garrettwrites · 7 months
Some of you should try looking at the real world sometimes. "Skinny men (actually skinny, not twinks) who are feminine are a beauty standard ://// where's the love for my bigger hairier masc dudes" what world do you live in where masculine men are deemed an ugly minority and not the average. Not the desired. "Gnc queers get love but straights don't :/// it's not just gay men/lesbians that get to be gender non confirming!!!" WHAT world so you live in where it's acceptable for queer people to be like that. As if gay men don't get harassed and killed for "looking like women" or daring to not be masculine. As if women are allowed to freely shop on the male sections and "look like men" without being insulted or assaulted. WHAT world do you live in.
Some people are so corroded by the binary code on their devices they forgot the real world is not, in fact, a bubble made of equally socially reserved people who get all their information from fandom wank circles.
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sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
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Here he is!! My boy!!!! Meet the head of the Usher Foundation: Davey Grant (name subject to change if/when I find a better one). This man knows your browser history! Not sure of his exact age but he's on the younger side, possibly worked for a tech/security company, pooooosibly ex-NSA (I enjoy theories about the Usher Foundation having ties to the US govt.). Whatever the case, dude came from a well-to-do family. Good with technology, he studied cybersecurity and data science, and probably started drifting into becoming an Eye Avatar around that time. VERY good at tracking down personal information and with a special talent for collecting online data, he carefully maneuvered himself into a high-up position at the Usher Foundation through bribery, blackmail, and possibly a murder or two. He restructured the whole thing from the ground up, upgrading their computer systems, installing software to track everything employees do on their computers. If you do literally anything online at any point while in the Usher Foundation or while using your employee account, he Knows. He can also sniff down employee's personal accounts like a goddamn bloodhound, and can find deleted, hidden, or otherwise inaccessible posts with ease, and you WILL get in trouble with him when he does. He also encourages all employees to help out with the Usher Foundation's social media account, where they are encouraged to tell their personal stories in as much excruciating detail as possible.
Davey is spearheading efforts to "modernize" serving Beholding, mostly through computers and the internet (particularly through acquiring personal data). The UF has "generously" donated money and support to research and startups that he considers promising (read: likely to violate people's privacy and scoop up their data). While this is going well within the UF itself, his ideas haven't really picked up traction within the broader Eyevatar community, who find his inability to grasp the concept of personal space annoying. There's also the issue of him branching away from the statement collecting/researching path. While the UF does still collect and research statements, it's main goal seems to be to create an all-you-can-eat buffet for Davey (by driving his employees to fear for their privacy and feel constantly watched and monitored). There's also the fact that he talks like an over-enthusiastic training seminar and insists on doing the world's most annoying, invasive icebreakers at every conference he gets to host (there is an unspoken agreement between leaders of the other sister institutes that any and all meetings that absolutely require Davey's presence are to be held elsewhere, and that if they are made to go around a circle answering inane questions even one more time, nobody is to be held responsible for any actions which might follow).
Edit: Forgot to add but his security camera eyes only pop out when he's really straining his powers and/or in the middle of a particularly filling meal. They're normal otherwise (slit pupil and bulging aside).
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flowermodd · 1 month
Sakamaki Moms + Karlheinz having a daughter
⚠️Trigger warnings: hard topics such incest, neglect and some sexual reference.
Cordelia Sakamaki
🥀She wouldn't care of daughter pretty much as the triplets.
🥀Cordelia would push her daughter intro unhealthy diet.
🥀She would expect her daughter to be pretty, but not pretty as her, afraid that she would stole her spotlight.
🥀Cordelia would flirt around her daughter in front of men, the girl would think that this is the right way.
🥀So when she sees that her brother were neglected, she pretty much avoids her mother.
🥀Even starting to hate Cordelia.
🥀And because Cordelia half-First Blood and a Vibora, she daughter somehow manage to be half-First Blood and a Vampire (unlike her triplet brothers that are 100% Vampires).
🥀As she grows older, many men are looking after her, making Cordelia jealous of her own daughter.
🥀 Unknown to all of them, Karlheinz would use his daughter with Cordelia to continue for his experiment.
🥀Literally, incest relationship between him and his daughter.
🥀Therefore, he would make his daughter his fourth wife, putting Cordelia and triplets intro a difficult position.
🥀Her daughter would most likely to mistake her father's actions for love (in platonic way in her eyes).
🥀Ayato would hate his mother, Kanato as well and Laito can understand that his sister is in the same position as he was with Cordelia.
🥀To that Cordelia is too ashamed to look at her daughter to start a competition for Karlheinz's love.
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Beatrix Sakamaki
🧵She won't be most of her daughter's life, because she won't have the crown.
🧵And just because she is a girl, Beatrix would most likely to not even seeing her so important.
🧵Beatrix would reach her daughter how a woman should be and to be obedient daughter.
🧵With those preasures, her daughter would most likely to escape several times (like how Shu did).
🧵She would most likely to place Reiji to watch over his younger sister.
🧵She would looks up that her own mother and even tries to do embroidery (Beatrix's favorite activity).
🧵As she grows older, Beatrix would make sire that her daughter would be a perfect future wife for a noble vampire.
🧵So she asks Karlheinz if they can put their daughter intro marriage.
🧵But he won't alow this and want other vampires to take adavatage over him.
🧵In short, Beatrix can't put her daughter intro a marriage.
🧵For her, the only option was to put her daughter to marry Shu (literally incest).
🧵And since Karlheinz married Christa, Beatrix thought that her daughter and Shu would be a perfect idea.
🧵Both Shu and Reiji where pretty disgusted with this plan, and even their sister as well.
🧵After Beatrix's death, Reiji may keep his sister in line, but definitely won't alow the same thing to happen ever again.
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Christa Sakamaki
🌺She didn't want a daughter in the first place (after she gived birth to Subaru.)
🌺Her daughter would be most likely to be on Subaru's hands.
🌺Christa's daughter would be kinder and too innocent.
🌺Karlheinz would most likely to take an advantage of his daughter's kind nature.
🌺And because her mother was his favorite wife, she would be most likely to be his favorite child.
🌺And he finds her nature to be exactly perfect to be an Eve to the point that he won't need Sacrificial Brides (in his eyes of course).
🌺So he would like to see an incestrious relationship for "Adam and Eve project".
🌺But the daughter, much like Subaru, hates her father because what he had done to their mother.
🌺So, Christa's daughter would most likely to put a façade that shr is okey, when in reality she wants her father to be dead.
🌺Older that she gets, Christa has a sofy corner to her daughter because she looks more like her then Karlheinz, even during psychotic episodes.
🌺In fact, she wants her daughter to be unmarried for rest of her life ( judging by Christa's experience).
🌺She is so proud that Subaru was a the perfect brother to his little sister.
🌺Christa would be happy uf her daughter won't be married.
🌺But her daughter develop trust issues when it comes to men (again, because of Christa's situation and Subaru doesn't want his sister near them).
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Karlheinz Sakamaki
👑If he has daughter with Cordelia and had First Blood gens, he would corupt her mind and marry her.
👑If he has daughter with Beatrix, Karlheinz would most likely to let her unmarried.
👑If he has a daughter with Christa, she would be (almost) likely to be "Eve" for his projects.
👑But if he has a daughter of a different woman, Karlheinz won't be there.
👑So his daughter would intelligent and manipulative as he is.
👑Similar to Kino, she would claim to be child of Karlheinz, because she is actualy related to him.
👑Her biggest ambition is to became the Queen of Vampires and the head of Sakamaki family.
👑Karlheinz's daughter being an actual feminist.
👑Also she hates her brothers for being the biggest jerks.
👑While Sakamaki brothers are red flag people, their sister will be a green or yellow flag person.
👑And if she mets Yui, she will swich the games rules and makes sure that her father won't use her.
👑Karlheinz would be a little to none surprised if he mets his lost daughter that is capable of same things.
👑His daughter can't be fooled easily like anyone else.
👑But Karlheinz knows that he is glad to met is only daughter.
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marigoldsandbuttercups · 10 months
maybe s/o seems quiet, calm and even shy at times, but it turns out that they used to work as a stripper and they were super famous and made a lot of money. s/o stopped because they were afraid that because of their non-standard work, the skellies would want to leave s/o. For Ut, Us and Uf.
love your blog☺️
Woah That's A Cool Job, Bro
(Why thank ya, friend. I really appreciate that 💖)
Sans: "huh," he starts out, and doesn't really elaborate much on it. You can hear him chuckle as he watches you try to figure out just what he meant by that. And as much as he would like to admire the way your face looks as you think, he knows this is a serious topic. He takes your hand, touch as gentle as the wind itself before pulling you just a little closer to him.
What? Can't a guy have a nice cuddle whilst talking about his relationship?
It's easy for him to disarm you, to have you relax because he really doesn't want you to feel like you're walking on eggshells around him. He looks calm as ever as you explain but you know better, from the way his touches linger on you and how his eyelights never stray from you. When it's his turn to speak, Sans isn't really much for words, but he makes it known that he's always rooting for you. Once he's in love, he's all in, and he will always show that, one way or another.
Papyrus: Not offended in the least bit. If anything, he would have a deep fascination with your job and how you work. He's into it, the flair, the dramatics, the legs! He thinks it's Very Cool™. Papyrus isn't one to really judge people by their personality, especially when he's had experience of people doing the same to him. Sure, he'd be surprised but it's more so good surprise because... He wants to know more about you, after all.
He'd also be surprised when you express your fear to him, understanding that the way humans and monsters view certain things differently is very much at play here. Papyrus also doesn't care how long you've been together, if it's something you wanna do, he's ready to support you and you will never experience any judgement from him. (Your workouts are gonna be super fun btw, he had Plans™)
Blue: After you tell him, he kinda just... Goes quiet for a bit. It worries you, rightfully so as you find it hard to properly discern his expression. But he moves a step closer to you and holds your hands, first assuring you that you never have to be afraid to tell him anything. Blue would want to make it known as soon as possible that he will be by you no matter what, your safe space, your pillow to fall on.
But he also assures you that he trusts you, anything you want to do is for you to choose but he will support it so long as you're safe and happy. That's all that really matters to him in the end since, well, it's one of the reasons he fell for you anyway, the fact that it's you. (Also would probably point out the pretty outfits you have and if you'd model for him-)
Stretch: Definitely do not tell him while he's eating or drinking because he will choke. He would then panic and say he didn't choke because he was angry or anything like that, he was just... Very surprised. And he is! He just gets extremely flustered at the idea of you doing literally anything (boy is whipped I tell ya). It takes him a while to completely articulate his thoughts because he wants to tell you that's so cool but also wants to tell it's okay and that you're so awesome and-
There's a lot going through his mind, and you're sat there in dumbfounded silence as you watch the orange hue begin to cover his entire skull. But! He does eventually gather his thoughts and tells you that.. Hey, he thinks you're an amazing person and he's loved you far too long for anything like that to get in the way. He trusts you, and he hopes you trust him as much.
Red: "that's hot-" and he stops upon seeing your face and chuckles. He holds his hands up in defense before moving a little closer once you're a little more relaxed. He starts small, holding your hand before explaining what the culture is like from where he is. He's not the best with words, but Red does succeed in getting his message across, that being:
It is your life, you have the right to decide what you wanna do and what you don't wanna do. But whatever it is you choose to do, he's got your back, no matter how "out there" it is or whatever. You want it? You got it and Red will absolutely make sure that you can depend on him for supporting you. (still will tell you it's hot af tho)
Edge: You think he's judging you but really that's just his resting face. He's a little surprised by the fact that you're so... Unsure of telling him. He voices this concern, because to him, these kinds of things were rather normal in the underground. Whatever it was, as long as it was a means to survive. He takes this a little too seriously, not that it is a bad thing, but it can be rather daunting when he's staring you down as you're both seated on your couch.
And the whole thing kinda... Makes you laugh a little.
Perhaps from how nervous you are, from how overly invested Edge is, but.. it's.. Touching. He's rightfully confused, and huffs when he finds out why, feeling a little shy.(but you would never catch him admitting that lmao). The dramatics only last for a while before you gather your thoughts and explain and Edge is.. Very gentle about it. It's one of those moments that make you understand just why you fell for him, how he makes sure that you understand that he would never, ever judge you for that. He respects you, and he will respect the choices you make as long as you're okay.
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
Thank you @vixenrose-64 for commissioning! This was a joy to write, I love nice UF!Papyrus hehehe
(UF!Sans x Reader, UF!Papyrus & Reader Gender non-specific, no content warnings)
You’ve liked Sans. No scratch that, not like- you love him. (It’s so weird to admit it to yourself…)
You thought you were ready to tell him that, but seeing him sitting on that bar stool has glued your feet to the ground and you’re starting to worry that you’ll chicken out…
Thankfully, a hero in a flowing crimson cape has come to shove save you.
Cars whizz by you, the sun was just starting to set. It was still warm out- yet, your fingers were cold to the touch, your stomach tied in knots. And weirder still, you were sweating down your forehead. You check your phone for the thousandth time, opening the message that has been plighting you for the last few minutes.
You: Hey Sans, you up for Grillby’s today?
Sans: 👟
Sans: what time?
You: Maybe in
You: 15 mins? Im on my way
Sans: ok
He responded as usual; curt and nonchalant, it was what you were used to. He was more expressive face to face, you knew he wasn’t purposefully trying to sound disinterested but- you wish you could read his tone right now. You bite your lip and look up to see him already at the bar, nursing a drink. Maybe you should’ve messaged him when you were sure you’re ready, it’s just- Sans doesn’t usually show up on time, let alone early. You thought you were ready when you sent him that text, but when you saw Sans’ back through the window… your confidence drained.
Even from behind your heart flutters… you’re down baaad, and it excites the butterflies already in your stomach.
Come on (Y/n), walk in. It’s that easy.
I can’t walk in.
You almost jump clear out of your shoes when you suddenly find a presence beside you. You turn around to see an angry red eyelight staring at you from above from within intimidating dark sockets. Papyrus stood there, gloved hands crossed in front of him, judging you with that withering gaze, jagged scowl set deeper than usual. He wore a sleek leather jacket and a shirt, accented by his trademark red scarf.
He looked grumpy, but… didn’t he always?
“Oh my god Papyrus,” you sigh, dragging a hand down your face, “don’t scare me, I thought you were Sans for a second…”
You thought he’d teleported to you when he saw you. You could feel the heat in your cheeks fade away as you calmed down.
You blinked. “Disa… whuh? Why would I be?”
You spoke too soon. The heat returned to your cheeks- you knew exactly what he meant but- how did he know?
You decide to feign ignorance.
“Pfft, what’re you talking about, Paps? I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“SANS.” Papyrus replies lightning fast, stopping you in your facade. You really don’t have a reply to that.
He smirks. He’s caught you and he knows it.
“N… I… I’’m not dating him,” is what you decided on, denying by not telling the whole truth. Papyrus, however, squints his sockets in a way that reminds you of a teacher pressing you about a slip up you’re trying to cover up.
You crack, just a little. “A-at least… not yet…?”
You make a sound akin to a mouse about to cry, hiding your face in your shirt. Usually Papyrus gets impatient when you don’t answer him fast enough, but from his smug expression you think he’s savoring the fact that you’re turning into a boiling tea kettle at his observation.
“How’d… why do you know?” You ask, actually desperate to find the answer. Papyrus merely scoffs.
You feel the strength leaving your knees. You wanted to sink into the ground and hope Papyrus forgets about all this. But Papyrus has no time for your mortification.
You suppose there’s no point pretending anymore.
“I don’t know Pap… I’m just… scared. He doesn’t seem the type to jump into committed relationships, but it’s not just that. I just… don’t know how he’ll respond? I don’t want to ruin things with him if he doesn’t see me like that. What if I weird him out? I…”
You pictured that handsome shark grin and sigh heavily. “He’s… hot, ok?? He’s smooth, he’s a flirt, and… he could just get any hot bod in this town by blinking. I just wonder if he’s out of my league, I don’t know if he’d want to… settle with… me..?”
You startle when Papyrus leans down to your eye level- almost bending at a perfect 90 degree angle, squinting at you. His jagged teeth were pointed downwards, and you could feel the scrutiny. He looks more mad…? You can’t tell honestly- knowing Papyrus he might just be thinking deeply. You feel anxiety whispering, telling you that Papyrus is going to confirm your fears-
“Um… huh?”
Papyrus shakes his head. “YOU’RE SMART, HUMAN, BUT… YOU’VE GOT IT ALL WRONG.”
Before you could manage a timid “what,”, Papyrus rounds on you.
Flummoxed, you glance left and right. “Y… yes…?
“... He does?”
It’s as if those two words exploded something in Papyrus’ skull, because his jaw drops.
You let out a sigh of relief. You were going to cry if he did.
Your mouth opens. Papyrus doesn’t curse.
“But… isn’t that how Sans is like? He flirts and tries to get in bed with you?”
Papyrus shakes his head.
“I- propose?!”
You can’t help but laugh. You couldn’t tell if Papyrus is disgusted or delighted by you and Sans becoming an item- could be both. He’s entirely certain that you were made for each other and against your earlier doubts, you could feel your confidence returning.
You giggle nervously. “I guess… it is hard to believe that.”
“I shouldn’t keep him waiting, should I?”
Papyrus’ face lights up as you turn towards the fireman’s pub, a renewed fire burning in your eyes. You almost take a step forward when you stop in your tracks.
“Wait a… Papyrus, why are you here?”
You stare at him.
This. Was the worst thing ever.
He gives you an affectionate (albeit rough) pat on the shoulders. “BREAK A LEG, FUTURE IN-LAW.”
He winks.
You felt like you wanted to combust right there. Your only response was a “Hhhhhh,” as you sped-walked towards Grillby’s, eyeing the skeleton at the bar.
You’re doing this. And it’s going to go WELL!
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
If I’m living with uf Simon and Johnny without much to do I will try out all of the TikTok recipes that catch my interest. And I don’t even have to worry about throwing food out if I don’t like the result because I’d be living with two human trash cans.
I’ll be giving some of the good stuff to Price because it doesn’t hurt to be on his relatively good side I reckon. And Kyle of course, he’ll be the final judge since I’d trust his criticism the most😌
two human trash cans is so apt it's almost not even funny.
you get my vision.
johnny will scarf anything your pretty hands make.
it's simon's duty as whatever tf he is to you to eat what you make.
getting on price's good graces makes very much a lot of since. he's a man with a lot of powerful friends. if one got into a situation, he's who you'd call.
and kyle will -- ooooo kyle would know what you used. flakey salt works best as a garnish, not in the bowl. you mixed the dough too many times, nbd.
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capricioussun · 1 month
Some more swap bro stuff
When they were younger, Papyrus struggled a bit with sensory overload. Sans knew something was wrong whenever Papyrus would get really quiet and scratch at his chin/cheeks, and would work to get him somewhere quieter/calmer as soon as possible. Usually he'd be touch averse for a little while after, which would be rough, because physical soothing was also one of his preferred methods of comfort.
Muffet and Sans have a slightly strained relationship. She helped them out a bit when they first moved to Snowdin, but when Papyrus was older, Sans felt she was a bit of a bad influence on him. They have two very different ideas of what help is.
Papyrus actually always admired the guards, he thought they were cool and reminded him of the heroes in the ragged old comics they fished out of the dump sometimes. He never understood Sans' aversion, but that didn't stop him from feeling frustrated and guilty when Sans joined the guard to help support financially.
Even before the judging ability manifested, Papyrus was about the only one who could tell when Sans was lying. He lied a lot when they were kids. He still does. Papyrus never really asked why, and felt it was too late by the time he realized he did the same.
Similarly to UT and UF, Sans has a significantly worse view of the previous royal scientist than Papyrus does.
Also similar to UT and UF, Papyrus has the bulk of their shared memory problems, which was the original reason behind carrying a notebook with him at all times. Of course, he wound up forgetting it and rarely ever uses it.
Sans far prefers savory foods, while Papyrus prefers sweets. Due to the lack of cooking knowledge, this leads to Sans often putting sweet things in savory dishes in an attempt to cater to both of their tastes, fruit, sugar, candy, etc. The results are not always horrible but they are very very rarely if ever good.
(Sans doesn't bother trying to learn how to bake since Papyrus loves Muffet's stuff so much, and it's usually harder than cooking anyway)
Papyrus, surprisingly, isn't actually entirely clueless about cooking, but pretty much the most complicated thing he knows how to make is grilled cheese (and he still usually burns it at least a little).
Papyrus and Alphys don't get along because Alphys finds him deeply annoying and Papyrus annoys her because he’s kind of spiteful of her, being the one who hired Sans and insisted on "training him" (sees her as condescending).
Sans and Undyne also do not get along because Sans feels she burdens Papyrus with too much when he already has to act as judge (Undyne does not know he's the judge).
Papyrus still thinks anime are cartoons but is more willing to humor Undyne, while Sans actually lowkey thinks anime fucks.
Sans is unintentionally good at flirting but does not want to be in a relationship, while Papyrus is terrible at flirting but still tries even though he also does not want to be in a relationship.
Instead of sprinkles, Papyrus "feeds" the pet rock various candies, like skittles or candy corn.
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vex-bittys · 3 months
How would the various lamia react to someone with a severe resting bitch face? Like…they look murderous, but that’s just their face when they’re not emoting?
*Of course the lamias try not to judge people by their looks, but sometimes it's hard not to be sensitive if someone is giving you a murderous look!
Papython (UT!Papyrus): if you're feeling murderous maybe you need a hug!
Corny (UT!Sans): will try a joke to see if he can make you laugh
Krait (Gaster): perceived disapproval makes him very nervous, thinks you dislike him
FireRing (Grillby): being mute, he relies on expression and may think a person with resting bitch face is unfriendly
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): relucant to trust anyone, especially someone who is giving him a murderous look
Pygmy (US!Sans): too busy zooming and playing to worry about facial expressions
King (UF!Papyrus): as a lamia with resting bitch face, he's not bothered by it
Coral (UF!Sans): very sensitive to people having negative feelings towards him, will likely be grumpy and standoffish
Chain (SF!Papyrus): senses SOULs and uses that to gauge character rather than facial expression
Mamba (SF!Sans): thinks the expression is fierce, approves of it
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rarityroo · 4 months
I think your writing's really neat n notice you have undertale as an option,, so if i may! Underfell Mettaton x kind Reader with whatever you are comfortable writing it as mayhaps...
Main thoughts i can bring out is maybe UF mettaton is havin a day(negative) and Reader ends up finding him and startin a chat up, and being someone genuinely nice, ends up tryna cheer him up because they can relate to being disliked by most people or smthn
Sorry if buggin !! Your writing is very neat !
Backstage blues
(Mettaton x Gn!monster!reader)
Hi!! You have no clue how ecstatic I was to do this request! Firstly thank you for all the lovely compliments and please never feel like you’re bothering me by requesting, it’s literally the only thing that makes me motivated to write. The reader is a monster and GN because it wasn’t specified hope that’s okay, also petnames are used but not a lot. Thank you for being my first Undertale request, Enjoy!!
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Kill or be killed was the rule here, You hated it, you never liked how the acceptance of cruelty and being evil came so easily to most here. As long as you lived in the underground you never fit into the norms of being cruel and killing for your own personal benefit. That made life exceptionally difficult because often you were persecuted for your ways but you never minded much, you were kind and were always willing to forgive someone.
Thankfully you didn't have to worry too much about having people bother you at your job. You worked as Mettatons assistant, often sticking by him, because when you were with him, monsters didn't bother you at risk of making the feared robot angry.
Despite the way Mettaton acts he was mostly kind to you, he wouldn't go out of his way but he certainly had his moments.
Today, however, was different. Today, the weight of the whole underground bore down upon Mettaton's metallic shoulders, at least that's how he felt, his usually bold yet mischievous front dulled by the shadows of distress. Mettaton had been acting off all day, his change in demeanor was concerning at first you had brushed it off as a minor mood swing but as the day continued you noticed he stayed the same. You had to check up on him, he was still your friend despite having moments where he was less than kind to you.
As you approached, concern etched upon your features, you found him nestled in the solitude of his dressing room, a solitary figure amidst the disorder of his own thoughts.
"Hey there, you okay Metta?" you asked softly, your voice gentle in the oppressive silence. He didn't even have the strength to look at you. Poor thing. "Rough day, huh?" You leaned against the door.
Mettaton's response was a weary sigh, the weight of his responsibilities evident in the slump of his shoulders. "You could say that, darling," he replied, his tone laced with a hint of tiredness. "Sometimes, I just- I just” He starts exasperated “What good is it to be one of the 'Biggest Stars in the Underground' if everyone hates your guts? I didn't ask for everyone to see me differently once I became a star, I mean I did but still." You nodded understandingly, empathy in your gaze as you took a seat beside him, offering a comforting hand amid the squall of his emotions. "I know how that feels," you admitted, your voice tinged with a vulnerability that mirrored his own, vulnerability was a dangerous thing to show in the Underground but here, with him, you felt secure. "To be judged for being yourself, to be ostracized for showing a side of you in a world that values power above all else, sometimes, it feels like the whole world is against you, doesn't it? I might not understand you to the fullest but I still get it, y'know?" You tried so hard to relate so he didn't feel alone, nobody deserves to feel that way especially him.
A flicker of surprise crossed Mettaton's features, his gaze softening as he regarded you with newfound clarity. You despite everything, were still so sweet. "You understand," he murmured a note of disbelief in his words. "In a world consumed by cruelty, you remain one of the kindest people I know."
Mettaton's metallic fingers clenched around the edges of his makeup mirror, his reflection a distorted echo of him. Your words, though simple, resonated so deeply within him, uncovering emotions long buried beneath the layers of how he acted versus who he was hiding.
"You're right, darling," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Y'know" He takes a deep breath followed by a sour chuckle, "You, your kindness has been the only constant in my life. I used to think you were just following me and being nice out of fear but you are a rare and precious gift."
A tear glistened in the corner of his eye, betraying the vulnerability he had long sought to conceal. For so long, he had hidden behind the stunning facade of Mettaton, the star of the Underground, but now, in the quiet intimacy of his dressing room, he could no longer deny the truth that lay beneath the glittering surface. With a trembling hand, he reached out to you, his touch tentative yet desperate, seeking solace in the warmth of your presence. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for seeing me, not as a killer celebrity, but as Mettaton the monster, flawed and fragile, just like everyone else."
You offered him a gentle smile, a silent reassurance that you were here, by him, unwavering in your support.
At that moment, as the weight of everything around him boar so very heavy on his weary shoulders, he had someone who understood him, flaws and all.
Together, you sat in comfortable silence, in the dimly lit confines of his dressing room, where shadows danced with the flickering lights, the bond forged between you two despite your very different lives grew, a testament to the enduring power of LOVE and kindness in a world consumed by depravity.
For in the end, Mettaton truly learned that it was not the fame or fortune that defined him, not the way he could impress others by cruel and senseis acts of violence but the connections with those who saw beyond the glittering facade to the monster beneath.
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An Unholy Alliance
Fandom: undertale AUs
AUs: underfell & storyfell
Ship: uf!Sans x ssf!Chara
Chapter One: In Medias Res
Step by step, Chara walks through the seemingly empty last corridor, they look left and right, admiring the architecture and cleanliness, the one back home wasn’t nearly as pretty.
“so. you finally made it.”
Chara's head snaps to the origin of the voice, confused. The hallway was empty mere seconds ago. They spot a familiar, yet irritating face. “Guess I have, haven’t I?” They respond, as they look him up and down.
Sans steps forward, no longer cloaked in darkness. “i gotta say, you’re an interesting one. out of all the humans who i’ve judged… not once have i come across someone like you.” He says.
“Really?~” Chara asks in a drawn out tone, as a smile creeps to their face.
Sans starts pacing from side to side, never taking his gaze off of Chara. “well, yeah. for one, you’re clearly far more powerful than any human should be. for two, your methods are disordered.” He says, stopping in place. “for some monsters, you killed them without a second thought, however you never laid a fuckin' finger on: the queen, my brother, or that obnoxious flower. sure you beat undyne within an inch of her life, but you killed monsters far weak-“
“You’re starting to bore me, just cut to the chase.” Chara cuts him off.
Sans snarls, “fine,” he says. “i am under orders, and a promise, to kill you… so i’ll give you this one warning: if you take another step forward,” his eyes black out, “i'm gonna have one hell of a time.”
Chara lets out a drawn out laugh, before snapping their eyes back to Sans. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” They exclaim, drawing their knife. “Come on, let’s dance!” They yell, charging at Sans.
Sans extends his arm, attempting to use telekinesis to throw Chara into a wall. Chara however, summons vines from the walls, wrapping around themselves and keeping them in place.
“Nice try!” Chara exclaims, summoning a vine to attempt to skewer Sans.
Sans dodges the vine, before shooting Chara with half a dozen blasters.
Chara -1hp
“shit.” Sans says under his breath.
Chara freezes, looking at him, before letting out a laugh once again, “Is that really all you can do?! Come on, skeleton, FIGHT ME LIKE AN ANIMAL!” They demand, summoning a circle of flower petals around Sans.
Sans teleports out of it, summoning dozens of bones, attempting to impale Chara; though all doing one damage. “if you knew what was good for ya, you’d stand down, immediately and stop being such a pain in the ass.”
“You’re not my king. Just a pathetic excuse for a combatant.” Chara responds, lunging at Sans with their knife once more.
Sans summons three red bones, one impaling Chara, and then dodges their slash.
Chara grunts in pain, ripping the red bone out of their gut. “So you can be interesting after all…”
Sans takes the opportunity and flings them into the ceiling with telekinesis, as vines and petals summon all around him, he dodges each projectile near effortlessly. “all that shit talk, and you still can’t land a hit on me. kinda fuckin' depressing, if you ask me.” He says, chuckling.
Sans summons a massive wave of red bones aimed at them, Chara scatters themselves into flower petals—avoiding the attack—and reforms behind Sans, who then barely dodges their slash.
Chara attempts to snare him with their vines, but Sans teleports a couple meters back.
They stop attacking and stare at each other.
“Yes. Yes~ this is wonderful! I haven’t had this much fun in ages!” Chara exclaims, laughing. “Having your “hell of a time” yet?”
“one way to put it” he responds, interrupting the conversation by summoning more red bones immediately behind Chara.”
Chara dodges, throwing their knife at Sans.
Sans immediately uses telekinesis to launch their knife back at them, stabbing them in the right lung. “return to sender, asshole.”
Chara collapses to the ground, grunting in pain and coughing up blood. Sans raises his hand to summon another attack, before he finish them however, they roll out of the way, and rip the knife out of their chest. “I can’t even remember the last time I tasted my own blood”, they say, smearing the blood on their thumb across their face. “Keep it coming.”
“gladly.” Sans summons a massive barrage of red bones, and blasters, all while attempting to throw Chara to the other side of the corridor.
Chara locks themselves in place, and blocks the attacks with massive vines, before flooding the entire hallway with them.
Sans teleports to the opposite end of the hallway, avoiding the vines entirely. Once they clear he just sees Chara mere meters away charging at him.
Chara laughs manically as they approach, before they can get their final strike, their knife stops near inches from Sans' face. They look down to notice two long red bones emanating from the wall, impaling them at their shoulders. They grunt, as their body slacks from the shock. “Expertly done, skeleton. You impress me more by the minute.”
Sans begins to speak, but before any words come out, Chara grabs onto one of the bones with their left hand, pulling themselves closer to him and attempting one final slash.
Sans simply teleports a couple meters behind them. “you really think i’m *that* dumb?” He asks, honestly disappointed.
“kinda?” Chara responds, grabbing onto the bones once again. Stopping immediately once they feel 3 sharp bones poking their neck.
Sans slouches, letting out a long sigh of relief. “now, i have some questions for you.” He says, keeping his distance. “one, you are obviously not from here, and from what i can tell, you’re from another universe entirely; so what the hell are you doing here and what do you want?” He asks, reaching into his pocket and lighting up a cigarette. “two, you clearly weren’t taking that fight seriously, and you clearly have determination, if you wanted to kill me, you would have, so why didn’t you?”
Chara turns their head to face him properly, “very observant of you. I’m impressed.” They say, before scattering into petals and reforming in front of Sans.
Sans readies more bones.
“Hey, calm down, I’m done fighting.” They say raising their hands. “I just want to talk to you face to face, okay?”
Sans grunts, lowering the bones. “then talk.” He demands.
Chara smiles, stretching their arms above their head. “Why I’m here? Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. I was exploring waterfall and found this strange door that definitely wasn’t always there, and here I am.”
Sans scoffs, “you expect me to believe that? random ass door in waterfall, sure.”
Chara points towards themselves. “Look at my face. Do I look like I’m lying?” They ask.
Sans scans their facial expression, and grunts. “either you’re a fantastic liar, or you’re tellin' the truth.” He says, taking a puff from his cigarette. “now, answer the second question.”
Chara laughs, “I didn’t kill you, because you’re actually interesting. You’re fun to play with. I like you. I wasn’t lying when I said that this is the most fun I’ve had in ages.” They say wearing an innocent smile.
Sans takes a step back, shocked. “if all you wanted was a playmate, then look somewhere else, freak.” He says, before turning around and beginning to walk away.
“There’s more though.” Chara adds, walking towards him.
Sans turns around, disinterested “and what’s that?” He asks.
Chara holds out their hand, “I want to propose an alliance. Partnership if you will.” They say.
“why the fuck would i say yes to that? give me one good reason.” He demands.
Chara points to their head, “Think about it. You want me gone, and I want to go home. You obviously know quite a bit about this multiverse stuff, so if there’s anyone who could help get me home, it’s you.”
Sans takes a step towards them, “if i say yes, and we get you home. you promise to fuck off and never bother me again?”
“I promise. You’ll never have to deal with me again.” They say.
Sans frowns, “then it’s a deal.” He says, as he shakes Chara's hand.
“Good. I’m glad we could reach an understanding.” Chara says, “So, what’s first, partner?”
Next Chapter
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
*Cracks knuckles* Let's go, tactical field care. I want to add, this is the standard training for the German army. Also, I'm not a medic, this is just the standard training all new recruts receive.
It follows this pattern: CABCDE
Critical bleeding: Here we have care under fire, which is in an active combat situation, if you're being shot at. Soldier got shot in a limb, tourniquet. Pull it as tight as possible. Soldier got shot in not limb, apply pressure. They will most likely scream. That's good. As long as they can scream, they are conscious. Write the time you put the tourniquet on on it. Bring wounded soldier away from the battle situation, then we go over to tactical field care.
After ten minutes max, the tourniquet will hurt. A lot. Believe me. It does. The wounded will try to get it off. Don't let them. Give them a shot of morphine if you can. Then the wound needs to be packed with quick clot gauze. Basically a combat tampon, a long cotton strip with a medication on it that lets the blood clot quickly. Then a pressure bandage on it.
Airway: Make sure the woundeds airway is free, oftentimes they have blood, vomit or dirt in their mouths. Get it out.
Breathing: Chest has to be clear, every piece of clothing comes off. Check the thorax if they breathe normally. If not, this is an indicator of for example a tension pneumothorax. (I don't want this summary to be an essay, so I'm not gonna explain this one, if you want I can write a summary about that too)
Circulation: Do a blood sweep. This means checking the whole body (Yes, all of it) for other minor wounds. Check the pulse.
Disability: This is to check if there's damage to the brain. This can either be judged based on the Glasgow coma scale or, how I learned it, if they react to verbal or pain stimuli, if they know where, when and who they are, what happened and so on.
Enviroment: Wrap them up like a burrito in a shock blanket. That it this metal looking, silver blanket. It protects them from losing body heat.
CPR: Regarding cpr, in an active combat situation, you do not revive. Otherwise, hands on each other, on the chest, in the middle, slightly to the left. And press. Hard. You heard a crack? That was a rib. Happens. Keep going. At around 120bpm (Sargeant made the whole platoon sing "Staying alive". Fun times)
If you are interested in this, I can highly recommend UF PRO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUNSDvBIMA8 They use another pattern (MARCH algorithm), but the essentials are the same. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yBtxqMTG3O4 This one is a paramedic from Germany, but he also has videos in English.
Important: As I said, I am not a medic. This is combat first aid, Stone would have more training that he'd be allowed to do things as, for example, release a tension pneumothorax. But the basic things are the same. Also, English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any errors. If you have any other questions, I'm always happy to answer questions. Cheers!
~ E
First of all, your English is perfect. Second of all, huge thank you for taking your time to give me a summary AND videos to watch. You're so real for that.
Definitely going to be using this information in the future. Don't how or when, but it will be used. So thank you so much again for this.
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coochiequeens · 7 days
Even when American women good news there's a catch. Abortion is no longer illegal but North Dakota woman have to travel to Minnesota for abortion care and uf the chose to keep the pregnancy they have to keep in mind that 71.7% of counties in ND are maternal care deserts
Judge overturns North Dakota's abortion ban, citing 'a woman's fundamental right'
Burleigh County District Judge Bruce Romanick ruled that the state's abortion law violates North Dakota Constitution's due process protections. But the nearest abortion provider is in Minnesota.
Fernando Cervantes Jr. USA TODAY
A state judge overturned the North Dakota's near-total abortion ban on Thursday, making the procedure legal in the Republican-led state.
Burleigh County District Judge Bruce Romanick ruled that the abortion ban, which went into effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned, violates due process protections under North Dakota's state Constitution.
“The North Dakota Constitution guarantees each individual, including women, the fundamental right to make medical judgments affecting his or her bodily integrity, health and autonomy, in consultation with a chosen health care provider free from government interference," Romanick wrote in the ruling.
“Unborn human life, pre-viability, is not a sufficient justification to interfere with a woman’s fundamental right,” Romanick continued. “Criminalizing pre-viability abortions is not necessary to promote the State’s interests in women’s health and protecting unborn human life.”
see rest of article
71.7% of counties in North Dakota are considered maternity deserts, where drive times to a birthing hospital are over 30 minutes or more, the highest percentage in the continental United States
By Michael Standaert / North Dakota News Coop
September 03, 2024 at 8:00 AM
Dr. Ana Tobiasz, a maternal-fetal specialist at Sanford Health in Bismarck, said she has contemplated leaving North Dakota because of the state’s abortion ban.
The near-total ban on abortions in the state went into effect in late April 2023. It prohibits all abortions except for when the health of the mother is at risk or in cases of rape or incest, but only within the first six weeks of pregnancy.
The initial language of the law was amended to allow terminations of ectopic pregnancies, where a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus and would never lead to a birth.
See rest of article
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the-writing-mobster · 9 months
Where I can read your fics? They seem pretty interesting!
Thank you for the ask, love! Fic links, anyone?
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You can find all of my fics on Ao3! I need to make an actual like... Official link post, don't I? I used to have one pinned but other things take priority.
So I guess I'll sprinkle the links to my fics here for your immediate viewing pleasure instead of sending you on a wild goose chase ;)
IMPORTANT NOTE — A lot of my fics are locked so only people with confirmed AO3 accounts can read them. This is because of AI scraping, obvs. TMDG is the only one that I think is unlocked since it's fairly new. But it'll eventually get locked as well.
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| The What Do You Want Duology | 🥀 💀 |
(YWIW, the sequel, still lies unfinished, unfortunately, but WDYW is completed and currently under revisions!)
Summary (for those still not in the know):
Frisk spent most of her life fighting to survive in a cruel world where her only upper hand was her soul's Determination and her feminine charms. After angering the most dangerous man in her life, she is thrown down into Hell to be ripped apart and destroyed by the demons said to inhabit it. With her soul refusing to give up, of course she survives.
However, when she is taken hostage by the infamous Gaster brothers, she finds herself trapped in the strange, abyssal gaze of Sans the Skeleton. With political and sexual tensions on the rise, can these two work through their differences? Or will they forever be asking each other, "What Do You Want?"
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| Baby Face - UF Highschool AU | 💖 🤘🏻 |
Technically an au based off of my characterizations of the UF characters in wdyw. This one is tooth rottingly sweet and set in a surface Ebbott City in the 90s. Inspo was movies like Clueless & the documentary Kid 90. I actually loved this story so much I completely reworked it and turned it into an original novel.
Important to note that this fic isn't really a romance. It's more about platonic love and friendships than it is about Frans romance.
Seniors should not date freshmen. No matter what. Not even if the freshman is hot. Not even if the freshman says it's ok. Not even if the freshman makes moves. That’s the mantra Sans lives by, and even though Frisk, one of the cutest girls according to all of his friends, catches a crush of epic proportions on him, he makes it a point to keep his distance. She’ll thank him later.
Sans is in a rock band and Frisk has a big ole unrequited crush on him.
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| The Most Dangerous Game | 💙 🔪 💔 |
The dreaded serial killer dead dove fic we've all been raving about recently!!!
It's important to note that this one isn't a romance. They are (albeit obsessive) enemies through and through.
Frisk Starling should've been used to cases like these. After all, it was her duty to investigate. Give the victims their voice back, catch the sick freak who did it and give the broken families the justice she couldn’t have for herself.
That is until a string of murders throughout the tristate area begin to appear. Women used like toys, mutilated and disposed of for the cops and journalists to find with only the tiniest slivers of useless evidence and the glaring fact that all the women...
Look almost exactly like her… Frisk begins to wonder if maybe… the monster she's hunting down has turned her into the hunted.
And God, does she make the most exhilarating, delicious prey yet…
Honorable mention One Shots:
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| The Witch, The Judge & the 3 Card Gamble | ♠️♥️♣️ |
Probably my best prose ever. Genuinely.
After suffering a gruesome bullet to the ribs, the vengeful Witch hovers over a dying fire, praying her campsite isn’t spotted by vagabonds who’d surely make her pay for existing…
But as a shadow blots out the stars if not for the two red pricks of light glaring her down, she fears her true nightmares have come to claim her after all; The Grim Reaper, the judge of her fate.
And she doesn’t like her odds.
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| We'll See - Christmas Rom Com | 🎄 💕 |
I wrote this as a secret Santa present to @themsource. It is very cute and fucking funny if I do say so myself. It puts the comedy in Romantic Comedy.
Sans has some inhibitions about Christmas, clouded with cynicism and bitterness. But if there's anyone to make him have a change of heart, it's Frisk; Ebbot City's own Little Miss Mother Teresa.
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| French Kisses | Smut | 🫧💓 |
Summary: Sans has landed a well-paying position as a senior accountant and Frisk has a few ideas on how to reward him — one of those ideas involves a French Maid dress.
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| The Librarian's Assistant | Smut | 📚💓 |
This one was pretty steamy...
Summary: Frisk's days working as a librarian can get pretty quiet and repetitive... Until a new patron with an obvious infatuation with her starts becoming a regular visitor.
Eventually she can't help herself...
I hope you are satisfied with my thorough answer! If you do end up reading, I'd love to hear from you again on your thoughts! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
‼️ Also — join my discord for readily available updates and fun discussion! DM me for the invite since those invite links expire ‼️
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
Underfell Sans has his wings clipped? May I ask about that? Exactly why are they clipped? how do they being clipped stop the other monsters from going after them?
Who, out of all the others, would he allow to touch his wings the most? Like most to least maybe? Does he like it when people touch his wings? Is it relaxing or something stressful for him?
How big is his wingspan?
Oh! Also, are wingspan seen as important at all? Like the larger the wingspan the more 'attractive' you are to others? Or more powerful? Are more colorful wings seen differently than ones that are less colorful?
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Well Timtam, so glad you asked!
Underfell in the wing au has a few messy unspoken rules. Wings are to show power and battles between monsters are usually left with the ending of wings getting literally hurt beyond repair or taken as a trophy. Monsters with clipped wings are seen as beneath others and useless. Nobody goes after monsters with clipped wings, its practically taboo, who wants to hurt someone who can't even defend their pride?
Red(uf!Sans) and Edge(uf!Papyrus) are a flock of their own and after a particularly bad fight Edge was left with a mangled wing. They decided that in order for Red to not have his wings get hurt (which would greatly affect his and probably kill him) they would clip them. It's not something they both want to do, it's just something they have to do.
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Red lets his brother touch his wings and when he meets the other sanses at first he's very distrustful bit eventually opens up preening and other things from Blue, Classic, and a bit others who he trusts. It is relaxing to him for someone else to touch his wings when he trusts them, but he's very protective of his wings to others he doesn't trust.
Although I never accurately draw the correct sizes of any Sans' wings, he has around an 11-foot wingspan, the same size as Classic, Geno, Sci, etc. Compared to Dream's wings in a positively tipped multiverse which can grow up to 10-30 feet.
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Although wing colors and length have only a little to do with attractiveness, it does have to do with power for many aus! Generally in the omega timeline people have a notion that larger and prettier wings mean that someone is more powerful and wants to show it. People even have wing decorations and wings dyes to change their colors and style. Usually wings are judged wholly by humans and monsters are so used to them.
Thinking about it is a little sadder since monsters have wings and were all trapped underground when humans sealed them.
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Fifteen
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"She doesn't look that great" pansy rolled her eyes when Hermione was led off by Krum to dance and everyone stopped gawking at her.
"She certainly found out how to sort that bush she calls hair" Theo laughed
I looked up at Harry and Hermione who were sat on the table for judges with their dates.
Ron and Padma were by themselves at a table, Ron continued to stare at Hermione, looking utterly annoyed and Padma just looked sad. What a git, He's going to spoil everything for her because of his stupid jealously. I knew he liked Hermione, I just wished they could both see it.
"Wait, my brothers here" I said after spotting My third oldest brother, Percy sat at the judges table.
"Yes, we're all aware, they make half the schools population" Pansy said, leaning over Draco to see me
"No, the one at the ministry, works with Mr Crouch, wonder what he's doing here" I thought out loud.
"Well, if he works for Crouch maybe he's filling in for him, because Crouch isn't here" Daphne said
"maybe" I shrugged
"Where's this bloody food" Theo huffed
"You have to order it on the menu's idiot" Draco rolled his eyes before demonstrating by picking his own menu up and telling the plate what dish he wanted, we then followed after.
"Oh, I knew that" Theo muttered
"slow down, Weasley, before your dress starts ripping at the seams" Pansy scoffed as I began eating
"uf foff arksen" I said through a mouthful of food.
"So, Keira, you transferred here from Beauxbatons last year, right?" Daphne asked me as I took another bite of my food after swallowing.
Nodding as I swallowed "yeah, thats right, I was living in France for four years"
"Did they throw you out?" Pansy asked, staring at me, as if trying to spot anything suspicious
"W-what?!" I choked on my food, Blaise patting my back. I darted up to look at her then the guys, seeing if Draco told her anything, but he kept a blank face "N-no, not at all, just that I was missing my family and wanted to come back home to the UK" I lied easily.
"What's it like at Beauxbatons, I bet the guys are just a dream" Daphne said, Theo side eyeing her
"Its as if we're not just sat here" He said to the other two guys
"Uh, yeah, they're all really...beautiful, but so are the girls and perfect, so it's kinda scary, I did have one friend, well, he was my first boyfriend, if it even counts" I laughed
"Did you learn any french?" Pansy asked
"No I just sat in confusion every time someone talked to me for four years straight." I said sarcastically.
"Yeah, you idiot" Theo said to Pansy
"Shut up, Nott!" She sneered at him
Dumbledore had then instructed us to stand and step away from the tables, then with a wave of his wand, the tables were pushed away and the floor was cleared.
"Is this the part where we have to dance?" I whined
"Yes! My favourite part" Daphne clapped her hands
"I only just managed to walk in these things, Let alone dance!"
"Good luck Zabini, try not to step on his feet two much, Weasley" Pansy said, smirking.
The four champions and their partners led the dance before we were to join in, I could see neville and Ginny dancing, and the faint apologies as Neville tread on her toes.
Fred and Angelina seemed like they were having a good time as they waltzed around cracking jokes with each other and flirting.
Lee and George Were also dancing together, George leading, and Lee continuing to look over at Fred and Angelina, winking at her, saying that she could be next.
Daphne pulled Theo along onto the dance floor excitedly. Draco and Pansy soon followed
"Come on" Blaise told me before grabbing my hand and leading me into the crowd "Don't worry, you'll be fine" He reassured me when he saw my face.
"Please don't let me embarrass myself" I pleaded as he started to lead us around
"Wouldn't dream of it." Blaise said.
Blaise was a really good dancer so it was easy to just let him lead and I try and keep up with his steps.
As the song ended another started and I was passed on to switch Partners, coincidentally it was Draco
"Weasley" He said before wrapping his arm around my waist and repeating the steps of waltzing.
"Malfoy, I heard you've been keeping me from your mothers party's" I said, raising a brow, and craning my neck to look into his silver eye's
"Well, I think you should thank me, Look at your horrible dancing, and manners" He told me
"Still" I rolled my eyes, as he spun me I caught someone I had tried to avoid since the end of October, Adrian Pucey, and funnily enough He had taken one of the Beauxbatons girls, who he couldn't keep his eyes off when he broke up with me, she was laughing as he hid his face in her neck, smirking.
"Ignore him" Draco told me, I flicked my eyes to look back into his ones, They really were beautiful.
"I don't know what you're on about" I told him, shrugging.
"He didn't deserve you" He told me "He's a tosser"
"Oh, Draco you say that as if your not" I said teasingly, smirking at him
"Oh, you wound me" He rolled his eye's "Thank you" He said more earnestly
"For my ring, I never actually said it earlier" He said. Thats when I noticed that he was actually wearing it, the hand that was holding mine.
"Oh, you're welcome" I said, replacing my smirk with a genuine smile
"Draco! I believe it's my turn now" Theo had butted in before slipping me away from Draco and into his arms
"Come on, Theodore, I am not a doll, you know, I've just danced through two songs" I narrowed my eyebrows
"Well then lets go get a butterbeer" He said before taking my hand and leading me to the table
"And what about Daphne?" I asked, picking up a bottle
"Ah, she'll be alright, dancing with someone else, she's only my date, Keira, None of us are actually dating" He said "Are you and Blaise dating? Lucky bastard" He muttered the last bit, I only just caught on to what he said
"No, He's more like my best friend, then anything"
"Ouch, K, and Here I was thinking it was me and you" He jokingly glared at me.
"Oh, no" I sighed as I looked over the tables
"What's wrong?" Theo asked me
"Ron and Hermione, they're arguing about something- oh and she's walked off"
"Weasels probably gone off about how she went to the ball with someone else" Theo said
"Well, its not like he asked her, if anything he's jealous Krum didn't ask him" I said
"Looks like the other twins are badgering Bagman" Theo pointed over to Fred and George who were talking to Bagman, and him desperately looking for an escape, then Percy walked past to talk to Ron and Harry Bagman spotting him then soon following
Fred and George then looked in our direction before whispering and slipping back into the crowd
"Lets go back to the others" I told Theo, grabbing a couple more bottles for the rest and Theo grabbing some more, most likely for himself.
"Where'd you two go off to?" Blaise asked when we sat down and I handed out the bottles, Pansy and Daphne were gone, probably still dancing
"Weasley watching" Theo said
"We were getting drinks" I rolled my eyes "I cannot wait to get out of this stupid, Beautiful, but stupid dress- what- stop staring at me- I didn't mean it like that, grow up, all three of you" I glared at them
"Hey, you're the one who said it" Theo shrugged
"Keira!" I turned to see Percy walking up to our table
"For Salazar's sake" I sighed "Percy! Nice to see you, how's Mum and Dad?"
"Oh, they're fine, Have you been working hard on your school work, your O.W.L.s are next year, you know I as well as  Bill and Charlie passed top of our classes, shame Fred and George broke the streak, Hopefully You and Ron won't let us down"
"Well, wouldn't that be a shame, best get going and study, right guys? See ya Percy" I waved him off before hastily standing up and nodding my head out for the guys to follow.
"What's his problem?" Draco asked when we walked off
"He doesn't have one, that's just Percy" I rolled my eyes
"Are you actually going to go study?" Blaise asked me
"No, just needed an excuse to get away from him, oh! Sorry for making you guys leave too"
"It's fine, was bored anyway" Theo shrugged before slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"No Idea what he'll do when I'm not a prefect" I laughed "Ron might have a chance"
"what make's you think you won't be one?" Blaise said curiously
"Well, for starters, This is only my second year here, and B, Snape hates me and I don't exactly have a soft spot for him either, Draco and Pansy will probably get it, thats you both being up his arse"
"Hey! I resent that, He's actually my Godfather, you know" Draco glared at me
"Cute. I am knackered, I'm going to bed, see you lot later" I yawned before walking off to the girls dorms.
"Nineteen ninety-five, that sounds good, don't you think" Theo said at Breakfast on the first day of the new term
"Is this a yearly thing, Nott?" I asked him before biting into a slice of toast.
"It's just the concept of time, really, and how we watch the days go by, closer to death with joy at the fact we get older" He said
"This is the sort of rubbish we have to put up with in the middle of the night in the dorms" Draco rolled his eye's
"You should be lucky at least one of us has wit, intelligence and looks" Theo winked at him.
"How did you come to be so modest?"I asked sarcastically
"Well, I guess it just comes naturally to me" Theo said, Draco, Blaise and I rolling our eyes in sync.
"What do we have first then?" Draco asked as we pulled our bags over our shoulders to leave.
"Transfiguration with Ravenclaw" Blaise replied
"Ugh, McGonagall really doesn't like me for some reason" I moaned
"Maybe because she lost a Weasley to Slytherin, ruining her collection of red heads" Theo suggested.
"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes.
"My word!" A painting of two women gasped when we walked past it.
I stopped to see them staring at the four of us.
"Gosh, they look just like those kids, had to be about, twenty odd years ago, the red head girl, looks just like her, Lily Evans" The other woman sighed. Lily Evans. That was Harry's mum.
"Of course there are only two left of that group still alive, last time I heard, and one of them is on the run"
"Excuse me" I said to the painting "But do you mind telling me what you are on about"
"Of course, they were Gryffindors and these are, well, Slytherins" The first one said, as if she had just bit into a sour lemon.
"Keira, just ignore them, they're just two old bats with nothing else better to do" Theo said, steering me away from them.
"He surely has the mouth of that Mr Black"
"What's their problem?" Blaise asked
"I have no idea, apparently we reminded them of some students from ages ago" I rolled my eyes before carrying down the hallway.
Ever since the conversation I had with the girls in the dorm, about the guys I started to notice how they acted around others a lot more.
For instance, Draco just pushed a second year down the stairs.
Blaise would refuse to touch anyone in case he caught something.
Theo would surely tell a person how he felt about them if they ever crossed him, even by accident.
I really hadn't opened my eyes to how cruel these boys really were and how they truly did see themselves as being superior to the rest of the school.
That really scared me, why were they different to me and why hadn't I noticed.
"You didn't have to push him down the stairs, Draco, He could of hurt himself badly!" I told him
"He was staring" He said, with no emotion
"No wonder everyone thinks you're such a prick" I huffed, walking into transfiguration.
"Is there a reason why the four of you are late to class?" Professor McGonagall asked as we took our seats
"Sorry, Purrfess- Professor!" I slapped a hand over my mouth, catching myself, I don't even know where that came from
"It had slipped my mind that you were related to Mr Weasley" She muttered to herself "Take your seats"
Draco and I sat at the bench second to the back, Blaise and Theo taking the one behind us.
"Purrfessor" Theo laughed from behind me
"Shut up, Theo!" I snapped at him twisting in my seat to glare
"Miss Weasley! must I remind you how to behave inside of a classroom after the holiday's?"
"Sorry, professor" I faced her quickly
"Twenty-five points from Slytherin for being late and Miss Weasleys excessive talking" She said before carrying on with the lesson.
The rest of the Slytherins glared at me, and my cheeks blushed like mad as I dropped my head on the table.
"Snow is so beautiful, but so horrendous" I whined as we waited outside Hagrids cabin for for Care of Magical Creatures class. "I still can't believe what happened to Hagrid"
"His own fault, really, about time he left" Draco said
"Don't be so rude, Malfoy, he is a genuine and lovely person, only because you don't like him" I rolled my eyes.
"Here come's the Gryffindors" Theo sighed.
"Hurry up, now, the bell rang five minutes ago," The new Professor barked at them.
"Who're you?" Ron asked, staring at her. "Where's Hagrid?"
"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank, I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."
"Where's Hagrid?" Harry repeated, louder than Ron.
"He is indisposed"
The Slytherins laughed around me, I didn't join in.
The trio turned to face us, I met Harry's eyes and shrugged at the confusion I could see on his face.
"This way, Please" Professor Grubbly-Plank had told us.
She had led us Past the Paddock where the Beauxbatons horse stood shivering.
"What's wrong with Hagrid?" Harry had asked, speed walking past us to catch up with Grubbly-Plank.
"Never you mind" She told him.
"I do mind, though" Harry had pressed "What's up with him?" But she just ignored him.
"Oh, a unicorn" Theo had said when we spotted the beautiful creature tethered to one of the tree's by the forrest.
At the realisation of the Unicorn, most of the girls "Oooooohed" and squealed.
"Hey, Draco, it nearly matches your hair, are you part Unicorn?" I asked him, twisting one of the front bits of his hair, but he slapped my hand away
"No! I'm a Pureblood wizard, it would be impossible to be part Unicorn" He said proudly
"Unless one of your great grandparents shagged a unicorn, then didn't tell anyone" Theo suggested
"But how would that make me part Unicorn?" Draco stared at Theo
"I don't know Malfoy, do I look like a Unicorn Shagger?"
"Mr Nott!" Grubbly-Plank shouted at Theo to shut up after overhearing our conversation.
"Sorry Grubby Plums!" Theo said, ending in him losing Slytherin five more points.
"Boys keep back!" Grubbly-Plank barked catching Harry in the chest when she threw out her arms "They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns, Girls to the front, and approach with care. Come on, easy does it..."
"something we have in common" Theo joked
Her and the other girls walked slowly towards it, Theo and Draco opted to shove me towards it,
"Hey, thats my sister!" Ron shouted at them, and they laughing in response
"Gits" I rolled my eyes as I walked up closer to it with the others.
"It was so soft, and Grubbly-Plank taught us a bunch of stuff, shame you guys didn't get to go up it" I said when we were at dinner
"Lucky you" Theo said, sounding bored
"what were you saying to Harry?" I asked Draco "When we walked away"
"Showed him the article" Draco said.
"You just love to wind up, its not true by the way, I don't hate Hagrid" I said
"Well then maybe you should talk to Skeeter and tell her that" He said
"I'd rather set my hair on fire" I crossed my arms
"How would you be able to notice?" Theo asked me
"Well, how would you notice if your hair was on fire?"
"Oh shut up, Theo, you're not even funny" I rolled my eyes
"I wasn't trying to be, it was a genuine question" He muttered to himself.
"I wonder who Dumbledore is going to bring in once Moody leaves" Theo had said.
We were sat in The Three Broomsticks sipping butterbeer.
"Whoever it is, I bet they can't be worse then the last four" Draco rolled his eyes
"What do you mean, I thought Lupin was great" I said "Can't comment on the first two"
"He was a werewolf, and the bouncing ferret doesn't like Moody either, does he" Blaise teased
"Shut up, Zabini" Draco shot Blaise a murderous glare.
"Miss Weasley!" The poisonous voice of Rita Skeeter said, walking up to our table
"Hello?" I said to her
"I was wondering if I could have a word with you, I know you are close With the Famous Harry Potter and was wondering if you could give some insight, it would also be exciting to hear about your transfer from Beauxbaton and how that came to happen" She grinned, tapping her long pink nails on the table
"Sorry, Haven't talked to Harry in a while, and I'm sure no one would want to know about my boring life" I said before finishing off my butterbeer
"Interesting, so did you and Mr Potter fall out, was he mad that you had gone to the Yule ball with someone else, Jealous of your - friendship - among these three boys?"
"How could he, if we have never dated, and never will, Go get your story somewhere else and stop poking your long pointy nose in my business" I told her before standing up and storming out the pub, the three soon followed me.
Our height difference being a big advantage for them to catch up to me quickly
"What was all that?" Theo asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders
"I don't like people asking me personal questions, especially if I don't like them" I replied still storming across the snow with my arms crossed over my chest.
"You're not the only one, Granger and Potter were shouting at her when you walked out" Draco said.
I heard the faint banging of the Pub door behind us and Ron talking to Hermione, I could hear the worry in his voice.
"I can definitely cross reporter of my list of potential jobs"
"What you don't know what you're doing in life?" Theo asked me
"No, I still have three more years to plan"
"And what do your parents think about that?" Blaise asked
"They don't? they'll just let me get on with it because they know I'll figure it out one day, Just as they've let Bill, Charlie and Percy go on their own paths, although Mums not so keen on Fred and George's ambitions" I chuckled "Sorry..." I stopped myself rambling when the three were just staring at me
"Imagine that boys, not even deciding what you're going to do" Draco chuckled but there was no humour
"What do you mean?" I asked him
"Well, you see Weasley, when you come from a family such as ours, Your whole life is already planned by the time you are born, we" He indicated at him, Theo and Blaise "are Heirs, to carry on the Family Names and the bloodline, as well, fortunately the riches included. Our fathers already have our adult lives planned out, wouldn't be surprised if my father didn't already have a file of potential marriages in his cabinet." He told me.
"Oh..." the thought of Theo and Draco eventually getting married crossed my mind, then I got this twisted feeling in my stomach. "Sorry?"
"Don't pity us, it's just the way things are, In proper Pureblood Families" He said, and the feeling went away instantly
"Stop being such an Arse Malfoy" I rolled my eyes.
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centipedelightning · 2 years
Date Night
uf!sans x gn reader || sfw || no cw/tw
Red and reader have a cute fancy date night! This is a little writing warmup for me to work on Not Quite Ready. I also want to test out how I'm gonna write Red bc I have a soft spot for him.
Red doesn't like big lavish dates. Sometimes sure, but it's just not his thing. He's topside, he's allowed to be as lazy as one could possibly be. That doesn't mean Red doesn't like to do nice things for you. He's ready to do anything for you. He noticed the two of you haven't gone on a big date in a while and elected to remedy that. That brings us to tonight.
"hey sweetheart," Red said in a tone so jokingly sultry that you couldn't help but laugh, "doin' anything tonight?"
You raise a brow. "I wasn't planning on it, why? Want me for something?"
"heh i always want ya sweetheart, but yeah actually. i left some clothing on your bed and if it so pleases you, i'd like to come pick ya up around 6:00?" The way Red looks at you makes your teeth hurt. He cares about you so much it's dizzying.
"Where are you going that you have to come back and pick me up? You practically live here my love." You're stumped about where your bonefriend could be running off to.
Could Red look at you with any more love and affection? You didn't think so a second ago, but after using that little pet name the sweetness increased by at least 35%. "that's a surprise for later. how about you go get all dressed up for me and you can find out after."
With a skeletal kiss, Red grabs his keys and walks out the front door. He also ignores your slew of protests and questions about tonight. Seeing as his metaphorical lips were sealed, you decide to go check out the clothes left out for you
You got to your room and looked at the neat spread of clothing on your bed. It is much fancier than you were expecting. The clothing is definitely new. You'd complain if it didn't fit you and your style so well. Damn him and his great taste. Judging by how much effort was put into just laying your new outfit out, you assumed tonight is going to be a Big Date night. With that in mind, you check the time. It's nearly 3:45 so you have time to shower.
Shower done! You feel much cleaner now. You even have the time to use your nicer skin products (remember to moisturize kids). The smell of your soaps and lotions have you feeling refreshed and ready for date night. You wander back into your room to get dressed. You think a second time about complaining about Red clearly spending a chunk of change on a set of clothes but decide against it. The quality of the fabric shuts you up right quick.
As you get dressed you consider the possibilities of what Red might have planned for tonight's date. You assume dinner at a nice restaurant judging by the time and dress code, but it's clear he has something else planned. If only he gave you a hint when you were interrogating asking him as he was walking out the door. Oh well.
6:00 pm rolls around and you are dressed and ready. With a knock on the door you greet your loving bonefriend. He leads you to his car still ignoring your questions about you date. You give him one final look trying to get him to spill anything. It doesn't work. Stupid skeleton with a stupid good poker face.
In a solid attempt to change the topic, Red asks about the clothing he picked out. "pretty nice right? damn if you don't look stunning." He lets out a little whistle to go with the comment. How shameless.
"Yeah, I guess they're alright" Red mocks offence at your joke.
"just alright? sweetheart you're breaking my soul here. i know i did perfectly and you should admit it." He takes his eyes off the road to glance at you, trying to catch you to breaking the joke first.
You relent, "Fine. Fine. It's perfect. Like actually perfect. Did you take my measurements while i was asleep or something?"
Red barks out a laugh, "heheh no no sweetheart i just like looking at you," you give a questioning hum, "and i might have looked some of your clothing to make sure everything would fit."
"Weirdo, but you're my weirdo so I won't complain."
You two talk and joke around the rest of the drive to the first part or your date. You were right about the nice restaurant. It's the building alone is intensely lavish. Some would go as far as to say gaudy. Red, the gentleman he is, opened your door and led you to the front foyer. He went up to talk to the host and the both of you were led to the dining room.
While the decor and dress code told you enough, the lack of prices on the menu really solidified that this place is fancy fancy. Sensing your hestiance, Red assured you he's got it covered. He says he's treating you tonight so you can go all out. You wonder if he stole Edge's credit card. No matter, you both order and get the date going.
All in all dinner went perfect. You thought the vegetables could be seasoned more but other than that? Some of the best food you've had in a while. You tried questioning Red about what the rest of Date Night entails but his masterful topic changes gave you the hint that you weren't going to find out until you got there.
But now we are there! Part two is going to see a play from the local theater troupe. You're surprised Red would take you to something like this. Not necessarily that he's into theater, you have been dating a while you know about that, but that he'd take you in person. He said he didn't like being in dark rooms with other people and you can't judge. As you are getting situated in your seats you check in with about it. You don't want your bonefriend pushing himself so far out of his comfort zone just for a date. He reassures you he'll be fine and with that the play begins.
It was surprisingly good! You didn't know this troupe and subsequently didn't know what to expect but they blew it out of the water. It seemed to be a newer show about a roller coaster accident? You weren't sure what it would entail but Red seemed very excited to see it. Every once in a while when you would look over you could see him twitching a little making a physical effort to not sing along. Goofball. When to show concluded and the two of you left, you had a great time discussing your thoughts and theories on the way back to your place. You know Red poured his soul into planning this date and words couldn't describe how much you love him for it.
You found out once you got home that the place he ran off to was a video rental store. Seems your date will be ending with a movie night! Stars you love your skeleton.
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