him. but why was I too chicken to say it outloud? I’m so afraid of telling him because even spilling my emotions was dangerous. I extreme emotion was too dangerous for me to admit or or even feel. But I’m only human.
“Jeez, did I jumpscare you that badly?” God, that voice. It was so sweet, sweeter than honey. And those gorgeous eyes. I could look into them forever and I would never find my way out of them. What did he see through his eyes? What was I to him?
“Why you say that?”
“Your heart is beating really fast, also that you’re really pale.”
‘Fuck, he noticed,’ my mind said. Did he know was going on?
“No, I’m fine. Swear.”
“Well, then I guess this is the perfect time to tell you this.” Suddenly, my heart skipped a couple beats. Was this real king happening? What if this was the end of our friendship? Someone who I suddenly became close to after my diagnosis?
“(Y/N), do you think this is the perfect time to say I love you?”
Then suddenly, everything went dark. I couldn’t feel anything. But soon I woke up to the smell of latex. My eyes opened up slowly to a hospital room with only myself in it.
“This place again?” I said to myself. The window’s blinds were drawn so I couldn’t see anything out of it. I’ve lost my sense of time. And the only noise I can hear was some quiet talking outside the room.
“What happened last night, Jaehyun?”
“We were just up on a hill and.. she just collapsed.”
“You do understand her condition right?”
“What? Why didn’t she tell me? I didn’t even know…”
My heart clenched and beated rapidly. I felt like I just betrayed my friend. I lied to him all this time and what kind of a friend does that make me? I hid my heart condition from him after all these months and I didn’t even have the heart to tell him what was wrong with me. My mood swings, why I was so introverted, and this. And to top it all off, I fell in love with him. But who would love someone who lied to them?
Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, and then someone opened the door. I expected my parents to walk through, asking me if I was ok now, what was I feeling. But to my surprise, Jaehyun walked in. Was he gonna curse at me? Tell me why did I lie to him? Or even worse, why did he even tell me I love you.
He was silent at my call to him. The sudden pause made the room feel awkward. The air was beginning to get heavy, almost hard for me to breathe. Then suddenly, I just couldn’t take it anymore. The tears that built up in my eyes began to spill. I couldn’t hold the truth for much longer.
“I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m sorry I lied about being ok. I know I should’ve told you sooner but I didn’t want you to worry about me… Please understand. Please don’t be mad at me…”
I choked through my words of apology. How would he even accept me? That was until I heard his own silent sobs. I looked up to see him at the edge of my bedside wiping up his own tears.
“Why did you hide it? I feel so guilty for bringing you with me last night…”
“But why do you feel so guilty? I lied to you about my health.”
“I feel guilty because I should’ve protected you. You couldn’t even breathe, (Y/N). I was so scared of the fact that you could’ve died.”
The tears stopped falling from my eyes. I could only stare at him as he turned his head to get a better look at me. I must look like a mess from the way he looked at me. But then he cracked a little smile at me, reaching over to my hair to tuck it behind my ear.
“Hey now. You’re so pretty when you cry. But you would look even more beautiful if you didn’t.”
A sudden chuckle came out of my lips, wiping up my tears and holding onto his hand with my free one. I didn’t even hold hands with him before. It felt like it fit in my own.
“That’s so cheesy.”
“You know it, babe.” Woah. Babe? How faster could my heart get?
“Jae? Is it this the perfect time to say I love you?”
After getting discharged from the hospital after three days, I went back to school pretty strong. The average looks from everybody staring at me, judging me, and probably worse. It was all back to normal. Or so I thought. Jaehyun wasn’t there and neither was his friend group. Everything felt out of place.
That was until Sicheng and Yuta came up to me before I went home for the day and handed me a blindfold.
“This better not be some prank, Yuta.”
“Why do I always get in trouble?”
“That’s besides the point. Anyway, just put on the blindfold, promise we won’t kill you. You’ll like what we prepared~”
“For the first time in forever, I never would trust Sicheng.”
Hesitantly, I put it on. I reached my hands out until I smacked someone, hearing a little ‘ow’ before I was guided somewhere. It seemed like we headed down the atrium to a case of stairs, seeming like it was taking forever. My heart began to weaken a bit, but before I could give in, I was guided through a door. A sudden breeze brushed past me and through my hair. But the air still felt warm. And then my blindfold was taken off to reveal that I was on top of the roof.
“But why would you two take me here?”
“Turn around and see for yourself.”
I took their word and I turned to see Jaehyun on a stool with a guitar. He has never looked so beautiful. So perfect. But what made my heart beat even faster is the fact that the song he sang was the my favorite love song. I didn’t even realize that I got closer to him, his features gotten more defined as I came closer and closer. His voice we even more perfect as he sang to me. What did this all mean?
But as he ended his song, his hand reached out to cup my face. His hands were so warm. And he pulled me close to his face, and our lips touched. His lips were even warmer.
The sudden cheers and ‘whoops’ made me pull back in embarrassment, hiding behind my hands as my heart began to race. In a good way of course. And then, Jaehyun suddenly spoke.
“For the last few months, this gorgeous young lady has stolen my heart from day one. She’s someone who unexpectedly became my best friend, who understood what it was like to be in pain. But what made her strong was the fact that she was able to pull through, just for me and for her family. She even hid the fact that she was in pain, just for me to not worry about her. And then she was able to see the brightside of life, why she should live longer, and why it was worth it. Because she was worth something to the boy next door who didn’t know that he needed her. (Y/N)?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes. Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes!”
Even through my misery and pain, after all what I believed my life was, I finally found someone else who was worth all my love and all my life.
#nct scenarios#nct secnario#nct 127 scenarios#nct u scenarios#jaehyun#jaehyun scenario#jaehyun scenarios#nct 127 scenario#nct u scenario#jung jaehyun#jung yoonoh#kpop scenario#kpop scenarios
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an incident in a certain city, a guard is losing her sanity, a confrontation with the mafia, and leroux’s backstory
[[cont from part 82]]
Patty: *hug* >w< "You're back!" liz: hey sis. ^^ Wes: ^^ Patty: "What you bring home?" -elsewhere- Convenience Store Robber: "Give me all the money in the register." Hyde: -_-; ochako:....*poke* Robber: "?!" *aims their gun* "What the hell do you think you're--" *notices they're floating* o_____o ochako: *calling 911* Robber: "WHAT THE HECK YOU DO TO ME?!" Hyde: "You messed with a super, punk." ochako: and now, you are going to jail, buddy. Robber: Q___Q "My probation officer is going to kill me..." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *sips tea, reading the news* lana: ?? whats up? Poe: "It's like something I would write--quite violent..." lana:....*hug* Poe: "I-I'm fine..." *hug* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *looks around* -silence- Mori: "..." *stomach growls* "..." *exits the bedroom* *looks at a door* "And a new pillow..." *opens the closet door* -shizuka's head is there...- Mori: "...Wh-Where..." -silence- Mori: "..." *picks up the head* -she looks as peaceful as ever...- Mori: "...Talk." -...- Mori: "Speak. Why aren't you doing as I ask?" -i missed you....mr mori...- shizuka?: *she smiles at him with a loving expression* Mori: *smiles* "I, you..." shizuka?: hehe~ Mori: *tearing up, smiling* "I missed you...Thank you for returning..." -...- Mori: *he cradles the head* -...- Mori: "You won't leave again...I'll make sure of that." -...- Mori: "I won't let them take you away from me again..." -elsewhere- Katai: *hands the files* "H-H-H-H-H-Her-Here-Here--" Kunikida: *takes them* "Thanks." kirako: you know, you're welcome to come back any time, katai. Katai: >~< "You...all seem to be doing fine...without me." kirako: our offer still stands. Katai: Q___Q "I-I'll think..." -elsewhere- marie: alright, so what's up? Yumi: "We anticipate the Kishin disappeared. Residual madness may persist. Your wavelength should help negate that while I look..." *glancing at the surroundings* marie: *she nods* Yumi: *looks at some rubble* "..." *pushes a few rocks aside--* marie:.....!! GET DOWN! Yumi: "!!!" -it's too late--the claws reach her hand* Yumi: "AH!" marie: *attacks the claw* Kishin Crow: "CAW!" *tries to flap away--its three eyes staring at Marie* marie: oh no you dont! ~lightning rope~ Kishin Crow: "CAW CAW!" *the eye...moves on its stalk!* marie: !!! yumi! Yumi: *clutching her slices hand* "!!!" *lets go of the injured hand, transforms the other hand into a crossbow--* Kishin Crow: *sends the eye stalk at Yumi* *SLICE* *Arrow to the eye stalk* Kishin Crow: *shrieks* marie: you alright? *The crow is bleeding out* Yumi: "I think so..." *rips a cloth to tie off the cuts* "...Marie...Look at its blood..." marie: ..... you didnt get any of it on you, did you? Yumi: "No..." *The blood keeps coming out...and then--* Yumi: "!!!" *The blood forms a spire, aimed at Marie* marie: !!!! *grabs yumi and runs* OH SHIIIIIT! Yumi: *running with her, turning back and firing more shots at the Black Blood* *Something rumbles under the ground* marie: ._.; oh this is gonna suck. *Bugs start crawling out of the ground...with Kishin Eye symbols along their backs* marie: *electric attacks at them* *The bugs screech--before more blood pours out of them* marie: *over talkie* everyone, fall back!* DWMA agent: *over talkie* "Do you need back up?" Yumi: "Fall back! Evacuate the entire facility now!" DWMA agent: "Roger." marie: *still running* *The blood is pooling...and swirling on the ground...* marie: shit, we need to get to higher ground... *The helicopters are already leaving* marie: yumi, do you have a grappling hook function? Yumi: "Of course..." *aims* -nice shot!- marie: *holding on for dear life* Yumi: *feels her arm being tugged* "UGH!" Death the Kid: *The blood is whirling higher...forming...a dome?!* -nice landing!- agent: miss mjolnir, yumi, are you two alright? marie: Q~Q that was scary.... *The dome is closing in on them, leaving a hole just small enough for the helicopter to pass...* Yumi: "Focus! Get us out!" -escape successful! - Yumi: *collapses back, clutching her arm* "Thank goodness..." doctor: you werent infected, were you? marie: no. Yumi: *shakes her head* "I don't think so...but we'll need to test." -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." *small laugh* neian: gubu? Medusa: "Just...thinking about something." *feels warm* "I think...it's back." neian: ? Medusa: *pulls up news* -an entire town trapped in a black blood dome- Medusa: *her smile widens* -elsewhere- Asura: *shuddering* mikan: *holds his hand* Asura: "It's too much...It keeps bubbling up..." mikan: *strokes his head and holds him close to her chest, humming* Asura: *leans into her, murmuring...breathes a bit more calmly* mikan: *smiles* Asura: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Anya: *hands Tsugumi medicine* "Is the migraine any better?" tsugumi: *groooan* =~=;; why is my head hurting meeeeee? Anya: *closes the blinds, takes a cloth from the bowl of water* "Just rest..." *rests the cloth on her forehead* tsugumi: ok.....zzzzzz Anya: *sad smile, as she tucks Tsugumi in* -...- tsugumi: hn? am i dreaming?.....helloooo? ???: "Hello." tsugumi: *turns* ?? *It's misty in this space* ???: "You're not feeling well, are you?" tsugumi: no? ???: "It must be the madness." tsugumi: wait a minute....*squints* *The person walks through the mist* tsugumi: !!!! Maka: *smiles* tsugumi: m-miss maka! why are you here? oh my god, did i die in my sleep?! Maka: "Heh...No, you're not dead. Although I appreciate the Death Children humor." tsugumi: he...he..... HAHAHAHAHAHA....ha....*ahem* sorry. Maka: .w.; "...Sorry. I guess that was a bit much. Let's start from the beginning. No, you are not dead--you're just tapping into your Grigori." tsugumi: like, in my sleep? that's cool. Maka: "I know, right? But there was something else that stimulated this reaction...madness." tsugumi:.....am i going crazy? Maka: "You aren't. But others are. There was recently an explosion of Black Blood...and its effects are spreading. You're feeling them." tsugumi: *gulp* Maka: "Be on the alert. The DWMA will need your sensory skills to determine where next the madness will emerge." tsugumi:..r-right.... Maka: "If you can't pinpoint the madness, you'll need a conduit to channel your Grigori." tsugumi: how do i do that? Maka: "By working with your weapon partner." tsugumi: maka...i _am_ a weapon. *sweatdrop* Maka: .___.; "...Sorry. I meant meister. I'm not used to thinking of Grigoris as weapons." ^^; tsugumi: right, hehe. ^^; its fine. Maka: "Have you and your meister attempted to locate souls through Grigori before?" tsugumi:....no .w.; Maka: "Well, practice makes perfect. I took some notes on it...but I don't know where those notes would be now since I'm..." tsugumi:....r-right... Maka: "...Did they ever put my papers in the library?" tsugumi: i could start there. Maka: "Good. And bring your meister." tsugumi: right... ^^;;;; -...- mio: um...tsugumi? tsugumi:...nugh?....why is everything upside down? Anya: "You fell off your bed." -_-; tsugumi: oh. ehehe.. ^^; ao: *helping her up* Anya: "You must have had some dream, given all that muttering you were doing." ao: and for a moment, your ankle sprouted wings. tsugumi: wait what?! Anya: "It was weird...Maybe your migraine is messing with your soul." mio: at least you were wearing pants. tsugumi:...i think...im better now....ah! right! library! Anya: "???" -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up, reading a book* mahiru: *talking on the phone* i know. im kind of nervous though. Ryuusei: "You'll be fine! Just don't piss off the wrong people--DWMA kids are hardcore." koyuki: we'll be supporting you. ^^ mahiru: thanks guys. Ryuusei: "And don't forget us! We should hang out the weekend after. And bring your new friends!" mahiru: right. i think sakuya's at the DWMA too, so it'll be good to see him again. Ryuusei: "Right. Keep an eye on him." mahiru: will do. *Noise heard off the phone* Ryuusei: "Yeah, okay! Jeez, get off my back..." koyuki: ^^; your sister again? Ryuusei: "Yeah. Her highness didn't like how I dried the plates." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Sakuya: "How about this one?" *holds up a notebook in the department store--with flowers on it* naho: super cute. ^^ lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: "Lilac, need a new bookbag?" lilac: *nod* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: mori?...*looking around* *Whimpering is heard* fukuzawa: ??....*enters a room*...!!! Mori: "Talk to me...Why won't you talk?" fukuzawa: ..... Mori: *talking to shizuka’s head* "Of course I love you! How could you ask me? You're the one who left me..." fukuzawa: mori... Mori: *ignoring him* "I missed you, too..." *cradles the head* fukuzawa:.....*reaches his hand out* Mori: "GET BACK!" fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "Can't you leave us alone?" fukuzawa:.....*glances at the head* -the head doesnt reply- fukuzawa:...my apologies....take your time....*exits* ..... Mori: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at the head* "..." -i love you so much, mr mori- Mori: "I love you, too..." -i will love you, even if you killed me- Mori: "...But...I did..." -i will forgive you- Mori: "Really?" -i will forgive you, even if _she_ doesnt- --...b a s t a r d....-- rain?: *staring down at him with wide, hate filled eyes* Mori: "!!!" *backs away* rain?: y o u d i d t h i s t o m e.....y o u r u i n e d m e... Mori: "It-It wasn't me..." rain?: t h e n w h o w a s i t w h o r a p e d m e r e p e a t e d l y t h e n?! Mori: *glares* "I did what was given to me..." rain?:....then you truly are a monster. just like your mother said you would become.... Mori: "She was wrong!" rain?: oh? Mori: "She was just unlucky! Unlucky like you, you cursed brat!" rain?:............*stares at him with that same, damned stare....* Mori: "!!! You're not her! Or her! You're just a dumb bitch!" rain?: ..............*she grabs him by the neck* how dare you talk down to me after all you're put me through. Mori: "!!! L-Let go!" fukuzawa: mori? Mori: "UNHAND ME! I'LL KNOCK YOU DOWN AND REMIND YOU WHO IS IN CONTROL!" -SMACK- fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "..." *tears up...strokes the head* fukuzawa: .....you need help, mori. Mori: *crying* fukuzawa:.....*pat pat* (what am i to do with him?) Mori: *curls up* -elsewhere- Wes: "...Soul..." soul: yeah? Wes: "...I went to use your bathroom. And it was locked. And when I knocked, there was a small child inside who said 'Occupied’. Also, you have another small child in the kitchen eating cereal on the floor." Damon: *grabs another handful of cereal from the box* soul: its...a bit of a long story. ^^; Wes: "...I got time." *sits* "At least until I can use the bathroom." -one explanation later- Wes: "...That's a big thing. Need any help?" soul: all i can get. Wes: "Happy to." *smiles* "Just think of me as their Uncle Wes." Damon: *stares at Wes* soul: hey damon, say hi. becky:..... mr wes, is mr soul a creepy guy? soul: *pierced with an arrow that says 'creepy guy'* QvQ Wes: "N-No? What makes you think that?" becky: he's a stranger who invited us to live with him after we lost our parents. stranger danger! soul: QwQ Wes: "I assure you, my brother has no bad interests involved. He just wants to take care of you--" Damon: *stares at Wes* Wes: "Right, Damon?" Damon: "...Your teeth look dumb, Wes. Soul's are cooler." Wes: QwQ soul: damon, please. ^^; s-sorry about that bro. ^^;; Damon: -_- Wes: *pat pat* "R-Right, bro..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *brings out a tray* <Your meal~> leo: *smiles* thank you. *nom* ^u^ Motojiro: *sits next to her* "You're welcome." *inches closer* leo: *lean* u///u Motojiro: *smiles, puts an arm around her* <You know what...> leo: ?? Motojiro: "I just realized I forgot something..." *hands her a tea cup* "Let me pour you some..." leo: ok. *The tea pours into the cup--then there is a metal clink heard* leo: ?? Motojiro: *knowing smile* "I wonder what that is..." *hands her a spoon* leo: *stirs and pulls something out* ah- *It's a ring* Motojiro: "..." leo: ah-...*blush* Motojiro: "A new synthetically constructed palladium platinum blend with a new jewel component that I have named Leo--" *blinks* "...Sorry. I'm rambling. I named the substance after you. And I want to marry you. And I am all flustered and don't know how to ask--" -HUG- leo: *crying tears of happiness* <yes..yes...> Motojiro: OwO "..." *hug* "Then let's get married!" pushkin: *sniff* how sweet. katya: if you hurt her, we'll shoot you in the kneecaps, buddy! leo: *sniffs and smiles* Motojiro: QwQ "...Th-Thanks for at least threatening me with the name 'buddy'..." katya: *gives him the 'im watching you' hand sign* -elsewhere- Yumi: *recovering in bed* marie: well, seems you're doing alright... Yumi: *sighs* "That's a relief...How about you?" marie: all good. that was really scary.... Yumi: "...That blood should not have done that. We'll need someone to run checks." marie:...*nods* Yumi: "...I haven't even called home. Have you?" marie: i called the babysitter. Yumi: *sighs* "Christa?" marie: she's doing ok. Yumi: "..." *winces as she grabs her phone, dials--* "...Death?" lord death: yumi, thank goodness you're ok! *sigh* i was so worried that-... Yumi: "I know. I'm sorry. And..." *weak smile* "If I was dead, you'd be the first to know." lord death:....but you're alive and well...and when you get home, im going to give you so much love. Yumi: *crying* "I-I know. The kids?" lord death: waiting for you... Yumi: "Can I see Shiori?" shiori: mama! lord death: that's right! mama! Yumi: *wipes her eyes* "Hello, sweetie. I missed you." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *hands a reading light* "Here's for your 'clubhouse,' Tamaki." tamaki: thanks. Akitaru: "Don't mention it. Just remember you got hand-to-hand combat training this week. I convinced someone to help you with that..." tamaki: right. -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Congratulations." *picks up the files* "Were these hard to come by?" shaula: *asleep at the bar* beatrice: -.-; Kurogiri: "..." *turns to Beatrice* "Thank you, then. As for her, get her sleep, coffee, and away from Shigaraki." beatrice: right away. -elsewhere- Kid: *sigh of relief* *falls back in his chair* stocking: well? Kid: "Yumi is recovering and sounds unharmed. Same for Marie." stocking: *phew* that's good to know... Kid: "Black Blood...Madness..." *takes a pillow, hugs it* stocking:....*kiss on his shoulder* Kid: T\\\\\T *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- erina: ...... Allison: "Hey, you're home!" erina: yeah.....*slumps onto the couch* {erina: *in the medical room* ....} {Fyodor: *wearing a breathing mask* "..."} {erina:....*holding his hand*} {Fyodor: "..." *small squeeze*} {erina:....} erina: ......... Allison: "..." *sets down some drinks* erina:...i feel like im just air.... Allison: "...What's that like?" erina: like im not even real.... -she looks drained...- Allison: "...Drink and get some sleep. Or talk?" erina: .........i miss him...... Allison: "...You know it would not work." erina:...i-i know....but it still hurts..... Allison: "I mean, there are plenty of fish in the sea. You could always meet someone else." erina:...i guess......he made me feel so special, though.... Allison: "A lot of...those people do. I read enough psychology books. You should focus on what a person _does_." erina:...... Allison: "...Let's try something else. Girls' night? Or get you a date? Or...just find you a one-night stand." erina:....i dont know..... Allison: "Hey. Being alone with your thoughts isn't going to be enoug here. You need to talk to people." erina:...i guess...... Allison: "Mixer?" erina:.....*nod* Allison: *smiles* "Then we'll head out. Get your best outfit on." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Brushed your teeth?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Washed your face?" sonia: yes, papa. mito: *mew* Chuuya: "You sure?" *looks at Mito* "Did she wash...here?" *small playful tap on Sonia's nose* sonia: hehehe. ^u^ Chuuya: *hug* sonia: love you, papa. Chuuya: "Love you, too, Sonia." -morning- Damon: "Zzz..." becky: zzzzz soul: *making pancakes* Damon: "Zzz..." *kicks* becky: nngh? huh? Damon: *wakes up* "Wha? ..." *sniff* "...Is something burning?" becky: *peeeks* mr soul's making pancakes. soul: hey kiddos, i figured you'd be hungry. Damon: ._. *stomach growl* becky:....yeah.... soul: *puts some pancakes on two plates* becky:...*takes her seat* Damon: "..." *pokes one with a fork* -they look pretty good- becky:..... Damon: *nom* "..." -w- -elsewhere- fukuzawa: and that's what happened... Santoka: "..." *sighs* "Usually, I defer to your judgment. But this seems crazy." fukuzawa: ...*sigh* what do you make of this, sir? souseki: if mori's mental state really has collapsed like this, it would be wise to contact the acting head of the mafia, whoever that may be... fukuzawa: but that's the thing, the mafia seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. we've investigated all their usual sources....unless........!!!! Santoka: "??? What?" fukuzawa: *making a call to dazai* i think i know where they are.... -and so- fukuzawa: *underground, with atsushi and dazai* atsushi: is this a good idea, sir? Dazai: "..." fukuzawa: what other option do we have? atsushi:.... Dazai: "Better check for any defenses..." atsushi:.... fukuzawa:....*hand on sword handle* Dazai: *approaches a wall--* *WHIIIIIIR* atsushi: get down! fukuzawa: *dodge* Dazai: *ducks* *A camera pops out* atsushi: ....? fukuzawa:.....*continues forwards* atsushi: *follows* Dazai: "Heh. And you all were worried it was a gun or someth--" *Something loud pierces Atsushi's ears* atsushi: AH! *wince* fukuzawa: *sword out* Dazai: *looking around* "..." *FWIP* Dazai: "Urk!" *a dart is now in his arm* "Oh, like that's supposed to--" *FWIP FWIP FWIP* -slash slash slash- fukuzawa: *slicing at them* Dazai: *now has four darts in his body* "...Welp--" *collapses* atsushi: D8> DAZAI! Dazai: =w= *snore* ???: "You really think we would take over this facility and not improve your paltry security measures?" atsushi: !!! *glances* fukuzawa: .... Chuuya: *standing there, holding a remote--which he presses, turning off the cat-whistle tone that has been deafening Atsushi* atsushi: ah...jeeez TT~Q fukuzawa: ..... -a gun can be felt pressed against his back- katya: dont try anything funny, old man, unless you want to paint the floors red.... fukuzawa: *unfazed* Chuuya: "State your business." fukuzawa: we wish to speak with the boss of the mafia in regards to the tripartite tactic. *hands up* we have no intentions of fighting you. atsushi:.... *glances at katya* katya: ?? you got a staring problem, kid? atsushi: *sweatdrop* (she doesnt seem any older than 14....) [note: she is actually, at this point in the timeline, 28!] Chuuya: "..." *glances at Dazai* "Pick up that trash and follow. Katya, march them forward into the conference room." Dazai: =w= "Zzz..." katya: you got it. -and so- Dazai: *waking up* *yawn* Chuuya: *sits with Kouyou* "Why are you here?" atsushi: we're here to keep mr fukuzawa safe. fukuzawa:... Chuuya: "And why are you here?" fukuzawa: it is as i said before. i wish to speak with your boss. Chuuya: *holds out his arms* "We're the bosses here." kouyou: *nods* hirotsu: ... fukuzawa:....does the term 'tripartite tactic' sound familiar to you? hirotsu: yes....why do you ask? Dazai: *yawns, wakes up* "We..." *stretches* "...have to maintain some order..." fukuzawa:....*sigh* after the incident with 'cannibalism', we found mori and have him in agency custody. hirotsu: !!!! kouyou: !!!!!! Chuuya: "?! You've hid him from us all this time?!" fukuzawa: his mental state was...not the best. atsushi: and by the looks of things, its only getting worse. kouyou: *covers her mouth* Chuuya: "..." *sits down* "What would you have us do?" fukuzawa: take his place in the tactic. as for what will happen to him personally....im not certain.... Chuuya: "...Take his place. What the hell do you think we've been doing?" fukuzawa: .... -as the meeting continued- fukuzawa: thank you for your time Dazai: *smiles at Chuuya* "I'm glad to see you are alive." Chuuya: "..." atsushi:....*feels something around his leg, before he is dragged off* !!!! Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: D8< are you serious right now?! *Rashomon wraps Atsushi--and brings him into a hug with Akutagawa* atsushi: O-O;;;;;; *INTERNALLY SCREAMING* (LUCY SAVE ME) Akutagawa: "I was worried..." atsushi: right now i _am_ worried! >->;;;;;; Akutagawa: *nods* "I can imagine. But I assure you, I have not killed." atsushi: that's....good to know.... >->;;; Akutagawa: "Even though I almost died." atsushi: ?! do you know why the mafia has gone underground? Akutagawa: "...We were found by the Rats." atsushi: !!!!!!! Akutagawa: "It seems more evidence about the Mafia's...deeds has come to light." atsushi: *stomach drops* Akutagawa: "We are still determining how this evidence is coming out..." atsushi: .... (so that's why.....) Akutagawa: "...Have you been safe?" atsushi: as far as i can tell, yes.....you can let me go now, akutagawa. -_-; Akutagawa: "...But I don't want to." atsushi: *sweatdrop* please? Akutagawa: "...Fine." *sets him down* atsushi: thank you. Akutagawa: "...Are you still seeing...her?" atsushi: *smiles* yeah. Akutagawa: "Hmph." atsushi: ....well, see you 'round, then? Akutagawa: "That's it?" atsushi: um....*pat on the back* Akutagawa: =\\\\= *purr* atsushi: *sweatdrop* Dazai: "AKUTAGAWA~" Akutagawa: "!!!" *spins around* "YOU!" Dazai: "Me!" atsushi: oh thank god. Akutagawa: "WHY DIDN'T YOU SEEK US OUT SOONER?" Dazai: "I'm going to be a father." Akutagawa: "...On purpose?" atsushi:... >->; (define 'on purpose') Dazai: "Regardless, it is my responsibility." Akutagawa: "Like _I_ was your responsibility?" atsushi:... odasaku: ..... Dazai: "Oh, are we really doing this? I thought we had a moment when I acknowledged you after you and Atsushi worked together to stop the Guild--" Akutagawa: "A few words mean a lot. They do not undo the entire past of your awful treatment." Dazai: *smiles* "I'm glad you have the confidence to speak in this manner to me." Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: *looks at akutagawa* ..... Akutagawa: "...I did fine without you. I don't owe you for how I have gotten to this point, so don't you dare try to pat yourself on the back." ???: did you say all you needed to tell him, akuta? Akutagawa: "...As much as I can before..." *clears his throat* "B-Before I have another coughing fit..." naoya: then take it easy....*glares at dazai* get lost. your business is done here. Dazai: "Hello, Naoya. You well?" naoya: i was until you started talking, you waste of bandages. *grabs him by the collar* i take it you're still the same piece of shit you were five years ago? Dazai: *smiles* "I think my vocabulary has expanded~" naoya: still manipulating people to your own whims? pathetic.....one day, karma's gonna kick you right in the ass and knock you down a few pegs. i cant wait for that moment to happen.... Dazai: "...You and me both." naoya:....*drops him* tch-, you're not even worth wasting my breath. come on akuta, lets go. atsushi: .... Akutagawa: "..." *nods to Atsushi* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Hello. I am here to offer additional training." tamaki: ._____.;;;; SIR. Benimaru: *nods* "Kotatsu. Have you been keeping up on your exercises?" tamaki: *nod nod nod* Benimaru: *takes off his jacket, assumes a fighting pose* "Then let's see whether it has paid off." tamaki: *circling* Benimaru: *following* tamaki: *charges* Benimaru: *doesn't move* tamaki: *stops in her tracks, her eyes still on him* Benimaru: *still motionless* tamaki: *anticipating his next move* Benimaru: "..." *steps forward* tamaki: !! *LEAPS* Benimaru: *watches* ("Hmm...Higher than before...") tamaki: ~cat-a-pult cartwheel!~ *spins towards him* Benimaru: *leans back, the attacks just barely reaching him at the last moment* "Hmm." tamaki: *growls of annoyance* Benimaru: "...Improved." tamaki: *spin kick* Benimaru: *blocks, absorbing the kick* tamaki: !! *upwards kick* Benimaru: "?!" *the kick lands on his chin* tamaki: (success!) Benimaru: *stares* tamaki: ^w^ *peace sign* Benimaru: *rubs his chin* "Good work." -elsewhere- Gogol: *humming* elizaveta: ~? Gogol: <It's nice to feel satisfaction in one's work~> elizaveta: yeah. *doing homework* Gogol: <??? What you writing?> elizaveta: history homework. Gogol: <Like ancient Rome?> elizaveta: yeah. *yaaawn* tiring.... Gogol: <Hmm...We could make it more entertaining.> -elsewhere- Relan: "..." *pat pat* shinra: =w= zzzz Relan: *brushes his hair, lightly kisses his forehead* iris: ^^ shinra: *smiles and leg twitches* Relan: "???" shinra: *he seems happy* Relan: *smiles, strokes him lightly* -elsewhere- Yumi: *reading in bed* "..." nurse: how are you? Yumi: "I think I have bed sores..." nurse: did you want to talk a walk? Yumi: "Yes..." *shifts carefully, minding the bandages on her arm, as she gets out of bed* -in the medical ward- Yumi: *walking, looking around at patients* marie: hey yumi. ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "How you holding up?" marie: doing good. look. they have mini-BLTs! they're so cute and tiny! Yumi: ^^; "Glad the hospital food is decent. How's recuperation?" marie: it's been well. cant wait to get home though. Yumi: "You didn't want to bring Christa here?" marie: and risk her getting close to _that_? no way! Yumi: "I mean, we're far enough away from the site...I hope." marie: hm.... Yumi: *walks to look out the window* "...At least the sun is out again." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *slams his fist on the table* kouyou: chuuya... Chuuya: "Madness...Just dreadfully, awful madness." kouyou:...*pats his back* Chuuya: "...Just so damn angry." kouyou: ... Chuuya: "After what Mori did to Rain...to Sonia...This is intolerable." kouyou: ...what do we do now? Chuuya: "...We can take him back." kouyou: ... Chuuya: "But we're containing him. He's not trustworthy in this state." kouyou:....right...... Chuuya: "And keep Sonia away from him." kouyou: of course. Chuuya: "..." *rubs his arm* kouyou:..... Chuuya: "...Why couldn't he have gone away..." kouyou: *pat pat* Chuuya: *sniff* kouyou: *hug* Chuuya: *whimpers, holds on* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: and that's what i learned.... Dazai: "Which would line up with what the voicemail indicates..." yosano: ..... Dazai: "...Is Mori in any condition to transfer?" fukuzawa:....it'd be risky....he'd have to take the doll and the head... Dazai: "Jeez...We're really letting him keep that head?' naomi: well what do _you_ suggest? Dazai: "Proper burial." fukuzawa: we've tried, but he refuses to let her head go.... Dazai: "..." *sighs* "Fine." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott, send a fruit basket." louisa: right away, sir. Fitzgerald: "Let Mrs. Death know I wish her a speedy recovery." *slight smirk* louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "Oh, and I suppose send some chocolates to Miss Mjolnir." louisa: right away. mary: i like her, she seems really nice. ^^ -elsewhere- Benimaru: *rotates his arm* "She's improving. What has she been doing?" shinra: hard work and determination. and lots of pent up rage. Benimaru: "Ah. So, wrath is motivating her." *sips his tea* "And your motivation persists despite setbacks?" shinra:...yeah. Benimaru: *nods* "I have not seen any Hoods..." shinra: doesnt mean we can ler out guard down... Benimaru: "No. Never. Keep your eye on the goal, though." shinra: right......so, i heard you're engaged to kirei. congrats. Benimaru: =\\\\\\= "Hmm." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." *napping on the couch* stocking: *strokes his head* Kid: *breathes more easily* "Mmm..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *kitten yawn...opens his eyes* stocking: well hello handsome~ Kid: *kittie smile* "Hello, beautiful~" stocking: *snuggle* Kid: =\\\w\\\= "Comfy~ I missed you." stocking: mmm Kid: *rests a hand along her stomach* stocking: *smiles* Kid: "Mmm..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *strokes along her stomach...towards her hips* stocking: ah~ =///T Kid: *his hand is already passed up along her leg* stocking: ah~ mmmm~ Kid: *rubs the bare skin...as his lips reach her neck* -elsewhere- Damon: *whine* "I don't wanna..." soul: *carrying him* come on, kiddo, you two need new clothes for school. Damon: >~< "I hate clothes shopping. I'm tired. I don't wanna go." soul: *sweatdrop* liz: afterwords, we can go to meowkies. Damon: *sniff* "Wh-What?" liz: it's a cool place with games and pizza. Damon: *brief shiny eyes* -\\\\\- "...A-And punch?" liz: yeah. Damon: >\\\\\> "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- lana: *holding flyswatter* ._. alright you little bastard, where did you run off to? Karl: *digging under some papers, patting them for the bug* Poe: ^^;;;;;;; "J-Just remove it..." lana: .~.;;; *nudges the papers* *FLAP FLAP FLAP* lana: *yells and swats* Karl: *chittering, leaping trying to catch it in his mouth* Poe: "EEEP!" *swinging his hands* -after that fiasco- Poe: *pant pant pant* lana: *lays down* *sigh* that was intense... Poe: "Y-Yeah..." *hug* lana: =///= Poe: "Thank you, my savior..." lana: aww.. ^^; Poe: *sniff* =\\\\\= *hug* -elsewhere- Magaki: *writing, humming* guard: oi. lord death wishes to speak with you. Magaki: *stares* "...Now?" guard: *nods* no funny business... Magaki: *even voice* "Have I ever given any indication I am humorous?" guard:....lets just go... -and so- lord death: so then, magaki, was it? Magaki: *nods* "Lord Death, is it?" lord death: indeed-i-o! how're you doing? Magaki: "..." *shrugs* "Probably better than I deserve." lord death: how so? Magaki: "...I have fed on humans." lord death: .... Magaki: "You sent Tsubaki and Black Star after me, did you not?" lord death: yes, but miss nakatsukasa seems to be set on rehabilitating you. Magaki: "...Does she do that frequently? Do people do that often?" lord death: let me ask, what is your motivation? what is it you want in life? Magaki: "...I want to survive...long enough to know how I got like this." lord death: do you regret what you did to the people you have harmed? Magaki: "..." *nods* lord death: ....then that is all i need to know for now. Magaki: "??? That's all?" lord death: i have made a decision to place you in miss nakatsukasa's care. Magaki: "...Has she agreed?" lord death: yes. i will make the call to her now. Magaki: "..." *bows* <Thank you.> -elsewhere- emily: well, this is the place. twain: dusty. Steinbeck: "..." *walks up to the door* Hemingway: "Wonder if someone's even here--" -SHOT TO THE AIR- twain: OwO;;; emily: EEK! *ducks* >~< Steinbeck: "!!! Get back!" Hemingway: *not even moving* "???" ???: who the hell're you?! *an old lady is holding a shotgun at them* you sellin’ somethin'? Steinbeck: "S-Sorry! It's okay...We're looking for Wilder." old lady: wilder? my son hasnt done anything illegal to my knowledge- Steinbeck: "N-No...Laura Wilder?" old lady: well you happen to be lookin' right at her. twain: makes sense. ???: gran, are you trying to scare off visitors again? Steinbeck: "???" *looks* old lady: that depends, sweetie. go wait inside for now. -a younger girl with pigtails and a cowboy hat looks at him- Steinbeck: "...Ma'am. We're from the Guild." old lady: the guild?.....hoho! now that's a name i havent heard in years. Hemingway: *stares* "Quite a few years, huh?" wilder: well i'll be, ernie, you've gotten so big now, i can hardly recognize ya! Steinbeck: "?!" Hemingway: ^\\\^ "Thanks. I've had a real work out." wilder: well dont just stand there, dearies, come on in. -and so- twain: owo Steinbeck: *seated, looking around* -one of wilder's granddaughters giggles at him- emily:... >->;;; Steinbeck: "???" Hemingway: "--and then the boulder crashed!" grace: woooah. laura jr: cool! Hemingway: "Yep! Should've heard this guy [grabs Twain's shoulders] screaming!" twain: ^u^;; caroline: sounds like you've all been on quite the adventures. laura jr: it's just like the stories gran tells us, right gran? Wilder: "Oh, I can tell you much wilder stories, kiddo." laura jr: ^u^ carrie: are you really from the city? whats it like? are there lots of cars? emily: ^^;;; (help me please....) Steinbeck: "That's one reason we're here...What can you tell us about the Old Guild?" Hemingway: "??? Hey, kiddo --there are a lot of cars. Even some that fly!" Wilder: "??? Why not ask Ernie?" *looks at Twain* "Why ask me?" carrie: woooooah. so cool! *shiny eyes* twain: cause you're like super old- emily: *punch* twain: OW! >-O Wilder: -_-# *sighs* "I can tell you a lot of...*ahem* aged tales. Maybe about previous members?" twain: yes please! Wilder: "I could tell you about Irv." twain: ooooh. OwO *listening* Wilder: "He was from New York. Like, the rural parts, not that loud city noise." emily: ah. Wilder: "He was one lazy son of a gun, though. 'The more I sleep, the longer I'll live!' he kept insisting." twain: *listening* Wilder: "Long story short, he's dead. I think." twain: bummer. ._. Steinbeck: " 'I think'?" Wilder: *shrug* "Never found the body." emily: hmmm.... Hemingway: "His beard was epic, though. Longer than his height." emily: anyone else who comes to mind? Wilder: "Hang on, hang on, I'm thinking...Oh! Harper!" emily: i think i remember seeing her file... Wilder: *nods* "Really idealistic--but always good for a laugh!" emily: *she nods* Wilder: "Everywhere we'd travel, she'd lug around that big typewriter, taking notes on whatever adventures we had." emily: (sounds busy....) Wilder: "Better than JD--what a curmudgeon he could be. And he was only 17!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "??? How about this room for them?" tsubaki: perfect. ^^ Black Star: "Well, we can clear the boxes. Gonna need to get a bed in here..." -elsewhere- Allison: *sets out her dress* "Almost ready?" erina: y-yeah... Allison: *small nudge* "It'll be fun. Need any jewelry?" erina:...i-im good.... Allison: "Well, get changed, and if you need help with hair or makeup, just ask." *smiles* erina: a-alright.... -elsewhere- Ivan: <Been quiet.> yana: <no kidding.....> Ivan: <...Not even crying in the cells. Is that a problem?> yana:.....<am i even the right person for this position? as acting leader?> Ivan: <??? You were chosen by Master--of course you are the right person.> yana:.....(you're just saying that....) Ivan: <Have some faith in yourself--because Master does.> yana:....<yeah...> Ivan: <And if you're that concerned, there are people to advise. Like Gogol--> Gogol: "I GOT A BRAIN FREEZE!" Ivan: "..." <Like me~> yana: JUST PRESS YOUR TONGUE AGAINST THE ROOF OF YOUR MOUTH, GOGOL! Gogol: *does so* "..." "Ah welly bwowk! Thanks, bowss!" [translation: "It really worked! Thanks, boss!"] Ivan: *proud smile* yana: *sigh* Ivan: <Give it time. Every leader takes time to motivate their troops to achieve greatness.> yana:...<i guess so...> Ivan: <What do _you_ want to do with this team?> yana:....<you're seriously going to ask me that? lets be real here, you and i both know it doesnt matter, im just a temporary leader until fedya returns.> Ivan: <B-But they need guidance so that they are in peak condition when Master returns!> yana:....<right....well what do _you_ suggest, grand chamberlain?> Ivan: *shiny eyes* <Combat training?> yana:... <sounds good.> Ivan: *nods* *small inhale* <OKAY YOU MAGGOTS, LINE UP!> lydia: *sweatdrop* elizaveta: 0-0; yana: *sweatdrop* (i didnt ask you to become a drill seargent...) Ivan: <We have to be in top condition for Master's return! Let's see some energy as we engage in combat practice!> Gogol: <Um, I have a note from my doctor--> Ivan: <I AM NOT LISTENING TO YOUR DOCTOR, NOW AM I?!> Gogol: ._. ("He really hates her...") -elsewhere- Gopher: "Your mother called?" kirika: yeah. she's doing good from what i heard... Gopher: "...When is she returning? Did you find out?" kirika: soon....alright, we're here. -the sign reads 'Vale Apartments'- Gopher: "...Oh. Right." *follows* kirika: *checking the paper* lets see....this building. -they stop at a door and knock- kirika: ooooi, shitty priest, you in there? *The door opens--* Justin: "Shhh..." kirika: she sleeping? Justin: *nods* "She'll be up shortly. Let me get you some water." kirika: thanks....*glances at gopher* you gonna come on in or what? Gopher: OwO *inches inside* Justin: *sets down drinks* "Any word from Azusa?" -kirika explains what all she heard- Justin: "Oh dear. I'm glad she and Marie are recovering." kirika: yeah... oriko: *yaaawn* oh. hello. ^^ kirika: how're you feeling? oriko: ok... kirika: do you remember anything. oriko: vague things.... kirika:...at least it's something... Gopher: *small wave* oriko: *smile and small waves back* Gopher: ^w^ "Do you like the apartment?" oriko: it's nice. ^^ kirika:... (he can at least decorate more..) *sweatdrop* Gopher: "We could bring flowers. Spring is coming soon..." oriko: *smiles* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "--so we're increasing our numbers and attracting new recruits." shaula: neato Kurogiri: "We can always track your 'leftovers' to see whether there are experiments still salvageable for our purposes." -elsewhere- Yohei: *sits Toru into the baby chair at Deathbucks* "All set, big guy?" toru: ah! Yohei: "Okay!" *gestures* "Two chocolate milks, please?" tsugumi: coming right up, sir! Yohei: *nods* "She seems like a nice person, right, Toru?" toru: mama! Yohei: "Yes, the young lady has twintails too, Toru, just like Mama." [side note; chie changes her hairstyle often] toru: ma! -elsewhere- Teacher: "Okay--time for recess, class!" aya: awesome! elizaveta: aya! do you want to come over to my house this weekend? im having a party! aya: i'll have to ask kunikida first. Teacher: "It's still chilly out, so don't forget coats." aya: ok! elizaveta: ok! Teacher: ^^ Student: *stares at Aya and Elizaveta* aya: so what kind of a party is it? elizaveta: it's a super secret party. aya: oh? Student: *leans closer to listen* elizaveta: *snake eyed glare* aya: ?? Student: "!!!" *hides* aya: what was that? elizaveta: some stalker. aya: oh. i had this one weird kid stalk me a bit last year, havent heard from them, thankfully. elizaveta: yikes. ( >u>;;;; ) Student: "I WASN'T A STALKER!" *tosses leaves at Elizaveta* elizaveta:... *blink* Student: O___O "..." *runs* aya:...huh. -elsewhere- becky: mr soul? who's that? soul: hm? Hyde: "...Soul. You've spawned?" Damon: "..." *whispers* "He looks like a hedgehog." soul: well, its a long story. ^^; Hyde: "Huh..." *waves* "Hi, little lady!" becky: hello? *blink blink* Hyde: "I am the master thespian, Hyde!" becky: you're a therapist? soul: *sweatdrop* he means 'actor', kiddo. becky: oh. Hyde: *puts a hand on Soul's shoulder* "And I'm Soul's best friend! Just think of me as your cool uncle!" licht: since when, shit rat? Hyde: -_-# "Since he got inside my brain!" becky: ooooh, that guy said a naughty! Damon: "??? What is 'shit'?" soul:...licht look at what you've done. Hyde: -^- "So undignified, Licht." licht: this man behind me is an evil scary demon. but i will protect you, *pose* for i am an angel. Damon: "...Shit angel." soul: *almost chokes* damon no. dont say the s-word. Hyde: "..." *holding back laughs* licht:.... *kicks hyde into the wall* Damon: Q_Q "I won't say that word. Please don't kick me into a wall." Hyde: X____X becky: is he dead? soul: he'll be fine.....mostly. Hyde: *sits up* "I am a master lesbian..." *collapses* soul:....well he's half right? ish? becky: i'll get the shovel. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." Benimaru: "..." Vulcan: "...Cool kimono." Benimaru: "Thank you. Nice...what is that?" yu: *awkward sipping of his slushie* Vulcan: "Robotic penguin fire attachments." Benimaru: "..." *looks at Yu* "How are you adjusting to the Eighth?" yu: doing good, sir. ^^ Benimaru: "Hmm. At this rate, your building won't be big enough for all these people." *narrows his eyes* "You're not thinking of forming your own city or something, are you?" shinra: who knows at this rate. tamaki: *side glance* at least its not a harem. shinra: I HEARD THAT! D8< Benimaru: "….Aaaanyway." *sips his tea* "You met with Arg?" shinra:.....yeah...it was....hectic. Benimaru: "..." *sets down his tea* "When I encountered him upon forming the Seventh, he was...annoying, but professional. The rumors I had heard do not describe the same man." shinra:....*shaking* Benimaru: "??? ..." *crosses his arms* "What is your availability for my wedding?" shinra: *sweatdrop* i dont know when it is, sir? Benimaru: "Spring." shinra: i think so. -elsewhere- Kepuri: *clutching her stomach in bed* >~< akaderu: you sure you're ok? Kepuri: "F-Fine...Just cramps or nerves..." nea: *knocks* yoo-hoo~ mind if i come in, dearies~? Kepuri: "S-Sure..." nea: *wraps a scarf around her neck* there you go~ Kepuri: =\\\\\= "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Turn it!" Sakuya: "I AM TURNING IT." -tsubaki enters with magaki- tsubaki: we're home! naho: NEW FRIEND! hiya! i'm naho! lilac: *peeek* Magaki: "..." *inches back behind Tsubaki* tsubaki: it's ok. they're nice. Magaki: "..." *looks from behind* "Hello. I am Magaki." -after introductions- naho: and here's your room! Magaki: "...Oh. ...Is this too much?" tsubaki: feel free to decorate how you want. ^^ Magaki: "...I only have my umbrella." tsubaki: i see. we made sure to put covers on the windows so the sunlight wouldnt burn you. Magaki: "I appreciate it." *sits* "...Are there more books in this house?" tsubaki: yes. i got some new text books the other day. Magaki: *small shine to their eyes* tsubaki: ^^ -elsewhere- {-the theater house is ablaze-} {bystander: <dear heavens!>} {bystander 2: <i think madame daae went inside! she said her brother was trapped!>} {???: <Out of my way!>} {bystander: !!! <sir! are you mad?>} {???: <Yes! Madly in love!> *runs inside*} {-the blazes are intense-} {???: *coughs* "Christine!"} {-its so hot, the flames are roaring so loudly....-} {???: *pushing forward* <CHRISTINE! CHR-->} {*Something above him makes a loud crack and a pop*} {???: <?!>} {*CRASH*} {-....beep...beep...beep-} {nurse: <he's come to....monsiour leroux?>} {Leroux: *muffled* <Wh-Where...>} {nurse: <you're in the hospital sir... it's a miracle you survived the blaze...>} {Leroux: <Christine...>} {nurse:.....<madame and monsiour daae sadly did not survive. i'm truly sorry.>} {Leroux: "..." *his face under one side of the bandages contorts*} {nurse:....<when they found you, your right eye was badly scarred...>} {Leroux: …………….<Where is Christine?>} {nurse: <i just told you....madame daae has died.>} {Leroux: …………*giggles* <Where are you, my sweet~? Come on out...>} {nurse: <i told you, she's dead.> *backing up*} {Leroux: *shifts out of bed...grabbing a pillow* <Ch-Christine?>} {nurse: <sir! lay down!>} {doctor: <dont just stand there, put him under!>} {Leroux: *hugging the pillow* <Oh, Christine~>} {-medical staff had to hold him down and give him anesthetic-} {Leroux: <Ch-Chri...Chris...Zzzz...>} {-...-} {Leroux: "..."} {???: you poor man...having lost both your eye and the love of your life...} {Leroux: "...Who asked you?"} {???: i have my ways of knowing things like this....} {Leroux: "...Why?"} {???: i have come to make you an offer. a deal of sorts. what if i were to tell you, i have a way to reunite you with your beloved?} {Leroux: "?!"} {???: i can give you that chance, and i can give you power beyond your wildest dreams.} {Leroux: "...I just want her."} {???: i see. but this comes at a price. in exchange for this power, you must serve me the remainder of your life.} {Leroux: "...Like I have much reason to go on."} {???: do you want the power to bring her back or not?} {Leroux: "...Yes."} {???: good. *offers hand* do we have a deal?} etta: Q~Q rorooooo.... hans: TT~TT i had no idea.... Leroux: "??? Oh. That?" etta: you need the biggest hug, like, ever. Leroux: *smiles* "But I got what I wanted! Isn't that right, beloved?" christine: *says nothing, as, once again, she is a doll* Leroux: "Oh, you~ ^w^" hans: *sweatdrop* (after hearing that story, this gag just became really really depressing...) Walter: *opens the door* "I brought lemonade, cookies, and...and... ...I should get you all some tissues too, huh?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: "Good work!" sonia: ^^ Motojiro: "And that means...your essay gets a scratch and sniff sticker!" *holds up a lemon sticker* sonia: thank you mr kajii. Motojiro: ^w^ "You're welcome, Sonia. Don't forget to study for tomorrow's math quiz." sonia: i will. ^^ -elsewhere- Daisy: "I'm heading out." mrs fay: have a nice day at work, dear. Daisy: "...Yeah, not much 'nice' to expect today." mrs fay: something wrong, dear? Daisy: "Just my usual pessimism, Mom--that's all, no big." mrs fay: well, take care of yourself, ok? Daisy: "..." *sigh* *hug* "Thanks." -elsewhere- emily: *yaaawn.* morning.... twain: it's noon. emily: WHA?! Wilder: *slaps the back of Twain's head* "If she said 'mornin' ,' it's mornin'!" *smiles* "Mornin'!" twain: >-O emily: wh-what all did i miss?? Steinbeck: "Milked cows, fed the chickens, and got some leftovers for you to heat up." emily: oh...t-thanks. carrie: are you his girlfriend? emily: O////. w-wha?! Steinbeck: *not noticing, heating up food* twain: weeeeell- Wilder: *slaps Twain again* "No." twain: >3< -elsewhere- Dazai: "I'm back..." *sets down groceries* kirako: *smiles* atsushi: *helping unpack groceries* Dazai: "How was your appointment?" kirako: the baby's coming along well. Dazai: "Phew..." *hug* kirako: hehe~ ^u^ atsushi:......*hugs them both* Dazai: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *nudges Mary* mary: heya toby. ^u^ *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *nuzzle* mary: hehehe~ bram: .. Mr. Tsubaki: *small yip at Bram* bram: *tiny awkward pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *happy fox murmur* *wags tail* bram:...*tiny smile* Mr. Tsubaki: =w= *lowers his head to Bram* -elsewhere- Yumi: "All packed?" marie: yep! ready to get home. Yumi: *smiles* "Ride will be here in 10 minutes." -elsewhere- Justin: *watering plants* oriko: .... Justin: "Oh. You're up." oriko:....just thinking....miss kirika...really wants me to regain my memories again.... Justin: *nods* "It's a concern for her, not only for your own safety...but because she loves you." oriko:...she feels so familiar to me...were we friends? i think we were.... Justin: *nods* "Yes, you were. Close friends." oriko: part of me wants to say we were like sisters... Justin: "..." *nods* "That is one way to describe it." oriko:...should i start school? if i pursue that path, maybe i can remember.... Justin: "I think that is a great idea. There are a few school options." oriko: i know where i want to go... -elsewhere- Bon: *carrying boxes down the hall* "You sure you got those?" izumo: im not helpless. =n= Bon: "And don't drop them, either--we can't afford to clean up another mess--" izumo: *glare* Rin: -____-# "You two done bickering like an old married couple?" izumo: YOU SHUSH. Bon: "Shut the hell up!" konekomaru:... (they didnt deny it...) Rin: *eyeroll* "Whateves. I just know--" *trips...over his own tail* o____O "Oh poop--" *and drops boxes--down the stairs* Triple A: *walking along the stairs* *bounce rumble clunk* Triple A: "???" *looks up--* -he got covered in paint- shiemi: ._.; Triple A: "..." *looks up with a furious glare* stocking:...rin, you get a grade up in your next assignment. Rin: "..." *victory pose* "WOOT! ...I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT I'LL TAKE IT!" Triple A: "YOU ARROGANT WELP! I DEMAND RECOMPENSE FOR THIS INSULT--" stocking: *GLARE* Rin: "If I drop confetti on him, can I get my tardies removed?" Triple A: "DAMN DEMONS!" stocking:...*serious look at rin* do it. Triple A: "DON'T YOU--" *Mouth full of confetti* Triple A: "BLARG!!!" -elsewhere- Magaki: *reading* -knock- tsubaki: hungry? Magaki: "...What is there to have?" tsubaki: a friend brought over some baked manjuu. Magaki: "..." *sniff* "...It's been a long time since I didn't have blood." tsubaki:... *offers upper arm* Magaki: "...You're sure?" tsubaki: *she nods* Magaki: "..." *nods* <Thank you.> *their teeth approach--and bite* tsubaki: ah.... Magaki: *takes in blood...pulls quite a bit...then quickly pulls back* <Th-That's enough...Sorry.> tsubaki: i-it's fine...i'm used to it. Magaki: "...They feed on you?" tsubaki: sometimes. but they're kind of my kids now, so im willing. Magaki: "...You're too kind..." ("...Mother...") -elsewhere- Yumi: *walks up to the door--* -confetti- lord death: welcome home! kirika: welcome back, mom! shiori: mama! Kid: "Mom!" Yumi: "..." *hug* lord death: *smooches all over her face* Yumi: *giggling, crying happy tears* "Death, please--" *Yumi covered in hugs* lord death: you're home now, and you're alive... Yumi: *nods* "Glad to be...Umph! Also...looking forward to sitting?" lord death: right, right! ^^; Yumi: ^^; *sits, holds Shiori* "Kirika, Kid, are you okay?" kirika: as you can see, we havent murdered each other. Kid: -_-; Yumi: "...I detect no lie." *kisses Kirika's forehead* kirika: -///-; Yumi: ^^ "You kept an eye on your siblings, Shiori?" shiori: ye mama! Yumi: *smiles* "Good girl." *smiles at Kid* Kid: *sits down, smiles* "Now you can recover a bit more here..." -elsewhere- Mori: *shudders* fukuzawa:.....mori? Mori: "What are you going to do to me?" fukuzawa:....we've made contact with the mafia...you will be returned to their care... Mori: "They'll kill me." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "What they now know...what assurances does your contract hold?" fukuzawa: hmm...... Mori: "...Oh. So you'll let that be on your conscience." fukuzawa: try not to worry about it, this wasnt out of the blue. Mori: "??? You planned this?" fukuzawa: we've discussed the circumstances with your executives. Mori: "...Enlighten me." -fukuzawa explains the situation- Mori: "So I'm still a prisoner." fukuzawa: i wouldnt phrase it that way. consider yourself more of a patient in their care... Mori: "..." *nods* "Like a doctor." fukuzawa: this way, you'll be safe. Mori: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Magaki: *points* "So...Naho, Sakuya, and...Lilac?" naho: yep, that's right. ^^ lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: *nods* Magaki: "..." *points at Belkia* "And his name is Glam Rock?" Shamrock: x_o Belkia: ^^; "I am glamorous..." naho:....in belkia's case, that statement wouldnt be wrong. Shamrock: " 'Shamrock.'" Magaki: "...Sorry." lavender: you're getting there. ^^ Magaki: "...Thank you, Lavender." -elsewhere- sonia: im back from class, papa. mito: ^u^ Chuuya: "How was it?" sonia: i had fun. ^^ Chuuya: "That's good...Kajii told me about your homework. It's looking really good..." -elsewhere- Anya: -_-# "Aren't these enough books, Tsugumi?" *carrying a stack* tsugumi: ^^; jackie and mr poe were very helpful in recommendations. Anya: "Why can't you learn to just say 'no'--" Poe: "MORE BOOKS!" *drops more onto Anya's stack* *A cracking sound is heard* ao: oh my. Anya: Q_____Q tsugumi: D8> -elsewhere- Hemingway: *playing with the Wilder kids* "There we go!" carrie: *laughs* laura jr: ^u^ emily: *looking at her notes, determining where to go next* Steinbeck: *looks over* "How's navigating?" emily: still trying to locate other members... Steinbeck: *looks over* "How's navigating?" emily: still trying to locate other members... Steinbeck: "Wait...On the East Coast?" emily: seems so... Steinbeck: "Long trip." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Here you are~" felisia: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: "Pleased?" felisia: indeed~<3 Mephisto: *hug* -elsewhere- Allison: "All set?" erina: y-yeah.... Allison: *walks on in* "Just keep it cool..." erina: ..... *There are different people seated and standing, having drinks* Bartender: "What can I get you?" erina:.... Allison: "Two glasses of mineral water to start." Bartender: "Coming right up." *smiles at Erina* erina: ....... *Seem to already be some pairings talking with each other...It's a bit crowded* erina: ...... Attendee: "Hello, there." erina:...hey... ???: "I'm Jordan." erina:....nice to meet you.... Jordan: "Likewise. Care to sit?" *pulls up a chair* erina:...*sits down*... Jordan: "So, you off work?" erina:....transferring to a new place... Jordan: "Oh? Promotion?" erina: .....safety concerns.... Jordan: "...Oh. I hear you. I had to be transferred once due to peanut allergies." erina: ....i.....see.... Jordan: "What is your name?" erina:........erina.... Jordan: "...Hi, Erina." erina: ....*sigh*.... Jordan: "??? The transfer has you exhausted huh?" erina:....amongst other things.... Jordan: "...Anything you're doing to relax?" erina:.....sleeping mostly.... Jordan: "Not even a movie?" erina:....just been depressed.... Jordan: "Oh. Sorry. Well, at least getting out can help. And nachos!" erina:....i guess..... Jordan: ^w^ "Hello! One order of nachos!" erina: .....*stares at her reflection in the water* Jordan: "..." *just looks at her* erina: *she looks worn down by something* Jordan: "...Hey. What's wrong?" erina:... ...just heartache is all.... Jordan: "...Oh. Um...that's rough." -a few girls are whispering- girl: isnt she the guard that was sleeping with that dostoevsky guy? Jordan: "???" *looks* girl 2: omg you're right. she has to be crazy, lol girl 3: they should lock her up too then they can be crazy together, lol erina:..........*shaking* *shoulder tap tap* girl 1: like, what do _you_ want? Allison: *puts her arms around the shoulders of each girl* ^w^ "Ladies! Let's have a nice little chat..." *tighter squeeze* "Alone." girl 2: um, like....okay? girl 3: ._.;;; Allison: "Goodie." *tighter squeeze, as she practically drags them away* erina: ...... Allison: *getting them into the corner, smiling sweetly* "Talk like that again about my friend, and you'll be drinking your meals through a straw for the next month." Jordan: "??? Your friend?" erina:...and roommate.... Jordan: "Cool. She seems to be making friends!" erina:........ Jordan: "...Like the earrings." erina:....she has a lot of them. Jordan: "You borrowed them?" erina: *shakes head* Jordan: "Well, the ones you got look good, too." -elsewhere- zoey:....i feel as if.....a weight is being lifted.... Q: ?? Ivan: =w= lydia: <they're both at peace......something's wrong here.> elizaveta: <kolya im scared.> Q_Q Gogol: "...Nurse? Ivan said awful things about you." zoey: when _doesnt_ he? yana: oh zing, how is he gonna come back from _that_ one? Ivan: <Your mother should have traded you for a dog--the bitch would be quieter.> yana: ZING. zoey: i dont know what you just said to me, but at least i'm carrying master’s baby! lydia: <and with that, the natural order is restored.> Ivan: <If I could carry his child, I would!> yana: <and we would totally support that.> Ivan: ^w^ -elsewhere- Damon: "..." *stares at the menu* becky: *shiny eyes* soul: anything you guys want? Damon: "...Chicken fingers?" soul: good taste, kiddo. becky: pepperoni and cheese pizza! Damon: "..." *small smile* soul: sounds good. you kids want fries or anything? Damon: *nods* soul: alright then. Damon: "And water?" soul: of course. -elsewhere- Gin: "How is watch going?" higuchi: tense.... Gin: "Hmm. Anything wrong?" higuchi:.....just this whole mori thing.... Gin: *nods* "I have been reviewing security measures." higuchi:..... Gin: "We'll make sure he does no harm...especially for Sonia's sake." higuchi:...r-right.... Gin: "..." *holds her hand* higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: *hug* higuchi: s-she didnt deserve this....*crying* Gin: "I know..." *holds her* "She didn't." higuchi: *cries, holding onto her* Gin: *strokes her head* "I'm sorry..." higuchi:.....*calming down* Gin: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- aya: so she invited me over to her house. Kunikida: "..." aya: my gut instincts are telling me something's up....i mean, random new student inviting you over? kind of suspicious. Kunikida: "Good. What else have you noticed about her?" aya: she seems to wear this weird collar all the time. i mean, its not too odd for other students to wear collars or stuff like that, but it seems kind of....mechanical? Kunikida: "Hmm..." *tapping something onto his tablet* aya: ?? Kunikida: *pulls up some images* "Any of these look like her collar?" aya: *examines the photos* *There are a variety of medical devices, some that only sort of look like her collar* aya: hmmm....*points to one* Kunikida: *clicks* "It's an appartus used for vocal assistance." aya: ah. Kunikida: "Why would someone need a device like that? An injury? What do you think?" aya: not sure yet... Kunikida: …"You're going in armed." *puts onto the table a taser and a switchblade* aya: *takes the switchblade* easier to hide. Kunikida: "Smart." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rings the doorbell* mary: cooomiiin'! *opens up* oh hiya lulu! Lucy: ^w^ "Hello, Mary! How are you?" mary: good. come on in, i'll get tea ready! Lucy: "Goody!" *looks around* "How is everyone?" mary: busy with work stuff. bram: *reading* Lucy: "Hello, Bram." bram: *nods* hello. how's work? Lucy: "Keeping me busy...Some customers are better than others..." {Dazai: "I have a coupon!"} {Lucy: "...This is just crayon writing that says 'Free meal.'"} {Dazai: ^w^} Lucy: -_-# bram: yikes. mary: say, what were the other guild members like? mr fitz mentioned them offhandedly, but im curious. Lucy: "Well, you know Mr. Fitzgerald and Miss Alcott. I could tell you about John." mary: oooooh. *shiny eyes* Lucy: "John is...hard to place. He's rather serious but with a bit of a dark sense of humor." mary: *listening* Lucy: "When work finished, he either stayed in his room writing to his family, listened to Mr. Hawthorne's sermons, or was chatting with Howard." bram: ah. Lucy: "Mr. Hawthorne's sermons were..." *slight shrug* "They weren't quite what I think when I think of God or anything. Too far removed from nature, I guess." mary: hmmm... Lucy: "And Howard is so much fun." *smiles* "He just had to stay wet." bram: ................................ >->;;;; Lucy: ^w^ "Want to know about Moby Dick?" mary: yes please! Lucy: "I didn't get to see it as Herman first described it...It was kind of robotic." bram: i see. Lucy: "...Seemed kind of sad. I mean, as sad as a robotic aquatic...mammal can?" mary: awww. Lucy: "...You like pets, Mary?" mary: you bet i do! i love all kinds of animals! Lucy: "Did you have many pets?" *looks at Toby's bed* mary: oh! tooobyyy, come on ooout~ Mr Tsubaki: *yawns...* *steps out, looks around* Lucy: *shiny eyes* Mr Tsubaki: ._.; *hides behind Mary* mary: *picks him up* ta-dah! Mr Tsubaki: OwO Lucy: >w< *hugs ‘Toby’* Mr Tsubaki: *choking* .____. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Well, thanks for letting us stay over the last few days." mary: *wave* carrie: bye bye! laura jr: be sure to write! *waves* grace: byyye... emily: ^^ Wilder: "Feel free to come back anytime." *smiles at Emily and Twain* twain: sure thing, granny! emily: ^^; Wilder: *head-locks Twain* "MIND YOUR MANNERS, BOY!" twain: >-< Steinbeck: "Hemingway, come on!" Hemingway: *picking up a cow* emily: hemingway, dont kidnap the livestock. Hemingway: "Her name is Bessie, and we have formed a close bond!" Steinbeck: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "How're they adjusting?" soul: they seem to be getting better. Black Star: "Can't be easy..." *beams with pride* " 'Course, not everyone can be as awesome a father figure as me!" naho: black*star! belkia's head is stuck in the coffee pot. again. Belkia: *muffled* "I needed the last drop!" Black Star: -_-;;;; Magaki: "..." *returns to sipping tea in the dark corner of the room* soul: ^^; Black Star: "Sakuya, get the butter." Sakuya: -_-; "We never get to keep enough butter here..." Magaki: *looks at Soul* "..." soul:...*wave* Magaki: "..." *slight nod* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *touching a wall* *He feels a pressure against his head, like voices screaming* Asura: "AAH!" *clutching his head* heibito: dad? Asura: *panting* "..." *forces a smile* "N-No need to worry..." heibito:.... *clings to his leg* Asura: "..." *pet pet* -elsewhere- Jun: *chopping up food, dumping it into a bowl* mafura: OuO Jun: "Almost done with the salad..." *offers a piece of lettuce* mafura: *nom* OvO Jun: "Good, right? Wait 'til you try the dressing." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *sits at a table* "You wanted to speak?" shura: so, how's she doing? Neuhaus: "...Few to no memories returning." shura:...darn...have you tried taking her to places she's familiar with? Neuhaus: "She has been reticent. I'm trying to be patient and give her time...I'm worried about pushing her." shura: want me to go with you guys? Neuhaus: "...After everything, you'd do that?" shura: well, if no one else is going to, then i may as well. Neuhaus: "Fair enough. Okay. Let me tell her today." shura: *nods* Neuhaus: "...Thank you." *hands her a folder* shura: ok. -elsewhere- Walter: *puts away files, takes out a map* hans: so what's on today's schedule? Walter: "Travel, surprisingly." hans: really? etta: oooooh. *shiny eyes* Walter: "The city of lights." ^w^ etta: *SQUEEEEEEEE* OvO Leroux: "..." etta: ....roro? are you alright? Leroux: "...Why do we have to go?" Walter: "???" hans: because goethe gave us a vacation? Leroux: "Some vacation..." *steps away* etta: ....*concerned* Walter: "...I, um...think I'll check with Kafka on logistics and who else is going...Etta, maybe speak with him?" etta: sure thing. hans: hmm.... -elsewhere- Kuro: "...We're out of ramen." mahiru: time to make another trip to the convenience store then. Kuro: "...I'm too tired." *pops into cat form* mahiru: *puts him in the cat window backpack* come on. -_-; Kuro: =w= *shifts in the bag* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sips coffee, eyes on the road* "..." twain: *asleep in the back* emily:...^^; he really is like a kid... Steinbeck: "I don't know about that...Kids are more mature." emily:.....*chuckle* Steinbeck: *smiles* "Glad you're in good spirits. Had fun at Wilder's?" emily: it was nice.... {carrie: are you his girlfriend or something?} emily:.... .///////.;; Steinbeck: *glances* "??? Need me to turn down the heat?" Hemingway: *reading in the back* emily: >////< i-im fine, dont mind me. Hemingway: "??? Em, you want to switch seats?" emily: i'm fine, really! ^^;;; Steinbeck: "...Maybe we can pull over. I think there's a donut shop--" twain: behold! we have reached taco island!.....zzzz..... Steinbeck: "...Or tacos work." -elsewhere- fukuzawa:....alright, we're here... Mori: "..." *hugs a bag* fukuzawa:...*pat on the shoulder* Mori: "..." *steps forward* higuchi:........... kouyou: mori. it's been a while..... Mori: "..." *stands upright* "It has. I am sorry for my absence." kouyou:....we'll be showing you to your quarters then..... Mori: *nods* "Thank you." *follows* higuchi:....*glares at him* Mori: "..." *small smile* higuchi:...what's in the bag? Mori: "Reminders of the past." higuchi:........... Mori: "You've held up well, Higuchi." higuchi: ............................... Mori: "..." *looks at Kouyou* "I will follow." kouyou:...... ???: "...Mori." Mori: "???" *looks around... * "Oh. Hello..." Chuuya: "...Your room is far from her." Mori: "???" sonia:.....*hiding behind chuuya, trembling* Mori: "..." *stares at Chuuya's feet* sonia: *ducks her head behind chuuya* Chuuya: "You stay away from her. That is part of this agreement." Mori: "..." *looks over Chuuya's head* rain?: *glaring at him with empty eyes* ...... Mori: "..." *shakes, starts sweating* kouyou: come along now, mori....before you make more people angry... Mori: "Of course..." *follows* sonia:...papa....im scared...... Chuuya: "I know...It's going to be okay, though. Because you have people who will help you." sonia:...o-ok..... Chuuya: *protective hug* katya: huh....so that's their boss, eh? pushkin: seems like it. Motojiro: "..." leo: he seems so sad. Motojiro: "...I guess so." katya: lev, sweet, sweet lev. you're too good-natured sometimes. TT.TT leo: ?? Motojiro: "..." *shoulder pat* leo: ....*smile* Akutagawa: "..." Gin: "..." higuchi:.......i dont like this. kuniko: sis, why is the vampire man here? Akutagawa: "...He's not a vampire." higuchi: he may as well be.... Akutagawa: "Hmm...Well, if you're really so concerned about him, you know the security measures we need." higuchi:...*nods* Gin: "...I'll get to work." -elsewhere- Toby: *bows tied all over him* -________- Lucy: ^w^ "So cuuuuute~!" mary: *snaps a pic* hehehe~<3 bram:... *sweatdrop* Toby: *shakes like a dog--and somehow gets more fluffy* ._______. mary: *giggles* Toby: T_T *nuzzles to Mary* mary: *snuggle* aww. ^u^ Lucy: "You must be taking really good care of him." mary: mmhmm. Lucy: "I wish I had a pet..." *pets Toby* Toby: *small growl* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "..." *opens a door* {stocking: *looking out the window of the limo* .....} {Mephisto: "...I hope you'll like it."} {stocking: is this...really where im going to live?} {Mephisto: "If you'll have it, yes, of course."} {stocking:....*smiles* it's like a castle, right honekoneko?} {Mephisto: ^w^} {Honekoneko: "..."} {stocking: hehehe~} Mephisto: "..." *enters the room...sits down on his daughter's old bed* -phone call- Mephisto: "???" *flips open his phone* stocking: hey dad. Mephisto: *teary-eye* "Hello, sweetie. How are you?" stocking: doing good. how's everything with you? Mephisto: "Very well. Your mother returned with a grand bill of health." stocking: that's great! Mephisto: "Hm-mm! She's napping right now--did you want to speak with her, too?" stocking: nah, let her rest. Mephisto: "You finished teaching for the day?" stocking: yeah. been pretty busy. still no updates from _him_ either. Mephisto: *sighs* "Keep it up--I'm sure you'll find something." stocking: ok....did you come up with a name yet? Mephisto: *sighs* "No. We haven't been able to agree yet." stocking: keep it up, im sure you'll find something. *smiles* Mephisto: *nods* "...Could I ask you something?" stocking: ya? Mephisto: "...I don't suppose you have some free time for some tea with your parents? You can bring Kid?" stocking: of course. ^^ Mephisto: "Yay! I look forward to it~" -morning- Magaki: *at the kitchen table* ._________.;;;;; naho: morning! Magaki: "G-Good m-m-m-morning..." tsubaki: *smiles* what would you like? Magaki: "...Tea is fine." *there are bags under their eyes* tsubaki: of course..... lavender: rough first night, kiddo? Higan: *walks downstairs without a shirt* naho: IM BLIND! Magaki: .___________________. "...I am fine." {Magaki: *last night* O_______O "..." ("What are these loud noises, and why aren't they stopping?")} Magaki: ._________. "...When do I start classes?" tsubaki: oh? Magaki: "If they will have me. I think I need to get out of the house." *awkward stare at Higan and Lavender* tsubaki: ^^; i'll see what i can do. naho:...*pat pat* i feel your pain, magaki TT~TT Magaki: Q____Q "...There's water coming out of my eyes. What is happening?" Higan: "..." *grabs a shirt from the laundry hamper* -elsewhere- Jordan: ^w^ louisa: you seem to be in a good mood today. Jordan: "Because the mixer was lit!" eckleburg: i see. ^^; Jordan: "...But I didn't get her number." TwT -elsewhere- -knocks- etta: roro? are you in there? Leroux: *on the couch, under a blanket* "...Yes." etta: you feeling alright? Leroux: "...I don't want to go." etta: ...did you want to talk about it? Leroux: "W-We don't need to go. We're fine here." etta: .....is it something from the past bothering you? Leroux: "Th-The past is the past. That's all..." TwT etta: ....well, if you want to talk about it, let us know ok? we're your friends. dont forget that. *smiles* christine: .....*stares from where she is seated* Leroux: "We know...Right, Christine?" christine: ..... Leroux: "..." *sniff* {nurse:....<monsieur? how are you feeling now? you gave us quite a scare just then...>} {Leroux: "..."} {nurse:.....<we apologize for your loss...> *exits*} {Leroux: "...No..." *hugs the pillow, sobbing*} {-silence...-} {Leroux: *loud sobbing*} Leroux: *crying* etta:......*walking away* Leroux: *hugs Christine* christine: ......*she is unable to reply...she is just a doll* Leroux: *sobs, falling to his side on the couch* etta: *walking down the hall, her bow drooping* ???: "No luck?" etta: *shakes her head* i really want to help him, but i dont know how... Kafka: "Talking is at least a first step. Don't stop doing so." etta:....right. thanks, franzy. Kafka: >\\\\> "...Whatever." etta: ^u^ Kafka: "...Well, we'll have to make up his work now for the time being--so get to it." etta: will do~ *walks off* Kafka: "..." =\\\\\= *awkward walk away* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *covered in extinguisher fluid* "..." *looks at his shotgun* "..." komori: ._. Vulcan: "...I guess I need to decrease the pressure on that extinguisher round." *hands Takehisa a towel* karin: ^^; Takehisa: *wipes his face* "Indeed. Doctor [Karin], how is your project?" karin: been working on some specialized clothes to be compatible with flames. Takehisa: "Oh, good. We've been needing those." -elsewhere- Dazai: *tapping his fingers* kenji: you seem antsy. Dazai: "Just...It's 'moving day.'" kenji: ? yosano: is this about 'you-know-who'? Dazai: *nods* yosano: ...... Dazai: "Just hope when they kill him, they do it quickly." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "Right this way..." michelle: .... shura *following* Neuhaus: "...The leaves will grow back soon on the trees." michelle: ..... Neuhaus: "...Warm enough?" michelle:....i think so.... Neuhaus: "...I remember visiting many parks..." michelle:....mmm... Neuhaus: "...When you would look at flowers--" michelle:....*tears falling* Neuhaus: "!!!" *looks at Shura* shura: *making hand motions that say 'talk to her!'* michelle: i...i remember that....a little bit... Neuhaus: "O-Oh? The colors of the flowers?" michelle: pink ones....orange ones.... Neuhaus: "We'd determine how they were bred..." michelle:...*small smile* Neuhaus: "..." *reaches for her hand* michelle:....*small lean* at least...its something...right? Neuhaus: "And that's enough." shura:....*smiles* Neuhaus: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "They seemed well. Weirdos, still." kirei: hehe. ^^; that's good to hear. Benimaru: "And I invited them. I mean, verbally. Not any card." kirei: i see. *kiss on the cheek* Benimaru: =\\\\= "Mm. Thank you." -elsewhere- Paku: "Here you go!" *sets down some fries* shiemi: *nom* =u= izumo: *nom* Paku: "How're classes?" izumo: same old, i guess.... Paku: "??? I guess that's a bit calming. Anyone been asking you for tutoring?" izumo: hmmm. shiemi: .///w///.; Paku: "??? Shiemi? Problem with tutoring?" shiemi: no, not at all. Paku: "Oh, good! Izumo is great at tutoring, though." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *flipping through a magazine* "How 'bout this one?" chie: *looks* ooh, i could try that one. nea: oooh. *shiny eyes* Kepuri: *nods* "Maybe grow out a bit more first..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *looks at her bandaged arm* "..." lord death:....*bridal lift* Yumi: .\\\\. "D-Death..." lord death: *smooches all over her face* ^///3///^ Yumi: =\\\\\\\= "Mmm..." *holds onto him* -elsewhere- ???: *standing over a dead body, soul in hand* <....just a few more...> *A cop siren is heard* ???: *disappears into the dark* <soon, we will be together again....my darling julia...> *The police car parks...Two officers step out* Officer: <My God...> officer 2: <the 3rd one this month...> -elsewhere- Leroux: "..." *inhales* christine?: gaston? *pats his hand* are you ok now? Leroux: *nods* "Better. Thank you." *smiles* christine?:...your friend seems worried about you. Leroux: "...Just something minor." christine?: is it about the trip? Leroux: "...Why should I go back? I have what I need here." christine?: your friends seem to look forwards to going. and you dont have to stay there, it's only a small trip. *strokes his head* and im sure they would be glad to have a guide~ ^^ Leroux: =\\\\= "...Do you want me to?" christine?: it would make me happy if you did. for their sakes and for mine. Leroux: "...Okay." christine?: ^^ hans: *knocks* leroux? Leroux: "??? Yes?" hans: is everything alright? Leroux: *smiles* "Perfectly." hans: oh? Leroux: "When do we depart?" hans: ...*smiles* tomorrow first thing. Leroux: *smiles* "Excellent." -elsewhere- Meme: "How's reading going, Tsugumi?" tsugumi: *yaaaawn* exhausting. i have no clue on what im looking for is gonna look like. TT3TT Meme: "???" *picks up some notes* "..." *holds up a page* "Maka wasn’t a very good drawer, was she?" *It's a crude drawing of Maka and Soul holding hands with 'Resonance' above it* tsugumi: *shiny eyes* score! Meme: "???" tsugumi: resonance, i think i heard this in class. *reviewing notes* Notes: "--to augment the power of one's soul. And the soul is capable of so much, not just in combat but in search and surveillance." tsugumi: hmmmm... but how to test this out.... Meme: "Well, if Maka is holding hands with Soul here, I guess you hold hands with your meister?" tsugumi: i guess.... ANYA! AO! WHO WANTS TO HOLD HANDS WITH ME?! mio: ._. ao: *already holding the left hand* Anya: D:< *grabs Tsugumi's right hand* "I'm doing this!" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: *looking at the notes* "So focus on your meister's...er, meisters' souls to resonate with her...Um, both her's." tsugumi: ok.....*sweats* how did we do that again? Anya: "Just close your eyes...and listen to the beat of the soul." tsugumi: ok.....*breathes* ao:......*closing eyes* Anya: *closes eyes* -...- tsugumi:........(its like im....underwater.....) Anya: ("It's a struggle to move...") ao: (where......is this?) tsugumi: *looks around* Anya: *shifts...looks at her hand* tsugumi: *reaching* ao:....*reaching as well* (dont leave me here....dont leave me dont leave me dont leave me...) Anya: "???" *reaches for Tsugumi* tsugumi: *takes her hand* *smiles* ao: (PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!) Anya: "!!!" ("Get a hold of yourself!") tsugumi: *snaps back to reality* ah! ao: *stumbles back, panting* ha...haa.....haaa.... Anya: *trying to stay upright...deep inhale* mio: h-hey, you guys alright? tsugumi: i-i think so....aochi? ao:...*holding onto tsugumi, whimpering* dont leave me alone...... tsugumi:...*awkward hug* Anya: "..." *looks away* mio:...*looks at meme, concerned. Meme: "...Sometimes resonance exposes a lot to each other and...can take time." tsugumi: y-yeah.... ao: have you and mio ever done it? mio: *BLUSHING* Meme: .\\\\. "...Resonance?" mio: oh! that...i...think so? i think the terra spike thing counts...right? Meme: *nods* "Yes! So maybe practicing attacks also would help." ^\\\^; tsugumi: ok!.....now to determine which attack uses which blade edge. mio: *sweatdrops* (the struggles of a tri-edged weapon...) Anya: "Well, spear attacks would allow to joust or stab." ao: and scythe attacks involve a lot of slashing, and axe attacks require chopping. Anya: "I'd say target practice is a start." -elsewhere- Goethe: "They agreed?" hans: yes. *smiles* Goethe: "Excellent. Leroux as well?" hans: *she nods* Goethe: "Hmm. You convinced him well, then." hans: ^///^ its a shame you wont be going with us too. Goethe: "A pity. But travel elsewhere dictates moving forward with Phase 2." hans: right. make sure the twins stay out of too much trouble, ok? Goethe: -____- "That's too much work." hans: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *nudge* naho: ? Sakuya: "Lost in your own thoughts?" naho: why do you ask? Sakuya: "You just seemed...like your mind was elsewhere. And I wanted to talk?" naho: just thinkin about stuff. Sakuya: "...Important stuff?" naho: i dunno. Sakuya: "...Something from the past?" naho: why, did you want to know something? Sakuya: "...What was school like for you, back then before...you were made into..." naho: oh school? i did attend a school that had a dorm, but it wasnt the dwma. it was nice, and i had nice roommates. ^^ Sakuya: "Good teachers?" naho: yeah. ^^ Sakuya: "And were you a good student?" naho: i think so at least. ^^; Sakuya: "..." *holds her hand* "Did you pack your lunch, or buy it?" naho: i remember there was a small cafe on the campus and we'd eat there. they had such good muffins. =w=oh! i do have a photo from one summer when we went to an indoor water park! see? -she holds up a photo- Sakuya: "...You all look happy." naho: yeah....*sigh* i do talk to them online sometimes. Sakuya: "But you miss them." naho: yeah..... Sakuya: "Want to visit?" naho: i dunno. Sakuya: "...Maybe an online chat would help." naho: maybe. -elsewhere- Anya: "..." ao: .....*making tea* Anya: "...Are you better?" ao: i think so... Anya: "...What happened back there to you?" ao: it was dark.....i saw tsugumi going over to you and...i was scared.... Anya: "..." -_- "That's what scares you?" ao: i didnt....want to be abandoned in that place.... Anya: "...Why would you think Tsugumi would abandon you?" ao:....sorry...i was just jealous of you, i guess....that she went to you first.... Anya: "Of me? Is that what this is about? Tsugumi chose both of us as her meisters, and you're spending time being jealous?" ao:....she's known you longer, right? Anya: "Yes." ao: then she's closer to you, right? Anya: "..." >\\\\> "I wouldn't say that. I mean, she hangs out with you, too." ao: i guess... Anya: "She's your friend, and you like her, yes?" ao: of course.... i love her. Anya: "...Maybe just tell her. If you want this resonance to work, you should be honest." *crosses her arms, looks out the window* ao:....i guess i should be more open, even if she doesnt feel the same for me... Anya: "...Better to say it now than have regrets you didn't get to." ao:....right... -elsewhere- Damon: *looks at bookshelves* becky: ?? Damon: "...You think he read them all?" becky: maybe. Damon: *grabs one, opens it* -elsewhere- Poe: "Hello!" aya: ranpo, your friend is here! ranpo: hey. Poe: "...Are you okay?" ranpo: just feeling out of it i guess... Poe: "...I brought a new board game." ranpo:...cool. Poe: owo "It's like 'Clue.' Only a bit more colorful." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." eibon: *watering flowers* Gopher: "May I help?" eibon: of course. ^^ Gopher: "With watering, or making planting?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *folding boxers* -silence- Kafka: *puts them into a vacuum-pack bag, then attaches the vacuum and turns it in on* "..." -knock- Kafka: -___- "Interruptions..." *turns off the vacuum, goes to the door* hans: everything ok in there? the others are already packed. Kafka: "I'm moving as fast as I can!" >_< hans: ok, ok. ^^; Walter: *rolling his luggage* "He's not done?" *his luggage has a cute anime cat design* hans: no, not yet. etta: oh, you're bringing harriet with you? harriet: *on walter's head* o)_(o Walter: "Yepper! Even got the paperwork for international travel for her." hans: how nice. etta: and leroux said he was taking christine too. Walter: "And he can show us all the fun places!" hans: i just hope he'll be ok. Kafka: *opens the door* -____- etta: oh, hiya franzy. ^^ Kafka: -\\\\- "...Hello. I did the best I could to pack." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *standing outside Mori's door* naoya: .....you gonna be ok? Akutagawa: *nods* "I'll be fine." naoya:.... Akutagawa: "...I'll keep an eye on him." naoya:...*pats his shoulder* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* mori: *brushing the doll's hair* Akutagawa: "..." *walks inside, shuts the door* mori: *looks up at him* ..... *hugging his doll, scarred.....* -before akutagawa was a truly twisted and broken man....but at the same time, a frightened lost child...- Akutagawa: "..." *locks the door, sits down on a chair* "..." *just stares* mori:....are you going to kill me? {atsushi: -dont kill anyone in those 6 months...} Akutagawa: "...No. I made a promise." mori: ?? Akutagawa: "...I will not kill for a certain period of time. So, you don't have to die today." mori:....... Akutagawa: "...It's not a personal thing. Just a blanket thing. If I could kill, there are a few people I would kill. But I would not kill you when you are the head of the Mafia. So...you have that going for you." mori: .......right... Akutagawa: "...Why do you have a doll?" mori:.....i still cant summon elise.....i miss her so much.....this doll is from when i was a child.....dazai brought it back for me.....*hugs the doll* Akutagawa: "...Why would he do that?" mori:....i dont know....i've raised him so long, and i still dont understand him.... Akutagawa: "The way you raised him explains a lot." mori: ....... Akutagawa: "...Who knows. Maybe he gave it to you as some absurd Father's Day gift." mori: ...........elise, what do you think?......................right....of course.....you dont want to talk to _me_, you want to talk to rintarou.... Akutagawa: "...Who are you talking to?" mori:..... -seems he doesnt have anything else to say...- Akutagawa: "..." *crosses his arms, leans back in the chair* Chuuya: *outside the locked door* "..." naoya: ..... Chuuya: "...Who is in there?" naoya:...akuta _was_ talking to mori. Chuuya: "Why 'was'? Are they no longer speaking in there?" naoya: not that i can hear. oooi, akuta? Akutagawa: "..." *through the door* "Yes?" naoya: everything ok in there? Akutagawa: "Yes. I have not killed him." naoya: chuuya's here. Akutagawa: "...Oh." Chuuya: "I'll take over." naoya:.....*worried look* Akutagawa: "..." *looks back at Mori* mori: ........ Akutagawa: "..." *unlocks the door* naoya: keep it together, chuuya... Chuuya: "...You don't need to tell me that, you know?" naoya: right... Chuuya: "..." *faces the door* Akutagawa: *opens the door...* mori: *stares* Chuuya: *stares...walks by Akutagawa, practically shoving him as he enters* Akutagawa: "..." mori: *backing up* Chuuya: *...does not look back as he slams the door shut behind him and locks it* mori: !!!!! Chuuya: "Sit down. And don't you dare get up." mori: i-im already sitting down....*clings to the doll, scared* Chuuya: "Stay that way until I finish." mori: .......are you going to kill me? Chuuya: "...No." mori:....... Chuuya: "I only respect you because you're head of the Mafia...." mori: ............ Chuuya: "But as a person, you disgust me." mori:.......is this because of her? Chuuya: "Name. Her. I dare you to say her name right now." mori: .....mito kosaka. right? my former secretary....mother of my child- *From the hall, something falling to the floor is heard* naoya: ??? *glances* Chuuya: *has kicked over the table* "..." mori: *shaking* Chuuya: "She is not your child." mori: .......i've seen her....she has the same eyes as mine, the same hair....now tell me, how is she alive, when she would have surely died when rain- *SNAP* mori: !!!! Chuuya: *has a shattered piece of wood from the table to Mori's throat* "..." mori: !!!!!!!!!! Chuuya: "..." *looking down, quiet* "Rain is dead because of you. That child...is not yours. Stay away from her." mori: .... Chuuya: "..." *drops Mori to the floor* mori: oof! Chuuya: "I don't have to kill you to keep you away from Sonia. Remember that." mori:...... Chuuya: "..." *turns, opens the door* -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *hand squeeze* mio:....*snuggle* Meme: =\\\\= *hugs* "I'm glad to resonate with you..." mio: =///////= m-meme... Meme: *hugs* "Let's do more practice to get better, okay?" mio:...r-right... Meme: *smiles* "I can set up the targets...or we could just meditate together." -elsewhere- Allison: >w> erina:...what? Allison: "You seemed to be having fun." erina: was i? Allison: "Tell me--was your mind on anything else that night?" erina: ......yeah... Allison: "...Hm. Well, you seemed a little distracted." erina:....he's haunting me.... Allison: "...Still?" erina: *whimper* Allison: "..." *hug* erina: am i always going to be like this? Allison: *pat pat* "Not if you get help..." erina: im scared. he's inside me, he wont let me go.... Allison: "He will...You can't let him get a hold of you. You're too strong for that shit." erina: r-right....*shaking* Allison: "...When do you have work?" erina:....this week, probably.... Allison: "Where at?" erina: death city mall. Allison: *smiles* "Any shop discounts?" erina:....*small chuckle* Allison: *smiles* "There we go. So while you still have some time off, what you want to do?" -elsewhere- Toby: *hides under the table* -no one is home- Toby: "..." *pokes out his snout--sniffs* "..." *crawls out from under...walks to the hall* *sighs* *POOF* *Mr. Tsubaki lets out another sigh...then inhales deeply* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *streeeeetch* "Jeez, that was cramped." -...- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *slowly stands...stretches* "Mmm..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: ...... Black Star: *hug* tsubaki:...t-thanks. Black Star: "Any time...Need to talk?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: "...Sonia? I had asked...a question." sonia: ?? Motojiro: "Number 4? Did you have an answer?" sonia: *looks at her paper again* Motojiro: "...Something on your mind?" sonia: im looking at number 4 again. Motojiro: "..." ("She hasn't seemed to let Mori's arrival affect her...too much.") sonia: ...... Motojiro: "Take your time." *smiles* -elsewhere- ango: hmmm... Santoka: "Still planning?" ango: hmm... *moves a pawn forwards* Santoka: "Ah...Is something on your mind?" ango: just the usual work-related thoughts. Santoka: "Progress?" *moves a pawn* ango: miss hawkins has been transferred to mall security. Santoka: "You've declined to have her keep an eye on Dostoyevsky?" ango: i fear if she stays near him longer, it will affect her mental wellbeing. Santoka: "And how do we keep an eye on him now?" ango: it will be challenging. he seems to have gotten dirt on all the prison staff working there, and is using it to his advantage.... Santoka: "And how would he get that infomation?" ango: probably he found it during the prison riot earlier this month.... Santoka: "Rather convenient, even for him. No guards on his take?" ango: we cant be certain yet.....but rumor have begun spreading... Santoka: "Rumors can lead us to more information--or be a wild goose chase." ango: perhaps.....the rumor in particular is that dostoevsky has some connection to the dragon's head rush seven years ago. Santoka: "...How familiar are you with the Rush?" ango: painfully. i had to document the belongings of the deceased during the incident.....(and that's the same year i met _them_....) Santoka: "No time you saw Dostoyevsky at that time?" ango:...not that i can recall. Santoka: *shifts a piece* "Unfortunate. No contacts you have from that time to point us to the remaining Rats?" ango: ......i'll have to do my research. Santoka: "Persist." ango: right..... Santoka: "Your move." -elsewhere- Gogol: *hangs up potpourri* lydia: doing some redecorating? Gogol: "And clean up the smell." lydia: well this hotel is musty... yana:......hm? huh. Gogol: "Distracted, Tiny Boss?" yana: found something interesting on the boss's computer. 'person's of interest'. Gogol: "Oh~?" -there are several files with several names- yana: any of them you want to check out? Gogol: "..." *smiles* "Maybe~" *runs a finger along some names* yana: let's see here.... Gogol: "Start with Mori..." [name; Ougai Mori. age: ??? gender: Male ability: 'Vita Sexualis' - allows him to conjure a guardian entity in the form of a young girl, named 'Elise' affiliation: Port Mafia other notes; his personal tastes in romantic partners is HIGHLY questionable.] Gogol: "...Sounds like a few people I've met." yana: yeeeah the less i know about _that_ the better. *clicks another file* [name: Masuji Ibuse age: ??? gender: male ability: 'Black Rain' - unknown details affiliation: Salamander Publishing company.] Gogol: "I think I have some stories worth publishing~" [name: Yukichi Fukuzawa age: 45 gender: male ability: 'all are created equal' - seems to suppress the abilities of his subordinates? affiiliation: Armed Detective Agency other notes: former bodyguard. knicknamed 'silver wolf'. cat lover.] yana: *unamused face* Gogol: "...He likes p--" yana: dont. [name: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald age: in his 30s gender: male ability: 'the great fitzgerald' - bestowment of strength through wealth affiliation; The Guild.] yana: _was_ affiliated with the guild. Gogol: "So what's he calling his group now?" yana: apparently, he's in charge of a group called 'Manhasset Security.' [name: Agatha Christie age: ???? gender: female ability: 'And then there were none' - details unknown affiliation; Order of the Clock Tower other notes: it would be wise not to anger her. TRUST ME ON THIS.] yana: so this lady actually exists? *monotone* dear god i thought she was just a myth. *chuckles*....ha... Gogol: "Don't anger her? ...I want to try that." yana:.....why are you like this? Gogol: "Because I can survive a lot!" [name; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe age: in his 20s? gender: male ability; 'Faust' - bestows abilities to others via a contract affiliation; Sturm und Drang other notes: wishes to spread abilities to others. what an idiot.] Gogol: "Okay. But imagine someone else with my abilities. THEN I COULD TAKE THEM AND BEND THEM TO MY WILL." yana:......riiiiight.....lets see what else is here, mafia members, agency members, guild members, etc etc......hmm? -there is one other file; Tatsuhiko Shibusawa- Gogol: "???" yana: *clicks on it* [name: Tatsuhiko Shibusawa age: ?????? gender: ????? ability: ????? affiliation: ... ] yana: damn, all that’s here is a picture and a name. BOSS YOU SUCK AT KEEPING THINGS UP TO DATE!....gogol? Gogol: .\\\\\. yana:....gogol? {fantasy!shibusawa: *giggles and smiles*} yana: oooooi, gogol, are you there? *waves her hand in front of his face* {fantasy!shibusawa: *kiss on the cheek*} {Gogol: O\\\\\\\O *heart eyes*} Gogol: .\\\\\\\\. "..." *collapses* elizaveta: D8> KOLYA!!!! *shaking him* DONT DIIIIIE QAQ yana: gogol what the shit?! Gogol: O\\\\\\O lydia: ?? Gogol: *covers his face* >\\\\< yana: what's up with him? zoey:....i'll get him to medical now.... *drags him off* Gogol: "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma--" yana:...*smack* OUT WITH IT, MAN! Gogol: "MY WORD, THEY'RE HOT!" yana:...*blink* Gogol: *covers his face, rocks back and forth* elizaveta: ??? Gogol: "My heart is going crazyyyyy..." lydia: oh jeez... *sweatdrop* he's fallen for someone he's never even met. this can only go swimmingly. Gogol: =\\\\\= yana:....ivan? help? Ivan: "??? How can I be of any help?" yana: .....for now get a funnel and ice water. Ivan: *nods* *opens the freezer, takes out ice* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *heats up chicken nuggets in the microwave* "..." {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= ("I wonder what meals she's cooking...") {tsubaki: *pet pet* hehe~} {Mr. Tsubaki: *cuddle*} {tsubaki: *leans in for a kiss*} {Mr. Tsubaki: *closes his eyes* "Mmm..."} -beeeep beeeeep beeeep- Mr. Tsubaki: O\\\\O *looks at the microwave* "..." *sighs* *opens the door* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." yosano: nervous? Kunikida: "Hard not to be." yosano: have you been training her? Kunikida: "Yes. But not enough." yosano: im sure she'll be fine. she'll be going in armed. Kunikida: "..." *nods* *taps his earpiece* "Can you hear?" aya: yeah, im at the meeting place now. Kunikida: "...Okay. Let us know who you see when they arrive." aya: ok. -elsewhere- Gin: "Better?" higuchi:...*nod* Gin: *strokes her arm* "Just take it easy..." higuchi: *leaning into her chest* Gin: *strokes her head, hums lightly* higuchi: *calming down* Gin: "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Just rest." -elsewhere- Jun: "D'aw, what a cute tiny toy!" *pokes the tiny robot arm* takuto: *laughs* yumikage: figured the kiddo would like it. Jun: "Indeed!" -elsewhere- Kafka: T~T hans: *pap pap* Kafka: "A pat-down...I'm so mortified. I hate being touched by those strangers..." etta: that's embarrassing, hehe. Kafka: >\\\\\< Walter: "I'm sure it was just random. I know it's your first time flying and all. I mean, I know with your ability you could--" Kafka: *DEATH GLARE AT WALTER AND HARRIET* harriet: o)_(o Walter: OWO "...With your ability, you could just be as snug as a bug in a rug--" Kafka: *DEATH GLARE INTENSIFIES* Walter: o~O "...I'll shut up now." etta: ^^; hans: ^^; leroux, how're you holding up? Leroux: "F-Fine...We have our tickets!" *holds up two* hans: glad to see that. christine: ... Leroux: "I'll even give you the window seat, dear~" hans: ^^; etta: hansy, did you want to go to paris with goethe too? hans: .///////. well, h-he's busy at the moment. as busy as he can be anyway. Walter: "..." >w> etta: maybe one day you'll get the chance to. *sigh* i would love to get to go to paris with a handsome guy~ it would be so romantic~ hehe~ Kafka: T\\\\\\T Walter: "... ... ..." >W> harriet: *saying nothing, since she is a chameleon.* Intercom: "We will start the line-up for Flight 142 to Paris in a few minutes." etta: that's us! Walter: "Ready, Harriet?" harriet: *chameleon noise* Walter: ^w^ Kafka: *groans* "They took my neck pillow..." hans: there will be one on the plane. Kafka: TwT "But it was the right one--it had molded to my neck..." -elsewhere- aya: *waiting* *An engine is heard* aya: *looks* elizaveta: *waves from out of the window* Ivan: *driving, wearing a scarf and hat* aya: hi. im aya. lydia: *wearing sunglasses* i see, erika's told us all a lot about you. elizaveta: *opens the door* i even brought my doll leila with me! *waves the doll's hand* Ivan: *grunts* aya: *steps in and takes a seat* elizaveta: *shakes the doll's hand* leila wants to say hi! aya: um....hi there *takes the doll's hand......she feels a sharp pain* AH! elizaveta: hey aya?......soooorry~ -a needle is sticking out of leila's hand- aya: !!! *tries to open the car door* Ivan: *takes off* aya: !!! *trying to get out, but she's losing conscious* aya: *on intercom* kunikida! it was...a trap....in a silver van- Kunikida: *over radio earpiece* "Aya?" aya: send hel- Kunikida: "Silver van?! Who is there? License number?" elizaveta: *removes earpiece and hands it to ivan* Ivan: *smiles* <Hello~> Kunikida: "!!!" yosano: !!!! where the hell are you, bastards?! Ivan: "You know rats--they get in everywhere~" yosano: *growls angrily* you wont get away with this, you fuckers. Ivan: "We are getting away with your child--and I think that's a start." aya: *she's passed out* lydia: she will be unharmed....for the time being. if you wish for her to be returned, we will send a set of instructions to you. Kunikida: "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Oh, kiddo--it's okay." *rocks him* toru: *cries* chie: *worried* Yohei: *strokes his back* "I don't know...Did he eat?" chie: yes. i know that he did. Yohei: "Gas?" -morning- aya:....nggh......*opening eyes* ugh..... Q: *asleep and clinging to her arm* mmm...~ u///////u aya:.....*SCREAMS AND KICKS HIM IN THE FACE* Q: OWIE! aya: *the curse mark appears on her neck*...crap. Q: >^< i didnt do anything pervy! mama wouldnt be happy with that. aya: what the hell you little creep?! Q: i just wanted to cuddle, honest! i wont even curse you! i promise! aya: .....*unamused glare* Q: QAQ *KNOCK KNOCK* aya: *opens the door, getting her pocket knife out* Ivan: ^w^ "I made hot chocolate~" -KNIFE TO THE THIGH- Q: OxO;;; Ivan: *SCREAMS--spilling the really hot chocolate onto himself* *SHRIEKS* aya: *heel of her hand to his face* HYAH! *kick to the stomach* Ivan: "AAAH! UMPH!" *collapses back to the floor, the tray flying up out of his hand* aya: *grabs her bag and runs out of the room* Q: w-wait come back! aya: *running* *She runs into someone--* aya: !!! Adam: "??? Oh. I'm sorry, tiny person." aya: where's the exit to this place, buddy? Adam: "Oh, gee, I'm not good with directions...I think down the hall, to the right, third door on the left?" aya: thanks. *runs in that direction* Ivan: "Wh-What are you doing?! Go get her!" Adam: "??? But she was trying to find the exit. I already helped her do that." -elsewhere- aya: *pant, pant*....*looking around* *It's dusty...Quiet* ???: *groans* aya: ??!!! *opens one door* !!! you! *Shackled to the wall is Shousaku* Shousaku: "..." *looks up* "...Oh, God, I'm hallucinating." aya: *kick to the balls* that's for trying to kill me and kunikida and all those other people, you sack of butts! Shousaku: .________O "..." *squeaky voice* "You're not a hallucination?" aya: no. Shousaku: "Ow...Why are you here?" aya: i got kidnapped. i had to stab a guy in the leg to get out. Shousaku: "You...aren't here to rescue me?" aya: give me one reason why i should after all the shit you did! Shousaku: "...Keek..." aya: ....? Shousaku: "Where is...she? Did she escape?" aya:...she's back home with her family. Shousaku: "..." *smiles* "Thank...goodness..." *closes his eyes...he stops moving...* aya: h-hey...hey dont die, idiot! she'd be really sad if you died! Shousaku: "..." -PUNCH- -slap attack- Shousaku: "OW OW OW! I'M NOT DEAD!" aya: then dont pretend to die, jerkface! D8< Shousaku: "I'm exhausted!" *whimpering* "I'm starved, hit...I need water...I need out of here..." aya:...fine, where's the key? Shousaku: "...I don't know. They never let me loose. One of them would have it to get in and out of this room--" *looks at the door--which Aya kicked down* "...Nevermind." aya:....i meant for the shackles. -_-# Shousaku: "That's what I'm saying--if they had the key to open the door, they'd have the key to my shackles--THE ONES THEY NEVER UNLOCK. Go find, I don't know, the eyepatch man." aya: right. *sneaks out* *The hall is empty...A metal jangling can be heard* aya:....*peeks around the corner* *Gogol is asleep in a chair leaning against the wall...The chair shifts back and forth with each snore, rattling the keys looped to his pocket* aya: (bingo....) *sneaks over, quietly* Gogol: "Mmm..." *sleep muttering* aya: *examines keys* *There are at least a dozen keys* aya: (darn...im just gonna have to take them all, huh? now how do i go about this?) *The keys are connected to a belt loop...It looks a little worn* aya: *takes knife and cuts* Gogol: "No..." aya: !!!! Gogol: *sleep mutter* "No, no there...Not in front of the circus folk..." aya:.....*takes keys and backs up* Gogol: =w= "Yes, honey, I'll pay the rent...' aya:....*sneaks away* (weirdo) -SCALPEL THROW AT THE WALL- aya: .________________.;;; ???: now, now, my baby wouldnt....want you to leave.... aya: O-O;;;; zoey: master wants me....to keep him happy....for master's sake....i will do anything~ Gogol: *yawns, stretches* "...Oh, heya, Nurse." aya: *RUNS* zoey: oh no you dont brat! *chases after her* Gogol: "??? Hey...Where are the keys?" zoey: that girl has them.... Gogol: "!!! I'M GOING TO TAKE HER PINKY TOES!" -elsewhere in the building- aya:....shit...it's just one thing after the other..... Ivan: *holding ice to his groin* "You..." aya: *knife out* Ivan: <I will cut out your eyeballs and mail them back to that four-eyed father of yours!> aya: i have no idea what you're saying. Ivan: "..." *LOUD SCREAM AS HE DASHES AT HER* Adam: "Oh, I got her!" *runs from the other end* aya: !!! *ducks* Adam: "!!!" *Adam's head collides--with Ivan's groin* Ivan: Q________Q "..." *falls to the floor* aya: *wince and runs* Adam: @____@ "Where's the cat, Haumea...?" *A door pops open* aya: !!! *Hawthorne steps out* Hawthorne: "..." aya: !!!!!!!! -two smaller hooded figures with masks are besides him- Hawthorne: *looks around* "...Weirdos." *goes back inside and closes the door* -the two figures rush at aya- aya: *dodges and runs* (shit shit shit shit shit!) Masked Boy: *pursues, arms at sides* masked girl: .....*pursuing* Hood #1: *leaps to the wall--and runs along it* aya: HOW ARE YOU EVEN?! Hood #1: *reaches the ceiling, and leaps from it at Aya* aya: *rolls forwards* Hood #1: *lands, rolls along the floor, follows* aya: (crap, they arent letting up. IF THE POWERS THAT BE COULD GIVE ME A CONVENIENT ESCAPE OR SOMETHING, THAT'D JUST BE SWELL! PLEASE?) *A portal pops up behind Aya* aya: OwO;;;; *A hand reaches out* Gogol: "GIVE ME BACK MY KEYS!" aya: *light bulb and jumps in* Hood #1: "?!" Gogol: OwO "...Oh no--" aya: *JUMPS OUT* Gogol: "NOT THE FACE NOT THE FA--" aya: *slides on her feet and turns back running and jumps up to punch his face* Gogol: *slow motion* "Nooooooooo--" *hits the floor* aya: *runs* *She's back near Shousaku's cell* aya: *runs in, trying the keys* Shousaku: "You...came back?" aya: yeah. *trying keys* Shousaku: "...Thank you." aya: *she got it* success! ???: i...found you....aya~ aya: !!!! Q: *standing in the doorway* .......are you....going to leave? aya: um, yes, obvously. Q: im not.....gonna let you abandon me.....i'll just have mommy cut your legs off.....then you cant run...hehehe.... Shousaku: "..." *intense glare at Q* aya: you're sick, kid. Q: but im doing it cause i really like you a lot, aya. ^^ mr mori said this was what you do if you like someone a lot. aya: MR MORI'S REALLY SICK, YOU LITTLE WEIRDO! Q: why must you be so mean to me, aya? Shousaku: "..." *tries to step forward* Q: ..... Shousaku: "Kid...Love is not control." Q: but im not controlling her right now. aya: you're creeping me out, is what your doing. thats not love either! Shousaku: "And your 'friends' kidnapped her..." Q: but i really like her? i liked her since i saw her! aya: and you just think the feeling will be mutual just like that? Q: .... aya: you dont know a thing about me, and i dont know a think about you. Shousaku: "..." *looks down* Q: but.....but.....*ghibli tears* aya: trying to guilt me isnt going to work either. Q: ...uu...uuuuuu..... Shousaku: "..." *spots a pair of tongs* *picks up Q by the collar* Q: *sniffle* ev-everyone's always mean to me. i dont-*hic* i dont wanna be lonely...i just...i want someone to love me and not leave me....*cries* m-mommyyyy!! Shousaku: "..." *sighs* "Poor kid." aya: ??? Shousaku: "...Let's take him." aya: seriously?! Q: ?? Shousaku: "He needs help--not getting brainwashed here." Q: n-n-noooooo! i do-i dont wanna go back the mafia! t-they-they're gonna l-lock me u-huuuup... Shousaku: "..." *sighs* "Then maybe someone else needs to keep an eye on you, too..." aya:....i guess im taking him with me to the agency then, huh? Shousaku: *nods* Q: ?? y-yo-you'd...*sniff* you'd do that? b-but they- aya: i'll make sure they dont lock you up, kid. Q: r-r-really? b-but what about m-mommy? Shousaku: "You think she really cares about you?" Q: ??? m-mommy said s-she loved me...r-right? Shousaku: "...I've seen Fyodor. If he asked her to kill you, she would." Q: .............. Shousaku: "Come on, kid...Let's get you out." aya: if you come with us....i'll consider being your friend. Q: y-you mean it, aya? aya: does it look like im lying? Q:...*sniff* o-ok...... aya: *takes his hand and exits* Q: ....*holds his doll close* Shousaku: *follows* aya: so where's the exit? Q: i-its....*sniff* t-this way...i-i think.... Shousaku: *walks with them* ???: LET GO OF HIM!!!! Q: !!! aya: !!!!! zoey: GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!!!! Shousaku: "..." *looks at Q and Aya* aya: *grabs Q's hand tighter and pulls him* come on! Q: *frozen* Shousaku: "RUN!" *dashes at Zoey* aya: Q come on! Q: ah- aya: *drags him along* zoey: NO! m-MY BABY! Shousaku: *tackles Zoey* zoey: AH! g-get off me! Shousaku: *pins her down* "No..." zoey: *kicks at him* HOW DARE YOU! ONLY MASTER CAN PIN ME DOWN THIS WAY! Shousaku: "...If you were not pregnant, I'd knock your teeth in. Now shut up...Just..." {Shousaku: "It's going to be okay..."} {keek: *cries*} {Shousaku: "..." *holds her*} Shousaku: "..." *tears up* -outside- aya: *running through the sewer with Q* Q: *crying* aya:...*sigh* come on, you're gonna be ok, kid. Q: "Mommy..." aya:....when we get to the agency, i'll ask miss kirako to give you a hug. if it helps at all. Q: "..." *sniff* "Th-The woman from the train?" aya: she's the one with glasses and brown hair, yes. Q: *sniff* "O-Okay...Will you hug me?" aya:... Q: Q___Q aya:....maybe later. Q: QwQ *follows* -elsewhere- Dazai: "You let a kid do this? On her own?" Kunikida: *driving* atsushi:...... Dazai: "You must be desperate...especially that mess you left behind. That guy wasn't even an informant to the Rats." Kunikida: "..." atsushi: dazai, not now. Dazai: *hard stare at Atsushi* "...You ever have kids?" atsushi:........ Dazai: "Yeah, what I thought." *looks back at Kunikida* "And this problem is not just have a solution come running into the streets--" -text on kuni's cell- Dazai: "YOINK." *takes the phone, reads* aya: [at pine acre's station. brought someone back w/ me] Dazai: OwO *shiny eyes* "...Kunikida...I have some bad news--" Kunikida: *slams the brakes* atsushi: DAZAI! Kunikida: "..." *shaking* atsushi: give him the phone dazai, and dont joke around, cant you see he's tense enough as it is?! Dazai: "...This is me teaching him a lesson in--" Kunikida: *seizes Dazai's wrist--crushing it* atsushi: !!! Dazai: QwQ Kunikida: *looks at the phone* "..." *loud sigh* atsushi: ...... Kunikida: "..." *lets go of his wrist, keeps driving to the station* Dazai: Q____Q -and so- aya: *waiting* ..... Q: "..." aya: ....*swinging her feet* Q: "...I'm scared." aya:....*awkward back pat* Q: *shudders* QwQ; atsushi: we're he-................ ._________________.;;; aya: hey guys. *waves* Q: *stares at Atsushi* "..." Kunikida: *marches up to Aya* aya: *hug* atsushi: *sweats* Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* "I was...worried." Q: "..." *inches closer to Atsushi* aya: well, im here now, right? atsushi: .-.;;;;;; Kunikida: "Yes...Where did you find him?" aya: he was held by the rats. Kunikida: "Where are the Rats?" aya: i think some abandoned hotel about 30 minutes away from here. Kunikida: *dials a number* "Time to get someone there..." atsushi:..... Q: "..." *moves his hand to Atsushi's hand* atsushi: um.....hi? Q: "May I hold your hand?" atsushi: um.....*blink* Q: *reaches--* Dazai: "No, Q." *grabs his wrist* Q: >n< atsushi:... -elsewhere-
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Spy Au Missions
Continuation (sort of) of <this>
So I just got more ideas about missions I could put in my story
This is before Shiro learns the truth about Lance not being an actual intel agent.
Shiro is convinced that Lance is some kind of professional spy since he seems to take everything in stride and make difficult things seem easy. Also Shiro doesn’t have much expectation on how an intel agent should act when he met Lance since he met Slav who is very eccentric despite being in the spy business and Lance was the first ‘intel agent’ he should have met.
Team Voltron needs to find a galra briefcase filled with secret weapon designs and even genetic modification information that the galra tortured out of Slav when they captured him. The case went missing during the chaotic battle that ensued when Voltron and the Blade of Marmora teamed up to rescue him a while back. Thankfully Slav tampered with the locking mechanism of the case so only he could open it while they still had it during the escape plan. But everyone would feel better if the information were in safe hands or at least known to have been destroyed.
Every so often one of team is assigned the mission of trying to locate the case. This time it is Shiro’s turn. Of course his first thought is to ask the Lance the ‘intel agent’ if he knows anything about it or at least keep an eye out for it. (The case is gray with purple accents. It also has a sophisticated lock system on it so the case is unique and pretty easy to identify.)
When he meets up with Lance, he gives a sketch of the case to him asking if Lance has seen it. Lance -who just thinks Shiro lost a briefcase with important stuff inside it and is asking for help finding it- is all but willing to help him. One look at the sketch is all he needs to get the feeling that he has seen the case before.
Then it hits Lance like a ton of bricks.
“Oh!” He exclaims, slightly startling Shiro.
He flashes Shiro a grin claiming that he knows where it is. “Really!?” Shiro asks, beaming and beyond hopeful considering how helpful Lance has been since they met.
To Shiro’s surprise, (or not really since “of course” Lance would be someone with this kind of knowledge) Lance knows of an extensive, super secret tunnel system. There is an entrance near the park bench they always meet at. While Lance leads them through the tunnels he explains that the tunnel itself doesn’t have much strategically located exits and only leads to a few abandoned warehouses.
Lance knows the maze-like tunnels like the back of his hand and leads them to one of the warehouses. He lifts up this upside down open cardboard box to reveal the missing briefcase underneath, a little banged up but there in its entirety. Lance had found it during one of he explorations of the place but couldn’t open it. It seemed important so he hid it.
Shiro kinda stands there staring at it shell-shocked. Until Lance picks up the case and gently hands it to him with a small but bright smile on his face. Their hands touch for a bit and Shiro’s chest feels warm for a reason he doesn’t want to pin down just yet. Shiro still can hardly believe it but manages to stutter a thank you to Lance.
Lance thinks that Shiro is shocked and grateful because Shiro might have thought that he had lost the case forever. Lance is preening inside, he is really happy that he is a big help to Shiro.
When Shiro gets back to his team they can’t believe he had actually managed to find the case. They are impressed that is until he tells them that Lance had been the one who found it and lead him to it. They give Shiro suspicious, deadpan looks and he can’t understand why.
When they meet up with Slav, he asks Lance was wearing blue and when Shiro thinks about it the answer is yes. Slav nods sagely saying that no wonder they were able to find it since blue is in his lucky range of terahertz. The others agree that Lance is lucky alright.
---(not a complete break, just another mission that takes place where shiro still doesn’t know about lance being a civilian)---
One day Shiro meets up with Lance to just to talk with him. Their conversations really calms him down sometimes, like the casualness Lance brings to the table. He listens to him and ‘understands’ and genuinely tries to cheer him up when they talk on Shiro’s off (as in vacation) days. Shiro had a particularly bad nightmare the night before and has to get mind settled down before going to interrogate someone for info with Pidge and Allura. (And what better way to calm the nerves than with Lance.)
He finds Lance eating lunch at their meeting spot. He returns the smile Lance gives him then sits down beside Lance and they settle into a comfortable silence. Shiro wants to get the conversation started but has trouble admitting his weakness he feels sometimes. He wants to appear strong to those who need him. While he is having this internal conflict, Lance can see distraught written all over his face so he gives Shiro a fortune cookie.
Shiro is confused and looks at Lance for answers. He huffs a laugh and explains that Shiro seems down. Sometimes people need a little ego rub and for someone to tell them something good or positive. Who better than Confucius, he always gives positive little tips.
Shiro laughs thinking this is a bit silly but it lightens the heavy pressure of the nightmare and seriousness he has to channel for his next mission. When he opens the cookie up his fortune is: you are blessed with a lucky star. Shiro thinks that yes this is true, it is right here sitting next to him.
As Shiro is deep in thought, Lance leans over to look at his fortune and his face lights up with a grin. Lance assures Shiro, “See? You’ve got nothing to worry about. I got a feeling that your day will go fine or I’ll, um, oh! I’ll get my friend Hunk to cook you comfort food or maybe some bbq. I guarantee it is amazing, I’ve seen it make grown men cry it’s that good.” Lance’s enthusiastic energy is infectious and it makes Shiro smile.
When Shiro gets up to leave he accidentally takes Lance’s bag instead. They have the same type of bag. Inside the bag is a gift Lance got from a friend earlier that day that he was going to bring home after work.
Shiro, Pidge and Allura are not surprised when they can’t get the guy to spill the beans. Allura asks Shiro to get the documents of the guy’s crimes they can threaten him with to pin him down with, which were supposed to be in Shiro’s bag. Que Shiro’s blood draining from his face when he looks in the bag and realizes his mistake.
Pidge and Allura have a group oh no when Shiro pulls out this seemingly ordinary music box with ‘BB’ engraved on it thinking there is no way to get him to talk now. But they are stunned when their informant is visibly frightened and shocked staring wide-eyed at the engraving. “OK! OK! I’ll talk just don’t rat me out to the Big Boss! He’s gonna make me disappear for good if he knows where I am.” He assumes that they are in cahoots with Big Boss somehow. They manage to get their info and get him to explain the music box. It is apparently a hand tailored gift from Big Boss, a mafia boss who is less active in the crime world currently but still feared by many, to those who has done him a great kindness but are not in his family circle. It can be taken as a badge for an honorary member and he’ll help them if they need.
Shiro is impressed that Lance has the favor of a mafia boss somehow. He tries to hide it but he is giddy with happiness that Lance’s fortune cookie was right. He really is lucky and made his day that much easier. Pidge and Allura can’t believe it. Pidge thinks that Lance is either extremely lucky or a really clever fox of a spy there is no in between. Allura orders Pidge to team up with Coran to find info on this Lance.
Meanwhile on Lance’s end, he realizes that he has Shiro’s bag. He feels that the bag is lighter and doesn’t a box in it. He doesn’t open it since that is invasion of Shiro’s privacy. Lance is determined to give it back to him the next time they meet.
This is after Keith, Coran, Allura, and Pidge tell Shiro the truth.
Shiro ruminates with his team on some of the ridiculous ways Lance had managed to help him during one of their lazy days without missions. He feels cold with deep concern when he thinks about how in the world Lance acquired knowledge of a secret tunnel system and somehow has a secret connection with a mafia boss. Pidge is genuinely curious and asks Shiro if he can find out the story behind them. Shiro too wants to find out for his sanity and hopefully Lance’s safety.
When he and Lance meet up at the park bench, Shiro asks about the tunnels and the music box. Lance tells him to get settled cause it is quite the story:
Lance used to live in an apartment building but it caught fire and his apartment burned too. He awoke to the smell of smoke and he pulled the fire alarms. He managed to warn his neighbors and he escorted an old-ish man who was alone that needed some help to get down and out of the building.
The man introduced himself as Gerald and was extremely grateful, said that he had done him a great kindness. Most people left him alone out of fear because they knew he was Big Boss and wouldn’t have minded if he fell to the fire (he did not tell Lance this). He said that he would give him a gift -the music box- but it would take some time since it is hand crafted. Lance got the number for a real estate agent that could get him a place for cheap from another neighbor that he warned in time.
Lance had rounded up Hunk to help him move to this cheap but really nice house. Hunk was suspicious of the price and like a good best friend that he is did some digging to find out that there was a murder there and no one wanted to move in. Lance didn’t want to go looking for a new place so he bought charms and purified salt to keep evil spirits or probably one vengeful ghost away since he believes in those superstitions.
When he explored his new neighborhood he found this strange, hidden door near the area that lead to the tunnels. He and Hunk mapped the place.
“And that’s that,” Lance grinned after finishing his story. Shiro is dumbfounded at how Lance is able to just dodge bullets and make lemonade at whatever life throws at him. Now he thinks that Lance is lucky but for a different reason.
(Pidge later finds out that the guy who was murdered was a thief and the one who found/stole Slav’s case thinking there was money in it. He couldn’t open it so he hid it in the warehouse. He was followed by some galra grunts that saw him make off with the case. They however, did not find out where he hid the case afterwards. He was caught and brought to the empty house. They tried to torture the whereabouts of the case out of him but he remained silent and they ended up hurting him too much by accident. By failing to get the location of the case they failed Zarkon and if you fail Zarkon you disappear too. Shiro is astounded at how small and mysteriously connected the world is.)
#shance#shance au#spy au#little ideas i would put in my story#*clenches fist*#if i could write fic#writings#i kinda want to call this story 'i spy'#as in i spy with my little eye#something mundane but actually relevant#voltron#lance's life is just a bunch of side quests where he gets interesting rewards out of helping people#and the rewards help shiro big time
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Falling in...
Hinoka, Setsuna FFN|AO3 Dark Dragon Co-written by @freezingkaiju
Hinoka stealthily slipped out of the castle, naginata in hand. Father was out with the Saizo’s...some mission or something, Hinoka wasn’t really paying attention. She remembered mention of Nohr though...and he took Chisai-ryu along. Hinoka took this opportunity of a quieter castle to slip out to the garden and go hunting with Setsuna.
She met up with her friend by the garden gate. “Hey Setsuna!” she shouted, waving with a smile. “You remembered to come! Awesome!”
Setsuna flinched but smiled at her friend. “Yeah, I remembered. We’re going hunting, right?”
Hinoka nodded and smiled, lifting her naginata into the air. “Yep! We’re gonna bring back the biggest deer we can find!” Hinoka was excited, this was her first time trying to hunt without her brother or father...and with her best friend.
She took Setsuna’s hand and tugged her through the gate, towards the forest. “Come on, come on! First we need to check the traps, then see if we can find a big buck.”
“Okay okay...calm down…” Setsuna muttered, tugging herself free of Hinoka’s hand, but still trotting behind her. “Won’t we scare the animals if we’re loud?”
Hinoka stopped and chuckled. “Yeah...you’re right…”
Hinoka gently led Setsuna into the woods and they set about checking the traps together. The forest was...more scary at night, certainly. Hinoka wasn’t going to let her fear show, though...and Setsuna didn’t seem to mind it. Still, Hinoka kept looking behind herself, making sure Setsuna was still there. She felt safer with her nearby, something about her calm obliviousness was relaxing.
But after a little while, she looked back, and Setsuna...wasn’t there.
“...S-Setsuna?” Hinoka called out. Suddenly the forest seemed much scarier... “SETSUNA! WHERE ARE YOU?” Hinoka gripped onto her naginata as she turned and looked around, trying, and failing, to keep her breathing calm.
“...help...” Setsuna called out from somewhere. She sounded distant and scared.
“Setsuna! Where are you?” Hinoka called out. She couldn’t let the shake in her voice project...she had to be strong, for her friend.
“Over here...” Hinoka heard sounds of struggling and then a defeated sigh. “Everything is upside down...”
Upside down? Wait...no. Hinoka looked up and sighed. “How’d you get stuck up there?”
“I dunno...I was following you, then I got yanked up, and now I’m here....help?”
Setsuna was lightly swinging in a snare trap, several feet in the air. Hinoka looked around and frowned...there was no way she could climb up there...and she couldn’t see where the rope led. She didn’t want to leave Setsuna alone.
“Do you have a knife on you?” Hinoka called out.
“Uhhh...” Setsuna checked her pockets. “...no...Papa doesn’t let me play with knives...do you have one?”
Hinoka sighed and shook her head. “And all your arrows are down here on the ground...um….”
Hinoka knelt down and unstrapped the hidden knife sheath around her leg. She tied the straps around the sheath and looked up at Setsuna. “I can’t get to you from where I am, I’m going to throw this up to you. You’ll have to cut yourself down, okay?”
“Ok.” Setsuna nodded.
Hinoka embedded her naginata in the ground then looked up at Setsuna. She flung the knife upward, hoping Setsuna had enough sense to be able to catch it.
Setsuna fumbled, but managed to snatch the sheathed knife out of the air. She swung and managed to grab the rope...then stopped. “Wait...I’ll fall if I cut the rope.”
“It’s okay. I’ll catch you. I won’t let you get hurt!” Hinoka called out with a gentle smile.
“Okay...I...I trust you…” Setsuna pulled the knife from the sheathe with her teeth and started to cut the rope. The rope snapped and Setsuna was falling through the air. She closed her eyes, expecting to hit the ground with a solid snap. She hit something soft...then something solid.
Setsuna opened her eyes and found herself laying on the ground...on top of Hinoka. Hinoka flashed a weak smile. “See? I told you I’d catch you.”
“We still hit the ground,” Setsuna pointed out in a deadpan.
“No, I hit the ground. You hit me. Cause I caught you...just like I said I would...”
Setsuna’s expression was blank for a moment before it grew into a gentle smile. She settled down and rested her head on Hinoka’s shoulder. “You did…”
Hinoka blinked in confusion. “Are you hurt?”
“No.” Setsuna sighed contently and Hinoka moved carefully. She very carefully sat up, pulling Setsuna up with her.
She could feel that Setsuna’s heart was racing. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Setsuna nodded. “Yeah. It was scary at first but...it was kinda exciting.” Setsuna’s normal bored tone was hinted with a pleased chuckle.
Hinoka’s eyes widened and she stared at her friend. She was never excited...by anything. It was kind of nice, seeing her like this. She laughed and shook her head. “You must’ve hit your head. You? Excited? Haha, that’s new.”
“I wanna fall in another.”
Hinoka stared at her friend and simply shook her head. “Come on...let’s go back to the castle and make sure you’re not hurt.”
Setsuna nodded and stood, pausing to allow Hinoka to untie the rope around Setsuna’s ankle. Then they headed back to the castle. They, of course, got in trouble for sneaking out, and separated by Lady Mikoto.
After Setsuna was looked over by the healers, she was allowed to go to Hinoka’s room. It was strange, she wasn’t usually allowed back there during the night. She entered the hallway...and heard crying.
“...Hino?” She called out. She didn't really know how to handle crying...didn’t really do it herself. It meant sad...right?
“I-in here...Setsuna…” Hinoka called out from her room.
Setsuna carefully entered the room and found Hinoka curled up in the corner, crying. Setsuna squirmed and carefully approached, sitting beside her friend. Almost instantly Hinoka hugged her and held her close.
“Hino? Wh-what happened?”
“N-Nohr...it was a trap...F-Father...is...is dead...they...they took Chisai-ryu...there...were only a-a few...survivors,” Hinoka managed.
Setsuna didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know how to help...but she knew she couldn’t leave Hinoka like this. So she just put her arms around her crying friend close. She rocked gently and gently started humming a tune her mother used to sing for bedtime. Eventually Hinoka cried herself to sleep, Setsuna allowing herself to drift off beside her, vowing in a tired haze to never leave her alone.
2 notes
View notes
atsushi: *asleep*
Kenji: *asleep upside down next to him*
Tanizaki: *splashes water on his face in the bathroom*
naho: *vibrating with excitement*
Tanizaki: *exits the bathroom, nudges Atsushi*
atsushi: *snrk-* a-WHA-WHAT-WHERE AM I?!
Tanizaki: "?! Easy, easy--you're in the hotel..."
Kenji: =w= "Zzz..."
atsushi: oh, right right. *yaaaaawn*
Tanizaki: "???" *checks the time on his phone*
-7 AM-
Tanizaki: -_-; "We haven't even eaten yet--"
maki: easy, naho, calm breaths.
naho: ahhh im so excited i cant stand it! >w<
Tanizaki: ^^; "Atsushi, I guess pick up the pace."
naomi: we're actually going to meet touya diaz and caleb brent and carina bishop IN. THE. FLESH.
maki: i hear the hotel's cafe is doing a morning special on toast to go.
Kenji: *bounces up* "TOAST?!"
caleb: hmmm. should i do this in costume or not?
Touya: *looking through his phone* "Depends--how much attention you looking for?"
caleb: >n< im just trying to do this right. its been a while since last i did one of these contest fan meet ups.
Estevez: "I think it's best to give the audience what they want."
caleb: i just hope that crazy wiggum girl doesnt try to break in again. she scares me. Q_Q;;
Estevez: "Caleb, I don't want you having to worry. I'll ask for increased security."
caleb: thank you sir.
amanda: hey guys. *waves* good luck with today's meet up.
caleb: t-thanks amanda.
Touya: *grunts, still staring at the phone*
amanda: hey touya.......mr estevez.
Estevez: "..." *nods*
Touya: *looks through text messages* "?? No word from Carina."
caleb: i saw her this morning earlier...
amanda: maybe she's still getting ready?
Estevez: "She needs to hurry..." *stands up*
amanda: why dont i go get her?
caleb: just dont sneak up on her, she's been a bit on edge lately...
Estevez: *looking on his phone for medicines...*
amanda: *walks up to carina's trailer* *knocks* carina? the othesr are waiting on you.
amanda:....carina? you ok in there?
amanda: miss bishop? helloooo?
-no answer-
amanda:.....carina? are you in there? *grabs the door handle. it's unlocked* ?? *opens* carin-......a-....*SCREAMS*
Estevez: "?!!!"
Touya: *leaps up* "What's going on?"
caleb: amanda? what happ- !!!!!
-in the trailer, carina lays on the ground, eyes wide open, throat slit open, blood everywhere-
maggi: what happened? i heard yelling. *looks* o-oh my god, oh my god!
Estevez: *calling the police*
fuyumi: *worried, making a call*
Todoroki: "Hello?"
Todoroki: "...Hello. Yes, I am fine. How are you?"
fuyumi: im just glad you're ok! i just saw the news!
Todoroki: "Yes. It was frightening, but no one in my class is seriously injured."
fuyumi: will you be home soon?
Todoroki: "Yes. I-Island security wants to debrief us, however, then they seem focused on keeping outsiders away for a bit."
fuyumi: i guess that's understandable.
Todoroki: "It'll be fine, and I'll be home before you know it."
mitsuki: easy there inko, easy.
inko: Q~Q *unintelligable blubbering and screaming*
Masaru: *offers a paper bag*
inko: *takes it and starts breathing into it*
mitsuki: need something to drink? water? zinfandel spritzers?
Masaru: ._.; ("Little early for drinks, but understandable...") ^^; "I'll try calling. Again." *dials*
mitsuki: need us to set up the guest room for you for a bit?
inko: yesh pleashe Q~Q
Masaru: "... ...Come on, answer..."
eijiro: yes? this is bakugou's phone, eijiro speaking.
Masaru: "Oh, Eijiro! It's Katsuki's father, hello. Is he there?"
eijiro: yeah, he's here now. *away from the phone* bakugou, it's your dad calling!
Masaru: ._.; ("I've called 4 times already with no answer...")
eijiro: you were still in the bathroom-
Masaru: "I know, I know--and I appreciate that concern. But your mother and I were worried sick. Are you okay?"
Masaru: ^^; "Great. Let me put your mother on..."
Masaru: ^^;;;;
Bakugo: "IF IT'LL SHUT YOU UP ALREADY--I GOT THINGS TO DO TODAY!" *steps outside, bangs on a door* "GET OUT OF THERE, NERD!"
Izuku: O_O; "..." ("Nope.")
Izuku: "?!" *slightly opens the door* "O-Oh?"
Bakugo: *shoves the phone in his face* "STOP MAKING HER WORRIED AND TALK, DAMN YOU!"
Izuku: "H-Hello?"
mitsuki: hi there izuku. ^^ im gonna put your mom on now, ok?
Izuku: "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Bakugo."
inko: *takes the phone* ISHUKHUUUU *unintelligable blubbering and crying*
Izuku: Q_Q *crying, incoherent blubbering response*
Bakugo: ._______. "...What the fuck am I looking at?"
mitsuki: *sigh* the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree, it seems.
Masaru: "Indeed. At least they're safe."
Kyotoku: *headbanging into the phone* "KYOKA! I'M SO GLAD YOU’RE SAFE!!!!"
jirou: yeah, im ok dad.
Kyotoku: "WWAAAAAAAAAAH!" T~T "They feeding you well? The cops aren't a problem, are they?"
jirou: -_-; im not in jail, dad.
Kyotoku: "You never know! I once shared a cell with Bowie!"
jirou: david bowie or the bird?
Mr. Uraraka: "I'm so proud of you!"
ochako: aw thanks dad. ^^;
Waiter: *sets down food*
Mr. Uraraka: "Make sure to rest up--you're going to need to re-charge."
Waiter: *sets down a cell phone charger in front of Kaminari*
kaminari: -_-;
Hagakure: *has jam on her face from the pastries* =w= "So good..."
mina: thanks for the recommendation, melissa!
melissa: no problem. ^^
Iida: *passes the steamed vegetables*
Patty: "Upsie daisy!"
shiori: ^o^
Patty: "Aren't you a cutie? How's it going, kiddo?"
shiori: *baby babble*
Patty: "Hee hee! Want to see something really cool?"
shiori: bah?
Patty: "Kid! The topiary is off on one side--"
Kid: *rushes in, already in overalls, a sunhat, and a tool kit of clippers* "Ready!"
shiori: *head tilt* ~?
Patty: "You changed so quickly, like magic!"
Kid: "I cannot afford to let one bit of asymmetry manifest in this estate." *looks behind her* "...Wait...That topiary looks fine--"
Patty: *giggles* "Trick ya!"
Kid: -~-
shiori: *reaching* ki! ki!
Kid: ^^; *sets down the clippers, pushing them away, picks up Shiori* "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: *laughs* ^o^
Patty: "D'aw..." *snaps a pic on her phone, texting it*
Chuuya: "??? That's a lot of cupcakes..."
miyuri: ^w^
sonia: so what else do we all need?
Chuuya: "Hmmm...Some leafy vegetables."
miyuri: *GASP* papa! sonia! look! *holding up broccoli* baby trees!
Chuuya: "Yep--that's broccoli. It's good to eat."
miyuri: can we eat trees too?
sonia: broccoli isnt a tree. it's a vegetable.
miyuri: ooooh.
Chuuya: "There are things that come off trees, like fruits." *reaches for an apple--stops...grabs an orange instead*
miyuri: oooh neat!
sonia: oranges are technically citrus. ^^;
Chuuya: "Yes--good for vitamin C to grow big and strong."
miyuri: wooow!
Chuuya: "How about we make a salad tonight?"
sonia: sounds good.
Chuuya: "I'll even show you some different vinegars to try."
lavender: saaakuyaaa~ you have a visitor~
Sakuya: -____- "I'm not really feeling like visitors."
lavender: you sure about that?
mahiru: i could come by later-
Sakuya: "?!!! Ma-Mahiru?!"
mahiru: *waves* hey sakuya.
Sakuya: *smiles--then tries to play it cool* "Oh, hey. What's up?"
mahiru: lavender invited me over to hang out with you. ^^;
lavender: you're welcome~
Sakuya: "Oh...Um...How you been? Hungry?"
mahiru: sure.
Kanin: "Wow, watch out!" *holds out an arm before crossing the street*
amelia: *stops*
*a car speeds by--followed by police*
amelia: *watches*
Villain: *cackling in the car*
Kanin: "Someone should help stop them..."
amelia: *looks up*
*vines come down, forming a wall that--*
Villain: "!!! SHI--"
Villain: *hits the air bags* *groans...* *starts...falling apart like slime?!*
mt lady: what the-
Villain: *tries to slither away into the sewers...*
mt lady: *pulls out a vacuum*
Villain: O____O *scurrying as fast as it can to the sewer grate--*
Villain: "EEEEEEK--" *sucked in, but not before some splashes onto Kamui*
Kamui: "?!"
mt lady: oops, missed a spot. *uses the vacuum on kamui*
Kamui: -_-; "Watch that--you're going to pull twigs out."
ochako: thanks for the food! *eating a burger* mmm~ yum!
Izuku: ^^; "We're all finally able to get a break."
kaminari: hey tokoyami, i got a question for ya; do you ever molt?
Tokoyami: "..." *sips on his straw*
eijiro: *smiles*
Bakugo: -_-# "Don't ask stupid questions--we don't ask you whether you get static cling if we shove you in the dryer."
eijiro: *still smiling*
Bakugo: "...WHAT?"
eijiro: you called me by my first name last night. ^^
Bakugo: "?!!! ..." >\\\> "Don't make anything out of it--I'LL CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT TO GET YOUR ATTENTION IN A FIGHT, YOU DUMBASS!"
eijiro: ^^
ochako: same old bakugou. ^^;
Todoroki: *nods* "Very tsundere."
ochako: *giggles*
Todoroki: *smiles* "Ha."
melissa: ...
Todoroki: "You see they started the concert again?"
ochako: yeah, we should check it out later.
Todoroki: *nods* "Sounds great. My sister was telling me about the instruments they're using--they change the notes by colors."
ochako: wow that's so cool!
Todoroki: "Yeah!" *smiling wider*
melissa:...say, todoroki, may i talk to you for a moment.
Todoroki: "Oh...Um, okay?" *looks at Ochako* "Be right back."
ochako: ok, im gonna get some more ketchup in the meantime.
Todoroki: "?!!!" .\\\\. "...Huh?"
melissa: you seem to smile more around her than most of the others in your group.
Todoroki: "I...smile. At times."
melissa: you also seem to look at her a lot.
Todoroki: "?!! I-I'm not trying to be creepy or anything."
melissa: ^^; sorry, if this is a bit personal-
Todoroki: "It-It's fine...Not many people have said something like that to me."
melissa: ah...well, that's all i wanted to say.
Todoroki: "...Could I ask for some advice?"
melissa: sure.
Todoroki: "If it was you...what would you do? I...don't know that I'm...deserving."
melissa: ._.; honestly, im not the best person to ask in regards to that sort of thing, but she seems happy around you, doesnt she?
Todoroki: "Y-Yes? But Ochako is a very friendly person."
naomi: were almost there!!
Tanizaki: "Right..." *looking at a map on his phone*
naho: >w<
Kenji: *looking around* "Ooooo! So modern!" *staring at the palm trees and--* "Shiny lightposts!"
maki: *snapping pics*
Tanizaki: "Sending any of those back home?"
maki: yeah.
Kenji: "Atsushi, what do you want to see while we're here?"
atsushi: i dont even know where to begin. ._.;
Tanizaki: "How about the giant 'Hollywood' sign? It's a bit of a climb, but I heard the view is incredible."
atsushi: sounds good.
Kenji: "I want to see how they put movies on the screens! How do they get all of that done in just one go?"
maki: it takes a long time to make a movie, days, months, even years sometimes.
naho: even the police get called in to make movies, see?
naomi:....guys....i dont think they're acting....
Tanizaki: "!!!"
maki: oh-oh shit!
Kenji: "??? What happened?"
naomi: i dont know. bro, stop the car!
Tanizaki: *pulls over*
naomi: *gets out and walks over*
officer: ma'am, this is a crime scene, we're going to have to ask you to vacate the area-
naomi: what happened?
EMT: *removing a body...*
naomi: !!!!
Tanizaki: "...Someone died?"
naomi: who died?!
officer: that's classified-
Kenji: "How sad. Were they an actor?"
naomi: we just so happen to be detectives!
Officer 2: "Hmm...Well, she was found dead in her trailer."
naho: who?!
Officer 2: "...Carina Bishop."
naomi: !!!!!!!
maki: WHAT, NO!!!
Tanizaki: "!!! H-How did this happen?"
officer: we're looking into it now.
Tanizaki: ._.
Kenji: ^^ "Let's do this!"
officer: ._.;;; i'll talk to commander fold...
Tanizaki: "Th-Thanks..." *looks around*
-there are officers and crewmembers about the place-
make up artist: well, i heard amanda screaming, and when i came in, i saw the body.
Tanizaki: "It could've been anyone..."
???: it's a good riddance honestly.
Kenji: "...?"
-a short, somewhat chubby girl with brown hair is talking to an officer-
???: that mary-sue bitch was dragging the show's quality down. with her gone, things can only improve.
naomi: exCUSE moi?!
Tanizaki: "Naomi, easy--"
naomi: a person just DIED and you just bash on her?!
???: that's what she gets for being in the way of zephro!
maki: YOU TELL 'EM!
Tanizaki: -n-;
caleb: what the heck is-... oh great. _you_ again.
???: nero-kun! these twats are actually DEFENDING that breeder, carina! we all know they're idiots and that zepher is your one true love, right~?
caleb: for fucks sakes, wiggum, how many times do i have to tell you, i'm caleb. nero is a fictional character.
Kenji: "Wow, are all fans in this city this mean?"
maki: nah, she's just one of the crazy fans most likely.
naho: it's people like her who give us fujoshis a bad rep!
Tanizaki: "And that's saying something."
atsushi: *looks at the crime scene*
Officer 3: "Careful!"
atsushi: *looking around*
*it's bloody...*
Officer 3: "Don't touch anything! We don't need some outsiders screwing this up."
atsushi: *shows his ID*
Officer 3: "Is that supposed to impress me? What are you, 16?"
atsushi: 19, actually.
Officer 3: "You ever see this kind of a murder before?"
atsushi: i am a detective, so...
Officer 3: "In your opinion, then, how do you think this happened?"
atsushi: did miss bishop have any enemies?
Officer 3: "You kidding me? Actors always do: fans, other actors, writers..."
atsushi: hmm...
Officer 3: "We're starting with interrogating her coworkers, find out who had motive and means."
lukas: so how was the trip, saria?
Saria: "A lot of fun! We roasted marshmallows, Dad tried a new grilled cheese recipe. And we got to watch the wildlife." *sets down some sodas* "How have things been for you?"
lukas: same old, same old, i suppose.
Saria: *nods* "Well, I'm excited to get back to training with you, especially before the summer desert camp work. Looking forward to the camp work?"
lukas: i suppose so.
Saria: "Let's do our best! I'm sure we can improve our resonance rate!"
lukas: right. shall we go to the training room then?
Saria: *nods* "Lead the way!"
Sakuya: "And that's been about it--just trying to stay under radar so we don't get some C3 weirdos bringing us in."
mahiru: ah. i see.
Sakuya: "...You sure you're doing okay?"
mahiru: hmm? oh, yeah im well. kuro's well too, see?
Kuro: =_= "Zzz..."
Sakuya: "...Yeah, totally." *poke*
Kuro: "Stop that."
*someone is sitting at Vortex Cafe*
Akutagawa: "..."
Akutagawa: "...Montgomery. Hello."
lucy: let me guess, tea again?
Akutagawa: "No. I'll also have some tea cookies."
lucy: .....
Akutagawa: "What, no investigations today with the Tiger?"
lucy: he's on vacation.
Akutagawa: "...He never told me that."
lucy:.....in phoenix, did you and him...talk about anything?
Akutagawa: "??? Yes. We discussed our respective visits. I was vacationing with family, he was on some murder mystery, if I recall. That is what we discussed."
lucy: i see.....
Akutagawa: "...Why do you ask?"
lucy: ...nevermind.
Akutagawa: "Hmm. I'll suppose the Tiger said something nasty behind my back. I'll have to insult him back when he returns. Where did he go anyway?"
lucy: why should i tell you?
Akutagawa: -_-# "Fine. Be difficult. I'll ask him myself when he returns."
elise: *walking through the halls*
*looks like mafiosos milling about...Motojiro can be heard in his lab...Tachihara is examining his handgun*
elise: *pokes her head in chuuya's office*
Chuuya: *has a map rolled out, circling armories*
elise: hiiiii chu-chu~ ^^
Chuuya: "Hmm? Oh, hello."
elise: how're sonia and miyurin?
Chuuya: "Quite well, thank you. They're playing with Kouyou."
elise: can i visit them?
Chuuya: "Sure...They were supposed to be in the garden."
elise: thanks. ^^ dont worry, i wont tell rintarou, he's busy with something anyway.
Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Good."
Damon: *looks at Soul's motorcycle* "How did you learn to ride a bike?"
soul: oh this? well, i've known how to ride for a while now. also it's a motorcycle, a bit different from a regular bicycle.
Damon: "I-I know the difference! I...just was curious since..."
soul: ??
Damon: >_>;;; "I'm not very good at it..."
soul: did you want to learn, buddy?
Damon: "C-Could we?"
soul: sure thing.
Fear Factory Droid: "YOUR MEAL." *shoves a sealed plastic packet of liquid into Shotaro and Mana's cells*
Shotaro: ._. "...Is this pee?"
Shotaro: *picks it up, sniffs at it* "Hey, where's Yohei?" *looks at Mana* "We were wondering when we could talk to him."
mana: yeah. is he alright?
mana: oh?
Shotaro: "??? Someone that important wants to meet with us? But we haven't had a chance to bath--and I'm kind of smelling rank."
Droid: *presses a button, revealing a giant hose, aims at Shotaro--and fires water at him*
Shotaro: "UMPH!" *slammed by the water into the wall*
mana: well? take us to your leader already.
Shotaro: X____X *spits up water, coughs*
mana: you alright, showtaro?
Shotaro: "Why are they doing this to us? They're the bad guys!" *shakes his nutrition packet* "And I got no bones to bite!"
mana:...*punches the wall* DAMMIT! this is so FRUSTRATING! i couldnt even do anything to stop them! I HATE FEELING SO GODDAMN HELPLESS! i hate this.....*she curls up and silently cries*
Shotaro: "..." *reaches out a hand through the cage--but can't reach* "...Hey. Don't cry. We'll get out of here. Yohei's smart--he's probably thinking up a plan to get us out right now!"
Yohei: *still tied to the crucifix* "...42...43...44...45..."
???: yoooooheeeei~
Yohei: "..." *looks up*
nofix?: ya miss me baby~?
Yohei: "..." *smiles weakly* "I was just counting off how long it had been since I saw something really stupid. 45 seconds. New record."
nofix?: =3= aw boo, you're no fun.
Yohei: "What are you even doing here?" *looks at the crucifix behind him* "...This is all sadly familiar..."
nofix?: *swoon* brings back memories, doesnt it~?
Yohei: "Bad memories." *struggles against his restraint* "It's bad enough to be tied here--now I have to listen to your ridiculous ass?"
nofix?: yep! nice job making the jailbait cry, THAT was hilarous, GYAHAHAHA!!
Yohei: "...If this is a hallucination, of course you would know that. But if it was a hallucination, I'd be able to influence it...So, how do I get rid of you?"
nofix?: jeeez you're such a party pooper, yo-yo.
Yohei: "I sure am...Just like I got us all stuck in this situation. Even you, you fucking insane nut-bag."
nofix?: ooh yohei~ you flatter me~
Yohei: "I'm not kidding...Chie wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't go to I Island...Shotaro and Mana would've been fine if I hadn't listened to them, bringing them to IC Prefecture...If I didn't help Fear Factory build their killing machines...Help the Dokeshi Hunt track down even people like you...I ruined a lot..."
nofix?: welp, nothing you can do about it now i guess.
Yohei: "...Maybe. Guess I got to wait for...whatever happens next...No one even knows where I am..."
nea: and that's basically the situation.
Chuuya: *tapping a finger on the table* "...A space ship? Seriously?"
Abernathy: Q___Q *just peeking over his desk* "An-And you want our help, m-ma'am?"
Bryn: *gripping her desk so hard it's cracking*
nea: that's the main gist of it, yes.
Chuuya: "This is asking a lot...I'll see what the Mafia can do."
Abernathy: "We still have leftover robot suits--my team has been modifying some for more ammo--"
nea: that will be our ground army.
nea: thank you for that. chie and saki will appreciate it.
Chuuya: "...Nea, Fear Factory was trying to do a lot for Dokeshi. What are we looking at here?"
nea: while that is true, but they also wish to eradicate humans as well. us dokeshi arent over-all trying to be _better_ than humans, we just want to be accepted. but i do have some schematics of some of their tech.
Abernathy: "I'll pass those onto the tech team--HEY, MITCH! READ THE SCHEMATICS OR I'LL CHOP YOUR FINGERS OFF!"
Chuuya: ._.; "...'Better than humans' is a low bar."
nea: ....
Bryn: "I'm booking a flight now...Honey! Grab the kids! We're going to Death City!"
nea: oh that reminds me, shinoda~ call up our friends on japonshima, will you~
setsuna: i'll contact minato as well.
Shinoda: *nods* "On it..."
Assi: "I put in time off with Mr. Fitzgerald--he didn't really have anything to offer because, and I quote, 'Wait, how much will this cost me?'"
David: *passed out*
{David: "Look at her...She's so tiny."}
{rebecca: hmhm ^^ }
{David: *holds out a finger* "Hello, Melissa."}
{melissa: *yawn* -.- }
{rebecca: aw, did we wake you?}
{David: "Sorry, sweetie. We just wanted to check on you."}
{melissa: *small baby babble*}
{David: *smiles* "You sound happy. And Mommy and Daddy are so happy to see you."}
David: *wakes up with a start--then cringes, gasping, clutching his stomach*
nurse: mr shield?
David: "Ah...S-Sorry..."
Iida: "Keep up, people--we only have so much time to take in all the sights!"
Tour Guide: -_-; "Sir, _I'm_ the tour guide."
ochako: ^^;
Todoroki: .\\\.;
Bakugo: -_-# "This is boring. We don't even get to have the tournament done..."
Izuku: "Yeah, it's really awful we don't get to fight each other since I-Island is dealing with injured people, property damage, and missing people kidnapped in space ships."
Bakugo: "...No one likes sarcasm, Deku, you fucking asshole."
ochako: that actually happened.
Izuku: .~. *backs up to Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *chops bakugou on the head*
Mineta: "...Frogs can do that?"
momo: now now, behave, all of you.
Iida: *nods* "This is our limited opportunity to learn as much as we can about this island before departing--HATSUME, STOP THAT!"
Mei: *trying to disassemble the security robots* "--and how do you increase processing power without losing mobility?"
Arthur: *petting the donkey head hanging on the office wall* "Good, Silver. Who's a regal steed? You are! Yes, you are..."
Vulcan: "...Why do you call it 'Silver'?"
Arthur: "??? All horses are Silver's."
Vulcan: "...It's a burro, not a horse."
Arthur: "...Okay, 'Silburro' is his name now."
Relan: *sitting at his desk* "..." *headdesk*
shinra: it's also an ass, fitting for arthur.
Arthur: "?!!!"
Vulcan: "HA!"
Takehisa: *under his desk, curled up in a ball*
iris: we're ba-. ... ._.;
Petra: "??? What the devil happened to these fools?"
Arthur: *shaking Shinra* "TAKE IT BACK!"
tamaki: *sigh* the 8th brigade at it's finest. -_-;
Akitaru: "Okay, reviewing missions. Arthur and Shinra--"
Arthur: *headlocking Shinra*
shinra: *ARM BITE*
Takehisa: "..." *sad sigh, crawls up under the desk...he doesn't look shaven...pulls out a whistle...BLOWS LOUDLY*
shinra: AH! >!<
Takehisa: "..." *sad sigh, crawls up under the desk...he doesn't look shaven...pulls out a whistle...BLOWS LOUDLY*
tamaki:....maki please get back soon.
maki: so can you walk us through the crime, mr estevez?
Estevez: "It-It all happened so fast...We heard Amanda scream, we get there--and there's Carina, dead."
maki: i see. out of curiosity, did amanda have any connections to carina personally?
Estevez: "You mean outside of work?"
maki: *nods* but really, anywhere works
Estevez: "Yeah, for drinks after a long day..."
maki: was there any hostility?
Estevez: "None that I noticed..."
amanda: oh gosh, no! i mean, it did hurt when carina got the role, but i'd never _kill_ over it!
Tanizaki: *nods* "We're just trying to determine means and motive, ma'am..."
Tanizaki: "Can you think of anyone who would have a problem with her?"
amanda: other than miss wiggum, i dont know...but she did seem a bit uneasy when we had lunch together last time. she mentioned that she felt like she was being watched...
Tanizaki: "??? 'Watched'? She's had stalkers before?"
amanda: *nods* given her status, that's to be expected...
Tanizaki: "Did she speak to the police?"
amanda: i-i think so?
Tanizaki: "We'll check with their reports. Thank you, ma'am."
amanda: r-right...
Tanizaki: *opens the door* "We'll be in touch..."
Emine: *staring up at the hospital ceiling* "..."
chie: *outside, holding toru* .......
Tool: *walks up* "...We got a flight booked."
chie: ......
Tool: "..." *sits with her* "...Nea told me she's got something planned."
Tool: "...Hey, have you had some sleep? I can watch Toru..."
chie:.....*biting her lip*
Tool: "..." *pats her shoulder*
Duncan: *following Izumi* -n# *holding ice to his face* "Stupid dodgeball..."
izumi: you probably shouldnt have been so rude as you always are. -.-;
Duncan: "How was it rude?! I said, 'I bet my grandmother can throw harder than you!'"
*looks like some students in the hall, giggling, pointing towards Izumi and Duncan*
izumi: to be fair, i dont even _know_ your grandmother, so i'd be in no position to judge, i guess.
Duncan: "Oh, she was super frail! I remember one time--"
Bully: *giggling* "Look at her hair--just pathetic."
izumi: ?? excuse me?
Bully: "Ha! The Albarn twin can talk."
izumi: i-i dont have any twins.
Bully: "Right--'cause she's dead, you faker."
izumi: *wince*
Duncan: "..." -_# "Excuse me, we were having a conversation--"
Bully: *brushes a hand over Izumi's hair* "Pigtails? Really? Jeez, you do want to be daddy's little girl, don't you? Weirdo."
izumi: *backs up* just stop it.
Bully: "Or what?" *puts hands against both sides of the wall behind her, stopping her path* "You'll go crying to the Death Scythe?"
Duncan: "!!! H-Hey! She said stop!"
izumi: i-im...-
Bully: *grabs Izumi's pigtail--and pulls down*
izumi: OW! STOP!
Duncan: "!!! She said stop!" *tries to grab the Bully's arm--*
Bully 2: *slams Duncan into the wall*
izumi: !!!!
Bully 1: "See, my big brother told me about the previous students here. And from what I heard, you're just some pale imitation. Why you even here..." *transforms her arm into a curved sword* "And if you're too weak to be a meister half as good as Maka Albarn, then what're you doing here?" *traces the blade against Izumi's face*
izumi: you...YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?!
Duncan: "Ow..." *trying to wiggle loose*
Bully 1: "??? Oh, you smart enough to figure that out?" *punches Izumi in the chest*
izumi: GRK- im just trying to find a purpose in life....a real purpose......not just some test-subject of my birth father.....i just....want to find who _i_ am....
Bully 1: *picks Izumi up by her shirt* "Ha! You hear that, ladies? She's a freak! She just admitted it!"
izumi: *tears falling* just please leave me alone already...i never did anything to you…
Duncan: *wiggles loose--and bites on Bully 2's hand*
Bully 2: "OW!" *punches Duncan in the chest*
Duncan: X__X *passes out*
Bully 1: "Aw, but now your boyfriend just hurt one of my girls..." *points the blade into Izumi's chest* "And that means..."
izumi: !!!
Bully 1: "HA HA HA--"
*a whip grabs Bully 4 by the ankles, pulling her down*
Bully 1: "?!!" *turns--*
Saria: "Let her go!"
Bully 1: "..." *smirks--lowers Izumi* "What? Can't some friends talk?" *puts an arm around Izumi's shoulder*
-shot by bully 1's head-
izumi: eep!
Bully 1: "?!! WHAT THE FUCK?!"
preston: *holding up a rifle* ah do believe that's our friend yer harassin'
Bully 1: "..." *backs up* "Hey, if you want a duel, I'm open to it. But we'd need a teacher here, now wouldn't we? Or are you just some thuggish rule breakers?"
genny: like you arent?
hibiki: picking on others just to make yourself look tougher, people like that just really peeve me off.
Bully 1: *smiles* "Just call me a tutor: if the weak-ass teachers won't build up people's strength, my girls will..."
Bully 4: *drags Duncan over, drops him in front of Genny and Hibiki*
lei-lei: HEY! beating up duncan is OUR job!
Duncan: *murmur of pain*
Bully 4: *eyes* *mumbles something, walks over to Bully 1*
genny: and we only do it when he's being a total dick. which granted is almost always-
Duncan: >_# "I GET THE POINT!"
Bully 1: *nods* "Well, this was fun." *winks at Izumi* "See you around..." *turns...*
izumi: ?!
Bully 1: *knocked back, her nose bleeding*
Asher: *their arm transformed, looking furious*
izumi: asher.....
Asher: "Never...touch her again..." *marches forward*
Bully 1: "!!!" *roars, leaping up*
Spirit: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Break it up, all of you!"
Asher: "..." *looks down*
izumi: this is my fault....
Yafeu: "?! NO IT ISN'T--"
Spirit: "..." *looks at the bullet hole in the wall* "...All of you, follow me." *walks with Izumi*
izumi: *curls up into fetal position* it's my fault for even existing to begin with....*crying*
Spirit: "!!! ..." *looks at the others* "Go to Room 101, now! You have detention!" *gets down on his knees, picks up Izumi* "It's okay--Daddy's here..."
izumi: the others didnt do anything wrong....they dont need to be punished for what i did......
Spirit: "We'll sort that out later...Come on--let's get you home."
lei-lei: yeah! it's those nasty girls that started it!
Spirit: "Lei-Lei, just...Please. I need a moment. Go to Room 101."
lei-lei:....yes sir.
hibiki: *glares at the bully squad*
Bully 4: "..." *middle finger*
Asher: *rolls up a sleeve, moving towards Bully 1--*
izumi: dont.
Asher: "..." *backs down*
Spirit: "..." *pats Izumi on the shoulder*
bully 3: looks like we get off scott free, eh?
bully 3: OwO
bully 2: great going, steph.
stephanie: ooopsie~
bully 2: _this_ is why you're the dumb one of the group.
Spirit: "And ask Naigus to patch up your buddy."
Bully 1: -_-#
Spirit: "..." *looks at Izumi*
Hani: "--and let me know how the project turns out. I'm so excited to see your progress on the class project!"
student: of course, professor. ^^
Hani: *her wrist watch beeps* "Whoops! I'm behind schedule. Let's check in for coffee tomorrow, okay?" *walks towards her office*
Tanizaki: "You handled that well, Maki. Did you do police work before?"
maki: not personally, but my bro is part of the military police. ^^;
Tanizaki: "Oh, neat! Kind of runs in families with siblings, huh?"
Kenji: "Is he like the cops on TV?"
maki: how so?
Kenji: "Does he say cool catch phrases and wear sunglasses and drive a convertible?"
maki: well.... ^^;
Tanizaki: ^^; "I'm guessing that's a 'no.' I'm sure he's working hard, though."
maki: credit where credit's due.
Kenji: "Oooooooo! It'll be so helpful to see how big city police handle crimes!" *looks around* *GASPS* "Look! It's Elvis!"
*an actor walks by*
naomi: bro, could you talk to miss wiggum? naho's not doing well without it turning into a screaming match. remember that ship war she got into a while back? turns out it's this person. -_-;
Tanizaki: "Oh no..." *runs over* ^^; "Hey, so, what's going on here?"
wiggum: _SHE'S_ THE WRONG ONE!
Tanizaki: "Well, I mean--Um...What led you to your conclusions?"
naho: SEME!!
maki: time out girls, time out!
Tanizaki: >~< "I'm no good at this...Can't you two just ship your own things and be happy with that?"
naho: you dont get it do you, tanizaki? zeke is a protective badass who will always be there for daichi.
naomi: (i sometimes wonder how she can yell so much without breathing. then i remember she's a vampire.)
Tanizaki: "I mean, couldn't Daichi be _both_, um, 'seme' and...'not seme'? Or alternate at different times of day?"
maki: reba ship!
naho: i guess he has a point.
wiggum: you actually listen to HIM?! heh, show's how much of a fan you are~
naho: D8< HEY!
Tanizaki: ._.;;; "...Is this really worth getting upset over? In this world, we have such bigger problems, like a real-life murder. Shouldn't that be what we worry about? How brief life is, how tenuous it is, how we could die at any moment and need to value all moments we have left?"
naomi: in case you didnt know, we're in a CRIME SCENE, so can we save the fandom drama for some other time?
naho:....i bet she's the killer.
Tanizaki: "?!!! Naho!"
wiggum: just because im glad she's dead doesnt mean _i_ did it. if i could have i would have, but i didnt!
naomi: easy nahonaho, let's not let opinions cloud our judgement.
naho: GRRR...you're right. -n-;
Kenji: "???" *looks at Wiggum*
wiggum: the fuck are YOU looking at?!
Kenji: OxO "That's not a nice thing to say, ma'am."
wiggum: you think i care?
Tanizaki: -_-; "Could you not curse in front of him? Kenji is a nice boy."
naomi: ok sweetcheeks, here's how this is gonna work. we're gonna ask you some questions and you just answer honestly. no snide remarks or rude comments, capiche?
wiggum: tch-
Kenji: ^^;;;
Tanizaki: "Where were you before the murder?"
ochako: SERIOUSLY, HATSU-MEI?! A FLYING SHIP?! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "..." -_-; *starts to walk away* "I'll take my chances on a flight--"
ochako: come on iida! A FLYING PIRATE SHIP! HOW IS THAT NOT COOL?!
Izuku: "Yeah, Iida--this is the fastest way to get back to Death City due to all the flight delays and investigations out of Death City!"
Iida: -_-# "I...can't ignore the pragmatism."
eijiro: then it's settled!
Bakugo: *staring at the ship* "...This thing isn't going to crash, is it?"
Mei: "NOPE, KACC--"
Bakugo: *glares*
Mei: OwO; "...Bakugo. It is air-worthy! Or you can deal with cramped seating in couch--"
Bakugo: "Let's get on board."
Spirit: *sets down a cupcake and some milk* "..." *sits with her* "Your classmates explained what happened."
Spirit: "Sweetie, I'm sorry. I just thought...until I could sort out what happened, it'd be best..." *sighs* "Don't believe that nonsense--those kids are idiots."
izumi:...it's not fair, dad.....
Spirit: "No, it isn't..." *looking away from some photos on the mantle, one of Maka...*
izumi: i thought, partially imitating her would help me feel closer, but it hasnt helped at all. i just-....i wish they wouldnt compare me to someone i never met!
Spirit: "I know--and no one is expecting you to be someone else. You're Izumi--and that's who you are."
izumi: yeah, people always say that, 'be yourself!' 'be yourself!' but how can i do that when i dont even know who 'myself' is supposed to be?
Spirit: "...That's what takes so much time to figure out."
Spirit: "Sorry, I'm not much help..."
Spirit: *hug* *pat pat*
izumi: thanks dad.....
Spirit: "You're welcome...Let's take this one day at a time..."
Saria: T~T "How am I going to explain this to my dads..."
Asher: "Just sneak in through the window when they don't notice you're coming home."
lukas: a fine mess we're in.
lei-lei: mrgrgr! this is so unfair! those mean girls were the ones that started it, not us!
Duncan: "...They hurt me, too."
hibiki: that one's less surprising.
Duncan: >_<# "SCREW YOU!"
Sid: *tosses an eraser at Duncan's head* "Pipe down!"
lukas: OxO
Sid: "I think you all need a punishment to show you the error of your ways--and since you're all interested in physical activity..." *holds up toilet plungers and scrubbers*
naho: thanks, naomin.
Naomi: "Any time--we all get hot and bothered about things we're passionate about." *passes a tissue*
naho: right. *sniffles*.......
Naomi: *pat pat* "I think a walk may help--we're in Hollywood after all." *smiles* "And I got a business credit card..."
naho: *sniffing*
Naomi: "..." *hug* "It's okay."
naho: no....*her eyes go almost wild* i smell blood......
Naomi: "?!! N-Naho?"
naho: it's coming from over here! *runs inside to the staff areas*
Naomi: *follows, dialing her phone*
naho: in here! *it seems to be the trailer of the make up artist*
Naomi: *snaps a pic of the trailer, texts it to the Agency LA team* "Okay--let's be careful about this..." *looking at the door*
-seems ajar-
naho: *looks inside* in the trashcan.
-there is a note on the desk and a photo-
Naomi: *studies*
-the photo is of carina-
Naomi: "Why would this be here?"
note; mags, since mr bishop has failed to pay up, why not take his little angel downtown to visit ~Don Dios
Naomi: "...Oh man..."
naho: !!!
-in the trashcan is a bloody box cutter knife-
Naomi: "!!!" *snaps pics*
Shinoda: *hangs up* "I have finished travel arrangements."
nea: excellent. we'll be regrouping with emine and the others soon, and then we raid the fear factory's base!
Shinoda: "Right! Oh, this will be a good opportunity to finally put them down--"
*something like spires explode through the wall, nearly piercing Shinoda and Nea*
Shinoda: *had tried to block for Nea* Q__Q
Zuno: *sniffle* "Sorry--my nosehairs have been all weird lately..."
*a giant goby frog is hopping in place impatiently*
*an old farmer pets it*
Chai: <Hey, hey--it's okay, calm down. It's just a short trip. And they even got you your own seat!>
Oolong: Q_Q *nudge nudge*
kisuke: <mr chai?>
Chai: ??? <Yeah, Chibi-suke?>
kisuke: <will the marketplace be far?>
Chai: <Just a few hours--we should be back by nightfall.> *loads up the wagon*
kisuke: <be safe!>
Chai: <You know me! And don't forget your chores!>
kisuke: <yes sir!>
Bakugo: *passed out in his comfy seat* "Zzz..."
Iida: -_-
mina: woooooah! so cool!
Hagakure: "I can see the horizon!"
Izuku: ^^; *looking around the walls of the ship* "It is some impressive tech..."
-text message-
Izuku: "???" *looks*
melissa: [dont worry deku, your secret is safe with me]
Izuku: "...?" ("What is she talking about? I hadn't said anything to her even after she realized All Might--!!!!") O________O "..." [kay thanx]
ochako: isnt this fun, deku? *she's in a pirate costume*
Izuku: "... ... ..." ^^;;;;;;; "SUPER FUN YES FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN..."
Todoroki: "...Where did you get that?"
ochako: oh this? there's a room with lots of pirate themed costumes and props! hatsu-mei said it's for guests to get into the spirit of things on the ship. ^^
Iida: -____-#
Mei: *in a captain's outfit* "YAR, MATEYS!"
Mei: "TO THE STARBOARD GALLEY!" *swings a sword in that direction*
iroha: *looking out the window*
Iroha's Dad: "Excited?"
iroha: hmm? oh, yeah!
Iroha’s Mom: ^^ "I know this will be a new experience--but we'll get to see something new."
iroha: yeah...(and i'll find ui there....i just know it....she just has to be, that's where her hospital is after all....)
Iroha's Mom: "I think you'll like the neighborhood, too! The neighbors are friendly..."
iroha: do you think there'll be other magical girls?
Iroha's Dad: "Um...Maybe?"
Iroha's Mom: *nudges her husband* "Hey, come on! Kamihama is like a magical girl capital, right?"
iroha: i know that, i meant like in our neighborhood. ^^;
Iroha's Dad: "We could hold a potluck and see what we find out."
sayaka: wow! you were actually in the kamihama winter parade?
mami: yep. i was kind of called in at last minute. ^^;
Crona: "A-Ah..."
kyouko: they originally wanted to bring in that local artist, alina gray, right?
mami: yes, but her take on the dress was a bit.....obscene.... ^^;
Crona: ._.;;;
kyouko: yeah, she is a bit controversial. she makes art about death for cryin’ out loud.....she'd fit right in with the death city crowd.
Crona: >~<; "That's kind of creepy..."
Todoroki: *adjusting his pirate outfit* "...This seems silly."
Izuku: *putting on a bandana*
eijiro: THIS IS SO COOL!
Bakugo: *wearing an eyepatch, carrying a big-ass sword* "...Okay. I could get used to this..."
Iida: -_-; *has a parrot on his shoulder*
kaminari: yolo~ yolo~ a pirate's life for me~
jirou:....*siiiiigh* -_____-
Mei: OwO; "C-Careful--Grunkle has a rule against that song..."
momo: *squints* ... !!! oh! come look! out in the distance!
Izuku: "??? What is it?" *picks up a spyglass*
-sky whales can be seen on the horizon-
Izuku: *GASPS*
Iida: "Incredible!"
tsuyu: i've only ever seen sky whales in books or on tv.
Izuku: *snapping pictures*
sero: huh, the world's full of surprises, huh?
Todoroki: "Hmm...I think I hear their singing..."
Asher: "..." *knocks*
sachiko: yes?
Asher: "Hello, Mrs. Albarn...How's Izumi?"
sachiko: oh, asher, come on in, she's resting right now.
lukas: ...
Saria: ^^; *waves* "Hello, ma'am..."
sachiko: and i see you brought friends.
Asher: -____-; "..." *looks at Izumi's door*
-she has a rather adorable name plate on the door-
Asher: "..." *sighs* *small knock*
-it's unlocked-
izumi: *lying in bed, facing the wall*
Asher: "..." *opens the door slightly* "...Hey."
Asher: "...This okay, or..."
izumi:.....*holding a pink dog plushie*
Asher: *sits down* "...Nice room...Sorry."
izumi:...you didnt...do anything wrong...
Asher: *rubs their neck* "...I let my meister get hurt."
Asher: "I'm not very good at this, am I?"
izumi:...thanks..for standing up for me....
Asher: "..." *nods* "It was the others who did that..."
Asher: "...They're actually outside. Everyone was worried, wanted to make sure...you were okay."
izumi:....im fine....
Asher: "..." *looks at the dog* "...The plushie has a name?"
izumi: this is Wancha. she helps me feel better when i feel bad...
Asher: "She's...very pink. A gift?"
izumi: my mom got her for me when i was little.
Asher: *nods* "That's nice...She looks like a happy companion."
izumi:.....*stomach growl*
Asher: "??? You haven't eaten?"
izumi: *shakes head*
Asher: "...Want to step out with me to get something? Or we could bring something in..."
Asher: *nods* *opens the door--*
Saria: *ear to the door* "...!" ^\\\^;
izumi: oh, saria!
Saria: "Hey! Just wanted to see how you're doing."
Asher: -____-
PlushFix: *tapping his fluffy mitt on his phone* "...DANG GPS ISN'T WORKING!"
mimeca: *raises hand*
PlushFix: "Yes, Mimeca?"
mimeca: *makes a 'hitchhiking' motion*
PlushFix: "OOOOOO, good plan!" *holds out his leg, whistles*
All Might: *lifts his suitcase* *looks around* "..."
melissa: *waves*
All Might: "!!" *waves back, walks to her* "Hey! Come to see me off?"
melissa: yeah, dad's still in the hospital....i'll probably see him later today...
All Might: *nods* "I'm on my way there to say goodbye..."
melissa: ah....want me to go with you?
All Might: *nods* "I'd like that."
Pirate Sidekick: "YAR! Any last words?!" *aiming a sword at someone on the plank*
kaminari: OwO;;;
Mei: ^w^; "Let's not be too hasty..."
Mineta: >_>; "I'm just glad they didn't get at me for teaching the parrot new words..."
ochako: *offers the parrot a sugar cube*
Parrot: *TILTS HEAD...picks up the cube, happily gnaws on it* ^w^
Mineta: *relieved sigh*
*looks like other students are listening to pirate stories...*
Ogun: *puts items in the grocery cart, then notices--* "...Put the cigarettes back."
juria: *grumbles*
Pan: *checking off the list* "Don't forget your cooking responsibilities: we need nutritious meals--" *puts back Ogun's cupcakes*
Ogun: D8< "Sir!"
Poe: *looks through the newspaper--and spots a photograph of--* "..." *tenses*
karl: o^o~?
*the newspaper shows a crime scene...Touma is seen in the background...*
Poe: *small growl*
karl: *chitter*
Poe: "..." *folds the paper, hides it under a book* *frowns*
Tanizaki: *looking over the photos* "...Horrible."
naho: we figured it out!
Kenji: "Wow--so, this was about a bad relationship?"
naho: what? it has to do with local mafia!
Tanizaki: "Take us through this again--what was the mafia hoping to get out of this murder?"
naomi: from the looks of things, it seems miss bishop's dad had mafia ties, so they executed her as a way of 'sending a message'.
Tanizaki: "Where was her father last seen?"
naomi: we're trying to figure that part out, but we do know who the main suspect is.
Tanizaki: "I think the police will be interested in hearing this."
naho: we suspect the make-up artist had something to do with this.
make up artist: !!!!
maki: you found the evidence in her trailer, right?
caleb: then again, it could have been planted there to frame her too.
Tanizaki: *looks at the Make Up Artist* "Where were you at the time of the murder?"
make up artist: *shaking* i-i-i was-...i-i was...
naho: *shivering*
Tanizaki: "Hey...We're just here to make sure we got the facts right..."
Kenji: *noticing Naho* "???"
make up artist: i-i-i was just-
naho: *pounces on her, her eyes crazy*
naomi: NAHO! STOP!
wiggum: WHAT THE HELL?!
Tanizaki: "?!!! Kenji--"
Kenji: *tries to grab Naho--*
naomi: bro, give me a knife!
amanda: i-i dont feel well.
Tanizaki: "?!" *hands her one*
naomi: *makes a cut on her wrist* here naho, drink this.
naho: *sniffs and latches on, sucking on the wound*
make up artist: *in shock*
caleb: !!!! s-she's a vampire!
atsushi: ......
maki: naho? are you ok?
naho: *pulls away, panting and crying*
Touya: *staring*
Estevez: *rubbing his chin, staring at Naho and Naomi*
naomi: it's ok, naho, it's ok.
naho: i-im sorry....i could....smell the remnants of blood on her....and i could feel her heart pounding and i-i lost it....*sobbing*
Tanizaki: "Let's get you out of here for a bit..."
make up artist:....i...i was.....only.....following orders......
Tanizaki: "I think the cops will have more to say about this."
Touya: "..."
All Might: *sitting by David's bed*
melissa: h-hey dad....
David: *wakes up* "...All Might? Melissa?"
All Might: "Hey, buddy...How you holding up?"
David: "...In a bit of pain."
All Might: "...I know what you did was wrong...but I appreciate your concern."
David: "...What's going to happen when you lose it all? This world can't survive that--not like how things were before."
All Might: "..." *pats Melissa's shoulder* "You've seen what Melissa invented?"
melissa: the first on kinda....broke, but i'll make a new one soon....
All Might: *nods* "And if you have kids like this out in the world, like Melissa and Young Midoriya, then I have to have faith that our future is going to be fine."
Hani: *opens a drawer, removing a jar of honey...one of dozens of bottles of honey in just that one drawer* "..." *spoons out a tablespoon of it--*
student: hey teach?
Hani: "Oh--it's just you, Andrea." *relaxes but has a more sour persona than her usual chipper facade* "What brings you here?"
andrea: just, uh....
Hani: "Yes? Well, spit it out?"
andrea: so, i heard that dr shield was in the hospital.
Hani: "Uh huh..." *licks the spoon clean* "He got there after that failed attack by some random thugs."
andrea: riiiight, so...
Hani: -_-# *sighs* *presses a button to shut the curtains...stands up, walks around* "What is wrong?" *pulls out a screwdriver*
andrea: well, there's a rumor going around that he might have had more involvement in the incident than just being a hostage.
Hani: *staring at the back of Andrea's neck* "Is that so? What do you mean?"
andrea: they're saying, get this, that he orchestrated the whole thing! can you believe that?
Hani: "Do you believe that?" *taps the screwdriver against the palm of her hand*
andrea: i mean, i dunno.
Hani: "Let me help answer that...my busy bee, your labor is a chant, your idleness a tune, oh, for a bee's experience of clovers and of noon..."
andrea: ugnhh... *collapses*
Hani: *groans* "Thought she'd never shut up." *drags her over to a chair* "HMPH!" *lifts her into the chair, lets her head rest on the desk...then reaches to her neck and...pulls enough of the skin away to reveal a USB port...she plugs a cable into the port and then into her computer...revealing a list of folders marked by date, and video files marked by times* "Let's see who exactly has been telling you that news."
Shotaro: *hanging upside down from a bar atop his jail cell* ;_-_ "Let us out already...I'm hungry. These liquid meals suck! I'm bored!"
Droid Security Guard: "SHUT UP."
mana: *worried*
Shotaro: "I don't wanna! I want some bones so I can open up this cell, get Mana out, watch her beat you up, then we'll go rescue Yohei and leave this-- ...How high up are we?"
Droid: "416659.162 kilometers."
Shotaro: "THIS REALLY HIGH UP PLACE!" >n< "...Do you need me to do any good deeds now?"
mana: (i just hope he remembers the plan...)
Droid: "YES. WE HAVE ANOTHER DROID THAT NEEDS TO BE RECHARGED." *drops a tiny droid-mouse into the slot, passing it into Shotaro's room* "PLUG IT INTO THE WALL OUTLET."
Shotaro: TnT "This isn't a good deed--it's just busy work..." *plugs the mouse's USB tail into the wall outlet*
Mouse Droid: O_O *its eyes fade in and out as it charges*
Rin: "Yo, Shiemi! How's studying?"
shiemi: exhausting.
Rin: "No kidding..." *flips open his notebook* "I can't figure out any of this--the Tanacu incident is just bizarre."
shiemi: *looks*
*it seems to be a mistaken case of demonic possession that led to the death of a nun in Romania...*
Rin: "Just bizarre--they screwed it up."
shiemi: how awful...
Bon: "The reason that's on the test is to make sure you look for all pieces of evidence instead of running in blind, Okumura--duh."
Rin: "Oh, really? Huh--that makes sense. Thanks, Bon!" ^w^
Bon: -_-;
Yafeu: "WOW. YOU HAVE A BIG BACKYARD, IZUMI!" *collapses on the grass*
Saria: ^^;
izumi: yeah, it is big, i guess.
axel: sweet shed! we should totally have a camp out in it sometime! bro and i did that all the time as kids, right bro?
Zeke: "Yeah, we'd pretend it was a fortress and that there were dragons outside--and hit Dad with a slingshot by mistake."
axel: ^^;
Asher: *looks at the tree* "...Maybe a tire swing...Nah, that's stupid, isn't it?"
hibiki: sounds like fun.
Asher: >_>;
Saria: "Maybe a barbecue, too!"
izumi: i'd like that...
Spirit: "Speaking of which..." *sets down a tray of hamburgers*
hibiki: oh!
Zeke: "Thanks, Mr. Albs!"
Black Star: *calling Naho* "..."
naho: hello?
Black Star: "Hey! It's the amazing Black Star! How you holding up?"
naho: im pretty good. ^^
Black Star: "Good! How's California?"
naho: it's nice. really busy. *wipes her eyes*
Black Star: "...I see...You sure you're okay?"
naho: eh? oh, im fine, im fine, really.
Black Star: "Alright--glad to hear! You enjoy this trip, okay?! Do some touristy stuff, like taking photos!"
naho: right! i will, thanks. and tell sakkun and lilac that im thinking about them ok?
Black Star: "On it! Later!"
naho: ok, bye. *hangs up and wipes her eyes*
Naomi: *knock knock*
naho: it's open.
Naomi: "Hey...Feeling better?"
naho: i guess.....
Naomi: *sits by her* "...You really helped us on this case."
naho: even though i lost control and caleb brent probably hates me now.
Naomi: "But you got control back...and you don't know that--maybe he was just surprised."
naho: .....did i mess up?
Naomi: "I don't think so...but this is something you're having to deal with."
naho: im scared that i'll lose control again and hurt someone....*whimpering*
Naomi: "..." *hug* "Has this happened before?"
naho: i-i dont think it has....
Naomi: "What do you notice before it happens? You just really want blood?"
naho: well, i can smell the blood, and then i see just their veins and heart and stuff, and i dont see anything else.....it was scary, like i wasnt even me....
Naomi: ^^; "Sure...I'm there if you need it."
Tool: *waves down the car*
toru: baba?
Kepuri: "...Babe..."
akaderu: yo.
nea: hello dearies~
Emine: "OW!" *collapses*
Emine: "..." *hug*
nea: well, we better get going, time's a'wasting.
Emine: "...I want to know what you intend to do and what resources we have."
nea: alright, so here's the plan.
Security Droid: *opens a slot in Mana's cell* "PUT YOUR HANDS HERE FOR THE CUFFS."
Security Droid: *puts cuffs onto her* "DON'T TRY ANY FUNNY STUFF, YOU TWO." *opens both cells...Shotaro also has on cuffs*
Shotaro: "??? Where are we going?"
Security Droid: *aims a taser at Mana* "MOVE."
mana: ...
*the doors open, revealing a hallway...the walls are clear, revealing all of outer space, with a door at the opposite end...*
mana: ......
Shotaro: "Oh, wow! Look at all the stars!"
Droid: "I SAID MOVE!" *shoves Shotaro, knocking him down*
mana: hey!
???: "Now, now--that's no way to treat prisoners...The President won't be happy, R-8."
R-8 (Security Droid): "..." *steps back*
mana: ??
Luke: *picks up Shotaro*
Shotaro: ._.;
mana: let him go!
Luke: *picks up Mana, too* "Be careful how you speak, Hinoki. You don't want to be crushed too, do you?"
mana: *she just stares at him* ....
Luke: *carries them effortlessly to the door, which slides open to reveal a dark room with curved walls and a high ceiling...in the center is a crucifix...*
mana: !!! YOHEI!
Yohei: *looks up* "...Thank goodness..." *tries to move--but he's stuck*
Shotaro: "Hey, you're alive! Great! Now we can bust out of here--"
Luke: *tosses Shotaro to the floor, as he skids to a stop, crashing into the bottom of the crucifix*
Shotaro: "...Ow."
Luke: *lowers Mana* "The President will see you now."
Yohei: "President...I crushed the President with the Fear Robot..."
{Yohei: *hands over a chip to Dr. Agei* "Here you go."
{Agei: "Finally--it took you long enough!" *waves to mechanics* "Take this and install it immediately!"}
{mechanic: got it, boss!}
{???: *walks down a stairway* *looks up* "..." *smiles wickedly* "Finally...With this, Mr. Nanami, I can strike fear into the hearts of those despicable humans...Present company excluded, of course."}
{Yohei: *lights up a cigarette* "No skin off my nose..." *exhales* "Ready to test it out?"}
{Queenie: *nods to the mechanic* "Initiate the test!"}
{mechanic: roger roger!}
{*the Fear Robot is motionless*}
{Yohei: "Hang on--it just needs to warm up..." *stepping back towards a Fear Factory jeep...*}
{Queenie: *stares at the Robot...*}
{Fear Robot: *its eyes brighten, and it steps forward, just tapping into the mechanics on the stairway*}
{Queenie: *her smile widens, as the Fear Robot approaches her...*}
{Fear Robot: *stops moving...then starts to shimmy in place*}
{Queenie: "??? What the hell? Is...Is that some kind of dance? Like the kind bees do to communicate?"}
{Yohei: *starts the jeep* *shouts* "Yeah, it's an interpretative dance I programmed! You know, to test the motor functions!"}
{Agei: -_-; "Madam President, I think Nanami is wasting our time, yes?"}
{Queenie: *enraptured* "--and this movement tells other bees where to find the best flowers! It's so delightful!" *overjoyed in one spot...right under the Robot*}
{Yohei: *takes out a remote...pushes a button...*}
{Fear Robot: *starts dancing faster--then lifts its foot--*}
{Agei: O___O; *steps back...then runs away--*}
{Queenie: OwO;}
{mechanic: 0_0}
{mechanic 2:....does this mean no raise?}
{Agei: D8< *dials his phone* "VICE PRESIDENT! WE HAVE A PROBLEM, DON'T WE?!"}
{Rodigy: "...How would I know? I'm not where you are. What is--"}
{Yohei: *drives off...looks at the rear-view mirror...*}
Yohei: "...I saw her get squished under the foot of the Fear Robot."
Shotaro: "Wow...She must be a pancake now!"
mana: -_-; that's your main concern?
Yohei: "I agree...Since the Robot's feet had markings along the bottom, it's more like she was squished into a waffle."
Shotaro: "Ha ha! Waffled President!"
mana: guys, please. -_-;
Luke: *smiles*
*something lights up in the room, in an oddly insectoid shape...*
mana: !??
Shotaro: "?!!! Hey, it's all bug-like! Kepuri must be here!"
Yohei: *squints* "Guys, Kepuri may be smart--but how would she locate us?"
Shotaro: "The GPS chip she put in your brain."
Yohei: "WHAT."
Shotaro: "What?"
mana: GUYS
*the light fades, revealing a bee-shaped human-sized container...a figure in shadows is seen against the light...the door opens, as she walks out*
mana: !!!!!
Yohei: "...No..."
Queenie Hani: *smiles* "Hello, Mr. Nanami. It's been too long..."
Shotaro: "...That beehive lady from the island got kidnapped too?"
mana: you!
Queenie: "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Hani, I Island Executive. And I am the President of Fear Factory, the one this turncoat left to die--"
Shotaro: "Waffle Woman!"
Queenie: "... ... ...Akiho."
Luke: *bumps the bottom of his laser sword atop Shotaro's head*
Shotaro: "OW!"
mana: SHOWTARO! *glares* let them go!
Queenie: "All in good time...I intend to free you all from your lives--along with the rest of humanity."
Shotaro: "?!!! You can't do that! That's just wrong!"
mana: yeah! *lunges at her*
Queenie: *holds out a hand--*
*Mana feels herself freeze in place*
mana: .....
Shotaro: "...Well?! Mana?! Aren't you going to bash her face in?!"
Shotaro: "?! That's the wrong way!" *blocks*
Yohei: "...So that means..."
Queenie: *smirks* "I never showed you my Dokeshi Ability, did I, Mr. Nanami?" *opens her purse, removing a spoon and a jar of honey* "I have mind control abilities."
Shotaro: "Mana! Did you go blind or something?! I'm not the Waffle President!"
mana: .....*throwing punches*
Shotaro: "Stop it! This isn't good..."
Yohei: "Let go of her, you monster!"
Queenie: "Oh, a monster am I? What is it, Mr. Nanami? Is that what you think of _my_ kind? After all, I thought you married one--"
Queenie: "..." *licks the spoon clean with a smirk* "Temper, temper. It'll be the death of you."
Shotaro: "Yohei! I don't know how to stop her without hurting her! And she punches way too hard!"
Yohei: "..."
Shotaro: "YOHEI! I don't know what to do! Help!"
Yohei: "..."
Shotaro: "YOHEI!"
Yohei: "!!! You need to break off the mind control!"
Queenie: "Ha! It can't be undone. Knock me out, and she'll stay in that state until I will her to stop!"
Yohei: *smiles* "I think you forget what is Shotaro's ability..."
Shotaro: "??? But I don't have any bones!"
Yohei: "Oh, yes, you do...PUNCH QUEENIE IN THE MOUTH!"
Queenie: "...I'm sorry, what?"
Shotaro: "??? I don't understand, but okay!"
Queenie: "!!! Akiho!"
mana: *lunges*
Luke: *laser sword out, swings at Shotaro--*
Shotaro: "?!!! Mana, forgive me..." *picks up Mana by the head--and flings her right into Luke's chest--*
mana: *groan*
*Mana's head is now shoved _through_ Luke's torso*
Luke: O_O;
Queenie: "USELESS!" *stamps her foot* "DRONES! GET IN HERE NOW--"
Shotaro: *punches Queenie so hard it knocks out one of her teeth*
mana: !!! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Queenie: "GAH! ...WHAT THE HELL?! Do you know how much reconstructive surgery I needed just to keep up appearances?!"
mana: *shoves herself out of luke's torso and lunges*
Yohei: "..." *glances at Mana* "..." *looks at Shotaro* "I don't think Mana is out of the Waffle Woman's grasp. Her tooth is like a bone, so shove it in your mouth and take on her power."
Shotaro: "What?! I don't want to put her tooth in my mouth!"
Yohei: "You put dead animal bones in your mouth."
Queenie: "GAH! Why is everyone PUNCHING ME?!!!!" *stamps her foot up and down* "DRONES! GET IN HERE ALREADY! KILL THE BOY AND THE OGRE GIRL!"
Shotaro: *knocked out, sucking on Queenie's tooth* XxX
mana: *GLARES* showtaro, get yohei. im gonna-....SHOWTARO!!
Yohei: "Yeah, maybe knocking out the guy who could absorb the mind-controlling powers was a bad plan, Mana..."
*windows open around the dome, with Drones pointing bee-stinger shaped projectiles at Mana and Yohei*
*stingers start firing towards Mana*
mana: *dodging* *running for showtaro*
Yohei: *looking around* "Huh...Fear Factory bots still have terrible aim, don't they?"
Queenie: "SHUT UP, YOU!"
Luke: *sparking...rips himself loose at the torso, running on two arms after Mana*
Shotaro: *groans, waking up* *looks up* "!!! Mana! A gremlin!"
mana: ?!
Luke: "Get back here! The Queen commands it--" *leaps towards Mana, mouth open--*
Luke: *knocked back into the crucifix--slamming through it...*
Yohei: "..." *stands still...as the crucifix falls to the side, with Yohei still attached to it*
mana: oh shit!
Yohei: "Hi. Could you get me out of here already before we're shot to death? Or, so that _I'm_ not shot to death?"
Shotaro: "...Mana, you thinking what I'm thinking?"
mana: cant say i am, honestly.
Shotaro: "I'll take the top of the letter T, you take the bottom of the letter T!"
Yohei: "...No."
-and so-
mana: how do we get into these scenarios?
Shotaro: "Must be luck!" ^w^
Yohei: *hanging from the crucifix, staring facedown on the floor* "YOU COULD HAVE JUST FREED ME FIRST!"
Drones: *firing at Shotaro and Mana, running after them*
Luke: "Don't let them escape, Drones!" *still running on his arms*
Queenie: *holding ice to her mouth* "Give me back my tooth!"
*up ahead is a side: Turn left for Escape Pods; Turn right for R&D; Straight Ahead for the Cafeteria; Turn around for the Video Game Arcade*
Shotaro: "Ooh! Look! An arcade! Let's go back--"
mana: TURN LEFT!
Shotaro: "Okay!" *turns...right*
Yohei: O____O;
*The crucifix slams onto the floor...with Yohei underneath it*
Shotaro: "..."
mana: D8
*The Drones all stop*
Yohei: "..." *muffled groan*
Queenie: "...HA! NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" *leaps on top of the crucifix, stamping on it*
Queenie: *face-first into the wall*
Shotaro: *pushes the crucifix back up...* "So...How you feeling--"
mana: showtaro, come on!
Yohei: *freed--and his hands wrap around Shotaro's throat* "...Let's get the fuck out of here already."
Shotaro: XwX *choked* " 'Kay..."
mana: let's go!
Yohei: *runs with Mana* "Escape pods. I'll need to check the trajectory inside the unit..."
Drones: *firing at them*
mana: ACK!
Yohei: *taps onto the keyboard* "Okay--I programmed it for Death City. Get in--"
Yohei: "OW!"
Luke: *biting Yohei's leg*
Shotaro: "...Oh! Now I recognize him! That's the guy Mana fought in the Robot Tournament! ...He got shorter."
mana: YOHEI! COME ON! *reaches out*
Yohei: *reaches out a hand--*
*The door slams shut on the escape pod on Mana and Shotaro*
Shotaro: D8 *slams his fist on the door* "Hello?!"
Yohei: "...Well, shit."
mana: !!! SHIT! *trying to open the door*
Drones: *approaching*
Yohei: "...Mana, Shotaro...Tell Chie...I'm sorry."
Yohei: *slams the button on the pod, shooting it into space*
mana: NO!!
Shotaro: *slammed into the wall, as the escape pod blasts towards Earth...*
mana: GRK-
Queenie: *watching from the window* "...Initiate Phase 2. Tell our soldiers to scour Death City--scour every major city. I have given you the map of the Dokeshi's locations--so we are moving forward..."
Yohei: *stares at her*
Queenie: "And bring him to my room. I'm not through with him...AND GET ME A DAMN DENTIST!"
Shotaro: "Because he knows he'll be fine."
mana: how do YOU know that?!
Shotaro: *smiles* "Because things tend to work out when you work for them! We stopped Fear Factory before! How hard can this be?"
*something big and blue is seen through the window, quickly approaching*
mana: !!!!!
Shotaro: "...Hey, is that the ocean--"
mana: !!!
Shotaro: *slams into the wall, as the escape pod turns over and over itself as it descends into the sea...*
mana: shit!
*the pod finally smashes into the ocean floor...and something drips onto Mana's head*
mana: .....ha...hahaha....well...we're really fucked now, huh?
Shotaro: *looking out the window* "Oh, fish!"
Fish: O^o
Shotaro: "Hello, little fish--"
*a shark comes by, scoops up the fish in its mouth--then spits out the bones*
Shotaro: "..."
mana: .....heh....stupid showtaro...always so optimistic...even when we're probably going to die.....
Shotaro: "..." *grabs Mana's hat* "Here, use this to breathe for the next few minutes."
mana: !!!! my hat! how did you-
Shotaro: *leans back on his hands so he can lift up his feet--and slams them into the window, breaking it open, causing water to flood into the pod*
Shotaro: *disappears into the water, while the water rising, with Mana's head just poking over it next to the pod's ceiling*
mana: !!!! *shuts her eyes*
*something grabs her, pulling her down the pod and out the window--and up towards the surface
mana: ?!?!? *holding onto her hat*
Shotaro: *Bone of the Angelfish, as he assumes a more aquatic appearance, one arm around Mana while his back feet are like fins, helping him swim upward until their heads over the ocean's surface*
mana: *gasps and coughs*
Shotaro: *gasps, dropping the bone out of his mouth to lose the gills* "Woo! We made it!"
mana: ha..ha.....*laughs*
Shotaro: "Hee hee! We're alive, Mana!"
mana: *laughs* i was so scared, you dummy.
Shotaro: "Me too! You were all 'Ah, we're going to die!' so I did the first thing I could think of..."
mana: i really thought...we would die....you know the last thing i probably would have done?
Shotaro: "???"
mana: *kiss*
Shotaro: "...?!"
-they seem to be...floating?-
Shotaro: >\\\\\> "If-If you needed oxygen, I could've just gotten us here faster than you kissing me--...Do you...feel like everything's gotten lighter?"
mana: m-maybe....i-it's my fi-
fisherman: <WHAT THE?!>
Shotaro: O_O; "...Is this a net?"
mana:..... O///////////O;;;;;
fisherman 2: <a-are those kids?>
Fisherman 3: <That or the ugliest fish we've ever caught...>
Shotaro: *bumps into Mana in the net* "Hi! Can you point us to Death City?"
mana: d-do-<DO YOU MIND?!>
fisherman: <im gonna get the boss, she'll know what to do!>
Shotaro: "We lucked out again, Mana!"
setsuna: !!!
Shinoda: "??? What is it?"
setsuna: showtaro and mana! they're on a boat!
Zuno: "??? Is it a motherf--"
Assi: *slaps a hand over Zuno's mouth* "No."
setsuna: they seem to be on a fishing boat towards....japonshima!
Shinoda: "All the way back there? Is that where Fear Factory is operating again?"
*the front door is heard opening, as Kepuri, Chie, and others return*
nea: we're baaaaack~
saki: chie! *hugs her*
Kepuri: *storms in* "Hugs and love later!" *presses a button under the living room table--causing the TV to flip over to reveal a giant computer system--but not before the flip smacks Assi in the head*
Assi: "OW!"
Tool: *walks in* "..."
io: tuu! tuu!
Tool: "..." *weak smile, picks up Io* "Hey, buddy."
io: ^o^
Shinoda: *looks at Nea* "How much did you tell them about the plan?"
Emine: *enters with Lin* "Enough..."
nea: told them everything~
Kepuri: *marking on the computer screen's map of the world* "That covers Salt Lake City and Death City, as well as some contacts we can make in London...But that leaves too many other metropolitan areas uncovered! We don't even know anyone left in Japonshima, do we?!"
setsuna: speaking of japonshima....
Kepuri: "What what what?!"
-she explains what happened-
I Island Executive: "Andrea? Have you seen Professor Hani?"
andrea: i dont think i have.
Executive: "Darn...If you do, please have her report to the Executive Room? There's something important to discuss."
All Might: "Well, there's my plane..."
melissa: *waves*
All Might: *waves* "Be safe, Melissa! I'll call when I get back to Death City."
Chai: *loads the last bag of fertilizer onto his cart...then holds his back* <Getting too old for this...>
*some people walk by in a rather stilted fashion...*
oolong: ??
Person 1: *to shopkeep* <We want all of your fertilizer.>
shopkeeper: <um...ok?>
Chai: ^^; <Sorry about that, folks--I did buy some of it before you got here-->
Person 2: *takes Chai's bag*
Chai: D8< <Hey!>
shopkeeper: <OI!>
Person 1: *snatches more bags, carrying them effortlessly*
Chai: *grabs a broom, smacking Person 2* <Let go!>
shopkeeper: <THIEF!!>
Person 1: *their hat comes off...revealing a person with glowing eyes*
Chai: O_O; "..." *drops the broom* <Take it! I don't like that stuff anyway--it smells...>
Person 1: *swings his fist*
Chai: "EEK!" *ducks*
Person 1: "?!!!" *pulled back by Oolong*
-yoshi nom'd-
Chai: <Good Oolong!>
*Screams are heard behind Chai, as more of these people in these outfits start terrorizing residents*
shopkeeper: what the hell is going on!?
Chai: <Must be that vaping the kids are doing nowadays--messing with the brain-->
Resident: <Dokeshi! They're all Dokeshi!>
resident 2: <what's happening?!>
Person 3: <We are taking over this village for supplies--starting with explosive material and human labor. Quake before the might of Fear Factory.>
resident 3: <fear factory?!>
Chai: <Does this look like IC Prefecture to you!> *picks up the broom again* *whap whap whap* <Go back where you came from, you city slicker!>
Izuku: *looking out over the ship, down at the clouds* "It's just...so amazing up here!"
ochako: hmm? what's that?
*sounds like thunder*
Todoroki: "??? That dark spot...A thunderstorm?"
momo: we better get inside-
momo: EEP!
Hagakure: "What the H?!"
jirou: a villain attack?!
*something loud buzzes by--dropping explosives down onto the ship*
jirou: !!!!!!!
*it looks to be some insectoid glider, with a giant "FF" logo on its side*
Bakugo: *climbs up from below* "WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT NOISE?!"
swashbuckle: alright, battle stations! we got ourselves some ruffians!!
Mei: "Aye-aye, Captain Grunkle!" *jumps into a shooter seat, aiming...*
Izuku: "Battle stations?! Where do we go?!"
ochako: should we be doing this?!
Iida: "We do not have licenses, so we cannot interfere--"
*a giant blast knocks Iida forward*
momo: TENYA!
Iida: *falls over the rail of the ship, descending through the clouds*
momo: !!!!!
Iida: O___O; *desperately running--and just going in a circle downward*
ochako: OH SHIT!
Mei: "EYEGLASSES!" *presses a button--causing a claw to pop out from under the ship, grabbing him*
Iida: ._.;
momo: *phew*
Insectoid Rider 1: *calls through a megaphone* "Attention Swashbuckle! Surrender your airship to the might of Fear Factory!"
swashbuckle: FIRE!
Mei: *aims--and shoots at the Riders*
Insectoid Rider 1: "!!! Swarm them, soldiers!"
Bryn: *looking at Io and Toru* "Look at the cute babies, kids! Aren't they just adorable?"
daughter: aww, so cute!
toru: *baby babble*
Bryn: "Now, behave yourself for Aunt Helen, okay, kiddo?" *holds up a high five to her daughter*
daughter: will do, mom.
Bryn: *nods* *stands up, turns to look at Emine and the others* "Just point me where to punch."
lin: will do~
Emine: "First we have to find their target. Knowing how Fear Factory operated in IC Prefecture, they're going to try to find something they can use to power up their technology..."
Bryn: " 'Kay, so, what kind of power is used in Death City? Doubt it's hydroelectric, right?"
nea: that we're figuring out.
Bryn: "Maybe we could convince someone to give us some answers..." *cracks her knuckles, looks outside* "...That guy looks suspicious."
Hiro: *across the street, carrying groceries*
mono: actually, he's just-
Bryn: *roars, rushes at Hiro*
Hiro: O____O; *drops the groceries, runs*
mono: .... -_-
Emine: "At least she's doing something. What can you do, Dokeshi Hunt reject?"
mono: i-i have a knife!
Emine: "..." *holds up a multiple-bladed hand by forming blood around it*
chie: please....now isnt the time... to fight amongst ourselves.....
Emine: "..." *lowers his blade* "You better be useful. We are getting Shotaro back, or God help this world..."
Shotaro: "AH-CHOO!" ^^; "Thanks for pulling us out of the water..." *wrapped in a blanket, sipping tea*
captain: <of course. it seems you two have been through quite a lot.>
mana: <no kidding...>
Shotaro: <Yeah! On top of the legless robot man, the giant space station, and our friend stuck up in space, we need to call home!>
captain: <we'll get you back to the island, and you can use a phone there.>
Shotaro: <Yay!> *nudges Mana* <And we can pick up real food, too!>
mana: r-right.
Shotaro: "..." .\\\. <So, um, Mr. Captain? If you hear anyone asking about us and they say they're from Fear Factory, c-can you lie to them?>
Chuuya: *gets off the plane at Salt Lake Airport, walking to a limo* "You Abernathy's people?"
grunt: yeah.
Chuuya: *tosses a bag to him* "Get me to the armory."
grunt: r-right.
grunt 2: is that the port mafia's underboss?
grunt 3: he's even dreamier up close~ >w<
Grunt 4: "So he's really buddies with the boss?"
grunt 5: he's a lot younger than i was expecting.
Chuuya: *trying to ignore the gossip, hardening his expression as he gets into the limo...*
Abernathy: *leaning back in the car, smiling* "Welcome back."
grunt: where to, sir?
Abernathy: "Let's swing by--"
Chuuya: "The armory."
grunt: r-right away.
Abernathy: "Um...Buddy, I'm the one to--"
Chuuya: *points at a grunt* "How many mech suit prototypes you got?"
Kouyou: "So you'll be staying with me tonight."
miyuri: yaaay sleepover!
sonia: *holding mito*
Kouyou: *nods* "Anything you would like for dinner?"
GNN Reporter: *on TV* "We have reports of multiple attacks on Paris, London, and Beijing by a group claiming to be Fear Factory..."
lord death: this is troubling...
Yumi: "We've increased security around potential terrorist sites at DWMA facilities, but that is spreading ourselves thin."
lord death: any updates from the other death scythes?
Yumi: "Spirit is in the middle of something, Justin is checking Amaterasu, Tezca said...something incoherent. And Jinn and Zubaidah are at one of the Sage shrines."
lord death: as for marie and soul?
Yumi: "I asked them to come here for back up for students."
lord death: *nods* and the safe houses?
Yumi: "In optimal condition and ready to receive anyone."
lord death: excellent...i feel this is going to be a long night...
Yumi: *nods* "You also have calls coming in from world leaders. The Governor of Japonshima as well."
lord death: put them on the call then.
Yumi: *presses a button, pulling up a mirror*
Governor: <--ello? Hello, is anyone there?!>
lord death: <yes, this is lord death speaking. i see you're in good health, governer towa.>
Governor Towa: <Appearances can be deceiving--as seen by this horrible news. I was not expecting another Dokeshi uprising...>
lord death: <nor have we. is there anything we can do at present?>
Governor Towa: <Your Death Scythe for our area is not presently here, so we feel we're at a bit of a disadvantage. Are there any members overseas in Japan that could come here to assist with some muscle?>
lord death: <we're currently working on that as we speak.> yumi, who do we have for our japan team?
Yumi: *nods* "They are on their way."
lord death: <they are en route.>
Towa: <Keep us posted, please. It is bad enough we were trying to improve relations with Dokeshi--now we have this PR nightmare.>
aimi: daddy, what's going on?
Tetsuda: "...I'm afraid some bad people are out there right now, hurting others."
aimi: im scared, daddy.
Tetsuda: "It's going to be okay...Come on--let's get into the safe room."
mana: *making a call*
Tool: *picks up* "Hello?"
mana: tuhl, are you there?
Tool: "Mana?! Is that you?!"
mana: yeah! showtaro is here too, we're in japonshima!
Shotaro: *looking at shirts at a booth* "You got this in a small?"
Tool: "Japonshima...Mana, have you seen the news? How did you even get there? Where's Yohei?"
-she explains what happened-
Tool: "...Okay. We're working to get you both back here, but getting Yohei down from outer space is more challenging. Has Fear Factory followed you?"
mana: i dont think so, but we're laying low for now-
Shotaro: *looks--spots someone* "!!! We got to move!"
mana: ?!
*Fear Factory drones are marching through the street*
mana: !!! hide!
Shotaro: *pushes Mana into the shop's dressing room*
Tool: *on the phone* "Mana? Mana! What's going on?!"
chie: what happened?
Tool: "It was Mana--she's with Shotaro in Japonshima, like Setsuna said. But then the call went out!"
chie: !!!
nea: well, we best get a move on! no time to waste!
Tool: "It's not going to be easy to get all the way to Japonshima on such short notice--"
Kepuri: *chuckling* "Oh, there are ways..."
Queenie: *rubbing her cheek* "Those stupid brats...How the hell did those 2 and that kappa help you destroy my Fear Factory..."
Yohei: *bleeding, slumped against a wall* "..."
marie anette: awww, arent you gonna answer?
Yohei: "...Because my friends, as dumb and stubborn as they are, are freaking geniuses compared to you knuckle-dragging dumbasses."
Queenie: "!!!"
naoka: *WHACK*
Yohei: *knocked down* "..." *spits blood*
naoka: so disrespectful....
Queenie: -^- "Thank you, Naoka." *holds up chains* "Bring him to the command center...He's going to want to see what happens next."
Luke: *reassembled, looking at an army of drones* "Get ready for them to mobilize...Where did that escape pod go?"
drone: we've tracked it to the bottom of the pacific ocean, sir.
Luke: "Life signs?"
drone: nothing, sir.
Luke: "...Hmm..."
{???: "My...robot...Where's my robot? Tournament..."}
{*wheels are heard rolling, bringing in a bandaged person*}
{Queenie: "...What's his condition?"}
{medic: alive, but critical condition.}
{Queenie: "...Have you reviewed Agei's notes? Can it be done?" *staring at the Fear Robot chip* "Could you implant it into this human?"}
{medic: i think we can, note i havent tried it before-}
{Queenie: "Then consider this near-corpse your new guinea pig. Get to work."}
Luke: "...What was that?"
drone: sir?
Luke: "...I'm going to run self-diagnostics. Have the ship ready to leave for Japonshima--we're heading out in 20 minutes."
*from Chai's farm, a fire can be seen in the village*
kisuke: !!!!
*something is hopping up the trail, panting*
Oolong: *panting...legs of someone are sticking out of its mouth*
kisuke: <oolong! what happened?!>
Oolong: *drops a half-conscious Fear Factory mook out of its mouth*
Fear Mook: @~@ <It was so gooey inside...>
kisuke: ?!?!?
Fear Mook: *looks up* "?!!!" <Filthy ogre!> *heats up their fist, aiming at Kisuke's head*
kisuke: !! *dodge*
Fear Mook: <Beast! I'll bend you to the will of Fear Factory for our glorious leader!> *firing blasts around Kisuke*
Oolong: *upset growl*
kisuke: *jumps onto oolong's back with a shovel* <CHARGE!>
Oolong: *hunkers down and--LEAPS*
Fear Mook: <HA! Got you right where I want-->
Fear Mook: X_______X
Oolong: ^_^
kisuke: <come on! to the village!>
Oolong: *hops towards the village with Kisuke*
Mei: *sword fighting an insectoid Dokeshi* "Have at thee, vile knave!"
momo: *shooting at fear factory mooks with a net gun*
Mook: *caught, slammed down into the deck*
ochako: way to go, yaomomo!
Hercules Beetle Dokeshi: *roars at Izuku, punching holes into the walls*
Izuku: "AH!" *dodges, trying to find a weak spot* ("Maybe the back--") "CLEVELAND KICK!" *direct hit--knocking the Hercules down*
eijiro: *slicing*
Todoroki: *getting splashed with water by a Water Beetle Dokeshi, putting out his flames before he can get a hit*
Stone Beetle Dokeshi: *blocking Eijiro's slices, but getting pushed back to the plank...*
eijiro: NOW, BAKUGOU!
Bakugo: "I KNOW!" *fires a blast, knocking the Stone Beetle off the ship's edge* "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"
eijiro: nice one! ^^
*a loud buzzing is heard...like a swarm...*
Mineta: Q___Q "Guys..."
ochako: ?? aw heck
*it's an entire armada of Insectoid Fighters*
Insectoid Leader: "Yar! Surrender your vessel, you Quirk-ridden abominations!"
jirou: any plans?
Mei: "YEAH!"
*The insectoid beasts they ride fire at the ship, blowing a hole in its bottom*
mina: *SCREAM*
Todoroki: "!!! Yaoyorozu! We're going down to the breech to seal it!"
momo: RIGHT!
*the swarm persists, rushing onto the deck and flying around the ship, blasting at it*
kouda: >~<
Izuku: *thinking* "...!!! Kouda! Can you talk to them?"
-a low droning noise is heard-
mina: uhhh guys?
*something dark is underneath the clouds...and then a water spout erupts upward, knocking through the swarm*
jirou: holy shit.
*The sky whales fly up, blasting water from their blowholes at the Insectoids--and inhaling others*
Insectoid Leader: "?!!! Retreat!"
mina: WOO HOO!
Hagakure: "Yay, Kouda! You did it!"
kouda: ^^
Mei: Q___Q "Man, I'm never going to be allowed on this ship again..."
Insectoid Beast: .___.; *scitters along the deck*
-tongue attack-
tsuyu: <where do you think _you're_ going?>
jirou: then start talking.
Justin: "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Sisters."
Petra: -_-# "Why is this non-Sol Church priest here?"
nayumi: i guess they're short staffed given the incident?
Justin: ^^; "We're just trying to have as many people familiar with Amaterasu nearby--given heightened security--" *looks around and spots--* "...Is that a battle nun?"
tamaki: hello. *waves*
nayumi:....war cleric sounds cooler.
Karim: "??? New threads, Tamaki?"
tamaki: it's a work in progress.
dia: *glares*
tamaki: *HISS*
Foien: "Ah, like cats and dogs--good times..."
*looks like tourists passing by with cameras, snapping pictures of Amaterasu*
Justin: "..."
Petra: -_-# "How awful--reducing this holy building to a tourism site. HEY! THIS IS NOT JUST SOMETHING YOU PHOTOGRAPH, YOU PHILISTINES--"
Tourist 1: *snaps photos of Petra--blinding her with the flash*
Petra: "?!!! AH! I can't see!"
Justin: "!!! Them!" *transforms his arm*
Tourist 2: *unzips a fanny pack--as multiple limbs explode out of it*
Foien: "...Oh, that's just wrong."
pearl: !!! *summons flame wall*
Tourist 3: *pierces the flame wall with a selfie stick, stretching a hole through the flames...*
pearl: !!!
tamaki: OH COME ON!
*the Tourisst flood in, one of them swinging a suitcase at Justin*
Justin: *slices through the suitcase--which explodes out clothes, falling onto him and Petra and...changing their attire into flashy Hawaiian shirts and bermuda shorts*
Justin: ._.
Petra: "...Great. First I'm blinded, now I'm fashion blind..."
Tourist 4: *snapping photos of Tamaki, Pearl, and Dia* "OMG, you're so cute! Can I take your photo? I promise not to post them online!"
Tourist 4: "OH YEAAAAAAH--" *flies into the flame wall, screaming as he's burned alive*
Tourist 5: "Cutting in line, cutting in line..." *rushing into Amaterasu...*
Tourist 5: "OMPH! Darn you, security guards!"
Tourist 6: "Hey, is this the line to get for Shatner's autograph? And do you take credit?"
amy thyst: oh dear, this is....troubling.
Karim: "Then let's wrap this up already...by holding them in place." *channels the fire wall into his instrument and--* "FREEZE!"
Max: "?!!!" <Sir, we have a situation outside the Haijima chem lab...>
mr helvitz: <what is it?>
???: "GIVE ME AN F!"
Crowd: "F!"
???: "GIVE ME AN E!"
Crowd: "E!"
???: "GIVE ME AN A!"
Crowd: "A!"
Max: -_-# <They've been spelling words in English for 20 minutes.>
fawkes: <oh?>
*A hole smashes in Helvitz's office, as a gigantic American football player crashes through*
helvitz: ?!?!?!?
Max: *pulls out the Sol Temple sword, aiming it at the footballer*
*Suddenly, a cheerleader squad rushes through the hole, doing flips and cartwheels before forming a pyramid*
fawkes: <what is this, high school rebellion? has the education system gone that sour?>
Max: <Get back!>
Haijima Security: *aims taser at the Captain--*
fear-leader captain: *throws a baton-boomerang at them*
Haijima Security: "OMPH!" *struck--sent flying through another wall*
Max: "?!!!"
captain: <so, are you gonna, like, surrender now? or are we gonna have to force you?>
Fear-Leader 1: *shakes pom-poms--that send vibrations through the room*
helvitz: !!!
Max: *struggling to stay upright* <St-Stay behind me, Sir...> *runs at the Captain with the sword--*
captain: *takes megaphone and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH*
Max: *gasps, dropping to his knees, clutching his head*
helvitz: !!!!!
Footballer: *smashes into Helvitz's safe, pulling something out...*
fawkes: ...
helvitz: !!!!!!
Fear-Leader 2: *doing poses while reporting* <WE! GOT! THE! LOOT! FOR! THE! BOSS! BOSS! BOSS! BOOOOOSS!>
GNN Pundit: *on TV* "This is outrageous! Dokeshi are always saying they deserve the same respect as other empowered beings--and they are no better than villains!"
GNN Pundit 2: "That's not fair--these are people who did not ask for these abilities--"
hachi: *looking at a TV in a store window* ....
"Zach": "What a bunch of assholes, yelling at each other. People get paid for this on TV?"
hachi: i actually get paid to watch this.
"Zach": "For real?! How did you con your way into that job?"
hachi: -,- wow, you're gullible.
"Zach": -_- "Not my fault you keep lying."
Colleen: "Hey, Andrea!"
andrea: !!! oh, hey colleen.
Colleen: ^w^ "Ready for the exam?" *she's holding a note for her and Andrea from Professor Hani*
andrea: *looks*
Colleen: "Oh! This is from Hani--she said to meet at the Executive Offices first. Think she's going to give us some last-minute tutoring--because I could really use it..." ^^;
andrea: ah.
Colleen: *walks with Andrea to the tower...a metallic glint in her eyes*
Fear Factory Mook: *projects images off their wrist, showing Mana punching a tournament opponent into the ceiling, and another showing Shotaro with pencils up his nose* <Have you seen these fugitives?>
man: <er-...no.>
Fear Factory Mook: <Damn...> *looks across the street* <Move along--we have more people to interrogate.> *walks across...*
man:....*looks back toward the dressing room*
Shotaro: *pops out his head--he has on a wig with the hair looped on the sides* <They gone?>
man: *whispers* <yeah>
Shotaro: <Great!> *steps out in a white cloak* <Come on out, Mana!>
mana: *in a white shirt, brown vest, jeans, boots, and a black wig*
Shotaro: "Neato, right?! But not as fun as the cloak..." *sways in place* "It's so fluttery!" *his bone-covered boxers are exposed*
mana: -___-;; *facepalm*
Shotaro: "Hee hee!" *turns, watching where the Fear Mooks are going* "Looks like they're heading to city hall...They're probably bringing more soldiers there to take control of the government and hold hostages."
mana: alright, so what's the plan?
Shotaro: "As awesome as these disguises are so that they won't recognize us, I think we should find a secret entrance..."
*there's a sewer grate near Mana's feet*
mana: through here?
Shotaro: "Oh, sure!" *pulls out a box* "And the butcher shop was kind enough to give me all these leftover bones: cow bones, pig bones, chicken bones, cat bones-- ...Wow, that raises uncomfortable questions."
mana: let's just go. -_-;
Shotaro: "Right!" *Bone of Cow* "Moo..." *lifts up the sewer grate* "After you!"
mana: *drops down*
Shotaro: *follows, using Bone of the Cat's claws to break his fall* "Watch the water--looks dirty."
mana: eugh...
???: <oh, what's this?>
Shotaro: "???" *blinks, using Cat Eyes to see* <Oh, hey!>
-two female kappa stand near the end of the tunnel-
kappa 1: <say, you're setsuna's boy, arent you?>
Shotaro: <Heck yeah I am! ...Wait, how do you know my mom?>
kappa 1: <well, i helped her find you, actually.> *extends hand* <call me minato. i think you're friends with my son, tuhl.>
Shotaro: <?!!! Wow! Hi, Tool's mom! I'm Shotaro! And this is Mana!>
minato: <nice to meet you. and this lass here is kaoli.>
kaoli: <nice to meet you. im tuhl's neighbor. i was visiting this village to visit my family by the seaside when all this happened. luckily, minato was here too, so we decided to take cover.>
minato: -,- <if it were just me, i'd have taken those grunts head on, but kaoli's not much of a fighter, and i didnt want her getting hurt.>
Shotaro: <Hee hee--I'd love to see that! We're fighters! Mana and I were going to break into the City Hall and free any hostages in there!>
minato: <is that right?>
kaoli: <i think there is a way to city hall from here, but i warn you, it's not too pleasant....>
Shotaro: <We just sank to the bottom of the ocean, got caught in a net, and Mana saw me change, and now we're in a stinky sewer--How much worse could it get?>
Kepuri: "Tah-dah! Our new mode of transportation!"
*It's shaped like a rocket looking like GET and WASHU*
Kepuri: *twirls keys on her finger* "GET, WASHU--load them in so we can take off! I'M DRIVING!"
nea: NOOOO! D8>
Kepuri: "Come on--I promise I'll brake for red lights this time--"
*a loud trucker horn is heard from the street*
Assi: "Hey, guys! There's a big rig outside!"
mono: ??
mimeca: *waves*
*a noise is heard from the front of the vehicle*
???: "What's up, bitches?!"
chie: !!!!
*tied to the front of the big rig is a foul-mouthed toothy plush teddy bear--*
PlushFix: "Now...I suppose you're wondering where to find Yohei..."
chie: *has stabbed him with a shadow spike* what....are you doing here? *her expression is one of rage, hatred and disgust*
PlushFix: GAK! You know--heh--usually, this'd feel good, but the surprise kind of ruined the pleasure." *looks at Chie* "Jeez, someone's PMS'ing royally. Look, Mrs. Yohei-hottie, I got a sixth sense for all things related to your hubby--and since I don't remember any of you knowing much about Fear Factory's inner-workings--"
Kepuri: "I worked for them and know they have Yohei on a space station they developed years ago."
Assi: "Yeah, quite a few of us worked with them."
Zuno: "D'aw, a little plushie!"
mono: ....i say we burn him.
Tool: "I'll start the barbecue."
PlushFix: D8
mimeca: D8> *shakes head no*
nea: wait now. are you certain about the coordinates? you arent just bullshitting around?
PlushFix: "Cross my heart! ...Stuffing. Plastic eyeballs--WHATEVER I'M NOW MADE OUT OF! Why would I lie about this?! I could've stayed in hiding and just showed up to, what, troll your asses?"
mono: i wouldnt put it past you.
saki: it'd be classic you, certainly.
akaderu: you arent exactly what we'd call 'popular' here, my dude.
Kepuri: "Hang on, babe--I hate to admit it...but Fear Factory did keep the coordinates secret. And even I can't back-track from Shotaro and Mana's escape pod crash the exact location. Fear Factory could be a galaxy away for all we know."
PlushFix: *smirks* "Sixth. Sense."
nea:.....*sigh* very WELL i guess, but we're keeping an eye on you, fuzzball.
PlushFix: "Keep wherever you want on top of me, my delicious bowl of soft serve~"
nea: *STOMP*
chie:........*looks at mimeca* why do you even follow him?
mimeca: *points to herself, then makes a heart shape with her hands* ^////^ ~<3
nea:......honey, your taste in men is awful.
mimeca: >3<#
Shinoda: "In any case, if we now have Yohei's location, we don't need everyone going on one mission to get Mana and Shotaro. I propose we break up into teams."
mono: i am NOT going with this family killing dokeshi-bear!
Emine: "Then you're coming with me to Japonshima."
mono: *grumble* FINE!
Kepuri: "Hey, if it's between boring old Japonshima and space, I'm picking space every time, creepy death bear doll or not!"
Bryn: "...I'm going to rescue Mana. That thing? That thing needs to be exorcised."
akaderu: i'll probably stay home.
Tool: "We tried. I'll tell you about it on the way to Japonshima."
Bryn: "...Jesus, you people live weird lives."
setsuna: as will i. as much as i want to see my son again, im afraid i wont be much help.
Assi: "I like not dying, and I can't really fight...Mono...This could be the last time we see each other..."
Assi: O\\\\o "B-But we don't know what could happen! Emine could stab you in the back!"
Emine: "This is true."
mono: *glare*
lin: ^^;
Bryn: *pats Mono's shoulder* "Calm down, Blades--I won't let M&M hurt you."
Emine: "..." -___-
Queenie: *opens 2 boxes, removing a repaired Quirk Detection Machine...and a repaired version of David Shield's Quirk augmentation headband*
Yohei: *chained to the wall, upside down* "...Neat. You subscribe to Loot Crate, too?"
naoka: do you ever shut up?
Yohei: "You want me quiet? Then knock me out again."
naoka: tempting.
Queenie: "Not yet, Naoka. Nanami has to witness this..." *taps a globe, causing the images behind her to shift until they show that point on the globe: Japonshima*
Yohei: "Hmm...I see some device for diagnosing genetic structures...I see some body enhancement device. What, you're going to empower yourself?"
Queenie: *smiles to Naoka* "He isn't too stupid, now is he?"
marie anette: coulda fooled me~
Queenie: "And what do you think I'll do when I enhance my mental powers of mind control? Maybe I'll use it to order every human being on earth to kill themselves..."
Yohei: "..." *shakes his head* "No. You prefer drawing out the pain."
Queenie: *smiles* "Correct."
Mayor: *hands behind their head, on their knees* <Please, let the hostages go--you can keep me, but let them-->
Mayor: <OW!> *collapses*
City Manager: *standing against the wall, smirking* <Jeez, you humans are so fragile...> *juggling items on the Mayor's desk* <And naive. So easy to infiltrate your sanctuaries for the powerful and the elite...>
guard: ...
kaoli: *listening*
minato: *whispers* <alright, do you know the plan?>
Shotaro: <I kind of forgot the middle parts...The smell might have done something to my brain.>
mana: -_-;
Shotaro: ^^; <Still kinda fuzzy on things since the ocean crash. But I know how to punch those people really hard.>
minato: <good enough>
Shotaro: ^w^ <Great! Let's start the good deed!> *bites down on a bone*
City Manager: *whistles to one Mook* <Get me another bottle out of the Mayor's private stock.>
grunt: <yessir>
Shotaro: <!!! Hey, that one mook is coming here!>
minato: <you know what to do.>
Shotaro: *nods* *gets down on all fours, wagging his behind like a cat, ready to pounce...*
grunt: *turns*
Shotaro: "MEOWR!" *pounce-tackle*
grunt: GRK-
Shotaro: *drags the Mook behind the corner*
City Manager: *not noticing, still juggling*
mana: *RUNS IN AND-*
Mook 2: <Halt!> *aims a rifle at her--*
minato: *WHACK*
Mook 2: X-X *falls down*
Shotaro: *picks up the rifle* <Okay! Let the Mayor go!>
City Manager: *still juggling* <Ho-hum...I suppose it couldn't just be easy.> *looks at Mana, Shotaro, and Minato* <I can't believe a Dokeshi is fighting against us, let alone a kappa and...an ogre girl?>
City Manager: <Tell me, something. 'Dokeshi'...Why do we let them call us that?> *juggles...with one hand, as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hankie...that's tied to another one...and another one...in a multi-color string...*
mana: ....
City Manager: *wipes his face...revealing clown makeup underneath as he smiles at them*
minato: ...
City Manager: *chuckles* <Perhaps we all just need to embrace our inner 'clown'--> *pulls out knives from his pocket, starts juggling them* <I awoke my ability in a circus--when a knife went the wrong way and killed a little girl...> *fixates his stare on Mana*
mana: !!!
City Manager: *tosses the knife--which just passes Mana's head--just slicing a bit of her hair before it imbeds in the wall*
minato: *takes out sword*
City Manager: <Ah, I see you are someone with a cutting wit as well.> *pauses* "..." *double over, cackling*
Shotaro: "...HA!" <I got that one!>
City Manager: <Then my Daily Condition is fulfilled--one corny joke, one laugh-->
minato: <why dont you cut it out then.> *lunges*
City Manager: *dodges* <Ah...> 蛙が帰る。(かえるが かえる。! [In Japanese: "The frog is coming back"--where "frog" and "coming back" use the same character...]
minato: -_-# *SLICE SLICE*
Shotaro: <Ha! It's funny because she's not a frog...Wait, that kind of a ruins the joke-->
City Manager: *tenses* TwT <Being witty on demand weighs heavily on me.>
mana: showtaro, focus!
Shotaro: *claps his hands on his face* <Right!> *bites into--* <Bone of the Boar!> *charges at the City Manager*
City Manager: <And now, to go international:> "Oh, I'm sorry--was I boring you?"
Shotaro: *pig snort, as he rushes--*
City Manager: *le leap* *flips over Shotaro, tosses a blade--that embeds in Shotaro's back*
Shotaro: *pig squeal--as he hits the wall*
City Manager: *grabs Mana's hand, twirls her--then dips her like a dance* "Bavonjavour! Pouvons-nous danser La Javnaise?" ("Hello! May we dance the Java?") *He's making a pun on "Java" and the French slang "Javanais."
mana: *POW*
City Manager: *falls back onto his head...then falls back and upright again* "Golly! I said I wanted a drink, but no punch!" *smiles, revealing a black eye from her punch* "Sorry, am I 'wine-ing'?"
Shotaro: *picking the blade out of his back with Bone of the Octopus* "Okay, I'm kind of over this guy...Mana, can you hit him again? I need to find something..." *searches through his box* "Thanks for the extra bones, Kaoli!" *searching*
mana: who even is this guy? -_-;
City Manager: "Er, man--forgive my manners! I am the supreme jokester of all Dokeshi, P. Erot!"
mana: cool story bro. *POW*
P Erot: "OW-P!" *tumbles back*
Shotaro: "Got it!" *pulls out 2 dog bones* "Bone of Kerobos!" *bites down, looking canine*
P Erot: *lying on his back, looking up* "Hey...In what unit do dogs measure their temperature?"
Shotaro: "..."
Erot: "Belgrad." *smiles goofily*
Shotaro: "..." *bites down on P Erot's head*
P Erot: "...It's funnier in German."
Shotaro: *muffled* "I think we've freed the hostages!"
kaoli: that's good.
Mayor: Q___Q <What the hell is even going on?!>
mana: *releasing the mayor* <we'll explain.>
Justin: *pants* "There...That takes care of that."
Karim: "Good." *in swim trunks* "If I had one more wardrobe change by those maniacs, I'd lose my mind."
Petra: *in a ballerina outfit* -_-# "I'm going to kill them..."
pearl: goodness.
tamaki: -_____-###
Foien: ^^; "Nice outfit, Dia--"
dia: *in a doggy mascot suit* -_-#
Justin: "Let's look on the bright side--we repelled their attack, Amaterasu is safe--and that was an impressive fire wall, Sister."
pearl: t-thank you mr law.
Karim: "..." *looks away* "I just hope none of them got inside...The Church has been really paranoid about anyone going inside the Amaterasu facility."
Kepuri: *rubs Akaderu's cheek* "I'll be back soon--faster than you know it, given how fast I made that ship."
akaderu: *holds her hand* be safe, ok?
Kepuri: *nods* "Hey, this is me--I'm coming back in one piece."
Emine: "...Mom...I..."
setsuna: *hugs him* please, be safe.
{emine's mother: *throwing a beer bottle at him* <useless piece of shit kid...>}
Emine: "...Hmm."
Colleen: "??? I don't see her anywhere...Hey, what time is it?"
andrea: *checks watch*
*an alarm goes off on Andrea's watch...Colleen's eyes turn white*
Colleen: "..." *approaches a security panel, punches in a code, opening the doors to the security office*
Security Guard: "?? Hey, you can't be here--"
andrea: *turns*
Colleen: *a taser pops out of the palm of her hand, as she shocks Security Guards*
andrea: *jacking into the security system*
Security Guard: *struggles, reaches a button--*
Colleen: *stabs the Guard's hand with a pen*
andrea: *turns off communication*
Chuuya: *points at one mook* "Why do you guys have these mechs? You can't be getting this much crime here."
grunt: arent you a bit short to be a mafia exec-
grunt: x~x
Abernathy: "Hey, hey--buddy! Don't go punching all of my people. We're going to need them if we're going to take out those awful, dirty Dokeshi--"
Chuuya: *hard glare*
grunt: OxO;
Abernathy: "What? I'm just saying--"
Chuuya: *looks at the mooks* "Get the bots lined along the armory. Keep an eye for airborne attacks--I'll take them, you take the ground."
Abernathy: "Hey, who is running this show here?!"
Mitch: "Here's your drink, Mr. Nakahara."
Abernathy: "GODDAMN IT, MITCH!"
grunt: um sir, we actually got some info on mr nakahara, and well... *whispers*
Abernathy: "... ... ..." Q_____Q "Ooooooooooooh, I'm going to die today."
Kouyou: "Girls, I think we'll be staying in...How about I make us some tea?"
miyuri: ok!
sonia: *petting mito* .....
Kouyou: "Very good..." *taps a button on a tablet, triggering security on her estate*
sonia: ....will papa be alright?
Kouyou: *smiles* "I've never known him to be otherwise."
Kenji: -n- "There are no rodeos here. I can't believe this city would lie to me."
naomi: *pap pap* cheer up kenji, there's plenty of other things to do.
Kenji: *sniffle* "Yeah..."
Tanizaki: "There's the Griffith Observatory for looking at stars--although that's more of a nighttime thing. Or the Pier has the Ferris Wheel."
atsushi: ?? you guys hear something?
Kenji: *stomach growls* "Sorry about that."
atsushi: no, it sounds like-
*a giant wave of water appears above the buildings...coming down towards Atsushi and the others*
atsushi: !!!!
Tanizaki: "!!! Run--"
naho: !!!
Kenji: *floating upside-down under the water* .-.
*SNAP SNAP* *a lobster claw passes the side of Naomi's head*
naomi: WOAH!
*tentacles wrap around Atsushi, pulling him up*
atsushi: O_o
Lobster Man: *toying with Naomi* "Jeez, Takoya! Stop fixating on that scrawny kid and wrap up the others."
Takoya, the Lady Octopus: "Yeah, yeah..." *ropes up Tanizaki, missing Kenji*
naho: looks like we got a whole sea kingdom here!
maki: well fire's gonna be useless here...
jellyfish kid: kukuku. *sends an electric shock*
Kenji: "EEP!" *hit, falling back into the water, screaming*
Tanizaki: X\\\\\X *choking* "Can't...breathe..."
Takoya: *not even looking, just shoots a tentacle towards her--*
Takoya: "Like I haven't heard that one before...Hang on, I'm going to need another hand..." *tosses Atsushi and Tanizaki into the same tentacle, squeezes* "What can you do? We're freaking Dokeshi--the C Team of Fear Factory."
atsushi: *tiger jaws and bites the tentacle*
Takoya: Q______Q "OOOOOOOOW!" *lets go*
Tanizaki: *falls, pants...uses his ability to hide*
izumi: dad? mom?
Spirit: "Hmm?"
izumi: what's going on outside?
sachiko:...why dont you kids go to the basement for a bit?
izumi: !! o-ok.
Spirit: *looks at Sachiko* "Stay here..."
sachiko: *nods*
Spirit: *opens the door, closes it behind him, stands on the front step* "...I'm Spirit Albarn, Death Scythe. State your business."
PlushFix: *in a tiny spacesuit in the shuttle* "Hurry up and get on this rocket!"
Kepuri: "You sure you can drive the new car?"
chie: ...
Bryn: "Yeah, I used to make deliveries--how hard can this be?"
Shinoda: "You're likely a better driver than Kepur--"
Kepuri: *tugs on his ear* "Quiet, Johnny Appleseed."
Tool: "We'll be back with those idiots before you know it."
mimeca: ^o^
mono: well let's get a move on already!
Emine: "Indeed--cease this prattling."
Kepuri: "Okay--everyone on Space Team got your suit on?"
chie: *nods*
PlushFix: "You know it, brainy bug eyes!"
mimeca: *thumbs up*
nea: indeed~
Kepuri: "Great! PlushFix, put in the coordinates!"
PlushFix: OwO "...Huh? I don't got those."
chie: WHAT?!
PlushFix: "I do know, honeybee! But you can't quantify the sixth sense. It's an innate feeling, as my Power of Spin taps into the multiverse of harmonic energies." *leans back in his tiny chair* "So just blast off, float around in space for a while, and I'll let you know when my Soul Resonance or whatever taps into Yohei's~"
chie: i have half the mind to rip you to shreds. and the other half is inclined to agree.
nea: or we can just look for a big station with the fear factory logo on it.
Kepuri: -_-; "Nea, space is pretty big. Factoring in the speed at which the star cruiser was going, the radius by which to locate them is--"
mimeca: *takes out a phone*
*there's a photo from the Griffith Observatory of a giant space station with the Fear Factory logo on it*
Kepuri: "... ... ...Everyone just shut up!"
Shotaro: *looking at a map in City Hall* *making marks on it* <So, they still have the police station and the electric power plant and the mall...I think we should go to the mall first.>
mana: sounds good.
Shotaro: <Great! We can also stock up on weapons and food!> *looks out the window...* "Um...But that's a lot of Fear Factory people..."
mana: crap.
Shotaro: "We need to distract them..."
mana: and how do we do that?
Fear Factory Mook: "Hey, up in the window! It's that Dokeshi and that ogre girl!"
Mook: *KO'ED!*
Mook 2: "HE'S BEEN HIT!"
Shotaro: "Dang, Mana--you didn't even hesitate. You shot first!"
mana: -_- let's just beat them up.
Shotaro: *bites on Bone of the Bird* "Works for me!" *picks up Mana and leaps out the window--as his cloak flies up into his face*
Chai: <What are you going to do with all this fertilizer? You boys don't exactly look like farmers...>
Fear Factory Mook: <Explosives.>
Chai: ?!!!
kisuke: <MR CHAAAAI!>
Chai: <Kisuke! Watch out!>
Mook 1: "?!!" *aims a gun at Kisuke and Oolong*
kisuke: <OOLONG! GET HIM!>
Oolong: *wraps his tongue around the gun, pulls it--then whips it down on the Mook's head, knocking him out*
Mook 1: X_X
Chai: <Good boy...> *pets Oolong* <We got to get out of here!>
kisuke: <right!>
*Mooks surround the three of them*
Mook 2: <AIM!>
Chai: <?!!> *gets in front of Kisuke--*
Mook 2: "..."
kisuke: ??
Mooks: "..."
*All Mooks spray out with blood in the shape of sharp angles before collapsing*
kisuke: !!!!
Chai: <...Are these those new-fangled exploding mooks I heard they have in the big city?>
*from the shadows, a pair of serpentine eyes watch...*
kisuke: !!
???: <You're welcome.>
kisuke: <who...are you?>
???: <The direct hero, Vector Jibako.>
kisuke: <i...see.>
Chai: <I don't. This guy's in the shadows!>
Vector: <It maintains my sense of mystery. Also, I hate the smell of fertilizer, which is now everywhere.>
*in the Pacific is a small boat*
Fisher: "..."
-seems quiet...?-
*suddenly, a fast-moving vaguely car-shaped vehicle sails by towards Japonshima...knocking the boat around a bit and kicking up a ton of fish onto the small boat*
Fisher: ._.
Bryn: "...Huh. This thing handles really well."
Tool: *covering his mouth, about to vomit*
Emine: "...So, this is how I die."
lin: >~< *holding onto her hair buns*
GPS: *in Kepuri's voice* "You are approaching your destination in 8 SECONDS. Preparing emergency airbags..."
mono: THIS SU-
Fear Factory Mook: <So I said, 'She's sweet as honey!' ...She filed a sexual harassment allegation against me.>
mono: *face in an airbag* is this....heaven?
lin: smells like...wisconson.
Emine: "This isn't what i imagined Heaven would be like--too many annoying people--"
GPS: "You have arrived at your destination. Vomit bags are in the door pockets--"
lin: oh look, we're here.
Shinoda and Tool: *fighting for the bags*
*muffled screams underneath*
???: take THIS!!
Bryn: "???" *rolls down the window* *looks out the window* "...Hey, we had a soft landing, too." *opens the door, steps on a Mook* "Alright, kiddos, depart! We got a busy day ahead of us!" *turns on the vehicle's car alarm*
Emine: "???" *looks to the distance at ???*
-seems two figures are taking on a group of mooks, along with two kappas-
???: "Bone of Kangaroo!"
*a mook goes flying, crashing into the top of the vehicle, setting off the car alarm*
mono:...found 'em.
Bryn: "!!! Mana!" *waves* "How you doing?!"
Tool: *holding his stomach, dragging himself over*
minato: <tuhl!>
Tool: <?! Mom?!>
Emine: "...Ha."
minato: <we-he-hell! look at you, all grown up!>
Tool: -\\\\\- <Mooooom, stop, you're embarrassing me...>
kaoli: ^^;
Shotaro: *lands on the ground in front of Mono--his cloak lifting up to expose his boxers*
mono: D8
Emine: "Shotaro..."
Shotaro: "!!! Emine!" *hug--then pulls back, holding up--* "I stole the President's tooth!"
Emine: "...Shotaro, you're infringing in my territory."
Shotaro: ^^; "Heh, yeah..."
Mook: *approaching Mono from behind...*
Mook: "UMPH!"
Bryn: "Nice one, Mono! Mana, heads up--" *tosses a Mook towards her*
Mook 2: *HIGH-PITCH SCREAMING as he flies towards Mana...*
Shinoda: *collapsed on the ground, looking pale* "Apples...Someone, help me..."
lin: *takes an apple from a stand and gives it to him*
Shinoda: =w= *nom nom nom--powers up, Olympian pose* "I am ready!" *speeds across the field, swings his arms--and knocks back 20 Mooks in one blow*
Emine: "..." *removes a bandage...a small drop of blood forms, which circles around his arm, generating electricity* "Let's begin..."
grunts: HYAAAAAH!!!
Tool: *swings the pickaxe* <Mom, how did you even get roped into this?>
minato: <long story, kiddo. just in the right place at the right time, i guess.>
Tool: <Typical---Mana and Shotaro got all the dumb luck...>
*meanwhile, atop a building is an archer...*
???: *aims at Shotaro...fires*
Shotaro: *giving a noogie to a mook* "Say uncle! Say uncle!"
lin: *throws a fork at the arrow*
*the fork catches the arrow, knocking it away*
Shotaro: "??? Did anyone feel a breeze?"
???: wow, nice aim, sagi.
Sagitarrius: -_-# "It's not my fault--I wasn't expecting eating utensils."
???: come on canni, save your agitation for later, we got to report to the squad boss.
Sagitarrius: "Let's go..." *horse gallop...*
Kepuri: *piloting...looks out the window* "Enjoy the view, people--you're not getting a view like this from earth..."
nea: woah...
PlushFix: "Makes you feel kinda small, doesn't it? ...Granted, I'm already tinee tiny now."
mimeca: *face against the window*
Kepuri: "Now approaching the Station. Turning on cloaking tech..." *presses a button*
*their spaceship seems to disappear...*
Kepuri: "Okay, GET, put in the security code to get in through the doors..."
nea: ..um guys, i think we're about to crash onto the moon.
Kepuri: "Wait, what--"
chie: that's no moon....
PlushFix: "That's yo' mama."
chie: *GLARE*
PlushFix: ^^; "I didn't mean you! Jeez, just trying to calm everyone down..."
Kepuri: "That is a big facility...How are we going to find him in that?"
*CRASH in the back*
Zuno: *pops up in the back, gasping* "I CAN'T BREATHE!"
nea: .... -_-;;
PlushFix: "!!! A Klingon! Kill it! Kill it!"
mimeca: ._.
Kepuri: "How the hell did you get in here?!"
{Zuno: "Oh, a door!" *opens it, walks in--and falls into the storage closet on the spaceship*}
chie: we're here...
*the doors slide open into the Fear Station...*
Kepuri: *deep inhale* "Stay calm..."
PlushFix: "Someone, please hold me..."
mimeca: *does so*
PlushFix: =w=
chie:... *grimace*
*the ship docks*
Kepuri: *sighs* "Okay...We're still cloaked, so we need to get off carefully, quietly, find some disguises, and locate Yohei."
PlushFix: "Leave me to sniff out Yohei!"
Zuno: "???" *picks something off the floor* "Wow, astronaut's ice cream!"
nea: hands off, buddy.
Zuno: OxO *backs up--and falls out the spaceship with a loud crash into some boxes*
Kepuri: D8<
0 notes