#the Empire of man
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barontyrwulf · 12 days ago
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The Witchfate Tor! I painted this a long time ago around whenever it came out. It’s due for some touch ups! The “statues” are game pieces from a TSR Hobbies board game called “Dragonstrike” that I bought at a surplus store called Ax Man. Back then I was a smoker with a Redbull habit. Nothing some steady dry brushing and spot detailing couldn’t fix!
I also have the ruined version, the Dreadstone Blight, and another tower whose name escapes me. Not the Deathknell Watch, the other one with the asymmetrical construction that could double as an observatory. Let me know if you know the name!
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nightbringer24 · 2 months ago
A selection of Empire banners from White Dwarf 146 and 147:
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Random Tilean
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essence-of-nightshade · 5 months ago
Second game of the day was my friend's Hayden's Brettonia against Linden running the Empire of Man at 1500pts again with Empire coming out on top. Demigriff Knights held the whole game.
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racefortheironthrone · 1 year ago
Warhammer Gaslamp: The Imperial Armed Forces
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(For Introduction, see here; for Imperial Society, see here; for Geopolitics, see here; for Peoples of the Old World, see here.)
While still raised on a provincial basis by regiment, the modern Imperial Army is a far more professional force than the State Troops of two hundred years ago, and each regiment must adhere to the national standards imposed by the Reiksmarshal. While much of the officer corps remains dominated by the nobility, even these sons of privilege must graduate from the Imperial Military Academy and serve at the pleasure of the General Staff.
The Imperial Army rests on a tripartite foundation of the Rifle Regiments, where each man is armed with a Hochland Mk. V Repeating Rifle, a belt of grenades, and a triangular bayonet that doubles as an entrenching tool. The Regiments operate in close coordination with the Artillery Batteries that bring the devastating firepower of the rifled Magnus Longcannon, the Machine Hellcannon, and the Rocket/Cannon Tank to bear on the enemy, such that the Regiments advance to support the Batteries, who soften up the ground for the Regiments.
The cream of the infantry are the Eisenvolk, elite soldiers who have their hearts technomantically replaced with steam engines to power their impenetrable armor, carrying them into where the fighting is fiercest to deliver victory with vibro-zweihander, handcannon, and their gauntleted fists if need be. Only the biggest and strongest of the Empire's sons can survive the process, and the Eisenvolk have a maximum lifespan of 50 years, but when the position comes with a knighthood, a lavish here-today-gone-tomorrow lifestyle, and a gold-plated pension for their families, many young men from humble means are eager recruits.
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Strictly for those with a love of heights, the Imperial Airkorps rules the skies through their fleet of carrier zeppelins, bombadeer biplanes, and the daredevil dogfighters known as the Rocketmen. An invaluable asset to the Imperial Armed Forces in their ability to keep the wars fought mostly on enemy territory, the Airkorps have a love-hate relationship with the Army, where the former see the groundpounders as a mere cleanup crew, and the latter just wish the damn flyboys could get their targeting right so that they didn't dump their munitions quite so close.
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One of the busiest if least prestigious of the Imperial Armed Forces, the dreadnoughts and littoral craft of the Imperial Navy are tasked with interdicting Khaos raiders in the Sea of Claws and the Sea of Khaos, keeping the trade routes from the Black Gulf to the waters of Ulthuan free for the Imperial merchant marine, and using the canalized rivers of the Empire to ferry men and materiel from Kroppenleben to Altdorf to Marienburg, and from Nuln all the way to Kislev.
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farsight-the-char · 2 months ago
The Sigmar Empire/Empire of Man returns.
Pretty much everything for that? Including the return of Great Swords!
Plus some of the newer resin heroes.
30k Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought and weapons packs, Arvus Lighter, Malcador Infernus, and Valdor Tank Hunter.
BL reprints, including Red Tithe.
New Underworlds Warband and Rivals Deck reveal, plus Necromunda.
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Pacific Timezone Convince.
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djpain619 · 1 year ago
Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer The Old World/Blood Bowl Homebrew Lore
The Tyrant of Totengrad
On the Eastern Fringe of Sylvania, shrouded by Mists, Nestled atop a Tall Foothill of the World's Edge Mountains, Lies a Fortress City. With imposing walls forming a ring encircling the Hills Base. At the Cities center, pearched at the peak of the Hill, is a single Gargantuan Tower. Squat in Proportion, but Formidable in sheer Bulk. So wide is this tower in fact, that atop the Tower Is Constructed a Small Citadel with a Humble Keep.
This Citadel is none other than Castle Totenkopf, its Master is none other then Lord Baron Sigfried Von Totenkopf, and His City is None Other then Totengrad.
Totengrad was Founded during the first Vampire War, By a Volunteer Army of Kislevites and Middenlanders Lead by The exiled Kislevite Noble; Igor Blyatcycavitch and the Middenlander Knight Errant; Archibald Todbringer.
With the Help of the Knights of Morr they defeated a Massive undead hoard by Massing upon a Large Hill and holding the high ground against Wave after wave after wave of the Living Dead. When overwhelmed and pushed back they retreated and found respite in the Ruins of a Dwarven Fortress at the top of the Hill.
From these Ruins they were able to weather the onslaught and eventually turn the tide. Expelling the Zombified masses from the ruins, and casting them down as they counter charged downhill. During the counterattack, Archibald and Several Wolf Priests of Ulric lead a push that created a large bulge in the Zombie line. Through this bulge, Igor, his Winged Hussar Companion Calvary and the Knights of Morr managed to break out through the undead battleline and charge the necromancer leading the horde. Igor himself claimed the Necromancer's Head with two blows of his axe. A horizontal slash to the neck severed the Sorcerers Spine. Then a downward blow to the cranium embedded the axe in the wizards skull. A firm yank of the axe tore the remaining sinew and flesh, freeing the Necromancer's head from his shoulders, but not from the head of Igor's Axe. Igor Roared a mighty Battlecry as he raised his axe and the attached head above his own in triumph.
Once the Wretched Warlock was mercilessly dispatched the undead horde crumbled to dust and the day was won.
The Middenlanders erupted with cheers in Reikspiel; "Totenkopf, Totenkopf, Totenkopf". "Deaths Head, Deaths Head, Deaths Head". The Kislevites soon joined in, as the Army celebrated its hard won victory.
The Kislevites and Middenlanders then settled down and founded the City of Totengrad upon the hill and Igor Blyatcycavitch changed his name to Totenkopf after the name his new Middenlander subjects had bestowed upon him.
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oil-eclipse · 1 month ago
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David Lynch, selected paintings and lithographs.
“When I’m not painting, I’m thinking about painting.”-David
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hamletthedane · 2 months ago
My conspiracy theory is that one of the reasons they fired Stephanie J. Block for the role of Elphaba in 2000 and replaced her with Idina Menzel at the end of the OBC workshops is because SJB played the role SO gay that it was quickly crossing the line of plausible deniability. Like she doesn't seem to be able to help herself.
And thank god she eventually got to play the role on Broadway (arguably one of the best - if not THE best - actresses who ever did), because we finally got to see her get super fucking handsy and stare lovingly into Glinda's eyes inches away from her face for three hours:
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Like holy shit why do you keep looking at Annaleigh Ashford like you want to eat her alive??
Plus I cannot emphasize enough just how effective and moving this particular version of For Good is. Straight up feels like wedding vows.
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(Ironically, she also has the best chemistry with Fiyero's character, and arguably the very sweetest performance of As Long As You're Mine in the entire slime tutorial universe.* So I'm just reading this as a Thropple Truther performance.)
*But that's just because she was (and still is) literally married to him. So they get uh. A little carried away in their performance. *cut to Sebastian Arcelus holding lantern up, his face covered in green makeup from aggressively making out with his wife on stage for several minutes* Apparently the makeup team HATED that song for them.
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boobilby · 2 months ago
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Ouggahgggaaaghhahggggggggghhhajhahg he built her a billboard oahhgaghhhggcfccaffdghhgggghhhhhhhh he’s in love with his wife AHHHGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
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barontyrwulf · 24 days ago
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I kitbashed a Nippon Ronin in the Empire! They’ve taken out some raiding orcs!
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mostwantedii · 2 months ago
anthony mackie crashing sebastian stan’s golden globes interview
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risibledeer · 8 months ago
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hugs, all of joel's soulmates, lizzie, grian and eefo lol
Psst reqs are open, ik I draw a lot of Joel but i like drawing most hermipires so feel free ti ask, if uf like to
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farsight-the-char · 2 months ago
The Old World's Empire and the Squats of Necromunda.
A lot of Empire stuff, inludling old metal/resin stuff and stuff that was still being used in Age of Sigmar, plus book and accessories.
Necromunda Hall of the Ancients book, Squat upgrade sprue, Bikers and Exo-Armour (which look better then their Votann equivilents imo but I digress).
Over on Warhammer Community we’ve got new instalments of the Old World Almanack now that the Empire have their moustaches waxed and weapons sharpened, a discussion on the new Squats, and of course there’s something to look forward to on Christmas Day…
Let's Hope Xmas is LOUD!
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infinitelystrangemachinex · 3 months ago
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Excellent choice, Councilor Medarda. A supreme challenge.
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This one.
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@mandaloreyan this gave me a HEART ATTACK when I saw your tags my god it was RIGHT THERE she could've just as easily chosen Viktor and what then. WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN
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oil-eclipse · 1 month ago
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David Lynch, selections from 2021’s “Distorted Nudes” photogravures.
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supd00dle · 1 year ago
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Finally drew Sage ☝️
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