#Chara x Sans
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capi-art · 3 days ago
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CHANS WEEK! hice un chans week por si la gente quiere quiere participar :,3 amaría ver sus dibujos de la chans weeky les daría muuuchoooo amorrrr!
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suisui666 · 5 months ago
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I think this' the most satisfying drawing I did this year 😩💥
But Chara's mouth...🌚
And yea it's adults Chara
Undertale - Toby Fox
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eyezofstatic · 2 months ago
I've been playing around with my ball s so have some chara (and sans i guess) doodles. and also them keeseing
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CW for Gore next up :D
erm I was also curious on how realistic Sans could hurt others when hes defending himself or fighting or wtv even if hes the lesst fought character (but his battle is the most popular i mean we have him in smash bros. so??) anyway Charas hands and foot are the victim, and anatomy of the human body is crazy if u think about it
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chansfan · 4 months ago
All stitched up Again
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the-writing-mobster · 6 months ago
| TMDG Meme | Charans craziness at it again Poor Papyrus caught in the middle | 💙 🔪 💔 |
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acnologiaheart · 7 months ago
Greetings! 🖖 uh, may i humbly ask for a caretaker! chara and sans au? 👉👈💦
— sincerely, miss-chans ❤️💙
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"For Asgore sake, I think I’m too old for this... What a shame. I totally forgot how strong humans can be—guess it’s been such a long time... At least they’re not going to pass by." "Chara! Open the door, Chara! Please!"
Two years later, but here it is!
Honestly, I don't know much about the Caretaker Chara AU, and it reminds me of that time when Soriel was super popular (I didn't really follow it, but it felt like it was everywhere). So, it was a bit tricky for me to draw it.
(Also, I remember thinking about your comment for Chansweek last year, but I wasn’t too confident with handling comments yet, so it just stayed in the mailbox :p)
Thanks so much for asking! And I'm really sorry for the delay!
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chans-week · 7 months ago
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General Info, Rules, and Prompts
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friskxsansship · 1 month ago
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Romanticizing, er, something
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fuzzychanfox · 4 months ago
Just some ship child Chans I recently created XP
I have no idea what to name my au
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mssf-milk · 1 year ago
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lookin comfortable
tap for better quality!
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writingutshipficscuzimbored · 6 months ago
An Unholy Alliance
Fandom: undertale AUs
AUs: underfell & storyfell
Ship: uf!Sans x ssf!Chara (amab)
Chapter One: In Medias Res
Step by step, Chara walks through the seemingly empty last corridor, they look left and right, admiring the architecture and cleanliness, the one back home wasn’t nearly as pretty.
“so. you finally made it.”
Chara's head snaps to the origin of the voice, confused. The hallway was empty mere seconds ago. They spot a familiar, yet irritating face. “Guess I have, haven’t I?” They respond, as they look him up and down.
Sans steps forward, no longer cloaked in darkness. “i gotta say, you’re an interesting one. out of all the humans who i’ve judged… not once have i come across someone like you.” He says.
“Really?~” Chara asks in a drawn out tone, as a smile creeps to their face.
Sans starts pacing from side to side, never taking his gaze off of Chara. “well, yeah. for one, you’re clearly far more powerful than any human should be. for two, your methods are disordered.” He says, stopping in place. “for some monsters, you killed them without a second thought, however you never laid a fuckin' finger on: the queen, my brother, or that obnoxious flower. sure you beat undyne within an inch of her life, but you killed monsters far weak-“
“You’re starting to bore me, just cut to the chase.” Chara cuts him off.
Sans snarls, “fine,” he says. “i am under orders, and a promise, to kill you… so i’ll give you this one warning: if you take another step forward,” his eyes black out, “i'm gonna have one hell of a time.”
Chara lets out a drawn out laugh, before snapping their eyes back to Sans. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” They exclaim, drawing their knife. “Come on, let’s dance!” They yell, charging at Sans.
Sans extends his arm, attempting to use telekinesis to throw Chara into a wall. Chara however, summons vines from the walls, wrapping around themselves and keeping them in place.
“Nice try!” Chara exclaims, summoning a vine to attempt to skewer Sans.
Sans dodges the vine, before shooting Chara with half a dozen blasters.
Chara -1hp
“shit.” Sans says under his breath.
Chara freezes, looking at him, before letting out a laugh once again, “Is that really all you can do?! Come on, skeleton, FIGHT ME LIKE AN ANIMAL!” They demand, summoning a circle of flower petals around Sans.
Sans teleports out of it, summoning dozens of bones, attempting to impale Chara; though all doing one damage. “if you knew what was good for ya, you’d stand down, immediately and stop being such a pain in the ass.”
“You’re not my king. Just a pathetic excuse for a combatant.” Chara responds, lunging at Sans with their knife once more.
Sans summons three red bones, one impaling Chara, and then dodges their slash.
Chara grunts in pain, ripping the red bone out of their gut. “So you can be interesting after all…”
Sans takes the opportunity and flings them into the ceiling with telekinesis, as vines and petals summon all around him, he dodges each projectile near effortlessly. “all that shit talk, and you still can’t land a hit on me. kinda fuckin' depressing, if you ask me.” He says, chuckling.
Sans summons a massive wave of red bones aimed at them, Chara scatters themselves into flower petals—avoiding the attack—and reforms behind Sans, who then barely dodges their slash.
Chara attempts to snare him with their vines, but Sans teleports a couple meters back.
They stop attacking and stare at each other.
“Yes. Yes~ this is wonderful! I haven’t had this much fun in ages!” Chara exclaims, laughing. “Having your “hell of a time” yet?”
“one way to put it” he responds, interrupting the conversation by summoning more red bones immediately behind Chara.”
Chara dodges, throwing their knife at Sans.
Sans immediately uses telekinesis to launch their knife back at them, stabbing them in the right lung. “return to sender, asshole.”
Chara collapses to the ground, grunting in pain and coughing up blood. Sans raises his hand to summon another attack, before he finish them however, they roll out of the way, and rip the knife out of their chest. “I can’t even remember the last time I tasted my own blood”, they say, smearing the blood on their thumb across their face. “Keep it coming.”
“gladly.” Sans summons a massive barrage of red bones, and blasters, all while attempting to throw Chara to the other side of the corridor.
Chara locks themselves in place, and blocks the attacks with massive vines, before flooding the entire hallway with them.
Sans teleports to the opposite end of the hallway, avoiding the vines entirely. Once they clear he just sees Chara mere meters away charging at him.
Chara laughs manically as they approach, before they can get their final strike, their knife stops near inches from Sans' face. They look down to notice two long red bones emanating from the wall, impaling them at their shoulders. They grunt, as their body slacks from the shock. “Expertly done, skeleton. You impress me more by the minute.”
Sans begins to speak, but before any words come out, Chara grabs onto one of the bones with their left hand, pulling themselves closer to him and attempting one final slash.
Sans simply teleports a couple meters behind them. “you really think i’m *that* dumb?” He asks, honestly disappointed.
“kinda?” Chara responds, grabbing onto the bones once again. Stopping immediately once they feel 3 sharp bones poking their neck.
Sans slouches, letting out a long sigh of relief. “now, i have some questions for you.” He says, keeping his distance. “one, you are obviously not from here, and from what i can tell, you’re from another universe entirely; so what the hell are you doing here and what do you want?” He asks, reaching into his pocket and lighting up a cigarette. “two, you clearly weren’t taking that fight seriously, and you clearly have determination, if you wanted to kill me, you would have, so why didn’t you?”
Chara turns their head to face him properly, “very observant of you. I’m impressed.” They say, before scattering into petals and reforming in front of Sans.
Sans readies more bones.
“Hey, calm down, I’m done fighting.” They say raising their hands. “I just want to talk to you face to face, okay?”
Sans grunts, lowering the bones. “then talk.” He demands.
Chara smiles, stretching their arms above their head. “Why I’m here? Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. I was exploring waterfall and found this strange door that definitely wasn’t always there, and here I am.”
Sans scoffs, “you expect me to believe that? random ass door in waterfall, sure.”
Chara points towards themselves. “Look at my face. Do I look like I’m lying?” They ask.
Sans scans their facial expression, and grunts. “either you’re a fantastic liar, or you’re tellin' the truth.” He says, taking a puff from his cigarette. “now, answer the second question.”
Chara laughs, “I didn’t kill you, because you’re actually interesting. You’re fun to play with. I like you. I wasn’t lying when I said that this is the most fun I’ve had in ages.” They say wearing an innocent smile.
Sans takes a step back, shocked. “if all you wanted was a playmate, then look somewhere else, freak.” He says, before turning around and beginning to walk away.
“There’s more though.” Chara adds, walking towards him.
Sans turns around, disinterested “and what’s that?” He asks.
Chara holds out their hand, “I want to propose an alliance. Partnership if you will.” They say.
“why the fuck would i say yes to that? give me one good reason.” He demands.
Chara points to their head, “Think about it. You want me gone, and I want to go home. You obviously know quite a bit about this multiverse stuff, so if there’s anyone who could help get me home, it’s you.”
Sans takes a step towards them, “if i say yes, and we get you home. you promise to fuck off and never bother me again?”
“I promise. You’ll never have to deal with me again.” They say.
Sans frowns, “then it’s a deal.” He says, as he shakes Chara's hand.
“Good. I’m glad we could reach an understanding.” Chara says, “So, what’s first, partner?”
Next Chapter
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capi-art · 6 months ago
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Dibujo chaans
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bendyzy · 9 months ago
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[WIP chans (chara x sans) redraw]
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I can not find the original artist. PLEASE, if you can find them, tell me please
Update: found the original https://www.tumblr.com/miss-chans/662235389397991424?source=share
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eyezofstatic · 7 months ago
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chans based on that meme going around on Twitter rn. gave sans paw converse because hes a cutie patootie
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chansfan · 5 months ago
Living Machine
When Asriel collapsed, his body slowly turned to ash. Leaving histhier soul behind, over the corpse of his Human sibling whilst his was over the buttercup flower.
It was meant to shatter, to move on. But it refused, it wasn't natural.
Toriel found them. She tried to preserve whatever is left of her children, or lack there of. perhaps with there was still hope.
unfortunately, it took time. a LOT of time.
from ☝︎✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼︎ to Sans, decades past. While the king spared no expense to bring back one of his children, no one can say no to the King and Queen after the devestating lose of thier royals.
but with time thier hope wavered, until...
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they woke up
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osprey-ut · 1 month ago
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OLAGEM (AGEM!Chara by Osprey) for my Chans based 3d Animated series,
No nsfw content.
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