wikitpowers · 4 months
What are some things your hoping happens with Ty in the wicked powers???
i just hope my boy is happy. like that’s the main thing i want for him. for him to, after so much time spent being heartbroken and lonely bc of livvy’s death and then kit’s escape, to finally, finally be truly happy and together with the people he loves <3
i want him to face his own fears head on and realize he needs to make some really hard decisions, but for him to do it anyway bc he’s brave as hell.
additionally though, i want him to just give off the biggest main character energy you have ever seen! like i want to see him lead this series just as much as the others and for his arc to just be mindblowing and so so badass! like give me ty fucking up greater demons bc he’s smart as hell and knows the best techniques, give me ty who isn’t afraid to initiate his first kiss with kit, give me ty admitting to his family that he brought livvy back, give me ty with the scariest attitude in battle that his enemies have to take a step back, afraid to fuck with him. this ty!!!👏🏼
simply put, i just wanna see him be the best version of himself, and i wanna see him throwing daggers while he does it. i’m a simple woman.
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dc418writes · 2 years
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✨Pairing✨: mob!Ari LevinsonxBlack Reader
Summary🪄: It’s time for Ari to come clean
⚠️: I’d say a good amount of angst in this one, allusions to violence, violence (man-man), mention of blood, brief mention of death, fluffy moments mentioned throughout as usual, attempted assault, harassment, a couple bad language words, reader not being the best communicator, Ari because that man is always a warning
A/N🎙: all translations provided by google, so I apologize if they’re inaccurate (hopefully they’re right though)
“Well look who it is finally home from her date,” Tyla smirks hearing you enter the studio apartment as she poured a cup of coffee. You’d think she was a barista with her own shop the way she expertly mixed the espresso shot, creamer, and caramel to create her usual order.
“Could care less about that clock strike at midnight huh Cinderella?”
Her grin quickly falls turning to see your distressed eyes staring off into space while your thumb nervously tapped against the wooden counter. The last time she saw you this way was freshman year. You were just cordial roommates at the time, but at your sobs from the bathroom floor—paranoid that even though you used a condom, were on birth control, and your fling pulled out, you were somehow pregnant—she was immediately by your side telling you how it would be okay. From then on, you both naturally stuck together looking out for the other.
“What happened?,” she asks hurriedly moving to wrap her arms around you in a much needed hug. “You said you were having fun when you checked in.”
“I was, but-,”
“Did he get rough with you?! I swear to God and all the apostles if he-!”
“No, no he’d never.” At least you hoped. You weren’t quite sure what you could definitively say about Ari anymore.
“Then what’s wrong?,” she asks gently rubbing your back. Leaning against the small counter, you can’t fight the tears desperately wanting to fall or the lump in your throat trying to save you the embarrassment and shame. Not that you should feel that way around Tyla, you knew she’d never judge you.
But all her support couldn’t silence the voice in your own head.
“I….I think he’s married,” you finally reveal causing her mouth to slightly gape.
“Are you serious?! What happened? How’d you find out?”
“I overheard him talking on the phone and he was apologizing for not being able to call the night before, then he asked how his princess was and telling who I assume was his wife that he’d be there for her recital. That he wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Hm, anything else?”
“They just said I love you, then hung up.”
“And did you call him out on it?”
“No. I was honestly trying to get out after that, but he came back in and I was kinda stuck.” Sighing, you quickly wipe the stray tears rolling down your cheeks reliving the moment your heart shattered. “I feel so stupid! A-And then the fact that I slept with him-,”
“Hey you’re not stupid, okay?,” she states rubbing up and down your upper arms with an apologetic smile. “Some people are just…very deceptive and only care about themselves and their own happiness even if it’s at the cost of others. And please do not look at yourself as a bad person because you’re not. You were just the unfortunate pawn in someone’s twisted game, and believe me when I say they’ll be the one to pay for it.”
Thank God you gave her a key to your apartment. Coming back to silence where your thoughts and shame would just eat away at you, it might’ve been days before you went back out.
“Thanks Ty. And that wasn’t some foreshadow of how you’re gonna hunt this man down was it?”
“…For the sake of you not being an accessory so I can potentially have some help for bail, I cannot confirm or deny that,” you both laugh, holding each other tight in a warm embrace.
“Now you go ahead and shower, get comfortable so we can spend all day watching movies and eating every snack we can find.”
“That sounds great, but I can’t. You know I’m typically at the center for most of the day on Saturday’s.”
“You still wanna go today? Maybe it’d be best to call out.”
Taking a breath, you nod your head mustering the strength to give her a small smile. “Yea I’ll be fine. Plus it’ll be a good distraction.”
“Alright, if you’re sure, then we’ll have our movie marathon tonight when you get back.”
The trek to your bathroom is short but heavy feeling that thudding crack in your heart once again. As soon as the click of the door locking fills the quiet room, your silent tears move on their own down to the old graphic tee Ari was “nice” enough to let you wear rather than putting on your gown again. You began to wonder how many other women might’ve worn this same shirt walking around his impressive penthouse.
Or worse, if this was a favorite of his wife’s to wear thinking she was the only one lucky enough to have that privilege.
The longer you pondered, the sicker you felt as nausea climbed your throat and your stomach churned ultimately making it hard to stand in the sauna like shower.
It’s like he was just carrying a jacket over his shoulder how effortlessly Leo hoists the limp body from the floor, placing it’s arm over his boulder like shoulders. His other hand gripping it’s side as he stabilizes the body for an easier time walking.
“Where do you want him?”
“He can sleep it off in the back alley. Have cameras on him in case he gets any ideas when he wakes up,” Ari answers wiping the blood from his hands. With a curt nod, Leo leaves out the back double doors leading to the hidden hallways of the casino few had access to.
“Mr. Levinson, a Mr. Shiloh is here for you,” his secretary buzzes from the sleek black phone on his desk.
“Send him in.” Ari rolls his eyes hearing his best friend attempt, yet again, to flirt with the uninterested woman as he saunters into the modern office. “If it hasn’t happened by now, it never will Shi.”
His tattooed hand covers his heart feigning hurt settling into one of the cloth chairs sat in front of the dark, hardwood desk gleaming from the reflecting light. “And what has you brooding so today? Well, more so than usual.”
“I don’t brood,” Ari glares pouring himself and his guest a small glass of whiskey before settling into his own seat.
“Mhm sure. So, I take it the date didn’t go well?”
“Not that’s it’s any of your business, but no it was actually perfect. Saw the show, ate dinner. Went back to my place and talked some more. To me at least, everything seemed good.”
“Seemed?,” Shiloh asks lifting the glass to his full lips. There’s a soft hiss from Ari as the brown liquid runs down his throat leaving behind a dull burn. He takes a hand through the brunette hairs on his head feeling the frustration and confusion from earlier this morning return at the slight mention of you.
“This morning she was…off. Still nice, but kinda rushing to leave. I offered to drive her back home, but she insisted on an Uber instead saying how she didn’t wanna be a bother.”
“Hm..well we know she didn’t rob you since you still have your chain and watch. Then again, you check your wallet?”
“She wouldn’t do that,” Ari states with an icy glare. Offended on your behalf someone would dare accuse you of anything bad.
“I know, I know,” Shiloh holds up his hands amused at his friend’s lovestruck behavior this early on. “She’s a good girl. And how she voluntarily got mixed up with you I’ll never know.”
This earns him a much less threatening glare as Ari takes another drink from his glass.
“Does she know? About your uh, career that is?”
“You sure?”
Sighing, he rests his head against the leather headrest peering at the ceiling. Truthfully, he couldn’t be sure. Who knows who you knew that might’ve known him through business, or even stories that passed from mouth to mouth eventually making their way to you?
“…I don’t know,” he finally answers.
“Maybe that’s it then? Or,” he shrugs, “she just needs some space. Why? Who knows, I’m sure it’s the more favorable reason for you though.”
Both taking a sip from their respective glass, Ari silently prayed you just needed space. Maybe you had regrets on being intimate so fast? Regrets about him even.
“Mr. Levinson? Your two o’clock is here. They’re currently waiting in the conference room,” his secretary calls bringing his thoughts back to business.
“Thank you, we’re coming.”
“I guess we’ll continue this later,” Shiloh sighs standing up to fix his tie.
“No, absolutely not.”
“Cmon I’m your friend man, you don’t have to be afraid to open up. It’s okay pumpkin,” he smiles patting a stiff Ari on the shoulder.
“You have two seconds to stop touching me.”
“Ugh, this is dumb!,” the boy next to you huffs tossing his pencil down on the workbook in front of him while the preschooler sitting to the right of you gasps immediately halting any further drawing.
“Das a bad word!”
“Is not. And why I gotta learn this anyway? I’m gonna be the biggest music producer in the world, I don’t need college.”
“Alright then Mario, so I take it you’ll handle all of your money?,” you ask rejoining little Ella and helping her finish her jellyfish coloring page.
“Psh no, I’m gonna be rich! I’ll just hire somebody to do that.”
“Mhm, and who’s gonna check behind them? To make sure they’re doing their job and getting their correct cut?,” you ask raising your brow.
“Um…m-my assistant?”
“And who’s gonna check them?”
“His mommy,” Ella grins making him glare at the pigtailed little girl and you nearly laugh as well.
“I get what you’re trying to say Ms. Y/N, okay? I’ll do my work just no more questions my brain hurts enough,” he sighs, reluctantly back to concentrating on his math assignment.
Your phone vibrating on the table cuts through the chatter of kids playing around you, but you refuse to look already having a clue of who it was. You’re honestly surprised he didn’t try to reach out to you sooner.
“Who’s Airy?,” Ella asks holding your phone up to your face.
“No one.”
“Is he your boyfwend?”
“He wishes,” Mario mumbles under his breath causing your mouth to slightly gape.
“Come again?”
“Um I…I said goldfishes! They’re handing out goldfish and juice and I’m gonna go get some,” he quickly answers before rushing out of his seat. His sneakers squeaking against the linoleum floor until he leaves the room.
“That boy,” Ella sighs with the shake of her head as if she was a disapproving parent.
“And what do you know about boyfriends missy?”
“My fwend Katelyn has one. They always nex to other,” she answers with a nod of her head. “You sit nex to Airy?”
“Listen, why don’t you take a break from coloring and go get some goldfish okay?”
Quickly hopping from her seat with a bright smile, she starts to run off before stopping in place and turning back towards you placing her small hands on your arm. “I get you some too.”
“Thank you, but remember to walk Ella!,” you shout behind her, but unsurprisingly she continues her hurried pace.
Now alone, you open your phone in search of Ari’s text feeling that lump form in your throat again. You knew you needed to talk to him about what you heard and why you were acting so distant, but you were also hesitant to reach out. Afraid he’d only manipulate and lie to you more.
Hey angel, hope you made it home alright. Worried about the way you left (sent 2:45 pm)
Fingers drumming against the oval desk, his knee anxiously bounces under the piece of dark wood furniture unknowingly to those around him. His expression was still calm, listening with steely eyes to some bar owner swearing he had too good a proposition for the family to decline. But his mind raged with the idea that you found out about his lifestyle and currently was trying to get as far away as you could.
And although it would hurt, he wouldn’t blame you.
I did…sorry had things to do and forgot to text (sent 3:00 pm)
And worried how? (sent 3:00 pm)
Was that a sign of guilt? Maybe he would confess after all.
You just seemed different compared to last night. If I did something to scare you off maybe, I swear I didn’t mean to. I’d never try to (sent 3:02 pm)
It was too late.
You sit back in your seat, eyes misting but refusing to let anymore of your tears fall. At least not now.
This was really nothing but a game to him. He saw a struggling, naive waitress and said all the right things until she was dumb enough to take his bait.
How could you not see the red flags and warnings? Then again, maybe you were just that blind.
We could talk about it over dinner? Breakfast? Whichever you want (sent 3:05 pm)
I’d love to see you again (sent 3:06 pm)
“So, whataya thinking nipote (nephew)? This deal that irresistible?,” his uncle asks rolling up his sleeves before pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Ari just continues to stare out the wall of glass peering out to the rest of the city and it’s gloomy sky. Legs spread as he gently twists back and forth in the leather armchair and occasionally scratches his beard with the hand propped under his chin.
“Ari,” he calls once watching his nephew still in his trance like state. “Cucciolo (puppy).”
“Si zio (Yes uncle),” Ari finally answers rubbing a hand over his face as if trying to wake up and rejoin reality.
“Dove sei (Where are you), ah? We got business to take care of.”
“I’m here,” he answers sitting up a bit straighter. “Taking over that bar sounds nice, but I’m not-,”
“It’s her…isn’t it?”
“Her who?” His uncle deeply chuckles leaning back in his chair with hands clasped across his abdomen.
“Chi (Who)…the girl that’s running a marathon in your mind and taking your heart for a spin too. You brought her to the party no?” Ari only looks down at his fingers tapping against the glossy wood.
“Dark, curly hair. Brown eyes. Bellissima (gorgeous). If only I were younger-,”
“Abbastanza (enough), yea?,” Ari states. That possessive look in his eyes pleasantly surprising his uncle as his smile widens.
“You’re wrapped around her finger as tight as can be! I expect to be meeting her soon then?”
“…I honestly don’t know zio.” It was tough for him to open up about things like this, but he knew he could always come to his uncle.
The man raised him as his own. Giving him his first ever advice on love when he was merely seven crushing on a girl in the grade above him.
“Above everything, always listen cucciolo. Be there for her. Spoiling is nice, but material things can’t compare to truly giving someone your heart and time. Capire (understand)?”
He wasn’t wrong then, and he’d never been steered wrong since.
“Things aren’t the best right now…and I dunno what to do,” he explains combing his hand through his hair. “I wanna make it right though.”
“Have you talked to her?”
“I tried. She isn’t talking to me.”
“Well, thinking back did you possibly do or say anything?”
“Not that I know of,” he answers with a shrug. “…I think she might know about my actual job. Maybe even the family too.”
Sighing, his uncle finishes the rest of his drink before refilling his glass and pouring a separate one for Ari. “If that’s the case….then I don’t know if there’s anything I can tell you to make it better. I warned you about what comes with this life.”
When he was still just a baby, Ari��s mother told her brother how she didn’t want him in the family business. He knew he couldn’t promise Ari would never be a part of this life though. At some point, his nephew would make his own decisions no matter what he told him. So anytime Ari would ask about his uncle’s dealings—when he became old enough to comprehend what was going on that is—he was honest. He didn’t shy away from telling what could happen if a deal went wrong, or what would take place at the “visit” he and his team were making to a client that owed him money. How he had to watch his back at all times and constantly worried about his family. He could only hope he wasn’t fascinated enough to follow in his footsteps.
“I know and don’t want her in any part of this..but also-,”
“You can’t ignore your feelings,” his uncle finishes with a slight nod of his head. “Well, if she’s that important to you, then you fight for her until one of you raises the white flag nipote.”
It’s going on two weeks since Ari heard anything from you. He tried texting once again the day after your initial talk, but it’s since remained unread.
Good morning…I get it, you need space. I’ll be here if you want to talk (sent 7:05 am)
He knew better than to stop by the restaurant, but that didn’t stop you from switching your hours to the night shift trying to further avoid him in the event he changed his mind. And so far it was working. Allowing you to slowly get his face, his smell, and his touch from your mind the further you buried yourself in work and the community center.
As always, it seemed as of late, nothing good could last forever though.
“Sorry we’re closed,” you call over your shoulder hearing the ding of the front door opening and closing. Not hearing a second ding or anything from the stranger prompts you to halt your sweeping, turning around to find a pistol aimed shakily at your forehead.
“G-Gimmie all the money,” he sniffs. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand before scratching the side of his grimy neck.
“I-It’s already gone. The manager-,”
“Bullshit! Give it now or I shoot!”
“I promise there’s nothing! M-My manager already counted it a-and took it to the bank I swear,” you quickly answer. Your voice unsteady with the tears falling down your cheeks. Mascara surely staining your skin black by now.
He frustratedly bounces using the edge of the gun to scratch his temple as he looks around in thought mumbling something to himself. You wish you could run, but your legs are planted fearful that even taking a step would have a bullet racing towards you.
“Fine,” he finally answers with a demented grin on his thin, cracked lips that makes your stomach churn. “I’m leavin’ with something though sweetheart.” His footsteps grow closer until you can smell the must and smoke from his baggy clothes as he presses against you only making your cries harder. Forcefully grabbing your chin, your pouted lips spur him to lick his own with a smirk.
“Aw…I would say don’t cry, but you just look so pretty when you do.”
“Please,” you manage to squeak feeling his nose press against your neck before inhaling your perfume deep as he could as if it was his first time experiencing any sort of smell.
A high pitched whistle followed by a click has the stranger frozen himself at the cold metal pressed to the back of his head. His sweating becoming more profuse by the second. “I’ll give you two minutes to let her go.”
On good terms or not, the familiar voice has your sobs quieting to soft hiccups now knowing you were safe.
He slowly backs away from you enough that Ari can grab your wrist pulling you behind him all the while still aiming his own handgun at the stranger’s head. From his height and muscular build he completely shields you as your chest presses against his back and his cologne wafts around you.
“You okay?,” he asks slightly turning his head towards you with eyes still trained on his target. You can only muster a nod of your head wrapping your arms around your middle.
“L-Listen alright? I-I just need a few bucks man that’s it. Cmon-,”
This only angers Ari more with how quick he’s twisting the slender man’s arm behind his back and smashing his face into the bar with a disgustingly loud crack. Crying out in pain, his gun falls to the ground between his feet making Ari smirk.
“Huh you know what? I’d say you’re the one who looks pretty when you cry,” he states pressing the gun uncomfortably into the man’s cheek.
“Let me go!”
“Come anywhere near here, my girl, hell, if I even see you in the street, you’re dead. Hear me?!”
“Y-Yea! Got it.”
“Mm..I don’t think you do. Maybe I should just-,”
“Ari,” you call out stopping him from further pulling the trigger. “Police.”
Only seeing red, he failed to hear the approaching sirens or see the flashing red and blue lights illuminating the inside of the restaurant.
“Gun down Levinson,” a middle aged officer announces entering in along with two other cops with their guns drawn. They immediately rush towards the stranger pulling Ari off so they can properly arrest him. “Druggie’s not worth the court date. Go check on your friend, we’ll take care of everything else.”
His expression softens watching you get questioned by a younger officer. How you looked so small and broken holding yourself; occasionally gliding your hand up and down your upper arm. Somewhat calmed down, he returns his gun to the waistband of his pants thanking the Sergeant before his legs carry him to meet you on the other side of the room.
“Hey, she okay?”
“Yep, maybe just some bruising on the cheeks later but physically she’s good,” the young officer softly smiles. “It is common for victims to experience PTSD like symptoms for a while after though, so I don’t think she needs to be alone tonight.”
He wishes he would’ve just pulled the trigger. Whoever that was shouldn’t be breathing let alone able to walk out this building after what he did to you, and how that would potentially affect you for the rest of your life.
“She told me her car is currently in the shop, so rather than run the risk we’re gonna have someone take her home and make sure she gets in okay.”
“That’s alright, I’ll take care of it.” Ari’s careful when approaching you. Flashing you a sympathetic smile before slowly kneeling beside you and reaching out to place his hand on top of yours. When you don’t flinch or pull your hand away, his entire chest warms that maybe things were back to how they were. “Hey angel, I’m gonna take you home okay?”
“But…I thought I have to wait for the manager and owner? To tell them what happened..”
“Well, the cops already made the incident report so you don’t have to. If you just wanna wait though, then we can. You tell me.”
“Oh, then…c-can I go home? Please?”
“Of course, let’s go beautiful.”
Somewhere between the cool air of the car’s AC hitting your face and staring out the passenger window at the passing lights and buildings you were reminded how you were supposed to be mad at the man currently driving you home. All those emotions from overhearing his conversation coming back to your calmed mind to tell you not to fall for his sweet words and charm.
“T-Thanks for bringing me home,”you state switching on the lights after finally making it inside your quiet apartment. This was Ari’s first time seeing what lied beyond your front door, so naturally he tried to take in as much of his surroundings as he could.
Your little studio was cozy with bits of color here and there bringing a brightness that matched your personality. The few plants you had by the windows, either hanging or on their own stand, were blooming with life from their hanging leaves and bright green color. There was even a small reading nook in the corner with a large, yellow, smiley face beanbag sat in front of your shelf of books that immediately made him smile to himself. Everything he saw matched you so well and he found himself never wanting to leave.
“You know you don’t have to thank me,” he dismisses. “I’m here whenever you need me.”
Could his family say the same?
“I-I know.”
“Are you gonna be okay tonight? The officer mentioned-”
“I know, I was there. I’ll be fine.” Your newly short tone catches him off guard sending that ache from all those days without a word from you back to his heart. His disheartened mood might not have easily been read by his features, but the way he peered down to his keys in his hands leaning against your counter had a twinge of guilt creeping in your chest.
“Right…I uh, guess I’ll check on you tomorrow then.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” you state protectively crossing your arms in front of you.
“Stop calling me that!,” you snap making his forehead crease with concern at your fresh tears and raised voice. “You’ve lied to me this whole time.”
He knew this would come eventually. The selfish part of him hoped much later though, wanting to delay having to see the clear disappointment that would be in your eyes. Sighing, his arms flex under his light blue button up as he grips the edge of the counter behind him.
“And how could you do that to your family? They love you so much, and that’s how you repay them?!”
Now he was confused, slightly tilting his head in thought. Clearly he was missing a detail or two.
“Wha…what are you talking about?”
“I overheard you on the phone that morning after our date,” you explain beginning to pace back and forth. “I know about your wife and princess.”
The deep chuckle that bellows from his chest, making him lean forward and hair fall to his face, is one of relief that this was all just a big misunderstanding.
Clearly this was unknown to you, so his seemingly joyous outburst only makes you more frustrated and annoyed with the man in front of you.
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoff heading towards the door. His strong hand gently grips your elbow for a brief moment trying to coax you back before quickly dropping them to his sides. He could admit, he should’ve known better than to try to touch you right now.
“I know you’re more than likely not gonna believe a thing I say, but I promise you I’m not, nor have I ever been married. I…I do have a daughter though. Her name’s Ariane, but I call her Princess.”
Removing his phone from his pocket, there’s a few taps before you’re shown a smiling little girl on his screen. Long brown hair in a braided ponytail and ocean-like eyes, anyone could tell she was Ari’s. The only thing stopping the two from being complete twins was her button nose, which you assumed came from her mother.
“You heard me talking to her grandmother. She’s kept her since she was around one so I could try to grow my business and get to a place where I can keep her for good.” The next picture shows a curvy, older woman with long salt and pepper hairs styled in a messy bun on the top of her head. Smiling as she held her equally happy granddaughter on the slide, a small one forms on your lips as well at how adorable they both were.
“And her mother?,” you ask in a whisper peering up to his eyes.
“She uh…she passed giving birth,” he answers . His face falling as he recalls the nurse rushing him out the room ignoring his protests and questions as the monitors beeped and everyone frantically worked over her struggling body. He hadn’t even gotten to hold Ariane before she was taken away with little lungs calling out for the both of them. “There was a blood clot that travelled to her lungs. They couldn’t help her in time.”
He didn’t have to show you, but the last picture of baby Ariane standing on chubby legs in the grass beside her mother’s headstone as Ari sat close behind making sure she didn’t fall had your heart sinking further than you’ve ever felt.
“Loving daughter, sister, friend, and mother,” etched in the grey stone, a new lump forms in your throat along with a dryness realizing Ari was in fact telling the truth, and you’d made a terrible mistake.
Well, shit.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @lovebittenbyevans @theartisticqueen @chrisevans-world @shnadaidas @literaturelove @ivorylei @yinx1 @maylaysia109 @elrw24 @pono-pura-vida @justile @sunsetfreedom05 @jackiekae @luvingmyships @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @bekinds @ladydmalfoy-deactivated20220715 @maxcullen @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @damnitaa @literaturefeen @bamondomesticity @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
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