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star-wars-forever · 5 months ago
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greyeisacreativecolor · 8 months ago
How about some Mandalorians with House Vizsla, Korkie Kryze, and a Mandalorian Knight
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tcards · 4 months ago
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queen-daya · 2 years ago
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Guys, please tell me you can see it!!!!!
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salixalba8 · 2 years ago
Star Wars species study (part 2)
(part 1: https://salixalba8.tumblr.com/post/726547884526452736/star-wars-species-study-part-1)
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(Всем пофиг, но из всех видов и цивилизаций Далёкой-Далёкой больше всего мне нравятся Мон Каламари.). [No one cares, but Mon Calamari are my favorite of all the SW species/civilizations.]
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tlmtwelve · 10 months ago
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May 19, 2024: Kuiil
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star-wars-comics · 8 months ago
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Star Wars #36 (2017) Action figure variant cover by John Tyler Christopher
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 years ago
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Another duo, but not a couple, from my totally bonkers Star Wars story, An Unusual Alliance: Dovok and Tyka. Dovok is a slythmonger while his partner, Tyka, forges documentation and identification from their base of operations on Nar Shaddaa. They are neutral in the Galactic Civil War, but have no love for the Empire. Again, only a few will give a kriff about it, but you really can't go wrong with a smooth talking Devaronian and a pink haired Ugnaught that calls everyone 'sweetie.' 😃
And FYI, chapter 62, the second to last chapter of this 200k+ word nonsense, will be out on Sunday, June 4! 😮🥳
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 years ago
KUIIL! UGH!😢 It's been so long since he was mentioned. Also, they brought back "I have spoken"!
Anyway, so, the nobles hired Ugnaughts to repair the droids? I hope they're being treated better than the Empire treated them. But, do they live in the lower levels only? I hope not.
See, another thing I like about Din. He can pick up other's customs and knows what to do to not disrespect them. He spent some time with Kuiil, so learned some things about Ugnaughts. If that didn't happen, if he didn't learn, they would've been stuck.
Also, I just realized that Grogu isn't with them so did Din leave him with the nobles? I hope so....that is as long as Captain Bombardier isn't revealed to be "unredeemed" all along.
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purpledragoon-0 · 2 years ago
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please tell me i'm not the only one who saw this
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spiffygreen · 2 years ago
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mando-din-lorian · 1 year ago
Does anyone else thing the pirates in season 3 were severely underutilized?
Like, we had these guys with a vendetta against Din. They tried to space ambush him because he killed a few of their people. The Pirate King wanted Din’s head. They had a huge ship with more ships and who knows how many pirates in his employ.
I thought these guys were gonna be a real problem in the show, but like…
They were defeated so easily. It wasn’t hard at all. There were no stakes whatsoever. We saw them in the first episode, saw them again in episode 5 and defeated them that same episode. We didn’t even get to see the Pirate King fight! I wanted to see more of that mossy, seaweed face motherfucker! And then he just upped and died on his ship.
Idk just feeling salty tonight that they set up these great antagonists that looked so interesting, and then just…didn’t do much with them.
Honestly, it would’ve been interesting if the pirates were hunting Din much like the bounty hunters were hunting Grogu in season 1. Only this time it’s just Din they’re after. Hell, you know how interesting it would be if Din had gotten captured by them? Or cornered? Or something.
It’s just me being salty about season 3 hours
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archeo-starwars · 1 year ago
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The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #24
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airandangels · 2 years ago
there's such a weird, dumb reset-button vibe to a lot of what's been going on in The Mandalorian
like such a lot of time and effort has gone into effectively just restoring Bo-Katan to the position she was in the last time we saw her in Rebels, with little reason, honestly, to think she's capable of doing better this time (a, I am not convinced she understands what she did wrong or has a plan for what she'll do differently, b, maybe just maybe she could grasp the idea that she can do good work for Mandalorians without being the leader? because leadership is actually not her strong point!)
her life has just been presented to us in cycles of "gets a great opportunity, loses everything, gets a great opportunity, loses everything"
(we still don't even know how she lost the Darksaber in between Rebels and The Mandalorian, who took it off her)
so this reset doesn't feel like progress, it just feels like another round of the loop she's stuck in
and what about Din? Back when he was taking over episodes of Boba's show, we saw a big change in his attitude to droids. He spoke to them politely. He addressed them as "friend," thanked them when they were helpful, and seemed to get comfortable working together with Peli's workshop droids (especially the cute little one that looks like a cross between a chicken and a View-Master). In episode 1 of the current season he's keen to revive IG-11 (although that idea got dropped irritatingly quickly) and when he works with R4-forgothisnumberalready, although he's slightly rude telling him not to be a baby about going into the mine, his attitude doesn't seem contemptuous or hateful
but in "Guns For Hire" he's straight back to being droids' number one hater
now there are two main ways you could explain this that would make sense
one: they're doing an investigation and Din is intentionally doing a good cop-bad cop routine. Bo-Katan doesn't seem to know that's what he's doing, although if you take this reading it means he's trying to set her up to succeed by looking like the reasonable one who it's relatively safe to talk to
my gosh, just a brief conversation in an elevator along the lines of "So good cop-bad cop?" "Okay, you're bad cop," "Wizard" would have set the scene and showed that they understood each other and Din's weirdly aggressive behaviour and Bo-Katan's exasperation with him were a deliberate act to get what they wanted. And it would have been funny. And it's cute when Din says "wizard."
And the "Din is trying to set Bo-Katan up to succeed" theme would be reinforced by the final scene where... he just gives her the Darksaber on a technicality which would still be boring and unsatisfying, but at least we'd understand that's a Thematic Thing for him, and that he'll willingly look bad (or like a loser) to make her look good (because the person he most fervently trusts and respects believes in her so by gum he'll believe in her)
two: Din is no longer biased against all droids because of his childhood trauma involving them, because he's had enough positive experiences with them lately to reconsider, but he hasn't moved as far as "I will treat any droid decently and won't assume it's an enemy," he's simply reorganised his way of thinking into "okay droids" (helpful, not a threat, even potentially friends) and battle droids (fuck 'em, still hate 'em). This attitude bleeds over to droids he'd normally consider okay as soon as he does perceive them as a threat because there's still a lot of deep-down underlying fear, explaining how aggressively he threatens the droid bartender.
But we would never know because people in this show aren't allowed to have conversations about how they feel or what they're thinking.
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autistic-puffin · 2 years ago
three takeaways from today's episode:
din! ugnaughts! amazing!!
din...battle droids....oh my god
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Din is so kind and respectful 💖
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