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Droid lover & Din Djarin enthusiast | Freelance Illustrator | They/Them | 26 | My Ao3
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drawingdroid · 3 months ago
This year babyjesus performed by Din Grogu in our Nativity. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
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We have this Catholic thingy in Spain today, Día de los Reyes Magos, it’s supposed to be the day 3 magic kings arrived to Bethlehem to gift tiny Jesus goodies to celebrate his birth. It’s a very important date even though you’re not a Catholic and we exchange presents and eat typycal sweets so I had to draw this:
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drawingdroid · 3 months ago
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him again
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
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We ate pizza on our first date do you think he's serious guys???
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
I'm delighted to see Pedro taking part in so many cool projects lately but I can't help but worry about him overworking himself and ending in burnout. I really hope he is taking care of himself.
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
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At the end of Din Grogu's song⭐️
1000 years after the Mandalorian, father and son reunited for a final trip.
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
I'm probably looking too deep into it, but can we think about the fact that this is one of the biggest premieres of the year and he invited his dad and his sister? not only are they his family, but they are a former political refugee and a queer woman. they are there to celebrate this big achievement for him, yes, but it's also a big fucking middle finger to the political clownery the entire world saw happening last week.
I am so proud.
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drawingdroid · 4 months ago
Okay so next chapter of Melting Point our grumpy sculptor Din Djarin is attending to a gala with you so I need to decide which Pedro’s look suits him better, can you help me?
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
Updated the masterlist only to notice I'm already halfway through the series! I've never worked on something this long but I like how it's coming together, I feel so connected to this story.
Melting Point Masterlist
A Sculptor Din Djarin x Art PhD Reader Series
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Summary: You're a first-year PhD at The University of Nevarro specialising in Mandalorian Art. When your favourite sculptor, the mysterious Mando, opens an art exhibition in the city, you're the first one to enrol. Unexpectedly, attending to that opening would end up changing your life forever.
Warnings: This is a slow burn, you've been warned!; a lot of talking about Art and PhD life; Reader is not Grogu's nanny but this is very Grogucentric if that makes sense; And Reader is Din's employee too; Very grumpy and antisocial Mando; Grogu is human but the only thing described are his eyes; Reader appearance is left blank except from the outfits; Age gap of 10-15 years;
A/N: This fic was absolutely inspired by that scene in Season 2 when Din is welding his ship in the ice planet Maldo Kreis. My brain went immediately into overdrive: hot man welding. And this is how this fic was born, but then the curse of the plot came to me and I have to brag about everything Fine Art has taught me. Mandalorian culture is super interesting from the point of view of the arts and iconography, and I couldn't resist writing this AU. I really hope you find it interesting!
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Prologue: Malleable/The Merchant
Chapter I: Metallike/The Artist
Chapter II: Temper/The Sculptor
Chapter III: Yield Strength/The Father
Chapter IV: Surface Roughness/The Patient
Chapter V: Alloy/The Teacher
Chapter VI: The Giver
Chapter VII: The Muse
Chapter VIII: The Penintent
Chapter VIIII: The Investigator
Chapter XIX: The Lover
Chapter X: The Warrior
Epilogue: The Professor
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
Melting Point: Chapter V
A Sculptor Din Djarin x Art PhD Reader Series
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Read Prologue | Series Masterlist
Chapter V: The Teacher/Alloy
Summary: After the accident, Din is not able to work for a while. He will lose the opportunity at the museum if he can't deliver the pieces. Would you step up and help him?
Words: 2356
Warnings: This is a slow burn, you've been warned!; a lot of talking about Art and PhD life; Reader is not Grogu's nanny but this is very Grogucentric if that makes sense; And Reader is Din's employee too; Very grumpy and antisocial Mando; Grogu is human but the only thing described are his eyes; Reader appearance is left blank; Age gap of 10-15 years; Fluff fluff fluff
A/N: Their relationship is finally blooming folks! Don't worry, we'll get there. Even to the smut! For the moment, I hope you enjoy this shorter chapter. Writing has been a big distraction from the horror of the terrible catastrophe in my city Valencia. I'm so touched because Pedro himself used his platform to speak about us. He's just the best.
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Karga visited the next day of the accident with the kid.
“Are those flowers for me, Grogu?” Din asked, his face softened at the sight of his son hiding behind a massive bouquet.
“He chose ‘em for you!” Karga explained, hugging you as a greeting. “How’re you doing sweetheart?” he asked leaving his hand on your shoulder. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw how the toddler climbed the bed to be embraced by his dad.
“Thank you, kid, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it last night.” Din caressed his son’s little head. “Did you have fun at your sleepover with Winta?”
Grogu chirped and started signing some words. Your eyes opened in awe. So the little one could speak sign language! You made a mental note to learn the most common words.
“You haven’t been home yet, have you sweetheart,” of course Karga noticed at the mess your hair was and the wrinkled clothes. “Go home, have a shower, I’ll stay with him.”
You doubted for a moment, but after all your back was aching from sleeping on the couch and you could use a hot shower. Din was in good hands with Karga.
“Okay, but I’ll come back in the evening.” You couldn’t allow Din to eat the horrible hospital food, so you thought of bringing him some frozen homemade soup you had back in your place.
You said goodbye to your boss and kissed Grogu’s head.
“Karga,” you whispered before leaving, “don’t be too hard on him.” With the approaching deadline, his injury would be a big nuisance. 
Greef looked surprised but smirked knowingly. “You really care about him, don’t you?”
For a moment you panicked, suspecting Karga knew of your little crush. Were you that obvious? Probably, yes. You had stayed next to him like a lost puppy. You shook your head and left the room, leaving him wandering.
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After a much-needed shower, you returned to the hospital with a soup container.
It was already dark and the hospital seemed quiet. Din was on the 4th floor, so you had to share an awkward silence with some of the personnel.
“Hi, I’m back,” you closed the door behind you and left the container on the table. He was alone, it looked like Karga and Grogu had left. Your boss didn’t look at you. He seemed deep in thought, reading glasses on the tip of his nose. You recognised the notebook he used for taking notes. “Are you really working right now Din?”
When he heard his name, he finally lifted his gaze. His expression was gloomy behind the glasses.
“Why are you here?” his raspy voice froze you. His question hit like an ice arrow.
Din removed his reading glasses, leaving them on the bedside table.
“I had some leftover soup at home and…” your cheeks started to feel warm.
“Why are you really here.” His gaze looked hard as beskar. For a moment you panicked wondering if he knew about your crush. “Are you that afraid of losing your job? You don’t have to make extra hours playin’ nurse y’know.”
Your eyes started to moisten. You didn’t understand why he was being so cruel to you.
“Is it that hard to believe that I genuinely care for you?” you said on the verge of tears. “I was so scared when I found you in the bathroom, Din”
He clenched his jaw and looked away. “I’m ok now. I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“You’re not ok. And you can tell me what’s in your mind, y’know.” You’d want to tell him a lot of things, that he could count on you, that you weren’t only his employee. But he was upset and you, a coward.
You wiped your tears and he pinched his nose.
“We’re done. I can’t reach the deadline with..this,” he explained staring angrily at his wounded arm. “And without the money from the museum, I won’t be able to pay you.” His tone was sour, defeated.
You sat on the bed next to him. Probably telling him that you’d stay by his side even if he didn’t pay you wasn’t a good idea. “Din, let me help you. I know how to use the tools. I’ll be your hands.”
“That’s not enough,” he replied in a stern tone, but you were determined.
“Let me show you how I work and then you can decide if it’s up to your standards.” It had been a while since you’d sculpted, but you were confident in your skills.
He lifted a brow. “I’d need to see that  before”, he said after a while, “and I have one condition.”
“Of course, tell me.” You tried to hide your excitement, but couldn’t wait to go to the workshop.
“If you finally help me, you name will appear next to mine.”
“Din.” Your mouth was so open from the surprise you feared that you looked like a fish.
“You’ll be doing all the manual labour, I won’t accept anything else.”
“Lots of sculptors don’t make their own pieces, just the design”, you complained, not finding acceptable to be credited.
“Not Mandalorian ones, it won’t be honourable.”
You sighed but he was right about that. You had forgotten how important authorship was in Mandalorian culture. You thought about it.  It would be like Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen. The only difference would be that you weren’t an artist. Or married to him.
In fact, you were no one, just a broke PhD student and his part-time employee. But right now, helping Din was more important than your self-doubt.
“Okay, it’s a deal.” Din’s gaze softened at your positive response. “We’ll make it, Din.” Your hand was so close to his on the duvet and you felt the sudden need to hold it. But even though you felt drawn to him, you had to know your place. He was your boss.
“Thank you,” his gratitude took you by surprise, “you really have to like this job at this point if you’re willing to put up with this shit show.”
He didn’t have an idea.
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The next day Din asked you to bring his sketches to start working together. He explained every sculpture he had planned for the show and you worked on the blueprints side by side. When he was discharged from the hospital you were there. In fact, you hadn’t left his side. Both of you went directly to the studio with a clear plan of action. 
Upon arriving at the workshop, it felt like a month had passed, even though Din was in the hospital only for a few days. He walked to the wardrobe where he had his sculpting gear and handed you an apron and a welding mask.
“You’ll need security boots but I don’t think I have your size… I can grab you a pair from the store when we close.”
He asked for your shoe size and you answered, grateful.
On your first day, he observed you as your shadow, analysing every micro-movement of your hands, correcting you here and there.
You cut metal, welded and even started preparing a mold.
“Is it alright like this?” It had been a while since you practised your craft and you weren’t so sure about your modelling skills.
Din got so close to you that you could smell his after-shave.
“You have magic hands, sparks.” You chuckled at his comment, he started calling you that after a big spark had surprised you while welding, making you squeak.
Contrary to what you had expected, Din wasn’t being grumpy at all. He looked almost like he was enjoying working together. Of course, he grew frustrated here and there when he couldn’t use his right hand, but he was a good teacher and you followed his instructions closely.
The first evening it got so late that Din ordered takeaway for you two. And the next ones, it became a habit. Not that you were complaining, you treasured those moments spent next to him relaxing together. Both of you enjoyed all kinds of cuisines and it was a pleasure to share the joy of a delicious meal.
“Did you travel a lot with the army,” you asked one night, looking at how he enjoyed food from different countries the same.
“Yeah, I was part of a specialised team so we flew where we were needed.”
Din hadn’t spoken a lot of his army days and you had a lot of questions, but didn’t want to overwhelm him.
“Do you have a favourite place you’ve been posted?’” Din stopped eating and looked deep in thought for a moment.
“Sorgan,” he said sounding sure, “almost settled there, Grogu loved it. Peaceful place.”
You didn’t know about Sorgan but you’d make a quick search about it later.
“And you? How are you enjoying your stay in Nevarro?” It was unusual for him to ask questions about your personal life, so you were startled.
“I didn’t expect to but…I’m loving it”, you confessed. “The barren lava flats, the glow of the magma…and the town is so lively. It’s so beautiful in its own quiet way.”
You noticed Din was smiling. It looked like he was in a good mood that day. “Have you travelled to the North?” he took a bite of his burrito, sauce staining his moustache.
“Not yet, I haven’t been y’know…available precisely.” You said it in a light tone, but the playfulness in the air died and you saw the guilt in his big eyes. He left the burrito on the plate.
“Look, I’m so sorry I dragged you into this…”, he started, but you put your hand over his and he fell silent. 
“Din, you’ve given me the opportunity of my life, don’t be sorry please.” You couldn’t talk about your deeper motive to stay next to his side. You’d be mortified if he knew how fast your heartbeat raced every day before work.
He responded with a lopsided smile. Your hand felt like burning on top of his. He didn’t remove his.
“I’m sure you don’t need me to make your own path, sparks.”
Only if he knew how badly you needed him.
“I might not need you, but the way is much more enjoyable next to you.” You bit your lip immediately, regretting your words. Mortified, you were sure you had shown too much of your feelings for him.
He shifted in his seat and, to your surprise, turned his hand upwards, wrapping your smaller palm in his. It was rough and calloused, even though he always wore gloves to work.
“My life is more enjoyable since you’re here too”, he replied in that low baritone of his. You looked at your intertwined hands and then at his eyes. They were full of softness,  of gratitude. You breathed sharply, unable to process the implications of his words.
“I like to be helpful,” you said, with a tiny voice.
“Is that so.” His dark orbs were directly staring at your soul, there was no way out.
“There’s sauce on your moustache,” you tried to deflect, incapable of bearing the intensity of the moment.
Your trembling hand lifted to meet his face.
“Here.” With your thumb, you grazed his upper lip. “It’s done.”
You noticed he had closed his eyes. His left hand hadn’t left yours. He exhaled and opened his eyes again.
“Thank you,” and that time, he didn’t call you sparks but your name and you admired how each syllable formed in his perfect lips. You were still staring and hadn’t noticed. 
Suddenly you got up. “I should probably be leaving for the last bus.” You picked up your dish and the empty package of nachos. “Do you need anything else before I go?”
Din sighed and looked at his burrito, unable to meet your gaze. “No, it’s ok, I’ll do the dishes,” he responded when he heard the faucet of the kitchenette opening.
“Alright then, see you tomorrow Din.” Your lovely face disappeared through the door and he was left alone with his thoughts.
Had he read the room wrong? Maybe all your eagerness to help him was really only because he was your boss and your livelihood depended on the salary. But no, you looked genuine saying that you cared. It could be that you only thought of him as a friend. 
He felt awful. It had been a long time since he had this feeling. But what was he expecting? You were his employee and ten years younger. It was wrong. The next day, he’d say sorry for making you uncomfortable and he’d keep his distance, although every cell on his body screamed to get closer to you. 
The first day when he saw you welding, you looked so sexy and powerful. And your soldering was immaculate. He asked about where you’d learnt.
“Junkyard”, you had answered, and the response left him impressed. How a beautiful woman like you could come from there? He timidly asked a bit more about it, and you told the story of how your dad worked for years in his junkyard business only to finally open the garage of his dreams, how you played with the spare parts and came up with your creations. “I’ll show you some one day,” you had said, but he knew you were shy about your art.
You had arrived at his life like a guardian angel, improving everything you touched. Even him. He was less grumpy around you, all his friends had noticed. His business ran smoother, and his life too. You got on well with Grogu and he loved watching you play with him in the backyard. He won’t admit to himself he was harbouring some hopes.
But you had rejected him. It was ok. He could have you in his life in a different way. It had worked with Omera after he rejected her, why not with you? You were both adults after all. Although those warm feelings about you won’t disappear in a blink, especially being so close every day.
Din sighed again, thinking about how hard his winter was going to be.
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
I’ve fallen victim of the infamous ao3 author curse and my town and region were flooded and destroyed on Tuesday. Valencia is a mess guys.
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
Melting Point: Chapter IV
A Sculptor Din Djarin x Art PhD Reader Series
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Read Prologue | Series Masterlist
Chapter IV: The Patient/Surface Roughness
Summary: In the last month. you've become an essential piece in Din's life. An unexpected event will make you grow even closer.
Words: 3594
Warnings: Blood! Hospitals and medical terminology, This is a slow burn, you've been warned!; a lot of talking about Art and PhD life; Reader is not Grogu's nanny but this is very Grogucentric if that makes sense; And Reader is Din's employee too; Very grumpy and antisocial Mando; Grogu is human but the only thing described are his eyes; Reader appearance is left blank; Age gap of 10-15 years; Fluff fluff fluff
A/N: It's been a while since I've updated this fic, but the other day in class I felt a sudden need to sink into this story again and handwrote 24 pages of this on my iPad. I hope you enjoy my little AU!
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Din and you fell into a comfortable routine. You helped him with the admin parts of his business while he worked on his art. Green Karga dropped by a lot, and you learnt that he babysat Grogu while DIn was working. He was like the kid’s grandfather and it was a delight to see them together
But sometimes the toddler would come to the studio, even though you weren’t sure if that was the safest option. In defense of din, he wouldn't use heavy tools those days and the dangerous stuff was locked away.
The boy normally just wanted to do the same as his dad, so if Din was drawing, he’d sit next to him and scribble on a sheet.
”That’s looking good, pal,” you commented, crouching next to his spot on the floor. Grogu grinned at you and clapped his hands in excitement.
“Good afternoon everyone,” greeted Karga entering the studio with his usual bright smile. The toddler chirped and went straight to the old man’s arms, who was already prepared to lift him. “Today I’m not comin’ for you baby, I’m here for business.”
Din, who had been absorbed by a drawing on his workbench, lifted his gaze as if he had just noticed you had company.
“What brings you here today, Greef?” In the month you knew both of them, you still couldn’t discern if they were friends or hated each other's guts.
With the kid sitting on his hip, the older man hovered over Din’s shoulder.
“What are you working on?” Din rapidly pushed aside and hid the drawing he had been working on.
“Nothing of your business,” he snarled, and Greef let a loud guffaw out.
“I’m your rep, you’re literally my business.” Din rolled his eyes at this but you could pick up his smirk.
“Grogu, do you want to play outside while your dad and grandpa talk?” You asked the boy, noticing that the two men had some serious talk to do. You had been sitting for a while now and needed the stretch, too.
The boy escaped from Karga’s arms and ran towards the back garden.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” You smiled at the men and went after Grogu.
“Thank you,” your boss said, stopping you on your tracks, a softness in his eyes that you thought was only reserved to his son.
“I’ll make sure he has a snack too,” you winked cheekily and ran to the backyard, where you were sure the toddler was already elbow-deep in the pond.
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“Is everything okay?” Grogu was chewing a homemade lemon cookie you baked at home. He was sitting on your lap and the crumbs were already covering your chest.
Greef Karga had just left and your boss was looking worried. He was leaning against his workbenches, messing with his scruff, gaze lost.  You noticed that cute spot where his beard didn’t grow. It was kind of endearing.
”Karga just told me the museum needs the pieces sooner than we had accorded,” his voice was serious, tinted in worry.
”How much?”
”A month.” Wow, that was a lot. Din was already working long hours to meet the deadline.
”I’ll speak with the providers so they put you on priority then,” the gears on your mind were already working, thinking about how you could be useful to Din. “I can start packing the pieces that are already completed too…”
”You don’t have to,” he deadpanned, looking stern. You were already at your desk, Grogu on your lap and phone in your hand, ready to negotiate with DIn’s providers.
”I’m here to help you, Din.” You frowned, not understanding his sudden attitude. “You don’t need me any longer?” You won’t recognise, even to yourself, the tight knot that formed in your stomach when you said that.
Grogu looked like he sensed your unease and emitted a quizzical sound.
”No, of course I need you.” Din closed his eyes and swept his hand across his salt and pepper hair. He was looking more tired than ever “This...will probably be more than you signed up for,” he admitted, looking at his son for a moment. 
Your eyebrows rose and Grogu mirrored your expression, looking super cute. 
”DIn I love helping you here, I’m not afraid of a bit of hard work.”
”What if it puts you behind with your other responsibilities?” Was he really worried about your PhD now? The man was just so nice for his own good.
”I’ll speak with Professor Armourer, I don’t think it’ll be a problem if I put some of my duties aside for some time.”
”Let me speak to her first.”
”Okay, thank you.” A tension you had been holding was released. For a moment you thought he was getting rid of you. It surprised yourself how your heart felt like sinking for a moment. You told yourself it was because of the prospect of losing your livelihood, nothing more.
He had already resumed working, so he turned at your call.
”Are you paying me the extra hours?”
To your surprise, he let out a low chuckle and then nodded.
”I’ll send you a new contract,” he stood up and walked towards you, a gentle expression softening his handsome face. “I’ll make sure it acknowledges you as part time babysitter too,” he joked, lifting Grogu from your lap.
You chuckled Bach, removing the cookie crumbs from your breast. 
“I do it gladly, you know,” you assured, giving him your warmest smile.
Din didn’t take long after that to start warming up to you. I’d softly answer your questions about his craft. Your curiosity was endless, and you were afraid he’d grow tired of your inquisitive nature, but it looked like he was a willing teacher.
It was becoming clear to you that you had a crush on your boss, and it only deepened with the passing of the weeks. Din was a silent companion, but his mere presence made you feel at ease. He was warm and caring and falling for him felt natural. He worked so hard to provide for his son and he tried to be the best dad he could.
Your life was in a good spot, you reflected. More hours working for DIn meant more money too, so you were feeling more serene on that aspect. And hanging out with the sculptor and his son was a big plus of the job. On the side, you weren’t neglecting your studies, trying to keep up with the readings and your weekly meeting with Professor Armourer.
There was only one thing you missed in your life, and it was sculpting. You hadn’t had the space or time to sculpt since leaving your hometown. Of course you could ask Din if he ‘d let you borrow a corner of his studio, but you couldn’t get yourself to ask for it. You didn’t expect him either to let you touch his sculptures, but when you signed up for this job, you thought at least you’d have a bit of contact with the craft. Now being so close to it, you carved terribly to put your hands on some metal.
”I’ve already finished my tasks for today, can I help you with something?” You asked today, shyly opening the possibility of helping him.
He was wearing his welding mask and leather apron. Stopping the cutting rod he was using, his visor fixated on you.
”It’s ok, you can go home early today.”
Your shoulders dropped in disappointment.
”Of course, thank you Din,” you said trying to hide your true emotions.
He only nodded in response and resumed working. You picked up your things slowly, putting them inside your tote bag.”
”I’ll see you tomorrow.” You closed the metal door behind you and started walking towards the bus stop. Your thoughts went, inevitably, to your boss and how lonely he looked. Did he hang out with anyone except from Karga? You remembered the woman from the other day, when you picked up Grogu in the middle of the storm. Maybe they were involved in some way. You didn’t have to linger too much on how that thought made you feel. Either way, it seemed like the man didn’t need human company that much. Although around Grogu, he opened up a bit and became more talkative, even though the toddler was still non-verbal.
When you arrived at the bus stop, you reached for the book you had been reading to pass the time, but you noticed it wasn’t there. You left it at Din’s most probably.
Looking at your watch, you calculated that you would still arrive home early if you returned for the book,  and you really wanted to advance your reading on Mandalorian History. You started undoing your path towards Din’s workshop.
”Din! It’s me, I left my book” you announced opening the door. By the, you already had the habit of just slipping inside because Din never heard the door when he was working.
Fumbling through the papers on your desk, you found the book in a short time. 
“I have it” Silence. Din was a quiet man, but he normally responded when you spoke, maybe only out of politeness. And after paying attention, you couldn’t hear any tool or even his radio. “Din?” you asked, starting to wander around the workshop.
It was then when you saw the disc grinder laying on the floor, carelessly tossed away. Din always was reverent towards his tools. You were starting to worry when you saw the blood.
All your alarms set ablaze when you noticed the large drops of blood painting the floor. It wasn’t difficult to follow the trail that led you towards the small bathroom.
“Din, it’s me, are you okay?” A long silence followed and you were starting to get fidgety when you heard his voice, calling your name. Without a doubt you stomped into the bathroom. The scene inside was one you were not prepared for.
Your boss was on the bathroom’s floor pressing a towel to his right arm. The fabric was soaked and his face was contorted in a grimace. You instantly dropped on your knees next to him, trying to remember everything you’d read about first aid. There was a lot of blood pooling around him.
“I’m gonna be late…” His warm chocolate eyes looked at you pleading. You untangled your flannel from your waist and tightened it around the dripping towel. He let you work “I…have to pick up Grogu…”
“Din, we need to take care of this first,” you urged him, trying to not sound panicked, even though your heart was broken seeing how he thought of his son in a moment like this.
“He’s gonna think I’ve forgotten…” he slurred, hissing of pain when you tied the knot to hold the improvised bandage.
“Can you stand?” Surrounding his ample chest with your arm, you tried to support his weight by yourself. “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
WIth every ounce of strength you had, you stood up dragging your boss with you.
He was heavy as fuck.
“I can drive…” he frowned at you, his gaze looking a bit lost. Your worry only grew.
“Din, are you only hurt in your arm?” you asked, trying to drag him towards the pick-up.
“I think I hit my head…” he looked at his injured arm, slightly panicked. “I…can’t feel my hand.”
You felt alarmed but tried not to show it.
“It’s probably because I tightened the flannel too hard.”
He looked at you, a bit less concerned.
“I’m firing you if I lose my hand”, he threatened, sounding more lucid.
“Are you seriously threatening your saviour right now? Because I could dump you here right now.”
He lowered his head and chucked lowly. You were sure he had a concussion.
“I need to call Omera, Grogu’s at hers.” He said when you finally reached the truck and opened the passengers door to him. You jumped in the driver’s seat once you made sure he was strapped and helped reaching for his phone. It was slippery from the blood. He noticed then your clothes were stained too.
“Uh I’m sorry, I’ll buy you something new.” 
“Make up your mind, are you firing me or buying me clothes?” you joked, trying to distract yourself from how big and vulnerable his eyes were looking. Luckily, Omera picked up the phone.
“Omera! Hi, I’ve had an accident…Yes, it’s ok, but I won’t be able to pick up Grogu…Can he stay playing with Winta for  a bit, do you have more patients for today?...Thank you, I’ll send Pali or Karga…And pay you for the extra time…You’re so kind to us Omera.” He hung up, looking relieved.
For a moment, you thought about his words and how Din had called Grogu “Omera’s patient”. So maybe they weren’t involved after all? It wasn’t the time to think about that, and while smiling for yourself at the prospect of Din being single, you focused on starting up the truck.
Din lifted an eyebrow at your attempts.
“Are you sure you know how to drive?” He asked after the third time you’d failed to start the car.
“Of course! It’s only this ancient junk, it’s not cooperating!”
“Be careful with that mouth, the Razor is older than you.”
“I don't doubt it.” The pick-up finally starterted up and you manoeuvred it out of the workshop and into the road. To be honest, it had been a while since you had driven, but you won’t admit that to Din. “Are you doing ok?”
You looked at him with the corner of your eye while you adjusted the mirrors to your height. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was in pain.
“It’s ok, I’ve had worse,” he rescinded between closed teeth.
“In the army?” You shot your lucky guess. He opened one eye, his face looking serious.
“How did you know?” His tone was raspy, and you hoped you hadn’t trespassed any boundary.
“See you at 1200,” you impersonated how husky his voice was behind the welding mask.
“Smart girl,” he gave you a lopsided smile. Something in his tone gave you goosebumps.
“So is it true?” Your curious nature won’t let you keep your mouth shut. He sighed as if a ton of beskar was on his chest. “You don’t have to answer, I’m sorry.” You were starting to feel awful, your knuckles white gripping the steering wheel.
“I was there. The Night of the Thousand Tears,” he admitted, looking defeated. “That was what you wanted to know, wasn't it?”
You swallowed feeling hot in your cheeks. Were you that obvious?
“I’m glad you survived.” Your voice was small but your gaze didn’t divert from the road. He didn’t respond. His eyes were closed again. “Din.”
“Mmm…” Was he losing consciousness? Your adrenaline hiked up and you pushed the gas pedal.
“Stay with me, boss.” He hummed again in response. You checked the GPS, it wasn’t long until the hospital. “Tell me about Mandalore.”
You could hear your heart hammering in your eardrums waiting for his response.
“I wasn’t born there,” he finally answered, his eyes still closed. “My homewold…was destroyed. When I was a kid.”
You feld a hit of sorrow. How many losses had this man beard in his life?
“So you aren’t a Mandalorian?” You asked, trying to keep him awake,
“Mandalorians rescued me…I was a foundling and they raised me as their own in the covert.”
“Is there where you learnt how to sculpt?” You noticed he was drifting off.
“Yeah…the Armourer…She taught me.” His voice was so weak, but you felt incredibly relieved when he spoke.
So your mentor was Din’s too. How old was the Professor then? You had never seen her face, and her voice didn’t give her age away.
“Thank you for sharing this with me, Din” You felt really moved because of his  harsh past. It really made you want to know more about him. But it wasn’t the moment nor the place.
“We’re here.” You stopped the car at the ER door and rushed to his side. He almost crushed you stepping down from the truck, but you tried to stay strong. The paramedics saw you and were soon helping you inside. “You’re gonna be ok, DIn.”
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It didn’t matter to you that the nurse said that you could go home because he was out of risk. When you overheard there wasn’t anyone in his contact list to call, you bought an Americano and got comfortable in the plastic chair.
You were nodding off when the nurse called for you.
“He’s awake. We had to get him through an emergency surgery.”
You felt your stomach drop.
“Was it that bad?”
“His tendon was severed and he had a concussion, but the surgeon will explain it to you in detail.”
You swallowed hard, feeling worried about Din. Will he be able to work again?
“Oh, welcome. I’m Mr. Djarin’s surgeon, are you his partner?”
You almost flinched, your eyes opened wide. It was a millisecond decision.
“Yes.” Your eyes travelled to his sleeping form in the hospital’s bed. It looked like he had a good insurance plan since he was alone in the room.
“I’ll explain it to you then, take a seat.”
The surgeon said a lot of technical words about tendons and arteries. They had to fix his tendons that were cut by the disc grinder. It even reached the bone, luckily only making a dent, but they had to remove the shards from the wound. He had also lost a lot of blood. You were suspecting where this was going.
“Will he be able to sculpt again?” You fidgeted with your fingers and looked at Din, concern in your eyes.
“Not for a while. And once the tendons are healed, he’ll need a lot of physical therapy to restore its normal function.”
You sighed, sulking deeper in the chair.
“He has a deadline close…”
“If the wound doesn’t heal properly he could lose mobility in his hands and fingers.”
You closed your eyes and pinched your nose bridge.
“Thank you, doctor. I’ll keep him out of the studio then.”
“It’s my job. I hope he can work again soon.” The surgeon looked really worried about DIn. “Call the nurse when he wakes up again.” And with that, the doctor left you both alone.
You sighed and looked at Din’s bandaged arm. Were you supposed to tell him the awful news? Observing him, you realise how pretty he looked this relaxed. In your day-to-day, you always saw him with a scowl or his mask on.
“I’m sorry boss, but I’m sure we’ll get over this.” Absentmindedly, you tucked his comforter while admiring his sharp profile.
“Boss? I thought I was your boyfriend now.”
Your stomach twisted when you heard his husky voice.
“Din!” You immediately pressed the button that called the nurse and started panicking. He started to open his eyes slowly. “Did you hear everything,” you asked while twisting your hair.
“Yeah…It was like I couldn’t open my eyes or move, but I felt completely awake.”
He spoke slowly, still under the effects of the anaesthesia.
“I’m so sorry…”
“Don't worry about that. I was careless.”
“What happened DIn?” You sat next to him in the bed, doubting if you were being inadequate although it felt like the right thing.
“I underestimated how well I welded two pieces. When I tried to separate them with the grinder, the disc went flying unruly towards my arms.” His tone sounded ashamed and you felt terrible for him.
“It was an accident.”
“I know, but it was my fault. I’ve been so focused on finishing the pieces for this exhibition I haven’t been taking good care of my tools.”
“I can check the tools for maintenance when we return to the studio.”
He sighed, looking incredibly tired. You noticed that his eyebags were deeper than ever.
“Would you do that for me?”
I’d do anything for you.
Your thoughts scared you. When had you grown so attached to your boss?
“Of course Din, I told you I know my way around machinery.”
He sat up in the bed and swept in left hand over his face.
“You’ve been so helpful around the studio.” His warm gaze was melting you in the spot.
“I’m your employee. It’s my job,” you responded trying to keep a neutral face, but you wouldn’t stop fumbling with your empty coffee cup. He tilted his head, his gaze inspecting you from head to toe.
You’re more than that and you know.
Those were the words you secretly wished to hear from his pouty lips.
“That wasn’t what you told the doctor?”
Your face got hit by a wave of heat and you instinctively covered up with your hands. Was he this cheeky and chatty because of the blood loss or the anaesthesia?
“Relax, I know why you did it.” If you said you weren’t a relative of his or his girlfriend, they would have kicked you out of the room. Ans you didn’t want that. 
Your shoulders slumped in mortification and he chuckled deep in his chest. A passing thought about how you loved that sound made an appearance. You could get used to this version of Din.
“Well, are you getting me a coffee or not?” Your smile widened and you nodded, grateful that Din was ok. You will reflect on your feelings about him later…or maybe not.
Next chapter
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
The Unknown Regions VI
A Din Djarin x Fem Plus Size Reader Fic
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Series Summary: Grogu is gone and Din Djarin, surprisingly, needs your help. As an astrophysicist, you haven't seen a lot of action, but you're onboard the Razor Crest without a second thought. Flying to the Wild Space together will be a life-changing experience for both of you. In more than one way.
The Unknown Regions Masterlist | Read it on AO3
Warnings: This chapter contains SMUT! Minors u know the drill, Expect conversations about weight, body dysmorphia and internalised fatphobia that may be triggering, so read at your own discretion; reader is AFAB and user she/her pronouns; no use of y/n; smut; the bucket stays on; naked female clothed male; fluff and smut; hurt and comfort; Sad Din :(
Word count: 2516
A/N: Hi folks, long time no see! I was doing a digital detox and I've been returning to my favourite platforms gradually. It was time to come back to Tumblr too! This story is already finished and published on ao3, but I wanted to post it here too. As always, thank you for your kind support, see ya!
This time you didn’t complain about your weight bothering him: you knew for sure he was able to carry you without even breaking a sweat. So you enjoyed the moment, curling your arms against his strong neck. There was a mat you’d been using as sleeping quarters where you made your little nest. You had insisted on it: using his bunk that long wasn’t sustainable for his back.
He laid you on the mat delicately and stopped a moment, hovering over you. Having his broad body covering all your vision field made you sigh in anticipation. You batted your eyes, waiting for him to make the first movement. His large tórax expanded once, twice.
”I’m checking if the kid`s asleep, wait for me mesh`la.”
You kept yourself from saying you'd wait forever , if necessary. Nodding, you got yourself comfortable while he opened the door of the bunk. With the corner of your eye, you could observe how the Mandalorian put his helmet against his son`s wrinkly forehead. Your heart melted instantly.
Feeling a bit mischievous, you undid some of the first buttons of your tunic, revealing your abundant cleavage. When Din closed the bunk and returned next to you, It looked like your tactic worked because he froze at your feet. You noticed how he opened and closed his fist in anticipation. It was then that you noticed how tight his pants were already. You smirked, seeing how you affected him and snuggled closer to his body. But then he got rigid so suddenly.
“Is something wrong Din?” You asked with worry. It took a bit for him to speak.
“Dank Farrik how can I be so stupid?” You lifted your eyebrows, not expecting that. His voice sounded frustrated.
”How so?” A bit of concern tinted your voice. Was he having second thoughts or…?
To your surprise, Din dropped to his knees before you.
“I’ve had you here all this time and didn’t gather the courage to touch you again.” You sighed in relief, an understanding smile forming on your face.
”It’s okay Din, you were worried about Grogu.”
”No it’s not.” He then surrounded your ankles with his hands and started working his way up to your fleshy legs. “I should’ve told you every day how gorgeous you are, mesh’la.”
A tiny whimper scraped from your lips when he started tracing the length of your legs with the lid of the helmet. If he weren’t wearing it, he’d be kissing the insides of your thighs.
“I thought you didn’t want me anymore,” you confessed with a knot in your throat. He sank his gloved digits in the tender flesh of your thighs, feeling their plushness under the layers of cloth. 
He stopped and his hands traveled suddenly to your face to caress your full cheek. His voice was raspy when he spoke. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. That’s…Dank Farrik, that's the opposite of what I wanted. 
You leaned against his palm, opening your legs to accommodate him. 
“And what was that you wanted?” You asked, batting your eyelashes. He hummed pensively while his thumb trailed across your soft chin and lips. You sighed at the tenderness of his touch, feeling how your body was asking for his.
”I wasn’t thinking clearly and didn't want you to…” He groaned, it was clear how difficult this was for him. “I didn’t want you to think this was just stress relief for me after what…almost happened. I wanted my mind sharp when I finally had you.”
This man was going to be the end of you. Your eyes went wide at his confession, lips opening slightly. He took the opportunity to trace the arch of your upper lip.
“If I wasn’t eloquent enough before…I don’t want this to be only stress relief either, Din.” Half-lidded eyes met his visor: you wanted your message to be delivered clearly. “I want you, all of you.” Your hand went to meet his sides, where you knew there wasn’t any armour covering this beautiful man.
Din shivered at the sudden contact and then came closer to you. “My name sounds so good between your lips, mesh’la,” he whispered against your ear. Your skin bloomed with goosebumps at his closeness. “I’ll make sure you’ll say it again, and again…” The dangerous undertone of his voice had your pussy clenching. How could the same voice sound so tender and intimidating at the same time? 
You were not in danger. This was a quiet planet. And for the first time in a long period, there was no rush. Din felt like the planets had aligned the day he met you. You saved him and his son, took care of both of them and brightened every one of their days aboard the Crest . You were perfect, and he was so willing to demonstrate to you how far his affection ran.
Reverently, Din undid the remaining buttons of your tunic, revealing your plush breasts. If he wasn’t so devoted to the Creed, he would be burying his face between them, intending to stay there forever. 
Your hands continued caressing his unarmoured sides, and feeling a sudden rush of boldness, you grabbed his belt narrowing the space between you both.
“Din…” you sighed his name like a prayer and rolled your hips against his clothed erection. Because yes, he was already painfully hard at the sight of the buffet that was displayed in front of him. 
“What do you want, mesh’la?” His voice raspier than ever with lust made you grow slicker with every passing moment. He started outlining your beautiful tits with his still-gloved hands.
“Please, I need you…” your eyes were glazed and your lips pouty. Din couldn’t conceal a groan. 
“Bite,” he commanded, and your pussy clenched because of his authoritative tone. You obliged when he put his gloved digits in your mouth, getting rid of the clothing item.
“I wanna make you feel so good you forget your name. so please, don’t restrain yourself. I want to know what you like and how.” He was dead serious, like this was another mission and you could only shiver in response. You nodded, the most aroused you had been in your entire life.
Soon after his gloves, your tunic was off, and then your pants followed his belt. You didn’t want more surprises with bomb-like objects. Finally, your panties came off too.
“Look at you…maker…” He was now on his knees, having you in all your naked glory displayed to him. His hands were everywhere: on your tits, on your tummy rolls, caressing the sensitive skin inside your forearm. It was like he was a cartographer mapping every inch of your body as you mapped the Universe, with immense love and patience.
He didn’t allow you space to feel unworthy as his warm hands learned your mountains and valleys by touch. You were soaked in the adoration you could feel radiating from him, even though he didn’t show his face.
When he finally arrived at your aching centre, you were dripping so ready for him. Both of you moaned at the same time. 
“How can you be so soft and warm…” His baritone had a husky tint to it and you couldn’t love more that he was so talkative in bed. He took his time to explore your plush pussy, spreading the lips and smearing your arousal all around. His fingers were so nice and thick that you were instantly a moaning mess. You couldn’t wait to feel his dick. 
But if a word defined The Mandalorian, it was patience.
You were pressing your hips so desperately against his, in search of some friction, but he had other plans.
“Eager to ride my dick, princess?” His voice was so dark you pussy clenched around nothing. You were sure you were about to cry if he didn’t do something more than toying with you.
“Din…” Actual tears formed in your eyes. You were about to combust. 
“First I want you to ride my face, if that’s ok?” Always the gentleman, he took you by surprise with the filthy proposal. You were about to reply about your worries but he closed your lips with his fingers covered with your juices.
“I don’t want to hear anything about you crushing me.” He had read your mind and you blushed hard, were you that obvious?
“But Din…What about your helmet,” you bit your lip, suddenly nervous about everything.
“Can I trust you?”
“Of course Din.”
“Then there won’t be a problem.”
And with that, he flipped you so you were suddenly on him. He manhandled his way until your dripping pussy was hovering over his t-visor, with you facing his boots. You had never done anything like this, but you couldn’t deny it felt arousing. And from your seat you had a wonderful view of his wide chest and the bulge on his pants nestled between his incredible thighs. 
“What if I choke you?” You asked out of nothing.
“I’ll die a happy man,” he responded, fumbling with his helmet. 
“I’m serious Din!” You heard a hiss and then an unmodulated chuckle against your pussy. Suddenly your nervousness was overflowed by the raw desire of being touched there. By the realization of his face being bare for once, only for you.
“I’ll tap your thigh twice if I feel like I’m dying, mesh’la.” You sighed, a bit more convinced, and let yourself enjoy the sensations. For your amusement, he had a moustache and it tickled your lips deliciously. It was endearing to think about Din grooming his facial hair for no one to see. “Relax princess, sit on my face.”
Kriff, him being so bold was so damn sexy, where did that playful Din come from?
Any thought of insecurity of yours got wiped away with the first tentative lick to your seam. The feeling was heavenly, but Din only gave you some kitten licks before he finally dove in. He ate your pussy like a starved man, and soon you were screaming his name over and over. 
“Din m’ gonna…” you slurred trying to warn him.
“Give it to me,” he commanded, and the vibrations of his words on your pussy were the thing that sent you over the edge. Soaking his face further, you came loudly on him.
“That was incredible Din,” you said after some minutes trying to come back from heaven.
“You did so good.”
“I think I can do even better,” and with a mischievous smile, you took his large bulge between your hands. He growled under your touch, your hands doing a quick work at unfastening his pants.
“Wait a moment,” he said, and you could hear the hydraulic seal of his helmet again. With his face safely concealed, he didn’t waste time in spinning you, so you were face to helmet now. “I want to see these bouncing when you ride me,” he justified, grabbing a handful of your tits.
You moaned when his thumbs sank into your nipples, creating a delicious sensation. In this position, your cunt was dripping on his erection, so you just had to lower a bit to grind into him.
“Dank Farrik!” he grunted, failing to keep his hips still. Your cunt was heavenly.
“That good, Mandalorian?” you mewled back, this time it was your turn to be a tease. You kept your petting session, the dark tip of his dick appearing and disappearing from between your folds. He was big, and it had been a while for you. Luckily, your first orgasm opened you enough for him.
“I could come like this mesh’la, you look amazing on top of me,” you bit your lip at the praise. It wasn’t something you were using to hear and it made you more eager. “But I don’t want to,” he said darkly.
Grabbing your love handles with his big, warm hands, he stopped your enthusiastic grinding. You pouted, the friction was doing wonders for you with how slick you were right now.
“Are you on birth control?” he asked, and you could hear how heavily he was breathing under the helmet in his voice.
“I am Din, also I’m clean,” you responded, and your hands went to his breastplate, wishing it was his skin.
“Good. Me too,” and with that clear, all his self-restraint evaporated. “Tell me if it hurts mesh’la.”
Still biting your lip, you nodded feeling a bit shy suddenly. In this position, he could see all of you, he’d notice how your soft flesh giggles with every movement…
“Go on, sit on my dick or I’ll cum only from the view,” Din’s cheeky comment had exactly the desired effect and you forgot about your insecurities.
“Din!” you retorted. “Where does that dirty tongue come from?”
“Well, you didn’t have any complaints about my tongue before so…” You actually shut him up by impaling yourself in his thick shaft, going all the way in,
“Fuck!” he growled between teeth. “You feel so good mesh’la, you’re going to kill me.”
“I don’t plan to kill you Din, in fact, my aim is to stay with you…as long as possible,” your mouth ran wild in pair with your hips, dancing a devilish rhythm on top of Din. He couldn’t hold his moans, seeing stars under his helmet. You looked so, so gorgeous and powerful right now he couldn’t help himself.
“Mesh’la I’m…not gonna last any longer…” he warned between pants. Luckily, you were in the same state after the long teasing session. Smiling mischievously, you contracted your walls to squeeze him at the same time you found your clit.
It was the most incredible sensation ever. Your eyes rolled back while you sped up your pace, you felt his hot cum deep inside of you and you were gone with him. Your orgasm lasted for longer than ever, milking his cock until his last drop.
You slumped against his breastplate, feeling the cold soothing, while his hand went to caress your hair.
“Dank Farrik, you’re a real bounty,” you giggled at his commentary. He looked as blissed out as you. “Why we didn’t do this before?”
“Because we are idiots.”
It looked like you dozed off for a while on his cuirass because when you heard his voice again, your brain was thick with the fog of sleepiness.
“Did you mean it?”
“That thing you said…about staying.”
A silence. It took a while for your sleepy brain to get there.
“I did. I do.”
Another silence.
“And you?” You asked shyly, fearing you overstepped.
“I want to be with you.” Your heart clenched at how sincere and solemn he sounded. “But your job, all your research…”
It was thoughtful of him to think about your work. He was right. Your research was your baby.
“I’ll come up with something,” you said, sounding more self-assured than you actually were.
“You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you will,” he encouraged. Smiling, you felt the necessity of kissing the place where his cheek should be. “But now rest, mesh’la.”
And you did, sleeping soundly between his strong arms.
Chapter I | Previous chapter
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drawingdroid · 5 months ago
Hi! It's Terry, I came back to Tumblr because a life without fandom is meaningless to me and I need a place to yap about my obsession with old men. I'll see you around!
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drawingdroid · 9 months ago
Sweet sweet boy Echo for your eyes!
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And yes I changed my @ form @/drawingdroid to @r0guedr0id hope you don't mind!
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drawingdroid · 9 months ago
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tech time
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drawingdroid · 10 months ago
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may the 4th be with u guys 🤩🤩🫶🫶
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