#uhm this sucks
cultreslut · 2 years
no llores mi querrida dios nos vigila los caballos llevamos a durangoooooo agarrame mi vida el deserto va desparace y vas a bailar el fandango
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melancholicmoonlight · 11 months
As Jameson drives along through the night he passes various people walking, along with undead hordes passing through the woods by the road, as he watches them pass, suddenly he notices the car jerk as the two front tires start rapidly losing air.
He slams on the brake and stops the car, sighing to himself.
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even if will had never sucked a dick before hannibal's, he'd never choke or gag. not even once. that man dry swallowed pills on the daily. not to mention the tube ear scene and he is dedicated and stubborn. you can't tell me he wouldn't deepthroat like a champ
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the-solitary-child · 1 month
Kipperlily Copperkettle analysis, this is a long one so click read more to read all of it.
Kipperlily Copperkettle. Halfling Rogue. 
The Model Minority.
Her parents work good jobs, respectable jobs. One of them is a realtor, they are charismatic and good with words and they work hard. Hard for their family, hard to keep things in order. The other works in bastion city, away from home and with the council of chosen. A noble job, one that is met with praise and awards. It is a good job, a respectable job for the greater good.
Her family is good. Her family is picture perfect, with two parents and a kid and a white picket fence.
She must be perfect, for her sake, for her parents sake. Halflings are kind. Halflings are sweet. They get along with everyone. They are peacemakers, so much so that humans and elves could come and take solace from them. Years of bloody history and violence brews in her veins, and she is supposed to be complicit and smile and act kind. She does so for her parents sake, with a slicked back ponytail and a perfect uniform and a smile too big, too unnerving.
I’m sure people tried to dissuade her, telling her that she wouldn't find more comfort in something different? Maybe a job as a clerk or a secretary, or an artificer so she could help build things for people. She has her mind set though, with her nails digging into her palms to control the bitter rage that boils in her as she is only ever underestimated. 
High school starts and it's supposed to be a new beginning. She will find her party, and she will make friends. And she does, sort of. The High Five heroes she calls them, setting herself up as the leader. She has to take control of everything. They don't really listen to her though. Oisin and Ivy are immediately their own little duo, as are Ruben and Lucy, although Lucy has made a point to include Kipperlily too, and Mary Ann just acts uninterested in everything thus far. She has to make sure everything is perfect. A fight happens during the first day of school. It results in two students death, and makes the principle commit murder suicide on both himself and the counselor in order to bring two students back. Maybe that's where it started, the jealousy and the burning hatred and the obsession. Maybe it started a little earlier that day, when Riz handed out his business cards, and Kipperlily took it. Saw his name, maybe even wanted to be friends at first. Maybe he was too busy with the case of missing penny luckstone, maybe he was too busy with the friends that seemed to care about him. Maybe Kipperlily was jealous that his party actually cared about him, whilst hers only tolerated her at best.
I think that's where it started. The jealousy, the obsession. Her anger got worse, nails digging into skin and drawing blood. She is just so angry. She has always been angry, rage and spite boiling in her blood. Her parents said she came into the world not crying but screaming, like existing in this very world hurt her. She studied him. She learnt everything about him as the year went on and she felt shame. Burning, red shame. She started seeing the new counselor in hopes of getting help. She knew this wasn't normal. She was just so angry and had nothing to do with all this rage and fury. So she talked about it, how she was jealous of him. How he got the perfect adventurers story, a dead dad and a party full of people who cared. Her parents were normal. They were perfect, blended in perfectly. They were kind and sweet and polite and possibly never home because they have busy jobs. Busy respectable jobs. They were respectable people and nothing more because the world would never allow them to be anything more.
One way or another, Porter hears of a halfling rogue with rage in her veins. One way or another he approaches her, tells her that he will help her. He sees her potential, he sees just how great she can be. Kipperlily believes him. She trains with him, learning from him, hooked on to every word of praise he gives her. She is special, she is meant for something great, this school is just unfair and hands out blatant favoritism and she has to stop it. 
Kipperlily takes the rage star, lets it fall into her chest and every petty grudge, jealousy and dislike simply turns to wrath and hatred. She gets her party to join her too, leveling them up with the help of porter and jace. She kills them. She stands over their bodies as rage stars are forced onto their chests. As their corpses are violated and they are brought back just as angry as she has always been. Kipperlily feels no guilt, this is what she is meant to do Porter tells her. She is meant to bring greatness.
Lucy is the only one who doesn't come back. That hurts her, in a way different to anything she has ever felt. Lucy always had her back, always had her side when the party was ganging up on her. Lucy was the only one who understood what it was like to be put down and underestimated. But..she stayed dead. She decided being dead was better than being with her. 
Kipperlily tries to move on but sorrow and rage just burn deep within her.
The rest is history. But one thing is clear, rage has always festered in the heart of Kipperlily, and when she tried to get help, when shame burned in her veins at how childish her rage and jealousy was, she was failed by the people she was supposed to trust. Her rage was used as a weapon, both against her and against others. She was told she would do great things, that she is special and her spite and jealousy was used in order to get her to do things had her teachers not failed her, maybe she wouldn't have done.
Kipperlily will forever have the blood of her friends, of her party members, on her hands. She will never get rid of that shame, it will stain her hands, it will stain her legacy. She is nothing more than a villain in the history books now, when in reality she was a teenage girl who was failed over, and over again. She was a teenage girl who felt rage, and felt ashamed of her rage because she was told she needed to be kind, complicit. A sweet halfling girl, something she never was and never will be. 
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“A Sudden Trial” (Trained) — Rui Kamishiro
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moomeecore · 9 months
here's that essay i accidently hyped up (sorry) on how fionna & cake did a poor job of concluding betty & simons characters + story in the final 2 episodes. sorry it is so insanely long. i don't know what my deal is. sometimes a show just does such a bad job of handling your favorite characters that you have to write 19k+ words complaining about it, i guess. im linking it as a pdf bc i DO NOT want to have 2 copy & paste this all over to tumblr & i kinda don't think tumblr would be happy with me making a post that long.
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kennethbrangh · 2 years
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Ian McKellen as Macbeth | Royal Shakespeare Company (1979)
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a-list-of-moods · 7 months
stop telling people that voting doesn't matter stop it stop it
incremental change is frustrating and feels like it gets nothing done but it's how the american government works (for better or for worse) and if you get paralyzed by 'we need to revolt voting doesn't matter' that's one more effective vote for the fascists since it's one vote we lose.
I'd much rather have slow but tangible progress (or even just prevention of fascist progression) than everyone sitting around going 'let's wait for the revolution' when no revolution is likely to come while everything gets worse around us.
Obviously, still do whatever it is else to support the antifascist movement. Donate where you can (and do your research!) Go to protests if you feel safe doing so. But do all that AND vote.
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pinkavtomation · 1 year
I can still make this joke its not too late
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qeyond · 1 year
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Both blazed out their gourds, L is full of yearning and Light is too busy giggling to notice.
Lines under the cut <3
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Light: Hahaha- enough enough! Pass the bong, Ryuzaki, you're hogging it~ L: [Lost in thought, reaches his hand to hover over Light's] ... Ah... yes, of course, the bong...
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adharastarlight · 7 months
When you go into public and the public has the nerve to be there:
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incorrect-shoujisquad · 9 months
mha (mainly shoujisquad) as things ive overheard in high-school 2
sero: mr.ectoplasm i need help, i don't know what the fuck this book be saying, but it damn sure ain't what you just said
ojirou: now how the fuck do you expect me to prove that x=1.25 if all i know is h is the midpoint of fg
shouji: i dunno man, use the laws of physics
ojirou: proofs can laws of physics my nuts, fucking bullshit
tokoyami: what is this horseshit
todoroki: living in a cardboard box is sounding pretty good right about now
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crowsdove · 2 months
Imagine cuddling with your f/o on the couch while you watch something together. Either something you've already seen and liked or something you're seeing for the first time, you're enjoying it regardless, especially getting to share it with them. But you catch your f/o just gazing softly at you, and if you ask them about it, they say it's because they just love seeing you enjoying things. You being happy makes them happy too.
> antis please dni <
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emiko-matsui · 2 years
going absolutely insane at the fact that the crew is like "No skip we love you you're doing great there's nothing wrong with this norman was a piece of shit you deserve this body more than him he was a mean corrupt man" meanwhile skip (the guy actually possessing the body) is the one who's like "hey guys uhm this is a real person im controlling this is a real actual guy and i realise he was a shitty person but ive still possessed a real life person who no longer has control over his own body"
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noirve · 36 minutes
they need to stop trying to make me sympathize with lestat like i'm supposed to feel sorry for that bitch??? I DON'T
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notmonaca · 7 months
this man left a bunch of unfortunately placed scratches on my arm send help
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