#ty essay this made me THINK!
blorbologist · 1 year
Given we know weapons can be infused with more abstract magical charges (animus, psychic damage) dyou think Percy would adapt, say, diplomacy to provide a psychic shock as well as a zappy one? In a similar vein, dyou think Ripley would amp up the psychic damage of Animus specifically to fuck with psychic Percy?
I'm not sure Percy would understand exactly how to make Animus do psychic damage - and tbh I think just adding another damage type to Diplomacy might be a bit redundant? Plus, the electrical damage already matches the Ruidusborn vibes well >:D Hm, I wonder if Animus' ability could be even more powerful, and instead of using that gland or whatever have Percy's own magic trigger it? hmhmhm
But I absolutely think Animus' psychic oomf is inspired by her research on Percy in this AU - hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Retort's enchantment might be a bit different, something passively leeching thoughts from those nearby, or otherwise more tied to Ruidusborn abilities.
This has also got me thinking about how Percy would make the List in this AU - I'm undecided if Orthax is still a thing or not, or if some other force takes his place (cut to Percy getting red storm dreams and using them to discuss engineering with the creepy figures), but I strongly suspect he might make his pepperbox catered to his abilities here.
Here's the thing: Percy is Ruidusborn. Even if he's less Intense a version than Imogen (mechanically probably Telepathic + Magic Initiate feats but still a Fighter), *he can generate sparks*. I have exactly Zero experience with guns and would need to discuss it with someone who knows more, but I suspect that knocking out the need to mechanically ignite the gunpower in a controlled fashion makes Percy's initial guns just... impossible for anyone else to use. Ripley would need to invest a lot more work into adapting them so people completely devoid of magic can use them... unless Percy does that himself (maybe Ripley can shut off his powers somehow and he fears about how he'll Vengeance everyone if that happens? idk). But I like the idea of setting back the development of guns by a bit, and maybe making Percy feel a touch less responsible for them being out in the world.
(DW DW he'll get crippling guilt in other ways <3)
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waywardsalt · 1 year
I am humbly requesting your thoughts on Linebeck
Oh I have a LOT of thoughts on Linebeck but I'll try to just get some major points down bc it would take me ages to spill all of my thoughts on him.
(plus i do have two general headcanon posts [ 1 2 ] a post abt headcanons about him being autistic [ x ] and a weird post about his coat [ x ] as well as pretty much anything in my linebeck tag with my excessive tagging of some reblogs and my original posts + whatever writing or fanfiction i have done/will do with him included so. bonus reading for headcanon-y stuff or a look at how i portray him)
added a read more bc this is long bc of course it is :) i hope it's in the right spot :)))
Linebeck is... a good fucking character. He's probably my favorite character period, and has been pretty much soon after I got Phantom Hourglass. He feels unique compared to other Zelda characters as a companion character who offers less direct support and is more just of a constant character who changes throughout the course of the story and is... well, a companion, not really a helper. He falls more in line with the types of loz characters who are more rude or antagonistic towards Link, but develops out of that, and also technically counts not only as a boss but a final boss, putting him as the only non-villain character to be a final boss, so uh good for him.
Just within the context of the games he's got a great design and a great theme (which is only heard about two times before the final boss but has a recognizable enough motif for it to be noticed in the final boss theme) and an interesting role in his game and just has one of the best character arcs and one of the most interesting places within the story as a whole. Linebeck's arc is very... natural in how you see his attitude change within both story beats and in his overworld dialogue, but at the same time seems like it stutters when he deals with Ciela's criticism and upholding his own reputation, I think his character arc is very fascinating if you consider the entire context of his character and what he interacts with, since a majority of the characters he directly interacts with seem to deny the idea that he's any more than a useless coward.
The fact that pretty much the rest of the major cast in Phantom Hourglass has basically no faith or respect for Linebeck is so fucking fascinating to me. This guy has to be doing so fucking bad over the course of the game. In relation to Ciela specifically, an idea I've been thinking of and trying to work into some of my Phantom Hourglass oneshots is that having to be around and interact with her so frequently wears Linebeck down pretty badly as the game goes on.
This guy is undeniably mentally ill and that's also something I have a specific fic planned out for but that's probably not going to see the light of day for a while. It's basically five chapters of Oshus being Linebeck's therapist or something each time Link goes to the Temple of the Ocean King.
I particularly enjoy how the game (at least twice) plays with your expecting him to be at the ship all of the time by having him be in a different spot on an island. His dialogue for islands and his overseas dialogue are fun, it gives off a sense that he much prefers exploring and is a bit less guarded overseas. His dialogue during the ghost ship fight is ESPECIALLY fantastic, the specific line of 'I'm fighting right there with you this time, kid!' not only offers some very interesting insight to his attitude towards link and his own role, but kind of also stings when considering the events of the final boss and is also a quote I took a screenshot of while reading the text dump for this game.
Phantom Hourglass is by no means an exceptional game and while the story is fine it's nothing fantastic and even most of the characters are... ok, but Linebeck is without a doubt the best part of this game and I really feel like he's the main reason why people still give this game a chance and despite everything he's easily one of the best characters in the entire series even if his game isn't one of the better ones. He honest to god steals every scene he's in, even if he barely has any dialogue- he's animated with such distinct personality and I love it. He doesn't speak at all until the end of the spirit of courage scene and yet is so fucking distracting with his fruity fucking posing and movements in reaction to what's going on.
I'm also personally a fan of the near-complete lack of backstory we get for him. The most we get is some vague implications but everyone can read the given information in different ways so it's really not much. Phantom Hourglass's general lack of lore is great for me since I can just fill in the blanks however I want. I kinda honestly don't want Nintendo to revisit this game because I don't really want them to add anything new. Just port it or something don't change it.
That's about it for surface-level specific-to-the-games Linebeck talk... on to everything else.
Linebeck is literally the reason why I found out I was autistic. I wrote this loser and realized I was accidentally making him kinda autistic and THEN realized I was also projecting and then decided to look into that. He's fun to write and he always ends up a little out of character and at this point I barely give a damn because this bastard is masking or keeping up a facade or whatever the fuck in most of his scenes anyways. Linebeck's arc feels to me more about him being most honest and open to and about his own emotions and actual personality so honestly writing him a bit out of character doesn't bother me too much.
He's my favorite little guy, and when I plan out Zelda aus he always gets a major role to the point where a lot of the twists to my aus all end up being similar. For a few of them I've had to forcibly alter his role so that I can't include him constantly. He's very interesting for different kinds of aus because he's an interesting character for different concepts and situations. His relationships with characters in Phantom Hourglass lend well to au stuff; specifically with Link, in one au they're adoptive brothers, in one they're something akin to rivals, in one their mutual fixation on each other propels the plot. I've even expanded on interactions and possible dynamics with Bellum in aus (Bellum is honestly fun since he's kind of a blank slate in canon but there's just enough there to build off of but keep it relatively the same original character).
I have a few ocs that used to be au versions of Linebeck that ended up becoming their own thing because the aus in question worked better as original stories.
With Phantom Hourglass-centric ideas, it's a lot of fun to poke around and explore stuff with Linebeck's past, his mental state, the kinds of things he enjoys or hates, pretty much anything the game doesn't elaborate on. With all of that blank space and the fact that I've known about him for a few years now, I've gotten down a whole backstory and deeper details on Linebeck, most of which I'm probably going to end up expressing through writing.
Just a few of the baseline ones are just along the lines of him being gay, autistic, touch-averse, intersex, a cat person, someone who highly values his freedom, half Gerudo, interested in music- some of it can be supported with canon (he really comes off to me like a closeted gay man, and he does have some generally autistic vibes) and some of it is really just for the hell of it (in particular the idea that he’s of Gerudo descent has no backing but is so interesting for story stuff and is generally fun) (I also enjoy ignoring parts of canon. I have not played Spirit Tracks and I do not want to play it so if I don't look at it I can ignore it).
I have a lot of fun fleshing him out in different aus or in scenarios before or after Phantom Hourglass, since there's just enough there to allow for further reasonable exploration, and his being just some normal guy actually helps with that since it forces you to keep things relatively normal and comparable to kinds of things you can experience in your day-to-day. I've more or less figured out a (mostly) full backstory for him, I've decided on a full physical description of how he looks so that I have a baseline if I want to change stuff in an au or just so that I know how I figure he looks as well as have an idea of how some physical traits can lend themselves to other aspects of how I write and portray him (for example, I figure he has long fingers, which goes right with the idea that he enjoys music and is pretty good on a piano, and also that he's good with tasks that might require a bit more finger dexterity as well as generally helping a bit with pick-pocketing or thievery)
I figure that, along with the general idea I have of him valuing his freedom, he's not particularly interested in following rules or laws and hates seeing too many of them put in place, and especially values his own identity even if he doesn't express it as much as he'd like. He likes being able to go wherever he'd like and he likes being able to do what he wants and express himself how he wants and that stuff gets bogged down when he plays into that image of someone he's not that he hides behind and doubles down on in a good bit of Phantom Hourglass.
Linebeck is fun in general he's a good character he's fun for aus he's got enough groundwork to spend ages pouring into possible avenues for his personality and background and whatever potential he could have in different aus or roles. He's surprisingly fun and interesting to use as an antagonist since you can't fall back on easy villain-writing ideas and have to get a bit more creative with it.
I think I struggle to write him in-character but it's backed up a bit by my specific interpretation of him suggesting that a lot of what you see from him is forced or fake. I still think he's a greedy piece of shit, though. He sucks and it's on purpose. I lean into him being rude and cold and a bit quieter overall.
He just... for some fucking reason when I decided to play this game Linebeck struck a chord with me whether or not I realized it at the time so he's just very interesting and entertaining and important to me and it really doesn't help that either Phantom Hourglass as a whole or just Linebeck is my special interest.
Linebeck stands out in comparison to other Zelda characters and has a very unique and fascinating role and arc and is just so fucking good.
He feels like he could be used as an example of how good character writing can save a piece of art (not that ph sucks but like. god damn he elevates it) just because his inclusion makes the story more interesting as you have this selfish asshole tagging along next to your little goody-two-shoes protagonist and fairy friend, and his arc, though not entirely the focus of the story, is another reason to keep progressing. His dialogue is funny and has some really good in-character tips every so often, he adds character to traversal and adds stakes as a character to care about and protect and is just fucking fantastic.
He's a character that can work as comedic relief but at the same time can be taken very seriously and I really enjoy that while he seems to be in the role of comedic relief a lot it never seems much like it's diegetically intentional and it still allows room for him to be taken completely seriously. Him knocking over stone Tetra is funny but there's so much character in that entire string of animations that while it's a fun background gag it also provides even more insight into Linebeck as a character.
Essentially he's my favorite character ever he was probably my gay awakening and I want to steal his gender and I think about him more than I think about my ocs.
#linebeck#asks#whistlingstarlight#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#salty talks#literally i got ph in the first place bc some old zeldatubers made a good case abt him and i vaguely remembered reading the manga#and now im still playing it bc of him. do it for him. whatever. easily one of the most important fictional characters ive experienced#i tried to make this more.... formal??? cuz you asked so nicely ty for the ask#i tried to just give some kind of idea of my basic ideas? i didnt want to get too specific since you just asked for thoughts#had a couple of instances of imposter syndrome pop up while writing this bc it feels weird to me to call ph or linebeck my special interest#when i dont look at anything beyond the game half of the time so idk. i think abt and can talk abt linebeck in specific for a while ig#i didn't want to go too in depth with anything since the ask was a lil vague and i didnt want to go into massive tangents#i think i still have the high school essay-writing format brainworms this feels like a structured essay#whatever im insane about him but this is really long and i dont know what to focus on#long post#i stg if the fucking 'keep reading' teleports to where it shouldnt be#anyways a few of my linebeck pet peeves are when people treat him as shallow comic relief or ignore his character arc#i have a lot of linebeck pet peeves but those are the basic ones. pls be nice to him#i empathize a lot with linebeck hence the projection i do with him so idk what that says about me but hes got gay autistic swag so whatever#i left out a lot of other stuff bc some of it would maybe require a mature label. im insane abt him but im also gay abt him
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zincbot · 1 year
i think it's fun to sprinkle a little personal issue into a dnd character, exaggerate it to make it that much easier to dissect
#dnd#it's been fun with my newest guy midas. cause they're probably the dnd character most different from me? that i've ever played#and the first long-term one who isn't a total sweetheart lol#with midas i'm trying to explore dysphoria beyond just the body#dysphoria with. feeling like who you are is intrinsically unlovable. feeling like you have to be something else to get it#it's really interesting.#my first pc. octo. a big part of his character was being an eldest sibling#who saw that trait as something essential to himself.#and also i made Octo someone who fears death in a way that lends itself to self-destruction in search of a solution#i was messy with octo. his story was about loss of voice. about tying yourself to someone too tightly. about digging your own grave#venna is still probably my favourite dnd character i've ever played. with her i was exploring innocence and the desire to do good#kindness in a world that was unkind. kindness in a Body that was unkind. being soft when you're built for violence#how everyone being deserving of life means you too#another one. west. i wish i cld have got to play them more. but that was about#losing ability as someone who prides themself on physical prowess.#not letting others see you hurting. running away from comfort.#essaie. trying to deal with a problem by yourself instead of asking for help.#and i gave him a guilt. knowing that something was your fault even if there's no evidence for it.#all of these traits and more exist within me but most of them are much smaller than they are in these characters#which is why i think it can be really nice to pull them out and explore them like this#ttrpgs are so special man
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f14fun · 3 months
big mouth, big brain (!youtuber x op81) ~ part 1
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synopsis: in which case y/n, a video essayist pops up on oscar's youtube feed, and he falls in love with the way she speaks and tells stories
smau ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
profile | masterlist | next ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
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liked by oscarpiastri, user1 and 119,102 others
yourusername: "bernie ecclestone, the f**king genius behind f1" is out now on youtube! hope you all enjoy this video <3
view comments:
user1: when queen drops an hour and half long video accompanied with sources and proper citations you KNOW its going to be a great day
user2: omg wait i'm so excited to watch this! no one ever talks about him in f1 video essays, so glad you made a video about him <3
liked by yourusername
user3: this video TEAAA omg
user4: HELLO GUYS?? are we even NOTICING that oscar is in the likes??!
user5: wait omg i just saw that, what the hell..
yourusername: girl, i am trying my best to KEEP MY COMPOSURE
yourusername: it's not working
oscarpiastri: wow, this video is so good! i enjoyed it a lot!!
yourusername: tysm oscar, this means a lot to me! glad you enjoyed it 🥰🫶🏻
username7: you are NOT fooling me girl, you are definitely shaking, crying, and screaming rn cuz he commented
username8: bro is THIRSTY he used three exclamation points
username9: get in line oscar, we all think y/n is hot too
username10: blessed mommy y/n 😍😍😍
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liked by oscarpiastri, user1 and 152,998 others
yourusername: guys, i got flown out
view comments:
yourusername: #hoes-in-different-area-codes
oscarpiastri: heyyy, i'm not a hoe 😒😞🙁
yourusername: that's right, you're my hoe
liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri: 🫶🏻🫶🏻
user2: aight give me my man with money, where is he??
user3: idk guys, i kind of get the vibe that she's gold-digging him
user4: bffr. she makes plenty of money from vlogging video-essaying, she's been on youtube making vids since 2017
user5: yeah, be so fr. she was 13 then, and she's 20 now. i KNOW mawmaw is rich 🤑💲💸
user6: NAHHH he flew her out for a date that's so sweet I need that so bad
liked by yourusername and oscarpiastri
user7: oscar, while you are at it, could you please buy y/n the valentino garavani crystal-embellished shoulder-bag in red or blue <333
oscarpiastri: duly noted ✅
oscarpiastri: valentino✍🏻 bag ✍🏻🗒️
yourusername: AHHHHH NOOOO
user8: good lord the bag is 5K.
oscarpiastri: don't worry about it🤭🤑🫡
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author's note: ty guys for reading this fic! 😍🫶🏾
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insertdisc5 · 6 months
I finished ISAT yesterday and I can't get it out of my head. I will spread it to as many friends as possible. Thank you so much for making it. How else can we support In Stars and Time after buying the game?
that is a lovely question to ask!!! um um um this applies to all indie games and all cool stuff you like btw <3
✨✨✨ How To Support Something Cool After Having Bought The Something Cool ✨✨✨
-if you bought the game on steam, leave a review on steam! Reviews tell the Steam Algorithm(tm) that the game is worthwhile and cool, and so the algorithm will be more likely to show off the game!!!
-if you bought it elsewhere uuuuh leave a review on metacritic i guess????
-word of mouth!!! tell your friends!
here's a tangent.
Word Of Mouth For Dummies (written by me, a professional Word Of Mouther) ok so if you wanna make your friends play the game. here is my advice. or at least thats how i do it. i made all my friends play disco elysium and. ive even made one. play. umineko (everyone gasps in amazement) 1. dont be too insistent about it. so, GO CRAZY AAAH GO STUPID AAAH only ONCE. and explain the game in thirty pages there if you want. ONCE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. 2. if you know them well and what they like, personalize the paragraph. you like timeloops? thats for you. you like old ladies? thats for you? you keep beating me at rock paper scissors? Do I Have The Game For You. 3. now that you've gone crazy aah stupid aah Once, you have successfully PLANTED THE SEED. like in inception. no need to go crazy stupid again for a while. i know it's hard. but you don't wanna go crazy stupid too much. control yourself. for the Thing. 4. from that point on though, when the game is on sale, just go "hey btw the cool game i told you about is on sale! smiles smiles smiles". 5. every six months go "i was just thinking about a cool game again." "what cool game?" "IN STARS AND TIME" and you can go crazy aaah go stupid aah again. 6. after Some Time (from 2 weeks to 5 years) they will play the game. yes i said 5 years. word of mouthing is a WAITING GAME. little sprouts grow into trees. 7. they play the game 8. ???? 9. profit <3
-word of mouth, 2!!!! SOCIAL MEDIA!!!! tweet about the game! reblog other people's posts! make fanart! make fanfic! write a long essay about which parts made you cry! cosplay as the characters! make a video essay! just yell!!!!! you know how you only got into That One Thing because someone made a post about it? you could be The Post.
-(this one is if you want more merch specifically) buy the merch if it's available! the only reason we have a second Loop wave with the Yetee is because the first wave sold so well ;w;
-ummm that's it really????? that's already a bunch!!! but yeah!!!!!!!!!! ty!!!!!!!!!!
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
what do you think stalker!anis body count is?
i can’t work out if he’s had a “fuck everything that walks” phase or not
I’ve thought about this a lot actually, cause I’ve also had trouble deciding that lmao. I originally intended for stalker!ani to have BPD, but as he developed as a character I think antisocial personality disorder fits him much, much better. Both disorders experience hypersexuality.
In this essay I will…
Stalker!Anakin has never had a girlfriend before reader. Unfortunately he was painfully awkward and strange during his elementary school years:
Exhibit A: tying nettles together with worms (a beautiful bouquet if you ask me) and giving them to a girl he thought was pretty.
Exhibit B: staring and unapologetically eavesdropping on any conversation.
Exhibit C: starting conversations with “I am Anakin Skywalker, I am seven years old and I like to collect Hot Wheels. Do you like to collect Hot Wheels?” (Bc his therapist said he should try to be ‘relatable’ by finding people with similar interests. How is he expected to do that unless he systematically goes through his entire class list and initiates/interviews his classmates??)
Moving onto his middle school years were even worse bc he found out that girls are hot and hot girls make him horny. Everyone remembered him as the weird kid, told the other sixth graders and ruined his chances of winning people over with his new, carefully crafted personality/mask.
So when he asked his crush to the homecoming dance he bought real flowers (sans worms!!), and his mom helped him find a cute sign on Pinterest to copy… She refused the flowers and said “ew”, thinking there were prob bugs in it (she’d heard the gossip). Anakin unwrapped the flowers and shook them out to prove they were indeed wormless, made a joke and then the girl reconsidered her refusal and decided ‘hey maybe he’s not so bad, all kids are weird anyway so he’s probably fine now’.
Turns out he was in fact trying to be fine & normal. But ended up in a ‘Carrie at prom’ situation at the homecoming dance bc the guy who also liked Anakin’s date was there. Anakin ended up with a suspension and the other guy ended up with the girl.
Then the summer of 7th grade he wacked a grown man with a table.
That didn’t bode well for his highschool conquests of course! So he got his rocks off with the occasional use of the good ol’ ‘hide in the bushes with binoculars and hope Becky from Algebra changes in front of her window again’
Anakin got his first job at the Hot Topic when he was 17. This is where he tried out everything he’d learned over the years and he realized he was actually very decent at speaking to girls as long as he kept up his masked personality. Anakin stayed a virgin until a pretty girl with a nose ring (she worked at Claire’s, he was getting his ear pierced) complimented his Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt and he smooth talked his way into getting her in his car after his shift. Then… continued to do that for a while, strictly fucking. She thought it was strange that he never really wanted to talk before or after.
He was just trying to perfect his sex game and she was just a body. She wasn’t his dream gal, so she was perfect for making mistakes and learning from them. He didn’t have to worry about appearances or properly apologizing for accidentally not doing super great at something, he could just move on and keep going. After all, she was just a body to practice on.
Unfortunately for Anakin he had a brand new court appointed therapist at the time who didn’t think promiscuity was good for the healing and reconditioning process (it wasn’t).
So Anakin put a stop to fuckin’ the girl from Claire’s. He was very confused that she was so upset when he just completely ignored her. The next time they both worked, she waited at his truck like usual and he walked right past her and got in his truck, locked the door and backed out of the parking spot without waiting for her to move (she was fine just really mad).
Claire’s girl confronted him about it, thinking she’d done something to upset him and asked if that was his way of breaking up with her. Anakin’s like??? Break up?? We were never dating!!?? (This is how he found out that when you fuck someone weekly for over four months they will more than likely form an emotional attachment)
To avoid a repeat of that incident when he moved to the city for college (he dropped out obvi), he got a job as a bartender for the sole purpose of people watching for research and practicing being a normal dude. Being a normal dude includes learning how to pick up chicks, so I think he probably took a girl home once or twice a month just to keep sharp on his pretending and fucking skills so he’d be on his best game when he found the right girl.
So in conclusion, yes he did have a ‘fuck everything that walks’ phase. Just not for the sex. For research.
me reading the DSM-5 and diagnosing him. [im a doctor you can trust me]
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Any guide on Elle woods / hermione / rory coz I had no study motivation 😮‍💨
“she’s like a real life rory gilmore…”
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fictional study icons guide, part 1: rory gilmore
ty for the ask! i’m gonna make this multiple parts, next will be elle woods, i never read/ watched harry potter tho so idk about hermione 🫣 but if y’all want me to do other characters, feel free to send ideas!
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know your goals
rory had a clear idea of what she wanted for herself: to go to harvard & to become a journalist. when school & studying starts to feel tedious or difficult, having a strong “why” will keep you going. maybe you want to get into a certain school, you have a dream career path, or you want to become extra knowledgeable. never lose sight of your goal - surround yourself with reminders of it. rory had harvard memorabilia hanging in her room as a constant reminder of what she was working towards. you can create a vision board online, print pictures & hang them in your room, put notes up on your mirrors & walls. remember that classes, tests, & assignments are all leading you to a greater goal. studying is a means to an end and you deserve the best ending!
study a lot
rory prioritized her studies and spent a lot of her free time on schoolwork. the easiest way to succeed is to put in the time. don’t cut corners when it comes to your education - do your homework and assignments diligently, go through assigned readings & videos carefully, & if the teacher gives you optional/additional work, do it. remember tho, it’s important to study smarter, not harder. the most beneficial thing you can do is spend as much time as possible utilizing study methods that work for you. don’t waste time on study methods that aren’t effective for you. you can search my older posts for info about study styles or google learning styles & use that to help determine your best approach to schoolwork.
conquer challenges asap
when rory first started going to chilton, she unexpectedly got a bad grade on one of her first essays. she could have sat there and made excuses, felt sorry for herself and blamed the school/ teachers, but instead she worked extra hard to improve and overcome that poor grade. in the end she was valedictorian, showing that she was able to rise to the challenge and ultimately succeed. if you find yourself struggling with schoolwork, please take initiative asap and get whatever help you need. utilize all your resources - teachers, classmates, youtube video explanations, khan academy, tutors (if possible) - do not allow a dip in performance to be your norm. try to get to the bottom of why you’re struggling and then take care of whatever’s causing it. if you let yourself succumb to the struggle - telling yourself it’s because of bad teachers, the content is too hard, etc. - the only person who is gonna suffer in the long run is you. be proactive and take charge of your education.
take breaks
while rory did spend a lot of her time studying, it didn’t rule her whole life. she still made time for friends, family, and fun activities. life is about balance, and you don’t want to burn yourself out by spending every waking moment on school. take breaks for fun, to spend time with loved ones, to get fresh air & be active. give your mind breaks so that you can stay in top shape. that being said, make sure you strike a balance. don’t let your social life get in the way of your academics, but don’t let studying stop you from living life.
read a lot!
when i think of rory, i think of reading. she always has her nose in a book! she not only reads, but she reads books that are thought-provoking and intellectual - classics, non-fiction, and so on. reading is a wonderful hobby and it can also be a way to expand your mind. challenge yourself by reading books that are somewhat difficult to challenge yourself to read closely & dissect the content. find classics that genuinely interest you or non fiction on topics you enjoy. combine the fun of reading with the desire for intellectual growth. by reading more difficult books you can improve your vocabulary, build you reading comprehension skills, become better at analyzing literary devices, and overall become a more interesting person.
that’s all! have a great school year & best of luck with your studies! 🩷
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queer-overwatch · 6 months
Hi!! Could I request maybe a Venture x Reader (Any pronouns will do) on like a museum date? I want Venture to yap.Please and Thank you. ( Also bless the both of you I needed more Venture content I was tweaking without them)
Venture at a Museum!
Aaa ty sm for the request!!! I love that idea so much- they are such a yapper I love them <3 also your welcome hehe, had to take thing into our own hands >:3 (also bc u didn't request a specific format (like hcs or oneshot) i just did a short lil oneshot, hope thats okay!) -Frisk
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"Look, look- they have a whole section on rocks! Kinda basic selection but it's still rocks!"
You never thought you'd be able to learn so much about rocks in one day, but it seemed like Venture had made it their personal mission to force as much information into your brain as possible. You didn't mind, really! It was always nice listening to them rant about all the cool stuff they found while walking around the museum you'd planned to bring them to, but it was a lot to take in at once.
"Augh, I love sedimentary rocks- they're my favorite! 'cuz sometimes they have like, little fossils in them and I'm like, "Woah! A cool thing in another cool thing!" and it's awesome! One time I found a trilobite fossil in a rock, it was so cool! I wonder if they have any here- that'd be so amazing! I wonder what they taste like-"
After spilling every single fact they could think of about the rocks on display, Venture drags you to a section of the museum dedicated to Egyptian history, though they mostly just seemed interested in the architecture of the pyramids. You really did try to listen, but you mostly just caught the gist of their long, long, long explanations- something about a Mastaba being like a sort of prototype to pyramids? You were just happy to see them so excited, even if you didn't quite understand what they were so hyped about.
"Oh, if only that British lady could go back to ancient Egypt and get the architects of their time to answer my questions! I'd give anything to be able to do that!" Sensing the slight disappointment creeping up on them, you decide to try and bring Venture elsewhere, not wanting them to spend any energy on being upset by what they can't do.
"Why don't we go look at the dinosaur fossils? I'm sure there's some mistakes in the descriptions that you can correct!" You take their hand, gently pulling them away from the long essay-like description of images of the pyramids that they were reading. Incising them with promises of being able to show off their intensive knowledge of dinosaur fossils, or fossils in general.
Venture perked up almost immediately, following behind you as they ready themselves to go on and on about their favorite dinosaur ever, the Deinocheirus! You tried to ask why it was their favorite ones, and all they said was something about it being "them fr fr" and having rocks in its stomach. You weren't too keen on questioning that one.
They take a large step so they're walking next to you, swinging your arms as you walk, "It's always been one of my biggest goals to find a dinosaur fossil! I really hope I do one day, if I did I could die happy!"
"Please don't die- I would be so sad if you died." You squeeze their hand, voice light as you joke with them.
"Aw but I wanna! I wanna be a fossil for future people like me to discover! When I do die I wanna be buried with a bunch of cool stuff! Maybe mess around with my bones a little, just to throw 'em off!" As you finally reach the fossil exhibits, they abandon you to run off and check over every. single. fossil. which while endearing, gave you a lot of running to do in an attempt to catch up.
"Finally! For once a museum that gets everything right! Well, everything as far as we know-" They stand next to one of the larger fossils, not anything you recognized as you take your place next to them, catching your breath.
"Wow, how impressive-" you wheeze, standing up straight and stretching out your legs as you link arms with Venture, trying to stop them from running off on you again.
They laugh, grabbing you by the shoulder and dragging you in the tightest hug you've ever received.
"Thank you, so, so, so much for planning this. And for listening to me talk about rocks so much, and for caring about me- and a million other things! I can't even remember everything you've done for me, but I know its a lot!" They let you go, still holding you by the shoulders, the biggest smile you've ever seen on a person splayed across their face.
"Of course-! I love spending time with you, you're well aware of that, silly." You laugh, grabbing their wrists and taking their hands off your shoulders, holding their hands as you admire the glow of excitement on their face.
"Welllll since you clearly don't mind, can we go to this other museum I found online next week?! I heard they have an area where you get to watch an hour long video on the story of Julius Caesar!"
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blankwashed · 5 months
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Content Warnings: 18+ stuff here, ddlg (daddy dom, little girl), broken family, pretty rough sex, Toji himself should be a warning-
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You let out a big sigh. It was probably the hardest or easiest essay you have ever gotten academically. It was an easy question for the rest of your classmates as they were happily writing away about their parents or guardians, thinking about the happy holidays and birthdays that they have received throughout their life.
15 minutes have passed and your paper was still blank, without even a paragraph structure. What could you write about your father? Sure, he wasn’t your actual father per se but your mother married him ever since you were a child so that counts, right?
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At the age of 6, your mom kept going out on Friday nights, leaving you to be taken care of by your aunts and uncles. She would leave until it was Sunday night when she picks you up and brings you home. In the mind of a little child, you figured she went out for work purposes but in reality, she was going on dates with a special man whom you would eventually call dad.
Sometimes, she leaves you at home with food already prepared and brings him over. Of course, she would place your toys around the television and goes into the bedroom with the man. As you were innocent, you thought that they were both talking about business as your mother always looks pleased whenever she comes out of the room. A little tired, but a smile on her face.
This went on for 2 years until she came to you saying that you’ll finally have a father figure in your life. Of course, he was your father. The striking, muscular, tall man built like a soldier. Sometimes he made your heart beat faster and louder when he was around the home minding his own business. He watched you grow up into the gorgeous and pretty girl you are now. Attending teacher-parent meetings when necessary, signing documents and being your personal chauffeur whenever you and your friends wanted to go for outings to malls.
Behind all of that, you kept a deep and dark secret from everyone. Something you would not even tell your best friend or even a fly.
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“Nyah! Daddy, sore from P.E. class yesterday! My teacher asked us to run laps and I think I overdid myself-“
He thrusted himself deeper into your dry pussy while his fingers were forming quick circles around your clitoris.
Sure, he filled the gap in your mom’s life when your actual dad left. But that wasn’t the only thing he was filling. Toji isn’t blind or stupid. Maybe a little out of his mind but as a man, he watched you grow up. Breasts forming, hips enlarging. It would be a lie if you say you didn’t secretly touched yourself thinking about him.
“No buts, bitch. Today was a hard day at work and the only thing that could make my day is your tight pussy. Mmm, thankfully it’s still tight,,,,,” He pushed himself deeper multiple times while playing with your clit. You were in pain due to the lack of foreplay and you remembered an idea you had in school during Arts class.
It was always something you’ve wanted to try. Running towards your school bag, rummaging through all your utensils.
Found it. A thick flowy strip of red ribbon.
“C‘mere daddy, let me decorate you before I feast on you,” smirking while tying a beautiful ribbon around his leaking hard cock. “Look daddy! It’s giving me a reward for making it look so appealing~” you said, referring to the trickles of pre-cum dripping.
Toji was about x years older than you. This wasn’t the first time he saw a chick gawking (no pun intended) at his length. Obviously that was also the way your own mother knew that he was the man for her.
“Getting creative, are we? Let daddy reward you for giving our play-time a little more effort,” he says lowly while playing with your left nipple with his tongue. His big hands always perform wonders on the rest of your body while his prize winning cock was busy elsewhere on your body.
Your moans were and are melodies to his ears. You weren’t big on being able to form sentences while getting fucked silly, however…
“Please daddy! I-I’m your little dirty slut, make me come daddy! I need it, I NEED you! Daddy…” you tried to touch your clit with your fingers but they were swatted away by his hand.
“When has it ever been about what you want, toy?” he spit on your pussy, and started to rub vigorously. It was in no way pleasurable and it hurt.
You knew he was doing this on purpose and knew that it wouldn’t get better if you kept disobeying his commands. With both your mom and Megumi away, he made you sit on the family’s dining table. Pushing away everything that could be in the way of him and you.
He pushed you down, readying himself to slurp on his wet, awaiting treasure. You were still a mess, moaning and screaming his name. “Daddy please, don’t make me wait any longer, please daddy,,,” your toes start curling and you could feel the long awaited climax reaching.
“Cumming daddy!!! Shit, I fucking love you-“ you screamed as you came while holding onto his broad shoulders. Your mind was as if it was in a different world, a world where Toji, your step-dad was yours. Where you didn’t have to hide your feelings towards him and you could touch him romantically and sexually in public.
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so fucking horny for toji, are we???? (we as in me)
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fierymiasma · 1 year
 𖦹 Five Times....// Sebastian x f!MC 𖦹
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Summary: Five times Sebastian Sallow Was Jealous and One Time He Didn't Have to Be
Requested by Anon
Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Words: 2.7k
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1. First Date
"Is it true, Poppy?"  Sebastian shook the poor girl by the shoulders so hard that her head was bobbing back and forth like a ragdoll.  "Are you certain you saw her on a date?  Could you possibly have mistaken her for someone else?"
Ever since his crush best friend saved Hogwarts, she had been constantly surrounded by male attention.  It hadn't bothered Sebastian (it did).  After all, he knew that what the two of them had was more than any silly hero worship could compare to.  The hero of Hogwarts and Sebastian were inseparable.  They were friends, dueling companions…they were…
…Well frankly Sebastian didn't quite know what they were.
Until now.
"Why do you want to know so much Sallow?" A feminine Scottish voice interrupted the conversation from behind Sebastian's shoulder.
Sebastian swore.  Imelda fucking Reyes.  Just what he needed.  He had been in the middle of interrogating naïve Poppy Sweeting regarding their mutual friend's whereabouts.  This wasn't the time for Imelda and her egotistic mind games.  "This doesn't concern you, Reyes.  I was speaking to Sweeting."  He turned towards the short girl.  "Poppy, as one of her dear friends, her best friend, you need to tell me where she is.  All of Hogwarts depends on it."
Before Poppy could even respond, Imelda stepped in between them.  With a flick of her wrist, she cast the tongue-tying jinx, silencing Poppy.
Poppy squeaked, fingers flying to her lips in surprise.  Sebastian's eyes widened in shock.  The only thing anyone could hear coming from Poppy's mouth was a string of unintelligible garble.
Imelda patted Poppy on the shoulder.  "I think Poppy is having some trouble remembering the date's name."  Poppy's eyebrows furrowed in contempt at Imelda as she tried to unsuccessful untie her tongue.  "If only there was something to help jog the poor girl's memory."
Imelda made a hand gesture with her fingers like a Gringotts goblin rubbing two sickles together.
Sebastian's mouth dropped.  It was just like Imelda to butt into a personal crisis and profit off the situation. This was not the time for extortion.  Not when the savior's very first kiss was on the line.  A part of him wanted to wring Reyes neck.  But another, smaller, more Slytherin part of Sebastian applauded Reyes' clever thinking.  Digging a couple of sickles from the recesses of his pockets, he chucked them into Reyes clawed hands. 
"Are we settled, Imelda?"  Sebastian sneered.  "Can you leave me and Sweetings alone?"
"Hm…."  Imelda looked down at the paltry sum in her hands.  "Maybe her handsome date took her to the library…or was it the Quidditch field?  Actually, I believe the pair went on a picnic next to the Lake.  It is, after all, very romantic when the sun sets.  A perfect view for snogging, if you ask me." 
Sebastian called Imelda many foul, frankly unforgivable, names number his breath.  "I'll do your History of Magic essay as well."
Imelda waved her wand over Poppy's face, undoing the spell.
Poppy coughed, sticking out her tongue at Imelda.  "She's at the teashop in Hogsmeade with Benjamin Carrow.  He's a Gryffindor 7th year."  Poppy's cheeks blushed a bit.  "Super tall.  Very nice to look at."
Well, he did not need to know that last bit of information.  Sebastian's neck muscles tightened.  Benjamin Carrow.  Sebastian was well aware of the reputation of that particular Gryffindor.  He was even more aware of the effect that rake had on the female population of Hogwarts.  Handsome.  Chivalrous (supposedly).  And of course, in Sebastian's book, up to absolutely no good. 
He muttered a quick thanks to Poppy under his breath, before he spun away in a huff, stomping away with more force than necessary.
With the angry Slytherin out of the picture, Imelda flipped two sickles into Poppy's open hands.  Poppy frowned at the coins in her hand, her stomach twisting into knots.  "Should we tell Sebastian that he has nothing to worry about?  I feel awfully bad watching him so stressed out over nothing."
Imelda happily tallied up the remaining sum of coins in her hand before pocketing them.  "And ruin his fun?  Never."
Sebastian ran to Hogsmeade so fast that one could almost accuse him of apparating.  His lungs were about to explode.  One of his ribs might have broken in the process of running up to Hogsmeade.  He steadied his hands on his thighs, trying to take deep breaths to replenish his supply of oxygen.  Slamming open the door of the teashop, he scanned the cozy space for any signs of his friend. 
His stomach dropped.  Left corner booth in the back, hidden behind the wall of flutterby bushes.  A classic play.  It was the best place for unwed, young couples to neck in public without getting caught.
Well, he certainly wasn't going to let her be a victim any time soon.
He smoothed his hair into place.  It was drenched from his sweat.  No doubt, he looked like a mess, having practically bent time and space to get here.
With the confidence that only Sebastian Sallow could exude, he walked up to the couple's booth, ready to put a stop to this nonsense.
"Benjamin?  It's funny running into you at a place like this!  It's been a while since you were at Crossed Wands."  Sebastian's tone was cheerful but his mouth was flat.
"Sebastian?"  the savior of Hogwarts asked before her date could even say anything.
"I need to speak with you."  Sebestian dropped all pretenses of pretending to give a shit about her date. 
 "You need to speak with me."  She repeated flatly.
This operation was not going as well as he had hoped.  "It's unfortunately urgent."
A painted eyebrow arched with skepticism. "You have an urgent message that cannot wait until this is over."   It was rather apparent that she did not believe him. 
Sebastian couldn't help himself anymore.  Gently wrapping his hand around hers, he pulled her out of her chair.  Well in for a knut, in for a sickle.  "Yes, terribly sorry…" he address her date,  "…rather unfortunate timing, but we must be on our way.  No rest for the hero of Hogwarts after all." 
She did not put up any resistance against him,  her hand tightened in his as she allowed the other man to help her out of her seat.  As Sebastian led her out of the teashop into the bustling streets of Hogsmeade, the savior of Hogwarts wondered what on earth was so important that Sebastian had to interrupt her very first date.
Sebastian was still holding her hand as he steered her to a more secluded alleyway to have a private conversation.  His hands were warm against hers.  Despite them being such close friends, they didn't really touch much.  Oh of course, she yearned for any excuses to brush against Sebastian.  Bumping into him in the hallway, pressing her back against his in an exciting duel.
But holding hands?  In public?  Why by both Muggle and Wizarding standards, it was quite the controversy.  Still she tried to cherish the feeling of his skin against hers even for this brief moment in time.
All too soon, they both arrived at the secluded nook right behind the backdoor of the Three Broomsticks.  Sebastian reluctantly let go of her hand.  Her heart was pounding in her throat as she let herself be whisked away from her date.  This was it.   After a whole year of waiting, months of yearning, and weeks of pining after the handsome Slytherin.  Sebastian was going to finally confess his feelings towards her. 
Poppy, Imelda and Natt had all reassured her, time and time again, that Sebastian was head over heels in love with her.  In fact, it was Imelda who suggested going on a date to "remind Sallow of the other eligible bachelors".  She resisted at first.  It felt wrong to even imagine being with anyone other than Sebastian Sallow, but as their 6th year of Hogwarts dragged on, and as the leaves started falling from the trees, it got harder and harder to say no to all the date proposals.  
Biting at her bottom lip, she looked at the boy before her, hoping that Sebastian would finally confess his feelings towards her. 
As Sebastian led her outside the romantic teashop, he couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was.  Well, Sebastian had always thought that the savior of Hogwarts was extremely attractive, even when she was covered in troll boogeys, but….with her hair done up, the small amounts of make up on her face, and a fetching dress that hugged her curves….
In the rare moments that Sebastian would pick up one of Anne's romance books, he would always roll his eyes and scoff at the writers who moaned at the difficulties of describing a Veela's beauty.
Now, he was starting to understand how they must have felt. 
"Sebastian Sallow.  Whatever you tell me has better be important."
She folded her arms in front of her chest, clearly not amused by his antics.  Her finger drummed from forearm nervously, no doubt hoping to go back inside with Benjamin fucking Carrow.
"Sebastian Sallow," she repeated again, but this time there was a dangerous tone in her voice.  "What was it, that was so important that you needed to interrupt?"
Her face was flushed a pretty pink, reminding Sebastian of the love potions Professor Sharp showed off in class last week.  She looked even more beautiful when she looked murderously pissed at Sebastian.  It was perhaps not an appropriate time to tell her how attractive she looked when she was angry.
"You can't date him."  Sebastian fumbled.
"Who says I'm even on a date?" She shot back haughtily. 
Sebastian clenched his jaw.  "The Hogsmeade teashop.  Teatime for two.  Corner booth to the left.  Classic play.  Gryffindors use it all the time."
Okay, so maybe it was a date. 
"Plus you're wearing a new dress I've never seen you in and wearing make up."  His hands balled into fists.  "You never wear make up like that."  His voice was a hint accusatory. 
She touched her lips subconsciously.  Make up was still very new to her.  It was her first date in well…her whole life, and she wanted to do something special.  The hero of Hogwarts who was well versed in ancient magic and defeating trolls…was a novice in the romance department.  She was so nervous that her make up gave her face a ghoulish appearance.  But her date hadn't even commented or noticed.  Her stomach flipped.  She didn't know that Sebastian was the type of boy to even notice changes to her appearances. 
Seeing what looked like to him a cold mask of disdain on her face, he knew he had to say something less she suddenly lose interest in the conversation and go back inside with that prat. 
"You need to turn him down."  He stressed. 
"And why is that?"
A thousand arguments raced through Sebastian's brain.  "He's a prick.  I know his type, only dates whoever the most popular girl is.  The second he loses interest in you, he'll move onto the next." 
For some reason, Sebastian's words stung.  With all the boys asking her out in her 6th year, she had hoped that it was because they found her personality charming, or witty, or frankly they found her appearance flattering.  She was always a bit fearful that the boys were attempting to court her out for the bragging rights of getting a kiss from "the hero of Hogwarts."  She crossed her arms in front of her.  "Well maybe he's changed."
Sebastian snorted.  "He hasn't."
She frowned.  "Well, you don't know that.  I like Ben.  He's different.  He's not like the other boys."
Sebastian rolled his eyes in exasperation.  How many times had he heard that same expression come from Anne? 
"He's a bloke, for Merlin's sake.  They're all assholes."
She raised an eyebrow, looking at him pointedly.
"Except me."  Sebastian corrected.  "I'm awful for entirely different reasons."
She sniffed.  "You just don't like him because you're jealous that he gets more attention from other girls than you do."  she mumbled under her breath bitterly.
The boy blinked owlishly.  Something felt off about her statement but he wasn't quite sure why.  His best friend had never hinted that she was ever upset at the female attention Sebastian received.  In fact, ever since she had come to Hogwarts, Sebastian had never paid any mind to them.  Why would she be so bothered by it?
Why did it even matter when she was the only one that Sebastian truly gave a damn about?
His chest felt tight.  "Please, take my word for it."  Sebastian looked her in the eyes.  "Fellows like him…they're only after one thing, and the second they get it from you, they'll drop you like a sack of Dragon Dung." Sebastian's voice was quiet.  "I just don't want to see my friend hurt."
She huffed, looking away from Sebastian and breaking eye contact.  "He's a Gryffindor.  They're more chivalrous than you give them credit for."
Slytherins were far better dates, and she knew it.  Sebastian couldn't help but mumble under his breath.  "Doubt it.  He's a Gryffindor.  They're all assholes."
She glared at him.  "Garreth, Leander, and Natty are all Gryffindors."
Sebastian grimaced.  "And it's truly Natsai's greatest flaw." 
She scoffed.  She can't believe she just let him waltz in there and kidnap her away from her date, only for Sebastian to basically just throw a tantrum.  She was becoming like Ominis, too lenient on Sebastian's shenanigans.  "Why do you even care?" 
Sebastian looked at her incredulously.  Did she not listen to a word of what he said?  It's like she was purposely playing deaf. 
"You're one of my best friends besides Ominis.  I don't want to see you get involved with someone bound to hurt you." 
Her body stiffened.  ' A friend just like Ominis'.  A friend.  That's all they were to each other wasn't it?  Merlin, how could she be so stupid.  "And that’s why you came all this way to interrupt my date?  Because I'm one of your friends?"  She hissed the last two words through gritted teeth.
Sebastian ducked his head.   He took a shaky breath in.  "Yes.  Ever since you came into my life, everything has changed.  I care for you, deeply.  You are one of my best friends, and I wouldn't be here without you."
She shoulders dropped.  This wasn't what she wanted to hear.  "I got to go Sebastian.  It's rude for a lady to keep a man waiting." 
Sebastian stood there in the damp alleyway, feeling exceedingly vulnerable, wondering what exactly he said wrong. 
Before she could fully leave him, he turned towards her retreating form.  He grasped her hand, holding her in place.  Her wrist felt so warm in his hold.  If he pressed his thumb down more firmly, he could feel her pulse point beat steadily against his.
She stilled.
"You can't date him."  His words came out rushed and forced.  "You're the most powerful witch in our generation.  The prettiest one on top of it and the funniest one here.  You deserve better."
She scoffed, wrenching her hand away from his loose grip.  She was sick of pretty words from a pretty boy.  It felt rather cold and lonely now.  "What do you know what I deserve?
Sebastian's voice was thick with emotion.  "I know you deserve someone who isn't intimated by how powerful you are.  Someone who will always support your silly little errands.  Someone who you can trust to have at your back in a duel.  A gentleman who will always be loyal to you."
Someone….someone like me.  He thought privately.
He didn't dare say the last part out loud.
Her eyes searched his face, perhaps looking from more from him.  After a beat of silence, her shoulders fell.  There was a stony, unreadable expression on her face.
"Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Sebastian." Her voice quiet and her lips pressed together tightly.  "I'll be sure to remember your advice."  Whipping her nicely done hair behind her, she walked back into the teashop, no doubt returning to a rather nice date with that sleazy Gryffindor. 
Sebastian stood in the alleyway by himself, alone.  He couldn't help but feel as though she wanted something more from him, but he couldn't tell what. 
Part 2
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themboty · 5 months
~~writeblr intro~~
Hello, I'm Ty! I'm recently back on Tumblr after a few years and would love to meet some writers with similar interests to possibly talk about WIP's and the wonderful world of writing!
click below to learn more about me
I'm in my early twenties, a lesbian, and genderfluid. I also use all pronouns!
I'm a recent college graduate with minors in creative writing and film production (my major isn't all that interesting unless you really wanna know)
I tend to read queer contemporary fiction, however this year I'm really trying to open my library more and read outside of my genre. If you have any book reqs send them my way.
Outside of books I enjoy crochet, sims, watching niche video essays at 3am, and arguably bad tv that includes at least 1 (one) queer character.
I have never been casual about anything in my life
My Writing!
I am currently writing the first draft of my first novel How to Drown (working title). It deals with themes of mental health, addiction, family dynamics, found family, and growth. Eventually I want to share snippets, but when I say first draft I mean a rough first draft.
I am also plotting/planning a second unnamed novel. This unnamed work started as the first act of a movie script for my screenwriting final a few semesters ago and the story stuck (just not in a script oh god i cant write scripts)
I'm open to any and all tag games, feel free to use me when you cant think of anyone else lol
please ask me about my stories i love to yap
If you made it this far thank you so much for reading I hope you have an amazing day!
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phantom-of-the-501st · 5 months
The Evolution of an Echo
Okay well I wasn't planning on doing this now but I decided to strike while the iron is hot and have now started writing a full on character essay at *checks watch* 22:06
But despite his limited screen time, I really love how Echo has been portrayed this season and I really want to have a look at his character evolution over the course of The Bad Batch and how he compares now to who we were first introduced to in The Clone Wars.
Steph waffle about Echo coming up down below! 🧇
@saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings
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So I feel like the main thing we see with Echo is that he generally has more confidence now than he did before. Don't get me wrong, he still had confidence in a combat situation and was not afraid to throw himself into the action if it meant he could help people (self-preservation who?), but he seems to have become more comfortable with being himself, like he's properly found his own identity.
And I think that that is interesting considering what Echo has gone through. Personality-wise (and looks-wise), he is very different to who he once was but he still feels like Echo. We haven't lost him, he's just become more aware of what makes Echo Echo. Because when he was first given the name, he hated it. He didn't like being called that because it stemmed from people teasing him about his habit of repeating orders. While there wasn't any true malicious intent (the Dominoes were his brothers after all), Echo ended up being the target of "bullying" during his early years in the GAR. He was a rule follower and believed that things had to be done by the book for a reason. But that resulted in him getting teased a lot and I don't think he ever truly built up the same level of confidence as some of his other batchmates. And for him, that name probably suggested that everything that made up his identity, everything that made him him, was that name and how it stemmed from his belief that rules were made to be followed. His identity was in some way intrinsically tied to his name.
However, over time we saw that he came to fully embrace the name ("is there and Echo in here?") and over the course of the last couple of seasons, have really begun to see Echo fully living up to his potential, no longer tying himself to the "rule-follower" identity that he had carried with him for so long. Because what happened to him on Skako Minor fundamentally changed who he was: not just physically, but personally as well. He had to navigate being a new person and that meant finding himself again, even if the person he found was not the one he was expecting. And remember that at this point, all of his batchmates are gone; the people who gave him the name that summed up his personality are gone. The Batch don't know the old Echo and in some ways that probably helped him find himself. There was no expectation from them for him to go back to who he was before because they don't know that side of him. It gave Echo the space to breath and I feel like in some ways there was less of a pressure for him to try and go back to who he was.
Now that's not to say that the old Echo isn't still there in some ways. When he first ran with the Batch, he didn't quite have the same level of chaos as them, didn't really have the same way of going about things. And that never fully went away. Look at the way he challenged Hunter in season 2: he didn't instantly fall into doing things that Batch's way, but still held onto his own beliefs. But that confrontation did show a build in confidence. Echo became much more confident in standing up for himself, for doing what he believed even if that wasn't how everyone else wanted to do it. And so much of that stems from what he went through. Echo has been through hell, and if he can prevent that from happening to other people, then he will, even if it means disagreeing with his brothers.
One thing that has stood out to me is how Echo has begun to accept that where he belongs isn't always in one spot. And I imagine that this was something that had never really occurred to him much until this point because he'd only ever really been in one place: with his batch. I mean, they spent rotation after rotation after rotation together on the Rishi Moon. Echo never really had to deal with change until his brothers died. Then he found the 501st and that's when Echo began to adapt to shifts. He was in new places, with new jobs, but he always had one constant: Fives. And yet, following his rescue, that constant was gone. The place that had once felt like home to Echo now didn't feel like that anymore because it wasn't what he remembered. It's why he went with the Batch.
And I think this change was crucial in building the Echo we see today. It was a point in which he learned that home didn't mean one place. And sometimes it didn't even mean the same people. Home is simply where one feels like they belong, and for Echo that isn't always the same spot. It's where he feels like he can truly be himself and for him that means being in a position where he can help people. Whether that be with the 501st, or the Batch, or the Rebellion, Echo has learned to find a place in wherever he feels he needs to be. And that's why he's become so confident: because he has found where he belongs and what truly makes Echo Echo.
So we can look at Echo now and see the change. But we can still see the old him there - the drive to do the right thing, the protectiveness he holds for those he cares about, and the incredibly stressful habit of always putting himself in harms way in order to get things done - but he's embraced it more than ever before. While his screen time has been short this season, what we've seen from Echo is the perfect demonstration of why he was made an ARC and why he has always been so amazing. He is an incredibly talented soldier and now that he's found his calling, he's flourishing. He's embracing the change and he's taking everything in his stride. He's a good leader, a competent soldier, an incredible tactician, and a genuinely nice person who cares about the wellbeing of the people around him. Echo has come out of his shell and truly flourished and it's amazing to see.
And his humour has come back as well! One of the things that was often pointed out was how Echo's jokey side had kind of faded while he was with the Batch and yet over the last season it's come out in full force. Echo finding his confidence has also made him snarkier and bitchier in the best way possible. He knows what he wants and he isn't going to put up with anyone's bs. And what I love even more is how much the Batch have embraced him. They trust him now more than ever; he's their brother and they respect his drive and support him, even if it isn't the path they wanted to take themselves.
Now Echo still has his struggles, he isn't perfect. He can still be overly blunt sometimes, and he still has his vulnerabilities ("I don't enjoy solitude") but they don't make him weak. In fact Echo is stronger than ever and embracing who he is even more. And we can see where his growth has been influenced by those around him; the soft side that has become stronger after caring for Omega and the complete and utter chaos stemming from Fives and the Batch for example.
And you know what, Echo is a fitting name. Not because he repeated orders, but because in everything he does, and everything he proves himself to be, you can see the echoes of his past, who he was, who he's known and who he grew to be.
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stychu-stych · 1 month
Now… I have NO idea if people already asked, but I have been kinda like… looking thru your page in the past few days and I will say that your Narinder’s design looks SOOOO GOOD OH MY GOSH.
Like… okay. People already talked about this but I will emphasize on his NOSE. Like I don’t about tall but something about his nose is..l WLNWNEEM.
IT JUST FITS HIM SO WELL I AM DYING. I AM DEAD. I AM DEAD ROSE QUARTZ/ref to Steven Universe if you know it
Lamb should be very lucky that they got a guy like him.
And I am no joke, I feel like this would be SO creepy if someone told me my nose looked pretty but I swear to god it fits Narinder so well…:’)
Out of all the designs I saw from people, yours is SOOO good and I am already obsessed like hell. I love and love it. Please don’t stop🙏 my art skills could never
I could sit here for hours talking about this but I don’t want to bother you. And you most likely wont read this but still😭
And like, I am drawing fanart of cotl and well duhh of course the first characters I will draw is Lamb and Narinder. But Narinder’s design/face looks so off after seeing your beautiful crunchy art. So since this supposed to be an aaaassskk….
Could we POTENTIALLY KINDA use your way of drawing his face/his nose👉👈 (I feel so weird asking this😨)
New hyperfixarions do truly hurt one deeply</3….
ANYWAYS. Thank you for letting me ramble like this here, I hope you read this very long essay of mine. And if tou don’t, welp… I STILL HOPE YOU MAKE CONTENT.
TY! ✨✨✨ I love drawing noses! I love noses in general, they can be so unique and make faces look so outstanding. And oh, the Lamb feel so lucky, they fell only because of that nose for sure jdbdbd
About your question- I don't mind at all ✌️ thank you for asking. My designs are still fanarts, they're not my characters and I made Narinder this way just because I love sad, angry men with "I'm too old for this" look hdbdhshd I'm so happy that you like my arts and if my work inspires you in some way - go for it! And have fun with drawing
Also why so many people think I don't read their asks or posts where I'm tagged 😭 I read all of it and I'm so hyped everytime someone mentions me. Also I love seeing new asks, I always try to publish all of them, sometimes it can take me a long time when I want to draw something as an answer
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jinwoosbabyboo · 9 days
I want to ask why you chose Aaron Warner, Christian Harper, and Rhys Larsen as a good comparison to Sylus? I want an essay!! I LOVE Aaron Warner but honestly haven't yet read the twisted series. Also, I don't mind spoilers so... excited to see what you come up with!
You want an essay??? Please 🙄 ….. No problem lets get it 😘
bear with me I read the twisted series over a year ago
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Aaron Warner [Shatter Me Series ~ Tahereh Mafi] - This 5'9" golden haired military assassin with a heart of STONE. Yea you thought I was gonna say heart of gold huh? Nah this boy was trained to be a killer from birth. However when it comes to Juliette/Ella she is quite literally the only thing he cares about and is also the only girl he's ever loved.
He will quite literally sacrifice the world if it means she will be okay. His memory was erased multiple times, but he fell in love with her every. single. time. If it's for Juliette/Ella he's a goner because she is his only weakness in the world. He wants to love her and be loved by her and only her unconditionally.
“The reason why he had to keep wiping their memories was because it didn’t matter how many times he reset the story or remade the introductions— Aaron always fell in love with her. Every time.”
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Christian Harper [Twisted Lies ~ Ana Huang] - Now this man stalked his girl for I think 5 years before making himself known. He's a billionaire who runs a security/tech company and he can hack into anything. He's a modern day genius obsessed with this girl Stella. They finally met in person when she moved into one of his apartment buildings with her friend Jules. He really slipped into her life though when Jules moved out and she couldn't afford the rent. He made a deal with her by letting her stay for a lower price and these were high end apartments (At least like 80% off the listing price). He also happened to live just one floor above her. The deal was she would take care of his plants in exchange for the low cost. He claims he isn't a jealous man yet he's jealous of every person she smiles at, every laugh that he didn't cause, etc he's completely and utterly obsessed with her from page one.
He will do literally anything for her including pretending the be her man for her social media platforms oh yea she's an influencer/model. Stella also likes being tied up and Christian happily obliged to tying her up ON A YACHT and was a real pussy pleaser. He supported her in her fashion designer endeavor and married her ass and IMMEDIATELY put a baby in her.
Oh one more thing Stella got kidnapped while her and Christian were fighting (this man was SICK) he sent a Code Black Out to all his agents in the area to find her and code black out if for extreme emergencies. Let’s just say her kidnapper is having a nice nap. A permanent nap. (Reminds you of a certain someone who turned MCs kidnapper into fucking black and red mist huh?)
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Rhys Larsen [Twisted Games ~ Ana Huang] - Forget Prince Charming give me Mr. Scarred Knight Rhys Larsen 😮‍💨. He's ex-military and works as a bodyguard now (He works for none other than Christian Harper & they're in a sense friends) This man and his girl Princess Bridget who is a literal Princess. He was her bodyguard and she was forced to step up and become Queen because her brother married a commoner so he couldn't become king and Eldorra (their country) needed a ruler.
She basically starts acting up and Rhys is like girl wtf is going on?! She ends up wanting to do everything on her bucket list before becoming Queen so Rhys takes her to Costa Rica to do it. They fall for each other but it's a forbidden love so they can't really be together because she's royalty and he's a commoner. He fell in love despite him telling her he doesn't get involved with his clients. Him and Bridget were blackmailed by someone close to her which caused him to be terminated as her bodyguard. This man never drank in his life, but the minute he had to let Bridget go he drank himself stupid.
He was down bad for her (and so was she). They went through hell trying to get a centuries old law overturned so he could marry her. He didn't care about the fame or the royal title he just wanted to be with her. This man broke every single one of his rules that he'd set for himself for her. He never really opened up about his scars to anyone, but her (and I think Christian).
He's rough around the edges and can be a dom daddy made her stir down to her heels and said "Crawl to me" (SCREAMING WHINING AND RUNNING AROUND THE ROOM) He's also VERY possessive I quote...
"From this point on you're mine. No other man touches you. If they do I know seventy-nine ways to kill a man and I can make seventy of the look like and accident. Understand?"
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I hope after reading all that you can see the similarities that I see. He's not dark romance he's just romance sunshine x grumpy basically.
I say all that to say this....
Sylus is morally gray like these characters above and he has a soft spot for MC (& the twins) he'll do anything for her and protect her at all costs. He's been through hell and may be a high functioning sociopath due to that trauma, but he still has a heart and is selective with who he's vulnerable with. He's not out here murdering people because they looked at MC. He knows his girl fine as hell, but he gets to touch while they hopelessly gaze.
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cindersnows · 2 months
short essay thing i wrote in avf about plural tsc that i feel like people should see bc its so interesting to me
just to preface i highly highly doubt this is all intentional on alan+teams part due to the fact that plurality is just ,, not that well known. also im not too knowledgable on non traumagenic systems and all the stuff surrounding that so i will just be speaking from what i know from my own experience + research
so anyways. from the start of sec's life she has been kind of in a high stress situation. from the getgo she had to hide her existence from alan due to likely knowing the fate of the other living sticks he has made + the fact that she very much isnt supposed to be alive. she lets her guard down, makes friends, and then almost instantly theyre all deleted. although did and osdd1 form from long-term trauma (often accompanied by cptsd) and all of this only happened in a few minutes, at the very least this provides the basis for some sort of dissociation
theres a moment where she glitches and changes to black for a second. obviously back then this was intended to be an allusion to the fact that she's the chosen one's return, since alan+team hadn't planned ava s2 yet and tco was just regular dead atp, but its interesting to consider the sudden change in her personality. shes not even shown to be overly angry like she usually is, just a. Calm?? specifically the same calm that preceeds her beating up tdl in ava s2.
notably that moment in s2 where she unlocks her powers is like. sudden change in personality and demeanor, suddenly gaining the powers, and memory loss afterwards. even though she only really switches between two "modes" it's reminiscent of switching between two alters (while its uncommon for a system to have only two alters it's not unheard of, especially in cases of osdd-1a where theres not much distinction between personality states).
i said ava/e specifically because the aveducation videos in particular provide a very interesting insight into tsc's psyche. while alan said in his avg avma video that the series isn't canon, a few things about the series have already been retconned. avphys was originally supposed to be the last entry in the series, but with avma+avphys+avgeo's massive success and the lead animator's interest in these sort of topics i wouldn't be surprised if they continued to make more, especially considering that they're now interconnected via avgeo. phi, who appeared at the end of avma, is the protagonist of avgeo, and there's that scene at the end that teases avphys that i'll also get into in a sec because it's very interesting.
about why i think it represents tsc's psyche specifically and not just some math dimensions that tsc happens to stumble upon: in the avg avma video dj proposes the dream theory, that this is all happening in a dream during ava s3. noncanon of course but considering alan himself knows about it and ave seems to be gaining some kind of overarching arc, as well as the fact that its releasing between ava s3 episodes (which is going to focus on tsc's powers) i wouldn't be surprised if the episodes slowly grow more and more representative of her mental state as she works towards properly unlocking her powers
anyways speculation aside. avphys introduces a second second (haha). this is explained through the mechanics of time loops and whatnot, but at the same time, the hat tsc seems to know a lot more than regular tsc, having.. basically created the universe. even if our tsc can then explain this to the next tsc, hat tsc is shown to literally create the entire universe avphys takes place in (again tying back to her powers of creation) and also act much calmer and composed compared to our tsc. it seems like hat tsc is somewhat representative of the state tsc gets into when she unlocks her powers, shown both times in ava s1 and 2. shes cool and mysterious and all knowing i want her so bad
the scene at the end of avgeo is the most compelling thing for this idea (and the push that made me go "ohhhh my god multiplies her). hat tsc appears once more, this time seemingly wanting to communicate more with our tsc, but being cut short by tsc getting surprised and falling. the most interesting part to me is the imagery in this part— there's tons and tons of tsc's, all reflected, and being reflections makes them slightly different from what we see (of course light refraction will always make things appear slightly different; discolored, blurred, flipped etc). hat tsc is framed as Also a reflection despite being shown as different person/personality state.
i just got back from dinner and lost my train of thought. im not sure if this is enough for other people to consider her plural but at the very least i feel like interpreting her as such does enhance one's reading and understanding of her, as well as how you write her (for those who do).
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cowboymantis · 7 months
I am having so so so many feelings about Infinite Wealth and I've just been spamming my friend with essays about my overanalyzing brain that obsesses over every single detail in media I am obsessed with,, BUT THIS GAME IS JUST SO FULL OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR IT AAAAA!!!
I just wanna note some longer thoughts down, because I need somewhere to collect some of them,,,,
So yeah, uh, obviously:
(any Yakuza game really, but this is the most recent one, so more likely that people haven't played that yet)
Number 1:
So first of all, Kiryu's parts are, because of the bucket list stuff, very focused on the past. He's trying to tie up loose ends, in his own way and how much he is actually able to do with the Daidoji restrictions.
So I think it was really fitting that he was the one fighting Ebina. In a way it felt like him fighting his past and trying to turn it around.
Now what do I mean by that? Let's start from an earlier point.
Basically, the game is a bit like a mirror to Kiwami in some ways.
Lani is like Haruka, hunted down by several groups of people and they even talk about this similarity being Kiryu's leading factor of motivation in helping her. I mean, there's also different mafias and a whole government conspiracy. But I mean, nothing new in a Yakuza game, but just one more thing added on top of it all.
Where it really starts to show and made me think "Ohhh...wait a second" is when Ebina held his speech about his past. Ebina and Ichiban, even though they didn't grow up together like them, are so similar to Kiryu and Nishiki. One being the Yakuza boss Arakawa's "favourite child", who also idolizes him, and the other one grows to hate him.
And I think this is also the moment where Kiryu realizes "Oh no...history is repeating itself again, isn't it..."
So at the end of the fight, when he actually breaks out in tears and begs for no one to die, it feels like all those deaths he couldn't prevent over all those years, good or bad people, just make him completely break down and he just wants this endless cycle to finally end.
Before the game came out, RGG and actors, in some occasions pointed out how this was a happier game. It makes you feel like looking up instead of being sad.
And while I was playing, I often just felt "Bruh, they lied to us. This game is so sad???", but after I then finished the game, I just sat there and felt such a big relief, the ending just was honestly perfect (well, I mean the cliff hanger was awful jddhd). But then later, it also made me think yeah, this is kind of like a positive version of Kiwami, isn't it? It just feels like it's in a way Kiryu's tying up loose ends with Kiwami's happenings. Fighting his past, finally getting over it in a way.
I thought more about this when I listened to Ebinas boss theme again, because one part has those bells(?) And they sound so much like in For Whose Sake. And then I thought back to the ending more and realized that the whole buildup of it was so much like Kiwami too!
In the finale, first you fight [Villain], who is also the main culprit behind a big government conspiracy. He has helpers with him, and attacks with a gun/guns.
At first you only fight the helpers, then him together with those helpers.
The music is intense and dreadful, everything feels really epic.
Then, after that fight, it goes to the REAL final boss fight. Inside a room, high up on the Millennium Tower, you fight him. Both Nishiki and Ebina are so similar already in their own ways. And the fight is more personal, with emotion behind it. Just that it ends with Nishiki killing himself, but Ebina, while he basically begs for Kiryu to kill him, survives.
The music during the fight has it's ups and downs (intensity-wise) and manages to feel both melancholic and relaxing, as much as they hype you up.
So yeah, it's all such a direct mirror up to the point how it ends. And Kiryu was trying his hardest to prevent things from happening again.
There are often similar themes and plots throughout Yakuza, makes sense, such a long running series, but I think in this particular case it's just so very fitting and it's just SO similar and fits the reflection and fix-it theme of Kiryu's part of the story so well. Especially with how Kiryu's tragic story all started with Yakuza 1 (going by release), still haunting him through every game with constant flashbacks, and now it ends with a story so similar.
Or well, let's hope so, I just want Kiryu to finally rest bruh 😭😭
Number 2:
"Rupture". The name of Hanawa's theme in Gaiden.
Just blatantly taking dictionary definitions here, but there are two ways the word "Rupture" works:
1) (especially of a pipe or container, or bodily part such as an organ or membrane) break or burst suddenly.
"If the main artery ruptures, he could die"
2) breach or disturb (a harmonious feeling or situation).
"Once trust and confidence have been ruptured, it can be difficult to regain"
Keeping that in mind, moving on.
Maybe listen to Hanawa's battle theme for this one, to really visualize it.
Now, whenever I put on the good ol' Gaiden All Boss Battle Themes video, whenever Hanawa's theme came on, I thought wow, this song is really completely different, huh.
But the nature of the song felt quite fitting for a character like Hanawa.
It starts of dark, mysterious, there's a sadness to it. Just like Kiryu now, he has been a man who once "died" and has since then been forced to live in the shadows, his every move being controlled by others. He's like a bird trapped inside a cage.
Then, the song picks up, becomes more intense.
Hanawa's internal struggle and his fight with Kiryu.
When you fight him, the whole scene around it honestly, is like the bird trying to escape this cage. And while nothing that happened was really "real", as in, no fatalaties would've happened because it was all a test, it did feel real for Hanawa and Kiryu. Now looking at the second definition for rupture, it's just like here, on a way more emotional level. And all so sudden. And this is the beginning of him being more and more risky when it comes to the Daidoji, and he keeps on helping Kiryu more than he should, its like his rebellion.
In Infinite Wealth, during the raid on the safe house, it was also all so sudden. It all happened so fast.
The music is picking up. It's nearing the end of the song, and everything becomes so loud and overwhelming - Hanawa suddenly gets shot and dies - then immediately after the wild and short final buildup, silence again. It's a slow, quiet somber tune, like at the beginning of the song, but now fading out... And Hanawa is declared dead.
The sudden rupture lead to immediate casualty, physical this time.
I'm sorry, I DON'T KNOW WHY I MAKE MYSELF SO MUCH SADDER OVER THIS SCENE. But come on, it's just... so perfect, right? 😭😭😭😭
I miss Hanawa so much man. I was really pissed that this is the way they let him go, but just now, after listening to his theme again for the first time since I even started Infinite Wealth, it felt like it just all made sense now. It just clicked. His theme is like a visualisation of his whole story throughout the games.
And it's honestly, sadly perfect. The composers for the Yakuza games are honestly such geniuses. Bringing out some of the best songs ever constantly and making them just feel so fitting for everything.
But yeah. Regardless of if this was meant to be interpreted similiary or not, it just kind of adds to it all for me personally. Especially since you could now maybe see his theme in Gaiden as a bit of secret foreshadowing?
I'd like to see it that way. And maybe, seeing a bit more importance in it all is what helps me to cope with his godawful death scene, RGG what were you thinking man 🥲🥲🥲
Number 3:
Oh boy. Uh, I don't really know yet what the general opinion on this pathetic wet cat (affectionate) is, but I really loved this character. In both a "you're such a damn loser" and "my poor little meow meow :(" way :'D
But most importantly, what I wanna focus on to follow the (over)analyzing theme: Eiji is like a mirror of Masato.
Now, Kiryu has his Kiwami mirror in his finale and Ichiban also has one. But I think this one is way more obvious and also very ironic.
Eiji starts off with trying to earn Ichibans trust and well- it immediately works, of course, it's Ichiban! But the tactic he uses for it, faking being disabled and needing a wheelchair. It was the perfect way to make Ichiban pay attention to him first, because it would remind him of Masato. I think Ichiban immediately just started to get attached to Eiji, and now I'm thinking that Eiji was probably a bit conflicted before he turned his back on him. But his deep rooted hatred was too strong for one nice interaction with a Yakuza, something he demonized, to stop him.
I think it was kind of funny how he was basically like "You're so evil, you Yakuza will NEVER be good people!!! See how good I am while I throw down this child tied to a wheelchair, down those stairs while holding a bomb!!! That'll sure show you evil Yakuza!!!"
Ah. He's so stupid 😭
And yet, whatever happened, Ichiban just constantly called him "Ei-chan", like he's still his bestie and everything is fine. Constantly protesting against it, Eiji probably felt more and more conflicted, because Ichiban is just such a big (and naive) sweetheart. (((Side note: What's not to love about him fr 😭😭)))
So by the finale, and after Eiji had time to say how much he HATED the Yakuza and also, y'know. The whole Bleach Japan thing. Kinda like someone else, hm? Someone else Ichiban constantly insisted on treating like a friend.
But Ichiban convinced him to just turn himself him, turn his life around. Just like he eventually managed to convinced Masato through blood and tears.
And the ending scene is literally an exact mirror to Yakuza 7. Ichiban carrying someone away...
Just in Yakuza 7, it is Masato, dying in his arms, and in Infinite Wealth, it is Eiji, and he's trying his hardest so he will get out of this completely unharmed, throwing himself in front of every danger facing them, getting beat up until he passes out by the end.
You could say this too, is like a good version of another game's ending, with a character mirroring a brother-like person to the main character.
Quite ironic how Eiji started off "imitating" Masato, only to end up like him. Just that one died and one lived.
And just like Kiryu did with Ebina, Ichiban tried his hardest to stop history from repeating itself. Stop more people dying again and again.
The logo having an Infinity symbol seems oddly fitting now, you could say each circle of the symbol is Kiryu and Ichiban, and their stories are intervined in certain ways. Just that their stopped the "infinite" circle from repeating once again.
Or...something like that. I'm trying to sound smart at 5 am, I need sleep I think 😭
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