#ulric warhammer
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best-character-named-x-poll · 3 months ago
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have you done your daily click
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fictional-gods-tournament · 2 months ago
Fandom: Warhammer Fantasy Part 2/2
Part 1/2
Characters' info under the cut
Morr (wiki)
Domains: the dead, dreams, prophecy
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Myrmidia (wiki)
Domains: civilisation, war, Tilea, Estalia
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Ranald (wiki)
Domains: god of Luck, Deception, Thieves, and Revolution; The Gambler, The Deceiver, The Night Prowler, The Protector
the primary reason I like Him so much is because of a quest (Divided Loyalties) where the protagonist is a faithful of Him, and He is our best and worst friend.
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Shallya (wiki)
Domains: mercy, compassion and healing
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Sigmar Heldenhammer (wiki)
Domains: The Empire of Man
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Ulric (wiki)
Domains: war, winter and wolves
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Valaya (wiki)
Domains: Ancestor God, Home and Hearth, Brewing
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Vaul (wiki)
Domains: Elven God of smiths and artisans
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Verena (wiki)
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Justice
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coolyo294 · 6 months ago
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Our god is Sigmar's god, Ulric!
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racefortheironthrone · 1 year ago
Warhammer Gaslamp: Introduction
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The year is 2725 IC...some two hundred years since the Age of Crisis. The time of Karl Franz I, the "Fourth Deliverer of the Empire," has long past, as has the age of knights and dragons – throughout the Old World, magic itself is a dying art.
The Empire of Man is stronger than ever before, but it is an Empire that runs on coal and iron, held together with roads of steel track, and powered by boiling, thumping hearts that pump steam and gas through the veins of the mightiest industrial power in the world. The forests remain, but they have dwindled in size, cut down to feed the endless hunger of the great metropolises, the mighty smokestacks of Nuln, Talabheim, New Averheim, and greatest of all, the bright gaslights of mighty Altdorf ("The Big Turnip"), and a hundred smaller cities that light the night skies.
The Neüscience of the Imperial Technomancers has increased national prosperity a hundredfold, improved the health and well-being of the common citizens, and helped the Imperial Army, Navy, and Airkorps put the endless hordes of Khaos on the backfoot for generations. In spite of (or because of?) this, Imperial society has become increasingly divided between the elite who profit from the new economy of high finance and heavy industry, and those millions of unskilled and semi-skilled laborers whose endless toil keeps them only ever one step ahead of the breadline and the bailiff. Meanwhile, the mounting toll of industrial pollution, epidemic disease, industrial accidents, and Neüscientific “experiments” running amok raises new questions about the high cost of success.
Politics has become ever more fractious. The Imperial Parliament is divided between the House of the People, where the Farmer-Artisan Party (representing a coalition of the Craft Guilds and their fellow urban workers, and a significant minority of rural laborers and small farmers) holds the plurality, and the House of the Nobles, where the Liberal-Conservative Party (representing both the traditional landed aristocracy and the new monied elite) holds power, and the two clash fiercely over labor rights, taxation, industrial regulation, and social welfare. Holding the uneasy balance of power is Emperor Karl-Franz XIV, his "Iron" Chancellor Ludwig von Ostermark, and their smaller Patriotic Party (largely supported by veterans and members of the civil service), who try to maintain Imperial unity and industrial production in the face of the "Threat from the Black North."
In the streets and on the shop-floors, the captains of industry known as the Great Monopolhauses (allied and often intermarried with the nobility) deploy their legions of spies and private soldiers against the rising strength of the Laborer’s Guild, who are mobilizing in the factories by the hundreds of thousands, and the industrial spies and gunthugs are kept in check only by the still-potent might of the Craft Guilds who fear and resent their industrial upstart rivals but trust the bosses even less.
The religion that once united an Empire today divides it, as Orthodox Volkmarites and Radical Hussites split over matters of class and faith. Although the two factions are still nominally part of the same Sigmarite religion, and the Church of Sigmar is held together by the firm hand of the Emperor, the two factions compete fiercely over theology and dogma, and positions within the Church unto the Grand Theogonacy itself. To the north, the philosophy professor-turned-street preacher Nietzsche von Zarathustein has single-handedly revived the fortunes of the Cult of Ulric with his fiery doctrine of Neo-Ulricism and his best-seller Man unt Wulf-Man. From the great industrial heartland of the south, the radical scholar Mark Karhl preaches the overthrow of the status quo as an inherently exploitative regime, and his pamphlet The Scarlet Platform and his massive three-volume treatise on political economy, Der Gelden (which almost no one has completed), inspire many young radical students and workers to join the revolutionary Scarlet Party and the ranks of the Laborer’s Guild. Are rumors of his secret allegiance to a Tzeenchite secret society true, or mere bourgeois propaganda?
Exacerbating these divisions is the constant threat from Khaos. Up in the "Black North" and their allied territories on the great steppes on the other side of the pole, the forces of evil pervert the laws of science to their mad push for world domination. Khornate breeder-lords select from an unceasing flow of gladiators to produce the perfect warriors; Nurglite bio-priests carefully engineer the next insidious plague to slip past the Imperial Plasmic Survey; Slaaneshi sin-merchants mobilize a world-wide network of Cathayan black tar and warpdust powder (bartered from the Skaven) to corrupt the Empire from within; and Tzeenchite techno-mancers design ever more fiendish mutated F.R.E.A.K.S and the twisted Biomechs.
Inside the Empire, things are scarcely better. Even with the darkness of the forests pushed back to the periphery and the Greenskin hordes banished to the far side of the World's Edge Mountains, the threat of Were-beastmanism and other, more insidious, forces winds its way into every neighborhood in the Empire despite the best efforts of the Imperial Plasmic Survey and the Schwarzmänner. Mutants who cannot conceal their true nature – known as the "Untervolk" - have decamped into the subway tunnels and sewers that form the Undercities of the Empire, waging an unceasing war for survival against “norms” and “ratfolk” alike. From the back alleyways and the salons of the nobility alike, the endless secret societies of Khaos vie to do their masters' bidding, undermining the Empire from within in preparation for the coming war.
It is a time that desperately needs heroes, men and women willing to brave the darkness on the mean streets and the shell-torn battlefields of the Old World alike. Mystery and intrigue, adventure and mad science await!
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nightbringer24 · 6 months ago
It's actually funny to me that, in Warhammer Fantasy, Sigmar is a regional deity, to the point that his worship is only IN the Empire and wherever enough Imperials live outside of the Empire to be called enclaves or such.
Preaching of faith in Sigmar is literally only reserved for Imperials because he IS the Imperial deity (unless you're from Middenland than it's him and Ulric).
Priests of Sigmar are just not interested in the idea of converting others to the Sigmarite faith because it just wouldn't work.
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kharrneth · 2 years ago
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The Chaos Power are interchangeably referred to as One Pantheon and as each god being it’s own pantheon (Liber Chaotica Series). I’m more partial to the second one, as it distinguishes them from further from the “earthly” gods like Khaine, Ursun, Sigmar, Ulric, ect ect.
Each Power is the “Zeus” or “Odinn” or “Ra” of their respective Pantheons. Imagine if the Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, and Norse Pantheon all existed and were rivals as opposed to being within one pantheon. That’s sort of how I view them.
They do have proper gods under them, such as Hashut apparently sharing territory and a few domains with Khorne. The Machina Daemonium is powered by Hashut’s breath, implying Hashut himself is present. Hashut is represented by a bull, an animal that appears in Khorne’s iconography in the form of his Greater Daemons and a few other places. Khorne himself seems to favor bull-like Beastmen (Taurox [Warhammer 3 did confirm that Khorne blessed Taurox], Ograx the Great, Minotaurs of Khorne) over any other type. They share domains of fire and hatred, though Hashut has a focus on Fire and Khorne has a focus on Hatred.
Hashut does not appear to have been a creation of the Chaos Dwarves in the same way the Horned Rat is due to the beliefs of the Skaven. It’s likely Hashut existed beforehand, and simple took it upon himself to wrangle the Chaos Dwarves into his service. I’ve played with the idea of Hashut actually being Khorne’s spawn...
This raises the question of the other Pantheons having “lesser gods” beneath them. 🤔🤔🤔
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(Warhammer Fantasy Battle AU) Warhammer Whackheller AU Pt.1 (Old World Humans)-Modernized with altered Grittiness
In Warhammer Whackheller AU(or WH Whack, if you prefer it short), Archaon the Everchosen’s End Time attempt went utterly failed. Mallus (A.K.A. World-That-Was) stayed, as its civilizations, even ultraconservative Lizardmen, primitive Greenskins, and Norscans had developed in technologies and ideologies. However, situations remain gritty and grimdark. Yet it has some extra flavors of modern lifestyles, diplomacy(that lead to conflicts, or even wars),  and CAPITALISM!. Even in the realm of Chaos, it has turned like Hell from Vivziepop (Like, in Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss).
Empire of Men: Among the religious conflicts between Sigmarite and Ulrican, there was an Empress (thanks to her dad having no son) who came up with a compromise; Sigmar is Ulric’s reincarnation, and both teachings are acceptable. Plus, she made the reformation of the new faith, calling it ‘Reikite Temple’. 
The College of magic and Engineer Guild, meanwhile, had competitions for who would lead the Empire's future. The Empress and a few monarchs after her just threw money on both to accelerate the advances. The Recent Emperor; Salmeul, decided to dissolve both and form several Imperial centric versions of them instead. 
Bretonnia: Due to Peasants’ uprisings, with a random clergy ‘went Martin Luther’; he made another sect of Lady of The Lake where everyone equally received blessings from their version of ‘the lady’. Situations ended up with the first ruling Queen’s compromising, allowing females to be knighted, and less seats for the noble families’ knights for “granted peasant knights”. Ideology of “Lady of Ocean” is the new popularity for its larger water body for all lives. Plus, allowing progressive and favoring exploration of sciences and expedition. However, it is still slow and behind most of the other humans’ nations. However, it is the only country with large numbers of knights with firearms and armors.(Maybe everybody else has better units?)   
Marienburg/Westerland: The conservative Knights of Bretonnia, Dissolved Figures from Empire, and even some other humans who prefer the old ideologies went there. However, it eventually became a kind of semi-autonomous state where the Empire, Bretonnia, and Kislev use it for being their docks, factories, and warehouses. It is an even juicier target for Norscan, yet, the investors also put some forces prepared to protect their goods.
Kislev: Kislev remains hardened, yet, they allow more freedoms and liberty, as long as they have more soldiers for their defense against different foes(Ogres, Vampires, Skaven, and Chaos). Some of them are feminism, transgenderism, same-sex marriages, adopting orphans encouragement, and acceptance of more immigrants with standard. That causes the social dividation into three sides; Conservative, Hardened Socialist, and Armed Liberals. 
Conservatives stirred conflicts between the latter two, so they can stay without them overthrowing their older power.
Tilea: After Emperor Salmeul of Empire dissolved the Engineer Guild and College of Magic, large numbers of its engineers and magicians migrated to the Southern realms(Tilea, Estalia and Border Prince Confederacy). Tilea itself was focused on expanding their colonies rather than its own mainland. Such a decision caused Tilean’s governments to be more controlled by the Empire migrated scholars who were against the new Emperor. The merchant princes and mercenaries were mostly forced to pick their sides; Pro-Old Power, Pro-Empire Descents, or even join the rising Empire. 
The war ended with the victory of Pro-Empire “Usurper”, forming a federation of Tilea. It was considered by remnants of Tilean powers, who fled to different colonies as “The False Rulers”. The scattering or Tilean powers led to the formation of the “Tilean Commonwealth”, with its Headquarter around the Northwest Southland. 
Estalia: Being invaded by Skavens, Sartosan Pirates, and Greenskins, Estalia had suffered both politically and economically. Most kingdoms had fallen, or accepted to join Tilea or Bretonnia’s causes. One of the remnant kingdoms, Nerja, miraculously defended its kingdom from combined forces of Skavens and Norscans. Its king claimed to accept the new church based on the Four Gods; Solkan, Allumnias, Astasis, and Daora. The King believed these four deities could counter the power of chaos, and being its holy version. 
However, the temple itself was made centuries ago as a smaller sect which some might consider heretical. Somehow, with the victory mentioned, as few more afters, the belief spread among southern realms. Eventually, Nerja reclaimed most of its lost regions, forming a loose form of federated kingdoms under Nerja as its main seat.(Like England in the UK).
Border Prince Confederacy: Due to political shifts, Border Prince Confederacy had mostly divided into subjugation of its borders. Some even joined dwarves to be smaller parts of their nations. The remaining power moved downward to Badland, where they fought with the local Greenskins and smaller weaker Dwarven Holds. Seeing the benefits of the situations, the High Elves aided them with magic and political favors. Some of the High Elves even embrace its technology somehow, and become part of the new Border Prince Confederacy after being banished by Ulthuan. They are still unstable, and somehow unrecognized. Yet, they are a real domain to be respected.
Part 2: Because words limits.
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lord-kallig · 2 years ago
Ask Meme: Warhammer Gods 2 Boogaloo
While it references Muse in all cases, it can be applied to multiple Muses and/or the Mun if desired. Updated version of my old Ask Meme here If you have any additions to the list, feel free to add them by reblogging or making your own version
Gods of Chaos
Khorne - What is your muse's prefered means of combat?
Slaanesh - What is something your muse has taken too far or overly indulged in?
Tzeentch - Is knowledge for the sake of knowledge worth seeking?
Nurgle - When can your muse find peace?
Malice - How easily does your muse earn enemies?
Malal - What is your favourite idea for a muse of yours which you can't become canon for them?
Imperial Gods
Neoth - How different does your muse act around different people? What are they like when alone?
Revelation - Does your muse thing tyranny can be valuable/required? If conditional, under what conditions?
Omnissiah - How technologically adept is your muse?
Sigmar - Can multiple faiths be stable alongside one another?
Ulric - Does your muse believe people should be self sufficient or be able to rely on others?
Morr - Does your muse fear death? What do they think will happen after death?
Aeldari and Elven Gods
Asuryan - Does your muse believe in a destiny?
Khaine - When is violence justified for your muse, if it can be justified at all?
Cegorach - What is your muse's sense of humour like?
Ynnead - When is a sacrifice too great for your muse?
Other Gods
Gorkamorka - Does your muse think it is better to be Cunning or Brutal?
T'au'va - Does your muse believe in any divine beings? What does it mean to your muse for something to be divine?
Grimnir - What is your muse's proudest/most significant deed/event?
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djpain619 · 1 year ago
Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer The Old World/Blood Bowl Homebrew Lore
The Tyrant of Totengrad
On the Eastern Fringe of Sylvania, shrouded by Mists, Nestled atop a Tall Foothill of the World's Edge Mountains, Lies a Fortress City. With imposing walls forming a ring encircling the Hills Base. At the Cities center, pearched at the peak of the Hill, is a single Gargantuan Tower. Squat in Proportion, but Formidable in sheer Bulk. So wide is this tower in fact, that atop the Tower Is Constructed a Small Citadel with a Humble Keep.
This Citadel is none other than Castle Totenkopf, its Master is none other then Lord Baron Sigfried Von Totenkopf, and His City is None Other then Totengrad.
Totengrad was Founded during the first Vampire War, By a Volunteer Army of Kislevites and Middenlanders Lead by The exiled Kislevite Noble; Igor Blyatcycavitch and the Middenlander Knight Errant; Archibald Todbringer.
With the Help of the Knights of Morr they defeated a Massive undead hoard by Massing upon a Large Hill and holding the high ground against Wave after wave after wave of the Living Dead. When overwhelmed and pushed back they retreated and found respite in the Ruins of a Dwarven Fortress at the top of the Hill.
From these Ruins they were able to weather the onslaught and eventually turn the tide. Expelling the Zombified masses from the ruins, and casting them down as they counter charged downhill. During the counterattack, Archibald and Several Wolf Priests of Ulric lead a push that created a large bulge in the Zombie line. Through this bulge, Igor, his Winged Hussar Companion Calvary and the Knights of Morr managed to break out through the undead battleline and charge the necromancer leading the horde. Igor himself claimed the Necromancer's Head with two blows of his axe. A horizontal slash to the neck severed the Sorcerers Spine. Then a downward blow to the cranium embedded the axe in the wizards skull. A firm yank of the axe tore the remaining sinew and flesh, freeing the Necromancer's head from his shoulders, but not from the head of Igor's Axe. Igor Roared a mighty Battlecry as he raised his axe and the attached head above his own in triumph.
Once the Wretched Warlock was mercilessly dispatched the undead horde crumbled to dust and the day was won.
The Middenlanders erupted with cheers in Reikspiel; "Totenkopf, Totenkopf, Totenkopf". "Deaths Head, Deaths Head, Deaths Head". The Kislevites soon joined in, as the Army celebrated its hard won victory.
The Kislevites and Middenlanders then settled down and founded the City of Totengrad upon the hill and Igor Blyatcycavitch changed his name to Totenkopf after the name his new Middenlander subjects had bestowed upon him.
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femmehysteria · 1 year ago
A few ideas for other names :
Oscar from Shark Tale, Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles
Quinn Morgendorffer from Daria, Quinn Giather from Gone
Guy Montag (Fahrenheit 451), Guy Gardner (DC Comics)
Ulrich Stern from Code Lyoko, Ulrich Nielsen from Dark, Ulric from Warhammer
Wally from Where's Wally ?, WALL-E from WALL-E, Wally West from The Flash
Yasmin "Yaz" Khan from Doctor Who, Yasmine from Sesame Street
Thank you for the suggestions!
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therpgconnoisseur · 6 months ago
interesting response, let me clarify
i didnt say anything about mid combat healing, i completely agree with you in the assessment that battle healing tends to be a sub par strategy in 5e (although i tried to make my post more broad than that), however that is not what im necessarily talking about and its not the same as having a character be given the healer role, what characters do outside of combat is also a role they take on in the group. Healing in what i was trying to convey also encompasses the healing of negative effects on characters like diseases or curses for example. In this regard the cleric vastly outclasses any other class barring edgecases, they simply get unrestricted access to better spells.
I absolutely concur that clerics often outperform fighters as front-liners but that has to do with an evolution of very wrongheaded design in my opinion, clerics in bx used to be competent fighters (second to fighters only) that where also support healers AND also very often either trivialized encounters with undead or if the encounter was difficult enough to not be trivialized by them they where still an absolute must to have around to avoid the encounter being unwinnable, they also leveld up faster than average. For my money they where one of the most versatile and strongest classes to start of as, but they plateaued in power a little earlier than others.
This continued in ADND with the "default cleric" but with the spheres system i mentioned earlier there where the tools to make clerics that worked very differently (hence why i liked them in this edition potentially in theory but usually dms didnt bother to include or allow "specialty clerics" in my experience so it was only a glimpse of a better world really)
Ive heard that designers claimed that for some reason clerics where still really unappealing to people for their perceived "white mage" role as you point out, so by 3rd edition they got a massive buff to their power. They where still second only to dedicated fighter type classes in shear head to head fighting ability but now they where also on par with wizards in sheer spell power if a little less versatile
this has not changed at all in 5e, its not a matter of how people play them, the class is simply made to be able to do healing/support better than everyone else AND ALSO do whatever their domain suggest at least passably, and if that thing is frontline fighting(which is most domains) they will be VERY GOOD AT IT to they point that they will outperform dedicated front-liners at the role. This is doubly irritating in an edition where because of how resting works you more or less dont NEED to have a dedicated healer around anymore.
I fully agree with you in that i too am tired of the cleric=healer role, because they could be so much more interesting than that potentially, both mechanically and narratively if their powers could be made to exist as a product of their religious practices rather than the faith being an aside to their default powers, of course you can come up with a multitude of reasons why the clerics religion has healing powers regardless of what the god is about but it makes for better mechanics and narrative if picking what your characters powers do with specificity is an option the way one picks ones spells for some other classes.
As an example of what im saying in the second edition warhammer fantasy rpg, each religion has a set of powers, some have healing and the chief religion in the human empire, the war god sigmar grants the ability to heal to his clergy BUT an older religion arguably in decline, that of ulric another war god, does not. In dnd there was a time where you could mechanically make this distinction like one would specialize a wizard and it blows that they tossed that aside because of a preconception of what role they had to fill in a "balanced party"
One of my most enduring pet peeves regarding ttrpg design is hard role designation for character archetypes. I'm a contrarian asshole who enjoys playing against type so i enjoy games that have the flexibility to let you play a character in a way that is different to the standard way presented at first blush especially if this adds to the narrative of the character. The most clear example of this is my most detested dnd class: Clerics. Clerics have been given the role of support healers from way back in bx and have been restricted in that role much more than any other class. With the exception of ADnD 2nd edition and the spheres of influence (aka when clerics didnt suck ass) which allowed you with a little bit of work to make clerics of religions that weren't support healers, some setting books made use of this to flesh out their religions and it added so much to the game feel. Fuck domains, bring back spheres.
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maddyaddy · 4 years ago
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Knights of the White Wolf, from the 7ed Empire Army Book.
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vargorm · 6 years ago
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A sketch commission of a Ulric Priest character for a client. First time drawing a warhammer fantasy and had no idea these kind of priests existed. You live and learn.
Intrested in a commission? Do PM me or visit my tumblr and look under the commission tag if there is anything you fancy!
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alyss-t · 7 years ago
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nightbringer24 · 7 months ago
Since GW is reintroducing a lot of older sculpts for Warhammer: The Old World, I do wonder what's going to come back for the Empire.
I can at least see some of the Elector Count models coming back, maybe some of the special models from the Storm of Chaos campaign since they had stuff for Middenland/Middenheim like the Teutogen Guard and the Priests of Ulric.
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ask-the-numbertons · 2 years ago
Aster: Oki, so papa is named Fang, da is named Nelson, *He looks at W* you're Wendy and Wanda, *he looks at U* you're Ulric, *He looks at V* you're Victor, *he looks at Y* and you're Yasmin!
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Human letter designs (top left to down right)
Wendy (Peter pan)
Wanda (Fairly oddparents)
Ulric (Warhammer)
Victor (Victor and Valentino)
Yasmin (Bratz)
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