#hogwarts legacy sfw
everalii · 17 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Boys Headcannons
Just bc I wanted! I'll post one for the girls later
♤ Sebastian Sallow ♤
• doesn't play quidditch, but was very good at it, much to Imelda's dismay. She fought hard to blackmail convince him to join the team, with no success;
• Is a night owl by heart, and if it wasn't for Ominis at Hogwarts, and Anne at home, he would lose much of the morning. However, feels he lost the day if he wakes up around midday;
• Has an expansion charm on his trousers pockets, makes it easier to smuggle some books from the restricted section;
• He'll never admit his feelings for MC, but still didn't realized his feelings for her are way too explicit. He can't shut up about how brilliant she is, Ominis can't stand to another night of his rambles about her. MC and Sebastian are clearly the only ones oblivious to his feelings;
• He and Solomon had a good relationship before he went to Hogwarts. His uncle taught him fishing and gardening, and that it a very fond memory for him. Another reason of why he resents his uncle so much;
• Hates the fact he is the spitting image of his father. Despite having a good relationship with his uncle before, Sebastian truly believes that his uncanny resemblance of this father is one of the reasons his uncle can't stand him;
• Is a fiery Sagittarius, his birthday is on december 14th.
♤ Ominis Gaunt ♤
• Plays piano like a god, almost like the keys are an extension of him. He pours his soul when playing, and makes everyone fall in love with his skill;
• His mother is desperately trying to stay close to him, sending many letters, begging to professor Black to ask Ominis to talk to her. But he couldn't forgive her for forcing him to torture muggles, and she's not sorry for it;
• Is hopelessly in love with Poppy, but doesn't know how to even start a conversation. Sebastian finds out and they make a bet on who will marry first (remember this is 1890-1900);
• Despises crowded spaces for obvious reasons, he can't distinguish the sounds and he gets dizzy, might even throw up. Someone must save this boy and bring him to somewhere peaceful, please;
• Is a romantic by nature. You may think Sebastian is flirtatious, but Ominis' simply a natural! The first date with Poppy, arranged by MC, ended with "It is much of a regret not being able to admire your face right now" Poppy turned red as phoenix feather;
• Has a sweettooth. You'll find him in the kitchens stealing cakes and candies, and he always have one in his pockets for when he gets anxious or overwhelmed;
• Is a lovely Gemini, born in May 30th.
◇ Garreth Weasley ◇
• His love for potioncrafting begun when his mother fell ill, and a St Mungus' potionist crafted a potion for her in front of Garreth. When his mother recovered, he knew that was exactly what he want to work with;
• Is a social butterfly, and is on for any gossip you may hear. Him and Cressida always have the hottest gossips;
• One may think that professor Weasley favours her nephew, but is quite the contrary. She demands and exceptional behavior from him, and grounds him for literally anything. But he loves his aunt very much;
• Adores to sing, but is very keen about it. His Gryffindor friends always get him drunk enough to sing. Garreth is the life of the parties;
• Is very aware of the uncanny resemblance with Sebastian, and boy they do take advantage of it. Isn't uncommon for them to trade school uniforms and transfigure their haircolor to avoid detention or enter locked spaces such as the restricted section or Sharp's office. Garreth even saved Sebastian's pittyisome grades in Potions once, and ever since, professor Sharp begun suspecting;
• Secretly fancies Anne, and may Merlin forbid anyone to discover. Was very preoccupied when she didn't showed up in the 5th year, asked his aunt casually and he's trying to figure it out some potion that might cure her curse;
• The boy is a proud Pisces, born on april 3rd.
◇ Leander Prewett ◇
• Oh, he's a bullied bully. Being the 4th son of the Prewett family, he tried to find a way to get attention, and unfortunately, it wasn't the best way. But he has a good heart, trust me;
• And he's trying! He's not an excelled student, but he tries very hard, he just haven't found what really makes him shine;
• Was once very close to Amit, but in his quest to become popular, being friends with the boy obsessed with the stars stained his record (in his mind, because no one actually cared). Amit was very sad for their strained friendship;
• Is incredible at linguistics, the boy can speak any language possible, and secretly loves to study foreign languages. Professor Ronen always praises him for his perfect pronunciation in Charms;
• His older brother is his greatest inspiration, as a very famous auror working abroad in France. Leander trully wants to excel in every subject that will make him a great auror, just like his brother;
• He did apologized to Zenobia for his bullying in his 7th year. Little did he know that she found that way too adorable for her own sake and pride;
• He despises astrology, as the good Aquarian he is. Leander was born in february 9th.
◇ Lucan Brattleby ◇
• the mind behind Crossed Wands is a highly skilled duelist. Before MCs arrival, he and Sebastian held the second and first place respectively. Their rivalry and friendship was well admired;
• His greatest dream is to become the head of the auror department, just like his grandfather once was. He thinks that he will eventually fight with Sebastian for that post, little did he knew that his friend is not interested in the auror career;
• Oh, if Sophronia knew how much he fancies her... He's the only one that truly listen to her trivia for hours. Lucan actually studies for her quiz, only to make her proud of him;
• Is definitely Professor Hecats favourite in his year. She decided to tutor him by the end of the 6th year;
• Loves creatures, you can see him petting the Puffskeins and Kneazzles in Creature's;
• Here comes another problem for Madam Scribner... Out of the 5 times he broke in the restricted section, she caught him twice. "I was just looking for a book about offensive spells", she swears she heard that before...;
• This is one a spicy Scorpio, born in october 30th
♧ Amit Takhar ♧
• We know he's interested in gobledegook, but after Lodgok, he never touched a book of the language. Poor thing;
• Much yo Everett's dismay, Amit owns a broom! And he's a very good flier, despite his insecurity. MC and Everett are helping him to trust his own skills;
• Still misses Leander very much, but wouldn't accept his apologies, he's very proud and knows how to stand his ground when needed;
• Amit's family came from India during the Regency Era, and he visited the country a couple of times. He's not very fond of the heat, but the night sky stole his heart, the many stars he has never seen... Breathtaking!;
• He follows rules, but breaks into the Astronomy Tower way too many times for professor Shah liking. However, she was very torn to send him to detention or not. She did, twice, to make him learn to follow the rules. Needless to say it didn't work until she threatened to lock him away from the astronomy tower;
• Loves to watch quidditch matches. He considered the tryouts for the Ravenclaw team, but he was way too scared of the bludgers (and I totally agree with him);
• He's a sweet capricorn, born in January 16th
♧ Everett Clopton ♧
• The best flier in the school, sorry Imelda. But since he doesn't own a broom of his own, he never got the chance to beat the Slytherin captain;
• Professor Kogawa pity him, and considered gifting him anonymously with a broom, but she's too correct. If he gets a broom, she must give one to every child in the school!;
• Is a prankster by nature, but can be cruel sometimes. Teamed up with Ominis once to lock Duncan in the Puffskein cage. A very gruesome friendship between him and the Slytherin was formed that day;
• He's an incredible artist as well, every single one of his parchment is covered with drawings. The professors tend to scold him for it, but secretly adores to see his drawings thriving. Professor Weasley encourages him to keep with the hobby;
• Was the first to perfectly cast a corporeus Patronum in DADA during the 6th year, besting Sebastian and MC. His Patronus is a deer. (SORRY, he's my Hogwarts Legacy version of James);
• Still tries to get Imelda off her tracks with his pranks and teasing, and she loses every time. He loves to have her attention, and understood why close to their graduation. Officially started courting her a few months after Hogwarts;
• Another Sagittarius, but this one was born in december 2nd.
Another boy to make headcannons? Lemme know :)
And sorry for any mispronunciation, english is not my first language
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versailles-black · 1 month
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The moment Versailles realized she’s (in Bella Swan’s famous words) “unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Ominis.”
When the trope is enemies to lovers but you really really really want to draw a suggestive scene (gotta pull a “it’s all a dream” trope hahaha)
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Battle Confession
The prompts: "I thought I'd never see you again" and "You said... 'I love you'."
SFW G/n Reader x Ominis. This takes place post-game, I left it open for what the situation could be but if the triwizard tournament happens their 6th year then this would be in their 7th. Cause Hogwarts can never have one peaceful year. =)
Trigger warnings: hints of violence, anxiety, sad ominis, but it's happy I promise!
You were running flat out, students were being ushered out of the castle in droves. You were forcing your way past and between them. You had to get to the fight. You rounded the corner and spotted blonde slicked back hair and a robe lined with green. Slamming to a stop you shouted his name, grabbing his left hand with your right and placed your left hand on his right arm to stop him fully. "Ominis i need to tell you something." You were desperate, he had to know.
"What? Tell me later, we need to leave! The teachers said we all need to get off of school grounds! Its not-" he started.
"Ominis I dont know how this will all end. But I need you to know that I love you!" You placed a quick kiss on his cheek before taking off again. His shouts were quickly drowned out between the distance and the sounds of everyone leaving. All you knew is that you needed to save everyone. You needed to save him. Even if it meant you couldn't stay by his side.
You awoke a week later in the hospital wing early in the morning. Matron Blainey filled you in on your injuries and what she has done to heal them and on all the gifts that were left and visiors that had come by. Most notably one Mr.Gaunt, who came daily and for as long as he could. After all was said and done she stated she wanted to keep you overnight for observation and gave you a potion to help you sleep some more.
When you woke up this time it must have only been a few hours later. You could feel drops hit your hand and just as you wondered how there was even possibly a leak in this castle, you began to notice things. That hand was warm, clasped between two of someone else's. And there was a soft hitch in breath before more quiet shuddering breaths came. "Please, you have to come back. You cant leave me." A stiffled sob. "I cant lose you. I wish I had stopped you. Dragged you out of the school myself. I cant believe I froze. That I let you run off into danger again."
You're heart ached he couldnt possibly blame himself. You body was sore and so tired but you had to push through. You had to let him know it wasnt his fault. Sweet Ominis, sitting here crying, blaming himself for your reckless heroics. Had this been what he has been doing every day he visited?
You started trying to push yourself up but only managing a few shifts thanks to the sleeping potion weighing your body down. But it was enough to catch his attention. Because he let out a small gasp and a whisper of your name as if he couldnt believe you were awake. You slowly blinked your eyes open squinting at the sun coming from the other side of the room. His face was one of shock, his beautiful icy blue eyes looking in your direction, even from this angle you could see the beautiful star burst pattern in them. He stood up while reaching for his wand, ready to grab Matron Blainey. He stopped short when he felt your hand tighten around his as you begged, "No please, let me be with you for a moment. I spoke with her earlier." He sat back down obligingly, you could now see his puffy eyes and the hint of red on his nose and cheeks from crying. Slowly you reached up with your other hand to gently hold his face. Another tear started to roll down his cheek. "Ominis my dear, please dont blame yourself. I had to do it. I had to save the school, I had to save you."
He shook his head. "To hell with the school. The teachers could have handled it. You've saved it before so why must you again? I should have stopped you. I should have begged you. Anything to get you to come to safety!" His words were cut off by another sob and you took the chance to stop his spiralling.
"They needed me, they needed my powers. They're strong but they needed my magic to put a stop to it. I'm sorry I didn't explain more but I had to go. The longer i took the worse the aftermath wouldve been." Your voice was almost a haze as you did your best to keep yourself from crying.
"You said ...'I love you'." His voice trailed off with that statement. It hung in the air like a question, a plea to know what you meant.
"I thought I'd never see you again. I wanted you to know for a while now. We became so close so quickly and I fell so hard. I couldn't ever get the courage to tell you, I didn't want to lose you over it. But knowing there was a good chance I'd never see you again... I had to tell you." The words just came spilling out. You were anxious to explain, not wanting him to cut in.
He was silent for far too long, his tears had stopped at some point, but your's were welling up. The panic set in, your heart going both too fast and too hard. It hurt so bad, like your heart might break your ribs. He didnt return your feelings. Here you were, ruining one of the few friendships you had because you just had to spill your heart out. Your whole body was trembling and now your tears were streaming non-stop down your face.
He chuckled before bringing your hand to kiss the back of it. "You couldn't find the courage? Well I don't feel like such a coward hearing that. My darling, I have been infatuated with you for so long. I don't know when it turned to love, but it has been that way for a while. You are the warmth of the sun wrapped up as a person. The sweet melody that gets caught and stuck in my head. A cold drink on a hot day. A comforting story after a terrible nightmare. I have bent to your whims when I was solid as stone to others. I would find a way to give you the universe if you so much as hinted that you wanted it. I would do anything if it made you happy, regardless of how it made me feel. I dont know why but something in you pulls me harder then any accio that could ever be performed. I have heard of soulmates and it would be the only explanation I could give right now. I never wish to lose you and it killed me to think I almost did. You feel like safety and comfort to me... I love you so much."
His declaration knocked the wind out of you. How could you respond to that? So you did the only thing you could think of within your physical abilities. You pulled his hands back towards you and kissed both of them. "How could i go anywhere when the one place i want to be is with you?"
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alun1r · 3 months
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Sebastian Sallow x Valeria Lowell (MC) One-Shot
Word Count: 3,000
» I wanted to write a one-shot fic of how I think it would have gone down when Valeria told Sebastian about her family and how she really ended up at Hogwarts. So I wrote this cute, fluffy, comfort fic taking place during their fifth year. (Pre-In the shadow of the Relic Quest)
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Valeria Lowell sat in a patch of grass. Her eyes fixated on the wondrous Castle. She’d been walking the halls for months now. Attending classes. Eating. Sleeping. Studying. Making friends.
Something she had never been accustomed to. Especially when it came to making friends. And now she had a handful.
It still didn’t cure the loneliness. And the bitterness she felt at the story of her life so far.
The thought of her parents made her tremble for a moment as she pulled her gaze off of Hogwarts and down at the grass she sat upon.
She took a deep breath.
“ There you are.” A familiar voice said beside her, suddenly.
She perked up curiously and peered over.
“ There YOU are.” She responded with a small smirk before looking back to her grand view.
“ I didn’t see you at Dinner. Are you feeling ill?” Sebastian Sallow asked slowly approaching her.
She shook her head. “ No. Honestly, I came out here to study. And the time seemed to have escaped from me.” She said with a sigh upon realizing she wouldn’t be getting any dinner.
Well she knew she could ask the elves to sneak her a snack. But she didn’t feel like making the trip to the kitchen now.
“ Got rather side tracked I supposed.” She trailed off. “ How did you find me?”
“ Spotted you from the Astronomy tower.” He said as he eyed her curiously.
This girl had been a mystery to him all year. She was clearly selective with what she wanted to share. With anyone she knew here.
He had figured maybe she spoke more to Poppy and Natsai. Considering they were all girls.
But when asking about where she came from they all said the same thing.
Nothing more and nothing less.
When asked about her family, it was the same.
They’re fine.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
He knew she didn’t have siblings. She’d alluded to being a half-blood. She definitely was likely the first witch of her family given her fascination with everything. And how much she had to play catch up, not just with studies but everything in the wizarding world.
“ Side tracked or perhaps searching for a ‘Do-Do’ bird to call your own?” He poked fun as he recalled the first time she saw a Dirricawl.
It was in beasts class the first week of term. Her eyes widened in pure shock. As she pointed so confidentially and said ‘ a real do-do bird! How is this possible!’ Sebastian laughed so hard he got detention for continuing to giggle about it during the lecture.
Valeria relished in the revenge.
She rolled her eyes as he teased her. “ Hush! You can’t possibly still find that funny! Dont make fun of our cultural differences.”
Sebastian laughed as he stepped closer to her, capturing a better glimpse of the view she had. “ I promise to remember that till my death bed. I had heard muggles called them that but honestly I didn’t know OR think it was true.”
Valeria groaned with a laugh. “ I apologize for not having a magical upbringing.” She said, her tone filled with playful sarcasm.
“ What sort of upbringing did you have?” Sebastian asked after a moment. Clearly cautiously.
Valeria caught on to his caution and glanced up at him. Her expression was suspicious of him. The walls were being slowly raised again. And he could see it in her eyes.
But he hoped she’d say something further. Anything to cure his curiosity.
She looked away. “ Why do you ask?”
He crossed his arms in a relaxed state. This was a step further. And he definitely had the patience to seek out more. Especially knowing how powerful she was with ancient magic. You’d think someone like that would boast and gloat. Not even bother with studying. Because why would you?
But she studied meticulously. Spent hours in the greenhouse. So much so to have been dubbed the Garden Snake of Slytherin by other students.
Sebastian honestly loved that name for her. It was fitting far past her fascination with plants.
“ Many reasons. Mostly curiosity.” He said honestly.
She smiled to herself slightly and nodded. “ I do like that about you.” She murmured, almost to herself.
Sebastian’s cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard. “ What..”
“ Your honesty.” She said softly.
Sebastian stepped further. “ Oh? It’s not my obviously amazing dueling skills?” He feigned hurt as he put his hand over his chest.
When she peeked back at him, he grinned and crouched down at be at eye level with her.
“ I’m always honest about my curiosity. However it’s not just that.” He said, his tone indicating a more serious reason.
She raised an eyebrow.
“ You remember the first day we met?” He asked suddenly.
She nodded. “ Of course. The first day of the term in the common room—“
“ September 2nd.” He interrupted. She stared at him confused as to why the exact date was important.
“ It’s now nearing the end of February… and if anyone were to ask what I know of my friend, Valeria Lowell. I wouldn’t be able to say much.” He admitted softly.
She looked away and stared at the blades of grass beneath her. Slowly moving against her with the breeze. The sun hiding behind Hogwarts as night creeped upon them.
“ I must apologize for that.” She said suddenly.
“ No you don’t have—“
“ Then what do you want?” She asked. Slightly defensive.
Sebastian looked a bit startled and surprised her sudden tone change. When she noticed his expression, hers softened as she turned away in shame.
“ I’m sorry.” She sighed quietly. “ It’s not you. And it’s not that I don’t want to discuss it with you… I merely don’t know how.”
“ What’s that mean?” He asked.
She shrugged. “ I don’t… I just…” she stammered for the proper words.
Sebastian remained in silence as she took her time. Her hair tied up with a navy blue ribbon. He frowned. She needed green for Slytherin. But that was an issue for another time.
‘A green ribbon would suit her hair and skin tone better ‘ he thought to himself.
“ you were the first person who is my age. Speak to me as an equal in more ways than one. And if I’m being more… honest. You’re also the first person I’d considered to have become my friend.” She murmured softly.
Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as many questions arose. Her tone wasn’t that of gratefulness or joy to finally have a friend. It sounded more like she was disappointed it wasn’t something she had sooner. Something she could have and should have had.
But why couldn’t she?
“ An Equal?” He suddenly asked the first question he could hold onto in his mind.
She nodded. “ I know I haven’t been forthcoming with where I come from. I’ve heard the rumors about me having been from another wizard academy.”
Sebastian nodded as he had heard some rumors. “ Yeah that one started to explain why you’re so poised and… proper.. no offense?” he said cautiously.
Valeria turned and eyed him stifling a laugh. “ Why would that be offensive?” Her smile slowly faded. “ Is my behavior to others perhaps rude?” She said suddenly rethinking her approach to other students. She always tried to be friendly. Perhaps it was too much though.
Sebastian shook his head quickly. “ No no no!” He said trying not to laugh at how worried she was over others perception of her.
“ It’s more so of how… kind and approachable you are.” He said trying to think of the proper words. “ And just… how you carry yourself, I suppose. It’s different from most people. You seem so… mature.”
She thought about it for a moment and suddenly it made sense. Her poised and proper nature was perceived as kind and approachable. In reality was how she was molded.
“ Is the Lowell family name known by anyone in the wizarding world?” She asked.
Sebastian shook his head. “ No… already looked.”
She eyed him, not totally surprised that he tried to look her family up somehow. Or at the least ask around.
“ You like my honesty.” He shrugged.
She rolled her eyes with a smaller smile before it slowly faded as she transpired how to tell him about her family.
Or rather lack thereof now.
“ The Lowell’s own many trades and run various businesses across the coasts of South America. Parts of North America. And Spain.” She began.
Sebastian was already in shock. Not only was she from London. But she was definitely a prolific member of high society with a family that did business like that. They already sounded like Ominis’ family.
“ I was the only child of Edward and Dahlia Lowell. And a girl.” She explained. “ That business would never be mine. But I would have to be the perfect bride for a man who could own it.”
Sebastian’s expression fell.
“ But then Professor Fig arrived.” She continued. “ He explained I was a witch. And he was there to teach me and get me up to speed. But when my parents received the news they… were not thrilled.”
“ Not thrilled? Could they not imagine how magic could further their business?” He said in frustration. He was already disliking her family. But he held hope perhaps they’d had come around.
She merely laughed at his question. “ Honestly I hadn’t thought of that. But no definitely not…” she murmured before sighing. “ My father spoke for me. But Fig wouldn’t hear of it from him. He said he had to hear it from me. And so my father offered an ultimatum he thought would leave my hands tied.” She said as she took a breath. “ I choose my family. And the life they paved for me. With every choice made by them. Who I would marry. The number of children I must bare with them… everything. Or choose magic. And be dead to them.”
Sebastian’s heart sank as he processed the ultimatum given to her.
“ You chose magic.” He murmured softly.
She nodded in silence.
“ So where did you go over Christmas break?” He asked suddenly.
“ I stayed here.” She said quickly.
“ No. You packed a bag” he said suddenly. He had caught her in a corner. She couldn’t deny it. She wished him a well Christmas. And had said she’d pass his well wishes to her family.
She bit her lip and sighed as she hung her head down.
“ I went back.” She admitted. “ I… I thought they were bluffing.” She admitted even quieter.
“ They weren’t…were they?”
She shook her head. “ No…” her voice sounded shaky.
Sebastian’s heart began to race.
“ The letters I’d sent apologizing and explaining sat at our empty estates mailbox. The name on our state was chiseled away.” She explained further. Her eyes remained fixated on the swaying blades of grass. Begging the tears in her eyes to dry quickly before Sebastian would notice.
She had only cried the night she got back to Hogwarts that day. Feeling abandoned. Useless. Swallowed by a void of loneliness.
Sebastian’s arm slowly rose and gently pulled her head into the side of his chest, as he sat closer beside her.
She froze as he did so. Her breath hitched quietly but she didn’t fight or pull from him.
“ I’m sorry.” He whispered. “ I can’t say I understand. Or that things will change and they’ll come around. I don’t know them.”
She nodded.
“ But if they did. Would that make you happy?” He asked.
She thought for a moment. About the life they laid out for her. Her life with them was beautiful. All the dresses and jewels possible to make her beautiful. All the books she could have to make her intelligent. That year she left for Hogwarts she would have been making her debut to social circles. The one thing that life certified was security of a comfortable care free life. At the expense of her individuality.
And she knew she couldn’t ever stray from her parents path. She’d already faced the consequences for doing so before. Her father had always wanted a son. She was never enough for him. Or her mother. To her she was imperfect. Never a good enough daughter. To her, Valeria read too much. She’d ask meaningless questions as a child. And she was thankful by the age of 12 that her daughter was now practically mute. Only ever nodding or shaking her head in response. Speaking only when necessary and when spoken to.
“ I wasn’t happy there to begin with.” She said suddenly. Her body trembled slightly as Sebastian’s hand trailed down her arm, gently caressing her in comfort.
“ I don’t know how anyone would be.” He said quietly. “ But everything about your nature makes sense now. Why didn’t you say anything about it? Why lie?”
“ I’m sorry.” She said through a trembled voice. “ I haven’t had friends or these sorts of relationships with peers before. It’s just… it’s embarassing to have been casted out like I was.” She admitted trying to hide her face.
Sebastian quickly wrapped another arm around her.
She suddenly pulled away from him. A few tears leaking from her eyes.
“ I apologize for lying but it’s just… I have no idea on how to even describe what happened and what I’m doing here.” She said.
Sebastian stared at her hazel eyes, her tears making them shine a bit brighter. Especially when illuminated by the moonlight peeking over the highlands.
“ And this world is so different from my own. I apologize for being so odd and as thought I’ve kept a secret about myself that’s worth anything but… I didn’t want to risk humiliation and loosing the friends I’ve made because my own family didn’t even want me after everything.” she admitted quickly.
Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed as he quickly held her shoulders to sooth her hysterical state.
“ Valeria you’re not thinking properly. And jumping to conclusions. I’m not angry with you or anything” he quickly said.
Her expression remained panicked but now puzzled.
“ I’m not angry with you nor would I think less of you for having this happen to you.” He explained as he reached up and slowly pushed her black wavy hair back. Her face was still stained with tears.
“ Although I do wish you had told me so I could have dragged you off to Feldcroft.” He chuckled suddenly, as his hands reached down to hold hers.
She looked down at his gentle touch. For someone as brash and aggressive as he was in dueling, this gentle nature of him was surprising to her. It made her heart skip several beats.
“ Dragged me?” She laughed softly.
“ Anne would have loved Christmas with you. Ominis would have been there as well.” He chuckled.
“ I’m sorry.” She said after a moment.
“ I don’t like when you apologize to me.” He murmured as his thumb massaged small circles on the top of her hand.
She looked up confused. “ What—“
“ Doesn’t suit you. You’re much more of a know it all you know?” He teased.
Valeria gasped and gently shoved him as he laughed.
“ That’s the Valeria Lowell I know.” He laughed. “ Poised and proper but I know you can’t resist me and my antics.”
“ Get over yourself Sallow.” She laughed as she rolled her eyes and used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe her face of her remaining tears.
He stood up and leaned down offering her his hand.
She smiled and accepted the help up, but rather than release her hand, he gently pulled her into a warm embrace.
For a moment she’d considered pulling back. Her mother would have it out for her had she seen her embrace a boy like this.
But she wasn’t here anymore. Her father wasn’t here either.
Her choices were entirely her own.
She let her arms wrap gently around him, as she relaxed into his arms. He smiled against the side of her head, the smell of lavender and vanilla filled the air he breathed. She always smelled nice to him.
His scent made her melt even further. A mix of cinnamon and parchment, almost. Would make sense. He always had a book or was sneaking around for them.
“ Thank you for telling me more about you.” He murmured softly in their embrace. “ I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this alone. And felt like you had to. But, you don’t Valeria.” He whispered as his embrace around her grew tighter.
“ I’m here. And we’re friends. You’ve done more than I could ever repay you for this year. And I’ll always be grateful for your help in curing Anne. So please let me at least try to repay you by being here.”
Valeria remained quiet. Her face flushed from his kind words and warm hug.
She pulled away and met his gaze for a moment before looking back at the grand castle, illuminated by the moonlight.
“ I’ve spent months mourning the life I thought I needed to follow. And the home I thought was mine.”
“ It wasn’t.”
She shook her head. “ No it was not.”
She smiled as she looked back at him. “ You are. Ominis is. Hogwarts is.”
He smiled with a nod and reached down for her hand.
“ Let’s get you back home then.” He chuckled as he pulled her along.
“ Last thing I want to deal with are prefects.” He joked.
She laughed as she followed along, their hands intertwined the entire treck back to the Slytherin Common room.
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amimochi · 1 year
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Undercroft’s real secret🤫🐍
(full pics)
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Could you please write a SFW one-shot about Imelda and Sebastian and M!MC as a couple going on a holiday trip somewhere in the fall?
My first request! Sorry it took me a bit to write the story but I do hope it lives up to your expectations. I certainly had fun with it! Enjoy! :3
cw: use of (y/n), mentions of the scriptorium scene, mentions of violence, slightly suggestive wc- 2,322
Summary: M!MC goes on a date with Sebastian and Imelda to Hogsmeade, though some shenanigans ensue and interrupt the date a bit. MC just can't help himself sometimes.
Fall Time Fun
Seb x Imelda x M!MC
It was a pleasant fall day at Hogwarts, for once (y/n) didn’t have any crazy tasks or fights to prepare for. He could simply enjoy the day. Well, he did have one engagement to get to actually. 
Imelda had invited, though more demanded, that he and Sebastian join her for a date at Hogsmeade today. And what could he do but say yes? He doesn’t fancy being the subject of her ire if he turned her down, his girlfriend could be quite scary when she wants to be. Plus he was excited to spend time with them both anyway. 
Especially with how things have been a bit awkward with Sebastian since the Scriptorium. (y/n) can sometimes still feel the phantom pains of the spell Sebastian had to use on him, his hands occasionally twitching so much he even struggles to keep hold of his wand. But he knows his boyfriend is guilty enough about it, so he does his best to hide the side effects from him. Though with how much attention the Slytherin boy has been giving the book they got from it, it hasn’t been too hard.
(y/n) shakes away the thoughts, today was a day for relaxing with his two wonderful significant others, not for getting lost in his head about everything going on lately. He was currently walking his way up the path to Hogsmeade, likely the last one to get there as usual. He could be a bit easily distracted after all, it only takes someone calling his name and asking for help for (y/n) to lose hours of time before he even knows it. 
Thinking of how Imelda likely won’t be too happy to be kept waiting, he picks up the pace to a quick jog. It’s not long before he catches sight of the two Slytherins waiting at the entrance to Hogsmeade. Sebastian was leaning back against the base of the bridge with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, the picture of relaxed casual calm. Meanwhile, Imelda was pacing back and forth in front of him, her strides quick and long, almost like a marching soldier. 
Uh oh, she must be pretty annoyed at him for being late to be this agitated already. He gives a mischievous grin as an idea comes to him, well he is already in trouble after all. Might as well have a little fun. With that thought he quickly casts Disillusionment on himself and creeps slowly up to the two, grin on his invisible face as he gets into the perfect position for his plan.
As soon as Imelda spun around for her next lap and Sebastian yawned boredly, (y/n) suddenly dispelled his charm while jolting up with a wordless cry. Sebastian choked on his yawn at the startle and fell to the floor in a tangle of flailing limbs when he jolted in alarm and lost his purchase on the beam he was leaning on. Imelda, meanwhile, had given a short shout and whipped back around towards the sound. Wand already out and sparking with red magic as she almost shot a spell at (y/n).
Who was currently bent over with his hands braced on his knees as he wheezes out laughter. That had been even more glorious than he expected! Sebastian gives a groan from the ground and shoots (y/n) a glare. Though the fact he was trying to hide his grin and the silent chuckles shaking shoulders ruined any intimidation the look might have had. So (y/n) just gives him a cheeky grin in response as he tries to get his laughter under control. 
“Using what I taught you against me, are we Treasure? Naughty, naughty.” Sebastian chuckles lowly with a smirk and a dark look that makes (y/n)’s knees a bit weak. Oh dear, perhaps this hadn’t been such a good idea.
“(l/n).” Comes Imelda’s low sharp voice, making him look slowly over to her. Gulping with a nervous crooked little grin at the sharp glare she was giving him. Eyes darting down to note that her wand was still in her hand and giving off a few red sparks. Looking back up at her and then over to Sebastian who was standing now and smirking at him. 
Well there was only one smart decision for this predicament. 
Without a word (y/n) turns on his heel and books it into Hogsmeade with a laugh. Hearing Sebastian give a shocked laugh and Imelda cry his last name again before they gave chase. 
(y/n) can’t keep the grin off of his face as he darts through the witches and wizards strolling through the little town. It was deep into fall and the leaves were beautiful shades of auburn, gold, and copper. Pumpkins and other gourds were littered all around the windows and doorways of the shops. Some even already carved with faces varying between cute, silly, and horrifying. Though (y/n) doesn’t have long to admire how picturesque the day was before he has to jolt to the side with a yelp. Just barely dodging Sebastian’s grasping hands when he suddenly lunged out of a small side road to try and catch him.
Giving a laugh and sticking his tongue out at Sebastian quickly before he used his nimble figure to slip between the other pedestrians and escape his boyfriend’s attempts to capture him. Grinning as the Slytherin’s cursing faded away into the general hum of the crowds as he got further away. (y/n) was tempted to use some ancient magic to try and lose them more easily, but quickly decided it would be more fun to do this without any magic. He was greatly enjoying this impromptu game of chase after all. 
Though he was running out of Hogsmeade to run through. Approaching the other end from the main entrance. Slowing some as he mentally debated continuing out into the fields surrounding the town or doubling back into it. Going back means running into Sebastian again, where he might not get as lucky with his dodge a second time, but going forward means that Imelda is likely laying in wait with a broom at the ready, if she isn’t already in the air, to chase him down. Decisions decisions…
A familiar voice shouting out from behind, “Running out of places to go there Treasure!”, made the choice for him as he quickly picked up speed again. Heading for the exit and dashing past the water wheel. Eyes watching the sky closely and suddenly feeling the tingling buzz of his ancient magic that means something was about to hit him. Diving forward into a roll on instincts honed from the many fights he’s been in since the eventful year started. A blue streak shooting through the space he had just occupied.
“Merlin, how do you always manage to dodge everything? You didn’t even look!” Sebastian cries a bit breathlessly from the running, sounding increagules and impressed that the Hufflepuff had managed to dodge his Leg Locking curse. It was enough to distract (y/n) as he laughed, stumbling over a rock when he rolled back to his feet and started to run again. And that was all the opening Imelda had needed. Having been hovering nearby in the air unseen by the two boys.
She swooped in so fast she was a blur, sweeping (y/n)’s feet out from under him with one of her own as she passed him. Sending the Hufflepuff tumbling backwards with a cry of shock. He would have been painfully introduced to the ground if she hadn’t caught him with a quick whip of Leviosa. Leaving him squirming in midair as his ancient magic works to throw off the spell and free him. 
Landing back on his feet just in time for Sebastian to catch up and grab his wrist. Before (y/n) can even blink he���s suddenly been yanked back into his boyfriend’s chest with his arms curling around his stomach and pinning his arms, much like a snake with its prey. (y/n) can feel Sebastian’s deep chuckle vibrate through his own body with them pressed so close and if that didn’t turn his legs to jelly and light a fire on his face, then Sebastian’s next words definitely did.
“Got you, Treasure~” Sebastian purrs low into (y/n)’s ear, sending shivers down his spine at the feeling of his breath ghosting over his neck with the words. His face was definitely on fire by now and Sebastian’s firm grip was likely the only thing keeping him standing right now.
“Caught our misbehaving little Hufflepuff, it seems.” A second low chuckle joins Sebastian’s and (y/n) turns his head to watch as Imelda walks up to join them. The smirk on her face all smug victory with a dark gleam in her eyes. Sometimes the two Slytherins scare him a bit, and this was definitely one of those times. But you wouldn’t catch him complaining any.
He gives a sheepish grin back to his girlfriend and wiggles a bit in Sebastian’s hold to test his grip. Giving a squeak in the back of his throat when Seb just tightened his grip, practically crushing the other boy to his chest now.
“Um…is it too late for an apology?” (y/n) asked sheepishly, startling when Imelda is suddenly right up in his face. Her smirk means nothing but danger and the way Sebastian’s grip tightened a bit more echoes it. 
“Much too late, Badger~” She purrs and he gives a nervous gulp. Though the mischievous sparkle in his eyes doesn’t fade any. It was quite clear despite the predicament he was now in with the two wound up Slytherins, he didn’t regret a thing. 
After (y/n) had been caught and sufficiently drowned in quite a few kisses, with perhaps some wandering hands mussying up his uniform, the three had gone to the Three Broomsticks for their date. The afternoon was spent with warm drinks to chase away the creeping chill of the autumn day and even warmer company. (y/n) really had needed a day to just relax and unwind with some of his two favorite people, and Imelda had done amazing at smoothing out the slight tension between him and Sebastian from the Scriptorium incident. Not that (y/n) had ever doubted her about it, but it was still quite impressive how effortlessly she seemed to tame them both. 
Feeling warmer than he has in a long time (y/n) basks in the gooey feeling inside his chest. This was perfect and he couldn’t imagine a better way to have spent the day. Or a better way to have unwound from all the stress of trials and ancient magic and goblin wars and poachers. He definitely needs to remember to make more time for his two partners. Especially the next time he’s feeling so overwhelmed with all of the stress from the weight of all his new responsibilities. 
The three were a bit late getting back to Hogwarts, though it’s far from the first time Sebastian has been out past curfew and (y/n) was gaining quite the reputation for late night adventures as well. (y/n) was walking between the two, with one of their hands in each of his own. An absolutely smitten look on his face as he listened to Imelda and Sebastian talk quidditch. Content to just enjoy the moment before it has to end, if left to it he knows Sebastian and Imelda could talk quitch for hours non stop. He doesn’t know much about it, seeing as there aren’t any games this year so he’s never seen it, something that he’s listened to Imelda complain about passionately many many times, but he’s always happy to listen when they talk about it. He always gets to learn something new and he couldn’t wait to watch Imelda play in a real game eventually. She was already an absolute wonder on a broom after all.
All too soon they arrive at the Hufflepuff entrance by the kitchens. (y/n) tugs them both closer by their captured hands. Giving them each a soft loving kiss and a hug, sad to go but knowing the night has to end eventually. 
“This really was wonderful, we need to do this again soon.” He says with a warm smile. Sebastian grins back with a nod of agreement. Imelda giving (y/n) a soft smile that he’s only ever seen her have for Seb or him. 
“Definitely have to make some time for it.” Sebastian agrees easily, hands slipping into his pants pockets. His cloak had been stolen by (y/n) at one point in the night, after Imelda had stolen his own cloak. And neither of them planned to return either anytime soon. Sebastian occasionally complained about all his clothes being stolen but he never makes much of an effort to stop them or get them back, so clearly he doesn’t actually mind much.
“I’ll be sure to drag you two idiots out again sometime then, because Merlin knows neither of you will remember otherwise.” Imelda says with a smirk. (y/n)’s grin grows at Sebastian’s over the top offense to her words. The Slytherin placing a hand over his chest like he had been wounded by her words, making Imelda roll her eyes with a fond smile. 
(y/n) giggles a bit at their antics, giving them both a last wave as they turn to head back to their own common room in the dungeons. Chucking softly as he hears Sebastian’s protests to being called both an idiot and forgetful fade out as they disappear up the steps. Turning to go into his own common room and heading for his bed. 
The bright grin on his face stayed there until he finally fell asleep. Yeah, today really had been quite wonderful.
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serpensortiamaxima · 4 months
SFW Alphabet - Anwen edition
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this is an actual embroidery sampler from 1888 btw. And yes, I will do the NSFW version too but these take time lol.
— A stands for Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Anwen needs to warm up to people, which can make her seem very cold at first. She's not the kind to show affection easily and refrains from physical contact despite it being her love language unless whoever she feels affection towards shows vulnerability. The gesture depends on how close to her or how receptive the other person is. Natty and Poppy might get a hug, Ominis is more likely to recieve a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. Sebastian is an exception, he got nothing but words until the dam broke.
— B stands for Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
So. Protective. She doesn't care how the friendship starts, what she's interested in is how interesting the person is. She considers Poppy to be her best friend and as much as she knows she can stand her ground just fine, Anwen will always feel like she's responsible for keeping her safe. She's the kind of best friend who will plot revenge if someone breaks her best friend's heart while comforting them. She'll make them a special tea blend and bring them whatever they like as long as she can make them feel better.
— C stands for Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Anwen loves cuddling but it's a very exclusive privilege. She's not the type to be able to seperate cuddling from romantic feelings, so that's something she keeps for Sebastian. Her cuddles are almost smothering, she would coil like a python around him if she could. She needs skin contact, she needs the slow thumping of a heartbeat. It's a highly sensory, intimate experience for her which is why she's not willing to cuddle with just anyone and she expects the same kind of intensity from the other person.
— D stands for Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes. No. It's complicated. Anwen's biggest fear is to lose her freedom and she would need to be completely sure that settling down wouldn't burden her to be able to consider it. At the same time, she does need somewhere she can feel safe and have some reprieve, so she's always struggling between the idea of being able to settle down and the need to break free.
Since she was raised outside of the wizarding world, she has been instilled with very a specific etiquette and manners when it comes to housekeeping. She knows how to cook, clean or budget like what would have been expected of a Victorian young lady. One of the first things she taught herself in Hogwarts was domestic spells so that she could finally be free of having to clean the muggle way.
— E stands for Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Anwen isn't one to break up on impulse. It would be a meticulous approach in different steps, all of which are (unfortunately) quite manipulative. First, she would gradually withdraw her proofs of affection in the hopes that her partner starts resenting her for it. She think that making the other party hate her would, in the end, be beneficial for them.
And if that doesn't work, the second approach she would consider would be summarized by "if you love me, let me go". Chances are, she would still hold feelings. If she leaves, it is either because it is driving her to the edge of insanity or because she knows it's better for her partner. She would frame it as a sacrifice and romanticize the idea.
— F stands for Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very similar to the idea of settling down, the idea of commitment creates conflicting feelings for Anwen. She wants it to some degree, but she also feels the weight of responsibility on her shoulders and fears the loss of her freedom. Eventually, she would get married and, very much like what she'd do if she were to break up, she would frame it as a sacrifice. She'd make sense of it by comparing herself to a sacrificial victim slaughtered on the altar of love, but she would never voice it, preferring to put on yet another mask to maintain the appearance of the ideal bride.
— G stands for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
It depends on the situation. In an intimate moment, she could be as gentle as light breeze, which she shows through tender gestures of affection and words. She raised herself on poetry and has the ability to choose just the right words that someone needs to hear. However, she can also be brutal if she thinks that gentleness isn't effective, this is more often verbal rather than physical. She adapts the what she thinks the other person is more receptive to, and if that is violent honesty, she will be violent.
— H stands for Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She sees hugs as an inferior octave to cuddles and therefore is more willing to hug friends. Like her general shows of affection, her hugs tend to be somewhat swift and perhaps a bit distant, unless there is a specific emotional reason to linger. If she wants to provide comfort, her hugs are a bit tighter. If the person is weeping, she will place a hand on the back of their head to communicate understanding. Outside from that, though, she keeps them to the minimum.
— I stands for "I love you" (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The first "I love you" is one that needs to be coerced out of her lips. Anwen would need to be under incredible stress, fear or frustration for her to let it slip out. It can take months for her to even acknowledge that she's fallen in love. She has convinced herself that being loved by her is a curse and tries to keep that feeling under control until she can't anymore. Once this step has been reached, though, her attitude towards the weighty sentence relaxes and she will say it when the moment allows it.
— J stands for Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Her jealousy is covert. She's not controlling and won't attempt to micromanage who her partner is spending time with outside of her. However, she pays attention to the body language and attitude of these people. If someone steps over the line of flirtatiousness, she will inquire on the person, befriend them and find their weaknesses. This way she can keep a close eye on them and drive them away through persuasion.
— K stands for Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses, alongside cuddles, are where Anwen's coldness ends. She is a very passionate kisser and no spot of skin is safe from the assault both on the giving and receiving end. She needs someone who can match the intensity she brings on the table and will expect her partner to let go of all inhibitions. She likes to kiss the neck and chest most, though she's also quite partial to kissing someone's hands. As for where she likes to be kissed, it'd probably be a tie between the neck, her shoulders and her forehead.
— L stands for Little ones (How are they around children?)
She's benevolant towards kids but feels unable to connect with them in ways that matter. Spending time with children doesn't awake anything in her and she doesn't particularly enjoy it. That said, she could be interested in a specific child if she spotted some kind of potential in them and would feel more comfortable taking a mentorship role rather than a parenting one.
— M stands for Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Over a cup of tea. This is the most important part of Anwen's routine. While it is typically a time reserved for herself, she would gladly spend it with her partner, either in bed or somewhere else. Brewing a cup tea for someone is something of a love language, she would choose their favourite blend, learn if they want milk and how much, as well as how much sugar if any. She would go the extra mile to make it as perfect as possible. She absolutely loves slow and lazy mornings when she can bask in the warmth of tea and cuddles.
— N stands for Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The sleepless ones, for the sake of sticking to SFW, are spent either outside or reading, researching. Anwen hates the dorms and would rather retreat anywhere but there. She'll go to the common room only when she has to. She uses the Scriptorium as an office more than she does the Room of Requirement due to its proximity to the common room. Only Sebastian knows he can find her there and often does so.
— O stands for Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Anwen's philosophy is that what she reveals about herself must match what is being revealed to her. Her trust is earned and feels more at ease with this type of almost transactional trust than being open without care. She is keenly aware that any information she gives (and any information she receives) is putting her in a vulnerable position, since she doesn't back away from using what she knows about people against them, which also explains why she feels the need for reciprocity when opening up. Still, she typically knows more about people than they do about her.
— P stands for Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She's patient until she's not anymore. Anwen isn't impulsive, even when angered. She has the type of silent and cold anger that translates into cynicism, sarcasm and contempt when it is expressed. Those are all warning signs, if her interlocutor presses, however, that's when she will become cruel. Still calm, but she will go for where it hurts and twist the knife until the other person is on their knees. She doesn't raise her wand until the other has done it first.
— Q stands for Quizzes (How much would they remember about people? Do they remember every little detail mentioned in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She remembers everything important. And important, in her definition, can be both small things that she can use to soothe, comfort and show affection, like it can be the other person's deepest, darkest secrets. Every bit of information matters to her, what she does with it very much depends on circumstances.
— R stands for Remember (What is their favorite moment in the relationship?)
She values the deep, long heart to heart discussions she has with the one(s) she loves, especially the ones where she has declared her love in some shape or form. As far as Sebastian is concerned, she goes as far as to store the most important milestones and memories for him. Her logic being that, should something happen to her, he could relive their most important moments and hold on to them if needed.
— S stands for Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their loved ones? How would they like to be protected?)
Anwen is protective to a fault. She always feels like the security of everyone depends on her actions. She would sacrifice herself for Sebastian in a heartbeat but also refuses to be given the same treatment. She doesn't ask for help and it takes someone stubborn to force her to accept help. It's a relentless battle of will between her and the people who love her to the point where she will hide what she's up to if she thinks it's dangerous to make sure that no one tries to save her from herself. Sebastian has to outsmart her, and he does more than she'd like.
— T stands for Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Because she's aware of how cold she can be, Anwen puts in extra efforts for special occasions. It's her way of reminding the ones she loves that she does care, she does listen to them, she does know what will bring a smile on their faces. What it is exactly depends on them, but she is thoughtful and typically finds something unusual but spot on. She cares more about what they need rather than what they want. And, if she's truly out of ideas, she'll hand pick sweets or a blend of tea that she knows will work nicely.
— U stands for Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Anwen has many vices. From her penchant for manipulation to her growing addiction to opium and opium by-products. The events that unfolded during her Fifth year left her struggling with sleep, and that's why she initially came back to using laudanum for more than a painkiller. It was a sleep aid at first, and as the stress and despair got worse, her use of substances increased. She finds comfort in the numbness it brings, it was a short reprieve for the night before having to face the waking nightmare again. By the end of the Fifth year, with everything that happen, she is left with a hollowness that needs to be filled somehow.
— V stands for Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She cares about her looks but, at least through the fifth year and the first half of the sixth, she's a mess and simply doesn't have the energy to care as much as she would like to. The moments where she lets her personality and appearance shine are when she's out of her uniform, or if she dresses for a ball, in which case she will typically wear red.
— W stands for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without her loved one?)
She would. It would hurt. Her entourage is already limited and she holds on to Sebastian and her closest friends like a lifeline. If she were to lose them, she'd survive, but it would be with a newfound sense of bitterness and despair.
— X stands for Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She has an agreement with Ominis that Sebastian doesn't know about and a life-binding pact with Sebastian that Ominis doesn't know about. Once it was decided that they wouldn't turn Sebastian in, Ominis and Anwen met up in the Undercroft to discuss how to deal with the twins. Their agreement was that Anwen would handle Sebastian and keep him occupied as much as possible, while Ominis would stay in touch with Anne and let Anwen know of anything important, even if it needs to be kept from Sebastian and vice-versa.
As for Sebastian and Anwen, their promise came later, and came down to vowing to protect each other regardless of what became of their relationship. Even if they grew to hate one another, they would be forced to make sure the other was safe.
— Y stands for Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Anwen doesn't like being underestimated or challenged. It makes the defiant and nasty side of her come out. She doesn't play fair and will make sure to prove everyone wrong and, for the sake of humiliation, will make a show out of it.
In a partner, she wouldn't be able to stand if they were too nice or too good. She needs someone who can be a partner in crime and doesn't want to be questioned on the morality of her actions and methods. She also values eloquence and intelligence and wouldn't be able to stand someone whose mind didn't entertain hers.
— Z stands for Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Aside from needing extra help for sleep, as her sleep schedule has become more and more disturbed throughout the fifth year, she likes to sleep on her side or on her stomach. She goes to bed way too late, usually around 1 or 2 in the morning and is very often underslept on class days. Because she hates sleeping in the dorms, she's taken a habit to sleeping anywhere else, including the Room of Requirement, the Scriptorium, the Undercroft, even Fig's bedroom in the Faculty Tower after he died, which is by far the most comfortable. She rarely remembers the dreams she had, and when she does, it's often not good ones.
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everalii · 10 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Girls Headcannons
Now the girls!
I'll be doing a headcannon post for my MC, Claire Beckett, but this is only for the NPC girls.
♡ Poppy Sweeting ♡
• Hates people? Of course, unless they're Ominis Gaunt. She was head over heels for him since she saw the boy sit on the Sorting Hat stool in the 1st year. She was completely overwhelmed when he begun courting her;
• Poppy at first wanted to become a researcher like her grandmother, but after fighting poachers with MC, decided she'd be an auror, and her main goal was to end every poaching camp possible;
• Her last name may be Sweeting, but she enjoys salty food. Shepherds pie is her favourite meal;
• She considers MC her best friend, and eventually, Natsai as well. You'd always see the trio together;
• Was haunted in terrible nightmares by the dragon she saved with MC. In her dreams, she failed to save her. Ominis was the one to comfort her, and he commissioned a necklace with a dragon pendant for her, the pendantwas charmed to calm her dreams;
• Transfiguration was her second favourite class, however, she'd cry if the task was to transfigure some creature into and inanimate object;
• She's passionate Cancer, born in june 27th.
◇ Natsai Onai ◇
• Her biggest dream is to return to Uganda, where she can roam free as a gazelle;
• But, if she was to stay in Britain, she would love to become and auror with Poppy and MC. They would ravage poachers and ashwinders;
• Her best friend is Anne, and she was the only one to know about her animagi form until MC and later, Poppy. The proximity with Anne also made her close to Sebastian. Garreth was also her best friend, and she suspected he fancies Anne;
• Is the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team. She caught the snitch three times already! Her broom was once jinxed so she wouldn't be able to catch it, but she did it anyway;
• When in Hogwarts, she corresponded with her friends in Uagadou, and they found extremely weird to wield magic with a wand. She has grown fond of her wand, but every time she could, she'd cast wandless magic just to impress people;
• She got very self conscious of her colour and hair texture when she got in Britain, but Anne helped her to overcome her insecurities;
• Born in January 6th, she's a strong capricorn.
♤ Anne Sallow ♤
• She was actually the troublemaker of the twins. Ominis had to put up with 2 idiots sharing a single braincell;
• Her favourite class was Herbology, she would stay for hours in the greenhouse with professor Garlick chatting and tending the gardens;
• Once, Cressida spread a rumor about Anne and Ominis being involved romantically during their 4th year. Anne and Natty broke into the restricted section so she could get a book on hexes. She hexed Cressida's hair to turn into a green goo. Anne was in detention for a good 3 weeks, but the Gryffindor never lied about her again;
• Anne is a legilimens, and Sebastian is a natural occlumens. Despite being difficult, Sebastian doesn't lock is thoughts with much efficiency so she can read a few things. Usually is his perverted thoughts of MC, which Anne is disgusted about;
• She was unsure about MC at first, thinking she stole her place in Hogwarts, as everyone of her friends also became friends with MC. But they eventually got along, when she realized her brothers feelings for the new girl;
• Loves to cook and bake. When the pain attacks were sparce, she would bake for her uncle to make him calmer. It helped, and he was way less stressed;
• An her twin, she's a Sagittarius, born in december 14th. Also, she's was born first.
♤ Imelda Reyes ♤
• Her family comes from Spain, and when nervous, she shouts in spanish. Due to her spanish blood, she was supposed to be admitted to Beauxbaton, but much to her British mothers satisfaction, she received a Hogwarts acceptance letter;
• Her older brother plays in the Spanish National quidditch team, however, Imelda's wish is to play in the British team so she can beat him;
• Couldnt sstand Everett, only the mention of his name makes the blood boil in her veins. Hes always teasing her and she was always fighting him. During their 7th year, she realized she'd fallen for him and it haunted her for good. They begun courting shortly after graduation;
• Secretly loves romance novels, and spent 7 years day dreaming about the one she would marry;
• Also dances very well. Somehow, she managed to teach flamenco to Garreth, and they dance at parties and gatherings;
• Is very lightweight when it comes to alcohol, a cup of butterbeer makes her head dizzy and rambling non-sense.
• A very hot heated Virgo, born in september 8th
Any girl you want headcannons? Tell me in the comments.
Also, my own birthday was mentioned, guess which girl I gave it to.
Love y'all
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jade-the-kobold · 2 years
Trevor Project Donation Drive
From now until the end of February, I will be donating $1 to The Trevor Project for every new YouTube Subscriber I get.
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cougar-pawz · 4 months
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Why does Isaac look so pissed at Sebastian...sighs heavily
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Some Notes on Salt and the Sea
Hello hello!
So, as I mentioned a few posts/days ago, I'm currently working on a vast project that, as a whole, I'm currently calling Salt and the Sea. While I'm currently rather deep into writing it (340K!), the downside is that what I have needs a lot of work before I would feel comfortable putting it out there, particularly since there are many points where I went full on self indulgent.
Anyways, it is a Harry Potter fan fic (obligatory FUCK JK Rowling, that bitch), though I've leaned very heavily into original characters and trying to expand the universe in a way that I see fit. This includes backstories for characters, world building, detailing the history, and more details into the magic of the world as a whole.
The series starts three years before Harry Potter's arrival at Hogwarts, and follows a group of friends, obviously OC's, as they navigate the castle, classes, relationships, and so on forth. Yes, I've created some decent ish main plot lines for those first three years so that they don't get boring.
So, some fun facts about it so far:
the '94-'95 school year is perhaps the most developed so far, as I was able to lean into the fact that the main OC class are seventh years at that time. Plus it's just an interesting year. Why did I decide to start the story in the OC's first year? It felt right to me, as it allowed me to develop the characters and their relationships with each other further. It also allowed me more chances to detail the history of the world as a whole, and to more lovingly describe places that I find interesting or feature on multiple occasions. The series as a whole does somewhat vaguely follow some of the big points of the original Harry Potter series, but with me throwing my own twists on the how, the who, and the why. The similarities obviously grow weaker the farther on I get in the story overall, but there are canon events and ideas that were just too good for me to not put my own spin on them.
I can't overly remember why I started writing this fic, but it's been something that has been keeping me going over the past few years. Currently it's got me writing an average of 500 words a day, which please me.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Dude, I don't know why I am asking this. But do you think poly moonwater will choose to be child free? I do think so. I mean, regulus past story and remus fury problem, I don't think they'll want kids at all
But if reader accidentally gets pregnant. Do you think they gonna keep their distance an arm lenght? I mean, I remember in the book remus trying to leave nymphadora who's pregnant at that moment (or is it after she gave birth? Can't really remember) by trying to help Harry looking for the idk the name of it, voldemort collections?
oooouuuu this is a fun question! thanks for asking; and I think that happened before teddy lupin was born and they were searching for Voldemort's horcruxes! - also, in regards to canon, I think the reason remus felt willing to take off was because he truly was sort of all alone: no parents, no siblings, no family, no friends. Plus society constantly shitting on him, plus there being a war etc etc, he felt very desperate and didn't feel like he could handle being responsible for nymphadora and a child
But of course since WE DON'T LIVE IN A WOLD WITH VOLDEMORT OVER HERE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I think this is a valid question
(my answer is going to be SFW until the page break below - I will put warnings ahead of time for minors)
My answer would be yes, I agree that Regulus and Remus would perhaps wish to be childfree. Like you said, Remus feels like society views him as a stain and he wouldn't want to pass that legacy onto a child (biologically his or not), and he also wouldn't want to put a child through the pain of seeing their father suffer through every lunar cycle. Regulus had a horrific childhood and would be very scared to be anything like his mother or father, and I kind of see him as this guy who really doesn't know what to do with kids...he never had a childhood really, and never was around other kids until he was at Hogwarts, and by then he was right traumatized soooo yes I agree, he would be worried about having children.
As for our darling reader finding out she was pregnant? I have some thoughts on that.
I think Regulus has a deep rooted sense of duty and loyalty to his people, and ultimately, Remus and reader would be his people. Even if he hated the idea of reader being pregnant/having his child, I think he would shove that down so deep and just completely take on this role he never really wanted but hey, he's here now and he's going to do what he has to do. It was why he ended up in Slytherin (duty/loyalty to his family), and it was why he took the dark mark (duty/loyalty to his family). He took the mark because he believed that to be his role, his job in life - and if reader ended up pregnant, well, that was his duty then.
I think Remus would be a wild card. Remus never had a proper childhood either; he had to grow up really fast as he was bitten at only 4 years old. This means for as long as he can remember, he's been a werewolf. He didn't get to attend school (due to injuries/pains, scars, unexplained absences etc), he never had siblings, and he couldn't play with the village kids. So not only does he not necessarily know what to do with kids, I think he'd still have some of those "the kid would be better off without me, I can't curse another life to me and my lycanthropy) BUT I think he'd have been around Harry and loved that kid so damn much, and he'd have his friends and loved ones to help him come to terms with it.
This could be a cute fic request.
now.....as for the NSFW stuff (18+, minors don't look down here)
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I have this headcanon that pureblood's have a breeding kink....they were literally bred, born, and raised to carry on the bloodline and produce heirs - so I don't think Regulus was fucking innocent in that conception LOL he would have been very excited thinking about spilling inside of reader and getting her knocked up.
in a similar vein, I also believe that there is a primal side of Remus with his lycanthropy which would ALSO support a breeding kink - truly fucks like an animal tbh and gets so turned on at the thought of filling reader up
okay sorry for being a dirty horn dog thanks byeeeee
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Inspired by @ellivenollivander and @damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog
Ominis is sick and you’ve stepped in to take care of him.
Word count: 1773 SFW, just some cute fluff
“ACHOO!” Ominis sneezed into the sleeve of his robe.
“Watch it, mate! You nearly sneezed on me!” Sebastian grumbled.
“I’m sorry, it’s not like I could SEE YOU.”
“Why don’t you just give up and go see Nurse Blainey?”
“I don’t NEED to see nurse Blainey. I’m not-“ his sentence was cut off with another sneeze.
“At least go to bed. I’ll tell your professors you’re sick. Everyone would much prefer you keep your germs to yourself.”
“I feel like I should sneeze on you on purpose now.” Ominis grumbled. Though going back to bed did sound pretty great, since navigating without sight was its own challenge, and adding dizziness to the mix wasn’t helping.
He went back to his dorm and flopped down on his bed. He didn’t even bother changing out of his school clothes. He coughed into his pillow and drifted off to sleep.
Some time later, he was woken to the sound of a knock. “It’s open!” He shouted, though slightly muffled.
“Ominis? It’s me.” You said as you cracked open the door.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He sat up and sniffed.
“Sebastian said you were sick. I’m here to help.”
Ominis smiled sweetly at you. “Thank you, but I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” He stood up from his bed and stumbled. You grabbed onto him to steady him.
“Ominis! You’re burning up!” You pressed your hand to his forehead. He jumped at the unexpected touch, but then leaned into your hand.
“Am I? Because frankly it feels like I’m in a refrigerator.”
“You need to get back in bed. Do you want to change into pajamas? I can step out.”
“Sure.” Ominis stepped toward his dresser and staggered again.
“Ok, change of plans. Sit down, I’ll get them.” You led him to the bed and sat him down in the side. You went over to his dresser and opened a drawer, your cheeks coloring a bit as you looked at his underwear.
“Third drawer.” He grumbled. You opened the third drawer and chuckled.
“This is the most neatly organized pajama drawer I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why I’m surprised.” You pulled out a soft T-shirt (that you kind of wanted to steal) and plaid green pajama pants. “Alright, here we go.” You reached for his shirt button and he jumped.
“What are you doing?!”
“Unbuttoning your shirt?” You reached for it again.
His eyes widened. “You are NOT changing my clothes. I’ll do it.” He stood up and stumbled, clutching his head. “Ugh, my ears are ringing and I’m terribly dizzy.” He attempted to unbutton his shirt and his hands were shaking. He hoped you would attribute it to being sick, and not the idea of you undressing him.
“That’s what I’m here for. Now, let me help you.”
Ominis’ cheeks were tinted pink as you began unbuttoning his shirt. You slid it off his shoulders, briefly admiring his chiseled abdomen. You knew he was fit, but DAMN.
“Are you done staring?” He smirked.
“Sorry. Put your arms up.” He sighed and put his arms up, and you tugged the shirt on over his head. “Alright, um, what about pants?”
“I’m not letting you take my pants off!” This was embarrassing enough.
“Sit on the edge of the bed. I’ll step out, just give a shout when you’re done.” You placed the pajama pants in his hand and left the room. You leaned against the door and exhaled. You thought you’d done well at hiding your crush on your friend, but now that you knew what he looked like without a shirt on, it was going to be much more difficult.
“Alright, you can come back.”
You entered and smiled at Ominis in his pajamas. You hadn’t thought he could get any cuter. You were wrong. “Ok, mister. Into bed with you.”
“You don’t have to speak to me like a child.” He grumbled. You helped him under the covers and he was shivering.
“I made a stop by the hospital wing on my way here. This will help with the fever.” You pressed a vial into his hand. He downed it and made a face. “Fair warning, it’ll make you drowsy. Nurse Blainey said you might feel a bit funny too, it’s pretty strong.”
“I feel fine. My tongue is fuzzy.” He began sticking out his tongue and touching it.
“Oh dear. Maybe you should get some rest. I’ll leave you alone.”
“You’re leaving?” He said, looking like a scared child.
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay with you or not.”
“I don’t want to be by myself.” He pouted.
“That’s fine.” You smiled. “I suppose I can conjure a chair.”
“Will you sit with me?” He patted the bed. He looked adorable, and you just wanted to hug him.
“Of course.” You walked over to his bed and sat beside him.
“I’m f-freezing.” His teeth were chattering.
“Come here, I’ve got you.” You reached for him and he leaned away.
“I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Don’t worry, I rarely get sick. Your fever will come down soon. In the meantime, you can share my body heat.” You reached for him and this time he let you pull him over. You blushed as his head rested on your chest. His body was shaking and you held him tightly.
“I feel awful.” He whined.
“I know.” You began stroking his hair and he sighed contendedly. If it weren’t for the damn flu, this was heaven. He could hear your heart beating, and it soothed him, as well as the rise and fall of your chest with each breath. Your hand felt wonderful as you stroked his hair.
He couldn’t remember a single time in his life he’d been comforted like this. If you got sick at the Gaunt house, you were quarantined to your room and fended for yourself. His father had been furious once when he caught the flu from Ominis. He shuddered as he remembered his harsh punishment.
“Are you still cold?” You asked. You pulled the covers tighter around him and rested your head on his. “You’ll feel better soon, I promise.”
He snuggled tighter against you. He felt so safe, so loved…
Come to think of it, you were one of the only people that touched him. He preferred it that way, but didn’t mind one bit when you’d take his hand to lead him somewhere or bump his leg under the table to wake him up during history of magic. There was something so wonderful about your touch. It would be easy to get addicted to.
At some point he drifted off to sleep, waking to the feeling of a cool rag on his forehead. Why was he so hot?
“Your fever is coming down. The cool washcloth should help.” You’d been leaning over him and began to walk away. He let out a small whimpering sound that broke your heart. “I’m right here.” You ran your fingers through his hair.
“Don’t leave.” He whined.
“I’m not.”
“You did!” He pouted. You smiled at his pouty demeanor. You walked back around to the other side of the bed and got in it again.
Ominis immediately scooted over to cuddle you again. “Will you rub my head again?”
“Of course.” You began working your fingers through his hair again and he sighed.
“Promise you won’t leave”
“I won’t.” You smiled down at him. Ominis surprised you by wrapping both arms around you and pulling you close. The poor boy was miserable.
You hated to wake him up, he was sleeping so peacefully, but it was lunchtime and he needed to eat.
“Ominis.” You whispered softly and stroked his hair. “Wake up, Omi.”
He grumbled in response and buried his head in your chest.
“You need to eat and stay hydrated.”
“Not hungry.” He mumbled.
“That’s too bad. Sebastian is bringing us lunch.”
“Stay with me until he gets here.”
“I will.” You looked down and saw a wide grin on his face. “Why are you smiling?”
“I like it when you take care of me. No one has ever done that.”
It broke your heart, thinking of your own mother caring for you when you were sick. You couldn’t imagine never having anyone take care of you.
“You deserve to be taken care of.”
Ominis got very still and you wondered if he’d fallen asleep again. Then you felt a tear drop on your arm. “Omi?”
“Say it again.”
You hugged him tightly. “You deserve to be taken care of.”
You felt more tears hit your arm and you wanted to kiss them away. “Ominis. Look at me.”
“I’d love to, but I can’t.” He smirked.
“So sick and still so much attitude.” You chuckled. He looked up at you and you touched his cheek. “You deserve to be taken care of. You deserve to be loved. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Ominis, and if I could give it to you, I would.”
His expression was hard to read and you were afraid you’d overstepped. Then he smiled. “You already give me so much happiness. More than I ever expected to have.”
Ominis sniffed and sat up. “Perhaps this isn’t the best time but that cold medicine has made me feel a bit brave. I am hopelessly in love with you, Y/n. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but I can’t keep it hidden any longer. I-“
You cut off his words with a kiss. He kissed you back at first, then shoved you back. “What are you doing, you maniac?! You’ll most definitely get the flu if you kiss me!”
“Oh well. We can be sick together.” You kissed him again, then held him to you.
“Am I interrupting?” Sebastian asked from the doorway.
“Yes.” Ominis grumbled.
“Merlin, if both of you get sick, don’t expect me to coddle you.”
“Oh good, you brought lunch! Come here, Sebastian, let me give you a thank you hug.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, we can all be sick together!”
“Keep your germs to yourself!” Sebastian shouted as you chased after him. Ominis smiled to himself as he heard your laughter. Perhaps this flu was the best thing to happen to him.
-two days later-
You blew your nose while Ominis ran his fingers through your hair. “I’m sorry, love.”
“Don’t be, I’d do it again!” You grinned as he kissed your forehead.
“I hate both of you.” Sebastian grumbled from his own bed.
“Someone is a grumpy patient.” You gave him a teasing smile.
“Oh, bite me.”
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Put your fave up for judgement.
Is your fave sexy? Marriage material? Deserving of death? Ask Tumblr!
Bed: This can be kiss or sex. If the character is either a minor or an animal, don’t be surprised if this one never gets voted.
Wed: Do you think you can see yourself spending your entire life with them? This option can be a lifelong relationship, regardless of actual marriage status.
Behead: Death upon them! Or at least a punch in the face.
Rules are pretty simple. Minors and non-consenting animals please remember that the options for Bed and Wed just change hug and befriend. Keep the ask box submission-based. Include the media your character is from in your ask. Your character has to at least have images of them available for me to search. A book character or a character from a song with no official visuals is fine if I can find (SFW) fanart of them. Repeat characters will wait until their last poll runs out before I put them in the queue again. Asks will be deleted if they do not include media.
Tumblr blogs are only allowed if you have permission.
OCs are allowed, but please include their age in their description and if they belong to somebody else, make sure you have permission to use that character or at least that your friend is going to be chill with you submitting them for a poll.
(I’d love more OCs but the polls seem to end in behead a lot for those character so just know not to take it personally or too seriously. It’s not a mark of how good your character design is, it’s that most followers don’t seem to Reblog as often anymore so the initial polls don’t spread very far. Please know I vote Wed or Befriend on every OC I get because I love your guys’s characters)
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I didn’t want to have to soft block an entire franchise but Harry Potter characters are a no go, especially from the Hogwarts Legacy game.
So is Deer Woman from Reservation Dogs.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy boys when they get a fever
Garreth, Ominis, Sebastian and Leander (SFW)
- a massive baby, like so dramatic
- insists he has just the potion to help, but it only succeeds in making his breath smell like peppermint
- will ask you to lie next to him and stroke his hair whilst he pouts
- asks for food and drink all the time
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- stubbornly tries to go about his day as normal
- denies that he has anything wrong with him even when he's white as a ghost and shaking
- drinks an unhealthy amount of tea to stay awake
- ends up delirious, makes him very chatty
- finally collapses on the floor, curling into a ball for a nap, so you have to cover him in your robe and levitate him to bed
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- refuses to believe he's sick and gets angry at anyone who tells him to rest
- chugs down potions to try to counter the effects
- when the potions don't work, he curls up on a sofa in the common with a book to find a spell to help and falls asleep
- only when he throws up on the floor does he begrudgingly accept help
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- asks for his mum all the time
- refuses to get out of bed even if it's just a cold
- makes a little sick fort of duvets and pillows that he cuddles
- tries all the old home remedies he's heard of, even the ones Garreth made up just to wind him up
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everalii · 6 days
I SWEAR I'll finish the Garreth x Anne one shot, but I got so involved with the Everett x Imelda one that... ugh!
I need ideas for Sebastian x Fem!MC one shots as well, I've been working on a long fic, but my true calling are the one shots.
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