#ugh ill probably delete this later but
thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
Writing is hard 👍
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skunkes · 9 months
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 3 months
"it always raises an eyebrow when people are so bent on children's liberation" ya maybe the reason I'm so bent on it is cuz I was groomed for most of my childhood and consistently raped through all of my adolescence and the social structures in place not only enabled that but are in large part the thing to fucking blame
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rizavii · 3 months
sorry still mad at that allura post. fandom will really bring out the racism in people like nothing else will. we need to start putting bitches on blast actually. block button isn't enough I need a Monetary Compensation For Having To See That Post button
"she's fictional" yeah but your attitudes to black/brown people in media will 99.999% of the time mirror your attitudes toward black/brown people irl. without fair when I've given vehement allura/katara/korra haters a chance they have been aggressive and racist to me and my friends.
it's just. god it's so tiring to see racism fucking everywhere. and every bitch is an anti-racist advocate until they're confronted and suddenly brown people are just too much to handle. I get so fucking tired.
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archived-yiptsu · 1 year
"what if sans is the knight" "what if Papyrus is the knight" "what if undyne is the knight"
What if deltarune is a story in its own right and doesn't have to tie back to UnderTale at all & the characters are only there for nostalgia purposes and for the fact it would take up less resources to reuse/slightly edit sprites from ut than to make all new character sheets
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impostorsshow · 1 month
Eugh, making a disclaimer I'm not proship or antiship but this does discuss that topic so. Beware or whatever I'm gonna post Hatsune Miku tomorrow
I've had it on my mind for awhile and this is my fucking soapbox and I'm allowed to do what I want so; those fucking "recovering proshipper" TikToks drive me fucking insane are those ragebait and I'm just falling for it or what because all of the comments are fucking genuine and all of them are just shit like "what I ate today" and not even fucking related, like stop mocking people recovering from Actual Disorders and life damaging events
YOU DO NOT. "RECOVER" FROM PROSHIPPING this proship/antiship bullshit is stupid and everyone on both sides just needs to touch some fucking grass and that's coming from someone with a vitamin d deficiency
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swordsonnet · 10 months
on the off chance anyone on here followed me for my jonmartin fake dating au, currently standing tragically unfinished at 7 out of 8 chapters: i'm still working on the last chapter! i would love to have it up this year, but unfortunately i can't make any promises, because i've started a new medication and the side effects are wreaking havoc on my mind and body. haha isn't chronic illness fun. but rest assured the fic is the beating heart under my floorboards, and i WILL finish it one day
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kaiserkisser · 7 months
ouch haha i might have gotten my first fracture today
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vintageot5 · 1 year
Girl loses her favorite chapstick 5 dead 27 wounded
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memoryoflife · 1 year
one month to uni... much to think about
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
i need like... a fanfic helper, you know? someone to just go to with all my ososan questions and to get second opinions i was telling my roommate (who i bother enough with all my qs) that i need like, an ososan veteran on standby who wants to help me and knows all the ins and outs, cause as much as i love ososan, im still new here and there are always new things im finding out, you know? I still havent made it through all the drama cds and ... uah i dunno... I guess i just wish for more knowledgeable people to speak with i guess
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hypnotisedfireflies · 11 months
So, do you, by any chance, have any more deleted scenes from SnowQueen? Just asking for a friend or something like that.
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Hello! Thank you for asking for your friend, haha. <3
Most of what I wrote for Snowqueen ended up in the story! However, there were a couple of plot points that I spent a good long while laying the groundwork for just to not include (ugh), but the early indicators of those non-established plots are still there in the finished story.
Here's a description of one such plot that I cut: Joel was supposed to get drugged with roofies. 😵‍💫
The way they originally got together was structured a bit differently. During a period when they were "off," Tess and Joel were both at the bar all the contractors hung out at. They were pissed off with each other and talking at the bar - Joel probably would've said some snarky things re Mike that he says later instead.
The Foreman, who wanted to win the betting pool about fucking Tess, was going to spike her drink. But because Tess and Joel were mixing up their drinks all the time, Joel accidentally drank most of hers, and he was the one affected.
I had this whole Foreman subplot that was meant to go somewhere, but got dropped when things advanced in a different way and it wasn't necessary anymore.
So anyway, Tess takes him to the ER and they figure out what's going on, and then she was to take him back to her place to recover from it. It was supposed to be a trust foundation thing, and I also liked the idea of flipping that trope on its head a bit.
(I also had some fun ideas about Tess not being a very good nursemaid. That hearkens back to Driftersverse where somewhere in there I talked about Mike getting sick and going to stay with his parents because Tess was so lousy at dealing with illness).
So that was why they were always mixing up their drinks early on, lol. It was meant to go somewhere.
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orangelovesyou · 4 days
tw vent sh mention
everyday i want to go on less and less everytime something goes wrong or i think of my future i js want to cut myself, i've done it before but ive been clean for months and i dont wanna do it now that summer is near and ill wear short clothes ugh i hate it so fucking much because my life doesn't suck, i have good friends a loving family for rhe most part, i don't know why i just can't be grateful and be happy. i try so hard to be positive everyday, to be js a happy go lucky lad but it's so hard and i don't know why im probably sounding like an edgelord rn i dont even like how it feels i hate the burn i hate the lines i just idk i think of doing it too much aughĥhhh the only reason i dont cut myself is because im a self obssesed bitch that worries too much about how it will scar later and how it will make me look ugly like im not already. i hate being miserable but i can't help it, rlly wish i could just like. Not think. aughUjJ this is so embarrasing but i need to get this off my chest ill go play league and probably delete this later
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sphericalbee · 5 months
bro if either of my irls see this i will look crazy pahtetic idk maybe ill delete iti should probably just leaves this ini the drafts
im pretty pathetic irl anyway i think lol wo who carse
im thinking ab my middle school best friend and i miss her so much it isnt even funny
idk if i was her best friend but i always loved her so much and i think about her almost every day even 2 years later
ik she wasnt doing well and she didnt come from a good home and was awful at managing her emotions and didnt talk to anyone and she would sh (i only know ab bc of some complicated secret poetry thing but she never knew i had seen that but i think she meant me to) and i think she cared about me? i kinda hope not bc i want her to be happy
but i would genuinely give anything to go back in time and talk to her again for just a few hours
i want to text her and tell her everything but idk its too weird after 2 years
i think she deserves to know how much i care about her,, right?
i had to pause twice writing this bc i was crying too hard i worry about her so much
its good im godo at crying silently lol no one can even tell so sneaky
i saw a girl with the same hair as her last week and i teared up in the middle of the hallway because it hit me how much i dont know what shes doing or if shes even alive bc i KNOW hse wasnt fucknig donig well
my cat was trying to comfort me but i think he got bored and left he's so cute lmfoa my brain made it into a very angsty analogy b4 i had the chance to stop it 💀
im this close to cracking and spam texting her
i googled her just now and found her linkedin profile of fucking course shes on linkedin thats so inc harecetr where she says she wants to go to medical school and she uses fucking stupid old words like candor and idk i hope she gets into her dream college
im sure she can she was always so smart i thknk shell do rly well and maybe one day shell perform open heart surgery on me lol that would be baller
"I believe in honesty because it creates an environment that permits integrity. Allowing for candor leads to an honorable work space. Integrity is an essential value to have as it holds all to a high ethical standard. Integrity adds trust, which is necessary for professionalism. I plan to enroll in a four-year college for a master's degree to study biochemistry. I then intend to go to medical school and earn a doctorate."
she fucking talked like that even at 13 yeah and she liked running and read all the time and she loved gamed of thrones and i still own one of her shitty books and we met when she was challenging classmates to race and she was so tall and had pretty hair
sophia im sorry for crying i think it would make her uncomfortable haha
i have fucking snot on my face now shed forsure be uncomfortable lmfaoo
ill go watch some tv show and try not to burst into tears again in 10 minutes ugh maybe it would be better if i had stayed depressed having this many feelings is driving me crazy why r u here bro : /
i should make a secret vent account LMFAO my followers r here for ohshc and mq not sob stories sorry sorry
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smosh-stuff · 6 years
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Hate having a stupid crush? Me too! Seriously, this is so dumb, why the fuck do feelings have to exist????
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