#ty for asking ✨ <3
dykesynthezoid · 6 months
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip :) (or like multiple sentences, whatever your heart tells you)
Ooooh truthfully I have way too many WIPS going at the moment! So I’ll just give you a bunch. Lol
Here’s a bit from an F/F fic I’ve been working on for since starting Shogun (2024):
Fuji’s gaze drifts away again as she wipes at her face with her sleeve. She looks equally anguished and horrified. “Please forgive me. Grief has done things to my mind. I’m not reasonable. I feel like the minokasago the sailors caught earlier.”
Mariko has never thought of Fuji as prickly in the slightest, although grief and rage have certainly brought out a venom in her.
“I think every grieving woman grows spines,” Mariko tells her. “We must. There’s no other way through it. You grow a new skin that’s shiny and sharp and tough all over even while you’re still raw inside.”
Also. Have more than one One Piece fic I’ve written some for. I didn’t want it to happen bc I feel so Over shounen as a genre but the live action premiered and the gifs were everywhere and man I held out, okay, I really almost made it, but at a certain point the decade-lost hyperfixation clawed its way back in like a hookworm. I think it ends up sticking in my brain for the same reasons a lot of action genre stuff does, esp the stuff that’s so focused on competing presentations of masculinity and also just The Body.
Maybe a body is a warning. But for him— His also feels like a threat. Always has. A threat of what it might do, might be capable of, might not be capable of, how it might act against his wishes.
And if he is his body, what does that mean? I’m more you than you are, it might say. I’m the you that can’t be hidden under the rest of it. Look at what I’ll make you into.
Yeah… a threat. Just try it, it says. See what happens.
Finally, I am still working piece by piece on the samtory Arthuriana AU as different scenes come to me! Bc of the genre there’s just. So much soapy drama to be explored which I find makes maintaining a consistent plot rhythm feel less intimidating than it might otherwise. It’s easy for me to think of the specific emotional tones of different scenes and just start to craft around that whenever I feel inspired. The going is still very slow but it also feels easy to maintain my own excitement in it. Anyway here’s a bit from a predictably dramatic LaRusso reunion featuring an Anthony who would give anything not to be a snitch:
She grasped her brother’s chin so she could see his face better in the low light, and he made a pained noise, but Sam only tutted at him.
“It wasn’t them.” Anthony’s voice came out as a croak.
Sam exhaled through her teeth. “Who was it, then?”
Anthony glared at her, eyebrows drawing together and casting shadows that made his eye sockets look even darker, like two tar-black pits. “Doesn’t matter.“
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wikitpowers · 3 months
What shade of blue do you think Kits eyes are?? An icy blue?? A more dark lapis blue like Will??? SO MANY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 😫😫
as for kit’s eyes, i personally like to think he has really light blue eyes like angelesque~🤍
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↳ i just think he would look so so lovely with eyes so light they’re practically white in sunlight. he would be so freaking mesmerising omg!
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BUT him with will’s lapis blue eyes would also be so freaking gorgeous! going back to the herondale roots would be super cool! <3
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thejudeduarte · 1 month
kill marry kill
cardan, Jameson, percy
I can't tell whether you meant kiss marry kill or kill marry kill because if you meant the latter then you know full well I'm marrying Cardan and dumping the rest. EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME
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galaxynajma · 6 months
on kaiser’s hair: https://x.com/kainesser/status/1775486119309640178?s=46
LMAOOOO what a beautiful video
Ness saying " I do it to you " as the video shows a shot of Kaiser’s choppy hair and him doing " what?" Should not have made me laugh much as it did
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Hope I don’t see bald Isagi again
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magicaltickles · 5 months
🐑 ,🌿, 🦝 mwah
She was a fairy to the tune of he was a boy she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious (I don't know the name of the song hhh) 💜🫂
🐑 Favorite tickling method? (Poking, squeezing, scribbles...)
Is all of the above an option? I think I'll like tracing the best bc light stuff makes me feel all dhdhshhs so yeah
🌿 Where does your favorite tickle scene appear? (Movie, TV show, books...)
Happy 4/20
Tbh I don't look at tickle scenes in media unless it comes up on the dash so I don't really have a favorite per say. I just. Like things. Tho my favorite fanfic is a BSD one with Dazai and Oda (platonic) when Dazai is having an eh day and goes to his bestie and spends the day w him and there's lots of comfort tickles and it's so hdjdbs I love bsd I love Dazai rip odasaku you were a glorious man
🦝 On a scale from 1-10 how much can you handle anticipacion?
1 being I can handle it no problem 10 being not at all, a 1 duh 😎 a solid 8
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bunnyburrowsys · 17 days
omg helloo i love your blog sm hii fellow lesboy youre so real for that
—@ohmysheetmetal [lesboy gaybian <3]
YIPPIEEE HELLO :33333333333
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sehrgefaelltmir · 7 months
can i ask where you will move to? like in germany? :-)
yess i’m moving to nürnberg!! (or like,, the general area of nürnberg lmao bc i think it might be cheaper to live in like the surrounding towns?? idk i’ll figure it out 😭) i was in nürnberg a few months ago and i really liked it so im excited to live there!! also like,, i didn’t pick it for its proximity to munich but that is a plus lmao like i’ll be able to go to as many bayern games as i can afford (not a lot)
it’s only for a year but im sooo hyped. but also kinda scared lmao because my german is ass. like i can read and understand german at a high level but then when i speak my mind goes blank and i sound like i started learning it 3 days ago 💀 it’s a struggle fr 😭 but hopefully i’ll have improved by the time i actually move there 😭😭
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elisiassideb1tch · 3 months
Are you doing anything fun for your birthday?!?!
Heyyy, sry for answering this late lol. But no, not as far as I know. I just kinda laid around all day depressed - it was just like any other day lmaooo. I was sad and bored 😀👍🏻
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tireddovahkiin · 3 months
🪁🤲 for the fankid ask game‼️
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
Both😂 but he DOES like our hibbies the most. Enmei loves gardening and tending to nature from Hanami, and they almost always go outside to bond together in forests, where they can talk about plants, insects, birds, and many more things! Hanami is happy beyond words that their son is taking his steps🥰 As for mine, Enmei adores drawing as well! He already showed quite the talent! When we're usually winding down in Dagons domain, Enmei really enjoys it when we take some favorite coloring books of his and color to oblivion! It's calming and fun for him!
🤲: how did your child react when they met you and your f/o's friends? are they shy?
Yes, Enmei is very shy😂 I cannot count how many times he has ran to hide behind Hanami or me or even Sephiroth (his guardian) when he had to meet new people that he thinks are intimidating. For example, he found Jogo, Kuro, Mahito and Kaze to be very intimidating, while with Dagon and Lee, and Ilia, he felt a bit more brave.
When Enmei matured a bit, he still wasy quite shy to meet new faces, but showed big interest and will to be introduced!
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wikitpowers · 4 months
What are some things your hoping happens with Ty in the wicked powers???
i just hope my boy is happy. like that’s the main thing i want for him. for him to, after so much time spent being heartbroken and lonely bc of livvy’s death and then kit’s escape, to finally, finally be truly happy and together with the people he loves <3
i want him to face his own fears head on and realize he needs to make some really hard decisions, but for him to do it anyway bc he’s brave as hell.
additionally though, i want him to just give off the biggest main character energy you have ever seen! like i want to see him lead this series just as much as the others and for his arc to just be mindblowing and so so badass! like give me ty fucking up greater demons bc he’s smart as hell and knows the best techniques, give me ty who isn’t afraid to initiate his first kiss with kit, give me ty admitting to his family that he brought livvy back, give me ty with the scariest attitude in battle that his enemies have to take a step back, afraid to fuck with him. this ty!!!👏🏼
simply put, i just wanna see him be the best version of himself, and i wanna see him throwing daggers while he does it. i’m a simple woman.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 11 months
Rereading UEFA high for.. God know's what time now (It's actually so good, you're such a fantastic writer and I adore you)
And maybe it's my 2 am brain speaking but
Luis and Ramos hate each other
Sergio has Luka
What if Luis has Luka's other best friend? Someone by the name of Ivan Rakitic?
Two bullies whipped for the Croats-
-oh by the way if I need to give a name just call me ✨
yeah why not thatd be funny!!! i imagine luka would have plans to hang out w sergio one day n last minute he'd be like "oh btw my friend ivans coming n i think hes bringing his friend" n then ivan shows up w luis n poor lukita realizes hes made a big mistake n has to deal w their bs all night (he does not get paid enough for this)
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galaxynajma · 3 months
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goobersnart · 7 months
Putting you to work with not one but two doodle requests
two (2)!!!!
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harrylights · 1 year
i swear you’ve done every art form there is to do and you sculpt too?! any works you can share 👀
hahaha that’s what happens when you’re raised by 3 artists and have adhd i guess???
I wasn’t able to bring over my bigger sculptures when I moved last year bc they’re too fragile but I still have these lil dudes! they’re just made out of polymer clay but I’ve made jewellery and mugs and big, weird, otherwise useless things too lol. I made everything here except the house and the kewpie baby sitting on the mushroom shelf hehe
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for the origin prompts, 2 for noya tabris and 7 for neira surana?
[ask game]
Heya, thank you sm for the ask Bard! <33
Noya Tabris
2. How did Tabris handle being told of their arranged marriage?
I do not like the implication that arranged marriages are the norm in alienages, so i always interpret "arranged" to mean that it is a very official and planned process instead of meaning "forced". Meaning, she was very involved in the process. Noya has a very pragmatic view of marriage, so while she wasn't eager to marry, she was chill with it, even if only to easy her father's mind and get the other elves in the alienage off of her case. Married people didn't have to be in love, after all, they only had to like each other and get along enough to live together. Maybe love even develops later, who knows. And since she and Nelaros got along just fine, she didn't have any objections.
Neira Surana
7. Did Surana/Amell favour a particular Fraternity? What did they think about Circle politics in general?
I'll admit i haven't looked into the Fraternities past my first playthrough too much, but i think the Aequitarians would be the ones whose beliefs she agrees with the most. Overall she preferred to keep out of circle politics though, and would usually avoid openly voicing opinions on any of the factions in general.
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happy (early) valentines day, joseph! wish i had some chocolates to give you but i dont and its a tragedy </3
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"My my, what a darling you are! Fortunately for you, I seem to have plenty of secret admirers. My only wish is that they were not so shy, so I might return the favor with a photograph! Ah, but in any case, I find myself with an abundance of sweets on St. Valentine's Day... shall we share?"
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