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fierymiasma · 2 years ago
❀ And You Look Fetching in Yellow ❀ // Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
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Summary: Hogwarts couples exchange scarves to signify their intention with each other. Unfortunately for Sebastian, MC is new to the whole magic thing.
It's been weeks since Sebastian had gifted her his scarf. And yet nothing romantic has happened between them.
How was she supposed to know that she had to give him something in return?
Part 1: You Look Better In Green
♪ Tags: Slight Dark!Sebastian, angst, sadness, manipulation, making out, heartbreak
Word Count: 5k
|| Masterlist || AO3 ||
"Did you see what the new girl was wearing?"
"Obviously, do I look like I live under a troll's bridge?  The whole school is talking about it!"
Sebastian preened, sitting a bit straighter in his seat.  He had been lounging on a bench with Ominis in the Dark Arts Tower, bored out of his mind.  About ten paces away, a gaggle of 3rd year girls were giggling and loudly whispering amongst themselves.  The student body of Hogwarts never had anything better to do then to guess who started courting who.  Sebastian had never cared much about this (often incorrect) news, having always found it dull. 
But it was looking like Hogwarts was just about to get bit more interesting.
"What was she wearing?" one of the shorter girls asked.
"She was wearing a Slytherin scarf!" another whispered conspiratiously as if it was an unspeakable secret.
There were gasps around the group.  The new Hufflepuff student?  Wearing Slytherin's green and silver scarf?  It could only mean one thing.
"Ohhhh, she's seeing from someone from Slytherin."  There was much fervent whispering.
"I bet so many hearts are crushed now.  Someone finally got to her first."
Sebastian couldn't' help but puff out his chest.  Finally, in his time as a 6th year at Hogwarts, the natural order of things were being corrected.  No longer did he have to worry seeing his Hufflepuff in ugly red and yellow. 
"Who do you reckon gave it to her?" one of the Ravenclaws bounced on the tip of her toes. 
"Well, there's not that many Slytherin boys that she associates herself with."
Sebastian grinned.  He leaned back against the wall, crossing his hands behind his head.  He was constantly next to her side whether that meant on the battlefield or at the library.  His devotion to her had most definitely discouraged any potential suitors who thought they were worthy of wasting her time.  An effortless arm thrown around her shoulder.  His coarse hand tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.  His chin resting on her much shorter head.  Now that the whole school knew that the most amazing girl in all of Hogwarts history was his, Sebastian's worries could finally-
"I heard from someone in Charms that it's Ominis."
Sebastian stilled.  What?
There were squeals of delight.
"Of course!  That makes so much sense! They look so cute together!"
Sebastian scowled.  No they didn't. 
"Awww, I'm so happy for them.  I bet he swept her off her feet!" 
"It's the eyes isn't it?  All the Gaunt kids have those gorgeous eyes."
In Sebastian's personal opinion, blue eyes were incredibly overrated.
"That makes so much sense!  They're always in the library studying together."
One of their voices took a cheekily tone.  "Studying?  Is that what the kids are calling it now a days?"
Yes, Ominis and his Hufflepuff were always studying together, only because Sebastian invited both of his best friends to his study session.
The group of girls all squealed bouncing up and down like a group of Puffskeins.  They were loud and annoying enough that Professor Hecat had opened the doors to her classroom.  With heavy scolding, the professor shooed them outside, to spread their gossip elsewhere in the castle no doubt.
Sebastian felt as though he took a troll club to the head. That was his green scarf around his Hufflepuff.  It was Sebastian's scarf that she was wearing every day.  Not Garret's.  Not Natty's. Not even Ominis's.  It was Sebastian's.  Turning to stare at his best friend, he was startled to find that Ominis was still engrossed in his book.  The other boy looked completely at ease, as if Sebastian's entire life hadn't been entirely upended.
"What," Sebastian spat through gritted teeth, "in Merlin's name, was that all about?"
The hero of Hogwarts laid on her back like a starfish on the grounds of the Transfiguration courtyard.  Having successfully commandeered a quiet corner of the courtyard with Natty and Poppy, she tried her best to relax between classes.  Poppy was playing with Gerald.  Natty attempted hastily to finish her astronomy homework before the next toll of the bell.  The ancient magic user scowled at the bright blue cloudless sky as if it personally had cursed her.   
She was still wearing Sebastian's scarf.  The new Hufflepuff hadn't taken it off since Sebastian had kindly (or possessively?) wrapped it around her.  His signature bergamot and oak scent was starting to fade. 
She had learned quite quickly the ins and outs of courting at Hogwarts thanks to her friends.  Coming from the muggle world, it was dizzyingly confusing all the fake rules that witches and wizards put upon themselves.  She wasn't sure if it was wizard conservatism or teenage boredom that forced the students of Hogwarts to play these stupid courting games.
Wearing another House's colors was a walking advertisement to the rest of Hogwarts that you were officially being pursued by classmate of another House.  The second that a Gryffindor was caught wearing green and silver or a Ravenclaw was caught wearing red the whole school would erupt in commotion and gossip.  
In her opinion, the student body of Hogwarts needed to go outside more.  Experience some of the real world for once. 
After all it was their coy games that put her in this whole mess.  She thought, as any rational being would, that after a whole year's worth of 'dates', alone, unsupervised, not under the watch of any adult, that something more would come of her relationship with Sebastian.  She had hoped by now she would be wrapped in his strong arms with his green scarf wrapped around the both of them, joining them together. 
She had thought wrong.  Instead, it was the still the same Sebastian.  Teasing tone, seductive one-liners, coy looks when he thought she wasn't watching.  He always held her at an arm's length, never getting too close.  Despite all of his flirty comments, he never made a verbal hint that they were anything more than friends. 
Ugh, this was all so maddening.  If she had it her way, she would march right up to Sebastian, grab him by the beautiful luscious curls of his, and kiss him silly until he finally got the message through that thick skull of his.
"Why isn't my brilliant plan working?"  She whined as she laid beneath the sky, as if hoping it would give her the answers.
"What plan?"  Natty asked, not looking up from her astronomy homework.  "Your mind has been up in the clouds all day."
She groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes to block out the sun.  "Why hasn't Sebastian made a pass at me yet.  For Merlin's sake, we went to Three Broomsticks and Sirona gave us her Valentine's Day Special.  We shared it, together.  Using one spoon, like a couple."
"Have you considered that Sebastian might think you two are actually exclusive?" Poppy interjected.  "I mean, you're wearing his scarf.  That has to count for something."
The new student groaned.  She started ripping the grass next to her in frustration.  "I don't think we're dating.  At least, I don't think Sebastian Sallow is the type to not snog his girlfriend silly when she drops obvious hints."
Poppy made a show of gagging at the thought of her friends making out.  In retaliation, the other Hufflepuff half-hearted threw some of the plucked grass in Poppy's general direction.  The strands lamely flew everywhere but their intended target.
Natty sighed, brushing the grassy debris from her astronomy chart.  "Honestly, Europe is so behind.  Back at home, things were much simpler.  Girls do not have to wait for the man to ask them to be in a relationship!  Anyone could do the asking!  All of this exchanging of clothes is so silly to me.  What if two people from the same House start dating?  Then what? This makes no sense to me."
Poppy hummed in agreement.  "Dating at Hogwarts does seem like such a headache compared to Uganda, Natty.  But," she squeezed Gerald tightly, "you can't deny how cute it is when you see the couples together wearing each other clothing.  They're so mismatched and adorable."  Poppy paused awkwardly.  "Come to think of it, I've never seen Sebastian wearing even a hint of yellow."
The air stilled.  Both Poppy and Natty turned to stare at their friend who was still in the process of pulling out all of the blades of grass in her vicinity.  It was a long awkward moment before the hero of Hogwarts realized that her two good friends were looking at her, expecting a reaction out of the wallowing girl.
"What?" She asked.
Poppy gave her a pitying look.  "You…you did give Sebastian your scarf right?"
The new student blinked owlishly, her hands stilled in their destructive action. 
Natty sighed.  "A hat?  Your tie?  Cufflinks?  Merlin's beard, even your socks would do.  Anything?"
For being a wielder of ancient magic, she sure didn't have a clue as to wizarding culture.  "Um, no?  Was I supposed to?"
Both girls groaned.  Natty shook her head, disappointed in the lack of charisma her friend had.  Poppy looked at her pitifully as if she was the runt of a Niffler litter.
"What?  We're supposed to trade scarves?  Who made up that rule?  Is that why Sebastian hasn't made a move on me?"
"YES!"  The other girls replied, getting fed up with the drama.
"No one told me about this!"
The three girls bickered back and forth, homework now entirely forgotten.  So lost in debate, they missed the Slytherin that was approaching them.
Imelda Reyes, captain of the Slytherin team, stood in front of them, interrupting the trio of girls.  "Oh good, the losers are all gathered together."  She looked rather bored as if she would rather be on the field than here.
Poppy frowned.  Gerald stuck his tongue out at the offending girl.  "Imelda, why do you keep calling your only friends at Hogwarts losers?"
Imelda ignored the remark, flipped her hair behind her shoulders.  "It keeps the fans in line.  Got to remind you lot of your place."
The Slytherin girl turned her sights onto the other Hufflepuff who was still wallowing in the grass in self-pity.  "Anyway, I came to collect on my good deed.  Some token of appreciation would be nice.  Even a thanks would do."
The Hufflepuff sighed.  She pinched her nose in frustration at the annoyance that was Imelda Reyes.  Rolling over to her side, she faced the Slytherin captain.  She propped up her chin on her hand.  Nothing that Imelda ever have to share was interesting.  "Imelda, what is it now?  Why should I be groveling at your feet for this time?"
"You should be thanking me for saving your relationship with Sallow."  Imelda nonchalantly stated.
The new girl spluttered, her chin slipping off of her hand and hitting the ground.  She made a pained noise, rubbing at the growing bruise.  "Excuse me?"
"You heard me."  Imelda inspected her glossy green nails.  "It's painful to see you two fumbling about like Quidditch little league toddlers.  I just gave a gentle nudge in the right direction."
The bottom of her stomach was in free-fall.  Imelda "helping" was never a good thing, despite what the Slytherin believed.  "Imelda, what did you do?"
Imelda grinned.  "Oh, you know, just started a rumor that Ominis was the one who gave you the scarf."
She finally sat up.  Bits of grass stick to the Hufflepuff's hair.  "Why on earth would you do that, Imelda?  The whole school is going to think that Ominis is courting me!"
Natty frowned.  "I have to admit.  I do not see the game you are trying to play.  How does that help our friend?" 
Imelda rolled her eyes.  It was sometimes frustrating being the only Slytherin of their girl group.  They were so slow to stack the odds to get what they wanted.  They were so narrow-minded as they achieved their goals, seeing only a couple paths towards victory instead of the millions of possibilities Imelda always saw.
"Boys like Sallow are easy to manipulate.  Start a rumor that his best friend is seeing the love of his life, and the boy will make sure to do everything in his power to correct the record."  Imelda flicked off a speck of dirt on her otherwise well-polished nails.  "He'll come crawling back to you in a week tops."
Poppy oo'ed in approval, clapping excitedly at the new development.  Natty shot her a judging look.  Poppy dropped her "oo's" to a respectful volume.
The other Hufflepuff gaped in silence, at a loss for words.  "Sebastian's one of the smartest people I know.  He can pick up even the most difficult spells on the first try." She crossed her arms.  "He's too smart to fall for your tricks, Imelda."
Her compatriots were silent. Natty, Poppy, and Imelda ginned and looked at each other deviously.  Poppy was the first to bust out in laughter, causing the other two to join in.  The offended girl scowled behind her green scarf, annoyed.
The Hufflepuff rolled her eyes.  "You all think so low of him.  I'm telling you, Sebastian's not the type to care about this sort of petty thing.  You'll see."
"Oh, we'll see alright." Imelda sneered.  "I bet my best broomstick that your Slytherin will come crawling back to you on his knees.  Why I bet he's foaming at the mouth right now."  
Sebastian was practically foaming at the mouth.  He wanted to scream and pull his hair out.  Back in the sanctuary of his dorm room, he could finally take off the mask of indifference he'd been wearing all day.  Ever since he eavesdropped on the rumors surrounding the new student, they have followed him incessantly, mocking him.  It seems like all the students, all the professors, even the godforsaken portraits were talking about the 'newest couple in Hogwarts'.  How on earth that anyone could see her and Ominis actually together was beyond him. 
Speaking of Ominis, Sebastian glanced over at his friend who was sitting comfortably in his own bed, reading a book in braille.  Ominis looked serene as if he was above the petty comments of the commoners of Hogwarts.
Suspiciously aloof in Sebastian's opinion.
"How are you not bothered by all of this?" Sebastian asked.  He squinted his eyes, trying to see if he could catch Ominis in the act of trickery.
Ominis sighed, marking his place in his book before closing it with an air of finality.  He had foolishly hoped that the silly rumors going around Hogwarts wouldn't upset his best friend too much.  The students of Hogwarts were constantly talking Sebastian after all.  Gossiping about his charm around the female students, about his duels, about him getting detention for the second time that week.  Sebastian was never bothered by gossip, seeming revealing in it.
This rumor was different, it would seem.
"I'm not sure what you're on about."  Ominis tried.
Sebastian could smell something was up.  "Don't you play dumb with me.  You know exactly what I'm referring to.  The whole school thinks our new friend is seeing you.  Now, I believe that the heresy isn't true."  Sebastian's voice threatened to crack.  "Is there any reason to believe otherwise?"
The accused boy huffed, rolling his eyes.  "Merlin, Sebastian, you really live up to the infamous Slytherin jealousy."
"Don't you avoid the subject."  Sebastian said.
Ominis frowned, confused.  "Why don't you just correct the rumors?  Haven't you been courting her the whole time?"
Sebastian scowled, turning away from his friend, hiding the disappointment on his face.  He'd thought that everything was going so well.  Her secretive smiles and stolen glances whenever she thought Sebastian wasn't looking her way.  The way she stared openly and unapologetically mid-duel as his muscles strained under the force of his spells.
"No, we're just friends, Ominis." Sebastian responded stiffly.  "That's all there is too it." 
Sebastian had thought that she returned his affections, especially when she accepted his scarf, a calling card of his intentions to woo her.  He thought things were going even better when she invited him to an date to Three Broomsticks, reminiscing about their first of many troll attacks.  Sebastian thought the date had gone perfectly when he walked her like a gentleman to her dorm.
It wasn't until she bid him a cordial, kind but only friendly, goodbye that he had realized how wrong he was.  She had not returned to give Sebastian her own yellow and black scarf, a token of her acceptance towards the courting.  And Sebastian had stood in front of the wine casket that hid the Hufflepuff common room, scarfless, lamenting in what an absolute fool he had been.
Ominis's frown deepened.  "Enough of this nonsense, Sebastian.  She's interested in you.  I mean, half of the female population is.  I can hear the way you two talk to each other."
Sebastian chuckled darkly.  "If that were true, I'd be wearing a yellow scarf."
It had stung.  The blatant, but very gentle rejection that she had given him.  Sebastian wasn't raised to be a troll to woman, and Anne had taught him to be better than his peers, so he allowed himself a few days to wallow before swallowing his pride.  It was privilege enough that she would be friends with him after all that had happened in their 5th year.
He was an idiot for thinking that someone as amazing as her would want to be with someone who's done so much bad as him.
Ominis shook his head.  "I'm sorry, Sebastian, but I am convinced that something is afoot between the two of you.  As both your friend and her friend, I can say without a shadow of doubt that the feelings are mutual.  I think the time for games is finished.  You must confess your feelings towards her."
Sebastian scoffed at the ridiculous notion.  It's like Ominis wasn't even listening to him.  Sebastian had literally just finished explaining how not interested she was in him.
"Gyffindors don't have a monopoly on courage, Sebastian."  Ominis chided.  "We Slytherins are brave enough to get what we want.  We always have been."
Sebastian narrowed his eyes.  He could feel the venom on his tongue.  "Oh?  How's courting my sister working for you?"
Sebastian wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting from Ominis.  What Sebastian was for sure not expecting was for a blush to creep its way up Ominis's neck.  His best friend sat ramrod straight, as still as a statute.  Ominis was incapable of schooling his expression and looked like a child who was caught in a lie.
Sebastian's mouth dropped at Ominis's shift in demeanor.  While he had some suspicions over the nature of Ominis's outings beyond Hogwarts grounds, it was a different matter entirely to have confirmation that Ominis was attempting to woo his twin sister. 
The two boys were quiet, frozen in place.  The air in the dorms was stifling and awkward. 
Ominis cleared his dry throat, very comfortable with pretending that he was also selectively deaf.  "Well, anyways, it is my humble opinion that our friend is head over heels for you.  All you need to do is ask."
Sebastian threw up his arms.  He was going to get nowhere with this infuriating boy.  Giving up, he collapsed, face first, on his bed, defeated.
The Hufflepuff sighed, chewing on the end of her quill.  Sitting on one of the dusty decrepit armchairs of the Undercroft, she relished in these moments of silence.  No one, student, professor, or villager, was asking anything of her.  Instead, she could simply be alone with her thoughts.
Unfortunately, her thoughts often revolved around Sebastian.
She rested her head against her fist and blew a raspberry in frustration.  The parchment before her was riddled with crossed out phrases and giant bleeding blotches of ink where her quill had paused.  She had spent the whole afternoon trying to come up with…something to say to Sebastian.  Four hours of work only to come up with nothing.  Ugh.  Why did words have to be so hard?
Maybe everyone was right.  It would be much easier just to throw him a Hufflepuff jumper and call it a day.
Before she could finalize her thoughts, the iron gates of the Undercroft swung open.  She hastily stuffed the quill and parchment into a random pocket in her bags.  She couldn't help but fix her hair, just in case it was Sebastian.
In walked the very man who had been on her mind all day.  And Sebastian Sallow looked rather miffed.  Hands already clenched in frustrations, he walked up to her.  His eyes trailed up and down her form.
"What are you wearing?" he asked without preamble.
There was a sense of deja vu at the question.  "My school uniform?  Because…I go here?  I'm a Hogwarts student?"
Sebastian frowned.  "Where's your scarf?"
She huffed.  Really?  Out of millions of important things they had to talk about: Sebastian's behavior, Anne, their maybe date, their questionable relationship status.  Her scarf was the thing he chose to fixate on?  "It's warm outside, Sebastian.  Why on earth would I be wearing a scarf in the spring?"
He scowled, now pacing unable to contain his anxiety.  So she decided not to wear his scarf anymore.  What did this mean?  This only proved Sebastian's theory that she did reject his affections.  Ominis's words of encouragement last night only worsened Sebastian's current mood.  Ominis had no idea what he was talking about.  Maybe after all this time, she finally learned the symbolism behind the gifted scarf and was appalled at Sebastian's rather forward claim on her.  Maybe the rumors were to be believed, and she was interested in Ominis.  Maybe her and Ominis "studying at the library together" actually had no studying whatsoever.  Maybe-
His thoughts got interrupted when something rather soft smacked him square in the face.  Whatever the scratchy material was had hit in right in his open eyes.  His eyes watered, stinging at the insult.
"What in Merlin's beard?"  He ripped the offending fabric off his face.
In his hands was a warm, yellow and black striped Hufflepuff scarf.  The one that she had worn throughout the fall.  The one that always managed to hide her teasing smiles and blushes.  It smelled of their shared apple tarts and a bit singed at the edges as if one of her Confringo spells exploded a bit too close for comfort.
It smelled like her. 
He looked up to catch her gaze.  She was leaning with all her weight on one foot with her arms crossed, slightly annoyed at the silly affair.
Sebastian recovered quickly.  He couldn't stop the grin from his face.  He felt like he was back to his old self, just like how he was when the two of them first met.  "Well, well, I was waiting for you to pay me back eventually.  Nice to know that Hufflepuffs have some manners."
She huffed, tired of these games and double-speak.  "You know, if you don't want it, you can always give it back."
"Now hold on,"  Sebastian cut her off, already wrapping it possessively around his neck in intricate woven pattern so tight so she couldn't even separate it from him if he tried.  "I never said I didn't appreciate the gift."
She rolled her eyes.  Walking up to him, she picked at the scarf on instinct, fluffing it in a more comfortable manner for him.  "This is frankly so dumb." 
He hummed in delight at his Hufflepuff fussing over him.  With her so close to him now, he felt like a purring Kneazle.  "Well, as dumb as you think it is, I think I look rather fetching in yellow.  Don't you think so, sweetheart?"
She choked on her spit, hands frozen on her scarf.  She missed the safety of the green and silver scarf that allowed her to hide her expressions from the world around her.  With a scarlet face, she muttered.  "Sebastian Sallow, you know I find you attractive."
Sebastian smirked, preening under her words.
Whatever speech she had drafted now forgotten in favor of venting her frustrations out onto him.  "You should also know that you drive me absolutely bonkers.  I just can't believe we had to go through this whole song and dance.  Merlin, I've been drunk on the Amortentia that is you, Sebastian Sallow, for a whole two years now." Her hands tighten the grip that she had on hers (now Sebastian's?) yellow scarf.  "I've been in love with you ever since you first took me to Hogsmeade.  Merlin's beard, Sebastian, I've taken you as my companion to every poacher duel I can think of.  We explore the most dangerous dungeons together.  We fight off foul Acromantulas together.  And it takes a silly yellow scarf for you to finally realize my feelings for you?"
She finally looked up at him, her fierce eyes finding his.  What she wasn't expecting was a rare moment of vulnerability on Sebastian's face.  The confident charming boy before her looked uncertain all of a sudden.
His rough hands reached up to gently meet hers, holding her in place.  "Why would someone as good as you want someone who's done so much evil like me?"
And therein laid the truth of Sebastian's fears.  If the savior of Hogwarts was too good for people as dull and drab as Garreth or Prewett, then in what world would she want to be with someone who had so much blood on his hands as Sebastian?  No, she deserved the best.  And it certainly wasn't someone like him.
She was flabbergasted.  She was so used to the Sebastian Sallow she first met.  The boy whose Slytherin ambitions urged him to greedily take what was rightfully his.  Where was the young brash and carefree optimistic boy whose boldness and forwardness had charmed her? 
She gently removed her hands from his.  His expression was caged off from her.  Gently, she reached up to caress his face, angling his chin slightly downwards so he could look at her in the eye.  He turned to her, like a wilting flower dying for the sun.  The walls around him melted as his knitted brow soften to look at her.
"Sebastian, you are rash and reckless.  You are possessive and incredibly jealous, even though you have no reason to be."  The other boy looked away, trying to pull away from her.  She held his chin in place forcing him to look at her.  He looked gorgeous in yellow. 
"You're also the most devoted person I know, devoted to Ominis, to Anne, to me.  You fight so fiercely to protect what is yours both on the battlefield and off of it.  Everything you have done, both the good and the awful, has been because of your love.  Everything that you are, your recklessness, your kindness, has been because of your love, your devotion to those that you care for.  How could I not fall in love with you?"
The bright joyous colors brought a sunny aura to his usual darkened expressions.  The Hufflepuff scarf around his neck made him look lighter, more open to the possibilities around him.  The hues of yellow reflected the golden flecks that were hidden in his brown eyes.
He scoffed, trying not to think too hard at her words, not willing to break into a million pieces in front of her.  "You are so brilliant, sweetheart, you could have anyone you wanted in the world.  I'm just a boy from some hamlet who couldn't even save his sister."
Her shoulders softened.  Oh, Sebastian.  "That's not true.  I am here with you, Sebastian.  I am choosing to be here with you.  I will always choose to be here with you, in this moment."
He could see her eyes dip down to look at his lips.  And with that, it was like the weak dam to his flood of emotions was broken.  He surged forward catching her lips in his.  His hands flew up to cup both sides of her face, marveling at the beauty he was holding.  She responded in turn, throwing her hands around his neck.  She met the storm that was Sebastian with equal ferocity.  Her lips pressed forward, almost bruising him with the passionate intention behind it. 
He could feel the curl of her smile against his.  Her long eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as if they were kissing the freckles that they found there.  She smelled of their shared apple tarts, and her lips were warm against his.  In her arms, he felt safe, like the world was created just for the two of them.
Lungs dying, he could barely stand ripping himself away from her.  He rested his forehead against hers, not wanting to let go of this moment even for a second.  His thumb was still caressing her cupped face, marveling at the miracle that was the savior of Hogwarts. 
"You should know, you are never getting your scarf back."  Sebastian quipped. 
She let out a breath of laughter.  Sebastian eagerly chased it with another quick kiss.  Later, much, much later, after he was finished kissing his darling silly, he'll walk out the Undercroft with a yellow scarf around his neck holding hands with his Hufflepuff wearing that green scarf of hers. 
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omnibused · 2 years ago
Sebastian's jealousy at Garreth Weasley. Dialogue written by @full-of-applejuice-dreams via the lovely @sebastianswallows.
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witchyafterdark · 2 years ago
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I— I am shooketh.
Sebastian x Ominis You make them jealous - Unintentionally...of course? ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
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Sebastian had always tried his best not to show how much you affected him, perhaps, even opting to ignoring you at times — to pretend that seeing you laughing and smiling along with other boys, wasn't actually the reason for his knuckles to whiten as he tightened his grip on whatever he was holding. But, he thinks too highly of himself and when you allow another loud-and-barely-attempted-stifled laugh, to echo through the Library, swatting Garreth — as if he had just said something incredibly worthy of the sounds you make, Sebastian can't help but slam whatever he had in his hands against the desk. You never did it purposely, making him jealous, that is — but Sebastian, never really did accept whether it was by choice or not and when you looked over to the sudden noise from where he had been, seeing him sourly sitting alone — once your eyes met his, he nodded for the restricted section. You had thought to hesitate, though, perhaps that would have made things worse and so you politely excused yourself — and headed for the darkness of the place, that had become all to familiar to you and Sebastian. You barely made it inside, before Sebastian's warm hands pulled you deeper into the darkness and pushed you up against the cool touch of the wall — and you couldn't help yourself from gasping at the forcefulness of it all. He didn't hesitate though, as he normally would, savouring the chase of getting you desperate for him, no this time, he was just simply frustrated — and so, his knee eagerly pushed between yours, a hand reached to lift one of your legs up and his lips swiftly find yours. He's a lot more heated this time, perhaps, to remind you of what you do to him, or simply to prove that you were his — and when he slowly pushed himself against you as his other hand, moved underneath your skirt, you gasp against his mouth. You're make-out session, lasts long enough to excite you both, but not enough to allow you to be satisfied and when Sebastian smirks lightly against your lips and pulled away — you whimper in frustration. Sebastian leaves you then, fixing your skirt and leaving a soft kiss against your lips, only saying one thing: "If you're planning on making me jealous again? I might just have to retaliate...harder, next time."
Ominis was more open to show his jealousy, or perhaps, he simply just didn't realise how obvious it was, when he was in fact jealous. But truthfully, he didn't tend to care for what other's said — but when they commented on the sudden scowl spread across his face as he listened to you expressing your excitement over Amit's new telescope, well, it was enough to drive him crazy. You had asked him to wait for you as you spoke to Amit about Astrology and eventually, he no longer could sit by — listening to your laughter as you continued to compliment another boy. When he slowly stood up, clearly wishing to leave, he barely even acknowledged you at first as he went to move past you and it was only after you reached for his arm — that he turned towards you and the look of frustration could be easily seen in his expression. Clearly, you understood enough of the situation to know it was best to follow him and so, with an awkward apology to Amit — you hurried after Ominis. You both walked in silence for a while, before you tried to talk to him and yet, when he simply asked you to follow him, it was obvious where you were going — the Undercroft. You didn't visit here much anymore, considering you had the Room of Requirement, where you would normally spend your late night evenings, but Ominis would often bring you here — for certain situations. This being one of them. The Undercroft became a place of dominance for Ominis, perhaps, something he used against you when you showed him defiance or teased him to much and when you slowly followed him into the darkness — you could only gasp when your vision was taken from you. The light material around your eyes was tightened enough that you can't see a thing, but not enough to leave any marks, no, Ominis didn't leave marks on you — or well, in places people could see. And so, he gently toyed with you, touching you only slightly, allowing you to reach a certain peak, before he simply pulled away. He doesn't kiss you, doesn't let you feel to good and when he slowly moves to sit down as you whimper from him, he simply says: "This is what it feels like...to hear you...speaking to others, giving them hope...now, I shall leave you like that. To teach you a lesson."
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choccy-milky · 9 months ago
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seb about to learn every language there is 📚📚
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fernzwing · 7 months ago
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i love playing pressure guys (i dont its a whole pain in the ass I KEEP DYING)
i love. p.ai.nter
and magma. i lvoe magama
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jmliebert · 7 days ago
When Sebastian Sallow is Jealous ♡
Sebastian Sallow? Jealous? That’s ridiculous. Why would he be jealous? Just because you’re over there laughing with Leander Prewett like he’s suddenly the funniest person alive? No. He’s fine. He’s just watching from across the room, jaw clenched, eyes slightly crazed—but that’s only because he hates that bloke, alright?
"Your eyelid is twitching," says Ominis.
"No, it’s not." Sebastian scoffs. (It absolutely is.)
he has zero problems with you spending every waking moment with Natsai Onai. Oh, you two just happened to escape on hippogriffs under the cover of night? Wonderful! So cool! See? Look at that smile on his face. It’s only slightly strained.
and don’t even get him started on Ominis and his whole I-can-speak-to-snakes thing. "Between you two, I’m starting to feel a little left out…" he mutters, but totally not in a bitter way. Nope. Not at all.
the truth is, Sebastian is passionate—especially when it comes to you. Ever since you bested him in that duel, he’s been hooked. And while he knows it’s completely unreasonable to expect all of your attention, that doesn’t stop him from sulking in the background whenever you give it to someone else. He’ll scowl. He’ll dramatically insert himself into whatever you're doing. He’ll challenge you to unnecessary competitions just to keep your eyes on him.
But when it’s just the two of you? Oh. Oh. That’s when he shines. Banter is his love language, and every sassy comeback you throw his way only makes his grin widen. Sometimes he’ll pretend to be offended, crossing his arms like he’s truly mad. But then his lips twitch, and his eyes soften, and yeah—he’s fooling no one.
 hi, you can find more of my works about sebastian ♡here♡
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baiuzensenn · 1 year ago
Retired Sebastian Vettel stayed at home texting charles and ollie:
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halothanic · 10 months ago
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you could have anyone you want, why would you wanna be with me? you know i'm nothing special—
redraw of this piece from 2020, because i've been enjoying playing the update with my bf so much and i couldn't resist using it as a warmup
take my sebastian playlist from that time while you're at it!
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pierppasolini · 5 months ago
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The Jealous Sea (2018) // dir. Reid Waterer
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foofyarts · 3 months ago
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Scribbled comic about shrimp colors
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eyelambspider · 27 days ago
♡ My Cuddles! || König & Krueger
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┊pairing : könig x gn!reader x sebastian krueger ┊content warning : fluff, slight jealousy, cuddles, a little suggestive, swearing ┊word count : 1.3 k ┊a/n : look-sometimes you just need two masked men who want to fight for your cuddles alright? *sobbing defending myself*
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It was going to be a long fucking night, that much was for sure. The night watch duty was torn between the three of you: König, Krueger & Yourself.
With your hour already done, it was time to get a bit of sleep before the next one.
With the masks hanging ominously over their faces. The two Austrian men watched as you walked with a heavy step over the the only bed in the dim cabin. Eyes and intents hidden under dark fabric that blanketed their faces, neither relenting in their quest to keep their identities hidden.
Yet, both heads turned subtly, trailing after your retreating form.
Krueger was sitting in the corner of the one room cabin, shucking quiet pieces of wood onto the ground. Digging his blade into a piece of wood as he carved it out and looked it over, pretending to keep busy even if his eyes flickered over and stole a glance at you taking your boots off.
König meanwhile, was standing by the window, arms folded over his chest and leaning against the wooden walls. Glaring out into the dark snowy night, making sure nothing shifted or moved out there. Pretending somewhat that his blue eyes weren't also flickering occasionally across the room to watch you slip under the covers of the blanket.
Your soft, satisfied sigh made them both momentarily pause. The sudden tension in their shoulders making the two men glance at each other.
Krueger's sniper veil swayed slightly as he considered König, and König's eyes turned icy, brows furrowing. A silent shared sentiment passing between them.
They were both thinking the same thing.
Krueger was the first to move, nearly jumping to his feet. Setting his rough carving down on the table, twirling the blade between his fingers before sheathing it back into his belt.
Under his hood, König's mouth hung open slightly at the man's audacity. Watching rigidly and slightly panicked as the veiled mercenary stalked over to the side of the bed, looming over you with an aura of mischief.
"Sleeping soundly?" he murmured, leaning over to gauge your expression better. The edges of his veil bristling against your arm as he whispered, "Cold, schatz?"
Before you could turn and address the sudden intrusion, Krueger was already slipping his boots off and crawling in behind you with a grunt. Throwing an heavy arm around your waist as if he's done this a thousand times before.
König's eyes widened, the shock evident through the small windows in his mask. His watch completely forgotten the moment Krueger lifted his head up, checked to see that König was looking, and with a seemingly satisfied-smug-gesture, his arm tightened around your waist... pulling your body flush against his own. Your ass pulled back against his hips.
If Krueger could see the tall snipers face, he'd bet there was a vein throbbing against his temple, ready to burst.
König's eye twitched, gloves creaking in protest as they balled up into tight fists.
He crossed the room in a few strides, looming over the other side of the bed and damn near ripping the blanket off. "Was zum Teufel!" he whisper yelled harshly, icy eyes glued to Krueger's body against yours like he wanted to strangle him. "What the fuck are you doing!?"
Krueger hardly flinched, resting his chin on your shoulder innocently-the bastard. "I'm keeping meinen Kleinen Liebling warm."
"You are making things uncomfortable!" they continued to whisper shout to each other, as if you weren't quite literally stuck between the argument to protest yourself.
Kruger huffed, reaching a gloved hand to tilt your chin his way. Able to see your face over your shoulder.
Your face was the picture of perfection to him. Inviting, surprised, and a beautiful dark blush blossomed across the bridge of your nose, spilling onto the architecture of your face.
"Are you uncomfortable, schatz?" he purred the name out, unable to help the way his body was starting to react with you so close. You fit so perfectly against him... like you were made to fit in his arms. The bubble of warmth between your two bodies pleasant... and your hips pulled back against his was giving him ideas.
König watched on in horror and Krueger's gloved hand gave your hip and experimental squeeze. The color draining from his skin the moment you shook your head quietly. The blush painting your complexion all-telling.
König had no fucking choice but to back up then, if you had no protests then there shouldn't be any further discussion...
but he watched as Krueger cuddled his veiled face into your hair, breathing you in enthusiastically as you tensed. His actions making your pulse visibly jump under the delicate skin of your throat. Krueger's arms wrapping more firmly around your waist... wandering up to try and splay across your chest- and no way he was going to take that any longer.
A surprise to everyone, König had lifted the blanket hastily, inviting himself into the tangle of limbs.
A small surprised squeak came from your lips, the bed dipping as König climbed in quickly, his own arms wrapping around your back and pulling you into his chest. The two of them beginning to fight like two little boys on the playground.
"Verdammt, du großer bastard!" Kruger hissed as your shoulders were pulled away from his chest, the cold filling in your sudden absence. He gripped at your hips a bit harder, determined to pull you back.
"Halt die klappe! Du kleines arschloch!" König gritted out, much stronger than him.
Both of them huddled closer, leaving no inch for you to even squirm away. Their bodies brushing and squishing you lightly between them.
König reached over your shoulder, pushing insistently against Krueger, trying to peel him off your body like a bug. The sniper's hard chest and arm barring you against him.
Krueger was hardly taking the sudden childish act, retaliating with his own. His leg shuffled between yours, kicking at König's shins, trying to push him out of the bed that he had claimed first.
"Hey," you whispered, between their little scuffle. König's hand pushing at Krueger's veiled face, smearing his head away, while Krueger's foot was getting closer to kicking König in the balls. The two not noticing your growing exasperation.
"Hey!" you finally shot up, their limbs halting to glance up at you. For a moment, both feared you would get up and leave their arms empty. And just like that... they calmed, listening despite the scowls on their hidden faces.
"Both of you... just... be quiet and go to sleep... or don't, I don't care," you muttered, falling back into the bed with a soft thump.
The two of them watched your face quietly before turning to each other. An ominous 'you almost fucking ruined it' aura seeping from both of them.
"Just... stop fucking moving," you murmured sleepily. As much as they were, the two of them were actually really warm. Wrapping around you like the worlds best weighted blanket.
You relaxed against them, letting your eyes flutter closed to find a moments peace. The feeling of you softening made both of their heart flutter dangerously in their chests.
Begrudgingly, they complied, muttering quiet curses.
König cradled your head close to his chest, smoothing down your hair with an almost imperceptible touch that belied his size, your leg bent delicately over his own... and Krueger held your hips, wrapping a gentle arm around your stomach, nuzzling his face into your shoulder. The quiet and calm finally seeping into the cabin.
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everyone give anon a kiss for helping & correcting the translations :)
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fierymiasma · 2 years ago
 𖦹 Five Times....// Sebastian x f!MC 𖦹
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Summary: Five times Sebastian Sallow Was Jealous and One Time He Didn't Have to Be
Requested by Anon
Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Words: 2.7k
|| Masterlist || AO3 || Upcoming ||
1. First Date
"Is it true, Poppy?"  Sebastian shook the poor girl by the shoulders so hard that her head was bobbing back and forth like a ragdoll.  "Are you certain you saw her on a date?  Could you possibly have mistaken her for someone else?"
Ever since his crush best friend saved Hogwarts, she had been constantly surrounded by male attention.  It hadn't bothered Sebastian (it did).  After all, he knew that what the two of them had was more than any silly hero worship could compare to.  The hero of Hogwarts and Sebastian were inseparable.  They were friends, dueling companions…they were…
…Well frankly Sebastian didn't quite know what they were.
Until now.
"Why do you want to know so much Sallow?" A feminine Scottish voice interrupted the conversation from behind Sebastian's shoulder.
Sebastian swore.  Imelda fucking Reyes.  Just what he needed.  He had been in the middle of interrogating naïve Poppy Sweeting regarding their mutual friend's whereabouts.  This wasn't the time for Imelda and her egotistic mind games.  "This doesn't concern you, Reyes.  I was speaking to Sweeting."  He turned towards the short girl.  "Poppy, as one of her dear friends, her best friend, you need to tell me where she is.  All of Hogwarts depends on it."
Before Poppy could even respond, Imelda stepped in between them.  With a flick of her wrist, she cast the tongue-tying jinx, silencing Poppy.
Poppy squeaked, fingers flying to her lips in surprise.  Sebastian's eyes widened in shock.  The only thing anyone could hear coming from Poppy's mouth was a string of unintelligible garble.
Imelda patted Poppy on the shoulder.  "I think Poppy is having some trouble remembering the date's name."  Poppy's eyebrows furrowed in contempt at Imelda as she tried to unsuccessful untie her tongue.  "If only there was something to help jog the poor girl's memory."
Imelda made a hand gesture with her fingers like a Gringotts goblin rubbing two sickles together.
Sebastian's mouth dropped.  It was just like Imelda to butt into a personal crisis and profit off the situation. This was not the time for extortion.  Not when the savior's very first kiss was on the line.  A part of him wanted to wring Reyes neck.  But another, smaller, more Slytherin part of Sebastian applauded Reyes' clever thinking.  Digging a couple of sickles from the recesses of his pockets, he chucked them into Reyes clawed hands. 
"Are we settled, Imelda?"  Sebastian sneered.  "Can you leave me and Sweetings alone?"
"Hm…."  Imelda looked down at the paltry sum in her hands.  "Maybe her handsome date took her to the library…or was it the Quidditch field?  Actually, I believe the pair went on a picnic next to the Lake.  It is, after all, very romantic when the sun sets.  A perfect view for snogging, if you ask me." 
Sebastian called Imelda many foul, frankly unforgivable, names number his breath.  "I'll do your History of Magic essay as well."
Imelda waved her wand over Poppy's face, undoing the spell.
Poppy coughed, sticking out her tongue at Imelda.  "She's at the teashop in Hogsmeade with Benjamin Carrow.  He's a Gryffindor 7th year."  Poppy's cheeks blushed a bit.  "Super tall.  Very nice to look at."
Well, he did not need to know that last bit of information.  Sebastian's neck muscles tightened.  Benjamin Carrow.  Sebastian was well aware of the reputation of that particular Gryffindor.  He was even more aware of the effect that rake had on the female population of Hogwarts.  Handsome.  Chivalrous (supposedly).  And of course, in Sebastian's book, up to absolutely no good. 
He muttered a quick thanks to Poppy under his breath, before he spun away in a huff, stomping away with more force than necessary.
With the angry Slytherin out of the picture, Imelda flipped two sickles into Poppy's open hands.  Poppy frowned at the coins in her hand, her stomach twisting into knots.  "Should we tell Sebastian that he has nothing to worry about?  I feel awfully bad watching him so stressed out over nothing."
Imelda happily tallied up the remaining sum of coins in her hand before pocketing them.  "And ruin his fun?  Never."
Sebastian ran to Hogsmeade so fast that one could almost accuse him of apparating.  His lungs were about to explode.  One of his ribs might have broken in the process of running up to Hogsmeade.  He steadied his hands on his thighs, trying to take deep breaths to replenish his supply of oxygen.  Slamming open the door of the teashop, he scanned the cozy space for any signs of his friend. 
His stomach dropped.  Left corner booth in the back, hidden behind the wall of flutterby bushes.  A classic play.  It was the best place for unwed, young couples to neck in public without getting caught.
Well, he certainly wasn't going to let her be a victim any time soon.
He smoothed his hair into place.  It was drenched from his sweat.  No doubt, he looked like a mess, having practically bent time and space to get here.
With the confidence that only Sebastian Sallow could exude, he walked up to the couple's booth, ready to put a stop to this nonsense.
"Benjamin?  It's funny running into you at a place like this!  It's been a while since you were at Crossed Wands."  Sebastian's tone was cheerful but his mouth was flat.
"Sebastian?"  the savior of Hogwarts asked before her date could even say anything.
"I need to speak with you."  Sebestian dropped all pretenses of pretending to give a shit about her date. 
 "You need to speak with me."  She repeated flatly.
This operation was not going as well as he had hoped.  "It's unfortunately urgent."
A painted eyebrow arched with skepticism. "You have an urgent message that cannot wait until this is over."   It was rather apparent that she did not believe him. 
Sebastian couldn't help himself anymore.  Gently wrapping his hand around hers, he pulled her out of her chair.  Well in for a knut, in for a sickle.  "Yes, terribly sorry…" he address her date,  "…rather unfortunate timing, but we must be on our way.  No rest for the hero of Hogwarts after all." 
She did not put up any resistance against him,  her hand tightened in his as she allowed the other man to help her out of her seat.  As Sebastian led her out of the teashop into the bustling streets of Hogsmeade, the savior of Hogwarts wondered what on earth was so important that Sebastian had to interrupt her very first date.
Sebastian was still holding her hand as he steered her to a more secluded alleyway to have a private conversation.  His hands were warm against hers.  Despite them being such close friends, they didn't really touch much.  Oh of course, she yearned for any excuses to brush against Sebastian.  Bumping into him in the hallway, pressing her back against his in an exciting duel.
But holding hands?  In public?  Why by both Muggle and Wizarding standards, it was quite the controversy.  Still she tried to cherish the feeling of his skin against hers even for this brief moment in time.
All too soon, they both arrived at the secluded nook right behind the backdoor of the Three Broomsticks.  Sebastian reluctantly let go of her hand.  Her heart was pounding in her throat as she let herself be whisked away from her date.  This was it.   After a whole year of waiting, months of yearning, and weeks of pining after the handsome Slytherin.  Sebastian was going to finally confess his feelings towards her. 
Poppy, Imelda and Natt had all reassured her, time and time again, that Sebastian was head over heels in love with her.  In fact, it was Imelda who suggested going on a date to "remind Sallow of the other eligible bachelors".  She resisted at first.  It felt wrong to even imagine being with anyone other than Sebastian Sallow, but as their 6th year of Hogwarts dragged on, and as the leaves started falling from the trees, it got harder and harder to say no to all the date proposals.  
Biting at her bottom lip, she looked at the boy before her, hoping that Sebastian would finally confess his feelings towards her. 
As Sebastian led her outside the romantic teashop, he couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was.  Well, Sebastian had always thought that the savior of Hogwarts was extremely attractive, even when she was covered in troll boogeys, but….with her hair done up, the small amounts of make up on her face, and a fetching dress that hugged her curves….
In the rare moments that Sebastian would pick up one of Anne's romance books, he would always roll his eyes and scoff at the writers who moaned at the difficulties of describing a Veela's beauty.
Now, he was starting to understand how they must have felt. 
"Sebastian Sallow.  Whatever you tell me has better be important."
She folded her arms in front of her chest, clearly not amused by his antics.  Her finger drummed from forearm nervously, no doubt hoping to go back inside with Benjamin fucking Carrow.
"Sebastian Sallow," she repeated again, but this time there was a dangerous tone in her voice.  "What was it, that was so important that you needed to interrupt?"
Her face was flushed a pretty pink, reminding Sebastian of the love potions Professor Sharp showed off in class last week.  She looked even more beautiful when she looked murderously pissed at Sebastian.  It was perhaps not an appropriate time to tell her how attractive she looked when she was angry.
"You can't date him."  Sebastian fumbled.
"Who says I'm even on a date?" She shot back haughtily. 
Sebastian clenched his jaw.  "The Hogsmeade teashop.  Teatime for two.  Corner booth to the left.  Classic play.  Gryffindors use it all the time."
Okay, so maybe it was a date. 
"Plus you're wearing a new dress I've never seen you in and wearing make up."  His hands balled into fists.  "You never wear make up like that."  His voice was a hint accusatory. 
She touched her lips subconsciously.  Make up was still very new to her.  It was her first date in well…her whole life, and she wanted to do something special.  The hero of Hogwarts who was well versed in ancient magic and defeating trolls…was a novice in the romance department.  She was so nervous that her make up gave her face a ghoulish appearance.  But her date hadn't even commented or noticed.  Her stomach flipped.  She didn't know that Sebastian was the type of boy to even notice changes to her appearances. 
Seeing what looked like to him a cold mask of disdain on her face, he knew he had to say something less she suddenly lose interest in the conversation and go back inside with that prat. 
"You need to turn him down."  He stressed. 
"And why is that?"
A thousand arguments raced through Sebastian's brain.  "He's a prick.  I know his type, only dates whoever the most popular girl is.  The second he loses interest in you, he'll move onto the next." 
For some reason, Sebastian's words stung.  With all the boys asking her out in her 6th year, she had hoped that it was because they found her personality charming, or witty, or frankly they found her appearance flattering.  She was always a bit fearful that the boys were attempting to court her out for the bragging rights of getting a kiss from "the hero of Hogwarts."  She crossed her arms in front of her.  "Well maybe he's changed."
Sebastian snorted.  "He hasn't."
She frowned.  "Well, you don't know that.  I like Ben.  He's different.  He's not like the other boys."
Sebastian rolled his eyes in exasperation.  How many times had he heard that same expression come from Anne? 
"He's a bloke, for Merlin's sake.  They're all assholes."
She raised an eyebrow, looking at him pointedly.
"Except me."  Sebastian corrected.  "I'm awful for entirely different reasons."
She sniffed.  "You just don't like him because you're jealous that he gets more attention from other girls than you do."  she mumbled under her breath bitterly.
The boy blinked owlishly.  Something felt off about her statement but he wasn't quite sure why.  His best friend had never hinted that she was ever upset at the female attention Sebastian received.  In fact, ever since she had come to Hogwarts, Sebastian had never paid any mind to them.  Why would she be so bothered by it?
Why did it even matter when she was the only one that Sebastian truly gave a damn about?
His chest felt tight.  "Please, take my word for it."  Sebastian looked her in the eyes.  "Fellows like him…they're only after one thing, and the second they get it from you, they'll drop you like a sack of Dragon Dung." Sebastian's voice was quiet.  "I just don't want to see my friend hurt."
She huffed, looking away from Sebastian and breaking eye contact.  "He's a Gryffindor.  They're more chivalrous than you give them credit for."
Slytherins were far better dates, and she knew it.  Sebastian couldn't help but mumble under his breath.  "Doubt it.  He's a Gryffindor.  They're all assholes."
She glared at him.  "Garreth, Leander, and Natty are all Gryffindors."
Sebastian grimaced.  "And it's truly Natsai's greatest flaw." 
She scoffed.  She can't believe she just let him waltz in there and kidnap her away from her date, only for Sebastian to basically just throw a tantrum.  She was becoming like Ominis, too lenient on Sebastian's shenanigans.  "Why do you even care?" 
Sebastian looked at her incredulously.  Did she not listen to a word of what he said?  It's like she was purposely playing deaf. 
"You're one of my best friends besides Ominis.  I don't want to see you get involved with someone bound to hurt you." 
Her body stiffened.  ' A friend just like Ominis'.  A friend.  That's all they were to each other wasn't it?  Merlin, how could she be so stupid.  "And that’s why you came all this way to interrupt my date?  Because I'm one of your friends?"  She hissed the last two words through gritted teeth.
Sebastian ducked his head.   He took a shaky breath in.  "Yes.  Ever since you came into my life, everything has changed.  I care for you, deeply.  You are one of my best friends, and I wouldn't be here without you."
She shoulders dropped.  This wasn't what she wanted to hear.  "I got to go Sebastian.  It's rude for a lady to keep a man waiting." 
Sebastian stood there in the damp alleyway, feeling exceedingly vulnerable, wondering what exactly he said wrong. 
Before she could fully leave him, he turned towards her retreating form.  He grasped her hand, holding her in place.  Her wrist felt so warm in his hold.  If he pressed his thumb down more firmly, he could feel her pulse point beat steadily against his.
She stilled.
"You can't date him."  His words came out rushed and forced.  "You're the most powerful witch in our generation.  The prettiest one on top of it and the funniest one here.  You deserve better."
She scoffed, wrenching her hand away from his loose grip.  She was sick of pretty words from a pretty boy.  It felt rather cold and lonely now.  "What do you know what I deserve?
Sebastian's voice was thick with emotion.  "I know you deserve someone who isn't intimated by how powerful you are.  Someone who will always support your silly little errands.  Someone who you can trust to have at your back in a duel.  A gentleman who will always be loyal to you."
Someone….someone like me.  He thought privately.
He didn't dare say the last part out loud.
Her eyes searched his face, perhaps looking from more from him.  After a beat of silence, her shoulders fell.  There was a stony, unreadable expression on her face.
"Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Sebastian." Her voice quiet and her lips pressed together tightly.  "I'll be sure to remember your advice."  Whipping her nicely done hair behind her, she walked back into the teashop, no doubt returning to a rather nice date with that sleazy Gryffindor. 
Sebastian stood in the alleyway by himself, alone.  He couldn't help but feel as though she wanted something more from him, but he couldn't tell what. 
Part 2
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omnibused · 2 years ago
Jealous, sassy Sebastian coming to me at 5am when I can't sleep.
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lilac-ravenclaw · 3 months ago
Been doing another playthrough of HL, and on the way to Hogsmeade I took this screenshot of these guys all hanging out. But wayyyyyyy in the back is poor Seb just glaring. I couldn’t help but laugh 🤣🤣🤣
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choccy-milky · 4 months ago
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✨ pokémon AU! 🔴✨ clora is mainly fairy & psychic (bc shes sweet but also smart) whereas seb trends towards fire/dark (even tho i only ended up giving him 1 dark pokemon...shhh) i originally gave him a houndour, bc dark + guard dog was such a perfect combo for him, but arcanine ALSO suits him and is way cuter so i had to go with that 🥹 and i had to fit in a raven and a snake pokemon somewhere bc...cmon🥰 BAHAHA
TYSM to the anon who inspired this!! it was so much fun
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#also both of them have matching swellows that they dont use in their team...its my pokemon AU equivalent of their matching swallow patronus#& i didnt end up drawing this but when theyre older they also discover Unown in some ancient ruin/catacomb#and so it just kinda ends up following them/they keep it after they discover it#also anon... u said u had notes on ur phone for why sylveon is perfect for clora PLS SEND THOSE...or reply to this...im curious#god im so jealous of clora in that last pic of her being coddled by arcanine and charizard tho (and i guess by seb too😒)#oh to be snuggled by a bunch of pokemon...that should be MEEE!!!! im a cat person irl but god i love arcanine SO MUCH#i always have one in my team when i play and i always name him cheeto🧡#also i only gave seb a gengar bc i like him matching with clora and her having a clefairy BAHAHA..had to get my love of opposites in#gengar does suit him tho i mean just look at that face and that damn smile#same with togepi and corviknight...love the idea of the bird protecting the egg hehe. and ice type alolan vulpix with fire type arcanine#i also almost gave seb a ceruledge or amouredge bc they look like knights bahaha#i also originally gave clora an alcremie instead of lunatone bc i love alcremie...but the shiny lunatone is too perfect for her#a pale crescent moon with blue eyes like HELLO and its psychic..i had to...ravenclaw as hell#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x oc#hogwarts legacy sebastian#clora clemons#choccyart
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hufflefluff-stuff · 2 years ago
hi! i was wondering if you could write how HL characters would act when they are jealous
Yes! Also, I'll add how these characters wind up confessing to their crush! 👍
Characters: Sebastian, Garreth, Ominis, Poppy, & Leander
Sebastian Sallow
Let's be fr..this guy gets jealous INSANELY easily in canon, even when platonically speaking.
It's hard to pinpoint where he exactly started catching feelings for you, but he certainly fell for you fast after your adventure into the library's restricted section.
Unfortunately, because of your growing reputation as a "hero" around Hogwarts, Hogsmede, and other hamlets...you've have strangers and students alike often come up to you and interrupt your conversations with Sebastian.
They mean well, only showing up to compliment you or thank you for some favor you've done for them.
But still it puts him in an sour mood, especially if he's unable to do anything about it without coming off as a prissy Slytherin.
During classes, he feels 10x worse if he's not partnered with you and instead sees you with classmates he views as "competition"...like Garreth, Leander, or even Amit, scowling at them in envy and unable to focus unless the professor specifically calls him out on it.
The only exception is Ominis, since he's a trusted friend and damn well knew his crush on you (he has certainly used this as blackmail to stop him from doing stupid stuff) but Sebastian will still huff about how "close" you two are growing.
Sometimes his jealousy gets so bad he needs to go blow off some steam in the Undercroft, casting damage spells on whatever poor dummy, pillar, or knight armor happened to be in his way.
It's nothing that Repairo couldn't fix.
While your assistance in his quest to find a cure for Anne was extremely important to him, that's not the only reason he brings you along for the ride.
He genuinely enjoys your company, and it's his chance to actually be alone with you and talk without any rude interruptions.
Well...there's trolls, rankrok's loyalists, spiders, ashwinders, Inferi, etc....but none of them are annoying students who try to hog all your attention just to spite him.
Aside from Ominis, Anne keeps encouraging her twin brother to make some move if he's that jealous (which Sebastian repeatedly denies).
Sooner or later...he may lose that chance, and he fears this. But he never knew when the moment would come..
Then one night, you were both fighting poachers and their leader, an Animagus, insulted him so horribly that it made his confident expression drop for a moment--as did his Protego shield.
You didn't hear what she said exactly, but his devastated face told you enough and you were pissed.
So you rained down a torrent of ancient magic lightning before she can even think of transforming.
Sebastian could only watch as you smite her like some furious god unleashing your wrath on the world, finding you both badass and ethereal.
When it's all over, you rushed to his side and ask if he's okay--but he just kisses you right there and then, silencing you.
He's so sick of waiting.
Garreth Weasley
His jealousy is nowhere near as bad as Sebastian's...but it's still there. Just subtle.
He pouts a lot when somebody steals your attention away, and he tries way too hard to impress you with whatever brilliant potion concept he drafted up (and definitely didn't have approval to brew in class under any circumstances).
Speaking of which, you're his usual partner in potions class, so he'll be highly disappointed if Professor Sharp decides to pair you with somebody else that day.
Garreth feels this sting in his heart if he overhears you praising them for their perfect brew, while he stares into his bubbling cauldron and sulks, wondering what he could've done differently.
He didn't know how you truly felt about him, so he got the genius idea to cook up a love potion the day you had a substitute for class (he sat at the furthest station and had secretly gathered the ingredients beforehand).
Just as you were about to try it for yourself, he accidentally knocked an incompatible ingredient into the pot and caused its contents to explode, staining both of your robes in pink.
While everybody laughed, the sub made the stains vanish with some magic and decided to dismiss class early, making you two stay behind to clean up the mess.
Luckily only house points were deducted due to your actions, so you won't be getting detention for this.
Still...Garreth was quite upset and you could tell.
You reassure him you're not mad in the slightest, and that you knew exactly what he was trying to do (followed by a small wink before continuing your cleanup).
His face turned as red as a maxima potion, and when he returns to the Gryffindor common room for the night, he gets confused stares from his fellow housemates as they wonder what's gotten into him.
But he can't stop thinking about you.
Maybe you ingested droplets of the love potion after it exploded, since you did seem particularly flirtatious with him in that moment and knew his intentions.
Looks like he got his wish after all.
Now to ask you out properly..
Ominis Gaunt
He's not an easily jealous guy. He'll never get angry at other people for simply wanting to spend time with you or if you're partners with them in class.
You've made a name for yourself at Hogwarts, and while he doesn't always agree with the dangerous stuff you get involved with, he only expects people to look up to you and pull your attention away from him.
Though deep down, it kinda hurts...especially since quite a handful of students from other houses perceive him as someone you shouldn't be around (some Gryffindors with "holier than thou" personalities even had the guts to say you're better off without him when he's standing right there).
Being a Gaunt + a Slytherin had that effect, unfortunately...
But he's sick of hearing that all the time.
Anyone else would've snapped at whoever criticized them based on blood status or rudely interrupted a conversation they're clearly having with you.
Yet when he does it..suddenly he's the bad guy?
It never made sense.
So any jealous feelings Ominis has stem from his own insecurities, and they grow even worse the more he realizes he's in love with you..
Like Sebastian, he'd probably storm off to the Undercroft to calm down if he's feeling heavily upset.
Fortunately, you're quick to defend him and decline other people's advances, saying you'd much rather hang out with him.
When you nearly got into a wand duel/fistfight over something insulting they said about him, that's when he realizes you cared about him as more than a friend...
Though he wanted to test the waters, so to speak, before hyping himself up to confess to you.
So throughout the week, Ominis expressed subtle desires to be in closer proximity to you (which you were fine with despite being initially confused at his sudden change in behavior)
These are, but not limited to, linking arms while walking in the hallways, napping beside you while you were reading or petting a random cat, "accidentally" falling asleep on your shoulder in History of Magic, and letting you guide him through assignments in herbology and potions class so he took the correct measurements (his grades improved, which is always a plus).
It takes a little bit of encouragement from Sebastian, but by the week's end, he courts you in one of his favorite spots outside the castle, gathering flowers, candles, and everything.
You truly made him feel loved..and he was going to do his best to reciprocate that.
How he wishes he could see the looks on those Gryffindor preps' faces when they realize the "hero of Hogwarts" is his date.
Poppy Sweeting
Considering how little she spoke to other students, even ones from her own house, this Hufflepuff found it difficult to get close to you at first.
You being hailed as a "hero" made it especially challenging, as you seemed constantly busy and people were bugging you for attention/advice/help....all while Poppy was standing in the background, forcing a smile.
Of course, you always made time to help her rescue beasts. It became your passion, and she was happy about that. Your adventures together allowed you to connect on an emotional level.
The moment she knew she was in love was the night when you both observed a Mooncalf dance, trying to make sense of the pattern those sweet big-eyed creatures left behind.
No matter how many times you've seen them, their dances are spectacular--ever captivating.
But when Poppy asked for your opinion on the pattern she drew out, she stops after seeing your breathtaking smile, eyes practically sparkling in the glow of the moonlight..
And suddenly that's all she could focus on.
Suddenly that was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Since then, her jealousy around other students has increased tenfold...especially when one jerk who disrespected beasts bragged about their poacher parents and invited you to visit their camp.
You've never seen a girl Depulso another student so fast in your life, but Poppy acts like nothing ever happened.
Similar to Sebastian, her jealousy manifests in the form of glares and general scorn towards anyone trying to ask you out on a date (which you, fortunately, decline).
She 100% rambles to the beasts about you.
If Highwing and Lord of the Shore could talk, they'd tell her to just stfu and confess to you already bc the tension is killing them.
It only (finally) happens when you invite her to the Vivarium for the first time, and they both nudge you two together, not backing down until you finally kiss.
If any of yall know that scene in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet where the box legendary pushes Arven towards his friends...that's this exact situation.
Leander Prewett
There's not doubt that this Gryffindor was going to grow jealous of your rising popularity in Summoner's Court and Crossed Wands.
He's a sore loser, while you have generally good sportsmanship..but he secretly appreciates you encouraging him to keep practicing. He only keeps going because of your words alone.
Outside of classes and competitions, he tries to hang out with you but oftentimes your attention goes to other people--whether it's professors keeping you after class to go over extra assignments or a friend sending you an owl with an urgent request.
You don't mean to keep ditching him, but to him it feels like you're always "too busy" for him.
Leander just scowls at the owls while they stare back at him like "hey, don't shoot the messenger".
Yet even when you do manage to spend time together, he only ever asks about your recent escapades....and then refuses to believe them despite you explaining them in great detail.
To this day, he still isn't convinced you possess ancient magic.
But the truth is that he wants to believe you. He admires your bravery and is insanely in love with that aspect of you....though he doesn't know how to express that.
He wishes he can relate and have cool stories to tell, but when people bring up his name they only ever talk about his constant failures.
He doesn't feel any better when others rush to defend your acts of heroism, thinking he's being a jerk.
The truth is you actually loved him and his company despite your frequent banter, but believed him to be way out of your league.
At least until the day Professor Kogawa assigned you to help him after flying class, citing the lack of respect he's been showing to his broom and your good influence on classmates.
He saw this as his chance to impress you...and failed miserably as he was unable to focus and snapped at his broom in frustration, causing it to whack him in the face just as a group of Slytherins passed by.
They laughed and teased him relentlessly, but after scaring them off with a chomping cabbage...you realized Leander had disappeared.
But he didn't go far as you discover him sulking near the lake, hiding himself with the Disillusionment charm (which you cancelled with Revelio).
It's there he finally talks about his true feelings towards you, and you see a more vulnerable side to the typically uptight Gryffindor.
In the end, you decide to give him a chance.
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