#ty anon you are valid
wolveria · 2 years
I'm ashamed to admit that I, too, have a thing for Leahy ✋️😔
AHAHAH oh thank god I'm not the only one. I blame the person who said they imagine Hugo Weaving as Leahy. In the words of my good friend Ann, "Hugo Weaving?? You can't de-sexify that."
Me: *creates the worst person she can think of as her antagonist*
Also me: *remembers she's a villain-fucker*
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At least that'll be two of us reading my Leahy one shot
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To heighten your ego. Because I want to 😝
What if…….. this anon has post notifications on for you 👀
noooo anon you shouldn’t try to heighten it….. but you do?? actually, legitimately??? thank you🥺
okay now i’m curious so it’s unnecessary poll time :)
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
I am a G'raha hater but you have very cool works and stories that make me put that away in a little box when it's Yume Time. She deserves to get what she wants. Hali is also very fun it's nice seeing her around recently.
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mintjeru · 2 years
The symptoms you’re describing sounds a whole lot like burn out, which happens to the best of us when we push ourselves too long and hard past our limits. It definitely would seem easier to rely on external statistics (likes and reblogs/retweets) to determine the value of your work when you can’t see it yourself, but this is definitely something that can make you feel worse when the numbers don’t hit your expected target. Regardless of the size of your audience, it’s not unreasonable to want or desire for interaction and positive feedback for work you’ve put time and effort into producing, especially when you’ve done so with more limited resources (time/energy etc) than you had access to before. While it’s not a sure-fire way to cure burnout, taking a break and getting enough rest as well as allowing yourself some breathing space can help. Take care of yourself! Love your work—but don’t burn yourself down to the ground! There’s only one like and one reblog that I can give �� even if I want to give more…
hey anon! first, thank you for taking the time to write and send this in 🥺 second, it's a bit of a late reply bc i started crying while reading this for the first time and had to come back to it later ajdsdjfsjdf ;;;
you're probably right, i think it is burnout. i've been telling myself otherwise for months now bc i've been worried that the frequency of my posts has set myself up for others to expect something of me + not making art to share would be letting my followers down. but that's also locked me in a cycle of feeling guilty for either not drawing or making something that has no love behind it. logically, i know that taking a break would help, but i'm apparently not the best at allowing myself to take it easy 😅 still, i'll take your words to heart.
ty again for this, and i promise your one like and reblog is enough! i'm thankful that you leave notes on my posts and immensely grateful that you would even consider giving more <3
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lynxgirlpaws · 10 months
To be clear given your pinned if someone told you that their pronouns were she/her you wouldn’t start intentionally they/theming them unless they asked you to stop correct?
Oh yeah no absolutely not!!! That is mostly for people who insist they/them isn't valid, which is not just really shitty but just objectively incorrect !!
I'm not ever gonna purposely use any pronouns someone doesn't say they use, honestly I've been on the recieving end of mildly annoying they/themming :/
If I ever do fuck up in that regard however, I more than welcome being corrected, like genuinely if I get it wrong by accident please !! Correct me !
I can't lie I . Completely forgot about that part of my pinned and, regarding your concern it could definitely use some re-wording or something. Thank you !
Edit; hey just remembered uh this includes neopronouns and stuff like. As I said I'm never gonna use the wrong pronouns on purpose, that includes anything other than he she or they like. Again, if I ever get this fucked up you have my 100% permission to tear my ass up about it !!!
Okau off to sleep
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stampeden · 1 year
Vash to the song ‘Karma’ by ‘AJR’, thoughts?
I've never heard this song before but it sure was a bop! ty for sharing anon uwu (adding it to my personal playlist)
JUST SHARING my opinion so ofc anyone is free to interpret it differently. I personally don't think Vash does good things for karma nor does he expect good things in general. In fact, if we're considering "being good" as transactional, I fully believe he thinks he's in the red and owes goodness to the world because of his past misdeeds.
There's no karmic expectation in any of his actions — he's good because of love. He loves the humans who exist because of Rem's sacrifice, despite the fact that humans have capacity for both kindness and cruelty (both traits acknowledge by Vash as well)
It's the kind of love (in my opinion) of parent to child, or on a cosmic scale deity to human being. The acknowledgement of imperfection, but also the pure love for humanity and belief that humans reach towards the best they can be. He fully knows being good will get him hurt - but humans can only be good if they're given a chance to.
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irxnmaiden · 2 years
Seeing you on my dash really brightens my day. I'm glad that you're around and that you have fun here
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reluctanttrabbit · 3 months
Hey I wanted to warn you about the user Puffycloude, the artist known for drawing Susie from FNAF. It was recently discovered she draws incest of the Afton children and sexual content of Susie and Elizabeth on her NSFW side account.
twitter has this dumb thing where if u dont have an account u cant see threads, so unfortunately i can only see the starting tweet :( is there a google doc or could someone with an account comb through to share screenshots and validate? either way ty for letting me know anon ^_^
EDIT: ok it has been very much confirmed 😭😭 please do not go to the link urself, there are screenshots in the reblogs of this post u can view safely!! please reblog to make sure people know
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improbable-outset · 5 months
Here's a question. Miguel with so trying out Shibari(or Kinbaku, not sure on the correct name) he's half spider so those spider mating rituals have to be hard wired in right? Why not have fun with it...
Content warning: Bondage🔞
Oh anon, when I researched more about this I fell in love. Not just the sexual aspect of it but because of the visuals too. Just a heads up though, I’m not fully educated on the topic so this is based on when I’ve found online.
Firstly, Miguel wouldn’t bring up the topic until you're both completely comfortable with that level of intimacy.
He doesn’t want to put you on the spot like that especially given the fact that this could be risky if not done right. He wants to make sure you trust him enough for him to put you in that vulnerable state and to do thing’s safely.
It’s no brainer that he’ll use his own webs to tie you up (I’ve mentioned this in my NSFW alphabet) not only because it’s easier and more convenient, but seeing you wrapped up in something from his own body visually showcases that you’re his.
According to an article I read, western rope bondage entails a more functional role— basically tying someone up for the purpose of restraining. While shibari is more for the aesthetics. Like being suspended in the air and whatnot.
I think to warm things up, he’ll probably want to start off easy by tying your wrists together so he doesn’t fully restrict you just yet. Just to test the waters.
While having your hands tied, he’ll probably have you ride him with your hands behind your back. I can imagine him piston his hips, having full control while having a tight grip on you.
He’ll probably have your hands tied to each bedpost while he goes down on you too. Now that your hands are restricted, you can’t tug on his hair while pushing his face further into your pussy which will probably give him the opportunity to edge you as much as he desires.
Once you get in the swing of things and getting used to being tied up by his webs, you can take the next step tie more knots around you. One or two columns ties just to keep things simple.
This will be more for the visual appeal during foreplay, seeing tied up by him is a huge turn on.
I’ve seen images where people are harnessed. Obviously he wouldn’t go that far unless you want to. The beauty of shibari is that you can adjust and suit it to all body types.
If you do get suspended in the air by his webs, he’ll definitely be eyeing you in every angle and maybe even steal a few kisses.
Also being the nerd that he is, he’ll probably want to do it more often to “increase the level of dopamine” (his words probably) and an opportunity to appreciate your body better.
I hope my take on this was valid for you anon
I’ll go into more detail if I was more aware on the topic but it just looks so intriguing.
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[image from here]
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Time to catch up on your favorite dashboard simulator :3
#gonna start scheduling these for 1 or 2 per day #i really enjoy making them but I think i'll get burnt out otherwise #also HUGE ty to whoever was the anon who sent me the idea #about having therian cats #ohhh my god #hey anon #(or anyone else but im talkin to u) #feel free to dm me to talk at any point you seem cool
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
OMSC CONGRATS MOOSE! I'm so happy for you!!!!
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
WOAAAHHH CONGRATULATIONS MOOOSEE!!! Have you had your name ceremony yet??
#im so happy for ya dude #moving on from apprenticeship </3 #gonna miss you in the 'apprentice things' tag
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow reblogged
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Daily selfie !!!
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Trying on some new berry-based fur dye.
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
The amount of cats commenting "you'll never be a she-cat" and "wearing fur dye won't make you female" is astounding. Like. Thanks?? I'm a trans guy not a trans girl...
#lol?? #this is so funny to me #trans
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🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Ahh.. different type of post than usual, but.. mmrrnn... I'm considering coming out to my mentor. I know he's supportive, but I'm really nervous, so, uh.. I'm gonna leave it up to a Clanblr poll haha..
#trans #transmasc #trans tom #transgender #trans apprentice #advice #poll
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🤍 snwtl Follow
* ,○ ' WELCOME TO MY BLOG ^. o° ;
adult female cat - 49 moons - gender critical
Keep reading
#terfsafe #radfem #adult female cat #terf #riverclan
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🔁 🥬 rxttencatmint reblogged
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
New neighbors have THE most annoying dog I've ever met in my life. Won't shut up about how that's her yard and to get back... nobody wants your yard Jackie, shut uppp...
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since when do you speak dog????
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
I started picking it up when I moved to the twolegplace. I'm still not fluent, but I can hold a conversation with the neighborhood dogs if I want.
#every new thing i learn about kipper #just. wow #he is so coolll... #this is totally not the gender envy and parent issues speaking
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🔁 🌊 missingmyscales reblogged
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
The worst part about being a fox therian is that even when I am partially accepted, it's usually because cats are telling me how horrible foxes are, and how I should've "picked a different species" because they think that's how it works.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Imagine being a fish. In RiverClan.
The closest I ever get to "acceptance" is my friends joking about how I would taste.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
How does it feel to have to eat the thing your damaged brain thinks you are. Lol
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Frst off. "Damaged brain" like. Oookay guess we're just being really mean to others on Clanblr today. Second off ,I dont eat fish??? I never even implied that I eat fish.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
You're from RiverClan lmao. What else is there to eat
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
You are joking, right?
Lizards, birds, water voles and shrews, snakes, frogs, toads?? None of those come to mind when you consider the potential diet of a RiverClan warrior??????
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
@missingmyscales you should probably just block @lalala-bluegaze, her whole blog is about being anti-kittypet, anti-therian, not believing enbies or bisexuals/any other lgbt identity than lesbian or gay or binary trans is valid, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's not worth talking to her.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Ahh thanks... blocked her. I didnt think to check her blog beforehand
#sorry again for arguing on your post, Maple #saw a misconception ab RiverClan and blacked out lol
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass reblogged
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
Good morning everyone <3 remember to eat breakfast and stay hydrated!
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Ithunk i atw a bug
#it difnr taste good euther :/
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
So I guess I'm just on this site now?? Clanblr is gone. I can't access any of its posts. But. I can see "Tumblr". Which is weird. The posts are really strange here.
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sleepanonymous · 10 months
is there a solid way to tell apart ii, iii, and iv? i always mix them up : (
Hello Anon 🖤 Ty for the ask. I've actually answered this in this post for III and IV. I'd be happy to go over it again for you here and include II more. I'll be honest, the majority of the time they've been on stage, the three band members have worn literally the same sort of clothes, and it doesn't help that they all have blue eyes either lol. It gets easier eventually, I promise. This might sound odd, but you'll soon start to recognize cheekbones, hand veins, eye shape, and overall mannerisms that the Eepy guys have.
Some quick tells are: II - Drums, double scythe necklace, black painted nails, cola/redbull stains on his mask, short king III - Bass, checkered socks, man bun, stage right, long boi IV - Guitar, black paint stains on his mask (from Vessel's kisses and his own fingers), jewelry, stage left, also a short king
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Something I didn't mention in the first post is that there is a single scythe necklace that's been passed around between Vessel, III, and IV. Most recently that necklace has been worn by IV but I wouldn't count it as a valid indicator unless you know who was in possession of the necklace at the time the photo was taken. Rings, on the other hand, could be a valid indicator. I've only ever seen Vessel and IV wearing rings on stage (if I am wrong about this, someone please correct me).
Something I did mention in the other post (and is quite honestly one of my favorite ways to tell the Eepies apart) is utilizing Vessel as a measuring stick.
If the Eepy guy is taller than Vessel, you have a III.
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If the Eepy guy is shorter than Vessel, you have a II or IV.
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bi-writes · 1 month
ty for writing ghost as the evil twisted man he is instead of the silliness that some people characterise him as
whoa whoaaaaa, anon. we appreciate all depictions of simon in fiction on this blog.
simon isn't real, and writers should write him however they want to write him. sick, evil, twisted...considerate, loving, soft...all of these have their place in fiction, and i think it's beautiful that i can write simon as an ooey-gooey simp one minute, and a twisted, dark murderer the next. they're all valid characterizations.
you just have to read what speaks to you, and not everything will, and that's okay.
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loveundrwrld · 7 months
m yan business owner (owns a rage room) x f customer reader
f reader is a hyper independent eldest daughter who pays for the most expensive package m yan offers.
m yan is scared but also intrigued as f reader destroys the heck out of the room and caves in the selected weapon of choice (metallic base ball bat) while california here we go by the garden blares through the speakers
i have this scene in my mind where f reader looks at m yan through the security camera situated in one of the upper corners of the room, bat pointed at the camera, “turn that song up now” and proceeds to smash everything as the music plays loudly that it leaks into the other hired out rooms (idk how rage rooms work i want to go to one).
yes i am living vicariously through this request
ok ty
i love this request! ur valid, it's totally okay to be self-indulgent here.
i really like how detailed your request is- i did look up some stuff about rage rooms, which was interesting!
i'd never heard of them before. they do sound like they can be a little dangerous though, anon, so if you go to one in real life be careful- smashing electronics for instance is not recommended irl, there's a lot of stuff in computers and such that are not meant to be airborne. not trying to rain on your parade though, ofc, just do make sure to proceed with caution 👍
burnt out female reader x rage room owner male yandere
(cw: dysfunctional family dynamic)
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you were fed up with everything. exhausted, burnt out to the core. on the palms of your hands there were crescent marks from clenching your fist tightly all day, and your lip felt raw from biting them.
all day you had to do everything- go to your job, listen to your stupid boss's inane requests, drive your younger siblings to soccer or school, and run errands for your aging parents. and what thanks did you get? only a small acknowledgment if any. you were your parent's most "responsible" child, the eldest, so it was expected of you.
you got a job at an early age, and moved out when you were very young. you were hoping that being successful would make you feel better and would make you help you feel better about yourself. make your life feel more full. you tried your best to do everything by yourself, hoping that would make you look like a better daughter in your parents' eyes. and yet, you felt painfully empty. and you knew exactly why.
it was all criticism for you. no praise. even though you were great at your job and highly accomplished, it didn't matter. to your parents, all that mattered was that you could have done better. even though you were no longer living in their house, you could still feel the stress of their eyes on you weighing you down.
you decided that it was about time you have a little stress relief. punching your pillow could only get you so far. and by coincidence, you found an ad for something local that fit your interests- a "rage room." you could get all your anger out easily, and let your real self out. you could forget the mask of the "perfect daughter," if only for a little bit.
you thought for a second and realized that you couldn’t remember the last time you took a day off just for the sake of it. you could just take one vacation day for fun, and then you’d go back to work the next day feeling much better.
and, besides that, you were so busy being a careful, diligent daughter that you barely spent any money on yourself. you had plenty of money stored up, so why not use it?
you decided to just take a chance and do it. you dipped into your ample savings and reserved a room for yourself, and picked the most expensive option- a room reserved just for you, with someone coming in and giving you even more stuff to destroy so you can spend hours smashing as much stuff as you desire. it was the perfect idea.
when you got to the location, you were surprised at how small the place was. it looked a lot bigger on the website... and a lot cleaner, too.
the person that greeted you was a nervous, mousy-eyed teenager. he was wearing coveralls with a little name tag saying “max.” max spoke to you with a small, nervous voice, constantly darting his eyes.
"so, where's the owner? is it you?" you said with a smile, joking, but max only gave you a pained look in response. a sore subject, you guessed. it seemed you weren't the only person here with a terrible boss.
he silently passed you some forms to fill out, which you skim through and sign. it's just a standard liability form, you figured.
once he led you into your room, he handed you a face shield and some heavy-duty gloves, as well as some coveralls to put over what you were wearing. you put them on while he talked about the safety precautions.
you just nodded, your brain turned off. sure, you didn't catch all he said, but it couldn't be that important, right?
"... so, ma’am, make sure you don't get too distracted, or else you could get hurt, okay?" he said, giving you a nervous smile.
"hm. sure. okay. now, max, is there any way i can play some music here?"
"stupid parents, stupid fucking job, stupid fucking responsibilities-"
you yelled, smashing into the third television set with wild abandon with your bat. your favorite song was playing on the speakers too, so loudly you could nearly feel the bass through your feet.
this was a great choice! you were already feeling much better. your throat was a bit raw from yelling over the music that was playing over the speakers, and your arms were feeling the burn of swinging over and over again.
your body was pulsing with energy, and you felt absolutely unstoppable. what a great little vacation! who knew being consumed with rage could feel so good!
at that moment, unbeknownst to you, someone was watching you from the security room. rhys, the owner of the place, was settled in his security control room, watching around the feeds idly to make sure that everyone was following the rules as expected.
he was half paying attention while he was scrolling on his phone, bored out of his mind, when one feed happened to catch his attention. it was you.
when you first came in, he thought you looked like a typical prim, proper, well-mannered girl. dressed nicely with a tidy appearance, you paid him in advance for a specialty reservation. he thought you were a typical rich girl having fun with her parent's money. nothing too special.
but now, to his surprise… you were smashing everything in sight like there was no tomorrow. you were becoming almost manic in your efforts, forgetting even that someone was in the room with you. glass and metal shards were flying everywhere, and your metal bat was becoming dented as you kept using it with all your might.
a shiver went down him. part of it was fear, of course. he wouldn't want to get on your bad side. but, another part of him was feeling something else as he watched your sweet little face become almost demented as you swung your bat over and over again.
right now, he was beginning to be grateful that he put down cell phone numbers on the forms he made his customers sign. maybe he could give you a little call and ask if you'd like to become a "loyal customer"... or, better yet, he could give you a job offer for a little side hustle…
the door opened, and max came in, interrupting his precious viewing session. he turned to glare at the young employee.
he was always babbling on about the customers, coming in and complaining about them being rude or scary. it was one of the annoying parts of owning your own business- you had to hire other people to help, and with a minimum wage job like this, only squirrelly little teens looking for extra money were applying for the position.
"s-sir, the lady in our specialty room isn't following proper safety precautions, and the music is already way too loud and it's bothering the other customers but she wants it even louder, but when i tried to talk to her she couldn't even hear me-"
rhys waved his hand dismissively, turning his head back around to continue watching the feed of your security camera. his large fingers tapped quickly on his desk, impatiently.
"yeah yeah, so be it. anyways, see that?" he pointed to you swinging the bat on the monitor. "it looks like her bat is almost done, it's so dented it's nearly caved in. you gotta get her a brand new one."
"... s-sir? you want me to go back in there?"
"yeah. what's the big deal? a little broken glass?" he scoffed. "i don't pay you to just sit around."
on the feed, he could see you stopping for a bit, heaving in large breaths. you turned your head, looking around. your eyes widened.
"see, kid? she needs you in there."
you stepped forward to where the security camera was, staring up at it with fiery eyes. your arm came up and pointed towards it.
for a second, he felt like the two of you had a connection. like you knew exactly who was watching you, and was pointing and staring directly at him.
then, your lips moved, mouthing words. you were saying "music... louder..."
he couldn't help but to smile, amused by your antics. you really were something, weren't you?
and now, he realized he didn't want to send max in there. he had a chance to get even closer to you, be around you physically. he didn't want him to be the one doing tasks for you, getting your attention. he wanted all your fiery passionate anger, all for himself.
the fear and excitement just thinking about it ran shivers through his spine, and a coil of heat down his stomach.
"actually, on second thought. i'll be the one to help her out, 'kay?"
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sitp-recs · 21 days
I wanted to ask a question... idk if you're straight, bi.... but I consider myself a lesbian and since I read HP books in the pandemic I became obsessed with them, then wolfstar then drarry. I love pansmione, ginsy and linny as well but they didnt hit the same (besides some specific fics) like drarry to me bc I love draco's background story so much. I love how they complete each other (two sides of the same coin / being used as pawns / relatable traumas etc). anyway I was thinking what do you think about lesbians reading mlm/gay men fiction? specially if some of them are explicit. I love them and fic got me through the pandemic as well but I feel guilty :( I read other types of books too (a lot of sapphic ones) but yeah I always come back to drarry. help.
Hi anon! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling this way about preferring mlm over femslash. You are not the first person I see mentioning this and I think your experience is 100% valid and probably more common than you imagine. Following that logic, I should only read stories featuring bisexual women but you see, I’m not always interested in fics reflecting my own reality and issues. Most of the time I’m not even in the mood to read wlw or straight sex, no matter (or maybe exactly because of) how familiar it feels. I read it occasionally, but I normally use fic as an outlet to escape and read the stories that interest and intrigue me the most, and sometimes they couldn’t be farther away from my own experiences.
Be it because of the writing itself, or because I care more about Harry and Draco than I’ve ever cared about Ginny and Luna, Drarry just attracts me more than Linny. Hell, Ron/Ginny attracts me more than Linny. There’s no rationale behind what I ship, no objective way of knowing what will hit the right note for me, and so I gave up on tying to rationalize it a long time ago. Additionally, as a queer person I noticed that I often feel attracted to queerness in general, so I think it makes a lot of sense to connect to a gay character or mlm story even if you’re a woman (and vice-versa).
We all get different things out of fandom/fic and your reasons for enjoying this and not that work are entirely your own. I believe that our fandom experience should be all about self-indulgence and prioritizing joy and healing over anything else so from my perspective, I don’t think you have anything to feel guilty/ashamed of. That’s my two cents on it, just keep reading what you love and what brings you joy! ❤️
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dee-writes-anime · 1 month
The Simple Kind of Love, The Love that is Effortless
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FEATURING Megumi Fushiguro x Asexual Reader
SUMMARY Some Megumi x asexual reader headcanons requested by a sweet anon.
CONTENT WARNINGS mentions of sex, CHARACTER IS AGED UP, talk about fertility (both nonconventional and conventional), not edited (I'm running on hopes, dreams, and zero hours of sleep), good luck!
AUTHORS NOTE please remember that these are my own headcannons, you do not have to agree with them in any way, shape, or form, but you do have control over your response. Friendly debates and constructive criticism are welcome, hate and rude comments are not, thank you and enjoy! <3
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Honestly, when I first watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I headcannoned that Megumi was asexual for a while.
Even if Megumi isn't asexual, he said it himself in the show, "as long as one's character is unshakable.." so I doubt he would mind much when considering a partner who isn't interested in sexual intimacy.
I like to think of gumi as very introspective and thoughtful, he feels things deeper than most, and because of that I don't see him ever treating an S/O negatively in general, let alone over something substituable like sex.
Megumi is someone who deeply respects others’ boundaries, especially those of a partner. Upon learning that you’re sex-repulsed or on the asexual spectrum, his first instinct would be to listen and understand. He would never pressure you into anything you're uncomfortable with.
He doesn’t need sex to feel validated in a relationship and is more focused on emotional connection, trust, and mutual respect. If you explain your feelings, he’d support you without judgment and adapt to your needs.
Megumi isn’t the type of person to view sex as a necessary part of a relationship. While he may have some curiosity about physical intimacy, he values emotional closeness more. What matters to him is the bond you share, not physical desires.
Remember those abandonment issues I mentioned last time? Yeah, I feel like he treasures an emotional connection a lot more than a physical one because of that.
The closer he is with someone, the less likely they are to leave him.... right?
Tying in my earlier claims of him being on the asexual spectrum, I feel like Megumi would almost be relieved to not have to worry about pressuring himself to open up in such a vulnerable way. Not that he doesn't trust you, simply because he would be nervous to be put in a situation where his body was so vulnerable and out of control.
Megumi would be comfortable finding other ways to express intimacy and affection. He would prioritize physical closeness through non-sexual acts, like cuddling, holding hands, or simply spending quality time together.
I mentioned last time that he wasn't much of a PDAer, but I feel like with an S/O who is on the asexual spectrum, he would feel more called to entertaining pinkies in public. (what a stinkin' cutie)
He might enjoy quiet moments, like sitting close while reading, cooking together, or just lying next to each other. The intimacy for him comes from knowing you’re both safe and comfortable, not necessarily from physical acts of passion.
Megumi is naturally patient and would never push for anything that makes you uncomfortable. Even if he had moments of curiosity or desire, he would always prioritize your feelings and boundaries.
He’d appreciate clear communication from you, no beating around the bush (especially when something he does makes you uncomfortable), and in return, he’d always be open about how he’s feeling, but with the understanding that your comfort is paramount.
As someone who has grown up with a complicated family dynamic, Megumi likely doesn’t place much value on traditional expectations like marriage or having children. His focus is on the present and on the relationships he builds.
He would be perfectly okay with not having children, as he’s more concerned with your happiness and well-being than conforming to societal expectations. If you express that you don’t want children, he’d accept it without hesitation, likely sharing some relief given his complex feelings about family life.
I think that Megumi might have not even wanted kids before he knew about your feelings on the matter. Megumi would struggle a lot and get caught up in his head about being a deadbeat like his dad and it would eventually drive him up the wall.
I feel he would be relieved to have you both on the same page.
Speaking of pages, he would enjoy bonding over shared interests or spending quiet time together rather than relying on physical intimacy to feel close. (like reading!)
To circle back to conception, If you ever wanted to consider non-traditional methods of having a family, like adoption or simply being each other’s family without children, Megumi would be open to it. He doesn’t need biological children to feel fulfilled and is happy as long as you are both on the same page.
The idea of having a small, close-knit family with you—whether that includes children or not—is more important to him than meeting societal expectations about reproduction.
Megumi would be protective of your boundaries in other settings too, such as with friends or family who might not understand your asexuality. He wouldn’t let anyone make you feel uncomfortable or pressured and would always have your back.
If anyone questioned your relationship or why things might be different, he’d calmly but firmly shut them down, making sure you feel secure and validated in your decisions.
What he treasures most is the emotional bond you share, and he’d always focus on nurturing that rather than worrying about aspects of the relationship that don’t come naturally to either of you.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
pssssst hey quick question on the dl - who is helena bartinelli??
i cannot answer anon questions on the dl, so answer on the up-high, which she deserves:
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a.k.a. Helena Bertinelli, a.k.a. Gotham's coolest and most notable antihero, crossbow-wielder, and purple bat-associated vigilante.
Helena was born to an Italian mob family, but spent her childhood blissfully unaware of the family business--until her entire family was slaughtered in front of her when she was eight. She stayed with family overseas for the rest of her childhood, learning how to fight and protect herself.
She came back to Gotham for both vengeance and justice, and became one of Gotham's many vigilantes. Though her focus is on the mob, she'll step in to stop any crime.
She's also a schoolteacher! Good for her.
She is discerning in who she chooses to kill, but she does kill. As you can imagine, this put her at odds with Batman for a long time. Helena is pretty much the premiere example of Bruce trying to claim control over every vigilante in Gotham, no matter how little right he has. The argument on killing/ethics is valid, but his default was basically "do exactly what I say and fall in line under my command, or stop completely," which is why he's an asshole control freak and why I'm constantly mad about how she was treated 👍
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She was an absolute mainstay of the Batfamily before Flashpoint (2011) and it is personally hurtful to me that people don't know her. (Like, to be frank? She had far more of a presence than Damian or (living) Jason in the post-crisis era.)
You could count on seeing her in any major Batfamily crossover, from Cataclysm to Battle for the Cowl.
She was central to the biggest Batfamily crossover ever, No Man's Land, where Gotham was locked off from the rest of the country and turned into a lawless wasteland. Bruce left to sulk for the first couple of months and in absence of any other vigilantes in the field (only Oracle having remained in the city), Helena donned the mantle of the Bat for herself to protect the city. And when Batman came back, in return for all she'd done, she got...yelled at, assigned impossible tasks and criticized for not achieving them, her costume stolen and given to someone else, lied to, abandoned in the face of impossible odds, and shot multiple times protecting kids. Absolute fucking hero, honestly.
She also was on the Justice League for a while, though admittedly I have barely touched that run. To my understanding, despite nominating her for the position, Bruce was also the one to revoke her membership there.
Fortunately! things improved!!
In the early/mid 2000s, Helena joined the Birds of Prey, Oracle's team, and found legit friendships and support there with teammates like Dinah Lance/Black Canary. She finally got more respect in the community, and had a much better time.
Additional relationships include:
A big sister/annoying little brother type thing with Tim, who may disapprove of her killing but simply likes making friends too much :)
A great relationship with Vic Sage/the Question
One single issue where she met Steph that presented SUCH interesting potential that I desperately wish had been followed up on
On and off romantic/sexual tension with Dick, depending on the writer, which culminated in a single hook up that apparently most people around here would rather pretend didn't happen, though I really don't think it's that bad
A complicated relationship with Barbara, partially due to clashing personalities and conflicting morals (with Babs being nearly as much of a control freak as Bruce), and partially due to a shared history with Dick because DC loves making women be catty
Surely others from her first solo or time on the JLA that I don't know well enough to list!
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She's rad and determined and takes no shit but cares a lot, and I love her. We deserve more stories tying her teaching day job into her night work. We also deserve more stories with her in general.
If you would like additional Helena beyond just cruising my tag, I recommend:
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood - far more Huntress than Batman, this is a great 6-issue miniseries about Helena reckoning with her past, ft the Question.
Batman: No Man's Land - if you have the time for it, a big storyline but worth it.
Birds of Prey vol 1 (1999) - Helena starts to appear around issue #57 and becomes a central character from there.
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