paperforge · 1 year
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The Twig Blight is out! You can get the paper mini and #VTT Tokens plus some extra Patreon loot HERE!
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jonjmurakami · 2 years
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#pungeonsanddragons •Bad puns of Dungeons & Dragons monsters: 030523 •Twig Blight •Smallest of the blights and resembled humanoid, leafless shrubs with limbs and a head (kind of like Groot). They could root themselves in soil and resembled regular dried shrubs • I thought I posted this a while ago, but I guess not ^_^ Got a couple more coming up soon :) •Keep smiling and stay safe! 🙂 #jonjmurakami #dandd #copic @copic_official_us #copicmarkers #comic #comicstrip #cartoon #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragonsmonsters #dungeonsanddragonscreatures #dungeonsanddragonsfanart #pun #puns #twigblight #blight #wig https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBhLfNScoj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Villain: Laormoch, Archfey of the Wild Unknown
Embodying the primal awe and terror of those places beyond the edge of the map, this ancient spirit of the land exists to test and torment those who stray too far from the safety of the familiar.
Though the old stories call him the" thane of the faroff" or an "invisible giant as big as the sky", it is hard to put Laormoch's physicality and the fear it evokes into words: How do you describe being lorded over by ancient trees, or the scornful glare of unfamiliar stars? His shape is only ever suggested by how it bends the natural world, but he is always distant, though always so immense that it feels like he may reach out and crush the viewer.
Adventure Hooks
The party stumble into a village to find its inhabitants struggling to recover after a disastrous hunt. Some wretched beast tore through some weeks ago and was only dispatched with great effort. It was a cause for celebration, at least until the thing was seen stalking in the woods, reading for another attack. To prevent it from assailing their walls and destroying their homes the village's best hunter leads the village's strongest on a sortie, downing the beast only after injuring many and losing a few. This has happened three times so far and the village's defenders are wearing thin. Perhaps the party could lend their aid once the beast is spotted again, and perhaps spend the intervening time trying to find its obviously supernatural origins.
Almost inconsolable, a great lord calls for the party's aid in rescuing his son and heir, who he claims was stolen by the sky itself: snatched out of his tower window by a great hand and carried off into the clouds. The servants and courtiers are skeptical, everyone knows the lord was so protective of his son he barely let the boy leave his rooms, let alone the castle, and it's likely the lad finally managed some means of escape. While they're considering exactly how to search for the lad the party will be approached by the Lord's bastard daughter, she was denied her inheritance by her father's traditionalism, and sees the opportunity to have herself recognized if the true born heir is never found. She'll ask that even if the party does find her younger brother, they either help him escape or leave him where he is, as it would be better for the both of him if he doesn't return to the castle.
Seeking to prove herself against a boastful rival, a hunter ventured far from her village into the deep wilderness, where she found and slew an elk of ethereal beauty, eating its flesh to sustain herself and taking its antlers as her trophy. Though she returned in glory, the beast had been marked by the Thane of the Faroff, who has raised its butchered body as a reverent and gifted it bloodthirsting branches to replace what was taken. The revenant won't stop until it's killed the hunter and torn her body to shreds, which will likely be sometime after she's gotten a good portion of the other villagers killed because she's too good at hunting and too stuborn to die without a fight. The revenant has more than one trick though, the branches animating its body bear seedpods which it scatters as it dies or gores others to death. These seeds eventually grow into twigblights, which are slowly massing in the forest waiting to overwhelm the village's defenders and open the gate for the revenant's final rampage.
Wishing more than anything to get away from the suffocating confines of his home, the young heir has found himself on the wrong end of a fairy bargin. Whisked off by Laormoch to his castle beyond the horizon, the boy has been forced to serve as the archfey's cupbearer as repayment for his captor's "kindness". The party will need to dig deep into the local folklore to figure out how and why the sky might snatch up a forlorn youth, potentially missing him entirely until they run into him while visiting the feywild for a completely different adventure.
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unnatural-twenty · 7 months
Oh I figured it out I think.
Fantasy High Junior Year spoilers and theories
In their freshman year, the rat grinders AKA the High five heroes were the same as the bad kids and went off on adventure and bit off more than they could chew and suffered the brutal deaths of 2 of their party members. UNLIKE the bad kids, Arthur Aguefort did not ressurect them afterwards. THAT is the blatant favoritism that fourdogs whitefleet is referring to, AND why they switched to only killing rats and twigblights because the threat of real and permanent death hangs over them.
Following on the theme of this season, from the rat grinders perspective ITS NOT FAIR that Gorgug and Kristen got ressurected but their friends didn't.
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windharmony · 7 days
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Let's start with one I did a few months ago!
The party went to talk to Ludmilla the morning after the dinner. It seems like she's been planning a revolt against Strahd with the druids of Yesterhill. She's pretty hesitant to trust us, but she might be an ally against Strahd if we play our cards right
I didn't draw it, but she has a twigblight friend hiding in her room. She also built Castle Ravenloft's garden, which is full of plants from across the planes
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weirdlet · 1 year
Whooo, tonight was a rollercoaster!  On our way to the manse with the other anchorite cultists, the lot of us got sidetracked by screaming and fire and it turned out a logging camp had been set upon by a vampiress demanding the lumber for fixing a dreadnought in the name of her master, Evendeath (who, according to our history checks, is a dracolich.  god we need to go back to that barrow and get that legendary sword of dragon-slaying!)  This is after we had to nudge around an ‘evangelist of Cryovain’ who was blocking the road and telling us to rejoice.
Our elfin ranger was off with the chief of the orc-tribe, commiserating and selling the lie about the death of his wife and the one anchorite priest (who went off together to start a new life, first loves versus political marriages and all that).  Our dragonborn warlock and tortle barbarian each had a lovely wedding night on the trail with their orcish trossfrau, who are turning out to be pretty badass in a fight.  Glory stood watch for them and occasionally heckled from his perch in the trees.
After all that, we finally got to The Manse.  Scouted about, scooted past the rootling wereboards, found a hole in the roof that Glory flew up to explore while the rest snuck in to the first floor via the windows.
Glory looks down upon the barracks full of about twenty orcs on the second floor, all of whom are arming up and staring down through the hole in their floor at the rest of the party sneakily sneaking in.  Glory downs a potion of fire-breath.  Drops down through the hole in the ceiling.  Sprays Orc #1 full in the face and lands neatly down below to point out to the rest of the party that We Have Company up above. Shit gets real from there.
Our warlock Shatters the ceiling, dropping all the orcs down fifteen feet in a shower of plaster and woodrot and blood and- get this- they all die of falling damage.  The vineblights and the twigblights are rapidly set on fire between Glory’s firebreath, once-daily Burning Hands, and our tortle soldier’s magical barbarian whirlwind of FIYAH.  Everything- the walls, the fall of more twigblights, the billowing clouds of plaster dust and rotten wood, is on fire. We skedaddle and someone gets off a lucky shot that pops the Guardian Tree that I never even saw because of the s;lkjdfq34 fog of war settings that block line of sight everyfuckingwhere in this online tabletop program- but I digress.  The priestess casts Augury and decides all is lost, books it- out the back door where we have all gathered, and FOR ONCE, Glory gets right up and personal with a sneak attack because IN CASE ANYONE HAD FORGOTTEN- WE *STILL* DO NOT HAVE ANY SILVER WEAPONS IN THIS PARTY.  And in this edition you may be able to sneak attack undead, but werecritters are flat-out IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING if you don’t have silver. Oh yeah- there was a wereboar in the room with the fire and the collapsed ceiling.  We’d left him mostly-dead and whack-a-moling in the flames, but he came around the back way too and we finally did him in- and buried him with every silver coin we had because that’s the best option we could come up with since fire, apparently, does not work as a permanent solution.
So- we have successfully fulfilled the requests of the orcs and survived, we should be able to, next session, get back into some level of civilization, get paid, and figure out our next steps with the damn white dragon.  Maybe look a little more into that Evendeath guy.  Home for tea and medals.
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aaronpolson-blog · 4 years
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A funny thing happened on the way to Oakhurst... my eight-year-old son and I smashed some twig blights while uncovering secrets of The Sunless Citadel today. What's on your table? . . #dungeonmaster #dungeonsanddragons #5e #dnd5e #dndminiatures #gamemaster #pathfinder #gamenight #gameday #tabletop #rpg #dnd #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons5e #tabletopterrain #sunlesscitadel #thesunlesscitadel #twigblight #thinklikeamonster #monstermanual #fantasy #swordandsorcery #adventure #familystuff #wedoplay (at Lawrence, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPjjZDnOlc/?igshid=4zdq4vvkjn5p
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catboybrigade · 7 years
Playing d&d and not only did I cause a twigblight's head to collapse in itself by using viscous mockery to ask why we couldn't fight anything with a brain, but I made a bugbear cry with vicious mockery by telling it it looked like an ugly bear but worse
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liaredacteddnd · 4 years
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and here we have drawing #4 of last weeks session. it’s only wednesday. also this made me realize i don’t actually know how big sage is
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stardust-simming · 4 years
Was playing dnd last night and the funniest thing happened. I was in combat with 6 twigblights playing lost mines of phandelver. One of them got a Nat 1 trying to hit me so my dm rolled to see if it hit one of the other twigblights and got a Nat 20 so it critically murdered one of its little buddies.
I also got two Nat 20s during that encounter.
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the-yeens-art · 2 years
Bugbear/werebear path of beast barb going to town on twigblights
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Just a little bug/bear action, 10ft claw attack sweeps
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a-heart-of-kyber · 5 years
We have fought a hangman's tree, a gulthias tree, twigblights and needleblights.
We are a party against nature.
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
Illithid & Dragon? :D
Dragon: Tell a story of something cool that your character did in play.
One of my favorite moments was when she grabbed a torch off the wall to light a twigblight on fire. She also used mage hand to tie Torvald’s shoelaces together so he couldn’t chase her when he got taken over by a little psychic monster thing.
Illithid: What does your character like to eat?
Definitely not nuts! I’d say she’s a big fan of jerky though.
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carterhaughs · 6 years
omg tonight @hermouthslipped‘s tiefling oracle managed to erase the goblin king from time for two rounds and I bluffed and convinced the cleric (the only goblin there who spoke Undercommon) that we would only bring back the king if they stopped attacking us (there were like 9 goblins and hobgoblins altogether and we’d managed to kill 3 of them and set the king’s pet twigblight on fire with an oil cask we’d found earlier but we were already running low on spells and hp...I was down to 2 and our rogue was at 0). in reality, he would only be gone for 2 rounds but they didn’t KNOW that. so we managed to end the fight and convince the king to let us go knowing that we apparently had the power to make him disappear into a dimension beyond time and space whenever we pleased...now we’re heading down the shaft into the lower level of the citadel. it was the first time I got to try engaging in diplomacy of this nature, and we managed to convince the king it was in his best interest to support our efforts to deal with the dude that denied them an important magical object so he gave us a letter to convince his clan’s “great hunter” down below that we were on his side and his cleric healed us before we left. 
@marieduplessis‘ assassin managed to snipe two hobgoblins dead as we made our way to the king’s dwelling-place and intimidate the others after we killed a few more so it was a really productive session in which we all got to not only engage in a lot of combat but also use a lot of skills and teamwork-based problem-solving. I can’t wait to turn it these sessions into a podcast bc it’ll be so much fun to set all of this to music 
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sduswdnd · 5 years
Campaign 1 Part 4:  Off to Thundertree
From part 3
When last we left our heroes, they had just completed clearing out the Rembrants’ crash pad.  They made friend with a monster and looted a bunch of crap.  Mirea and Traxion needed to stay in town the following day, so the rest of our crew finished up a bunch of piddly little side trips.  First, they visited the unfortunately named Nards, completed the “take out an Orc waffle bar” mission, hit on an elf ghost for a book, get recruited by the Scientologists and finally, get sauced…
Part 4
Sitting around the breakfast table, our heroes are recovering from their various hangovers.  Well, most of them…
“I got the innkeeper to make us bacon and toast!” says Teiris, cheerily.  “There’s also coffee and eggs if you’re feeling up to it.”  She sets down plates with bacon, eggs, and toast points arranged in the shape of a happy face.
Mirea glares at her compatriot.  “Coffee.  Now.”
Teiris hands out tankards of coffee as she starts singing:
Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me Said it's gonna be a good one just wait and see Jumped out of bed and I ran outside Feeling so extra ecstatified It's the best day ever /(Best day ever) It's the best day ever/ (Best day ever) I'm so busy got nothing to do Spent the last two hours just tying my shoe Every flower, every grain of sand Is reaching out to shake my hand
Baze and Maik wonder loudly if they threw a dagger right now, would it make Teiris shut up.  Silvanhost slowly takes one of the plates and starts to eat.
Traxion takes a plate and coffee with a smile and thanks her cheerily and starts singing along.  More grunts and glares are thrown around.  
Korrin takes his plate with a grunt.  “I hate morning people…”
Capt. Aerostar sticks with coffee.  “So what are we doing today?”
“Didn’t we want to go get Whatshisface?”
“I thought we were waiting for that elf dude to get back.”
“Oh, yeah…”  More silence.  “So are we sitting around doing nothing?”
“I thought we had to go to that one place… lightning bush?” Teiris asks.
They all stare at each other.  “Thundertree.”
“You know,” Teiris mused aloud, “for a place called Thundertree, you’d expect more thunder and less trees.”  
Cpt. Aerostar glances back at her, rolling her eyes.  She swings her short sword and clears more of the brush off the path.
Baze takes the lead and notices some interesting plant life.  “Hey, guys.  You know those plants we’ve been whacking?”
Maik replies, “Yeah, what about them?”
“One of them just said hi.”
The group looks around at the plants, then at each other.
“Sentient plants…” Silvenhost murmurs.  “Who knew?”  He starts slashing away again.
In the distance, they see a bunch of buildings.  Traxion and Silvenhost look at each other.  “Race you!” and take off running towards one that looks suspiciously like a mausoleum.  
“Hey, shouldn’t we go with them?” Teiris asks?
Korrin shakes his head.  “They need the XP.”
Traxion and Silvenhost make it to the building and stop at the entrance.  “Should we check for traps?”
“Cool.  You first.”
Traxion shuffles in.  “No traps, just some Ash Zombies.”
Cue battle music.  Both gents are surprisingly effective in the battle, but when they stagger back to the group, Traxion is unhealthily pale.  “Healing please?  Please?”
Korrin shakes his head and lays hands upside his head, healing him.   Teiris pulls out her fiddle and throws a few healing words his way too. (I HEAL GOOD/NA NA NA NA NA NA NA/I KNEW THAT I WOULD/NA NA NA NA NA NA NA)
In another building, Teiris kneels down to play with some of the twigblights.  “They’re like bowtruckles, guys!”  She lets them be while investigating the building near her.  Korrin and the Captain stomp in, trampling the twigblights, and in turn, cheesing them off.  They attack.  After one of the more violent episodes of garden wars, the building is clear and they find a chest of coins.
Baze, Mirea, and Gerrol stumble into the other building and are surprised by more twigblights.  These ones aren’t as nice as bowtruckles, so they start attacking.  Baze attacks the nearest shrubbery while Mirea mutters, “Oh for Gary’s sake” and starts roasting everything.  Roasted shrubbery smells surprisingly like weed, notes Baze who attempts (and fails) to hide.  Instead, he wanders off…
Maik, in the meantime, turns into a weasel and starts scouting ahead.  But he doesn’t find zombies.  He finds giant spiders.
Half of the party almost nopes out right then and there.
Baze heads into the tower ruins.  He hears growling and faint moaning from a closed door and cautiously investigates.  Opening the door, he sees a sleeping green dragon.  He slowly backs out the doorway, desperately trying not to wake it.
He doesn’t succeed.
Maik and Mirea have the “good” luck of stumbling into a ruin strewn with spiderwebs.  Several giant spiders turn their attention to the duo.  Maik backs out without an incident.  Mirea, not so much…
“Eww Eww Eww It’s all over me!!!” she shrieks.
Maik attacks one of the spiders, cutting a hole in its abdomen.  Mirea cheers, “Make the hole in the butt bigger!!”
After a series of unlucky swings, Mirea finally kills the spider.  The others go running.
Gerrol, Traxion and Cpt. Aerostar enter the next building, an old farmhouse.  Traxion investigates, but gets distracted by how nice he looks in the window reflection.  Aerostar sees more twigblights, which attack Traxion.  Traxion, feeling a bit weak, touches himself and heals.  Invigorated, he then casts weedwhacker and takes out two of the twigblights.  Cpt. takes out two more… and two more…  Gerrol hits the last one and the trio is victorious.  They search the room and find… dust.
Korrin and Teiris investigate another building.  They attack the door and succeed, committing B & E.  As they’re wandering through the room, a man enters, brandishing a large stick.  
“What the hell are you doing?” he yells.
They turn around, ready to throw down.  “AAAHHH!!!”
The rest of the crew hear the yelling and come running.
Radolf, seeing the rest of the attackers, starts to babble. “Wait, wait!  I’m part of the Emerald Enclave!  I need your help!”
Maik step forward.  “You’re Emerald Enclave?  I’m Emerald Enclave! Which division?”
“The Lime Lodge!”
“Chartreuse Chamberlains!”
They do their secret handshake, jump in the air for a chest bump and cheer.
“What’s up, dude?” Maik asks.
“Well, see, there’s this dragon…”
Baze, jumps into a pile of dead spiders in a valiant attempt to hide from a waking dragon.  He sees another giant spider running towards him and attacks it in desperation.  It goes down, dead.  Baze runs down the hill screaming.  “Dragon!  Dragon!”
They hear flapping and their rogue screaming and head outside.  Yep, there’s a dragon…
“Not it!”
“Nose goes!”
“You’re putting the bard in front!?”  Teiris looks around. “What the heck am I supposed to do?”  She flails a bit and starts to sing:
Mmm, I'm shattered, unh Sha oobie, shattered, unh Sha oobie, shattered Sha oobie, shattered, shattered
Shatter is cast and hits.  Captain Aerostar tries to halt the battle, seeing the dragon is a young one, but panic has already set in and the fight is on.   After a long, drawn out battle, they’re victorious.  As they take a few moments to recover, Maik goes drone as a bunch of ravens and scopes out the rest of the area.  Korrin, Teiris and Aerostar follow after him, clearing the last bunch of ash zombies.  
They all end up at the last building not in ruins.  Here they come across a group of cultists.  Maik comes down and does the secret handshake with the head cultist and all is well.  Maik gets a field promotion to Spring Warden Second Class, complete with the 15% coupon for Jamba Juice.  
Next:  Off to rescue Greyworm Rotunda.
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athenaltena · 7 years
The Play of the Game for tonight was definitely the Monk who killed a Barbarian who was taking an annoyingly long time to die after he’d been being wailed on for multiple rounds by ripping his heart clean out of his chest (nearly causing Ireena to pass out, again, since she saw the Baron die the exact same way at Strahd’s hand not long ago and straight up blacked out when that happened) and then used the extracted heart as an improvised weapon that he flung at a nearby Twigblight and killed it with one hit.
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