#ty lc for the idea :))
sohaoying · 2 months
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chillin with cal
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
quick quick send me bellas
fastest answer in the west (7 hours)
uhhhh heres an ingame one. and then some random ones i have
both for creature!!!! and reference purposes
(and for more ref purposes: eyes are a lime color. hue 90 but ive been gravitating towards 80 so)
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Not snez related but ma//hoyo getting an English release is SO huge you have no idea. Visual novels as a medium get treated like shit in the west, and so many never even get officially translated. The only VNs vaguely popular in the english speaking fandom are like maybe ace atto//rney and sigh I guess dd//lc. I've seen so many people think of VNs as just dating sims with self insert protags when that's only a small part of VNs as a medium. But that's mostly bc a large portion of VNs available in English currently ARE dating sims with self insert protags. Even big name VNs with official English releases like stei//ns gate, umi//neko and the like are only popular in VN circles. This specifically is the first of ty//pe-moon's VNs to be translated which is huge. You guys know how much I'm into gil when like the thing is right despite how massively popular the fate franchise is the original VN by TM that started it has no official English release
Obviously I won't tell you to buy something you have no interest in but if you have any interest in fate or ace atto//rney and want to see more stories like them, to see the source material of anime you love get translated, please consider buying this game to show the companies that there is an interest in VNs as a medium outside of Japan
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heartslobbf · 3 years
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hello tumblr dot com i made a ghosts episodes tierlist and you can make your own using my template right here!!!!
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skullzy20 · 4 years
I’ll throw a few ideas out there how bout.. drawing your fav lunch club or misfits member, or even a moment from a video that’s your favorite? More ocs or sonas, with color pallets or other challenges? Draw the squad memes are fun too! Uhhh that’s all I can think of! Hope these get some ideas going! -fang
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
My-mt I HOPE AK or someone from TWD finds your 11A reimagined. You should be a consultant for that show. This is way better than what we got in 11A.
Tying Maggie in with the Reapers makes no sense. It is like they are using her character to introduce the Reapers. Because TF can only get involved if it includes one of them, right? And personally, I know Lauren Cohan has her gripes with AMC about her pay and probably her screentime so it just feels like they gave her this story for that reason only. Which is annoying because it served no purpose for her character. I love the idea of her and Negan trying to co-exist in Alexandria. Maybe him teaching Maggie the way of the Whisperers was supposed to play up to that purpose. But I agree! I would much rather see Carol and Daryl bickering with each other on the mission for food than two foes who do not trust each other. The emotional impact for me with their dynamic was over in season 9. Yes! Gabriel needed an encounter with Pope, because the latter seems much more in tune with God's workings despite his antagonism towards his own people than Gabriel does. Now that would have been juicy writing! I agree, I didn't know Frost. But I could not bring myself to watch what happened to him without it affecting me. It hurt still. I enjoyed Connie storyline with Virgil. I didn't think it needed a whole episode though.
That knife! Yes, it needs to come into play especially if Leah is going to be around for a while longer. And Leah glaring at Carol as that fiery contraption aims right for them is spectacular! Each point could be a chapter for a really good fanfic!
Yeah…most showrunners aim to hire writers who believe in their vision, not shit all over it haha Not that that’s my intention. But thank you for the compliment :) If more screen time for LC was the goal, that could’ve easily been accomplished at Alexandria and the tension/paranoia between Maggie and Negan wouldn’t feel so forced.
Hehe now I’m totally imagining Daryl’s and Gabriel’s awkward conversation. “Sorry about your finger.” “Like losing an eye wasn’t bad enough!!” It’s not personal, Gabe. I just needed a stronger connection.
The Connie and Virgil story was my favorite part of the block, don’t get me wrong. I just feel like it could’ve tied into the larger story somehow.
That knife is going down as the biggest missed opportunity in the history of the entire show. Sigh…
This really does need to be a fic, doesn’t it? If only I had time lol
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sunscreenstudies · 4 years
hey ik this is random but I was scrolling thru the leaving cert tag and saw your post abt your results. Firstly congrats (even if it is 3 years late haha), secondly I’m currently in 6th year and was wondering if I could ask for some English advice? I’m looking to go up a grade (h3->h2) and was wondering if you have any particular tips for studying english, the exam, technique, or for literally anything relevant to the subject. There’s no pressure to answer this, ty either way :)))
Hey! Thank you so much for the ask and i am so sorry i’ve only gotten round to it now XD
LC English tips below!
Okay so it’s been a while since I did the LC but if things are more or less the same, then you’ve got your three texts to answer a question on.
Tip #1: Even though there is an awful lot to learn, you just need to remember key words, and you’ll sail through! 
In the comparative, you need to compare your texts in every. single. paragraph. You could write a fantastic essay, but if you don’t say “In comparison to this…” “Text 2 however differs from this…” “Similarly…” “The two texts are different in the sense that…” etc. you will get zero marks at all.
When answering your poetry question, you need to keep referring to the style of the poet. Every past poetry question can be broken down into two simple questions: What did the poet write about? and how did they say it? If you can answer both these questions on every poem you learn, you’ll do great! 
Also, do not learn any more than 5 poems per poet and don’t learn any more than 5 poets to begin with. This covers you completely no matter who appears on the day!
Tip #2: Please please pleaseee remember that for the comphrehension section, you must answer one question A and one question B from two different texts! If you answer from the same text you will get 0 and worse than that, this section is worth 12.5% of your total paper which means you will be down an entire grade immediately.
The length of your answer needs to correspond to the marks going for that question. In question A you usually have three parts, worth 15m, 15m, and 20m. Your 20 mark answer must be longer than your 15 mark questions.
For every 5 marks a question is worth, you need 1 A4-page pararaph. Unless you’ve got tiny writing, this is usually 5 to 7 lines of the page.
Your teacher has undoubtedly told you all about timing and “don’t spend any longer than 40 minutes on your question A” and yea they have a point, to an extent. I spent about an hour answering my question A and then sailed through question B because for me, I found the second question a lot easier to answer. Don’t panic if you don’t stick to the “recommended time” because every single person is different and what you find easy might be difficult for someone else.
In saying that, if you are spending loadsss of time on one particular section and you can feel the clock ticking, then move the heck on. Take a deep breath, leave a blank page for yourself to come back to that question later, and start your next part. Every question has a finite amount of marks, so no matter how brilliant your 20 mark answer is, you can only ever get 20 marks for it, and if that answer came at the expense of not getting question B done at all, then you’re down a grade already.
Tip #3: They want your opinion. Let me repeat that. They want your opinion. No matter what the heck they ask you, whether it’s about poetry or your novel or a Shakespearean text, the examiner will be checking to see what you thought of the text. I know firsthand how weird writing things like “In my opion...” or “I believe that...” but this is how you get the marks. Don’t lose the H2 you’re aiming for cause you’re feeling a bit awkward. After the exam, that feeling will never matter again, but your grade will!
Link every single paragraph in every single answer. This doesn’t have to be complicated, you don’t even need to write an entire sentence. Just start every new paragraph with phrases like “However...” or  “Therefore...” or “In contrast to this...”. If you don’t link your paragraphs, the examiner will think that you don’t know what you’re talking about and that you have no opinion of your own (see Tip #3) so use those joining phrases!
Tip #4: For that letter/article/diary entry question B, make sure that whatever part of it you answer, you know the layout for that style. Reports must have a title, introduction, work carried out, findings, suggestions, recommendations, and conclusion sections. Essays need to have a clear introduction, 5+ paragraphs, and closing. Even diary entries should begin with ‘Dear Diary’ which physically causes me pain to write, but it’s what gets you the marks!
Letters are the most asked question B but the most diffuclt to get good marks in. First things first: Figure out if it’s formal or informal. Formal will be editors, principals, government, or anyone that you would address as “sir” or “ma’am” in real life. Informal will be your friends, close family members, penpals, or anyone you’d hug goodbye and laugh with in real life.
Formal letters begin with your own name in the right hand corner of the page, with your own address directly below it. Skip a line, and then write the date below it, always in the format of “01 January 2020″ and be sure to check the question for any hint about what this date should be. If you’re writing a letter to your boss asking about organising a staff barbarcue for staff morale, then you wouldn’t date it in the middle of December, right? Sign off with something professional like “Kind regards” or “Thank you for your time”
Informal letters begin with your own address on the top right-hand corner of the page but do not write your name! It’s an informal letter to your friend; they know who you are.  Skip a line, and then write the date below it, always in the format of “01 January 2020″ and pay attention to the time of year again. Sign off with something casual like “see you later!” or “talk soon!”
Tip #5: Section 2′s composing section is worth an entire 25% of your paper. If you want to get a good grade, you need to get a good grade in this. If you’re aiming for a H2, then you need to get a H2 in this section minimum.
Your essay  should be between 4 to 6 pages, or 1000 to 1250 words. At least.
Always open with a quote, a rhetorical question, or a shocking statistic. I went online the night before my Paper One exam, and wrote down 10 quotes from well-known people about the most popular topics in life, eg. Education, Love, Money, Travelling, Death, Youth & Aging, etc. and just learnt them off in half an hour. I ended up using three of them on the day, and you have no idea the relief you feel when you’re guaranteed that at least one thing in your composition will get you marks!
Take an entire A4 page and plan your essay before you start. Not only is it just common sense and super helpful to get all your ideas down before you forget them, but if you run out of time for whatever reason, then the examiner will be able to see what you were planning to write, and will give you an extra mark or two. Your plan doens’t have to be complicated and you definitely shouldn’t spend any longer than 5 minutes on it. Just throw down a few words, organise them based on paragraph, and then start writing.
And finally (i’m so sorry that you had to read all that) remain calm! No matter what happens, whether you get a H1 or a H7, as long as you do your best then no one can say anything to you! You are more than your grade and you are more than some English exam that won’t matter in ten years anyway. Stay calm, always put your mental and physical health first, and remember that this paper is not the end all be all of anything. You’ve got this.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
New challenge and program time!
Oct. 24
I woke up around 8AM.
After updating my fit log and watching some YouTube, I got going with my exercises.
First, today’s DD. 20 (alt.) raised leg push-ups with EC. Very manageable, not amazing form. But acceptable.
Second, Day 1 of the Yoga Abs Challenge. Figured this was a nice challenge to do after that yoga program. 3 sets: 20″ boat pose + 20″ knee hug. Given that rest time wasn’t specified, I guess the knee hugs served as such. It was fun to have enough control/coordination to smoothly go between the 2 positions. Pretty breezy load for right now!
Last, Day 1 of the TEN Program. This was a fun way to start the program and I dig it’s premise. I’m super happy I managed to get in exactly 7 sets in the 10′ duration! I’ll be using that as my measurement for the whole thing. Mighta done 0.5-1 more if I didn’t have a few moments of spacing out. (Also got myself a bit dizzy during the torso twists, pffft. But yeah, it was enjoyable!)
After a bit of time on YouTube and what not, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Nacho-rific loaded potato wedges. I rather liked how this one turned out. I would be willing to make it again! (Guacamole is just so damn good.)
After dishes , I set out do some more drawing/streaming (and chatting)- working on Imposter!Remus.
Got to bed in the red zone a bit later than yesterday.
Oct. 25
I woke up around 10AM.
After doing some dishes and poking around the tubes, I got in my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 30 jump squats with EC. Just about manageable.
Second, Day 2 of the YAC. 3x20″ superman holds, with 20″ rest. I’m not really of habit to use my cellphone much - but having it was useful for this one for a timer. Left lats had a bit of tension, this time around. (But being careful/gentle helps.)
Last, Day 2 of TEN. I managed 7 sets in the duration, too. This definitely worked up a sweat for me, Had to mind my right Achilles a bit here, but I managed this pace well.
After some chatting and watching Airplane with a friend, got back to working on Imposter!Remus (streaming and chatting).
Got to bed in the red zone a bit later than yesterday.
Oct. 26
I woke up around 11AM.
After a bit of YouTube, one of the first things I did today was exercise (and oof, my quads are a bit stiff/sore.)
First, today’s DD. 1′ jumping jacks with EC. Counted 66 reps by the end, very doable at that pace.
Second, Day 3 of the YAC. 3 sets: 20″ boat pose + 20″ knee hug. Pretty straightforward and breezy.
Last, Day 3 of TEN. Arm day. Counted 7 sets in the duration. Decided to finish the 8th a bit overtime, because I was in the middle of it when timer went off. There were definitely moments where I wanted to drop the arms for any meaningful amount of time and moments where i was having second thoughts about my pace. But I managed alright. Arms are probably going to be hella sore.
After some dishes, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Creamy Parmesan chicken spaghetti. It was pretty tasty. Especially when eaten fresh (doesn’t handle reheating very well). I love fresh basil. Not off table to revisit.
After hitting the showers and more dishes, got to finishing drawing/streaming Imposter!Remus.
Got to bed a bit earlier than yesterday, but still in the red.
Oct. 27
I woke up around noon, today.
I had to prep some notes for my psych appointment today. Went alright, shared more of my art. Transportation ran pretty late, understandable circumstances. (I just wish I’d knew about that sooner... since I was thinking about running to a convenience store after appointment. Ah well. Music is nice.)
Got home, did some organizing stuff and ate some burritos before exercising.
First, today’s DD. 40 seagulls with EC. I went  with 20/20, save my elbows more abrasion. Pretty intense, but manageable.
Second, Day 4 of the YAC. 3x20″ superman holds, with 20″ rest. I had trepidation due to having a full  stomach, but I needed to get this done. Slowing the breathing helped a bit (less repetitive pressure on stomach that way,) But I did have to fight some indigestion.
Last, Day 4 of TEN. Ab day. Managed 6 sets in the duration, finished the 7th set overtime (because I was already half the way through). This got pretty intense. But I managed okay. (Also aggravated stomach slightly.)
I then started drawing/streaming some Gravity Falls fan art.
Got to bed a bit earlier than yesterday, but still in the red.
Oct. 28
I woke up around 11:30 AM.
Went to Seeking Safety Group and it went okay. Transit agency had a hiccup and my homebound trip was delayed. Understandable circumstances. Wish I gave LC/them my cell number, so I coulda went to the convenience store while I was waiting. Probably. But nbd.
First, today’s DD. 2′ arm scissors with EC. I counted 243 reps by the end. I’m happy I managed to keep a 2/sec pace and it was fun.
Second, Day 5 of the YAC. 3 sets: 25″ boat pose + 25″ knee hug. The only hard part was tying to stay focused on the timer and stay on cue. I think I’m going to have an interval timer set up, going forward. Because I don’t want to be doing mental math while doing this. Also harder with sore abs. :P
Last, Day 5 of TEN. Tendon strengthening Day. Did about 2 sets before realizing I didn’t set the timer. After setting it, I managed 6 sets in the duration (3/3). Tough since those tendons were a bit tender/sore from recent workouts.
(Everything is sore, and I’m amused.)
Got to finishing that Gravity Falls drawing/stream afterwards. Because tired, I managed to get to bed in the yellow zone, tonight.
Oct. 29
I woke up around 10AM.
After a bit of time browsing stuff, I went to my dental appointment. Got some more fillings done. Still not super pleasant an affair. But I just try to basically focus on the light in front of me and my airway. The suction/vacuum device with the dam + bite block helps a lot with it... but probably the most unpleasant sensation was some spit/irrigation dribbles down throat.
Had tech difficulties with my phone. But after I got home, I got some frozen coffee and chilled a bit. Then I did my exercise. (Was a bit chilly, but this helped get me warmed up.)
First, today’s DD. 40 scissors with EC. This was just about manageable.
Second, Day 6 of the YAC. 3x25″ superman holds, with 25″ rest. Not the best idea after chugging a large iced coffee. But I managed to get through it by the skin of my teeth.
Last, Day 6 of TEN. Cardio. Counted exactly 8 circuits completed in the given time. Did have to take a few seconds in between them for a breather - but I’m happy I managed to reach at least 7. Mixed up the transitions between jumping into/out of plank or stepping. Got me right winded.
After making some dinner, I got started on another drawing/stream - this time some more Roman fan art (a la Rocky Horror Picture Show.)
After the stream, I had a lot of problems making lemonade that just pissed me off and exhausted me (even if it did force me to get around to mopping kitchen floor). Partly as a result, I got to bed hours later than yesterday - in the red zone.
Oct. 30
I woke up around noon.
After a bit of Youtube and doing some dishes, I did today’s DD (only planned exercise since active rest day). 1′ climbers with EC. I counted 132 reps by the end. Not too shabby, got modestly winded by the end.
After getting pretty squirrely about waiting for it to arrive, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Firecracker meatballs, again. This week was pre-picked selections due to a menu change I wasn’t able to respond to in time. This is a pretty good recipe though.
After some dishes, I resumed drawing/streaming RHPS!Roman.
Got to bed in the red zone a bit later than yesterday.
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cogentranting · 5 years
I don't know if you've completed JJS3 yet. If you haven't, save this ask for reserve. But what were your thoughts on how they handled Trish's arc in the end? Personally, I think her ending reminded me of Daenerys being screwed over by bad writing on Game of Thrones, if you get my drift.
I’m gonna preface this by saying I know all the stuff about the Daenerys controversy but I don’t watch the show so I’m not gonna weigh in on that. 
I like Trish’s arc a lot. I thought it was very well set up across the three seasons, so it made perfect sense to me that she would have this sort of descent. It’s not abrupt or out of nowhere. You can see in her childhood issues and the complicated relationship with her mother the roots of the ideas which come to consume her. And it’s a pretty clear progression from where she’s at in season 1 to where she ends up in season 3. You’ve got her ideas about what Jessica should be doing with her powers, where she’s a bit self-righteous but mostly correct and then after being attacked (I think she’s attacked? My memory of season 1 isn’t great, it’s been a while) she starts to become more paranoid and become obsessed with protecting herself. And throughout season 1 and 2 (and defenders) she’s fixated on the idea of making a difference in the world, but in a way that is partially focused on being taken seriously. And all that pushing her to the point of killing Jess’s mom in season 2. 
So it’s this really interesting portrayal of someone moving from idealism and wanting to make difference in the world, but giving in to their own trauma and ego and self-righteousness and ending up in a place where they’re angry and feel entitled to do whatever they want, regardless of what anyone else is telling them,. And it’s linked into her childhood with her celebrity creating her ego but also giving her a strong desire to be taken seriously and redefine herself separate from that, and the addiction tying into her sort of getting addicted to the adrenaline, and they sowed seeds of her being jealous of Jessica’s powers, and the abuse in her past relates to her desire to punish people who are doing wrong. Then there’s the whole relationship with her mother where Dorothy created a sense of Trish being dependent on her which made her death even more devastating. And the way that Dorothy shaped Trish as a child where she put so much responsibility on her shoulders (the pressure of “you have to be successful because all our money is in this” etc) and then pushed her to have this ends justifies the means attitude (pushing the other girl out of a part, and all kinds of shady business stuff like that) which helps Trish to feel like she needs to do this crusade and that its justified no matter who gets hurt, so long as the bad guy is punished. The abuse creates this complicated situation when Dorothy dies, where Trish is still somewhat stuck in that abuse victim mindset of wanting the relationship with her mother to be there and not be hurtful, so when the possibility of that is taken away it’s devastating. And her history of addiction shows that she doesn’t have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with trauma (her season 1 reactions go along with this as well). 
So I think that Trish’s fall is very well written, fits really well with everything they established about her character, and is an interesting, engaging story both on it’s own and for the way that it interacts with and creates Jesscia’s story. Ending it with her going to the Raft makes sense once you get to that point. It’s a super depressing end to that story, but it’s not badly written. 
BUT the biggest thing is I feel pretty confident that it wasn’t intended to be the end of her story. JJ season 3 started filming in June 2018. I can’t find a date for when they finished but probably sometime in the fall, around the time that Iron Fist and Daredevil were airing. And the scripts would’ve already been written by the time that those shows premiered. Iron Fist and Luke Cage didn’t cancelled until October. Daredevil didn’t get cancelled til November. So Jessica Jones season 3 wasn’t written to be the final season. Daredevil’s cast talked about their shock at being cancelled, even after IF LC got cancelled, so before any of those? Jessica Jones probably thought it was safe. To me, it looks like the final scene with Jessica in the train station was re-shot/rewritten when they realized that they were probably getting cancelled. Her decision to turn around and go back was pretty abrupt and I think if it were always the intended course to have Jessica almost leave everything behind and run but then decide to stay despite everything it would have been explored for longer than 5 minutes at the end of the episode. To me, it looks like the intent was to leave Malcolm running Alias, Erik trying to do good, so in very dynamic positions (similar to Foggy moving to the big corporate law firm at the end of DD2 while Karen goes to work for the newspaper), have Trish down and out for the moment but with a little glimmer of her future redemption in the way that she seems to be starting to realize the error of her ways at the very end of the season, and then have Jessica run away to Mexico. Season 4 would have started with Jessica having been gone from the city a while, coming back to find Erik and Malcolm having come to be in very different positions, and maybe Jess is drawn back by something going on with them, or by the potential of a way to save Trish, and having to choose not to run even though so many terrible things happen to her. And I think Trish’s redemption would have been explored in that season. But when the other three shows got the axe, Jessica Jones only had time for small changes, so they did the best they could (which is ultimately pretty good, on at least the part of Jessica, Erik and Malcolm) by having the Killgrave moment which is, in my opinion, pretty effective at prompting that last minute decision in Jessica. So just by adding in that moment and having Jessica turn around instead of going to Mexico, they provide a open ending that gives the implication that Jessica is going to reclaim her life and probably reconnect with Erik and Malcolm. And they only had to rewrite/reshoot half a scene. But Trish’s ending  would have required much much bigger changes to have her end up somewhere else. If they have her not go dark side, they sacrifice their climax (both in terms of plot/action, and character arcs for both Jess and Trish). If they have her just go on the run that lessens the effect of Jessica’s choices at the end. If they rush a redemption in the last episode, that cheapens the whole arc and creates a lot of plot holes. So in order to end Jessica’s story well, they had to let Trish’s arc play out as intended even if that made it really sad. 
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axelsthoughts · 5 years
I'm sorry but I'm not too fond of this idea.
It's cool if it's just a unit project that can maybe collab once every 2 years or something, but an entirely new group out the most famous members of their respective groups? No. And here's why:
People are already confused enough with NCT's concept (graduation, rotational, members being in more than 1 unit). And as a czennie, it was already heartbreaking to see NCT Dream promote without Mark and Haechan because of 127 duties but if they make a permanent group with TY, MK, LC, Ten, it'll surely affect 127 and WayV promotions (no matter how much they say it won't, I call bs 😒). Why do I think that? It's because this group will surely hit it off (i mean duh, it's the most famous members) and SM, being money hungry, will definitely capitalize on the group's success, making them put out more (songs, performances, promotions, etc). We'll definitely see 127 without TY and MK and WayV without Ten and LC sooner or later.
But fine, let's say their schedules don't overlap, how would that go? I'm guessing since it's a permanent group they would want to put out at least 1/maximum 2 songs a year, then NCT (127 and WayV) will probably have 2-3 comebacks a year too. 127 also still has their neocity concerts. WayV is travelling back and forth to China. Just imagine how taxing that is for them 😩😩😩😩. At this point, I don't think Mark will ever sleep again.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the collaboration. I think this will be helpful in increasing NCT's popularity (I don't think it would really do much for the sunbaes. Taemin is already one of the best soloist in the kpop scene, Baekhyun is just starting his solo career and is thriving, and Kai is KAI). I just don't like the idea of it being a PERMANENT group.
Ps. I wouldn't oppose to a KaixTaemin unit tho. That's like my middle school dream 😅😅😅
- End of rant -
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lectorel · 6 years
How did they swear their oath? Kneeling in the blood of the first man Prompto killed for Noctis, yes, but what else? What made their oath deeper than any other made to Noctis? What sealed it that made it different from the oaths Galdio and Ignis made, who had known Nooctis longer than Prompto?
To explain that, I have to go into some worldbuilding background.
So! Let’s talk about the crystal. Specifically, the fact that nobody, least of all Bahamut, knows how the fuck it works. The astrals didn’t exactly get advanced warning when the sun fucking went out and everything started turning into daemons.
The secret of the Lucis Caelum line is that the crystal is a magical jury-rigged hell-kludge. It works because nobody fucking touch it. Bahamut needed to empower his healer-savior, and he didn’t have time to do it neatly. He took the biggest, shiniest chunk of magically-resonant stone he could find; shoved all the natural magic he could beg, borrow, or steal into it; added every bit of his own magic he could spare; broke off a chunk and made that into the ring; magically welded the whole mess to the Lucis Caelum line; and then crawled inside it and collapsed.
It’s not really a good idea to have that much magic in one place. Nor is it a great idea to leave it in a huge, high-population density city, where the emotions and passions of the hundreds of thousands of people living there can be absorbed.Or to give it a direct link to the hearts and minds of a group of very stressed-out rulers.
…The LC line has been fucked for along, long time. You have to keep an eye on them. Because human brains – especially young, developing brains – are soft and squishy. The LC go weird sometimes, with the crystal in their heads. (Hence ‘going feral’.) Its the job of shields/advisors/other normal humans to spot the triggers and the warning signs, and pull them back from the edge.
The crystal is not safe and it is not kind, and it will eat you alive if you are not suited to it.
The oath of a shield is a specific, structured thing. All official oaths are. Oaths are essentially magical contracts, laying out what is promised and what can be asked. Designed to protect the ones swearing from being pulled into a LC’s fall, and from the crystal itself.
The covenant Prompto and Noctis made was not one of those oaths. Prompto gave everything to Noctis, without conditions or exceptions. He put his soul in Noctis’ hands. If a formal oath is like tying two ropes together, then the covenant is unweaving ends and splicing them into one. It was reckless and dangerous and incredibly ill-advised. If anything had gone wrong, they both could have died, Prompto overwhelmed by the crystal, and Noctis being pulled down with him.
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l-loneybun · 6 years
July Asks 2018
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omg thank you ! ! ! :> tbh I actually didn’t like this one;; I felt like the hair was off?? but I happened to get another banner idea last night about linde so maybe I’ll redeem myself tonight// ty for the compliment !
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oh wow thank u ! ! I never would have imagined someone would love my art enough to give me heart eyes emojis ahaha // I’m glad you like it ! ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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I’m surprised someone has been watching over me for so long;; ( well, actively, at least :Lc ) and that they enjoy seeing my art and progress;; ahhh thank you for the heartfelt comments ! ! “dreamlike” definitely makes me feel better about my style~ ghkhgd you’re definitely right about the timing thing;; I’ll try to keep it in mind~ ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪)
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radramblog · 4 years
5 Random Pokemon
Had a low energy day today so I’m just going to shit out some bad content, sorry lol
(post-writing this me checking in, haha you thought you weren’t going to put effort into this)
Hitting the ol’ random button 5 times and seeing what pops out is always fun, right? Anyway I’m just gonna do that and give opinions on what pops out.
Kingdra (#230, Water/Dragon)
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Kingdra is the only Dragon type introduced in the second generation of pokemon, and since only the Dratini line were Dragons in Gen 1, it meant the type was still absurdly rare. Despite this, the game has not one but two Dragon specialising bosses, and one of them doesn’t even have one.
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3 Dragonites does not a balanced team make.
Clair’s Kingdra is actually an interesting bit of game design. It’s unique (until Gen 4) Water/Dragon is an excellent defensive typing, having only one weakness (Dragon) since Water shores up Dragon’s Ice weakness and Dragon resists Water’s Grass and Electric weaknesses. The game is designed such that it is extremely unlikely you are able to hit that weakness- while the area on the way in to Blackthorn is full of Ice types (it’s… Ice Path…), Kingdra of course isn’t weak to those, and it’s exceptionally difficult to get a Dragon type or a Dragon move before fighting her. Without trading, you can’t get a Dratini at all before her in Crystal (in Gold and Silver it’s available in the Game Corner, but it’s fairly pricey), and the only other species to get a Dragon move is Kingdra’s preevolutions, Horsea and Seadra. The Dragon move in question, however, is Twister, the weakest one in the game. These limits effectively mean that Clair’s fight is substantially harder than Kingdra’s solid but not groundbreaking stats would suggest.
After you fight Clair, you get immediate access to tools that would have made the fight easier- she gives you the Dragonbreath TM so at least one of your party can deal with them, and Dragon’s Den is not only home to wild Dratini and Dragonair but also has a Dragon Scale, letting you evolve Seadra into Kingdra. In essence, you’ve proven you can beat Dragons, so now you can play with them yourself.
Vullaby (#629, Dark/Flying)
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Vullaby, the preevolution of Mandibuzz, is a ‘mon that doesn’t get a lot of use in the main series games. It’s always a version exclusive and is often only available lategame (Black, Black 2, Shield) or postgame (XY, ORAS). I can’t think of a single major character that uses it or Mandibuzz on their team. I think it’s a shame that it’s so dorky looking, since it’s a neat design idea- a baby vulture with a skull for a diaper- and it’s bulky enough that it was able to briefly see Smogon play (granted, in the lowest non-LC tier, and only in Gen 6, but still). At least Mandibuzz is a genuinely excellent Pokemon in competitive Singles (doubles, less so.) and a fucking excellent design.
Also, it’s female only for some reason? I don’t get it.
Cloyster (#091, Water/Ice)
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Cloyster is a great example of an early generation Pokemon that could have been overshadowed by later power creep but was given the tools to remain relevant competitively. It’s yonic design belies a monstrous 180 base physical defence, higher than anything else in the first generation, tying it for 6th highest in the franchise overall (9th including megas and the purposely overpowered Eternamax Eternatus), and decent attacking stats as well, though it’s HP and Special Defense make it quite fragile on that end.
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Also, it’s sideways in Red and Blue for some reason. But only on the front sprite?
Despite this glaring weakness, its strengths have let it be relevant in different modes across basically every generation of competitive Singles. In Gen 1 Clamp was an excellent move that only it had access to, and Ice typing made it immune to Blizzard freezes as well as giving it STAB on its own Blizzards, letting it effectively wall most of the viable physical attackers. In Gen 2 it gained access to Spikes, which were incredibly powerful and pretty rare, as well as the one thing that could get rid of them in Rapid Spin, though it competed for slots with the common Suicune. Gen 3 it was mostly doing the same thing, but the addition of Skill Link in Gen 4 and Cloyster getting it gave it a niche all its own. While there are a few Pokemon that get Skill Link, Cloyster is different from all of them in two ways- it isn’t fragile, and it (as of Gen 5) has access to arguably the series’s second best boosting move in Shell Smash (Geomancy is exclusive to a legendary, so). Because of Skill Link letting it hit astonishingly hard with it’s decent but not incredible offenses and what would normally be inconsistent moves, and having enough Defence to live just about any hit from a physical attacker it switches in to, Cloyster has an excellent niche as a lategame sweeper/cleaner, especially since its former Spikes/Spin niche has been largely overshadowed by things like Ferrothorn.
Jolteon (#135, Electric)
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Jolteon is probably my second favourite Eeveelution, behind Umbreon. Unlike Umbreon, I don’t have a plushie of it, a fact that I should probably change.
Jolteon is unique in Gen 1 in being the only thing other than Beedrill to get a Bug move that isn’t the completely unusable Leech Life, making it one of the few things able to effectively combat the game’s many broken Psychic types. Unfortunately, said move (Pin Missile) isn’t actually very good, and its Attack is far from stellar either. It’s still pretty decent just spamming Thunderbolt, though, seeing as it’s high base Speed (tied for second best in the first gen behind Electrode with Aerodactyl and Mewtwo) makes its Critical rate very high.
Outside of Sylveon, none of the Eeveelutions are really competitively viable these days, which is a shame. I personally thing they should be given those busted-ass moves from Let’s Go Eevee as signature moves, but that might be a bit much.
Dubwool (#832, Normal)
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Since Wooloo being basically a perfect being in every way, Dubwool is sort of painfully disappointing in comparison. It’s like, not particularly cool, a little too angry/gonky to be cute, and it’s like… a soccer ball? I think? Those ugly patches don’t make much sense otherwise, and it somehow looks way worse on the shiny.
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ew. Inverting the black and the white looks great on Wooloo, not so much Dubwool.
It’s such a shame too, because there were so many fan designs for a Wooloo evolution before Sword and Shield’s release- Wooloo was, of course, one of the first Generation 8 Pokemon revealed, and was very popular, so there was plenty of time to come up with content ahead of time. I did like that a lot of the ideas were around the idea of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” theme, but most of those actual fan designs were waaay too edgy.
So what of Dubwool? Well, it’s closely associated with Hop, seeing as it manages to make it to his endgame team- having it sit alongside a fully evolved starter and fucking Zacian in the Galarian Star Tournament is a bit of a trip. And that’s fine, it suits his character. But aside from that, it’s not really noteworthy at all. A rare fate, to be overshadowed by your preevolution- Raichu and Sceptile (thanks PMD2) can surely relate.
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gaycocksmodels64 · 5 years
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Tổng hợp models North Thetford
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Hai ma biet so la hieu roi ha
Em tr
Anh 23 noi sp ... Hehe livr all
Jk fam helo us nhuc wus
Help s10 so mum
Hieu chua toan bo suoi cong etc di tron a vuas style thuc thu tui ,, a ty man wua ko biet minh la ai em att
S4 sai max nguoc thi co wm mhing a hieu roi hay
S4 noi hoi hwt biwt gi luon
Song sai do dubg now co team sap nc bao hiji
S10 do jel mkapi
Em may tuoi
S10 11 hihi hay hubg ganh vl
Ghe loki cac
Hel pdo co team em its true
Nh ko co bat juoc de hen bo nha sau khi thay hehe
S10 help us tr
J em o dau trong day
Thanhs team lo jehe
4 dua style cua ong gia
Jsf1 heh mbm
Team em co thua xa ai ko
S10 ko co em di ra dap cho de uem cho du
S13 hwlp thanh do detectwd viwt trong nam eluon
J hwlp me and duh too pjan roi con hoi han huhu
Help poke dd em an no qua ko co an com noi
S13 tt cho pole ko xaoo wong attack huhu cjiwu sc manh nhat
4 dua ga help su
Day su bao
Team chi nghe em va scyther 1 mem
Tt ko phai M tor a do bao coi
Sao nhat hay wua vat
Hsf1 hang bet ma noi nhieu
Ty cac help diwt 3-4-5 10h
Yeam jerk soo kjo wua vua can lonh oi co so that trong do
Suju hiem bao het giai doan quan trong ntd la sc
.. Voi no thoi
Htvtvvy luoi type hehe
K dd huhu de ti copy me doi bung nguywn ct gap aw xe tang luon hehe mbh
Hieu chua tui cjo bat em xai tien de keu xe tang de tui no lam tank shir bi can xhu de gi jehw ax cm
Hsd team help so wua hewh
Hsd teM em too sao fio
Cshit helo so
Nghai la nhu me noi a co me co tt a tyu nay xo ao thoi
Xr nmr snore2 hyoer bema do
Lv50 ma kho luyen vl
S e 40 ma lon roi ver only
Giwt live jej
S10 help do hon cac l
Em em hwt tiwn tui no xo zuong ko
Em zuong 1 chiex rou do ko ttt moi thay em ne hihi hat biwt da j ne
Ai hay hon ha
huy hay bgat att hehe dap hjy team ns
Cs inu oo nghi bao do 1 bao do 2 a
E lom roi phai vay no moi 2 hoai no len 1 tyi may uoc gi o duoi nuoc luon a
So cd team xh ganh cm
J hoi e mqu het tien ko
Em ko biet
Bun3 xao cm ko
J sao hay ma ko dao mao ha do max ha
Huy so cd
Cung phong nhuc gium vay ma bi me choi nhu hien ho vwr xai chua cua em vo iem kia do ma. Copy jeje
O nha tem xuat hien jehe team nt day
Help nhuc wua biet lau roi bh
Bun1 huhu ko tr si cs
Minh no ko co xon dang buc chiec xau nhat ma hhihi
Em lo xm chiec cua ong only
Djs nhux houm huhu
Tem ganh can agui xo em voi mats a
Djs nhuc goum ganh hwt noi roi huhu nk
Food ok
Choi me yeu lo ro luon ma sang jay goonh s2 noi hieu chua ten la tahy de cm roi nhin giu mem fam luon a
S nhuc qua
Heiu cjua em kp co ai ganh dum do ko co kt dau
Djs help tam cac bien mat truoc sang nhat vu tru
It team lo cm
Ans team ita true
Team help me ca ngu team psy hco ha
Ngu cm nl
Psycjic su hu hm all tm all
Em lo cm
E machamp hoi
Huhu nhuc wua by team
Sucac noi hh chet suoc roi
Do goc help jap
Djs noi trong long vi cy cm hihi nuic wua
Hieu cjua nhuc yeam rrd team
Jk vl im la hieu chong max
Carroon nwtwork joi cn
Huhu nbuc wua
Team rrs choi nhuc ko bang mo sang st ... Ko su ant o team ho nua
Dua nao bao rdd cho chi jy kapa ha
Fjs im nha nl
E vua 11 hoi ne
Nhic quz all
Dua nao an do vay minh pk
Nhuc wua s4 o day a di cm jet hiji
Tt style. Chao cac chau chu di dau
Cfam huhu minh ko du lam ant fam cuano nua p16 ghe tbiwt do vo hay
Hieu chua cu do vo la hay a ra la linh dap nhu cho hoi limh
Hieu chua ganh cm
E vua 11 hoi ne
Jelp sang sang samg et
Xea joi con 500k too sang mai ko
Em chac ko hehe nho zuong ttt hu me roi
Djs hep dung sung em
Minh thay chu phan may ko hihi help nhuc wua
E same no ngoi thay no lun wua vay
Hieu ko
Ai ganh xho poke kb that
Dg muon ko
Em kb
Bun xao bo tinh kixk deo bams chu gi sung that nhin dau cm help aung taht
Help by doga
Em xao cho may manh nhar luc can
Minh lo xm im subg kia that
Trans timw btn
Anh trai xao cm nhu em noi s
Do anh trai help anh trai do
Hieu chua ai chua ca thien ha la so
Do em mas
Hieu chua 2 thabg ganh cho dr rm gabh do
Kapi tien hoa
S sao nup sao em jet vay
Do cm mai moi het
Hai con khac vl ma song sinh
Hoeu chua
Mat mat so
Helo do
Djs tr dam
Vuat jat la phai nho linh ko nho ko duo
S4 xao xm ct im
Help mau do ezploe hanp phuc p do
Liem non
Di nha
Nh tum lai
E sao em
Sung ne
Minh see anh la dc
P making = lige an la dien tjoi attract nest
Minh khoc that hihi
. O day rhoi
L team lo roi
Em ngu cm team
Minh noi tui no knn quwn roi sua duox moi la khoi hihi dc cua minh
Xe noi huhu thao qua dv
Heiu chuq vua thap lam bgieu moi an tiab
Em syng tinh att
Cham may dung them dong cuoi dyoc ko tao ganh ne soc twma tru s
Bun xao cho ganh. Cc mai nvix a
Cham sp cua m va s hwhw mbm
Cham li cm ht im la biet bat tai truoc bh onay roi
Aung no tay xe ne
Ai doc van cua em cubg tuobg gia het
Co tii anh chi a
Hay ma help oi
Em hihi vay ma con oi
Dp hoi dua nao kbn csy
All bi lay p by em twam
Hehe aung ne ene
Di em bao
Team em bao em
Dac dao reverze la rdd a
M pp M p no chua doc gi het a ninh than ne hihi
Vua du again rop worlx
Dodi co nhat nhi nnoi a suonh jaha
Hoplesz lo manh nhat jwjs
Dwc dao ha tjao nguoi lhac
Dap mat la nha cu a+700 that
L tr nl lo
Hihi lo
All len show off nhin lau roi
J hihi xii
Help vua have no idea again
Team yeu help love vua unlimited
Id cua em a idipma thay shiny shit hox ngu la hieu roi
Chos neve. Pqh
L tr thay yeu
Hien nho gf huhu
Kieng noi kieng vo anh kia can du roi di
Em hihi ko du et. Tui shin
Ve buff nhac doi ct biet jehe ga hay kerk quan hay may ngonp a ngot nhu tra duong
L tr hay hien xhua vay
Ai vay guong ah
J ko phai ver2 hom qua phan ko
L ko sp ......
E tyi ko biet gi nha fam anh hehe
E j hun cai em a
Ziu cm roi by kapiz
Help in love
Bun vai ct hihi
Aqc helo ko du et
Em co toi let ko vay
J ko kiem co hoai hihi nhat trai
Byn xao cm j ghwn may noi may a
Shiny21 uta ttu bun
Anh 24 moi heiu ra di nha
Levl max thua rm
Gai dos ytuoc khi di my p too
Ko feo kinh ko thay ah hihi
Bun help ah gjen ghe cm
Ma 17 song sai vl ghen anj 25 gox
Hieu chua ah
Rdd ke ca khi chung ta la mot (giong nhau a ve all)
Vay ma van sc voi em
Doi cho djs knw besy
Vum tezm vaict em hirosha roo nh so cm
Help ah ah 2 ghe qua
Tezm chay theo
Hieu cjua ant no vay a kp xhung ya nhinhiong thoi
Bun dung khoc
Ah losr beat again hihi vay ma con ltt
Fv cu a soc em mb ah too
vun helo me noi hi gio tr
Em agaim
Ko lw vl
Bun e noi nguoc kia dv moi
Nhu cu vi dn no ghe vay a
Em so cm
Xe xao cho me ghe 22 cpn so em kia
Hueu chua fam biey a ganh beat sjit ko
Sau lung xau khux dau moi dep
Gia pjong ctn my jus band
S15 a rhem 1 M nua phing van M kia di hehe mnk
S15 dep khu lc sau a lo max luon
Sc cai quao gi em im la nhu quar gap vo han lan em wuat roi
Hay ht wct xd
Ht nhin chu wct la muon chwt cjo zobg
Dac dao m
Dac dao tu hanh
Dac dao ac quy
Dqc dao nguu ma vuong
Out idol by dn
Dac dao dj
Mac Tu ft
Help idol of hts
Dac dao admin
Hihi trum de
0 notes
internetdetectives · 5 years
11/17/19 - Chat with The Producer
The Producer 4:15 PM: "you can do it whelp”
The Producer 4:15 PM: "you can claw em gnaw em stone em beat em”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "Ay it's P dog”
The Producer 4:15 PM: "ill do this with my mind you just obey me”
ARGdov 4:15 PM: "?”
otherLiam 4:15 PM: "uhhh”
The Producer 4:15 PM: "hello”
ARGdov 4:15 PM: "is he quoting a song”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:15 PM: "Ay prodddd”
otherLiam 4:15 PM: "hey producer, meet erika. erika, producer.”
ARGdov 4:16 PM: "he is”
ARGdov 4:16 PM: "https://genius.com/Ace-composer-gang-plank-galleon-lyrics” 
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "damnit dov”
The Producer 4:16 PM: "literally who”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "I was gonna post that”
pakospooky 4:16 PM: "@Erika_XP💚 https://youtu.be/A7P40vNkVr4 where did you get that?”
otherLiam 4:16 PM: "i am uncertain which of you is more antagonistic”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:16 PM: "Yo prod”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "inb4 doug”
ARGdov 4:16 PM: "lol”
pakospooky 4:16 PM: “WHERE???”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "pakoplans”
otherLiam 4:16 PM: "pako chill dawg”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:16 PM: "Inb4 pako AO doug”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "how's the production business my guy”
The Producer 4:16 PM: "its quite lively”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:17 PM: "Are u gonna send us another sick beat now?”
ARGdov 4:17 PM: "I can imagine”
The Producer 4:17 PM: "im enjoying my cup or morning spook joe”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:17 PM: "Spook Joe?”
Xenquility 4:17 PM: "are there other people in your field or are you the only person who produces shit between paralellos's”
The Producer 4:17 PM: "no i dont have any songs to send right now”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:17 PM: "OH NO”
The Producer 4:17 PM: "but ill make one specifically for you guys”
ARGdov 4:17 PM: "aww”
ARGdov 4:17 PM: "well thats sweet”
ARGdov 4:17 PM: "considering who you work for”
The Producer 4:17 PM: "i wont give it to you all until the time is right, however”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:17 PM: "Ty dude!”
ARGdov 4:18 PM: "deal.”
The Producer 4:18 PM: "ill call it”
The Producer 4:18 PM: "uhh”
Xenquility 4:18 PM: "what if it turns out producer is actually insanely evil and is the reincarnation of tenebris”
The Producer 4:18 PM: "what should i call it”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:18 PM: "Kill switch”
ARGdov 4:18 PM: "as for which one is more antagonistic”
ARGdov 4:18 PM: "I mean compared to BUP neither is”
The Producer 4:18 PM: "ok ill call it kill switch”
Xenquility 4:18 PM: "see”
Xenquility 4:18 PM: "he is”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:18 PM: "15 minute song of just TTS: YES, YES, YES, YES”
spookypako 4:19 PM: "Is it possible that Erika is Tyler's friend / girlfriend?”
Xenquility 4:19 PM: "call it: Kill?, yes”
ARGdov 4:19 PM: "no.”
ARGdov 4:19 PM: "definitely not”
The Producer 4:19 PM: "Boyfriend”
ARGdov 4:19 PM: "Carla lives in Australia, and they havent dated for....several years”
spookypako 4:19 PM: "ups”
ARGdov 4:19 PM: "she was also a member of the LC”
spookypako 4:19 PM: "seriously?”
Xenquility 4:19 PM: "Former”
Xenquility 4:19 PM: "if I recall”
Xenquility 4:19 PM: "Ay Producer”
Xenquility 4:19 PM: "Any idea how erika got a hold of never-before-seen-exclusive-vip footage”
The Producer 4:21 PM: "you'll just have to ask them”
Xenquility 4:21 PM: "or are we just stupid and forgetting that we've seen it”
The Producer 4:21 PM: "as for many years this has been going on for, its no surprise that some stuff has slipped through the cracks”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:21 PM: "EL PRODUSER!!!”
The Producer 4:21 PM: "el traitor”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:21 PM: "mexican music plays”
Xenquility 4:21 PM: "also why is slinky the traitor”
The Producer 4:22 PM: "i guess traitor isn't exactly accurate”
The Producer 4:22 PM: "how about "elegy boy"”
spookypako 4:22 PM: "Is it possible that some character gave her images and videos, but she can't tell who gave them?”
Xenquility 4:22 PM: "alright that sounds good”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:22 PM: "Elegy boy sounds neat”
Jos 4:23 PM: "what about about to fuck up boy”
The Producer 4:23 PM: "a perpetual state of aboutting to fuck up
sounds good”
Jos 4:23 PM: "exactly”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:24 PM: "Neat”
spookypako 4:26 PM: "guys who is the guy at left”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:26 PM: "Hm?”
spookypako 4:26 PM: "fuck”
spookypako 4:26 PM: "wait”
The Producer 4:29 PM: "we will never know who is the guy at left”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:29 PM: "F”
Xenquility 4:29 PM: "some say he is still at the left to this day”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:29 PM: "Others say he is now at the right”
spookypako 4:29 PM: ":joy: :joy:”
Xenquility 4:30 PM: "they're fucking wrong”
spookypako 4:30 PM: "my phone is trolling me sorry”
The Producer 4:30 PM: "thats horseshoe theory for you”
The Producer 4:30 PM: "or spooky horseshoe theory as we call it here”
spookypako 4:31 PM: "who is the guy in the left in the window”
The Producer 4:31 PM: "our office has quite the diverse range of spooky politicial opinions”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:31 PM: "Do you know who is "spuu kinjo'"?”
Xenquility 4:31 PM: "Pretty sure that's just tyler in his house”
Xenquility 4:31 PM: "can't really tell though”
The Producer 4:32 PM: "joe spooky mama”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:32 PM: "Nope”
Xenquility 4:32 PM: "the spooky producer”
The Producer 4:32 PM: "i have the second eye”
The Producer 4:32 PM: "you cannot fool me”
The Producer 4:32 PM: "i mean third eye”
The Producer 4:32 PM: "fuck”
Xenquility 4:32 PM: "the spooky second eye”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:32 PM: "Spuu kinjo' mama”
spookypako 4:32 PM: "but who is recording?”
spookypako 4:32 PM: "uhum”
The Producer 4:33 PM: "the camera, obviously”
spookypako 4:33 PM: "very funny”
spookypako 4:33 PM: "...”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "it's their second eye not the camera”
The Producer 4:33 PM: "they have google eye”
The Producer 4:33 PM: "spooky google eye”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "google cardboard”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "or glass or whatever it was”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "waoah”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "briefcase”
Xenquility 4:33 PM: "that's somewhat relevant to this isnt it”
The Producer 4:35 PM: "briefcases are quite handy for delivering and transporting goods”
The Producer 4:35 PM: "im a fan”
spookypako 4:35 PM: "dewalk closed”
spookypako 4:35 PM: "cross here”
Xenquility 4:35 PM: "what if”
Xenquility 4:35 PM: "producer is the white dude with the briefcase”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:35 PM: "That's producer”
The Producer 4:35 PM: "its me”
Xenquility 4:35 PM: "from start life”
Xenquility 4:35 PM: "BUM BUM BUM”
spookypako 4:36 PM: "bumb”
The Producer 4:36 PM: "im not that tiny faceless mongoloid”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:36 PM: "Prod”
Xenquility 4:36 PM: "woah”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:36 PM: "Are you a little mannequin?”
Xenquility 4:36 PM: "mongoloid was my word”
Xenquility 4:36 PM: "how dare you”
The Producer 4:36 PM: "OI”
The Producer 4:36 PM: "sorry”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:36 PM: "Mongoloid is racist”
The Producer 4:36 PM: "im racist”
Xenquility 4:36 PM: "and im raceless”
Xenquility 4:36 PM: "is it okay to be racist if you're racist to all races”
The Producer 4:37 PM: "apparently pako needs a new bum”
spookypako 4:37 PM: "HAHAHA”
The Producer 4:37 PM: "my condolences”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:37 PM: "F”
spookypako 4:37 PM: ":joy: :joy:”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "Pako's ass has been blasted”
The Producer 4:37 PM: "im racist towards non spookys”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "so you're racist towards yourself”
spookypako 4:37 PM: "nonon”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "cause uh”
The Producer 4:37 PM: "aw”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:37 PM: "Prod, are the Spooks like a different race”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:37 PM: "Like”
The Producer 4:37 PM: "you guys dont think im spooky”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "you're not spooky or something”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:37 PM: "Elfs? For example?”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "we appreciate it”
Xenquility 4:37 PM: "spooky is overrated”
Xenquility 4:38 PM: "all the annoying guys are spooky”
Xenquility 4:38 PM: "but luckily”
Xenquility 4:38 PM: "you are”
Xenquility 4:38 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Bnk6VU53Y”
spookypako 4:38 PM: "hd lol”
The Producer 4:38 PM: "well im glad i could at least be "Refreshing like a spring breeze..."”
The Producer 4:39 PM: "like finally taking off the gas mask and getting a big ol whiff”
Xenquility 4:39 PM: "woah”
Xenquility 4:39 PM: "gas mask”
Xenquility 4:39 PM: "producer is skm”
The Producer 4:39 PM: "he wishes”
spookypako 4:39 PM: "oh yeah”
Xenquility 4:39 PM: "why do all of you guys hate on skm”
spookypako 4:39 PM: "no you wishes”
Xenquility 4:39 PM: "skm is great”
The Producer 4:39 PM: "nah skm is pretty cool”
The Producer 4:39 PM: "kinda sketchy though”
Xenquility 4:40 PM: "no offense but”
The Producer 4:40 PM: "keeps himself busy”
The Producer 4:40 PM: "thats for sure”
Xenquility 4:40 PM: "you're one to talk”
The Producer 4:40 PM: "twoshey”
Xenquility 4:40 PM: "TWOSHEY”
Xenquility 4:40 PM: "EXCUSE ME”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:40 PM: "TWOSHEY”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:40 PM: "HAHAHA”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:40 PM: "r/boneappletea”
The Producer 4:40 PM: "its pronounced "toosh"”
Xenquility 4:40 PM: "touché thankyouverymuch” 
The Producer 4:41 PM: "haha... laugh now…”
The Producer 4:41 PM: "you, wont be... laughing... soon,,,”
Xenquility 4:41 PM: "one flaw in that joke”
The Producer 4:41 PM: "am i spooky enough now”
Xenquility 4:41 PM: "spooks always use capitals”
The Producer 4:41 PM: "HAHAHA”
The Producer 4:41 PM: "HEEHEE”
Xenquility 4:41 PM: "I meant the first letter of a sentence”
The Producer 4:41 PM: "shit”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:41 PM: "Hohoho hehehe”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:41 PM: "HELLO THERE OLDY CHUM”
Xenquility 4:42 PM: "also the dots make you sound like a prepubescent girl trying to write ben drowned fanfics”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:42 PM: "IM NOT A GNELF”
Xenquility 4:42 PM: "i mean”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:42 PM: "IM NOT A GNOBLIN”
Xenquility 4:42 PM: "non fanfic”
The Producer 4:42 PM: "maybe i am”
Xenquility 4:42 PM: "definitely real”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:42 PM: "IM A GNOME”
spookypako 4:42 PM: "Skm.png (147×148)”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:42 PM: "AND YOU'VE BEEN GNOOOOOMED”
spookypako 4:42 PM: "ups”
The Producer 4:42 PM: "deep down inside, arent we all prepubsescent ben drowned fan girls?”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:42 PM: "We are”
Xenquility 4:42 PM: "TOUCHE”
The Producer 4:42 PM: "toosh”
ARGdov 4:43 PM: "I mean”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:43 PM: ">producer being meta”
Xenquility 4:43 PM: "ill woop your toosh if you spell is twoshey again”
ARGdov 4:43 PM: "Were all still here”
ARGdov 4:43 PM: "So yes we all our secretly BEN fangirls”
Xenquility 4:43 PM: "does tenebris know about all his fans”
The Producer 4:43 PM: "we all our”
Xenquility 4:43 PM: "nigth”
Xenquility 4:43 PM: "nigth”
Xenquility 4:43 PM: "nigth”
spookypako 4:44 PM: "nightmind”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:44 PM: "Suck”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:44 PM: "My”
Slinky Stinks△ 4:44 PM: "Dick”
Xenquility 4:44 PM: "no thank you pokephile”
The Producer 4:44 PM: "Dickth”
Xenquility 4:44 PM: "and now pedophile”
spookypako 4:44 PM: "i”
spookypako 4:44 PM: "dony”
spookypako 4:44 PM: "wanna”
Xenquility 4:44 PM: "gerth”
The Producer 4:44 PM: "more like i pony wanna”
Xenquility 4:44 PM: "gerth vlogs”
The Producer 4:44 PM: "alright lunch break over”
Xenquility 4:44 PM: "more like i pako wanna”
The Producer 4:44 PM: "i have consumed my spook soup”
spookypako 4:44 PM: "hahaha”
The Producer 4:44 PM: "ill speak with you all some other time”
Xenquility 4:45 PM: "*some other spooky time”
The Producer 4:45 PM: "^^^”
Xenquility 4:45 PM: "anyways seeya p dog”
0 notes