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umbraastaff · 2 years ago
Everybody in Twosun @ the IPRE when they announce they've discovered a new form of energy and they're going to launch an expedition with living people into unexplored territories with this untested form of energy:
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[ID: The "That doesn't sound right, but..." meme edited to say "That sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!"]
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 months ago
it's important to me that pre/early stolen century and also early raven's roost (post-redaction) mangus is written as a little bit of an asshole. big guy who's so focused on doing/being right that doesn't realize that actually, he Is the problem
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neweresth · 1 year ago
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jerreeeeeee · 11 months ago
i feel like we don't talk about twosun enough. its inherently very interesting. this is the world that shaped our heroes. but the minutiae is easy to make up to suit your purposes and none of it ultimately matters to the narrative. trying to think of what we know about this world. there are 2 suns. a purple sky. it was a hard world (aren't all worlds?). there was a spaceship.
so what's the technological state of this world? hard to say. there's a spaceship, first of its kind, but how specific is that? is it the first flying ship at all, or only the first to leave the planar system? the light fell down a year before the starblaster took off, since the hunger came down right on that day. the ipre had the light for one year. how much did that contribute to their technological advancement? (i hate the idea of 'advancement' as if it's some inevitable linear progress but bear with me here, that's the easiest language to use). were they building ships beforehand? what else did they have?
here's how i tend to think of it: the ipre has the light. the ipre is already quite "advanced" for this world. here are things the ipre has, so by extension twosun has: bond engines, indoor plumbing, industrialized steel production. however i don't tend to think of twosun as a globalized world. so there are many places that do not have these things. and of course these are all things we think of as "advanced" but they also lack many things we think of as technological "advancement," like steam engines, or concrete. anyway.
i don't think its possible for the light of creation to have inspired all of this in only one year. this world was already well on its way. the ipre already existed, it already built spaceships. just not as ambitiously, and more rooted in magic than technology (the idea that magic is just science/technology you don't understand yet is very fun, but in this case i think magic is very much different, and has a longer history. although it can be used in tandem with tech, like in the bond engine).
and aside from technologically i tend to think of it as very politically fractured and chaotic. small regional governments with little reach, fraught and difficult trade, certainly no formal schooling systems (there are, like, wizard universities, all with different inscrutable systems, and then the ipre, and that's your choices for "education"). which is why there's more tech in some places than others.
the most interesting thing is, i think, the difference in lifespans among our crew. magnus, lucretia, and barry know only a more or less industrialized world (although i do tend to have barry grown up rural, that'd be one of those places all this tech hasn't quite reached yet), where there's an organization that sends spaceships with engines to different planes of this reality, and now with a little extra kick from the light, to different realities entirely. magnus has only ever showered with water from pipes indoors. he doesn't bat an eye at buildings made of all metal and glass. but lup and taako grew up in a medieval fantasy world. this shit's all, like, seventy years old max, and they've been around for nearly two centuries. they were bathing in big medieval washtubs as kids. their clothes were all handmade. merle too, although he grew up off the grid anyway. and probably davenport as well, but he would've been more immersed in tech, growing up in a gnomish warren. which is maybe why he was such a good pick for pilot of the starblaster.
but also: we see some of the same happen in faerun. even there it's not clear what the time period is. it's fantasy, all swords and sorcery. but there's trains and arcane engines and skyscrapers. again, not globalized, these things exist in isolated pockets. is it the light? did it still manage to have subtle influence all those years? is it just the luck of the millers finding a window into the plane of thought? is the real answer just that it's inconsistent in whatever way makes the most fun story? is it fun to play in the space of trying to make sense of it anyway?
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girlboytroylougferd · 9 months ago
i am NOT normal about kieran and aidyn's dymanic. 1st of all demiaroallo4demiaceallo???????? heelloo i love that. 2nd, kieran hates hugs. they make him really uncomfortable and aidyn hugs people a lot and finds it easiest to comfort people with hugs, but she doesn't do this with kieran because she's not gonna force something onto him that he doesn't want??? she's a normal person?? even their color schemes contrast each other, kieran has cool and light colors and aidyn has warm and bright/dark colors!!!!! i am so not normal about them and i wrote them. dont know why i cant be regular about my characters
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 2 years ago
one other thing ive been playing around with. and this is me just tossing it out into the ether. and i may have done so before now and forgot but. taz au where ingo is taako and emmet is lup. and elesa is barry maybe.
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makarosc · 2 months ago
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Tessa of the Eire
Introducing Theresa of the Eire, She is a Hexman (inspired by the Witcher). She is a seasoned monster hunter from the school of the crane with a focus on sea monsters because she has traveled all throughout Arapa, Aerga, Midgard, and Elysium. 
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annoyingelise · 2 years ago
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@smallsky2480 and I have been talking about a poly ship we made called "Demonic Garden" who members are Trista , Sunshang and Macaque. And this would be something that happens during S4
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fandomsnstuff · 1 year ago
Consider: twosun didn't have snow. Anywhere. At all. They didn't even have a concept of it. They don't know what it is. Anyway, it's day 26 of @taznovembercelebration and im a canadian who tried to write people who've never seen snow before
Day 26: wonder
The IPRE crew is very happy that their plan worked and they've successfully hidden from the Hunger. What they didn't plan for, was how cold Faerun could get and the not-rain falling from the sky.
Read it on AO3
After they deploy the relics in what they hope to be the final cycle, the IPRE crew waits with bated breath for the Hunger. But the scouts never come. Days pass, then weeks, then months, and the sky never darkens unnaturally, revealing countless white eyes opening up to find them.
As those months pass, they find that the days shorten and the air cools. As people built for a world with two suns, this poses a bit of a problem. Sure, they spent certain cycles in colder and darker climates, but that doesn't mean they enjoyed it. One year just isn't enough time to adapt to that. So they make do. Sweaters and blankets are plentiful, and when the cold gets bad enough that the ship's heating system can't seem to break through it, they all pile up in the living room. Body heat is crucial for survival. Not to mention that Magnus is simply a furnace of a man.
He's the one who seems to be able to function the best. He has to wear a shirt (or a few), much to his chagrin, but he still gets up every morning and dutifully goes for a run.
One morning, he extracts himself from the pile of bodies on top of him, and everyone shuffles in to fill the space he left. He's barely gone for a few minutes when he comes back and excitedly says, “guys, get up! You gotta see this!”
There are some grumblings about having to leave the nice warm sleep pile to go to the cold outdoors, but they comply. When they get outside, though, the grumblings stop as they all stand in awed silence.
Davenport had landed the cloaked ship in a field just outside a nearby town. That town, the field, and everything else, is now coated in a thick layer of white… stuff. And small bits of it fall from the sky. Magnus runs out onto it, and it crunches under his feet, leaving footprints behind. He turns back to them and holds his arms out, “isn't it great?!”
“It's beautiful,” Lucretia says. The sun peeks through the soft grey clouds and it sparkles. She breathes out, “woah.”
Lup steps out into it and holds out her hand. Some of the little bits land on her hand, and stay there a moment before melting away. She crouches and scoops some up off the ground, crushing it in her hand. Some falls back to the ground and some melts away. She wipes her hand off on her pants. “It's like the cold sand from, what was it? 45?”
“42,” Lucretia says, “but I don't remember it falling from the sky. Or melting.” She holds her hand out too, and watches the bits melt. “It's water.”
“So it's raining ice,” Taako pulls his obscene amount of blankets tighter around himself, “peachy.”
“I don't think it's ice,” Barry says, “this isn't one solid piece.” He examines the bits that have collected on the sleeve of his sweater, “it's like it's crystallised.”
“Maybe I can go into town and talk to someone,” Magnus says, “they'll probably know what's up with this. Maybe we can get some better gear, because I don't know about you guys, but my shoes and socks got wet the moment I stepped out here.”
“I'll go with you,” Lucretia says, “just give me two minutes to put real clothes on.”
Not long after, they're crossing the field together.
“You weren't kidding about the wet shoes,” she says.
“I even changed my socks while you were getting dressed and put on different shoes, and my feet are still wet.”
“Well Taako promised us soup when we got back, so I think that'll keep me–” she cuts herself off with a yelp as her feet hit harder ground and fly out from under her. Magnus catches her before she cracks her head open on the cobblestone. “Now that,” she says, getting back on her feet, “is ice.”
“No kidding,” Magnus links her arm in his and they make their way (carefully) into the streets, “the last thing we want to do is lose you when we've only just begun the rest of our lives.”
She squeezes his arm. “We won't be perpetually in our early 20s anymore.”
“I'll finally be able to fully develop my frontal cortex.”
All through town, there are children playing in the cold snow, and people walking briskly down the street. Lucretia and Magnus are wearing the most layers out of anyone. Lucretia spots a café on the opposite side of the street. “Let's go in there,” she says, nodding in its direction, “the air out here is making my face hurt.”
They cross the street as quickly as they dare, and sigh with relief as the warmth of the indoors and the smell of fresh baked goods hits them. They walk up to the counter, where a young woman is placing a tray of croissants into the display.
“Awfully cold out there,” Magnus says, turning on his rustic charm.
The woman looks up at them, amused. “Newcomers?”
“You could say that.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “Trust me, if you think this is cold, you haven't seen anything yet.”
Both of their faces drop. “It gets worse?” Lucretia asks.
“Oh, yeah.” She gestures to the window, “you actually can't get snow if it's too cold. That's when you get freezing rain and everything's covered in a layer of ice.”
They both just stare at her, dumbfounded. Their home plane had nothing like this. It didn't get this cold, and it certainly didn't have “snow” and rain that covered everything in ice. The young woman smiles pleasantly, “so what can I get you?”
They glance at each other. Magnus says, “directions to somewhere warmer, maybe?”
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umbraastaff · 1 year ago
anyway do you think twosun humanoids have weaker darkvision because there is more light during the day
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barry-j-blupjeans · 8 months ago
ooh i would love to hear about the planar belts wip 👀 -tom
this one has been a wip for so longgggg. Apparently, I created the doc in November of 2021, for frame of reference. good lord. i know I've talked about it before, bc I love it a lot, but the basic concept is that the planar belts were in Exclusively created to steal lup's 15 dollars back (though that was a plus). they were made as a way to finally Complete their mission and report back home with their findings
plus, yknow, 100 years of back pay.
it's focused on davenport, bc i love him, and also he's such a good character to focus on when it comes to bridging the gap of what they lost and what they gained. davenport doesn't have anyone left on twosun. in fact, most of the crew doesn't.
but (through weird time fuckery hunger magic i cannot fully explain in this post), magnus does. lucretia does. and it's now davenport's job to not only complete his mission, but fulfill a promise he made over a century ago that they will see their families again. here's a snippet about that!
“So that prompts the question: When will we release this information to the public? And how? Is there anyone you would like to inform before the general public knows? Family members, friends…?” “Uh,” Lup said, sitting back in her chair. “That’s a no from me. On the- the family-friend thing.” “No for me, also,” Barry shrugged. “I mean, share the info, go for it! But my mom was my only living relative and she, uh. Passed away before the mission even started.” “I understand,” the Director said. “Captain Davenport?” Davenport bit his tongue, wanting desperately to have someone he could say he wanted to contact first. But he came up blank and it was… uncomfortable. The idea of having no one, of being alone like that, reminded him of Lucretia and all she had done. And the reminder of Lucretia had been looming on him all meeting; hearing the scratching on the transcriber’s pencil made it feel like she was sitting beside him, taking notes. Davenport swallowed. “I can’t say I have anyone,” he said carefully. “But a few of the younger members of my crew- Magnus Burnsides and Lu- Lucretia, uh, Williams, I think it was. They might have someone.”
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statementlou · 7 months ago
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okmcintyre · 2 years ago
Masterlist #2 Bellarke Fanfiction Recs
It's been a couple more years & I'm very happy to report there's been ✨lots✨ more amazing fics shared in our corner of fandom. Y'all know the drill: linking older modern!au recs, the dropship/delinquent-only stories list, a few canonverse recs and of course the OG Masterlist from 2020.
Feel free to add your faves! 💛
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Canonverse unless noted otherwise, + fics of of all ratings, so keep your eyes peeled!
Good Days and Bad Days by tiredwetdog 
where have you wandered, my only child? by carrieevew
Little steps by bellofthetolppl
With you in my arms (everything feels alright) by orphan_account 
so this is how rumors get started by ChronicTonsillitis
Bellamy Blake needs to touch some grass by b00mgh
Weathering the Storm by PenguinofProse
Hold on to me (I'm a little unsteady) by TheWordsInMyHead
take a running start by glowinghorizons
the whole world stops by whatspastisprologue
so this is how rumors get started by ChronicTonsillitis
Show Me What I'm Looking For by bitscrawford
What We Built by elle_stone
Can't Find Paradise On The Ground by icantloseyoutoo
It Doesn't End Here by immortalpramheda
You Make it Real by PnclSktch
i'm on my knees, your faith in shreds by stoneage_woman
the radio is playing your favourite song (open the door) by theinvisibledisaster
Hold me still by bellofthetolppl
a kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ear by troubledpancakes
one less day to be alone by glowinghorizons 
A Short Story About Love by twosuns
must've been some kind of kiss (grounder!au) by carrieevew
Don't Look Back, You're Not Going That Way (viking!au) by andsowemeetagain
And Now You're Home (praimfaya!au) by asroarke
When the Sky Meets the Ground (grounder!au) by Peggysousfan
No Man is an Island, Entire of Itself (hanahaki!au) by MyHeartOfHearts
Walk the Line (doctor/criminal!au) by TheWordsInMyHead
The Other Half of my Soul (soulmate!au) by ZouWrites 
Lone Wolf (nightblood!au) by Peggysousfan
May the Waves Bring You Home (modern!au) by RogueTwelve
The Best Man (bellmillerbffs!au) by PenguinofProse
Mirror Mirror On the Wall (soulmates!au) by SPNOUAT
If My Wishes Came True (modern!au) by bookwormforalways
so I stayed in the darkness with you (soulmates!au) by burninghoneyatdusk
Pieces of Us (modern!au) by daenoora
i think i should go (you said maybe don't) (modern!au) by blaketrash
Only Fools Rush In (modern!au with a twist) by onlyherefor1
Black Out Days (apocalypsey!au) by TotalBellarkeTrash
(do you remember?) dancing in stilettoes in the snow (modern!au) by carrieevew
Share Your Address (modern!au) by useyourtelescope
Better Than Revenge (B/C/L!au) by Excuseyouclarke 
Your words on my skin (soulmate!au) by not_a_total_basket_case
Better with you. (artclass!au) by Luminouswriter 
I Thought The Worst Was Behind Us (modern!au) by onlyherefor1
proposal interruptus (modern!au) by carrieevew
One Way to Find Out (clurphybffs!au) by Silverloc
bet on it (bet on me) (modern!au) by griffenly
The House Guest (modern!au) by Shippershape
After Me Comes The Flood (modern!au) by theinvisibledisaster
I Found Peace in Your Violence (modern!dystopiaish!au) by eyessharpweaponshot
Take Care of Me (And My Heart) (modern!au) by QueenoftheWallflowers 
And in Other News... (news!au) by Jeanie205
love enough to fill me up (domestic!au) by jackiefreckles
Fading Out (soulmates!au) by PenguinofProse
[fated] happenstance (soulmates!au) by she_who_the_river_could_not_hold
The Dying of the Light (wartime!au) by starsonfire
Bellarke The 100 Instagram AU (socialmedia!au) by OhLenaLena
I Don't Want to Dream About You (modern!au) by Dayo488
Too Aware of Where Your Lips Have Been (modern!au) by MissMR
When Bellamy Met Clarke (whenharrymetsally!au) by onlyherefor1
Submarine Man (modern!au) by twosuns
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sliceroftpeirweirisles · 1 year ago
Whumpuary 2024 Day 6
6. (Jan 11-12) Exhaustion / Blindfolded / Old Injuries
Barry Bluejeans was a strong man. Well, maybe not physically, but mentally he was strong. He could calculate the rate of necrotic damage at any skill level of a warlock. He could measure the precise amount of hair that he could grow on his chin in three days. He knew he was smart and therefore strong. 
On the other hand, emotionally? He wasn’t very strong in that area. 
For a man so strong in logic, he couldn’t understand how emotions continued to break him down. He knew, logically, that the night terrors weren’t real. He knew they just weren’t feasible any longer. There’s no Hunger, no threat to their plane of existence. No grand relics and no war. Nevertheless, he found himself waking up from night terrors long after everything started to settle down. The first two nights were fairly easy to keep under wraps. Barry had suffered from them before, but it had been months since his last one. Lup shook him awake on the third night after she found Barry crying out for her in their bed. 
After that night, he was determined to try and stop the nightmares from happening. Barry turned to his strength - his books - and started studying. He dove into logical explanations and jotted down notes about night terrors. He started coming up with a plan to build another body tank, just in case they needed it. He also read up on potions and home remedies for night terrors. Anything he felt the need to study, he'd drag out the chore into hours of reading and notes.
To further keep from falling asleep, he hung out with the twins and Kravitz who never needed to sleep. Taako and Lup were Twosun elves, which means they did sleep occasionally, they just didn't need it as often as humans. Lup used to be a lich and didn't need sleep, but since she gained her body back Barry found her catching up on that sleep a lot. Mostly with Taako at her side, the other times with himself. Kravitz was, of course, the Grimm Reaper. Not needing sleep is pretty much given to him. So Barry ended up spending nights at a time just chatting with the three of them in their shared living room.
One night of studying night terrors turned to two, turned to three. 
On the fourth night, Lup walks in on Barry barely keeping it together in the lab. 
“Babe, how long has it been since you’ve slept?” Lup asks as she moseys over to her husband at his desk. 
“Mm…” Barry mutters as he stares into a microscope at his latest project. Lup leans over his shoulder and reads some unintelligible scribble on one of the microscope slides. She can’t tell what he’s studying, but he’s definitely staring intently at something. 
“What are you looking at, Bluejeans?” Lup muses as she pokes his cheek.
He rouses and backs up to look at his wife. “M’spit” he mumbles and rubs at his eyes.
“Bear, why the fuck are you studying your spit?” 
“There’s somethin’ in it…” Barry removes his hands to reveal his eyes have deep dark circles under them. 
Lup grimaces slightly at the state of her husband and sighs. “Pack it up there, Bear. Time for bed.” 
“No, I’m studying, I promise I'm fine. I’m just not done yet.” Barry sounds like a small child insisting he can stay up late. Lup reaches out to take Barry’s glasses gently off of his face, earning a protest from the man. She knows he can't do shit without them. “Lup, please. I’m not done.” 
“And I’m not kidding, Barry. You’re exhausted, look at yourself.” 
“Lup, I’m not tired!” Barry shouts, glaring up at the elf. His angry expression falls instantaneously when he sees Lup is taken aback by his outburst. “I-I’m sorry, I just… I…” 
Lup gently folds Barry’s glasses and sets them on the desk. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just hurt my feelings… I need you to be honest with me, babe. When’s the last time you slept?” She crosses her arms and leans against the desk, staring down at Barry.
Likewise, Barry stares up at her, a nervous energy vibrating through him. Should he be honest? Could he even lie about it at this point? Lup looks pretty when she’s mad… 
“Four…” is all Barry can make out before he breaks the eye contact and rubs his face again. 
“Four what? Hours?” 
There’s an uncomfortable silence in the room as Barry’s hands don’t leave his face. Lup wants to yell. Scream at Barry for doing this to himself. Yeah, they were reapers, but he was still a human in a squishy, human, sleep-deprived body that needed sleep. Lup wants to yell, but instead, she sits for a moment and then lets out the most controlled sigh before standing up straight. 
“C’mon, Bear.” Lup takes his hands and moves them from his face. 
Barry sniffles and obliges, trying his damndest to not look Lup in the eye. He stands when Lup tugs at his arms to pull him up. She doesn’t let go as she leads Barry away from the lab, away from the basement, away from the living room. When they reach the bedroom, Barry starts to weep openly and it breaks Lup’s heart. 
“Talk to me, babe. What’s going on?” Lup pulls Barry into her arms, gentle hands rubbing his back. 
“I can’t do it, Lup… I don’t wanna sleep. It hurts too much.” 
“Hurts?” Lup questions, a hand gently raking through Barry’s thick brown hair. 
“The nightmares… They keep– keep taking you from me.” His side of the hug turns to trembling as he uses all his depleted strength to hug Lup. “I don’t wanna lose you again.” 
Lup holds her husband in her arms as tears prick at the edges of her vision. She knows what she did to him hurt Barry. She knows this is her fault, that he’s going through unimaginable trauma. Lup pulls away from the hug and leads Barry to bed, sitting him down on the edge. She looks him in the eye, a serious look on her face.
“I’m not going anywhere, Barry Bluejeans… I love you, and I’m not leaving you, never again. I swear.”
Barry nods and rubs at the tears across his cheeks. “That’s just it, I-I know you’re not gonna go anywhere. My subconscious is just having… having a hard time catching up.” 
Lup smiles softly and kneels down, taking off Barry’s shoes and socks. “Then we’ll teach it. You love learning, babe. You can learn to tell your brain to shut up. You’re strong like that.” 
Barry sniffles and smiles slightly at that statement. He doesn’t feel like he can be strong like that right now, but Lup’s words are encouraging. 
“Tonight though,” Lup states as she helps Barry into the covers. “Tonight, you are allowed to be weak. I’ll be here to be strong for you.” Lup climbs into bed with Barry and tucks herself beside him. “I’ll be here, Barry… I’m right here.” 
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jerreeeeeee · 3 months ago
favorite cookies —
davenport: chocolate chip warm from the oven
merle: those extremely dry sugar cookies from the store with the thick frosting on top. you know which ones i’m talking about
barry: oatmeal scotchies which everyone else hates
lup: double fudge ultra chocolate chunk (recipe of her own invention). every time taako makes them he’s like “i think you just like brownies will you just let me make brownies” and she’s like “NO the texture of a cookie is different!! i like the chocolate flavor but it’s better in cookie form!!” and taako’s like “that’s literally stupid.” this is a fight they’ve been having for over a hundred years. he makes them anyway
magnus: peanut butter because he is a dog
lucretia: macarons
taako: oatmeal raisin. because when he was a kid twosun was more of a typical medieval fantasy world so dried fruit was in a lot of sweets, and they were poor and oatmeal is cheaper than flour. so those were the cookies his aunt made as special treats & taught him to make. its nostalgic for him from the best part of his childhood
BONUS angus: snickerdoodle
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helimir · 2 years ago
love that the twosun world has literally invented interplanar travel and their best technology for documenting the journey is an teenage wizard with two notebooks
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