#hl headcanon
alibasnur · 2 months
Call me delulu but Amit giving us his telescope is just his way of showing everyone like "Hey, you see that telescope MC was using?? That has my name on it. Yeah... That's from me. Just so you know." 🤷🤭🤣
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sunnyrealist · 2 months
Let's Talk about Sebastian's Parents
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I recently needed to write about Mr. and Mrs. Sallow for my fanfic, and because there is very little information out there, I had to invent a lot of backstory as to who they were and what life was like for the Sallow family prior to their deaths.
I'm so curious to know what headcanons others in the fandom have created about them. It would be interesting if some of us had similar thoughts. If you're willing, would you share your own ideas via comment or reblog? Thanks!
I threw in a little preview above of one of my many commissions from @giselsann-opencommissions that I've been sitting on for quite some time. I don't usually post them until I get to the plot points they depict. This one is close enough - I'll show the entire thing real soon.
Before I get to my headcanons, this is what Hogwarts Legacy: The Official Game Guide has to say about Sebastian's parents (see last paragraph):
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Here is the background I created for my fic:
Their names were Samuel and Selina (Ware) Sallow. Their family and friends called them Sam and Lina.
They were both pureblood and the same age.
They met at Hogwarts. Sam was in Slytherin, and Lina was in Ravenclaw.
When they were students, they were academic rivals - not "enemies," per se, but they were not exactly friends until they were assigned as partners for a project in Potions during their seventh year. They realized how similar they were and fell in love.
They got married very quickly after graduation but didn't have Anne and Sebastian until they were older (around 30).
The two of them eventually became teachers at Hogwarts. Sam taught Magical Theory (predecessor to Professor Fig), and Lina taught Defense Against the Dark Arts (predecessor to Professor Hecat). They were experts in their fields.
They moved to Aranshire when they became professors. I believe they lived in the spider house in Hogwarts Legacy (there's actually evidence to back this up). It was FILLED with books to the point that it was practically a library.
The cellar was their workspace, and the twins knew that when their parents were down there that they were not to be disturbed unless there was an emergency.
Both of the Sallows were incredibly studious and conducted a lot of research in their spare time. They sometimes teamed up to study particular subjects, such as defensive magical theory and love as a form of magic in its purest form. They didn't view Dark magic as inherently evil, just as everyday magic is not always perfectly good.
Mr. and Mrs. Sallow were quite lovey-dovey. Sebastian remembers them reading in front of the fireplace, engrossed in their own books, but always holding hands or touching. He also remembers being grossed out as a little boy by how often they would kiss.
Neither of them had big families, and just about all of their family members had passed by the time the twins were born. Solomon Sallow was their only living relative at the time of their deaths.
They took the twins to Hogwarts often during summer breaks, so they had a head start on learning the lay of the land and the school's curriculum. Sam and Lina had them read some of their textbooks prior to their first year so that they could get the most out of their education.
They wanted the twins to be well-rounded, so they taught them multiple languages. Lina considered music a language and taught them how to play piano. She also would sing them a song every night when she put them to bed.
Lina was exceptionally gentle, despite her interest in magical combat, Dark magic, Dark creatures, etc. She tended to coddle and fuss over the children. Every year on their birthday, she would bake a spice cake with vanilla icing. She was proficient in both Muggle and magical healing. Her nicknames for Sebastian and Anne were "little prince" and "little princess" - "the little twin rulers."
As far as looks, Sebastian takes after Lina, who had curly auburn hair and freckles. While Anne got a few of Lina's freckles, her hair is similar to Sam's.
Sam loved to give the twins sweets behind their mother's back. He had a distinct laugh and enjoyed reading stories aloud and "doing the voices." He taught the kids how to play Quidditch; he had once been a beater. When he traveled for his studies and would come home with unique artifacts and new information, he would share all of it with the twins in plain language, never talking down to them. I see Sam as an Atticus Finch kind of father.
Christmas was a simple affair. They'd have Uncle Solomon over for dinner, and he would leave pretty quickly after dessert (he and Sam were not close and disagreements were frequent). The twins were always gifted two items: a new book and something particularly interesting, useful, or coveted.
They liked animals and had an Old English Sheepdog named Endy (short for Endymion).
Again, I would love to hear your headcanons. Are yours similar or completely different from mine? Sound off in the comments or reblog! I love discussions like this.
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drowsygoose · 4 months
more sebastian sallow headcanons!
I imagine Anne doesn't really like MC (and, really, why should she? Sebastian goes from her playfully mischievous brother to an angry caster of Unforgivables in between visits, which only happens once MC enters his life and they've developed a friendship—so why should she like them?) and I feel like this would stress Sebastian out
Sure, he comes across as charming and even a bit flirty with MC, but make no mistake—Sebastian is OBLIVIOUS when someone has a crush on him, ESPECIALLY if the crush is mutual lmao
Sebastian has pretty good friendships with the other fifth-years, outside of Ominis and MC, so Quidditch game days and trips to Hogsmeade are always fun: he and Imelda usually exchange some love-hate snark (unless she's zipping around the pitch) while he and Poppy like to pop into Brood and Peck to see what new beasts Ellie might have. He used to go to Zonko's a lot with Anne, but since she fell ill he usually just gets her a little something and waits with Amit, Natty, and Ominis at The Three Broomsticks while the others check out the joke shop. Garreth often asks him to test out his new concoctions but, after The Incident in third year, Sebastian is careful to avoid being his guinea pig. He usually finds Leander is bearable enough, though the exceptions lie in anything related to dueling and the House rivalry (Sebastian almost feels sorry for the lad, struggling as much as he does with what could only be a bad case of jealousy—almost).
He always takes his classmates' well wishes for Anne in stride, thanking them with a somber nod and a promise to pass them onto her in his next letter home. His composure in those moments are his first and last defense against a complete public breakdown the second someone says her name. He always manages to hold it together until he's tucked away in bed for the night, when he can safely hide behind his curtains and cast a silencing charm strong enough to block out his enraged cries.
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everalii · 17 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Boys Headcannons
Just bc I wanted! I'll post one for the girls later
♤ Sebastian Sallow ♤
• doesn't play quidditch, but was very good at it, much to Imelda's dismay. She fought hard to blackmail convince him to join the team, with no success;
• Is a night owl by heart, and if it wasn't for Ominis at Hogwarts, and Anne at home, he would lose much of the morning. However, feels he lost the day if he wakes up around midday;
• Has an expansion charm on his trousers pockets, makes it easier to smuggle some books from the restricted section;
• He'll never admit his feelings for MC, but still didn't realized his feelings for her are way too explicit. He can't shut up about how brilliant she is, Ominis can't stand to another night of his rambles about her. MC and Sebastian are clearly the only ones oblivious to his feelings;
• He and Solomon had a good relationship before he went to Hogwarts. His uncle taught him fishing and gardening, and that it a very fond memory for him. Another reason of why he resents his uncle so much;
• Hates the fact he is the spitting image of his father. Despite having a good relationship with his uncle before, Sebastian truly believes that his uncanny resemblance of this father is one of the reasons his uncle can't stand him;
• Is a fiery Sagittarius, his birthday is on december 14th.
♤ Ominis Gaunt ♤
• Plays piano like a god, almost like the keys are an extension of him. He pours his soul when playing, and makes everyone fall in love with his skill;
• His mother is desperately trying to stay close to him, sending many letters, begging to professor Black to ask Ominis to talk to her. But he couldn't forgive her for forcing him to torture muggles, and she's not sorry for it;
• Is hopelessly in love with Poppy, but doesn't know how to even start a conversation. Sebastian finds out and they make a bet on who will marry first (remember this is 1890-1900);
• Despises crowded spaces for obvious reasons, he can't distinguish the sounds and he gets dizzy, might even throw up. Someone must save this boy and bring him to somewhere peaceful, please;
• Is a romantic by nature. You may think Sebastian is flirtatious, but Ominis' simply a natural! The first date with Poppy, arranged by MC, ended with "It is much of a regret not being able to admire your face right now" Poppy turned red as phoenix feather;
• Has a sweettooth. You'll find him in the kitchens stealing cakes and candies, and he always have one in his pockets for when he gets anxious or overwhelmed;
• Is a lovely Gemini, born in May 30th.
◇ Garreth Weasley ◇
• His love for potioncrafting begun when his mother fell ill, and a St Mungus' potionist crafted a potion for her in front of Garreth. When his mother recovered, he knew that was exactly what he want to work with;
• Is a social butterfly, and is on for any gossip you may hear. Him and Cressida always have the hottest gossips;
• One may think that professor Weasley favours her nephew, but is quite the contrary. She demands and exceptional behavior from him, and grounds him for literally anything. But he loves his aunt very much;
• Adores to sing, but is very keen about it. His Gryffindor friends always get him drunk enough to sing. Garreth is the life of the parties;
• Is very aware of the uncanny resemblance with Sebastian, and boy they do take advantage of it. Isn't uncommon for them to trade school uniforms and transfigure their haircolor to avoid detention or enter locked spaces such as the restricted section or Sharp's office. Garreth even saved Sebastian's pittyisome grades in Potions once, and ever since, professor Sharp begun suspecting;
• Secretly fancies Anne, and may Merlin forbid anyone to discover. Was very preoccupied when she didn't showed up in the 5th year, asked his aunt casually and he's trying to figure it out some potion that might cure her curse;
• The boy is a proud Pisces, born on april 3rd.
◇ Leander Prewett ◇
• Oh, he's a bullied bully. Being the 4th son of the Prewett family, he tried to find a way to get attention, and unfortunately, it wasn't the best way. But he has a good heart, trust me;
• And he's trying! He's not an excelled student, but he tries very hard, he just haven't found what really makes him shine;
• Was once very close to Amit, but in his quest to become popular, being friends with the boy obsessed with the stars stained his record (in his mind, because no one actually cared). Amit was very sad for their strained friendship;
• Is incredible at linguistics, the boy can speak any language possible, and secretly loves to study foreign languages. Professor Ronen always praises him for his perfect pronunciation in Charms;
• His older brother is his greatest inspiration, as a very famous auror working abroad in France. Leander trully wants to excel in every subject that will make him a great auror, just like his brother;
• He did apologized to Zenobia for his bullying in his 7th year. Little did he know that she found that way too adorable for her own sake and pride;
• He despises astrology, as the good Aquarian he is. Leander was born in february 9th.
◇ Lucan Brattleby ◇
• the mind behind Crossed Wands is a highly skilled duelist. Before MCs arrival, he and Sebastian held the second and first place respectively. Their rivalry and friendship was well admired;
• His greatest dream is to become the head of the auror department, just like his grandfather once was. He thinks that he will eventually fight with Sebastian for that post, little did he knew that his friend is not interested in the auror career;
• Oh, if Sophronia knew how much he fancies her... He's the only one that truly listen to her trivia for hours. Lucan actually studies for her quiz, only to make her proud of him;
• Is definitely Professor Hecats favourite in his year. She decided to tutor him by the end of the 6th year;
• Loves creatures, you can see him petting the Puffskeins and Kneazzles in Creature's;
• Here comes another problem for Madam Scribner... Out of the 5 times he broke in the restricted section, she caught him twice. "I was just looking for a book about offensive spells", she swears she heard that before...;
• This is one a spicy Scorpio, born in october 30th
♧ Amit Takhar ♧
• We know he's interested in gobledegook, but after Lodgok, he never touched a book of the language. Poor thing;
• Much yo Everett's dismay, Amit owns a broom! And he's a very good flier, despite his insecurity. MC and Everett are helping him to trust his own skills;
• Still misses Leander very much, but wouldn't accept his apologies, he's very proud and knows how to stand his ground when needed;
• Amit's family came from India during the Regency Era, and he visited the country a couple of times. He's not very fond of the heat, but the night sky stole his heart, the many stars he has never seen... Breathtaking!;
• He follows rules, but breaks into the Astronomy Tower way too many times for professor Shah liking. However, she was very torn to send him to detention or not. She did, twice, to make him learn to follow the rules. Needless to say it didn't work until she threatened to lock him away from the astronomy tower;
• Loves to watch quidditch matches. He considered the tryouts for the Ravenclaw team, but he was way too scared of the bludgers (and I totally agree with him);
• He's a sweet capricorn, born in January 16th
♧ Everett Clopton ♧
• The best flier in the school, sorry Imelda. But since he doesn't own a broom of his own, he never got the chance to beat the Slytherin captain;
• Professor Kogawa pity him, and considered gifting him anonymously with a broom, but she's too correct. If he gets a broom, she must give one to every child in the school!;
• Is a prankster by nature, but can be cruel sometimes. Teamed up with Ominis once to lock Duncan in the Puffskein cage. A very gruesome friendship between him and the Slytherin was formed that day;
• He's an incredible artist as well, every single one of his parchment is covered with drawings. The professors tend to scold him for it, but secretly adores to see his drawings thriving. Professor Weasley encourages him to keep with the hobby;
• Was the first to perfectly cast a corporeus Patronum in DADA during the 6th year, besting Sebastian and MC. His Patronus is a deer. (SORRY, he's my Hogwarts Legacy version of James);
• Still tries to get Imelda off her tracks with his pranks and teasing, and she loses every time. He loves to have her attention, and understood why close to their graduation. Officially started courting her a few months after Hogwarts;
• Another Sagittarius, but this one was born in december 2nd.
Another boy to make headcannons? Lemme know :)
And sorry for any mispronunciation, english is not my first language
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fullofvalve · 25 days
I've been thinking very hard about Barney... rotating him in my mind, especially like within the 10 or so years after the res cas. I feel like he adopted some animal and named it Gordon LMAO I know this head canon has probably been done to hell and back, but le sigh we cringe on or whatever.
I see Barney as more of a dog person; however, I feel like a cat would fit better in this situation. Barney associating the stereotypical cat, a sort of cold/silent intelligence, with the front Gordon put on but realizing the cat is more like him in ways he didn't expect gets me. The mischievous, soft side that few saw, and Barney likely only seeing a few times, coming out full blast with Cat Gordon makes everyone miss the human Gordon so much more.
In my mind's eye, Gordon and Barney weren't extremely close before the res cas, like close and friendly enough to go get drinks every once in a while but not BFFs or anything. I see them getting closer, developing feelings a bit more than friendly, and then the world goes to shit before anything moves beyond LMAO maybe neither of them realized how much they cared for each other until Gordon is gone and Barney has to move through this newfound hell without him. Of course, Barney likely wouldn't have much room to unpack what he felt on the run, yet it undoubtedly would catch up with him on quiet nights. Grief tropes, something, something, that one quote etc.
The day Barney finds cat Gordon he's like this is stupid, I can't even care for myself right now, I can't take this thing with me (as he's picking it up and putting it in his jacket). Kleiner's all for it; cat Gordon's a light in the dark, so to speak. Naming it Gordon would have probably been a slip of the tongue thing, like the cat's being a goofball and jumpscares Barney in a way that Gordon used to or he had Gordon on the mind and he's like, "Dammit, Gordon!" The name just kinda sticks from there, starting as a joke but staying. Kleiner, once again, is supportive cuz... it reminds him of Gordon, too, if only just a lil. He also kinda sees it as a way to sort of cope with the assumed death of human Gordon, especially for Barney since he was the last one to see him alive... Kleiner associates more of the softer/goofier aspects of cat Gordon's behavior with human Gordon, though. It gets the two talking more, sharing stories of Gordon on a deeper level or something. Both of them walking away from these talks with a better understanding of what human Gordon meant to them....
Anyway, thanks for coming to my tedtalk. I did Not expect this to be so long. Sorry for any errors! I didn't proof read this LMAO
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bl4stp1t · 5 months
half-life gman headcanon/theory ramblings
so i just remembered how i have this headcanon that gman and his employers are similar to the vorts, that being theyre a hivemind and call eachother their "kin" except with gman its his "employers" instead of "kin". it was mostly a silly idea i had because of that scene in half-life alyx where he splits into a bunch of gmen (probably was just for some cool visuals and nothing else).
but then i suddenly remembered matpat's theory on gman being the nihilanth, one of the evidences he had was that gman's tie could be a third arm like the nihilanth, and i also know that vortigaunts have a third arm so maybe this vortigaunt and gman connection has more merit than i thought. I DONT THINK GMAN'S TIE IS A THIRD ARM THO...
anyways my current thoughts rn are that gman could be that some random unfortunate citizen randomly picked out by the combine to experiment on to perhaps enhance their transhuman forces to have vortigaunt-like powers. maybe there were some other test subjects but everyone else idfk died or it didnt work and that gman was the only successful one. a little too successful maybe.
fuckin hell maybe he has an affinity to suits because he used to be a business man or worked for the government before the seven hour war i dunno.
plus the vault being powered by vorts (i think? havent played hla yet) and the combine knowing their power can contain gman could be because they made him sooo idk UHHH ID SAY MORE BUT MY BRAIN IS EMPTY NOW LMK WHAT U GUYS THINK !! :D pls dont be mean to me PFF
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cursedonyx · 1 year
Working on a few asks at the moment - shouldn't be too much longer guys, just don't tell my job I'm writing smut when I'm meant to be answering emails
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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seb is lucky ominis cant see ref from triptrippy
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queenofsf · 2 months
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this is how i imagine their hands
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girl-named-matty · 7 months
Sharing a bed with the Boys (Hogwarts Legacy Headcanons)
Sharing a bed with the boys. Tags: Fluff, Sharing a bed, gn!reader, Sebastian x Reader, Ominis x Reader, Garreth x Reader, Leander x Reader. (this is barely proofread haha) Rating: General Audiences
Summary: My Headcanons for sharing a bed with the boys!
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When you first asked him if he wanted to share a bed, he practically jumped straight in it. He was so excited. 
But that was just the first time. 
He stays up reading almost every night so good luck getting him into that bed in the first place after that. 
And by late I mean genuinely unholy hours of the night kinda staying up and he wonders why he looks so tired. 
If you do eventually get him in bed, it doesn’t take him long to actually fall asleep. Aside from the constant lack of sleep he usually gets, he’s always been one to fall asleep quickly. 
He is a human body heater. 
Some nights you may not even need a blanket because he’s just that warm. 
I feel like Seb would be the kind of guy to practically sleep on top of you. Like not enough to crush you but instead it feels like a really nice weighted (and warm) blanket. 
Except for this blanket snores. 
I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. 
Sometimes it's really annoying to share a bed with him and other times it's really nice. 
If he ever comes to bed early, it’s how you know he’s had a rough day and just needs to be in your arms for comfort. ..
Unlike Sebastian who would totally be up to sharing a bed, he would be more hesitant. 
It’s not like he doesn’t want to, per se, but he’s used to having his own space and he’s not necessarily the most touchy person. But eventually, he says he’s ready. 
Kinda awkward the first few nights. He slept with his back towards you and didn't make any physical touch at all. 
But after a couple of nights, he slowly starts making the shift to get closer to you and he comes to enjoy it. 
After that, he finds it hard to sleep without you. 
Due to not having the best childhood, he often has nightmares. And for him his nightmares are extremely unnerving due to the fact that he can’t see anything, only hear things. 
But one of the best parts about sharing a bed with you is the fact that whenever his nightmares wake him up, you’re right there next to him. 
He often finds himself reaching out for you in the middle of the night, just to make sure you’re still there. 
 He’s definitely a side sleeper so sometimes you’ll sleep in the spooning position together. This also reassures him a lot that you’re still next to him. ..
Didn’t take long for you two to start sharing a bed at all. 
Since he has so many siblings he probably had to share a bed with one of his brothers at some point in his childhood anyway. 
But just because he might be used to it does not mean he’s easy to share a bed with. 
This boy is a BED HOGGER. 
If you are quite literally not right up against him, you’re falling off the bed. 
You thought Seb gets hot when he sleeps? 
Well, Garreth has him beat by a LONG shot. 
You could probably fry an egg on this man's back just saying. 
But we all know Garreth has that soft tummy action going on so he’s super comfortable and when he’s not hogging the bed, it’s really nice to cuddle up to him. 
When you too are cuddling, he wants to be as close to you as possible. 
So, really, just the sweetest boy to ever exist. ..
Leander: (because he deserves his place on this list) 
He’s similar to Ominis and opposite of Garreth. 
Had very few siblings growing up, probably only one or two so he was used to having his own space. So it took him a while before he was all good with it. 
This boy is lanky af. 
It’s obviously okay. He’s tall, long, lanky, whatever you wanna call it. 
So he probably sleeps with his legs up somehow to keep his feet from hanging off the bed/smacking into the headboard. 
It probably took him a while to get used to cuddling with someone in bed but now that he’s used to it, he loves it. 
He loves it when you sleep on his chest so he can wrap his arms around you and hold you close. 
He’s definitely not a morning person so have fun getting him out of that bed.
Also has really bad bed-head. How do I know this? No man would style his hair the way he does unless he has bed-head so take my word for it. 
100% a cuddler now. ...
Who should I do next? I was thinking Andrew and Amit but lmk in the comments!
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internetskiff · 5 months
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i think my favorite part about the half life lore is the memory wiping water that gets brought up once and never again. who else agrees
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alibasnur · 22 days
While i love the shy Amit i read in fanfictions, i have a little headcanon that when MC catches Amit staring at them, his will smile and keep looking at MC adoringly instead of looking away like nothing happens.
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geniemillies · 1 month
hii im back with more tamliiiin
he's my little princess, pls take good care of him 🤲❤
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drowsygoose · 2 months
yet another round of sebastian sallow headcanons, this time about quidditch (because, I'll admit, the idea of him and a few other characters playing has grown on me):
Anne and Sebastian were super excited for tryouts their second year, though neither made the team. By third year, Sebastian had become more interested in duelling (and found that he was Really Fucking Good at it) while Anne was quick and really good at shifting her weight on her broom, serving as an alternate Beater and learning from the sixth and seventh year starters
(She was definitely going to be a starter the following year, spent all summer practicing and exchanging letters with Imelda about their respective progress—until Rookwood happened)
Quidditch didn't feel the same without Anne. While he still enjoyed game days, Sebastian didn't try out fourth year and chose instead to throw himself into Crossed Wands (as a second year Lucan Brattleby followed him around and learned he had a knack for organizing duels and, of course, making and managing bets). He did, however, use her broom to visit Feldcroft every weekend
He, like other students, was upset about the lack of quidditch during fifth year; he'd gotten better on the broom though, faster and unknockable and more adept even in terrible weather, thanks to his Feldcroft trips
So by the time sixth year rolls around and quidditch is restored, Imelda practically corners him in the Slytherin common room after the Great Feast
"Not sure what you did over summer, but you've got the build of a Beater, Sallow. Tryouts are next week."
"Imelda, I'm not—"
"Tuesday, 3pm. If you're late, I'll kick your arse."
And they both knew she meant it
So, the following Tuesday at 3pm, Sebastian got his arse on a broom and performed the Beater drills: laps around the pitch while balancing the bat and again with no hands, knocking bludgers out of the way, and giving/taking a few checks without falling off the broom
Imelda wasted no time in granting him a spot on the team and also announcing he was a starter
(I also like to think Anne is back by sixth year and is doing everything she can to feel normal again, so she's on the team and uses all that RAGE from the last two years as Beater fuel. Imagine the way Lucan and Everett Clopton announce those games??? "The Sallow twins strike again!" Like??? My HEART)
If MC plays, especially if they're in another house, game days are particularly interesting lol
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coyotebrained · 9 months
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pre-rescas happy gordon for your viewing pleasure
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hazyange1s · 3 months
Garreth Weasley HCs
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To round out the big three… here’s my favorite ginger and all the rotting thoughts about him straight from my brain. HELP because they are well and truly eating away at me
Excellent baker. Constantly surprising his friends with random desserts he’s made (some of which may or may not be magically enhanced…)
Man just loves his food. One of the only times you’ll ever see him truly angry is when he hasn’t eaten in a while.
Gryffindor Beater = canon. Gotta put that pent up energy to good use somehow.
Favorite color is a light sage green.
Surprises everyone with his talent and passion for Herbology — he works on the family garden at home as well, and finds that it’s one of the few times his mind is quiet.
Really, Garreth is just very hands on in every sense of the word. It’s why he doesn’t do as well in the more theory-based classes.
Starts selling his (tested) brews in sixth/seventh year to save up for his own Potions shop after graduating.
Seems oblivious, but he notices a lot more than he lets on. Keeping things light and easy is preferable to causing a fuss in his mind.
His birthday is August 12, 1875. He’s a leo sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising.
Secret wizard’s chess prodigy
Horrible short term memory, AMAZING long term memory (very ADHD)
Amortentia: cinnamon, (caramelized) brown sugar, hay/grass, and cauldron fumes
Has four siblings. A younger sister; Charlotte, and three older brothers: Archie, Owen, and Phillip.
Really close with his mum, as well — like, owls her on schedule every week.
Shockingly Type A and obsessive about the things he loves (Potions being one of them, obviously) to the point of exuding “mad genius” on a regular basis. I just imagine him buried in notes and pulling out his hair over the right ingredient.
HUGE flirt with absolutely everyone, though 99% of the time it’s all a jest, and sometimes he doesn’t even realize. Somehow, he gets rather flustered when it’s turned back on him by the true object of his affections.
Because underneath that easy confidence and carefree attitude is someone who constantly wonders if they’re not enough — or too much.
Still the most encouraging and loyal friend you’ll ever have. golden retriever energy
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