#types of millet
upsidehealth · 9 months
Millet Types and Their Health Benefits
Dive into the rich tapestry of millet types at Upside Health. Explore the nutritional wonders, discover diverse millet varieties, and learn how these grains elevate your health. From recipes to benefits, our guide covers all things millets for a wholesome lifestyle.
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buindia · 6 months
Different Millets Types: The Ultimate Superfood
Source- Business Upside India
Millet needs to be consumed along with fruits and vegetables if you want a healthy diet. Even though millet is a very healthful food option, other popular grains frequently take centre stage. But because of their many health advantages, these little grains carry a big punch. Learn about the many forms of millet and their importance before incorporating it into your diet. After that, you can select the option that best suits your needs and tastes.
Understanding Millet Renaissance
Amidst the growing concerns of environmental sustainability, food security, and diversity in diet, millet is experiencing a resurgence. Millet was considered the “poor man’s food” in the past. However, these days, its durability, low environmental impact, and nutritional worth are all praised. This cuisine is available in a variety of forms, sizes, and flavours, ranging from small teff grains to pearl millet that resembles quinoa. This is how it offers an abundance of gastronomic options.
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newshansindia · 7 months
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healthinsurance18 · 8 months
Discover The Benefits Of 4 Types Of Millets For A Healthier You 
Do you want to keep diabetes at bay while eating healthy? Various types of millets can help you achieve exactly that. Continue reading!
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kisanofindia · 1 year
Millets Products: कैसे मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स की ट्रेनिंग दे रहा कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र? डॉ. रश्मि लिंबू से बातचीत
से���त का खज़ाना हैं मोटे अनाज
मिलेट्स यानी तरह-तरह के मोटे अनाजों की पौष्टिकता के बारे में कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र लोगों में जागरुकता फैला रहे हैं। साथ ही मिलेट्स प्रॉडक्ट्स से जुड़ी Millets Products Processing की ट्रेनिंग भी दे रहे हैं। इसके बारे में हमने जाना डॉक्टर रश्मि लिंबू से।
मिलेट्स (Millets) सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होते हैं, मगर हर किसी को इसका स्वाद नहीं भाता है। अब रागी (Ragi – Finger millet) को ही ले लीजिए, बहुत पौष्टिक है मगर बच्चों को इसकी रोटी नहीं भाती। हां, अगर इसके चिप्स या बिस्किट (Chips or Biscuits) मिल जाए, तो उसे बड़े चाव से खाते हैं।
यही वजह है कि कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, पौड़ी, गढ़वाल न सिर्फ ग्रामीण महिलाओं को मिलेट्स के फायदे गिना रहा है, बल्कि मिलेट्स से कई तरह के मूल्य संवर्धन उत्पाद बनाना भी सिखा रहा है, ताकि ये महिलाएं आत्मनिर्भर बन सकें।
कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र की इस पहल के बारे में किसान ऑफ इंडिया के संवाददाता सर्वेश बुंदेली ने बाद कि वैज्ञानिक डॉक्टर रश्मि लिंबू से।
महिलाओं को जागरुक करने का काम
डॉ. रश्मि लिंबू ने बताया कि उनका केंद्र ग्रामीण महिलाओं को न्यूट्रिशन एजुकेशन के तहत मिलेट्स यानी मोटे अनाज के फायदों के बारे में जानकारी दे रहा है। उन्हें बताया जा रहा है कि ये अनाज सेहत के लिए कितने फायदेमंद होते हैं। उनका कहना है कि आजकल लोग चावल और गेहूं ही खा रहे हैं, जबकि अपने क्षेत्र में उगने वाले मोटे अनाज का सेवन कम कर रहे हैं, तो ऐसे में उनका केंद्र महिलाओं को बता रहा हैं कि मिलेट्स कितना पौष्टिक है और इसे उन्हें रोज़ अपने भोजन में शामिल करना चाहिए।
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मूल्य संवर्धन उत्पादों का प्रशिक्षण
ग्रामीण महिलाओं को मिलेट्स के फायदे गिनाने के साथ ही कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, पौड़ी, गढ़वाल महिलाओं को मूल्य संवर्धन उत्पाद बनाने का प्रशिक्षण भी दे रहा है। दरअसल, मिलेट्स को सीधे तौर पर खाना या सिर्फ उसकी रोटी खाना लोगों को पसंद नहीं आता, इसलिए इसका मूल्य संवर्धन उत्पाद बनाकर ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा लोगों की थाली तक इसे पहुंचाया जा सकता है।
डॉ. रश्मि बताती हैं कि कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र में महिलाओं को अलग-अलग तरह के मोटे अनाज से कई चीज़ें बनानी सिखाई जाती है। जैसे मंडुए की नमकीन और कुकीज़ बनाने की ट्रेनिंग दी जाती है। झंगोरा के पापड़ बनाना सिखाया जाता है। इसी तरह सभी मोटे अनाज से मूल्य संर्वधन उत्पाद बनाने की ट्रेनिंग महिलाओं को दी जाती है। यहां अलग-अलग ब्लॉक से महिलाएं सीखने आती हैं।
और पढ़ें.....
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bemillety · 1 year
7 Reasons to Include Millets Daily Diet
Read Top 7 Reasons to Eat Millets Everyday to learn how to incorporate millet-based food products by BeMillety into your daily diet.
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Millets, small-seeded grasses grown in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa, provide 97% of the world's millet. These grains are nutrient-dense, abundant in fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and require less soil fertility and water.
Millets have numerous health benefits, including weight loss, blood sugar stability, immunity, cardiovascular disease prevention, blockage of allergies, digestion, and antioxidant properties. Millet is also beneficial for diabetes, weight loss, and heart patients due to its high nutritional content, gluten-free nature, and lower glycemic index.
Incorporating millet into your diet can help maintain energy levels, lower blood sugar levels, strengthen immunity, block allergies, promote digestion, and help remove pollutants. Millet is also a great option for weight loss, as it can help reduce the BMI of obese people and promote long-term weight loss.
There are several types of millets, including kangni, ragi, bajra, kutki, and other key crop species. Kangni millet is high in protein and complex carbs, regulating blood sugar fluctuations, lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol, and raising good (HDL) cholesterol.
Finger millet, also known as ragi, is a healthier cereal option, rich in protein and amino acids, and helps children's growth and brain function. Bajra, or pearl millet, is beneficial for enhancing general health, promoting weight reduction, and managing diabetes.
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sanjayiglesias · 1 year
Types of Millets in Hindi :- जानिए हिंदी में मिलेट के प्रकार, जिनसे मिलता है स्वास्थ्य लाभ और आहारिक रोचकता। इस आलेख में आपको मिलेगा। पढ़ें इनके बारे में जानें।
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heybappa · 2 years
Types of Millets their Benefits to the Present and Future World
Types of Millets their Benefits to the Present and Future World
The Central government has recently formulated an action plan to promote exports of types of millets. The government has planned to facilitate participation of exporters, farmers, and traders in 16 international trade expos and Buyer Seller Meet for exports and promotion of Indian millets across the globe. What is the plan to promote Millets • According to the action plan, Indian missions…
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apologies if this is outside your scope but do you have any advice on making anthro species cuisine reflect the diets of the animal they are based on, while still having the level of depth that human cuisine has?
oh, i love fantasy cuisine as a concept. It might help to research the diet and then also research human foods with similar ingredients, especially if you can find historical dishes from the area those ingredients originated in!
there are some food types that show up in many different cultures, which can serve as a basis for making fantasy foods.
soups!! making broth is as simple as boiling things in water for a really long time, and broth is the basis for pretty much all soups. it's not limited to meat broths! vegetable broth is also a thing that exists. soup just needs Liquid and Food Chunks. it's very easy.
bread! there are so many different forms of bread in so many cultures. wheat, rye, millet, corn, almond; pretty much any grain or nut (and even other things!) can be turned into flour, and that can be made into some form of "bread" depending on how far you stretch the definition of bread. tortillas, naan, rolls, biscuits, dumplings, etc etc. pan fried, oil fried, baked, boiled, whatever. yeast not required.
alcohol. honestly, one of the most common things in the world. wild animals get inebriated from eating fermented fruit all the time. they could most certainly make alcohol if they were sapient enough to do it on purpose.
preserved foods! pickled things, jams, jerky, fermentation, etc. finding ways to keep food safe for long periods or time is very important in pretty much every culture, and some foods require long term preservation methods to become edible in the first place, like fermented shark.
herbs and spices! number one way to make food more interesting. salt is a bare minimum: a lot of animals seek out salt as a dietary supplement! though your non-primate people species may not be able to eat things like garlic and spicy peppers (since they tend to make most animals sick) there will probably be other flavorful herbs and spices they can add to their food.
I hope that's helpful for you! good luck!
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tightwadspoonies · 10 months
Eating Well
If you are someone who struggles to figure out what to eat, this post may help.
There is a lot of information out there about eating well. It's important to know it's not as complicated as most guides try to make it. The following is a simple way of looking at food adapted from David Werner's Where There Is No Doctor:
You need a main food, or foods. A "Main Food" is one or more starch bases, like pasta/noodles, bread/tortilla/biscuits, hominy, rice, potatoes, taro, millet, barley, or another grain or starchy tuber.
These are usually cheap and should make up a majority of your calories. They often also provide an amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.
However, living on starchy bases alone is not adequate. To them, you need to add at least one or two each of "Go Foods", "Grow Foods" and "Glow Foods" every day.
"Go Foods" are energy foods. They are things like oils, fats, peanuts, other nuts, oily seeds (like sesame and sunflower), and sugars (like granulated sugar, honey, maple syrup, and fruit juices). Eat more of these if you are doing heavy work. They can also replace some of your Main Food, though they are often somewhat more expensive.
"Grow Foods" are foods that build muscle and other body tissues and heal injuries. They include animal foods (like meat, eggs, milk, and fish), legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils), and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, melon, etc...).
"Glow Foods" are foods that contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. These include dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collards, turnip greens, radish greens, etc...), orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, winter squash of any kind, etc...), fruits (apples, pears, berries, quince, etc...) and other vegetables (turnips, radishes, summer squash, onions, cabbage, etc...), herbs and spices (chili powder, garlic, cumin, thyme, oregano, sage, cinnamon, etc...).
Example meals (each meal does not need to contain all types of foods, as long as someone is eating some of each every day):
A rice bowl (Main) with vegetable (Glow) and bean (Grow) curry (Glow).
Oatmeal (Main) with whole or coconut milk (Go, Grow) and berries (Glow)
Spaghetti (Main) with tomato sauce (Glow) and meatballs (Grow)
Tapioca pudding (Main, Grow, Go) with cinnamon and nutmeg (Glow)
Farrow (Main) with stewed tomatoes (Glow) and olive oil (Go)
Zucchini boats (Glow) with black beans (Grow), rice (Main) and cheese (Go, Grow)
Baked potato (Main) with broccoli (Glow) and cheese (Go, Grow)
Potato (Main) and spinach (Glow) curry (Glow)
Whole fat yogurt (Grow, Go), granola (Main, Go), and berries (Glow)
Peanut butter (Go, Grow) and jam (Go, Glow) on toast (Main)
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somik-severinka · 2 years
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What is included mod:
Basic game
Home delivery
19 different mega-healthy dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner
5 types of smoothies from berries and fruits for a snack
All food has a negative calorie content and develops a healthy lifestyle
A specially designed system of 7 ready-made meal kits for every day of the week
You can choose your own diets for vegetarians or sims with lactose intolerance, thanks to convenient sorting in the order menu and an expanded description of each dish
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Diet for every day
If the program is followed, you can get rid of 3-5 extra kilograms in a week. If you want a more tangible and quick effect- connect sports, for example, jogging in the morning
If the sim does not need to lose weight, but only to maintain weight, you can add to the diet or replace part of the "normal" food or drinks with calories
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Breakfast Omelet with Spinach and fresh Cucumbers
Lunch Steamed Salmon and fresh Vegetables
Dinner Salad of Peppers and string Beans
Snack Smoothie with Banana
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Breakfast Oatmeal Porridge with Berries and Nuts
Lunch Grilled Steak and baked Red Pepper
Dinner Greek Salad
Snack Smoothie with Blueberry
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Breakfast Fruit Salad with Strawberries
Lunch Bean and Vegetable Soup
Dinner Vegetable Salad with Chicken and Oranges
Snack Smoothie with Kiwi
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Breakfast Omelet with Vegetables and Grilled Zucchini
Lunch Grilled Tilapia and steamed Vegetables
Dinner Greek Salad
Snack Smoothie with Raspberry
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Breakfast Millet Porridge with Nuts
Lunch Meat Stew in tomato sauce and steamed Broccoli
Dinner Pumpkin Soup-puree with Seeds
Snack Smoothie with Strawberry
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Breakfast Omelet with Spinach and fresh Cucumbers
Lunch Broccoli Soup-puree
Dinner Fish Salad with Carrots and Peas
Snack Smoothie with Kiwi
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Breakfast Barley Porridge with Blueberries
Lunch Chicken stewed with Beans and Green Salad
Dinner Mushroom Soup-puree
Snack Smoothie with Raspberry
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The mod is compatible with any other mods and deliveries by other authors
Early Access "Patron of S&S+Bonus" October 20
Early Access "Patron of S&S" on October 27
🔓Public release on November 9
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buindia · 6 months
If you wish to consume millet, then you need to explore different millets types first. Each type of this superfood has plenty of health benefits.
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coldxperience · 2 months
Emperor's Smile | 天子笑
How could I not make a post regarding Wei Wuxian's love for alcohol, more precisely about the iconic Emperor's Smile.
What is the Emperor's Smile:
Emperor's Smile (天子笑, Tiānzǐ Xiào) is a liquor sold in the city of Gusu where the Lan Sect is located.
The Wei Wuxian's Emperor Smile Tea is a black tea infused with Burbon, Rooibos, Ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, cornflowers, calendula, and vanilla. It has a very faint smoky flavor and when you drink it, it takes you to the burial grounds. Lan Wangji describes the taste as fragrant and mellow.
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Emperor's Smile history in MDZS:
Although liquor is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses, as a student Wei Wuxian repeatedly breaks curfew to smuggle Emperor's Smile into the residence to share with his friends (Jiang Cheng & Nie Huaisang).
At the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian and Uncle Four agree that Emperor's Smile is indisputably the best wine they have tasted.
After Wei Wuxian's death, Lan Wangji purchases Emperor's Smile and drinks it for the first time. Though he does not like the taste, he understands why Wei Wuxian does.
Lan Wangji then keeps seven or eight jars of Emperor's Smile hidden beneath a floorboard in his room. However, upon his return to the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian promptly discovers and drinks two jars of the wine, and refills them with water as a prank. This turns ironic later when Lan Wangji fetches Wei Wuxian two jars to drink, yet the two jars are water-filled jars. Lan Xichen, notably, sees the alcohol and allows it despite the rule against drinking.
After returning to the Cloud Recesses as a married couple, Lan Wangji keeps Emperor's Smile in the Jingshi for Wei Wuxian to drink.
I somehow want to assume Emperor’s Smile is Baijiu (���酒), a Chinese liquor (or grain spirits). It is a colorless liquor typically coming in between 35% and 60% alcohol by volume (ABV).
It is distilled from various grains like sorghum, rice, wheat, corn, and/or millet. Every kind of baijiu uses its own type of qū for fermentation to create a distinct and characteristic flavor profile.
The four main "types" are defined as the rice aroma (a floral, light flavor), light aroma (a sweet, floral taste), sauce aroma (a sharp taste akin to soy sauce), and strong aroma (spicy and fruity).
Prices vary a lot depending on where you live and the brand, it can go as cheap as a can of beer up to thousands.
Note: I don’t have that much knowledge of alcohol as I rarely drink, so I tried my best by doing research.
▷MDZS Home Page
[ completed ; 13/07/2024 ]
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harleyquilt · 4 months
Interactions between me and my partner that remind me of Touken/Kanetou:
Touka: I need to go now
Kaneki: But I didn't get to finish talking
Touka: It's ok, I don't mind
Kaneki: no...that's not...
Touka, playing a game: you lil bitch, leave already. Everyone hates you and no one wants you here.
Kaneki: ...aren't you playing animal crossing?
Kaneki: *tells a joke*
Touka: that wasn't funny
Kaneki: ok ;_;
Kaneki: *cuddles touka in bed*
Touka: ^_^
Kaneki, after 5 mins: *throws her off the bed*
Touka: -_-
Kaneki: :D
Kaneki: *spends 10 minutes telling Touka different types of millet*
Touka: ...ok
Kaneki: don't you think it's interesting?
Touka: ....um...no
Kaneki: why not??
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 5 months
Here is an post of one of my OCs Saturnia! Full Description of her is below!
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Full Name: Saturnia
Nicknames: Nia, Our Outer Space Friend, Alien Girl, Adonia (Human guise)
Gender: Female
Species: Alien (Stellaxian)
Body Type: Tall, Curvy, Slightly medium hips
Hair Color: Blue with purple accents
Eye Color: Black with stars on each opposite side.
Age: 15 (Earth age), 150 (True Age)
Height: 174.08 cm
Sexuality: ???
Occupation: None
Homeland: Lives in a planet that looks like Saturn, but is more blue-greenish. It is called Stellaxia.
Birthday: June 17th
Family: Titanio (Father), Narvia (Mother; deceased)
Favorite Color: Purple and Blue
Favorite Food: Eats about anything, but mostly likes ice cream, hamburgers, salads, and cookies.
Likes: Learning about Earth, stars, space, boba tea (especially the galaxy one), grape soda, literature (especially the sci-fi ones), sampling cuisines, going on adventures with her friends, sci-fi shows and movies on Earth, cooking, space music, butterflies and moths, inventions, the planet Saturn
Dislikes: Her father upset, wars, invasions, praying mantises, her inventions failing, seeing the Earth or her planet in harm or threatened, eating expired food, awful sounds or smells, someone stepping on her tail, flies, cockroaches, anyone insulting the things she loves
Fears: Losing her friends or her father, losing her home planet or the Earth, cockroaches, wars (The last war back from her planet traumatized her), becoming evil, dissection (she had learned what humans would do to other aliens if they were caught, although that doesn’t stop her from making friends with or protecting humans.)
Personality: Kind, helpful, highly intelligent, curious, loves to learn, loyal, faithful
Powers: High Intelligence (She is an alien after all), can sense with her antennas, and stomach any food, even raw ones (except for expired or real old food), skilled inventor, can change her language
Facts: -Saturnia shares her love of space like my other OC Itsuki/Galaxy Girl.
-Despite having a big liking for Earth, her favorite planet is Saturn because of its rings.
-Her mother, Narvia, died from an unknown illness when she was seven years old.
- She came to Earth to learn more about it after learning it also has life like her planet.
-She likes to tie her hair into buns because they look like planets.
- She rides on a U.F.O her other alien friend Millete and their families made for her on her 13th birthday.
-While she loves her father Titanio, she is a bit uncomfortable about his overprotectiveness after her mother’s death.
- She has a GINORMOUS appetite, can eat any food, even raw ones. Her kind has two stomachs with strong acid to digest their food more, and they can eat up to 9 million calories. Despite their crazy appetites, they have no hunger pains or the need to feel hunger, so they can hold on to their appetites easily. However, she cannot stomach expired foods, she tried a can of tuna that was 10 years old and ended up throwing it back up into a gross, greenish, slightly digested mess.
-She shares her love of stars and space from her late mother.
-Saturnia has an old star-alien-bunny plushie her late mother made for her when she was a baby. She still holds on to it to keep her close to her. She named it “Mr. Starbun”.
-Being a highly intelligent alien, she is very skilled at inventing, she has made lasers and galactic weapons for defense. Despite being intelligent, she still needs to learn more about some stuff more on Earth, such as trying to learn how things on Earth works.
- She does not enjoy having her tail stepped on, it is very sensitive. Her kind’s tails also have a nerve that is connected to their spines and their brains.
- She is terrified of wars, it was back when her kind was on a brutal war with another species from another planet, she was young back then, the sight of dead corpses of the species and hers, as well as the blood splattered across her face from one being killed and the thought of her family suffering the same fate had left her a crying, traumatized mess. Her father and her family managed to help her recover after the war, but she had never forgotten about the horrible war.
-She is against alien invasions as well, she believes that planets are meant to be learned and discovered, not invaded and conquered. As such she will defend the Earth and her home planet from evil alien conquerors with her spaceship.
-She can feel senses with her antennas, she doesn’t have a nose so she can sense smell with her antennas as well as her hearing. Her antennas are sensitive to loud hearing and awful smells can make her want to vomit.
-She enjoys biology on Earth, her favorite science parts are zoology and astrology.
-She has interest in insects, her favorite one are the butterflies and moths due to their colors and patterns on their wings and having antennas too. That said, she does not like flies as they start to get on her alien nerves, cockroaches gross her out and give her the creeps.
- Saturnia will often call her family to check up on them on one of her inventions that looks like a phone when on Earth. She lets them know she is alright, but she still needs to make sure her father doesn’t get too worried about her on Earth.
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bemillety · 1 year
Super Healthy and Tasty Millet Recipes
Millet recipes are a popular way to incorporate millets, which are ancient grain with a rich nutritional profile. Major millets, such as pearl millet (bajra), are widely produced in Southeast Asia and Africa, with India being a top producer. These grains are easily digestible and gluten-free, making them a healthier alternative to wheat.
Millet recipes can be made with ragi, jowar, and bajra, husked grains. These millets are also beneficial for diabetics as they digest slowly and do not raise blood sugar levels quickly. Due to contemporary culinary innovations, major millets are used in hearty snacks and millet meals, such as ragi dosas, khichdi, and bajra tarts.
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Read Top Healthy and Tasty Millet Recipe to learn all the delicious recipes and know more about the health benefits of millet. BeMilley is a brand providing millet-based food products all around India. Buy Jowar flakes online along with many other millet-based food products like jowar idli mix, and jowar idli rava online.
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